’ f 4 81A.V45& MDIGAL the -s * V ' -'sf ■■ • ' ’ . c - ' ’ ’ ' . SMITH CURTIS, Rditob. BEATERPAm ' 'Friday Moraind, February 7, 18T3. The times are optof joint, Po litical and social circles are agitat ed from ; center : .circumference, and the whole, stirred,; by some recuperative moral force. The corruption of the’ Tammany Ring brok& out like a had *ssre and baa been sloughed offo / The Credit Slobilier is another indication of the purifying processes. The «r and Tilton scandal has reveale^f glimpses of social impurity that so*| eiety is afraid to have aragged it* the light. In Louisiana; such a con dition of things has been reached that it is doubtful whether any Re publican form of government re mains to the people, while in sev eral other States the matter is not much better. In the North, by • means of Congressional investiga tion, the Kansas Senatoral election, individual instances of bribery and corruption have been disclosed that are simply astonishing, until the people are almost afraid to look into the morning papers for fear of read ing‘other more crushing exposures. What does it all mean? Whither are we drifting ? When such Chris- tian statesmen as Vice President Colfax, Senators Pomeroy and Pat terson, Judge Kelley, James Brooks, Dawes, of Massachusets, and others of less note fall before the mammon of unrighteousness, who then, we may anxiously Inquire, is safe ? and what shall be the remedy for all this? The men above named are among the best in the nation in morality, mental ability and general accom plishments, and if they could not resist the temptation of soiling their reputations by taking Mobilier stock, the people will despair of finding any who, under similar cir cumstances, will do better. The fault lies deeper than in individual weakness or cupidity; it inheres in our methods and the looseness of public morals. Money brings influ ence and respectability to men, ir respective of the means by which it was acquired. Material interests are pushed ahead out of all propor tion to the moral development of the people. The sense of honor and honesty are blunted, and greed, av arice cupidity are as keen as a Da mascus blade. Individuals differ in these respects, Jbut the difference is of degree, not of kind, and those only are hekt to be unfortunate who are caught iq wickedness and exposed. The church Is no better off. Its seCist, unwritten history, if ( uncovered, Would, we presume, ■ show that the same materialism is dominant within the sanctuary that rales so vigorously in the State. Church and State are so intimately related that the morality of one will not be far in advance of the other. MV The recent disclosures of moral cow- ardice, hypocrisy, infidelity, bri- bery, corruption on a large scale are certain symptoms of disease in the body politic, and the disclosures or eruptions are an effort of nature to purify the system. ful signs and we believe in letting in the light. The Woodhulls. the Ameses and the Yorks are useful creatures, for by means of such as these nothing that is now hid shall remain covered up, that is necessary to a fall understanding of what is going on, both in morals and politics. It would be a singular turn of events if these recent disclosures of corruption were the beginning of a political revolution ta place woman, the superior sourcd'of moral power, on an equality, politically, with man. There must bo* introduced some power into the management of Governmental affairs that will sup plant the now dominant material tendencies of which man is the natural representative. But just drew that new energy shall be in troduced, and the public conscience renewed, is now a matter of con- jecture. It doubtless is true that women have not yet conceived the things that are in store for them, that now they are reluctant to enter upon a larger sphere of usefulness; -but the time may soon come when the necessity of preserving this £lorious inheritance of freedom will f ' * EXPOSURES. These are hope- politics, in orders by their superior choice, to secure freedom .fro m lin minent peril, and reconstrhct our institutions upon an enduring ba sis. . Vf hat shall be, doth not appear;' but we will see what we will see. There seems to be no doubt that Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas, was defeated in the Kansas Legislature in the' contest for United Stated Senator, by making inSe of corrupt means to secure his election. ; Ac cording to,Senator York, a Republi can member of the State Senate,Pom eroy made a bargain wlih him for |slPo(|4o Uti&ort,., pay ill next :4ftnr he had'' |M|| Iriigaui was. entered loco on the part of Senator York for the purpose of disclosing the affair in ; the Legislature, and thus accomplish Pomeroy’s defeat. The plot was well planned and exe cuted. ‘ York went to Topeka as a strong anti-Pomeroy man, was persuaded to have an interview with him in the presence of others, and the con versation turned upon the Ross let ter, York putting the question di rect, “Did you or did you not, Mr. Pomeroy, write the letter signed with your name and directed to W. W. Ross, and having reference to certain profits in Indian goods ?” After some evasion he answered, “I did not write the letter,” where upon in an outburst of indignation York called him an infamous scoun drel or the worst defamed man that ever stepped on Kansas soil, and the interview abruptly ended. A day or so afterward he was importuned to accord Mr. Pomeroy a private interview, and after consulting with his friends in the capacity of a self constituted detective, he met him secretly at the Tafft House, where the bargain as above stated was made,the disclosure of which “knock ed the noise cut” of Pomeroy’s pros pect to be United States Senator for the next six years. Notwithstand ing, Senator Pomeroy has in a card to the public asked a suspension of judgment, there appears to be but little doubt as to the truth of the charges, and Senator York’s disclo sure and speech made such an im pression upon the legislature that only a few had courage enough to give Pomeroy a vote, if any others felt so inclined. His defeat was sim ply crushing, and the means used, though those of the secret service, were perhaps under the circumstan ces not only justifiable but honora ble, at any rate they have the merit of being well adapted to the end sought. Thb Republican party is under obligations to improve the civil ser* vice and elevate the standard of po- litical morality. justly hold their representatives ac- countable for the manner in which they discharge their public duties in these respects. In Congress and in the several State Legislatures the Republican party is fulfilling its pledges, and going forward tri umphantly in the work of purifica- tion and reform. Kansas has made a record of which any State might well be proud, and her Senator York deserves the applandits of his party as well as of the whole nation for his successful strategy and splendid integrity displayed in this Senatori- al contest. It is stated that President Grant has assured a delegation of south erners, that after the adjournment of Congress he will make an ex tended Southern tour, visiting Richmond, Raleigh, Columbia, Charleston, Mobile and New Or leans, returning by way of Memphis,. Nashville and Louisiana. Such a ‘‘swing around the circle” would af ford the President many advantages for gaining political information In regard to some of the Southern States that he otherwise could not gel. " The condition of Southern poli tics is not very encouraging, to say the least, and if General Grant, by visiting the Southern people and conversing with them, can do any thing towards restoring peace, and bringing order out of chaos, then a tour, such as he is said tocontem plate, will result not only in pleasure to himself, but in permanent good to the whole Vcountry. r The people will THE R v- diraly : con * taming a Lord’s Prayier, which Its friend Sana* uel so kindly presented to the statements might hereafter appear to aoCbtd with truth, and its coarse Lastweek wasremarkable for the her of appeals made to the Legislature; for appropriation sofmpney out of the | State ,«easary to aid different enterprise*, and mostly in Philadelphia. 1 First name representing United States Centennial Committee and ' city Cnuncil of Philadelphia, asking for ! W BtiUkip>ffol|ra «n tfie Ctfhlennial I CCtebt&il? Morrell was Chairman of the delegation, and HonV'EU K. Price, of ,Philadelphia, was one of the conspicuous members. After presenting the claims of the Centennial to the mem bets of the Legislato re in the hall of the House of Representatives, the committee requested the presence of the Solons whq.hoid thekey to the Treasury, at the Lochiel Hotel, where, a sumptuous repast was provided,with wine and other refresh ments in abundance. Before the guests had departed it was ascertained that the fifty or more wise men in the delegation, who acted as hosts on this occasion, fear ing Harrisburg could not afford anything suitable for such delicate stomachs as their#, had ordered the supper in Phila delphia; and that it was sent to Harris burg prepared for the table. The propri etor of the Lochiel was delicately inform ed that all he bad to do was to furnish the room and the table, even his dishes not being considered suitable for such an occasion. Every servant in the house was demanded to serve op what was cooked one hundred miles from this city, and open the boxes of wine, whisky and brandy imported from the city of Brotherly Lov f» to open the eyes of country mem bers to the importance of aiding that city in bet effort to outstrip Ne w York three years hence. The effort was a little over done however. Members of the Legisla ture, accustomed to Harrisburg living and drinking, were indignant that the Capital and its leading hotel should be snubbed so publicly by men who were here asking favors and who feasted at the public’s expense. It was evident that the feast was. prepared not. only to astonish 4od capture the unsophisticated country men, but more especially to gratify the appetites and tastes of those composing the delegation, whose stomachs were not made to digest Harrisburg food. The impressions left upon the members was anything but favorable, and the cause they advocated was injured rather than promoted. To make it Worse Mr. Hunter, proprietor of the Lochiel. refus ed to charge for the use of bis rooms or servants, on the ground that gentlemen who were so poor or mean as to carry their food with them when they went to a public house, were too poor or mean to pay for anything else they required. While the object is a worthy one, the money, demanded is exorbi tant, and the Legislature cannot afford to appropriate on|fe million of dollars for a celebration in Philadelphia so long in ad vance, especially when there are so many demands on the Treasury, and when so many interests are justly demanding re lief in the way of reduced taxation. If the Legislature should appropriate, say fifty thousand dollars this year and in crease the appropriation as demanded, the people would not object, but a mil lion at a time can’t be thought of. After the Centennial delegation came the Professors and Trustees of Jefferson College,, asking for one hundred thousand dollars for their hospital. They asked this amount because the University was given that amount last year. They ar gued that the Jefferson was the largest college on the continent, having more students, and of course making more moneythat a hospital was a necessity, and to meet this necessity they kept open a free hospital where poor people were operated upon without charge, for the benefit of Professors and students ; yet the State should support the hospital. They regarded this argument so concln sive and overwhelming that they left per fectly assured in their own minds that the appropriation wonid be made, and the Treasury wonid hereafter pay for tbe sev enteen free beds in tbe hospital kept for poor patients. No sooner had tbe fifteen doctors from tbe Jtflerson left In the Constitutional Convention than the fifteen Professors at tbe Univer on Monday the subject of Woman ll ! eri J , ‘ Me ? ic * l ® oh “ l,ol * es, “*- c , arrived and they bad a bearing. They got ge c ne up and elicited quite appropriation last year of one bun an earnest discussion. There are dred thousand dollars to build a new hos three ways of disposing of it: to vote'it down or to incorporate into ness pat on the semblance of decen cy. It announced pitifully last week that the Ccnnnissiohers dp not in tend to give it the printing of the Rdoeipta .and \ ; Expenditure* this year, and thereupon proceeded to lieabout standing in ihe community; bun* in this week’a-lssue, in order to recover from one false story, it plunges into an other slander more.- wicked Mian the former: tbit the County Cora? missionershad at one time; decided not to publish their Annual State ment in the after its is "siie before th e btti, their actionandorderedit to be printed in the above paper. Now we brand this as false and. malicious, written with the double purpose of giving a color of truth to the first statement that the Commissioners bad decided not ; to publish in the Argus, and of also showing by im plication that they had been brought easily into subjection by. the crack of the Argus's whip. The Commissioners had never ta- ken any such action, were wickedly misrepresented by the Argus , and in spite of itsJll treatment, regard less of its slanders and its unjust at tacks, pursued the course which a majority of the Board doubtless be lieved to be right. , The Argus knows hpw to lie, but it blunders terribly when it attempts to recover from one by its inability tbtell the truth. That “Rev.” story is as senseless as it is false. There is hot a parti cle of wit or truth in it, I and. unless the Argus can make better use of its double-edged tool, it will never cut very deep. In another article the Argus says that its editor detected raid helped to prevent the editor of this papier fromtaklng but of the OpiiniyTreas ury some forty or fifty dollars more than custom entitled him to for pub- lishing the November Proclamation of the Sheriff. This is both mali cious and false; malicious in its in- sinuation that The Radical attempt- ed to fleece the county put of money that was not justly due It, ajid’false in the statement of facts which can easily be proved by eitherthe Sheriff or Commissioners. But the Argus gets down so low in the gut- ter to throw dirt, that one feels hu- miliated even in replying to the same. If onr readers will excuse us this time for dirtying our fingers with the Argus filth, we will hereafter endeavor to cleanse : ourselves from all snch contamination, and preserve onr readers from the offensive odors arising therefrom. We publish in another page, the able and instructive speech of Sen ator Rutan, on postal telegraphy, which was delivered in the Senate on Thursday of last week, in support of his resolutions instructing our Senators and requesting our Repre sentatives in Congress to vote against the measure. The resolu tion passed almost unanimously, Senator Graham only opnosing. Judging from the vote given ifl sup port of the resolution, we should think that postal telegraphy was decidedly unpopular in the State. the constitution, or to submit it as a separate amendment to a vote of - the people, Women included. There is great diversity of opinion on this subject in the State, and agood deal of anxiety in regard to its, final disposal, and we think it ought per haps to be submitted to the people without regard to. sex. " ! Jefferson county, which held its election on Monday, gave over 000 majority against license. Hartranft carried the county last fall by over 200. Friends, push things add thh victory is certain. The opositiop are trying to prevent the success of this measure, but their efforts will be futile. - . - Asylum tpr Inw.|i« In the Nortbwen>Banile* . mental Local Option Tcl ' esrraph Representative Crow -re Ap poinimciiis. vi; : r Correspondence of the Badical. ■ Habrisburg, Feb. 3, 1878. : pital, and they promised they would nev er apply again. Now they come asking two bnndred thousand more, because they failed to raise as much outside as was anticipated. Of course they should hare all they ask, because they perform operations on poor people for the benefit of their students! Then came the Lin coln Hospital asking aid, and the same day a delegation composing nearly all the citizens of Somerset. That town was al most burned down last year, and now the citizens want the State to rebuild it, or at least give two hundred thousand dol> lam toward rebuilding. Contributing money out of the Treasury to* rebuild towns and cities destroyed by fire is bad policy, to say the least. Why should the people of Somerset be relieved any more than thousands of others in the Common wealth Who were burned out during the last year? The loss is the tame to indi viduals, and if one is relieved'all should be. Unfortunately the Somerset people I. can refer toPitlsburgh, Chambersbnrg and'Mifflin, relieved by State"approprla tions,) and their case is exactly similar. It will be bard to refuse aid to these suf- wastes ferers, and so the Treasury will have to Confribute ; perhaps fifty thousand, cer tainly obt -inore, to the-sufferers of the mountain. The Asylum for Insane in the ■NdrlhUrcst w*as the last Claim disposed of, and without much hesitation the finance •Committee 'the Senate agreed to re commend ’ the appointment of commis csioners a eile. One million of dollars; will necessarily- he expended in this laodable project within the belt three years. When it is remembered that ail the above claimswere presented in one week.and all-have merit apdl devoted Triendsitwill beseen hour difficult it is to guard the Treasury and reduce appropria tions. The partyin power-‘should and must reduce taxation during this .session. Manufacturers most be relieved, and to do this it will be necessary to turn a deaf ear to all these demands for aid to Uni* versities, Colleges, Hospitals, &c. The Senate passed the supplement to the Local Option bill unanimously, and It goes to the House, where its .fate is more uncertain. It should pass at once, but there is a strong influence against it, and liquor sellers all over the State are active to prevent any additional legislation and secure a repeal, of the original act. All the members, from your district are pro nounced in their determination to resist any repeal or modification of the*Local Option law, and in favor of the supple* ment which passed the Senate. The Senate also passed by a vote of 29 to 1 the joint resolution, introduced by your Senator, instructing our Senators to vote against the postal telegraph scheme. The House will also pass the resolution, and it is to be hoped this will have Rome influence in defeating a big job planned by daring speculators. The House debated at length the Inter est bill, which authorizes parties to con tract for interest as 'high as twelve per cent, and finally postponed its further consideration for two weeks. Mr. Cross, of your county, presented a petition of citizens of Economy town ship, asking a repeal of the law annexing the farm of D Ehrman to Baden borough. In the Senate bills were passed author izing an increased tax in Baden for school purposes; also authorizing AngeJine Me- Murtrie to adopt John McMurtrie as her heir. The bill prohibiting cattle from running at large! in Hanover township, Beaver county, excepting one milch cow for each family, has been reported by the committee. Several hundred local bills have been introduced in the two Houses, and the work of the session has com menced. Mr. Cross, of your county, is one of the most industrious members of the House, well liked by bis associates, and before the session closes will be one of its lead ing members. Allison, Cross, McKee and Waldron, of your district, are all good men, honest, high-toned gentlemen, and their constitu ents are to be congratulated for sanding Representatives that reflect such credit on the district. The Governor made a number of ap pointments in Philadelphia last week, and will probably go through the entire list of remaining appointments this week. John Linn, Esq., of Center county, has been appointed Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. A good appoint* menu General Russell will not be re moved for the present, at least it is so M. said. Editor Beater Radical— Dear Sir : I was much gratified in reading your pa per and learning the bold stand some of your leading citizens are taking in the cause of prohibition. Beaver, you know, we all regard as the “hub” of this county, and we naturally look to it as the place where all moral reforms should originate. Indeed, you know it has been styled the “Saints’ Rest;” whether on account of the numerous clergy living there, or on ac count of the morality of the citizens I will pvt pretend to say, perhaps because there was no such thing as alcoholic bev erages used by any of the citizens. I prophesy that there will be at least one thousand majority in the county against license. We have been tormented since time immemorial with these fountains of iniquity called “taverns,” and I can’t see anything unfair in dispensing with them for three years as a matter of exper iment. If we feel that we have met with a serious inconvenience at that time, all we have to do is to vote for license and that will reinstate all that we have lost. I am not able to say exactly how ter will vote, but I count confidently on fifty to seventy majority against license. We have somewhat the advantage of other towns in having a whisky store under United States license, which, I learn, will not be closed as the drinking houses will be. Then we have the jug line from Zelie nople, (the same one that used to run to Beaver) which I understand is to run tri weekly, as the route will be one mile shorter than formerly. Habit, you know isan unyielding master, and if there are any gentlemen in the habit of using a “we drop” they will find no difficulty in procuring it. But it we cannot stop the use of itwith them it is no reason we should ;not prevent younger men from forming the same habit. There are numbers of men in every community in the habit of spending, say twenty-five or thirty cents a day, which they know is worse than thrown away. But as long as these grog sbdps are open they have not the power TBUPERANCE. to. resist toe temptation, and they 3 "vote" against license in order ti u j3 may be euiaacipated from this evil, which they feei is destined al 3 future day to be. their present and n bly eternal ruin, lam glad this i s a ,eral movement and not mixed up 3*' politics of the-day. Every well wisl 3 community will admit that as a coqJ beverage it is as a medici! m •;*s*■ of oondemnaj Where a diffusible stimulaUt h n t 3 good pure rye whisky is, the best that J be Used. Now while yonr ciife,,”* ISSSf: «»!?»« «»•». I hope £ wiirnot rest twntented until theyeff™ ,out*-rtat-Vile and rfZ? Weed-tobaCco; also opium, mo nh\' «d; #p3 all these narcotic, £** will no doubt think none are, u,j„ e j ‘ from the book ,1,! I tell you there are ophw cater, j “ men and women, going Jowo , graves by its use. Don't be when I tell yon there arc per™, in community whaare in t*e o a >\ y Uahit # using it to excess, spending from iweotv five to fifty cents a day for morphine al 0D ! While we break off the use of whisku would give a kind word of camion careful not to use opium for a Hibstii at lest we be caught in a more danger^ ne *- Obskgvej. Rochester, Jan. 38th, 1873. -The Bailer Citizen says; Petitions arc i n Clr calation praying the Legislature to immediate, pass a law prohibiting the: drilling, pumping other work at oil wells, on the Sabbath day ;j this county. The law asked for makes it a mi-d*. meaner, punishable in Court as such by fine, ett Such a law is much needed at Greece Oi'tv It. ready. —The Enon Valley accommodation train, on 't, Port Wayne and Chicago Railway, was thro» B from the track, on Friday, January 31st, by a bto ken rail, at a point two miles east of Enon Vail-j Two coaches were slightly damaged, but none c i the passengers were injured. Twenty-five broken rails were encountered by this train in a of five miles. The train, which was due in Allc. gheny at 8:38, was delayed about two honrc hy the accident. The Pacific Express, east, on tire same railway, due in the city at 2.3 ) yesterday morning, did not arrive until eleven o’clock, -The Pittsburgh .Vail says: The telegraph monopoly bill, instructing our representatives!!! Congress to vole against the postal pro ject, was neatly engineered in the State Senate by Hon. James S. Rntan. -On January 31st, the Board or Commissioners for the improvement of the Ohio river had an in terview with the Shb-committee of Commerce of the House, who have in charge the construction of the River and Harbor bill, and was addressed by Mr. Thnrston,the Chairman of the Commission, on the necessity of the improvement of ihe'water lines of the country, and particularly the Ohio river and its tributaries. The necessity of the estab lishment of a system of lights and buoys on our Western rivers was also presented by Mr. Thurs ton, and such action urged as would extend the jurisdiction of the Light House Board over these 1 waters, and such an appropriation as would enable thp United States Engineers. to carry out their recommendations for the establishment of lichu and buoys on the Ohio. —On Friday evening, the Commissioners m the committee in charge of the Jam.es River and Kanawha Canal project for the purpose of con sultation- An interchange of,,opinion on the question Of the Improvemaht of the water lines represented was had by the two bodies. —Coal is scuce in Memphis and families are using oil cake as a substitute. —The Ohio Legislature has passed an act for bidding the trapping or killing the muskrat, mink, or otter, between April 15th and February 15th. —The New York Senate Investigation Com mittee report that frauds as great in magnitude as those of the New York rings were perpetrated in the construction of the Harlem Court House, and suggests action on the part of the Attorney Gen eral and New York city officials. —Harrisburg thieves are evidently “hard up." They waylaid a colored man the other night, and robbed him of fifteen cents in money and three cents worth of “mosey,” whatever that may be. •"Miss Kate Fisher, the girl who wis so severely horned by using oil in kindling on a fire at the residence of W. L. Graham, Esq., in Butler, died on Monday morning. —The men of Fairview, with few exceptions, have consented to serve in turn as night watch men, until such time as a night police hfi-ce can be organized. —Thepeople of Reading are very generally suffer ing] from a disease closely resembling that witb which their horses were recently prostrated. —The Sharpsville Advertiser says: The spear man Iron Company’s furnace No.' 1 bad a remarka bly good blow in. The socond week of the blart she worked np to twenty tons a day, mostly found • ry. Experts pronounce it an excellent start. —An ax factory in connection with the Kit tan- Lng rolling mill Is now talked of. —The latest concerning the Modoc Indian war is that Captain Jack is'anxious for to have a big talk looking to peace negotiations. A squaw re ports that in a recent fight many Modocs were killed and wounded. After the battle the Indians quarrelled because Captain Jack would not light and one Indian shot the Captain in the arm. The government will send peace commissioners, with power to bear and determine all troubles. —Gail Hamilon is* down with small-pox, anti Judge Colt of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, is just recovering from the same disease. —Prof. Hayden asks for $lOO,OOO for continuing his surveys in Wyoming and Montana next year, and Prof. Powell, who lias lately returned Irom a season's work on the lower Colorado and Southern Utah, $*20,000 for operations in the same field next year. Prof. Powell says in bis report that two more appropriations of $20,000 each will enable him to complete in two years his system of sur veys, or if the Government prefers, and will ?> vc him $43,000, he will finish the work in one year. —The recent negotiations between Secretary Boutwoll, on the part of the Government, and Messrs. Jay Cooke A Co., representing Kothscbiid A Sons; Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co., and them selves, Meters. Drexel, Morgan & Co., Morton* Bliss A Co., Barrington Bros. A Co., and others— forming the great financialsyndicate—have result ed in placing the entire amount of the new five per cent, loan nnsold, viz: sBoo.ooo v ooo, in the bands of the latte r combination. —The daughters of the late Chief Justice Taney are in straightened circumstances, being compell ed to earn their subsistence by working as copy ists for lawyers in Baltimore. Members of the legal profession, throughout the country are a bon; starting a fund to relieve the necessities of these ladies—the children of a man who for thirty years held the highest Judicial position ln*tbe. countiy, and died poor. GENERAL NEWS.