The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 02, 1872, Image 4
POLITICAL. PENNSYLVANIA'S MIASIE. Personal Rcniinisrences of the "o:n2- es-on Rife Plots andthuntorplots: A correscoadent of the York Sim lately sought out Genettl Irn in la te State Trea&urer, at his home near Brighton, in ileaver county, and re ! , : (-ites the following as the ;emit of an ,oterview with" him. Speaking of the election for United States Sena tor in the spring 0f1869, he say.: "Just before tho Legislature as -mbled, sometime-during the holi days, I was in Harrisburg, and while was at the depot a Messenger from general Cameron found me, and said I was wanted up in the railroad of 'lee very much. I went up to Don Cameron's rooms over the depot, and there I found Simon and Don, The otd opened the conversation by saving. that they wanted to make -s;ittiearrangement with meabont the State moneys. If I would dismiss Mr. Tag-: art, my cashier, and take, a won he would name, and give his t• hanks control of the-money in ilt• Treasury they would not oppcsc ue re-election. -They had a Senatorial fight on ~n hand, and they would rather be ~?”):1 terms with me, if it was pt.ts -Ilile. I replied that I had always tr , .itetl them as I had other citizens ~1 the - Comtnottweatth • that their t..inks 11M - received all th ' at. I consid ered them entitled to. I was not .lisposed to dismiss Mr. Taggart who had proved himself a capable and honest man, to take one of his ere a• tunes ; and I thought he was demand) ing rather too much for hiF friend ship. Cameron replied, that they could use.a great deal of money in their railroad and iron works; that they had had that accommodation he Treasurer, and they Mast have it in the future.' They could wake we mort• money in one year than I could make out Of the Treasu ry,hip in ten. If I were sereiihk• ottl4l take his adviee. I would !,.tve nothing, to fear. They would by me and my friends. - To all this I replied that .1 i1; , 1 not intend to change !,:v pulley to snit their conve nie.ncc., but to go on as I had corn !! I was the servant of toe and had no right to make any -ueli arrangement with them. •. said Cameron; 'then you not intend to accommodate your !Fiends.' I replied that I could not, here the friendship came in. I ~.t, elected in when they had everything they could to defeat • anti 1 knew it was for no panic love that they entertained ,t rd me that huluved tlwto to inttl4 propo:sition. Thi> ended the in- Terview. I knecN"..anit L find i 4) but 1 not rathpr inure than i I;:ir.7:,ained for. I.N JN'I•I•;I[i: ,, TIN( ri.ron - The se - ,isioo or the Leg'isiat re \'; 4' Int w i il;.; to a close. The members %%:,(1 tia(i tweo hail been i:011-. titlll::ily CA:I/Crell fo,l* ttior , y prout:,4--:), hot (woe ha‘l heon fortheoroin,z, Some ar- i!.:1•1111 . 11t. 11111.4 itts tattle, ittt•tlllse •t- w,trti %Wit, pietigi'd t an(' Its; it • , r,p•l'. , l:cruple in forfeit thi , 1.',; , 3.,r • ry transactions., hr c ki •t:: 4i9 it in a vnse of thi 4,11p3, •.: := • Ow 'Cameron Ring' 1= :11- %, \‘.linting favor; from the Leg'.-- :(I‘vays wanting; to cotor , ,l , •"Creasury. l'oey t ! \ • a light the next y(•::r 1 h•tvi \ 1 . 1 1 1 ,1 111 1 , : 110 if their arr:llll:.erilt 1 111: 1 .0•1. 1 11 , .1 1 . 1111;11ed, there Wllifill hu 1 :1 1 .11)1e ill 1'.1:111 1 ). Toast FCott 1:1 hi , rlt . 11: , 111 10 ei)rne (tOW n . Thl , Noll l l,l'll Central couldn't Le r•cd, and the l'amerons never liked I,ly oto their own montly. In tlii-Mina :M. S. Quay, of Beaver one of Cameron's fuglenten, artri a very shrewd, smart fellowoate oiled to me to make matters all always pretended - to lie :1 friend of mine, and although I knew hal sold me out time and:l - gain, I 'e.J.:Lnei7.tir lowthLeil !IRE' Pr Use so one clay, toward the close of the - - s-zion. Quay quietly wad ked into tile Treasury building, seated him self in my office and began a coin inimplace conversation. In the course of it he very quietly remark ed that the Cameron.; were sorry that they had made any light against me. They saw their tnistake uow, and were sorry for it; but everything he made right; there was no i'.'itson why 1 should harbor W.-will; they were anxious to.ho on friendly tr , rms with me, and all I had to do was to levept their tylvanee.4, and odd he re-elected after Mat•!,..,-.. - -1 I.‘ year had expire?. wa- a littie and not inclined to are lit t;ii.4 -tory. Liu: Quay I'.Ula• fr,,til Don Cant :01 ,1 to to CFO 1V,11 ., '41 I .l:tVt . WlAer . 4.lll , lill;/: :I:Z.1 ij "I:ill-0 . ‘‘ AN:tam:it '1 hifi Li00.r.,:l 'ill 1 4:11‘. tv;iit4l if it Inv! w•,ri.:”.l ‘vould havA"aiTorded th:ln nwatii g44tirif.r, out 4 if this swap •, It was this: A bill had been prepar ed in room 42, Girard douse, It was to phase a State tax ~ f one tettt.- per galloivon every gal lon of oil produced in the State of Penasylvauia, anal ;authorize Treasurer and Anditor General t , l.lplytizit inspeetON Vollo7tOtS, :111+1 contriA of the reve rter derived from 1104 source in the !I :lids of two of Camerons creatures. Too snake in this bill cattle in, in a certain clause which allowed a draw ;,,l-7,:r of thri?e-qtLtriers of a rent tai front Philadelphia. Th, , .itin g —int€6,:ed to buy Up all the oil in the State and ship it to Philadel phia first, anal thi-nce ship it to p.liat where it eau he sold. This woald allow thew, of course, three quarters of r, cent margin on every ',4*:iiton, and would have raised then.' throe-quarters every year. " Failing to secure the influence of in ttte matter, their only hope was to tnakc a compromise with ine, and so Quay tried his powers of per isuation, but in vain. I told him that I had found out all I wished to know, and Don - Cameron and his friends might go to a wartuer climate fur all I eared. " I sent a disilateh. to Mr. William PniHips, the President of the Mb- g,lietly Valley Railroad, telling him if he wished to get his bonds he had' better look after them immediately. Thexa-init was the Attorney General in a few days prepared an opinion af firming the constitutionality of the act - authorizing the transfer if the bonds, Everything. worked to a charm, and a week orten days before the expiration of my term as Tre,a4- urer, everything had been arranged and the bonds transferred in due-form to the Allegheny, Valley railroad. It was all done-so quietly and neatly that neither Quay nor the Catnerons knew what was going on, although Don Cameron was : president of the Northern -Central 'railroad and wa-i required to sign fa guarantee of the bonds. AC ASTOSIIIED CAMERONIAN "On the morning: -of the Ist of May, quay came, into my office and entered into a'bonvemtion with Mr. Tazgart, the ershler; After talking at few moments he said : 'By the Taggart, has anything .been , tone about those Allegheny railroad 14nds?' 'Oh, 'yes,' said Tamtrt. •W hat ha's been done?' - anxiously Ipleried Quay.' • `They have been ~transferred.'. 'They have!' ex e im - ed quay. wzrs it doae: l '-- , About ten flays ago.' Weil,' said 'if Irwin I , n't the biggest lunichead „I ever saw. Don Cameron would have given him :,•=-sn,tina if he had let that little job alone, and 1 him so. He never will learn any sea a,' and rushed out of the building and , posted down to the Norihern central railroad oftlee Don Cumeron this last great misfortune which had befallen them and de stroved oil their hones." TIME PITTSBURG', COIIMER . "it is the Right and Duty of Rept:M eans toput down an Unfit Nomtna7- nation." The Ring managers of this cam paign are circulating the Pittsburgh Commercial as a campaign document in the interests of Hartranft It is B o b gackey's homeorgan. It is . fill ed with the most servile defensts Of the Treasury Ring of. which Came ron, Hartranft and Mackey are lead ing members. It is now edited by C. D. Brigham, - It was edited by V. D. Brigham in 1870. It has nut Changed editor, but it has changed principles. Only two years ago it was, west of the Alleghenies, what The Erpress was east of the Alle ghenies—the only journal which i had the honesty and ndependaneeto make a square and effective fight against the Treasury Ring. The ed itor then declared The Er press was the only really honest independent Republican journal' east of the Alle ghenies, which was never afraid to denounce corruption wherever found. It was an outspoken defender of Hon. Esaias Billingfelt in all his re form measures relating to the Treas ury. It over an over again endorsed him as an honest man and an able land faithful legislator. A copy of the Commercial of. auu ary 13, 1870, now 'lies before tis. It contabas a full report of the proceed ings which culminated in the mem orable defeat of Mackey and the Cam eron Treasury Ring, in which can' be found full and explicit answers to the libels of the Lancasser .Examiner in regard to his notion frn that con test, and, from which -we may quote hereafter. The-same issue contains two editorials on the result, one of which we reproduce, and for which we ask the carefill perusal of those who have been furnished with cam paign copies of the flnnmercial of a late issue, containing laudations of that saute Treasury Ring, asking them to remember that the same C. D. Brigham who edited that paper in Is7o is its editor to-day. We will -print the other editorial, still stron ger in support of our position. - in our next; uai the Pttt.burgll,Comnictelal, 133 87t , .1 "I 011. ONCE VIE CAM En.ONs, have been beaten and driven from the field. Although able to control the machinery of the caucus, 'hot Ring cannot control the people. WUEN TIER MORAL SENTIMENT OF THE MASSES CAN RE BROUGHI"rit BEA IL AGAINST THEM THEY - Go To TOE BOTTOM. For a long. time the It-- publican party endorsed their practi ces, but there carne a time when rch-l lirm wa..l justifiable?. The s7)ne•lcles, once broken, can n'ev'er again N. riv eted on the limbs anti consciences of the party. Now life will be infused in to the organization by the result (in the Treasury question, which ism every sight auspicious mid gratifying. • There is a -moral sentiment in 1.4 a .ys as hell a, in other affairs of 1110;1, eril;rh respeate4l- 0 which the Cameron and' King wen in i r e fi eral, it is presumed, by tills time understood. In breikking 'the MackeY state' slat rising superior to the beli.-st of the caucus, la a at.s lia•. - e achieved a triumph of toestine, 1:'0 inwortance. It h sire right 0),1 1 he Repw r ili , aaNke) pal tivor,l an lesion )167iiinNtion for j e t, I to. ('miirlicrt•;:d I,ing and v.trnot.:.' 7/x' t7;Seition liar betqww idcce.,:ay Jul- the pi (j. republ C i.r principle.i. nai triumph at the c apital will go very far toward purifying the p o li;, tai atiovhoro., In elevating the - I standard ry - the partg, had Melt lteCe.s arity go doted. Iat tinenlly is it so in this instance, and in the ueneral j: we mingle our congratutationl have the only reward we desire or honnd for." The Commercial has not changed its editor. It has changed its princi ples.. e leave it `for the hone. 4 publieans of Lancaster county to say whether they will follow the teach . hugs of C. 1). Itrigham, the honest opponeLt of the Cameron Treasury - • teachings of C. L. Brigham, the con vert to Cameron Treasury Ring rule in,1572., and to judge for themselvt-s - the nature of the influence which has caused him to turn such a disgraceful sunitnersanit within the short peeled of two ears.—Lanc.:.iter TU PirrSBURGH COICIAL. lot! Ne4,lintent.; About Cluow! rind (/ r. Trotsw ii Ring Since t ht. Teeausury Ring ninciagers art takolg such pains to ciren'ite the Pitisl.ourgn (I.liimereiat since its 111. itor has goat. to the eniliroce 4 , r i'nmeron, Ilartranit a Co.; it hi dell etaaiirli to keep Itcpuhlicvns its s.eritiolents wn.,en it A.% as yet an incioin talc it - tt c 6 1:011! - -t joutnal. li:•re ime;lier of it. vhz,,row; I,•z'i ton. rl %.N.i.ieh a;t :rend to the o , );:s,iteration of I MEE Ic Ili :.4•ry thtt ; 111,-1,tr•,114 11.,),•tc.i.0' . ..1:111 1; Ti ,11114 ,nt the It 111 11 tot y•.-it - Itty% \\. \V. i N ;' , l;:tt• Tre-lt, r, over Eoll - by nine mi,jonty. Fif , een P./while:m-4 refused to bt• hound by ttlo CMICUS 110111illiiiii )11 to Mr. MIACKEV—in waking which all or nearly all of them tool; no part and adhered to Gen. Inrix. 'i h& writ t after vot ing for tl ir can 11.‘ anea'-t ttoiir votes for Gen. lit WIN, anti a resnit was thus itch ievol that will create in the heart Of the Republican masses of t•.zylvania score 4• :‘111:1i;IV . joy than .has for a long time been felt there. The 11 ,.w.i of the (Moat of will spread throughout the state as g!ad things inangurating a nets t•r3 in our state pi); t inct fi proclama tion from. its Capital that a nomina tion not jil to mink ,I hough sanction ed by tifty can-nsrs, is the tight and duty of Repuldieans to put down. Those Republicans in the I.e , islattne xvhil have4teted up to this line stand un high ground. They occupy an im pregnable poAtion, supported by vfell-detined, openly expressed, per fectly unmistakable popular senti ment. Mr. Mackey's caucus nom ination \Va.; obtained by controlling the machinery which has ht-en bro ken in a thousand pieces; and the ex ample will be every where imitated whenever moral principle and the good of the party I equire it. The moult and the wanner of it are strictly in accordance with the - bold suggestion of Governor Geary in hi message. After tersely en u era t iieg some of the most glaring of the rea sons fur reforming the Treasury sys tent ;:ntl the a'-tunes which surround the anntral struggle for the office the Governor sui k t - • - • rhea in the t:am, of the good people of Ptattisylvattia, I tali Ur n )11 the members of the . 1 .. - oslattire, with 01.1t diStinetiOn of p;triy, ttY r',•tt ithove' the tourkirnss of the ttoi.oted tato .3S phere of the past to the ttLik, dignity or manhood and exaitt d .patriotism, and purify the electiotrof Treasurer as well as that of every officer with in this Commonwealth. and_punish every'one who tatupers:Wlth.the.pu rity: of elections. Anti then - every one?who shod have performed his whole duty to sustain the,true, inte rests (If the State, and to maintain the high dignity of her character. may return unpolluted and with a clear consclentv to his constituents, who will re..teived him with open arms, and with joyful exclamation of well done, good and faithful serv aut.' " This invitation to act "without dis tinction of party" was. promptly ac cepted by a sufficient number of the Itepreseutatiytht of both parties, and the Treasury s`Ring" have been Qught alesson which they - Will nev er forget. The oceasibn called for the exercise of the tioaiitie_s of buidnei , s .anti tioncAn and right well hare those Republic-acts who accepted the Ball of the Governor, and refused to ,how to the tyroanv of caucus, dine their liepublimn masses, the whole people at home, and ev erywhere, wid applaud and sustain them. • Gen. Irwin is a • Republican with out reproach. , After bolding the of fice one year,‘With credit to himself and advantage to the State, he was defeated for a second term by the most Corrupt. combination our State has ever known. A whole year was spent 'by the Treasury Ring perfect ing plans for " - potting the Mackey slate through:" All their plans have tailed, to the utter dismay of the actors in thi: plot. Their limo /encs and corrupt practices hare been properly rebuked by the people. —The agents of liartranft did a very disreputable trick the other evening, in employing boys from the public sehools to follow up the-carri ers of The BrinTS3 and throw a copy of the Campaign Ed itionof the thnimer 'dal into everey house The Express was left. The trick was quite as mean, if not 'as dishonest, as if they had stolen n copy of our subscription list and used it for that purpose. But those who received copies of that pa• per in this disreputable manner, can judge how much - reliance •should be placed on what it now says, after reading its honest sentiments as above printed.—Lancaster Express. Proposed Ameadmeitt to the Ctsuatituttott orPennsylvanin. JOLT R E^JOLVTI ON PROPOSING A N All EZ.ZDM ENT TO TILE CO-NS';ITUTION OF =I Be it resolved by the Senate and House' of Representatives of the Commonwealth of rennsytuania in General Assembly met, That the followino amendment of the Coustitntion of this Comtnonwealte be proposed to the people fur their adop tion or rejection, pursuant to the provi gong of the tenth article thereof; to wit AMENDMENT Striko out the sixth section of the sixth article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereOf the following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the quali fied electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be pieger bed by I aw," WA 31 ELIAOTT, Npeu of the Ifo (Vie preNcntatives Eti S. HUTA N, At.Pnov mi—Tfie twenty-second day of at - 4-11, Anno Domini one thousand eight bun:ire:l :i•t‘i seventy-taco. 4ouN W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth - Article of the Constitution. Fit.ttk:tris JORDAN, Secretary of the Clonmonwcalth )I , FICE SF:CY 01' TO 11AOR1251Wou, June ::tich, 1572. J y:1:: to - IVOMINA'FIONS. (en LINPVIII.ICA,r.t. DulrocitAllo: e.;4lient —llorace Greeley. " e.sitlent —H. Gratz hirowth EMEIBIBB uoveraor—tliarles T. linekalea . . Nap), fat' Jo dye --J3lll4±•'Chimp- , n a. .1 ah!or licacrat—William tlartk•v Crm v. e.smen at ',dive-- Ilieliard Va s , .Tames 11. Hopkins, I lemirleks I),l.gar-. r, lar9 , to enrot!tr'ioPct! rotmootrm: Itlack,th.h,rg• W. Wooutrard. Wm. Pazlt.t. F. it. Gov, all. R. A. Lamberton, A. A. Pur. 511., Geo. NI. 114.1 ...twtm A ramp lt t. Cort“tt., in. (All , .tielty). tyro I 1",11.e. ti, C. T. /hold. E CoWnn. G r "rge IV INSEMI is .x-Fihitir I'l. (;r , 11,,a Thom,: t! 2 2 .r:t0 12 lint 1.2 I,ndettherg Sty tk i I Jr.", Nlctinfala n .toott M met 1.7, lit 'try 'Went 4 to-trr,. Itt I J srnhte 17 P 1 1 ; Christy t 2 1-olsh 11 Ilant:t i t Wl,liam B Logan ',nowt 1 Dt er I'9 ttstotelres Brown " llon ley I:10 Fred Itublroton tt tin On ti S•Vit, 4I J , tha It W11"on Iti 11 Itt4tl, 111 Phllip H Stevenson tr , lte Fn o - ht =1 John I) Bard l'r - o! W I:ttost-r :24 l/eort.te W Muller. ft 7t . to tit utioncrt Cnttrontinn I . on. Wut t tto.t 12tup2.itt", or Wiethltottoneounty, nod L. 7.. 'I 'c let-11, e-q., or Eltzttpr cdunty , - Win Alet'lellstud, Lawrence CIVIVIty, \`,* Illtam 11 Dunlop. Ptrittzewster. An.qlll , ,ty—Willianl J. Morlsn, New Brighton: tinnoot Dt.milttson a)) , 1 .7o.itcpb 11 Walsh, Wash- Mt - Pon ettnotv2 ileory Dal!. rattler. • )&71ge - .lames A :.!1"1 , 0. Hitches:cr. * l4er:ff- JoLn Gnehtstr., jr .-Itesver. the Con rt - Alhcrt • r ef• !rosee -VL IC. pottehno„ Beaver. AMathan - !nes 2:r Cottßacal:in , - frar , -Robe,t !tooth, tner I- r, .Ittlitt t' 11 . hitta, ltrtztiton. A "rub m 7 - It. 1. Wilstm, Freedom hortou:2l: Meentro^, Bri,thlon. MIA EPUI .e LICA I'efx l •ient---1: 1y5.4 1 ,1 Grant. 1' Pees. dor tifen ry Tribmn rra~aLVAN=l.% FtErt - nt Jo AN r ; , ,,,rnur—John El art rvitl ft Supreme .11.047 C I V NP•retv. .-f rub to r (knern —if rri-,ln A f fPn t•r•no Loron r.ctrtiod Dr/rag/ex , t'. 1(11.04 to ("box,' 1 Om M • illtnm M. Mereclit , Phlii.lethhlo .I (pli i z him Fell. l'hilidolph It: Harr , : While, Indinni; Wialim Ll;lv.rar4.m; Linn Itartholnln,•'c ‘ichnil kin: 11. N. !11N'n'Ipn , • ('ent.•r, Wiliam II Ann .trn*,:r. I ~cmntnc : S\ Ilmm Vivi.. Lnn•rnn: ,In•. I. fittsrmil., Incii. , m - ,. !Nirnm.l E. Di,nnvmk. Iry m.: (:,• \ I.i,vf,me,.. Vittitilhc Um: Divid N. Whirl., Att , •;:hvny; lIV. II Arum', lA-hI , M; .1. , 1M II \Villo.r. 1,10,11 ili.qc-to RAT, TicKET. , r 1 I,nrge • 1:•lru., .2. nhll 9' .71'el”)•••11 • 1. 7 1 , 11 I: I%lnrcn.. 1);•.1 W.l $ I: ;I.* 4 ll..nry Itninm. I 1 ..7 Tien,- 0044 y. 5 Tlw.,,lnn 1 4. -nn. I s nlwrt 141 .1.41 n '4 11. n '4 Thomfmnn r•-, r. lna3r Fraznr. It!ch,rol (1 , 0n.n. %V. Andrnwp f..4A.nr4 11. hire t. .2, r-11 fl«nrr L1,1v41, to 1 7 ., •2.; .10n, .1 iroln4pln . )1 I/ankl 1' 4111.• r , 3:17111`A P:ItION611, 1..:1.1 , •r Mlltkpn, John W. W3l)ncl.. 7:: Ti.. • Slton94, jtn (..t.nrle4 C Bi)id. largp-F-W, D. Wharton), il h '\" 2: rt inu:s . .rty nu 1 , 1: TILie,A.N.--T-if?R---gl" (SrDr(er7.;.fr fn ; slitrzt ii,nra (bn rrnlion .1 , o)ifi N. Purvi two, Butler enmity ; T. R. Illizzttr(l, kV, .1) i li , li t on coruty. a rnrzgre.,:s—Wi Ham S. Morire. Scrutt e —.T. S. (tutan. : ..11 , i.0h/ti—SaMnel .1 - . Cr..4q. inhfintaii,Wm.B.lWril(irmi,; David 111(.1i:ea. ,i N.itnrjfito , ';/109e-11), 1,;':11% - reneft. Vieritr , ---ChaMbEriin White. Reg. ~.;,. Breor ricr —.l aines T. Strikes C)i-r I: of 119i(rt —.l(.liit C..Llart. OrtrAot..isirkiir-r—Dri,lliel Neely. I'. 11. DI reele.r --.filliii tilhiie. Au , ' ; ,r.s , —1 'has/ A. linen—Dr. l' C' Riggs. . . . em . mirr—ilarkfc.l ( 'orbn a. 7'ruAlecs-I).licKinney—Sam). Moor head. . . ips.k I'IMIIIIPTIoNISTti, Jr esideqt—James President—John RP:F.44I, wrvrt: TtairtacAscE TICKET. ' ~Corernor—S. f: Cha., Supr Mu!" ("curt .1 uelep , • .trmeph ilendensOn. Auditor , Go , ral -Barr Spaul:ler. /71 -qt- La ra, F McFarland. A J. Clark pad r,c.t.j Lu:nigradrovi. VAr 'STY. TF:MPVItAtieF: TICK. ET 4' Sent/tor—A. 'Bostwick. AA.vn4bly—A. Y. Gallagher. T. .1 Chotodler. Judge—Robert Potter. negi. , :ter Recorder—Francis Banks. 01er1.7---.1. W. Mitchell. Contati.scioncr—Tokeph, M. Alexander. Coroner—Andrew Welsch. PGor Floreet, Dirertnr—Wm. Murphy. i v litor -Unhurt Wasgen, C. A. 'loon, Trv.srees --Rev. : T. II Aughey, W. lielegotf4 to Constitotional Cohrention Ahriro Bestwick, .1 Wesley Awl, Samuel 'seq. John Miller. cr.. Dr It A Simpson, John Pew. 1)r E S Dorwurth, Dowell Powell. Joseph G enm !Wits, satunel F.. Raynor. William Brown. Dr. Lase M Sharp. .1 W Brandon. s'. ,,, orialEiretees: Most,. AuL.e, A A Steren:s. . rrlatirr F:leelari: Geo. W. Arbuckle, L S. li.,inan, W. J. Mnllon. 1. Dr W. Ilargreaves. 13. Gra, W. Fallon. 2. T. M. varr,,,, 11. Vol T. C. MtcDoirell 3. 1. N. 1 3. Dr. D. C. Eberharz. 4. E. W. Smithentan. lie, Wm. T. King. n. FAT ) IT.- Dr. J P Thomrson G Seth I.nkcos. IS. rtrY .1 %V Hinkley 7. .1. C ,111. J.l Taykir 3. 64mrzei Itrmeer. ',20. ft W Day Y. Prof. Peach. Geisq.. •I`.l GIS Witkenson ii.. Geo. W.211Z. 21 . Stim't Convall wenahnnge. Zl. T D Keller 12. John K. Forilham. 14. Three Elyemon, Nreciker !tr . the Senate sTATI: TICK F.T Nlarvin. dohn t`t il f t On MEM • HONEST MEN, READ! What Itepablleana Hay of the Evani Mug Candidatelbr Gov -ernor. a great deal. of Masa , sfac Lion with the Republican State'Tick et. viz. HARTRANFT, BY .018 CONNECTION WITH THE Ev- ANS SWINDLE, AND 'ALLEN, BECAUSE OF HIS VOTES FOR THE NINE MILLION STEAL.— Lancaster' Trollmfreund. We regret that as long as Auditor General Hartrunft was on the stand before the Evans, Investigating Com mittee HI DID NOT TELL ALL HE KNEW concerning the affair.— Pittsburgh Gazelle. Your committee have not language sufficiently strong 'to express their disapprobation of so bold an outrage, or fitting terms in' which to charac terize THOSE IN 'OFFICIAL PO SITION WHO SEEK TO PALLI ATE OR EXCUSE THE WRONG. —Hon. Jcis..L. Graham If - they are not disproved [charges against Hartranfti they wiii be ac ceptNl as true by the people. IT WILL NOT DO TO MAKE HAR TR ANFT OUR CANDIDATE.— Pittsburgh Divatelt. They cannot hut express their dis approbation of the looseness of OF FICIAL ROUTINE THAT PL AC EDIN THE HANDS OF EVANS OVER A MILLION OF DOL LARS OF - VALUABLE ASSETS WITHOUT REQUIRING FROM HIM ANY SECURITY WHAT= EVER.--lion. Harry While Evans collected $184,168 34 and - re tains tho whnte. STATE OFFI CIALS KNEW THIS FACT FOR THREE YEARS BEFORE IT BE CAME PUBLIC. AND THE NE GLECT TO REPORT THE TRAN SACTION TO THE TITRE IS REGARDED BY US - AS- A GROSS DERELICTION OF OF AL DUTY .—Son. D. N. While. 3 iscellancous. LIKE! LIME! TIME T FRO I 4 and after April fiat, an ‘V El be prepared to furnish rnstom.ris with fret , ti 'burnt Lime of best rptalltrnr Powcre' Kflns, Venonrt meirziLtf.l .101INsToN k. CO. - - - Fire Insurance Company. INI^ORPO ft AT ED by the Leet%lnturo nt I'.‘nn -1 eylvtinin. February, 11,71. ((dire one door (qt.! ttochester I , aviti; Pamk, ttoche..ter, Craver counts', Pit. - . People or 'lesser ennotv cab POW 11:11, (heft protwrty Inqrred alafit.t il)!A or damage by fire. at lair rates, 10 a Wound RELIAPLE P.0)1; CONIPANY, nv. 1 411 , V. , the expense. tronhln and delay incident Iho nrilw.tment of by comilanieo locved at a distaw.... DO 413 or DT arum n= .F. V. 151'1)t - m , ! , 1, 1:,orgo r. firwvorer Slmnel It wir,tn, IMICIA Schneider, WIPINCII KentleJt - . .1•,1171 CnOrn.4, Mar424l! 11 . 1../.1:3'.1 N. It F..l2nr. IllkUrtmp. 1r . C It 11nr-t, 1./ItYirl I.ozry, II:Itliel I.reane-. I= . s rsr::•R Pit, PIZT-,o+ J. V. 741 . DO NA r Pre" e IL J. Freri:ueu, 7r.rax. jOilv tt, S.-ey .r. r:r.r.cP n C' OBE= Queensware, Glass. China , \l.o. notsortment or Frail data and .1e!lv Twat.firs on hunt. nt loweft. ti.znrev. Give ue a Ca I i aNd we will p.o,e thi. to your satiofac tion. 100 [Federal Street, Allegneuy (•11y Ptl . a ug7;3m ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY °PERIL', P.!. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948' 29 liabilities, - 0. NOELE,'Prewiolent, .1. P. VINCENT, Vice Pt. If. V.P. NVOODA, Trt•aroron • TIIO9. F. Gomm:Tn. Socrt.tary. Di 4 ECTORS: lion. 0 Noble, Erie lion. Urn, ft. Diameter, .1 W fla-mcronl, do' Nf,:ldvl.l.e, Pa. lion Selden MarNin, d.,1:1,411 .1 P Vlnces,t, Erie Hiram 1i.0. , z0t. ooilleury Rawl, du Charles Ii 11 ,, .1.., d,. t 1 T (.'harcldd do HS Sod Om rd, doICNO J $ ilieliords du %V 11 Sterr:”. do Ithdmrd el' Brian, do ft W N0r0c..... an. F II (ethic.. do .1 Faig:',ll.:n. 00..10b0 li co,l2ran, do .1 II Ne..t. do' NI. Hat - Held), do sr 17 A ta,,,r:, Tittllo. ille.'ol pi 11 I' 1.) ,, b1dn0., du ,Jun For , i, , ,, TouA,Hic. . . . Po! den 1.4‘.10,1 nt fair rates slaarN6er:a rertllo. ITIPICIIN`P 11::tb.,t damn_.. by 1..1_10 , ,,1 n g f ,, we i, a s Fire. CII:Vs. lE. lit atsT, AC t. 1:tn14:. , , , ter, l'a„, Ltce...tlo. 1:.:i• 13 G. S. I:%P.Kr.r.. F. A. I:ALMA-At...C. A. It kitKEit. G. S. LiAIME!: d: Co.. .New t.rigidon. IL G. S. ILA ( . o.,,n , ar:r Fails. it N To; , t i , l) , llort+ in ElCiaine, Coiltlpoue, , at C. - Colier.lion! Made on ntl no,n potntA In thr nr,l t tULdn. AccollittS Mert.l). anGo. ,431111411 . T00TF. M] 11:d;V011atl . e. FO iCO( . 11. IT,tereo allowed on time deyo tttr. Correspon drum will receive prompt anent tttt . tdectiltly The Best for All Purposes, mor e ra-il;' to, na, , zetl, more durable, roici rum+ li:;liter than any 3[3c-iliac in the markt t eh natal I.lnd kept in r rder ; large holds twice ati lunch thread as ::ny L.a; It, :011ie un 1”411 nrill.:111:4 It 1.04i0t1. .Tii.#lV L'Opttlar. Pr , ,rn the first tin , "1)O11ESTIC " has reuseit in pOttular.ty, natil, to day, in the opinton tit 1111 experienced t.ti,•Nving own, it stands forth UNIIIVALL=D! It is gaining favor much faster tban other Macklie lieretol)re presented to the pumic, which can he seen !ruin its Tr.creas eil sales last year over the preceding, being OVER FIVE 1117NDRED PER CENT No 'Machine is increasing its •ales and gaining public favor as rapidly as the 3=lo C)11.4C30 €I9UX Thos is in consequence of its STIPERIO Rd I TY WM. 110111 . MTRON, Agent. Beaver Falls, Pa. Call and examine the Machine. jy2 t•tim. hcorDorated by Act of Legislated. CAPITAL. - - PRIVILEGE), -- $500,000 nepoetcri imzretr i j‘te gy. reare hae tments Six Per C ent, interest Arlin' to Depositors on the tornpoun , ding.Prineiple. Attentton tK directed to the liberal provis ion!. for withdrawing money dencw.ted. It can 1 , 0 done in pull!? amorint,ANTIIIOUT NOTICE FROM TIM DEPOSI'FOIt. 611 commuulcations will reect,! - e prompt reply JAMES.T. BRADY, Prot Jeut LTA VII) CAMPBELL, 7'reurtrer In3":Cm, 3liscelianeous. Attractive Stock! JOSEPH M. Mc Quay's Building, 3t Fancy Dry Goodii. . FANCY GOODS: JAPANESE. STRIPES: ' ' AUSTRALIAN CORDS; PERSIAN CLOTHS; MOHAIR Alpacas; Alpacas & Merinos; WORSTED DELAINS ; TYCOON REPS, Brocade Reps.; , Velvets It. Velveteens; WINTER SHAWLS; FLANNELS; WOOL KNIT GOODS ; FUNNELS ; FELT SKIRTS; BALMORAL SKIRTS; Ladies nnd Gents' Furnishing Goods In WEI LADIES SUMMER SUITS IN. WHITE EN; CI3OQUET, and other New. Mated May 1 ;Gm R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TIM WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT 'ONE HOUR after readinithts advertisement need any ono b FFER WITH PALI. BADWAYII EADY RELIEF LI A CURE YOB w EVERY P n AI N The Only Pain Remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions. whether of the Longs, Stomach, Ltusuii, or other glands or organs, by one application FL.'O.ll 02.1 E TO-TWENTY IfiNI7TE.g. No matter how violent or exernmafirg the pain the RHEUMATIC!, Bedridden, Intim; Crippled, Net vous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may tourer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE DowELs. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP DIPHTHERIA. HEADACHE, TOOTH ACHE.RH, 1241FLUEsz.i. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Reedy 'teller to the part or parts where the vain or till:kohl canna will aZonl case and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tumbler of water will In few moments cure CRAMPS, hiASMS, SOUR. STOMACH. REA RTRUILV SIC HEADACHE DIARRHEA DYBENTERV CO IC. WIND Di THE BOWE LS , and all INT ERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a WWII of Rind. wail's Heads Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent eleknew or pales hors change of water. It In better than French Brandy or Bitten as a alma:ant. FEVER AND AGM • FEVER AND AGUE cured for ti ty cents. Them 13 not a remedial agent In this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other mations. 'Bilious, ' ScarletTyphold, Yellow, and other Fevers Calded,by DWAY'S PILLS) no Quick BADWAIPS READY BELIEF. Fifty =tapes bottle. Sold by Druggists. 'HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE Itx_tr BLOOD-IN CREASE BRESH' ANDWEVIIIT-CLEAR SKIN ANDUTIFUL E:ONIPLEXION CURED TO ALL. -- DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIANAESOLVENT HAS MADE THE .310 ST AS N/Sll IND GIMES: SO quicg s . 80 RAPID A E THE CHANGES Tilh BODY UNDERGOE. UNDER THE IS t-Id:MRCP. OF THIS TR LY WONDERFUL MEDICINE. TEAT 1 1 , Every Day an in c aso in Flesh and Weight Is S n and Felt. TUB GREAT 13L0 D 'PURIFIER. Every drop of the SA APARILLIAN BM SOLVENT tommunicates th ugh the Blood, Stem; Drum, and other gelds and jtices of the system the vigor of life. to. It reve)re theleasZothe bodY with new and sound mate - ii . we wspsouhr... somptlon. Otandotar &lease Iff In the Throat, Mouth, Teeters, Nodes to tie Glands and other parts Of the system, Sore Eyes, EttemouSDlscharg,s front the Ears. 411 , 1 the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions. Fever Sores, Scald Heal. Ring Worm, halt Rheum, ErysipeLa.s, Acne, Illael Spots, Worms In the Flesh, 'rumors,Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and pahful discharge: Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of llb life principle, sou within tho curative range of thliwonder of Mod ern Chetnistry, anti a few days' OD Will prove to nny person using It for either 011134 fortes of disease its potent power to cure them. ' Not only does the SotaißAll7 ZAN Illnotsrawr excel all known remedl.2) agents 11, e cure of eltrotite, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and S I tiLeases ; Let it Is riot only positive cure for Kidney at Bladder fruploluts, U.snary, and Womb diseases, 'ravel, I.l.lbtlii, "Popsy. Stoppage of Water, In tluence of Urine, Lirldlit's Discs .% Albuminnria, a in all eases where th.fro are briekthen deposits, or 'so water In thick, cloudy, mixed with substances I e the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, o there Is a morbid, dark, bilious appearance s and w its bone-dust tie posits, and when there Is a prickhg, burning senca- I Bon when panning water, and u ill the Small of the Ruch and along the Loins. cc. 1 / 1 .03. WORMS.—Themi t rino :, 2nd ifuroßemedy i r far li fForms—Pto, Tape, e e ' Tumor of 12 11 ore 'Growth Ce Cured ty Iladsr 9 ,1 Resolvent. nevi I Maas, .1.11 Id, 1563. Da. Ran... —I h a ve loul 0 T i en Tunowth the ...lea j . and bowel. All tho Doctors .> t" than was no help for It" I vied @retry thing th at was conmeniltd; Lot nothing helped we. low your Itesal. sod thoscht I would try It; bat hod no fai th In it, boron I bad angered for twelve i li years. I took sis bottles of th roolvest„ and one box of Itodwey. P.M, sod two bottle your Beaty Roller; and then Le eat a sign or tow. t her emu er kit, and I foal better,, smarter, and happier th 1 ha. (or twelve p. m The worst tome, wee h, ties I side of the bowels. corer the groin. I write ILIA to ye for the I etrilt of others. toe C. pabliab it if 3. chooss ItANN.I.II P. KNAPP. DR. RA WAY'S PERFECT PUR TIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, clegantlyiemted with sweet gem, purge, regulate, purify, Coarse, and strengthen. 1 1 Railway's Pills. for the c a of all rthsordess of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, dnoys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases Ilwtdach C trims/dem Costiveness, Indigestion, Dynpeoe e. la s I oneness, Dillon. Fever, Inflammation of tho Bows . Files, and all Derange ments of the Internal Vise Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Veritable, containing no ma* curc r e b. rod % origt d I ' Observeth e ef er ollo i d n7 l l . frildolus resulting from Disorders of the Dig Iva Organs: ceruttpuion, Inward Pl..urine. of the Mewl in the Read, Acidity of dui Siemer+, Nat., li.rtburis, Disgust of Feel, Foii.L. nT WeL;lli l Cie srorouru. Sour Eruct. Boas, Sinking or Fluttering at the lit of the Stomach, Swim ming of the Held, Hunted .1 1) Ilcult Breathing, rt.u.,- thp.t the Heart, choking or ete.stiag Smestiene when la a Lying Poster*, D 1.5.11 of Viol , ' hints or Wet" Sews the B.Che. Fever sad fruit bon in the Head. Dolcieney of Pavpirsttos, V e n o m- mu 0 Its $lO and Eyre, Lola le O. Side, Cheat, Limbs, and .e ken Posh. of 11.4 Corning I. tilt FleA- I ki few doses of P.ADITAY'S PILLS will tree the system from all the above nerved disorders. Price, as cents per box. SOLD BY DitilifilSTS• READ "FALS F. AND ra l E." Send one letter. stamp to RADWAY ,k Co.„ No. ill Malden Lane, New. York. Information worth thouSantLs will be sent you. 5.200 00 A IVord to Yon, Friend!! FOR U('(i) CoFFES. FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR GOOD FLOUR FOR GooD TOBACCO FOR EVERYTHING GOOD IN 'I IrE Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT ritlcE , .. THAT CAN'T BE RE.AT [N C 3 5:1. 1 11kf tat nu EI.SENVIIratE. S. SNITGJ 4-44; CO.'S. :;41 Street, jEtt,i VEII, Jan 4172- ly James Rya , 9 DEALERIti HipmusE FURNISHING GOODS, t7T7'LERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND ' WILLOW WARE, Japannese and 'lain Pao' WITH EvERYIIIIN 4 6 rrtrzsaiiii YOU HOUSEKEEPERS:• Call and sea our stock and team our prices. No. 6th St., (Late St. Clair iSI.) PITTSBURGH, PA. ESTATE of Rosen K. Fenousos, deceased.-- Whereas, letters testamentary to the estate of Robert K. Ferguson, tate of the borough of Bea ver Falls. In the county of Beaver and State of • Penney Ivanla, deed., bate been granted to the imtmeliber„ all persons indebted to the wild estate are requested to. mate immediate payment; and these tutvingelatnis or demandeagainst the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without delay, to d.NNETA A. FERGUSON. Beaver Falls Aug. 'I 1972. 1 Adminlatiutrlx. augt4;Zw• " We Studiously av Great Variety jOS. M. min (81 , [17. - %:ty roR GOOD TEAS, FON GOOD SPICES, FOR GOOD FEED, FOR GOOD CIGARS, CO TO MisceilatieOus. NewSpft Goods! MI A CitEERY as Co's Street,l3owver, Pa. oid Inferior Goods." New lallien,ety Goods.: NEW MILLINERY GOODS find • NEW STYLE FALL HATS and BONNETS; ' Triunned RATS It BONNETS,. Untiimmed HATS ES BONNETS; RIBBONS, new shades; .FLOWERS, new shades; ,PLUMESi EMBROIDERIES; Cousras, HOSIERY: GLOVES; NOTIONS; CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. CURTINg, BAZAR&ITT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO ADD CAMBRIC, White LINEN,' BUFF LIN- als that may appear daring the Season EERY & 00'a LsTADUM6D IN tsv. The Largest and Best Stock of FIT IR, N - I 'l' TT Pi El West of the Mountslnv, of oar own Manufacture,. will be fouud at the .411ammot4 Furniture Eatatplistanpat of C. G. HAII.I2ItER,d: SONS, The newest and most approved itylea of Fine and Medium Furniture, iu Larger variety than any lttter honso. at very reasonable price° Persons furnishing houses would do well to write for our new circular. or when in Pittsburgh we respect. fully solicit n visit to our warerooras. Don't for get the place. 46, 4s. d SO, Seventh, Av., Pittsburgh. We challentre the world in prices tor the same quality of material and workmanship of our goods. (Cut this out.) aug';3m. . curable) that Dr. Fitter's regetabte Rheumatic Ay nip will not cure—warranted mainintious, and a physician's prescription used inwardly. *5OOO Reward olThred to the Propri etors of any medicine for Itheunaatism and Nee r:Ogle able to produce litti as many genuine Ilv leg cures made within the same length of time as Dr. Fitter's Vegtitable Rhetimatlc Remedy. *2OOO Reward offered to any person pro,. lug Joseph P. Fitter. it.. D.. to be other than a graduate of the celobrnted university of Pennsyl vania In int and Professor of Cheinistry—trest lug Rheumatism specie lv for till yea ,M SlOO9 Ite,svard La any Chemist, Physician, li t r or others able to discover lodide of 'otassa. Col chicum,. Mercury. or anything 'Wart es to the sys tem in Dr. Fftlep Rheumatic Syrr. . 28,.500 Certificates or feta= Ills of cute, - 1 - 14,1t...1114,- i 110...... 4. U. usoapt. tiladla, r ra.• Rev. Jo seph Beggs, Fails of Schuylkill, Ptilla'di the with of Rev. 4 It. Davhi,lligiustown, N. J.; Rev. ThOs Murphy. Frankfort), Phii'a; Dr. Jennings and Dr. Wafton. Philadelphia; lion. J. V. Crettley, mem her of Congress irona Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, Camden. N. 3.; ex. Senator Stewart., Baal more; ex-Governor 'owell. Kentucky, and thou sands of others. if apace permit ted.• $250 Reward f. r the name of any warranted preparation for itheumatiiim and Neuralgia sold under a similar legal guarantee, setting forth the exact number of bottles 'to Cure or ietarn thp °moues:paid for the same to the patient In case o 7 failure to cure. A full description (leases requir ing guarantees must be forwarded II letter to Philadelphia. .The guarante , signed and stating quantity to cure, will be returned by mail, with advice and instructions, without any eharge. Ad dress all letter., to Dr.FITLXII,No -Va South Fourth tree ,t. No other remedy to odered on such terms. Get a circular on the various forms of Rheuma tism, are., blank apphcationa,for :Natant:ie. [Mi lls of the Special agen t, HUGO ABDRESEOM pow: kis Heater. Pa LOOK HERE. QPIRING AND 1,91111M3111311 GOODS. —The etieerr , igted twits leuve to inform hts friends atoll the public. generally that he has Just received et slew stock of goods of the latest styles for Spring and Simmer wear .which he (airs at very Encoder:it rates. e; EN 77 I:* FU!tNi. HEM G 00 08. CON. , TANTLY ON BAND totione outdo to order 04 the FhOrt4Al 130t144. to the putgle for past luvont, 1 hope by :II:IRV/11 to hUSItIeXP to merit a rootiLo d'4 , of tie . tatue. DANIEL MILLER, I ~ G I .sT., IMIPGKWATNE, PA mar 2111 GREAT CLOSEI'G SALE FOR THE SEASON LADIES' SUITS Dress Goods, W. ERWIN & CO., 172 & 174 Federal st., ALLEGHENY CITY . I=l Ladies Suits from 5'2.50 to $lO.OO llernanis, froin 10 to 50 Grenadines, from 1234 to 50 Real Wash Poplins—. 122 to 20 § n uitings, from .. 12% to 25 40 DIFFERENT firYLES DRESS GOODS. Most Remarkable Bargains. HOUSE MIME' GOODS, -AND MEN and BOYS' WEAR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. n0v,29 17 JNO CONWAY & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS • rtocurmit, A.• DEALRItS ISi EXCHANGE, COIN AND COUPONS. ftCCOCTMIM of Manufacturers Merchants and Individuals solicited. interest Allowed on Time Deposita, - glir Correspondents will receive prinept atten tion. Jeittif BEAVER LADIES SEMINARY;: WILL be opened for Orli_ and boys. on. the Y fif Si clay of October next. ' My engagements for the month of September. compel 'me to post pone thrigpening of the pupi l s the day maned, and I think It better for the - hare arranged for the aecommodallsn of boys did young men as boarders. Prot de Dam wilt remain to charge of the partment of music, and I will hate well quilted . assistants in every department. aug*3;tf D. IL A. McLean. Fria. II BEAVER, PA ESE A LSO. MidwoMtnwms. BANKING: HOUSE OP James. - T. Bradyj_.-it.t:PO., COR.FOI7IiTH AVE. a WOOD ST, Pittsburgh, WE MTV AND BELL Goyerllment secuslles, elk Leers AND couroNs ON LIBERAL TERMS, 1 • And do $ emend lisoldnffAmbers. , We snots 811 INT t ••=T on PSPOSITS, subject to check without notice. 1173; 1 7.1 await .T. BRADT * CO. Dr..l44gari. raysor=dgeo NJ... water, re deter mined than as , 4 311101 a _ . " Dentist In the State sball do work betteror cheaper a n 4. aa (ris t t tto tds patrons.— ' bes De t ta men aterlaht the , ouumfaettued to the United Stales. Gold and in Vet illlln perdsrated Ina style that dales eoorpe titian daps,l. iroarentsed In siroperattone. or the money returned. Gine hint a trial. teeth Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 159 11111T111P1111.0 9r. Boas doors above Sixth Ave. FINE WATCHES, CLE MB, JEWELRY Optical and Raley Goods, dc. PITTSBURGH, PA. FINE WATVU REPAIRING. Picaso cut this advertisement ont and bring it with you. jel4ly VAI.L.WrON Foundry & Repair Shop. Having been Engaged in the Folmar, Basin-Au for more than thirty years.--daring which time I haveacenmniated a variety of moral patterns. be sides =strutting models and taking oat patents for Improvemebta on COOKING - STOVES -4241 eller having therm:whir tested these Les' prnvementa, I feel warranted In ofihrlng them to the public. , I= o 1... C) 17i7' IS The GREAT WESTERN has no Su perlor for Oda Lorallgy. STOVES: Stoves of Different Styles for Beating and Cooking The Great Republic Cooktu Store nee the beat Record of any Stovo ever offered In this market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL, LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST BAKER, . . : rq ALTOGETHER TILE BEST STOYE'IN USE In connection with Vi stove I have got up a tent EXTENSION 'rot., which occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispel', ses with all pipe, can be put on of taken oft at any time, and made to sultan stoves of any size or pattern. Vivo Hundred Personas Who have purchased anti used the GREAT REPUBLIC _COOKING STOVE, Most of whose names have been publish ed in the A nous, are confidently reterred in, to bear witness of As superior merits as a cooking stove. Having three Ann •clara enditura on band. of about fifteen horse powercapsclty, they itiv offered to the public at reasonattr i t i er ;flio ruriOnf. SECURITY TRUST CO. lucorpoluted by the Legislature of Penn's. No. 04 WOOD STREET, VIVT"rtAITURGYIT, Pa. AUTHORIZED CAPITA, - - $1,000,1100. C AIMEE& PERPETUAL. PUESIDINT, DIRE JAMES T. BRADY, HON. R. McIEN/ORT, B. 1.. FAHNic3TOCK, ILaRTLEY HOWARD, DANIEL ROWER, L. J. BLANCHARD, WM. WILLS. C. S. FETTERMAN, BENJ. BIN 0 ERLY, PHILIP I.II3INTEL, DAVID GREGG, J. V. IdeDONALD. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT BONDS, Deposits solicited and interest allolvd on SAME. SUBJECT TO CHECK Dividends Coupons, &e,Collected withOcit charge ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Commission. TRUSTEES. Jona Score, Vico Preet, Vs.. Charleston. B. R. . Comutt. Colema, Hahn) & Co., Duquesne ii rreatilgi4Worke facturera' NaAonal Bank. Oro. S. MEAD, President Second National Bank. Hoc. J. M. Judge of the District Court. Hos. dons K. PARKE, Phelps, Parke & I% If. Hemmen, Merchant. B. P. Jotrre. cones & Langhltrus, Iron-Works. BIM. @clamor, State Printer. H. P. FORD, Saw Works. Ws. M. Corny, Win. W. Goma, .t Co. How. Josses Watson, Coal Merchant. Wm. G. Jortema. Wm. 0, Johnston & Co. J. J. Grimila. J. J. Gillespie & Cik C. H. PAuteomr, Wholesale D ea ler In Elate, Caps, and Furs. J. V. MeDorrar.c, Coal Merchant. N. P. Fetterraas, Solidton Jos. M. Geazam, I '''''' Or Special oltenaon given to investing money in first doss socusities. for Trltlietl. Executors, Administrators, Guardians and hutitictuals.. mats H. IL COFFIN Ttesanrer. BOOM SAVINGS BANK. W. 3. sPrrzasa. JOIIIC V. X-DONALD oii;. C. orrrigaza, B. J. arannumalifer. SPETEUEIII & MeDONALD Deals to exchange, Coln, Government Heel:tri fles. mako collection on all aceesaible points in the United State* and Canada. receives money on deposit subject to check, and receives time depot,. its from one dollar and upward. and allows Inter. est at S per tent By-taws and ruhm furnished tree by applying at the bank. Bank open daily from 9, a. to.. tall 4, p. ni, t _and on BEIII%IO even* hags from 6to 8 o'clock. We refer by permisalor LH. Oa *w & Co.. Has. J .B. IIvTAA. Ammo, Sew? &Ca., . ORA & COOP'S, 8. J. Cams & irausirr. fbusiora & Wads.. Joao 8114814 8 S. Raman;ll.. B. itochta, A. O. Htrarr. Tailussaung's NATIONAL 8. 13. WUJON. novl6ll4pctul Jelß- ' IP4OO3EL ISALTAIL PrilS, property in this bolongh built for the Pee -1 nonage of the Presbyterian Church. Muse contains six wide fine vapor* closets. a. Lot mask planted fa fret*, ben**. dolma, Location exceeding= beton an unser of Second street ma ButWWI near the Acitierey, enCoverlooking the riser elm neighboring towns. Tor sale low end on miry terms. Apply' on the gsendsea_or to • . J. IL, ficengilltY. Ken., atigl4-4 , Beaver, ft. Agents W toi anted., ~ • Wanted lame Suety. tont active, emergent inee aer Atenta ke the "NSW"( WIISOLIin.4O WILSON Sltwou Jumps i• tau emit& On ty with men as can gleegoud_tellninee as to latille l lor end MAW, and faraleh ßova seed apply. 'We will s. to penmen:Wad stilarter or Oh" at eotesnlestoe ',Aver mem. Only i nch mei n ' as raaltk izi feetre to enter the bealneee need apply. tt RR it CM., No. 140 Wood St, Fla*. tmrsh. tmazlkly Chas. B. ilurst's is s E General Agency Office, RO H ESTER, PE*NA. FIRE, LIFE, and ACUIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un loa"-Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal teiros. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mo rt gages, Articles, &c., written; Depositions and Acknowledge• meats taken, &c., &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Nuengers booked to and from England,-Ireland; Scotland, France and Germany, "ETNA FIRE INS. CO., Ot Hartford, Conn., Cash sweats $6,000.000 "Ily their fruits ye know them." Losses paid to.dan. 1, 1871....528,000,000 One of the oldest awl wealthiest Compa• saes in the world. .NIAGARA Insurance Co., CaOsmWs. ANDES „FIRE IRS. CO., Cash asserts,. —.51,500,000 ENTERPRISE INS. Co., Of Philadelphia. Cash sasetta over.. ... LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co Cash assetts ALPS INSURANCE CO., Of Erie, Penna. Cash capital,.. Cash assets,. Travelers' .Life d Aceiden Insurance Co., Of Hartford, Conn. Cash assetts over • •-• :1,61/0,000 Representing tba above first class Insurance Companimacknowledged to be amongst the best and most reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly $16,(100,000,1 am en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended to, and Policies written e ithout delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Losses liberaUy adjusted and promptly aid. INSURE Tr DAY! By one day's delay you may lose the savings of years. Delays are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore, Insure to day! " One today, is worth two to-morrows."— Quality also. Is of the utmost importance. The low priced. worthless article. always proves the dearest. The above Companies are known to be amongst the best and wealthiest in the world.— "As ye sow that shalt you reap." Gratetil for the very liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legit imate business—not only tomerit a continuance of the same, but a large increase the present year. Hr. STEPHEN A. CRAIG is duly authorized to take applications for Insurance and receive the premium for the same in adjoining townships. CHAS. B. HURST, Near Depot, Rochester, Pa. Uettly WILLIAM ICILLSR, JACOB TRAS H PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING FLOORING, MOULDINGS, &c• Scroll Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Milt Opposite the Railroad Station ROCHESTER, PENWA. sprit 19 "11; ly is Suellenbtupt Space. Being engaged in making up a large stock of Spring Clothing, they informed me that they bad no time to attend to their advertising.—En. DAVID GREGG = J. B. SNEAD Has now In operation a new SAW AND PLANING &LILL IN FItI?.EDOM, PA., Baring the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of PIX...C34COrILIEIVar. SIDING, LAT H, &C. &C., and Is _now - prepared to attend to the building and repairing of Mut laws, Flats &c. Keeping cowardly on hand a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited: All orders promptly executed. D. Woonsosir. Bridgiwater Marble - Works, DnlXBBln Itallan end American garble. AU Muds of ifirbfe Warn mental Work done with neatness and Mandeb, Prime ressonablo and eatinnurtion guiranteed. Market Street, Brldgenister, Pa. 11111 3y. .710imm4kow0m, AND NEAR THE DEPOT I[4o!wy Public ea& Cotrveyaneen Of New York. Of Cincinnati, Ohio Of Lancaster, Pa $250,000 HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of New York Mantifacturera and Dealers in ril.• 0 Et" % t La v :I "5 La Z cl co to Lo -* -3 : s. 4" trb Vioonsurr. 110MWAYS I.l.mai ? e l - i 1 ..vis EVERYMAN HIS OWNPHYSICIAM CA. TION. immense demand for IfoLuitva. Y's T PILLS and 0 . TMENT.bas tempted imprite clpied parties toe unterfelt these valuabl e me ,* eines. In order to pro ct the public and ourtelVe l , wn bate tuned ane "Trade Mark." consisting of rib Egyptian circle o a serpent, with the letter t 'ti the centre. Every box of genuine tfou.ow 4r's Fu.L and OISTICENT will have this trade mark m, it; none are genuine wtthont it. N. Y. Cuesitcar, co., sots Proprietori , . mr20 . 721y. 18 Malden Lane, New York P-Wacc.c ..-.51,500,000 .$OOO,OOO .$240,000 111 MAI In the wonderfni medicine to which the atllleio. are above pointed for relief, the discover, r„. lieves he bas combined in harmony more of Ni. titre . * most sovereign curative properties. s Sod has trustilled into the vegetable kiniiioa lesUn;tits sick than were ever before coinh:uei at one medicine. The evidence of this far.: !wand in the great variety of most obstinate CI, lases which It has been found to conquer. In ;;;,. :ore of Brostchitlyy Severn Coughs, ttei the early stnesnr Consumption, it ;..ts vtanlahed the mettles! f..crilty, and em., simants pronounce it the greatest medics, - y of the While it cares the sevitrit , t stryn ;thews the system and purities the Slotul• By its great an.l thorotezh f.. properties, it core? all 111 u rnor.t, .v H . :4 Scrofula ton common Blotch, Pint. plr. e,r Eruption. Mercurial al l'o , .soni,itud their effects, are "rend. , .‘• vt i.qroas health and a sonar --$3,500,00 0 Eris'polo*, Salt buten 4.)r: ~, Scaly or !Lough skin, . ills:•., mane-airf dlszat , es mu , , 1 ' . )!I , ) , lerld poNv e rfti I par.. ,r El I II • drow., 1,4.1 c• Pl:i4i, OT v,l. I=MMT=EII rp. in ❑l' noln:".1 Beat A. I A I- gI rp id LI vc r ~ N ot." 1 , . lusty ra ••• RE ).:7.01 ti It!" A., 7 . MIIMEEI all. a- 1 , I • P. 1 C.) st 411 • • ' ipr - •: , • —. 4 . , r •il ~131 it • .1 hr tit •t. V. Pti• -, r ••••• • r' •, • • •-• ••, Jan 17:l+• Ayer's Cathartic Pass ed by their tant.:, use;: and every family Amuld have them on 1.11. for their protectn , a and relief, when reipic, ,, Long experience has proved them to be the est, surest, and hest of all the Pt/la with a i,p the market abounds. Ity Cseir oCcAt,:ion.ti the blood is purified, the corruptions of """ -`' tem expelled, obstructions removed, " • whole machinery of Life restored to it- I, io" activity. Internal organs which beeonic and sluggish are cleansed by .110 - r's stimulated into action. Thus =Mies: ,•• eh:mired into health, the value of u t, when reckoned ou the cast multitude- e c,.. it; can hardly be computed. Their ”inrar makes them pleasant to-take, andlerscr,c virtues unimpaired far any length - that they are ever fresh, and perferib Although searching, they are mild, tn..; 0;..a.11t without disturbance to the coin...mutton ...r diet, .1 occupation. Full directions are given on 11w u•-u per each boa, how to use theist- u,s a Fanil h. • and for the-ftillowiii - g rtotitiaintr,, n Pills rapidly cure:— : For Irly•pepala or llzadige.tion, near. Languor and Low. of Appetit, bhnuld be taken moderately to stliiii.ur wr Itch, and restore its healthy tone an.i !,..n For Liver Complaint rind it- an Dilioun Headache' Atici, lira male, Jaundice or Green FbiCL nes.. lons Colic and Billow. -'•" be judiciously taken for each rase, : ?; diseased action or remove the obstru , non- u cause it. For Dysentery or Diarrbera., au l • mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism, 46Lout.. 4 ‘" ri passion of the Hears. " " tilde. Hack and Loan., they shoul,i c.,r,ta, nonsly taken, as reoutrett, to change the action of the acattem. With such change t:.. complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical filivellinv they should be taken m large and frequent to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Eicippression, a huge dose shoub) takim, as it produces die desired effect by I l'at it h s T a . Dinner PM, take one or two Pa! , promote di,seAtion - and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach , bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorat.•... system. Hence it is often advantageou. uh, i serious de ent exists. One vi 1,, , le, tolerably well ? o ri. findti that a dose ,d •,!,, Pills makes turn feel decidedly better, Com, 1. cleansing and renovating effect 011 the .h,,,.;:] apparatus. . . .. . Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical Chemists LOWEL.L, MASS., U. S. A. AMEX mu BALE DY ALL DRUGGISTS Err :,,amszi ) ! EGETAs._ • • • 11 P3tia. in I 7; 7 ,E,NE ufp Eeoey yea. increase • tin ty of this valuable Hair Prey which is due to merit can assure our old patrons t. kept fully up to its high and it is the only reliable a n i e ed reparation for t ear OD FADED HAIR tO its yout co malting it soft, lustrous, and ••1 The scalp, by its use, heeenie and clean. It removes all e: and dandruff, and, by its 1 , 1110 ' • erties, prevents the' hair out, as it stimulates mid the, hair-glands. By its ;Ise. grows thicker and baldness, it restores t i;e glands to their normal will cifhate a new growth. 0 ill extreme °Wage. It is the uoraiv::l Mint e as it relltires fewer al: and gives the hair a , appearance, A, A. f c, 111 As z •ayerortlass:xleist.. t.o,- -The roast ititents are lilac selected for excellent anti I consider it the 1.4:.; . aArtox for its intende , i AU by an Draggimtl. and rhyd< " Prioe Ono Dollar. LianlTT2-17 Buckingham's DY-7 FOR THE WIIISECERS As. our Itenewer in•tny • .1 5 :itcs too tone :t time, :tn . ' I , ' 1 , 11 care, to restore **- we bave prepaied • i , i ohe Th./if/ration w ; hick !. PI • 'anti etrectually accon,r 11Nalf. it is en-.l:y •` pro.loces a color wilicti heiiiter rub nor wash ofE an Druggists. Price Fifty Ce" i ' n ftlanutaptured by P. HALL, 161 C O NASHUA. N.S. oct.itty. 3faM3inar. ALT. 1734- MEE MEM ma For the re.‘`e f rare of all del 'thgt inents in the ach, liver, and be, e 1.,. They are a aperient, and al excellent purg-a tit e Being purely veg, table, they vontau no tnereur rat whatever Nlte serious sickaseAh an, entlering is prel ent PREPARED UT =I **ELI I.:}t