1 HISTORY OF THE BEAVEB VAL- CorregjxnideDce ofthePiltsburgh Gazette. f Beaver Valley, Dec., 1872. BEAVER. THE COUNTY SEAT. Beaver, the county seat of Beaver coun ty, is the oldest town in Beaver valley, having been laid out during the last cen tury, while yet the whole country around it was a “howling wilderness,** and the home of the wild beaks, native to this re gion. Though the life of the town has been an eminently quiet one, and scarce a ripple has been raised on its surface by the commotions and excitements incident to almost every other town In the valley, yet a partof its history, in Its aboriginal life, tradition inform ns, was characterized by some of the most romantic and daring adventures, and some of the most Interest ing incidents ever witnessed in this coun try. The bare mention of Beaver, thrown the mind back nearly a century, to the building of old Fort Mclntosh and to its subsequent career and history. Cluster ing around the history of that old Port, is found many an event or transaction of real life, that would lend an enchantment to the pen of the most gifted writer, and furnish the literary world with some of the brightest and intensely interesting works of romance and daring. For years the fort was occupied by soldiers and traders, some of whom had bouses on the outside, which they occu pied with tbeiir families, undergoing the privations of frontier life, and enjoying the excitements and sports attending it. It has been the theatre of many an ex ploit of the renowned Brady and his brave associates, and under the inspira tion of hotly contested chase after the “red skins," some of the most consum mate skill and sublimest bravery that the world ever saw was there displayed. Who has ever shown a nobler or more self sacrificing human spirit than the rough frontiersman, who, to save from captivity and death a neighbor woman, rushed into the very jaws of death, and defying the guns of a troop of savages, carried her off in safety to camp, and re stored her to her home ? HEROIC DEEDS IN EARLY LIFE. Where has there ever been a more for cible illustration of brotherly love, than that of a man—supposed to be devoid of all the finer feelings of humanity, raised and trained amjd the wild scenes of back woods life, —who, when his comrade was wonnded onto death, rather than leave him to the mercy of the savages and a victim to the scalping knife, picked up his shattered body and carried him off, followed by a horde of fierce savages, with their demoniacal yells and brandish ed tomahawks! But such things did oc cur. Another interesting incident is re lated, occurring at Fort Mclntosh about the year 1781, which must close this series of personal adventure. There were three brothers living at the fort by the name of Bevington, the eldest of whom had a family living in a bouse of their own. The three brothers were absent from home upon one occasion. The wife and child of the eldest were at the house; the other two bad not then married. A hired tman was ploughing in a field close by the house. Sometime during the day a neighbor came up to the door on horse back, and was talking to Mrs. Bevington. Wbilst'he sat on the horse chatting with her, they heard a gun go off. The labor er came running toward the bouse. The neighbor instantly dismounted, took the saddle and bridle from bis horse aud turned him loose. There were two In dians pressing the wounded laborer hard;, Mrs. Bevington and the neighbor entered the house, determined to keep the door ajar until the poor fellow could enter, and then instantly close it. After entering she missed her youngest child. The no ble-hearted settler seized a gun and rushed out after it; as he went the wounded man passed him. He attempted to shoot one of the Indians as be came up, but his gun snapped. He ran toward the child, de termined to rescue it or die. ‘When he got close by it, one of the savages was upon him. He instantly clubbed his rifle and knocked him down over a hog trough, seized the child and bore it in triumph into the house. The Indian was severely hurl by the blow, and he, and bis companion made off rapidly, taking care to keep a cover between their bodies and the port holes of the bouse. Mrs. Bevington shouted to them in tones of de rision “Not to be in a hurry, to come bach,” but they retreated, intent upon escaping punishment. Upon the abandonment of Fort Mcln tosh, the fields that had been cleared, again became a part of the wilderness. LATIHG OUT BEAVER. History famishes us with the following information relative to the laying oat of the town of Beaver: “By the act of September 28th, 1791, Thomas Mifflin, the Governor of the State at that time, was instructed to be caused to be surveyed 200 acres of land in town lots, near the mouth of Beaver creek, on or near the ground where the old French town stood, and also 1,000 aores adjoining, on the upper side there*' of, as nearly square as might be, in outlets, not less than five nor more than ten acres each. By the same act, 500 acres were granted for an Academy. Daniel Leet surveyed the town plot.” The probable motive at that day for lo cating the county seat at a distance from the great manufacturing advantages at the falls, was the existence of the well known shoal just below the mouth of LEY. [Paper No. 6.] Beaver, a difficult and dangerous passage to the keel boats and other craft in use at that day. By the location here the town v?as accessible alike to the lower and up per trade, and the obstructions them selves would probably throw considerable business in the place. Samuel Johnston first settled at Beaver in 1796. He kept an inn bn the bank of the river, near. Port Mclntosh. In 1860, the town was made the seat of justice, and incorporat ed, March29th, 1802. Among the early settlers, we find re corded the names of such men as James Allison,: Thomas Henry, Joseph; Hemp hill,"James Lyon, Samuel Lawrence, men of honor and character, and who, though no# at rest with their are yet re membered with sacred reverence by the generations following them. Their in tegrity of character, intellectual ability, and moral worth, have left us some of the substantial and leading men of our conn-: ty. It wbuld probably be invidious to mention the names of any of these worthy descendants, when it is remembered that all of them are held in the highest esteem by their neighbors, and some of whom have occupied high places of trust and honor, at the hands of the country, and State, and fellow-citizens. At the time of the incorporation of the town the whole region was a dense wild erness of trees and saplings, as indeed was nearly the whole of the entire valley. It is related with great interests by those who were boys at the time, ho# the mill ing used to be done in those days, when there was but one mill for all, located above New Brighton, and called "Wolfs Mill.” There was a single, narrow, road cut through the forest leading to the mill, over which tbe good old fathers of the olden time, used to carry their wheat on horseback to be ground, and return with the flour. It is hard for one in this val ley of mills, where tons of wheat are ground daily, to now comprehend that ever such a time existed, except in imagi nation. EARLY INDICATIONS OF CIVILIZATION. The first officer in the county at the courts was David Johnson, a man of high literary attainments, and great ability, who was appointed as first Protbonotary by Governor McKean. Mr. Johnson was the pioneer of education in this western conntiy, and sacrificed an immense amount of valuable property, nearly all his possessions, under the patriotic im pulse of giving to the neglected of his country the principles of education. The court was held at that time in a little log cabin standing on the bank of the river* not a great distance from Fort Mclntosh. It is to be regretted that no incidents of the early courts can now be had, as they would no doubt be very interesting. Bor der justice is not proverbial for its gravi ty, and we read of many ludicrous occur rences in Western Pennsylvania, daring the sitting of some of the courts in early times. Beaver remained mostly a wildernes fur a long series of years, no building of any consequence being done until about 1810 or 1812. A court was erected in 1810, of brick, by Percifer Taylor as con tractor, to which an addition was put in 1846. The original structure, though isjxty-two years of age, bears its years well and looks good for as many more to come. A jail was built in 1812 which stood a great many years, but was suc ceeded by a fine sand stone structure built in 1856. What the court did for a place fqr criminals up to 1813, history does not inform us, but it may be that they were confined in a part of the court house—the old log building. Or it may be that prisoners In those days had more respect for the dignity of the law than is now shown, and gracefully obeyed its sentence until released by proper order. Outside of these two buildings to meet the ends of justice, but little improvement of any consequence took place. Here and there amid the gloomy grandeur of the forest trees, an bumble . residence was erected for the accommodation of the plain people, who dug from the unwil ling soil its roots and brush and forced it to supply their wants, and there laid the foundation for the future greatness and comfort of a people not so plain in costume or living. A “BEAR STORY.” But very little progress of any kind was I made until about 1828 or 1830. As an in stance of the wildness of parts of the coun try, I give place to a “Bear Story,” oc curring in the year 1828. The hero of the adventure was Mr. David Johnson, a son of the first Protbonotary. Mr, John son loved the sport and excitement of hunting and was accustomed to range through the woods on the edge of the town, and secure the wild game which was quite plenty. On this occasion, be prepared his trusty rifle, and started forth. His course lay in the direction of the upper part of Bridgewater, then Sharon, where there was an excellent hunting ground. He had wondered around a while in the woods, when, to his astonishment, he found coming toward him ready for fight, a bear of very large size. There were two courses open for Johnson to pursue, to fight or run. He decided to give him one shot and make for home. This be did, when the bear followed him with more than agreeable energy. Johnson had a little’dog, which kept the bear an noyed by nipping at his heels, and thus retard the progress of Bruin and allowed Johnson tojjkeep in the advance. His line of retreat lay toward the street of I Beaver, now leading out to Fallston. At theeds'oif^ boose, rad fortunately tie ’‘‘man of the house”waeatwork obK L '’aibr: companled by a large dog Ho 'saw the approach ng hear and got his gon from the house, by which time the man and bear were in front *of his house. The presence of another actor on the scene of conflict, and an ’ additional dog* at his heels, potthe bear on the defehsiVe, and he commenced a lively retreat toward the river.: s As/he passed through the town, its qnietjstreets were enlivened by the' barking of dogs, thescreamingiofwomen, the faallooof the boys and the cheers of 1 the men, and the worst scared bear of the lOthcentury. The bear got to the irlWct edgeand took to the water forsecurity. Three or four men immediately boarded a ■ ‘dug put,” and started' in pursuit. The' bear nms r overtaken,' but war entirely equal to the occasion. When the boat overtook him, he very quietly * clambered over the side and took possession, the pursuers giving up and surrendering' their bpat “unconditionally.” Bruin very knowingly eyed the crowd on shore, as if in exaltation over hiseasy victory, bat was soon brought to terms, after several bullets had been lodged in him, when he was brought ashore i and dis posed of. MORE IMPROVEMENTS. After this date, improvements, were more rapidly made, and several fioebo lid lags erected daring tbe succeeding years. Up to the breaking out of the late war, three educational institutions had been put up, two or three churches, and a good substantial newspaper was in full operation. In 1861 the United Presbyte rian Church, and in 1863 the public school building were erected. Indeed, tbe last ten years of the history of tbe town, have been its most progressive, during which period it has been modern ized and relieved very much of tbe stiff ness and primness of its early life. Tbe people step a trifle livelier, as if they "meant business,* 1 and altogether it has put bn quite a business air. It is fast losing the reproach that used to be at tached to it on account of its quiet and seemingly general lassitude. People no longer say of Beaver, “It’s your county seat," and then look as if they were ashamed to mention the fact ; but on tbe contrary Us a “high day,” when the towns and townships send their beauty and wit to tbe various county gatherings, and old Beaver is then respected. But Beaver has much to learn from tbe other valley towns, and they can, in their high estimate of themselves, if they will, learn much to their profit from the good, staid, model town of Beaver. VEBY SENSITIVE PEOPLE. The solidity of wooden persons is far from being exhilarating, but it is less troublesome than the sensitiveness ol the thin skinned folks who are always shying at something, tike a horse that pricks up bis ears and jumps half across the road at a heap of stones or a broken fence-rail. This unhappy class are forever having their feelings hart. When you are trying your best to suit them, they somehow get slighted and when you are doing your best to make them happy, you succeed somehow in making them wretched. If you make a little dinner' company, and they are left out, they 1 feel hurt, and then, if you make another little company and they are invited, they feel hurt again, be cause they don’t meet some who wfere in the company. If yon set them right in a matter of fact, they are agrieved, and If you set them right in a matter of argu ment, the wound is about incurable. And decided difference in opinion, however frankly and pleasantly urged brings the red blood into the clouded brow, and you feel very sorry, for there was no malice prepense. You are surprised to find that you* sensitive friend has been brooding, and if of the gentler sex, weeping for months, over something wh icb, for your life; you can’t remember. It is a misfor tune to be absent or short sighted, for you may be habitually cutting and lacer ating these sensitive spirits without know ing it, and their unhappiness is just as real. They must always be individualiz ed and specially treated. Their corns are i always in the way and in your awkward endeavors to step around them, you have already trod them in so excruciating a manner that the most abundant apologies only make the matter worse. We have, as like as not, already wound ed the feelings of some very sensitive people who may feel themselves particu larly alluded to in this article, and hesi tate about going on. But if it will at all diminish in their minds the poignant sense of the cruelty of what has been said, we will add that dyspepsia is gen erally more to blame than they are them selves, the fault is not apt to be so much in their dispositions as in their livers; Ro bust health, a great deal to do, and daily exercise in the open air, avoiding [tattlers as you would mosquitoes, and tearing yourself away from whisperers if it takes every button off your coat, but always stopping to greet the man who langbs —that is to say, who laughs contagiously and abominably—this is excellent for very sensitive people. This is what is the mat ter with not a few clergymen who are tco thin-skinned and lose too much sleep over “peculiar trials,’*—they don’t take exer cise enough, they live too many hours in close studies, hugging air tight stoves, they don’t knock about enough among humanity at large,— publlcans and sinners in the open air. —Springfield Re publican. /, 'i- '5 Beaver. ■ " ■•: "' " ;”T,: -[ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, TOLEDO, OHIO. ORGANIZED IN A PRIL, 18 72. PAID UP CAPITAL - -n *130,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Hok. W. W. JONES Hon. C. H. BCHIBNER, Hon. C. A. KING, Hon. W. A, COLLINS WM. BAKES, S; H, BERGEN, C. H. COY, C. L. LUCE, perry orabbs, J. R. 8 WIG ART, ROBERT CUMMINGS, JOHN CUMMINGS, L. T. THAYER, FRED EATON, J. R. OSBORNE, WagEr SWAYNE, CLARENCE MORRIS, J. W. ROSS, PELEG T. CLARKE, W. S. WAITE, CHAB. COCHRAN OFFICERS. a H. BERGEN, President. F. J. KING, Vice President, CHARLES COCHRAN, Secretary. J. P. ARIS, Assistant Secretary. * W. W. JONES, Medical Examiner, WILLIAM BAKER, Attorney. THE TOLEDO MUTUAL WILL ISSUE ALL THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF POLICIES USUALLY ISSUED BY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES, At the usual rates charged by other Reliable Companies . Those insuredm this Company are permitted to travel by, the nsnal routes, to or trom any portidh of the Western Hemisphere, north of and includ ing the United States, or to or from any portion of Europe,and to reside wJthin said limits of travel, without extra charge. AN EXCELLENT FEATURE. UPON SURRENDER OF AN ORDINARY LIFE POLICY At any time after the payment of one ONE FULL ANNUAL PREMIUM, The holder of such policy will be entitled to jnst AS MUCH PAID UP INSURANCE . As any other man of like age can OBTAIN FOR A GASH PREMIUM Bina] to the VALUE OF THE POLICY, Computed In accordance with the rate of Mortality and Interest Which may have been adopted as the standard of the State for the VALUATION OF LIFE POLICIES - i ' -- x F. J. KING, E. W, E..KOCH, DUNLAP, J. F., Attorney at Law. Office in the Court-house, Beaver, Pa. All legal bnsi ««« promptly atteuaed to. niya’TiHy V : IJURVIS J. H., dealer; In Fancy Dry Goods, JT Choice Groceries, and Notions.. (Specialty— Teaand Sugar.) Flour, Feed, and Woooen-ware, comer of Taira apd Bufialo street*, Beaver, Pa. , noVim MoNUTT, Db.J.S., PbVsician and Subqeon. Special attention paid to treatment of Fe male Diseases. Residence and office .on Third suedt, a few doora west ofthe Court-House. : ... . ■ . aprUM’Tl-ly ALLISON, THUS., dealer in Pry Goods and Groceries, cor Third and Elk sts. Jy29’7o WYNN A., dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries. Alsp.Civil Kagineer. and Land Surveyor, ThlrdiSSeL jyS9’7o CLARK J. fi., duller in Groceries and Provis ions. Third street. ; , • . jyffireo ONITGKH S. A CO., dealer in Groceries and Pro- O vlalons, Thlrd street. ' ' " BEACOM Mbs. 8. H.„ dealer In Millinery Goode and Trimmings, cor tldst. and Diamond. jyl» ANDREESSEN HUGO; dealer in Drngs and Med icines, 8d st. Bee advertisement. jy29’7o MOOREJ., dealer in Drugs and Medicines, Third street. Jy29’7o fpALLON ROBERT, manufacturer and dealer in X Boots and Shoes, Third street. Jy39'7V MBRTZ H., manufacturer and dealer in Boole and Shoes, Third street. Jp29’7o TXT ALTER P M Baker and Confectioner, north- Tv east comer of the Diamond. Jy29TO 1 NBHUTZ O. It., dealer in Tin, Copper and 1 1 Sheet Iron Ware, Third street. Jy29’7o McKINNEY D., M. D., Physician and Surgeon; Office on Third street, opposite The Radical building. jy29’7o KUHN E. P.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office on Third street. jy29’9o H.HICE. HUNK WILSON. H. B. KOOBE. HICE, WTLSQN & MOORE. Attorneys at Law Office: Rear of the Court-house. BOYD J. M. & CO., Millinery, Dressmaking, and Children’s Clothing, opposite Burst's, Bridge water, Pa. aprl9-72 LEVIS JOHN C„ M. D„ Surgeon and Physician. Office, dating the day, corner Bridge and Wa ter streets; at night at his residence on Watei street. augß’7o YOUNG J. 6., Baker and Confectioner, Market street. Bread and Rnsk deliverrd, il de sired. aagS’7o HURST a. C., dealer in Dry Goods. Bats and Caps, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trimmings. Bridge street. jy29’7o STILES & CO., dealers In Provisions and Ouqnsware. Bridge street. jy29’7o MULHEIM 8., dealer in Carpets, Oil Cloths and Variety Goods, Bridge street. jy29’7o PORTER JAMES, dealer In Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, and Iron Cistern Pomps. Bridge street. Jy29’7o pLATTNER C., manufacturer and dealer in L> Boots. Shoes. &c.. Bridge street. auo29-ly DONCASTER HOUSE, opposite Railroad Sta tion, D. Wolf, Proprietor. Fro Bono Pub lico. [novis-iy SMITH, JOHN F., (New Store,) dealer in Gro ceries, Flour, Feed, Nails, Varieties and No tions, best qualities and lowest prices. New Brighton and Washington streets, Rochester. aug2,72-ly BRIsBIN MRS..’ Millinery, Fashionable Dress making, and Ladles’ Furnishing Goods, first door above Cross’s store. New York street, Ko cfaestor. Pa. f0c27’71-ly SPEYE&ER & SONS, wholesale .and retail deal err in Dry Goode, Groceries, Floor, Grain. Boat Stores, Iron, Nails. Water st.' oci7 v 7O Rose w. a., u.d., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. sept23’7o O ATMAN & CO., (successors to Oatman, Par sons & Kinzer) dealers in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. selii’7o BEISEL, Mrs. M. L., dealer :n Books, Stafonery, Newspapers, Periodicals, Fancy Goods and Wall Paper. Diamond. seltTTB BEISEL H. 8., dealer in Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Diamond. SCHROPP CHA.S., manufacturer of and dealer in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roofing, spouting, KING Mrs. E., Miliner and dealer In Dry Goods. Notions, Queeneware, &c. Corner Main and Bakefst. Bept23’7o. TVJNKEt W. W., manufacturer of and dealer o 5 1 , 800 , t - Shoes, Gaiters, &c. Corner Race and Main st a. . sept23'7o CLARK Mbs. R. 8., dealer in Millinery, Fancy Goods and Notions. Main st. seSO'TO Db. j. r. L., dealer in Drugs, Medicines, \J Perftunery, *• *. United Presbyterian—Rev j r Services every Sunday at 11 * m ‘j oo - p aa, Sunday School at 9a. k ' M " “d tyrj Methodist Episcopal-Rev Willism u Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 f „ H ' m Sunday School at 9a. n J A CWAofkr-Rev. M. Gnnkle, P.-iest. S - n - w 2d Sunday of each month at 10 A „ C : ASSOCIATIONS. 8 St. James Lodge A. Y. M.. No 4>y:_« „ W.M., J. Morton Hall,Secretary. Meetspfe day of each month. J Occidental Lodge, LOi O.F.+No 720- a „ N. G„ J. N McCreery, Secretary Friday evening. Ult evfj Banking House— Thomas McCreery, BRIDGEWATER, CHURCHES Methodist Episcopal Rev. D I >. / Pastor. Services every Sunday at tou .' 7p. m. Sunday School at 9 a « * "-‘tf Presbyterian^- Rev. Jas.M. Shields. P^ tnr ces every Sunday at 11 a. m., and tt p « r t day School at 9* a. m. ” M - Sa Methodist Episcopal ( Colored) r . , Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a » p. m. Sunday School at 9a. m. A. M. E. Zion {Colored}— Rev Lyons p . Services every other Sunday at li 1 £ t 0 ASSOCIATIONS Enola Lodge, I. O. 6. T. So um. ter, W. C. tZ Tillie Moo&l Friday evening in their hall above A c Dry Good Store. , ' nßrK i Beaver Lodge , I. o.‘o. F., Eo sat- , McCabe, G., David/Woodruff, every uesday evening. eißr J. nuej Harrison Graham Encampment r n n v r 116—D. Shumaker, C. P„ Mon™ Woodruff, Scribe, meets Ist and "d rl!,,' h P " 11 tags of each month in Odd FeliouA Hah da} tTe; ' BOCHESTEB. c s CHCBCIiES. Episcopal— Service!, even rinndav «ihU , Methodyst Episcopal— Rev T S u‘ . Services- every Sunday at 10* a! m., aLd?’ 1 * 8 ? 8 SnndaySchool at 2 p. m. ~ B - Methodist Episcopal , (German] \ R e v vn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10* A m p. Mi Sunday School at 9a. m. * ” Lutheran— Rev. H. Keck. Pastor. Seivi««. - 4 - “ • 7 -• *«5 / First German Evang. -Lutheran, St p» n r. Church—Rev. P. Bonn, Pastor Services e«n other Sunday at 2p. m. Sunday School at i»? Catholic—Rev. Mr. Gunkle. Priest, gerete/i ery fourth Sunday of each month, at 10 a m every Thursday at 8* a. m. ’ ‘ “* ASSOCIATIONS. Amaranth Lodge, I. 0. G. T \ 0 fc R Blanchard, W. C. T.; Emil Smith' W * Meets every Wednesday even’g in ('omvr-V'cn.i Rochester Lodge , A. Y. M„ Ao. 229— /’r 1C dleton, W. M., John Conway, Sec’y. Meet* Am Friday before full moon. ‘ erejJ Eureka. Chapter R. A. Mr, No. 167. meet? rfiu. sonic Hall on first Wednesday after full moor' i E. H. P., S. B. Wilson ; Secretary, John Coivjj FREEDOM. CHURCHES. A Methodist Episcopal Church— Rev.E.B Webste Paetor. Services every other Sunday at iott 4. u and alternate Sundays at 7 p. m. Sunday Sclod at 9 a. m. M.E. Oermtn— Rev. Mr. Zerkel, Pastor Servi ces, alternate Sundays at 104 a. m. Sunday Schod at 9 A. M. Rresbyterian— Rev. Wortman, Pastor Servi ces every Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7 p. x. snadi? School at 9 a. m. German Lutheran—Rev. Mr. Born, Pastor. So vices every other Sunday at 10 a. m„ and altenuta Sundays at %p. m. Sunday School at9a . n. .Friends —Meeting at 11 a. m. every Sunday. Catholic— Rev. J. C. Bigham, Priest. So meet, let, 3d and sth Sundays each month at 104 a. a. Sunday School every Sunday at 24 p. a. Church ot Ood —ReV. McKee. Pastor. Ser vices every Sunday at 10 a. m., and 7p. a. Sunday School at 84 a. m. • Baptist —Rev. Dr. Winters, Pastor. Services et-; ery Sunday at 10 a. m. and 7 p. x. Sunday Schod at , . United Presbyterian —Rev. A. G. Wallace, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 104 a. x. and 7r. 1. Sunday School at 84 a. m. 0. S. Presbyterian—Rev. B. C. t’ritohlow. Pastor. Services every Sunday at 104 a. m. and 7 p. a. Sunday School at 84 a. m. Episcopal—Rev. J. P. Taylor, Rector Service! at 104 a. Ml and 3p. h. Sunday School at a.«. Seats tree, and all are cordially invited. First Methodist Church— Rev. F. S. Crowther, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10 a. m. and? p. m. Sunday School at 84 a. m. Methodist Episcopal —Rev. J. R. Mills. Pastor, Services every Sunday at 10 a. m. and 7 r. h. She- 1 day School at S 4 a. m. ■» ASSOCIATIONS. yew Brighton Lodg<. /. O. O. T.. So. 301— E. H Alexander, W. C. T., Lydia E. Johnson. W. S. Meets every Thursday evening. " j Robertson Lodge. J. O. O. F.. .\o. i'lO-Henij Lloyd. N. G., N. G. Taylor, Secretary. Meets every Monday evening. Union Lodge. A. Y. M. So. 259-R. L. MscGojr an, W. M., R. Covert. Secretary. Meets Ist an(U« Tuesdays of each month. National Bank Beaver County— John Miner. Presi dent Edward Hoops, Cashier, Broadway. Banking Mouse—R. E. &H. Hoopes, Broadway. Young Men's Library Association— Joseph Bert ley. President; Hiram Platt, Secretary. Meet? every Friday evening. beaver falls. CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal—Key. J. R. Roller. Pastor. . m. Metnodisi-'Rev . J. F. Dyer Pastor. seme* every Sunday at 11 a. M., and 7.p. m - JL meeting every Wednesday evening. Sunday Albert Dilworth Pastor.^er vicea every Sunday at 11 a. m.. and 7 H r- Sunday School every Sunday at 9H o'clock at same r.app T, Noble, Sup t. Ijhited Presbyterian— Rev. J. I. Frazier, pastor Services on Sabbath at o'clock, a m and P « sabbath-school at 2>-£p m. ASSOCIATION S. Beaver Valley Lodae . A. Y. if., dW-MeeU ever? second and fourth Monday of each month. H Grim, W. M-; Wm. Bower. S. W.; J. L B. Da» son. S. W.; 8.31. Hawkins, Treas; Ch. Sloher.^ m Harmony Chapter, 206. Mee> s first Monday eart month. B. A.Noble, 8.P.; W.H.Grlinu K : linson, 8.: P. MartsollTreas.; H. C. PatterwnSeC. mey kho Lodge, I. 0. 0. E, A’g. Hoorn N. 0., James M. Nugent, siec’y. Meets every Thursday evening ut 7% o clock. JZco ‘Omy Savings Institute— Henry Hice, Pre* k John Reeves, Cashier. seBo’7o PHILLIPBBI7RG. CHURCHES. _ ... Methodist Episcopal—Ko\. Huddleston Fa-tor. Services, 10i4 o’clock, .and evening, o crow. Sunday School everjr Sabbath at 2 p. “• Lutheran-German— Rev. Mr. Bonn, W* Scrvicefiievery other Sabbath Sabbath School at 4 o’clock. AVwlwA-Rev, w Jacobs, Pastor. Services every other Sabbatn » Pennsylvania Inetitnte for Soldiers Orphans. »* vices In Chapel at 2 o’clock, and lecture a '" evening at 7 o’clock’ Sabbath School at iw* o’clock. H»«rtofij. NEW BRIGHTON. CHURCHES.