USEFVIt IN FORMATION. To lay off a square acre of ground, " *“ h t W HI have a square acre within ah inch. An acre contains 4,840 square rods. #»A square mile contains 040 acres, MEASURE op distance. * ' a mile is 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards in length. ' - ; v A fathom is six feet. _ ' ... A league is three miles. A Sabbath day’s journey is 1,155 yards.r ThU is 18 yards less than twoHhirds of a mile. ’ ; A days journey is 831-2 miles. A cube is two feet, A baud (horse measure) is four Inches A palm is three inches. A pace is three feet. barbel measure. A barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. A barrel of pork, 200 pounds. A barrel of rice, 600 pounds. A keg of powder, 26 pounds, A firkin of butter, 56 pounds. A tub of butter, 84 pounds. BUSHEL MEASURE, The, following are sold by weight per bushel ftheat, beans and clover seed GO pounds M the bushel. Corn, rye and flax-seed, 58 pounds. £ Barley, 48 pounds. Oats, 32 pounds. VARIOUS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. A ton of round timber is 40 feet; of squared timber, 54 feet. A commercial bale of cotton is 400 pounds. A pack of wool is 340 pounds. A section of Government land is 640 acres or one mile. A liquid ton is 253 gallons. A box oi 16x15 12 inches and eight in ches deep contains a bushel. BY JOSH BILUNGS. It iz a grate art tew know how tew lls- Love always seems to have this effekt, it makes a yung man sober, and an old man gay. It ain’t bekause lovers are so sensitifi that they quarrel so often, it fz bekause thare iz so much phun in making up. About the last thing a man duz tew Correct bis faults iz tew quit them. The chief end of woman now daze, seems tew be tew ware new silk clothes and the chief end of man seems to be tew pay for them. Pure ignorance, after all, iz the best al loy for vanity, for a vain fool iz quite harmless. It is better that we be greater than pur ondishun in life, than tew have oar con* dishan appear too great for us. There iz lotbras; that a man can do that should dtiitim off from pitty7ihe jact that he iz fcaman should always entitle him to com- ffiiserashun. If you seek wisdum mi yung friend, study men and things ; if ya desire lam ing, study dicshionarys. ' I think opporlunitya are made fall az fien az they happen. It iz a grate deal hazier to look upon tboze who are below us, with pltty, than to look upon thoze who are abuv us with- out envy. food common sense isaz healthy az on ions we often see thoze who are good, simply bekause they haint got sense enough tew be bad, and thoze who are bad just bekause they haint got sense enough to be good. Envy iz such a constant companyon, that if we find no one above us to envy we will envy those below us. There iz no servitude in life so oppres sive az tew be obliged to flatter those whom we do not respekt enuff lew praze. Wit, without sense, is like a razor with out a handle. We mingle in society, but not so much meet others as to eskape onrselfs. truly innocent are those who not , 03 guiltless themselfs, but who think "'hers are. ? Tbf en WTio Surrounded Washing ton. Parton, in the January Atlantic , lt!:s describes Washington and his first Cabinet: had not quenched the vivacity of wher of the four Secretaries—Jefferson, Knox, 40; Randolph, 37 ; Hamilton, ij When, in the world's history, was so young a group charged with a task so eo difficult, so momentous ? Such were the gentlemen who had Sobered round the council table at the resident’s house in New York,Jn 1780; &Uhe hea d of the table . General Wash oston, now fifty-eigbt, his frame as erect * StTer > but his face showing the deep races of the thousand anxious hours he , passe d- Not versed in the lore of °ols, but gifted with a great sum of in th‘®Cs elerna l of this mania, & e us ed all the mind he had id pa endeavors to find out the right way; jromthe watch to keep out of bis de on everything like bias or prejudice, JJm deciding till he bad exhausted ev feLh SOU Q° e ° f elocldation within his cirtd • ° ome qoestions he could not de coaiiT ° WD m ’ nd ’ and he knew be o not. in such cases, he bent all his Pea l ° ascerta ' n how the subject ap an/ 6 minds dtte d to it, Qdicf UlDg them 10 view U without prej- J atn delighted to learn that'Mr. Cir in?tr n Seld ° m hear lhe Dame of Wash er iv, pron °unced without breaking an explosion of contempt, PLUm PITS. especially, it is; said. If there le an Amen can within hearing. Washington is the exact opposite of a fell Carlylean hero, His glory is that he v?as not richly endowed, not sufficient unto : himself, not indifferent to bnman rights, opinions, and preferences; but; feeling deeply bis need of help, sought it, where alone it was to be found, in minds fitted by nature and training to, sopply bls is this heartfelt desire to be right which. shines so affectiogly .from the plain words of Washington, and gives ;bim rank; so far above the gorgeous, brodits whom hero worshippers adore. On the right of the . President, in the, plane of honor,! sat Jefferson, nowlmrfy* seven, .the senior of all his colleagues r older In public servi&, too, than any ; of them; tall„erect, ruddy»noticeably quiet and unobtrusive of bis address and de meanor; the feast .pugnacious of men. Not a fanatic, not an enthusiast; but an old fashioned Whig, nurtured upon “old Coke,’’ enlightened by twenty-five years’, intense discussion—with pen, tongue and‘ sword—of Gokean principles Fresh from the latest commentary upon Coke— the ruins of the Bastlle—and wearing still his red Paris waistcoat and breeches, be was an object of particular interest to all men, and, doubtless, often relieved the severity of busines by some thrilling re lation out of bis late foreign experience. Opposite him, on the I President’s , left,; was the place of Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, inwall the alertness and vig or of thirty-three. If time had matured bis talents, it bad not lessoned bis seif-suffi ciency ; because, as yet, all his short life had been a success, and be had associated chiefly with men who possessed nothing, either of his fluency or his arithmetic. A posaitive, vehement little gentleman, with as firm a faith in the apparatus of finance as General Knox had in great guns. He was now in the full tide of activity, lobby ing measures through' Congress, and or ganizing the Treasury Department—the most conspicuous man in the administra tion, except the President —as usual, bis unseen work was the best. In organizing a system of collecting, keeping, and dis bursing the revenue, he employed so much tact, forethought, and fertility, that his successors have each, in tarn, admired and retained bis most important devices He arranged the system so that the Secre tary of the Treasury, at any moment, coaid survey the whole: working of It. and he held at command all the resources of the United States, subject to lawful uso without being able to divert ope dollar to a purpose not specially authorized. He could not draw bis own pittance of salary without the signatures of the four chief officers of the Department—Comptroller, Auditor, Tressurer and Register. pjtut itfvertiumms. JAMES CALDWELL & CO Invite special attention to their NEW STOCK WINTER GOODS, JUST OPENED. IRISH ASH FRENCH POPLINS, REPPS ANI) VELOURS, CABSI MERES. DBA DE FRANC MERINOS, } «. EMPRESS CLOTHS AND SATEENS. All the new shades. BLACK ALPACAS AND MOHAIR LUSTRES. BLACK SILK WARP CASHMERES, EMPRESS CLOTHS AND MERINOS. BLACK SILKS, |A very large stock of all the best makes. A LARGE STOCK OP FANCY DRE&S SILKS At f 1 per yard. PONSON CELEBRATED \ ! blackimantillA velvets, Black and Colored Velvets {for Trimming; Ac., i BLACK BILK VELVET BACOCES, CLOAKS AND POLONAISE, CLOTH CLOAKS AND BAJQUEB In great variety. A large stock of Fashionable Pore, in medium and fine quality. . BLACK GUIPUE LACES, BLACK THREAD LACES, BERTHAS AMD CAPES. Blankets and Flannels, CLOTH AND CASSIMEKES The above stock comprises the' FINEST IN IE CITY. Which we offer at the lowest market prices. 118 & 130 FEDERAL ST:REET, Allegheny! City, Penna. decl3-4m ,!tbe i a:>: Bv Cfrcfc**!* :Y & :«i LIBERTY STREET, CORNER FIFTH, W Msnnftctorers sad fosters in :V:v ; O.V’'; IRON AND WOODWORKING MACHINERY, MANUFACTURERS’ SUPPLIES % • Have in store a fall stock of DEANE STEAM PUMPS, SASH AND DOOR ! MACHINERY, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. - oovlMm. JJRY GOODS Auction Prices, FOR SIXTY DAYS ONLY. MR. M. SOHIFF, Is determined to close ont his entire stock of. dey aocxDS REGARDLESS OP COST, .Id as short a time as possible, as be intends to de vote all his attention in the fntnre to the , WOOLEN AND COTTON HOSIERY, BAR GA IN S* INVITED TO CALL AT ONCE, And they will have a chance to matte their affec tion out of a WELL SELECTED STOCK. £ OCtlB-2m.'' : h - ’ h: francibcus & co| 5 1 STEjSET, ; PHILADELPHIA. W We have opened for the PALL" TRADE, the largest and beat assorted Stock of PHILADELPHIA CARPETS Table, Stair and Floor OH Cloth, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton-, Tarn, Batting,. . Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Classes, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas kets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wood en and Widow Ware in the United States. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of goods. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE * CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER Price $5.50. The Most Perfect and Successful Washer - Beer Node. Agents wanted for the AMERICAN WASHER in all parts of the State. mar29-Bm—sel-Sm H. W. BKELT. - JAMES 08BCBM gEELY & OSBUR N, Successor* to H.W. Seely, BR I D 6 E STR E E T ROCHESTER, PENN’A. ‘ Dealers In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE and NOTIONS, Cash paid for Farmers’ Marketing. Irifriy. . PURCHASING AGENCY. Will purchase and forward any article. ' MANUFACTURED OR SOLD Inthlsclty, at the lowest prices. Parties in the country wishing to purchase H anos, Organa.Sewlng Machines, Gnus, Revolvers- Nnreefy Btock, J ewe 117. Parnltnre, Millinery, Hardware; Drags, Motions, Books,. Stationery, Saddlery. Carpetings, Dry Goods. Ac., Ac., will do well to send to ns. AH goods will be ebOseh with a riew to economy* as well as taste and fitness, and boxes or packages forwarded by Express to any partpf the country. All orders promptly at tended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Address , PITTSBURGH SUPPLY CO septlS-Sm ' PITTSBURGH, PA. JJEADY FOR CHRISTMAS. We: have received: an elegant stock of WATCHES, CHAINS. CHAIN AND BAND BRACELETS. DIAMOND PINS. EAR RINGS, STUDS and BINGS, CORAL. STONE CAMEO, AMATHYST. TOPAZ, ONYX add GOLD SETS OP JJBWBLRY. PINE NECKLACES and LOCK ETS. SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS COLLAR BUTTONS. GENTS*' PINS. GOLD AND SILVER HEAD CANES. SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLATED WARE. VASES. TOILET SETS. PA ' RIAN MARBLE AND FANCY GOODS. All suit able for Holiday Presents, and will he sold low at i WATTLES & SHEAFER’S; decO-lm. 101 Fifth Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. PITTSBURGH, PA. - r r AND JTTDSON GOVERNORS. &C., &C., &C. RETAILED AT OP NEW BRIGHTON, MANUFACTURE OF . v . £ . THOSE WHO WANT ARE RESPECTFULLY 3| ISSDBAHCE afld GENERAL AGEUCT, ■I P ; ; (B*kk tbb Bxfot,) ]/;:■;• £4%: iIOCHESTKH. PA. Fire Life ail Accideit ißsamre. NOTARY ?tmuc, COiraYAIiCBB, : .;■ v|^.' ,;A k;,yw». /; •. ; V, , J . / 1 • -• f- ‘ , _ .. ' j* i;. ‘.;l' ,i i 1 *4 .J*J ' - I'-:- . .PRESS COMPANY’S AGENCY. Fire,life and Accident Policies written at felt ratesand liberal toms. Deed*, Mortm«, Agree iaem«, COfTectly wriUen. Impositions and Acknowledgments taken; Tassengert booked to •ad from aU parts of Eiyjland, Ireland, Scotland, Franc* and j and goods toward ed toallpartaof tho (Jutted States and Canada. /ETNA INSURANCE CO.. OP HARTFORD* CONN, , CASH A858W,...;.. . .. $6,000,000 Established in iBl9— Wealthiest and most reliable Company in the World. “By their Fit nits ye shallknow them." Losses Paid to Jan.lirt, 1871 J 28,000,000 NIAGARA, OF NEW, YORK. CASH ASSETS,..... 11................ $1,600,000 ANDES INSURANCE COMPANY, OF CINCINNATI. CACH ASSETS .......1......... $1,500,000, ENTERPRISE, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. PASH ovcf »••••• «600,000 LANCASTER, OF LANCASTER PA: CASH PAID ASSETS* - $240,000 -1 '» ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY, i dCF ERIE, PA. CASH CAPITAL $250,100 Insures against damage by lightning as well as Ore. HOME LIFE INSURANCE CO., ■ ' OF NEW FORK. CASH ASSETS.w**»****m*»»» $3(500,0(10 TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, COHN. CiSB AU5815........ 11.MC.000 Paid losses, since its > rganliatlon, of over $7OO aday, fordeatb *nd injury. ■ Representing the above first class Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best in the world, and representing a mss Cash Capital of over Si* teen Millions ol Dollars,T am able to? take Insur. ance in departments, and Policies issued without delay. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Insure t&day. By one days' neglsa or delay you may loom Via savingsttf years. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain. Insure (o-day. On&Hiayis worth tw> tomorrows. Quality also ,1s of the utmost importance. .The low-priced, worthless article always proves the dearest. °aM for Indemnity. The Sett i« sow that yon shall yon reap.” , Grateful fortbwvory liberal patmage already beftpwed, Lfiattter myself, by strict attention to a legmmate business, not only to merit, a contlnu anceol the same,- but hope, by the facilities and Inducements 1 am nopr enabled toofibr,Xor alarge - increase during the present year. Mb. S. A. duly authorised p take applications in adl » I ‘ 1. INSURANCE COMUiM ! LANCASTER, PA. HON. THOftlS. FRANKLIN, Prea. B. F. SHENK, Treasurer. ' J EDWARD BROWN, Secretary. J SIBXCTOBS: : THOS. B. FRANKLIN, JOHN L. ATLEB, Physician; - JACOB BAUSMAN,Pres't Farmers Nat. Bank; ; HENRY CARPENTER, Physician; JACOB M. FRANTZ, Farmer; JNO. C. HAGER, of Hager & Bro. Merchants; GEO. K. REED, ofßeed, M’Gran & Co., Bankers; A. E. ROBERTS, ex-Mcmber of Congress; F. SHBODER, of Shroder & Co*, Cotton Man.! ■ B. F. SHENK, of Shenk,.£aasman A Co.; imURES “ . DWELLINGS,; . , *TFARM PROPERTY, I CHURCHES, f SCHOOL HOUSES, &MILLSAND FACTORIES, AndMl other FIRE RISKS taken at as low rates as anyflpt class Company can afford. PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID, TermPqlfelea issued on Dwellings, Suem proper* ty, Ai^st ;:-ih LOW RATES, AndPollciesliberal in other terms. Apply to- CHAS. B. HITRST, Agent, • / ROCHESTER, PA. . aprW’Tftiy/ ■ . “*• 'x . ■ „ • I lit sur e Cp . OF PHILADELPHIA. | .-i ’ • e - I ■; 1 a , - • - .... . r t \ : f*. ’ F. RAItiHFORD STARR, Preset.*.' THOS.H. MONTGOMERY.V. Prea : ’ : H &EZ- w. JACOB PETERSON Aea’t. . CASH ASSETS, - * gt**.*** IMBTC Feft. let, »TO, «530»m t 4 v : HBJDIBURANCEBXGLIBtVSLT. PMpetsftl Policies * ery liberal niu •ad.M^Ei. Aipfcjto MARlftEltlED ■ WANTLE M LIBERTY STREKT/WrifBUHGH, PA’. Al»Oi RANGES. ORATES, and particular attention pald to PORNACEB, Public atd Private Bplldipgs. . - . novl-Sm |^|i®|3j* ■-- -. -X -r; ' r . ■ i' : No. M ST^T, rrrWBUJtGH, PJINS’A. K.‘?♦ X:. ;FOR : X : ,H ” goodman fv, :vW; ORGAN FOR ILLUSTRATED • CATALOGUE. novai-UniX 1 ‘••■- f > r ?yi SASH AND UONROBKILLER. . T 1 W. DOLBY. M. MILLER & 00., CONTRACTORS .AND BUILDERS, Maaulactarere of and Dealers in ROUGH AND RLANBD,LUMBER, RRSB3EJJ mooring su&no, SBEL'vmor^ LATH AND SHINGLES. ■ ROCRBSTER, BBAVER.CODNTY, PA. deel8’B8;ly JVALL AND WINTER GOOBS. The undersigned begs leave to Inform his Wendt and the public generally, that be has lost received a newEtock of goods of the latest styles for Pall and Wintxp wear, which he offers at very mode* ate rates.; Clothing made to order on the shortest possible notice. Thankful to tl-e public for past favors, I hope by close attention to business to merit a continuance of tbe aune. DANIEL MILLER, dee4 (Bfely Bridge St.. BstoeswATEß, Pa. ESTABLISHED IN 1838. STOCK OF FURNITURE - West of the Mountains, Of onr own manufacture, will be found at the Mammoth Furniture Establishment of C. G. HAMMER & SONS. The newest and most approved styles t>f Fine and Medinm Furniture, in larger variety than any other house, at very reasonable prices. Persons furnishing houses would do well to Write for our new circular, or when in Pittsburgh were spectral ly solicit a visit to our warerooms. Don't forget the place, ■ ■ - ■ 48,48, A 50, SEVENTH AV., PITTSBURGH, PA., We challenge the world in prices for the quality of material and workmanship of our goods. C V T T H I SOU Tv, aug9-3m. Q W. TAYLOR, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . , AND . REAL ESTATE AGENT, FALLS, PA. murinn- >t 6 hough tand spld on rets^abj^Cour JEWELLING HOUSES, ' TE N E’i|'-E NTB 7 IM PR O VBD AN!) UN IMPROVE: R|. A 1 ESTATE, !. a-* «t • nt AMD MBAB TBS BOROUGH OF ROCHESTER 4 ; FOR SALE AND RENT, BY S. J. GROSS. besrn-tf j. PETTITT, SMITH’S PERRY, BEAVER CO,, PA., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, r * ; NO TA RT PUBpiC . ■ 'and . / • SPECIAL COMMISSIONER FOR SALE OP LANDS IN EAST VIRGINIA, aprITTSS-ly JOHN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER AND HAIR DRESSER, N O. 5 3 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ladies waited bn promptly at their residences by workwomen. - [feb3'7l-ly Q. W. MASSEY, CLEANED, DYED AND REPAIRED , . v; ‘AT.;BHORT NOTICE; : • r NO', ’ll QRANTSTREET, feblO*n-lf ,x 4 - "PITTSBURGH. PA. .tS M; ELUS, .. a* ■ *_■ r i V • *.’ • i r*'4- . ' i T* - * ' . ARCHITECT ANp - opp rcK: : b a'M» ‘at 6 cx;j , BEAVER FAUfI, SKAVgfe CC W PA. - -' 1 tSd feM9M»ljr.. : TTGONOERNS AMil a:o sri* ■. : j- v : ; LADIES’ AN» , r hair And MinaQtctnrer of ' ' ; safe r Wofii ; *# Wnt\ v % *-aR.--*>*- v ■ -■■ iir. i. vc>. •, ',.{ := - '/.O* ;/';-■ t ; '::.:‘y.-,Vi: g/W. rfIWTER, :r.. -. decJ6’«B '■ ,f ■• Pnifri^Of * , - V «;• .1# ; Pijirf 3MENB’ FURNISHING GOODS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. The Largest and Rest CLOTHING *1 -.•j lv.; m CO.V X,..-".-:■'■x. - .•:---;.x^' B AKK ERS & R R OJtERS DMauou in Exchakoi Accounts of Manufacturers, MerchantßtMid{lndl vldual* Solicited. |u ■“> INTSBSS7U QNJITIItS PBPOSITS - Correijwßieucelwlll receive prompt ttte&tion. Kodwirter, Aog/l«t,lBra-«ig*-’ -'V- Cashxib. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE AND HRTBD. • V-' CORRESPONDENCE AND [ ACCOUNTS S" ' BICITED. ~;V ' . \ INTEREST PAID ON.TIJIE DEPOSITS. EXCHANGE; SfiCUlk s; Ac., BOF«HT AND, SOLD. Office hoars from a. m. to 4p. m. mysi’W p BEN TEL & CO., BANKERS AKI) BROKERS FREEDOM, PA., Are new prepared to do a general Banking and Brokerhnslnega. Notes discounted, Government oondsand, other securities bought and’sold, and: on all aobesslble points la the Interest allowed on time deposits. .Office hoses from 9a. a., to 4 a x. from 6*. x. to tt p.M. Jan. 26, IB7S-sm. NATIONAL BANK, NO. 33 FIFTH AVENUE, B. W. MACKEY, Cashier W. McCANDLESS. Asst: Cashier. RANKING HO USE R. E. & H. HDOPES, Correspondence of Banks, Bankets and Her' clients solicited.. Collections promptly mad* end remitted. UySTTOiy. JAMES T, BRADY & 00., Con. POUKTH AVENUE * WOOD STREET BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP' INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS ATM^T J Sfe NOOVBBKHB,,TBO!n>S 'jssg&^gss &o^r mb “ “* B *>» ' JAS.'T. BRADY & CO. JySa’TOrly. G. 6. HABKKB. >. A. BARKER. ... O. A. BiSUB Q 8. B ARKER & C-0., ' N«W BbNHTOH, PSSH’A*. . G. 8. BARKER & CO., Bkavbb Fails, Pejth’a., B A IST SEE S . , DEAtEBSIH EXCHaRGB, com, COUPONS, Ac. CtoUacttob made on an accessible points in "the United States and Canada. Accounts of Jfefchants, Manufectnrere and Indl vldnals solicited. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Sc»^Sr denCe wmrecelre Prompt attention. , JgOCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. JOBK V. H’OONALI), W. I. BPBTEBEH, 6go - c- bpbtbbeb, h. j. bpkykbkb. Cashier SPEYERER & MCDONALD, Dealers In - exchange. Coin, Government Securi- ' collections on alUaccessible points in the United States and Canada, receive money on depos it subject to check, and receive time deposits ol' one dollar and upward, and allow interest at 6 per 1 cent. . —t By-laws and Buies furnished free by applying' at at the bank.* , ... i Bank open daily from 7 a. m.; till 4 p.m.,and on Saturday evenings from did 8 o'clock. •; - - ' ASrSB, BV FBBbISSIdN, TO Honda Bulan, Algeo, Scott & Co, Orr & Cooper. 8 J Cross & Co, .. Wm Kennedy, Snieder ft Weeks, John Sharp, BBBanger, ■ BBBdgar, AC Hurst, Tradesmen's National S B Wilson, Bank, Pittsburgh. TdJ novll-Te-jeSO-Tl r' - ■ ; '-A fv<• .. !■/"*; H£. 8 H Tf, o;t j. p'e 'A'li SALOON " n sixfes'niEET, pittbbubqh, CBQIPB vliQtKm THBBAB, SfMao* ■i*t; H' BOCHBBTBRV PA. PITTSBUBOH, FA. J. W. COOK, President. OP NEW BRIGHTON, PA. (Successors to 8. Jones & C 0.,) FITTBBUBGE, B A If K E R S % 3 : T •' I . ' Saturdays' C. H. BBNTEL, Cashier. fdelh’B r \ 1