% For the, Beaver Radical. THE SONG OF THE PICK. Powb in the deep* dark, misty mine A course of endless toil is mine , J Tie pick, pick, pick, and pound away, .. Hour after hour, day after day: difference how the hands may smart, r Or how the shoulders ache, There I must pick and pound away For filthy lucres’sake. Above my head the tall trees grow, my head bright waters, flow. Above my head the wild bird sings Or beats the air with gaudy wings:. Ho dificrence how the birds may sing. The slumbering world to wake, y el I must pick and pound away For filthy lucres’ sake. . The treach'rons slate like alaba of lead May fall on my devotodHead, The gu6B may fire and through my room May roll a fearful red simoon: 1 Ho difference if the gasa should burn. Or fickle slate should break, still I must pick and pound away "or filthy lucres’ sake. A wife may wcepiu solitude. And hungry children cry for food, A miner on his bier may lay Vfnose fond life has been snatched away; Ho difference miners maybe slain, aud loved ones hearts may break, s; ,n I must pick and pound away. -\,r filthy lucres’ sake. Ktamaiic paine may rack the frame, Ct.th legs and arms grow halt and lame, Tbe sides may ache, the life of man Be dwindled down to half a span: No difference though man’s life grows short From many a pain arid ache, Sii'.l I must pick and pound away For tillhy lucres’ sake. > Though all my work he wrought in pain, Some other-hand will reap the gain. Some other one, as gospel true Grows wealthy on the work Ido: Wo difference who the gain secures. Or who the crumbs do take. SOU I must pick and pound away For filthy lucres’ sake. Industry, Feb. 10th.1813. A CARRIAGE FORBIDDEN '-A Father Pursuing lII* Daughter and her Abductors, and Repeatedly Firing upon Them, but Beaten by Fast Hors es and Forced to 91ake tbe Best of It, [From the New York Sun.] a week ago Robert "Wilson of White plains met Miss Kate Lowery of •v.uisco on the train from New York. They chatted until the train reached White Plains. Here Robert proposed to ' :lrive ber home in a sleigh. Miss Kale --rsented, and before they reached her iHiker's house she had promised to marry Wiisnn. "The church clock of Kenlsco, f .here had been one, Would have tolled iwo in the morning before Wilson’s sleigh rew up before old John Lowery’s gate. There was an ominous light in the h and as Kate approached, the door f-w open, and ber father, with a piece of -r'X rope in his hand, and asked bis who her companion was, and why she had stayed out Until the chickens. f>£d crowed. Wilson t«dd the old man to go ;o bed, saying that bis daughter’s com panion was her future husband. Mr. Lowery forbade the nuptials instanter, and bustled Miss Kate into the house. - On Friday iasl Wilson, Samjlirpenler, better known as '‘Swearing Sam”) and Jae. Johnson drove to Kenisco to assist Wilson in abducting the girl. About ♦••ght o’clock at night, the men having se ared the assistance of Mrs. King (Kate’s s.pter) and Miss Catherine Sweeny, drove up to the Lowery mansion and sent a po l;ie invitation for Kate to join them in a sMph ride. The venerable Mr. Lowery, suspecting no conspiracy, raised no objec tion and Kate went. Carpenter, who wr.s driver, turned his horses toward Tai rytown. It was the programme to go there and get a minister to marry Wilson and Miss Lowery.. After the party had traveled about four mdes,. and while they were driving along ut leisure, they were startled by the re port of a gun, instantly followed by a shower of buckshot, a quantity of which tbe sleigh and frightened its in mutes. Stop, nr I’ll shoot again!” was heard '•'■m behind. Wirpenter, the driver! leaped nut and - rt.bed an apple tree, and the rest of the awaited event?. The girl’s father up beside the sleigh with a barrelled shot gun shoulder, and ordered party to turn and drive hack to Kenisco. Spying Ctrpenler up the apple tree, Lowery leveled hi&gun and ordered him '.low u. n.i] ; ‘.b-c- • Don’t shoot, Mr. Lowery screamed Carpenter, “and I’ll come down.” "That marriage shall not take place,” 8' k ;o Mr. Lowery; "so just drive back ” Carpenter look the reins. Johnson j seized the whip, and giving the horses a j sharp cut, they dashed off toward Tarry* ; ’own, leaving the angry father in the] road. He gazed an instant at the re j '•reating sleigh, then railing his gnn he blazed away with the other barrel, and started bis horse-on a ran after 'tjie fugi tives. The father loaded and fired five or times, bat each second the distance hetween him and the sleigh was lengthen ed- Carpenter turned into the Sing Sing road, throwing Miss Lowery’s father off the trail, and after traveling a mile or two took a short cat* for Tarrytown. The father went to Sing Sing, bat did not find his daughter. The elopement party arrived in Tarrytown about 1 a. m., and pot up at the Briggs House. Search was utade for a clergyman, but none could be fannd. The party stayed in Tarrytown ini day Friday, and drove to Kenisco at c pht, stopping at Mrs. Sweeney’s. On Saturday at dark Wilson, Johnson, Carpenter, Miss Sweeney and Mrs. King, hf bind, because—having seen her father, she bad changed her mind about the mar* !lt S- Learning that her sister had start* ; ed for White Plains bent on marriage, Mrs. King and her brother Dan took the night express train, and arrived in White Plain? just as the sleighing party drove up to the Orawampum Hotel. ■ . Here the sisters met, and a war of words followed. Mrs. King said that her father was on the way with two guns and three ; pistols; swearing that be would shoot the whole party. At this Kale and Wilson broke away, entered a sleigh,; and were rapidly driven to the residence of. the Rev. Mr. Yan Kieeck, where the knot was tied last as the,: infuriated, brother and sister drove np tp ibe door* Seeing that they were too late they made the .hast of it, and the partywentto a restaurant for the bridal feast, after which the bride and groom drove tp-Yarrytowh,:= Some time on Saturday night the. ven erable Mr. Lowery arrived in White Plains with bis artljery; hut learning that the couple bad married in spite of him, he countermarched it good order,.muttering that he would shoot.; somebody. But the good old man tailed to keep his word this 1 time. THE COHING WOMAN. An Evening Party In the City of Chnrches—Rich Silks, Fine laces, and Brilliant Diamonds—A $7OOO Outfit on a HIIm of Seven Yearn— Young America Alive. . A party was gived one evening last week by the parents of a young miss of 11 years, at their sumptuous residence in Brooklyn, tbe guests being exclusively the companions, male and female, of the daughter referred to. The party' was a full dress affair, the hours appointed being from 8P.M.t02 A. M. From 150 to 175 guests were present, who were received by their young hostess with as much ease and self-possession as a matron could assume. The dresses consisted of whUe, pink, yellow, lavender, and ceil blue silk, elab orately trimmed and decked with spangles. The hair was dressed in the latest style— frizzed, puffed, powdered, and adorned with flowers. Four-buttoned white kid gloves were generally worn, while french kid boots, matching the dresses in color, encased the feet. Only one thing was in the miniature representation of an ado It party, viz, enamelled faces. Pow der, however, was freely used, but s«> ar tistically as to almost defy detection. One little girl, if she could be recognized as such, particularly engaged attention. She could not have been more than nine years of age, and in addition to tbe pow dered and dazzling costumes she sported with true appreciation a pair of diamond eanings, a gold chain-and watch studded with diamonds. Upon each arm was a bracelet of elaborate workmanship, which she held up for display, exclaiming as she did so, ’’there’s no sham about they’r the real stuff, for mother said so.” Another child of seven summers was I arrayed in a rose colored silk, |7 per yard, Urimmed with three point applique flounc- ee; a galaxy of diamonds and other expen sive jewelry; a gold belt, the buckle of which was literally covered with diamonds; a band of gold encircled the head, and from a pendent there from, spark led a soli taire of great value. Her mother was heard to exclaim exullingly that the price of her child’s outfit for that evening was $7OOO. A jealous mother overhearing the remark, declared, “Upon the next occasion my daughter sha 11 be dressed in tea-rose silk, which is by all means less common than pink. As for jewelry, she shall sur pass Miss Nellie or I'm much mistaken.” The young gentlemen, whose ages rang ed from 9 to 14 years, were generally at tired in black dress coats, light pants, and lavender neckties. Their ambition was exhibited by conspicuous gold watch chains and seal ornaments. Rings of. ev ery description and quality were worn, consisting of diamonds, onyx, seal, ame thyst, topaz, emeralds, &c. The hair of the elder swains was parted in the middle and worn in long, floating locks. Music and dancing, interspersed with flirtations, occupied the evening. At 12 the juvenile assembly were summoned to supper, which was perfect in its , appoint ments, and served by colored waiters im ported for the occasion. The adieus were spoken with sufficient grace and ceremony to satisfy the most ardent devotee of modern etiquette. As the reporter left the festive scene, the wonder why there was such a large number of vain and fool ish women in the community Jiad jvan isbed.—N. U. Sun. f OD ' the When Sidney Smith had gravely listen ed to the details of a mad dog’s course through the streets df ; London—how he frightened a bishop,and was at length dis patched with difficulty—the clerical wit remarked that he “should,like to hear the dog’s side of the story.” A western woman whipped a man who slandered her husband, and was ar rested and fined for it; and her husband, the ungrateful brute, refused to pay the fine. JpOR SALE. v The undersigned offers for sale & two horse was-" on, a good double set of harness, one iron cultiva tor, one cutting box, all in febl4-3m Market street, Bridgewater. , In the Court of Common Pleas pT Beaver coun ty. No. 257, March Term. 1873. . ■in. the matter of petition of New Brighton Gas- Company for Incorporation. January 24,1873. petition presented in open court, whereupon the court order the same to ho med and that notice be inserted in the Beaver County Press and Beaver itaheat givins nonce ol this application and that the petitioners will he declared a corporation in accordance with the prayer of said petition, at the next term of court if no sufficient reason be shown to the contrary in the moflutlinfi / ■ By tli6 Court* “Si JOHN CAUOEEY, Prolh y. febl4-3t r * lyj’ B ; C6CHB & N & CO . 121 ÜBERTt STREET, CORNER FIFTH, X *• ■ ■ ■ IRON AND WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, MANUFACTURERS’ SUPPLIES DEANE STEAM PUMPS. SASH AND DOOR MACHINERY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED JO. novlMm. JQ R Y GO6 D S RETAILED AT Auction [Prices, MR. M . SOHIFF, Is determined to close out his entire stock of DRY GOODS in as short a time as possible, as he intends to de* a vote all bis attention in the future to the fDOLES AND COTTON HOSIERY. I INVITED TO CALL AT ONCE, And they will have a chance to make their selec tion oat of a WELL SELECTED STOCK oct!8-2m. H. CO., 5 1 3 MA R K ET ST BEET, We have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and beet assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yam, Batting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas kets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wood en and Willow Ware in the United States. Oar large increase in business enables ns to sell at low prices and famish the best quality of goods. CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER Price $5.50. The Mod Perfect and Successful Washer Ever Made. ' Agents wanted for the AMERICAN WASHER in all parts of the State. mor29 3m—sel-3m H.W. SEELT Y & OSBURN, Successors to H. W. Seely, BRIDGE STREET GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE and NOTIONS, Cash paid for Farmers’ Marketing. Jyi9-ly. pURCHASING AGENCY. Will purchase and forward any article. MANUFACTURED OR SOLD In this city, at the lowest prices. 1 Parties in the country wishing; to purchase Pi. anos. Organs, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolvers Nursery Stock, Jewelry,. Furniture, Millinery’ Hardware, Drugs, Notions, Books, Stationery* Saddlery. Carpetings, Dry Goods.ACi, Ac., will do well to send to ns. All goods will be chosen with a view to economy, as well as taste and fitness, and boxes or packages forwarded by Express- to any part of the country. All orders promptly at tended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Address; PITTSBURGH SUPPLY CO w>ptlS-Sm PITi'SbURGH, PA. JJEADY FOR CHRISTMAS. We have received an elegant stock of WATCHES. CHAINS, CHAIN AND BAND BRACELETS. DIAMOND PINS. BAR RINGS, STUDS and RINGS, CORAL. STONE; CAVED, AMATUYST. TOPAZ, ONYX and GOLD SETB OF JEWELRY. FINE NECKLACES and, LOCK ETS. SLEEVE BUTTONS, STUDS COLLAR BUTTONS.GENTS’ PINS. GOLD AND SILVER HEAD CANES. SOLID SILVER and SILVER , PLATED WARE. VASES. TOILET SETS. PA RIAN MARBLE AND FANCY GOODS. All St able for Holiday Presents, and will he gold lo w at WATTLES & SHEAFKR’S. 101 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh; Pa,: I - decC-lm. Heir " . ' , “■ 1 ■ > PITTSBORQfi, PA; - Manafccturers add dealers In A 3 P ■ ,>J-: . j.. ‘" ITave in store a fall stock of , “ JUDSUN GOVERNORS. &C., &C., &C. FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY. OF NEW BRIGHTON, REGARDLESS OP COST, MANUFACTURE OP THOSE WHO WANT BA EGA INS ARE RESPECTFULLY PHILADELPHIA. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ROCHESTER, PENN’A. Dealers in -T* j i i- s' ■TAXES 09BCRN *■•v- t r 3 -- fi. HURST. ISSUBASCE aiS GENEEAL AGEHGT : (N*ab not Depot,) " j- j / Fireiifeail icclieitiisiraice. ~y, AGENT, j '..V • r-r *-???■ , • -*T i , i ■ yJv-iK'-'i Y.W-1 ■ ’At ' ! 'if I r . 4NCHOR AND NATIONAL LINKS.OF OCEAN FBTBAHERB—ADAMS AND DNBDN fiX-; COMPANTB.AQKNCX. f' ; *-'-■* a V-U-* «■ 'w ■ IHJ ;iij )' Fire,XJfe- and Accident Policies written at fate tesaßdllberal Mhos. Deeds.MortgagegvAgreer >ment% Ac., correcaiywrUteii. Depositions and Aetamwledgmentstaken. ■ Passenger* 1 booked to *itrma auparts ,of England, IreLujtL Scotland, , and GerinAny. Money andgOoasforward -41 parts ortho United-States and Canada. atna insurance .icbL’i .;0F BABTFOSp r COFF. . ASSETS, ........ |C,OOO,OOQ EsttbUi&ed to’ 1819—Wealthiest and. moat reliable ■ / Company in the World. % 1 t . <■. “By their Ft nits ye shall know them,*’ jfoetes Bald to Jan. Ist, 1871-.. ........ .123,000,000 ; NIAGARA, OF BMW YORK. Fttflc to CASH ASSiSTS,;... . $1,600,000 ANOtjS INSURANCE COMPANY, •7 op curcnnrATT. Y: ■ jASSETS «i,500,000 : ENTERPRISE, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. CACH ■’/ ASSETS, over ...i ... f 600,000 CAS LANCASTER, . / OPPJLNGASTBR, PA; cisH PAIDASBKTB,. ...$240,000 rAIPS INSURANCE COMPANY, of mm, pa. SASH CAP1TAL.......;...,.. $350,(00 Insures Against damage by lightning as weil as fire. \HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO., \ • OF NEW YORK. fH A55ET5........... $8,500,000 ftYELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., i \ OP HJiRTFORDr CONJi. i (AH ASSETS,.; -... $1,500,000 P< I losses, a'nce its > rganlzatlon, of over $7OO da for death and iqptry. Ri resenting the above first class Companies, ;ki wledged to be amongst the best in the world, id presenting agross Cash Capital of over Six*, n [illions of Dollars, lam able to take Insur c i departments, and Policies issned without; \ Losses liberally adjusted and - promptly lnsure to-day. By one days * neglect t>r delay ppU ly loose ther. savings of years. . Delays are dangpna. and life uncertain. Insiire - to-day. Onet lay i« worth two to-morrows. Quality also is of ie utmost importance. The low jirlced,- wort) iss article always proves the dearest. Jfiert re, took to Quality as the paramount consxd eratic of Insurance. Look to worth and wealth foK p mnUy. The Best ie the Cheapest. ‘‘As you so#t t you shallryou reap.” ‘ Qraful for the very liberal patronage Already besto sd, 1 flatttcr myself, by strict attention to, a leriti ate business, not only to merit a continu ance the same, but hope,' by the facilities and indm nents 1 am now enabled to offer, for a large Itide a daring the present year. lyi S. A. CBAIQ is duly authorized o take apt!} tions in adjoining boroughs and townships, iff CHARLES B. HURST, l . Insurance and Qeneral Aeent, ‘7l “Near the Depot, Rochester, Penn’a. ANCA3TER iSURANCE COMPANY ! ; LANCASTER, PA, f• - - t. tON. THOS. E. FRANKLIN, Pres. | B. P. SHENK, Treasurer, j | EDWARD BROWN, Secretary. | DIRECTORS: :: los. E. FRANKLIN, KIN L. ATLEE, Physician; ICOB BAUSMAN, Pres’t Fanners Nat. Bank; |NRY CARPENTER, Physician; : -i- IcOBM. FRANTZ, Parmer; IO.C. HAGER, of Hager & Bro. Merchants; fjO. K. REED, of Reed, M’Gran & Co., Bankers; SE. ROBERTS, ex-Member .of Congress; pBRODER, of Sbroder & Co*, Cotton Man.; |P. SHENK, of Sbenk, Baoeman A Co.; I INSURES | DWELLINGS. MERCHANDISE, i FARM PROPERTY, j CHURCHES. I SCHOOL HOUSES, | MILLS AND FACTORIES, ABll-other FIRE RISKS taken at as lew rates as alret class Company can afford. r '' Ises promptly adjusted and Paid. Im Policies issued bn Dwellings, farm proper tic., at i < v. LOW RATES,. /Policies liberal in other terms. Apply to fCHAS. B. HURST, Agent, asmiy. r IE ENTERPRISE isurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. RATCHFORD STARR, President 108. H. MONTGOMERY, Y. Pres. ALEX. W. WILTRR, Sec’y. ICOB PETERSON; Ass’t Sec’y. (5H ASSETS, 9200.000 SETS Feb. Ist; *7O, $530,393 14 FIB 2 INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. petnal and tem Policies a ery liberal rates i sms. Apply to Agent, miy. TTSBURGH i ■ IBLEIZED MANTLE WORKS! J A ME a OL D, LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. .. >, RANGES. ORATES, rfc.. and particular s ion paid to FURNACES, Public at.dPtJvote 1 828. DOTI-^m Ji JU.LLUV'.'U '• .. *■' -K •' ■ jf ~c • ' * riOCHESTfiK PA. r.* . .. ‘ ji t * ' tL , , '"lf* v - f *,» * j i ROCHESTER, PA. ROCHESTER, PAs ■ ■ v- 1 .ptollaiwottsi. O N, B. «• 3'• -f ♦ • 7 .►* -t r ‘f'T fc; . - « !♦ */t t f*-- * * - ' ' ■ ’• ' ■ ■ ... r «r . : r-~’ PIANOS AND ORGANS, No. 118 Smithpield street, j ;V WtTSBURQH, PBSN’A. x'- I:STATU AQKST '■ . #OR T fet :i E' 0E L E BRAT E D TT and . ,' v - I goopman ' ; v il' ■’ ORGAN l;'< • ' r -r /.••:! ; - FOB ILLUSTRATED i , . *" * ’ MONROE MILLKR. - W.' DOLBY M. MILLER d> CO., CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Manufacturers of and Dealers in BOUGH AND PLANED LUMBER, DBEBBBL FLOORING, SIDING. AND SINGLES. ROCHESTER, BEAVER COUNTY, FA. declB’6B;ly .; PALL AJfD WINTER GOODS. fmf °i good \°. tatest etyles. for Paix 6nu WtKfjti wear, which he offers at very moder ate rates* ■ GENTLEMENS’ FURNISHING GOODS ! ' constantly on hand. Clothing made to order on the, shortest possible notice.; ThanWW to the pnbUc for past ftvora, I hope bj close attention to business to merit a continuance „ DANIEL MILLER, dcc4 68;ly ; Bridge Bt., Bridoewat*” , Pa. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. The Largest and Best STOCK OF FURNITURE West of the Mountains, Of our own manufacture, wlllbe found at the Mammoth Furniture Establishment of C. G. HAMMER & SONS. ' 'Tbe new««t and mogt approved styles of Pine and Medium Furniture, In larger variety than any other honee, at very reasonable prices. Persons furnishing houses would do well to write for onr new circular: or when in Pittsburgh we respectful ly solicit a visit to out warerooms. Don’t forget the place, ■ ' 6 46,48, & 50, SEVENTH AV., PITTSBURGH, PA., We challenge the world in prices for the same quality of material and workmanship of our goods. C U T THI s 0 U T . ang9-3m. 0 W. TAYLOR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND i REAL ESTATE AGENT, BEAVER PALLS, EA. •4/» r & ,neilts ’ ArtlclesJLeases and all Instrument* of Writing promptly attended to. Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable Con mission, j • " ByS’TOtly JEWELLING HOUSES, TEN E M E N T S , IM PRO VE D AND UNIMPROVE REAL ESTATE, ] 1H AND NEAR THE 1 ; ' i; ’ ""S -tf BOROUGH OF. ROCHESTER FOR SALE AND RENT, BY r - S. J. CROSS. 0c2T71-tf J. PETTITT, SMITH’S FERRY, BEAVER CO., PA., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARY P JJBLIC ! AND SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR SALE OP LANDS IN EAST VIRGINIA. aprlT72-ly JOHN PECK, ornamental Hair worker AND - HAIR DRESSER, NO. 5 3 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ladles waited on promptly at their residences by experienced workwomen. [febB’7l-ly Q W. MASSEY, C L O T H IN G CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. NO. 74 GRANT STREET, feblO’Tl-ly • ; PITTSBURGH, PA. p M. ELLIS, ARCHITECT AND DESIGNER. OFFICE: BA MSE Y ’8 BLOCK BEAVER! FALLS, HEAVER CO., PA. Plaua and public buildings and private residence. Estimates of the cost of'build* mg, and all business connected with architecture, attended to promptly and Satisfactorily, febiyfifcly,; . JT CONCERNS ALL i J. PROCTOR, LADIES’ AND ,GENTLEMEN’^ HA IR D RES SIN G R O 0 MS. And Manufacturer of Bair Work of Every' Description ! . Children’s Hair Cut Neatly, feio-ly ! 47 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURGH. HOTEL, - . CORNER MARKET. & THIRD STREEPS, r HARRISBURG, >A. declS’CS - V V.* . G. W. HUNTER, - J'roprittot JOHN CONWAY & CO., B ANKERB; &R O KIR RS Dtaunts: «r:p:cHAKSJ:ICoistAKn|ExcHAXGa . r~ V.--/ ! : * ■?% . ;*■•«.; ~v Accounts of Manufacturers, Herchantstand Indl vlduaisSolicited. r INTSRESTNALLOWED! OKftTIKE DEPOSITS CorreapoDdet»c«>fll receive prompt attrition. Rochester, Aigg. lBTC—augi^6in. gBA y E p* EF 0 8 BA N K &F£EA:WEItf£A< % ABKN ALLISON, * - - - • Cashier. COLLECTIONSPBOMPTLY MADE AND RE. JUTTED CORRESPONDENCE AND ACCOUNTS S SICITBD; ‘ I f ’♦, intHrestpaid on.time deposits. EXCHANGE,' SECUBITIEy. &c., BOUGHT AND SOLD. , . Office boors from ». to 4 p. si. mySl’ia? P BEN T E L & C 0., BANKERS AN!) BROKERS FREEDOM, PA., ■ nf o is. o, S pI ? pared i? do a general Banking ana S? 8 yj BB. Notes discounted, Government other securities .bought and hold, and UnS^ 6 011 a,l acceBB^e points in the Interest allowed on time deposits. u,r »•■***»• J»a. »6,188. gm. ”’*' S^6k. ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK, NO. 83 FIFTH AVENUE. . > * t PITTSBURGH, PA. J. W. COOK, President. R. W. MACKEY, Cashier W- McCANDLESS. Asst. Vashier. fdels’ 8 gANKINQ HOUSE ~~ OP R. E. & H. HOOPES, NEW BRIGHTON, PA. -w9°f reB *J?s? e ? ce J >f Banke i Bankers, and Mer chants solicited. Collections promptly mad** snd remitted. Qy2a^iy. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., . (Successors to. S. Jones '& Co M ) Cob. FOURTH AVERCB o CHESTER SAVINGS BANK. JOHN V. H'DOBALD, OEO. C. BPETSRER, SPEYERER & McDonald, Dealers in exchange, Coin, Government SeCnri tles.mafee collections on all accessible points in the united States and Canada, receive money on depos it subject to check, and receive time deposits ol one dollar and upward, and allow interest at G per cent. By-laws and Rules furnished free by applying at at the bank. : Bank open dally from 7 a. m., tlll4 p. m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o’clock: , _ _ REFER, BT FERF IBBION, TO L H Oatman & Co, HonJSßutau, Algeo, Scott & Co, Orr & Cooper, S J Cross & Co, Wm Kennedy, Snleder & Wacks, JohnMiarp, < BS Ranger, RB Edgar, a i,™ ’ T-Mesmeu’s National ® ® Wilson, . „ I blink, Pittsburgh., Pa. novH-70-je3o-71 . Insurance Co. HARTFORD, CONN. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $3,000,000 CASH ASSETS, - $5,549,504.97. TOTAL LIABILITIES, - - - $256,068.89 NET ASSETS, - $5,293,436108. CHARTERED IN 1819. "BY THEIR FRUITS YB KNOW THEM losses paid in 51 years, $36,058,647.18 Look to wealth and worth for indemnity. Loo to quality as the paramount consideration of InstT ranee, for too frequently the cbesnest rate Is only the index of the poorest Insurance. The stability, wealth, liberality, and straightforward character cl the AStna, and its promptness in the payment it losses during the past 61 years, claim the apprecUt tion of all business men. Applications received and Policies written at & rates awl .iberal terms, by. OHAS.B. HURST, Agent, ROCHESTER, l*A r-driOtly. - . i . Enterprise ; saloon and restaurant. OPEN BAY AND NIGHT. MEALS AT ALL HO UR S. No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late -St, Ctalr,) febim-iy Q 31 ASHY, PEARL S A L 0 OfR -17 SIXTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, • CHOICE LIQUORS i'HEBAR. . '.(Kao* . ; i W. J. SPETERER, a. J. bfeterer. Cashier PITTSBURGH. NEAL McCAtl^ON 3 I