The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 30, 1873, Image 1
. . ••'. . . . , . , •• . • - . . . • • • I • -: ..- ..-• . -- -„_ . . • . , . . • . . • Tmenimmkt, __.._ ADVERTISEMEN*S.• . . ._ . . . Advetisementsare 113. sert ed at the rati3 • N or 8100 per square for first insertion, and - - fr '' '' V. • , _ . B lloistuger , , _ . . -2 ; ...cp .o T. ~, • ..,. • , 3 for each subsequent Insertion 50 cents. 1 . ..,... A liberal discount made on yearly ad-. •-• ~ , I it ••• - _F, - • . • , vertisements. ~ . • ~ -• • . . -5; . 1.. L • , ; , . A space equaLto ten lines of this typo . § .. - , -.. l'.' .::‘, • . - ..' ... measures a square. ~• .. . • Ad - . . . ... Business Notified set under a head by • , . , tuetuselves itutnediately alter the local • - . news, Will be charged ten cents a line . f3r each insertion. Vol. 55--No. 17. . .. • _ . , , .. . ..'• --..: - Beaver - ..bwi;j7 Advertisements should be handed in ‘ 9 .5: !1.,: 1, .:ore Monday noon to insure insertion - . „ . . I a that week's paper. _ .. ____ _____ _ _____ _ _ .. --. . -- ______-___. I— ----- • - . J r it' airOatia. • I Ingurance. Goo ds. Drr -• • - , •, • ,_. ... Business Directory. „ . . , . . , lopaiLtiosuts.. , -iiiriellstritalt,Pr.*arxs& • BEAVER. ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY- , . : Ail WI ER WIN & CO., riLll.l"3:l7l4cill t A3:—.4- 'ondeturelThae Table _ F. H. AGNEW, J.ll. Ilt7cuariar. OF ERIB PA. , ACNEW a BUCHANAN, . Cash Capital , $250,000 00 . r Attorneys at Law. Asssets. Oct 9, '7l 311 948 29 -- 7 - iii; 3.: Third Street, Bearer, Penn's. ' oct9-1y ; Opposite the Arg". . 6llll _ c ____ Liabilities, - ,-.- ; , • _._ - rot Ex 1200 00 _ - ..,......... J. F. DUNLAP, ---- i MOW Attorney at Law-. Once w the Court House, 10. NOBLE President; J. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt. IMPORTERS 'No : Deaver, Pa. All business promptly attended to. H. W. WOODS. Treasurer, - onaysZ.2,ly. Tnos. F. GOODEICII, Secretary. l ._ _ . 911,,.., I Ilt THOS. DON:MB-10 will practice his pi:, DIRECTORS: . , ANS. , 1./ferslon in Heater and surrounding country. Hon. 0 Noble,Eric Hon. Geo. B. Delameter, 1 r Jobbers . 4110 -: . once in the Border building, ;id street.. Bea•et, .1 w Hammond, do' Meadville, Pa. 112.8`. , i : Pa. aPr23-iVr lion Belden Nlarvin, dot Hon J P Vincent, Erie . . - MU*, x i t J LA W.RF.2‘; Cf.—Play eiciati and Surgeons Hiram Dag:refl. do Henry Rawlo do • $l5 , ,irri• once, In room formerly occupied by 1.:, S. Charles II Heed, • do t G T Churchill do ~- 'Rd , • • Revenue Assessor, 3d Street, Beaver, Pa. II S Southard, dolCapt I S Richards do - ' - Ism. - . w n sten-lit. do Richard O'Brian, do AND .... - . H NV Noble, do - ,1 0 11 Gibbs„ do .. • • i Vir . MiLLEIL-Physician and surgeon oflire _it. ... J Englehart, iloiJohn It Cochran, do • S.) • that formerly occupied by Drs. 51cliiney .t. j It. -..,;(..„. . dl5l Hartlebb, .do . (Nit Kt ''a Lawrence—Residence, Dr McNutt's house. W H Abbott, Titusville. Capt D P Dobbins, do .4.3.1 y Jno Ferti,l, Titusville.' 1140191 1. LL K. NDS OF JOB WORK neatly and expo Policies issued at fair rates and liberal term!. . RETItILERS .. . sm, . 600 .:).. dittouely executed at the .41161.'s once. Insures against damage by Lightning as well'rts - • . ;. , r* fl A. SMALL- Attorney at law. Beaver. -Pa., Fire. CHAS. H. UITRST, Agq.; Rochester. Pa.. Dee. gi). 1871: lit . - ....". Office Mute Court House.. deMt.s-tft 1 • . - , _ ToUN B. YOUNG, Attorney at Law. ditce and _ _._ --- -----, D „ Crestihae A 1110 - • lints ij residence on Third st., east orate Court House. 0. L. EIMULIART W. L. 8EL.199 . 11. —OE - Mansfield- 1205rst , linen:less promptly attended to. aorl - ily_ Orrvllle 913 A Word With ic ou ! c . T 11. kic';REEIRY, Attorney at Law. Oalce on I ' Al li ance..., ' 420 4 „ Third st., below the Court House. All bum. 1 If you want to buy property, Rochester - . 655 1.- s promptly attended to. Jen, •litti lf you want to sell property, . •'' -' Pittstnu•gb I,` l'. !it 4- - JAMES H. CFNNINGIIAM. If you want your house insured, ' Cr No. 1 daily except. , 1 5.74 k . .-t. 1 - ..• Attortvijs at Law. Office east end of Third it you want your goods insured. DRY-G0.01..R, ~ 8, daily, exeepteraiday; .4. street, Beaver, Pa, mar:10:70;v If you want your life insured, F. B. .1119. Oen , , -Agent. '. .-..-- ' t -- - - - It you want to tr.rure armirialawlttent, i i ENLOE' MEHZ. Manufacturer and Dealer in It you want to lease your house, • - ...---,-•-..., 1. 1 Boots. Shoes and Gaiters; Main at- Isepilsily If you want to hire a louse, - - - CLDVELAND & prrrsstrtuut imumoiku. I, — h'. liDlttG STORE ,Dago Andru-ssen If von want to buy a farm, , .. I On . and after Dec. 49, 1879, trairuitirill ionic Et k ru V ;,, E •vist .t., Apothecary, Main at. Prescrir. If you want to cell a farin, ' • ' stations daily (Sundays excepted) arfoßciws. • t: *us carelully contpuunded. t setilSils If you want any legal writing done, J©B LOT S • Do pert all to call at the office of ' ~ . . 001.19.600111., . .. , - _____ __ _ iinoSs HAIL Iryst ietioa NEW 116161T0N. Eberhart a..Bedison, j --.—.—. _ ~ EILAL iNSURANCE AGENTS . *Cleveland. 830asi 163r7t 400rit • '' i CHAS. COAL E. Dealer in paints, oingisss,naile. , AND Hods= 973 304 618 %.....,- plslc-glnsa, looktr;-glasses, frames, garden ' Real Estate Broltere, - Ravenna_ .. .... !.015 - 333 348 - and tlinver.seeds and Lucy Louis. Falls street, .... ~,,, FRON_L - Alliance • - 1110 418 , MS :.,sv Brighton. ~,,p 2. 7 . 7 , 4 3 Zia 023 Broadway, New-arignton, - . Bayard ... 5144 • .444 . au--2-tr] 7ISENER & BINGHAM,. anufacturere (Hear ' Beaver county, Penn. Wellsville ........ liCiets 600 , our stages, buggies, spring-wag,..ns, buck-wag -- . " - • ____— • - ens and vehicles of every descriptioo, Bridge -S•. 1 -) rolcssional Cards. ' M -IL 1 Eli 611"3 01=1, ' Pittsburgh...'....: 310 •: i BNII ,. • .. • .._._ l'.oth pro.:.tical workmen. Successors to Georg, UOING NORTU. a Metz.,- mar6l) ._ . — amartoms. RE s att.. 'SP'S. Aceo. - ;• -.-- - -, I.ANrNECEER, dealer iii - Watenes. Clocks I ' -,.d Jewelry Repairing neatly executed, GILB'ERT L. EBERHART. . • Pittsburgh .... .... (Mak I 15Pn Broadway, near Failt- err. nor l'7l-1v . Wellsville ..... -... 'Sa5 8411 • ..e-I..ttorney at Law, AUC T ION Bayard - • 100 413 i W. NIPPER'''. Baker & 4.• onfectiouer: lei-- Alliance 1125 517 725.ait w di eras prompt attention to cotlections. •orts , •.1 • crt•am, Oysters. and (same In st...u.sou. Bulls. [ [.. Ravenna :212pN 555 .1 815 . , L . . , ID:: bounties and pensions, buying and selling i ?lc. Nits, 55 Idd tags. A c.. supplied no, I Hudson 1243 tint I tui . . ! re:I! .•,“ .t... vie Nic . sl WALL ACE. Dealer in I tsl:2 - 1 - ii ..t. A turtle:in I.Ill•••• on Bi.tull ,, ay. opti,sin. It I.: &11. llootie.• I • Cleveland I i 115 720 11015 I ' I Marble. Man:tartar - . Monument , , 1, nice MD kin , : H.,u...•. •••••,. P- i •I, t, 11. 11.••.‘cr Co., Pa. I II _____ 5i..11.., &I. abs at reasonable prices Rai !Iliad rt.. , ~....p I t i • I eaves. A r mo r yes. il -tr nf.v. Dep. t. New Brighton [-e1,27 : , . __ I 8 ~ LE 8 Bayard 1210 &SOD p. m. N Th1170.3;0087 730 p.m. RANT and Earl S.. F-, jAjes ekt,rppovi' JOHN Y. LIAI3'. I N.Phila. 6:40a.m. CLipra. I Bayard 9;15 a.m..94 P.m. li t)N . .L ~ r ur iN )eAl l v i t. & le l'N al ' . l btnir' tal , ir P. U p 1.1 11 t . (I ~ It t. 1 ' ' 1 lik.t _ .liti DiViii/ON. 11. the. &lira. s-.t 01 the season Prices lon k% in C A 411 E RON (C. 7. 1 A RKS. 001150 EAST. st Ichlund err IA Paul and Broady:ay t02.21 - 11:1 I --- ;iA - ii . ori7C. -- A7C0.74 , libiliCitn .ThrATC — LOII ~.. .i.. .1 - sN ELLE,: BLitt,. Merchan t rubor.. ' 1 i' • tirt,ad,NN. New 1.0 - biiipb :ter tat', 0.10 41 ) ....A l ._. tt ( ..) • - I - 1. 0 \ :-.; :it, 14•1 - \ " -----I-- Il .. Bellatr .... I 'MA34.1050/.2 535pN ....... ii N(1,:.. Nll,dol , raphen N• 01• boll , Block rid ilt•zt 1 I.lst :tit` A ant•trits... Nos. 172 11116. 174, Bridgeport II 555 1100 245 ..... I . Br“ad , j3. Best p h otographs iron' re-totitt, , - Stettbeliwillc...... 657 1212 pat 445 ... .. . Wellsville II 815 2:15 620 e I nezatl, es ,sepli:l l . . - ' R o: - .h este,r. PEI., , . Rochester. inn 233 713 BEAVER itj. LLS. I WIII ,111,1,tt prOTllptl to all business entrusted to - Pittsburgh 1 1040 340 fao '' 7 •. ___ _ , 1 . r . 4 , , 110 II errs. 111,f1 have •IIiKTIOT raft:ll.e. 1.1" NI) tub GOING SLAY, , 'l . ll. ItOBEIt.T.SON. D.,der In the }nags (••• , illioi-o'il. - 4 real eStlitt.. v Ilt.clitly ....- ‘N braced Domestic senliu.: Machine, Ladle- 1 Federai • Ntreet STATIONS. I , Rau. Exes. Acces Accomi colt and be culls 1110,1 Main ....t., B. Fah' , i.v.:l 1 -." . 1 -..--...- Pittsblitgb • Ii tifl)ar 115px 495 Pa L' TEN" E'NSON A - . WITTISIL Land office. pi , : Rochester ..... ... ~ 749... N) 1 580 .. - iPenn St , Pittstitir.: h. and 13 -arsr Falls. It.• [ [ Wellsville •I 830 3 . .:0 1 700 N rt . CO.. Pa. t111:Zt . ...-,0 i Steubenville ....I. 1/30 4.tNi . 'Mt , . ‘ 1111.1:- Ni. , Bridgeport 0 1100 • friZ ; 9t15 I ) 't ' i l i . t E is " ,i• A c E . l" M„, & :ii '''( S.l N :l i i ) eia '' ‘ -',: ; ' l' i r t ills se i ,l - :: , ., ' ...0., , .., , . 1. Belloir OHIO 540 . 9.9) .4v:l -- F- IL MY& - , see and Ticket At BRIDGE VI .ITE It F WEI7 - .3IAN. Manntucture of Bow.. A•shoe Bridge St. lirirljewater. ( _ _ Shady -Side l'hotuqraph el • I rv, - ,!.t floor, Dunlap'' corner, uppop•te tor, bridae. linth:evrater. Pa. :I,rlll-1 Brltt;.7v rtrvet., . 2 • Dealer (;,,d1 and Sliver Wußla:,, Jewelry and Silver Wnre.Spec , :t6...s. SC Wairil r. Clock. and Jewelry repairedv A NIEL SIILLER, Frultrionlible N,.;,• I I' A bat rsz,:crlenced workmen employed. .n ri(1;:e Bridgewater, fen.s - 7141.) . . C. HURST. Dry GOWN. Mai., Caps, eiirs, 1 • 4. 'ari. , tr. Oii and Trimming". Drift! , BrlfEr,v.:rtor, enepl l;ly ROC UESTE r,17 w.JOHNSON-1) , -.;.-rWa , . 1 Pap. ”f 1 loud-. 06-CloTh. iLdos.v Satchel-: I.lBAret.,; Toy carli-: and l'or- of every dercription. Ne:o. Ot - 110,2u.1y L) lON CASTER 41.0FSE. —David Won Proprio. L :or. Pro lioho P4 1 .1t.a , It. K street. 00,20-tf KENNEDY S vb, ;sncce,,,or. to V. m. 1 Buechling.l Drug:zists and CM•mists. Pre - , •rir Dons carefully compounded at all hours. In Ilk.. Diamond. RocheAter se;.i, it 11 - 7 ! t.. CO.. Fancy Dry Goods, No , 1 lions and hbilliwiry. Madison st., near Dia mond, Rochester, Pa (sepl4;l s -Ffrigl(cl4l'2,-Itaatactontr .atiol.:Alakrr-in unaltnie,er 4dg-itlon: te—,, alsoce ?low Factory. See adv't. -(stpltly AMTIEL C. EIANNEN, Druggist. Prvec-r:p tions carefully compounded. Water ,t.. 0,1 , 1 Sa v L 2 PEI - 1311E1i tqi:SS„ holepale.t C's er, In Dr) liood,,,Groceriee,Flour,F , A, l ira ., Nati*. Col Water A MILLER e: CO Cortn [tors an ~ r .1i • M. uufacturertg of Sail, boor.. Shutl , r, Lumber Lath COTT, BOY LE at WILLI A M. Succer.or.. to C. Luk co De-tOvr, to t•awed and Platted h,r. Loh Shnorles. liocto,o r ,1,2h.1 'ICFwLER It CLARK. proprietor 6 of John- Lood aceommoihttidns and :..70 , 0 rtn Nenr It. R. Depot ALLEGHENV CITY: Vi..l.S.WlNANS,Elertrical Phyeici.m: chr. , nic l / dicea.e . myth. a .recial , .y. ()Mc.% 1 , 7 W.,-1 - 1 1. elltlv. AUCZtiCIty ; ly 511,44:ELLANEOUS. I It SNE.-‘1), Pmalom. Bearer 19 • deal..r StilTt'a and Planed I.rmr.cno i tot, Flat. and Claus, built to order. jan....71...y i STi URN! LEY. Mannfilm ur , r of Ihp rl Repull!ir 'nob: :11.: c. raid Pete i!...• oI 1 . .. r cell!re_ 1..1 D. CONE, M. D., late or Dutlitot, • havin:.! rotoovod to I.;rl;:htt.h. otr - medical sonlooN, to al It- hratoh••••. to tho of the cue and ,urroo.roilltz colthfr2, o:•i. • hex of tool 11-... darn. 3.1 isrel hi tiro rt., NV. i3.11-Z.14L1.:1?, ti. 1131k,r lilil!!!ffilEM!111!M3Eatilr!III!1/111Mill CI-IMMO LITHOGRAPHS, Lelloya )1)11, ,! I of 'fOor.l 1' I' . rano - - of a" Isll.l-... A%, hut.,:', :,b .v.. I. .• Homes Still Larger I.'()R THE M 11,1,1( )N.. 1 , 4" , IT tan Aral /.a y :slat r:lin for one-third a thvir 11. e ter Ilene, Till: NATI(i.NAL- ItE 11. 1-:.r4 APE (4 fl , ;( I h:t for valno.tall: to dr-..7 ~ , , ,• -t1 Ii the Middle arid Sotith..•rn . 1;n: ; .•d ~ o rk, grain and /1 farm• - : ' 1 i:Haat:oU, . ibtat") . ncd ,i , ruje, and rural resilenc,.. mud rni/4' wir. Nv r . T . f f o r L4 h ,l R09i.4; r r.i.' .4 I , price urtd tern,. orpro•wrd,.. wt• h,. .I(ldrep , - B. W. CLAL-i.E t (.1 FIIZE l.'•ai FA,r,r , ;7..4 Chidi s ti,;' , ,,. b. 4rts zi t !..1 NV:I 7.1. :e ct NV:ll,ted t'olrneth. - e • ner;;;•.tr !,. ,rt tor NEW' \VII EELEit 11 Itt•ON EW NIA.'IIE• E 11,1 x ut.iy .Tich met, a, ma ;:olort • •taracT-r and ahlaty, and n tevd npi.; v. V, e pay 1n• , ra,.f.,/ ,at.lret, or ht,„ nl r,, , ittitAtitoi., to Prsper teen. (01/0 011 , n mote 1.• •:.11.11; deNtrr t., elttz-1 . T lit n,.1,1v ‘VM. ,I'3lNE2i S CuN., lii) rC h Pa .41,011 D Pus - rout' No•Ch B I' ,VX - Aarice. and Consultat Gnoluzve of .Bifer,,, 31,11-c: OF ,el eral %LOU:2We 0r1,4 can h C011otl!ted un all dlsen.4,, , of It, or Ur-lola-3 , , r,.ttins. , Whlch h•-. 11:,, mad, no ettud,t other In , or rema no Thal t•.r Iron. a hat range orttrotatlng or of how long A practit, ,t 1 year• him eo hest db.. :L., refit t•th t trr.,i. l',l2llCe , reasonahle no,. at a (11,4nnee con fcr ‘, and- letters- di ~crthin mplorls nod cocto-toz. ..amp to prep,i• sen.t fo• the G.tde n, 11,1rh. Price In rent. .1 ft DYOTT. D . PlK,,chte ar,l surzerat 1,1 Ini Dushe St New York. $50,000 Reward distrlhnted 10 nribccriberk to the AM E \ WORKING PEOPLE hi 1F.'73. It 1 .. no. on . Wort:holm:tn . . Tariff - Monthly. hiu tr terse . .turo v.ith Illugrarlon•. Ererp S,Aseriliee Gels a Premiani, from ennts val - e to ..1 , 5c() ui Inn. n. an. It of in ; nI 109 of $!0; :4 , .! of s- , tr n. em , 1:.::) A m-nriettn Walther!„ 11111., r.l . e.cintlnr tt! tqr Ihr!, IlsOf th 3 IN lA.! .:• - t ! Cr). !MEM New Government Loan BANKING James T. Brady & Co., 4th Avenue and Wood Street, PIT Ts Bunu H, I,„\ are preparel t.. exchan. - . 7, te.”e- .••,- •rtlrnentr.ew five io•r cent loan of Uni:.r,!S!,te• 'lames . llyaAm :--:\ T-J.CHANDLEU, .lienti,t, rill continuer fi,;, r , -.6- x opi—v es4 to ',thon al 0pera ..?1tr.....r.„..rt " nuns 111 the dental pro• ...:$;,,,•:-..."- .' 1 • te.,1011 ht Ille. ofike. ..... ~,,.... ~.7.,- .. .e...,, , ,_,.- ' --- - : :- i teat, Cr 1 , 1 al ion, futortws ; lip tile , ' 7 •:", ; ;I " .• : r ;' • ter. All nhoho or hint Z . : ,f.• with a call Ina) expect . " 4 "0%. 0 70.0 ,6 l b to have their o urk dorie in the bert posrible mann .4 - and the moot rearm/ able terms. The hooks of the late firm of T. J. CHASM ; , (IN tire in to. hamiN where all who hare neenuntr please I - al I munwdakiely and Pill le the name ratty orktle.t - r57. Dr. J. Jliiir• 1. deter mined that nu Dentist in the State shall do work better or 1 cheaper than offer! It to et e • ' - Ana hi Irw - He uses the tn••t materials manufactured in the [tilted States. (told and sll ver filltre performed in a style that defies compe• titton Satisfaction L.-liar-tweed In all operations, or the money returned. rtttve him a trhil. letritiv Mahltfactirrers. POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER. ST., ROCHESTER, PA.. ENRY WHITEFIEUT MANUFACTURER OF Sode, Doors,Mottldings,Floor-boards., ireather,boards, Palings Brad,- els, A:c., (cr. Also, DEALLIZS IN ALL KINDS Gl.' LUM BER, SIIINGLE-; AND BUILDING TIMBER. pur7lulsr,l the thrt , Tritorial in. tcre-t ~1 Mr .1. C. Ant::•rson, owncr the ,(11. ly sevvral rtain itnpruve molt, in the constr:;ctlon and jf,intng wk-ath.-rl“ , ard•: and lining--; 1. r houses and tla hoildings, wc are the onfy ver,onq ant 11 ,, riz.;.ti tt nnll:e and • ,. .11 ILP limit , of Beaver c,ainty Par tic; 11th rested w:11 4.1,4 rvt , !: i- Carpenterx' Supplies Crmstantly Kept 111:17 , 11cr 41. a. It. to ortit, Fotindr\ ileirdir Shop MEC =1 1.1% ~-nrs,—,lll-114, whit': time I hut. ..• i.l tal ~T.• 11 pa . '. - r t P•trlr. r Inz trio.l4:l, and I.llrtn (sir `‘_;OO l, (l.NG - —ml,l :Jl:t.r r,t5r.n1.;111:: provt•m• thy. MIS W . Mil GREAT mr - EvirERN ba■ no So pertor for Mb, Ltrealtcy TO S VESI • F Lh • t"'t • JI , 4, at .1( ,0.1.1 k. The Great Republic Cooing' Store fiag'TheLe,t Ifecord of any Stevo, veer offered in IT TAKES LESS FUEL s:;' ROOM TO DO MORE WORK BEST BAKER, 113111111 M () : , ..;'I`IIUnAMLIE A LaY)G ETHER I'll L 1; EST .TUVE In con•lerli ,, ulviln 5t0 , ,1• I late got Up a Plitt.tit I.7.XPEINSION POP, tN Lieh occupies little room, no tulditiunat Curl, and is not liable to wear out, dispen- Fe , , with all pipe, can Le put un or taken off at any time, and made to soil ali stelves of any size or pattern_ . Fives riultdved Per Mon Who have purchased rand used the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Mot Nci/OF.e names have hoer publish ed in the A itc,t - s, are confidently veterr,l hear %A itr.ess of Its supt , rior merits as a c••‘. .king stove. lin‘ity , three :Int cin,s entrinen on hard. of AO it tlfte , n horre powt.rcapacity. they are offered to tie puhtie at relsonahle TWIN Ttiorr:saLE - i. P,1r2.1-t! 00UNtRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE siTuATEDI-2 MILE lIELOkV BEAVER. and having A detlifhtfnl view of The Ohio river and •urroundln7, country; I mile from It ft Sta• tini; house brick. twootorles high. .4 rooms, atm. ball. cellar, porch. etr.; all Enighed; wash-home, pmoke-house, well of water at the kitchen door: new barn and stable with cellar. Nice paling fence in f, tint of property: all well painted: good orchard ru bearing condition. grapes. plumb.. eI T TT/^., gooseberrica. and all kind, of email frnit. R• lit 10 told on reasonable terms. Apply on the preme.4 to the owner,. J. GRAIIAIL ~,r'a 1P c.". 41 • ri r v t.• t th:, n:..rL.t IN l E rrisertf Allegheny CITY. pecla IT Insurance. IZOCHAESTIEIC Fire Insurance Company. INCORPORATED by Um Legislature of Penn pylvanta. February. °Mee one door east t.f Rochester .baringa Dank, Rochester, Deaver county, People a Beaver ronnty can now have their property Insured azaltn t loss or damage by are, at lair rates, In a safe and RELIABLE HOME COMPANY, thereby avoiding the expense, trouble and delay incident to the adjustment of loasea by companies located at a distance. swarm OP DIRECTORS: .1. V. BrDOIIIIId. George C. Spelarar, Samuel H. Wilson, Lewis Schneider, Milli= Kennedy; , John Orsebrog, -.- Marshall Wifoaaik' z --:o43ragllerA, • "^"- =1 (;,E.). 1.. SPEYERER, PILEieT . V. Ptc4 t. 11. J. SPEILIIEr" 7 rows. JORN GIVEr.INU, Ser'y. JY3I:IY Chas. B. Hurst's INSURANCE AND General Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA. Notary Public. and Conveyancer; FIRE, LIFE, :mil ACcIDENT INSUR ANcE; - Anchor" and - National" Lines ocean :sleanwrs " " and -Un ion- A ;I 'tir o ls of to.afrai;re al fair rates and Irh rat min , . Heal Estate bought and sold. Dce , ls, Mortg:tl2, - eo, Articles, written I)c•u>_,iuun+ and Aektn,wletige ments taken, Sr., Sc. ou,is and Honey forwant,sl to all parts of the United States am! Ca Passungeni booked to and from 17tland, Sootland. France n•I Germany .•BT2VA FIRE INS. CO., (It Ilartrt.nt, Cash ascots " tlwir fruit ye know them." L,,e, paid to Jan. 1, IS;l....St:ti,Ullo,nto one of 11,e oltly,t tel wt althie,lt Compa nit, in thy world NIAGARA Insurance Co.. Of New York Caq.) agl-t•tts, ANDES FIRE INS, CO., Of Cincinnati, Ohio. $1,500,000 Cash asseCts, ENTERPRISE 12VS. CO., Of rhiladtiphitt Cash assetts over... LANG'AJSTER Fire Ins. Co. of Laneaster, Pa Ca li Etsset ts ALPS INSURANCE CO., Of Erie, Penna Cash capital, HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of New York Cash assets; Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance CO., Of Hartfo r d, Conn. Cash as.sens over $1,r)00.000. Representing the above first class Insurance Companies. ackno wleciged to he amongst the best and most reliable in the world, and representing a grams cash capital of nearly $16,000,000,1 am en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended o. and Policies written ithout delay. and nt fair rates and liberal terms. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly aid. INSURE Tr DAY? By one day's delay you may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangerous. and life uncertain; therefore. Insure to day/. •• (The today, is worth two to-morrows."— quality, also. id of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article. always proves the deafest. The above companies nre' known to be amongst toe 'best and wealthiest in the world.- - As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed. I hope—by a Strict attention to a legit imate business—not only to merit a continnence of the same, but a large increase the present year. Mr. STEN:IR:v.` A. CRAIG 'stint) , authorized to take applications for Insurance and receive the premium for the same in adjoining townships. CHAS. U. HURST, Near Depot, Rochester. Pa. -•-,,--- ' 1r: 11l GOING 1/2111T. i • ' ' ' 'T ' .310.4. N 041.. No. 7 , etaroxo., 1 . 141 , 411 NA.u. iticir4 -4 -,...-.... Pittsburgh ' " ' 4 . 145a3 -COO= -11111611 Rochester. .... ..1 253* .211,! , 11M 3 ,- , 1 Alliance.. ... .... '515 .- 1345 " Orrville ' ' I, rAI ' 121931 307 - Nansflels " I 855 ": 315 .-, .502 -, 1 ,. j A • lIS 920 400 . .: MO 1 ` t Cnisti-e 1 D •'" WO "tiSal 'IWO Forest' -.1 , 1105- 'T4O ,, less i • Lima. ' " 1 17/331% 1100. , • 115,-- Fort Wayne / 210_ , 1160 1 1205441 Plymouth ' " ! 445 ' • 22535 t r 255- ~, Chicago , 750 - 831 - , 4 MO TUAIIIIII 40LII0 *AST. . litio. & ItiirEr.:o7.3llfl EIpTIONA. I lllisit. Pat az racis3; Chicago • I I 5115 arr Wan 58933 Plymouth...., I 1)15 IIE 1 rn 1 0 ~3 Fort Wayne • i lWrst Lima . 245 - - 407 118a3 Sorest- t . ::.. • 400 608 , 227 1 555 550 405. " : It (Wan 850' 415 - 1 . .... 14 810 719 0= 1 1 .1 MO 020 637 - . ;1113 ". 1100 '825 . 1 850Patf• 111Ims W4s .- 1 4 0 0 1 o ao , 1145 ax exr 'Monday N 04.164;. & No.. 3 5. &HY , 'acrid Ticket,"ik Uentrpi liusenq Manufacturers. J. B. SNEAD Hpa now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL XN EREEDOM, PA., litt‘iing the latest improved machinery for I manufacture of FLOORINGS•. SIDING" L, A TH, &C. &C.: and Is now prepared to attend to the building and repairing of Ste:lllboats Bar flats It &c, quality of Laretbitir< Thtibitrong re alba punnets respecuu fry soncttem larnraers promptly executed. ! aug2-ly WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB TRAX, PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX, Hanlffacturers and Dealers in ressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS. &c• Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDFIRS HI MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the Railroad Station, ROCHESTER, PENN'A. april 19 '7l: lY Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. :;z6,000,000 PRINTING. ITANNILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, hardware, Glass, Straw. HAG AND CARPET 31: 2 ' 301 I M ANTIVACTITRELI And Sold At $1,500,000 Wholeautle it Retail by Frazier, Metzger & Co.. PITTSTEURGII mr - taken In exchange. , . [sec.l9;'69 $600,000 Boots and Shoes. REM OVAL. $340,000 GILL, k BRO. $250,000 Boot & Shoe House, ...$3,500,000 NEW. LARGE t ELEGANT FOUR-STORY I ItoN FRONT WAREIJOUSE, No. 253 Liberty Street, 5 Doors from Head of Wood Streej, And are now teceiving ono or the largest Spring btochs ever brought to this market. An examina tion Foncitetkl by oil buyers berore pnrchaslng elsewhere. All goods sold at THE LOWEST EASTERN RATES Ex.ectiittor's4 Notice. --- E state of Andrew Ate Deteaspd Lette , s testamentary on the estate of Andrew MeMin, late of New Brighton. Beaver county. deceased, bovine been granted to the undersigned, all peraor t s indebted to said estate are rawest! to make immqllate payment. and those , basing claims, to preseut the same without delay to D. MeCALLISTE R. Executor. Biunagwanws, Pa. Post-office address— Care of Mrs. B. A. McMauw, New Brighton. Pa.. or •mar.l;-6wl Box 1:11G, Pittsburgh. Pa. S 2 Third Avenue, W II OLESA LE Have removed to the PITTSBURG,U . • ' • • 'rc - - ' • . • - - . . • . • • • -• . . h. • avly. . .r. , •1 • . . - • , , „ . • .• • - •••• VP'''. • ' • mew_ 111/01"1 DMA Oar lIPT 2". -•- to 1): rapt YUIIUB . - IE2? .. 87' • `-- >, The litimis9En , !liia3BURGIFis 191 lAbetlo sPrlG4ir 1 A.LLEVIENT •vi- Std , ROMP, .. . CA. It X,.. , 'pi T -r.141" i 1,.. PIANOS 'a d ORGANS, ' Aad Muhl !d to general. . Goss aitErlros Tan . UNRIVALED EEL ?MOUE • DINIANB. Maaufactared by ' EL • iamb= a Eon, N. Y. EOM) ON Y TERNS. .1: J. BENITS, T .__. ELM O AGENT, aPrIC:4w NEW C, . _ . A Very rge: Mock ,‘ IMPORTED: D DOMESTIC ' t , C A : R' ET S . 1;i: Oil hs, Svc. LOW PRI CAR= O f ,kind, virriaLE s " 'and RETAIL, ,HENRY - .-?itc,CALLUM, 21 14k- 4 /It AVENUE, as. tgent. • • • Iltriset.) .enursrtraulwastikesita ?eiza. • .:44-3 • • , • ;• Clot = • .•, 11 , 1 i (BOY S UDC. Ilir `- Fine Dress Suits, 20, 24, 25, 27, and $3O - - - 14, 15, 18, and $2O. All Wool Seotch Suits, - 1305, and 520. Boy's Snits, - - - - 8.50 to 515.00. Children's Suits, - - - 4.00 to $12.00• Men's Working Suits, - 10 to $12.00. Jean Pants - - - - 2.00, 2.50 52►,75. Furnishing i Goods. The Celebrated Hathaway Shirt In White and Fancy Cobra PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY Neckwear of all Descriptions, &c All of which will be sold 20 PER CFNT. LESS thou other Dealers BOSTON ONE PRICE Clothing ilonse, 95 Smithfield street, Ta.:::r-2331=azip 178 Federal street, 4113.ab1E51M111717. aprl6sm Eaeoutcaogis Notice:, Estate of Samuel Miller, Deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel Miler at Greene township. Bearer cowl'. PIL. deceased, having been granted to the no erg/ge ed. ill persons having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent are requested to make known the saute wlbont JAMES MILLER. I A. It. MILLER. C— tECU s". Kendall, Pa. mar 21141 w 'MAMMAL , MONUMENTS mars.3ni 11 ead Stones atdrh we &reselling as cheap as any other !Inn In the State. Also OrshiteNonoutents and Head Stanea Ituhished to order at reasonable as they am be elsewhere. Persons whiblity, Monuments or Bead Stones will save money by attllng seeing our stack before purchasing eterebere„ as we will guaran tee to sell a better job for less money than any other 411:1i In the county. . Atp GRINDSTONES AND FIXTURES, CEMENTWPIT'ALL 11XNUS By Abe bb ,sE ci now Taw turrsitrerrsacig GANG WU AWilltalicVNl; BY oar , ra:, Meggpriwz. , was thwi d ig the year 1851 that I took a tr ip Wit the MisagssiPPl as far ealiew Clefeetu,;;Thera to: fall ; &umiak Wail" wealthy ,planter, by..tbe none of Bewley. Our acquaintance commenced this •wise: . - `- wad Oa t quite late one evening, when upon ~, Waving a penes! of the Streebs, mune upon two men; who, bavingaeized.„ and giiiaed a third; were busejipintia loran! and NWT ...atilyedrawing my revel- - ver, I was upowthete In an Wise% but at sight. of me they turned sod Iled . with great dispatch., I then, hastened to the , 'assistance' of their vb4IM and soon ,dlatavered the extent of hie udas WI:P*4O a very uncerem onious stop mge and the loss of r his • watch antlpocket book. „ kleaxpreased a leech vaster , deigned gratitude than my alight service warranted, - and - Witli stew southern. hespitelitY. babied' that T should, next day, return witb: his plantation; which lay a list of some • forty -miles out:from the City. Being etr leisure, I willingly eepted tohi n t e propmd, and early the west morn • we`'4o...entOn.-:berlao 13seltlOrtV Refi la tithal4 6 # o #9; # l 4l l 'demi% country Qn Oaqlsy Diettanu, the' subject: of usalrieulag'i re-eneoun -ter, and inftorned'-;unt that such events were now .of frequent own r- Roc° throughout that section or lite country ao--well es, within the city 1,; There woo behevea to be a dap !Mutt organisation leagued: together for the purpose of enriching them selves by Asnlawlid means; but - so -skilfully had they-anted out their i s h x d owi deidigLipati,ot one of their number bad.Yeti * Xteen, *Plirekendt -..thet ed or emoted by e 1 was natundly_ ,rnuch intereettiff„ and drew , Information possessed by coy host;.theugh with- out arousing the 100 'suspicion as to any prof es sional This organization Consume(' of free boaters and cut throats,• who were al so suspected as being counterfeiters, the,' there was neactuatproof of this last accuSation. Despite, however, their twiny knoWn offences, they eluded the grasp of the law .with eel like lubriCity. Their number, their places of rendezvous, and even the person of their leader were unan swearable queries in the mind of Justice. "But why," I. Inquired, `,!do you not obtain the services oT a gbod de tective. have this matter ferreted I oat, and thus save yoUrselves much personal Inconvenience, danger and alarm?" • "We have already. done so," was the reply. "Our twist aetectives are cotnpletely - nonplussed. Rewards are offered to the amount of three thousand dollars, hut all In vain. But ah! Sere comes one of our neighbors-the richest planter in the countryf and one most active in all measures for the, apprehension of these scalindrelly banditti. Senor (3ondoza, good saasnlng._„ My blend, Mr. , , Senor Dattnuel Gon doze." A tall, dark Spanish looking gen. Aleinan reigned Ina black steed, and lifted his hat courteously in response to• the Introductlon.___ and cheapast In RN SOLD. BY 13ti e URGE 1 PA BET'S. "I weed our.villa on my way rimed com tain.. 'used learned fro m your morn:ant. co ati - edibutu probably meet you on the road." "For which pleasure you must thank Mr. P—n," replied Bromley, laughing. - "I was foolish enough to out rather late last evening, with considerable money about my per son, and, as a return for my careless ness, was set upon by a couple of prdNling thieves, and finally rescued by dhisgentleman, tho' not until watch and purse were in their pos session. Gondora's black brows met in a heavy frown. "The rascally pluuderers," lie mutteted,half under his breath. "I will go immediately to New Or leans," he continued, in a louder tone. "I will set thoauthorities at work,and recover, irixrasible, your stolen prop erty." "I fear your efforts will be useless," was Mr. Bromley's reply. "I was just telling P—n how you have spared neither time nor expense in your efforts to discover these lawless villains." . Gondoza threw a restless glance in to my countenance. "Mr. P—n," he said, musingly, your name seems strangely familiar. I must surely have heard it before !" •'There is, I believe," I said care lessly, "a r detective, of some notori ety in the Western States, of the same name as myself. However, I have never had the pleasure of meet ing him.", "Ah, that is where I heard the name," he responded quickly. "He was recornmended to me for the pre eat case, and I had a strong idea of getting him down. Are you a relit, tive of blar "Not that I am aware of," I repli ed, coolly., flickering a gnat from my horses ear with the point of my ri ding whip. With another penetrating glance :acme, he again lifted his hat, saying: "Adieu, gentleman, I must be go mg on my way." And away darted the black charg er with his graceful rider. I found Mr. Bromley a man of both culture and refinement and he beguiled - , the way of its tediousness by his fine conversational powers. Arriving at Villa Rosa, I found that ittrnerited the name. There *ere roses everywhere, just at the season of full blume. I was intro duced tau charming family, and en joyed their hospitality for threedays. At the end of that time I bade my reluctant host a cordial adieu, and set out en my return to the city. A slight indisposition prevented his ac companying me, but he gave me one of his saddle hones to ride, and sent a groom to bring back the animal ' when 'Was done using. However, I had other aims iti view than riding about the country for the pleasureof sight seeing. ' The groom was an intelligent young negro, possessing more than average shrewdness. I also found that hewaa acquainted with the dif ferent localities, In all the region aroundand about. I decided that he would be a most valuable assist ant in the furtherance of a certain scheme which I contemplated haz arding., This scheme as you may have imagined, was no other than tracking down the prevailing depre dation to their primitive source. I My first procedure on reaching the city, was to hold an interview with 111, , e chief of police. • I.Two• hours thereafter I was ready to start out ,on my self-appointed tali9.3ioll. Isaac, the young negro • was anxious to accompany me. For e.event reasons I had judged it more prudent to leave the horses behind us. al id pursue our researches on ftiut. Wewere both in disguise. I was dressed in a suit , of plain, dark etothee, of the commonest , texture; a I , 3mf, baited black wig covered my Bead, with a shaggy beard to-match loncealed the lower part of my face; enmeeroweeefeet marked about the eye% completely changed the charae- Aim of my countenance, Making me illippeir's mach older man than I real ittirli4s) C 0E4421r: lye s broatiriminedhat..COmPtet- Pli Wirenatume., •- A little skill 'made tip' and a Elat ing' aptitude ' for" rillatlrry; --- trans-- 'rained Wee into a bent and aged neare,nthine pepper and , saltc.wool indallaMialleggeft„coupled with his dilapidated clothing, relied a moe.k ing laugh at his expense, as we pew ed through She busy. atreets—he la. . boriensly, Insinuating ,himself,over the pavement,: tugging at my car - ' will pass over the peregrhaatlone of the Met two days.-:. The, evening of, the third : 'found wt. traversing a atretch of tiniber,mida from thebeit eft highwele and en•rialto br alpine ' known sa-Boags' Tavern,- „where had lamed•from lone thateouekler; able mambo; efausnickniticheracters I Were 'ln the habit of congregating. TWW4ght wiz rapidly falling around trs.:tetetailly we pursued our: way t stbettliewabrokoonlY lor:tbe hooter an owl, the howl ofe distant wolf, or the chirp ef a bird. Presently we, came upon agitating. In' it* •center %if whk.hatoodaVlarge r unprepos lag lbere were lights- In the lower roams; ' and could hear Abe/Mind' Oritumetotievoleen -..Tbia."7expbdeted eela lais *WO' A imam" - .- 4- - Edterlog l i tilad r catrimgaiialuee 11l Imbibed root"), llghtedtiy ow dlpt ' btu irttalolesttelbad gin . a nd 'Woto—.l,ol)opone' -ICoota cifrotigh look •vie tat yir= wit tritielay ..euudrt area leyito ~thal:--tahiea; _thflealted difteve- entered,' but rteuthed-thelmoupation. 'iltivexeekidligved-faced mom made his appearance behind the har k with the characteriaticealutation : HD:teeing, etnusgerl" enthuse kw BiiPPer and lodt. over.Ltoeir. a chair, and sat looking, Over.the Mid tables. It struck me as - being 'rather mapielons to see so I.lnany men- assembled together In such n nubof4he, way place. „..Thecompany were very jovial— (buighing, swearpg, smoking and _supping their grog. They occasion *Hy favoredidtwithapasainggiance, but paid no further attention. Soon supper was 'announced, and the landlord waited upon me outto the table. Assuming an awkward attempt at being confidential, button-holed him- outside the bar room (low. "Now, landlord," I said, displa„V- Ing a lean pocketbook, "I'll do UM fair thing byyou: I'm pretty nigh 'dead broke , ' but I ain't no 'beat' and want you to know the facts be fore band.—l've got enough to pay for supper and lodging, maybe, , if' you ain't too steep, but you needn't give me more than my money will pay for 1" 'Well, you are an odd one, by Jove!" ejaculated the landlord, ap provingly. "Most of 'em calls for the best, and pays for what they can't help. Just you sit down, lay too, and fill up. and we won't quarrel about prices in the morning." So Isaac went to the kitchen; .T. sat down at the table, and being really, hungry, 'laid tci. 2 and made a hearty meal. Soon after eating, I signified my readiness to retire, and the landlord led the way toa sleeping room above. • where a pallet had already been spread on.the floor forlsane. Confident that, a ft er -, my artfully played 'Overt) , dodge;' I need not fear-being disturbed by any of the reckless party below, I pulled off my boots, and wan just about to lie - down and take a little rest—for it was yet early in the evening, and I should lose nothing . by , taking the . , much needed leixtle. . = r-univtr-letni- 4401.4... "Iw / ea, fur a nap, when I heard a horse hurriedly ridden up to the door, and a bustle of entrance below. I crept out of bed, and softly opened the door, and stole into an adjoining apartment, which was situated directly over the bar room we had just quitted. By good luck, I chanced upon a knot-hole in a board of the flooring, through which I could command a perfect view of the apartment below. My heart bounded into my mouth when,in the person of the new-comer, I recognized Senor Manuel Gln doza.—Yes, there he was, apparently on terms of the greatest familiarity with the offscourings accumulated in Boggle tavern; he, the rich planter, and high-toned gentleman !" "Any stranger here, Boggs?" he inquired of the landlord. "Two—a man and an old darkie; but they're both abed, and asleep by this time." "Very well, I want supper; must be off directly. The landlord bustled out to attend to his order, while Gondoza returned to the company. "Well my lads, what luck? How goes the 'queer?" "All right, cap'n!" 'Slick and easy V Everything's lovely I" were the general replies. 'Good !" was the approving re sponse "How about--!" and he Jerked his thumb significantly in the d'reetion of our lodging. "Try Icon?" "No," replied the principal spokesman; "poor trash ! would'nt pay; 13oggs'll tell you all about it." "Don't suspect anything, do they, eh ?" "Nary time! 'Flats'—they' be green ! Never you fear, cap'n." "Well, friends, be on your guard." AtAhese words each man made a peculiar sign. After this I heard super announced, and saw Gondoza disappear in the direction of the dining-room. He reappeared shortly and after making some appointment, in a low tone, which I failed to catch, he went out, followed by the good wishes of the band. A moment after, and I heard the horse's feet, galloping off in the direction' they bad come. Creeping back to my room, I told Isaac of my discovery. "Nebber did likedat man nohow!" was his response. "Afters thought he was a chile of de devil !" Throwing myself on the bed, 1 gave myself up to.Ahought. My discovery this evening proba bly comprehended the entire enigma which was worsting the brains of the country. Stilt I wished to obtain substantial proofs. I knew that Senor Gondoza was personally at the head of a band of otitlaws, from his conversation. I had inferred that' ; they were also theagents employed to distribute counterfeit currency, chichi of course, he must himself manufacture. I resolved to go im ' mealately to his plantation, and in one disguise or another. spy upon him until I. had accomplished my purpose. The enterprise was a dffi cult. as well as a dangerous one ; but difficulty only - stimulated me to action,• and danger to caution. I fell asleep, to dream that .I I held .Senor Mutuel Gondortion over the dies and other impletneilts which are used in manufacturing the 'queer.' blasting fork, By early sunrise next morning I was In, readiness for my venture. Going below.' found the com of the preceeding night had dlspersM, and only the landlord In waiting. pany He looked at me sharply, as he in quired how . I rested. but my reply, if he had entertained suspicions, dis arnied him of them: He asked which way I was traveling. "To a place called 'Macho en el Suclo;" I replied, giviag the natuo of Gondoza's plantation. "Eh!" he exclaimed, - litre you ac quainted with the rich Spanish gen tieman ?" "Not really acquainted; Mit going on business." "Spetial Mishima?" he askod, ex- Et3hied 1818. hibiting much. interest. "vp9, espmlal, private bust ais." answered .4 .You anot ono of—T" - nodd 9, giving the, eiga. I had seem the evening before. • "Well.l he , blowed, If you ain't a Cline, one." was the elegant exeletna- Von.' "Why didn't ye tip us* wink .before?!' - "Whop, lam on important limi tless." I mid, "I keep mum, and 'don't go cronying;l'm just from the. city.": , t 1 understand," was Boggs',Teply. "Re said some one was coming. (3ot your_ Implements along, reimpose?" I nodded. - • "Wish Pd alknowne said -Boggs regretfully. "'Re's going ,to . -start out this evening, to be gone two or !A res d syt e , • "Here,' I exclaimed, with well gipped - surprise. 'Yew, you t d hettertake holm from here, and buoy right 81014/ge'll get tome him beforehe gom E . I see to getting the bessts back. ° "It's about thirty nines out - there, isn't it?" :` t• asked. - • "'Va.::of,-thati. but Put 'out through are son% be_in thug."' • t" made' up my rnbid teaccept the landlord's efibr.- fielefilliale o rbs' pay Otiltt • „ ti! c l ad ; gime per 'pti_a a?. of the' way, when Are came upon a man inclining at the foot , of a tree by • the roadside, - &agave tin box teeyed out from, under his coat, whichwas: under.folded his head. A horse was Jatiated ' hear, while a 'suspicious looting bottle just.. lying in reach of his hand, prechintedthe nature' . of hla slumbers. As we paused, ‘ mattered uneasily : 'Coining Capon In an instant I slipped from my horse, and, throwing -the bridle to Um, proceeded carefully to draw the coat and box from under the steener's head. I was cotifidentethat, •this was the expected, messenger- al 'laded to in Boggs' conversatiou. My conjecture 'proved correct. Search ing through the pockets of the coat, I found a letter of introduction, ree ommending "the bearer" to "Cap tain 13—d-----a" as . "brother," "a skillful workman," and "just the man for the berth." The box contained t he" im plemen ts." - "raking the box and letter, forder a Isaac to lead the fellow's horse, and thus we proceeded for another •third of the way. Meantime, my brain had not been idle., There was now ten miles between myself, and "_Alncho en el Suelo," and it was im possible to mistake the,wa7. Mount lag Isaac on the stranger s horse, 1` wrote a dispatch to the chief of po lice, and bade the faithful fellow has ten•todellver it, without an instant's delay on the road. I saw him ride off, then security my carpet sack and box to the empty saddle,.pro ceeded leisurely tOward_nly, d isitina tier'. It was a part of my calculation to find Senor Gondont out of the way on my arrival: Boldly at last. • leading one horse while I bestrode the other, I drew up before the en trance gate. The porter recognized the animals, had no hesitation in admitting me. Truly Elenorlidanuef Oilandoza was a' matt of taste. His grounds were laid out with elegance. Fountains playing into marble basins, groups of statuary, rare shrubbery and trees of beautiful foliage were woven, upon the closely shaven,- emerald-velvet lawn. into a scene upon, which a lov er of beauty might rest his eyes for ever. The dwelling Itself was.a dazzling white marble, as eclat and , polished $a it* _Attain _ . ;lbn banan% and as hard as hitibwn bad hear A groom met me at the steps, of whom I enquired if the Senor was I was informed that he had gone an hour before. "Wpuul he return this evening?" "No; he was not expected till day after the next." Thereupon I dismounted in great pretense of ill-humor, ordered the horses to be stabled until his return, and walked familiarly up the steps, meeting In the doorway, as I soon discovered the gentletnan's own val et. "Well. sir," I said, "I learned that your master was away, just when am come to see him.on most impor tant business. I have a letter for him, as you will see, which ought to be in his hands immediately. How unfortunate that I do not find him at home. Doyou think a fleet horse could overtakeltim ?" "Impomible I" returned the man, much impressed by my address. He rode the fleetest in the stable, and, being in haste. is far beyond recall by this time." "Well, I suppose I must make the best of it, and await his return," I said, moodily frowning and knawing my beard—which last performance seemed to strike the keen valet in a most favorable light. He was cer tain, despite my plain garb, that I was a visitor of lin portance,and made haste to treat me accordingly. was furnished a pleasant. apart ment, and a well cooked dinner was speedily served for me. After dinner I smoked a cigar, and pumped the valet withoutever guess ing it. I discovered that all the ser vants, with the exception ofhimself, slept in a remote wing of the house. I found out, also, which wereGondo za's own apartments. The rest of the house was Fhown me by the servant, who was exzeed ingly proud of his waster'ssplendor. I secretly made a plan of the inter ior, that I might judge if there were secret chambers, but decided that there were none unless adjoining his own; and of these the faithful valet carrid the keys In his belt, and vouchsafed me not so much as a glance. At nearly the time for retiring L ordered some wine,whieh he brought Up to my apartment. .1 asked him tojoin me in a glass to the health of his master. Calling his attention for a moment aside, I slipped a powder into one of the glasses, which 1- immediately gave him, filled with wine; then, by &nine pretext. I- contrived to keep him until the portion began to work. Directly he began to complain of drowsin43.k. "Sim me!" I exclaimed, "It's more wine you need to enliven you up. Go down stairs, lock up for the eight, and then maw back and help me finish my bottle. 1 find you ex cellent company." Highly flattered, he hastened to do my bidding, and presently I had Win nodding In his chair, under the influence of wine, the potion and a very stupid anecdote with which .1 lulled his drowsy faculties. When he was soundly asleep I ab stracted from his belt the keys of the Senor's apartments, and locking my own, proceeded on my tour of explor ation. There was no one stirring in the long corridor as I effected an entrance into the ante room of the Senor's own private suite. Locking myself in. I carefully ar ranged the window hangings that no chance ray of light might penetrate them. to reveal the presence of an in truder, and then began examination. The suite, consisting of sitting room, bed chamber and bath room, was famished with that magnifi cence of which their occupant was-so prodigal. Every elegant toilet an- Pointment was there, but no evi dence of what I sought. Consulting my plan of the dwel ling, I found a space, corresponding Tar !WAVE* AMMO Ia published every Wednesday iu the; old Argue bniMing on Third Ettreet,Bes vet,. Pa., at ;2 per year in advance. • Communications on subjects of local Or general interest are respectitilly so licited. ore Ware attention • favor' of this kind must hrrtuiably be accompa nied by the name of the author. Letters and cOmmunications should be addressed to WV= 4 UMBER, &aver, Ps, in size to. the bath room, for which there appeared -no account. Here, then, nust be a secret apartment. *here, At& from all prying eyes. the" master might bury his guilty secret. A eleeeexamination convinced me the entrance to this must be through the bed chamber. The walls of this apartment were Ornamented with panels of elaborate .workman-ship, the centre of each being an exquisite painting. 1 found that one of those panels yielded slightly at my touch. . _ I renewed my exertions, and was re warded by ei eing s the ,pariels elide bak e _ revealing the object of m y - Dies, platei, .presses and - engraver 's tools were lying tn confusion about 'the secret chamber while some fair samples of the , spurious currency_ be spnke.their successful use. •-• After.taking notes; I appropriated some otthe counterfeit money, came out eleteetthepanel and returned to my apartment I replaced the keys on the valet's persmi,.. and Ore - zing myself upon a Ipunftellept - soundly , until morning., - Just- as I -awoke. I saw the valet tubbing open - his eyes. my friend!" I called; "that good old winainuOt have been a -little_ too Much for us .= last night, eh ? Here we both:. ' are: hi yeetet 41lay'skototheaomd.00ne the fetter for havloffneglectedourheds.'r:, - Becoming make, the poor fellow. looked sheepish enough. I reassured ' him, however. "Come • come !" I said; "your muster shall not hear of this. We'll take am ornin g glass to our better dis cretion hereafter. The forenoon wore away, and after dinner, feeling listless and drowsy, I I threw myself down 012 a settee in the lower gallery, crushed my hat over my eyes, and fell fast asleep. "Well sir, you seem to be making yourself at borne. Pray what have you to say to me?" I opened my- eyes, and the coo!, handsome, evil face of Manuel (ion doza gazed inquiringly into mine. I Instantly comprehended the situa tion. Counterfeiting amazement, I exclaimed; "Good Heavens! I have napped like Rip Van Winkle, utiles, per haps, your excellency has returned sooner than was expected." "I have returned sooner than was expected," was the cool reply. "My servant tells - me you have business with me." "Yes, your excellency," I return ed, giving the signal, "I ,have a let ter for your excellency; and—per baps it would be better if our inter view be strictly a private one." "Certainly; this way." And the senor led the way into his library. He bade me be seated ; but handing him the letter, I re mained standing, respectfully. "11—in ! This is well," be said, af ter reading the paper. You have your toolswith your "Please your excellency, they am In the apartment where I slept last night. "I have some curiosity to examine them," he returned. "as my friend tells me they are an im provement upon those I have been using. "I will bring them immediately," I answered. ••No need to call a ser vant," for I saw he was about to rings bell. "Very well." he replied, thought fully. ran up to my apartment, got the box, and ,some unaccountable im pulsesent me to the window. There, just coming across the grounds, in elosearnversation with the porter; I saw the. man I had robbed under the roadside tree. _ _ very 'materially hastened matters. - Wrenching open my car litielCij sP .113Vidett -:11)Yeelf with - some nectisary artleletrund hastened" back to the Library. I placed my box before Senor Manuel, and at a mo ment when his attention was fully occupied with its contents, I nois lessly drew from my Locket a pair of handcuffs, and slipped them upon his wrists. Then holding the but of a revolver clgsr to his temple. I said, sternly: "Give one word of alarm, and that '\ instant you are a dead man!" His face turned as colorless as that ofa wrpse, while his eyes gleam ed like coals of living fire. "Traitor!" on whose authority do you thus insult me in my own house?" he asked, in tones quiver ing with passion. "On ti authority," I replied, "of the Go ve rnment of these United States. arrest you on charges of lead- ing a band of outlaws, and of gaining a livelihood by theft, murder and— counterfeiting. Allow me," and I quickly disarmed him. "I have been betrayed!" be ex claimed, wildly. "Base hounds, who among them has done this cow ardly thing?" "If it be any satisfaction," I an swered, "know that none of your band had aught to do with this. You have not been betrayed ; yet I know all your secrets, even to the sliding panel in your bed chamber, and the secret chamber beyond." He gasped for breath, and shiver ed like an ague. "And you are—" he asked. "P—n, the detective?" was my suave reply, as. tearing off my dis guise, I stood revealed before him. There came a knock at the door, and the voice of the valet without. I pressed the pistol firmly upon his temple, and whispered, hurriedly : • Fell him you are busy, and must 'not be disturbed. Tell him in Eng lish, and depart, one iota from your usual manner, and I send a bullet through your brain !" Cold perspiration bedewed his fore head as he obeyed my command and gave the order.. Then we heard re treating steps. The man was fear fully shaken : "yet, rallying, he strove to assume an air of mockery. "Have you any objection to inform ing me what is to , be the next act of this little drama?" "The next act!" I responded, cooly, "will be the delivery of your self, with certain damning proofs of your guilt, into the hands of justice." "And this you purpose to accom plish alone, and single handed." "No",not by means but by a squad of police, whom I am momentarily expecting." His countenance turn ed an ashy hue—he writhed and twisted in his bonds in paroxyism of rage and fear. "Water!" he gasped. Turning hastily, I poured out n glass from a pitcher at my side. For an instant I was off my guard. Springing from his seat, with a fear ful imprecation, he struck me down with both manacled hands. My pis tol fell from my hands. I lay half stunned by the blow. Snatching the pistol, he aimed full in my face and pulled the trigger—it missed fire! and the ball, just grazing the tip of my ear, buried itself in the Wall be yond. "Eternal curses on you!" he cried, wildly. "Is your vile carcass bullet proof?" Again he aimed—tile door wag sud denly opened and in an instant the room swarmed with blue coated myrmidons of the law led by my faithful Isaac. Turning the weapon against his own breast, theguilty Spaniard fell a corpse by my side. Justice took its course, and thus was broken up one of the most noted bands of desperadoes which ever in fested the region of the Crescent City. 1 \ —A Scotch lady has this year de• stroyed 0,000 worth of wine In her cellar, on principle, buta great many persons with no principle at all have destroyed more than that. A MI