The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 14, 1873, Image 4
4 THE BEAVER RADICAL. SMITH CURTIS, BDITOp. BEAVER. PA„ Vrijitr morning) February 14,1873. female suffrage. The subject now Which draws the largest audience and excites the most enthusiasm, is that of grant ing the elective franchise to women. It has recently called put an earn est debate in the Constitutional Convention, bat has hot'yet been pat to a vote in that body, though an effort was made to do so. There is no disguising the fact that female suffrage is becoming to be a vital Question of politics. The idea is made prominent in almost every lecture from the ros trum, comes to the surface in a thousand ways; in social circles it is the easy and inexhaustible topic of conversation; on the street it breaks out in heated discussions; in Congress it disturbs the repose of committees; it occupies the col umns of the press; it agitates churches and conventions, and now it is rapidly passing from the sphere of thought to that of action. There must be force and vitality in the idea to have accomplished the Change in public opinion that al ready has been wrought in regard to it, and since revolutions never go backward, its conquests over preju dice and sentiment in the commu nity, so rapid and remarkable, give some evidence that the agitation will go on until female suffrage is adopted by the majority Of the peo ple and made a part of the law of the land. Some of the very best men in the country, both in private and public life, who ten years ago felt no sympathy for the cause and gave it no voice, now are earnest champions of the movement, and in the pulpit, on the rostrum, in the halls of legislature, on the bench, before a jury and through the press, are proud to advocate this new doctrine. Not men only, but parlies begin to be moved by the rising tide of the agitation. In this Stale the question is now before the rep resentatives of the people and will gain strength by discussion, but we do riot think the masses are quite ready for the fundamental changes which it would inaugurate. We are in sympathy with the movement, but fear, as in New York some years ago, the pushed too soon, and if referred now to the decision of the people Without distinction of sex or to the women separately it probably, defeated. The women themselves generally do not desire or demand the privilege of voting, and are so educated as to prefer the subordinate position in which they have so long been plac ed. The question would iarq better if submitted to the men alone. The current arguments raised against female sufferage have been pretty thoroughly exploded, and it is diffi cult to give a good sound reason why women should not yote the same as men. The physical strength necessary to do so is but little, not any more than is exerted in depos iting a letter in the post office. Voting is chiefly a mental and moral act, with the moral element predom inating. The ballot, polls and sur roundings are external means. The free choice, more or less enlighten ed, of the individual, in regard, to who shall make or interpret or ex ecute the laws of the land, is within the capacity of all sound and; matur ed persons, whether male or female. The wisdom of the selection de pends more- upon the heart than the head and the emotional or moral faculties of women are acknowledg ed to be superior to men. Voting is an act that implies a high moral purpose, for it relates tp the good of the whole community, iand in it self therefore is ennobling and hon orable. What woman could exercise the privilege without bringing, her heart into sympathy as never before with the great questions that effect the welfare ot the people? There isnotbing indelicate or de grading to women in epjoying this privilege of directly exercising that choice which more than anything else represents the natural rights of citizens. Does the privilege de- grade men ? Then why women ? The associations are the same as in blber public places where men and women congregate. Women are subjects of Government and amena ble to law, why not give them a voice jn determining the law? They pay taxes why not allow them a vote in fixingthe amount, and directing the use of it ? They are deeply in terested in the stability and pros perity of the nation, why, not im pose upon tliem the responsibility of assisting in securing these bless ings ? The elevation of women to the elective franchise is necessary in order to widen her sphere of usefulness and utilize her transcen- pb*fsr. society dernands that ||omen taice a raore active parfc in pubhc af fairs. Thegreat reforms of;the age lag for want of her assistance.'' She does hot yet realize the full scope of her grand mission. We shall 1 hail the dawn that ushers in the day of woman's emancipation. POSTAL TELEGRAPHY. The vote in regard to this in the State Senate, on the passage of the resolutions of instructions was twenty-nine in favor, to one against, instructing and requesting our Sen ators and Representatives in Con gress to oppose the measure. There is not a leading newspaper, nor a prominent public man, except one or two, in the country, so far as we know, that favors postal tele 'graphy, and yet the Argus and one or two other papers of like charac ter insinuate that those who oppose the scheme, are actuated by un worthy motives. The motives of the editor of the Argus, and the little sheet from which he quotes, and sometimes steals, are too well understood to 'mislfad anyone. To show what sort of consistency the editor of the Argus maintains, it is only necessary to state that he sup ported a candidate for President who was the champion of opposi tion to postal telegraphy, and ran on a platform of which opposition to all suc]b schemes was the main characteristic. The whole Demo cratic and Liberal party to-day are bitterly hostile to postal telegraphy, and yet this wise and pure editor with no convictions, no settled opinions, no stability, characterise tidy changes front, because of his personal hostility to the roan who introduced the resolutions. When a man’s position on important ques tions of public policy depend noon the action of another, and is so evi dently determined by personal feel ing, what a laughing-stock he be comes. The Argus having deserted the Democratic platform, can no longer expect to receive the party support. Poor Argus! what will become of it? The Conservative is already getting back its old Democratic subscribers, and will undoubtedly be the official organ of the Demo cratic party in this county. It ap pears to be taken for granted, in some quarters, that Senator Rutan is responsible for what appears in the columns of The Radical, and we wish to announce to all to whom it may concern, that it is a mistake; that he has no more control of said columns than has the editor of the Argus. ■ The Argus challenges us to prove it a liar. We think that would be a work of supererogation, for it is generally admitted, as a friend at our elbow remarks, “it prefers tell ing lies on six months time, to tell ing the truth for cash,” so fixed has the habit become. Rather a falla cious and dangerous argument of the Argus is that,that a man stands convicted, unless he proves himself innocent. We know of an editor, who, if he had been put to the tssi of proving himself innocent of charges publicly made against him, would, m that case, have advocated a very different rule of evidence. If the editor ot the Argus or any one interested will take the pains to enquire of the Commissioners, or the ex-Sheriff, our statement in re gard to the malicious charges of the Argus, will be found to be the exact truth. ' Three weeks since, the Argus promised to give some of the offi cial acts of some of onr county of ficials an “airing.” As the Argus claims to be reproach for truth-telling, and incorruptable in a pecuniary way, and not to be in fluenced by any material compen sation in the way of printing, we ■;, ’ »V-' >■**•’» r-t .v-a> '* a ’ft--: Jet 5 i -*tv ; • i ? THE RADICAL : ' FBfchtlMhl? 14/1873. have been expecting tempest or a disastrous tratfri^n^ The Argus atmosphere has been threatening storm,the elements;have been butas yet there is, nip hprricanej; nothing but a tempest in ai tearpojjj.; Is tbe man who works absent from home ? or why It air? This seems to be an tfofivora? ble time for airing; the AtyUs ean’t raise the wind. ' EXtGovbbnob Geaby, who was recently released from the exact ing duties of official, life, now rests from all labors in the repose of death/ A large portion of hip ma tured life has’been spent in public service, in which he has filled with credit a variety of positions, wheth er as an officer in the army in Mexi co, or as first Alcalde Of San Fran cisco, or Governor of Kansas, or a General during the recent Rebellion, or finally as Governor of this Com monwealth. He was somewhat va cillating in purpose, kind°;hearted, egotistic, anxious to please having good intentions and consid erable force of character. The ser vices he has rendered his country, both in peace and War, will embalm him in the hearts of his countrymen and his fame will cherished while the names of some of his co temporaries, more gifted by nature perhaps, but less patriotic and use ful, will sink into oblivion. The Constitutional Convention drags its slow length along, and, un less it hurries up faster than it has been going, the members will be overtaken with financial distress, and on their knees to th.e Legislature, begging for a lew more crumbs of comfort. The diarrhea of words,with which the Convention is daily flooded, lias weakened rather than strengthened the confidence of the people in. the wisdom and ability of that august body to . produce any practicable, result. It has been long enough at work to have per fected a considerable _part bf a.con stitution, but has scarcely as yet done anything. Let, the Convention rest its volnable tongue a little and do more work. Shorten the speech-: es, lengthen the sessions and)pusb questions to a vote. 'lf unpaid bills* begin to trouble the repose of the members, unless they do something worthy of their position soon, the dear people will laugh at their ca lamities and mock when their fear cometh. The House has passed a bill in* creasing the fees of the Secretary of the Commonwealth) to ten dol lars per day. f FROM HARRISBURG. * Final Adjournment of the Legislature -Local Option-Beaver County Tem perance Besolutlons—Cross’s Tilt With tbe Speaker—Apportionment Bill—Beaver County Bills. Correspondence or the Radical. , > Harrisburg, Feb. 11,1873- Both Houses of the Legislature went to work in earnest last week, and it now looks as if the Legislature might adjourn tbe last of March or first of April. The House passed a resolution for fipal ad journment on tbe 29th of March, and if the Senate concurs, there will be more’ work done in tbe next few weeks than has been in the same time for years. The Local Option bili'tiras reported from the House Committee just as it passed the Senate, but it was not reached, and. will* not be taken up* before Wednesday. As it provides for election in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and other cities where the vote was not taken at tbe time of the municipal election, it should be passed at once, so that notice may be given and tbe people have.time to prepare for the Contest. It seems the temperance com mittee in your county have been passing resolutions denouncing the bill because it separates cities and counties In the vote on this question. It is very remark able that the committee should havc fall- en into this error, especially when a ma jority, as your correspondent Is Inform ed, consists of lawyers. 4 The. original act provides for a separate Vote, and the sup plement introduced is only declaratory pf thu ihw ? ls, it being alleged there was some obscurity, and because of this the efaemiee of tern peranoe in some of thb Pities where 'they held the power did nqt permit a vote on the question. Senator‘Fitch, who offered the amendment, is a life tong, consistent temperance man, and a, leader in every effort for reform in that direction in Sus quehanna county. HCiis one of the pur est men that ever occupied a seat in the Senate of Pennsylvania, a perfect model of a man in every particular, and yonr temperance men can trust Tiim ap implic- itly as they* can any living iman. Of course he may err as other men*but with .it# ; 'Tour; jft i" ** v s ■*' l' * '”* ■v 1 * *"~**! • -].*rr ->"\*'*’ *■; *f ~ , r ( correspondent tbteMdcH. d be* cause loformed SaßfttorFitch has temperanW men of yonr county, for do* ing wbat Inteflfgent frlends of the cause desired. ' > ' }ti in whichlooted, if the vole was ta&entogether the cities would giye w J^loxiSTJWi^ the "vote. <if Jhebalapce ofthe county. The objectTshould be to exclude the traffic from a% much territory as possible/and not permit a large county like Allegheny, to be cursed with the traffic In all its bor oughs and townships, becausePiltsburgh favored it Temperance men may differ' on this question however, but it is possi ble those who denounce she Legislature for trying to make the bill of last year plain and practicable, are more anxious to find fault than they are for. tbe success of this reform. >,■ y’~ In the House on Tuesday, Mr. CroSsr of your county, moved, to refer the bill giving one million of dollars to the Cen tennial Celebration, back totbe commit tee, because there was not a full meeting of the committee when it was decided to report the bill. This motion gave rise to a > warm discussion, during which the Philadelphia members exhibited much bad feeling. Mr. Cross acquitted him* self with great credit and his motion pre vailed by a large majority. The commit tee reduced the appropriation to half a million, and the House by a two-thirds vote refused to pass the bill. It looks now as if thisraid upon the Treasury was effectually checked, but it nay assume isome other form before the session closes. The apportionment bill will be report* ed in the Senate this week in all proba bility. It is now thought your district will be Bearer, Lawrence and Washing ton, and Butler, Armstrong and Venango. The Democrats Will get about eight dis tricts. They should bare ten, but the Re publicans have the power and w ill insist on exercising it to the utmost. The number of bills presented exempt ing property from taxation is increasing yearly and daily, and it is felt the time has come to. adopt a new policy on this subject. Fifty four millions of dollars worth of property in Philadelphia is now exempt from taxation, and every day bills are presented asking for additional ex emptions. The Finance Committee of the Senate reported a bill to-day repeal ing all laws exempting property, except ing only churches, school buildings, hos pitals, poor houses and charitable insti tutions. The hilt should be passed and then no special exemptions be subsequent ly permitted by the Legislature. The only local bills introduced from your county were in the Senate': a bill to . prevent destruction of fish in the waters of Beaver i County, by prohibiting seining for five years under penalty of fifty dol lars, an act repealing an act pf last winter, laying out a State road from Har kin's mill,-New Sewickly township, Bea ver county, to farm of Henry Rape in Butler county; and in the House repeal ing the act annexing the farm of D. Ehr man to Baden borongb. Governor Hartranft gave his first recep tion last night, and the ladies vote it a grand success. It was more largely at tended than any reception for years, and the guests were delighted with the Gov ernor and. bis lady. The mansion was finely decorated with flowers donated by friends in Harrisburg,' Philadelphia and Norristown. The collection of boquets sent by. Mr. Joseph Bollock, of Norris town, was said to be worth one thousand dollars. M. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Union Passenger Ballway—Meeting Called to Protest—Philadelphia Edi- tors—District Attorney Col. Mann— Constitutional Convention. Correspondence of tbe Radical. There is considerable excitement in this city today oyer the passage of the sup plement of the Union Passenger Railway, authorizing that company to run their cars on Market street from Ninth to Front, over the lines of the Market street company. The merchants between Ninth and Front streets on Market are alarmed lest another track will be laid, and thus the street be blocked so as to interfere with their business. A meeting has been called for this evening to protest against the bill being signed by the Governor. A similar bill was passed one year ago, but the Supreme Court held it unconstitu tional on the ground that the title did not express what the bill was, as required by the constitution. The bill was again passed this week through, both Houses with little or no opposition, and this is made the occasion of severe attacks; upon the Legislature by papers friendly to the Market, streat line. It ia hard to tell which is right in this matter, as it is only a fight ‘between" two ' corporations, in Which the stockholders areabout the only ones concerned. The Union line wants to run their passengers down to street without change of cars, and thus afford passengers greater accommodations, while the Market street line prefers the passen gers of the Union should be compelled to get out at Front street, and take their can, paying an additional fare to ride to Front street. Public convenience would require that tbe bill asked by the Union company should become a law, unless the are thereby Injured by the blocking up of Market street. The Union company propose to run their track over the track of the Market street company, Philadelphia, Feb. 8,1873, making ihelr line to correspond with the line of Market street cars, so as not to in terfere, and pay half the expenses of lay ing the track. This should be accepted and would be satisfactory, but unfortu; natelyit effects the : profits of the Market street company and the stockholders, among whom are the merchants and edi tors, and T they areop so there is a 'great hubbub, and the Legislature; is getting it-right and left in some papers, while others Indorse their action! The Philadelphia delegation' id both Houses were ahndtot a unit In favor of the bill asked for bjr the Union, only two out of eighteenopposinfg it In the House. 001. McGlurcvoted against if in the Senate because he lived in West Philadelphia on the Market street line, but .he made no opposition and was understood real ly ih favor of the bill. With the Phila delphia members all for the bill, the coun try members of course were compelled to favor it and the city delegation take the responsibility. On all merely local ques tions this is the rule, and It is right be cause only the immediate representatives can decide what should be done in their district on billsof this character. If the Philadelphia delegation misrepresented their constituents hold them responsible, and send better men in tbeir places the next time In this case the same men who voted for the bill last year were re turned, and this would indicate they did faithfully represent their constituents on this question. This is a fair sample of the kind of edi tors we have in Philadelphia, and the rea sons they have for abusing the Legisla ture as they do bn all occasions. When their private interests are involved they at once set about denouncing everybody as corrupt, without discriminating be tween the guilty and the innocent. In nine cases out of ten it may be taken for grapted that the Legislature is denounced without cause, and by editors who are in fluenced by interested and corrupt mo tives in doing so. There is a time little scheme on bands with some of oar politicians to remove the Eastern PenitenMary and sell the grounds in the city on wbicMt is located* If the bill passes in the shape it now is some one will pocket a large fortune at the expense of the public. The Peniten tiary should be removed, and the ground can be sold for a sufficient sum to buy a farm and put up new buildings if it is properly done. Let the sale be made pub licly by the merchants’ exchange after due notice has been given and after the buildings have been* erected. If sold now a fair price could not be realized, and that is the reason the parties having the bill in charge desire to sell at this time. Public sentiment forced the District At torny to try one of the gamblers, arrested by the Mayor, a member of the Council by the name of Linly. In selecting the jury the gamblers were fortunate enough to get one of their friends chosen, and the result is the jury has been out four days, standing eleven for conviction to one for acquittal from the first, and no prospect of an agreement. The gam bier’s friend is doing good service, and promises to remain out forever rather than agree to a verdict, although the evi dence of guilt is overwhelming. It is high time Col. McClure’s jury bill and other reform bills, were passed, and the courts and public offices cleansed of some of the rascals that fill and run them. Philadelphia. almost as .bad as New York ever was, and reform is as badly needed. The Mayor is doing his duty, but he is thwarted at every step by the Dis trict Attorney Col. Mann, whom the May or boldly charges with being in league with the gamblers and furnishing them protecction, for which he received thous ands of dollars yearly. Col. Mann filled the office for years, and finally the people rose in rebellion against him and com pelled him to retire for a time. He was again nominated under promise of reform and was returned as elected, although running thousands of votes behind his ticket, and being largely cut in the best wards and among the respectable citizens of the city. His administration is, if any thing, wgrse than before, and he can nev er be elected again to any office. The Constitutional Convention is still draggings its slow length along. From present appearances it will remain in ses sion until 1&74, and perhaps until the Centennial Celebration. A number , of the members were urging an increase of pay when a leading.member interposed an objection. He said he wanted to die at home, and if the Legislature increased their pay the Convention would never adjourn. The objection is so forcible that the Legislature will be sustain it. All of this week has been spent in list ening to long windy speeches in favor of woman suffrage. It is an. able Conven tion, but the disposition to talk cannot be restrained, and so far nothing practical has been done. Gen. White. Is abused for holding two places, yet he ia one of the most practical and nsefcl members of. the Convention and would be greatly missed if he would resign. The .news of Gover nor Geary’s sudden death created a pro found sensation, and- the Convention ad* journed out of respect. —TheMonirose Republican says: Tio ga county voted on the question of license, or no license, January 24th. The result was a majority of between 1500 and 2000 against license. That’s the way the peo ple look at the question. As Bradford and Tioga have decided, so will Susque hanna on the 21st of February. Ms Occasional; FROM WASHINGTON. [Correspondence ot the Radical.] Washington, D.C., Feb. 10.1873. The debate in the British parliament oa the award of the Geneva Tribunal has excited some attention here id official circles and Iheopinion is expressed that the Britisb Goverriraent *w ill execute faithfully the! stipulations of the treaty of Washington, notwithstanding the op. position manifested by Mr. Israeli and the Earl of Derby. THE CREDIT MOBILISE INVESTIGATION The select appointed by th e Senate to consider the evidence taken by the Credit Mobilier Committee affecting members of the Senate held a preliminary meeting on Saturday, tb discuss inform a% what Is the exact scope of the duty with which they are charged. * It met again on Monday morning, but nothing was done, for the reason that no complete copies of the testimony had been furnished- the committee, and it i 3 probable several days will be occupied in examining the evidence when submitted before a farther plan of action is deter mined. Oakes Ames, who Has been home raising money to meet his notes, has re turned, and will appear before Judge Poland’s committee to-morrow with , his memorandum book. Mg. Colfax win be allowed to offer the testimony which be" ‘ declares will show where the $1,200, de-‘ .posited in the First National Bank, came from. On Friday, Job Stevenson made an otbei effort to catch the Speaker in gome thing that Would be discreditable, bin only succeeded in patting himself in a most unenviable attitude. On the question of jurisdiction, the committee seem disposed to decide the House cannot proceed against those in volved. One member, however, is stren uously arguing that any Congress can punish one of its members for grave of fenses committed daring the previous Congress, provided the offense was not discovered arid made known until alter the election. Gen. Begley is fighting with mignt and main to defeat the bill to create a new judicial district in the Northern part of the State, .which would be mostly taken from the Western district. PATENT OFFICE STATISTICS, * & Commissioner Leggett, of the Patent Office, reports itbe receipts of bis Bureau during the calendar year 1872 as $699,720; expenditures, 665,595; and balance now in the Treasury to the credit of the office, $794,111. Eighteen thousand two bun* dred and forty-six applications have been filed, and thirteen thousand five hundred patents issued during the past year; tbe number of applications being fewer and of patents larger than in the previons year, as tbe Commissioner says t *iu const* q nence of the more thorough diffusion ol patent office intelligence and regulations, which has made tbe applications, through less in nnmber, much better in quality. The proportion of patents to the popula tion ranges from one in eight hundred and twenty-nine persons in Connecticut, to one in every forty-five thousand nine hundred and thirty seven in New Mexico. APPROPRIATIONS. The House Committee on Judiciary have reported, through Mr Butler, the following annual salaries to be hereafter allowed : • I President Vice President Chief Justice , Justice Cabinet Members Speaker of the House... Members of Congress... The River and Harbor bill, contains the following among the principal items for the West: Chicago harbor Fox and Wisconsin rivers St. Mary’s canal Toledo harbor Des Moines Rapids Rock Island Improvement of Mississippi, Missouri and Arkansas St. Louis and Alton harbor Ohio river— Falls or the Ohio Upper Monongahela Month of Mississippi Upper Mississippi Illinois river The Philadelphia raemhersjhave agreed upon a provision, which Mr. Myers has presented to the committee, asking for $200,000 to spend in improving the chan nel of the Delaware river, under the su pervision of the Secretary of War. . The friends of Secretary Delano are ex pecting him to be inade Secretary of the Treasury after the 4th of March. The March Fourth procession will be to' terestingto see, but when Nye leaves, who will remain to raise a laugh in the Senate, and when Cox goes, what ray of sunshine will enliven the dullness of the House. Both these witty fellows will be sadly missed by the next Congress; the House can fall back on Ben Butler, but what is to become of the “grave and rev erend Senators?” . —A Tribune correspondent in Tallahas see, Fla., writes: ‘‘After a bitter and ex citing struggle of eight days, the Senato rial contest in Florida has been ended by the election of Hon. S- B. Conover to suc ceed T* N. Osborn. Senator Conover a lifelong Republican; and was elected by a combination of Liberals, colored Re publicans, and Conservatives. In b' l ” election the ‘ring’ power here meet# ns death, and the State receives a chami '' l " whose honesty and integrity all acknowledge.” <! *50,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 8,000 * 1(0,000 . ,300,000 . 200,000 . 100,000 . 400,WD . 00.000 100.000 100,000 200.000 100,000 66.000 125.000 250.000 50.000