the JOSH BILLINGS’ PAPERS. Singular Being*. THE POMPOUS MAN. The pompons man is generally, a snob B t home and - abroad. He fills himself up with am east wind and thinks he iz 'grate, just he happens tew feel big. 7. ; , j . He talks load and large, but deceives, noboddy who will take the.Jrbubble tew roeazzure^hlm. He iz a man ior small 'caliber, bat a gooud deal ov bore. Hiz family looks upon him az the grat? es t man that the w.orld hsz had the. honor , tew produce lately, and tho. he gits snob,*, bed often amongst folks he rekompenses himself bi going home and snubbing hiz family. r- ... . If be iz a self-madeinap.hispompoaity iz simply ridikilus, but wVen be smeKs oy the leavings of sumded ancestor, he’ iz verry disgusting. _ -THS:QSE,ttJEA ;MAN> . U ; -j ; ; ' The one ram, he shuts up.botlk«y«.and gozc for ibiD?B inkonUoeoilyl W4;5*T ■’ Be misses, or (Kmise^Sllbner--than be hit?, but don’t kno the'^ifiference. He never haz but 'Onernoshun in biz hed to once, and that noshun iz' just az apt tow be wrong az right. Yu kaut konvince him that be iz wrong ti ny morji than yo kan a hornet. One idea men hav produced sum good results in this world, bat the grate trub bje generally iz that their one idea iz sara phoolish noshun that hoboddy konsiders ov konsequence enufftew dispute. One idea men are their own wust ene mys, and tbare iz but one kure for them, and that iz tew agree with them. If yu think just az they do, they will soon wont tew think sum other way, and that lets two ideas git into their he'd, which makes them perhaps endurable. THE HAPPY MAN The happy man iza poor judge of hiz own bliss, for he kanl set down and de “kribe it. Happiness iz like helth—those who lav the most ov U seem to know it the least There jz but very little genuine happi ,*ntss in this world ennybow, and what ' tie tbare iz you are sure not tew git, j ,?i az soon azyu begin tew hunt for it. Y i kanl go out in the spring of the year and gather the happiness along the hide ov the road just the same azyu would dacdylions— nohoddy but a natral born pb'.toi kan do this; they are alwus happy, uv course. When i hear a man bragging bow hap py he iz, he cheat me, he only cheats I'ttse'.f. THE HENPECKED MAN. Tie ten pecked man iz .most generally taa.-r.eJ : but there are instances on* reck <>rd f single men being barrassed by tbe I jlh-its. Yl- can alwus tell one ov these kind ov wee. espeshily if they are in the company 'V ibeir wives. They look as resighned tew tbeir fate az a hen turkey in a wat Jay. There aint nothing that will take the siarcb out dv a man like being pecked by a woiLan. It is wuss than a seven months’ lam of the fever and agy. Tbe wives of hen pecked husbands most alwus out liv their viktims, and I hav known them to git married agin, and gu bold ov a man that lime (thank the Lord !) who understood all the hen-peck dodge?. - Oce ov these kind ov husbands iz an boLorio his sex. Tbt hen-pecked man, when he gits out arcjngst men, puts on an air of bravery iod defiance, and once in a while will git 1 et ’t d.runk, and then go home with a -re rt; live ihst he will be captain ov bis h ->thn;d ; but the old woman soon takes -t)‘;• (T: '- - '■"% m -.- •—:■ i- .-. t;- --’.’ii U.vU { T . HeizgeneraUy.ibe ocka shun in the rural distrikts, and kontry bumbkins laff obstreprpua whenever 'he- ■ openshis month. : t; Thephnnny map izthe clown at . large, and .biz Jests are sum times amazing, but neyer remembered. ; ; Thare Iz selnnm enny tainto7 sriginftl-- . isyjn hifn, andtbe quipsgnd tbe: quirks hedeala iaare oldsaws reset andrefileJ, and bad enongb 4one at that,; c 0 .. It izadredfal aßforiQQit tbingteWdeal in cast qph jpke&jjto, like tbe old cl elites bizzness, they will silk te.Wa man alltbro r. .'if ■" 1’ ■>;- THE CHEEKY MAN.. --.I- ' -V Impudence, or somethioe like iz the leading trait In most f snckbessfnl mens karakters. • •. 'V- All tbe nice things that havbinsed in favour of modesty, 1 fail tew sUndtbelest when brought into the pull and haul of everyday life. : :: : ' " Bold assurance, while it may often dis gust tis," will win 9 times out or 10. We all ov ns praze the modesti bat our praze iz only a kindov pitty, and pitty will rain enny-man. Enny man will liv four times az long on-abuse, and git phatt, az he will on pitty. , Tbare iz now and then a man who iz modest, but intensely in earnest, and such men sweep everything before them. The karakter ov the modest than iz a good thing; and a butiful thing tew frame and hang up in a private apartment, hut experience teaches us that if we wait for our turn in this world, our' turk never seems to come round. The cheeky man never enjoys thoze delightful sensations which arize from having yielded tew others; hiz logick iz that the ariy bird gits the worm, and, re : gardlees ov all delikasy, he goze for the worm. Tbare seems to be nothing now daze will warrant sukcess like cheek, and the more cheek the better, even if you hav az mutch az a mule —N. Y. Weekly. The Snow-Storms of tbe Past. Among tbe great snow-storms of the past, few were moro extended in - their range or more d isastroas to life and pro* perty than that of January 17, 1867. -It lasted nearly twenty-five hours, and was accompanied by a furious gale and very cold weather. It extended as far west as Plains and was bounded on the south by tbe Ohio and Potomac, although some of its effects reached to HamptonJßoads Another severe storm occurred on the 20th. Wrecks were piled up along tbe coast and scores of lives were lost. Many persons were bewildered in the snow and quite a number were frozen to death, es pecially in New England. Among these was Commodore G. 8. B’ake, who got be wildered in going to his home in the sub urbs of Boston and took refuge in a hut. He never recovered from the shock of tbe exposure. Prom two to four feet of snow fell throughout tbe Middle States. Four feet was the reported depth in Pittsburgh, and as it wah much drifted, the conse quence was tbe interruption of commu nication between tbe cities and country for several days. Many people were bar ricaded in their homes. Steam boats were kept in porte, rail-cars were snow bound, and mails were delayed in a re markable manner. There was no regular communication by rpil between New York and Boston for four days. The records of the past contain ac counts of many similar storms ; but the most striking facts concerning them were naturally observed in New Eng land. The storm of January 19,1857, stopped all the railroads of New England. The Stoninglon road was not opened until January 27th. Trains did not commence running between Hartford and Provi dence until the same day- In some parts of Connecticut the thermometer was 30 degrees below zero. In the storm of December 38. 1853, the snow began falling at eleven o’clock Wednesday .morning and continued till four o’clock Thursday afternoon. Tbq snow was drifted as high as the tops of the cars. A train of three locomotives started from a neighboring town toward Boston and was embedded in a drift at the end of »be seventh mile. The next day a train of three locomotives occupied froip morning till night in occomplishing five, miles. ? The great, snow-storm of January 15, 1831 was a stupendous one Tbe snow was drifted in some places in the cities to. ( the depth of fifteen feel. The churches were generally closed on the following Sunday; partly because the snow was piled so high against tbe doors that they could not be opened. In February, 1829, so. heavy a snow fell that many persons engaged in festivities commemorative of .birth day throughout the country were snowed up in halls and bad to remain in them for days.— N. T. Paper. , Pounded alum .is .one of.the: simplest modes of purifying water—a fact which, should be more generally known. A ta blespoonful of pulverized alum sprinkled into a hogshead of water (the water stir red at the same lime) will after a- few hours. by precipitating to the bottom the impure particles, so purify it that it will be found to possess nearly the freshness and clearness of the finest spring water. A pailful, containing , four gallons, may be purified by a single teaspoonful of alum. Furlfyins. Water. r-» !“ v j -1“ t T ~L >cN.?[vm' -■ ' L" T/2' T ’~ ‘. -, 4 'V- 1 121 LIBERTY S !TU^^d6l^^f^9li; V ' Y ' ..i., riTTOBURGB, Mi ' '• V *‘ ! * £ -jv ~. i ■*-- t ~- v- 4BOHASD WWD WORKING • ■ r-r; : ,'it::.*is -*j : f -;.r • i.-;,-; : «; t sinri e i. io Jioar'nfi f MipßimSßtr ;.;■ ; f ..-- : •;;?' ■'>'-! A ; 1 .->1 7^:^: • ;■■ ' r-' s - : :V'J s 'i£‘ ■' ; ,-t; .i•:: '? ts. O \*rM io i MANUFACTURERS’ SUPPLIES DE ANE ST E A M P U M PS, SASH AND DOOR MACHINERY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. novJs-lm. R Y GOODS A.uction Prices, MR. M. S 0 HIF F , Is determined to close ont bis entire stock of PRY GOODS in as short a time as possible! as he intends. ,10 de vote all his attention in the future to the WOOLEN AND COTTON HOSIERY, BAR GAINS INVITED TO CALL AT ONCE, And they will have a chance to make their selec tion out of a WELL SELECTED STOCK. octlB-'2u>. H. PRANCIBCUB & CO., 5 1 3 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for . the FALL TRADE, the largest and beet assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Batting, . Wadding, Twines , , Wicks, docks. Looking Classes, Fancy Baskets, Bfooins, Bas kets, Buckets, ■Brushes, Clothes Writers, Wood en and Widow Ware in the Untied States. Oar large Increase in business enables ns to sell at low prices and-fnrnisb the best quality of goods. , SOLE AGENTS FOB THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER Price $5.50. The Most Perfect and Successful Washer Ever Made. Agents wanted for the AMERICAN WASHER in all parts of the State. tnar29-3m—sel-Stu H.W.9EKLT. JAMES OSBtJBN & OSBURN, Successors to H. W. Seely, BRIDGE STREET ROCHESTER, PENN’A. Dealers In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE and NOTIONS, Cash paid for Partners’ Marketing. lvl!My. PURCHASING AGENCY: Will purchase and forward any article, ' MANUFACTURED OR SOL D ,In this city, at the lowest prices. [ .■ Parties in the country wishing to; purchase Pi anog, Organs, Sewing Machines, Gun?, Revolvers- Nursery Stock, Jewelry,;Furnltnre, MHlinery,; Hardware; Drags, Notions, Book's, Stationery, Saddlery. Carpetings, Dry Goods. 4c.,.| Have in a fnlJ jtocbW»- V s : ~j , .-l-Pj-'f.- JUDBON GOVERNORS. « ■ .< &C.| &c. retailed at FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY. OF NEW BRIGHTON, REGARDLESS OF COST, ~ ■',- = '?;i MANUFACTURE: OP/ THOSE WHO WANT ARE RESPECTFULLY rrn t )■ i - ♦ •, ■ 'j k ; 1 I . *. i {.-J j- - * JNSDBAMCE 35l GENERAL A&ENCY, *J iUis: i■ ;t - . i. Vv ;, -> "J i w'i \ C ,% *r t- t; ! &~i?'>oT;;;<■}■;:iffiiX, .vss 6 :'' 1' ii!: > * i*.l V?f • I II * j Fim Meffllictiieifiiniraice. «ri< -3j ; NOTARX PUBLXO r CONyEYANCER, xuiv-JYjato b'M: y-^yr--'" 1 n U: i jjftj : ' : -p;fj n? ‘yyiUni >b : * iJJ ’ > •; o f T ■ v.t.. ■: ■; U; ~ WIBB jCOlOWirrftA»wqi!- f?".'■•• at ‘titi rates and llbenuterms. Deeds,ltmtwwii, Agree ments, correctly Watteat < and ‘ Acjmowledataetttt tafcep. Passengers booked to and from aftportsor England.: XEp>t»i, ■ France and Germany. Money and goods forward* ed toall parts ofthaunited States and Cibada. ' /ETNA INSURANCE CO M : OF HAi&TFOBFj^OSNi CASH ASSETS,. $6,000,000 Established in and most reliable ■ " . Company la the World. . , “By their Pi nitb je »hall know them.” LomGb PaidtO Jan, Ist, 1871 .....128,800,000 NIAGARA, OF HEW TORE, i CASH A55ET5,......,................. $1,600,000 ANDES INSURANCE COMPANY, OF VmejNmTL r CAGH ASSETS v> ....,.... $1,500,000 ENTERPRISE, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA* CASH ASSETS, over .................... $OOO,OOO LANCASTER, OF LANCASTER, PA; CASH PAID ASSETS, $340,000 ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, OF EJUB, PA. CASH CAPITAL.... $250,(00 Xnsuresagalnst damage by lightning as well as lire. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YORK, .. $8,500,000 CASH ASSETS.. TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. OF RARTFOgJ), CONS. CASH ASSETS,. $1,500,000 ■ Paid losses, since Us > rganlzation, of oyer fTOO a day, for death and injury. •< Bepresentingthh above llret class Companies, acknowledged to be pmongst the .best In the .world, : Snd representinga gross Cash Capital of over 1 Six teen Millions or Dollars, lam able- to. take, ineui; anfco in departments, and Policies Issued without delay. Losses liberally adjusted .and,- promptly paid. Insureto-day.Byrone dais* neglect or delay you may loose toe sacingsofyears. .DelaVeare dangerous, and life uncertain. Insure to-day. One to-day is worth two to-morrows* Quality also is of the utmost* importance. The low priced, worthless article always proves ; the dearest; Uiertfore, look to Quality as the paramount consid eration ef Insurance. - Look to ■ worth -.and wealth' for Indemnity. The Best is the Cheapest. "As yon sow that yon shaUy^raahl 1 !. u; ■i . Grateful, for thevciyjinerarpatrouage already, bestowed, I flatttet «pyi«lf. by strtctattenlldn'td 2 legitimate business, not only to merit a continue anceol-Adaame. bnthopo, the facilities and Inducements i amnow enabled to oflhr.for a large pifeßent year;’ ■ ; Mat S.,A; CRAIG la Holy authorised o take applications in adjoining boroughs and townships.' B. HDBBT, . Insurance kndOe ns ralAeent, Jel6’7l Near the peppt,Rochester,Penn’a. . Lancaster - ■, ■... 1 .r • - i .-m;;:!: INSURANCE COMPANY'! •-. r . v -1 • ■ ' ' < .«\ . : . LANCASTER, PA. HON. THQS. B. FRANKLIN*.P*eS.° B. F. SHENK,, Treasurer* - EDWARD BROWNS, Secretary. dibsctobs: * THOS. E. FRANKLIN,- ' Jre Nat. Bank; HENRY CARPENTER, Physician; JACOB M; FRANTZ, Farmer; JNO. C. HAGER,of Hager Jtßto. Merchant*; - GEO. K. REED, of Reed, M’Gran&Co., Bankers; A. E. ROBERTS, ex-Member of Congress; F. BHRODER, of.Shrdder &Co-, Cotton Man.; B. F. SHENE.-df Shenk. fiaueman * Co.; • INSURES DWELLINGS, MERCHANDISE, FARM PROPERTY, CHURCHES, SCHOOL HOUSES, MILLS AND FACTORIES, And all other FIRE RISKS taken at as low rates as any first class Company can afford. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Term Policies issued on Dwellings, farm ty,&e.,at LOW HATES, And Policies liberal In other terms. Apply to CHAS. B. HURST, Agent, ROCHESTER, PA. apr29’7o:ly. ’ : : 'J' HE ENTERPRISE Xiisurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. P. RATCHFORD STARR, President. THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, V. Pres. ALEX. W; WIDTEa, Sec’y- ' JACOB PETERSONf, Ass’t: Sec’;p. CASH ASSETS, v c www > ASiipTS Feb. 14 " FIRS INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, v•: ’ ' Perpetual andternrPottdesa ' eryTlheral rates -andterms, Apply tp r y -y -Vi-'- [. CHAS, B, HURST, Agent,: : ROCHESTER, PA: aprWTOrly;' PITTSBURGH MARBLEIZED MANTLE WORKS! J A M E S;,OL D; 193 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA; : Also, RiNGES. GRATES, rfc.. and particular ! ttention paid to FURNACES, Public and Private I nlldings. ,novl-3m - r 'W -t £ ; R, XJ) RTO N, i:-;J i PIANOS AND ORGANS, No.llB SmTHPtELD STREET, >- /i . ia-'M ' ‘A TTTTi' .' ■••'■;• :r •j F O " -" ;i " ;V'l' " GOODStAir : i! liv/ f: ,*J^. r un vm-s ; ' ORGAN ''TTST i♦• • ft*. -v btsend fob illustrated catalogue. ;;. -- : 7 rv ■ ~, li'r; , ! , K OCHBBT Kfe» BASH^D MONROE MILLER. w. DOLBY -ar. MILLER ■ Heal Estate bougnt and sold on reasonable Con aMwlpifa..., ; : v I QjOTMy .JEWELLING HOUSES, ; ; " J TIYEM; E N* f S : - - IM* P R 6'V E H AND UN IMP ROVE ■ ; •. .f-.([ ,' r V 1 REAL ESTATE, .--m '}«’>'•.!’ : O'-' f; ■ . "C.'i tK AWD NSAB THk V-‘ •'* BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER FOR SALE AND,RENT, BY V S. J. CROSS. . ocgTll-tf y J. PETT I T T, SMITH’S PERRY, BEAVER CO., PA.. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, JV 0 T A R r P URL IC AND SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR SALE OF LANDS IN EAST VIRGINIA. aprlS'l^-ly John peck, ORNAMENTAL HAIR W’ORKER AND HAIR DRESSER, N O. 5 3 MARK E T. S-T REE T , PITTSBURGH, PA. Ladies waited on promptly at their residences by experienced workwomen, [febB’7l-ly Q W. MASSEY, CLOTHING - CLEANED, DYED AND IMPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. , NO. 74 GRANT STREET, feblo”n-ly , ; PITTSBURGH.PA. JP M; ELLIS, - * ARCHITECT AND DESIGNER. v OFFICE.: B A MSB Y;’,'S BL J C K/ BEAVER FALLS, BEAVBB COj, PA. j Plans and Specifiestldns'fdr phbUc buildings and private residence, -EstlikuUeapJ the coet of build ing, and alibuslriees connected witlf architecture, attended to promptly and satisfactorily, ’ i febWWily. ' . »--= ;: :( : ...' ? : : • * jt CONCERNS ALL! i J. PROCTOR, - ' LADIES’ .AND'' GENTLEMEN’S ' H AIR DRES SIN G' HO p HS, And Manufecinrer of ;: Bair Work of Entry Description! Children’s Hair Cut. Neatly.. felO-ly 4t. Fourth Avc-,PITTSBURGH. i HOTEL, CORNER MARKET & THIRD STREETS, j HARRISBURG, PA _ G. W. HUNTER, decttW'' Froprieto • j* ' _ »i . > S';"'. ?p-m* \ } r' "* JOHN CONWAY & CO,, „ | BANKERS &RROKERS e " , .. vj-.rJ ,T.t ROCHESTER, PA. j DXAUStdIX BiCHiiKSE |COIH(AXD| EXCHANGI Accounts of Manufacturers, Merchantsland [lndl* «Ti: ?ol:V-;vTtdunttSolldttdr fF I iST *? BST ® ONIITISJEiji POSITS ■'Cor&«pofcderic«;wlli receive promptattentiou. g BAYBR; DEFO QIT BANK ' on | 0* .; rr AljjSON, - • Cashieb. 7 COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE AND RE MITTED. fl/U)»»KirVITI7: SICITED. INTEREST paid on.tjjm wsrton’S. EXCHANGE, SECURITIES:* Ac., BOUGHT AND: SOLD, :: : i p B.ENTEI & C 0., , BANKEBS INI) BROKERS FREEDOM, PA., Are prepared to do a general Banking and Broker business. Notes discounted, Government bonds'and other securities bought and sold. and. UnltedSUites 0 ' 3 - 811 accessible points:; lu the 1 allowed on time deposits, «JStfJZntSf'm*-' : ' «•; A.LLEQHENY NATIONAL BANK, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, PII'I’SBVRQH, PA. J. W. COOK, President. R. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANOIIESS, Asst, Vae/ilef. v fdeJS’ 8 gANKING HOUSE L OF ' R. E. & H. HOOPESj NEW BRIGHTON, PA. Correspondence of Banks, Bankers and Mer chants solicited. Collections promptly madn and JAMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors to 8. Jones & C 0.,) Cob. FOURTH AVENUE . - u ■ • - New Brighton, Penn’a-, Q. 8. BARKER & CO., * - Beaver Fails, Penh'a;,; Bankers . dealers of EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS,, &el*.r Gollectloiiß made on all accessible points In tbs United States and Canada. ■ i Accounts of Merchants, Manulscturers and Indi viduqto {solicited. . ■ Interest allowed on Time Deposits. de^^W^ eno6WilJreteiVe proffipt atteD tf Applications received and Policies written aft fa rates a*d dberai terms, by, . ■ . i. P*”*T7O:U. Enterprise saloon and RESTAURANT. febimi-ly. MAStiY, . * -i p’e a r l sal ao n, i— . 9 1? SIXTH STP.IET, PITTSBURGH, CHOICE LIQUORS THEBAN 70-130, .-y-T ■ r? i * * laalißg wAftimiww. Office hours from a. m. to 4p. m. mySfii ’ i HARTFORD, CONN. I-oeeee paid in 51 yean, CHAS. B. HURST, Agent, : ROCHESTER, PA. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. MEALS At ALL HOURS. No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late flt. Clair,} PITTSBURGH. ] NEAL MoCALUON i i ;i : 'lS£