The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 31, 1873, Image 2

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Written for the Radical.
.' . j ---g- -
Once on a time one Johnny Gault
Bored down a hole In search of. salt)
He rigged itis puppand worked away,
Pumping water and day I
From pro Adamic chattel.
Salt Valer |Ul
That flowed fromjont thlswundane ball,
For gas in volumesbnbbledthere,
A species of bydibgej*nu«; Jr-.
And with it oil of fabled^worth"
Gushed from the bowels of the earth;
Which was King Core-all for a time.
Of formula, occult, sublime.
One Samuel Kler, a fortune made
By making it a stock in trade.
Some called it oil of rock, and. some
More wlsecalled it petroleum.
Some called it carbon oil, as though
From carbon any oil could flow;
And some, with superstitious dread.
Called it the oleum of the dead.
' But little then the people thought.
Who many a phial sold and bought.
To mb on every bruise or sprain.
Or swallow down to ease their pain,
That that same oil was bound to be
A thing of such utility—
As now we see it bought and sold.
And ranked in stocks'with bonds android.
They never dreamed, or thought at le&t, >
t _ That many wise men from the Bast
Would leave their homes and come so far,
, Allured by fortune’s greasy star.
But yeT they did—and ltto them
Was dearer than the diadem * -
That twinkled over Bethlehem. I
Then oar oil-digger thought that be
A wealthy nabob too most be.
He senght and found a wizard true,
Who could earth-holts and ban undo,
Who, by some magic art; could eee
Through granite rock and sand-stone free
To where dame nature held her store;
And mark the spot where one mast bore.
If one would bore at all for oil
Beneath the sacred virgin soil
’Twas thus he found a favored spot.
And rigged a derrick on his lot.
He scanned the work—this wily man—
Fired np his engine and began.
Down below, down below,
Down where pearly waters flow,
Down where never an eye hath been,
Down through the rocks that lie between
The soil and melted lava.
Slow but surely the drill descends.
Its progress on good engineering depends;
By dint of exertion and patience like Job,
Down deep in earth's bosom they enter the probe,
Midst fears and vexation the work proceeds—
Fear of a failure, which always leads
To fear of bankruptcy, fear of downfall.
Which certainly follows find nothing at all—
Through all the Summer’s.heated rays.
And through the Autumn’s mellow days, ’
Through snows of Winter and frosts of Spring,
The drill works on withon endless swing.
While the man that covets the greasy stuff,
Says “are’nt we almost deep enough ?”
He walks all day like a man in a dream.
Thinking of naught but the wished for seam—
That seam in the flinty white sand rock.
Produced by some violent earthquake's shock.
Which Nature thought best, in her way, to fill
With gushing oil from fier ponderous still;
With muscles braced and nerves drawn tant,
Midst hope and fear he views the spot
Where he may grow rich as a Czar of the East,
Or a Lord, or even a Jew at least.
And yet if he fail, as fall he may,
I’d pity him much on his luckless day,
EorJuvouid crush bis
All eyes are astare, and the world stands agape,
All ready to call the poor fellow an ape.
Who after long drilling, with might and with mean.
Finds nothing but water to give him the spleen,
Be through his fears like a manic worker,
’Tii 1 h&system goes into St. Anthony’s Jerks,
And bis adit down deep in the rock.
With in his hair
And on his haggard brow despair.
He works away with might and main.
As though he had a heaven to gain,
Down in that rocky region.
What strange weird sounds are beard below: ?
They seem like sighs to come and go—
110 claps his ear down to the spot
And hears—its like a seething pot
That.some good wife has seCto boil;
Hq cries “Is that the song of oil ?
Or some foul fiend a mocking me ?
No sure as I’m alive its gas’’—
And then the half demented ass
Jumps np and cries buy or sell!’’
Yet any one might plainly tell
Without much posting, of the two
The selling’s all that be conld do;
Yet he does neither, so must wait
And bide the stern decrees of fate.
The drill has pierced the adamant,
The hopeful borer loose ascant—
The rock is bored, what can he more
If it should only prove a bore.
Oh horrid rite! Ob darksome night!
Oh limb to tie the rope upon !
You’ve grown in vain and worse than vain
If there’s no sight
The weary wight
Can find to fix his hope upon.
Oh trusty blade why were you made.
All polished bright and sharpened too.
If there is not, beneath that spot,
A treasure working to?
Up comes the drill, the pump goes down.
His dizzy brain iswuirling round.
Up comes the oil, all Is not lost.
He feels himself swell to a host;
A gush of oil. oil that the name,
And with that gush of oil, there came
A mighty gush of joy.
Talk of your giant coral reefs
Made by a puny hand,
■Or of your Afrlc’s sunny foqpt
With all its golden sand ,
Talk of your amber in the sea,
Or pearls in caverns stowed, j
Or of your costly diamonds found
Jn Arizonian lodes.
But coral reefs, nor golden sands,
Nor amber griss, nor myrrh, I
Nor heigbth nor depth, nor length nor breadth.
Can such commotions stir
Within bis bean of hearts, as oil,
The greaay. bubbling, gashing oii.
From the o ky zone set tree
His fortunes made the people say.
And if he boards his pelf.
We’ll not gainsay It, if he should
Enjoy Stall himself.
iKDt'STBT, January, 1873. - i
The Rev TiinmnsK. Beecher was enga ;
ged to lecture In Geneseee, New York,but
received a letter from; the lecture com
mittee advising him not to come, because
of a great small-pox panic in the village.
To this committee Mr. Beecher wrote :
“I am amazed that, in this Intelligent
nineteenth century, there should be a
small-pox panic. If any word ofintelli
gent contempt from me can be of use to
you, please pass the word around from me
that cleanly and viccinated persons are In
no more danger of small pox than they
are of virtue without an effort.”
Ipfie igTyqanrelurnedto
stared atthem in astonishment andstroVe
to read the result of their hasty flight in
their countenances. Max seeing bis in
quiring glance said lightly,:. .
' 4 ‘We have come to the sage conclusion
that there aremany things uot wotth the
trouble, to investigate, and both agree
that the maid’s grotto belongs to this cat
egory ; so we have returned peaceably.'’:
“Ah, Ib&t was very wisely concluded !”
exclaimed the old gentleman bis Taos
clearing. “Moreover. the dinner hour is
n igh and we had better return to the
house, that the ladies* solicitude for our
absence may > not impair their appetites.*'
When they reached the terrace they
found the ladies pacing arm In arm.
“<snr guests have concluded to give up
the jaunt to the grotto!” cried Moos.
d’Avelon significantly. « 1
"Yes; and we are singularly unanimous
in our oplnons regarding the state of the
road,” added Gaston laughing. , .
Valentine glanced searchingly at both
of the young men, and certainly found no
signs of angry excitement; but the ex
pression in Gaston’s eyes and brpws
struck her anything but agreeably. §be
was evidently not as easily assured as her
father. Gaston and Hiss Ellen now start
ed forward to promenade over the ter
race, and were soon followed by the rest.
Mons- d’Avelon descanted on the sub
ject of horses; spoke admiringly of Max’s
horse he'had just seen in the stable. He
commended the German treatment of
horses, and related several anecdotes con
trasting the French mode of 'usage—he
had struck an inexhaustible, theme which
was only interrupted by a servant who
now approached for orders relating to the
farm. While the old gentleman stopped
to speak to the man Max and Valentine
walked on, the former lowering his tones
as be addressed his companion;
“I would give much could I dispel the
look of anxiety in your eyes, Fraulein.”
“That, power rests with you alone,” she
returned quickly.
“Ah, then I beg you will tell me bow.”
"You must not misconstrue my words
if I'Speak candidly,” she interrupted in a
hasty whisper, then continued in a tone
too low for the pair ahead to hear: "You
are here in our midst as conqueror ; this
should make yon generous and lenient.
You must comprehend how very natural
it is for those subdued by a superior
force to feel resentful, and in their bitter
deems inadmissable, and which betrajy
their hostility and emnity—”
"Oh, certainly, Frauiein, I can under
stand this feeling,” he interrupted re
“Then please exercise your leniency in
your intercourse with Moos, de Ribeau
pierrq. I know you can be generous
enough not to yield to the desire to imi
tate the great battle between the two na
tions by a personal quarrel—even should
his hasty temper—”
“No—oh no, Fraulein,” he again inter
rupted hastily, “rest perfectly assured I
have not the slightest desire to imitate the
duel between the nations by a private
brawl—for it would be nothing else. I
confess though that Mnns. Gaston gave
me every provocation, but I spoke can
didly to him and I trust we are now per
fectly reconciled—there is no danger
whatever," he addded assuringly.
“YoufMvords are comforting, indeed,
and I thank you ; but I dread Gaston’s—
what shall I call it?—passionate temper,
bis tendency to sudden outbursts of irri
tation. I would, therefore, like you to—”
she hesitated an instant, then looking up
at him with her frank inquiring eyes,
added—“to promise me for the future—”
'“I promise you good behavior for the
future," be interrupted laughingly. “You
are something of a diplomat a la lhnedetti t
Fraulein Valentine.”
“I’m sure you would not jest if you
knew how very seriously it affected me.’’
she said earnestly.
“I do know how nearly it concerns you,”
returned Max, a little taken back at the
remark. “They say he is nearer to you
than a mere friend—”
She shook her head negatively as she
hastily interrupted :
“They say all manner of things! Fate
often discovers peculiar means to ensnare
us and drhw us into paths against which
we rebel. Gaston’s mother is my father’s
benefactress; my father came to this
neighborhood friendless and unknown ;
Gaston’s mother assisted him to establish
himself here by arranging a marriage
with a relative of hers— ’’
“Who bought him this estate as her
dowry ?” was on Max’s lips, but he sup
pressed the words and Valentine contin
ued :
“So yon will understand that we could
not send Gaston, who is our*guest and
friend, to his mother with a wounded
limb—or perhaps a German bullet iu his
breast. Shou Id any | misfortune happen
him through our fault|—”
She did not finish b£r almost whispered
words but sighed heavily.
“I understand yon perfectly, Fraulein,”
aaid Max, in a low earnest tone, his heart
heating strangely at her naive confession.
“Your;confidence will make me exercise
the utmost forbearance, and ’ I-ooce more
assure tbat f wUI rigorously observe pur
iPor the Beaver Badteat.] • J
.bowcomes the feellnmbbt I cannotfsel
H Pi; wor»- : ;li»,|. :
the; i Fe*ii^^
seems aa if a goldcn sgo of etewsl pesce
1 reigned In tlift
homelike atmosphere, only far milder tiki
warmer than athome,
place there where every badofaentiment
blossoms, so anddenly—in & nlght as it
■- Valentine’s face flusbedsnghtlyas he:
almostmurmured the last words- Sbe;
returned smilingly: . '
• “If eternal peace does not dwell fni tWr
nook, as it seems to you, stil lyou do
.well to permit the boasted German sent!*
ment tp blossom. for yon are among p£o
pie who presume to understand it."
“And yon speak rather ironically' of
this sentiment"
“Ironically ? oh no, Indeed 1 for we be
lieve that we also possess the feeling, hnd
esteem it just l as highly as you, only: we
call it by another name."
“What name?”
“We call it soul," in a low voice. Was
she a siren ?
“/s it the same ? Would it not' be well
to investigate this .matter—-could we hot
do it? Would it hot be an excellent ex*
pedieut for me to express my 'sentiments,'
and you in turn illustrate your soul—we
should then—" .
“Ob such an interchange would not de
fine anything—at most, only you and I
would be enlightened," she* interrupted
“And would not that suffice? It 1$ ne
cessary for the rest of the world to kpow
its significance? I assure yop / would
forget the world in general in my task, if
Valentine interrupted bis passionate
whisper by a- sudden movement, as she
glanced hastily at her father who was
coming toward them. _
Neither Max nor Gaston found any dif
ficulty in executing their deelgnjafter
dinner Gaston adroitly introduced the
/subject of chess, and on Max’s intimating'
that be was fond of the game was eagerly
challenged by Mons. d’Avelon to try his
skill. They repaired to the salon, where ja
a servant brought a chess board, apd they
began the game. Valentine retired to
the window seat with a book; which she
j carelessly held, for her eyes roved rest
lessly through the room; resting- often
est, she knew not wherefore, upon Miss
| Ellin, who seemed peculiarly restless; she
busied herself first with one task and
then with another; from time tolinie ex
changing significant glances
who stood near the players. At las! she
lowed her and after conversing!* lewmo-:
merits they both went out and began to
pace the already darkening terrace, while
they seemed engaged in earnest conversa
tion. Valentine had been strangely dis
turbed by the sadden change in Gaston's
behavior ; he had been courteousness it
self to their guest since their return from
theft walk, which contrasted strangely
with his former insolence and hauteur.
She watched him and Miss Ellen while
they, oblivious of her scrutiny, paced up
and down, evidently lost ip the most con
fidential intercourse. What bad Ellen—or
Gaston, in common to conceal from her ?
Did Gaston mean to draw the German
into a due! after all ? and was he confid
ing bis plans to Ellen? True, the two
had ever thoroughly understood each oth
er—that they were bound by the same de
signs, that Ellen desired nothing more
than that Gaston should succeed iu his
Cndeavors to win Valentine, after which
she would have strong hopes of becoming
the mistress of the Feme des Auges—all
this Valentine knew too well!
Her disgust was augmented when Gas
ton at length returned to the saftm, and
after watching the game fur a few mo
ments said laughingly:
“German strategy upon the chess-board
is not qnite as effective as upon the cattle
field. Yon will have to spend the night
here, Herr Von Daveland, if you do not
hasten and take revenge."
“I don’t think I will have time to finish
the game, it is already dark and I must
leave," returned Max, leaning back in his
chair. t
“How ?” exclaimed d’Avelon. “Do you
think I will leave you go until we have
leisurely finished the game ? Not a bit
of it! What if it is dark!? You can
sleep as soundly here as in your quarters
at Void!"
“But not with such an easy conscience,"
said Mas smilingly. “I dare not stay
away without acquainting my severe
Captain of my intention ; such a defiance
of our rules would likely gain a severe
reprimand—perhaps even a court-mar
“You exaggerate; send your man with
a message to the Captain ; that will suf
fice, for T declare you shall not depart
from here until we have perfectly tested
our respective abilities, by which time it
will of course be too late for you to re
turn to Void.”
“If you really mean to detain me cap
tive, then there is nothing left me to do
but send a message to the Captain, which,
if it will not appease him for my want ot
discipline, will at least quiet his anxiety
at my absecnce,” said Max with an air of
■ mock resignation as be rose. \ I'
Miss Ellen, who had just rung for the
lights, brought writing materials with an
musical condescension. Valentine ob
served this and thought she detected a
’susuallymotUm less face.
\t it a concerted
schemebetweenEllen and Gaston to de*
Uin thctjermap orer nlght. inorder to
Aov - unpleasant suspicion
ln Valentine’s thonghis ; sha glanc*
edoheslUtiDßly at her father, bat feat
urea betrayed naaght aaTe intenße lnter-
he stodledattea
tliwly while Max wrote. Then her glance
rested on Gaston who seemed to exchange
significant glances at MiaaEllen, both
glancing furtively to -where the uncoD
-Max, had fiu tolled, and left , the room to
dispatch the servant with the billet. Miss
Ellen rose saying: _; : .V / *' ” •.
“I will attend to have the little spare
robin prepared for bur guest.” /
. -‘‘The one beside the dining: room ?
Why not the nicer: one up stairs,” ex*
claimed Valentine hastily;
"Because the one on the ground floor
is more convenient should he'wish to de
part without disturbing us. Besides the
curtains are down up stairs and could not
be put up this evening,” , " v
Valentine: drew back and offered ho
further objections. , .
Mix found bis man singularly refract*
dry when bo imparted bis wishes to bim;
the honest fellow thought it extremely
hazaidons for bis master to spend the
night alone in a place which his own per*
sonal observations had revealed to hint
bad no good will or sympathy In common
for their country; but Max, who was ea*
ger to return to his game, silenced, bis
garrulous expostulations, and Frederick
left him, loth to obey,
The evening passed quietly and with
out incident. The first game ended in
Mods. d’Avelon’s favor—be had check*
mated Max and was only too sorry that
Gaston was not there to witness his tri
umph; that gentleman had excused him
self and returned to Givres soon after
Max had sent off his servant. While the
gentlemen played the second game, Val
entine seated herself at tbe piano, and by
ber exqusite melodies drew tbe greater
part of Max’s attention, of which Mons.
d’Avelon adroitly took advantage. Max
was passionately fond of music and Val
entine was playing the sweetest German
melodies—was it out of courtesy to their
guest At all events, Max felt the similar
ity of German sentiment and French
soul while listening to tile entrancing
Miss Ellen stood beside the piano, care
lessly turning over some music; sudden
ly, as if the melodies ceased to charm
her, she turned and paced the darkened
part of the room thoughtfully; then as
suddenly took up a book and lighting an
other lamp and seated herself in the far
■ tn/^tcQro p roflher<»<>«-'
In the meantime Max* had loir ms
knight and shortly after his queen; the
little bronze clock on the. mantel struck
eleven as Mons. dTAvelon exclaimed
‘mate’ the second time.
Valentine rose from the piano and com
ing forward cast a smiling glance o!
thanks at Max; be did not know bow
much the happiness of the master of the
bouse, and the peace of the household in
general, depended on his victories at
chess. After' testing the vestige of the
sparkling nectar brought in after the
game, and a profound discussion over the
relative merits of the two players, the
young officer was permitted to retire.
Mons. d’Avelon himself led him to the
little chamber across the hall, and ahak
ing his hand heartily bade him good
night. >
Max bolted his door, examined the
shutters, which he found securely fasten
ed, laid his sword and revolver upon the
little table at the bed side and threw him
self upon the comfortable couch. That
morpheas evaded bis grasp was but natu
ral, and he lay upon his downy bed not
m6re easily than upon the crest of a storm
tossed wave—at last he was enbosomed in
a flood of surging meditations, not know
ing where to anchor in safety. His brain
was one mass of tormentingly conflicting
thoughts. What Gaston de Ribeaupierre
had told him is order to dispel the con
victions that he had found his lost uncle
in Mons. d’Avelon, liad made bnt little
impression on his mind Be would ex
amine the papers the Frenchman would
give him. though he felt how utterly Gas
ton must be mistaken ; Max knew that it
was the of nature which had impell
ed him to such a sadden friendship for
Mons. d’Avelbn.
Was it wise to-have confided itf de Ri
beaupierre, of whose honor he knew noth
ing? what was the use of reproaches now
that it was too late? be most patiently
await the denouement of this drama.
Resolutely dismissing the tormenting
inquiries he closed bis eyes and recalled
the memories of his boyhood days. He
saw tbe old mansion with Us tali gables
/rising above the surrounding wreath: of \
lindens; the broad moat and weatherbeat
en stone gateways with their es
cutcheons over which he had climbed
many and many a time when a careless;
happy child, and proudly sat astride the
salient lions supporting the shield. He
saw the little stone balcony at the corner
of the house, from whence he could see
his mother through the open window as
she sat at her sewing, and whose atten
tion he would call that she might admire
his gymnastic perfnrmmceson the broad
balustrade; he sawlhe white doves >cbof
ing and flattering: in the warm sunlight
on the roof -of the old tower;, and the
grand old; pak forestwlthils! stacks nfeut
wood: beyond the mcado*~that beautiful
forest in which he had made his .first
miniature chase after squirrels and
thrashes; and now all this had passed
away, passed into strange hands who
ruthlessly tore down the dear old home
stead to replace It with a fine modern villa
that conld never be half so picturesque.
With the estate theprlde of the old name
had pained away too. and for this desecra
tion how he had blam
ed hUwiched, p«»fliK»te UDC.e.whohad
basely'stolen re-,
deemed the old home of generations of
Yon Davelanda froni ruin I
Thishnclehad reigned : in his boyish
fancy akin to the monsters ot the nursery,
tr&ditlppn, and whose name was never
mentioned Save with a shudder-nothing
had appeared more improbable than that
he should ever see him, tor Max’s childish
Imagination pictured him dragging oat : a
wretched existence in some undiscovered
country in the antipodes, and now be was
a guest under bis hospitable roof, feeling
anything but resen tmen t for the man who
had robbed him of bis heritage. What
wonderful pranks fate plays with human
kind! .
We take pleasure in showing it.
Most Liberal Terms both in per eent and time.
novTs 6m.
shoes! shoes rr shoes it
If yon want to SAVE boy your Boots,
Shoes, and Gaitb..,
. 3 doors above Semple's Dry Goods Store.
Mon's Boots, ... $3,75 to $5,00
Boys’ Boots, . 1.75 to 3,00
Youths'Boots, , - - 1.50 to 2.50
.Men’s Gaiters, - - - 2.00 to 8.00
Boys’ Gaiters, • * - 1,75 to 3,50
Ladies’ Shoes, - - 1,75 to 3,35
Misses Shoes. • • - 1,50 to 2,00
Children’s Shoes, - SO to i,an
Ladies' Gaiters, - - • 1,25 to 3,50
Missels Gaiters, - • • 1.35 to 3,00
Men’s Heavy Shoes, * • 1, 25 to 2,00
We have a large stock of Men's, Boys, Youths’
Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, at all prices, and a full
line of Men’s and Boys’ Kip Boots on hand; also
a large lot of Ladies’ Misses' and Children’s Fancy
Shoes, Button Congress, Serge and Velvet Shoes.
Cali and examine lor yourselves. Don’t forget
the place;
- 173 Federal street, Allegheny,
a 10-6 ml 3 doors above Semple’s Dry Goods Store.
Gh am berlain institute
Raiiolib, Cattaranps County, N. I.
Total Expenses for Teom of Fourteen
Week*, $62.
The new Boarding-halt (worth $30,000.00) is
ready for occnpancy.’ This Boarding-school for
both. sexes has an ample endowment, spacious
buildings, extensive grounds, and abundant school
apparatus. The Winter Term opens Dec. 3.
Catalogues sent free on application to
n!-5t Rev. J. T. KDWARDS.A.M., Principal
-/ Broke into the enclosure of the subscriber it,
Greene township, about the 15th of December
last, a, red and white Bull, supposed to be two
year* old. The owner is desired to prove bis
property, pay charges and take him away, other*
wise he will indisposed ofas the law ferestrsys
reomres. : JOHN McDONALD.
• Greenetwp. Jap. G. 1873-tf ■. -
JgOOK JOB printing;
The proprietor has fitted up
regardless of cost
A new and,complete
And is prepared to do all Kinds of printing
as good and at a?
Low Prices
As can be obtained at Pittsburgh or elsewhere.
Executed on the shortest notice