4 THE BEAVER RADICAL SMITH CURTIS, Bbitob. BEAVER. FA* FrUtr MorqUiK) January S* MW. I have sole The Radical to Senator Rutau. As long ago as last August, the preliminary arrange ments to this end were made, and they have recently been consume mated. All accounts for suhscrip- tipn ate payable to the new proprie tor. The accounts for advertising and job work, up to October 12th, 1872, are due to me, and are in the hands of Charles A. Griffin for col lection. Prof. Smith Curtis has charge of the newspaper at present, on behalf of Mr. Rutau, as Editor and Business Manager, with entire control of its columns. The sever ance of my connection. with The Radical is complete; it may or may not be final. The Radical will continue to be conducted as a radically Republican newspaper, and I commend the new management to the kind considera tion of its patrons. Our friends in Butler county seem to be very much divided on the ques tion of Congressional Apportion ment. The Eagle adopts the views of our correspondent “New Brigh ton,” and demands a separation from Washington county; while the Citi zen prefers a district that does not include either Beaver or Washing ton. As Butler is now one of the large oil producing counties of the State, the- editor of the Citizen thinks they would be better suited if placed in a district in which the same interest; predominated, and suggests Butler, Armstrong and Ve nango for the Congressional district. Uncle Jake Zeigler, of the Herald , blandly suggests that they take Clarion in place of Venango; and as Clarion is oil producing also, the Citizen , we presume, will not object to the change; and if the Herald and Citizen agree in this matter the thing is done. While We have just grounds of complaint against the Republicans of Washington county, we have no desire to see our friends there slaughtered by a connection with Greene and Fayette, and no appor tionment will be passed that will not leave Washington county in a Re- N publican district. Our member of Congress elect lives ” in Washington county, and he is so highly esteemed here that no bill will be satisfactory that does not give him a district in which he can be re-elected accord ing to the established usage of the party. In accommodating themselves the Republicans of Butler must under stand that neither Beaver nor Wash ington will be sacrificed, and any combination that does this will not stand. A Bimoß Is afloat In pb litical circles here and about Harrisburg, that it is in contemplation, by those having the power to accomplish their pur pose. to give Senator Anderson, ol Allegheny, who has been looked upon all along as the com ing man for Speaker of the Senate, the.go-by, and continue Mr. Sutan, of Beaver, in that position, four correspondent does not wish to be under stood as vouching for the truth of this story. It is merely given as a rumor about the hotels, which may or may not be true. It is alleged as one of the reasons for this probable change of pro gramme, that the friends of the Pennsylvania Hailroad Company in the Senate, have not suffl- cient confidence in the nerve or backbone of the amiable little Senator from the Twenty-third ward, v Pittsburgh, and that they are somewhat loth to tie to him. However this,is, it is certain that “Bu tin, 1 ’ as his friends call him, has established a very enviable:reputation as a presiding officer, who can wield the gavel with ease,grace and de- cision. In fact, as a wielder of that innocent ivory instrument of parliamentary law, the distinguish ed gentleman from Beaver is a decided success, and the writer is hugely mistaken if the aforesaid is not now only commencing a political career which will ran fir up into the pictures, ere he reaches his fiftieth year. James S. Bntan has the stuff in Cor. PMtbvrgh Chronicle. We are authorized to say that Mr. Rutan is not a candidate for Speak / er of the Senate, and will not be un der any circumstances. Under a usage as old almost as the Com monwealth, he is not again eli gible for two years to come. There is nothing whatever in the story, as so such a proposition was ever made or entertained; and the first Mr. Rutan ever heard of it was when his attention was called to the above correspondence on Monday last, on his return from a visit to Ohio. ‘ M. S. Quay. THE SOLNBBIP BOinfTy LAND Section i; Rvery private' soldier, musician and officer who served In the army of the United States daring the late war, for ninety days, and eras honorably discharged. Including the -troops mustered Into the service of the United States by virtue of the third section of the act entitled “an act providing , appropriations for completing the defense of Washington, apd for other purposes*” approved Febrniry 18,1863, and every seaman, marine, officers or other person Who served in the navy of the United States, or in the marine corps during the laie war, for ninety days andwho was honorably discharged, and.the widow of any anch soldier, musician, seaman, marine'or officer,- or if there he no snch widow, his orphan children un der 31 yean of age, shall be entitled to enter a quantity of the pnhlic lands (not exceeding 160 acres, or one quarter section, which shall be com posed of continuous tracts according toa legal subdivision, including the alternate reaerred sec tioaa ofpnbllc lands along tholiM of anynllroad or the public work, or other lands subject to entry nndsrtke homestead law ofthe Unlted States, and receive a certificate of such land .without the pay mcntof anyfmoneytherefor. Section 8. Each entry shall be made in the name ofthe person entitled asabovo 'to make the same, either in person or by agent, under each regulations as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe, and the patent for the lands so entered shall be issued only to such soldier, musician, seaman, or officer, or his widow or orphan Chil dren, as provided for in the first section-of the act- Bat, any sale of snch land or any interest therein, or any powe rof attorney authorizing such sale or other contract or agreement in anywise affecting or concerning any such land, made, executed or entered into prior to the issuing of the patent therefore and the actual delivery of the same to the person to whom it has been issued, shall be of no value whatever, bat shall he null and void. Section 8. The secretary of the interior shall prescribe roles and -regulations to carry the sever al provisions of this act into effect. The above bill has passed the House by a vote of 105 to 62, after a long and sharp debate on its mer its. It how- goes ,to the Senate, where it will encounter strong oppo sition, and probably be amended in some important particulars. The Homestead law provides for free homesteads, but requires actual settlement as a condition to posses sion of title. The Solders’ Bounty Land bill gives to the soldier 160 acres without money, and free of all conditions of settlement or improve ment, and it is this feature of the bill that is objectionable, because it seeips to violate the spirit of the Homestead law, and provides facili ties for land speculators to purchase and hold the public lands to the pre judice of those seeking homesteads. We are, however, heartily in favor of any just measure that is meant to reward the soldiers for their inval uable services, and especially this present bill to grant them 160 acres of land, provided the person tended shall receive the full benefit of the donations, and not the land speculators. In regard to this mat ter we cap attention to the follow ing correspondence, and advise sol diers and others interested to circu late the petitions and send them in at once, as suggested by “Private Soldier:” New Bbighton, Pa., Dec. 30, 1872. Editor Beaver Radical ; Prior to the adjournment of Congress for the holidays, a bill was passed by the lower House, giving 160 acres of government land to “every private soldier, musician, and officer, who served in the army of the United States during the late war for 90 days, and was honorably discharged,' 1 &c.; also every seaman or marine, and the widow or orphan children of such soldier, seaman, marine, &c., —if the children are under 31 years of age. This bill was sent to the Senate, where it is now awaiting action, and some fears are expressed that it may there be defeated. To show to our body of Senators the wish of those to be benefltted, large meetings of soldiers have been held in dif ferent parts of the country, and petitions prepared and sent, urgently requesting the passage of the bill. There is great danger of the defeat of this most righteous bill. As is well known, the Senate of the United States is a very slow body in action upon bills of this character, and it may there be defeated. It is very necessary that the soldiers should move promptly in the matter, as Congress will re-convene on Monday next. Beaver county soldiers have an interest in this bill, and they should see to it that their efforts are not wanting to aid in the passage of it. Petitions are now being circulated in New Brighton, Roch ester and Beaver Falls, and it is desired that every election precinct shall be thoiongbly canvassed, and the name of every soldier put on a-petition addressed to the United States Senate.- \ Here is'a chance for each of us to procure, free of charge, 160 acres of good land, in part pay for our services in the camp and field. We cannot afford to throw it away.' It is unnecessary to say to men who have suffered the dangers and hard, ships of a soldier's life, that this is a proper move on the part of Congress. The Homestead law, thongh|giving every one the right to settle upon and own 160 acres, does not meet the case of the soldier. It isan insult to ask a man who has lost a leg and arm, to go and settle in a fiur d latent territory, amid the wilds and the unoccupied plains of the great west, in order that be may possets a few acres of land, which he has sacrificed his limbs to secure to the govern ment. There are no men on the face of the earth who have as much right to these lands as we have, and let us do our best, boys, to get a ahare of the broad acres. Set the petitions going, and have every soldier's name on them \>y Saturday night next, if possible. Iwonld suggest that for the present, all peti. turns be put in the hands of comrade John C. Bart, until the whole of the county Is represented and every precinct has-its petition in, when the batch may be "sent to our United States Senator for use in the Senate. > Hew Brighton and contiguous towns are using the following petition, which seems to meet the case: Tothe Senate tf Uu United States: Your petitioners respectfully represent that there is now awaiting action in you body, a bill known as the Bounty Land Bill, recently passed by tbe House of Bepresenaatives, providing that “every private soldier, musician, and officer, who served in the army of the United Stater daring the late war, for ninety toys, and was honorably , discharged,” Ac. v also every seaman or marine and the widow or orphan children of such soldier, sea man or marine, etc.—subject to certain conditions •THE BILL. * 'V * -•h*U land* (a 'tßaOtOk , country la ita hour of greatest need v and Inorder I that wr may i*ai> ■ bOnoiaOlc Oodyto ' To your post, comrades, and Tet uB matter as wo used to. -■ dler’a life, toy acting with onemlnd heart. Gaft. John Hall, ap pointedMarshal of -the Western - District of Pennsylvania, bap been confirmed by tW Senate, and will take charge of the office bn Monday next. 1 That he. will make an efficient and popular officer, there is no doubt whatever; and while we did not approve the manner or reason given for his appointment, we are well pleased at his promotion. Mr. Murdoch, the retiring Mar shal, whs one of the bes t officers that ever filled that or any other office, and had he not chosen to resign there would not, so far as we know, been any disposition to have a change, although he had filled the office for two;and a half terms. He carries with him to private life, the respect and esteem of all those do* ing business with him during his long term in the office. John Hagan, Esq., the member elect to the Legislature from Greene county, died on the evening of the 24th ult. He was fifty-eight years old, and was a man of ability, re spected and s esteemed by all/who knew him. His death, it is said, occasions thq first vacancy in the.) House of Representatives that has ever occurred from that county. In Clearfield county, on Friday last, a vote was taken, as provided for in the Local Option bill, on tbe question of license or no license. The prohibitionists carried the day by from 800 to 1000 majority. Clear field is strongly Democratic, and at the October election gaveßuckalew 1437 majority. To the Editor qf the Radvcat: At the Temperance Convention held in the Presbyterian Church of Bridge* water, on the 80th of December, a gentle man whowas endorsed as a law-, yer,” had much to say about .the utter worthlessness of the Local Option Law, to be voted upon by the citizens of Beaver county next inarch. Reasserted that the law would be.inoperative pen alties are attached taa violatiopkof itr and that in excepting, the special laws now ex isting in the several boroughs or town ships of a county, the act repealed all gewfal laws. Will you enlighten your readers a little on these points ? W. Answer. —The lawyer referred to by our correspondent is mistaken in his opinion. The Local Option law does not repeal, either directly or in directly, the law prescribing penal ties for selling liquor without li cense; and if prohibition carries in this county the Courts will not grant license, and will punish under the old law for illegal selling.—-Ep. Rad. FROM BARRIBBURO . A Deserted City—A “Caucus”—Har tranft’a Cabinet—Tbe V.. 8. Senator ship. Correspondence of 'the Radical. has been deserted for a week, and your correspondent has not been able to set eyes on a single politician from whom he could gain information worth communicating. Before this Week closes, however, Harrisburg will be alive with politicians from every part of the State. The caucus of Republican members of the House will beheld on Saturday, in all probability, and the Senate on "Mon day. Qen. Lane, of Huntingdon, who labors under the hallucination that he is a candidate for Speaker of the House, has requested all the members friendly to him to meet in caucus at the State Capitol Hotel, in this- city, on Thursday evening, January 2d, at half,past eight, ?. u.‘That caucus will be like McClure’s Liberal caucus, have but one present, the mem ber from Huntingdon himself, and will, therefore, in all probability, be very har monious. There is no change in the programme about the organization, and it will result as predicted in my last letter. It has been generally understood here since the October election that . CoL M. 8. Quay was to be Qen. Hartranft’s Sec retary of State. His relations with the Governor elect were such that it was be lieved he could have the appointment If he desired, and the leading politicians of both parties desired that this appoint ment be made.# As Col. Quay has not been seen at Har risburg or Philadelphia for some time, some begin to doubt whether, after all, this is the programme ; but these doubts will soon be solved by the official an nouncement.. The Attorney Generalship will fall op Hon. W. H. Armstrong, of Lycoming, op Hon. Samuel E. Dimmick, of Waynei Habbibbubo, Dec. 80,1872. : .,it.- ■ i^s7rv_, ■■ ■■' >tbare to '' •Jad ■ wot* jji that cabinet mtkew swunableto de termine which will be choßen.lnthis dllemmathatmatter Is respectfully re« ferred to sfen* Hartranft, and be most de ddewhichhe wtii appoint. ■. ~r::X : :< Tower harlDK withdrawn Gen. Cameron baa no competitor and from present ap* pearances will have a walk over. M. . Cot. M. 8. Hvxt—lkar Slr; It tats jnstoccur ed to in ay mind that another yew bad potted since 1 lost paid my anbadriptiodto The Rauical, due yesterday,the XBtb,and while I sendyouthe in close dtopay for the paper in my name and that ofC.W, Patterson, 1 cannot refrain from express tog to you the high appreciation in whlchlhave held The BiDicii during the past year, and the aide manner it tats snpportedand ad vocated the Republican party, its candldates,and the great interests of manufacturers and of labor generally. I teas deeply impressed with the opin ion that the great measure of the old Whig and Republican parties—l moan protection toAmeri can labor—was In the greatest danger of repeal from the election of the candidates of the “Dib- Rep-Dem.” party, and I am now. yet more deeply impressed withi that since the death of Hr. Gree ley. Suppose that ticket had been elected, and Ur. Greeley had died after the 4th of March, thee the Vice President - Brown—tbe Free Trader— • would have been President, and then, under his infloence, ohr labor interests would have been ru ined, as 'bad been done before by Vice Presidents, lam afraid of yice Presidents, and I hope an amendment Constitution abolishing that office wiUbe made, and that soon. That office has been nsedas merely a “bob tail to tbe kite," a mere makeweight. On more than one occasion it was made to mar the great measures of the party electing them; and 1 well remember the cam paign when “J. K. Folk and Dallas”were elect ed, that the cry of the Democratic party was “Polk, Dallas, and tbe Tariff Of 1842," and carried Pennsylvania under its influence, and pben in power that tariff was repealed by the casting vote in the Senate of that same Dallas—a citizen of Philadelphia. I feel that our manufacturers, and all persons in terested in Pennsylvania’s great labor interests in Beaver county, owe it to their own interests to subscribe for and support Tan Beaver Radical, With my best wishes for its success and widest circulation among our people I remain Tour and its friend, Jakes Patterson. FROM PHILADELPHIA. Crystal X?alace Company of New York. —New York Jealousy—Centennial Municipal Reformers—The Radical —Edwin Forrest’s Home. i >» [Correspondence of tbe Radical.] Philadelphia, Dec. 30,1872. The Board of Directors of the Crystal Palace Company, of New York, are watching with jealous eyes the action of the Centennial Commissioners in this city; they hope something Will yet turn .up that will result in heaving the Cen tennial Celebration held iii New York. The Crystal Palace Company of New York have already purchased a lot of ground, for which they are to pay $1,700,- 000, and they are now endeavoring lo raise $1,500,000 in cash, byi selling stock at 80 cents bn the dollar. for the purpose of paying lor the ground. Only s2oo>ooo has yet been paid in cash; when this is 1 accomplished about five millions more ate to be raised, to be used ini erecting the building, which is designed to be built entirely around the large area and to jbe 125 feet deep and five stories high. This construction would give a space 125 feet wide and 3,700 feet long for each floor. The court in the centre would be twice the size of Madison square, and would be covered so as to be converted'into a con servatory of the rarest kind. It is claim ed that an iron building; having the lar gest dome in the world could be construct ed for $9,000,000. An iron structure more magnificent than any at present in exist ence, can be built for $7,000,000, while a granite building will cost even less, and a brick one about $4,000,000. ThelWfrwnsin discussing the subject in a recent article said : 4 The business men of New York are awakening to a re alization of the fact that Philadelphia will appear to the world as the commercial metropolis of this country,: if she succeeds iirbuilding for herself the massive struc ture which she hopes to possess by the time the Centennial arrive!.” ; If our citizens would succeed in making it appear to the world that Philadelphia is the commercial metropolis of this country, they must see to jit that in se lecting officers to run the Centennial, em ployees are selected who are possessedof other qualifications than simply knowing how to realize the largest possible “diyvy,” or purchases of stationary, printing, binding, and t»ther supplies. Clerks who are utterly incapacitated fby nature, or art, from-reading a resolution, or inditing a circular, and whose knowl edge regarding what is requisite to make the Centennial a success,; is no gretUer than the average boot black’s around the corridors of the Continental Hotel is con cerning astronomy; are hot the proper gentlemen to be made, at this early stdge, the figure beads of the concern. If they continue to persist in pushing themselves forward to the annoyance |>f the Centen nial Commissioners and t|e discredit of the city, they should he dealt with as ion ceremoniously as some of them havebeen kicked tpnfc and their places Ailed by better meni The belief is growing very strong |hat if the Centennial is to he a success, it must be taken hold of in earnest by | the State; if the falls to coine* to the rescue, then indeed will New York rejoice at; the disgrace in store for us as wen as richly profit by our shortsightedness. Now that the feeling is growing In fa vor of the Democracy in thtscity endors ing the nominations that; the municipal Reformers will make; the half dozen gen ttefnen who manage the political affairs of the Reformers areengagedid making .up their slate for aext year. Pot sheriff tWy talk of making Hod. Chas. Gibbons, Republican, fteir candidate; for Register ofWills, General William McCandless vrtil be made their choice; for Prothono tiuy of the Court of Common Pleas* WmiarnSellerawmbe chosen; for Clerk of lOrphans’Court, Joseph Megary will bejset up, and for City Commissioner, William D. Porten will be invited to ac cept the nomination. Three of these candidates are Republicans and two Dem ocrats. , s .‘ Qnr municipal Reformers will never forgive Mayor Stokley for the drubbing he gave their pet candidate for the Mayor* ally, when he beat him by ten thousand majority, and are now at work, endeavor ing to create a public sentiment that a gentleman of commanding social status must be mayor during the Centennial, and in order to gratify their revenge they intend to ran Henry president of the Health Board, for mayor in opposi tion to Mr. Stohley, believing that he (Davis) is the man who can most easi ly defeat Mayor Stohley; but there is just where they will miss it, for Mr. Stohley would “get away with” Henry Davis as easily as Henry would ; get away with “Brockie George.” The very able editorial in Thb Radical of the 13th lust., was pretty generally diScnssed here in political circles. In criticising it at the Union League, your correspondent heard one very prominent member put this question to the hnot of gentlemen who surrounded him: “Was it lor the purpose of concentrating ail power in the hands of the Nation’s Exec utive that the great Republican party was created?” The gentleman gave it as his opinion that if the centralization now go ing on step by step is not arrested by the Republican party, its- days will soon be numbered, and he rejoiced to see so prom inent a party journal giving such wise counsel, and if followed by the party press generally the wrong would be remedied, and the Republican party would continue to exist as the party of power for a score or more of years. The pestilence which stalked broad cast throughout our city last winter and spring and which sent 5,000 small-pox victims to the grave, is chargable to dere liction of duty on the part of the Board oMlealtb; to prevent a recurrence of so dire a calamity the Legislature will be asked to take from this irresponsible Board the cleaning of the streets, remov al iof ashes, and garbage. A bill to effect this humane purpose : and reformatory measure has already been prepared and will be submitted to tbe Legislature early in the session. It meets the cordial con currence of his Honor the Mayor of the city, as well as all who fear a return of thb fearful epidemic which so recently left us, and all the city members of tbe Legislature. Last February the community was shocked by news of the dreadful murder of Mrs. Oskins, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Mr. Prank Register, in this city, by her husband, WmH. Oskins, a prominent politician of a local charac ter. Oskins was acquitted because he murdered his wife “during a kind of sud den and instantaneous paroxysm of in- The murderer has been in pris oh during the three months since his ac quittal, and on Saturday last his counsel appealed before the Court to argne his sanity and secure his release. On the trial for murder a score or more of reput* able persons swore that Oskins was in sane. At the hearing on Saturday an equal number testified to his sanity, be-- - Moving him to be a safe person to be at large. District Attorney Mann wisely took the ground that until evidence was presented that would satisfy the Court that there would be nu return of “instan taneous paroxysm of insanity,” the pris oner should be kept in confinement, and until that is done the Judge remanded him to prison. “The Edwin Forrest Home for the sup port and maintenance of actors and ac tresses decayed by age or disabled by in firmity,” is to be built at his late country place, called Spring Brook, near this city. The great tragedian leaves about two mil lion dollars to maintain the institution- His very valuable library and picture gal lery are to be taken to the Home,This, excellent provision to promote the health of the inmates of the Home is contained in Mr. Forrest’s will: “Also as a means of preserving health, and,- consequently, the happiness of the inmates, as well as to aid in sustaining the home, there shall be lectures and readings therein, upon oratory And the histrionic art, to which pupils shall be admitted upon snob terms and under such regulations al the mana gers may prescribe. The garden and grounds are to be made productive of profit, as well as of health and pleasure, and, so far as capable, the inmates, not otherwise profitably occupied, shall assist in farming, horticulture, and the cultiva tion pf flowers in the garden and conserv atory.” The great heart of Edwin Forrest shows itself inthese words, also contain ed In his will: “Should I leave no later will or codicil, my friends who sympa thize in my purposes will execute them' in the best and fullest manner possible understanding that they have been long meditated by me, and ,are very dear to my heart. They will also remember that, iny professional brothers and sisters are of ten unfortunate, and that little has 1 been done for them, either to elevate them in their profession or to provide for their necessities undeßsickness or other misfor tunes. God has favored my, efforts and given me great success, and I would make my fortune the means tQ elevate the edu cation of others and promote their sue* cess, and to alleviate their sufferings and smooth the pillows of the unfortunate in sicknessor other 1 disability, or the decay of declining years.” V * The mayor 6( onr city, Mr. Stokiey and District Attorney Mann, are deter mined tp punish crime in this ciiy, an d so fer as they are able, intend to on the evil practices that exist here. “Brock ie George” a professional burglar was competed and sentenced last week to an imprisonment of thirteen years and gy Q months.. Philip Mason; an associate of professional thieves, was convicted of lar ceny and sentenced to three years fo. prisonment. Neil Warrington,for keeping a disorderly house, got one year and a fine of $lOO and costs, and on Saturday the police made a raid on a gambling house at No. 281 Dock street, and cap. tured thirty persons, each of whom were fined |3OO and costs, and Nat Marks, the faro dealer, and Jack O’Brien, the propri etor of the concern, were held in $1,500 each for criminal prosecution in the Ses sions Conrt. Both the Mayor and Dis trict Attorney are recipients of the high est commendation for the official zeal dis played by them, and the public trust it may continue, which hope is shared by [From the Philadelphia Press.] FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIDIS. . Perhaps no jast case has been so abun dantly abused as that of the claims of American citizens for spoliations commit ted by the French prior to the 31st day of July, 1801. Never was the old adage, that “Procrastination is the thief of time,” better illustrated than in the history of this claim. Originally twenty million dollars, upon which interest has been ac cumulating for seventy years,it is now pro posed to pay the claimants in full by giv ing them five millions—one-fourth of the original demand—w ithout interest. Forty, three Congressional reports in their favor have been presented. Senator John M. Clayton, of Delaware, spoke two days, on the 23d and 24th of March, 1846, in sup port of them. Senator Sumner, in his report of April 4, 1864, sustained the great Senator from Delaware in an able and eloquent argument. Madison, while Secretary of State in 1804, Webster in 1835, Everett in thesameyear; Clay, while Secretary of State under Adams, in 1825, and Edward Livingston—all sustained the claims. Statesmen like Qusbing, Choate, William Wilkins of Pennsylvania, Tru man Smith of Connecticut, Pennington of New Jersey, Crittenden of Kentucky, and Clingman of North Carolina, all sup ported them. New York in 1840. Ohio in 1847, Louisiana in 1848, Massachusetts In 1841, ’44, ’53, and ’56, Maine in 1840, ’44, ’56, and ’57, Connecticut in 1838, '43, and ’44, Delaware in 1843, Rhode Island u 1832, ’43, ’46, and ’56, Maryland in 1845, Alabama In lB4l,New Hampshire In 1839, ’4l, and Virginia in 1851, solemnly and repeatedly invoked and urged'the Gov ernment to deal justly with these claim ants. And as showing the deep personal and financial interest Philadelphia and Pennsylvania hsve in this subject, it is only necessary to state that in 1838 eighty-six of the most substantial citizens of Pennsylvania followed the most univer sal prayer of other states in demanding the passage of some act of reparation to the American claimants against the French. Among the signers, were Wil liam Heister of Lancaster, Thomas P. Cope, Charles Jared Ingersoll, Joseph R. Chandler, William M. Meredith, and M. W. Baldwin of Philadelphia, George M. Kiem of Berks, John Dickey of Beaver, George W. Woodward of Luzerne, and James Pollock of Northumberland. We gather these facts by a glance at the record, and as practically and tersely sus taining them we would direct attention to the speech of Hon. Simon Cameron, Sena tor in Congress from Pennsylvania, on Monday last, printed at length in The Press of to-day. As the subject ilselt is one of deep interest to the whole country, and inclusively to Pennsylvania, we are quite sure the remarks of General Came ron in support of the bill so cordially ad vocated by the distinguished statesmen “we have named will' be carefully and profitably read. From the Pittsburgh Commercial. New Brighton, Pa., December 21, 1872. One of the most pleasant events of the season occurred at Siemon’s dining hall, in this city, yesterday evening—the cele bration of the battle of Drainesville, which was fought December 20th, 1861, and resulted in a complete victory to the 'fitfonsylvahia Reserves. The meeting was organized by calling Colonel David Crltchlow to the chair, and Lieutenant Colonel 6. L. Eberhart to act as secretary. The chair stated, in his usually happy manner, the objects of the meeting, after which, upon motion ofMajorC. K. Cham berlin, a committee of five on tdasts and sentiments was appointed-’ At this point in the proceedings, our host, Siemon, announced that supper was ready, to which all present repaired with hut little urging. It is wholly unneces sary to state thatample justice was done to the plentiful supply of good things with which our comrade,, George, had ladened the table. The paucity of frag ments after we had closed the feast must have given George the most satisfactory evidence that the quality of his viands was fully appreciated, and that all present were In the full enjoyment of vigorous appetite* !The irst course finished, Major Cham berlin announced the toasts prepared by Trefoil.