The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 21, 1873, Image 4
4 4 TEE BEAVER RADICAL. B MIT H CURTIS, Bditob. r)BEAVER, PA» Friday 51ornin«» February 21* 18T3. We are to .decide on the third Friday of March e the polls, wheth er or not license-shall he granted to sell intoxicating. liquors in Beaver .county for the nhxt three years thereafter. Xo more important aestion was n ever-eubtnilted to the j * decision of the people, nor one per haps iriore fruitful of good. We are 'Surprised and gratified at the har •roony of feeling .and unanimity ol purpose manifested in this, cause hy the friends of "the movement, be longing, as they do, to different po litical organizations, and it furnishes good ground for the <expectation that* the county will go largely against license. Bemocrats and Republicans, irrespective of party affiliations, have united oh this vi tal issue to rid the community of li quor-selling. The campaign has now fairly opened. The liquor men, organized and ready for action, and the temperance men # led by Samuel B. Wilson, Esq., are already in the field. The four coming weeks should be weeks devoted to the agi tation of this subject. We believe now it is 5 only a question of ma jority, but the majority should be sp large as to leave no doubt in the minds of any as to which side pub rw opinion inclines. The victory should be decisive not only to Jndi cate the estimation in which this traffic is held, but to express the de termination of the citizens that the evil shall hereafter cease. There is an unusual moral awakening on this question, and men who have not been known as temperance advo cates, equally with those who never “touch, taste or handle the unelean thing,” are committed now to the side of prohibition, and it is largely due to their efforts that the cause has taken such gigantic strides to wards success not only in this coun ty hut in the State. But few tem perance meetings have been held, no violent and denunciatory speeches have been made, but a quiet, all-pre vailing revival has been going on in th© community, the good results of which are seen on every side. The silent voice of conscience whose se crets are hidden, but whose power is felt frequently when least expect ed, has no doubt in.-this reforma tion played an important part in changing public opinion. The- traf fic in liquor, which has gone to suoh extremes that the limit of endu rance seems to be reached, has well merited its downfall by the gross abases of the trade, and the strong opposition that has been organized against it is an natural effort of so ciety to throw off the weight that hinders its progress, and, to change the figure, purge itself of the evil that is consuming its life and endangering the very existence of good government. We are glad that the management of the temper ance campaign is in the hands of those moderate men who cannot be suspected of fanaticism,for we are as sured they will work up the canvass vigorously, without giving unneces sary offense to liquor dealers, but with an invincible purpose to suc ceed and put down the Wakes on grog shops and dram selling. The liquor traffic cost? the State too much and is too fruitful a source oi crime and degradation not to be suppressed. The citizens have a right to demand protection against a business that increases their tax es, that endangers the health, use fulness and respectability of citi zens, that threatens to subvert law and order , and debauch * the morals of the community. The clear ne cessity of reform explains the nna- nimity of all classes in regard to it. * That license will not answer is the settled conviction of all; it has been • tried and found young men are tempted to drink ; drunk ards are made under it, arid pur jails filled with criminals, made so by the use of liquor. Some law more etringentr is necessary ; perhaps the Local Option measure offers the remedy, and will accom plish all that its friends desire; but, however it may be, let every good citizen give it a fair trial icr three years, We appeal to OCBiFDT¥. the liquor men themselves to yield to the prevailing public opin ion and fall in with the temperance current. All are supposed to be actuated by a desire to promote the: public good; why then not give the temperance men, in turn, an opportu nity their plan, and then, if it does not work well, repeal it. What we desire to have is a fair and hon est trial of Local Option* Let the majority determine whether liquor shall be soid or not, and let every one vote with a clear knowledge of what he Is doing, and after the law i|Ceiwe, let HbefaUhfplly executed. ■ will’ and that the resulth will be such as'to prove the wisdom of jhe measure. CHINESE CHEAP LABOR. In another column we have pub lished an account of the Beaver Falls meeting to protest against the introduction of Coolie labor into the Cutlery works at that place, and the result of the interview bn Monday of the citizens’ committee appoint ed to wait upon and confer with the trustees of the Economites. The Eponomites have agreed to consid er the matter and give their decis ion, in a few days, in writing. From certain intimations there is some reason to believe that a considera ble number of the members of that Society are opposed to the experi ment and are anxious to have the Chinese discharged. The objection to Chinese importa tion is not because they are Chi nese, nor ignorant, nor unaccustom ed to our ways and customs, but be cause they are brought here in gangs, under long contracts, and compelled to labor with little re muneration and few privileges, be ing in a condition resembling that of slavery. Voluntary immigration is a privilege extended to all who desire to take up their abode in this I free country and better their condition. Equal privileges, equal rights and equal justice we say to all, of whatever clime or race, who desire to emigrate to this country and become citizens. There is room yet and all are welcome. There is no very great danger in re ceiving such emigrants, for they soon become thoroughly American ized and useful in their way; but the Chinese, when imported under contracts in gangs of one hundred or two, come withoutjfamilies, with no intention of becoming citizens, are simply sojourners in voluntary captivity, expecting to return at the expiration of their term of ser vice. They are not emigrants and it is an abusje of the word to call them such. They are voluntary slaves, brought here to perform certain tasks at slave labor rates. The Beaver Falls importation perhaps is on a small scale, but it is a.begin ning. If every manufactory in the country should follow the example what would be the result ? Labor would become cheap and dishono* rable. Americans would have to live on the most economical plan in order to make a living for them selves and families. There would be disturbances, riots, war, and what else would happen no one could'predict. 5 Chinese immigration to’ any large extent would offer a se rious political problem for solution, but the wholesale importation of them by contractors is what the people will not submit to, and the sooner Congress regulates that busi ness the better fof all parties con cerned. . Another strong objection to this cheap labor is that it is an evasion of the tariff laws and a vio lation of their spirit. Instead of importing knives made by cheap la bor and paying duties thereon, cheap labor is imported upon which there is bp duty, and the knives are manufactured here by such labor, thus evading the tariff, but reaping the advantage of the law, equally, with the successful smuggler, Who dodges the Custom House officers and thus gets his goods at cheap la bel* prices. It is evident that such a course, entered upon by on* lead ing directly against fair competition, and tends to break down other establishments of like character, where Chinese labor is not employed, for the very bulwark of protection is broken down, and the contest between cheap and American labor, is renewed -on J -> v - Ks&B-ga-. American eoil, lira way that ia pe culiar. One way to remedy this injustice, and protect American.labor,, w otild la bor, or the products of such labor, eo as to Increase* tbe cost of pro*- Auction until Jit shall equal that of American skilled labor. Labor here ;flhoid&Ve&a3i morevaloable and honorable, and whatever opposes thistendeneyjshould/belboked upon with distrust. Society here, rests upon the broad ol freer dom and equality, and when the; la boring class-becomes restless and dissatisfied with their condition, [ the foundations ofthe f government will the perma nence of bur institutions put in jeopardy. Tber Chinese question maybe a vexatious one,and difficult to handle, bit we are satined that Coolie labor will bring no Igood to the country, and willbe attended, if the importation Js cjntinued. with gfjjyo &od disastrous quences. In regard to the Chines* as simply emigrants,seeking a home in this free cotfhtry, we Would treat them with the same considera tion as the Irish, or the English, or the German; but to impott them to break down the price of American labor, and in a measure such laboi*, we think is nether pa triotic nor just, the Government should Interfere!,© pref vent such results. The Poland Committee nijde a report in tb e House on Tue^l ay. The galleries were filled,-and ah the members in their seats, "the npst intense degree of interest was mil i fested in the reading of the Rewrt, action on which was deferred Phtil next Tuesday. The Report is his tory of the connections ot the i redit Mobilier with the Union licific Railroad by the Hoxie and tines contracts, and a rehearsal o the proceedings of Ames in p icing stock of the Credit Mobilier/here it would do the most good, presentation of the important mony taken during the invest! of the matter. No recom tions was made'in reference members of the. House ex< Ames and Brooks,in regard tc the Committee submitted t lowing resolutions: First, Whereas, Mr. Oakes i Representative in this House fron chnsetts, baa teen guilty of se!! Members of Congress shares of st the Credit Mobiher of Ameri<L |br for prices much lower than the vaw of such stock, with the intent thereby to n fluence the voles and decisions of Jh members in matters to b? brought b re Congress for action; therefore, Resolved, That Oakes Amee be d is hereby expelled froth his seat a member of this House.. I Second. Whereas, Mr. James Bro|,a Representative in this House frompe State of New York, did procure |ie Credit Mobilier Company to issue deliver to Mr. Charles H. Neilsoh, the use and benefit of said Brooks, shares of stock of said < Comj at a price much below its real value,| knowing that the same was issued delivered with Intent to influence vote, and the decision of said Brook member of the House. oh matters brought before Congress for action, also to influence the action ol said B: as a Government Director in the 1 Pacific Raijroad Company; therefore Resolved, That Mr. James Brooksb; is hereby expelled from his seat member of this House. The most important measure t has occupied the attention of e Constitutional Convention since r last issue is that relating to, - frage. A number of changes 1 b been suggested in the manneif voting;, such as to vote vivav, or to require each voter to write * name on his ballot. There will - doubtedly be some changes of s kind introduced into the new strumentto prevent false coun r j and fraudulent voting. What is best possible plan to protect s purity ot the ballot boat, is not I discovered* and anjr ( must defend largeljr; h the vigilance and integrity of i people interested in getting an i ■ est vote. ~ v -•' ■ General Grant and Sen Henry Wilson were notified qn day, by a Committee appointed the Senate and House of Repre tatives, that they had been < elected President and Vico Pj dent for the term of four years i and after the fourth day of Mi next.; i- ; /o Tbe* cotbmuhicatioh of “Inde peudence,”criticiBing the blunder in the erection of the iron bridge, late ly swept off by the flood in Inde* ( pendenoe township, is crowded out this week by other matter. We hea? hate to publish such severe criti cisms unless fully satisfied t>f their truthfulness and that they are’naade through good motives. “In point ol foot he is game not worth bagging, and we only give him a quiet shot now and then to keep the little fel' k * •Mi'.’** .C-W-** . .*sk~-». iS** Vj£» ’ ll ’ How a shot can keep one from sinking, perhaps the editor of the Argm can explain. We would a<|' vise him to submit his manuscript to some, of the ‘ school children for correction before publishing. * We have prepared a statement *bf ’ the facts in regard to the Argus lie, so wantonly displayed in;the* last is sue of that sheet, whjtoli is crowded out this week, but. which will apr • pear in our next, e I —*•. i '"i 1111 Berks county is said to have given a heavy majority in favor of license, but we have hot yet seen the returns. ' Forest county on the 3d inst. gave 34 majority for license. FROM HARRISBURG. The Late Ex-Got. Geary—Local Option Supplement Bill—Exemption of Pro perty—The BepublicanState Conven tion—Hon. Rouell Errett. Correspondence of the Radical; Little business was done in the Legisla ture last week, owing to the death of Gov. Geary. The funeral did not take place until Thursday* and there was no regular session until Thursday night. The funeral was a very imposing one, and indicated very unmistakably that the de ceased governor was more highly esteem ed by our public men and by all’classes qf citizens than his enemies would have us believe. His sudden death in the prime of life* and the circumstances that sur rounded bis death aroused the sympathies of the citizens, and temporary sojourners here,; as never before. There was no pub lic man in Pennsylvania who apparently had such a promise of long life as Gov. Geary, and there was not one who knew him but what would have named him last if told of the death of a public man, and tasked to name the ooe. Although many noticed be did not look so well daring the last year, yet he seemed to all vigorous and strong, with a powerful constitution* such as few men are blessed w ith. Phys ically speaking be was a perfect man. and a post mortem examination revealed the fact that every vital organ was perfectly sound, and there was no apparent reason for his death. According to one physi cian who was present, the examination proved that he should have lived to be one hundred yparp old. The theory of the physicians is that his nervous system was exhausted,that he fainted at the table and was so weak 1 that he coaid not rally. This, theory is certainly not a very plausi ble one, so faras the multitudes are con cerned* but nevertheless may be the right one. nd a iesti »tion ftnda o any pting whom 5V fol- &, & issa- ft to k in d Got. Hart ran ft and the Legislature de- j >ri serve all honor for the respect shown the 7 deceased.«and the consideration and kind i ness with which the family and friends 1 were treated. On Thursday night both Houses met at seven o’clock and considered the bills on the private calendar. The Senate re mained in session until the calendar was disposed of, adjourning at eleven p. m., and the House at one o’clock a. m. No bills of general importance were passed, and so far as your correspondent is in formed, no bills from your district was on the calendar of either House. The House adjourned on Friday at noon, and before the Committeels had time to report. of temperance in this city, and in Lancaster and Williamsport*arc much excited pver, the fact that the sup plement to the Local Option bill, which passed the Senate, has not yet been re ported from the House Committee. The 'municipal election in Williamsport is on Friday of this week, and the delay will prevent a vote on the question of license. It has been generally believed that the pommittee t>n Judiciary General in the House was right oh the question, and the bill was sent there because that Commit tee had the confidence of the friends of the bill. The State Journal and Philadel phia Press of to-day commenton the de lay very severely, and perhaps unnecessa rially. 'the Chairman of the Comihittee, Jlr. Mahon of Franklin, declares he is ready to report the bill, as it .passed the Senate, and will hall, it up' and urge its passage, through the House at once. It is to be hoped the House will second him in this effort, and that before the week closes this important supplement will be a law. The ; fact that the liquor men all over the the State have been active, hold*. Ing secret meetings in every county , : and ■auhwribitfg largely to a fund, professedly to secure a repeal of the law, alarms the friends of Local Option and leads them to suspect every one who hesitates. There is little doubt money was raised to secure i repeal, and that the agents of the liquor Harrisburg, Peb. 17,1873. league were here • for that purpose; but they met a cold reception, and soon found they could not secure sufficient rotes in either House, and; that, if they did, the Governor would not approve the bill. Public sentiment is so strong that many membera * who inclined to repbal, : now ' openly declare that no-atnount of Money will indue# themto votethat way. Tour readers -May tBke r 4t -for granted that the effort won’t be made, or, if made, will fail. : passed a bill bn -.Friday, re pealing laws exempting pro perty fromtBxation,and declaringwhat property should hereafter he exempt. Tbe list includes churches, school build ings, pborhouses, alms houses, asylums and church burial grounds, and repeals all laws exemptingcemeteries and halls from taxation. It is time a general law wsspassed, as half the bills presented to-the Legislature were to exempt proper ty from taxation. In Philadelphia alone there is about sixty Millions of property exempt, and every year millions worth of property was added to the list. Nearly all the cemeteries in the State are money making investments, and yet all were ex empt, as were the buildings containing Odd Fellows and-Masons halls. This bill sweeps all the special acts, exempting such properly, off of the statute books, and we trust the House will pass it as unanimously as the Senate did. Politicians are beginning to'agitate the question of calling a State Convention to nominate candidates for Supreme Judge and State Treasurer. The Legislature has not yet passed a bill for the election of a State, Treasurer, but will doubtless pass one providing for an election in Oc tober. The present able State Treasurer is strongly pressed to be a candidate, and if he consented,would have no opposition; but he declares emphatically that he will not be under any circumstances. It is not known as yet who will be candidates, Hon. James L. Graham of Allegheny, is spoken of, and the party can present no better man for the position. He is prob ably the only man in the west who could get the,nomination, owing to the fact that the west has had the office for six years, but it is very doubtful if he would accept, as it is understood he is a candidate for Congress when his term expires in the Senate. If he is not a candidate the con vention should take Coleman of Lebanon, Judge Olmstead of Potter, Brooke of Del aware, Hoyt of Luzerne, Lilly Of Carbon, or some men of like character who would command the confidence of the people, and unite the Whole party in Ms support. For Supreme Judge, Hon. W. H. Arm strong of Lycoming, is bftehest spoken ot, and the selection would be so fitting and popular that there is little doubt be would be nominated if a candidate. Col. Frank Jordan is also spoken of and would be strongly ptessed if be desired the rjomi nation, which is considered doubtful. Hon. George Lear of Bucks, and A. K. Green of Northampton, are also named, and the candidate will in all probability be one of the four just named, and either would command the full confidence aud strength of the party. Hon. Russell Errett will be continued as Chairman of the State Central Com miltee,whether he desires it or not. The party can’t do without him, because no man in the State can fill the place, as he does. Take him for all in all, Russell Er» rett is one of the truest, ablest and safest men in the party in Pennsylvania. He is one of the most deserving,and yet he is forced into positions where brains and head Work are only required, while many of leSs ability and worth get the honors and the pay. This is partly owing, to the fact that be is not ambitious, and being p'oor only looks to such positions as in sures him support for his family, and do not entail heavy expenses. He would do honor to the President, If he would place him in the Cabinet, or to the State., if be were sent to represent her in the Senate of the United Stales. He is needed, how ever, to carry the party through at elec tions, and will be kept in that position so long as he consents to serve, while others will get the reward. If the party makes judicious nominations at the next Con vention, and Errett is placed at the bead of the Committee again, Pennsylvania will give our candidates fifty thousand majority in October. If there is no di vision in our party, it is doubtful if the Democrats will place any ticket in the field. M. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Union Passenger Supplement—Sadden Clianse—Governor’* Appointments— Senator Nagle a Candidate for Re- Election—Heglster’s Pay. Correspondence of the Radical. Philadelphia. Feb. 17, 1873. There has been a marked change in public sentiment in this city with refer ence to the Union Passenger supplement since my last letter was written, and. to*, day thousands, who a week ago were de nouncing the bill, are anxious that the Governor would approve it. The meeting, called for last Saturday evening, to express the indignation of the citizens of Philadelphia at its passage; proved a great failure. Not more than one hun dred persons participating even by their presence, and most of those were persons interested in the Market street line. The proposition of the Union line, published on Saturday morning, was so fair and just that the merchants at once demanded its acceptance, and the "President of the Market street line is now censured loudly, By the very men who were his friends when the bill passed, because he did not L promptly accept the terms offered n m the change of tone in the newspapers» most marked. On Saturday the P« W 8n a !; Inquirer contained bitter edited against the bill and in denunciation , the Legislature, while the Sunday .pan,!! and the evening dailies were either ot against it silent. ;On Monday the 7 quirer ind Press camef outstronglvin t' vor uf the Union as did Sunday papers, and with the excentin! of the £&tgeri BuUetin evet» paper , in Philadelphia demands the a ceptance, by the Market street line, of a terms proposed by the Union line Both branches of the dty Councils were rled by the friends of the bill, and that in one day, there has been an eu| re lty 7 lion in public sentiment. This sh o » how senseless, public clamor is, how public men should regard it. Aiwa 6 wait for the safer second thought before deciding upon a question of public m portance. should be the rule of all men in public places. The Governor has not ve > signed the bill, but doubtless will do so t* day. He would 4 like to have it amended so as to require the consent of Council? but as both branches of Council reconsij ered their action, and virtually pas?ed a resolution asking him sign 7 the bill there is no excuse left for it his approval Kemble, McGrath and company have made a splendid fight against a powerful corporation, and merit the success thev have achieved. The Governor has appointed English' Flour Inspector, and Colesberry, Harbor Master, completing his list of appoint, ments in Philadelphia. He has been tor" lunate enough to classes of cit izens in bis appointments, and there is a more general approval than ever known before. After being out twelve day’s the jury in the, gambling cases came into court on Friday with a verdict of conviction, and there is general rejoicing among the good citizens of Ibis city. The attempt of a gambler on the jury, to force the rest to agree with him, failed, and the resolute men, who refused to yield, are entitled to great credit for their courage and endu rance. There is little of political importance to communicate. Senator Nagle has de termined to be a candidate for re-election, and, as he is the onlyJDemocmic Senator from the city, there will be a desperatejef fort to re eleet him. He is a good Repre sentative and "a fair man, and will be elected/although he may have a bard fight. His competitor will be Representative Lamon, of the House, and if the election had occurred one year earlier Uagle would have been left out wilh Decherl. He has hosts of friends among the Repub licans, and there is a feeling among them that the Senate is sure to be RepsJ- lican anyhow, and that the Democrats d Philadelphia have one Represen tative in the Sfeuale, which almost insures bis election by a decided majority. If any Democrat is to be, elected in th is city, Re publican* all desire that he be the one. The Hon. William Bunn retires from the Register's court, and Joseph Bonham. Esq., aspires to bis place. The office of Register is only worth seventy thousand dollars a year, or two hundred and ten thousand per term, and hence only such gentlemen, as Bunn or Bonham, aspire to the position. If it was a good paying of fice some high-toned cuss, as they are termed here, would be after it and give the “rounders” great trouble. The 'ConstUntional Couveution—lll ness of the President—Mr. Lawrence a Lecture on Woman Sof frase lllr, Imbrie and His Assist* ants, dec.) See. Correspondence of the Radical. Philadelphia, Feb. 11,1873 The Constitutional Convention is at this time a source of such interest to us here in Philadelphia, that I feel sure your readers will be pleased to find a little pen picture of it in your columns. The dis cussion of Woman Suffrage which was inaugurated by Mil. Broom all’s amend ment to the resolution on Suffrage, which proposed striking out the word “male from the new Constitution, has brought out the entire talent of this body. The argument being altogether with the Suf fragists, they, of course, had the best of it so far as the applause of the ladies was concerned. Indeed Convention Hall I® s been like a flower'garden, blooming with crops of new bonnets and bright faces during the past five nights. The whole: scene is a pleasant one. The handsomely fitted up hall, beautifully carpeted with five dollars a yard .tapestry ; the elegant and substantial furniture, made at the well known cabinetjmanufactory of E. B- Trymby, and the, sumptuous upholstry, unite In producing a charming ensemble. Mr. Meredith, the: venerable President of the Convention, has been laid up ,or the last ten day? suffering with gout. tliat plague of the hereditary aristocrat; hnt his place is sappiied| temporarily.-by Hr. Walker, who. jn a speech made last week, ppenly said “be loved, the entire female sex, if a man of bis age mightjbe permit ted to do so, but objected to the: increase of population.” Mr. Lawrence, of Washington, presid ed at Bishop Simpsdn’s lecture on Female Suffrage oh Friday evening last, although he took occasion to Say that he did no desire to commit himself at this time. Directly beneath the President’s cbair are a series of desks with chairs, &c., * ot the accommodation of the clerical force, With their chief, Hon. D. L. Imbfie,