The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 31, 1873, Image 4

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Prtitr noralßA* January 31, 1873.
This subject, which has ‘been
discussed in Teachers 1 Institutes
throughout the State during the
whiter, recommended to the consid
oration of the Legislature in the re
cent message of ex-Governor Geary,
and occupied the attention of the
Constitutional Convention, is of vi
tal interest to the whole community.
The idea of compulsion in educa
tion appears ; to be antagonistic, to
our free way of acting, and strikes;
one at first disagreeably, but it is
the novelty of the idea that appears
so, and hot the measure itself. Com
pulsion of attend upon
school is common enough on the
part of parents, and if all parents
were faithful in this, respect there
would be no difficulty in leaving the
matter with them, and . trust to pa
rental authority to attain the desir
ed result., ,All agree that universal
education is essential to the safety
and welfare of a government such
as ours.- The fundamental ideas
upon which are constructed onr free
institutions, ought to be familiar to
the~ininds and deeply imbedded in
the hearts of all, in order that every
exercise of sovereignty by the indi
vidual shall be in unison with the
spirit and tendency of the nation.
The Republic means progress,
progress in public order, in protec
tion to property’ and person, *in the
means of happiness and the acqui
sition of power. But this progress,
it is evident* must depend upon the
education 6t the people. The heart
must prompt and the mind devise
the means for its attainment. If
universal education is absolutely
essential to the success of this great
experiment of free government, as
we firmly believe it is, then how
shall it be accomplished? Will
there be no dangerous, ignorant
class if the State provide attractive
school bouses, and throw open the
doors without price ? The State
has already done this, and the State
Superintendent reports that there are
icuxrii rv — uwubbuu i;nuui cii —*rxnr
have never been registered in the
schools, and who are deprived en
tirely. of any advantages derived
from attendance thereupon. The
explanation of this ugly fact may be
easy, but the remedy can only be
found in the interference of the gov
ernment requiring unfaithful pa-*
rents to send their children to
school to receive an elementary edu
cation, by. which to be fitted to dis
charge the duties of citizens. There
is nothing anti-Kepublican in all
for the compulsion, being lim
ited to children, is natural and mere
ly exercised by the State instead of
the parent, and fn effect simply de
prives the parent of a certain pecu
niary value derived from the child’s
labor. The interest of the State in
Ifer: children is greater and para
mount to that of the parents, and if
*the public good force may
be used to compel parents to send
their children to school, and such
compulsion will not differ in princi
ple from that used to collect money
from people to defray the expenses,
of schooling. What is the difference
whether you deprive a man of labor
or take from him money that repre
sents labor, when in each case the
deprivation is for the benefit of uni- 1
versa! education? We should think
also that if the State judged it expe
dient and just to iax the people to
support a system of free schools, it
would feel bound to take care that
the abundant provision thus made
should not be waited and the good
sought be lost for lack of attendance
upon school of the children, the ed
ucation of whom the welfare of the
Slate demands, and their own fu
ture usefulness requires. Upon
no other grounds can the State
take one man’s money to educate
another’s child, - except that the
public good requires it, and so, for
the same paramount reason, the
State can usurp the authority of the
parent and compel the child to be
come educated. Ignorance endan
gers the, peace of the community
and is the frnitfol source of crime.
Tbc State to abol
ish i|, and thus prevent by wise
legislation the commission of crimes
. wbicfcare a di a grace td Republican
civilization. t Oantherebeany doubt
as to the utility of each a mens
ore ? -When the nation is educated
from top to bottom, reaching
through ail classes of society, then]
and hot till then, can American He*
publican ism be called, a permanent
success. In Europe the example of
Germany has proven that an educa
ted people is necessary to political
power.- But let America^teach that
universal education is necessary to
- "***? { ‘ . , . •
pablicorder and national progress.
There would be difficulties to over*
come in the way of enforcing this
measure, but where there ia a will a
+ tfi, u“ . t T - i ‘ - '•'lf a
way etui beeasily discovered. g:|t
and unwabanted attack upon the
County Commissioners, because this
winter an immense ice gorge in
Raccoon creek, at Boktown, caused
the creek to raise so rapidly that
sixty out of a flock of sixty-five
sheep were drowned before it was
possible to rescue them, and, in giv
ing away, sw,ept off the iron bridge
which the Commissioners, the sum
mer before, had built across the
creek at that place.
We can not discover how they
can be justly made responsible for
the tremendous ice gorge, or ac
countable to the people either for
the dislodgement of the bridge or
the drowning of the sheep. But
the animus of the article is revealed
further on, in the statement, in sub
stance, that the long ears of the
Argus had heard that the Commis
sioners did not intend this year to
give it the printing of the receipts
and expenditures of the county.
From the fullness of the heart the
month speaketb, and the Argus ,
child-like in its great mixture of
grief and anger, has blurted out
its pitiful tale. Wo condole with
it, and sincerely rejoice that it
can now occupy thai “desirable
stand” of / independence, the re
alization ot which a too inti
mate relation with the Commission
ers seems to have heretofore made
impossible. True, the Argus felt a
little uncertainty in regard to the
desirableness of the situation, and
its editor, suspicion s as usual, so
liftited-A-Ccrtain xu»-acm._m intemedp
with the Commissioners for him,
and, we believe, even made a friend
ly call upon them himself, but from
the gall and wormwood of the late
Argus we conclude that the interview
was more remarkable for its silence
than any other and that the
bland and child-like editor left with
a “flea in his ear!” The Argus ac
cepts the situation, however, and de
clares that henceforth it will re
ceive no favors and give no quar
ters. Sublime independence and
matchless courage! Mother Goose
on the rampage I, The Commission
ers are in'great danger now, and
may expect to be black-mailed a
little in order to bring them, it pos
sible, under the Argus subjection.
But the motive is too apparent, and
the paper has been dealing so freely
in slanders and black-mail that the
good people of the county have lost
all confidence in its fairness and
honesty, and won’t believe now any
thing it says. Mother Goose you
are powerless except to quack, and
your quacking at the incompetency
of the Commmissioners reminds
one of those persons of shallow
brains who are always depreciating
tho=e who have a plentiful supply.
The Pittsburgh Commercial has
changed hands, Mr. Brigham retir
ing, in order to move to Florida,
and Hon. Russell Efrett taking his
place. The new editor declares that
the present policy of the paper will
not be changed, but will be conduct
ed as heretofore, as the organ or tool
of no man nor set of men, but will
i ' -, ” c
preserve its independence intact to
discuss’ men and measures freely.
A well deserved compliment is paid
to the retiring editor for his ability
and energy in building up the paper
to its present magnitude and power.
The election under the Local Op
tion lav, to decide the question of
granting or not granting licenses in
Bradford was. held on the
17th inst., and resulted as in dear
field, in a decided victory for pro
hibition, the majority against li
cense being nearly 2250. This"
vote indicates Very clearly the fate
of the liquor traffic in the northern
portion oi the State.
: The edition prim**.
History of Pennsylvania Volunteers,*
byorderof the State, was so small
that each
tive received but sixteen copies for
distribution In their several districts;
The si&allness of such a number at
once impresses every one | familiar
with population, and : shows bow in
adequate is the circulation of: the
work to meet the general demand.
Not one soldier out of every hun
dred has been the recipient 'of a
printed copy of the record - which
he assisted in making. This is nei-1
ther just nor honorable; and it is
noW" proposed that the
shall order a large edition of this
work, so as to popularize it by plac
ing it in the hands of as many of
the surviving soldiers of Pennsyl
vania as can be reached. The ster
eotype plates from which the first
edition was printed are still, in ex
istence, and therefore a second edi
tion could be issued at comparative
ly small cost The Legislature could
well afford to order this description
of printing, as the work itself is Of
such a character as to prevent iffrom
ever being done at private expense.
It is a public document, concerning
the official history of the State dur
ing the period oi our struggle with
rebellion;—while with that official
history is woven la record of person
al valor, devotion land patriotism as
| splendid as any toe world has. ever
made, or mankind been called Ho
admire. For these reasons, we
heartily endorse the proposition to
print another edition of this history,
and hope the Legislature will imme
diately order the work to be done.
The appointment, by Governor
Hartranft, of Hon. Thos. J. Bighara,
of Allegheny, Superintendent of the
new Bureau of Labor Statistics* has
been met with general approval,
both because of his eminent fitness
for the position and his great merits
as a man. Statistics has been his
special study for many yean, and
he is perfectly familiar with the la
bor interests and material
of the State, which Will
be useful to him in makihgjbis^Cr
people. . ‘
The Credit Mobilier investiga
tion is developing facts that impli
cate the standing of eminent and
heretofore irreproachable public
men; but we trust that when ; the
committees are through their work,
additional light will be sh°d on
these suspicions transactions, and
those men whom we have long
honored will be completely exculpat
ed from all blame.
A bill repealing the franking
privilege has passed both the. House
and Senate, and now awaits the
President's approval to become a
law. What gigantic strides the pro
gressive spirit of the nation milst be
taking, when Congressmen will de
liberately vote away their cherished
and very useful privileges.
Col. A. Wilson Norris, of Phil
adelphia, has been appointed Gov.
Hartranft’s private Secretary. He
rendered good service during the
war, and took an active part in the
late political campaign, serving as
Secretary to the Republican State
Central Committee.
Tbe Governor** Inauguration end Ad*
dree*— Distribution of Ofllce*~Col»
Quay—The Attorney General—Dulled
State* Senator—Beaver County Bl||*—
Senator Rolan** Resolution—jßxtra
Correspondence of the Radical.
Harrisburg, Jan. 27.1673.
Tuesday last, the day of Governor Har
tranft’s inauguration, was a wet, dismal
day, yet this did not interfere with the
programme, nor prevent any b! tie or
ganizations expected taking part In the
ceremony. It is admitted on all hands
that it was the finest demonstration ever
witnessed in this city . There were about
four thousand soldiers, in line, seven hull-
dred children from the soldiers* orphans*
schools, a number of fire companies, and
twenty-five bands of music of* different
kinds. * The celebrated Harine. band of
Washington City, and disk’s bandfrom
New York City, wens here, and vle<twith
each other in discourr' the finest/
—Bing music >. - elet>
ever heard, at the Capital. V ; six yearn more. maklng hia fourth election
Gov. Hamah ft’s inaugogal addrtssis high was the highest
highly commended by all' pnrtles. ls compliment that could he paid the old'
plain, straight-forward, bosiness like, and i chief, and he eo tegards jf. Daring all the
strikes everyone as the utterances >ir an j time the nomination and election I were
honest* mar. His emphatic declaration ! pending he* ivaa i| Washlngioo, quietly
against using the bonds m the Sinking I sUendingtohia duties, atd there wasno
predicted Ih&t bis eleclion would be €ol*
lowea by snother million ste&J
m?' > :;w^v
On * morning, about half
past nine o’clock, Gov. Hartranftquletly
wftlkedinto theExecullve chamber, and
entered upon tire discharge of his duties.
Almost Immediately delegations of office*
Beekcrt,aecompanied by their friends/bc
gantowalt upon him. and his time was
taken up for two or three days in listen
ing to the claims of his friends for the
appointments at, hia disposal.
Col; sworii in on Wedoesday
mocking as Secretary of the Common
wealth, and has since been devoting his
time to the duties ot his office, with
which he became quite familiar during
'Ooferpor Curtin’s administration. Mr.
Keeley; formerly clerk in the Auditor
General’s Office, has , been appointed Ex*
ecutive clerk, and with this exception no
new appointments have yet been made
by the. Governor or by the Secreta*
ry. It is settled that Frank Chandler, for
more than thirty years Corporation clerk
in the Secretary of State’s office, and Mr.
Friday, Record clerk, will reman, but be*
yondthia we have no definite informa
tion. There are only four or five clerk
ships remaining, and these will be given,
in all to counties where the
Republicans are in the mfnprity. Gov.
Hartranft comes from a minority county,
and be holds that these positions should,
us a rnle. be given to working Republi
cans in Democratic connties, where there
Is no chance of election. In counties
like Allegheny or Beaver there are so
many positions accessible to the active
desiring Republicans that they should
not monopolize appointments to the ex
clusion of men, equally deserving, from
counties-like Berks, Montgomery, Clear
field or Westmoreland, and under Gov*
Hartranft they will not be permitted to
do so, no matter what is expected.
Gov. Hartranft has established the rep
utation ot being able to keep a secret bet
ter than any man living, not excepting
Gen. Grant. Until he nominated his At
torney General on Wednesday morning,
no man in the Commonwealth knew cer
tainly who would be chosen. It was set
tled that the choice would lay between
Armstrong, Dimmick and McVeigh; not
that Gen. Hartranft had satd so, but those
were the only gentleman named, and they
represented all the different interests, and
were admitted to possess all the necessary
qualifications. Your correspondent early
predicted the choice would lay between
Armstrong and Dimmfeki, and up to Tues
day Armstrong was regarded by most per
sons as the coming man. The first notice
Mr. Dimmick bad that be was to be ap
pointed was a telegram to him in Phila
—■ WftdneoUay, ftotity.Bu.him ftp
come and receive his commission. The ap
pointment meets with universal com
mendation. Mr. Dimmick is the leading
lawyer of the north-eastern part of the
state, and is a gentleman of wealth and
high character. He is a man of com
manding personal appearance, of easy
manner, and will prove one of the most
popular Attorney Generals that ever filled
the office. He was a Relegate to the State
Convention and voleo for Eelcbam, but
moved to make Gen. Hartranft’s nomina
tion unanimous, and for years has been a
warm personal friend of the Governor
elect. He arrived on Thursday morning
with his wife and is stopping at the! Lo
ch iel Hotel. He has tendered his resig
nation as a delegate in the Constitutional
Convention, and his place will be filled
by the remaining delegates at large with
in a lew days.
The appointment of T. J. Bighaqi, of
Pittsburgh, Chief of the Bureau oflSta
tistics, Labor and Mining, is one of the
best that could he made. No man in the
Commonwealth so well understands her
resources, or is so well adapted to the la
bor of gathering statistical information as
Mr. Bigham,and the Governor is enti
tled to great credit for this appointment.
Bigbam arrived here bn Friday and bad
an interview with the Governor. He
was dressed in the identical sail of clothes
he wore when be first came to Harris
burg, a generation or so ago, and wore
the same old bat and red cow-hide shoes
which never knew either oil or polish pf
any kind. His commission should have
contained a proviso requiring him to
shave once a month and get a suit of
clothes once in five years, and then he
would be a model officer.
Members of the Legislature are de-
lighted with Gov. Hartranfl’s modest
plan, diPect arid business-like manner of
receiving them and disposing of their bu-[
sioess, and to-day the Governor eject isl
the most popular; man in the Common*
Wealth. Tour correspondent predicts;
bis popularity Will: increase every day he
continues in office, and when bis terip cx*|
pires he will stand higher in the estima*!
tion of the people, without regard to par|
ty divisions, than; any man who has jailed!
that office, during this generation at least!
At three olclock ;dnTuesday, after the
inauguration ceremonies were over, th£
two Houses voted for United States Sen*
ator, and Simon Cameron received every
Republican vole. Tbe next day in joint
convention theresult was announced, and
Gen. Cameron was- declared lected fr
3>r^' '-t
'. - v -
iffortbybim oranyone elseto influence
voles, because atone were necessary. It
warhelieved| at one time be would de
cline to be a candidate, In view of bis ad*
vanced age, In which event his son, Col.
J. D. Cameron, won id have
the honor with as little difficulty as bis
father did.; Don Cameron, as bels famil
iarly- milled, is perhaps the brightest,
shrewdest business man of bis age in the
Stole, and one of our most deserving Re
publicans. The party owes more to him
for success ln : ; the last campaign than to
any other Republican in the: Common
wealth. He is a gentleman of floe edu
cation, of broad views, frank in his mea
ner, and of generous impulses, qualities
that command the respect and win the
confidence of men every where, and would
soon have acquired commanding influence
in the United States Senate. General
Grant could not select a better successor
to Secretary Boatweil, and if he is going
to give Pennsylvania a position in the cab
inet, as he should, let him put Don Cam
eron in the [Treasury, and the department
will be administered aswell, or better,
than it has since the days of Washington
and Hamilton. It is doubtful, however,
if Mr. Cameron would accept, as It
would require him to give up the Presi
dency of the Northern Central .railroad,
now. with its Washington connection
nearly complete, one of the most imports
ant roads in tbe country, and tbe active
management of the banks, mills and fac
tories with which he is connected.,
A correspondent of The: Radical from
Philadelphia suggestsed Hon. W. H. Kem
ble for a cabinet position, and the sug
gestion was a good one. Although he
has been much abased by blackmailing
correspondents, there is not a man in the
Commonwealth who has more devoted
friends or deserves them better. He was
the most popular State Treasurer tbe
Commonwealth ever had, and one of the
most capable. In energy and business
qualifications he has few superiors any
where. We admire him for his ability,
his generosity, ardent devotion to friends,
and thousand other good qualities, and
would gladly join in any movement for
Ms advancement. ,
It is to be hoped when General Grant
next selects a Cabinet officer from Penn*
sylvania, be will take one who is known
outside of the ward in which he lives, and
of whose qualifications there can be no
doubt. If qualification and political ser
vices entitle men to position Cameron and
Kemble would stand in the first rank
among our public and business men.
1 Little was done in the Legislature last
week, and the House adjourned { on Thurs
day and the Senate on Friday. Unless
both Houses go to work at once the ses*
eion will be protracted into the summer
\ The only bills from your locality intro
dooed into the Legislator* was one to
prevent came from nmuing atlarge
Hanover township in your county, and
one authorizing the school directors of
Itaden to collect and additional tax, both
read in place by Senator Rutan.
I Some excitement and bad feeling was
aroused in the House over the drawing of
Committees in the contested elections
from Lnzerne county and Philadelphia,
owing to an apparent set up between cer
tain Democrats and Republicans to get;
position* on the committees. When the
pames were being drawn out o\ the;
wheel it was noticed that the Republi
cans from Philadelphia were not cbal-:
longed by the Democrats, and were
enabled to get on several of the commit
tees, a { number being on three each.
There seemed to be no explanation of
this except that a bargain had been made
by the Philadelphia Republicans to keep
the Democrats from Luzerne in their
seats, in consideration of the Democrats
Standing by the two Republican members
from Philadelphia, whose seats were, con
tested, or else an arrangement that cer
tain Republicans and Democrats should
Constitute each committee, and thus share
[the extra pay usually voted members of
[these committees. Extra pay In each case
would give s number of these gentlemen
[from fifteen hundred to two thousand dol
lars in addition to their regular salary,
land the control of * clerkship for each
[committee for some friend, at a large sala
ry. If this was the arrahfce men t the
\ game was blocked by a resolution intro
duced in the Senate on Monday, by
I tor Ratan, instructing the Finance Com
mittee, of which he is a member, not to
allow extra pay in any case to members
of committees, and to pay clerks in pro
portion to officers of the Legislature for
the work performed. The passage of
this resolution created consternation
among certain members of the House, and
the desire to get on committees large
ly diminished.
It Is high time the practice of allowing
extra pay for work on committees was
discontinued, as it leads to great abuses,
and soon the, extra pay would amount to
more than, the regular salary of the mem
bers. Last year over thirty thousand dol
lots was appropriated ior extra compen
sation, and this year, at the same rate, it
would run to near one hundred thousand.
The salary of the members is too low, and
should be increased to fifteeofbundred dol
lars at least; but let it be done openly, in
a manly way, and so tliat all may have
the benefit of It, and not a few who have
been.fortunate enough to get on some
extra committee. M.
—The Harrisburg correspondent of the
McKeesport Times says: Mr.' Robert
Mackey is in great demand. Every body
who has anything to do nd matter what,
is sure to “hunt up Bob.” .
Constitutional Convention-Slow p ro _
Wteas —ldle Propositions Beaver
County Imdlea.
Correspondence of the Radical.
Philadelphia, Jan. 27,1873.
There is no political news of special
importance in the city of Brotherly Love
All eyes are directed to the Constitu.
tional Convention In session here now
This Convention, composed as-it is, per [
baps, of the most able and eminent men
of the Commonwealth, has yet accom.
pliShed very little, the time being spent in
long debates; and the reading ofjresolo
tbns which, in the main, are objectless
and useless. As the members of the least
mental calibre are most active in thmstim?
resolutions upon the Convention, and
men who do not understand the old, aro
most active in forming the new] while
the great minds upon whom thj work
will devolve, if anything is accomplices
are hiding their time until tbe others he*,
come exhausted.
Thus far the Convention has adopted
one section of one article of a proposed
constitution, which is not encouraging to
to those who pray for a short session.
The Convention holds sessions every
day'from 10 a. m. until 2p. m , Sabbaths
excepted. From present appearances tbe
Convention will remain in session until
July, then adjourn daring the heated term
and remain in session duringnext winter.
Many of the members regard (their au
thority as supreme, and are disposed to
deviate from the; old landmarks, disregard
ancient and established precedents, revo
lutionize the order of things under tbe old
and time-honored constitution 1 , and to
make a new one and force It upon tbe peo
ple for their ratification or rejection, for
getting that in their official capacity they
are creatures of the people, selected by
the people to represent them in the spirit,
of our present cynstitutipn, which should
rather be regarded and obeyed |than sub
stituted and destroyed. There sdems to be
discord: among the brethern, and a proba
bility of a conflict between the Conven
tion and the Legislature, as some of tbe
members of the Convention threaten to
take np the Legislature by the; roots and
disband tbe Honorable Senatorsjbefore tbe
.expiration of their respective terms of of
fice for which they were elected; an in
vasion of that character upon that Hono
rable body in this their .high tide of re
trenchment and reform, would be fearful
to contemplate just when the; subject is ;
being agitated and an effort being quiet
ly made to increase their salaries. But
perhaps I had better not criticise further
as your correspondent “Trefoil” sadly
misrepresented some Very ihigh-tPQed
and honorable members. ■ j
I saw the late editor of The Radical in
this city a few days since.. Hie wears his
honors modestly. He is the right man in
the right place, has the ablity, and 1 have
no doubt wiil perform the duties of bis
office with credit to himself, with benefit
to (he Commonwealth, and • contribute
much to make the admin istratibn of Geni
Hartranft a success. ..-jv.ur~
-As can be obtained at Pittsburgh. Or elsewhere.
' E^^eWe9y^f(iv^l^rac‘quaintance
of yoar townsman, Hon. D. L. Imbrie,
Chief Clerk of the Constitutional Con
vention. He has many friends in the
Convention, and is a popular and efficient
officer. I J
This city is favored with more than an
usual number of visitors this winter, and
their presence enlivens the streets. The
hotels are filled, and the placejs of amuse
ment are crowded, and the city generally
presents a more than usual attractive ap
[Correspondence of the Radical.] * 1
Valmont, Boulder County, Col., I
January 15, |1873. f
I feel prompted byja sense Of duty to
suffering humanity, to publish' these facts
which I have learned by actual experi
ence, and which, had I knowfi a year or
since, I should have been? better off,
both -abygiealiy aa( j ; financially— with a
view v thW4fi 08e who are sufferers from the
dreadful called consumption and
all its altendant m(jDIS) raa y CO me to
this health restoring witb Bome cer
tainty of, receiving the et boon oj
health, and be saved from the o|
false information and flying
reports, by putting confidence in whib
many now lie in Colorado i grave yard*
and many others have gone home dis
conraged and to die. |
If you pick up a; Denver newspape
during the summed season,|v|)en the h
flux of invalids is the most numerous, yo
will see several articles addressed to inn
lids, the substance of them all wilt be
Ist, come to Colorado, h<pr balmy air at
warm suns will cure you. no matter wh
your ailment.. ■ j
2nd, The only way to Colorado is I
the Kansas Pacific Railroad.
3d, Denver is the best place in the T<
ritory for invalids, its fine, scenery, a:
beautiful drives, | hotel! facilities, d
churches, good society; and economii
living, are inducements not to be fou
in any other part of the Territory,
all means stop in Denver.
These fallaclous.remarks are copied