POLITICAL, The Tammany Hall General Commit r b a« endorsed the conduct of Mayor If Lever, denounced the Credit Mobil baud's. deprecated the election frauds ,e ;i past, and advocated the purity of i bal.ol box in the future. T be AUo,ma Radical nominates Hon. < g Blair for the Republican nomination for Supreme Judge. , a meeting of the Huntingdon Re „ County Committee last week, pJ \ L Guss, editor of the Globe, was LL Representative, and Dr. J. W. L*iddie Senatorial delegate to the v Republican State Convehtion. ° ,Tbe sealing of a Republican in place , Democrat leaves the Senate of Ala- La a tie, the presiding officer, a Repnb having the casting vote. There is 0 indication of immediate action con the'United Stales Senatorsblp. _Hon W. W. Ketcbura, of Luzerne V lin :y- wasin Harrisburg on Saturday, LV*id a visit to the Executive Cham ber -ytie elections for Chief Justice and of the Supreme Court of M ,vico were held Sunday. -Virtuous Caldwell declines to be put K 1 A Warnlue:.—lf yo*i are afilicied witha courq ; agnation, to take eff« March, o. | * » a? wlll g ,„ And it submitted to the Legislature Mon | ggpeedslya || permanently as will Dr. J.Maginnis’ : day. The election of his successor lakes j eombination Expectorant, now for sale by GUli- 1 n ace on the 18th. i Und & Kerr. New Brighton, Dr. Hendric* Co., I 1 ‘ Beaver Falls, and druggist’s generally. Price j —Washington advices report that | Speaker Blaine will be unquestionably | re-elected in the event of Congress as- ■ scmbling on March. 4tb, as there is no | candidate mentioned who could command anything like respectable support in op- , position to Mr. Blaine. j —The Senatorial Bribery Committee at Jefferson City made a report to the House lo day, in which they exoh»rate Senator bogy of any attempt at bribery in the Senatorial election. They find, however, ihsi General Dorris did try to bribe two members, but it had no bearing on the cast All the Committee signed the r, t , >ri except Headly, a Republican mem Ur, who will make a minority report on Wednesday next. «. -The following is tbchbill, suppfemen* i V(i i to ihe Local Option, introduced in' U,t Senate by Senator Rutan and passed Thursday of last week : * A Sr-PLEMKST to "Au act to permit voters of this - omm^uwealth to vote every three years on the of granting.licenses to sell intoxicating 'x'-orf." approved 27th March, 1872 W hereas. Under the provisions of the first sec vol <' I.'- act approved March 27th, 1872, there is, or mav fe e , -ome doubt* as to the time of holding tl : i-D-on m.'question of license or no license* c c-nsw a::e~ or boroughs wherein the mnnici- I pa; r-f-nors heretofore by law fixed do not occur I npoc :r.o days as in the townships of the i xnccfy wherein said cities or boroughs ore located. Section 1. Be it enacted , dc-c.. That now it is hereby declared to be the true intent and meaning of sa d act that the election under provisions of first section thereof, should be held in all the election districts and precincts of any county,inclad mg the cities and boroughs therein situated, upon •,tc same day. and whenever by law the municipal elections in any city or borough occur at a different dme from the municipal elections in the townships of the county in which the said city or borough or boronehs may be, the election upon the question oi license in said city or borough or boroughs may and shall be held upon the day now fixed by law for holding township elections in such county, and by the proper officers thereof, under the provis ions oi the first section of the act to wuichthis if a supplement Sec 2 Whenever, upon the passage of this sup plemental act, the day' of township elections in any county may have passed, in which county there were any city, borough, or boroughs in which the annual municipal elections have not been held, the qualified voters in said city, borough, or bor ough? in any such ebunty may vote upon the qcestiou of license upon the day of the annual municipal election for such city, borough, or boroughs for the year 1573, when such annual mu tictpsi election occurs on or before third Friday ol March, and triennially thereafter; but when such municipal election in any such city, borough, or boroughs, do not occur on or before the third Friday of March, then, in any such case, the elec tion upon the question of license shall be held on said third Friday of March, and not later. The totesfqrr or against license in any snch borough or boroughs sha.l be added to and counted with the 'otee tor and strains* license polled in the town ip oi the county in which said borough or bor oughs may be located, the same as if cast on the day as the township elections, and the votes for or attains* license in any city shall be counted 'and certified to the court, or Board of License tlommissioners, as the case may bel separate from '.hr vote of the townships and boroughs in any eoucty wherein said city may he located; and if a mscoruy vote of such city is against license, then \ uu ' cense shall be granted for such city, but if a ; ar.jor.ty vote of suph ,city is for license, then li- i cehse may be grunted for such city. ! br- 3 Tne proper election officers of each elec- i t on district in any each city, borough, or bor" I onghs are hereby authorized and required to hold and conduct an election upon the day or days mention ;d in the law to which this is a supplement, Qr m tbis supplemental act; and the election ot-* firsts stall he entitled to pay therefore as for like -erviceg in holding other elections: provided, the election occurs on a different day from the manic- it>aJ election. Sec. 4. if an election in any city or borough Lag been already bolden under the act to which this is 1 Bcppiement, wherein the question of license or no license hat been voted upon, though not upon the day ofany municipal election in such city