7rt -V: : ]■■:' ■■ 7t% Me 00 f ' c\ ; ; *"l ' VOLUMEfr. .. ’ ,■/.'. .. / She jStavtt Radial. / - r — . .' ■== OITTSBUKGH FT. WAYNE AND _„ R .dical Is published every Friday morning X CHICAGO KAILWAY.—On and after Dec. ™ no wing rates: 83d, 1872. trails will leave stations asfoilows: St ’ !l v4°ab. (payable in advance,) *2,00 TRAINS GOING WEST. “ “ “ —VOO stations/ expb.s. maHi. expb’b. expb's Taa« “ “■ “ “ ‘ 0* Pittsburgh. .. 1.45 an 7.10 am 9.10 am I.Bopm to subscribers at the expire Amance*!/.’!!!!! 5.15 11‘,45 5.28 tern. ofsubscriptloßattbe option of Jff« ffi K V ' nnhl i«her. unless otherwise agreed upon. _ ... iAr 9.20 5.00 6.40 9.40 1 W' >v add' Rochester... 1 .... 6.57 1.12am!i0.42 3.39 “ Pittsburgh...... 8.10 ; 2.20 111.45 PM 4.45 Notices inserted among loca. Items at 10 cents per line for each Insertion, unless otherwise agreed upon by the month, quarter or year. of 5 lines or less, 50cenl insertion, and 5 cents per line for each additions Insertion. . , r P. R. MYERS, Marriage or Death, announcements publisnea ire- General Passenger and Ticket Agent. Of, charge, obituary notices charged as advertise- nents, = and payable in advance. . / LEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. Local news and matters of gene name On and after Dec. 33d, 1572; trains will leave municated by any correspondent, wnn reai stations daily, (Sundays excepted) as follows; disclosed to the publisher, will be thankfn yre- ~GOING IsOUTH—MAIN LINE. celved. Local news solicited from every pa o _____ expb’s. mail, bxpb’s. accom 4 V|o i !!■ !■ m !■“" ~ Publication Office: In Thu Radical BxmmxKO Cleveland j Corner Diamond, Beaver. Pa. Ravenna .... . .. . (lolls s!s3 5.48 JB. RUTAN, Proprietor, A11iance......... 11.10 4.13 6.85 ° Bayard j 11.44 4.44 All communications and business letters sho Wellsville I.lopm 0.00 i C iddressed to SMITH CURTIS, Beaver, Pa. Pittsburgh I 3- 40 - GOING NORTH—MAIN ONE. " " STATIONS, KXPB’S. j HAIL. | EXPB , B. ACCOH. Pittsburgh., 6.Boam| 1.15 th —■ We115vi11e....... 8.55 3.15 7,, . r r Bayard 110.80 ; 4.30 OA. SM A h JLi, Alliance 11.25 I 5.10 7.10a* . Ravenna 12.12 pm i 5.48 8.00 • , _ T , tt7 Hudson 12.45 j 6.14 8.45 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland 1.55 | 7.15 10.00 A GOING EAST—RIVER DIVISION. BEA\ ER, PEx j-. • STATIONS. ACCOM, i HAIL. ACCOM OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. [Ae2O-ly 5.45 am, 10.50amj 3.g^t X 7 Bridgeport 5.55 11.00 SMc Jn IT \EAK I N, Steubenville— 6.57 12.12pm1 4|||4 ’ Wellsville 8.15 , 1.35 ! _ ,„ r Rochester 9.30 i 2..35 j 7?15-v ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh 10.40 j 3.40 | 8.20 MAIN ST., BEAVER FALLS. [jalo'73 - goiI?G WEST—RIVER DIVISION. ' “ ;7,„v- v Mi OLS STATIONS. ACCOH I MAIL, iEXPB’S. ACCOM JAMES CAMERON. JOHN \. MARKS. 1 , PUIERON & MARK Br tiST' I / __ Wellsville 3.50 3.20 7.00 _____ Steubenville 9.50 4.20 8.00 IT r rfiP V IT V R AT LAW Bridgeport H.oO 5.25 9.05 AiI(JA A & 1 o M Bellair 1 11.10 M 0 9.20 1 and "real estate AGENTS, ROCHESTER, PA., Will attend promptly to all business their care, and have superior laciluies for aad selling real estate. " decio o F. H. AGNEW. GFE W JS BUCHANAN, attorneys at law. OFFICE NEAR THE POST OFFICE, THIRD STREET, BEAYER, PENN’A. c-cU-ly , L. EBERHART, ATTORNEY AT LAW. V, : L r :ve prompt attention to Collections. Pro : Bouutk-s and Pensions, Buying and Selling • ErVate, etc UFFICE bN BROADWAY, )-jte K. E. HoOpes’ Banking House, NEW BRIGHTON, BEAVER CO., PA s-' i' 1 '‘--iy ’ JOSEPH LEDLIE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, (Office, in the Radical Building,) BEAVER, PA, - A business entrusted to his care receive I ■' :npt attention. deed op.ly T H. M’CREERY, v • ATTORNEY THIRD STREET, 1 First door below the Court House,) n: :o_t y „ BEAVER. PA. QEXTRAL CLAIM AGENCY, JAMES M. SELLERS, 144 SOUTH SIXTH STREET PHILADELPHIA, P in: it»s. Pensions, Back Pay, Horse Claims, 0 1 hums, &c., promptlyvColleded. No charge 1 format ion, nor when money is not collected. i ■■ 4-tivtf John b. young, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEAVER PA. o*ce and residence on Third st. east of the Court liolm-. * f- '-aw business entrusted to my care shall re- prompt attention. Also, persons having ' Estate for sale, and those wishing to buy town ff'perty, coal or farm lands, may save time and mon . y by calling at my o&ice. [aprSft’VO ly. y ‘ SQUALL SWABTZWELDEB JNO. C. BABB. - WARTZWELBER & BARR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, No. 66 GRANT STREET, PITTSBURGH. [seSTTI-ly J ACOB DAVIS, attorney at law, No. 75 GRANT STREET, FnTSBDKQH. (nasTBLOOK.) ««snu m J. M. BUCHANAN* at L Atv , PUBLISHED EVERY jPRIDAY BY J. S. BTITAN. - TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. TUSCARAWAS BRANCH Leaves Arrives N.Phila.6.4oam* I.oopm I Bayard, 9.45am*4 00pm Bayard,l2.lo a 5.00 p. m. | N. Phila. 3.00 *7,30 p m F. R. MYERS. General Passenger and Ticket Agent. PENNSYLVANIA R. R. —After December 22d, 1872, Trains will arrive and depart as follows: EASTWARD. [ WESTWARD. Through Trains Leave;Through Trains Arrive Union Depot: Union Depot. Pacific Exp’s, 2:50 a m Mall Train, 1:05 a m Mall Train, 7:45 a nr Fast Line. 1:35 am Chicago Ex 12.20 pm j Pittsburgh Ex. 8.00 a m Cincinnati Ex. 1:10 p m Cincinnati Ex. 8:40 a m Philadelp’a Ex. 5:20 pm i Southern Ex. 13:40 p m Fast Line, 8:50 p m PacificExpr’s, 1:10 pm local. Way Passenger, 9:50 p m Walls No 1, 0:40 a m local. Wilkinsb’g Ac Walls No 1 6:30 a m No 1 7*05 a mßrintoi, Ac.Nol, 7:80 a m Walls No 2, 10:20 am| Wllklnsburg Ac Wall’s No 3, 11:45 am| No 1 8:20 am Wllklnsburg Ac | Walls No 2, 9:10 a m No 2 2:40 p m,JohiistownAc. 10.10 a m Walls No 4, 3:20 p m 1 Walls No 3, 1:45 p m Johnstown Ac. 4:00 p m Walls No 4 3:20 pm Brinton Accom- ! Wllklnsburg Ac modat’nNol, 4 50pm ! No 2 4.45 pm Brinton Ac. No 2 6:40 p m Walls Ac. No. 5 5:55 p m Walls No 5, 6:15 p m Brinton No 2. 6:50 p m Brinton Ac No 3 9:20 p m Brinton Ac. No 3 7:25 p m Walls Ac.No.6 11:05 p ml Brinton Ac No 4 11:10pm Chicago Express, Cincinnati Express, Fast Line' and Brinton Ac. No. 3 leave daily. Pacifia Express daily, except Monday. All other trains daily, except Sunday^ Pacific Express leaves Pittsburgh at 2:50"a ro ar riving at Hairlsbnrg at 11:40 am; Philadelphia 8:80 pm; Baltimore 3:00 p m; Washington 5:40 pm. New York 6:34 p m, Chicago Express leaves Pittsburgh at 13.20 p m; arrives Harrisbnrg 10.20 p m; Philadelphia 2.30 a m; New York 6.10 a jn. Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 p m-.arrivesat Harrisburg 10:45 p m; Philadelphia 2:50 am; Baltimore 2:13a m; Washingtons:ooa m. New York6:loam. Philadelphia Express loaves Pittsburgh at 5:20 p m; arrives at Harrisburg 2:55 a m; Philadelphia 6:55 a m: New York 10:14 am. Fast Lino leaves Pittsburgh at 8:50 pm: arrives at Harrisbnrg 5:45 am; Philadelphia 9:50 a m; Balti more 9:00 am; Washington 11:80, a m; New York 12:24 p m. The Church Trains leave Wall’s Station every Sunday at 9:10 a m,reaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 a m. Returning leave Pittsburgh at 12:30p m, and arrive at Wall’s Station at 1:50 p m. Leave Pittsburgh 9:20d m arrive Brinton’s 10:30p m. CITY TICKET OFFICE—For the convenience of the citizens of Pittsburgh the Pennsylvania Railroad Company have opened a city ticket office at No 78 Fifth avenue corner of Smithfleld street, where Through Tickets. Commutation Tickets and Local Tickets to principal stations can be pur chased at any hour of the day or evening at the same rates as are charged at the depot. _ Baggage will be checked through to destination from hotels and residences by Excelsior Baggage Express Coon orders left at the office. For farther information apply to A. J. CASSATT, D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. VALLEY RAILROAD On and after Monday, July 15th, 18*1 Three Through Trains daily, except Sunday, will leave and arrive at Pittsburgh, city time, for Franklin, Oil City, Bnfihlo and au points in the Oil Regions, and Western and Central New York. Leave. Arrive. Tiflv ExDPe6o..i**»vM.« 7.10 ain B.Bspid Niehtfixpress 10.40 p m 6.15 a xn Mifll Tram ; 10.50 axn * 4.45 axn 6.40 am 6.80 am Ist Soda Works Ac ; »am |O5 a n» pAfufloms Ac. .11.40 am •ly a m Brady-8 Bend Ac..... Hn pnl 2dßuitonAc. riSSS 2d Soda Works Ac 6.00 pm 6.45 pm oj HnltonAc.. 8.60 pm 7.20 pm 'A BMdSI Sunday train leaves Pittsburgh every Sunday at 7.10 a m. arriving at Parker atlOSa m. Returning leaves Parker at 4.40 p m, and arrives at torn?fromSoda Works (Sunday] arrives at Pittsburgh at 9.60 a! m, and leaves al 13.60 pm. 3.3. LAWRENCE, Qen’L Sopt. }. H. BRAY, Ticket Agent. BEAVER, PENN’A, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17. 1873. THE GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE. Governor Geary’s annual message was transmitted to the Legislature on the Bth Inst. It is entirely too long for publica tion entire in a newspaper, and we most therefore content ourselves with a synop sis of its contents. According to the message, the balance in the State Treasury, November 80,1871, was $1,476,808,59, and the ordinary receipts daring the fiscal year ending No vember 80,1873, were $7,148,637,45, mak ing a total in the Treasury during the year of $8,625,446,04. The disbursements during the year were: Ordinary, $2,960,- 631,55 loans, &c., redeemed. $3,476,826,- 00, intesest on loans paid, $1,706,032,88, making a total of $7,142,990,43, and leav a balance of $1,482,455,61 in the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year. The State debt on November 80,1871, was $28,980,- 071,73; add Chambersburg certificates, $299,748,91;add Agricultural College land scrip fund held in trust, as per act ap proved April 3,1872; $500,000; total, $29,- 779,820,64; deduct amount paid by Com missioners of the" Sinking Fund during the year ending November 80,1872, $2,- 476,836, leaving the debt at that date $27,303,494,64; deduct assets in the Sinking Fund, $9,300,000; and each bal ance in the Treasury $1,482,455,61; or total deduction of assets and cash, $lO,- 782,455,61; leaving a balance of $16,521,- 039,93 of State unprovided for, which can be extinguished in ten years by the annual payment of $1,600,000. During the last six years the payments on the debt have been: In 1867, $1,794,644 50; in 1868, $2,414,816 64; in 1869. $492,406- 18; in 1870, $1,702,879 05; in 1871, $3,- 131,59017; in 1872, $2,476.336; total pay ments in six years, $10,992,663 54, being a little overtwenty-nine per cent., on the debt due December 1/1866, which was then $37,704,409 77. This covers the pe riod of Governor GearyViwo terms of administration, the most brilliant in the way of debt reduction in the history of the Commonwealth. At ita maximum the debt waas4i_s24--- 8T5.3T, and the TnTefesl, premiums and other expenses that have been paid upon the debt from its incipiency to November 80, 1872, sum up $76,845,744 99, and make the entire expenditure on account of the public works $118,370,620.36* In 1857 the state canals and railroads were sold for eleven millions of dollars in bonds, upon which the State has received $l,- 700,000 in cash, and $9,300,000 remain in the hands of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, of which $5,800,000 are secured by Hen on the Columbia Railroad, and the rest on the Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Philadelphia and Erie Railroads. At no time has the Commonwealth permitted her credit to suffer from bad faith, and the rapid extinguishment of the debt has been accompanied by the reduction of taxation, which policy should be contin ued, and no attempt to cover op or con ceal the actual expenses of the govern ment should be made for the purpose of obtaining the people’s consent to appro priations or enterprises of doubtful pro; priety, which propositions, if coupled with a condition to raise the money by immediate and direct taxation would be unhesitatingly rejected. The Legislative appropriations, during the last six years, made in aid of the va rious institutions for the support of the deaf, dumb, blind, insane, feeble-minded, friendless, wanderers, orphans, soldiers’ homes, hospitals, universities, houses of correction, penitentiaries and the pay ment of military expenses incurred du ring the war, expenses of government, common schools and soldiers’ orphans schools amount to about $17,000,000. During the past six years, the current of legislation has been steadily in favor of reduced taxation. Not only have numerous local laws been enacted ex empting cemeteries, schools, hospitals and other institutions from tax ation, but many general laws of the same character have been passed. By the "act to amend the revenue law,” approved February 23,1866, all real es tate in the Commonwealth was thereafter made exempt from taxation for State pur poses. By the act approved the 80th of March, 1800, all persons who -served nine,monthB or upwards in the military service, or who were honorably discharged there from by reason of wounds or physical disability contracted therein, and their property, were exonerated from all boun ties, and per capita tax and military fines. The act of April 29,1867, repealed all laws requiring payment of taxes to the State on sales of loans and stocks by auctioneers. By the act of April 10,1867, all trustees or owners of property to the value of thirty-five thousand dollars, used for sol* diers* orphans* schools, were’ exempted front” all “bounty, road, city, borough, poor and school taxes.” By the act of April 4, 1868, and the supplements thereto, “all mortgages, judg ments, recognizances and jnoneys owing upon articles of agreement for the sale of rea| estate,” were made “exempt from all taxation, except for State purposes.” [ By an act approved January 3,1868, all lawf therein recited were repealed which imppsed taxes upon “the shares of stock any stockholder in any institu ionfor company incorporated under the law| of thla-Slate, which in its corporate capacity is liable to and' pays Into the Staid Treasury the tax on capital stock iinppsed” by the acts therein recited. The act of June 2, 1871, repealed so much of the law of April 26,1844, as im posed a tax of two percent, on salary, trades, offices, occupations and profes- sions. And by the act of April 8, 1873, the sixth section of thelaw of April 31,1854, was repealed, which imposed a tax of one half of one per cent, on the capital stock af all corporations created under laws ‘‘to enable Joint tenants, tenants in common, and adjoining owners of mineral lands, to manage and develop the same.” With regard to the Centennial Celebra tion, the Governor says that Philadelphia has thus far borne all the expenses, and it may now be proper to consider whether the State Should do something. He says that the State quota of stock will all be promptly taken, upd be recommends that the Legislative Committee on Federal Relations shall consider the propriety of asking Congress to make an appropriation for such necessary expenses of the Com missioners as will enable them to work with efficiency. He concludes this por tion of his remarks thus: This great national enterprise appeals as well to local pride as to common patri otism ; it must be successful—the nation hlakdecreed it;and since to Pennsylvania haabeen assigned the honor of having thi£pfe^ must and will see To it “mat ii ««.»,, —— fail. 1 therefore earnestly solicit for it not only your aid, but also the thought ful and zealous support of all social, in dustrial, scientific, educational and relig ions associations,and that all good citizens who have at heart the honor, perpetuity and happiness of our common country. The Governor repeats bis recommenda tions made in former messages in reference to a State Geological Survey. Pursuant to act of Assembly. Thomas C. McDowell has been appointed Commis sioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Agriculture, and he has commenced the preparatory work, but as the act omit ted to make the necessary appropriation ff>r tbe contingent expenses to put the department in order, tbe work is in obey ance. Tbe Agricultural College has just closed a most prosperous year, the number of students being one hundred and fifty, which exceeds that of any year since the opening of tbe institution. Tbe organizations of tbe State militia yet in existence consist of fifteen regi ments and six battalions, comprising, with unattached bodies, 333 companies, of which there are 6 artillery, 8 cavalry, 809 infantry; the aggregate of enlisted men being 18,566, and of commissioned officers, 1126 A building 149 feet long and 43 wide has been erected near the Green street en trance, in Fairmount Park, in which tbe picture of tbe Battle of Gettysburg has been placed. THE CREDIT MOBILIER. Facts About Its History The question of the relations between the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Credit Mobilier, and of the good faith with which the members of these corpora tions carried out their engagements with the government and with each other, is a very different one from that with which Congress and the country are now con cerned. The Credit Mobilier was incor porated by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1859, under the name of the Pennsyl vania Fiscal Agency, with power to bor row money and transact other business Incident to similar corporations. Five years later, George Francis Train, having got hold of the charier, had the name changed to “the Credit Mobilier of Amer ica,” after one of the great corporations of France; and later still its powers were greatly enlarged to enable the company to loan its credit, guarantee contracts and engage in business generally on a grand scale. The Uniou Pacific Railroad Com pany was incorporated in 1862-64, and re ceived the last of its very valuable grants in 1864. In 1865, when the enterprise, through mismanagement and a nearly universal want of confidence, was in dan* ger of breaking down, Mr. Ames took hold of it, invested a large part of his private fortune, and through bis confi dence and enthusiasm persuaded many of his friends.also to embark in it. To es cape personal liability, they, with their associates, got possession of the Credit Mpbilier charter, put their money into its stock, intending to build the road with its aid and under its guarantee. The first contract, for 274 miles east of the 100th meridian, was assigned to the Cred it Mobilier and was executed by that cor poration. The second contract, for 667 miles of road and telegraph west of that meridian, taken by Mr. Ames individual -13 for $48,000,006, Was assigned by him to seven trustees who were also members of the Credit Mobilier, who executed the contract, and divided the profits among the stockholders of that corporation. The Credit Mobilier became but another name for the railroad company, absorbing its assets of every kind as fast as they be came available.— Boston Advertiser^ CONGRESS. Senator Sumner’s bad health prevented bis attendance in the Senate and accord ing to report it is doubtful if he is- able to attend except occasionally for some days to come. Senator elect Patterson, of South Caro lina, has had published and distributed among the Senators a pamphlet contain ing bis defense of the charges of bribery in the recent election. The only result thus far is the almost unaniimous expres sion of the opinion among Senators that an investigation of the election must be begun at the earliest moment, and prose cuted rapidly and thoroughly. A resolution was adopted directing the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the propriety of repealing the national bank rupt law from and after January 1, 1874, and providing for the immediate repeal of so much of said act as relates to involun- All. K7llVx*ui« m ing the Committee on Privileges and Elections to inquire and report whether the State Elections for President and Vice President bad been conducted in Louisi ana and Arkansas in accordance with the laws of the United, States, and what con tests have arisen as to who were elected as electors in either of the States, and what measures are necessary to provide for the determination of such contests, and to guard against- determine like contests in the future. A resolution was adopted directing tbe Committee on Privileges and Elections to inquire into and repDrt a more practi cable and less cumbersome method of elect ing President and Vice President, and Jto provide for a tribunal that will decide in case of a contest. Tbe subject is one that will bear scrutiny and agitation. Tbe Indiana Appropriation bill was taken up. Mr. Windom said the amount appro priated by the bill was $6,434,165, which was $917,997 less than the sum which was appropriated by the bill of last year. When the appropriation of $300,000 for tbe Sioux Indians was reached, Mr. Har lem sent up and had read a communica tion from Cowan, Acting Secretary of the Interior, setting forth the sources of in formation about the Teton Sioux* and stated that in view of the recent charges in the newspapers that no such Indians existed, an order had been issued on tbe 7tb ult., prohibiting the auditing of all a), leged disbursements for the benefit of said tribe until further notice. The communication was accompanied by a statement of the disbursements for the Teton Sioux during the past year. Mr. Thurman ‘ said the question was whether any such tribe now exists. Mr. Windom said that the same tribe of Indians treaties had been made on two Occasions, as the Teton Sipux, still cxistjs, but there might be some question ais to whether that was their proper naiqe. Mr. Thurman said that he wa| astonish ed that there should be any doubt what? ever as to the existence of a tribe to whom we were giving money* Mr. Windom skid that of the $500,006 appropriated fur the Teton Sioux, only $300,000 had been expended, leaving, a baiance of about $200,000 unexpended, which would hardly have been left if the appropriation ha,d been fraudulently pro cured. An, important! bill was introduced in the House on Monday by Mr. Samuel Hooper “to provide for the convertibility of the United States bonds and for other purposes,’* which was referred to the Com mittee on Banking and Currency, and it SENATE. HOUSE. is expected will come up for coasidera- tion at an early day. Another subsidy bill, in the interest of the American Steamship Company of Philadelphia, was introduced, which di rects the Postmaster General to contract with the company for carrying mails be tween Philadelphia and Liverpool, twen ty-six trips, at $158,000 annually. The bill of Mr.« Monroe, of Ohio, in re gard to National Bank currency, express es-the views of the Comptroller and Com*- mittee on Banking and Currency. It provides for the repeal of the clause in the law withdrawing notes from New England, and provides for the issue of twenty-five millions to supply the defi oiency at the West, the last sum to be distributed according to the figures of the last census. The House Committee on appropriations have finished the Naval Appropriation bill which appropriates $18j864,993, and also the Fortification bill, appropriating $1,999,000. The Military Academy bill was also agreed Upon. It appropriates $551,000, and leaves the law relative to the appoint ment of cadets as at present, which allows an increase of cadets for the increase of representatives in Congress. By Mr. Hawley (111.)—-For a canal con necting the watefslof Lake Michigan and Illinois, Mississippi and Rock Island. By Mr. Parker (Missouri)—To give the officers of the Missouri militia three months pay. Also to pension the widows and orphans of soldiers murdered in Mis souri in 1864. After debate, the House adopted a resolution throwing open to the public the Credit Mobilier DEAD FROM POISON. “Oh God £ That Bread Should be so Dear and Flesh ahd Blood so Cheap.”' [From the St. Paul Diep&frb, sth mat. ] For some time past a young lady named Nellie Magernie has been rooming in the bouse of William Alien, carpenter —: 'T-T o, Tl>oor health and has been in.'' the habit OI laaiug , — v ‘ pain from which she was suffering. Oa Tuesday morning Miss Magernie com plained of illness-and did hot come down » stairs. In the evening Air. Allen went up stairs, knocked at her door and in quired if she wanted anything, and was answered in the negative. Yesterday about noon the servant employed in Mr. Allen’s house went up to Miss Magernie’a door and tried to get in, but she could not obtain no response from the inside. She told Mr. Allen and that gentleman immediately broke open the door, and found the young extended on the bed, almost in a state of nudity, and nearly in sensible. Medical assistance was imme diately procured, but all remedies proved uavailing and she died about four o’clock yesterday afternoon. A post mortem examination was held this forenoon by Drs. Murphy and Smith. The stomach was found to be almost to tally empty, and without a particle of of food of any kind in it. The body was terribly emaciated, and the inference drawn by the physicians was that the lady bad literally starved to .death, the system being too weak to stand the dose of opium she had taken. Mrs. Sanborn and other ladies-connected with the Home for the Friendless have-taken charge of the remains and will see to their decent in- " terment. Miss Magernie was born in Pittsfield, Mass., and was about twenty seven years of age. Her ■ father was at one time a wealthy man, but died insol vent, his daugher, who has re ceived a splendid education,-to the cold charities of the world. She made her way up here some four or five years ago, and endeavored to earn a living by mak ing vests fof a tailoring establishment* but her want of skill and high-toned, sensitive disposition prevented her suc ceeding in this walk of life, and she tried and did for some time succeed in earning a precarious living in modeling wax flowers, an art which she had learned in her happy youth, when no foreshadowing or per monitory warning of the fearful close of her mortal career clouded her young life. Her trunk was opened and thfe contents found to be only a few scraps of bread and butter, and fragments of food of the coarsest and plainest de scription, such as no stomach in the con dition in which hers must have been,could digest. Mrs. Magernie was a remarkably handsome you woman,and'appeared from her physical conformation to be one who might have reached a green old age if her lines had fallen in pleasant places. Deceased was for a time in the employ ment of the agency of the Singer Sewing Machine Company in this city, but ill health prevented her from attending u* her business. t V .i ; « NUMBER 3