The Beaver radical. (Beaver, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 03, 1873, Image 5

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    ..ecommWeelitho'attt of wtaoj.
“ rainesville.’* To this Major General
means, commwaef of the Ninejeenth
Siriiion of . -Pennsylvania, National
nnarils, reaponflhtPin a manner that show
ed him to be equal' to the most sudden
“ d '-The'presS'of the United States”
-Responded to by Col. Eberhatt in ;an
address that abounded in eloquence, and
*lled forth hearty and frequent appiause.
3. “Our Fallen Comrades”—Drank in
J 4 “Our Governor and Governor elect”
—Response by Col CritcWow, in' his
Djost effective vein of eloquence. The
big h tribute which the Coloner paid to
bis brothers in arms proved him to be
as just and generous as he is brave and'
patriotic. a
5. “The First Pennsylvania Cavalry”—
Tte response tothis-toast by Capti Platt
did full justice to the heroism and gallant
services of that renowned regiment.
“Pennsylvania’s Volunteers”—The re-
sponse to this toast by Capt. David
shields, was so full of humor, minute de-
tail, theoretical flights, and fine tributes to
ov>r gallant volunteers, that your reporter
“ lee i s himself totally unable to do the elo-
,-jUf'Dt genllemafi justice. Suffice it to say
"tiiat with, perhaps, one exception—thatof
Capt. I. R. Campbell ip giving an account
ofibe sacrifices in behalf of their bleeding
i'.'vjpiry made by our citizens who. were
too ©ld to enter the ranks—Capt, Shields’s
was the happiest effort ot the evening.
The songs by Cols. Critchlow and Eber
ban were not, by any means, the i least
pleasing and interesting features in the
programme of the evening. The alternate
bursts of applause and flowing ot tears
which those songs called forth so sponta
neously and irreslstably gave indubitable
proof of their touching effect and pathetic
The many good jokes, too, which so
“set the table in a roar,” recalled to
mind not a few of the incidents of the
camp and the bivouac; and, although
there was not “any more of that” around
bere, the totherfellow's hand was always
• cod in the right place.
At the close of the * banquet, it was
ioved by Major Chamberlin that a com-,
lit tee of five, with the chairman, be ap
prised to report a constitution for the
permanent organization of a social union
ii the honorably discharged soldiers and
sailors of Beaver county, which motion
was carried, and the following gentlemen j
chosen: Messrs. Critchlow, Eberhart,
Chamberlin, Campbell. Corbus and
On motion, adjourned tc meet at the
call of the chairman of the committee.
issxTs.—C. W. Taylor, Beaver Fails; Evan
iwi. New Brighton; J. Linnenbrink, Rochester.
Radical is the most extensively circu
fated Weekly Newspaper in Western
Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railroad.
Going West— Mail, 7,4 C a. m; Accommodatior
i>,4o p. m.
doing East— Accommodation, 0,19 a. in; Mail,
p. m; Express, 7,07 p. m.
1 Arrival and l>eparture or malls.
Western mai leaves atSa.m.; arrives atdp.m.
Eastern mail leaves at 3p. m.: arrives at 9s. m.
New Lisbon mail leaves every Friday, (instead oi
Monday), at 8 arm.; arrives on Saturday, at 5 p. m.
Hawk, St. Clair, Clarkson and New Lisbon.)
11. NOSS,
. 1. ~I
Take Xotice—To Our Subscribers.
—We have a very large subscription list
on our bonks which like tdhave
paitl up. Will our friends please attend
to ibis matter at once, and send us what
is due, either by draft, post-office order or
registered letter.
-) otire.—We have placed our ac
-'-ms lor job work and advertising up tp
'V.'ber 14, 1972, in the hands of C. A.
'jr'.ffin tor collection.
compelled to pass over to next week,
••■it; o' space, some Essays delivered before
c tktJto. and other communications.
,'tores,— Rev. J. A. Pomeroy, of Fairview,
’' t -: ' :a':iiiu, wiij deliver a lecture in the Pres-
’ ' :UE church ofHookstown, on Monday evening
h*- .ary mu. 1*73 Subject — Force of Habit.
|A«m;::mce -25 cents, children 10 cents. Half
- ■ proceeds lor the benefit of the Sabbath School.
f*o y, cnristy’g
Everybody in Raccoon township knows
-Christy's store is, and also knows that
— u ■«> do the fair thing in a trade. He has a
v.ock of goods on hand which he will sell
■ b “ s P ;
; Ebt or letters remaining in Beaver Post 1 of-
JaEMI 7 Ist 1873 : Mr. Samuel-Bixby, Mr.
< - rat7 -r, Mrs. Lyde Sfclby, Mrs. Mary
-oape, Mr. G. W. Kowson.
G ° -o Christy’s,
he storm last week was heavy, the fall of
**ow uLnsually large. The trains on all the roads
jre behind time, and the mails delayed. Much
has been Caused by the cold weather and
0W ' niany accidents have resulted therefrom.
e Hods. JamesS.Rutan and Samuel J, Cross
Imh ° r H f Tisbnr S on Thursday. Also Hon. D. L.
or of tb e Constitutional Convention,
-be same day for Philadelphia.
i^ r^**y ’ of Raccoon township, will re*
■ a kinds of produce in exchange for goods,
“ d pay the behest prices of the market.
o >, r ned, ~° nTae ‘f<ky °f last week, about 8
Hat 6 p M ” whUe David Cains and wife of
O'er township, were away from -their house,
fire ZTu ° fU '° ° f their little children caught
one of • any aBBlstance could be ren dered
fca: ‘ fiem ; a S e d six years, was so badly burned
othl* " at Beven o’clock the same day. The
o' -r received but little Injury. This i« a. sad
'i f O6 and sbould teacb parents be be very
c a'To/ 6 r ! eard t 0 'having their little children
■ room where there is a fire.
M. A. McGapfick, t. m,
. t
Christmas in First Presbyterian
Church of BHdgetoatcr.~ T thc good
people -of this church completely sur
prised their ' pastor,; TSe?*OamesM.
Shields, on Christmas eve, by placing in
his parlor a very handsome and valuable
parlor .set, He hardly knows which to
admire most, the liberality of the peopje
in furnishing the money, .dr the , gdod
taste of the committee to en
trusted the selection and purchase of the
articles. ■ ,- ...V ••■.■Tu *
For this token of confidence and affec
tion, ; tbe
thanks of their pastor and bis family, with
their prayer that God will return unto
their bosoms a .hundred fold of,the bles
sings of bis providence and grace;
On Christmas evening the; Sabbath
School met to enjoy from the congregation
their annual festivities. About two hun
dred members of the school were present,
and with the parents and friends of the
scholars, made, a full house.
The choir, under the direction of Col
O. R Coe, assisted the school in giving
the audience choice and appropriate mu-,
sic during the evening. '
“Christmas Pictures” was splendidly
rendered by Mr. Henry Hum.
-In a neat and happy alddress Mr. Hark
ford P. Brown presented Mr. Evan Jack
son with a handsome gentleman’s wrap
per, the gift of some friends, in considera
tion of valuable services rendered by him
as librarian.
The pastor in behalf of some of the
classes presented their teachers with to
kens of their affection for them, and ap
preciation of their services.
The meeting was one of the most pleas
ant ever held in the church, all feeling as
they retired to their homes that it was
good to be there.
The church is justly proud of the school.
Few communion seasons have passed
without one or more of its number con
fessing Christ before the world by unit
ing with the church. ■
During 1873 one hundred and twenty
six dollars have been contributed by the
school, thirty dollars were unanimously
given to help purchase Woodstock a
school for the education of the children
of our mission in India. Six dollars to the
Orphan’s home (now Infant. School) in
Rochester, and the remaining ninety dok
lars to the education of boys in Rev. C.
W. Mateer’s school in China.
Besides this there are two or three
mission circles' composed of one or more
classes working under the direction of the
Ladies’ Foreign Mission Society. To ev
ery Church or Sabbath School Jesus
Christ says: “Go ye into all the world
and preach my gospel to every creature.”
On Saturday morning before daylight,
a son of Mrs. Moore, widow of the late
John L.. Moore, of Hanover township, of
this county, with tt-gen4leman whose
name we did not learn, undertook to
drive a team across the Ohio river, on the
ice at Rogers’ Ferry, but having
been partly covered up by the drifting
snow, they missed the way and drove the
horses into an air bole. The men sue
ceeded in getting the drowning horses
loose from the sleigh, bnt could not save
them. No other loss occurred.
An uncle of Mr. Moore was lying dan
gerously ill, and the young man and his
companion bad started to go after some
relatives who resided on this side of the
river, and being in a burry ventured to
cross without a guide and in the darkness
of the night. The result is a warning
which others no doubt will heed.
Heavier College, —The winter term
of this flourishing institution, whose pu
pils have been enjoying a vacation during
the holidays, will open Monday, the 6th
inst. It is earnestly desired by the Presi
dent and Faculty that parents and guar
dians will see that their children and wards
be in attendance on that day. Classes
will be formed in the common branches,
Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and As
tronomy in addition tcf those in progress
the last session-
The Shortest Day,— Saturday, De
cember the 31st, was the shortest day of
the year. The sun rose at 7:15 and set at
4:33, the event markingthe beginning of
winter solistice when the days begirt to
diminish in length. The sun will stop
receding from the equator and begin its
approach to that line, which it will reach
on the 21st of March, when the days and,
nights will be of equal duration. The
seasons depend upon the motion, or rather
apparent motion of the sun. Each season
is ninety-one days, when the sun is
farthest from us and nearest to the tropic
of Capricorn, in the southern hemisphere.
The sun is vertical over the tropic of
Capricorn on the 21st of December. It
is never vertical further south than that,
and on that day its latitude at meridian
is lower in the northern hemisphere
than any other part of the year. There
is an old maxim that M when the days
begin to lengthen-the cold begins to
We are in formed that Rev. Taylorbas
made arrangements to take the boys of'
the Orphan School, at PhilMpsburg, to
Harrisburg, to be present at the inaugura
tion of Gov, Hartranft, on the 21st tost.
We hope the boys will have a pleasant
time.and keep their eyes open to see what
they will see. ?
The crowded houses which witnessed
the performances in Van port, last week,
on Thursday, Priday and Saturday even
ings, bore testimony t«> the excellency of
the entertainment, and we are glad to
know that $49 was realized for the bene
fit ol the Sabbath School.
*■- y ; /. # *
jftr - %
& •;
Beaver District Conventional.
of G. T*,—ThiB organization held jtl * x
quarterly meeting in “Templar’s HaU,s
Beaver Falls, Pa., December 6,1873. Con*
ventibn wascalled to order. in usual
form by Dial. Deputy Joseph Alexander,
presiding: W. V, T. BUter r B.
Secy, P. G.Edelblate. f - I. H
Pro tern appointments past W. C. 3*.
Bro. Thos. Elverson Ifc Bto. Robert
Hears; W. D. M. Sifter Laura Goddard ;
W. S. Brp.AlfredAW Q 8on; W. I. G.
Sister Elizabeth Jones, W. Chaplin Bro.
Jos. HollingsheaA The worthy chief'
absent, D ro «Joseph
Alexander Was dNaly elected twfclKtbb'Va
cancy. ' V ... , |V.
Hinnies of the; previous meetingwaa
read and approved. / j
On motion the chair appointed the fol
lowing named members, committee on
credentials, Sister Ann Boyle, Bro. H. B
Beisel and Sister C. Sm ib.
Committee on Resolutions, Bros. Thorn*
ton A. Shinn, Joseph Hollingshead and
W. P. Wright. Committee bn cVedentil ds
reported the following named delegates
present: Freedom Lodge No. 832, Bros.
Joseph Hollingshead and Isaac Grim im
Sisters Kate Sneed, Ida Robinson, Mat lie
Teeters, Agnes dboper and Thala 3 lc*
“Amaranth Lodge,” No. 274, Bros. Kev.
Thomas Hodgson, Thornton A. Shinn,
Jacob Smith, Hobt. Meara and Sister' Liz-
zie Nelson.
“Mound Valley Lodge” No. 733, Bros,
J. M Denning, J. H. Jones, W. P. Wright,
Alfred Atkinson, Charles Thompson,
Charles Fallick; Sisters Sarah Atkinson,
Girty Banks, Esther Finder* Mary Gray,
Ann Humphrey, Elizabeth Jones and Ajnn
New Brighton Lodge, No. 301, Bros.
B. Bush Bradford, Frank Edgar, Charles
Walsh. Alex Smith, D. McLain, J. L.
Deens, Samuel Cummings, Sisters E.
Lloyd, Laura Goddard, L. Thomas, R.
Jones, S: Inman, Mary Hoops, Mary
Gress and C. A. Kata. \
Beaver Hiver Lodge, No. 963, Bros. T.
S. Elverson, A. J. Wakefield; Albert Dia*
mond. Will Elverson, Sisters Emma Wil
son, L. Hunter, L- Sherwood, E. Elverson,
Kate Sherwood and Emma Franz.
Enola Lodge, No. 163, H, C. Beieel,
Isaac Lindsay, Jeff Covert, Sisters Emma
Hunter and Ella Brown.t
Committee— Ann Boyle, H. B. Bei
sel, C Smith.
Committee on Resolutions and Business
made the following report : f
Worthy Chief Templar, Officers and
members of Beaver District Convention
I. O. of 6. T.—We, your committee, ap
pointed to draft resolutions of business
&c., for the convention, respectfully sub
mit the accompanying preamble and res
olutions, and further recommend that
they, or such, others as the. convention,
may adopt, be forwarded by copy with
the chairman of the delegation of this
convention, to the State Convention to be
held in Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 10th inst.,
as an expression of the feelings and sen
timents of the Good Templars of Beaver
Committee—' Thoenton A. Shinn, Chair
man, Joseph Hollingshead, Wm P.
Whereas, 1 It being an Incontrovertable feet,
that morality is the foundation stone of all good
governments, and especially of a form of Gov
ernment, which guarantees to the governed the
free exercise of the right of conscience, and guard*
edly and specially protects that right, and as
Temperance is one of the fundamental principles
of morality, we therefore bold that the people
should direct any and all movements tending to
wards altering or amending the organic structure
of that government, and that the constitutional
foundation principles of that government of right
should emanate from the people, inasmuch as
governments are instituted fqr the protedion of
the goverened: therefore
Resolved, That we solemnly request the atten
tion of the members of the Constitutional Con
vention now in session, to the absolute necessity
of inserting a clause in the constitution of tbo
State of Pennsylvania, prohibiting absolutely the
sale of vinous, spirituous, or malt or brewed liq
uors except for medicinal or mechanical purposes,
and that we earnestly solicit the insertion of such
- Resolved , That this convention recommend and
earnestly enjoin upon every Good Templar es
pecially, and the Temperance commnnity gener
ally a vigilant and watchful surveillance ovei the
operations of the foes of temperance that may be
brought to bear, in any mode or manner to secure
the repeal of the act, commonly known as the
“Local Option Bill' 1 during tha present session of
onr State Legislature, and to use all laudable
means to thwart the same.
Resolved, That wc consider it the imperative
duty of each and every Good Templar, to nse
every exertion publicly and privately to secure a
large vote next March in favor of unconditional
prohibition throughout the county and State;
and while we deprecate any interference in the
operations and management of any of the "political
organizations of the day, we nevertheless regard
prohibition as the grand and only consideration
worthy the attention of Good Templars.
' Resolved , That this convention appoint two del
egates at large from each Lodge in the district, to
represent) our district in the State Temperance
alliance convention, to be held in Pittsburgh, Fa.’
on the 10th Inst.
That the officers and members of this
convention tender oar thanks to the members of
oar order In Beaver Fallsfor their kind hospitality
extended jto as during this meeting.
Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings jof this
convention be forwarded to each of the following
newspapers, with a request that they bp published,
viz, "Temperance Vindicator,'* “Keystone Good
Templar," and oar county papers. v|
On motion, it was ordered that the con
stitution of the convention be so amended
that the elective officers shall hold! their
respective offices for the term of six
months, and that the days of holding
meetings shall be the first Monday In each
month, instead of the first Friday, as
heretofore. ’ i
The following named members
duly elected to fill* the several office:
ing the ensuing term of six months
C. T. Bro/ Francis Banks, W. V. T. j
E. Lloyd, W; Treas, Bro. Joseph a|
r *
S dur
-s|; W.
f® were' appointed
r j\6 represent our dis
trrct in , CJoiivehtloa lti PSttsbargh :
B6D, : E Bi B!lkiß, "lfe Decked; Wm.
D. <mm& ißaelblate f Jacob Smith,f
H, Wfe fc.
," fIHMW llbfl ■:
1 On adjourned; to
meet on tbefirst Hoiidiy it} March **next,
■];•; today'the marriage T o(
place, to Hitt
Sadie .oF StV. Ciairsville Ohio,
butqnUe r
College,: The: particulars of. the .happy
event we have not yet isosrtained. except
that the bride and groom are off on their
wedding tour, and are expected in Bea
ver next Saturday. We congratulate
them both oh their bright prospects, and
wishthezp a r cnp brimming fall, running
over of happiness in their new and inti
mate onion of “twain in one.” ;
The Oyster Festival held in : George*
town, on Wednesday and Thursday even*
ings of last week was a decided- success,
and $5O was realized above all expenses.
There is agood,natural bridge of ice
over the Ohio river at Bogith’s Ferry, but
on account of the gorges the crossing had
been vetjy difficult, even for foot passen •
gers, until Thursday of last week, when
some enterprising men of Georgetown cut
a road through, and now tbep is as good
a road there for aS one could wish,
and the cUrzens ( good use o
it. ''l-"' r
We are Indebted to the publishers for
a copy of \he Penn Monthly, which is
printed on good paper, in, excellent style,
and filled with first class matter. The
opening article .on Jacob Biker is espe
cially note worthy. The Monthly is pub
lished'in Philadelphia.
The wife of Dr. Scott, formerly princi
pal of Beaver Academy, recently died at
her residence id North Garolina.
Oscar A* Small, Esq •> whose card is
published in another column-, has hung
ont his shingle in Beaver, at the Sheriffs
office, in the Court House* where be will
be pleased to see his many friends, and
attend to all kinds of legal business, as
well, as collections of pensions, prize
money and other government or private
claims. Mr. Small is a graduate of Wash
ington College, was recently admitted to
the BeaVer sar, and withal is a young
man whom to succeed in
the law. Though Small by name, may
his business be large and his clients nu
George Neely, an old and respected
citizen of Economy township, died sud
<|gnly of heart disease, at bistresidence, on
Thursday of last week, about four o’clock
p. m. He bad beeniont doing some chores
and bad just returned apd was standing
in the sitting room when be exclaimed,
“0, my Lord,” and immediately sank
down and expired. His funeral ceremo
nies, which occurred -last -Sunday, was
largely attended, and a whole common ity
mourns bis loss.
The Western {published at Paola,
Kansas, in . the December 20th issue, says
in regard to Mr. Win. Hice, who recently
moved to the west from Hanover town
ship, this county: "Mr. Hlce, who
biught C. M. Gates’ farm, about three
miles southwest of Paola, arrived last
week, and has taken possession of bis
place. He will make an excellent citizen,
as do all people from that noble old State
of Pennsylvania. We wish him success
in his new home.”
A new post-office has recently been
created in Greene county, which is called
Sleigh for Sale— lnquire of Dr. J. C.
Levis, Bridgewater.
AnM"Tobacco»— The Presbytery of Shenan
go, daring their session at SbarpsvUls, Mercer
county, Pa., on December 18,1812, adopted the
following standing rule, with but two dissenting
votes ;
Resolved, That hereafter this Presbytery Swill
not license any candidate to preach the Gospel
who uses tobacco, unless he promises to abandon
its use, or procures a certificate from some reputa
ble physician that his health requires Us use.
Clark A. Hunter, of Ohio township, killed
a pig eight months old which weighed dressed
210 pounds. Who can heat this ? Speak out 1
M. H, Christy, of Raccoon township, has on
hand and is constantly receiving a good assortment
of goods, consisting of dry goods, 'groceries, boots
and shoes, hardware, etc., which he will sell at the
very lowest rates. Quick sales and small profits is
hia motto.
The AmerleliStoek Journal for 1878,
will be greatly enlarged and improved in every
respect. The price .will be $l.BO per annum, and a
95.00 picture free, W e hope all ow farming friends
will send for samplecoples, as the pnbliaben N.
P. Boyer &> Co., Parkeabnrg, Chester county. Pa,
offer to send three numbers/r« to all who send
stamps to pay postage.
Bon* Thomas Fitch delivered the third
lecture, of the Washington, Pennsylvania, coarse,
on Christmas evening. “The Coming
Empire." Theodore Tilton lectures January the
6th, on “True Statesmanship," at the same place
in the same course.
91)000 reward Is offered by the proprietor of
Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tot a medi
cine that will equal it in fhe core of Bronchitis,
severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consump
tion. ‘ / 612.
* ■ i '
A' Vvzi ' '.i
: K *
1 A_ , v..
have Issued their annual programme of topics for
the Week of Ptayer, .extending from January Bth,
’7B, to the lath. Thefolkwring are thoanbjcctate
loctcd: ’ W>' : ' ■ V
Sunday, J«n.sth.—bnbject-rtbe- foundation, se
curity and. universal extenskm of the Chrisllah
Church. . . /. •’• %. ..
v Mbnday,Jab.- 6th.—DevoutAcknowledgment—
Bemembhmce of God's mercies id the nation, to
to the churches; providential and
ijdritwd bleeringeto ourselves;«»nres«ionof sir;
Jap, 7th.—Ptsyerfor Christian church*
fltj their incrttMintove, a(totfty,fldeJlty to troth,
unity in ihltb^
foc Hilatiooarieeaßd evißgellgtg. - ; . ]
;;.f Wednesday, Jan. Bth.r-Prayerfor families; for
spnsijaud daughters pt Christianparents,and for a
messing oh home Influenco.andontho perripea
«ndOrtlntocesdf“the Chorchorbod;’’ fbrschooisj
colleges and on inanities, for children at
loreighJands; forjoung-tnen inbusiaee* orprofes-;
«|on|; [.torjefvanta apd lorallothen inslcknVte
.. X I
TpujraJaf, ’ Jpn.“ 3th.—Prayer' for nations; ifor
k&raii andall In tothority; for the maintenance of
petop; for the spread of religions liberty; for the
sound knowledge, for contentment,
contort.and good will among all classes; fpr the
discernment of (tod’s band ip national judgments,
and for the removal of intemperance, immorality,
andthe sins which are a reproach to any people.
Jani 10. —Prayer for mankind; for the cir*
culation of the Holy Scriptures, and the spreading
of pare literature; for the overthrow of alltorms of
tyranny and oppression; for the removal of anti
christ, for all prisoners ahd captives, and for the
increase of that kingdom which is “righteousness,
peace andjoy in the Holy Ghost.";
Saturday, Jan. 11.—Prayer for Sunday Schools;
for jnissionary, tract and other religions societies;
for raising up and sending forth of more “laborers
unto His harvest:" and for the removal of hindran
ces to the sptead of the gospel and the conversion
of the world. 1
: Sunday January 12.—Sermon—“Let the whole
earth be filled with glory; Amen and Amen.
Ed. Radical. —One of tbe most pleasing enter
tainments ever held in Freedom,- came off on
Christmas plght in the Presbyterian church, being
a ChristmaS'treat for the children of the Sabbath
School. At an early hoar the people began to ar
rive, and atffeix o'clock the ctmrch was fall to
overflowing. The pulpit of the church had been
removed and a platform erected extending to the
front seats, upon which was placed a beautiful
Christmas Tree, covered with presents of all kinds
for the children and oflicers of tbe school. On the
wall back of the tree was the. motto “Merry
Christmas To All,”in large letters covered with
The performance consisted of singing and tab
leaux, and was a perfect .success, especially the
pieces performed by the smaller scholars; one of
the most noticeable of which was a comic song by
the little girls, who were all dressed to represent
little old women. This piece was uproariously ap
plauded, and had to be repeated the ■ second
time. The singing was admirable throaghont,
and reflects great credit.upon Mrs. Mary B. Ben
tel, foil the able' manner in which she taught the
children their pieces, and heir management of the
affair throaghont. Before tho close the presents
were distributed among the scholars and teachers
of the school, after which a general treat of can
dies,. cakes and applet was given. The children
then sang a piece entitled “Good Night,” which
closed the exercises. May each succeeding Christ
mas find onr Sabbath School as prosperous, and bo
spent as happily, is the wish of ‘ Gideon.
i There Is no risk in purchasing a Singer
| Sewing Machine, as thousands will testify to its
| best machine
, subject to tbe severest testsTahtf to-day it. stands
! In the opinion of all experienced Sewing Machine'
I men unrivalled. The perfection of its construc
i tion gives it a decided advantage over all others.
; The essential parts of a Sewing Machine are
the mechanism for making stitches, also for hold
ing and feeding the cloth, and for the tension of
the thread. In all these partlcu lars the superiority
of the Singer is readily acknowledged—the needle.
| is straight, and the motion of the needle bar is r
| such as to form tbe loop in a manner least liable
, to miss stitches. Another peculiar feature in the
Singer Machine is, that it cannot .be put ont of
time or adjustment by use. Many who have been
' annoyed by their machines getting out of adjust
! ment will appreciate this point of thoroughness of
R. Straw & Co., General Agents. No. 10 Sixth
I street, Pittsburgh, Fa.
Important to the Friends of Temper
ance.—A Temperance County Convention will
be held in tbe M. E. Chnrcb, of Rochester,
Pennsylvania, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m.,
Friday, January 3,1573, it being the semi annual
meeting of the Beaver County Union Temperance
All delegates are expected to be entertained by
the friends of temperance of Rochester.
It is to be hoped that all churches and other
auxiliary societies in the county, and all temper
ance orders, will send full delegations to said
meeting as very important matters connected with
the welfare of the Society will be brought forward
for due consideration. By order of
B. R. Bradford, Ch. of Ex. Com.
J. H. Decker, Sec’y.
A Great Oil Strike.— The largest oil well
ever obtained in this section, owned by McCreery
Bros, of Island Run, and located onJ. & F. Me-
Langhlin'e farm, Ohio township, about a mile
south-east of the celebrated Mason well, on the
fork of Dry Run, which empties into the Ohio at
Smith’s Ferry, was struck last Friday, tubed, and
partially exhausted on Saturday, flowed through
casing on Snnday in and hour or so, 10 barrels,when
the gas, which was abundant, taking fire, the
further testing of the well was suspended. We
are informed by 011 men ot good judgment that
the show and partial test indicate/ for Smith's
Perry region, that the well will be Irom 20 to 40
barrels, while others claim 100. The strike has
created unusual excitement frond tbe fact that it
opens a new field for oil operations and demon
strates that the oil belt is feore extensive than
was before believed. McCreery Bros, arc de
serving of success, and we truly express the gen
eral public sentiments in saying that we rejoice
wuh t tbem in their good fortune.
We are indebted to Hugo Andriessen, of Bea
ver, for a number of copies of Hostette r's illus
trated Almanacs, in English, Welsh, German,
Spanish and .French, for 1873. calculated to mean
time for Boston, Pittsburgh and New Orleans:
Also Dr. O. Phelps Brown's Sha keeperian Annual
Almanac, beautifully Illustrated. These Alma
nacs can be obtainsd free of cost at Andriessen's
drug store, Beaver.
yVovnins.—lf you wish to present a float ap
pearance, at home or abroad, iu your place of bu
siness or at church, or at leisure during the holi
days, yon mast remember that no one can look
neat without a perfect flttlngßoot, Shoe or Gaiter.
Now If yon desire to have the very best that can
be made in this county, we advise you to call on
Umstead & Hartzog, Broadway, New Brighton.
Ladies' wear in Boots, Shoes,Gaiters and Slippers
a specialty in fine work.
If yon want to get yonr money's worth,|go to
Christy's, Raccoon township, and he will give you
the best kind of a trade, and'thank you for your
patronage besides.
Freedom, December 30th, 1872.
*'■ Bodily : -vv ; ; A ,
* ■ Physical infimifies arc
are always sick. No matt, woman or child is uni*
(dimly in perfect health. Much, however, of the
sickness and suferiDgwhlch render life a burden
to so mkny of our fellow beings is-due to care*
lessness and neglect. A ‘ mighty antidote to, the
leading cause sot disease baa been provided. It
la as batmlessasit <ls efficient: Nio poisonous
drugentera into its composition. It is; si* unde*
filed and aperient, of which evety
la vegetable. This..unexceptionable
preventive .and restorative medicine is not “a new
thing nnder the sun;” ! HoatetterV Btoibactf Bit*
ten will soonhavefbeenhefoielhe world s qnafr
ter of a century; and ttie not too; much to av# ::
thattbon sands, aye, tens of i tboneands, ,Bre now
nsing It who would have been .in. their graves
yean igo had they hdt been Strengthened arid sus*
tafned by this whole?ome stimulant. The rapidi
ty w|tb which minor ailment soften become,: when
neglected, obstinate diseases, is well known. Thia
wnlc la famous foe the Immediate check . which It
jgives to those breeders of deadly disorders. The
’ sensation ofiargnor, the sick headache, the ter
voneness. the indisposition to exertion, the nan*
sea, the confusion of brain, the physical debility,
which are intended to premonieb ns of the ap*
proaCh of serious danger, are Invariably removed
by* fo% doses of the Bitters. Vfce fame ol the
preparation *s a genuine specific for dyspepsia,
billions compialntsymalnrlooe fevers, rheumatism
and chionlcTlcbility. is as wide as the world ; and
in these days of infamous charlatanism, when
fierce cathartics, that rob the Invalid of the last
remnants of[ his strength, are advertised as -invig
prants<?),.it[ls indeed a blessing to mankind that
Hostetier’s Stomach Bitters, are everywhere pro*
curable, and everywhere popular. jan3-lm
Soldiers who hare hot received or applied
for addxivml fountyunder the decision of the
Supreme Court of March 20th, 1870. and as author
ized hy the act ol Confrere approved July2Bth,
1866, are notified that lor making stick
application will expire on flftt SO th day of January
1873, Any soldier who wishes to make applicat ion
can have his claim promply presented to the Gov
ernment by sending his Discharge to G. L. Eber
hart, Attorney at Law, New Brighton, Beaver
Co ' Pa - dec2o-2t.
The Teachers’ Institute of Washington county
convened on Monday of last week. A large num
ber of teachers were In attendance. Profs. Allen
and Barlow were present, together with other
distinguished educators and several divines, who
aided in making the session not only interesting
but profitable.
DAVIS—WEAVER—hrNew Brighton, Dec.,2lth,
by Rev. c. H. Johnston. Mtf John W. Davis to
Miss Sue M. Weaver, both of Vanport, Pa.
ber 26th, 1872, by Rev. A. O, Rockwell, Frank
Conkle, M. D., of Hookstown, Pa 1 ., to Miss Sarah
Stephenson, of Frankfort Springs, Pa.
MDSGROVE—DALE—On December 26th,' by
John Smart, Esq., Mr. William Mnsgroye to Miss
Kate Dale, both of East Palestine. Ohio.
ber 24th, by Rev. W; F. Lauck, at St. ClairsvlUe,
Ohio, H. H. Moore, Esq., of Beaver. Pa., to Miss
Sadie Woodroffe, of St. Clairsvtlle, Ohio.
\yYNN—WlLSON—December 3d, at Smith’s
Ferry, Pa., by Rev*. J. B. Wallace, Isaac T,
Wynn, of Sbippingsport, Beaver county. Pa., to
Sarah Wilson, of Wellsville,Ohio.
ERWIN—BA ENES—December 26th, at Smith's
Ferry,Pa., by Rev. J. B. Wallace, Ovid P. Erwin
and Rebecca A. Barnes, both of Green Valley,
Beaver county. Pa.
FRONE—On the 25th of December, 1872, of epi
lepsy, Jacob Fronk, Esq., of Raccoon township.
In the seventy-second year of his age.
White Wheat per bushel.
New Red ••
Rye “ - .
Oats “ “
Corn (old shelled) “ .
Buckwheat “
Rochester Insurance Company, ) '
r Rochester, Pa., Dec. 30,1872. f
A meeting of the Stockholders and election of
Directors of the Rochester Insurance Company
will be held at their office, at Rochester, Pa , on
MONDAY. JANUARY 18th. 1873
. jan3-2t G. C, SPEYEREB, President.
Great Industries
1300 Pages end 500 Eirariis!
IF HUen by 20 Eminent Authors , including
This work is a complete history of all branches
of industry, processes of manufacture, etc., in all
ages. It is a complete*” encyclopedia of arts and
/manufactures, and is the most entertaining and
valuable work of information on subjects ol gen
eral Interest ever offered fo the public. We want
Agents in every town of the United States, and no
Agent can fail to do well with this book. One
agent sold 133 copies in eight days, another sold
368 in two weeks. Our agent in Hartford sold 397
in one week.
Specimens sent free on receipt of stamp.
800 Pages, 230 Engravings,
An interesting and amusing treatise on the
Medical Humbugs of the past and present. It ex
poses Quacks, Impostors, Traveling Doctors, Pat
ent Medicine Venders, Noted Female Cheats,
Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interest
ing accounts of Noted Physicians and Narratives
of their lives. It reveals startling secrets and in
structs all how to avoid the ills which flesh Is heir
to. We give exclusive territory and liberal com
For circulars and terms address the tmblisbera.
Hartford, Ct., or Chicago, 111.
Will purchase and forward any article.
In this city, at the lowest prices.
Parties in the country wishing to purchase Pi
anos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Ones, Revolvers
Nursery Stock, Jewelry, Furniture, Millinery’
Hardware, Drugs, Notions, Books, Stationery,
Saddlery. Carpetings, Dry Goods. &c., &c„ will do
well to send to ns, > All goods will be chosen with
a view to economy, as well as taste and fitness,
and boxes or packages forwarded by Express to
any part of the country Ail orders promptly at
tended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Address
septl3-3m PITTSBURGH, PA.
i J'~i
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