I can see that dayJ White cumuli were heaped over the wpod tops, bat the mid jle day was blue bud clear. -Though I ffgs dozing on a saloon step, this day of beauty got even through my wavering ,j_jj t perhaps I sat there an hour, per* baps an age, in which the b Finks I got ffere the recurring days. It suddenly occurred to me that such a !oDg continuance of fine weather ought to enjoyed, more actively. ; But the world whirls, as everybody knows. I mumbled a number of jokes on nature as I staggered abroad. After a tiresome . ourDey , I came upon an alley and a croup of boys travelling through a game of marbles on their knees like penitents etumpiog through Jerusalem. And in . ie ir midst was Billy. Billy! was a noble poking boy. I paused and tried to get , nto position to look at him. I felt a maudlin pridedn Billy. He had Flora’s t oe'eyes (Blessed Floral She was gone #iere she couldn’t be cursed anjL more, plo r little broken hearted thing!) A? Billy photographed himself in my PT es h>s bright hair blowing, his lus|y sneers gauging, a pit.for his marble, thei contrast between what he and I were bore to be, and what we were, struck me ;ise a bullet. I bad tried to reform. O yes. And e? ery failure was a link in my chain. I was utterly given over to the snakes and nnes. Now here was Bill walking in my va grant steps —a vicious Arab in beautiful Caucasian guise. ■ Say, Bill,” begged one of the tribe, casting a covetous eye on his industrious ws, “let me chaw your wax awhile.” Bill, with graceful generosity and con tempt of gain, tossed it over, saying : “There, you can take it and keep it; I don’t want it no more.” While I stood in drunken doler against the fence, the group whirled up suddenly into a maelstrom ; the centre to which they were all sucked was a steadfast rock with churning fists and a yellow top. Bill!” I shouted in fury, “come you young scoundrel!” Hearing my voice over the broil, he d&;hed through the boys and came, cry ■dc. bloody and ruffled. Wbat are you fighting about?” I ask ed, standing in a tremulous judgment over him. I can’t tellypu, father,” he answered bravely : What! Even the boy despised &od dared me ! 1 lifted my band and felt that I could kill him. Take that, then, and that, yon little wretch ! I’ll show you how to be a bully and turn against your cwn father.” My muscular band brongbt a frightful blood gush out of his braised face. I I thought he should feel that his father was ' a solid man in one respect, if the rest of my body >vas a mass of moist wretched-, oess. The bny, the boy. I groan when I re reniber it. Oh, don’t father,” he begged, wring- /t disease a fair way for recovery. If you are in U iatter state, don’t stop In Denver, and. wili "ive yon my reasons therefor. Ist, After you rough camp life, you runt to avoid the hotel and boarding’ onse hash 2nd , Denver, during the summer, is kt a vast hospital; the hotels and board houses are full of sick;you meet them rUu - - % 9 I took hold' no' n of ram kept me at bis cracked stub- little feet. There was no one in the irld who cared whether I rose or went ■m down but him. He cared. I pul my erms around the boy and cried against hsm. No more drunken, glazing repen* ucce for roe. Every tear was hard as a ;wl with resolution. The good Christ speared that instant in His love, and suffering, through the boy, as plain 1 appeared to the dying Sir Laun •= ’brough the leper. When on earth was always going about picking up ’c? abominable, and since He has left the b lie sends for them by messengers !Li .v can not help knowing. *Men should respect me in that spark the boy respected. I would show aa what a grand overmastering thing soul which the Godr of glory val- Don't cry, father,” while he ceased to ct bloody sunrise on bis face. Better a sunrise was that little face to V°- eyes looked bluer and more H** Ven etian the sky. Do you love your fath" ■” asked, ding to him 'ike a rfoman - Yes, sir ; I’l’' ck anybody that calls •u name* ’ l be bright, tender Anna •ntfi • n's face gashing with another horizontal hail of mud and pebbles Us while be was speaking. Billy ire d up like a charger snuffing the ball* % off. Bat I made him retreat from efiemy's linesf I the boy and I were laid at night a ,Q w tavern, which was onr only Masked, with my face turaed to k’m: “Billy, will yon help your ler io try once more V* Upon which he up and pumped my arm with alj v 'gor and familiarity that the streets in him, sireej I wiil that, you bet!” Billy. 0n after he subsided I heard his soft g°»ug in and out the doors of his regular cadences. While he slept parted up to fight his skirmishes ’ °eged my weak brain to work P'ar, THE BOV. When 1 look btfck at that wiretcb in soiled tavern sheets, glaring into the dark ness with watery : eyes, my legs tremble under me, though they have gone stoutly hew many years. It was such a very straight path up from that place, and I came so near falling, time after time. The heit day 1 got work on the ftli* road. Frohi the gutter I could hot go directly back to the bar, since drunken* nessis one of the vices which is not ; tnK crated In lawyers. It was hard to- shovel dirt in the hot sun. I sat down half (hint ing. A good natnred Patrick came slyly with a bottle and bade ‘'whist at it,” which I put forth thewill to—like a wild beast—when Billy swooped down front a passing freight tad squared himself be forethat Irisbinini while the very tatters at hiselbow bristled wltfawratb. “Look here, now,” threatened he, send ing the bottle far over the track, “if yon get my father to drinking again I’ll kick you.” After 1 had delved awhile, Billy had a new suit, a set of books, and school privi leges. Then a situation as copyist was opened to me. The boy acd I fell into the habit of striking bands and going to church on a Sunday. Some of my old friends began to notice me. Ob, I tell you. it makes a man’s heart swell like a green bulb to have an honest hand come seeking his. Finally I got into practice. Sometimes the thirst came on me; and I stormed up afid down in my office, and twisted little locks of hair, as if the curse hung to the roots of that. Once I locked the door and threw out the key, and was a prisoner till my associate came. Passing a saloon one evil time, the clinking of'glasses end the breath of the enemy penetrated my senses. That sa loon door sacked me just half way in, when I was shocked through my coat skirts and quite knocked into the street. “Here, father,” pleaded Billy, charging me with a second jerk, "come out of this; we’re going to make men of ourselves, father.” “Yes, men. Bill,” I subscribed. So I did not run into the side track, because I had such a faithful tender. Coming up socially often does much for a man morally. Cases multiplied, and I seemed to grow with my trust. The boy and I bad smart lodgings up town. He rose in school. I was proud of him. I’ve heard bow women Iqve their chil dren with close, peculiar devotion. 1 think I must have loved him with a mother’s love. There is another way of expressing what the boy was to me. When he came from school and met me on the street he was often carrying the satchel ofa smooth haired, dark-eyed girl* to whom be would exclaim, as be loyally touched his cap, “That’s my father!’ with such a proud accent that the blood leaped in mv veips L i .. Oh, my good fellow, If is a glorious day for you when your child is proud of you ! We live all together now—Billy, his dark sand haired Nora, the little rowdies -"(i j—i n a bouse with no end of verao thei and vines. The respectable handle o< adge is now to my name. Billy’s dren, who give -the echo to bis former training, stand in no more awe of brid ian they do of the venerable Roman the to my countenance. We tumble T)l wild colts on the grass. But they the £ no idea their ancestor ever lay in a officer bed. | uressed be enduring love ! I think often I may be in my dotage, for quiet matron Nora often looks up from her baby in surprise at my walking the veranda and maundering in a sort of ecstacy: “The boy | the boy V pew gukcrti.scmcut!;. Report of the condition O P T H E * Monal Bank- of Beater Comty, NEW BRIGHTON, PA.. At the close oX business on the 27th of Decemoer 1872: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts ?? Overdrafts •.••••■•; ion nm m U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ou U. S. Bonds and Securities on hand 15-WO 00 Due from National Banks...-- ••••■• H"? §5 Due from State Banks Ar? 2? Banking-House . “ Furniture and fixture Current expenses f* RtUfi of iSSer National Banks 6,209 00 Prsrt'onal Currency, (including nickels) 79 89 Ipfcie— Coin 5,2!!0 80 t/egal Tender Notes . 18,120 00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Surplus Fund, Discount Exchange Interest Profit and Loss.... National Bank circulation 106.384 (JO Dividends unpaid, • ' 1,081 84 IndividnatDepodts 88,930 83 Due to National Banks 8.615 76 Due to Stateßanks and Bankers 8,429 89 $386,546 79 State qf Fmneylvanid , 1 . I.Edward HoopsjHwAler Beaver County, f -of the National Bank of Beaver County, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the beet of my knowledge and belief. EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier. Subscribed before me this 6th day of January, 18TO. Mn.ro* Towhsknd, N. P Correct—Attest: BENJ. WILDE, 1 . B.S.UOOPEB, \ Directors. janl7 B. B. EDOAIL J jgXBCUTOR’S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JAMES PORTER. DECEASED. Letters testamentary on the estate of James Porter, late bf Bridgewater boro., Beaver county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all parties knowing themselves indebted to said es tate are reouested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe same will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. J, C. WILSON, Ex’r, janB4-6t Brighton township. , /GIRARD HOUSE* CORNER NINTH A CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAGA, decll’6B:ly Propnetor. $380,546 T 9 5200,000 oo 22,981 86 5.249 34 8,666 67 1.986 79 840 81 'V - - B. CO CHRA N- & 00l 181 LIBERTY 8 TRBET, CORNER FIFTH, j ' : > PITTSBURGH,;PAi ;• f and dealers In ' IRON AND WOOD ; WORKING MACHIIffERT^ AND MANUFACTURERS’ SUPPLIES Have in store a (till stock of DEANE S.TEAM PUMPS, JUDSON GOVERNORS. SASH AND DOOR MACHINERY, - &c., &c., &c. REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS PROMPTLY / ATTENDED TO. novls-lm. JJRY GOODS RETAILED AT .Auction Prices, FOB SIXTY DAYS ONLY. MRjj M. SCHIFF, OP NEW BRIGHTON, Is determined to close oat bis entire stock of DRY GOODS REGARDLESS OP COST, In as abort a time as possible, as be intends to de vote all bis attention in tbe future to tbe MANUFACTURE OP WOOLEN AND COTTON HOSIERY. THOSE WHO WANT =- bar GATES' ~ ARB RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AT ONCE, And they will have a chance to make their selec- tion oat of a WELL SELECTED STOCK. octlB*2m. H. FRANCISCUS & CO., 513 MARKETSTREET. PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for the FALL TRADE, the largest and best assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain , Cotton, Tam, Batting, Wadding, Twines , Wicks, Clocks, Looking Classes, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas kets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wood en and Widow Ware in the United States. Oar large increase in business enables ns to sell at low prices and famish the best quality of goods. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER Price $5.50. The Most Perfect and Successful Washer Ever Made. Agents wanted for the AMERICAN WASHER in all parts of the State. mar29-3m—sel-8m U.W. SEELY. JAMES OSBURN gEELY & OSBURN, Successors to H. W. Seely, BRID G E STREET ROCHESTER. PENN’A. Dealers in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE and NOTIONS, Cash paid for Farmers’ jyl9-ly. PURCHASING AGENCY. Will purchase and forward any article. MANUFACTURED OR SOLD ' In this city, at the lowest prices. Parties in the country wishing to purchase .Pi an os, Organs, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolvers* Nursery; Stock. Jewelry, Furniture, Millinery, Hardware,' Drugs, -Notions, Rooks, Stationery, Saddlery. CarpeUngs, Dry Goode. Ac., Ac., will do well to tend to us. All goods will be chosen with, a view to economy, as well as taste and fitness, and boxes or packages, forwarded by Exprerato any part of the country. All orders promptly at tended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Address PITTSBURGH SUPPLY CO septiS-Sm PITTSBURGH, PA. Ready for Christmas. : .. . > , •We have received an elegant stock of WATCHES, CHAINS. CHAIN AND SAND BRACELETS. DIAMOND PINS. EAR RINGS, STUDS and RINGS, CORAL. STONE CAMEO, AMATUYBT. TOPAZ, ONYX and GOLD SETS OP JEWELRY. PINE NECKLACES and LOCK* BTS. SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS COLLAR BUTTONS. GENTS’ PINS, GOLD AND SILVER HEAD CANES. SOLID SILVER and SILVER, PLATED WARE.-VASES. TOILET SETS. PA*' RIAN MARBLE AND FANCY GOODS. All suit able for Holiday Presents, and will be sold low at WATTLES & SUEAFER’S, decWm. 101 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. /*»* IHSOIAUCE aMOEMiL iOfflCTf (HftAftTHXDtPOT,). _ ; v> “,. V' t - J 'f ‘ -k-. ' . rfOCHBSTBK. «*A, Fire Ufe aid Acciteiit lihiraace; NOTARY I»UBUC, doshbtANCßft, -...and l ' REAL ESTATE AGENT. -v> * ANCHORAND national lines op ocean STEAMERS—ADAMS AND UNION EX PRESS COMPANY'S AGENCY. Fire, Life and Accident Policies written at fair rate a and liberal terms. Deeds, Mortgages, Agree ments, &c.,correctly written. Depositions and Acknowledgments taken. Passengers booked to and from all parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. Money and goods forward ed to all parts of the United States and Canada. /ETNA INSURANCE CO.. OF HARTFORD, CONN. CASH: ASSETS,.... ........ $8,000,000 Established in 1810—Wealthiest and most reliable Company in the World. 1 “By their Finite ye shall know them.'’ Losses Paid to Jan. Ist, 1871.....,.. .128,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK CASH ASSETS,.. sl^loo,ooo ANDES INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CINCINNATI. cach Assets $1,600,000 ENTERPRISE, ON PHILADELPHIA, PA. CASH ASSETS, over 1600,000 LANCASTER, OF LANCASTER ,■ PA; CASH PAID ASSETS, - (240,000 ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, y OF ERIE, PA. CASH CAPITAL. $250,100 Insures against damage by lightning as well as life. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NE W, TORE. CASH ASSETS .ii....' $8,500,00(1 TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, OOFS. CASH A55ET5,............... $1,500,000 Paid losses, since, its > rganization, of over $7OO a day, for deatb and injury. , Representing the above first class Companies, acknowledged to be amongst tbe best in the world, and representing a gross Cash. Capital of over Six teen Millions ft! Dollars, lam able to take Insur ance in departments, and Policies Issued without delay. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid,. Insure to-day, ;By one days' neglect or delay you map bfoss the tailings vf years. Delays are dangerone. Hfe uncertain. Insure to-day. One to-day i Sttforfh two to-morrows. Quality also Is of tbe utmost importance. The low priced, worthless aOtele always proves the dearest. worth and wealth for Indemnity. . Tfu Best is the Cheapest. “As yon bow that yon shall you reap.” Grateful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed, I flattter myself, by strict attention to a legitimate business, not only to merit' a continu ance ol tho same, but hope, by the facilities and inducements 1 am now enabled to offer, for a large increase daring the present year. Mb. S. A. CRAIG is -duly authorized o take applications in adjoining, boroughs and townships. CHARLES B. HURST, Insurance and General Agent, jelG’7l Near the Depot, Rochester, Penn’s. J^ANCASTER INSURANCE COMPANY ! LANCASTER, PA. HON. THOS. E. FRANKLIN, Pres. ' B. P. SHENK, Treasurer. EDWARD BROWN, Secretary. DIRECTORS: THOS. E. FRANKLIN, JOHN L. ATLEK; Physician; JACOB BAUSMAN.Pres’t Farmers Nat. Bank; HENRY CARPENTER, Physician; JACOB M. FRANTZ. Farmer; JNO.C. HAGER, of Hager & Bro. Merchants: GEO. K. REED, of Reed, H'Gran A Co., Bankers; ■A. B. ROBERTS, ex-Memher of Congress; F. SHRODER, of Shroier & Co*, Cotton Man.; B. F. SHENK, of Sbenk, Bansman & Co.; INSURES DWELLINGS, MERCHANDISE, FARM PROPERTY. CHURCHES, SCHOOL HOUSES, MILLS AND FACTORIES, And all other FIRE RISKS taken at as low rates as any first class Company can afford. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID. Term Policies issued on Dwellings, farm proper ty, Ac., at LOW RATES, And Policies liberal in other terms. Apply to CHAS. B. HURST, Agent, ROCHESTER, PA. apr29’7o:ly. pHE ENTERPRISE Insurance Co. OP PHILADELPHIA. F. RATCHPORD STARR, President THOS. H. MONTGOMERY, V. Pres. ; ALEX. W. FILTER, Sec’y. X JACOB PETERSON, Asst. Sec'y. GASH A SSETS, $200,000 ASSETS Feb. lnt) *7O, $530,393 14 FIRS INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY, Perpetual and term Policies a ety liberal rate* Sfcdtenne. Apply to CHAS, B. HURST, Agent, ROCHESTER, PA: Bpr39To:iy. PITTSBURGH MARBLEI2ED 1 MANTLE WORKS! JAM E S OL D, 193 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA.* AUo, RANGES. GRATES. dRc.. and particular attention paid to FURNACES, Public and Private Buildings. , novl-3m u i i : i- ! ;C-r|||| ■ - 1. oxwatkb,Fa. ESTABLISHED IN 1888. The Largest and Best STOCK OF FURNITURE West of the Mountains, Of our own manufacture, will bo found at tbe Mammoth Furniture Establishment of C . G . HAM MER & SONS. Tbenewestjand most approved. style* of Fine and Medium Furniture, in larger variety than any other house, at very reasonableprlces. Persons furnishing bonsea wonjU do well to write for our new circulars or whenffl Pittsburgh wrrospectfnl •7 solicit a visit to onr warerooms. Don’t forget tbe place, ■ > "r * 46,48, * 50, SEVENTH AY;, PITTSBURGH, PA., challenge the world In prices for, tbe quality of material and workmanship of onr goods. C U T T HIS OUT. ang»Bm. Q W. TAYLOR, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE . AND /, ■ . REAL ESTATE AOENT^ Agreements, Art teles. Leases and all Instruments of Writing promptly attended to. Beal Estate bought and sold on reasonable Cob mission. [jyS'TOriy jQ WELLING HOUSES, TENEMENTS, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVS 1 REAI ESTATE, nf AND NBAS TBB BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER FOR SALE AND RENT, BY S. J. CROSS. oc2T7l.tr J. PETTITT, SMITH’S FERRY, BEAVER CO., PA., > n JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, NOTARYPUBLIC AND SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR SALE OF LANDS IN EAST VIRGINIA. aprl9’72-ly JOHN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER AND HAIR DRESSER, NO. 53 MARKETSTREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ladies waited on promptly at their residences by experienced workwomen. ffebB’7l-ly Q-W. MASSEY, C L ©THING, CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. NO. 74 GRANT STREET, feb!o’7l-ly PITTSBURGH, PA. P M. ELLIS, ARCHITECT AND DESIGNER. OFFICE: RAMSEY’S BLOCK BEAVER FALLS, BEAVER CO., PA. Plans and BpeclflcatlonalJfitf public buildings and private residence. Estimates of the cost of Build ing, andallbaslnessconnected with architecture, attended to promptly and satisfactorily. febl9’69;ly. JT CONCERNS ALL! J. PROCTOR, LADIES’ AND GENTLEMEN’S HA IR DRESS IN G RO OM S, And Manufacturer of i Hair Work of Every Description / Children’s Hair Cut Neatly. felO-ly 47 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURGH. pOCHIEL HOTEL, CORNER MARKET & THIRDSTREETB, HARRISBURG, PA. G. W. HUNTER, decl6’6B j f *' froprleto* jOHN COSWAy & CO., B ANKERS & BROKERS DXAIZBS IK ESCHASfIt :.<,yv r : r t'-p Accmiit* oMfannfactnrers, Merc hantsland find !• .X : vidua* Solicited. INTEREST* ALLO WEDI OKiiTIIIS Di POSITS - Corns Bpoiflence.wlil receive prompt attention.' Rochester, Ang.lst, 1872—ang«-6m. gfiAVBR DEPO BIT BANK OF SEA VER, FA. EBEN ALLISON, - - • • Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE AND BE MITTED. CORRESPONDENCE AND .ACCOUNT® S SIGITBD. V INTEREST PAID ON. TIME DEPOSITS. * EXCHANGE, SECURITIES &c., BOUGHT AND SOLD. Office hoars from a. m. to 4r. m. my3T» p BENTEL & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS FREEDOM, PA., . Are prepared to do a general Banking and Broker business. Notes dl6counted, c Government bonds md other securities bought .and sold, and United States^^ 6 ° D acce B»lole points in the Interest allowed ontime deposits. C-B ' BE cSr. ALLEGHENY ; national bank, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, PIITSSUBOH, PA. W. COOK, President. B. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANDLESS. Asst. Cashier. fdels’ 8 jgANKING HOUSE OF R. E. &H. HOOPES, f NEW BRIGHTON, PA. -V» e P?. n^ e ? ce ° f Banks, Bankers and Her roUdted. Collections promptly mad" an d remltted - DyM^ftiy. J AMES T. BRADY & CO., (Successors nto S. Jones & C 0.,) Cob. POUKTH AVENUE it WOOD STREET PITTSBURGH, B A JTKEBS, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS ATmlm^ A Se8 N WVEfiKMEOT BONDS JAS. T. BRADY*CO. JyM’Tfcly. Q. 8. BARKER. P. A. BARKER. O. A. BARKER Q m S. BARKER'* CO;, New Bbishtoh, Pksk’a*, G. 8. BARKER & CO., Beater Falls, Penk'a., bankers DEALERS IK EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, Ac. ma(^e on *ll accessible poicts in the United States and Canada. Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Indi vidaals solicited. , Interest allowed on Time Deposits. i| deSW/ 61106 wUlrecelv ® prompt attention. JJOCHESTER SAYINGS BANK. JOHN V. X'DONAU), GEO.C. SPETEREB, SPEYERER & McDonald, Dealers in exchange, Coin, Government Secnrl* ties,make collections on ail'accessible points In the united States and Canada, receive money!on depos* it subject to check, and receive time deposits of one dollar and upward, and allow interest at 6 per cent. | r Bv-laws and Rales furnished free by applying at at the bank. ; J * Bank open daily from 7 a. m., t'ill4 p.m., and on Saturday evenings from 6 to f) o'clock. BEPER, BY PERMISSION, TO L H Oat man & Co, ;Hon J S Eaton, Algeo, Scott A Co, ! Orr A Cooper. 8 J Cross A Co, j Wm Kennedy,! Snieder A tracks. I John r harp. I B 8 Ranger, RB Edgar, jT-Mesmen’s Nat lona t S B Wilson, I bank, Pittsburgh. Pa. 1 novll-78—Je30-71 JgTNA Insurance Co. HARTFORD, CONN. I PAID UP CAPITAL,' - $3,000,000 CASH ASSETS, - $5,549,5N.97. TOTAL LIABILITIES, - • - $256,068.89 NET ASSETS, - CHARTERED IN 1819 J “BY THEIR FRUITS YE KNOW; THEM i > tosses paid br 61 years, ® 36,058,64T.18 Look to wealth and worth for indemnity. Loo , to quality as the paramount consideration of Insit xance, for too: frequently the chastest rate is only the index of the poorest Insurance. The stability* wealth, liberality, and straightforward character of the AJtna, and its promptness in the payment of loose adoring .the past 51 yews, claim the apprecia tion of all business men. I AppUestkma recelved and Policies written at fit" rates ami bberalterms, by, CHAS.B. HURST, Agent, ROCHESTER, PA , P'«*r7(kly. . Enterprise saloon and RESTAURANT, yPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ’ MEALS AT ALL HOURB. No. 19 SIXTH ST., (late St. Clair,) PITtSBDEQHJ feMO’Tl-ly NEAL McCAI.LION MABHY, (j. PE A R L S A L O O N, 1T 81S.TH STREET, PITTSBURGH. . CHOICE LIQUORS *'UEBAP. ■n.’.co/ £; w. J, SPETEREB; h. j. spetebeO, Cashier .3