The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 23, 1873, Image 3

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    The Beaver Argus.
tieaver. Pa., April 23,1873.
Circulation Thirteen
Rates of Advertising.
QS 3nl
1,,-yr--10 lineal' $9 00
...-ittarcs, do 8 50
S ,quares. do 600
l squares, do i 600
column.-- 800
ti 11 - 00
c01umn.....11 29 00
$3 00 $5 00
oo 001
600 900
800 10 50
11 00 1500
15 001 20 00
80 001 38 00
odmsnietrators• and Executors` Notices
• peart notices per line, ten cents.
tar Payments to be made quarterly, except
or trawdent advertisements, which mast be paid
1❑ actvan'ce
Eighth Sheet Bills 25 copies or less
2.5 additional copies or less.
Fourth Sheet Bills 25 copies or
2.3 additional copies or less.
Ilalf Sheet Bills 25 copies or less
25 additicmaLeopies 'or less,
Full Sheet Bills 25 copies or less
.25 additional copies or less..... __
Bills In Equity five pages or lean
Each additional page
Munk*, plain, one quire.
Each additional quire....._...
(miler Job work at same rates
Cleveland & Pittsburgh R. R.—Trains
:;ping East leave Beaver Station a, follows: Nor
tr.:••• A.ccom'n 0.1 Mall, 2.87 p. m.;Everting Fast
Line, TV.
Trains going Kest leave Beaver Station au fol
ows: Mail, 7;46 a. in.; Accommodation 5.40 p. m
The attention of the public is directed
to the following New Advertisements
which appear for the first time in the
A [taus today :
Ad v —Geo. P Rowell
Ad. —Amoi Allen.
A v Jaft. Bennett
Special Notice—Holloway's Pills... .. ...... C
special Notice—Dr. Keyser Lung Cure........ C
special Notice—Charlotte Blume ..(7
A dv—lllpEßnson's World Exposition . .O
8 peclaPNottce Lyon's Cutharion... C
Orph" urt Sale—Jacob Nicely ...... iNsqs-iirs
A aditor - .. ' . Daugherty tt,tia-3w
Adv-- Little'.. ......Isq4ler
Card- Dr. Thos. co ...... _ .. ... ... ......lyr
!.• pedal Notice- Ilagintils 8
-,.e c i al Notice—Wm. Wallace., 17
Notice—World's exposition
Adr —Thomas A Ilison k ton ..
Adv—Frank Kneen_ y .
':• , per'al Notice—A. Mel:01110d. ...
No•ices —0 C. Atkins ik Co ..
A d v —Appralsement tf
A dc —Lewis McMullen lsq-6m
Adv State and County tax—C. P. Wallace
, rybans' Court Sale—John EL Wilson...„..Seqe-air
Ad' -Henry McCallum-_
NEWS.—Go to the new Shoe
Store of G. C. Atkins it Co., for the
cheapest and latest style4of 'Booth and
Left for Parts Unkoown.—The
-Pittsburgh Gazette of last Thursday
contains the following item touching a
young man whose name has been fre
quently mentioned of late in connection
with high crimes:
"Babe" Montgomery, who Was arrest
o I a short time since and held to bail in
the sum of $2,000 for trial, on a charge
of felonious assault and battery, has
"skipped" the bail, and cannot now be
found. His bond-man, Mr. Frederick
Sehild, has paid over the amount. ft
will be remembered that "Babe" at
tempted to shoot Robert Edwards about
six weeks ago, and that before ho had
hearing in the case, District Attorney
havoc called the matter up in the Crim
inal Court, and a process was issued,
bui "Babe" has never been found'sinee.
nig Rush at Ilibbards, go and join
the throng and get goods as cheap as the
.•11e3pest. aprld-2w
Cupid's Ambuscades.—The sly
archer, live, shoots his arrows from
many-coigns of vantage, but it is doubt ,
lul if he delivers his heart-taking shafts
from any ambush with more effect than
when gig arms them from the braids and
tolds an ringlets of a superb bead of
hair. Ladies WWI have not been favored
by nature with this crowning charm ol
womanhood, can readily and certainly
increase the - volume of their hair, and
_to it a silken lustre by using
Lyon's Kalliairon as a daily dressing;
while those whom Providence has bless
ed with a superabundance of this "Glo
v" of the sex, can preserve it, undi-
ininished, in quantity and,undimlnlsh
ed in beauty to the latest period of life.
There is a germinating principle in the
Ka/h./iron which literally con/pets the
I ,, tir to grow. It exterpates scurf, dand
roll, and all exfoliations and excresen
e, of the scalp which interfere with
the rapid and healthy development of
the fibers.
Found Drowned.—Two men,
rangers, were found dead, in'the (dm,
rn er t ear Rochester, on last Wednes
day. Neither of the menl'iwere identi
iit.d, and both were buried in the ceme
tery near that town. (me was five feet
inches in height, and the other live
ten. A coroner's inquest was held
ri both cases, and a verdict Of death by
lt - ,n - ning rendered in each.
inifincuite Egg.—John Y.
Marks, es.q., or Rochester, has sent ua
;IT , egg prhdueed by a black spanish hen
~ wned by him, which takes the "starch
r gilt out" of all the big eggs we have
ooen any account of this spring. The
ev,u; measures Ki Inches one way, and 6
inches the other, and weighs 5 ounces.
The hen that laid it must have immense
eVg: power. We are clear on that point
We, the undersigned painters of the
county of Mercer, baring used the White
Leapt manufactured by 13e' - mer, Bau
man A; ro., of Pittsburgh, Pa., pro
nmice it superior to any lead we have
ever used, and we would recommend
parties wanting painting done to use it
in p-ofereiv!e to any other brand. Wm.
M Gibson, J. I. Harrison, W. M. Fork
er, „la. S. Henderson, .1, M. Franken
berg, A. NI Craig, S. H. Gibson, Jas.
.1. T. Hodge, King Brothers, D.
Dowel I, (;.- F. Alexander, Frank
The 2oth Annual Fair of Beaver
('"unto Agricultural Society, will be
held at the fair ground‘ In Beaver, Wed- and Friday, Septem
ber 24. 2.1, 21;, 1•73.
rho Board of AlanatzPra of heaver
County Agricultural Society, are re
tOmest at the Sheriff's office, in
Beaver, May, 3, 1573. at 10 o'clock a m.
11. M. I.:wiSts,
nal% and bonnets bleached and
pressed in the host of style, at the Cheap
Su - ire of Will .1. Smith aprl6-2w
nusie.—We would call the attention
our readers to the card of Charlotte
I:: nor N, to he found in our advertising
noon.. Her house is one of the old
e-t in Pittsburgh, and her wareroom
di he found constantly stocked with
, ottie of the finest instruments manufac
tared in this country. "Knabe" Piancs,
i , ir wineli she is agent, have long beetiac
nowledged superior to all others.
' L iaises Bro.'s Pianos are the finest and
; durable low-priced instruments
;o the market; while Geo. A. Prince d:
o.'s Organs are acknowledged, for time
and durability, to be unequalled. She
alt., keeps nn hind a large stock of small
, o , trutnents; also Sheet Music, Books,
S. Persons ordering from a distance
are assured of receiving most prompt
attention. Catalogues and price lists
Illal led to any address. Her wareromns
located No. 19 Sixth Avenue, just
'•:•!•1te Trinity Church.
Only Two.—There are only two oities
in western Pennsylvania, that voted
against license at the recent election—
NPR' Castle and Monongahela. Well
The Lamp-of Life...--Truth is the
;amp of life, and the sufferer from Con
sumption or any chronic disease, will
:hank us for pointing out Or. Keyser
kind Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure, as one of,
oav, in truth, as the most important
remedy of modern discovery. It is a
t.eil-known fact in Pittsburgh that the
I.)oetor has no super.or in the treatment
ehronio disease of any sort, and hay
11q cured himself many years ago of
, smsumption, no man could be better
.ptlitied to give advice and counsel to
others, especially, we would add, as be
tw a ripe and well educated physician, of
ever thirty years' successful practice,
An essay sent wherever it is wanted,
Dr. :Keyser's office. 197 I.iberty street,
ittaburgb, Pa. Pries of Lung Cure
o:au per bottle, or ;,.a0) per Lai( dozen.
Vree Charge.—Call at lingo An
d riessen's Beaver Drug Store, Beaver,
Pa, and get a sample bottle of Dr. A. 80.
schee's German—Syrup, free of charge.
It has lately been intradueed in this
country from Germany, and for any per-
Non suffering with a severe cough, heavy
cold settled on the breast, consump
tion or any disease of the throat and
lungs It has no equal in the world. Our
regular site 'bottles 75 cents, In all
eases money will be promply return
ed if perfect satisfaction is not given.
Two doses will relieve any case. Try it
About the R. D.'s—The medical
fraternity—recent put and present—of
Beaver, have been quite Malty; t'
Dr. J. S. McNutt, aftertuildinA lip a
fine practice hire, sold his personal ef
fects.and moved to Philadelphia where
he is still engaged in the healing art. •
Dr. D. McKinney, having been en.
gaged in the practice of medicine here
for a number ofyears, struck his tent ill
Beaver and pitched it in New Brighton,
where he attends to the wants of those
who need his services.
"a 00 15 ou
000 18 00
15 00 21 00
20 00 88 00
SS 00 b 0 00
60 00 100 00
Dra. M. it.. .1 Lawrence—father and
son—have been engaged In the practice
of medicine in Beaver since last spring,
and at the present time are doing a tine
business. They have recently moved
their office from the McKinley build
ing to the room formerly occupied by
the Deputy U. S. Assessor on Third
. soo
Dr. J. W. Miller, has recardly moved
from Wheatland here and comes highly
recommended by those who know him
and know of him. He is a graduate of
Washington College, had some expert
ettce in the army as a surgeon, and has
practiced his profession for eight or ten
8 00
_..13 00
2 00
.... 100
Dr. Thos. Donehoo, practiced medi
cine in this vicinity some years ago,
out on account of some business trans
actions which demanded his personal
attention in the west, he moved to Mis
souri, and alter being there eight years,
he as returned to Beaver and tenders
hiF professional services again to the
gople of this locality. He has practiced
medicine for twenty-live years, and Is
spoken of as a skillful physician._
The, professional cards of the Drs.
Lawrence, and Miller and Donehoo, will
be found elsewhere in the Anon..
.. 10-4 w
lt,m4s Sw
Buy your clothing and men's wear at
flibbard's. Rochester Pa. - aprl6-4w
'Holloway's Ointment and Pills.
—Multitudes have died cripples, who
might have been rendered sound and act
ive by Holloway's Ointment. Countless
victims of internal disease have perish
ed. whom his pills would have cured.
Think of this! Sold at 78 Maiden Lane,
N. Y. Price 25 cents per pot or box.
Ask for new style, the old is counterfeit
Full Stock of Trimmings and No
norm at the Cheap Store of Will A.
Smith, Rochester. aprl6-2w
Light Fingered Law-Ilakers.—
The correspondent of the Lancaster Ex
presA, refering to the closing scenes of
the recent session of our Legislature,
has the following to say about the hon
esty of some of its members:
"The House seems to have done noth
ing this week but pass remarkable res
olutions. One was by Brockway. to ap
point three detectives to catch fellows
stealing articles from members' desks.
The Speaker with bad Judgment appoint
ed three country members. Why did
he not take them from the Philadelphia
delegation, as quite a number were de
tectives before misfortune overtook
them and compelled
. them to go to the
Legislature. It is singular that nothing
can be left on a desk without disappear
ing. If one of the extra Sergeants-at
arms was set to watch only ono over
coat it would be no guarantee that it
would be safe. Purdon and Hand-
Books are not secure under lock and
key, and with swarms of employees in
the !louse, desks will be opened at night
and stamps and books taken from them.
There seems to be contagion in the air,
which taints the blood, and going to
the fingers produces irresistible contrac
tion of the muscles when touching any
Nest Millinery Goods just received at
the Cheap Store of Will A. Smith. Ro
chester. aprlll-2w
Ruined S a Silver Tea Set.—
Said a young h usband, whose business
speculations were unsuccessful: "My
wife's silver tea set, the bridal gift of a
rich uncle, doomed me to financial ruin.
It involved" a hundred unexpected
expenses, walh, in trying to meet,
have made Wine the bankrupt that
I am." Ills is the experience of many
others, who less wise not know what
b p
is the goblin oft. , h se, working its
destruction. A . - ions father of great
wealth exceedl .ortifled his daugh
ter by orderin . !.o .e printed on her
wedding cards, "i. -- e ; .reits, except
those adapted to . of $1000."
Said be, "you must naolxpect to begin
life in the style I am able by many
years of labor to indulge; and I know of
nothing which will tempt you to try,
more than the well-intentioned but per
nicious gifts of rich friends." Such ad
vice is timely. If other parents would
follow the same plan many young men
would be spared years of incessant toil
and anxiety; they would not find them
selves on the downward road because
their wives had worn all of their salary
or expended it on the appointments of
the house. The fate of the poor man
who found a finch-pin and felt obliged
to make a carriage to fit it, is the fate of
the husband who finds his bride in pos
session of gold and silver valuables, and
no large income to support the ow need
gold and silver style.
Ile would call the attention of our
readers to the advert sement in another
column, of the Brooks Sewing Machine
Co. of New York, they advertise, what
is indeed a valuable invention, a first
class Sewing Machine for five dollars.
feb.s- ly
Always eelling at bottom prices, at
the ('heap Store of Will A Smith, Ro
chester. aprl6-::w
A flint For Girls.—Dio Lewis, who
has made dom stic life a study, thinks
he has discovered one of the most, pro
lific sources of wedded Infelicity. Bear
him : "Thousands an thousands of
men are turned back in their love by
finding that, instead of the sweet perfect
being they had fancied, there is deb
c,ency and disease. The new husband
finds that the beautifully tnoulded form
he has admired so long, is only a
. trick
of the dressmaker; and the body which
had seemed so sweet and pure is the
victim of displacement and disease.
Thousands of husbands turn away to
bitter disappointment." There, girls,
you have the opinion of one who knows
arl i about such matters. We agree with
hiln. Look to your bodily health. Es
chew tight-lacing, thin-soled shoos and
low -pecked dresses; take exercise in the
open -- Mr, avoid night dissipations, oat
substantial food, throw exciting novels
to the mind aside, and take to more sub
stantial reading. Be assured, that Dio
Lewis is right. Nothing will sooner
change a young husband's love to dis
gust than finding out after marriage
that he has been deceived in regard to
the health of the woman to whom he has
united hlti- fate.
w od buggies wagons, carriages,
spring agons, snikeys, buck-boards,
&c., go to Ingraham Boyd'a, near the
depot, in Rochester. All orders prompt
ly attended to. sept4;ly
New Goods. New Styles. and
Great Bargains. —Mr. William Reich
in Bridgewater has just received his
Spring and Summer stock of cloths
cassimeres, vesaings 4c., and feels
assured that a bettor assortment citn not
be found'iu this country. His workmen
are careful, experienced, and competent,
and all clothing made at his establish
ment will be found not only to wear
well but to fit well in addition. Prices
moderate. e;lve him a call before getting
your spring suits. marl9-4w
ILeetures.—Prof. G. L. Eberhart, of
New Brighton, is to deliver the first of a
series of lectures before the Normal
Class at the College, Wednesday after
noon next. His subject is "The En
-li4h Languish." These lectures are to
take place Wednesday afternoons at 3
o'clock. Any who are interestcd in the
subject are invited to be present.
Look at the Prtees=4 hem-stitch
ed handkerchiefs for 25 cents. 2 spools of
machine cotton for 5 cents, pins i cents,
kid gloves from 60 cents to $1.50, shirt
fronts from 15 to 60 cents, all 'lnnen; a
good box wood hat for $l.OO worth $1.50,
fast-colored prints, 8. 10 and 12i cents,
best quality cissh 15 cents, yard Wide,
heavy unbleached muslin 10 cents,
worth 15 cents. Call and see—no trouble
to show goods at Hibbard's; Rochester,Pa. apr-2R'
*Dila •Wears In
Intim" 11 01. i 6 e suitlgegtive title of a
book now bi Press, by tlie;tatinnal rub.'
llebing Co:, Philiulelphis, Pa. It will
contain graphic accounts of the credit
Mobiller ineastigation, the COngression
al Rings, political intrigues, workings' .
of the lobbies, and tell how the public'
money is squandered, dm., tte. We
have seen some of the specimen pages
of the work here refered d can as
sure our readers that it' hein in
tensely interesting p • lien' is
1111 extract from one of ' es sent
us, showing how ' •. mullah
their purposes :
"It is very common ' lobbyists
to approach public men • : h their .
families. Mrs. A. or Mrs,* receive
magnifioent presents from pions who
ere but little more than castuklacquaint
ances. Their first impulse isle return
the articles, but they Are so handsome,
and just whst they have been wanting
so long. without being able to afford
them out of their husbands' inoomes—
for the lobbyists are careful to inform
themselves what will be most accepta
ble—and so, afters little struggle, they
decide to keep the gifts.
Of Course some especial civility moat
be shown the givers of the presents.
This is done, and the first point of lob
byist is gained. In a little while tit , .
wife is won over. She thinks the schem
an excellent one—and honestly thinks it
too—and will be so beneficial to the
country ! She does not like to meddle
in her husband's affairs, but she will
mention the mattec to him. The better
half of the official being thus secured,
the remainder can and does make but
a feeble resistance, and his aid is secured
for the schema,.
This Is lobbying In its mildest form,
and official Integrity has sunk to so low
an ebb that it sees nothing wrong in it.
Men's consciences are tough now, and
that nice sensitiveness of honor which
once marked the public men of our
country, seems to have de p arted from
us. Men go into public ire now to
make money, as they woul enter upon
a trade. The lobby offers them a line
opportunity for the gratification of their
desires, and they are not slow to avail
themselves of it. Alas for the country
in the bands of such men !
A No. 1 snit of clothing (coat, pants
and vest) for 1)10.00 only, at Ilibbards.
Rochester, Pa. aprl6-4w
Queestsware 'fresh leoevery variety.
at B. S. Ranger's. mar2t3-5w
The Chairman of the Republican
COULIty Committee has ishued the follow
ing call :
In accordance with the rules of the
party, the Republicans of Beaver county
will meet at, the usual places of holding
elections, on Saturday, tho 31st day of
May, and vote for candidates for nomi
nation for the offices below named :
One person for Assembly;
Ono person for Prothonotary;
One persOn for Treasurer;
One person for Commissioner.
One person for Poor House Director ;
One person for Jury Commissioner;
Orre person for Auditor;
Two persons for Trustees of Academy.
They will also elect members of the
County Committee as follows:
Big Deaver twp ....... . .2, Independence to - p. 1
Beaver boro industry „ ..... 1
Borough twp I i Marion twp....... 1
Bridgewater bore_ o' McGuire dint. 1
Brighton twp
1 Moon twp
Baden b0r0........ ....1, New Brighton, N. W.... 2
Beaver Falls 4 " 31 W... 2
Chippewa twp 1 . S. W... 2
Darlington twp "I New Sewickley top ...2
Economy two 1 North Sewickley twp..l
Fallston boro . 1 'New Galilee boro 1
Franklin t0p.... _.......„110h10 lwp
Freedom dist ... __l:Patterson twp 1
Freedom boro. 1 Phillipsburg boro 1
Frankfort ... .2 Pulaski twp
Glasgow born .... ..I,Raccoon twp.... ..... 2
Greene twp... .......3 Rochester ....3
Georgetown boro .I'Rochester twp ... 1
Harmony twp.. South Beaver top
Hopewell tap ..... ...2 St. Clair boro .....1
The County Convention will convet.o
at the Court House on Monday, June
2d, at ten o'clock, a. m. .
Clar'n. Co. Corn
We are requested to announce the names of the
following gentlemen for the of designated :
For Assembly.
tiou. S. J. CROSS, Rochester borough.
For Prothonotary.
JOHN SLENTZ, Ohio township.
For Treasurer.
II W. SEELEY, Rochester borough
For Auditor.
S. N. WARRICK, South Beaver tou-uship
A No. 1 suit of clothing (coats, pants,
and vests) for $lO.OO only, at Hibbards,
Rochest"r, Pa. aprl6-4w
Doctor Franklin. —At the time
when the celebrated Dr. Franklin lay
upon his death-bed, be was visited by
a young man who had a great respect
for his judgment In all things; and hav
ing entertained doubt as to the truth of
the scriptures, he thought that this aw
ful period afforded a suitable. opportu
nity of consulting the doctor on this
important subject. Accordingly, he in
troduced it in a solemn and weighty
manner, inquiring of Franklin what
were his sentiments as to the truth of the
scriptures. On the, question being put,
although he was in a very weak state ,
and near his decease, be replied:
"Young man, my advice to you is, that
you cultivate an acquaintance with, and
a firm belief in the holy scriptures, this
is your certain interest." So also says
the roice of God. J. K. M.
ICE Cold Sparkling Soda Water, fa
vored with pure fruit syrups, fresh from
Hugo Andriessen's marble fountains.
Bargains! Bargains! Bargains!
In. carpets, oil cloths, wall paper, win
dow shades, and children's carriages,
&e. It. Mulheim, of Bridgewater, has
just received the largest and best as
sorted lot of the above enumerated ar
ticles ever brought to this county, while
be will sell at a small profit ou cost.
"Minngena's Reasonlog.—A poor
female, named Mamgena, calls, says Mr.
Campbell, and told me, that when she
first heard of the bible, she did not think
it was true but when she fouud it to de
scribe her heart so exactly, she could
not but believe what it said. She was
determined, she added, always to live
near some place where the word of God
was preached—where she might hesr
about a cruclied Saviour, though she
should starve. J. K. M.
Boy your hats at Hibbard's, Roches
tor, Pa.,aed save money by doing so.
A FINE lot of New Style Dress Goods
(just received from the' east), can be
found at the Cheap Store of Will A.
Smith; also a complete stock of Millin
ery consisting of pattern Bonnets, and
Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Straw trim
mings, Ornaments. dm., all of which
can be bought at the very lowest prices,
call early and yon will call again, at the
Cheap Store, Rochester. Pa. aprl6-2w
By bills printed at this oaks on
Monday, the public are advised of a pub
lic sale of personal property in Brighton
township, on the farm of Mr. George W.
Walton, on the Ist of May. Persons
wantltig stock, &e., should read the
bills and attend the sale.
Lcnious Nms.—We invite the pub
lic to cell and examine our extensive
stock of Boots snd Shoes, which we are
offering'st a very low figure. CI. C. At
kins &Co.
Rome; ono wisely proposes that the
Federal Constitution be improved by
the following amendment: "Article 10.
—Every scoundrel shall have the right.
as Congressmen or Senator, to vote him
self an increase of salary whenever be
feels like stealing."
The Additional Ilostaty Act was
extended by the last Courant, so that
those who failed to Ale their claims be
fore the 30th of January last, can do so
now. All claims for pensions and boun
ties promptly presented by Gilbert L.
Eberhart, Attorney at Law, New Brigh
ton, Beaver county, Pa. -apr9-3w
Town ladies, always give precedence
to age. Never go to the wash-tub if
your mother or grandmother are pres
ent. They might consider it disrespect
Buy your dry goods, dress goods,
millinery goods, your goods every de
scription, at filbrd's Rochester Pa.
- Menem* Drill derleidle.—A. Case
ofeunsidirable public interest was tried
during- the session •of the Court- WO
week. It appears on the trial thatiboui
the latter , part of Deeensbei•,, 009,
couple of men called upon Mr. J. M.
Carry.. a -resident of North Strabane
township, and - represented themselves
to be engaged in establishing, agencies
for the sale r os l'4ool's Patent Seed
Drin." , a Att oo Mr.
4Pury walsip4,4pl4l,to ..sfteWkagenoy
'upon thetPre T wllliti of qii)te a `
in his setae • 'ap, terms bar
ingbeen arranged the gatlffii4grauffenl
produced u uuinbcr of papitriArtletes
aoreement„ blank orderea:424te., and
Informed Mr. Curry that ItwibitiSeessa
ky that!A) should alga in duplicate an
order for a spealrpen!! - r
'liable. one of
which they wont/rade; the other wait
to be tbrwarded to the mratuthetory:
The order having been duly signed the
agents wont on their way rejoicing, and
visions of happiness in the way of
quick sales and large profile danced be
fore Mr. C.'a oyes. The specimen drill
never arrived, however, but Mr. Curry.
In the' course of a few months, received
a notice from the First National Bank Of
this place to the effect that a note for
two hundred dollars signed by him and
payable to Alfred Ingalls or bearer had
been forwarded to that institution for
collection. Not remembering to have
made such instrument, Mr. Carry call
ed at the bank and requested to seethe
note. It was shown htm, and 10, the du
plicate order for a seed drill metamor
phosed in those, brief months Into, a
promisory note for two hundred dol
lars. Payment was refused and the
bank returned the note to Its correspon
dent. lu a short time the note with -a
number ofothers of the same kind wax
placed in the bands of certain members
of the bar for collection by legal pro
cess. Suit having been brought, the
case was pat down for trial last week.
It was claimed by the plaintiffs that they
bought the note in good faith, for a val
uable consideration, before maturity,
and that inasmuch as they had no
knowledge of the fraud by which it was
obtained, they had a right to recover.
It was proved that the note was obtain
ed by them in a land trade, in which
they gave almost full par value for it.
On the part of the defendant nothing
particular excepting the transaction be
tween Curry and the men who called
upon him was shown, and after argu
ment the court charged the Jury sub
stantially in accordance with the view
taken by the plaintiff's counsel. After
deliberating all night the Jury , estate in
to court, and having announcedthels in
anity to agree, were . diseharifid;:-
Quite a ontribei6l these - notes. have
been prepared , by =swindieno from our
farmers,' ngalls . alonehavingsucceeded
in securing eleFeti ; Of : thorn., • The deci
sion in this 'case, 'which. will probably be
reached when it is again tried, is,' there
fore, of iniportance to the - public. -Es
pecially to those unfortunate individu
als who have been victimized by "pat
ent rights" of various kinds. It Is in
deed strange thatminy one should have
been victimized after this same swindle
bad been so often exposed. When the
notes thus obtained get Into the bands of
innocent third parties the sweet words
of the poet apply with full force—
•• When worthy farmers stoop to folly,
And fled too late that rogues betray,
What art can soothe their melancholly,
What charm can drive their grief away.
'•The only means they have to cover,
Their folly from the light of tiny,
when they're In and done tor,
Quickly and silently—to pay."
—Washington Reporter.
NEW SHOE STORE.--/t you Willa,
good pair of Boots and Shoes of the West
style at a reduced price, go to G. C. At
kins tiito'S. •
Postal Cards—lmportant Infer..
motion for the Pnblie.—The third
assistant postmaster general has given
notice that the 'necessary appropriation
having been made for the purpose, the
department wall, on the Ist of May next,
commence the issue to postmasters of
the postal cards authorized by the act of
Juno 8, 1872.
The card adopted is five and one-eighth
inches in length - and three inches in
width, and is made of good stiff paper,
water-marked with the initials U. S. P.
0. U. in monogram.
The face of the card is engraved, sur
rounded by a border In scroll work Ono
eighth of ao inch in width. The one
cent stamp printed on the upper right
hand corner is from a profile bust of the
Goddess of Liberty looking to the loft
and surrounded by a lathe work border
with the words "U. S. Postage" Insert
ed above, and "one cent" below.
On the upper left hand corner are the
words "United States Postal Card,"
with directions to "write the addresa on
ly on this side—the message on the oth
er." Underneath, and occupying the
lower half of the card are ruled lines or.
which to write the address, the top line
being prsfi zed with the word "To."
The back of the card, intended for the
communication, is entirely plain, being
devoid even of ruled lines. In color the
body of the card is light cream, the
printing velvet brown. No variation
in size, shape, color, or in any other par
ticular, will be made from the regula r
style to accommodate special cases; nor
will the departmenl do any printing on
the cards beyond the engraving spec--
tied in the description.
Postal cards will be sold for one cent
each, neither more nor less, whether in
large quantities or in
The object pf the postal cards is to fa
cilitate letter correspondence and pro
vide for the transmission through' the
mails at a reduced rate of postage, of
short communications, either printed or
written in pencil or ink. They may
therefore be used for orders, invitations,
notices, receipts, acknowledgments and
other requirements of business and so
cial life. And the matter desired to be
conveyed ?nay ho either written or in
print, or lipartially in both. In their
treatments mail matter they are to be
regarded 4'y postmasters the same at
sealed lettiirs, and not as printed matter.
except that in no case will unclaimed
cards be sent to the dead letter oftkv.
An ordinary printed business card
may be sent through the mails when
prepaid by a one cent postage stamp at•
tacked; but such card must contain ab
solutely no written matter except tAe ad
dress. Otherwise it will be treated as
not fully prepaid and refused admission
into the mails.
All cards different from those herein
described, bearing embossed or printed
postage stamps, and purporting to be
United States postal cards, are counter
feit; and the manufacture of such cards
or the attempt to use the same will sub
ject the offender to a tine of five hundred
dollars and imprisonment for ilveyears.
(See. 178, Postal Code.)
Postmasters will not, under any cir
cumstance's, be permitted to reduce or
exchange postal cards that may be mi.-
directed, spoiled in printing, or other
wise rendered unfit for use, in the hands
of private holders.
The department wilt nottarnish less
than 500 cards on the order of a posit
master. Individuals desiring postal
cards will purchase them of a postmas
ter, as in no ease can they obtain them
upon direct application to the depart
Notice.—From, and after this date
until tho first of September next. the
County Commissioners will be in ses
sion on Saturday of each week. apr9-3w
• The "ensiling season" advertisement
in last week's Radicatwill afford chaste
reading for the children of the patrons
of that great "family newspaper." Ad-
Vertisenzents, written in that form, have
not appeared in any respectable news
paper in this county for many years.
• • InktliglOAPPelari to be irsetions hitch
in the • matter of the appointment of
Setiitors Itniten and'Havis cntelzils
'loners front this- Stateto the :Vienna
Exhibition., We have no doubt bOth
gentlemen are perfectly willing to spend
their portion ofthe OA* appropriatta
by the Legislattlre for the use of the
,t)ommietsioneri, but Matti appointment,
it appears, is unconstitutional. The
Harrisburg correspondent-of the Phi's
delphia Press nye: There is a "hitch"'
in the little job gotten ,up in' the Senate
during its last seselon, to 'send three
Comathisioners to the Vienna Ex'posi
lion. I told you in my last letterthat a
number of Stnutters were exceedingly
anxious - to go, but the trouble is. no
Senator or Member of the . last House
can be appointed, because the Constltu•
tion eitininikt forbids such action: As
If to make the matter perfectly strong,
and avoid ail i Misunderstanding on the
subject, the lamer* of the constitution
inserted two , elan - lies in diffeient parts
of the instrn tient, declaring that no Sen
ator or Representative shall be appoint
ed to in offlee created during his term.
Both provisions Were inserted at the
same time: It now remains to be seen
whether the Governor will appoint Sen
ator Ryden, who has made hiis arrange=
mews in go; and Senator Davis, of
Berke, who was promisee' the appoint
ment for a little service he rendered on
the apportionment bill. With the ex
ception of Senator Rutan, the reference
to other Senators in my last letter on
this subje3t was mere conjecture. Ru
tin was repeatedly observed, after the
bill creating the commission had pass
ed, studying bills of advertising for
ocean steamers, having had quite an
amount of such literature on hand. But
the qkestion now is : Will the Govern
or dare violate a plain provision of the
conatituttothy appointing these Sena
tors? I knew he' has pledged himself
to do so. ifeststs..Rutau and Davis are
appointed. but when wilt the announce
ment be made and the third man select
ed f This question 4s of considerable
importance as involving a constitution
al principle, respect or disrespect for
which will Indicate the teal mettle of
which the administration is formed.—
Pitts. Mail.
Maglouts' Persian Oleine curei
Cholera, Cramps, Rheumatism and all
Italian Plarble.—The last tribute
of respect you call pay to your departed
relatives and friends, is to erect a suita
ble monument to their memory. These
you can find at Wm. Wallace's Marble
Works, Broadway, New Brighton, as he
has just received a large invoice of
Choice Italian Marble from the East,
which ha procured e at the very lowest
prices, and is now prepared to fill any
and all orders as low or lower than any
one In the county.
Office and Works, Railroad St., New
The Chinese , question has about ex
hausted itself, and quiet seems to reigit
in this eonnty touching it. Ta
people of BeaVer Falls,and vimnity,have
taken the "sober aecond thought," and
concluded to give the Chinese opera
tives a fair chance, and see what will
come of the question, which, only a
short time ago "eunvulsed" so many of
our Inhabitants. A few days since we
paid a tiling visit to the cutlery works
anti fonidour new population hard at
worklibbffensive, and asquiet as though
they were so many mice. That they
mind their own business, and meddle
with no one else's, is quickly seen after
going into their presence. If we could
all be induced , to take a lesson from the
"heathen Chines" in that particular, we
would no doubt be all the better for do
ing so.-
Ptl'Shin Olelne, the great remedy fur
pain, Is sottish, druggists, dealers and
73 Ceuta awl 030.000.—When
was in San Fraicisco,. I gave $lO 00 for
a carriage to ,talce me to a seal rock
where Y might itee thaugo Sea Lions al
ways basking 'there ten rods from the
shore. After viewing these marvelous
monsters for half an hour I offered $30,-
000 to have nine of these animals cap
tured and delivered to mo in Cincinnati.
The laws would not permit these Sea
Lions to be molested at all, but by dint
of energy ITO lavish expenditure pro
cured sling' immense Sea Lions from
Alaska, each of which eat from 60 to 100
lbs of fish per day. Several of these
magnificent animals are - placed in my
traveling exhibition without extra
charge, while the others aro held in re
serve at my residence in Cincinnati do
ing their best to eat their heads off. Many
other rare animals of which I am
competed to have duplicates in case of
death live in a state of the same digni
tied retirenient,and are constantly in the
same 'audible occupation of swallowing
themselves (in value), considering that
I charge but 75 cents to my entire show.
The Sea Lions which I gave $lO to look
at and $30,000 to capture costs visitors
about 3 cents to see. ions ROBINSON.
The best workman in the county are
employed by Win. Wallace, Marble
Works, Railroad St., Now Brighton.
Census of Beaver Cougaly.—AB
there seems to he a gross misunderstand
ing touching the population of some of
the boroughs and townships of this coun
ty, we republish the table as copied from
the revised census report just issued
from the Department at Washington
Blg Beaver townehip... .. .... ..... .. .. .. imn
New Galilee boroughll 11
. ..
Borour.,,b townahip . 379
Brighton townktip.... . ....... .. SA
I Itit
Bridgewater borough . ... 1119
Fail ton borough.. ........ (iv
Chippewa lownebip.... ...... .... .. ... ... $l7
Darlington borough ISII
Darlington township
.. awl
. . ..
Economy township ... ..... . ..... .... . . ..... 1321
Franklin township Glli
Greene township ... .. ... Peg;
Geogetown borough ....... . ........ ... 307
ilookstoun borough ....... .... ... 2.7.9
Glasgow borough -....... . ... ..... ..... ..
Hanover township . ..... _.... 1500
Frankfort Springs... ....... :-.. G 5
Harmony township... .
... . 225
Hopewell township ... ..... ..... ........ 1015
Independence townshl 72S
Intinstry township-- ... ...... . ........ .. VA*,
Marion township.. .... ..
Moop township.- .. .. . . .... ... WM
Phillipsburg borough . 33)
New ! hewiekley township 1602
Freedom borough.. .. Cl 4
North Sewickley township .. 1)15
Ohld township ......:- 1304
Pattersori townshlp.-... ...... -..—... .... 74
Beaver Fails b0r0ugh......-.... • 3119
Pulaski township 943
New Briy.htou . 4637
do do North Ward .... ... I 1347
do do Middle Ward........... ...... 1474
do do South Ward...-. ... .... 1212
Rsccoo.i township
Rochester township.
tracheaer borough
South Beaver ..... . .• 1206
St Char borough
Magian's' Persian Olehie cures
Neuraigia and all Pain.
"The Last Loaf." —We had the good
fortune to be present at the Town Hail
in Rochester, on Friday and Saturday
evenings last, to witness one of the most
popular temperance dramas of the pres
ent day, entitled "The . Last Loaf," con
cluded with the performance lof the
laughable farce, entitled "The Rough
Diamond," presented by the Rochester
Amateur Dramatic Association. The
members of the association have
learned their parts so well that
they 'render these plays with as
much satisfaction as any of the perform
ers that, play night after night before the
foot-lights in some of our most promi
nent theatres ; and having been greeted
with crowded houses on the evenings
referred to, they have concluded to re
peat it on Friday evening CY this week,
at which time we advise all our friends
to be present and enjoy themselves, as
it'is an excellent treat.
A No. 1 anti of clothing (coat. pants
and vest) for $lO.OO only, at Hibbard.%
Roche:der Pa. r aprll3.4w
A. neDOll44 of llookatown, is still
carrying on the harness and saddling
business ; at his old stand in that place.
where be is prepared to furnish No. 1
oak tanned leather harness at the fol
lowing prices; No. 1 Japan -mounting
01E1610 520 W 0 plate at PA silver from
$3O to $45; gilt mounting from $65 to 580;
and all other ardente in his. line as cheap
u they can be bought west of the Alle
gheny mountains. •All orders for work
In West Va., and Columbiana county,
Ohio, left at Gaston Bros., East Liver
pool, Ohio, will be protnptly attended to:
Bfport of , 146 Qint" Raporintots
ent thiAlut month of March,- 187 a, •
Whohi - number of public
tiuns, it, whole number of (melee iii
aininedt2; whole number of provision
al gertiatudei issued, 2; whole number
of offitihd Visits to schools. 30; ,ftv'erfige
!linpipent each, 11115 m; whole Mint
beret Di rexitarii with Suparl n tendon t, 13;
Whole ananiir patrons with Superin
tendent, 19; whole number of days spent
In ofiltdal diaties,, 21; whole number of
mites traveled. • 238; vshole number of
official letters wrikteu, 13.
Official visits have beim model/plait of
111 , 1 i0 1 90 1 $ in:the:44l4ty. and twenty
pup liavettixin visitoid pie second slime.
The iiietools in the rural districts hatoti
closed with but few exceptions. I very
much regret my inability to be present
at more of the examinations which were
held at the close of many of the schools,
but owing to the fact that many of them
took place on the same day, it was im
possible to do so. I heartily approve of,
the custom of spending the last two days'
of the term in examination and review,
and hope that directors will give this
matter more attention next year. I
would recommend them to insert this as
one of the requirements in the article of
agreement between directors and teach
Teachers in possession of rated pro
fessional certificates granteo in this
county, will please forward them to me
to be endorsed.
A special examination for profession
al certificates will be hold at the office of
the County Superintendent in heaver,
commencing on Friday, May 9, at 9
o'clocki a. in., and continues two day's.
Applicants for certificates will be re
quired to bring recommendations from
a majority of the board or boards of di
rectors in whose employment they shall
have taught for two proceeding annual
school terms. M. L. KNIOUT,
County Superintendent.
County papers please copy.
ALL kinds of Lubricating oil, paint
burning oils, manufactured by F.
McCarty, Point Oil Works, Smith's
Ferry, Beaver county, Pa.
General Jail Delivery.—On last
Saturday evening the sheriff of Wash
ington nounty was no little surprised, on
making his last call for the night on the
prisoneirs in Ito jail, to find that all but
two, had vamosed the ranch. The two
remaining wore too old and docrepid to
leave, else we presume they too would
have silently stole' away. Briceland,
the murderer of Alliugham, is among
the missing. The Sheriff offers a re
ward of 1300,00 for his capture. While
the Sheriff was eating his supper, it is
supposed, some "outsider" got bold of
his keys, unlocked the main door of the
prison, then likewise unlocked the va
rious cell doors and let all the "captives
go free." Tne whole county is excited
over the "delivery," and a very large
number of people are scouring the
country in all directions, with a view of
capturing the whole or at least a part of
the flown birds. •
FRANK MCCARTY, not only makes the
best Lubricating oils in the country;
but he also makes a superior quality of
Etrzlne, prepared by a patented process.
that entirely deprives it of any oily 'Mb
stance, rendering it mitt of the best prep
arationi for cleaning type or gutabed
machinery of any kind. Point _Oll
Works, Smith's Ferry, Beater county,
"Ensuing season" bills:- printeiF.itt
this Wilco with •proloptness: liovo
some Atlendid "negatives" for that hus
"WELL, Robinson I how is that Iron
aro not afraid to read by..,that lamp?
Will It not explode?" No, I bought
the oil it contains from Mr. Frank 'Mc-
Carty, and ho makes an oil that cannot
E. L. Christman, esq:. of West
Chester, has purchased the . Interest or
the late Mr. Kelley in the Washingto n
Reporter, and will hereafter be associat
ed with Mr. William 8, Moore in the
publication of that excellentjournal.
patterns in Spring and
summer Dress Goods, at the Choap
Store or Will A. Smith, -Rochester.
Newpaper Postage.—The act of
Congress abolishing the franking privi
lege also abolishes the free :circulation
of weekly papers in the county where
published. As the act goes into opera
tion on the first of July ensuing, sub
scribers to weekly papers will from find
after that date have to par postage on
tho same at the rate of twenty cents a
year, or five cents a quarter.
SMITH—On Friday April 11th, 487; at
Smith' Ferry, Mrs. Susan Smith, sup
posed ago 94 years.
DAWSON—In Beaver, Pa., on the 17th
of April, Benjamin. infant son of Capt.
W. F. Dawson and Barbary A. Daw
RICHARDSON—In Beaver, Pa on the
17th of April, 1873, Alice. Jeannette,
youngest child of Mr. Jason and Hat
tie Richardson, aged seven. months.
MULLER—At Benvenne, his country
residence, near Zelienople,. Butler
county, Pa., on Thursday morning,
April 3d, Mr. George Henry Muller,
aged 94 years and 9 months.
by Rev. NV. 13. Skinner, at the . resi
dence of Mr. Isaac Hazen, esq., in
North Sewickley township; Mr. James
M. Hazen to Miss M. E. Rosenberger,
both of Beaver Falls, Pa.
Bridgewater, April 17, 1373, by RE Y.
James M. Shields, Mr. Thomas L.
Kennedy and Miss Sallie Ann Alexan
der, both of Brighton township, Bea
rer count•, Pa.
Wheat, per bushel ...... ....... ...SI 706)1 to
Oats " •• 41.30 45
Corn " - 50.11 65
Hye " " , 11V6 75
'Buckwheat per bushel Ss6n DO
Flour per sack 2 30(it2 50
Better per pound 3064 35
Lard " -10 Q, 12
Teflon , " " FA 10
Eggs per dozen . 1944 15
Chickens per pair 40:Te ' 50
Chickens, dressed, per pound 12G . 4
Potatoes per bushel. . (t)( 70
Honey per pound Ufa 25
Onions per bushel 1 25a1 75
Apples, green, per bugle] ' 4.10 50
Beans per bushel 2 750/15. 00
White Wheat per bushel ,11 TO
Red Wheat per bushel. 1 G 5
Rye per busbel.. ~75
Oats pet bushel. 35
Corn per bushel ... 50
New Advertisements.
In the Orphans' Court of Beaver Co.:
In the matter of the final account of Chrfrtopher
O'Rourke, Administrator of 'the estate of Attu
Kelly, deceased, Bled by Emma O'Rourke and
James Edgar. Administrators of tho estate of
said-Christopher O'Rourke. deceased.
And now to wit: 'Match Wth, IEII the Court
appoint E. U. Daugherty, esq., an Auditor to re
port distribution of the balance In said account to
and among the partheclegally entitled thereto.
From the record.
Attest:— . JOHN C. HART, Clerk.
The Auditor . rebore named will meet, for the
pantos° aids appointment, at the Cr art now,
In Beaver, on Thursday, Rth day of May, 1873, at
ono o'clock, P. M_ at which time and place pay.
tics to interest may attend if they see proper.
it. li. DAUGIIFIIiTif, Auditor,
4-234 w
(Opposite CathedraL) •
gargratelneten of Cities Collection of Clefts
and alt Mita Legal„Soignee; cantered 10 re 7 care
will metro prompt attention. 4.2341 m
Sealed womb bereceleed until May 10th
foe the building of Methodist Episcopal Church,
in the borough of Obtegow, Beaver county, Pa.
L Plana mid rpecilkatlons can be seem at James
in said borough.
will. UOOD. t Building Com.
New Advertisement*
Norcadile Wait Ant List
Of Venders offletelt swats. la theVoun.
$y of Seater for the Year JCL
Beaver Borough. Chu*
John Parris II
!Amon Hallam& er 14
A Wpm % 14
Bilk& Mirk
11 2
J B Clar oo k -
James Alllsop 14
Robert Ta 11034 .. 14
Jamesklna 141
Marne ' . 14
Thos All & &si b IX
Menry Meru • ‘. 14
W=ll'4 Andra . II
John Border 34
J McCreary • 13
Mrs J II 13e•we l4' ,
James ROMs 14
0 IJ Alklns & t:o. 11 1
Borough Terp.
1171111 um Harrah 14
Baker Heed 14
Thomas %mocker 14
Bridgewater Boro
James Barbour li.
James 11 Doherty 14
A Brehm 14
Itarvoy Brownl
it! 1
A 8 Harvey. 13
B 8 Riulhelm mer 4
Stilesl Javens 231
BM Beaver Tap. 1
.7 il Wit e heropoaa
!Mott 41b o
Hudson a Patterson 14
Beaver Palle Sore
PR Hobnail 13
J 0 Bunter 13
G W South 14
John Rebeck 14 1
lin 8 King 14
L 13 Clildsey 14
Ward a Cleland 14
R 8 Newton 14
David McClurg 14
Mrs II B Clark 14
Samuel Musser 14
Charles Levi 14
Robert DuneAn 13i
William Reed II 1
R A Craighead 141
A Fleming 141
II Ramsey 14
BF Bowling 14
W W Donee 14
D Stewart &Bon 141
Bruce & Brierley I .
M A Townsend & 80U14
11 0 Whisler 14
Joseph Deemer 14
Jahn Sterling 14
I & T Ransom 14
II C & 8 It Palters( u 14
Johu F Cowling 14 1
J Kennedy & Co 14
Patrick Rogan 141
II B F.:wing 141
11 c Purvinnee 141
Ah Pay (Chins Firm) 141
Jar hlcAnits 14 1
hire 8 J Watson 141
John Ebner 141
W F Dart,. 14 1
W Bliunt 14
W R Nair 14
Joeeph Carney 14
Ira B Duncan 11
Azarlah Inman 14
Darlington Boro Taw
Freeman Butts 14
J C Duff 14
R G Cook. 14
Mrs J 11 Kerr 14
Carry 4r. Brother 14
Moody 4.t Co 14
A Bricker 14
flebont4; Ink
Freedom Boro
8 Morann
At D 'Fisher
J IS Cheney
D E Lowry
A Wilson
Robert U McConkey 14
Economy Ttp
Henry Grove - 14
CCOMaOI k McKee 14
Franklin Trop
E Antenreith 14
Greene Tirp
Charley Calhoun II
J II Deihl ,t. CO 13 1
Trimble d; Co, 131
' 1
4 IL Todd _ .•,.. It
;i i ii ep tili c r e i ran ill tit D Johnso; 14
David Ramey 13 1E1E11w:11n Pfeiffer 14
William Elliott 13 John Linnenbrinlc , 14
Brunton a Ball 141 8 Peyezer & Sons 9
John R Conlin , . 11, James A;exander 14
Harmony new 1 George Streit 11
Muriel at Lentz 14, 1 /Johan Mean 13
Hanover MT and Boro: Campbells Jr , Ruth t -1
W El Frazier 13 Thomas need 14
J Morrison 4 son 13 John P Smith 14
:41 1. Annstrag 14 John D :oilin 11
Hopewell Trop I Cocoon 'Pup
Calvert & Patton 11 James Scott It
Independelkee Tirp I 141 Springer 11
W Larch 14 R Rail - )4
Todd & Bruce 14 3 11 Christy 31 14
Compounders of Medicines.
Beaver Bon) Sfortrara Craig
JohrMloore /3,W Gilliland
1.14 m Andre!alien 3
Bridgewater BA,
G McCook Smith 8
Bearer Pails Boro
rll,im 31
r E ii odrick 4C. CO 3
Ohio 71cp
J A ogstey 4
D M Irwin 4'
J 11 Warrick 4 1
W Grim 4'
Daritxoton Boro
Debout 6 DM 4
Nov Brighton Boro
R L lienah 3
New Brighton Boro • Rochester Boro
John Braswell 2 Hart Darrazh 3
11B11illa 2 James Unborn 2
Brewers awl DistUlers.
Bearer "Its Bora I Bridgewater Bora
Volk: it Falk.. . .9teurald. Welagsber._ 10
James Atherton it , Fleeadausiben. : 1
RocheAter Ttrp John I , Muller 8
Gotleib Cline In' • .
The Vona of Appeal. will he held at the Com
mi.sionen•' Office. Beaver, On SATITIIDAT, PUB
WTII DAT OP MAY. Ti 73. and Licen.e.t are to he
paid to the County Trea,turer, on or before J 1.71.17
IST, 157.1, i:. P. Th'ILVA IN E.
apr23-tf.l ihrrantite Apprutaer.
State and County Taxes.
County Treasurer will attend in the Fevcrul
townships and boroughs between 9 a. in. and
5 p. m., for the purpose of receiving the State and
County Taxes for the year 1873, at the places and
times designated below, viz :
Bridgewater bort), May 19, n. m , Toll house.
Freedom born, " 12, p. Kerr Jr, Mc-
(Caskey's office.
Rochester boro, '• Johnston House.
Rochester township, •• 15. , do do
Baden boro, " 14, a. m., Biddle's Store.
harmony township, •• ii. p. in., Post Office.
Phillipsburg bona . •• IS , Capt. Shrodes.
Fallst on horo, " 19, Toll House.
N. Brig,htoit&Pniaskl •• 19, Huron 11011,1 e.
do do Magaw's Hotel.
Patterson & Beaver
Falls, '• 21 R. 22, Dr. K Kendrick
Drug Store.
Georgetown boro, " 22, a. tn., Calhoon's Store
Glasgow born, •' 23, n. m., Jesse Smith's,
Marion township, •' 29, George liartzers.
Franklin township, " 27, Autenreith's Store.
North Sewickley tp, '• 23 , Nathan Hazen's.
Economy township. •• 29, Mrs. Neeley's
New Sewickley twp, •• 0. Sheall's Store,
Industry twp, June :1, Allen's Store.
South Beaver & Ohio " 4, Mrs. Rapt's.
(thin township • •• 5, Reed & Abers Store,
Itig Beaver & Home
wood, •• In, Jo Inston House.
Big Beaver and New
" 17 Union lintel.
Chippewa twp. •• IA, W. Cunningham.
Darlington tp &Moro, •• 19, Jacob Wlrks'.
South Beaver, •• Joseph Lawrence's.
Hookstown horn and
Greene township. •• 21, Jon McFerren's store.
do do 21. do do
lisuover&Greene tps James Reed's Store.
Frankfort Imro, Mrs. Stevenson's.
Hanover township, " 27, M. 1.. Armstrong's
Raccoon twp. July 7..7. 11. christy's Store.
Independence twp " 9. John Holmes'.
Inn.mendenee and
Hopewell twpo, Todd Lt Bruce's Store
Hopewell township. " In, R W. Scott's.
llo.m township, " Il..fames Prentice's.
rotr Payments can be mnde in ndinininz town
ship. Taxes paid het .re A nt, , nst 10, will be 5 per
cent off. On and after September lot 5 per cent.
will he added.
All lkenges are dne by law July 110. Those not
paid at that date will be collected with tests.
C. P. W ki.LACE.
Tremoirrr of Bear.r. County.
April 11, Iti73--tt
Orph us' Court Salo
Estate of Joseph Braden, Dec'd.
by virtue of an order of the Orphanet 4 Court of
the county of Beaver, Lhe undentlimed; Adminis
trator of the estate of Joseph Braden, dec'd, will
expose to Pale by public rendue or outcry, on the
premises, on
SATURDAY, the 17th DAY of MAY,
A. D., 137:1, at 10 o'clock. a. m., all that certain
piece of land, late the estate of said decedent_ sit
uate in Daslington township, fi said county,
bounded north by land of John 3lcCanghtry,
cabs by land ofJas. Patterson, and south by land
of Nathan Cory, containing 9 acres more or less,
all ander fence, well watered, half acre in timber
and balance cleared and improved, and having on
it slog house and orchard. Terms made known
on day of sale.
Au.o at same time and phlce, the Administra
tor will sell the household goods and personal
property • of the decedent, consisting of house
hold mid kitchen furniture. grain. etc , etc.
Darlington Twp , April IT. 13':3.
Cheap Farms for Sale Near Chico
when you can buy as tine farming lands as
the sun ever shone oat. Improved and unimprov
ed, at from 25 to4o'dollars an acre, ranging from
40 to 1,300 acres, within from 30 to 50 miles from
Chicago, In one of the finest dairying countries
in America? Five railroads now running through
the country, aLd 4 orb more being constructed.
Naveseveral good Improved farms for sale cheap.
For particular s address
aped -tw Crown Point, Lake County, Indian
Kitty` Peas, Beans, Corn, Tomatoes.Onlon Sets,
Potatoes, and all other seeds for market garden
ers, families,. A box of twenty varieties of
flower Seeds for one dollar.
Send , tor fkmnett's Catalogue. free. Address
JAS. inamarr, Seedsman,
apr23 Sto 133 Smithfield SG, Piltsbnrgh
Liebe it Co.'s p 1 ILos,
The three hest and most popular Instruments
now In the ;market. Catalogue and Price List,
containing tallrticulars, mailed to any address
*Sixth Avenue. Pittsburgh, Pa.
apr23 Gm SOLE AGENT.
P T 1 Heckert 14
James Park 1:1
Etobert Snead 14
North frtfultkley WI)
A M Mecklent J. 4
• N,w Brighton liFro
Everard 14
John Gibson 14
sepnon 14
Hobert' Houston 14
It &elated 14
Al Wind 13
W • 11 Donal,/ 14
Evan Pugh 13
Al snellenbarg
11 Milli 11
Z lt U
ols.ntv 11
J P Mitchell • 11
Michael Mcalaughlin 14
Thomas Morgan Zenith 111
Philip_ Martsof 13
Hunter 11
Prank Longenecker 14
IC 121 Meni 14
IA D Gil y leland &Co It
J 8 Berger • 14
J B &nderson 13
A Hamner - :4
12 Herrkk. & Son 14
Cbarles.Colie 14
J 5 Winans 13
William Kennedy 9
&r Duff 11
Boots& per
ink 1
JH Mann 12
A Bestwick 14
Wm Cowl 14
S N Park 14
D_Updegraph 14
J Vi - ?I Innen 14
Ifiram Hoed
J P Edgu lic Co 14 14
J am P
Ca es
rey 14 Roney 11
S 11 Andrews 14
IVir B Walsh :4
;Herzog & Beam 14
IA Bert - 14
%V A Dinsmore 14
Ethan Thomas 14
New Galilee Bora.
.J lif Reid 13
B Johnson 14
IRJ Stinson 12
R Poer
O rt hio Hitotts/ilp. 11
John A Cogsley 13
D 11 Irwin 13
iSi Grim II
J M Kennedy 14
4 II Warrielt . 13
;Thomas Hasten 11
Aber& Reed 13
IT 0 Boyd 14
I Thorns. Watson 14
1 St Glair IWro
S A Unita. 11
Baden Born
I C D BI d:e 14
David Smith 13
South Bearer Twp
_ _ ...
Samuel S Tnytor
Industry Tarp
Mrs John Jackman 11
JN&OEAber 14
James Hu•ecll 11
James Allen 14
Phillipsburg Boro
Le Gunton 11
L .mapper 11
C N Keran.•r 14
W J Porter 14
Rochester Boro
WI! un A Smith 14
Shlrp it Hama 10
.1 U.McCntcheon 14
H 8 Hibbard 14
Co 14
1.1 s Winans & Co 14
John S Veder 14
WWl= Carey 14
S J Crusi 9
Henry Lapp 14
N 11314(111s 13
ege& Damgh 11
Hr W Johnson 14
Charles Huth 3 I
Abiaham Silverman 14
Andrey Daig 13
• L' Stelufe.d 4
Greene Twp
Timm Swetrlngeu 4
Rochester Dora
11 S 'Hibbard 3
S C Hawn
T Kennedy b Co
A 1' Shallenberger
John D Coffin 4
Nero GatrUee Bore
Charles - 9 Dunlap 4'
Et Gar Bozo
S A M 4
ort Boro
J Morrison & Son 4
• New Advertisetnents•
TILL T 11013107711100. practico btu pro.
, .11/14sIon •In Waver and surrcrundlog country.
Office In Itto Border botldtag , ad strum •Bouvor,
Pa. XDI23-117.
Landrptlfs Warranted Garden geeeds
Rave spoken tbeir own praise for uptrarda of
there quarter. of a century.
ailed promptly and tar warded by Mall or Ra
vers. •
Waall. r a T:Pls t .a ) M l ZT.
The handsomest and cheapest in
191 Liberty Street,
127 Federal Street
And Afaetcli Goods in general
nunibctured by E. P. Needham it Son, N. Y.
Clothing for Men,
Clam tor Boys,
Fine Brass Suit.2o, 24, 25, 27, and $3O.
Business Suits, 14, 15, 18, and $2O.
All Wool Scotch uits , - 13, 15, and $2O.
Boy's Snits, - - - 8.50 to $15.00.
Children's Suits, - - - 100 to $12.00'
Men's Working Suits, - 10 to $12.00.
Jean Pants - - - - 2.00, 2::50 $2.75.
Furnishing Good:,
The CeMA Hathaway Shirt,
In White and Fancy Colors
Neckwear of t all Descriptions, &c.
All of which will be sold 20 PER CENT. LESS
than other Dealen,
Clothing douse,
95 Smithfield street,
• Si Iza
178 Federal street,
EXECUTORS NOTlCE.—Estate of James M.
smith, deceased—Letters testamet tary upon
the above estate having been duly granted to the
undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate
are requested to make payment, and those having
claims to present the tante without delay to
.1. M. SMITH,
Beaver C. 11.. Pa.. or
Sloppirogport, Pa.
Cb 40 841 ,
4E111111,E 'WO
I .: • • t , , 4%0T. , ^ ii - , l "r„lii , n I"; -; , '„;'' . . tit; ill,
,I",, t r i? - ' :;. j , ,;i• i ll i r l:( 4ifi l l,iii,l‘l4l4 ; ,; ,
Itiltpi M.; tf„r,! ,2-1:0;1,411.g.1:1:141151!
~,,,,„ , , t ,„ go . „
„„ 1 „ .1,,, , r .,„.
1, 41 1. 1 7'44. i[ '
~, "',ko, t , i .- 1 1:, , , :: 4 • • ~,,,, , f -4 , ..,
.3 , ... , .
' ,--- .. , : - ',,_„ om •':•'__,'?-4,:t - ,----__—_,.
___ _
t+the nearest approm It to a spec' tic ever discov
ered for Dyspep.ia. Neurelgin.littentuati.m, Goat.
Gravel. Diabetes. Is;4llwr anti UtinJry Diseases
Lleilerni , v. It rtslon t s muscalar power to the Par•
sly ttc. It cure , Lner Complaint, Chronic Dis
likes, Flies, Consttpat!on, Asthma, Catarrh and
Bronchitis, Disca,4es of the Skin, General Dehili•
ty and Nervous Prostration from Mental and
Physical Ex,cesses. It is the greatest antidote
ever discoved Mr Excessive Eating, on Drinking.
It corrects the stomach. promotes Dlze} non, and
Relieves the almost immediately.. Notion:,
hold follouid he without it. For rale by. all drug •
g_3f — For a history of the Sprinzs, for medical
reports of the power of the water °ler diseases,
for marvellous cures, and for testimonials from
di.tingnished men, send for pamphlets.
witty:: FY BRCS., General Agents, -...11; South
AN D FIXTURES Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
I GsTrrsnrno Srnnnt Co. aprZl-4‘v
We have on hand a large stock or fine finished
Head Stones which we are selling as cheap as any
other firm in the State. Also Granite Monuments
and Head Stones furnished to order as reasonable
as they can be elsewhere.
Persons wlebkng Monuments or Head Stones
will save money by calling and seeing our stock
before purchasing elsewhere. as we will guaran
tee to sell a better Job for less money than any
other firm in the county. Also
Executor's: Notice.
Edate of Samuel-Miller, Deceased.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Samuel
Millet of Greene township, Beaver county, Pa..
•decessed, having been granted to the nudersign
ed, nil persona having claims or demands against
the estate of said decedetit are requested to make
known the same wihout delay.
A. I . Extnitorl.
mafsJfdiw L MILLER.
Kendall. Pa.
The Confession of an Invalid._
P1351.11.1111ED AS A WARNING and for the benefit 01
Young Men and others who suffer from NERV
MANHOOD etc., supplying the means of un
cure. Written by one who cared himself after
undergoing considerable quackery. and sent free
on receiving a post-paid directed envelope.
Sufferers are invited to address the author.
marittnt Box 153, Brooklyn. King's Co., N. Y
AC Jae 3Eiras 3P3E9C"Ei
r•oR 1873.
We are now offering,and will continue
to offer through the year, the
the market will produce, at prices as at.
tractive as the goods. Our stock will be
larger and choicer this year that ever be
fore. All needing .
31 ITT GS,
will be well suited at
21 Fifth Avenue,
Taarll-3m;thd 'opt=
Rowell & Co.'s Advertisements.
Chedp Farms!
The cheapest Land In Market for sato by the
Union Pacific Railroad Company
In the Gnat halt° Valley
3000,000 Acres In Central Nebraska
Now for sale In tracts of forty acres and novards
on +lv's and rza , years' credit at 6 pe cent:
No advance Interest required.
Mild and healthful climate, fertile soil, an bun
dance orgood„water.
great Stinlint reglons of Wyoming., Co; redo,
titan and Nevada being supplied by the mere
In the Platte Valley,
Soldiers Entitled to a Homeatead of 160 Lime
FREE HOMES FOR ALL! 111111ous of aea,
of choice Government lands open for eutry tih•J
der the Homestead Liw, near the Great ItaltrosuL
wish good markets and an the conrenteneles of an;
ofd settled ebuntri.
Free ranee to parchment of Railroad Land,
Sectional Maps, showing the Land, also nevi
edition of Descriptive Pamphlet With new 'Map,
Mailed Free Everywhere
We Will send FREE by mail. on receipt of One
25 packages of cheic.e.F 'ewer Seeds abil
our catalogue, containin4 upwards of 1-,(1.1t varie
ties, with full directions for culture, to any ad
dress in the United States. Catalogue* free on
I/EE . DOYLE, Seedmeu and Florists,
57 Tremont street, Baotou.
In this towinthip to canvass for the new. valuable
and fast selling book by Dr. JOHN COWAN,
The Science of a. New Life.
Iteeotnmended and endorsed by prominent mic
isters, physicians, religious and secular papers.
other book like it published. $7O per week
guaranteed. Address, COWAN a; CO.,
i:9 Eighth at., New York.
or, pitms—HOW TO sEtEcT AND USE THEM
A plain treatise, contalninz sample card with 42
different actually painted shades and tints, WII h
Instructions ter exterior and interior !louse Deco
25 coptep, bound in cloth, for 85. Sample cop
ter, paper covet, inni:ed, putt paid. to any addrers
ou recetpt of 10 ectits, by toe PubliAter.
Box 11;21, Philadelphia.
'.e the follotripg rabtable exdracts e from press r,c,
licos :
"A vt.ry vluabte book, and no one In:endin
to ;mita. ~ h ould Tait ro react it."—N. K Triune.
-We did not know eo much could be rant on
The rubj,et or pa;ntilig; a houeemntil we read MIA
ezcelleut boo:: or Mr. Baird'B."-N. F. IPratil.
"A weld lot 't at lat , t ruppbect."-Saeuttile
"sot only a neccr,ity - the puhaer. but vaino •
blo t 1 e , try occupant of u dwelling.--N.
B n y f book and di.itrlbute them
onn; }oar Irtend., , .. If they will heed the advio ,
thvo-io, you could make no Wore calosb:e pre'
" , Yr go 7rih,-1...
• - lii this hook Mr. Baird has dune a
real service to the COmmunlty. " --Totedo
• - W4, Lope The publisher xvill sell 100,4X10 copies
of this book dnrinf4 "711."—Bodoa Adrettisor.
-We have Jost painted oar hcuse as advised by
the eothor, end cdrefratulate ourselves that no
dwelling in our neighborhood excels ours in up
pearalice."—lldrye-r's 1144.1 y.
In sending a sample copy for 10 cents Mr. liat.d
must fed certain en or.ler for '25 bound in cloth
will follow.''—Fraek I.coLiF.
. 4 We kIICAV the WWII ;13(1 c antry paints therein,
recommended, and can vouch for their vatne sn
the excelleace of the 'llerrieon'brand of ohne
lead " -Ph ad, Ledger.
anienam "
AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Addreoy
USE the Register sash lock and support to
No spring to break . , no cutting of gash ; cheap,
durable, very easily applied:. holds sash at ity
place desired, and a Belt-tastener when the sash 1,
down. Send !tamp for circular. Circular and
sor copper-bronze leeks sent_ to any address lu
the U. S., postpaid; on receipt of - .ln cents. Liberal
triducernentslo the trade. Agents wanted. :Nti -
dress REIS - D:11E11i SASH LOCK CO. No.
Market St._ Hartisbarg. Pa.
3lantifactnrert; of Saws.
VW - L.IIIEI:AL DISCO,. STS.. -- 44i
ref."Prke and Clrcalarg fro.
w. 12.; LA:,
Uj Boston, Maas. and Detroit, Mich.
Ititle..o SS to $73 Revolvers v 1.5 to
,f 1 to Gun Material, Fudiing Tarkle.;
Large discount to deatercor clubs, Army guue,
Revolvers, Sc., bought or traded for. Good.i sent
by expret,t C. 0. D. to he examM.:l.l before paid
Kitchen Urystal Soap
For cleaning and polisint,4 metals, for cleaning
and preserving paint, for removing stains from
marble, for washing hande. and for all household
cleaning, is superior to any other article made.
No other soap or NV.:AI ..(10:1:-S it, either In unal:l2,'
or cheapneer.. Easy to use and perfectly harmless
and pleasant All grocers sell it. Manufactured
only by EASTMAN fIdt , WEE, 431 N.Third St.
No fee- unletr , succe.sful. Yo fees in advance.
No etarge for rrviiminary , earch. Send for cir
cular,,. CONNOLLY BROTHERS. Ilk; S. Fourth
St., Philadelphia, Pa., and CAN Ninth Si, Wavh
ington, D. C.
gi nally puolh•hed In 1te1.5. A print of this rare
and curionn poetn now rend} - . Price tI 00. An.
ANTIqVARIAN Pun , 13(i S sth St.; Phlls'd_
We will pay all Ager.t. E-14) per week IN CASH
ho wlll etlga , ;e ui.h 11+ r ON( E. Everything
tarn:-Ltd and tctler..e. Addret.s
A. COCLTLIZ Y CO, Charlotte, Nilch
$§ to $2O per dal - ' :welds wanted ! All classes
otworhlnn people,of either *ex,yonri?
or old, maize more money at work fur as hi thole
spare moments or all the Iltlltt than at anythitaz
eke. Particolar+ tree. AdJrrss TINgON
CO., Portland, Maine.
WORKING CLASB „`ii;ilU - aE wo (i rk it ^:a 'E ra l n i t A e l :tt l
Itesvectot4f• ea Iploy 111 , 1 i t at home. itay or even
on capitol required: foil instructioos on
paci:age of good, , tent free hy purl. .V 1
droop, with its cent re.orn statni), M. YOUNt.
CO . ltt Corttandt St . N. Y.
-- , - ,...,.;,1i,:,: , .,;i,. - p,01, , , - .,1,1
$ /0 0 0 For anyZe of liiia7l:ffieeding„
Itching, or Ulcerated tint
DE BING'S Pile Remedy fail« to care. lri,‘ pre ,
pared expressly to cure the I'lleo, and nothtn4
elec. Sold by alltlrng,gh , ts. Price, $l.OO.
TO BOOK C.i N i 7.4 EI S.
109 rli4;nl
Is plain talk about the body and its physical and
SOCltil needs. Dr. E. B. Powrz, author of -Medi
cal Common Sense," of No. 11.0 Lexington Ave ,
N. Y., who entertains everybody with bia pen,
and cures everybeily by his sitill..lalts author.
In its thousand pages it answersa thousand nue,-
tioqs you don't want to go tom' your phystclen
about. It as is stamped uppu its cover, "a
book for private and considerate reading.' Price
25. and sent, postage prepaid, everywhere.
Contents table mailed free. Agents Wanted. A
beautiful or suss chromo, mounted, "Turrow
PUYSIC TO Tlls D 065," worth 810, goes with the
book. No cbrEuno without the book. No book
without the chromo. Address 11111:3111J1.111
BILL Publishing Company, 'No. 129 East 28th
Street. New York. marl 2 8w
Luther S. Kauffman,
stock aid Note &Dior,
2b19 -4m
Land Commissicnitr tr. P. R. R.
p ....-
Sewing Machine
<;1:"1 - 11M 4 1;I T IZGr.