The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 24, 1873, Image 4

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‘JBEJATViBR* I*Au. ' ’
PlMtf Itlornln*, Sinvmrj%4,% lB73.
. General Grant in; ‘bid message
called attention to the import
ance -of furnishing cheaper trans-.
portation for the surplus, pro
ducts of the South and West to the
Atlantic, and the subject is
ihg ith'e, thoughtful attention of our
Statesmen, and ifc being" agitated
somewhat by. the press of the coun
try. General Grant pointed out
twO foujfes, both feasible, and re
commended Congress to g|ve them
serious consideration. These routes
were the extensions of the Ka
nawha and James River canal to
the Ohio and the Chesapeake and
Ohio canal. In regard to this latter
route a committee has been ap
pointed and instructed to secure a!
charter for the improvement and';
navigation of the Youghiogheny
river, and also to procure-such leg-;
islation as would authorize and em
power the Company to connect the
slack water of this river by canal
with the Chesapeake and Ohio ca
nal at Cumberland, Maryland.
extension is said to have been Gen
eral Washington’s idea when the
canal' was first and hy
survey it has been found to be prac
ticable, though somewhat expensive.
By the Kanawha and James River
route it will require two hundred
and.forty miles of canal to be con
structed, while by the Youghio
gheny only about one hundred miles
to make connection, making a dif
ference of one hundred and forty
miles in favor of the latter route.
The national importance of this
ronte cannot be well over-estimated.
Jt will afford cheap transportation
for the products of the West and
South to the East, and also supply
the South, the West and the East
with the only Superior gas coal in
the country. Boats laden with
grain from the West can return
freighted with coal. Corn that is
burnt forfuel in the West, while
persons are suffering for it in the
East, can -then be exchanged for
coal to the great advantge of both
sections.. The East needs grain,
the West fuel, and by this contem
plated internal improvement a mu
tual exchange of their products can
easily and cheaply be made. This
route passing through the very cen- v
tre of the Youghiogheny coal basin,
said to be the latest and richest in
America, will not only be the rich
source ot abundant freight, but will
furnish a cheaper and better gas
<;oal to the large cities of the East,
and thus save to those places in an
nual cost of consumption a sum of
money nearly large enough, it is es
timated, to construct the work. We
think that it is a matter of national
interest tp build both of the pro
jected canals, for as the Southern
and Western part of our country is
becoming rapidly more productive,
all the means of transportation'to
the Atlantic seaboard will surely be
taxed to the utmost to transport the
immense annual surplus of pro-
We hppe, therefore, that this
whole subject will carefully be con
sidered by Congress, and that more
than; ordinary efforts will be used to
secure cheaper transportation be
tween the West and East, an object
certainly of vast interest to all sec
tions of our common country.
The Constitutional Convention so
far has been occupied with prelimi-
work. Many important sub
jects have been presented and await
discussion. Since the present Con
stitution of the State , was made,
there haS been so many changes, so
many new ideas of government put
afloat, and so many reform measures
advocated, that it will be no, easy
matter to frame an inStrumentwhich
will meetevery demand, and satisfy
. all classes. Radical , changes are
proposed, in regard to every branch
of the Government: the Executive,
the Judiciary, and Legislative, as
well as in the manner of choosing
officers. The members of the con
stitution we think should, be cau
tious in regard to taking any very
wide departure from the present
Constitution, and especially in re
gard to adopting changes that have
already been disapproved by the
people,- such asfillingcertain State
and <;ounty< offices by appointment
rather; than by an election. The
tendency of the times is towards a
democracy in which the’pCople 1
in all branches of the government,
directly responsible for the conduct
of their public servants, £nd Qpn
make and unmake them according
;to the will of the majority. If the
new Constitution favors this tenden
cy, the people and their officers will
be brought as near ,as possible to
gether, and the officers be made de
pendent upon the people iof their
sweeping as some propose, appoint
ing such officers in the county as
Prothonotarles Clerk of Court of
Quarter Sessions, and Judges, and
in the State, Judges, Treasurer and
other officers, there is great danger
that the Convention, like the moun
tain in labor, will bring forth a ri-
diculous instrument that the people
will reject. Without having great
expectations, we hope to be disap
pointed in the final result. ',
Senator Morton’s speech Un the
Senate of the United States on the
mpde i of electing a President and
Vice President of the United
States, contains many valuable sug
gestions. We agree with the Sena
tor that the present mode of choos
ing electors should be changed, but
we. would not consent to adopt the
plan bf direct voting, which he
would substitute. If President
of the United States were cfhosen by
a direct vote of the people, that is
all the States voting as one commu
nity,, it would lead to the commis
sion of frauds to an extent not even
yet dreamed of. In the excitement
of a close Presidential election
where every vote counted, the dis-
commit fraud would de
velop 1 to an alarming extent, and
would not be confined to large cit
ies, but pervade the whole country.
The stake would be so great, and
thousands so deeply interested in
the result, that every kind of fraud
upon the ballot box would be at
tempted. New York City would
roll up one or two hundred thous
and majority, if necessary, and
Philadelphia and other large cities
would imitate the example of New
Y ork, and fraudsupon one side
would be excused j|r reason of the
frauds of the other. temptation
and the danger are too great to
warrant any experiment of this
kind. If this plan is ever adopted
it will prove the ruin of the country
in the not distant future. Where
the vbte is taken by States or dis
tricts, the temptation to commit
fraud is not so great. If a district
or even a State is carried by fraud,
it may not effect the general result,
as it would under the plan proposed
by the Senator from Indiana. In
place of choosing electors by States,
let them be chosen by districts, as
the Congressmen are, and fraud
would be checked and the will of
the people more nearly ascertained.
This plan maybe liable to objec
tions, but it is certainly better —in-
deed, every plan is better than that
of direct voting.
General John F. Ilartranft, Gov
ernor elect, was inaugurated last
Tuesday. The city of Harrisburg
was tilled with strangers. Various
military organizations from different
parts of the State were present, and
participated in the ceremonies. Al
though the day was unfavorable
everything passed off according to
previous arrangement, and in a very
acceptable manner. Governor Geary
walked arm in arm with General
Hartranft to the main stand in front
of the Capitol, where the inaugura
tion took place. George H. Ander
son, Speaker of the Senate, admin
istered the official oath. After the
cheering of the immense, multitude
had subsided, the Governor proceed
ed to deliver his inaugural, which is
ezceiedingly able and practical,
touching upon afl the leading ques
tions of general interest to the
State. This interesting document
will appear in our next issue.
The Governor’s vigorous style
and i tolerant manner, will disarm
his enemies and meet: with praise
from all good citizens irrespective of
party consideration. ♦
t' * -
wm aoon be at
tiatelor yotes to Becnre tbe w^Bil.
created a panic
of intoxlc&uig
desperate effort*will; ? hefe;Snide' to
repeal' or so
render it practically .inoperative*
The party or ■
movement will Mqiitre unparalleled
infamy. ' Let : the
Representatives to understand th at
hesitation in.this inatt^-eVCni is
political death! The auestion ;has
been submitted to thepeople, and
any attempt to take it out ot their
hands.can only spring corrupt
motives, and must be visijted with
the severest condemnatioife v
The NjgjjsL Y ork Tribune has for
five years consistently hndfably op
posed the postal telegraph: scheme,
and therefore its opposition cannot
be charged to. its hostility to the
Administration. In its isshe of Sat
urday, the 18th instant, it prints a
long and able article firom the Hon.
David Wells against postal tele
graphy, and closes an able editorial
as follows: 1
• l We believe thatnp man with the interest of tile
country at heart, wilt favor a measure that may be
come an engine of political oppression; tint nay
tarn a national election into the pleblacltoin of an
eibpire.” V.:.."
This sentiment is endorsed by the
whole opposition press; and by
many of the ablest friends -of tba
Administration in the country.
There are many honest: and true
men, it is trite, who favor the
scheme, and it was in deference to
the opinions of such, no doubt, that
the Postmaster General recommend*,
edit. We regret very much tbit
the recommendation of He. Cres
well seemingly commits the Admin
istration to the schem as we regard
iras not only dangerous in its ten
dency to centralization, bat as |s
huge job of the worst kind.
it will succeed yte hardly can
lieve, although millions may be spen^
: to carry the project tbrongb r
the selling i^ize:
or three^times, the tbiif
property andkiranobises.
Oameron on Tuesday,
though virtually elected before, hy
the Republican caucus; was legally
made, by die Legislature, a Senator
for sit yeara from the fourth of
March next. We'have already ex
pressed ohr mind upon this election,,
and have no cause to change or re
peat it.
Senator Conkling has also been
elected without substantial opposi
tion, from the State of New York.
He has been a brilliant, able and
faithful Senator, and his services
during the last campaign were very
valuable to the Republican party.
Though Comparatively young, he
has already gained an enviable rep- 4
utation as a brave and safe party
leader, and won for himself the high
est honors in the gift of a free , peo
ple. His election, like Senator
Cameron’s, was secured by the de
cided victory of last fall, and in the
Legislature was a mere matter of
Also Senator Howe, of Wiscon
sin, is re-elected, and Governor Og
lesby, of Illinois, is chosenr in place
of Senator Trumbull, who is permit
ted to remain at home and look af
ter his domestip aWairs.
These Senators are some of the
gathered fruit of the Presidential
straggle, bat the crop is not all-in
Col. M. S. Quay, of Beaver, re
cently, editor of this paper, has been
appointed, bylGovernor Hartranft,
Secretary of, the Commonwealth.
His appointment has been conceded
for some time, and now that it is
made will take no one by surprise.
The Repubticaipiress, of this. State,
with, one or ■sss!-: exceptions, have
warmly praised the selection of €>ol.
Quay to fill so responsible a posi
tion, and he will enter upon his new
duties tawing t with him the kind
wishes of £m innumerable multitude
of tjiUwhich any man, in
like circumstances, i|ould have good
reasons to be prdud. ;
t ’ /, ' •
... ■
ieted his second
six years of Ser
bs has made a
vernpr, and his
compare favora
bly ;eding one. He
has retiredfrom public life, but will
nsside loHarrisbarg. It is not
’provable that: a citizen so foil of
experience in public affairs will
long be allowed to remain in retire
menti and we shail expect sometime
to pee the Governor occupy a sign
er position even than be has left,
ope commensurate with his ac
knowledged ability. '
-« ; V
Hon. Francis Jordan, whose
term of office expire with Governor
Geary’s, has served the Stale ac
ceptably and efficiently for six
years, and he has retired enjoying
the respect of all good citizens, and
meriting honor for the just and hon
est discharge of his official duties. /
The Pennsylvania Legislature, at
p -
the recommendation ot Governor
Geary, has passed a bill which he
has approved, to increase the Gov
ernor’s salary to 110,000 per year.
This law takes effect upon the re
tirement of the late incumbent.
We have just time to announce
that Samuel E. Dimmick, of Wayne
county,bah been appointed Attorney
General by the Governor. He is
a good lawyer, an able mao and a
high-toned gentleman, and bis ap
pointment will' be received with
universal satisfaction by the Repub
licans of the State.
■* n W
Senate and House Committee*—Local
Option-Governor** Appointment*—
Geary’s Promise*.
Correspondence of the Radical.
Habbisbubo, Jan. 20,1873*
Speaker An derson announced the Sen*
ate committees on im
portant committees were as
predicted, in our last. is
well satisfied wUhthepoai&ms assigned
him, although be objccls being charged to
the Democrats. There is a very general
satisfaction with the arrangement of the
Committees, Republicans, Democrats and
liberals all feeling that they have been
fairly treated.
ln the House, the. committees were not
announced until .Wednesday, and Speak
is emitted -
Ihe jddgmeiitandrimpartiality manifested
in the make-up of the committees- The
inembers Tirom your district, considering
that this is the first*session for all, fared
usually well. Mr. Cross is on Ways
and Means, Education, Public Printing,
Manufacturers, and Estates'and Escheats.
Allison is on Railroads, Apportionment,
and thredptber committees. Waldron is
pn five committees. Judiciary and Corpo*
rations being the two important, while
McKee ia also on five committees Of the
regular committees Finance, as called in
the Senate, and Ways and Means, in the
House, Judiciary, Railroads and Corpora
tions, in the order given, are the import
ant regular standing committees. Appor
tionment and Constitutional Reforms be
ing special committees. Of course the
two last named committees take prece
dence in point of desirability during the
Sessions for which they are constituted.
As your Senator is Chairman of Appor
tionment in the Senate, and Mr. . Allison
of your district is on the committee in the
House, your Legislative district will
doubtjess be taken care of in the Congres-
I sional Apportionment.
Your members of the House are very
attentive to' their duties, stand well with
their associates, and willjjrove efficient
and popular Representatives.
Pew locai bills have yet been introduc
ed, and the work of the session will not
begin until after the Inauguration and
election;of United States Senator, which
takes place to morrow. Senator Rutan
has introduced a bill construing the Lo
cal Option law of last winter, so as to
cover elections in boroughs and cities vot
ingat a different time than that fixed for
the township elections in general. The
bill fixes the third :Priday of March for
the taking of the vote under the law Jq all
distriptk holding township and municipal
elections before.that date where the vote
wasnot taken, and legalizes elections held
under the act where the authority to vote
was Jo doubt. There is a rumor here,
which seems to be- credited, that the li
quor then are raising a large fund to se
cure the repeal of the law. .No Repre
sentative voting for the repeal of the law
should ev’er' be returned, no matter what
his politics or wbat his motives. The
Legislature committed this subject to the
people, and they should now decide it.
Men may vote for the repeal without be
ing corrupt, but it is safe to take it for
granted bone will do so, and.those who
allege differently should be compelled to
furnish the clearest evidence to. the con-
I trary. Certainly no Republican can. vote
| for repeal, if he is true to bis party and
| desires its success in the future.
The city is already full of visitors^
bf office
come to visit the Inauguration, and what
la to becomeof the thousandsOn the way
is aqaestfon now agitating the cltiz<ma ?
of Harrisburg. f: ;v
-: Go). Quay will take charge of the office
now filled byCol.Jordsn immediately.and
General Hartranflsays this is the only;
cabinet appointmenthehas definitelyde
' tenblned upon. Before this letter reaches
yon be must select General. ■
and will announce hitappolntmentabe-
The Governor has not many appoint
ments at hisdispolai; bnt themareabbnt
fifty: applicants for each plaqe* and his
courage* patience andendarancewlH be
severely tiled Inthe next few weeks. Tbe
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia appoint
menfa will be given w 'citlaehs ,of those
citieswhere the BepnibMcM -
the Legislature, reprinting the local!*
ties named; nnlted upon a candidate. Un
der this arrangement Mr. Weaver, of Al
legheny county, will be appointed Plonr
Inspector pt Pittsburgh, for which T.
Noble, of your county, was [Strongly
pressed. Had there been a division
in the Allegheny delegation Mr. Noble
would have received the appointment,
bat with a united delegation the Governor
dare not go outside of the county in mak
ing his appointment.
Qen. Hartranft and family took pos
session of the Executive mansion on
Thursday last, Governor Geary having
moved into ahonse on Walnut street.
• The outgoing Governor complains that
the people are so much in haste to wor
ship the rising San, that they turn their
backs uponhim before his son has set.
He worked himself into a terrible pas
sion on Saturday, while talking to a mem
ber of the House, because the House fail
ed to have his message read, and railed at
the Legislature in a furious manner. Gea
ry has many floe qualities, but no man
ever Executive chair who was
so little respected by the members of the
Legislature, and this is true not only of
the present, but of every session sincehi
first election, and of members of both pars
ties. This is in a great measure owing to
his vanity, his ungovernable passion and
his unreliability. He promised and failed
to perform SO freqnontly.that itbecame a
by-word here “tbat when Geary said yes'
he meant no;” Doubtless he was often
misrepresented; and often again compell
ed to change his mind from the best mo
tives, yet be Was unfortunate in making
promises/where he was not certain he
rotod {fctform. The pardon of Lister
Smith, dub tof-thb greatest ruffians and
villains ih Philadelphia, who is charged
with murder; arson,- burglary, and every
other ofian&; { jnn as hb' Was leaving of
fice, was vwy'uriwiSe if not criminal, and
brought down upon him the severest sub.
madversionSof the best journals and best
citizens in -Fh,iladejphia. The retiring
Governor could not afford to gratify Hon.
Samuel Josephs in this matter at the ex
pense of the good opinions of the law
abiding cltlzensof Philadelphia.
OCCoI. Jordan, the retiring Secretary
lt can be said he wu m honest,
able and faithful officer, and retires to
private life with the respect of men of all
parties. . . -M.
Ed. Radical: Allow me through the medi
um your paper to say that friend Wey
and; In me, appears not only
in a rage but somewhat absent-minded
and forgetsthat last March. 1872,1 called
upon him at his office, and payed him two
dollars for the Argus to January Ist, 1873,
and at the same £time presented him with
a knife containing a photographic view
of the Lord’s prayer, a gift which, I hoped
might possibly be useful to him. The
poor man must have Coolie upon the
brain, which does not, however, seem to
have a very cooling effect, and has become
forgetful of all things hut the editorial he
wrote on the 18th ultimo, and the consid
eration received for the same.
Friend Weyand, you go into a passion
because I stated through the medium best
calculated to-convey information to the
public, the reason why I discontinued to
be a subscriber for the Argus. If my
strictures were too severe, you ought not
allow yourself to be lead away by such
bad company, and lend your Argus to the
advocacy of Coolieism to gain the smile
and applause of your friends at the Cut
lery. You know, or ought to know that
the system is a damnable one. Why all
this talk about slavery in the past ? and
about the blood that was shed, the lives
that were lost in order to do away with the
accursed' system, if we are going to re-es
tablish a slavery, worse in form than the
African slave trade in its darkest ages,
of which the Virginia City, Montapa,
Mountainian says "that nearly all the Chi •
namen who com to this Territory are owned
by California speculators, who buy and sell
their countrymen like cattle” and to this
system yon have sold youreself for—what?
; What a change has come over your pa
per ? , In An gust, 1872, when I was about
taking my departure from your State and
county, yon represented me to the readers
of yodr paper and the people of Canton,
among whom I was going to cast my lot,
: as an accomplished gentleman, and a man*
ufact'nrer of cutlery that could not be
surpassed* . Please, sir, which of the state
ments are, true, August, 1872, or January,
True, I did “once own a proprietorship
in the Cutlery at Beaver Falls," and it
would have been well for the parties in
connection with it bad I continued a pro
: prietorof it and had charge of .the same,
for during the time that I had charge,
the establishment was a paying institu
tion.* For your benefit, and the readers
oenii%n&.cfiaUeng9 a tuccmful, eontradic.
$m i That daring the- time that I had
the charge andmanagementof the Cut
lery, the coropanymade and payed one
hundred per cent, on the capita) invested
I dare the present proprietors ip deny the
abote statement, dr any of the former
proprietors, and yon, the editor of th e
Beaver Argus, included, : '
The true reason why I was turned out
Is not’what you assert, put rather becauftf
I was.gainlng the confldence of Mr.
Henrlcl, of tonomp,Misfed thnis
gering the prospects of others prominent
In his employment. I await the future to
▼lndicate me and verify the prediction
Whichlmade.UattheC&tlery does not
prosper, nor .ever vH!) nndfer the present
management and this la not my opinion
only, but Ihe opinion of others who have
hadopportunity to know snmetbmgabdut
the way bnsinessiscbndacted in thst es
tablishment. n Samcii Mason.
{Upon the laborers of the country.
Now Mr. Editor, as to the iniquity of
the Coolie trade, we are agreed that all
.anything else, is an increase of labor.
Consumers are increasing out of all pro
portion to the producers. Ask any in.
For the Radical.
Beaver Palls, Jan. 21,
■' Mr. Editor: Will you please give me
a place in your paper to say something i
about John Chinaman ?
,We heard a speech sometime since, in •
Which the took strong ground
against the system of introducing Chi
nese labor into this country. He said the
Chinese won Id work for two cents a dv
and also declared himself opposed to such
cheap labor, and considered it an outrage
engaged in it should be severely punish
ed, but as to the matter of introducing
Chinese or any other kind of laborers,
who will behave themselves, obey the
laws and develop the resources of the
country, we differ from our esteemed
friend. When Chinamen come to this
country they mean bhsines ? They come 1
here to make money, and the idea of
keeping out Chinese labor is neither in
accordance with sound political economy
nor the principles of the Gospel. What
we need in this country to-day,more than
teliigent farmer why, butter for example,
is, so high, and he will tell you that it is
because of the impossibility of obtaining,
household help. If the Chinese will sup-
ply this want, and if they will perform
many of the minor industries about our
cities, and drive.multitudes who are loung-,
ing about the.streets and. living from,
band to country to till the 1v
soil, and prodtftin bread for.
and others, the introduction. of Chineses
labor w ill be a blessingto every mechanic*
and laboring man in the country.
Tiers is not tin least reason to lear r
that the Country will, be overrun with,
these people. They lire at an immense
distance from here, ind loro their homes.
They hare been coining to . this country?
for more than twenty years, and their
nnmbers in the United States hare been
greatly exaggerated.
The Gospel requires us to treat, these
people kindly, to give them an opportu
nity to better their condition, to seek to
make them intelligent Christians, that
they may be useful here and be the means•
of carrying the blessings of the Christian.
religion to their homes and countrymen; i
for by so doing, we will aid both foreign f
and dome Mic missions. Here is a foreign
mission on our own soil, and all that are
truly converted here, we expect, when,
they return to their relations and.
neighbors, will be the messengers of sal
vation. Bat how, yon may ask, with so
much prejudice against. them here, will
they learn, except some one teach them?
Be it tio the honor of the Young Men's
Christian Association ot Beaver Falls,
it has resolved to do its duly, although
m much want of suitable rooms. Are
there not some wealthy persons upon
whom these Chinese have peculiar claims;
who desire to leave some monument of
their worth in Beaver Falls? With what
more justice can they do it, than to aid in
putting up some place to educate and
mould all this mass of debased heathenism
into the family of Jesus.
These heathens bring with them to our
shores, all the filthy habits pertaining to
every nation that know nok God. The
living portraite of people is
drawn by Paul in Roihans, and seems to
apply to the Chinese, with tfie single ex
ception that in the family the children
honor their parents, which is the only
commandment with promise. Hence in
its keeping they have been long upon the
land given to them. For thousands of
years these countless millions of the
East hare been on Jhis land, until it
seems hb longer able to bear its multitudes
and so they have turned to America to
better their condition. We„ are a great
people, alnation highly favored, not only
in advance, but above all other nations in
political and social freedom, and in rapid
and wonderful material progress. It seems
providential that American Christians
shall educate these heathen Chinese, and
teach them not only how to make knives,
bat bow to worship the true God.
The old and new world are brought
together, but the result of this strange
contact, the keenest eye cannot now see,
nor the shrewdest intellect guess; but
God’s ways are not onr ways, but as high
as the heavens are above the earth, so
are God’s ways above onr ways; and in
the bringing of these heathens to our
shores, the time has now come to sotf
the incorruptible seed of God’s word in
the hearts of these'Chinese at our df r*
where it will catch root and bring l" : : ’ u
an abundant harvest. M. M- ■