The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 17, 1873, Image 5

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    days ago what be the proposi
;ion to make Schuyler Colfax editor-in
chief of the New York Tribune, to suc
ked the great and good Greeley? “WeIVV
remarked Robert, "it would be like sup
plemeßliug the luminosity of the noon
day son! with the flash a sick fire fly
makes on a moonlight night.” When
William Orton heard of this be dropped
Oolfax inslanter and resold to Reid his
gfty-one shares of TriSv>M Stock. .«■ „
The belief that Wintbmp WV Ketcbum
be chosen Attorney General by Got*
look upon liAaan appointment emi
nentlv fit to be hwdej i Abraham Lincoln
.made'William H most formi
dable oppohmg: premier.
Chase, Camerbhltod ihO were also
voted for in the tincolh Convention for
president, were called to the Cabinet of
Mr. Lincoln, of that ad
ministration is nation's his
The Constitutional Convention is now
in session in this city, and although its
sessions are held in a Presbyterian church
(Old School,) yet this pious fact does not
prevent members froraengaging in ways
Harare sinful.' On Thursday night last
- otfe of the lending members of the Con
vention started out with seven hundred
dollars in his pockets, and soon after meet
ing with a late member of the Legislature,
a present metriber, and the custodian of
the cash required to pay interest oh the
public debt of the city* the four engaged
in a game of “Poker.” They stopped only
when the “boys” had “cleaned ont” the
delegate of all but $7.00 of his cash. With
ibis and with a quantity of whisky with
in him, that if “tax paid” would make a
perceptible reduction of the public debt,
the delegate started for the home of his
father in-law, where his young, handsome
and wealthy wife is stopping. Just how
to cheat his wife into the belief that
he was entirely sober, was what most
concerned the man who is to give us a
revised Constitution, In detailing the
manner in which he did it the delegate
said: “My wife and I occupy two adjoin
ing rooms at her father’s, a parlor and i
bed room. About 8 o’clock I managed to
gel to the; parlor adjoining opr bed room.
To show the madam I was sober, I made
a desperate effort to light the gas. After
striking about twenty matches on the
wrong end, I was about to give up in de
spair, when by accident I got one by the
right end, and got up a light. The next
thing in order was to complacently take a
smoke. By scattering a paper of tobacco
over the floor I managed to get enough
into my pipe to get up a smoke. After
smoking awhile I concluded to see if my
wife was asleep, and so stole quietly to
bed; found all quiet, and made up my mind
she slept soundly. Went back and smok
ed c some more. Getting very hungry I de
termined I must either have a drink of
whisky or go to bed. Chose the latter;
but in order to see if the madam was
really sound asleep, I turned on the gas
fa!] head, and went to the bed and found
it empty, and that I had been making a,
fool of myself, trying for one hour to sat
isfy an empty bed that T was not drunk.
At 5 o’clock, feeling the need of refresh
ment,.! wandered out in search of a gin
cocktail. Found the hotels all closed,
and kept on wandering until 1 got out by
the Schuylkill [this delegate might be
ju«ily called a Schuylkill Ranger,] where
1 found a Hibernian opening" his whisky
mill. I asked him could he make me a
gin cocktail. ‘I kin, zur,’ he replied. I
went in, and a gin cocktail was made for
me. How much is it, my friend ?’ I ask- j
cd, after I bad thrown myself around it. j
‘Foive cents, zur,’ he answered. ‘Then, |
by heavens, I’m poisoned,’ ejaculated this
C institutional delegate, However, it did
not poison me, and after taking two or
three more, I went to Augustine’s to get
aJt icate breakfast. Told the-waiter to
hr e; me a quail, make me a cup of tea
sume buttered toast, with a sliced to
c--' All these were brought In me, and j
5 ■■ looking at them for a moment or i
:it I concluded that what I wanted was j
sen cocktail. So, ordering up one, I j
;' i " J ibe waiter how much I owed him. 1
$1,75. Paid it, and wpnt down
Je Continental Hole!; penned a pole
1 •->’ wife, saying that General Hartranfi
” 4 - 5, D - for me, and that I to
■^• e 'he six o’clock train fojKHarrisburg,
, gentlemen,” retnaHted this tower
,:j >j ' 'Estate, “I and |xpect to be
i I am certainly sober.”" Having
ed Lis wife, won’t this delegate cheat
people in making us a revised Const}-
the question asked by
~Thc Wayne Citizen says : We pub-
the names of the Republican County
Emittee for 1873, as. appointed by Mr.
S ' e! .v, Chairman of tbe last Republican
ounty Convention. The following gen
*:eißen compose the Committee; M. L.
rac 7, Honesdale, Chairman ; L." B.
! chtmyer, Honesdale ; E, A. Penniman,
°Dtsdale; S. F. Cory, Honesdale; Bat
!' r Hamlin, Salem ; Henry D. Alden,
' Lnlon - George W. Wood, Manchester.
is said there will be a bolt if Frank
h is n °minated for United States Sen
-1 the Democratic caucus of the Mis
s,Jr> Legislature. |
Democratic candidacy for Gov
t L - r in Connecticut this spring appears
] , e ' Jet ween Messrs. English and Eaton,
1 Q tbe chances in favor of Eaton.
i 0 ec ’ a dvices from Washington iare
e^ ect Colorado will npi be I ad*
u ‘ ed iato l be Union as a State this year
'if. •
?' &
at Jleast.
f°f r
ty of. either bouse' of.Goncresl- at
present r .Ja ;t
iß gafe from the <
Wmenlj awl her people prosgerous and
happy. ; _ . . . _
, —There is a sense of jnstlw lr the
American that is stronger than the hoods
of party,an<3the old An#lo-Baxonlove
of fair playwill show itself the moment
the present'ffUtte of affairs in Louisian* is
understeiod. SVrnng asls theconfldence
of 'the people in the administration, ms
question whether it tvould haVeany con*,
siderable body of supporters were it; to
sanction the proclamation of Pinchbeck
by' supporting its enforcement. today
with the; military power.—Cincinnati
Commercial w; r :
—Senator Lyman Trumbull. of Illinois,
will resume the practice of lav after* the
3d nf March, the day on which his Sena*
torial term expires. Be ft a been in the
United States Senate since 1855 seven*
teen years.
—Missouri also thinks of revising her
constitution. These conventions are be
coming popular.
The news of Napoleon's death ap*
pears not to have any extended effect
upon the people of France.
—The Democrats of New Hampshire
will rally under • their old name, an 3
around their old standard, for. their elec
tion in March. Their Sjtate and Congress
ional nominations were made last week.
—The investigation into the charges of
corruption and bribery against Senator
Caldwell has been commenced. Clarke,'
the defeated candidate, was the first wit
ness examined. «
—Tallahassee,.Florida, has a model
Mayor. When be was elected he aston
isbed everybody by announcing that he
should notcbarge the, city anything for
bis services. Ndw, some extra fees hav
ing accured to him, amounting to $370,
he has given these also to the city.
—Both houses ofybe General Assembly
of Virginia have passed a resolution pro
posing a conference between the bond
holders of the State and a special com
mittee to be appointed by them, in Rich
mond, on the 3d of February, for the
purpose of devising somp equitable plan
of settlement of the public debt question.
The resolution how goes before the Gov
ernor for his approval. ~
The Philadelphia Press says.- Mr,
Buckingham, of Connecticut, addressed
the Senate of the United States “at length"
yesterday in favor of his banking and
currency bill. His remarks are not re
ported in the dispatches, although the
subject is an important one. The bill
provides for the issue to a limited amount
of a new class of bonds, bearing three and
sixty five per cent, interest, convertible
into United Slates, notes and reconverti
ble at the option of tbeboider.—This sti»
claimed would give a certain elasticity to
the currency, relieve the present strin
gency, and make, it impossible for combi
nations tcvijcreate a “corner." It further
provides that United Stales legal-tender
notes, in sums of a thousand dollors, may
be redeemed by three sixty five per cent,
bonds, and that the holders may, on de
mand, receive legal-tenders again. There
are other features, but all are subsidiary
to those indicated. '
•Agents.—C., W. Taylor, Beaver Fails; Evan
Pagh, New Brighton; J. Linnenbrinb, Rochester.
Radical Is the most extensively circu
lated Weekly Newspaper in Western
Cleveland Sc Pittsburgh Railroad.
Going West —Mail, 7,46 a. m ; Accomihodatior
5,40 p. m.
Going East—Accommodation, ys9 a. m; Mail.
2,37 p. m; Express, 7.07 p. m.
Arrival and Departure of mails.
Western mail leaves ax 8 a.m.; arrives at4p.m,
Eastern mail leaves at 3p. m.: arrives at 9a. m.
New Lisbon mail leaves every Friday, (instead ol
Monday), at 3a. m.; arrives on Saturday, at 5 p. m.
Black Hawk, St. Clair, Clarkson and New Lisbon.)
Sleigh for Sale —lnquire of Dr. J. C.
Levis, Bridgewater.
The time is now coming for public sales, and
the place to get bills printed is at The Radical
Lecture.— The first lecture of the
course, under the auspices of the Indepen
dent Lecture Committee, will be deliver
ed at the. M. E. Church, in Beaver, on
February 6,1873, by Col. Russell H. Con
well. Subject—“ Lessons of Travel.”
Fuither notice will be given.
Lightner, of the Greenville Advocate,
retires and the .Hon- J. C. Brown comes
to tbe front as editor of that paper.
vis the Beaver papers have kindly of
fered their columns for articles on tem
perance, the County Committee of
the Temperance Union have appoint
ed Rev. J. H. Aughey, to receive ar
ticles and communications on this sub
ject and conduct their publication. Ad
dress, Rev/J. H. Aughey, Beaver P. 0.,
The November adjourned Court open
ed on Monday, and will continue during
next week. There is a long trial list.
Messrs , C. X. Reno of Rochester, C.
A.iGriffin and Benjamin Ewing of Bea
ver, left on Monday for Harrisburg to fill
positions to which they are appointed by
the Legislature. These gentlemen are
Republicans and we congratulate them on
their good fortune.
-jfc- r-:;.- 'r
_ >i<|jiotK. ptld -
Attention to the popular attention to thopopalsr
feeling on the subject, or feellngonthe'solyect, or
he would hothavolHrer W ; ofli9r»
vi hi# jreßoluttcwj to Tin- ed hia 'l
nstruct oat Senators and struct our ’Senator# tad
request oar Eepresonu- request OnrHepresenta
lives in Congress to vote Stives JaCongressto vote
against the proposition against the. proposition
for the governmeotto lor thogotennnent to as
assume the control sad same the control ana
manage men t of the tele- management of thetele
graph lines of the conn- gragbltnes of the coun
try. No more -popular try. i: No : more v popular
interests of the country, interests ofthecoantry,
Sa with rare exceptions and with rare exceptions
e. press supports it the press , supports it
heartily. ForthePenn* heartily. Fortne Penn
sylvania Legislature to sylvahCa Legislature to
interfere to prevent ourllnterfere to prevent our
Senators and Bepresenta- Senators ana Hepresen
tives from supporting tatives from supporting
vtpat the people thus-af- what . the people tbps
most demand )see mi ftlmoft denmnileeems
Quixotic ra the extreme. Quixotic la the extreme.
Were il not for thedates we would as
sert that thb Man badTieen stealing from
jthe Argus.
* 2 he lecture of Prof, Leo. Miller on
Friday eveningin the CourtJJopse, on
the subject of the “Relations* pf Woman
to Moral Reforms- with special referent
to Temperance," was a decided success,
both as regards the lecture Itself, and the
audience assembled to hear It. The meth
ods of the lecturer were analytical and in
ductive, and he developed his subject with
a skillful hand; The Professor took for
granted that natural fitness determined
the line of duty, and proceeded to show
that woman possessed pre-eminently the
moral forces of society, and man the ma ;
terial, and that these natural differences
were indicative of their separate spheres
of activity. Man was the tamer of na
ture, the subduer of physical forces, the
creator of wealth; but'woman, with her
fine and superior organization, was the
reformer, the refiner, the beautjfier of so
ciety. Her presence assuages the angry
passions of men, improves their man
ners, elevates their sentiments and envel
ops their material life with a moral at
mosphere. She has accomplished this in
some degree in the family, in the church;
but in a republic the fall power of her
moral influences can never be realized
until she is clothed with the responsibili
ty of the ballot. Then she. can and will
by force of circumstances be compelled
to move forward in mission,
and then and only we hope to
see accomplished the great informs of the
age. The lecturer advanced sqme very
radical but in d
servative Community they we?fr weif^<r- r
ceived, which fact goes to support, the
prediction that it won’t be long before
the partition walls of prejudice that i&w
separate the sexes in politics will be bro
ken down, and woman be admitted to an
equal partnership in the affairs of Gov
ernment. f
Prof, Miller whs requested to deliver
os Friday evening,Jana*
IS, which he promised to do, andon
that evening he will lecture in the'Pres*':
bytefiah Church oh iße subject “The Era
of Woman, or the Divine Republic.” The
lecture is free, the speaker is eloquent
and very instructive, and the subject is
one of great importance. These facts
should be sufficient inducements to draw
a crowded bouse.
There is a rumor that a four feet
vein of black band iron ore has been dis
covered somewhere on the Little Beaver
creek, near Smith’s- Perry, and that in
consequence a company, is to be organized
to develop the mine and to start a rolling
mill either at Georgetown or Smith’s
Ferry. We give the rumor as we beard
it, as a piece of interesting news to many
in that section of the county, and sincere
ly hope that the facts are as stated.
An interesting and successful revival
is now in grogress at the M. E. Church,
Georgetown, under the superintendence
of Rev. Gledliill, pastor. Quite a number
have already been awakened, and a few
have joined the church. The meetings
are well attended both in thedaytime and
evenings, and the pastor and people are
unremitting in their labors.
Election of Officers,— At the annu
al meeting of the Rochester Home Insur
ance Company, held at Rochester on last
Monday, the following officers were elect
ed: President—George C. Speyerer; Vice
President—J. V. McDonald; Treasurer—
Herman Speyerer; Secretary—John Crash
ing, Jr; Directors—J. V. McDonald, G
C. Speyerer, Sam B. Wilson, Louis Schnei
der, Wmi Kennedy, John Qnehing, Mar
shall McDonald, R. B. Edgar, M. Camp,
Jr., C. B. Hurst, David Lowry, Henry
A Connection,—Editor Radical —
The Argus of last week has wbat pur
ports to be an account of the oldest man
in Beaver county, which is full of errors
from beginning to end- Mr. Qrabam, the
gentlemen referred to in the article, in
stead of being ninety-seven years old is
only eighty-seven, being born August 33d,
1785; consequently he could not baire-vo
ted for Thomas Jefferson for President
twice, nor was he born before the Decla
ration of Independence- was signed.
Mr. Graham is at present living with his
son-in-law, Mr. Simon Grim, and the in
formation as. to his age is from his two
b'others, both residing in Freedom.
Freedom, Pa., Jan 11, ’73. Gideon.
The small-por has broken out in Indus
try township. Mr. Benoni White, and
several others,'we are informed, have had
a mild form of the disease. We trust that
it may not spread further, and that all
necessary precautions may be taken to
confine it to the families in which it has
made an appearance. .
ingion Review
..... elections.
,;. : CONVEHTION. ‘‘
; The Convention to revise the Constitu
tion of «nnsylvania, consists ofone.hun
dre4 and|thirty three gentlemen, elected
from ell of the Key^toneS***, The
son andWashinglon Colleges constitute
wore than the tenth of that august body.
Seven of,these graduated at Jefferson as
follows: fl. N. H’AHster In 1883 ; J. Mc-
Dowell fiftarpe In 1848 ; Silas M. Clark In
1852 - Thomas Ewing iandi Augustus S.
Landis If 1853; Samuel C. t. Dodd In
1857 ; and Thomas H. ,8., Patterson in
Thfe following graduated at Wasti-
Ington : John ft Walker in 1833 ; John
M’Collough, M. D., in 1826; Samuel L
Bussell in 1834; David W. Patterson In
1832; and Wm. M’Leanln 1851 ; and Sam ‘J
A. Purviarice (one of the seven surviving,
merabersof Pennsylvania/ ConafttFt(o|gl|
Convention of 1887;>
rence were students there for some con
* 'r * rj'r
Ulysses Mercur, Jefferson, 1842, was
chosen a Judge of Supreme. Court of
Pennsylvania; Cyrus L. Pershing—Jeffer
son, lB4B*£a President Judge, jand James
P- -Sterr^tV-Jefferson, 1845---and ( Ed win
unanimously re-elected to a like position.
Wm.S. Jft>ore—Washington,
bis seat lb the’ National Congress, and
James G, Blaine, of the same class, is re
turned for a fifth term to the same. House,
over whieh he so ably presides. Ebene
zer M’Junkin—Jefferson, 1841—Yeturns to
Congress for a second term. Leonidas
Sexton, a graduate of Jefferson in 1847,
is elected Lieutenant Governor of Indi
Reed’s Jewelry Establishment'
—One of the finest and largest 'jewelry
stores m r Pittsburgh, is that of J. R.
Reed, & Co., 68 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh.
This firmkeep on hand the finest watch
es, jhe Best clocks, splendid silver and
silver plated ware of all kinds and styles,
such as tea sets, pitchers, cake-baskets,
silver .spoons.- &c. They have
al so a stock cif
rings, -pm of every
deBcriß^^and : wishes to pfojr
any style % low or high
priced; or table ware either solid silver or
plated, or any . jewelry of any; kind, will
do well Ip first call and examlne'and price
the articles offered for sale by this firm.
J. R. Reed &_Co. have built up an es
tablished reputation for fair dealing, and
in all their dealings endeavor to do what
is just and right.
About "Beavers,»~' THi| t is "what ;
BeaklTlounty poliliciani: “Work- 1
ing like is-erroneousiysuppoped
to be a simllp taken from the industrious
little animal of that name, but the best
autfaoritiea aay, that it « taken from the
Beaver county politician, who, when he
gets after an office, can double discount
the most industrious beaver that ever car
tied mortar on his tail.”
Railroad Meetings have been held
this week at Clinton, Murdocksville,
Frankfort Springs, Hookstbwn, and
Georgetown, at which a railroad. agent
wps present to confer with the people and
ascertain their wishes .in regard to the
contemplated road from Oakdale to
The people of the south side are anx
ious to have the road built, and we trust
their hopes will not be disappointed.
On Tuesday evening after dark' a team
belonging to Meanor & Woodruff rdn
away. Starting from their stable and
passing by The R adical office, they ran
a short distance ‘ therefrom, when the
wagon struck a tree, breaking the tongua
and stripping one horse of his harness.
That was all of it. The same firm lost a
valuable horse by colic the same evening
The citizens Prohibition Executive
Committee will meet at the Court House
in Beaver, on Saturday evening, January
18, at 7 o'clock. The attendance of all
the members is earnestly requested.
An inquest was held at Pittsburgh
Thursday morning of last week, on the
remains of Amos Bond, the brakeman who
was killed at the outer depot of the P. F.
W. & C. railroad, and a verdict of acci
dental death was rendered. The deceased
was 28 years of age, and resided at New
Brighton, Beaver county.
The Bellefohte Republican , which was
suspended December 4, 1872, reappears
under new auspices, having Edward T.
Tuten editor, and Robert P, Tuten pub
lisher, both of whom are proprietors.
The new management promises to make
it a lively apd sterling Republican paper.
Economy in Coal . —The most prac
tical suggestion yet made toward econo
omy in coal, seems to be the use of solid
bottoms in fire grates. It i s asserted, and
indeed proved, that in any fire not exces*
sively small, a plate of iron placed upon
the grate will save the consumption
of coal, reduce the smoke, and leave a
cheerful, free burning fire. Quite suffi*
cient air enters through the bars, no pok
ing is necessary, and the fire never goes
out till the consumed. Any
householder can try this experiment, and
ruduce bis coal bill, say thirty per cent.,
at cost of a shilling.
The week of prayer was observed in
our churches last week.
V/<xiu<Mr XI
-'it - -s
emvtitin Befmlf
•Thejatropgand dtead*
M withthn
-ias y it?
d«{e*rain»iiffltto/ prominent andpractical
, : ia)|&/Cf allppUticaland tcllgiousfaiths t6'
cpmeto tht frontand Join bands In an
earnest crussdeagainat the further con
tinuance ofthe.whisky -;. trade, In; onr
midst, must W peculiarly grallfyingto all
fiends of the temperance cause. : r >
Parsuanlto a number of
vfelPkppwp and: tending citizens of the
icptmiyv assembled at the office of J. H.
W alee
dectiia||iphir; W
Ijose of the meeting, and was fMjSSved by
sr. Taylor;, who reported cheering pro
gressin arousing public sentiment against
the license system. Mr. Wickham being
tailed upon, urged the necessity for prac
tical’efforts in the different election dis
tricts instead of relying upon conventions
and allm%;beeh too much done
heretofore. by Dr-J. 8;
McNutt, whb forcibly:'
t|nd 'Ws
H. Locke beingnext
that he was authorized to Say for Ekm.' J.
S. Rot an, that all his sympathies were
#ith the prohibition cause, and that his
frhole influence, both in public and pri
vate,, should be employed to further it.
Ilr. Locke also reported that sentiments
of a similar character were expressed by
fi. P- Kuhn, Esq. E. B. Daugherty* Esq.,
being requested to present his Views, com
plied in some welf-timed and able re
marks. His suggestions as to the best
manner of getting the temperance vote
out, commanded the)assent of all present.
He was followed by M. Weyand,‘Esq.,
3ybo, in his usual-happy style, endorsed
Ond reinforced assumed by
Mr Dadgherty. J. P. Dravo* -Estf.; ex
pressed his gratification at the unanimity
which seemed to prevail among men of all
parties, on the subject under consiiera
j'Uon, and agreed fully with the views oj
the preceding speakers. Rev. D. P. Low
ary expressed his idteas as to. the duty. of
f the’clergy. Smith Curtis, Esq., assuVed
the gentlemen present that The Radical
would occupy advanced ground in favor
ofprohibition during thecampaign, and
proffered thevuse of its columns to the
friends of the movement. Similar assur
ances were made by a gentleman present,
J. H. McCreery, Esq., stated from Sam.
B. Wilson, Esq., who was prevented, by
unexpected business, from attending the
| meeting, that no earnest and vigorous ef
fort to wipe out the license system should I
lack his co-operation, and that he fully
sympathized with the purposes of the
meeting. Farther remarks were made by
John Caughey, Esq., and others;
On motion, a committee consisting of
Messrs. Wickham, Daugherty, M. Weyand
and Curtis, was appointed to present at
the next meeting the names of gentlemen
to constitute a Citizens’ Executive Com
mittee to co-operatewith the temperance
organizations proper of the county, with
power to appoint sub committees in each
election district, and adopt such measures
to secure the success of the prohibition
cause as may be deemed advisable. A
committee of clergymen, composed ot
Messrs. Patterson, Locke, Lowary and
Wilson, was also appointed to communi
cate with, and secure the earnest and or
ganized assistance of their ministerial
brethren throughout the county. After
the transaction of some other business,
the meeting adjourned until Saturday
evening, January 11th, 1873.
Pursuant to adjournment, the meeting
assembled at the same place, on the even
ing of the lllh insL, when the committee
appointed for the purpose above men
tioned, reported as members of the Execu
tive Committee, - the following named gen
tlemen, to wit:
Samuel B. Wilson, M. S. Quay, John
F. Dravo, E. P. Khun, J, S. Rutan,Jacob
Weyand, John Caiugbey, D. M. Donehoo,
J. R. Harrab, Frank Wilson,D. L. Imbrie,
William Orr,R. T: Taylor,Geo. W. Hamil
ton, D. Singleton, Frank H. Agnew, and
-Chamberlain White.
On motion,Rev. Patterson was appoint
ed a committee lo f convey the good wishes
of the meeting to the regular temperance
organization of the county.
The Citizens’- Prohibition Executive
Committee announc
ed elsewhere, merit at the Court House in
Beaver, on Saturday efening, JaD, 18tb,
at 7 o'clock to j organize and prepare
for work. That they will be warmly sup
ported- by alt good citizens; in the- work'
they have undertaken, can scarcely admit
of a doubt; indeed to think .otherwise
would be to insult the moral sentiment of
the people of Beaver coufaty. . ....
- - -Reporter.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
message of bis excellency John W. Geary
to the General Assembly of this Common
wealth, for which we extend our thanks
The Argus boasts of its matured views
ton Chinese cheap-labor importation,
and its courage In giving them publicity.
Bah.l .
Oar llodliririrfntrtma.'
are ;ttßaotof Mi|iibnß
; areal ways e ick.No mim,woffian -
formlyln perfect health. Mtlch, however, 'h|,the
renderllfla btAdeii
to qf.our fellow beings is doe to,, c|re:-:'
leMiSeef iujd neglect. A mighty antidote to, the,.,
Jeadihgcaasesof disease has been provided,
; M as ' harmless asltls efficient; Ko poisonous
drag entetpttitb its composition, !! is an unde
is pot “a hew
tor* will soonhavebeeu before the world * r 4oit- » ■
tjmhifaim&ito MW
hiing it who would, have been in their graves
y»ftrs^h»d^^ 7
tainedby this t*hole*oiteidmPkht>tThe rapidl*
tj with which minor ailments often became, when
hegleclpd, di«eaaeB, iB,wen awd?
tonic is famoas for he Immediate cheefe Whlch It
•'gives to there breeders of deadly dlslrtflre; The
sensatiotf of iaegnor, the bick ! hbadacl&iihe
vonsness.the indisposition to exertion, thelnau-
of brain,the pby*J«l dehflW^,
eerlphs danger, me. invariably removed -
the' Bittcrv. The fame of the
a genaine; specific for dyspepsia.
billSonp complaints, malarious fevers, rhempatism, ,
mid chioElc debility, isas jvide as ?'
in these days of inlamoßS charlatanism, when
fle|ce cathairties, that rot. ffif ihyalid ibPthh list
orants’(J), it lfcipd|ted a blessing to mankiudthat
are everywhere pro
curable, and everywhere popular. jani-lm
»> i
Boots atid Shoes, a large andsuperlor stock
of Gent's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slipperalwaye
on band Made Boots of the’ - best
material. Ladies wear of the best quality, em
bracing ail the latest styles in store or made to
order. Misses’ Button and Lace Galters,Boots and
ait all prices. Boys and youths Boots and
Shofeainigreat varlety. Prices low as the lowest,
at J. Kennedy’s & Co., 143 Main street, Beaver
t- ; t . , janKMw.
The time Is now coming for public sales, and
the place to get bills printed is at The Radical
LEMMON—STEWART—December-25, at the res
idence of the bride, by Rev. J. Dean, W, B,
Lemmon, Esq., and Mrs. .Cassandra: Stewart
both of New Brighton, Beaver county. Pa. '
KONKEL— REFINGER—On January the sth, at
Beaver county, by Rev. John Brown, Mr.
Wm. C. Konkel, to Miss Elizabeth Reflnger.
HAMILTON—DOUTT—By Rev. J, Murray, Jan
uary 2d, 1873, Mr. J. C. Hamilton, of Smith’s
Ferry, and Miss Emma Doutt, of Bridgewater,
{Argus please copy.) .
STERLING—Mr. 1 fia. Sterling'of Greene town
: ship, on Sunday, the 12th inst. aged 80 years.
COOK—On Saturday morning. January 11th, 1873,
in Allegheny City, Charlie, infant son of Thomas
8. and M. R. Cook, aged three months andfif*
teen days.
HYDE— l On the 12tb instant, Mr. Jonathan Hyde*
of B aden. v A good man gone to his rest. v
per bushel ft G 5
Bye “ . to
Oats •* « ; 33
Corn (old she lied) “ 60
Buckwheat i oo
National Bank or Beaver County, t
New Brighton, Dec.'Sl, 1872. - f
The Board of Directors of this Bank have this
day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT,
out of the profits of the last six months, payable
on demand, free of all tax. n
janl7-3t EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier. '
Letters testamentary on the estate of George
Neely, deceased, late of Economy township,
Beaver county, Pa„ having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons having claims or demands
against said estate are present the
same, and those indebted to make pay
ment to me. ROSETTA SHAW, Ex'rx.,
Petrolia, Butler countv. Pa., orto
jan!7-6t Baden, Beaver county. Pa.
National Bank of Bearer County,
At the close of business on the 27th of December,
1872; ’
Loans and Discounts
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation
D. S. Bonds and Securities on hand
Due from National Banks
Due from State Banks and Bankers....
Banking House
Furniture and fixtures
Current expenses
Cash items—Stamps
Bills of other National Banks
Fractional Currency, (includifig nickels!
Legal Tender Notes
Capital Stock
Surplus Fund...
' Exchange.-.
Profit and Loss
, National Bank circulation
Dividends unpaid
Individual Deposits, >.,
Due to National Banks
Due to Stateßanks and Bankers.
$386,540 79
State of Pennsylvania, I I,Edward Hoops, Cashier
Beaver County, ( of the National Bank ot
Beaver County, do solemnly affirm that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledaeand
belief. EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier.
Subscribed before me this 6th day of January,
1873. Milton Townsend, N. p
Correct—Attest: '
R. E. HOOPE3, I Directors.
B. B. EDGAR, j
L janlT
% virtue { of an order of the Orphans' Coart of
the county-of Beaver, the undersigned Adminis
trator oft the estate of DAVID NELSON, late of
Greene township, in said county; deceased,'will
expose to sale by publlc vendne or outcry, on the
premises, .on f • ■
i FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7tn, A. D. 18*3,
at 10 o’clock. A. M., the -following! Heal Estate of •
said deceased: Consisting of, a parcel or tract of
land in the GM& afomsmd,
hounded north by the Georgetown and Pittsburgh
toaOa and lands of Samuel Kelson; east by-land of
William Campbell; south by fa«d'of John Me-
Can lev’s heirs, awlwest by land of Isaac Eaton—
containing FORTY ACRES, mote or less. Twenty
Acres of whictfepre cleared, the balance well tim
bered and all .trail watered.
TERMS.—One third of purchase money In hand
on confirmation of sale by the Court, and the bal
ance In two equal annual payments, with Interest
from date of confirmation; to be secured by bond
and mortgage.
janiO-3: . --*H. W. NELSON. Adm'r.
•*• • .
5,280 80
18,120 00
..$200,000 00
.. 22,981 86
.. 5;229 34
... 3,566 67
... 1,986 79
340 31
.. 106.384 00
.. 1,081 34
.. 38.930 83
2,615 76
.. 8,429 89
$196,665 12
968 40
120.000 O 0
15.000 00
2.194 S 6
1.059 70
14,374 54
2,976 08
2.298 63
173 31
1,485 21
6,209 00
79 39
$386,546 79