The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 07, 1873, Image 1

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iblished every Friday morning £ CHICAGO BAILWAY,—On and after Dec.
;s: 23d, 1878. traiDB will leave stations as follows:
in advance,) .*2,00 TRAINS GOING WEST!
u u ioo
«•" “ 50 ’• i.
O5 Pittsburgh 1.45 ah 7.10 am B.loam I.Bopm
;.T"ww..tet.« OT ni« Rochester 8.52 8.40 10.25 2.40
ed to subscribers at the explra Alliance 5.15 11.45 I.Bopm 5.28
of subscription at the optionol OrrvUlo 6.51 1.45im 8.07 7.06
s otherwise agreed upon, Mansfield... .... 8.55 4.82 5.09 9,11
isiness Cards, not exceeding 10 Crestline .. £ 9 ; 40 eiIOAM eioo 9i5C
per annum. Forest 11.06 7.65 7.65 U. 16
invL.* or less, fl 00 for one Lim »AA- 12.08 pm 9.05 9,15 13.17 am
rlO Hues or less, f i,w Port Wayne .... 8.40 11.60 12.05 am 9.46
ts per line for each additional Plymouth 4.45 8.85 pm 2.66 6.05
, Chicago ‘.50 6.80 6.50 B.BOPM
* ZZ. 5
8 . whether of displayed or blank TRAINS GOING BAST. ;
ines of this type. stations. „ MAIL EXPB’s. KXPB’s. UPS'S.
, y the month, or year Chlcago 's.lsah 9.20 am 5.80 pm 9.20 pm
L deductions made in proportion Plyinouth 9.!5 I :2.02pm 8.55 13.50 am
isement and length of lime ol Port Wayne .... 12.20 pm; 2.20 11.20 8.25
Lima 2.45 j 4.07 I.lBam 5.15
. .. m Forest 4.00 1 5.03 - 2.27 6.98
serted among loca. items at 10 tAr 6.85 1 6.80 4.05 8.05
ich insertion, unless otherwise reBlllDe •■f De 11.80 am 6.50 4.15 8.25
„ naWOTI ,,«M Mansfield 12.05 pm 7.19 4.43 8.55
month, quarter or year. Orrville 2.13 1 9.20 6.37 11.C6
idvertiseiHenls of 5 lines or less, 50centsforone Alliance 4.20 jll.OO 8.25 I.lopm
prion anrt 5 cents per line for 6&ch ftddiliOM Hocbcstor 6.57 i. 12amj30.42 3.39
rtion, ana 5 cents per Pittsburgh 8,10 i 2.20 !ll.4firx 4.45
or Dc “ th ann°aa cc ment S published General Passenger and TicSSiu.
barge. Obituary notices charged as advertise*
taie-.tcom ( LEVEL AND & PITTSBURGH B. R,
•.d bv any correspondent, with real name ys On and aftei Dec. ‘23d, 1872, trains will leavt
r, \r p ZTr “«1 b. ttanifallyre; .a roUow,,
r Jll nel. solicited from eee,, im ol GUMG SOUTU-MALN
•o’-’.nty. _____ i ■ 1
pmtion Office: In The Radical Building Cleveland j 8.30 am 1.55 pm) 4.00 pm
Diamond, Beaver, Pa. Hudson 9.43 ) 3.02 5.18
r I Ravenna 10.15 3.33 5.48
J. S. RLTAN, Proprietor. Allitfitee 11.10 I 4.13 6.35
yuan mentions and business letters should J;Jj
to SMITH CURTIS, Beaver, Pa. Pittsburgh | 8.40 | 8.20
attorneys. SS=TZT
, 7*-~ WellsYille ; 8.55 ' 8.15 ”
, c\r a I T Bayard ! 10.30 i 4.30
I A. J- 31 ALi o, Alliance 111.25 I 5.10. 7.10 am
‘ • Ravenna i 12.12 pm 5.48 ■ 8.00
,, . m T \\v i Hudson 12.45 i 6.14 8.45
rTOU >. K \ AT LAW, Cleveland 1.55 I 7.15 10.00
.'in; IN the COURT HOUSE. [deSO-ly
o HN E A K I N ,
iI.U.V ST., BEAVER FALLS. [jalo’73
ill EH of;C|;i’R ? KB'.
promptly to all business entrusted to
.r« iiml have superior facilities for buying
u; real estate. dcclSly
■ p'omp; a’tention to Collections, Pro
- U-p inn.- aiipl Pensions, Buying and Selling
It E. Hoopes’ Banking -Rouse,
ATTORNEY at law,
“i I e
the Radical Building,)
nuiiitied to tna care will receive
Tin R D
'' r b.Mow the Court House,)
* V
claim agency,
Ai u-:s m
Si, lth sixth street
-'n ! l u ' I(,ns - Pack Pay, Horse Claims,
' !'• ic ■ promptly collected. No-charge
nor when money is not collected.
X 15 • VOUXg’
TTOKXEY at law.
beaver pa .
■ r <-*>idence on Third st. east ofthe Court
■'•otnD' De ? en,ru ' te d to mycare shall re
r a > tent ion. Also.; persons having
■ coal - f ancl those wishing to bny town
bvcaiiL° r - rm lat >ds. may save time and
■ ,ln - at my of„ce. (apr2o’V(, ly.
f ' ,; grant street,
PITTSBURGH. [se22’»J-ly
ni D AVIS,
QR.VEY at law,
No '•> GRANT street,
n :ij jN n ERYB ODY, =
Be Hair 5.45 am , 10.50 am 3.35 pm
Bridgeport 5.55 ,11.00 I 3.45
Steubenville 6.57 ! 12.12 pm J 4.45
Wellsvillc 8.15 ( !;S5 j 6.20
Rochester 9.30 2.35 7.15
Pittsburgh 10 40 ‘ ! 3.40 ! 8.20
WMKm KSSg&t-
WellsvlKe.. ... S;stf* ifSj&t ‘7.00
Steubenville . .9.50 .420 j
Bridgeport 411.00 ** l».«r'
Bellair 11.19 9.20
Leaves Arrives
N.Phila.6 40am A I.oopm I Bayard, 9.45 am A 4 00pm
Bayard,l2.lo * 3.00 p. m. |N. Phila. 3.00 *7,3opm
General Passenger and Ticket Agent.
A" —After December 92d, 1872, Trains will arrive
and depart as follows:
eastward. westward.
Through Trains Leave .Through Trains Arrive
Orion Depot: i Union Depot.
Pacific Exp’s, 2:50 am. Mail Train, 1:05 a m
Mall Train. 7:45 a m Fast Line. 1-36 a m
Chicago Ex 12 20 p m;Pittsburgh Ex. 8 00am
Cincinnati Ex. 1:10 p m,Cincinnati Ex. 8:40 a m
Philadelp’aEx. 5:20 pm 1 Southern Ex. 12;40did
Fast Line, ■ 8:50 pnr Pacific Expr’s, 1:10 pm
w L ? CAL - _ ' 1 Way Passenger, 9:50 p m
Walls No 1, 6:40 am local.
Wilkineb’g ; Wall* No 1 6:30 a m
*Ol i 05 a m Brintot* Ac. Nol 7*30 nm
Walls No 2, 10:20 amj Wilklnsburg Ac’
Wall’s No 3, 11:45 am] Nol 8-20 am
Wilklnsburg Ac ! Walls No 2. 9-lfta a
No 2 2:40 pnr Johnstown Ac, 10 10 a m
Walls No 4, 3:20 p m 1 Walls No 3, p m
Johnstown Ac. 4:00 p m Walls No 4 3 : 2onm
Brinton Accom- I Wilklnsburg Ac ’ V
modat’nNol, 4 50pm No 2 445 nm
Brinton Ac. No 2 5:40 p m Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 n m
Walls No 5. 6:15 p m Brinton No 2. 6:50 pm
Brinton Ac No 3 9:20 p m, Brinton Ac. No 3 7:25 n m
Walls Ac.No.6 11:05 pm Brinton Ac No 4 li:10pm
Chicago Express, Cincinnati Express, Fast Line,
and Brinton Ac. No. 3 leave daily.
Pjcifle Express daily, except Monday.
All otheMrains daily, except Sunday.
Pacific Express leaves Pittsburgh at 8:50 a m ar
riving at Hairisburg at 11:40 n m: Philadelphia 3-30
pm; Baltimore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 n in.
New York 6:34 p m.
Cfticago Express leaves Pittsburgh at 12.20 p nr
arrives Harrisburg 10.20 p m; Philadelphia 2.30 a nr
Newport 6.10 a m.
Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at M 0 p
m:arrivesat Harrisburg 10;45p m; Philadelphia 3:50
am: Baltimore 2:15 am; Washington 5:00a m New
York 6:10 am. ’
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p
m: arrives at Harrisburg 2:55 a m; Philadelphia 6:55
a m; New York 10:14 a m.
Fast Line leaves Pittsburgh at 8:50 pm; arrives at
Harrisburg 5:45 am: Philadelphia 9:50 a m; Balti
more 9:00 am; Washington 11:30 a m; New York
12:24 pm.
The Church Trains leave Wall’s Station every
Sunday at 9:10 a m,reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a m
Returning leave Pittsburgh at 12:80p m, and arrive’
at Wall's Station at 1:50 p m. Leave Pittsburgh
9:20 pm arrive Brinton's 10:30 p m. 6
CITY TICKET OFFICE-—For the convenience
of the enfzens of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company have opened a city ticket office
at No 78 Fifth avcche corner ofSmithfield street
where Through Tickets. Commutation Tickets
and Local Tickets to principal stations can be pur
chased at any hour of the dav or evening at the
same rates as are charged at tfre depot.
Baggage will be checked through to destination
from hotels and residences by Excelsior Baggage
Express Co , on orders left at the office.
For further information apply to .
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent.
On and after Monday, July 15th, 1873. Three
Through Trains daily, except Sunday, will leave
and arrive at Pittsburgh, city time, for Franklin,
Oil City, Bnfialoand all points in the Oil Regions,
and Western and Central New York.
7.10 a m
10.40 pm
. ....10.50 a m
0.40 am
JC)ay Express
Sight Express
Mail Train
Ist Halton Ac.
Ist Soda Works Ac 9.30 a m 8.05 a m
Parnassns Ac... 11:40am 8 10am
Brady e Bend Ac 3.85 p m 10.30 a m
2d Holton Ac , 500 pm 8.65 am
8d Soda Works Ac 600 p m 5.45 p m
Sd-HaltonAc. 8.50 pm 7.80 pm
A special Sunday train leaves Pittsburgh every
Sunday at 7.10 a m. arriving at Parker at 11.85 a m.
Returning leaves Parker at 4.40 p m, and arrives at
Pittsburgh at 8 35 p m. m
Church train to and from Soda Works (Sunday)
arrives at Pittsburgh at 9.50 a m. and leaves at
12.50 pm.
J.O. LAWBSNCB, Qen’l, Sopt.
J. H. BRAY, Ticket; Agent. •
la the Senate} January 30*.1873.
On joint resolution No. 54, entitled
Joint-resolution instructing our Senators
and requesting our Representatives In
Congress to, vote against any hill author
izing the National Government to as
sume control of the telegraphic lines of
the country, or empowering the' Govern
ment to construct telegraphic lines.
Mr. Speaker, the Postmaster General,
in his late annual report, recommended
the passage of a hill authorizing the Gov
ernment to assume control of the tele
graph lines of the conn try, connecting the
same with the Postoffice Department, to
be controlled and operated as part of our
postal system. This proposition did not
. originate with the present bead of the
Department, but was agitated
years ago when Hon. Cave Johnson was
Postmaster General. Hu reported against
4t, and the scheme was revived again dur
ing the administration of President Lin
coln, when the Hon. William Dennison,
Postmaster General, again reported
against giving the Government control in
any way of the telegraphic business of the
Within the last five years this question
has been much agitated in and out of
Congress, bat public sentiment seemed
to be so strongly against.the scheme that
it was not pressed with much earnestness
until the last session of Congress, when
bills were introduced in both houses and
an evident determination manifested on
the part of the friends of the measure to
force it through in some shape. The
friends of postal telegraphy differ as to
the kind of control* the Government
should have and exercise. The Postmas
ter General, in his report, recommends
that the Government assume entire con--
trol of all the telegraphic lines, paying
therefor their appraised value. This is
the most popular plan and the one most
*new company' take slock in and control
the same. This would bring the Govern
ment into competition with the rival
lines, and in the end result either In
crushing oat competition or in great talk
to the Treasury. At the opening of Con
gress it was stated that there was a major
ity in both houses in favor of the two
plans, and if they could unite upon eith
er, a bill would be passed during the ses
sion. It is evident the final struggle
between the friends and the opponents
of postal telegraphing is at hand, and
those who desire to be heard must not
delay long in expressing their views.
Entertaining strong convictions upon
this subject, and believing that any
scheme which authorizes the Government
t> control and operate the telegraph
lines is unwise and dangerous in policy,
I offered this resolution immediately after
our organization, not only for the purpose
of expressing my owuviews.bat to call
out such an expression from others, as
might in some degree influence our Sena
tors and Representatives in Congress.
Resolutions of this character are not un
common, as some suppose who criticized
my action in introducing the resolution I
haves tated. At every session since I be
came a memberof the Legislature we have
passed similar resolutions relating to
questions before Congress. But a few
days since we passed a joint resolution
instructing our Senators and Reprcsenta
lives in Congress in reference to the sol
diets’ homestead bill, and our action was
commended by some friends of postal tel
egraphy who criticized me for meddling
with a question that did not concern the
Legislature. It has been the custom in
every State in the Union, since the adop-
tion of the Federal Constitution, fur the
Legislatures to instruct their Senators in
Congress on questions of national import-
ance, and, in my judgment, there never
was an occasion when it was more clearly
in order or more demanded than at pres
Both branches of the Legislature
are controlled by the party to which our
Senators both owe allegiance, the party
that controls Congress,
Legislature then should and will be re-
In introducing and,supporting this res
olution I believe lam simply discharg-
8.35 pm
6.15 am
4.45 a m
6.80 a m
ing my legitimate duty, and 1 propose
now to give the reasons that induce me
to oppose the whole scheme of postal tele-
And first,! believe the policy to be un
wise, It will require an immediate out-
lay of from forty to sixty millions of dol-
lars to purchase the different lines in the
country, and may- require even a much
larger sum. England had to pay about
three times the first estimated value of
the lines in that country when the pur.
- : & 'mmM
-j :■
\ J /
The voice of the
years, and the lines are being extended as
rapidly as there is a prospect of business
to justify the extension.
should business men complain ? But they
do not, and the motive of this effort may
be traced to other causes. It originated
lii the brains'of the speculator, and white
many honest, patriotic men|favor it from
the best of motives, it was intended to be
and is a huge job, by means of which
men who are not seeking the good of
their country expect to grow rich.
It is or should be the rattled policy of
the country that the government should
-/ ? -V
chase had actu.
experience % may ;
Union company
forty-one millin'
niea at about
In all sixty-on
invested. Th;
spent annually
in extending .
Under Go rati'
graphis to he
use. this atpqi
of the teleg&i
amount to abo
and the e:
Extend the I
penses would'
the receipts
; would hot
.* t'
is fair to pr
control the e;
ing and iropi
short of twea\
for the next five
would notampr
fifteen millior
millions anna.
National T'
vitlng prospect
with debt ahf
that this estimi
only necessary
where the teh
Id Englimd t
made, ending |
million' nine
thousand: soWi
France the,
cent, annually,
where labor is.
per cent, cheapi
try. As there
Julies of lipe;
times the.
m England
our \om +
. wages. It
is clear that the |nss of three millions in
Great Britain in fourteen Imontbs would
indicate at least a loss of ten millions in
the same time to our country. Then we
have not taken into the calculation the
fact that Europe is much more densely
populated, and that each telegraph office
represents on an average twenty thousand
inhabitants, while in this country each
office represents six thousand inhabitants.
While a line between New York and Phil
adelphia is certain to pay largely, a line
between either of these points and Indi
anapolis, Davenport, Minneapolis, Omaha
and San Francisco will not pay so well,
if at all. In Bnrope ail the lines are
stretched between points like New York
and Philadelphia, and there are none ex
tendibg thousands of miles into interior
and thinly populated districts.
Looking then at this question in an
economical business point of view, there
is every reason against Government pur
chase and control, at least until the coun
try has paid its debts, and largely reduced !
taxation. It is not right to compel the
many who do not use the telegraph, to
assume their share of this additional bur
den for the benefit of the. few. It is es
timated that at the lowest rates proposed,
not more than onU thirty-second part of
the population will use the telegraph.
Why should the thirty-one inhabitants
out ol every thirty two in the country be
taxed largely that one may be enabled to
send his private or business messages at a
lower rate? And who are complaining
of the present rates? There is certainly
no general outcry among the business
men of the country against the present
management. 1 have never heard of any
serious complaints, and so far as I know
there is no general desire among even
those, who use the wires as a means of
rapid communication, for the interference
of the government, while there would
certainly be a strong opposition to it from
the large body of the people who do not
nse it if they once understood the ques
tion. Business men regard the Western
Union and other companies with much
favor. The management is good and the
companies are liable in damages for neg-
ligence. The rates of transmission have
been reduced more than one third in six
al at
to be
, ii«m
i. least,
«iy. it
not fall
more than
of ten
of the
To show
.ted It is
led by the
In fourteen
late was
ny and
eight per
tn countries
e to fifty
in this conn*
lines, as than?
and three
is there are
With, hers,
Why then
-.•*ewrf •
*ts&4 i fcv is]> F F.); F
'ah ; .4a;U
*2 fiVVsfi
s)y i
■r* r yr
V* *'
-» ■ . . - i. ,
. 1873.
do. : for citizens- or- Individuals what
tlwycap doja well or better themselves,
apd U haa bsen deiionatrated that indi
vfduala canr manage and control corpora
-tions of - this character better ami- more
economically than the Government cans
Competition regulate* prices, bat once In
the hands of the Government tnare is an
end ,of competitioa, md prices will be
regulated by. the petty In power.
The Government always pays thirty
three per cent, more for labor and mate*
r|nl, ip Uie geneiill average, than Indl
vida*U r andwhatis a we n managed and
paying business. In the hands of private
citizen* becomes* badly: managed and
losing concetnlnthe hand* of the Gov
einment. There are now ten thousand
persons employed by the telegraph com
panies of the country. Under Govern
meat control, wi|h the lines extended as
proposed, this number will be increased
to twenty thousand. The administration
Will thus be given a large, standing army
in addition to. the one hundred and fifty
thousand office holders and soldiers un.
der its command. As a large number of
those additional office holders will be re
ceiving agents, defalcations and looses to
the Government will multiply,, and I for
one am In favor of curtailing rather
than Increasing too number of Federal
appointments, because I believe the pres
ent and future, good of the country re
quires it.
For the reasons given, then, I believe
the policy uncalled for and unwise, prom
ising only an increase of the public debt,
increased expenses without corresponding
benefits to themasses. The*strongest rea
son against toe passge of the law, howev |
over, is that it isan.assumption of power 1
on the part of the-General Government
not warranted in. too Constitution. It ig
nores the rights of States altogether and
invests the administration with greatly
increased power, which may grow under
such legislation as this until! it may be
used to overthrow oorlitertje* If the-
right to hn&d and
own telegraphs it has the same right to
build, own and control railroads, to ruff
steamboats and monopolize the entire
carrying trade of the country. Once ad
roit* the right, And it follows that the Gov
ernment whenever it chooses may assume
the entire carrying trade of the country
and, to ail intents and purposes, control
all onr business interests. It is proposed
in England already to give the Govern
ment control of the railroads, and when
once we have placed the telegraph in the
hands of (he Administration at Washing
ton, It will not be long until the same rea
sons will place the railroads under the
same control. The Constitution of the
United States vests certain powers in the
Federal Government, and declares that
what is not expressly granted is reserved
to thp States and to the people. The
right to build, own and control telegraphs
and railroads has no more warrant in the
Constitution than the right to build and
control cotton manufactories, furnaces and
grist mills. If the carrying trade is to be
taken out of the bands of the citizen, so
may all the manufacturing interests of the
country, and every one be made depend
ent upon the government.
Happily for us, this question of power
engaged the attention of the framers of
the Constitution, and although its earnest
expounders were somewhat divided, the
most liberal constructionists never dream
ed of such an interpretation of our or
ganic law. Madison, in the Federalist,
contends that the Constitution does not
ctfnfer new power, bat only invigorated
the powers of the confederacy, and under
the articles o( the federation the
Slates were supreme upon all questions of j
this character. To prevent any roisnn
demanding, an amendment to the Con-1
atitution was proposed at the first session
an in*
of Congress, after the adoption of the
Constitution, declaring, in the language
quoted, that powers not expressly granted
in the Constitution were reserved to
States respectively, and to the people.
President Monroe, in his veto of the
Cumberland road supplement, May 4tb,
1822, reviews the whole question, and his
exhaustive argument against the power
of the Government to appropriate even
money for internal improvements of ihiaT
character seems to me to be unanswerable.
He held that the power was not conferred
by the Constitution, and thsi- even the
consent of the States through which the
improvements were projected would not
warrant Us exercise. In this- position he
was sustained by Madison, who was the
father of the Constitution, and by Jeffer-
son, its most wise and trusted expounder.
Ido not desire to appear as the advocate
of State rights as under stood in these la
ter days, because nothing is further from 1
my intention.
The doctrine of State rights, as held by
the Democratic party In 1861, only shows
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to what extremes the advocates of a theo
ry sound and patriotic may be carried.
When Jefferson and Madison penned the
Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of
1798, they were actuated by a laudable
desire to preserve the liberties of the
country by protecting the States against
Federal encroachment. Hamilton was a
Ilber *} cqustructlontatj and although he
agreed with Madison before the adaption
of the Constitution, mv sooner was it
adopted than he contended for a far differ
ent and more liber*) construction of that
instrument. ‘ This gave rise to' two parties
-one being known as Kberal and the
other as strict constructionists. The first
was held by Hamilton and Adams, the
other by Jefferson and Madison. Jamil
ton and bis party favored a national bank*
internal improvement* and a consolidated
government, while Jefferson and Madison
contended that the Constitution virtually
prohibited the general government from
exercising control over such questions.
They believed, as Madison stated in the
Federalist, that the constitution only in
vigorated the powers conferred in the ar
ticles of confederation, but granted noth
ing additional The party of Jefferson
tnnmphed within a few years after the
adoption of the Constitution, and for half
a century controlled the administration
and shaped the policy of the country.
The result was the principles they enun
ciated were carried toextremes, and the- *
party they created for patriotic purposes
became in our day the advocate and de
fender 1 of treason. .7i
The resolutions of *9B were interpreted
to mean Slate independence, to autHorlas
the nullification of national laws and
secession. The whole Democratic party.
North and South, being controlled in the
interest of human slavery, when that in
terest was endangered, the party South
went openly into and a large
portion of the party in the North sympa
thized with the traitors. State rights was
the: cloak/nsed to .bide or excuse thislre*-
Jefferson and Madison • were
quoted as sustaining the traitors in the
position. Gen. Lee resigned his position
ill the army of the United States to take
command of the troops of his own State,
declaring that his allegiance to his State
was paramount to that he owned to the
United Slates, and every traitor offered
the same excuse. A terrible civil war
followed, and the result was adverse to
the advocates of Stales rights. The in
terpretation of Jefferson and Madison
gave place to that of Hamilton and
Adams, and the resolutions of 1798 are
as odious almost as the State rights party
of the Sooth is to a very large majority of
the citizens of the North. In 'escaping
trom the dangerous extreme of States
rights, is there not danger of flying to
another extreme equally dangerous ? The
government was compelled to assume
large and dangerous powers during the
war, and the disposition seems to be not
only to claim and retain them, but to
grasp more power in order to perpetrate
party ascendency.. Montesquieu asserts
that it is a lasting experience that neither
men nor parties relinquish power once
possessed. The power is used and abused
until n limit is found. I regret to say
there is some evidence of the truth of this,
position in the history of this country
since the war. The party in power shows
less disposition to relinquish the exercise
of what is generally known as the war
powers than was expected, and the peo
ple show an indifference that is remarka
ble. Before tbe,war, even in the days of
Hamilton, if the Administration had in
terfered in the domestic affairs of any of
the States, as has recently been done in
! Louisiana, and in fact all of the Southern
States, there would have been revolution.
Now the administration is not only in
dorsed but forced into these measures by
Congress and the country. So great is
the fear of the loyal masses of State rights
and all who believed in that heresy, that
any measure which weakens the heresy
and its believers is indorsed and Japprov
ed. It is only necessary to refer to the
war and to thoes who sought our coun-
try’s overthrow to insure the passage of
any bill through Congress for the future
subjection of traitors.
As a result, nearly every Southern
State is in a condition of anarchy. The
State Governments are almost wiped out
entirely, and the Federal Government is
supreme. This being the spirit that pre
vades and controls the country, is it not
high time we sought to check it before ft
plunges the country into disasters as serf-
ous as those just escaped ?
The tendency is toward a strong con
solidated government, and a wiping out
of State rights altogether. We are vest
ing the administration yearly with in
creased power, and the day may cope
when America may have a Louis Napo-
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