2 iPorthe BeavcrKadlcaJ.] THE FAMILY JEWELS. TBANBI-ATKD FBOI OTi. BOHCCKISO. LaPerme dea Augeswasnnt sitaated on the main stream of the Meuse ; bat on an inlet that was surrounded by gradv ually rising ground, crowned by dense for* eats, the only outlet being at the north est where the waters of the inlet joined those of the river. This'- protected^situa tion contributed greatly to the fruitful ness of the charming little mountain sheltered nook; rows of carefully pruned fruit trees flourished in the fields; a state ly avenue of nut bearing trees led to the mansion which surrounded by a large garden, whose arrangement'displayed the taste of the century past; prim yew hedges and quaint geometrically formed beds, interposed with dingy looking ar bors. A broad flight of stone steps led to the terrace upon which stood the house—not such a one as the character of the garden would lead one to expect—a rococo castle, with stately wings and pro jecting powers; but a simple unpretend ing villa, a single story with a high man sard roof, white washed, with green jalou sies. Instead of wings, only a small con servatory on one side and an aviary on the other. All this Daveland observed as, accom panied by Hartig, he rode through the chestnut avenue the next day to pay his first visit to the Ferme des Auges. Max had persuaded Hartig to accompany him, giving as his reason for fulfilling bis promise to Mobs. d’Avelon. sosoon, that Void was the most tiresome place in the world ; and secondly that it would be Tery interesting to become familiar with the "interior” of a French family ; and lastly that because this Mods. d’Avelon’s face possessed a singular attraction for him—perhaps out of pare love of con tradiction, because .Southerin bad op pos ed him. Enough, our landwebr Lieuten ant, accompanied by,-the scholar of the company, arrived at the court of the Ferme ; snd after delivering their horses the servant were conducted to the terrace in front of the villa. Here they found two young ladies seat ed at a round cast iron table; a gentleman stood before them speaking earnestly, in whom-Max recognized the driver of the chariot, and in one of the ladies, the orig nal of the portrait. The other was a dark, rather faded beauty ; she looked like a native of Albi on; a delicate featured face surrounded by curling locks; a rather stiff, repellant manner and censuring glance that seemed to find fault with the world in general, was Daveland’s mental observation. He approached the group with a certain embarrassment as he perceived a' not very friendly reception from the gentle man who 6 K*««r. tr iva a courteous inclination of the head Daveland gave him their cards and explained the object ot their visit. The gentleman with cold politeness bade them be seated,and left them to seek Mons. d’Avelon, throwing the cards upon the table as he turned to go. “You live in a little paradise,” said Max, after they had seated themselves at the invitation of the ladies, “and Fve no doubt you feej, yourselves very fortunate in being protected from the ravages of the war by these.hills.” “We have certainly never had any of the enemy here until to-day,” returned the younger lady, then continuing with a smile, “and the first who have ventured here greet us with friendly eyes->not so, Miss Ellen?” to that lady. “You know as a Briton I 'am neut»al, Valentine,” returned Miss Ellen quietly. “Very kindly said,” said iWeland bowing; "I do greet you with a friendly eye because it is entirely well, and once more capable of looking out tor fortune or misfortune-—” - “Ah, can one have an eye to misfor tune ?” asked Valentine a little mocking ly- “Certainly ; the eye is the medium of the sense over which we have the least control. It often betrays what we would noVhave revealed for the world,, and oft en,-receives impressions we would not have willingly accepted at any price—be- cause they are impressions that make one unhappy.” “The ear is not any better—it hears many things that give us unhappiness—” “Especially in modern times.” added Miss Ellen stiffly. “And there is feeling,” continued Val entine. “We have discussed sight and hearing, let us discuss the sense of feel ing—surely there is no more neutral con versation than that about the five senses.- Germany is the land of sentiment, and you gentleman can tell us much about that which we know nothing—about this German heart of cast steel,” she added bitterly in a lower tone. “If the German heart is encased in such a coat of mail why challenge it ? With people of such i feeling one had better be at peace,” retorted Max. “We have been deceived—we believed all the maidens, over there, to be Gretch ensand all the cent emen Wertbers.” " “But never rt collected that Werther understood how to use powder and lead,” interposed Hartig dryly. There was a certain comicality in the murderous accent with which Hartig ut tered th»se words, that called a amiim to even Miss Ellen’s prim lips. “True, we never thought of tlat,” said Valentine; “nor that the other type of the German, Faust, murdered Grelchen’s CHAPTBB 11. brother, and never wient abroad without the--devil at his side;” “And since then you see Mephwtophe lbs beside every German ?” r, “01)i since then , they do not need; inch a mentor] hislesson fell on too fruit* fnl ground.” - “And yet I wish I possessed the power to summon him, like my namesake in the ‘Preischutz,* to assist me to parry your cruel speeches.” ‘‘Have you not your friend to assist you ?” she asked glancing at Hartig with a slightly contemptuous smile. ‘‘ln a battle with ladies one does not choose to ask their friends for ass istance — that, I believe, is the :rnle in the perpetual warfare between the sexes.” ‘‘Are they in perpetual warfare ?” “Yes-first because they never under stand each other, aod then because the fairer sex are conscious that they must acknowledge themselves the weaker side, sooner or later.” “What a stfjctly German' idea!” she ex claimed a little impatiently. “Then even enpid wears a helmet in your land ?” “Like the Grecian Eros—yes. And so everywhere, Jsur planet has maintained its assigned orbit between Venus—and Mars ; this has been its destiny for ages and will be for ages to come. Should love at first be conducted like a carnival jest, in wb ich each party prepares itself with masks, to sport with bnqnets and comfits, then the struggles will come la ter, when marriage—” “Then it will be all the more terrible, owing to the marriage of the opposing parties.” interrupted Hartig again. At that moment Mons. d’Avelon as cended the terrace steps, accompanied by the gentleman who had gone in quest of him. He was clad in a loose, gray coat and pantaloons and white straw ha l ; and as he came forward to greet bis visitors* took the large pruning knife in his left band to extend the right. After welcom ing them cordially he tamed to Miss El len and bade her see that dinner was pre pared for their guests, then introducing the young gentleman as Gaston de Ri beaupierre, opened the conversation by inquiring for the latest political news. “We must settle that before we attend to less important matters,” he added pleasantly, “fop I hope the gentlemen will give me the pleasure of showing themanner in which we conduct the agri culture here in the region of the Vosges— you will find it very difficult, and much belter than they do it in Germany— at least I think so,” he added sharply. "Do yon bring any news of more German victories?” , "Why do you say German victories ?” asked de Ribeaupierre sharply. “My dear Gaston, yon must admit that the victories have been German nearly every time,” be answered shrugging his t-i-. a:-atm TfiTintggr my opinions about it, nor will I dosobe fore these gentlemen. The Germans will conquer, and we must submit, notwith standing all those fine speeches in bur journals,’ yon see these fine talkers don’t understand the situation. The French achieved great things once; they once had a real field genius—there never was a greater—who overthrew the rotten and worm-eaten world of their neighbors; and then the dogma, that the French are the first soldiers in the field, originated! But I tell yon the French are n»i a nation of warriors—they never were and never will be. The history of France is bat a history of great battles—lost. From Poitiers and C:ecy to Pavia, to Ramillies and Maiplaquet, to Minden and Rossbach, to Vittoria and Waterloo, to Worth and Sedan—what defeats! Leaving the first Napoleon out of the question, does their historial importance depend upon these victories ?—certainly not! ’ “What a paradoxical assertion !” ex claimed Gaston with a sarcastic smile. “I only assert that the nation is not a warlike one, and in this particular is qo match for the Germans—” “Permit me to offer my opinion,” inter rupted Max. “You cannot deny that the French are a chrivalous people,” “And does not chivalrous mean brave?” exclaimed Valentine. “Chrivalrous means knightly, Fraulein. This gallantry, in other words, chivalry, was most perfectly and exclusively prac ticed in .France ; feudalism reigned no- where so absolutely. And one of the greatest blessings of this feudalism was that it punished every commoner who pre- sumed to carry arms—for this reason the multitude became unwarlike.” “Was this not the case in Germany ?” asked Gaston, for the first time addressing Max. “Unfortunately not so much as I would have wished. A remnant of fendal times still remains in our odious, to me, custom of shooting every franctireur we catch Still it was not as bad with us as in Prance, and our people firmly adhered to the right of carrying arms to defend their country ; should a war of the peasantry break out our people would show that they knew how to defend their homes— even oar nobility could not be trained in to tame courtesies by a Richelieu or Louis the Fourteenth; in short—” “We savages are a better people in eve ry sense of the word,” interrupted Hartig in German. Gaston de Ribeanpierre shrugged his shoulders, but Mona. d’Avelon nodded ap provingly as be replied; . , “There is truth in all this; but'you must yield the glory of being the first to destroy this wretched feudalism to France; it is exterminated, root, and branch in this country, while you still have a hit of THE BAD this middle-aged nonse masses; forinstance,the right ofptimo* Kenitare, eßtsll/feudsl eta, «lc. Alt such miserable l»ws~wh!ch mayOod cirafoarid—have rainedand whole yiotSs with a saddenacrlmony fao eare* lessly look up the cards Gaston had thrown npon the tabled i What ailed th " ? eman. Why at the- card bearing “Has DaTOland" bn its smooth surface, with such a strange ex* pression in his features? " 7:; There mast have beep something terri fying in the, characters, for hie hand trembled violently as he dropped the card and a; tawing pallor spread over bis his face. ' V Only Max beheldthestrange behavior as he glanced at him ere he answered. | Mons. d’Avelon rose suddenly, and hastened into the boose, and Valentine, thinking her father had but gone to bring something quietly continued the conver sation, speaking in the tone of disdainfnl superiority she had at first assumed. Valentine. d’Avelon seemed to have been differently reared from the shy, French girls of the upper classes ; those mute paragons of cloister-like pensions. Her great, inquiring eyes were fearless and unembarrassed as they met Dave land’s glances; that gentleman found her entrancing spite of her ev&ent hostility to his nation. la the meantime Miss Ellen, who was returning from hererraad tothe kitchen, had entered the salon leading to the ter race. To her surprise she beheld Mons d’Avelon seated in a low fantenil, his head bent forward as his eyes stared fix edly at the floor. With a quick step she was beside him, and laying her hand famil iarly on his shoulder, whispered softly : “What is the matter, my friend? In heaven's name tell me what ails you ? You are as pale as death—are you ill?” “No—no—!” he almost gasped, shaking off her touch. “Leave me, Ellen—yes I am unwell, but it will pass directly—in deed—only send these Germans away— invent some plausible excuse—only get rid of them—immediately— not—no—come back! I don't mean thatl” Ellen stared at him in bewilderment. “Go and ascertain from what part of Germany they came—be careful, discreet; then come and tell me—bat as you value your life, don't let them suspect—will you?" ] “I will not—but tell me is the matter with you—you are ill.”: “l am not iU—only allttle faint. It has gone now, and I will go myself—come and be silent j* r He sprang to his feet, passed his hand hastily over hisjforebead and shook him sell as if shaking off a.troublesome bur den; then he walked quickly put of the salon. . —.. alter: him in the 'utmost' thwr fol lowed slowly. - When Mans. d’Avelon Joined the group on the terrace, a pause bad Just follen on the conversation ; Max’s glance rested ab sently, as if lost in thought, upon Valen tine’s nimble fingers, as she busily assort ed the silks for her embroidery y while Hartig calmly surveyed hisswow, Mon. de Ribeaopierre, whose handsome but rather bloat to ce was turned from him. As the master of the house seated him self, be glanced searchingly at the faces of each; they seemed not to have noticed his abrupt departure or return. As if re lieved he leaned back in his chirr and af ter a little pause asked carelessly, while he shielded his face from EllenV scruti nizing glance: "The gentlemen have not told a* from what part of Germany they come—they wear the Prussian uniform, but Prussia is so large now.” "I am from Koingsberg— the original Prussia,” said Max hastily. "My comrade was born in Tilsit near the Russian bor der. We both held civil offices at home ; ire that of a- schoolmaster, and 1 am in the office of the Administrator of the Province.” He glanced significantly-almostthreat eningly at Hhrtig who was starlngrat him in consternation. “But your name is Daveland think I once knew a Rbeinish family by the same name,” said d’Avelon. "Very likely,” returned Max. "I have heard that there is a family off the name iu the Weser neighborhood ; they are, however, no relation. They may,'have been connected in ancient, times—you know in the days of Teutonic nighthood, onr eastern regions were populated from the western bound? des of Germany;” Max delivered 0 ese words in the same seemingly careless manner with tihich Mods. d’Avelon had questioned him, and only Miss Ellen noticed bow visibly the old gentleman’s face brightened. His voice assumed its clear, pleasant tones as he rose and asked the gentlemen t 6 ac company him in a tow of inspection around bis estate until dinner. His farm was bis pride* he added laugh ingly. he had earned ll himself—yes, had cultivated and Improved U himself; and he was certain his guests would have but this opportunity to admire such agricul tural success. So jestingly running on he led the way into the garden* while Gaston, who had declined going, Inched after the three with a not very favorable glance. “What a queer fancy» the idea of ob truding those Germans on one V* he mut tered resentfully. “ ’Twaa less a fancy than a clumsiness which brought them here. Mons. de Rl beanpleree,” retorted Valentine point edly. / . r -‘ - , did 1* store ■ “1 tfainkttait you would him ventured to injure Any of these Germans kfteutionally, since they are the rulers Iww* ■; ' -- - ,;.' . , ire very to acknot||dge their supremary here,” he exclaim*! an* grlly. j • • “One cannot change facts—even your valiant corps Of Henfchateau franctireurs cannot do that, Hons. Gaston,” was the quickretort. ; **Woare waiting until the corps has or* ganlzed and,allied withlhatof Langres— but Jtrue, in your father's opinion the French are ever destined to defeat,” here he laughed sarcastically—"l presume we are too chivalrous to be brave.” ‘‘Your behavior to our guests plainly demonstrated that that term was not ap plicable to you!” y ‘‘l saw that your conduct rendered any courteousness on my' part superfluous; you did all in your— —” "For beavenjs sake do cease your inter minable wrangling!” interrupted Miss Ellen. "Can you not see, Valentine, that Gaston is only speaking out of Jealousy ?” Valentine shrugged her. shoulders- and was silent, w&le Gaston rose and paced the terrace once or twice, then entered the house. . , “Your father will have the opportunity of practicing his German, now that he is alone with those officers. He mast have been in Germany a long time to learn to speak it so fluently, and like it so much,” said Miss Ellen after a pause. “A, couple of years I believe.” answered Valentine absently; “hiij guardian sent him to an agricultural school there.” “To Germany? How singular!—why there are better agricultural schools in Belgium, and in England.” “Probably—but the science of the busi ness is perhaps better taught in Germa ny.” s For a few moments Miss Ellen ponder ed, then again : “Has he never said anything about any remarkable occurrence, or adventure that happened him while there ?” Valentine looked at her inquiringly: “What do you mean, Ellen ?" “I thought perhaps that these Germans had recalled something to his memory— reminded him of something not very pleas- for his cariosity concerning the na tivity of this Herr Von Daveland was not as careless as it seemed. I should not be surprised if he bad once loved a fraulein Von Daveland while In Germany ;or per haps betrayed a lady of that name—or shot a Herr Von Daveland in a duel.” ° “What a lively imagination!” laughed Valentine, “yon had better ask him—be has no secrets from you,” she added with' a slight tremor around her lips. “He.has one,” said Ellen thoughtfully vWr^e*7;irorßr.' , —— —■ A servant at this moihent approached bearing Mons. de Ribeaupierre’s excuses and adieus, urgent business called him home. "So much better !” said Valentine with a sigh of relief as the boy withdrew " Gaston was very disagreeable to-day.” Miss Ellen past a reproving glance at her as she returned sharply: "Ton most confess that you treated' him shamefully.” "Humph—and if I did ; be will come lack again," she sighed, and the two worked on msilence,until Mons. d’Ave lon and bis- guests returned from their tour. Miss EHett looked up in surprise at the evident familiarity with which the master of the Ferine treated Herr Yon Daveland, how remarkably unanimous in their opinions of the questions of the day. As they joined the ladies their con versation, which bad been conducted in German, once more returned the French tongue in which it was continued during the meal, which bad been prepared in the unostentatious dining hall adjoining the aolon, Daveland, much to his discomfiture found little opportunity to \address him self to Valentine who was Uiseis-o-pts she seemed to listen attentively to his words, and when she ventured a remark occa sionally, Max detected the kindness in her voice; her former tone of disdain bad entirely disappeared. The change elec trified- him and he spoke with an ease and fluency that astonished even himself. "|R>w fluently you speak our language,” said Mons. d’Avelon with a glance of ad- miration. “®o you think so ? I felt rather awk ward 1 at first, but I now feel like a rider who has considerable trouble to subdue a stubborn horse, and succeeding, takes pleasure in making him curvet and prance at will—knowledge Is skill, and the con sciousness of knowledge comes to us only in moments of inspiration. I can, under* stand now—” here he fixed his eyes on Valentine’s face—'why it is Said that every art must have its inspiring rouse.” “Ah—now you are not speaking good modern French, let rococo, sude de Lt*m quinze, which is entirely obsolete,” ex claimed Valentine flashing slightly. “Am I? Well 1 have always found that the French of those days was purer, bon- ester and more comprehensible than that of modern times—sol most beg your in dulgence should I relaspe into it again.” “But yon must exclude mythology—” “Apropos of myIhology!” interrupted Mods. d’Avelon, “you inquired the dis tance to Domremi yesterday. It is a mile from hero to Vancouleurs, and four from there to Domremi. If yon wish it we will take yon there ?” • » - * “Unfortunately we are compelled to re fuse your kind ofter,” said Hartlg 'before Max could reply. “It is six biles from & ' i T - : . ARVir,iBi; At it was a dim* “A ring—yes.” “Which means that yom are infatuated with Franiein Valentine and don't want them to know yonr birth. Is there any thing to conceal?” “From these people—yea,” answered Jffiax absently. “Singular ! and why?—True, I forgot, that a wealthy Frenchman will only be stow his daughter upon one who is as Well to do as himself. Slarriage with these is simply a matter of convenience. Bb!’ ha! you want to win this girl, spite of your poverty—trul}, Daveland, I be lieve you have lost your senses. She is charming, indeed, but I can't understand how one could lose one’s wits over even soeh superlative loveliness.” “Have I lost mine ?” “!So offense—but I think you have. I never seen you so excited, so eloquent, so attractive as to day ; and of course in ypnr state you could not make any obser vations.” “B left that for the leasuve hours yonr taciturnity gave you.” “And you may thank your stars that I improved that leasure.” “Pray what did you observe “That they at first received us very coolly—especially Mona.de Ribeaupierre. who is rather young to be a friend of the father, consequently be must be an ad mirer of the daughter phe evidently in voked all the misfortunes, that Osmin in the 'Rape of the Seraglio’ has in his reg ister, on our heads. That they did not take any pains to conceal their hostile feelings until that moment of singular al teration—we school teachers would call it * peripetiQ—ythen they saw that you had fallen in love with Fraulein Valentine with almost incredible rapidity, at which Mons. d’Ayelon withdrew into the salon, where he and Miss Ellen—l saw them through the window—held a council of War, by which they no doubt decided to profit by your weakness, and through Valentine inveigle you into their net, and When confident that we were securely in their toils, Mons. Gaston de Ribeaupierre was to appear on the scene with his brave franclireurs—did you not hear how inad vertantly d’Avelon betrayed bis future in-law’s connection with the franc tireurs? Very well, he wonld have ap peared with his brave horde and deprive Germany of two of her most illustrious warriors—one a fluent French scholar, the other a most excellent philologist— thus robbing the world of the righteous hopes it had entertained of us—in other words, to murder us in cold blood arid fling our miserable into the abyss of the Maid's grotto, where nohoman eye could ever discover us. This is what Void and we have not the permission for such an extended excursion to-day." : "And it might, not be safe for the gen 4 tlemen; yon know that Keufchatean, which they would have to past is ihhd by our people " said MiStEllen. q. Perry Brown et al vs Charles Grim. Benj Chew’s admrs vs Wm Jenkins. Catharine Marker et al vs C & P R R Co. J G Nye use vs Jordan C Nye. P H Stevenson vs Henry Cowan. Albert Knaur vs Philip Eiseabmt. Albert Knaar vs Eisenbntt andwife. Thos Evans et al vs Andrew Swauey. John W Inman vs Wm Garvin. Henry Wagner vs A J Welsh et al. T W Anderson vs Henrici * leiiz. John B McMillen vs R H Huddieson. Miller, Dobson * Trax vs Kooken * Brobeck George Graham vs John Conway et aL Jacob Stahl et ux vs James Porter. Joshua Calvin vs James Calvin’s exrs. Amon Doatt et al vs John McMahon. Walter Johnson vs John Wallace. Henry Collins use vs Jacob Young. Dennis Laney et ux vs Milo A Townsend. John C l.eviB vs Wm P Barnes. R A McCullough vs L K Kane & Co. SECOND- WEEK—COMMENCING JAN Ur BY ?0. R P Covert vs Borough of Now Brighton. Snowden. Bros vs Cheney * Troth. R SteinXeld vs John Wiley. IsSac A Haney et ux vs C W Taylor. J D Walker vs Chamberlin White et al. ■ W M Duncan vsG L Ebcrhart. Wm P Elliott vs Wm Davidson's admr. John G. Humphrey vs Blake & Fessenden. Alex Nickle vs P H Stevenson. Jobs J. Mitchell vs James H Glllis. Clark Usselton vs Joseph Morgan. Miller & Co vs Isaac Scott et ux. Ann Miller vs Jacqh Miller. Haimony Bank vs A Inman. Walter & Bro vs George Poe. Walter & Bro vs John Lance et al. Thomas Mcßride vs James Allen; ; Walter * Bro vs James Peazle. Walter * Bro vs Henry Phillis. David Mnsser vs 8 M Gordon. Albert B Evans vs J R Harrab. , J G Elliott vs B P Kpowllng. Peter W Keller vs Patterson Mitcbcll. Commonwealth vs Ales Robertson. Miller* TraxvsTJCbandleret al. J Walter * Bro vs J KBnuzo. G 8 Fn tmer * Co vsTim McCarty et ux: Coy, Noble & Co vs Sylvester Hunter. Coy, Noble & Co vs Thomas Pending. Coy, Noble & Co vs J E thane. Coy, Noble *.Co va Noble. Angel * Co. dec2olc JOHN OAUGHEY, Froth y gTRAY BULL, Broke into the enclosure of the subscriber Greene township, about . the |stb of-December last, a red and White -Bull, supposed to be two , yeprs old. The owner Is desired to prove his property*'nay charges and take: him away, other wise ho will he disposed of as the law for estray 4 rootnres. . JOHN McDONALO- Greene twp., Jan. 6, OP JUST OPENED. At $1 per yard. r J