The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 17, 1873, Image 4
4 - THE BEAIER MMGAI. SMITH CUBTIB, EmtOß. BBAVER PAm I v - • - ) ; , •_ _ ' Friday Morning, Januarjrn* 1873. The official returns of the vote in "Clearfield county on license or no license show ja majority: of 480 against license. There are thirty-one districts in the county,of which, nine gave majorities for license > and twenty-two against. Senator‘Wal lace and ex-Gov. Sigler, distin guished Democrats, reside in Clear field bordugh, which,for the borough ticket elected bn the same day, gave 129 Democratic majority, but polled under the Xiocal Option law, 113 for license and 161 against This is not a party-question, and neither the Republican nor Demo cratic party is committed to either side* -It is generally understood throughout the State that politics shall have nothing to do towards deciding the question either way, but the people shall be left entirely 7 free to act and vote in regard to it .as their judgments and consciences dictate. We are in favor of trying the no license law for three years, and so find out hy experience whether the measure be good or bad, and if the facts prove it to be beneficial at the expiration of that time, ihep retain it on the eonservative principle of bolding fast that which is good; but on the other hand if the contrary experience results therefrom, the people, having the matter in their hands, can easily abolish the prohi bition. We trust that the subject will be discussed calmly and se riously, and that all classes will come to the conclusion to give the no license law*’ a trial, which will place all parts of the county on an equality as regards the liquor traffic. Now there is no equality, and the privilege of selling is granted to a few who are fortunately situated, and denied to the rest* Prohibition without a public sen timent to. sustain it will be a dead letter on the Statue books, and therefore it is desirable that a full vote be cast either for.or against li . cense, in order to show the exact statP. oT fooling county" in fCr gard to the matter. As we announced in our last issue, pur columns are open to a full and - free discussion of the merits of the question, and we wiH endeavor to treat frieh<& of either side with equal consideration, our only ob ject being to ascertain the truth* and inform the people fully as to their duties on this subject. Hear both sides, and then vote according to your best judgment for the good of the county and the wel fare of your neighbor, cer tainly will act wisely you may, vote. We are gratified to know that Senator Cameron has been re-elect •ed to the Senate of the -Jinked States, without being charged with the use of improper means to secure «ueh a result. His political enemies heretofore, defeated, soothed their sorrows by the reflection that it was not popularity, but money that overwhelmed them, but now their grief arrises from the fact that Tower was not up to time, and the Republicans.went into caucus with only tone candidate for the position, thus rendering impossible the use of money in the contest. True, four members voted for Kel ley and two for Wicker sham, but these gentlemen were not candi dates, and didnot know that their names were to be-used as such. The ** Hon. John 'Allison, who was named for the place, not only absolutely re fused to allow the use of his name* but recommended his iriendh, of whom we consider our Senator one, to vote for Senator Cameron. We may, therefore, truly say that there was no the people had an* ticipated the caucus and decided the matter in advance; the choice practically unanimous. *The faithful but slandered public? ser vant has justly been rewarded for ~-his eminent services and his charac • ' • - ter splendidly' vindicated by the unanimity of the vote that placed j him in nomination, all? o|which, no Cdoubt, is cold {comfort t% the be nighted and ; hungry Liberals and ’ Democrats, ■ j V x A memorial froih the ; Women’* • Suffrage Association of Pehnsylva;- nia has been presented to the Con-- stitutional Convention, urging that as one-half of tbe adult citizens of Pennsylvania are now deprived of the ballot, and compelled' to obey laws in the framing of which they have bad no voice; that, therefore, the Constitution be amended so as ,to secure, perfect equality of citi zenship without distinction of sex. There is some probability that the pew constitution will embody a clause of this kind, or that the ques tion will be separately,, referred to the deoisipii of jhe people, ,V We ttefe dpuht Womai|f enfranchisement ing moire' add'more a vital question, which will soon have to be solved at the ballot box; but Pennsylvania is not ready for the change now, for the mass of women in the State do not desire it, and would not accept the duties involved therein. If this change in the organic law everj takes place it will be a matter ofne cessity similar to the enfranchise ment of the negro, in order to se cure by the votes of women import ant reforms, and perhaps tbe perpe tuity of our free institutions. Ne gro emancipation and enfranchise ment were not so much a matter of sentiment as it was the logical re sult of our education ; it couldn’t have well happened otherwise, for suehvVast interests depended on it. So wall come woman’s enfranchise; ment in good time; but not now. She has a mission to perform, a great work to do in way of moral reforms that she can accomplish on ly when clothed with the full power of citizenship. . But the time to en ter upon that work is not yet. Gen. W. W. lewin, in a letter dated Jan. 11, published in the last Argu8 y states unqualifiedly that our Philadelphia letter, of 7th inst, sign ed “Trefoil,” was prepared in No. 42, Girard House, by J. S. Rutan,D. L. Imbrie and John. F. Price. We do not like to make use of hard epi thets; but the man who could delib erately write the above, without a particle of information in , regard to it, and desire to have what he had written believed by the public as a lacis unworthy puWio confi dence, and so depraved that lying is made easy. Neither one of the gentlemen mentioned above ever wrote or dictated, or caused to be written or dictated a word of thcT letter referred to ;*nor did either ofib of them ever see the. letter or heab it read, or know of its existence un til it was published. The letter was written by our regular correspond ent, who resides in Philadelphia, and who alone is responsible for what he writes. It was hardly nec essary to make this denial for the purpose of destroying the General’s story, but while it does that it mab= also serve to disclose the true char acter of the man. The investigation of the stocl transactions of the Credit Mobilie: has already brought to light sonn ugly testimony. James Brooks, i distinguished member of Congress from New York City, is badly dam aged by the testimony of his son-in law, which seems to contradict his own, and to in the public very grave suspicions in regard to the other so-called innocent stock transfers. Further investigation will proceed with vigor. The Republican party Cannot af ford to hush this matter up; it must clear its skirts of the whole transac tion. If any guilt attaches to any member let pot the Republican par ty become- a participant by aiding in its concealment! Search 'Out the guilty, if any there be, and let Ju tice take its course. That is wh; thC people expect and everywhei demand. The evidence against Sena Caldwell, of of using i proper means to secure /his electio to the United States Senate, is si direct and circumstantial that i| i difficult to disbelieve the . char made against him; and on farther in vestigation, if they are proved t< be true, he can hardly escape; expul s ion from the honorablebody o which he is a member. > As article on:the “Vice Presi dency,” by 6. E., will be found on the sixth page. ? ' J • •> -.- ! '- iSHililiMtolWHiSiil is the ’principle* f Bailer county Citizen, which should; determine iha creation of Cpnjgreßjli. j ional -^ui^«ip^3r not turn up her apse at Beaver on that account, for Beaver is ran; oil producing county, having ‘‘similar business relations,” and their simi lar ©a that they should be joined, not; to the Citizen intimates, as a tafl tb ; the Beaver kite, but rather as equal partners in a risky Per haps, however, the Legislature will consider the matter of population and the importance 1 . of securing . as many Republican Congressmen as possible, and will not put so much stress on the principle of “similari ty of interests” as the. Butler CUi m zen desires. If such unfortunately I should be the Case, then Butler would be compelled from mere sel fishness to aid in sending a man to Congress who could Ibbk alter. more 1 than one interest. ? We publish on another page an abstract of the Governor’s Message, which is too long to print in full* from which we learn the StfttcTis in a healthy financial condition,* its Sedit unimpared; that although xation has been lessened, the State debt has been rapidly reduced at the same time. The Governor recommends a donation in aid of the Centennial Exhibition, and closes his message with a brief personal al lusion as follows: In the administration of the Chief Mag istracy I have, with only good Intentions, and unconscious of intentional error, to the best of my ability endeavored to dis charge the various duties that have de volved upon me in manner 1 as to ad vance the public welfare, by condemning waste and extravagance, practising econ omy, reducing taxation, paying the State debt, promoting the! public health, ad vancing the cause of general education, cultivating humanity and charity, tem pering justice from the fountain of mercy, maintaining the principles of the consti tution, and defending the honor and sovereignty of the State, and the rights end interests of her citizens.'* New Brighton, in the election last Tuesday, gave 300 majori.ty against License, making a majority in the borough of Beaver Falls and New Brighton of 416, thirty-eight mniw than tha. in the two places vote indicates that the comity go heavy against License. - The Harrisburg State Journal en deavors, to make a point on Senator Rntan, that because he advocates what it conceives to be an unpopu lar measure, that therefore die ts en gaged in a Quixotic ,s(pieme. The Argus steals it and adopts it as its own, is directly in antagonism with its cherished independence on the Chi nese question. Such logic and such consistency! The largest vote ever polled in Beaver' Falls at a municipal: elec tion was polled on Tuesday last, the full result of which is given where. The vote on gives 116 majority for prohibition. J RACY CORRESPONDENCE. - * Libelous natter Scandalous suspi cions—He Puts np His Money-f Bees an Endorsement of Bis Literary Ability. v 5 We publish the following, writ ten by the author of the celebrated “Stumpy Row” production, verbatim et literatumet punctuatum : Beaver County Pbnna. ) New Brighton Nov. 6 187 SS j Col. A. K. McClure 3 My Dear Sir '■* This will be tWi fifth letter that I have written you in as inany weeks, and why you have not replied is beyond my Knowledge except So lanes my own conjecture is concerned. ' I send you this by care & Kindness of ■’ Mr. Barclay, because the post Master of t Your City is a thitf &nd is surrooncjed by e thieves. / , I send you here a letter cut froma cif• v cular published by j. .S. Rntan. lihave •r already put up five fiuudrc«l to i- one hundred; that Rutan Quay.nor any n one of l their pimps ever .redeye* from 0 your hands, pt any one under Yonr-con* trole orln your employ or in any way connected with you, such a letter written by me. ,v-. ;■ . / .Yon are aware that more than appear since I wrote you, that Rutan&Quajygot hold of-evry item of news written b|?my* self to you and you said in reply tint they didnot get it from you, now where do they get it. I have inclosed you circulars and writ ten yon of the attempted fraud at Beaver £alls but haye never Xecieyed a word In reply, please write lie private and send •v ••'V • j-. r. tSis • w ,-V£. -"X ' toy mall A Mxd &adreM careof Cap£ George. C. 51c. Jjean, Masonic Baiilt withi instructions to forward immediately lo me. Now I mean fdr you to enemas the drenedto Oeo.O*McLean for otherwise it will be captured in your city post office, al so accompanying, theprivdte letter. I want; you to Send ine a letter for publication in r the Beaver KtgOß, dearty and ly, showing that J. 8. Ratan.M. 8. Quay. or anyone connected with the Gam won Clan of thieves or any person whatever, has ever reed, as before stated, any such letter (torn yon A c &.c. 146,, not letter from me. And if yon feel like doing so, I want yon to. say that yon have recieved many letters from me, and they compare favour ably with the Jetters of other correspond ents, at least so far as common sense is concerned, of course you know how it Should be written better than I can tell you. I‘ Wien Forney, has told me more than once, that my letters were more propper for publication than any he bad ever seen of old Camerons well you Enow 1 do not profess anything, I am just obliged to write that is all. I hope Col. You Will write me a letter & et it be addressed to the'Editor of the Beaver Argus, for publication, that you have seen a copy of the letter published )y, J. S. Eutau, and that there Certainly can be no such genuine letter in existence, )ecanse you never removed or saw snch a etter, but if yon are in the position as the pimps; of the Cameron treasury ring said yesterday and argued at the polls that yon were, then I will not expect the afore named & requested letter. Well the position they hold is as fol- lows. McClure, is the Bosom, friend of Quay, and gave him Irwins letter to pub lish, and when I put the 500| in the Banking house of R. E. &F. Hoopes, a Messenger was at once sent to Beaver to Quay & bis orders was to take the bet, well the Money is there, to be decided, when you make iKnown, that Yon did, or did not , place in the hands of J. S. Rutan, M. S. Quay, or any of their pimps, Such a letter, by your own or the hands of any one else connected with Y|u in any Way Whatever. jr Now you have the Whole subject in your hands and { do please let me have your answer at once on reept of this, and oblige Yours truly W. W. Irwin. The Senatorial Cancne Committee Chairmanships IN’Clure’s Reform Bill—The Next Speaker of the Senate- Constitutional Convention, dec., dee. Correspondence of the Radical. : Jan. 13, 1873» Bofh Houses of the Legislature organ ized qd Tuesday, and the same day the Republicans met in joint caucus to nomi nate a candidate for United States Sena ator. As the election does not take place un til the 21st inst. the caucus was held rath er early; but as it was understood Sena tor Cameron had no opposition, there was a general desire among the members to have it over. General White was elected chairman of the caucus, on motion of Senator Rotao; and Mr. McCormick, of secretary. Senator Graham nominated General' Cameron, and a mo tion was made to nominate him by accla mation, when Senator Dayis, of Phila delphia, nominated Hon. W. D. Kelley. A ballot was then taken, yrhich resulted in Genera] Cameron receiving 65, Kelly 4 and Wickersbam 2. • Davis bad declar ed himself for Cameron, a|nd many were surprised at his nominating Kelley, as it was known Mr. Kelly was not a candi date, and had no thought of being placed in nomination. Senator Davis lives in bis district, which may Account for bis action, but we venture the opinion that Judge Kelley will not thank him for plac ing him in such an unenviable position. There were more than !siz persons in the caucus who preferred eome one else to Cameron for Senator, and had Allison, Ketcham, Armstrong or some man of like character desired the nomination, or per mitted the nse of their nam|p the vote would have shown this fact. As General Cameron’s nomination was conceded after the October election, there; were no other candidates in the field, hipped the oyer whelming vote for the General. I != JBpiS: John Allison wajs the favorite,, among the western meinbers, and'had; he not written to Senator Rntan and Repre sentative Allison of your district, and other friends in the Legislature, positive ly refusing to be a candidate, his name would have : been presented and would have received a good vote| He requested his friendslo vote: for Cameron, if a can date, as be was entitled ito ’the' nomina tion, and the people expected it. The nomination, so nearly unanimous, was cier tainly very- <»nipilmentiary to thp fold chief, but not more than the- indorse- I ment he received at tfae polk:in October. This is the first Senatorial election in the Commonwealth, wlthjin the recollec tion of the oldest inhabitant, about which there were not phdrges Of briery and corruption. .It "Is creditable to pur Legislature and State that this is true, now that it is not only charged but erally believed that sealskin the Senate of the United States are as | rule purchased, and that wealth, not brains, is the only requisite in a candidate, f , | The Legislature adjourned on Wednes • • ‘‘-'si FROM HARRISBURG. K:-V lk,.W i>£C, give the Speakers an opportunity to makeup thdcommittees. Mitchell, of ■ Jf 1 mdT" 'Meiiwr'Sf ; Jiff*; -hi’ at the' head of Constitutional Reform; ■Ruttin- Chairman of Apportionment; White bf Jud!<»Vy 'General; Waddell of Federalßelations;Graham of Flhance; Weakley of Divorces; Fitch of Judiciary Local; Davis of RaUroadslHumphreys of Corporations. - The Finance * IConshilt' tee will consist of Senators Gtaham, Ru tan, Wallace and and judiciary General of Whitei -FiichV Waddell, Davis, pf BeHb, and Wallace; McClure will ah (§o ;be continued on r Constitutional Re* loros aid may be placed on Corporations. The Democrats will get the Chairman ship of* public Printing, and probably one other committee, in accordance with IbO precedent of last session * Col. McClure will be counted as a Dem ocrat ih making up the committees, al- though he protests be is not one and will not act with that party. Indeed it looks as If the regular Republicans and Demo crats would act together, and by combin - ing crush the Liberals altogether.' When McClure introduced his first Reform b 11 on Tuesday, Senator Wallace was the first to attack it, and he was followed by Gen eral White, after which the Colonel’s mo tion for a special reference was voted down by a large majority. The Chair- man: of the Liberal State Committee was very much disgusted with his late allies, and now shows more disposition than ev- er to come back into the fold. From present appearances there will be a lively contest foi the Speakership of the Senate at the close of the present ses sion. Senators Graham. White, Strang and Davis are all spoken of, and if they all determine to be candidates it is hard to tell who will be the victor. The fact of Senator Graham being Speaker during the session of 1868, and residing in the same 1 county with the present Speaker, will injure bis chances very much, while White’s beihg in the Constitutional Con vention, Wfll be as much or more in bis way. He was complimented with a nom ination and election at the close of the session of 1870, and cares so little about it now that it is thought he will decline to be a candidate. In this event it is safe to predict that Strang is the coming man, and he has few superiors as a presiding officer. The members of the Constitutional Convention are already for an increase of pay. They get the same pay and mileage as members of the Legisla ture and yet they are not satisfied, but demand three thousand dollars for their services. From present appearances their services do not promise to be worth much, and they will be overpaid if they take what is allowed in the act of last year. In this connexion justice to Gen eral White the statement that he r lwill not acce|R of any salary as a member of the Convention, but will be content with his pay as Senator. If any* thing practical or valuable emanates from the Convention the people. will be. very agreeably surprised. Some of the dele gates are beginning to realize this, and are so foolish as to talk of adopting the Constitution without submitting it to a vote of the people. If they want to be taught a lesson to be remembered let them try this. To show the fitness of many of the delegates, it is related that one of the most distinguished members of the Convention was asked to address the committee on Suffrage and Flections, and solemnly asserted in his address that he was informed and believed that the ballot boxes in Philadelphia at the election in October were taken to room No. 43, Gi rard House, in broad daylight, opened and the out and changed, making the majority to suit those pres ent. Another member of the Convention, who hails unfortunately from an adjoin ing county ito Beaver, declared that the statement in the Governors Message, showing the reduction of the public debt was untrue; that there bad beet no re duction of the principal whatever, and the Governor was adding the amount of inter est paid during the years named, and claiming credit for that amount of debt. From a Convention in which the opinions of such ignoramuses have weight, what can the people expect! Mr. Mackey authorizes your correspond ent to state he does not intend to devote bistime to journalism, and that bis posi tion is not correctly reported in our last letter. It is strange how such reports Originate! ■ Many Republicans here think that The Radical might get another correspond ent in Philadelphia, and dispense with the services of the Assistant Secretary of the Liberal State Committee. These Philadelphia politicians don’t understand how an editor can print communications from a Liberal Republican and yet re main orthodox. As there has been much complaint about this matter among your subscribers, it is well enough for you to know if, and then you can govern your self accordingly. If the position of the correspondent is understood, the editor cannot be censured for what appears in his Communications. M. I The Masonic authorities of Nebraska have issued a card to the public, caution* ing them against patronizing a pr >pos(d gift concert, to be given at Omaha, with a view to aiding in the erection of a Ma sonic temple in that place. The mere | foot that lotteries and gift enterprises are contrary fo the principles of Masonry (woiilcf satisfy every reflecting person that the proposed gift concert is a fraud. r^'k. m VS’--' •V : -> fr**. *?*•***• ■ : v^ v x--' •V Cdl, Quay *ad the Secret*rjr»hlp_r;c n . ' Collla—Sir. Tower** Representative Homw to Grief—«o bertlWorrls, the ®%IUy Liberal Seereiary—A^Coneuta, tionai Delegate hue High Old time, Correspondence ofthe Radical.] ; i \ Philadelphia, Jan. 14. iffla. : It is universally conceded by the Jrbm. inent actors intbe field of politics in this city, that Col.: M;< 8; Quay, of will* as Secretary of the Commonwealth* be made the chief of Governor Hartranft’g cabinet. The mere announcement of this proposed appointment * meets with a hearty response from lhepoliticians; great andBmaU,of this city, as well as from the business community generally. The acquaintances of the active partisans of Philadelphia with Cot Quay has been so intimate, their, relations with him of such an Agreeable-character, and their knowledge Of his eminent qualifications for this important office so general, they have created a degree of satisfaction &]- dom experienced in regard to gubernato rial appointments. Republicans and Dem- ocrats Unite In the belief that qd better choice could be made; and the admission is general, that with so competent, care- ful, reliable and affable a Secretary of State, to guard the interests of the Gov- ernor. the administration of General Hat- tranft will be remarkably successful. There are not a tew among us whose friendship for Col. Quay is so warm that in the fertility of their imagination, they see in this probable selection of their friend, the first step taken, the second' of which leads to the chair of the Executive of the Commonwealth. Andrew G. Curtin retired from the of. fice of Secretary of Stale, under Govern. or Pollock in 1858, to assume gubernato- rial duties in 1861. Doubtless It was the experience gained by Secretary Curtin, that gave his administration, as Govern or, such historic prestige; and if civil service reform is to be extended to State politics, Col. Quay being in direct line of promotion, it is eminently proper for onr prospective Secretary to become the suc cessor of General Hartranft. _ Gen. Charles H. T, Collis, our amiable and learned City Solicitor, having fore* sworn local politics, since becoming statesman, is not unwilling to serve the" State and himself by accepting the office of Attorney General under Governor Hartranft. The bravery acqa ited by Gen eral Collis, wb ile fighting the battalions of General Lee, has become so deeply rooted that oncein a while it breaks ont as it did a few days ago, when be inform ed your correspondent that • although by a majority pf ten thousand his fellow citi-. sens made him the Solicitor of Philadel phia, yet his modesty would prevent bis-; soliciting from General Hartranft the? appointment of Attorney General ; if it was tendered him, he would accept it, and as bravely mnriii Tn dufr role of Attorney General as he marched to battle to conquer Lee, in the. role of a soldier. General Collis being one of our safest lawyers, a worse selection might easily be made. Shall I tell the readers of The Radical how a recent candidate for Senatorial honors came to grief. I take it for grant ed that the people of Beaver have a faint recollection that a gentleman from Schuyl kill recently had a hankering for the Sen atorial seat, occupied by General Cam eron. To get possession of it, this same gentleman who is a great soldier and ac quired fame as such in the late war, knew that if be could capture the Legislative delegation from this city, he would bare little difficulty in storming the citadel and putting Cameron to the rout. The cam paign was well planned, but failed in the execution, for the reason that the Lieu tenant detailed to., make the capture fell into the hands of bushwhackers and guer rillas; and it came about in this way; A certain lawyer from Schuylkill county was given $l,BOO in cash and ordered to repair to Philadelphia for the purpose of sounding the “delegation” aforesaid is to how they felt in regard to the Senator ship, provided a man was put up in oppo sition to Cameron whose very name, was a Tower of strength, and whose pocket book was almost as plethoric as Uncle Sam’s. This lawyer was directed to dress gorgeously while in Philadelphia^ l' ,ve astoundingly, as the representative of » millionare Senatorial candidate should do. Well, the lawyer began to live a gorgeous life, and the day following his arrival several of the “delegation” Were invited to his rooms; champagne was ordered and it flowed freely; from wine to set back eucher, “McCullough” and a few other “heathen Chinee” took a hand, and before many of the small hours of morning were ushered ixa; the young man from Schuylkill lost bis pile; *his astound ingly sumptuous style of living terminat ed rather unceremoniously, and- with the loss of the $l,BOO, in the little game the lawyer did not understand, and in which “Tit” took a hand, the bottom fell but of the Tower, and “Tit” thus having saved his friend Cameron Jrom the raid of Tower’s man, ought to be*made Collector of the Port, vice S-1. Cpmly. ' ROBERT MORRIS, ESQ., was, during the late campaign, Secretary of the Liberal Republican Stafe Commit tee. Your correspondent frequently met him during the campaign, and as often endeavored to persuade him to return from whence he had strayed. lam happy to say Robert has returned, and is now one of ns, having been restored to full fellowship in the ranks of Hartranft re publicans. Mr. Morris is one of our wit tiest of gentlemen. He was asked a few I ' .*j*l •: i'