The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 02, 1873, Image 1
. . . • . ~ . . r . , • . . . . . , „ . . •.. . . • - " -- - - - • - ! .f.. , :".4 ! , -:.r"ko.-,,, 7 .,!! - ADVEitilltllonDrENH.' -e • f!!.-..' - ~.,- 1l ;,, - -; -., ,-- - . -r i! - „ ... , -•-- - I.k''' - ~Z.C. t 44 -. i .:;- ' •'--'• ',,..-,- "7.!..r•:.i.41„. ~; • "-,7:it Advertisements/are-inserted et tke rate T . --.•"! ,-...- - , - - _ . .. - . - • , .. .. . .. . - - 7 - - -1 ' • .--.--' -' .:I'.'•.'' ' : ' '' - r . -: -. . , _ • . - • ;• " • :'.: '• o r $l,OO pa' equere.lbr first insettioa, and - - .- e.l ,-, -, ~- - . ' - --," ;.":‘"." WI i • : . , „,,,,, 1 , '..i ~. . , . • !•-• -izt,,ii- - ,:ti!,-.. .or eactiatibeeqtaglCinsertion'so cents. • - _- !„. , 4 . :! !. ;: --. ~ , ,-- i - • ~,,. ,f,„ - , - , 0114 - !. "•-;,.„--; , • , ,t.::4,!-.1 A libertglittikiellrtagde''OTV7 yealy , B4l- - .. - c..1 , - Lt .. .. , 1: - .:!. -.-, !., .14 .. 3 . .J . r-A.c.-- !_ _ - vertiseDlSUM t ; .-- • . • , , , A space 04 1 1 21 $ 0 •tqlikttitICIftithrtTre - s • '- - ....... ~ / • • ..' ' 4 .-i i-t- - -'l'-it -tP"(:.. - S' , ~f ".;1:'/;:- ? ' ' • .-: -- .. • • •-•,;-;.4. [ i; 7•-.l' i?; :1. '3. 4 t-4' i 4l --tin't . ~ • 1 . B deideee ablbir :--'• • i • dier , a liead - bY 4. i -).- 1 n. : i ' 1- ' "''' I ''' ' 1 i : 7.:. 4 i.; '' ••'. 1 '••. '• ' ! - ' • :%- • - -\,.. • - • ' •.2 •• , •••,'-'•• 1! 11 y. '.i,,•,.•*. ~ . :'•,, 1 : " ••'•' ''J - • 1 - 1 '''''''':& 1; :'"• .. V•'" . , : i• I " , ',•-s'` .3 :, thelaSigkall:' 1._.• ' 7. '' after the 'Deal v:, . ...1 n e WS ?Vrlll:3] , t3 '' • ...." -•,, -ten tante aline Far e.4Ch •IbildeUol2. , . t., 2 . .: . A(l%ettlietiente ehoteldrbejlteatted in ' • ' ' Vol -. 55—No 1 1 1 • 1 3. , _ - .. , o,,illoadiiy,iloon, 4kt-until* labertion: ! .. .! ! ~., ~.7: - .; _ ...,:.,,,,i ..1 40- 03 ,-0- 2 . '-''' ,- *"-'43 -..ti ii...• ~ ,, r ; .•;':".-1 -- / ':' i: ' . . :---' - "--•-,'" -' ' . . ill thatatieWirpaper.: ~,r•-•--- - !se , i, - _0 Y'!•-• ,, = - ---- - ----- _. _. _ ___ _.___ _. . ___ _.._ _ _ 7 . -- -- - •-• 7 4111100401110.111 , _i nsu rance s: , ~... . :.. . .„„ : i . ~ ~ - . 7:v s ii r ' G oo d, t4 -: ,-- - . !-, .ig a ti....A. , - tai ...-4 , . , lar ,, E c ir Dtirectirwit' - '-' •--- . . , . . ~ --- 77.7... , -.. I' , , . 12 1131 m A cin itli o n a \ * Q0 A RA D n Sa v ••.:Pirtii en. 43taiitH ierneo iT Tlaw Artrini trai t - .. q, 1•:!•:6,11 , 11ft_ .... - Li.. • -...-...,......- ...'- -11 ‘rjrAia l :•''.- ' ( ALPS INSURANCE' COMPANY • - . .. , . - - - '-' '-". 7 'irl-- :' ..' l) - - - ,-- or mu, .4).A... -- -:', --- -.-; F. IL Aaram.- -_-_--'." - -:.- = --;.' ;AC t'94o/A- 11 . •••• • - - . . . . ba 111111. ,---- - \ _.• . I:, .-, - , _7. :. ! „, -‘.:...; •;- !it bed ciasewaatteti, • C... IRWIN Iv • CO., Tp , . , D r rat ........ In 's ~ . , ,_._, 2 .: ACNE Law. - Cash . Capital --- :; - $250,000 -00 - • . i. _ . . ~ .:....,,--.Atthbiff or tootidod6 -•-, toihrel'ionrolnfor.,_!... ~,,,,-..-, -..,.....• • ~. _.• , ........... .f.. .. , xet to ibo allow • Attalltays at . _,- Asssets. Oct. 9, 71, 311 1 948' 29 : ~ ~ .. , .., .. I iiiti..t - 64,11fd i nv:.- - -wors::::. ~T ;',.,.... ~,,Qa.•,,,-,l„selLa , /,,4 , 1 Third Street, Peairer f Pena's. ' ~r : - , ~ " 2 ._ stulablai !Pax s - . ar•ltititt , , "‘?" *,,•. 'F'"! . "."•.'. ~..-,, . ..-iy! - . opimuito , the Arra Onioe.'/' ' Liabiliti es , „.„. .. _ . 5.200 00 - -- - - -, - :,..,:: - -..........,......, ~. -,,f,-:), :- ....:: ~ _4.,,, =. r .;,..-3, 6 , J. P. DUNLAP, -.a.......- . '-' " • • .'I.III"ORTETIS noetwt... eta- .- glo - „ ..., „ 'Pluebnigh -- -ir: ;mats duos Aga. r lams l' :'• Olu link larkliesi... • t Law. ()Mee Ire the Conn; House,: O. NOBLE, President; J. P. YLVCRIfT, Vice Pt,, .. Attom•Y 11 . , . Alliance . _ -$ aura- -i' - 11,12.,',7 , 1- Whati ludpicaseas a 516'. .- 1145 - . -. • be,: er, Pa. AU business priaptly attended to. R. W. Woops, Treasurer ; •• • •- - . • Gavin& . eat ' ' 14519 i r .,....,:„. ,-.,,,...., .... ~..„...ii. . Tilos. P. Goonsica:seerstary. . . ' . •. - ; Xmas/had ;4 - .I:ft, .7- ell 2 i ~ I.',.lirbo lama ati hire. , a ra i tih , 1 A - - -_tar • 150/1- - - 411) ::). SKI . • 1 • - .. - , , . . I__.. •- - k I_l., 1i...N DS IJP J Oil WORK neatly and ea-pc•' • IIIRECIOBEit: " ' -- ' - I. or latitly executed at the Aunts °ace.' • noti• 0 Nubia, Eite,lion. cleci. - B. . -.• • •- '/ -• i D'-'!-1 •940-• . ee •G(4) - . 1171 -!'•-•` I ' ''tibit latetibliwitia:lill - , , ~.Ipbbe- s rqi, - .IPorest..A ..... .::•.. IMI: its' .t56`, - .', fits ,-! -, ~ -' '. -- . !.: J Vi liammnd. do' I P Vincent , i iI I e SAN ' ' . ~ %. sMALL - Attorney at law, Beaver . I'a. , fleriSelden Martin, de on 'Unia• •'' 4.. #6lO/11 ,ilols . , vs, ir.: =feet, P, • !!'''. lo / 140 ,! 3 -0., , t 't P. "uMee to toe Court }louse. = de.e2.5- t 1 Rlra r m i Dmuett., •do Hetazaawle u .. _ do„ ~ • ' Wirt Wgie. 140 ~ ;;M i- Ultatt „Sa. 7 t. • l'or be weeeßiAlvate PIYIS3 =ll •• 1;.-.1 " 415 :-,', ' - =Pat VIA ei Aws I 4 - • -.: :-ie'd she labiaSem ..4-.'' uil' a YL”•G' Attorney w La w . L 'in c i' and II 8 S e e s ilrfd e ' ' c dtl fez), JSltichada do , , • . . , ' . .., • Chleagn...' .... :. .‘ 'LSO 'loa f : - - ite..7. - ear ', :- • ... ~- •• 1 i.- ,- -- i.. •,,r5 ~..-11:eure cro Third gt... east cake Court House. w n sterna, •do Richard &Bran, do • - AND --, ..-• Timms isms Isasa.,N, •. i. -,.:;- ...N. /r.. ~ 4144 tar eteti• l T ieeie 1 1 ; , - .7..7, prompt,y attended to.- sP 27 a , awN bi , do F H Gibbs, do - 4io. 84- Wir.l.- - 144: 1 1 ,1 14o. Noi,keew a waif bell . .. . 7 , 11. !def./KEE RY.•Attiame7 at law. -0111 co on . 1 , tncettr e t. :.. :do John a coehlt4i. .. do • ' seimmies. 1/04/.• rot - !;x Nit Ex •: !. nut situ at last on: sag, ,} .'; hied si., below the Court Rouse. - All busi• . 1 4- ells Thai Alto . do IS Itartlehti.' , . ....-.........--.........-s•—• . ~.. 0w...N. i......i.• ' 'aroiimi, -? :` ~ . ~, o routpuy.atterided to. . i . . i e . ;ea... wII Abbott witairrillo. Capt DP Do . do .. ao Peal& IT6Zilit. , ... ' . . ' Ch1ara........ - . .. 615,0 i Mick -5301.11 laws( !"- •!, Aiiistikridilek :4llo , • • P. KULiN, Attorm at Law. Mice east Poileies ' Issued at fair rates and Rani bertna, REI I IMPIRS ' Plymouth... • .'......'. 616- liilePit•• Sib' '•• 11/10a* iM. • ;.- - -- - - ' - '--; -''" • c.'' i',- end ofThird . street, Iteaver. Pa., marg./M:ly Insures against damage by Lightning its well as .., . . . • V o n Wayne. -.lllopii ED ',.. Pal ; SYS ' i ' . lie trindlit san tom - Fire. MAIL 84-111UUSTa Ag`t. _ . • • . ' Lima !IS,. - '4Ol/':-- -ItittS 4115r , ' 1 . ''; li e g i n e ata•rik . pt I AR. J. S lieN CPT, Parsimais aim Sunozof.: . licalester. pa...Da. 20, 1871; ly, . - ' _ . - - ' .1.../ Special attentloo paid to treatme at of Irema.e • _ . ._... . '• ' .Crestibm A ' Nib Mt) . 403 i . evek . _ -., „magi joid biarabowis, ..,,, es. Realdence and. office on Third street, _ . , , . 1 lk- . • 'Ulnae •630; i..illty•.. 625 ' - . - 'rho' iiaoii to filiiiiii 1 - ,.. , , downs we. sof the Goan - Hotted apr1211:0 61 ' I- EBEIMABY ' . ';'— "" w * L' atta rs m. -OF- , ltenseeld Caere 'DO .. .413 „ 833, , •._ -1,- • •-, -- --- • • - - ' ' .. . , Oerviile ' jil3 - _ 020.' . ft'li. ! . 110,._ ..,:` • 'l. - ::'.,They'elosee beitrii i 1 1 E*R tY, Mil l l a l ue ct rßl l IrekrOnitt. Dealer t - i - ; Alliance: .. ... * . ... ICa'.We- KZ • • -',llOrsi• /i . lit t' Rocitiaite; .lj 61/I -: 1 'Mai 1141 '..-': wir ~ - , -Plitstangh.. ...... li 1910' ' 1110 - 1 Maar - .,110 ::,:.:, Au. la i i RAVER DRUG STORE, Hugo Andrierecu 1) Druggist ,t., Apothecary, Main st.. Preacrip- a. - Illrlfo. I dos igoteetliNeeitatlT 44 , -.e• Vs „ eareluily compotnided. .•.. (sepail ) /I, daily. exerotitnnday • aloe:. &A -,•,-,./-:-.;• •---;. v. ft. unras.- . Ow-, -'• v - A Word With kou ! i i r r y y o o n n w w:t to tn icise inty yo pro: ti rt ons v, e. Ryon want to sell property, • .. Ryon want your house Insured, : . 1111 • 01 . 01 . Q It you ant y goods taloned.. • If you want your llfe Insured, If you want to Insure against accident. NEW BUIGHTON. -1 ...... . --- If want to hire a house, • , CLEVELAND A PITTSBURGH' RAnEGAII., i • HAS. COAL E. Dealer in palnts. otiglass,nalls, If you want toliny, slam. ~ . -• On :and a ft er Dec. itt. 'UM. tratttllarill "leave k looktrl.glasses. frames, garden • If yon Want to tell a farm. l, - .. - ,a.l llowetvuteds and Lucy fowls. Fails atreet, • If you w ant a ny l ega l wr i t i ng . done. ' c; ' JOB LOTS -: • • Stal , tnta daily DiundaYa excepted) la Maya: ',•' • ...,,- Brighton: - - ... lecdrrnai -Do not fall to call at the office of aortae awns. -,. I, 7 , ;:'.; ' -, ti ISE;i ER A BlNGUAhL.'anntacturers °rear • Eberhart & Bedison, . b. ~. starlet& - Ham Eiceo4.4 - coaml 4 V starts. buggies. spnng-wairt.ns, buck-wag- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS Cleveland— . 14.30 a .. '...........1.S A 55 I, kepil—.....,- —. ....... :, ane +chides of every de s cription. Bridge S.. ' - ' AND to :11 ...teal Successors to • Hudson. 043 la 618 • ---- i 11.1. t pt. . Beal Estate Brokers. . ' .F'ROISI " . - ' Bureaus.... ... :045 863 648 , ~• - -••-• • Alliance - - 1110 7 , 410 6314 - - t , L'iNtitiECß.Eß„. &Ides in Watches, clocks lich 223 B"ad"Y1 Nell'BrigdON t' -ad Jewelry.. ; Repairing neatly executed,' lug 2-tn ' 1142,Ter comity, I'm . • Bayard ...., .. i 144 444 • - - ''; - , Wellsville Mors 0.10 - •• - , . Vi' . I: r.;adway, near Fa ll s-sr novr7l-ly ~ . - ' Pittabeugh... .... 3 iCk''' -ft2o - ', - ' ' ' - -s 1 w. NIPPEHT. linker .t conle - ctioner Ice- pr o f exsioital __Cards. I •1 • cream. Oysters and Game in season. B alls, ' ~.. .. ... ..g.. ,: ..:: - . - ~,_Ntcp. WTl:Wings. die.,. supplied. n oel :----- -. • 1% "M. WALLACE,Desier in ltallan A Anode:Wl' -dZs, ' - - lITAIIVINS. , ' s maw. ram's. A.ocoA, - ---- ..... , —1....... —...............—. IT Marble; klannfactures Alonuments..Grave , .• ono. & s ohs at reasonable prices. Railroad et., * • • Weihrrille Pitiless's - W..4 ::: . ElNiata tilieil . ~.. 835 SW ,-- . e - . ~...0 new Dew. New Brighton. [ 61 T 27 A.UCTION . Bayard 1010 4.56 i LI •i:•; TONREST4ORAINT and Eartau a.-- Alliance.... 4.1.23 sir . 123 ax 14 4cen; mettles &tap boure; tabletapplied with Ravennal2l2.rx 574 - 815 1, ; tie delicacies oftbeaeasoa. Priceslow. Wm: - Radian. 1:45 ' s2O --' VII - -tiekland, cor. of Paul and Broadway tnf4'Tl-1y , Cleveland 11 155 I. ' I MO :11015 ..- ... • GILBERT L. EBERHART. , Attorney at Law, • Will 4,-ive prompt attention to collections, !m.0.! Curing bounties and pensions, buying and selling real estate, etc. Office on Broadway, opposite RS &H. Hoopes' Banking House, New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. NBERO, Merchant Tattoo',- _Ben 4tf _____ `'.", . ti : r g (!At t i 4- w N a ll y. New Brighton. See ad, [spl4ly . .1a E S , 1 eaves. .. ' arrives.' , Bayard 12•10 & 500 p. m.l N_Philad.2:oo&73op.vo. NOES, p h . pher.- W104011:8. Bloat, ' A lma 1 1.. Broadway . Photographer.- photographs from re touch - ..-..-uw OAXMON. JOHN Y. MED. N.Phila. G;4oa.m. &Ipm. I Bayard 9;45 &MAI p.ta: .. !!!!. negatives. (seP:tlY CAMERON & MARKS. , _ . RIVER DIVTRON. ' ' -.• stoma 9.1110r.= _ _ . . - BEAVER FALLS. -_ .. STATIONS. I Accost' MAIL. /Woe 2LCLON vets. Attorneys at Law ' IT - •;..; VVLl R te E d )B loo llTh mes C tic ..4' ;ni l : g r i i i ii a tii rliiir tl iadies .A.ncl 'teal. Ms3tate Acent.i. BOS 172 aili 174, ._ Bridge Bport 1!, 545sat i l.050AW &Ur* ' ! 555 1100 .345 ' i ~1 i and be convinced. Sew ing at-, B. Falls: (ispir Steubenville ;,....TEVENSO: 4 .i & WTPTlSH,Realltstate Agents. Rochester, Pa., Wellsville., il 21 .- Tr 11l • . ....-- C'lleaver Falls, Beaver Co.. Pa., and corner Gth • Badwater. i ASO. : 235 725 ......, ftec. ,, e c 3 . l „,. Will attend promptly to all hnsiness entrusted to Pittsburgh 0040 , 340 820 ~.. d Penn Streets. Pittsburgh. -L . = their care, and have superior facilities for buying —-- -- -- - stoma wear. 1 y.,STEWART & SON, Design; in Yankee No and selling real estate. deeltly . W. I tiring, &e... Main St., Beaver Valls. sepl3:ly _ _— -I ed ral Street -e STATIONS. 1 , Maw. Bar' ti? &creels ,-------- ,----- --..- -- T.J.e.IIANDLER, F , Pittsburgh !! May 115rx 4125rxi lIRLDOEVIATU. . - , _ , ....... 1 ,. Dentist, stil continues Brewster 740 220 Bar • Ip. W - 'AN, Mannf.cture Boots ..,:-.C..--.4.010115. to perform all opera- , Welliville 1 1 5 50 *2O 1 700 tge St.. Bridgewat fee! firms in the dental pro- ... Steubenville. ... 1! 950 420 5110 _ ------ ... ..... 1 , fession at his o ffi ce, !: - , ~wrs.. - - 1 - Bridgeport ' 11100 525 ;• 905' &Italy 1210 ' 640 I 920 '- : 4 3 4 .' ter. AU who favor him wEirMAN, hiannticture of Boots and • Shoe.. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (Berray BREHM, Bridge sweet, Bridgewater; Va.,_ t Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, •1 t welry and Silver %Care, Spectacles, te. Watch e-. Clock. and Je.eelry repaired. [febls"ntly A NIEL MILLER, Fashionable Tailor. :Zone .at ex,,erleneed workmen employed. Shop st.. Bridgewater, l'a. feb8":1;ly. C HURST. Dry Goods, Mats, Capa, Bars, `I% • C.rpots. Oil Clorlas and Trimmings. Bridge tst., Bridgewater, l'a. 'RP/AI/5' nocuEsTER. lAT dgn,:gs.°; -- ,l_l ) ,TaltlleJ Parthrd: Trunk! , Satchels; Baskets; Toy Carte; Wacors hairs and Toys of every description. Near ve p•'t • - 1 F ) os ( ASTER ,OUSE. —David Wolf Proprie / tor Pro Bono P,Wico R. a Street. near. -• norZiAL • t•littt., K,ENNEDY & Ui, ',•occestForai to Wm. I lieerbling.) Drnerzists and Chemists. Pre nom+ , arefully compounded at ail boars. In r . Diamond, Hod:tester. F ep4, u 1 - 11 LL SMITH CO., Fancy Dry Hoods, l •lona and Millinery. Maniacal at., near 'Dia- C•ichester, Pa. isepl4;ll " . I 1 ENItY LAPP, Slannactnrer end Dealer to 11 Frinoture of all k - L. Drighton at., above ~, Factory. See adv't (aepilly ttIUEI, C. HANNEN. Druggist. Preserip nun, carefully compounded. Water Et, RO. (SePitiY PErßttcn a, - 22.. In Dry Goode,,Groceries,no I,, , cr.r, , , , iiran &Naas- Wittfr4ll4todnah - - r VI;_.L.E It CO Contn ctors and Builders. .11 • 51 nu farturers of 53.51. Doors, Shatters itc. . •1I In I.iimher Lathlc Rochester. [sep2ltly (ITT. BOYLE& vaLLIA MS,Succeasorsto C. Co., Denten. to Sawed and Planed • lath a. Shinzles. Rochester. sv2Stl7 TEFrLER S Cf.ARE., proprietors of Johnston Good accommodations and good its . Near R. R. Depot. octlthly U MILLER. cii.aler in Boots, Shoes, Gaiter:, . • Repairinlz. 'lane neatly and promptly. • "”. Dinmund, Ronhobter, Ps. ontitt;ly ALLEGIIENIC CITY. •.WrNANS,EIec-tricAl Cltionic 11.11.1(1 1. a specialty, Onice,lS7 Wash f,„• Alleglleuy City, Cp. MINCELL.INEOVS. B RATS. Freedom. Beaver county, Pa.. • in Sawed and Flamed Leaman of an ,edo. h tall , and Barzez built to orAer. ]au9ll-ly j TElORNlLEN.Ntanufaetnrer of the Great P 1 I:. pu woe Co,diing 'Mose. and Patentee or Por to, and centre Fallaton. Pa._ \* O. CONE, TI. D., Late or Darlington . A • t s. lug rem.% ed to Nrw Bfightcn. - offer, his : • . ct.l .ereines. In al It branches, to the people con and curroundine country. Office cor ' • ! Bulier and Broadv , ay. isepl3;ly aliBE (Ilttfl t t?U.~. \V. W. 13 A.lEtIVErr, tSuccedeor to Barker S 11.a.e!tineo WiioLESALS AND RETAIL DLALEIt. CHROIIO LITHOGRAPHS, Lithogaaphx. Pain and rolore , l, • vraphA, rartont,. Mot:ll'44:r and l'lctur l'rata, of all kinds, Filth Arcane, 151 doors sraiThfl, , alsLiPltu-burzh.Pr... trnas7tl:ll3 Claim Agency. .4E2 01.11EsTIN THE STATE. B. F. BR 0 IVIV & CO., 116 Smithfield Strcet Pittabnrgii i Permsyll-atda. ( . 01),ri i'lll,lllL.S.. Bodo:--money, &c. , :,pecut. at Inntlou rill to t•llcitnntivti und ftjnetet,..,l atm.. ApolicatlOn. mall all,ndell to as if , t,:ade In - Homes Still Larger - volt THE MILLION! Rare opportunities are now tdrered for Fecuring , atet+ In a mild. healthy, and congenial climate • - on,•ildrti of thew %lone - Ave year. , nonee THE NATIONAL REAL ESTATE AGIZNCI" , for pale real estate of every description. loca+• in the Middle and Southern State*: imprOrei grain and fedi: farm.; rice, ' , lry and cot. Han tat tore ; tirnbrs And ',antral lands: Pity, and mm al residence, and tm.d.. , ,c.s stands; :Ind mill Wes. factories, &e. \ land Ilegitt , er containing, description., t•nre and terms of prow, rtieA we have •: Addrmis- R. w. cuirtss & co. Aatio,,a! Real Palate AaeneV, g l ,, i - 17 , 1 1s r,J Are;,,r, Ifashingico. P. C. A.l„Tentri NVlanteel. ..voted immediatelc. tow ,re.e.tle men • a- A, , ,,,wn , e Inr the •• NEW" W WEIMER , 11N if..E.W INC; MACHINE it, Chia county. can ffice Vinod reference no to Inv.., and aordty, and forntEl a Bond teed We m:11 pay gu rantetd rtafaricz, or iit.or. • .72 isari nn s. to proper m rn. Only Purh men • - de//tre to enter the bneinera need apply. • M ' , I - MN Eli ,t CU , N.,. Iv Wood St., l'ittp ri;11, Pa. fatarG;tv 5250 A MONTH, ~,; WANT 1.0,1101 AGENTS KALE or FEILALE, make the nhave amount eeliing BRIDE'S nutinn Needle-Oa...rand Port-ifonnaie. This - ic le of abeolote neeepsity with every hly. • • pays a largo profit. For Ctrenror and Terme ee Pittsburgh Supply Co., Pittsburgh. Pa. Legal Advertisements X ECTTORS' NOTICE.— Letters testamentarx I'i on the estate of Robert Wil lson t late of the IA !11 , 414. of Llanover,, Bearer county. Pa., deceas ,i. been zranted to the unaersiguei, his • ,:or. residing in the same township. all , r,,n• having cLims or demands against the • 1, ee „t .rod decedent are requested to make known panteiu n. aitltout delay. W 11.1.1 A M W. WI LEisoN, 1:01.11, - trr rATTons. ,Extenfors. fetrliGw &DMIN IT ATOTI'S NOTlCL.—Lettera ta tnt on the estate of Banc" 6clteilt - 14to of l'hipptean township. Beaver county. • t arm!: been granted' to the under '. eel], tr.-Mil:7 in the townf , hip orSouth Beaver. i cunty. all pt• 14.00, having claims against ‘,41.1te are requeeted to liment the same, and Indebted thereto to maka pament to ANDIt EW A ROTli EMS, Adm'r 1• 0.. New BrI;14ton. Penn. tlt F4•n. la. 1,873 IMECISTRATOWS NOIIOE. Estate qf Ilil :~tiam 7bica/4i, der'll.—Leiters of Adminbitrae • on the espite of William Toland , late of MM. svr tot:via/hill) Beaver Co Pa.. deceased, .having ..•en granted to the subscriber, revddir.z In Rano ,er township. Beaver CO.. Pa. all persons having !aims arzalnst Bald Wate are requested to pro t the same, and those Indebted thereto to make yrnenclo SAMUEL GORSUCH. ..idrra'r. Ilnnover township, Beaver Co., Pa. 1 , 4) 19. 1s7:1 INICDPSSI, PHOTOGRAPHER MEM sl istall i feii r ifli with a call may expect to have their work done In the Lett possible mann .S; and the moat reason able terms. The lwolzs of the late Arm of T. J. CHAND• LER d SON are In his hands, where all who have aces note ..vlll please call Immediately and settle the same. may rTtly 3:3 , rl.lClErtr"Sr • Dr. J. Mar. , royofftridge water ie deter mined that no • k. 41 1 11 1" DenGat in the State dial' do wort better or A e-• grl ier ren g u : 'JAI , . • 1 Vmalcla— be:t natarlsis manufactured in the United Stales. Gold sad ail Ter filling performed in a style that defies compe tition Satisfaction guaranteed in all operations, or the money returned. Give him a trim. fetal Manufacturers. PQINT Aff.ATERST,., HENRY WHITEFIELD, MANUFACTURER OF Sash, Doors,Mouldings,Floor-boards, ll'eathex,boaras, Palings Brack ets, ay., ttc. Also, DEALERS IN ALL RINDS OF LUM BER, Lt..TII, SUINGLES AND - BUILDING TIMBER. Having purchased the theterritorial in terest orMr J. C. Anderson,"owner of the several patents covering certain improve ments in the construction and joining ••f weatherboards and linings II houses and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell the same within the limits of Beaver county Par ties wlll please observ• his. Cczrpenters' ,S`upplies Constantly Sept, on Hand. Every manner of slm-Work made to order. ocalv o ry Foundry c Repair Shop. 'laving been Enraged In the Foundry for more than thirty years,—durlng, which time I have accumulated a variety of nstfOl pattern!, be odder eanstrurttng models and taking out patents for Improvements on COOKING - STOVES —and alter having thoroughly teated thee.. lin provemenn, I reel crarrwited in offering them to the public. 1-a ®w Se; , The GREAT WESTERN has no na perior for title Locality. s 9o; c t vEs : Stove! of Dilerent Styleo for Cleating, and Cooking, The Great Republic Coettia Stove Hai the best Record or any Stove ever offered In IT TIKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORE, BEST BAKER, MOSTEOURABLE ALTOGETHER $250 THE BEST STOVE IN USE In connection with the stove L, have got up a Patent EXTENSION TOP, which occupies little room, no additiona/ fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen seg with all pipe, can be put on or taken ~ff at any time, and made to snit all stoves of any size or pattern. Five Hundred Persons Who have purchased and used the GMT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of whose 'names have been publish• ed in the Annus, arc confidently referred tabesi witness of its at:Tenor merits as a cooking store. siarinz three first GUMS 'engines on hand. of Oho it fifteen horse power capacity, they are offered to the patate at =amble rates. TIiOErfiLLICY. sor-Vtf. . - EAVER COLLEGE MUSICAL INS 5 Opciiir Ira Spring Session ON THE FIRST _OF APRIL Teachers of the county win do well to corn* pond wlth thc President. felahrov R. T: TAYLOR. MILI3 Rti-s- this market. ANN Allegheny CITY. 11111 Insurance. IZOCIIESTEFC Fire Insurance Company. INCORPORATED3f7 the Loorishavre Penn. !Mazda. rebraary. IfdlL Ma ono door east cf Recbester Savings Ronk. Rochestsr. Rawer county Pa. People of Beaver county as now bars taste at pro lair safe and RELIABLE 110.11 E COXPANY, thereby avoiding the expense. trouble and delay Incident to the anjuatment of losses by companies yr halm Roundly; " John drown. - 1111ursbull M'Donald R. B. Edgar, 11. Culp. jr.. C.D. Aunt, David Lowry Marry licoluing EYED= OW. C. 8141YEBER. PBEeT .1 V: WDONALD. V. Pre 1. S. J. SysTrazn, Treas. Jost Gs.santia. Ja.. Seey. .1731;17 Chas. B. Etursf s INSURANCE AND General Agency Office NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA Notary Pubile and Conveyaneen FIRE. LIFE, and ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE ; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; " Adams" and -Un ion" Express-Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal terms. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, &c., written ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &e., &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and. Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. ,ETNA FIRE INS. CO., Ot Hartford, Conn., Cash assetts ... $6,000,000 " Ity their fruits -ye know them." Ln•ses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....57,000,0 0 0 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. 11 7 7AGABA Insurance Co., Of New York Cub - mats, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Of Cincionati 3 Ohio. Cash assets, `ENTERPRISE DVS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash &netts over.. . $600.000 LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Of Lancaster, Pa. Cash assetts... . ...$240,000 ALPS INSURANCE CO:, Of Erie, Penna. Cash capital, 5250,000 HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of New York Cash assets, 0, 500 . 000 Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Ofilartfordt Conn, Cash assetts over $1,500,000. itepresesting the above tint class Insanities Commies, acknowledged to be lusongst the best and most reliable In the world, and representing &gross cash capital of nearly $14000.000. I am at. abled to take thiamine* to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended o. and Policies written.lthoutdelay.and at lair rates and liberal term. Lows fiberaily cathodal and prvemslp aid. INSURE Te PAY t By ohe day's delay you may thee the parings at years: Delays are dangerous. and lite uncertain; therefore. Insureto• day! ." One to.doy. is worth two tosxorrowi."— Quality, plea, is of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article. always prom the dearest. The above companies ere known to be amongst the beat and wealthiest In the world.— " As ye sow that shall you reap." • Grateful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legit imate business—sot only to merit a continuance of the same, but a large incremethe present year. Mr. bTEPHEN A. cRAIG is drily authorized to take applications for Insurance and receir. , the premium for the same in adjoininglownshlps. COAL B. 111111IST,, Near Depot, Rochester.l%. General Mairufacturera., J. B. SNEAD Has now in operation a ma, SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., ilaVing the latest improved machinery for t he manufacture of LpJORIN: $ll ING LITE, 40.. &c 4 and Is now prepared—to attend to the building and repairing of - - . Seeping constantly on land a stiporlair quality of Lumber. The patropage of Ilto public is respectfully solicited. 3 1 order's promptly executed. , fauk2-.IY WILLIAM MILLER, J ACOB TRAM, PLANLATO MILL; MILLER &TR.AI, Atarnifaelurers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS. ac• scroll Sawing and Turning , DONE TO ORDER, itDl'.llS BY IL REsPECTFULLY soLICITED, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the Railroad Station, ROCHESTER, PENN'A. april 19 11; ly Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. - - PRINTING. MANNI.I44, ROOFING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CAnPET 3P l ' r:* 3EL I%IANU I'A.C•rtrIZIED And Sold At Wholesale & Retail by Frazier, iletzur teo.. A S 2 Third Avenue, PITTSBURGH Or - Bags taken in exclanee. tscpIVCD $1,500,1100 $1,500,000 Boots and "Sh I DB Boots, Shoes & Gaiters! J. H. 13 Co .:LaiA.N.l3l ll Nos. 53 and 55 Wood ',Street, Has Just received one of the Largoti. Beat Selected and Cheapest Stocks, brought direct from the Manufactories for cash, before therecentadrance in Leather, and will b sold at MO IRweat New- York and Boston Prides. Philadelphia City lade Goods at Manufactnresepricectbus Inniqg freight and expense. . NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. special inducements offered to ,c,aett or'Ellort Time Buyers. Eastern bills duplicated. AU Or ders c.-con Country Merchants propiptly attended to, and satirraction guaranteed. G u ll and exam ine my stock and prices, at J. H. BORIJA:ND , 'S, 53 & 55 Wood Strebt x i te '1 •ri et) .411. rt. M FOR We are now offering,and will continue to offer through the year;' the ‘. FINEST STYLES OF, CIIRPRTS the market will produce; at prices:lfs nt tractiv,e as the goods. Our stock will be Larger and choicer this year , that ever be fore. All needing " CARPETS, OIL 'CLOTHS; SHADES ‘0111;te:well; suited nt BOVARII, ROSE & CO'S 21 'Mi . Aveime, - - • ; PITTSBURGH, PA marte,4lm;cial iseptm Ml■ !PM - 12 Auseng Fall and Winter: 1872. 3fIITPSGS, fz.; ?e stool. , Lelia vueli *Pt bat* - nb figkilrenif , - 4hily Übilierth ' -"They itriji And - vbenftgrfeibtill thlt i• • tAbidacrawd that, TraWatood and watt. I.. 4taltudw Ward' ttis, :1 1 1 4 e1 1 30 14.11 n 4 *** 1 'lip night at 144-Aw filldtioq Tut every owe had ' And *hell tidkinnd He swift removed Our I Tben refried the meta IC' . And bore It swift SW • Ile botti It to We And Isla Icon the ' And with tt;6,elt2entl Lte'berred the ot.v., Ilen4nt aloft' le' And.placed It And soon Eo heeptd Arid made die fire He put his mother In 0/ And In Its wontel ► And then ho blew nal4 Runlet reflected And pinging now. hey' And itten bee flee "Wirr, mother. do yt, 'And why Arl ion SO .It had pleaaed (kid. Hie only bier d to Cai Yet God was kind to' la DEATII restored b And when the neftl lied bunt the wink, , s Lad torah's corpse wile) . - • And Ned's epos' SEZECT WI ROLIN OR, - THE FAT A. Tilt OP VtiLlll4 1E! BY LAtCWM/ Let polite , they willAtv, kee boble the ~let.._. . Mb. he; with nobility- stumped iiiiolllsrit ery feature-Of Masotti, is often crush- ad down by the iron hand 'of sordid, narrow-rdinded Oppression. The world's aristocracy is dot one of 'mental predominance;—that ilrinci ple of the mind which invests its possessor with imaginaty conse quence, because of birth or fortune, Is anything in its character but lofty or,ennobling; iti essence is itobecill , ty. of intellect, and its development the sickly offspriog of .a- hopelessly diseased parent. But to our simple story. Bolin Aberly had, in his mental constitution, the elements of 'unhap piness. SensitiVe and shrinking to a fault, he nevertheless had the nerve, when roused, to brave even death with a smile; but as a natural quence of such a constructed reaction was always fearfully paral izing. Added to this he was poor, and of course new little of this char itable, world's impartial sympathy. vet, mantle of clay never encased finer spirit, for his mind was one of bold and strong conceptions, and re fined in its character to the most del icate tone Of sensibility. I first rßet him in his eighteenth year at college, where he bad been b6nt by his father, a poor but Indus-' trious tradesman; who being a man of cultivated and intelligent mind, -and perceiving the passionate devo tion of his son to literary pursuits.' reduced as far as possible the wants of his family, in order to give him ' all the fortune'he could ever bestow, a good education. To acquire this Bolin bent all hisstrongenergies, and soon stood at the head of his class; but as he made no-display in dress or money, and never Joined the stu dents in their diversions, or associa ted at all with any hut myself, he soon becam e obnoxious to most in the university, and frequently expe rienced a direct manifestation of the ill-feelings entertained for him. A trivia: insult he never noticed, or at.' least he never. mentioned, ._ bukhisl proud spirit, when chafed beyond en durance, would brook no invasion of direct,immediate satisfaction. Whenever he could exercise a favor. or do.a kindness' to' any, his atten tions Were ever of the most bland and delicate character; but farther he would not cultivate an intimacy, and never was known to solicit, dr receive a proffered faVor from any during his whole - terna at college. I often remonstrated with him up-. on the folly of his, constant F t ecluelen from society, but his invariable an swer was. "They who initially despise each- . other can have no genuine fellow ship." "8u1 z , .! said I, ono day, "this is all a silly prejudice, a chimera of your awn imagination. You cause your self to be looked upon with suspi. cion, simply from the reason that you seem to regard all about you with the same feeling. Cast aside every, false impression which circum ,stunre 'warranted op in your mind. and take by the hand your neighbor an open-hearted kindness and good and youVIII soon learn that -frlennahlp Isnot a plant of such hot 'house production as you imagine.", • He smiled bitterly as he replied. "Can forget that my lot is cast .with ;the despised • children of poverty? :and ran I book the concealed sneer 'of the domineering and heartless? !Nni—no! Before I • would Stoop to an association with such as calculate Worth by dullard, and merit bir age, I would waste my inglorious life in the cell of an anchorite." • -Hiseye flashed, and . hi, usually pale cheek burned with suppressed indignation, while his low, deep Al most husky tones. uttered the send menta-just noted. • - The circumstance may be thought ti trivial one to call out any manifes. tation of strung feeling, but in early years.the mind suffers as intensely yirhen acted upon:by, a ,painfully ex citing eIUSS, ad , itdoes In after Illa by Influencw which woffid sectu with , ering beyond comparison; with the mental " afflictions of youth. Time BE MEEME A‘ • SEEM El .;; 4 ON WI Midi fa itringth4' paettimitat thir*iitieinusi-liiiighty' beyond fOT with no moral - worth. wantmW committed ini:nutrisgetniiii OM feelings Ref• , iniwrintn heathotight,"-fninliiChni• ulet, - retiring'Militfik•ind . - toienw viti m gv i . pm-Need ledependeistetif Hut he was mhftken Mies in WM.. lt'thenatural whter • Po* „ hislptiltd" *Wit Wit mewed Ale-drew up hi 'the domineering unapt with a stern, -trim counienitick and an unqualhig alteiand . demanded . I n -tones not to Inret • e4= l *l l l l meithiti 3 f_o'' 'Yonet tin ml" mid crown* students gathered troninilo IMO* the rare - sport, - curl Ordeibince hunt upon nos of adyerekTAtts his mw not rilt - senicifilent on that of the - Wane. inl 4 . Valhi, *Who weiteiti With • • - atm M l4 ,o;red: 1-,l4l l o44 6 iiegittied .zeoWaiditiftetW t t • •* nr • •-VtielsOtta)#••• • i : 1 44 .311kr-1116- oflW wt. , ko. s -to'rk • , ide# dr** %.` tisteelp ortii,intitts4-thet Monied the gliti *dint weapon them of one handgniMetthe Wiry viiithi's IMMO; endthifotheii wrenched:-the knife ft-lihr A Weil aimed blow dashed hi m teethe ground... Mid Itniiii.lettfilm almost insensible; -to relloit, **lied reflection time, upon the fbily , oftreMpaming where indigt nation might p b ;owed. to an, miler.' tion of right , !followed him: Nery' anon to- hie room where he had retired. Helm reclining'upon the bet:Uhl aititteof almost - tad ezhanailon—hie 41 , 1*, witlessly wandering; and ,his countn since pale and languid it/ hue and Yoti have taught the puppy a lee son which he wiil not soon ibrget," acid I ' ae I seated iniyabifOn the bed by his vide.. -•- • - "I have made' a- fool of myself,n. was theati swer.* :.~~'~„~' : za:4: --..,-_- -- .3::!_45-i. , ) i ti. --,- ..- - ,;,,, . t_,1, , ,,,,...,..-.," :, , Wiz. -°,: ' , -.t , e7,:. '..-.-,, t..: - '.715. -k '~.: n. Yryw" Ai t, 4 I, 11111 ~.~~; r '~~, ~i~~~ k - ' EMI v - i '~` MEI ~. ME - .torPK- • "You have. acted as . y9it Otouht - • • ;• - - '"No, itch - tt — COniention with inch a paltry overbearing coxcomb to one which caniind no instificstion. Thongh , l ionid — traMPle upon the Wretch, idt - Ifeel debalied in having even spurned him" - • Roan iliktti after left college with honotaty driections melt as a few ob tain.. "It was several years before we again met. • 4. liWNo4 .l ite l . I F . Pea' "44 loon. imictipouto s dMig, "Anne, if 1 mbdatre not, our heart strings thrill to the same touch, and their mangle blends in the same strain of harmony." EV LE The 'lovely girl who hung upon the arm of Rollo. lifted not froth the earth her dark blue eyes, that spark led with bewildering. trembling joy, for she understood the delicate allu sion 'of her lover, and silently 're sponded to i 6 with a glad heart. - "Anne, the brightness is fading away- from' the - sun set clunds,—a ditn, mysterious twilight Is, tether ing like the shadow of death over and around my—theaters are com ity forth from their hiding.places in the far-depths or heaven ' and: are looking dcastilike patient watches, cheering with their smiles the dark ness failing heavily and pressing like • non the wearied breast of ! • _ Mtn ME VIE welt. ``~~eY. I, ~ A "40 , what has part- the au a ®ae s otaternitytrgatbi , ering its dark folds aroundlne, will you. like a cheering star, hangupon a-horizon of my being?" The tender cadences of his voice fell like passion's strongest appeal upon her heart, and its inward re sponse was wild and free as aro ever young . gushing impulses. Her arm clung more firmly to his, and, though her tongue tried , not an utterance of strong affection of her heart, yet that one silent act of confidence was an answer more fully expressive of all she felt than ever words could utter. After Bolin Aberly left college he made anapplication for the sitdation ofprivate tutor, In the family of a rich Virginia planter, who possessed all the haughty pride which could characterize one esteeming himself for his wealth alone. His offer was accepted, and two sons and a beauti ful daughter, just. sixteen, were pla ced under his charge. The progress of his pipits was such as to give en tire satisfaction to the father, and Rolla remained in the family for nearly two years. , Anne Wilmer was a delicate, fair creature; bora to•eaptivate,' and liv ing but to chain affection wherever her influence acted to. To a mind like that which Rolin Aberly pos sessed, it was impossible to come In contact with and love one like Anne; and a year had scarcely passed ere the young tutor was wound round by a web of feeling which no hand could unravel.— •'True love bath worldleso language all Its own Health In the heart; and it was not long before the only one in existence whom he wished to know his affection, penetrated the mystery, and her downcast eye and reddening cheek often responded to the involuntary iratone which fell from his lips. Time passed on, but Rolin made no declaration of his deep idolatry of feeling. Anne's seventeenth year was drawing to a close, and many suitors were already centring their attentions at her father's house; but she encouraged none., Though Ab erly had given her no attentionsl manifestation of affection, yet she' loved him and knew that his heart offered a full return. Her father never imagined for a moment that the dependent on his bounty, as he thought him. would ever aspire to touch the hand of his patron'sdaughter. But, though Bolin was poor, he esteemed himself second to no human being, and not withstanding he dared not hope for a commotion so ardently desired as that of calling Anne his own, yet he hesitated not to think that ho had an equal right with any to sue for, and if powible wiu, her affections. A thought like a betrayal of confidence crossed his mind. but his proud splr it spurned an idea, that would place him below any who wore the garb of manhood. Frequently an evening walk was proposed by sometimes one and some times the other of the parties, and it was, an occasion of this kind which afforded, et length, an opportunity for Bolin to make the - declaration with which this chapter opens. They walkedon each wraped up in an intensity of 'feeling, which si lence made only more burdensome. "Atine;" at length asked Bolin, "will - you bo mine? Stich a question at once roused her to a stern sense of the utter impos4- billty of over gaining her father's consent to such a un!on, and her own abiding reluctance to disobey pawn fat authority, - which had ever been of the - most' Order affeetionate character. She pauqed so long for an answer, that the impatient spirit of Aberly Chafed within him, and he soon re peated the question !nit tone so equiv ocal to Anne's ear, that she immedi ately reanonded,--- • "If my fgther's consent can ' be gained.' "If it is not gained, what will you icily ?I' She lifted up her slender form to an almost superuatnral height, step 4. =I 11: 6,1" T < 444 e-; • •C‘ •". 1. • (frj t ( - •-••• 1; 1 . 4 • • , . • • • , V , - r , .• - • - 1_ .... . MEM . NM MIA PTER H. I= EASI MIIEU=II ~'_ ~ t .. .3 Nit : . and conked him. for an installt strand* , tin the - fate, While her- own thawed the « thoughts were - ,agitating her 044, - iiidit, - 1 . 601600 became fixed 'and' sheiald, • • ; - • •!'lletinoAberlyny• fitherlt-enii= dent - must seat-chir taver i ba • . 11thate0141itudi lie4k r lif,”-paidlitebtd: man, striding:OP . WVlietteidGangh_. tart 1 lilWil - "Whititatmscgaulystivedsurp 4 4. Old b? OntbOWAirl 11410140 w her: 1 lizaradnt Mad; 'emir I akehisaaaartes . "agony writhing her &nisei-than' con do'nt to such a coaaaaanatioa 1" 'Then turning 10 Abgttrake atfaiid • *roof HUM; follow your. and your , heed, wile ,a)nciinelit ' tiveit - r 4 mar_motniy gPetnitimiedtlityvfoletitiv -, ,0r thenrepieurcalitiddia ' lkolv ito ." 11 / Wlt7b944ql ,. # l l4,#Pft J.ff! stria { Wiitrs wok , over his mWS e Noma mei, and en tbisensiihrtuar 7detawlillieditaKee. Owl* I 'Mt's wele;illat-- lieak 4 ow: "Well pftpt!cope*a 'Oat; Stan Merl*. was not such 4‘ Rain mental philosophy as to be Ig.• Ooranl of_ fact that opposition weuldbat strengthen Anne's affec tion. 'Andthough he found himself Olt off from her society,• 'and his . Worldly respects- blasted, : yetta terudacd stilt to Pxosecute his suit soap ae_.anopportunity . offered. , iliund a pleasantsituation In Wilmeek iinmediate'neighborhood, and one Which yielded' him more IV- Ounim . reompense_than that he had lost: : ; ‘ ," - 'ltlaisifter' day, week , :after week pitseasinlyi , and be gain no. oPPerinuity--.: for, , another meeting with the ,hle wild and way , l , Wantiteit' EVeillng after evening: ! he Vitae& the sp4 of, their' secret rambles; but-Anne -wag by his side no more. Strange- rumors reached • bhp of-closer atteutions.of a rival In • her tiffcictiens-an, a large es- • tate.' " Every . 'day brought some new story, and at length It was said that.thenaptial day was appoin- • ed. • Maddened ahibst to deeperation, • ! he determined to seek admission to hersence ~and brave all conse quen for ll his letters had been return 'unopened. He wits'aure Anne still loved him, ' and he was Lsesolved to meet her • again, and pilltest against a sacrifice which must render both miserable for life. • The threat of her father he regard ed hot fora moment. To one of his mental constitution, with-whom an object of affection, was one ofalmost passionate idolatry, dear as life itself, no intimidation can exert an influ ence, when It comes in contact with all that can add to or sustain happi ness.. He went seeordingly one afternoon, and requested an intervlew: "Is Anne at hotne'fn ha- asked of the : servant who met him at the door, "She . keen I see her 'PI "No,lair." wbx • —von csinms - - - ww-ner t -ertir"-f -the 'closed the door In face. The- disappoirited lever slowly tamed from the door at which he had been so roughly denied admis sion, and wandered away heart-sick, and disappointed. Only once ho loosed back upon the walls which contained hia soul's idol, and then he imagined that he 'Jaw a white handkerchief waving from the win dow. of An nes chamber. His health,wilich had necome very delicate for some time , past, now de clined more rapidly under the agony of mind which he suffered, and for some months he was confined to his room, and a greater ,part of the pe riod to his heti. A reaction, howev er. then took place, and he slowly re covered, but with chilled feeling and shattered constltution.t. All this while he could learn little of Anne that brought a consoling reflection, unless the universal admission by all who saw her, that she was far from beine happy, contained that soothing opiate Pale and care-worn in countenance, Rolin paced hurriedly his chamber floor, ever and anon consulting a tiine-piece which stood upon the mantle. "I am poor," he said bitterly, to himself—"l am poor, and must step aside for the pampered minion of en titled wealth, I must yield up a jew el of priceless value, to a sickly scion of fashion and of rank; and he must wear a gem that would glitter in a monarch'sdiadern. But will I tame ly stand aloof from such a sacrifice!, ? No! I will tear her from his grasp at the very alter ! My voice shall be heard in denunciation of suclj a 'un ion. Oh ! she cannot, must not, shall not utter that solemn vow for anoth er! Madness!" Wrought up to a feeling of desper ation, he hurried to the house of Mr. Wilmer, and in the bustle and con fusion of a nuptial occasion passed iu as one of the guests and mingled with the gay cotripmiy assembled. The brilliance of every thing around.— the rich massive splendor of the fur niture—the gaudy curtains and princely decorations. brought home to his heart, in painful contrast, the desolate poverty of his own condi tion. And the happy. ringing laugh of joyous, light-hearted maidens, mingling with the soft-breathing melody of chastened music, fell like scorching flue upon his bosom, for it came a mockery to feelings which were wild and agitated as the storm fettered ocean. Suddenly the music ceased—a slight stir arose at the entrance—the company pressed towards the center, and he, was thrown into the middle of the room where the bridal party were led out to be joined in that tie which naught but death can sever. Anne cane forward like a mere au tomaton. She was pale as the white robes that wrapt her delicate form, and seemed, more fragile than the col orless blossoms which decked her hair of raven blackness. , Her step was slow aud measured, and her eye rested upon the floor. Rutin mark ed all this at a glance, and he knew that she most be faithful to his love and his only. The ceremony commenced and proceeded. The intended husband responded to the impressive tones of the ministerOf God—and as the holy man turned to receive her answer. she, for the first time, raised her head, and all who saw her counte fintiaxonednmw.wh despair,leereh re! s ta led t a e d e r dt upony e a t t " s i t t t e li r e n k r aw k d o r f y l burning eyes glanced hurriedly ground for a moment, and became suddenly arrested by the figure of Rolin. - who stood statue-like before her. With one wild shriek she flung her self into his arms, and sobbed hyster ically upon his bosom. "Oh knew' you would come! I knew yon would come! I will net, cannot be his bride I" and her whole frame trembled iti the firm clasp of her lover. `; MENG 0111221:11 BEM .1' • I -1. CIIAPTEIt 111 MO ,tI"SCE _ . : : . ; 4 , : :; . -f : .- -.: ,. .. -, i'-, - 3:J , ;;','....:- . - - ,' l'-f_i' f..!.,.4., - :;. i. ... _ tom, :. -1 1titiiblished - :::I8I8' A seen of -the utmost- confusion eno SW at? fil/kgr.arfptePed band strove to teethe reiti the Place orisfuge to *bleb she bad, fie, but she was repotting upon ahetiotri . that feared not consequent*, and an arm 'held her there, and all - those around at defiance. - "Anne," *add hei In a loud, hoarse IthisPezi "wililna be, LAWN :and.' relneon y,?" - " cells* par her jiale'llps,_ th9ugh he.reyes did not an ; dose for a moment. "Will you be :Mine to•night2l' The same still . AillisPer,rtsPended r "yee I" ."Swen by th e ash es of your sainted moZ i that YOU'Utterly despise him , wero about , wing l" "nett*, dread: and , wriftce, and , Lem coMdelletWairStluld by blivaidellbtale atter.but never, never Wh i le: ulse flattered la , WI bea k* - I W*yltdded nu Inyhandlw ' %et beautiful eyes opened and tooinplitak With a sweet confiding: smile, upon tlfe!liste,el e r 10ver..,;. . leu ' . Stich ti" ocould - ifetlast i m 'Aline Wait vinhrerisallterodteclovtd 'llwhet tmtlenesetapoegttlWatid , ildistrW for bow WWI; AMEN: IlLii , ;get igneF4lincAlltiottitrect phav etrt, _ litlOt A _ a 1,02610‘ r ban ot_ iff tatemitrot dieting s WhiSliers;, v,tst4W,:g tlfrougif tbeipol4,.aittO the proprie ty of uniting her -- according 'to -her wishes. The'' aged minister{ IMO who knew ter:well and loved _her. ,!cell, bent down over her, where she still reclined iii, the arms of'.ltolib, 'who appeared conscious of nothin . but the fact of possessing what he had feared was lost to him' --- forever. In a .10W whisper he conversed with them a moment, and then drawing the . Lather aside, urged upon him the. stern necessity. of%, sacrificing his worldly pride and expectations to the happiness of his daughter. "Peace!" mid the old man in a stern voice. "Would you teach dis obedience to parental authority ?. She shad marry as /say. But ettw—let the mlnion'iltender affection be cOn• stilted. 'Bring them Until hecontin ued In a harsh , bittter ironlizt tone, - bring them out:- ."bind them together and le; them receive a father's bless ing!" Bolin rose up from the sofa where he bad been sitting w piared Atmeten duly, upon it, bent.over her for= a moment In agitated silence,ond then said, loud enough to be heard by all ; "Anne, you once said, if your fath er's consent could not be gained to our union it could not be a happy one. The consent he positively re fused to give once, now he bas yield ed, in what spirit I will not pretend to say. Yon have said to-night that you would marry me under any cir cumstances. You are now free to relinquish that promise, if you dare not stem a father's gathering indig nation—yet, if you will be mine. hero is heart. hand, life, all et your command. And I swear to cherish you, while a single glimmer of exis tence remains." He did not wait for an answer, but led her'out before the minister, and commanded him In a firm voice, to proceed. No interruption occurred until just at the moment of Anne's response, when Wilmer laid his hand heavily upon her shoniderand whis pered hoarsely In - herear this with er curse— "Give him your hand, faithless child ! but from this hour a father's frown shall follow you, and a father's mversvati Craw • unar Cbildren; unto e r . th rfl -and a) lor generations. him! and may be find you an unfaithful wife, as 'I have proved you to be a faithless daughter. From this hour I cut you off from my estateand my affections, and when I press the cold pillow of death, remeti3ber a daughter's hand prepared the chilly resting place. You have utted the fatal word that irrevocably binds you to a man that has wantonly betrayed a father's fond confidence, and no retribution can cancel my hatred for him, or turn away the wrath I have invok ed npon him." Anne looked up like a hart star tled by the distant cry of the hunters, a withering wreath of agony circles about her compressed lips, then a wild flashing glance rested an instant upon Bolin, passed off to her stern, yet half, relenting father, and a loud, merry laugh bounded in harrowing reverberations through the ; crowded apartment. The fearful truth need scarcely be , uttered—Anne Wilmer, the beauti ful. the accomplished, the loved of a thousand sincere hearts, looked up from that awful malediction, with a vacant laugh, and an idiotic expres sionl stare. Like experience, repentance often come; to late. When Wilmer saw the wreck of his lovely daughter lie fore him—heard her unmeaning laugh, and felt her slender arms twining around his neck in childish simplicity and fondness, all of the parent rushed to his heart in a flood of ungovernable emotion- To Rolin, who had started back. horror-strick en, as the awful consciousness of the mighty weight of ruin which had fallen upon his head, burst upon his mind, he spake one kind word, and then bore his unresisting daughter from the room to her own chamber. CHAPTER IV. I will run my story down some five or ten years from the date of the incidents detailed in the preceding chapter. I had not seen Rolin from the time of his leaving college,though T had heard. incidentally, some of the painful details related to the reader. I also learned that Anne continued still to labor undera slight mental derangement, and that Rolin, who so fearfully became her husband, was living at her father's 'house, de voting his time and attentions , te his wife, in endeavoring to call back the truant spark of reason. Passing through that section of Virginia where ho resided. I determ ined to stop and pay him a short visit, for the sake of old reminiscen ces. As I rode up through the long rows of stately poplars which lined the avenues to Wilmer's splendid mansion, I saw Rolin walking to ward me with a lovely girl, in the early bloom of womanhood, leaning fondly upon his arm, and pointing out to him the rich variegation of colors and beautiful symmetry of a flower which she held in her hand. He lifted his head at the sound of my horse's feet, but did not at first recog nize me; a second look, however, made him start, and he exclaimed with a pleasant smile. "My old friend L-- "The -- "The same." A servant who was standing near took my horse, and I fi rst learned who was the toveiy creature clinging to his arm "Let me Introduce you to Mrs. Aberly." A slight smile passed over her fea tures; but there was no expression of interest upon them for the friend of her husband. Rol:n craw that I marked it, and a shade of agony, such as must have ever rested upon his heart, flitted over his countenance, but it was of brief existence. A gray-headed, care-worn looking old gentleman met us at the door, as we drew near the house, 'whom Bolin introduced to me as Mr. Wil mer. Se took me kindly by the hand and welcomed me in a quiet, subdued, almost *saddened tone, to the hospitalities of his mansion. I could not help remarking with painful interest that my friend show_ ;5: •t , lr !Iv WO&IWO: Ili the.: old Arguibuildlm on Third Streetittes.- tfe4_ Pra4 at s2pAr . yeAr to advaQe.r? -; - ConunnideallomF,etlititt4o6l - Of *al netted., !tn. - ining4iiiiii4O4* - tiia . thisklud must Invariably -be "i j r- • flied by the teutiecit theauther; _Lettere and ootumetileitkuiseh Lit • filittrow to ;• • -ed - ease stein pedinaellblY *Maids Pale s.':.;i !.• ;shoulders ',were 4 preisea ,forward,-halktie- gimes/ig . indiestiehsef it-growing pulmonary' affeeliON., 1 • !. '!! • During.theOvening -I '.11,14 oppartun Ail ebserving•Ahe .con , • armed: inibtilittOf. nd 'wider - which lirttAbeelyiabored), - though ;, 'it was of a.cbaracter,- and,payer shewed gaelf 04AuArifie$- Iler. mental' weakness-atilket r° ,dine in lavishing ttimsOlittid - ex.; , ,petait4ldtiatt fetidness nPon , ' her Mt* band, who: would " gently;lopixisea'. slight resistance, afund pa-. , rent exercises : to. .a favorite.- child, than,* any bursts of passion, or phreniled ejaculations. , I staid with - theta bur for - a - 'day; ' Mug)) treated In the - warmest:and Wildest Manner, I. could -easily. Perr - Ve that. sow presence was a re. atialtit Uponthy friend, on' account • or --- AtitteWlectikness, -to - Which' he never• &paged; however, 'elrewzre-: tyheii tpkiiict, With him he- limas -- thy` hand Ihemost cordial and innate manner, and ur he utter- ; • , .w - ip - ort Almost stifled !i ,1 . -iietild see the - . tear drotts :;.-- ~ LAOj bta l'eyes; hat . tit the • • I#ollll4.yielettl-, mid 'ouelaat. JOUNit i i. , - . - traty.4sune hounding' , • hOttae4)..lo4 . eAdgrakerni as 4 nkii;iind IMetW 'upon ! sharing in her hustamdts farewell tokens. ' Her - . 401*. was sparkling with pleasure, anti - her - countentmce had more animation than I had beforeaeen In its .Ell!tpres rtopeSeemed to up in btai_;: 7 l*Or--- glow gashed: Over his pale! face, • - and as my h f art - r-. filled taoverflowing,l. reined-up my horse and uttering " Clod you,". `rode away. I just beard a' solemn "amen" pass'froni -her lips, before;l. was out of hearing,. and its 'font) was, so deep , so death like , that my very - spirit sunk within me paralyzed by an icy coldness. ,!. ME CHAPTER P. The quiet repose ofa beautiful sum mer evening bad stolen over the face of nature, and the setting su n looked smilingly into the open ^window of Rolin's private chamber, where he mt, before a table loaded with a pro fusion of books and papers, display ing the taste and erudition of their possessor. 'His 'hand supported his head,. and'his 'arc rested ,upon an open volume of old romance, from which he had read until some inci dent flung back his mind in - gloomy contemplation ofhis own heart-rend ing relations. His still lovely wife was his daily, hourly companion; but she was one of pleasure only to the eye, for her mind was a blank to all fixed im pressions. None but such as have witnessed the - mental imbecility of one dearer to them than all else earth can offer beside, can imagine, even the most remotely, how litre leaden weight ,of immovable sorrow the heart-crushing sense of Anne's afflic tion bore upon Rolin's feelings. While in her presence his face ever wore a - pleasant, interested smile; for if a cloud shadowed . it a moment, as in foriner times it had done, she became tearfully concerned;—but when alone and conscious that no eye observed him, the pent up sor rows of his aqui sought relief, and his bowed head, Its broad temples fevered and throbbing, would rest in agonized intensity of feeling upon his bosom. His grief was wearing him to , the _ bodily prostration were , becoming of much too frequent occurrence. From the hour old 31.r.'Wilreer awoke to the awful sense of how deeply he' had sinned against his daughter's - happiness, .he was:- a changed man. A moment seemed to have done the work of half a century. The haughty pride of - hie heart wasuubdued into a :feeling of self impotency, and he seemed to have forgotten in an instant all the imaginary consequence which for merly lent its bewildering blandish ment-4 to his own conceptions of his character. He took Rolin at once into his regard; settled upon him a large portion of his estate, and' extended toward him all rho kindness and at tention of parental partiality. Wheth er i t were a real feeling or a species of atonement for the injury he had wrought his daughter, Rolin never pretended to question, he received the manifestation as real, and then let his mind settle, where it mist settle, immovabiy, upon the beloved afflicted partner of his broken heart. It would -be in vain, us it would be soul harrowing to a mind of re fined perceptions, to trace in any of their painful minute the intidents of such a life as circumstance, that apparent , stern ruler of our destiny, caused Rolla Aberly to endure. Few nave strength of imagination suffi cient to realize the icy coldness of feelings which must have stolen over him, in witnessing the withered blossoms on such a stem,—who will even dare to fancy circumstances so fraught with agony as those which gathered like clouds of almost elm merian darkness around him , . Who -will be willing to read the destiny of • one doomed to listen to the maniac laugh of the idol of his affections—to fold to his bosom the lovely form of her who had chained the uevotiou of his young heart, and yet know that the form pressed there held no spirit of bright intellimence, and amid all this, to be forced . to wear a smiling face, though the wing of despair which brooded over his mind was black as Egyptian darkness! While Rohn was sitting absorbed. in thought, as we have seen him at the commencement of this chapter, he started like one pierced by a dag ger,, as a loud, agonizing cry, or I rather shriek, echoed .along the garden justunder his window. He glanced his eye below and saw Anne running madly towards the house screaming mann ecsatcy of terror, the 'cause of which he could not perceive. Hurrying down from his chamber lie found her in the'hall, where she had fallen to the floor insenaible, `her eyes starting from her head, and the -white froth oozing from her tightly C3/111pres.:5* lips. In stooping to pick her up he gsw a bloody scar upon her neck, and as he lifted her from the floor, a venomou.s serpent glided like an arrow from the folds of her garments and shot out of the house. His first act was to apply his lips to the wound and draw' ut , the poison. and then to bear her, still unconscious to her chamber. For three weeks she continued. in a low nervous fever, during all which period she lay with her eyes.,,elosed, and manifesting.but imperfect •sytiip tons of consciousness or even exist ence_ Toward the end of that time a change occurred for the better. I Rolin, who watched by her side - With a patience which no fatigue could impair, was sitting ono even ing just as the fervid sun of a sultry ° day had settled behind one of the distant ,mountain ranges, . watching with painful interest the unusually agitated features of his lovely Wife. Suddenly her 'eyes opened, end rest ed upon him with a look of surprise ed intelligence; wandered round the room inquiringly, and then. fixed again upon his countenance, while a confused blush mantled her whole face. Rollin started up in au agony of boy, and bent fondly over her, but she shrank away, and ask in a timid tone for her father: Then pressing her hand. upon her brow where the veins. were' beginning to deepen ,See fourth page