The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 13, 1872, Image 4
BELECI MIBCELLd2PY• ruE KANSAS JAVIII&W B Y J. J: IICUALLS. The Audubon of the twentieth cen fury, as he compiles the history of the birds.-of Kansas, will vainly search the "Ornithological Biograph ies" of bis illustrious predecessor for any illusion to the "jayhawk." In vestigation wittdisclose the jay (cpa nurus cristatua) and . the.hawk (acipe in,juscp);-the former a mischievous, quarrelsome egg-sucker, a blue-coat et cousin of thecrow and an „epicure o f carrion; thelatter, a clond-hitunt- Mg pirate, the assastsin of the atmos phere, whose flattened skull, rapaci ous beak and insatiable appetite for blood impel it to an agency of de struction, and place itamong . the re ' pillsive ranks of the livieg ministers of death. Were it not that nature forbids the adulterous confusion of her types, lig might surmise that the jayhawk was a mule among birds, the illicit offspring of some sudden li anon or aerial intrigue, endowed With the most mal ign: attributes of its progenitors. • But asthis conclu sion would be unerringly rejected by theded uctions ofhisscience,he would be compelled to look elsewhere for the origin of this obscure tenant of t ho whose ntifable exploits caused it to be accepted as the symbol of the infant State, giving to a famous regi inent its title,. and to its inhabitants their novel appellation of "jayhawk ers," by that happy nomenclature which would induce the unsophisto eated chronicler to suppose that the population of Illinois was composed entirely of infants at the breast, and that the chief vegetable productions of Missouri were ipecac and lobelia. The jayhawk is a creation of my thology. Every nation has its myths, human and aniniai,.some of which disappear as the State matures, while others continue to stand out upon its early horizon in conspicuous pro , portions enlarged rather than dimin ished by the distance that intervenes. The infancy and childhdod of com munities, as well as that of individu als, abound i in legends and traditions which become crystalized by time in to n mythology in which qualities be come personified, and the forces and "-operations or nature are symbolized as living beings, so that history like the nursery has its Mother Goose's Melodies whose idle rhymes were sung at the cradle of the race. In the twilight of time the domain of fact insensibly yields to the shad .,wy realm-of fable; the true and the • ftlse are confounded; the real is in- ilisting,uishable from the imaginaiy; and out of the confusions is born a thood-of phantoms and chrimeraS, t ?titaurs, demigods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, phcenixes and j:►yhawks, that underdifferentnames have peopled theearly times of every nation since the world began. In this strange prucreption, beauty be comes Venus; st,Yength. Hercules; appetite, Bacchus; manhood in its LrLory, Apollo; and the elements t 11(qm: t all:PS are endowed with sen ti nien t life. The process is not, as we are apt to`t, peculiar to the rac'-s of an tiqui:y but is witnessed in the,-his- t , a - y of vvery van - mm[llly, great or small, la hich attempts the t•xpert '!oont of an inileperpient existertve. i he roalisni Of later days surmitiali s st ,. ips these phantasms c)f their in sai.stantitil ;i n(l t Iwir D ative ilef,)rinity, as the travel er with Ilk lens detects upon the clis- cunt summit w hich seerro4 . tiut a fleet). er stain on the forehead of thn morn log sky, its ragged garb of forest and it gray' scalp of rock; l‘til generally' they become more respertable with alze. They are accepted as facts. Poetry decorates them with its va.r• wish. Orators cover _them with ; rhetorical veneer, and they are incur porated into the general literature o the country. Had an irreverend Athenian ven tured to doubt Silentr2 or denounce Priapus. he would probably have been ri-ceiVed with a stormy outcry that which greeted P.ancroft :when he yen t u red to disclose the truth about some of the early paragons of Anterican history. And yet it can not be denied that the popular no tion of the founders of the govern- writ are as purely mythological as the dream of Jupiter.and Minerva. With what awe in our boyhood did we contemplate the name of Wash ington! That benign and tranquil, though somewhat stolid visage, looks down upon us from a serene atmosphere unstained with earthly passion. That venerable Lone bears no taint of mortal frailty save in the juvenile episode of the hatchet, in which the venal error is ex Mated by Alm Immortal candor of its confession. To our revering fan, ey. the massive form wrapped in military cloak stands forever at mid night upon the frozen banks of the 1 (Ai Wa re, watching tha pat rice le 4tioops miss the icy current in the darkness before the grand morning of Trenton; or else arrayed in block vel vet small clothes resigning hi.; com mission to the Continental Congress at Annapolis. \Fe learn in riper years, with: grief not uniningled with incredulity, hat this great man was subject to ungoverable outbreaks of rage, that he ~wore like a mule-dri ver,aud that lie was not only the father of his Country, but also of Governor Posey of Indiana. With such disheartening examples lieforts, it k not unreasonable to believPlhat the student of Kansas history a hundred years hence; as tie reverts from the men and manners of that degenerate time to the tint splendid lustre of his native State, m ill turn' to Genesis, vi., 4, for con s,ilation, and say with (t sigh; ••There were giants in those days." The collossal character-4 nurtured in the primeval convulsions of our p.l ties will have passed into my thology. Traintion will have lent pensive charm to the eloquence t'Arney, the unpitqlChatilt. fire of rrit mord rLane's impregnable Or t Re, Lowe's aggressive vigor, the s.•n-itive honor of u,arke "Hitt Leii yoatig oak it the Kart''' aeorus fattotied the swine in sty, -Caldwell, who loon ll) r•r , t. in his seat in the Cm- Statt Senate in '7',2 anti hurled back with• indighation the charge that he bought his Senatorial toga at. a 1./piffle:ll slop-shop—ah, who could fm, bear to admit that there were in eed giants in the earth in those days! This was the close of the epoeh when the jayhawk flew 'into th e troubled atmosphere. It was an ear ly {4ird and it caught many a Missou ri worm. The worms did not object to the innocent amusement of th"C bird, but they insisted I hi4t public opinion must and should be rtsi lipeted. But the bird had a mission. It übi not bt• caught with chair, nor w. , uld it allow sal: to be put on its tail, It pursued its ministry of ret r i bat ion, protection and venvatiee through many bloody years, till the %% orals were .fain . to concede the su p..Yl:nrits, of their feathered antago: nist - and adopt the sentiment of the I.tlpular melody,"o, biitly I am tired I 0W . —A - cum Magcrane. —me• 0 0.-- —lt has alwaysbeen supposed that England carried off the banner for supreme ignorance of Amerimin ge ugraphy„ but such is not theease. Pails paper descrlbea:, the' Vtctbria 11-fidge over the St. Lawrence as"ex tending from the shores of Portland, in Maine, to Pat Sarnia, near Lake I lur The Utuadians build aw ful long bridges. ,_ • I—Thus far during the present year :;•,;o,o9o,ooo,postage stamps have been completed, those made in January numbering- 76,000,000. Thirty-eight H~zd a hall millions Ore been -cam !,,eted in a week, and thirteen mil lidas iu a !tingle day. Three times as many three centstamps are used as of all denominations combined; after them come fhe one cent and then the two and six cent. The Imp lidenee William Josephs. The Pit.tsburzh kbatcallsattention editorially tea' speech recently made in Philadelphia by Sam Josephs, In which theet worthy is reported to have said: "At Reading. Alderman AP3fullin and I could have nominated General Case, bnt we came to the rescue of Buckalew; and, by our Influence, made him the nominee. Does any man dare to say that we non - abated this man Incorruptible, for corrupt motives?" We happen to know something about the conduct of Josephs and M'- Millen at Reading. Some weeks be fore that convention we happened to meet them both on Chestnut street, in Philadelphia; and, somewhat to our surprise, found them favorable to the nomination of Mr. Buckalew. This was before Mr. Buckalew had consented to be made a candidate.— After the Williamsport convention, we met them both in Philadelphia, and to our surprise again, they were not for Buckalew. When the Read ing convention assembled we asked Mr. Josephs what had led him to change his mind. I-I is answer spoke volumes. Said he: "1 don't think Buckalew is ' the right man far Gov ernor. Ile would wrap himself up in his dignity and we could not ap proach him. If any of our boys got into trouble he would let them lie in the penitentiary instead orpardoning therm 'We could do nothirg r them:" The "boys" to whom * Jasephs al luded are such fellows as Me ra,w hum he and 11PMulliu succeeded in induc ing Governor Geary to pardon. Jo sephs was right when he declared that.Buckalew would not prostitute the pardoning power at the bidding of such tellowsas himself and M'3tul lin. Neither of them voted for him at Reading until the sixth ballot. when his nomination was certain; and there seems to be no doubt that they both gave Hartranft a heart3' support. Hartranft will not " wrap himself up in his dignity," will not he unapproachable, and will not fail to use thepardoning power as unscru pulously or political purposes as money was used to secure his election. Before the State election it was well known that the dangerous daises in Philadelphia, the men who are hang ing on the verge of crime and in con stantdread of the law. were going`in a body for Hartmntt. That they were promised protection in crime we have no doubt, and we have just as little doubt that It will be as freely exteneed to them. Bill Mann will take care thai the " boys " are not hardly pre ss ed in the criminal courts which are under his control, and when he fails to prevent convictions, Hartranft will be ready to pardon at the solicitation (Waite!, supporters as Josephs and M'Mullln. The Sublime and Beautiful. No grander or more sublime sub ject can engage the attention of roan than such a one as tends to the ame lioration of suffering and .pain. The cure of Consumption, not only in its incipiency, but in its advanced stages, has been done by Dr. Kegser's Lung Cure. Sometimes the Lung Cure will do this alone; it will always do good. steno es the Doetorsupplies other medicines with it to meet pe culiar ind icat ions of the system. In his large medicine establishment are to he I,aind all the tine tnedieine-s known, and experianee of nearly half a century has enabled the doctor to know how to use them. Being a graduate of two schools of medicine, to which he Las added over twenty five years of experience; together with a daily ,reading and practice in chronic diseases,with spe cial attention to those of the lungs, it would be a quitter of wonder if 1w did hot know the treatment of such cases to a more than ordinary extent. His pamphlet on chronic lung dis eases, sent free whenever it is ordered, discourses more fully upon the sub ject than could be allowed in any news paper article. Where your druggist does nut keep Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure. 4 botths will be sent by express for $5. Single bottles $1,50 at the Dr's Medical Offim,l67 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Office hours from 10 a. m. untill 1 1), to., and Saturdays at night until 9. . Oldest i►nd Best. The Singer Sewing Machine the Pio neer of all others—Good, Heller, Best, and now beyond Competition for Surpassing Ereellein*-- The firs! hdrodueed here. It cannot be denied 'hat , he Singer Sew liFg - Machine is the }':one, rot all other in ceptions of this de--cripti. That the hi ventor poses-ed an oricinal wpm!. fat ile , t Nlnnitxhlr inventive (WU ur iQ dent i!!rnted by lhh fact of I) rVe. kliCe., and that all-other machines since brought to to use were but Lena imitations an-I (Min etis to avoid the Intent law,: The Singer Machine was good tr , ni the first— la - came betters, time wore . the wonder fully Inventive IneultieN a th e construe• tornf the first Sewiniz Machine brought in to correct deferts and render them more and more adapted to the wants of a. progressive age. The mind a hich eon d conceive the plea of Ibis labor saving machine, was t Illab!t• 01 rC3OIIIIZ a grandeur in this branch of mechanical art not attainable by others— It has now reached u point of perfection which places it far in advance . of all oth era for simpli6ily and ease of iiv4,iing,— tne beauty and durability 'of its stitche..-- its adaptability to all kinds of work—torsi freedom Iroin any liability to gel out of repair, with other .manifold advantages that render it also preferable to any and nll other, ever introduced. R STRA NV CO ' General Agents. No. 10 Sixth mreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Keep the "lair 'Unblemished. —"I am like tux . . d bent loe'lt.xv it i t t . r ed at the 113i<1 it venerable Indian !lin' pointing to his thin and bleaching Thousands of teen and women in eii - ilized society, much :ioduLter than the 041 Sag I more, are like hint. "wit hered at the top" simply lir-rim-4. they have neglected to the mane of preserving and beautifying' la • 11l ir o hich v truer laid placed at twit dli-po•al If I.voti's Karii.ttnoN he titith applied olive or li‘ ire a tiny, to the Wier . ..tit - I.i the scal.-,11 is just as impossible tilt the hairwither, tall Ow or 1.. come, harsh iind », that a tiwi-duly refreshed with 'lightly dews and rajas should become Arid an I .it ere. n Hades 'Pita tretichless lit paratbia to -t only keeps the liar alive iitid the ssin of the • head to a fit'a It II) and clean condi' ion,but actun'y inuhiplies The fiiaments Anti imparts to them a lu.striejlex iliility and wavy beauty unattainable by any other 'node treatment. It doe, [pit, like the nicht lic and sulphurous hair dry up tile natural iboisture of the but supplies nutriment to the roots of t h e hair and vigor to tilt. fibres. te 7 l-We 2.*.e it stated that the Re publican members of-the Philadel phia delesration to the House of Item. resentatives are said to haveuuun tenon. ex-Speaker Elliot for re eledion to the Speakership. We sincerely hope for the credit of the Legislature anti the good of the State that this is it mistake; or if it be true, that all the members outside of Philadelphia are unit&l on a better ,man. Theorganizatiomorthe House last winter was a disgrace to the tar ty, and there can lie no exetrse if the present body, which is largely com posed or new members, permit Mr. Ellfot and his tnirmidons to repeat the diSgraceful Scenes of last winter. —Chanthersbirry Repository. —An apostate and • backsliding Mormon Organization has been form ed in ...*alt Lake. It is called the Utah Liberating League, and is taking a strong hold on the people and spread ing rapidly. It is thought it will be a potent Instrument In destroying the influence of the priesthood oft he Mor mon church. Ser 1101,LOW I'S OIN TM ENT —.Asth ma, tighintt; the chest, and the vat inns diseases alit: throat and lougq. tts roll as the innumerable eruptions and ulcers Which attack the skin and flesh. 'yield in , sriablito this preparation. Sold at 78 titleen Laae, Y. Price 25ets per pot. Ask for new = aryle, the old is counterteitod. Dauchv & 'Co's Advertisements., pQN'T BE DECEIVED, But for, coughs, colds, sire siva, oarsmen. and bronchia - difficulties. us* clay Wells' Carbolic Tablets. - Worthless , Arittnacms are on themarket, but the only liciencide preparation of Carbolic Arid for Lung diseases is when chemically combined with other well known remedies. ai in these rainals.' and all penis, are cautioned against using any other. Mall eases otirretation of the mucus membrane these TABAZTIS should be freety used, their clean sing and healing properties are astonishing. Be WAICSLD. serer riepieef a cold, It is easily cured in its incipient state, when it becomes chron ic the cure is exceedingly dilliculLtuut Wells' CV bolic Tablets as a spectlic. _tv JOUN 411 IaILLOGG, 18 Pritklit. N. Y. Bole agent for the United Statec bend fur (Ital. lar. Price 14 cents a box. otwl3;4w Young Men, Tescbr-n, Ladies or Mainers! Agents warted in every county for "77ia Rople's Stand ant Bible." MO Illustrations. Ertra terms Pros pectus free. Address Ziegler & McCurdy,sll3 Anti street, Philadelphia. Pa. novatter riNO THU WORKING CLAIM male or ft " male, SGO a week guaranteed. Nespectable employment at home, day or evening; no capi tal required; full instructions and 'Mashiepacka ge of goods to start t% itb sent free by ma l. Ail• dreary. with 6 cent return stamp. . YOUNG IS CO., leConrilandt St., New York. nortkete LADES and Gentlemen Agents wanted to pelt rrotean Button-bole Cotter. 25cta.; Needle Threading Thimble licts; Morocco Needle• Book. 50cte; 6 large & 5 papers small Needles. /15 per day sure; sample free to any at above price.• 0. THORNTON & Co.. UM Broadway N Y. 4w Thel-Nectar. A Pare ESEMEA; the best Sea Imported.; Warranted to an • all tastes. Put up In oars mark Half Pound and Pound Packages only. For Sale at Wholesale only by the (heat Atlantic and N ettle Tea t.b; P. O. Box WOG. New 1 ork city. noar6;4ll, AGENTS`tfyageedar:fhor of " workod m or the year Landsornelv Illustrated by Gustave Dore, Nast ' , of Larper's Weekly, & others. Endorsed by college preddents sod eminentdivines. Its Ude ct.d con tents will ensure for it thousands of readers--whey Because nothing like it has ever been published. For prod of this, sendpimp and see circulars d. terms before engaging tlsearbere. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, SAS Bowery. N. Y noveaw FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. An Regantly Bound Clinrasidno Book for the beet and cheapest Family Bible ever published, will be sent free of charge to any book nett. It contains nearly 60011ne Scripture Illustrations. and Agents are meeting with unprecedented enc. ere.. Address, atm ing experience, etc. & we will •howiyou what our agents are doing. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO Pa. nov6:4w 5000 AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE, Tor our NEW Book, The Life of the Great Lrpforer c:.:..f?r - irarracotitonat, And his Besnrrection from a Li4ng Death By STA..N.LIMY. For full description and lernii address Immedt. eel) , HUBBARD BROS, Pnblishers,Phlladelphia or B os ton. nov6;4w - ; among' all classes. Old people, the middle; e ageo,thoee who are just entering life, slid .7.7, youth, of both sexes, buy and read with E .l Use greatest profit MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET; DIO LEWIS' lust cud bent Book. ti 0 4 4 It le meeting with the greatest success; and there Is Money in it. E... Send for our circulars, Sc., which are `44 ' .so sect free. GEO. MACLEAN. ?Min. 4w —God grant that this preciowtOook may find ire way to every family in the land," says a promi nent reformer, of T. S. Menu:Wiliest great work, Three Years in a Man Trap. Notwithsjanding Its Immense rale, we tieture to extend its Influence still further and call for more aid to introduce It to every corner of our land, It to high indorsed Judge Blark,F.ll.orne.Nril Pow.totherii Will do more good than any wohi lotion law ever framed, It sells beyond pang el. A gents have done and aro doing splendidly with it. One hag sold over WO copies, Owing to inr great auccurr we are enaliien to offer especially large gleconnla. Send for illustrated 6 term., A.:.enter lobo thl• great work at once. J. M. STUD- Da UT ,t• CO. Publishers. Pails. 4w CauvaFt. ai,Tenta wantkd for the great corubtuatiou The Great Illustrated Peeplea Weekly, the Best tool cin.Jp•-el paper punlishrd. OM I EWI S corp* of 1..11)1 , t popular allitlfaro Wf if ft t. 1 , 1 U etv •Iy for it. We give a r. l o. of the onparAeleit Chrum.. JUST SO MI CM, to every subrlrl- Der. Agetak tame [rum IWCtillf the to :Wily laellIUNI a .:10 , N. business pave like this. send for terws. and .score territory for this - great enterprise at once. MACLEAN. STODDA RT et CO., Pentan e a. TM Satisom street, Phila. DUTY OFF TEAS 1 THE GREAT LIIERRICAN TEL COMPANY have busbies/ connections with all the principal ports of China Ind Japan. and Import their Teas direct from place of growth, thus staving the con sumer from 5 to S potato. It is now about V/ years since the company was organized—and It has been a splendid Stites.' from the very first. This was due to the tact that we Imported and sold only The Best and Purest Goods, and distlibuted them hour customers in all parts of the Potted States, for oar small profit only. be tween the Tea grower and the Tea consumer Ws originated the system of supplying consumers i'n distant parts of the country with Teas at New York Cargo Prtces, on the Club plan. And since we adopted this plan we mire saved the people of this country millions of dollar* annually, In the cost of this arjicle of every day zirelrlislty. Send fur Club t incur. which contains 101 l erections. premiums, &c. The G rem' A meriran Tea Company, 31 & 33 VIMLEY ST., New York City. P. 0. Box st4t ttuvfi,4w high, from iNintauued woe lirtnizs Pile• and kin. G to Mu in trea►eoing the in.nlld, nor i s it4s ds,coireil which, u odi-r the popular name ef "t icier. 1. 5".....11 , 11:151ve1v painted 011 on the pub lie as e.o,errign fernorl4,o, but it is a most poerFrlPi: Thntd. and Alter/J.lFr,, prlniull treed )1 63 the londlue; medical suthoritir. GI London it Paris 111.11 ha, !web lung un t il by the regular uhystioaus of Ober rolliiirics 0111; a ntalutllll rcmcdtal r,sultis. Or. WELLS' EXTRACT OF BERM retain., n.. 1 the tne,l.4 - tocti peeuti3r tio• p1...1 soot town be taken to • yermitir•l carat s% e I- there want of nu roar Liver S Spleen releveri of oi.te, the blood become, impure by gt. 1..1rt 141110 ' , vet ettoino, pt 04111C:11g ricrofulou• or Itiotche , . Progules, Csnlior, Ittmioe.. Sc Jurtibeba to cleanse. purity and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Hare you a dyspeptic stomach! Coles• digus non :s promptly aided the retstem to debilitated ith of %hal force, Poverty of Blood, Drop.t. cal Tendency. General Weakness or Lassitude. Take it to asaitit dizeation without reaction: Ii will impart youthiui %Igor to the sufferer. Ilace you weatness or the lutestines! You are in danger of Chronic I.narrbcea or the dreadful In fliminatlon of the Bowels. Take It to attar irritation and ward off ten'eney 0 ir.ffammationa. ilar, you Irrathess of Mr rtertur or Urioary 0rg0,,,, Von mast procure Instant. relief or you are liable to soffertng worse than death. Take it to strengthen organic weakoess or life becomes a burden. Fhtany It *tmid Da fruttnently taken to keep the tumor. In perfect health or you are uthf•rwtre In true* danger of malarial. rutaansatte or C ca. g ions disease,. sole Agent fur the United States. Price $1 per bottle. Send for circular. AGENTS rcr;`e'ilsal NEW , t h o l : n a e r ; ,4 * and ono gam fr.'eN Y . . Wig wantouCo.. .2:Cournandt st.. N S aw. "HAND STAMPS" all varieties. Circular. free. AMP'. Uaated. W. ti IL Davis ,t Co. Mfrs. 79 ...assns. N. V. 0ct2.9.-Itr . _ BTrOSend stamp for DIA Catalogue on 1 bißullding. A. Bccsaitic is s r L. N. V. TH OIS IS N lIUMBOG ! !•:, By sending .le) cents vri:h age. height, c., or of eyes 4 hair, you will receive by retard muil, a correct picture or sour future hu.- hand or wife, with name and date of Marriage. Address W. FOX, P U. Drawer. 'o. 2i. Flillit , 4l• vilte, N oct:l3-4ar WAsHINGTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL BALTIM olt E, MD. NUW €) JE N STUDENTS CAN ENTER AT ANY TIME. The advanta2es of the School are' Ousuri panned. leers including Dissection S hospital Tickets. $6O. For CATALOGUES containing toll pluticolara apply to Prof. t' LAS. W. taIANCELLQM t eat. Elnltimore, $75 to s2souor monthererywhere, =tie nod female. to in troduce the ti MANE IMPROVED CON SO MON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE, This machine will stitch, hem, lock. quilt. cord, bind, braid cud embroider It In a tuok superior manner. Price only CS ki Folly licensed and warranted for Ave yeah. Wagon! pay ti,talti for toy' matt:due that will I sew a stronger, more neaunfol, or triore.eln- I tic seam than our.. it makes the - Elastic •,, Lock htitch." Every second stitch can be cut , and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart 104 without tuning it. We pay agents from rs (1 2 to 'TA) per month and expensmi, or a com bo ru:ssion [rum hteb I w iCe hut amount can 41 he Made. iiddress SECIJMIIiSt CU .Boston, ; Illtaburgh, It! ; Chicago, 11l • or iSt. Lasts, . 0rt,134w Cheap Farms! — Free Hernia t trx Die 0: tug UNION ratan,: RAU, ROAD. 12,0110.t00 acre: of the beet Farming and Mineral Lando in A Orrice 3,ll.lo,ollOacres In Nebranlia, in the Platte Valley now for sale. Mild Climate, Fynlle Soil. for Grain growing and Stock raising ansurpmaged by auy Inc Untied Inate.s. CITIAPIU tN Patni. more favorable toms given. ■nd more convenient to nuuket..than Can be ft.nad skew herr. Free Eamestuds Tar Aetna Bettkra The biat location fur Colonies-Boldiers entt tled to s homestead of till acres. Semi far the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new ours, pabilshed in English. German. Stge• (IDS and Danish, mailed free everywhere. addrwn. 11 F. DAVIS, lAtyl com'r C. P. R. R. Co., OMAHA, Nan. Warroll,flail.. Filit FMB 113111.1871 Double Elevated 'oven. Warinisig L eloret. Broiling Door. Gender Guard, Dumping and disking prate Direct Draft. FuLtin. %%mats * Co..= Water street. N. T. oetitittlw Rowell di Co.'s Advertisements.! lii! an Ol=ticitgelVl)fiettegr An den* or o make more money at work for :1= mire mommas or all the time than at anpilag sin. Particulars free. Address 0. tilltitiON • 00 Portland. Maine. on& 4w octinEe I. ft It !Crary clerk sad B merchant cast learn at once. Book clattaa. 60c. H. GOCIDINO BITAIIT. &Uhl°. N. T. noo;4‘ IITSCHI3 IitrEPIAL HiAS WAN us.; G Lard.—Wbolesale to the trade. can rent. porttudd, on receipt or it. W. MIKAN T. PxUSAUPP, Reeding, Pa. 4w AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE to eell the best low prlao Comtilugles ever pat. ented. Let farmers and Cymbals who has cont to shell send for circular to "Family (bra-Sager C 0.," Harrisburg. Pa. 4w ((11 teal ITY - -411311 — agulaeoTthe litigti eet order for $l. Agent wanted In ercry town on a perpetual Income. bendlne tbr specimen to "Satitfer Lollar Xocaztae," SI Liberty St.. N. T. 1823 JUBILEE! 1878 NEW TORS OBSERVER, The beet Religious se Secular Family Newitpaper. fa a year with the Wan Tau Book, 091.1.13N.1ETY E. ItirChlll4.lo aft CO, 37 Park low. New York. SEND FOR A , SAMPLE COPY. AQENTEI WANTED— Fur Dania Dewlap eitnire a campaign book, with lives of the can didates and leading men of all partici. 10 Steel Portraits. $5 to $0 a day rapidly and easily made. Write and see. Particulars free. WON TIILNUTON. DUSTIN & CO., Dartford. Ct. Agents Wanted for Cobbto's Child's Commentator On the BIBLE for the HOME CIRCLE. 1.200 pager; WO Engravings. file brat enterprise of the year for ai,ebta. Every family will hive tr. Nothing like it now published. For circulars ad dress 11. 8. GOODSIMALD & Co . 31 Park flow, N.Y. Good Cifiuntiy TALLOW Wanted. 1.111 lust_prleo paid, for prime quality, by L. M. ELKINToN; Soap and Candle Manufacturer, 116 Mar,, , aretta Street Philadelphia 4w Roso of Cashion HOF TOIIIC I 4 unsurpassed as a Promoter of the Growth of flair and Whtekers. It Is neither 'dickey Dar greasy. yet It softens and smooths the Hair far bet ter and more permanently than any Oil or Pomade. Used as a !Lair Dressing, tt producer a most beau. Ural and lustrous gloss. Warranted perfectly harmless. Its exquisite perfume tequila anrhal• led, being distilled from the world.renowned sea of Cashmere. Large bottles only ISOcts. Ad. &rya ASCILIWN oil= a MILLIS% 411:0 N. Third street, ilittadulphte. Ps. norekew A GREAT EVENT! We hare decided to dispose of our Immense stock of Billiard Tables at prices a-little above lost.— First Class halo New Tables complete, POO. Sec ond-hand Tables made over new, $2OO. $225. SMO, An.. A great variety to snit all buyers. Send for Catelunge KAVANACII is DECKER. ttort4w Cor. Canal and Centre its. New York. Agnak UPHAM ' S gr stAn gs e Mrs' TT olent paroxisms In fire minutes and effects ■ speedy cure. 75eta a box by mall. Circulars tree. Address 8. C. Ur mat, 25 South Eighth street, Philade pida. Pa. Sold by all druggists. otlx 6 ;4w HORRIBLE! I suffered with CATARIIII thirty years, and was cared ty a simple remedy. Will send age free, to all afflicted. der. T. J. MEAl4Draw er tin, Syracuse, N. Y. kovr,;4w GILBERT L. EBERHART. Attorney at Law, wiii give prompt attention to coilectiona, pro curing boogie, and petwiono, haying and selling real eet,le, Office on tit oad way, opposite It.E ill. Maws' Banking House. New Brighton. Beaver Co., Pa. .ep 4tf Rt3c 'llEls-run Fire Insurance Company. NCORITin A TED by the Leridlnturn 01 1 . 0311- i ovltrantn,Ft-brunry, Oil. Office one tlooronAt 1.1 iiuchcrtcr !miring. Bunk. Hoak-vier. Beaver county. !'d People of Etaaver county can now have their properly insured azatn. t boo, or damage by Arc, at fair rater, ln a ' , ale and It El.l \ I;LE ll' 1E COM PAN V, therehy evolditqz the expe•o•e • trouble. at•.d delay thcoirot to the adjurtuteut col knows by corn loci:ed at a diplance. soAno OP ntacclron.: J. V. M'Donsid., George C. Speyerer, Samuel B. Winvin, Lewis Schneider, William Kennedy. John (Inching. Mar,hall SUDonald R. B. Edgar. M. Camp • CB. Hine', David Lowry. Daniel Brenner. EGIZIEM (IE4I. L. SPEY MIER., Pamer J. V. M DONALD. V. l'ree t. 11..1. Srvr Laza, Treas. jse1:11 E. Ketnen. Sec' 1 J. P. (MA', B. AN:anti. 3. 11. MerßrcuT. McCuKtitY, Ingsh'r Beaver Saving► Bank -OF _ THOS. McCREERY & CO., 11 EA V. 11.7,11. I°A. DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPON S, And flankshlo Paper. Collecalono made In all parts of the Urtaril State, r.p ,, i111 te utioa to CoqPVIOLII. anditernfitaneor. Interest on time 3 .4 1 ,,,.. !0 , open from 9n. tn. to 3p. m. jjyl i 13- Bearer Cancan and Musical Institute! Opensoenber 10, 11172.. Particular a•tention will be paid those desiring to become Teacher's. Seminary 11411 affords accommodation l o t twen ty boy,. where they will he prepared (or hu,iners or Coll. ve Send for C delogve to the Prentdent, aux2l'Arn n T. TAYLOR. T.J.CHANDLER, Deutto. 6.111 emanmer to perform all opera tion! In the denial pro. . Roston at hio °lnce, , Beaver to tion, finches k ler. A who favor him w r. $ fir W Ith a call. may tmpeet tuhavetbeirworkdome In the ta..nt pos..Folv mate end the mart renoon abit• term•. The boot . of the fete firm of T .1 CHAN D. f.Fif SON are in lira branch. where all who have accounts will pleare call Immediately end •••(tie the name - _ A. 11. Fraricisous & Cu., 513 MARKET PhllladelpaLa. We have opened for the FALL. Trade, he largest and last assorted stock of , PRILADELPOIA CARPETS. ralf e, Stair and Finn'. Oil Cluths,Window Sha,tet; and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cot• ton, Yarn, Baiting, Wadding, Twines, Wieks4, r • .Ck` 4 , Dunking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bay kut , , fiticketu. Wringeri,Wooden and IVU f.'n• \Van•, &c., in the Un.letl States.. Our large increase in busine;ss enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the hest quality of Gould," SOLE AGENTA YOR.THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASHER Price $5 _So The Most Perfect and Sueees.sful Washer eve} made. AGENTS WANTED fnr the AMERI CAN WASHER in all parts of the date. sepl I:3m eiffeedernAltig OtewanDurner IMPROVED, UNRIV4TY3) and UNEQUALLED KUitNs ANY sIZN CuAL. FULLER, WARR/21.1 Oa, 238 water st N. Y lei 11:12w lAMOND Air & RUBY FURNACES. OWERFUL AND EOONCHHAL HEATER& J. A [swoon, rotentee. FULL ' A t WrittitKN. & CO- 2'46 Water *Wet New York G. s. Hasxra.. V. A. HARKER.. V. A, BAMEER. G. S. BARKER & Co.. Arty itriettols, G. S. ISA [MEIN et CO., Beaver Pala, Itz A. N it F. 110 E 3 , Denier. In Excnange, Coin. Coupons,, 'Collections wade on all acctsAlble points in the trotted Wee, and Canada. Aecounts of -limb. ants. ManntaMorersAnd Indirldnals, "Watched. Interest a lowed ois time depositor. Carreitn dents will receive oromnt WORLD-RENOWNED PATENT GLOVE-FITTING COBSET. itT. .113 demand for them is Incerasing eaostadiy. be THEY GIVE UNIVERSAL Satisfaction PERFECT FIT. GUM= GLOITWIT TING' - stamped with the name THOMSON. and the trade-mart a Cream. Said by all first-class dealers. 9- rep2s;Clw Ems' Claim Agency. an OLDEST IN TIIE STATE. B. F. BBOTI7N d CO., 118 emithlelrl Street s ; Man*, Powaylnnis. Collect Pcnitious, gauntlet. Prize money, itc. Special attention paid to abspentled and repaid tlaitor. Application' by mail attended to as U made fn oerrorf.- scplS;Gin Jlaeeila MINI BOOR & CO. -=fremftrmtp-mr, PA'NeY•lntlr GOODS. Notions , -Ehtittery, Underwear,; Gloves, Furnishing Goods, Lace , Embroideries, Lace Gosods, 11 0 01), Balmoral, and Felt Skirts, Corsets, Silk and Ve' , refine Ribbons, I Panniers,- Handkerchiefs, Bonneo. Hats, Millinery Goods, Flowers, Tics, Plumes, Trimming and Fringes, Velvets, Velveteens, Reps, • Bonnet and LiningSillts,Turquotse, Colored and Black Dress . Silks, Ribbons in all widths and Shadei, Ornaments, Frames, (lc. the Touts ins invited to an !twined= of the extensive lines of the above goods, which at all seasons of the Sear will be kept full up with the Latest Novelties. Lowest prices, East es West. Orders promptly attended to, A Word to You, Friend!! li'Oß GOOD COFFES, FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR GOOD FLOUR FOR GOOD TOBACCO, FOR EVERYTHING GOOD t Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IR BEAVER on Etszwimer... S. SNITGER % CO.'S, 3d Street, BEAVER, PA. J4a1U75.1.7 RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUBES THE WORST PAINS In from One - to Twenty AltroatAs. NOT ONE HOUR after rcadintthhi advertisement need any ono 8 MR WITU PAIN. Itarysra NADI' maw , 18 A CURE FOS INERT VAIN. /t was the first sad to als - 0 Only Pain Itomed.o that b.dtmstly stops use wet enteraelatlng pains. amp Inflammations. sad ems ConceWlons, whether US Lang*. atiMAGil. Zaire% or labor slardserrorpas. by ooe applies- Lim_ 0.11 oNN To - TM:NTT MUTES. No =taw how violent ar excruciating the pain the RREOMATILL Ded.rld Infirm. Crippled. Net. your. Notingeo. or pru used with disease may suffer. RADWAY'I3 READY RELIED WILL AFFORD INSTANT RASE. • INFLAMMATION OF TUE KIDNEYEL • _ 1 INFLAMMATION OF THE BUDD= mmehuatuni or Talc wens: cONMISTioN OP TIDLUDGE. 8018 TaIiDAT, DIFFIcULT BREATinNO.. YALITTAFION OF TUE RT. Nrsrznics. catoup. DipOTHIIMA. cATAILIULANFLUDFMA. lIEADACDT. TOOTRACIDE, DZURALGlA l lumumAtunt. COLD CHILLS, AGUE cfilL Thointieinton of the newly Relief to the pert or porta where the pain =lean, Wats will Wont eau sad comfort. Treaty drops he half • tumbler of erateralll to * IMP moments ears CRAMPS. !TAMI L SOUR STOMACH. HEART BU R N _._ 131 Ch. DIARRHEA,,. DTBENTERT_„_COLIU_. WIND De THE DoWna and all INTERNAL BAITS. Travelers should - aleraya carry a bottle of way's Salliff with Mm. A fay I d:4ft vac *Meat sickness oepalns from thane of Witer. It Is Mater than !reach Brandy arBIM. re as ..tam alant. HEVEIIt AND ADVIL* ' FEVER AGUE cured for Aft rests. Thar to a* a remedial spa is this rand that wlfl care Fevre satle. sod oval, Ykleao vs. 1411. Scarlet. T and other Fevers (auerl_by _LLB) IQ Welt as KADWATS RgkET =arr. Eltty cents pa bark. Bold by laaalvaL 'HEALTH! ND IMES BEMAU nTvoYoll C R RE NO Eorrraso Av K WOUTCL n A ix ß SKIN AND DRACUT/CIA COMPLESION CURED TO ALL, DR. RADWAY'S SAASRS BO A D P It AR P l IL MLRIAN RESOLVENT lI SOO i F u rENCE OW THIS WOM=PUL 11EDICINZ. THAT • Every Say an increase In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop af the BAESAPARILLIAN RE SOLVENT communicates through the Blood Sweet. Grio_e, and other holds and Juices of the em the mg* of lase. for repairs th e wastes Of the with new and sound material. Scrofulo, 6fphUls. Con an:o;3omi, Glandular discus; Gleam In the Throat. Month, Tumor; Nodes In the Glands and other = of the system, Sore Eyes, Stremous Dinh/ups the Nors e and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions. Fever Sixes, fkadd Bead, Beg Worm, Bah Rineum, Eryalpels; Aegitgliatth Spats. Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Claimers In the Womb, and ell weakening and pdnful diatbarges, Night Sweets. Lou of Sperm, and all yule* of the ilfe are within the curative range of this insider of Ito& ern Chemistry, and a few days* use will prove to any person nelns It for either of these forms of disease Ge_patent.power to cure th em, Got only does the SitIIAMITLLIAII excel all knows remedial *gems In the vireo( In: mak. Scrofulous, Constitutional' and Skin diseases ; but it U Grimily positive cure f ur Kidney ft Bladder Complaints ' - Urinary, and Womb diseases, (,rare, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Watts, Incontinence of Urine. Wight's Disease, Athsrminnria, and in all cases where there an, briekdost devalue, Of the water is thick, Bondy, mUted with substanees like the white of an egg, or thrush white silk, or Sher, b • mottdd , dark. bilious appearance, and whit, bone-dust de. padts, IDd Whirl Uwe Is e pricking, bilfriinN orlitz• lion when Rasing water, and pain In the *mail of the Smelt and along the Loins. Prkte.ol.32. OR —Tho only tuowaandlureßemear fat toms—Tape, elc. 'Tumor of 12 Years , (Aren't% Cared by Seaway , * Resolvent. Biome, Moo, ely 11, lea. Parterae t—t bore Ind Medea Team la the ~lee and mooder all the Doctors raid." Wen low or Lap MD." I tried every , Wog dot sae lootosiandel d ied loader belted en. o+ year ClMl•est. as& tba t I soled try ; hat bed or bah _ It, berme bad to bubo =I bob Os bottles of the Roolrest, wed toe boa of ye Mb, end bre both" et year Rode MOH; sad there is Pot a alga tame to be Mess or blt, rod I del bolter, order, rid bander then I base Oar Mel.. pore. Tim wont Meer vas In the IA tide of the Wog.. ...a We pato. 1 mite Ws to Na 1w the brad. .1 ahem Yea coo pahllait Is it yea Moor. Il.Nle ,All r.tufArr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, peribmtly testales&grtly eotted-w i lt evri eu ll= fi 2e. grak 4 M 4 for ilh• • tars or disorders err the Se." Liver. Dowels, Moen, Bladder, Nervous lc!•••••,t Headache. Condipulea. Castilla's& maigssmos. Orirpevela, Illlionmees. Woes rem. Inflammation or tha rbwels, ries, esd all Dem o. meats at the Utmost Viacom Warranted to effect • positive ears. Purely Vegetable, coda/Moe 'aqua vary ,mtnerals. or deleterious thugs. Observe the falkowthg symptom malting from Dlowdebold es Digestive Omni dooltipaitoo, horang PM*, INTIIIIPOI et lb . Stood la We Med. Aoldity of Oa etwoom, Moe% Illsoibare, Dame oftood, Miami or Weight la liko Strotooll. Sew Erester alaidag or Mooring at the Pit of tbe Stoma, Bad slag of the Mut, Herded sod EMl:kali lineable, /War , hat at the Mort, Milts; or Salbeetlng Sesolkete Oho la a I .7 l 4Pedele. Moons of Ithaca. OM at Webs Ware tae t. neer sad Doll Pain la the Rad, Dedrieney Peropbatien. Yellowtails ti the Skim gad £7N Pala aWe the F Sib, Met, Mahe, and 'Woe Flashes of Boa, Doralad to_lea& VI We doses of RADVIAriI PILLS CD rte. the system tram all the above.named dbordne. 'Moe, IS cents per box. SOLD DT DREGUISTS. READ FA LSE AND CO Sod me letter , stamp to ILADWAY di CO.. No. ib Malden New. York. information worth thoummds wfll ant you. 31W. CONWAY & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS 4c IT 1P.14T kj,Tt. A. DEALERS IN • EXCHANGE, COIN AND COUPONS. it e git t :raria't:g r Okir n e r tt etilre ' Mereb"u and Internet Allowed on Time Deposits. OrCorremponoeutv ivoi receive prompt Om lion. Je3l;U ffouLowAys 114 NM I • I ,•,/,-44, 40'. 0%* 4 `, BOWMAN HIS OWN Stull CAUTION. %ME Immense demand for lIOLLOWAVI , 1 PILLS and OINTAINNT.IIII tempted Erwin. Onespted parties to conflict/en tbs. Vaillabi. ei. In order to protect the public an 4 i tinrselres. we Lave Imbed a new - Track Mask." conalelltilt 078 8 NFriptlan circle gt, a serpent, with the letter I) in the centre. Every box of motor Itotzowax's Pau and Oninrear will have Oda trade nark on it; none are genuine without it. N. Y. eittIOCAL Co., Bole Preprietorw. useNr72l7. •78 Maiden Line. New - ork- corr. has evei enjoy ed:is maid-wide pop- ILudsozae. Durabio Enononslcal, and VHS Underskied Us constructed it . new Lim"- ' Kiln seat the •'QW_ Steck Lbw /Ma." to Vaa port. Beater eoun t rAtbe t : be deed e ve se. , tomakoditte ell lel e'whotaai he Mi ele. Price. Ili mite bet at thirKlll4. set)lBomc HENU 8 IKSHINO. 72 and 79 Kukst lIIIPX . ItiIgt• OP JaD wain! FOli GOOD TEAS, FOR GOOD SPICES, FOR GOOD FEED, FOR GOOD CIGARS, IN TILE (40 TO R. psyrl7,l•2;l y LIXE! lAMM!! Mks > rsOecitte.=:- 4 &nail fitimp froftWON !UM*" Oa. breastWevialei. Ms Mould km - thistatiatel aggiatiOn, taisigthit WI/WV of Wu of cm most onoitcoses f airaqr. • . DICER CURED THE 'KNIFE, lir A, J. PIERCE. OF PITTSBURGH, PA Liu 'moved to the world that Canter s tho most dreaded of all diseases, can be cured without the aid of the khife, and without pain avoiding the dangerous and painful operation'of cutting. Ev ery part, Its root and fibre, belonetug to the Cau ca, REMOVED FROM nrE SYSTEM by Ilia chemiad at cubic. which can be applied to any part of the person with perfect safety. Dr. Pieree's treatment of Cancers, Tumors. Uksts, Fistula, Ms. &raja la. Diseases or the Bar t Throat, Want, Lung Airections, and Malignant Mere, of all kinds, WITHOUT THE AID OP THE KNIFE, Is endorsed by the highest of medical an. thorlty. oet9-3m Wens, Moles, Warts, and Birth Kirks Removed without pain or scar. .r.Eto'r x rAir.t.g. "I take. great 'pleasure in certifying to Dr. Pierce'• extraordinary treatment of diserre. I am Intimately acquainted with him, have known him for twenty years as a practiced Physician of superior general information, and having teasel ed much he has hadgreat opportunities of ac quiring thorough knowledge of his profession. Ills wonderful skill in removing Cancers. Tumor., &c., cannot fail to give satisfaction. A. W. EWING, M. D. - We hare known Dr. A. J. Pierce for a number of years, and hare witnessed his wonderful suc cess in the treatment or Cancer and other discsur es, some of which of the most mallgtuiht form. tonddently recommend him to all those &Meted with anything of the kind." J. RIXO2I. M. D., J. STARK, M. D.. A. W. EWING. M. D.. DR. J. S. KING, P. PKTERMAN, Id. D., 00411. man MAT BE OONERILTED AT analon House. Bridgewater on Thursday of each week. octB4us LOOK HERE. QPIIING AND SIMENIZII, GOODS. 1.7 undersigned begs leave to Inform his friends and the public generally that be has Just received • new stock of goods of the latest styles for Spring and Summer wear ,which he offers at very modest rates. GENTLEMENS FURNISHING GOODS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing made to order on the shortest noties. Thankftti to the public for past favors, I hope by close attention to butanes* to merit a cantina soca of the same. DANIEL MILLER, BRIDGE' ST.. BRIDGICITATER, PA. mar 24:tt c s. curable) that lir. Filler's riy.Wip - iSeumatle Sy rup will not cure—warrants. tuilnju , loins, and a physician)) prescription u,set inwardly. CIO' 00 Itewird offer to the Propri etors of asy medlcine for Mk madam and Neu ralgia able to produce iith as -tut Genuine hr. tug cures made within the same. 17lUsth of time as Dr. Meet , Vegetable Rheumatic Remedy, $2OOO Reward offered 'to any person prov ing Joseph P. Fitter, X. D.. to ho other than a graduate et the celebrated univereity of Pennsyl vania in 1833. mid Professor of Chernlstry—trmit inir Rheumatism opechhiv fur 39 years. 111000 Reward tO any Chemist, Physician. or others able to discover lodide of Potams. Col- ClaCtIM, Mercury. or nuything injurious to the sys tem in Dr. Fitter's Rheumatic Byer. p. 28,500 Certificates or testimonials of cute, including Rev. C. H. Ewing. Media, Pa.; Rev. Jo seph Beggs, Palls of hchuyiklli, Philed; the wife of Rev. J. B. Davis, Highatown,N. J.; Rev. Thor Murphy, Fraukford Plan; Dr. Jennings and Ur. Walton. Philadelphia; Hon. J. V. Creeley, mem bee of Congress from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Camden, N. J.; ez-Senator stewart, Baal more; es-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thou sands of others, if space permitted. 6250 'reward f. r the name or any warranted preparation for Rheumatism and Neuralgia sold under a similar legal guarantee, setting forth the exact number of bottles to cure or return the amount paid for the same to the patient In case of failure to cure. A full description of cases requis lug guarantees must be forwarded l.y letter to Philadelphia. The gnarante.., signed-aud stating quantity to cure, will be returned by mal,, with advice and Instructions, without any charge. Ad dress all letter?. to Dr. Vitur.R.No.4.s South Fourth street. No other remedy Is uttered on such terms. Get a circular on the various forms of Rheuma tism. also, blank applications for guarantee. gra ils or the special agent. HUGO ANDEUHSSEN, aeon: ly heaver, Pa The Best for All Purposes, kore easily managed, more durable, and runs lighter than any 'Machine in the markt t: easily cleaned and kept in cr ler : large bobbins, holds twice as much thread as any other shuttle. Lock-stitch, alike on both sides; sellapjusting tension. auNtly ]Popular. Frnin thr first the " DO M ESTIC " has rapidly nu•rcase'l in popular.ty, until tn_ day, in tile opitilun ut ail expel u•ur•ut SeWlng , ltine Mel', IL Mull& firth U - NRIV A LEM D ! It is gaillingh,r much :tf•r than :my other Muchine /- . 1 „r r e pr e ., rl,ll In the public, which (-:in br s,sil iron' en ;I s. etl ealea last t . 21,r over the preceding, being _ _ OVER FIVE HUNDRED l'Elt CENT No Machine N irOrraSlll ,, Sa !VS and gaintng public favor as rapidly as the ro tazier.m Agra 4c, This is in erme.equence of its SUPERIORITY WM. ROISEWTRON, Agent, Bearer Pa?l,4, Pa. Cal: and examine the Machine. jy24 Q. 1.. t ziui&uT ................._.........R.11LD11011 A Word With You ! If you want to *toy property, If yott want to sell property, If you want your house Insured, It you want your Foods Wonted. If you want your lire Insured. Ityou want to !pane against accident, II you want to lease your house, If you want to Ake a hou.e, If you want to buy a farm. If you want to mil *Wm, • If you want any legal writing done, Do at fail to call at Its" odke of Eberhart £ Bodleian, GENERAJ. INSURANCE AGENTS Waal notase AND ere, NA 223 Bomdiwydieraigitto f angt-tfl Besvirscrastit Rua Leeds and ortgages for sato here. it ,i,, , ::::!moe f ejaholime*, V i)Ami(iiN.:o,.',::}iioVSci- Or ' -James T. Brady 4t Co., COX FOURTH AVD. 1 *OD BT, Pittsburgh, Pa. WS BUY AND BELL &Torment Semitic; Golf, Silver, AND COVIPONI4 :ON .LIBFRAL TERMS, And do • General baiting Rosiness. Wa allow SIX PER CENT. INTBMT ou DEPOSITS, object to cheat without notice. 1D107.1 SAME T. lIIIALDT at CO. TleretigitriSr. Dr. S. Mare narsotaridge. water, Is deter ' mined that no Dentist in the 41 Stateshall do 6 Work better or 4 3 7 - cheaper than he offer, it to titer 11.6 his patrolta.— He tutes the be.t materials Mannikelured in the United States. Gold and Ai ver tilling performed In • style that &See compe tition tiailstlction guaranteed in all operations, or the money retuned. Gtve him a tria tebt iv Black and Gold Front, • GEORGE W. BIGGS- No. 159 1111ITUF1ELD Irr. Four doors above Sixth Ave. EKE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Goods, &e. PITTSBURGH, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with you. jel4lv FA.141-14PON ;Foundry it, Repair Shop. Miring been engaged in the Foundry Basin - .kw more than thirty years.—during which time I 'Wore accumulated a satiety of useful palterns, be 111fleS C3Ustillelfug models end taking ont patent. rtor Imparoyeruenta on COOKING - STOVES d after having thidronghly tested there Im provements, I feel warranted in offering them to 1,13 e public. P MN " V I V The GREAT WESTERN has no Hu perlor for MI. Locality. STOVES_, .*toves of Different Styles for Heating and Cooking The Great Repolilic Cooklag Stove 111. as the beet Record ut any team ever offercll In this market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK BEST BAKER, Aicosrr IIUIZA.I3L,EI A L TOGETHER T•IIE BEST STOVE IN USE lit connection with the strive I have got up n Patent UXIIENSION TOP, which occupies little room, no additional fukl, and is not liable to wear out, dispen see with all pipe, can be put on or taken ott: at any time, and made to suit all stoves or,nny size or pattern. -- Five Hundred - Pox-Nona Who have purchased and used the., GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of irliose names have been publish ed in tile A oars are co nfidently referred to, to hear uit hev3, , ot its superior merits nq Co ,, king stow, !Divine throe first clao• enetneo on hand. of about dtteen home pacer capacity, they are °demi to the pantie nt ren.onahle. ratty WIN HORI".1100(. rrr:tetf. SECURITY TRUST CO. Incorporated hy the Legislature of Penn's. No. 64.W00D STREET., r urrrtiai lIISG-11. Pa. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - $1,000,000. C A RTE II PE IttPETC A L PILICSIDZICT DIRECTCPRI.4: JAMES T. BRADY, 'HON. R. McKNIGIIT IL L FAIINV3TOCE, HARTLEY HOWARD DANIEL ELIWEIL L. J. BLANCHARD, Wlll. WILLS. r. s. VETTEBII AN, BENJ bINUEHLY, PHILIP BENTEL, DAVID GREGG, J V. MeDoNALD. DEALERS IN GOV BLINN ENT BONDS Deposits solicited awl interest sllowt;t1 On SAME. SUBJECT TO CHECK Dividends Coupons, ic,Collected without charge ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES Bought and Sold . on Commission -r ftr.L' •t!!4. Jon,, Scorr, y Ice Preet., Va.* Charleston. H. R. cOLESIAN. Coleman, ltahns Co., Duquesne Iron and S.eel Works H. L. Botssarts„ Pres Went Merchant.' and Man a- Lacturers' ISTiLlitual Ihtnk. UNo. S. Haan, President Second National Back. Hos. J. M. kiIaKPAIJIICK, Judge of the District Court. `ll Herm. JOAN E. PARKE. Phelps, Parke & Co. P. 11. Herman, Merchant. It P. imago., Jones .k. Lsaghllns, Iron• Works. RCN/. hINGESILT, State Printer. 11. P. FORD, Saw Works. Ww. M. GomaLr..Wm. B. Gormly ct Co. HON. JOSEPU WILTON. Coal iierChfhlt. Wa. G. JOHNSTON, Wu,. G. Johnston th CO. J. J. J. J. liti leepte .Ih, Co. C. IL Pantetott, Wholesale Dealer In Hats, Caps, and Pun , . J. V. Mc DONALD Coal Merchant. S. P. Fetterman. i Jos. M. thazzam, ( tßie" Special attention given to investing money In first class securities. far Trustees. precotors, Adollnildrators, Guardiane and Individuals. ma5.r...;17 0. A. COFFIN Treaeurer. ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. ions V. II'OONALD CEO. C. anninga. U. J. a rwriuten.Cash'r SPETERER & IIIeDONALD Deals to exchange, Coln, Government Securi ties. Make collection on all accessible, points in the United States and Canada. receives money on deposit subject to check, and receives time depos• its from one dollar and upward, and allows inter est at 5 per rent. Draws and rules furnished ( tee b 7 aPPIYiug it the hank. Bank open daily from la, a. in.. till 4. p. to., and on Saturday even ing. from 6to S o'clock. We tefer by permerslor to— L. D. OATIIIAM tt CO., Dore. J. S. RUTAN, Bcorr £ Co., Ono & Morita. 8. J. Cause . Co.. W. lissuran. BsreDsu & Wscgs. Jong 812 STIP, B. 8. Brows's., D. B. Smuts. A. C. Iluturr, TIPADZSILE3 . II Yrmm*l 8. D. Wn.scrs, Bstrit, Pittsburgh Ps u0v1671-IT-elidle2S Agent. Wanted. Welted Immediately, four acthre,--etergettc mien to act as Agents for the "NNW" .WILE3ON SEWING MACfINE In this county. Only such men asun.glve;good reference as to character and ability, and furnish a Bond need apply. We will parpuoranfeed orgaries, or liber al commissions,-to proper men. Only such men u really desire to enter the business need apply. WN. SUNKEN di CO., No. 140 Wood St., Pithr burgh. Pa- (mintlw 4 1 // Af _ 4 • **/., The ol den most retie ble 7netitu• Von for obtain this Meirentile Eiluentiott.oo" Prartiett heal- De*. win alt tnittnctais.. - For larbrunilket write fora Circular to P.DUFk ib,SONS, ' seplfttecipalin Chas. is. thirst's INSURANCE Genepl Agency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA. notate Public and Conveyancer; FIRE, LIFE, and ACuIDENT INSUR -41WE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines Of Ocean Stmmers"; " Aanms" and - "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal tetras. Real . Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, &c., written ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &c., &c. Goods and Money .forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, Franca and Germany. .ETNA FIRE INS. CO., Cash assetts "By their, fruits ye know,thein." Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528,000,000 One of the oldest awl wealthiest Compa nies in the world. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Casb asset ls, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Oetinelonati 3 Obio Cash smelts, ENTERPRISE, INS. .CO., Of Philaduphis. Cash assetts over... LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co Cash asset ts ALPS INS UR4NCE CO., *Cash capital, Cash assets, Travelers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Oi thrit•r.!. 4: O Ln. sl,wo,uoo. Cash assetts over Beprearnting theabure first Ch 1 6,6 'WSW/thee Companies, acknowledged to he ainonon the lie.! and most reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly b abied to take lusurance to any amount de,!red Applications promptly attended o. and Poilelee written a Idiom delay, aid at lair rate. and liberal terms. Losses liberally adjusted a..d prori,pliry aid. INSURE Ti ! By 01ue day's delay you may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangeroucund life uncertain: therefore, Insure to day."• One today, is icor/A two to-;norrow, '- Quality. also, Is of the utmost importance The low priced, worthless article, always proves the dearest. -The above companies are known to be amongst the best and wealthiest in the world.— •• As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful fur the very liberal patronage already bestowed. I hope—by a strict attention to a legit (mate basilic...A- not only to merit a condi:metier of the same, but a lame increase the present year Mr. tsTEPHE,N A. CRAIG Is duly authorized t , take applications for insurance and reedy ti e premium for the game in adjoinirw. tovenvhipe CHAS. 13. iturtsir, Near Depot, Rochester, WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB TItAX MILLER &TRAX Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING FLOORING, MOULDINGS. &c• ORDERS BY MAIL BESPEcTFCLLY soLIC1'11:1), AN f) PRoA PIT Y ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the Railroad &alio ROCHESTER, PENN'A. upril 19 '7l, ly rir - Norg.--Thto to Soellenburg'm Spare. Reine engaged In making up a large stock of Winter Clothing. they informed me :hat they had no time to attend to their adoertioing. —En. DAVID GREGG SDRaton. J. B. SNEAD V. J. OPITZUEIt, SAW Having Hie latest improved :sacltinery WZACOCOPLIErg LATH, &C. &C., and la now prepared to attend to the building and repairing of Steamboats, Barges, Plats, &c., Keeping constantly on band a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. . ly D. Wool:mum l A. V. 'SAI OODKU Bridgewater <Marble Works. DRAL - Kas In lallan and Alnerl tan 'Marble. All land& of Marble Monumental Work done with neatness , and dispatch. Priors remcnalsle sod mtlatittion guarantked. Market • Street, BridgatirstUr, Pit b24-IY. ~,~ . ..~11.-_~ AND Ot Hartford, Conn., Or New York. ....-.31,500,00 0 Of Lancaster, I'a. Of Erie, Peifuit. HOME LIFE INS. CO,) Of New York PLANING , MILL. Maniffacturera and Dealers in Scroll Sawing nod Turning DONE TO ORDER, J • 0- e g 3 41 v -- =1 La CZ- Has now in operation a new AND PLANING M ILL IN FREEDOM, PA., for the ntennfactore of Vinegler Bitters are not a vile Fancy D,,, k made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirts Refuse Liquors, doctored, soloed, and inveetened Plthe taste, called "Tonics," :OMM" &c, that lead the tippler on to e p neis a n d ruin, but are a true Medicine, from the native-roots and herbs of Califonn a , fr;, from all Alcoholic Stimulants, They are the Gita - • Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle., a fact Renovator and Invigorator of the System. lying off all poisonous matter . and reatorm 4 , t . blood tea healthy condition, continue it, , and invigorating both mind and body. easy of administration, prompt in their actm.r din in their results, safe and reliable in all 4.r:lT ! disease. No Person earn take these Bitters .;• cording to directions, and remain long ohm s ,., vided their bones are not destroyed by ilunera.p son or other means, and the vltal organs be ,i4c4 e he coint•of repair, psis or Indigestion. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightne s of L , Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructation, of the ! , :oina,.. Bad Taste in the Mouth, BduAi, cation of the Heart Inflammation cf the I_, -$6,000,000 Pain in the regions of the Kidney% and a bun other painful symptoms, are the ofraprlnp pepsia, In these complaints it has no ecit,a., v one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its trier than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaints, in v , iicriz married or single, it the dawn of nornanliii,vd. rs display turn of life, these Tonic Bitten •• d. cided an influence that a marked unnr,v er .,. ; , soon perceptible. For Iddammatory and Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyspensa lion, Dillon', Remittent and Incennotter.t Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and thest.llitters have been mt successful Diseases are caused by Vitted Blood, niv.h generally produced by derangement of the Organs. $1,500,000 They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, possessing also the peculiar vier • acting as a proherful agent in reliesing Conz e ‘• or Inflammation of the Liver and Vocerai and in Bilious Diseases. ,„ Por Skin Diseases:Truptona. Teter, Si,.' Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Positie Carbuncles. Ring-norms. Sca'Al- Head, Sure Et et, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfy, I)itcolorations of the SKIN. Human and Diseases of the Skin, of 'Ai...etcr name or nature. are litera.;:• dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of the, Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects Cleanse the Vitiated Blood wher,,, you find its impurities lnutstinz, through the skin Pimples, Eruptions or Sores : cleanse it when find it obstructed and sluggish to the veins clean, it when it is foul : your feelings voll tell s.,u wh, 'Keep the blood pure. and the healti of the will follow. $600,000 $240,000 Grateful thousand* prtc:a.rn MEGA B ITTERS the most wonderful I nvigl,rar sustained the smiung system. Pin, Tape. and other Worms. in the system of so many thousands. art etft,t, destroyed and removed. bars a ...S 250,600 siologist There is scarcely an ind face of the earth whose body is extrnrt t r : presence of itiorms. It 13 not upon ments of the body that worms eN diseased humors and slimy depocas Inat Urv,l living monsters of d,sea-c. ti,, ,y, cine, no verznifuges, no antheirrinitic . system from worm.. Ike these Mechanical Diacaseq. in Paints and Mineralm, such as I' ,rnLer, I .$3,500,000 setters, Gold-beaters, and Mmer., ak. 1 iLelp In hie, mill be subic . ct lo I z!, T. guard against VI N EGA It LIT ;Ens t , tlAe , =ME Bilious, Remittent, and intermit tent Fe Ter*. n.h.c • c ; ler.; c f nut . Fr , r.rt rr •r , egh.Ter the I . Stites, li,, of 0/C I , re. .'. A {Zed. COlOndn, r - A • s P-n Grande. A Lana, Motle, Sa‘an,LlA, hoanbke. Jan:, many ethers, with V.r.r ~• our entire country '.1 . 171er a , ,d A and remarLaid,y tor and dryne,,, are ,nv ,n,r - • s:ve derangements Li . the ..,111.11e1 .:e-.and other abdont.r.a. I , • "C.::,7 • :, a ; ganve, exerunz .1 n , -1 . •:1 e. Sr arlotts :4 r. C11t141., :.(cc.4ary ! hers is La?lart... : ; .r,, , •e : Ire. j r.1.11: ' , Vise. in I . ' 7 • Vl' , as :Lc , : pccdl o re mo,e the Cain matter torch which the are%rue L.:.rnznanng e see ret sr-n, of !lie 1,••, and den crud, restmlog rtc br.tlthr fotlitie.fis 01 tl.r'.iVe organs. Scrofula, or King's Evil, ‘Vh -s - U.cert, taN.ll,el,, Swelled tied.. 1:• 11,d.,;ent Mercurial ‘Vieu.ons, i r.. 41 Sane., Erupt...:. Skin, S"re EN, etc . etc. In the,e. as In a . . constituttonaf b.seases, WA: Kr C . F, ec, • s TERS have shown th. it great Citratlye ;7,olcra most obst•nate and n :racat.;:e cases .Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters n thes , (3,3 .5 i.,m,'r•.. • • • I'•y pt.trtt .t , g the 1:..n1 theY tam , ve the restio.r.g. away tI effects of the Intiam,r (the tabc:c..lar 11 e . Ilea;th• ar.d perr., , The properties • t Ds \A 11 KEA' , CAN ar,.l t rt.n.attve. NLOnt,tl.,, I ,a• 1)..-t. I,lltuf - 1.1.U1r, e The Aperient 1.1‘,.,e t r pi* e , of Dir LITTER - are the fc-t safe-guard .r 1 a': fa cr > f • .1,-i :1 fevers, the r ba srrn c. heal no. and ernes protect •ha hum,. rs the btli.cs llc r dative proper es a'l.l\ in the ncrt,t.c siousach, and beiye,s, eater trusts Int:alum-Wm), wlnd. craml, L•,. ttuvr-Ir ruot influence cttcnct.s tnr, , t,, , ,h01:l the -"tent 1 Anti-Baious properties •timedate .1:v secretion b,. aed S. ctiair,i.t sink, lnharp ducts, and are seperlor 15 al', rrrned.a. fur the cure of us Fever, Fever a: .1 A Fortify the body against dinense punfying all its fluids nith V INEZ A. 1 ,. s s epidemic can take hold of a system thus tomar-m,l Directions.—Take of the Borers or zn.7 4 • • bed at night from a half to one and one-ha.t o glassluil. Eat good nounslung food, such as ,e -stcak, mutton chop, ven.son, roasi bs-et. and s table, and take out-dour exercse.,=..They.are cur - posed of portly vegetable Ingredients, and conta.c no sonit. L WALKER. Prop : 0 R. H. MeDONALI.D & CO., Druggists and Gen. Am . Sari Francisco. C , nrki COT of Wastflogt,,a and Charlton Sts., tie,. N. , :',,. LL) BY ALL 1)}:U1 , l1)-14.& I , E.ALk_n, , 'eLE.aiV-AES P 1 MT,LUNGS,tiVERI D In the won lerfoi medicine to which the afflicted are re.rove printed re,. relief, the diecoverer he lie, 4 he had combined in harmony more of maa eoverei4o c:lrat ye properties, which Oa.' iato the vegetable kingdom for am') were ever before combined lu • The evidence of this fact is fault i i Pie great variety of most 'obstinate die o,•+.vM..! IL hi-i been lodic' to conquer. lu the C , l: . • ~f [from - lain*. Severe Coughs, !"!! , •Y g"-r e do f COMAUMPtiOn, it 11:1 4 ..11.'1 , 1 the 1.1 ,, 1.C3i faeulty, and eminent pi,; sir. It Vie groateet medical di-cove• ry z NV ttUe it cores the severest l'ough.., it ..t . ; • • -th -14 the evstent and purifies thu blo.sti. thy its great and thorough blood pi:Tit, • 01; j, •• •rt It care.i nil Rumors, from ths w• ,- •I t crofnla to s eommon Blotch, PI or Eruptiou. Mercurial M.n“- rtl and their effectseare eradicated, :Li,: ' .•• !rt baatth and a sound canstitut lon .•-taf ti.a • LiEry sipe las, Solt ithettm, re VC r Srsr .only or Rough Skin, In ch, , sit I • n r na - an+ di.ea,e* caused by had bla a • • -.• I. by taps powerful 'straying anti mu Ti: • . I• of ,i hove r ft .• . il,..adactle or iitz4.l, ! • t al lit at or chills 'nit,. :v. , ' gloonly f P.”..1 tongue re ire - Irriz ! it 'TO :pit). Liver or tt 1111. 41lit Mani, taikeii v.: C )1 0 p.trt theme 't `, i IBM .r " L : •••••:. ! • i/ t toustip2ition f A • •- ''.4,14 ' ,•• r, -.. , 0+^ .7 - , 1 , 1,1 ia ' I .4 . 0 I).() r :t e•k11.1 1 IL 1 . 4( lire llrt• 41 I r" 1% .1: 1. Ca•ro.nint•nli t. S. I 1 , t-t 3 at 1 per tlottle. Propa - A , l 1, 1 ‘• rp, . I • Proprietor. at lAA. A ,- ! ra: is i•A •I:vra Atrert, Buffalo, - 7Ai I -Lid, r.Ar 3 punptilet. tan 17::y _L Li }, . ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, °311,948 29 Liabilities, - 5.200 00 0. NOBLE, President; J. P. VINCENT. Vire R. W. Wi)one, Treasurer; Tuns. F. (100DIUCII, Secretary. DIRECTORS! Han. 0 Noble, B Erlo,llon. Geo. IL Delamet , r. W Ilamnu,nd, do Mead Hon Seiden Marvin, do!TIon .1 P Vincunt, Er, llham Dairgett, d,,! Henry Rawly etlarlaki 11 Reed. do t li T Churchill H 5 Southard, do leapt J S Richards W H Sterritt, no Richard O'Brian, ~•. II W (111.1 m, 4 Rnalehart, o,.lJohli H Cochran, .1 II Ne.l„ do: NI Ilartlebh. Wll Abbott, Tituovllle.lCapt 1) P llt.hbine 00 IJno Perth; T1tu.,v11!. , . PoNcles issned at fair rates and "lbera. reflo- ITISUITIP 01.711ttle , t (amain. by I.l.7.btilitiz :1..! v 6 , Fire. CHAS. H. HUILST, Ag . t. Rochestur, Pa., 11cc. ld 1.171: ty. CirJutitleeS' Blanks on Land and for sive at this office. .2 edlelnad. ALT. EXT.on ' a rt , rt.‘ll . .• f al: • r; 4.1 i-t ISM t curk-A. \ if. • EMI