- - SPEF.CII OF HORACE GREE LEY AT PORTLAND, ME. LADIES AND GENTDEMEN: .It certainly true that in the course of toy life, as far as I 113 - v6i - wen conned: ed with public affairs, I have strug gled with such capacity as God has given me for, tirst impartial and uni vcr4al liberty; second, for the unity and greatness (f our common coun try ; third, and by no means least, E'en the former-end was attained, for early and hearty reconciliation ,and peace among our countrymen. For these greakends 1 have strumg!cd, and I hope the issue of the third is not doubtful. I thoroughly compre hend that no personal consideration has drawn together this vast as.4em lily. Other, higher, and vrander con siderations have collected you around me to-day. 'Cheers.] Mr. Chairman, it is part of tipt un written law of our country that a can didate for P:•esident !nay not make sq.ceches in vindication and commen dation of the principles whereupon he is supported, nor the measures which his election is Wended:to pro ipotc, though a candidate fur Vice Pre-sident is under no such inhibition. I n t merely acquiesce in theleArk- I i.,n, 1 recognize and affirmll4 prb p! i,•; v. The temptation to misreport anti misrepresent a candidate for the ii her grade is so gn-at, the means of circohding suchlierversions monog poople who will never see a word of tiwir refutation aresn vast, that a can- ,h(late has no moral right- to subject k friends toihe perils he must iwave, If not invite, by takinga purl in the Canvass. Yet there k a truth to br uttered in behalf of '*io• - -e who have idaced the before the American peo ple in my present attitude, which doe,: them suvh honor that I claim the same privilege of stating it hero unl now This is that truth: No per-on has y•q made the filet that he purpo , ed to support. or actually (lid support my Domination, whether at eincin nnti, a t Baltimore, or in the action that re sulted in sending delezatos to either of the convent hin4, the basis of a (Id m to f;111.4. trt hand,i. No ow who I.lv. wrt Illy 60111illatiOn Li•fnrc ewivention, or at either convention, , otezht office at my hands, eitlicr f r lliii,elf or any one el-:4 •Any one sui.rgesto4l to we tlint I might ":...ren , rt hen tny•Plf a-; x eanclidate'lry rpr.,lfli•ill" too alipoint fitly one to any inrpurtant oltioe whatever. ', - Loti.l ' Ina Nit ry fe inStalWeS, less h't ri 1,1.)z-11 I am sure, certain of the u.rller fry of politicians have, since fly hinted to nu I,v I , tfer that I inielt in -11.wo• of election by promising a 1 .,..;t-0t11,.e or other place to Inv cm.n,:spomlents res:pectively. have not tga.tialty responded to the , e overturn, but I now give a general ntit ivet hat, should I be elected, I will corpsider the claims of thc,i untimely :1-Tirantghtifter ttin.;e of the more mod e-4 :mil reticent have been ftll:y ..c.tti,fied. 'Loud olif-er.:. In two or three in•ninvc.: I hay( :I,k 01 s;:i'V Wilt•thl r i ‘‘(,tilfl_ not, if elector, (q)utirie my :II) t mon to ropublicans. arHwer pointinz to that plan!: of Ow C!noinnfiti phitforrn wherein all who (iJorur itt the. Ihorpin sot -1 rt h are coral:1;1y invited to trti,-i -prito in their eAtalilishmont afi,l vin ion. I n‘ , ver yet heard of 11;1 , ) invited his neivithrit4 to help 1 . 1141 a house awl ipro , :eelle:l to them out of it qr) soin, a-; ahe 1,,, , , - ‘vaci fairly over Iris henti.• For 1 !, , ,•,w_n !girt I recogrOzo evcry bun- t man \vim approvi.s and a(11.1c.n., rilaffiwni n--; urn• po• und n-; t•uyli fully f t . ,t1,,1 to Inv confidence and fri(qnll:, nip other 1, iut demand.: Tho,:e t.o me ask what pli , (Fr,,i I havf• t(i tho-:e the Vnion to soeuri. , their favor - anit • I an , w-pr: "No 11111!1(n . wo w in in all thii tt'outh PVCr :14:011 whether directly or thrflurit anoth e r. n , .;v other pledtze .than given in ;ill word , 4 frout thp hour of -arrendor down to t h moment. Nn oithern man fc+ ever hinted to toe evpectation, hope or wish that the reli,.l debt, Ntllotht'r ennfederate or -_tatc, should he assumed or paid lty the titM.n, tint! no southern Irian who 0,01.1 he elNted to the legislature or colonFtl'of a militia fe,giment ever s ggc ,loci thepensioning of rebel or tiny of them, even as a re- Mote po4sibilty.". All who non-lin:i -t ed too are perfectly aware that I had titthetil and justified fcaet at le 2 kin_ to suppross the Ecu-k.lux conspi rwy and otitraizes, I hoturh I hail long .1 7.1 tts strenuously as I now that complete- atit nest y and a rron ni re. , oblivion of the Hood v, hateful 1, to.,t woittd do iii;tre fir tli•i salo;or,- \.; n and Whir tixtitietion itt rt, thin all the Piro,• hill n of holhea , cortiii , evrr mitt. 1VI',•11 , XI I )o,i oio - 0.---e , l an , l telt fir n the I,y they I. oil rilooiriirt rroini tho- , -• who in • jo t th,. hear,l hit oa • old : one (1 , -ire..-r.oem.•ili.ll;.iii. ‘v;.ll to lioarti!v• retinitood ~.‘•11 at 11,a,ft :th V 'hi nit ittVt'lVl':t -urr-h -d-r of their niantioo , l. Thry that and tr,.:itril hr tlr fr , lrral authorities as citizen , . not Ion!: as they ohey hit ,'.4l ovt•ry 1 . 1t.v (t - ttl-ti,totit tVittl :01'1 ri,ht. Th.tV a rifle. h.nliketortt•hite:uvlhlaoi ~hall iino-ourav inlitiitry :nil thrift, an.l • write ratta;!ity allot - Tiory lt+ , t , '• in whie )- i 1 tally vettu•tir, th At hetwot•tt NoverniKtr and the Ith or t a number of the 2Nivernoria :ri , l ('her whio. in the name if. ripohlir .o nil ! 1 )v:ilty, havo row t.titar , been th . lo. , atuf taxi- , upon thrir kill follow the wh01,, , ,,0ine r•\ • Ortilltif (;iiortia, !old --oi . 1 : the -.11 lite.: toriv,trii life Tito IriNer an-1 th t-zo , -oh the f thorti=elvoizo and for ntan- nd the that my Moe hist,n this mach desired I 14e•zir.1 of th carpet-ha:2 , l'4'r , , , 1 reo,)zii•ii.,l to the nert , sit V of :op tre‘ many NVIV) would ofte•r- wive he--it:ite.l and nrolialnly re- to- I. I. lad clwerin. , . Tle , iteonsn 1 and i Tatornany ring h t Qinlen thirty millions of d 11- lar , " - , from the city of New York. That wa: most gi : r,intic •,•,d hurled its: c(mtriyer: and from power and splendor r ev and infamy; limit the thie7..iiii• car p-t-baggens have stolen at least t this amount—stolen it fronitAie ready ifl) pls.-ed.:llin' , and floods-, mind they still flaunt their prosnerons vii i iiny is the high &ace: of the land. and are addre , s,ed as, honorable and e‘oollency. I think I hear a voice fr,in the lemeit alt the • siate: ileclarirer, that this iniquity shall he rniinful aryl insolent no long a! farthest, than to the ith of \landl next. ily that 'Me , thew criminals%VW haVO hoard a national v , •olict pronounce" that Will rot=e them to .frtht their tents like Arab.: and silfaitty---*-te a l away ; and that trust will lie the end of their stealing iit the cost of the good name of our )antry and the well-being of ;her l.; ogle. Too Precedents for 111 r. Errett, When Abraham Lineoln was, cho s,_,n Pm:ident, Senator Mel lure was chairman of the Republican State Com-mittee, and then. aQ now, a Re puhlican Senator. He is now con ducting the Liberal campaign, and will announce t he 'elect ion of I /reeley as he (lid that of Line(lln. When Gen.( ;rant wa: chosen Pre:- ident Hon. (laituslia brow - was chain - man of the Republican State, Committee. We give in -another ; column his cogent reasons for suh l ,or. ting Greeley. As bolting is the order of the day, 'could not our Grant friends do 'veil appoint a safe committee to se that Mr. Errett, present Grant chair :nan, is not swept off by the Liberal Ole before the election -I ?—Phil. Post. lETERSON nud II ARTRINFT. " When I first entered upon the stage of public life—now twenty-four years ago—l came to a reolution never to enrage, while in public of fice, in any kind of enterprise for the improvement of my fortune. I have never departed from it in a single in stance; and I have, in multiplied in stances, found myself happy in being able to dwide and to act as a public servant, clear of nil interest in the inultiform questions that have aris en."— nomaa Jefferson. Without doubt the ring condidate ; or Governor is not a Thomas Jeffer son, for we find him, while holding the re.;phnsible office of Auditor Gen era!, engaged in all sorts of enterpri ses for the improvement of his for tune. He invested in Oil Creek and .11Iegheny Vailey Railroad stock, a. the following letter to "Dear Yerkes" shows: " AUDITORT-X.„9 CS OFFICE, H lIRISM'RG, March 9, 1870.--,Deqr Yerkes: Buy as soon as possible 100 shares of Oil Creek and Allegheny Valley railroad, and then have my account, or rather an abstract made from my aecouni, ,sn that I can Fel. the eXtlet lOSS 1 119,VeSIISIOIned in Oil Creek. Let me have this. as soon as you conveniently can. The Attor ney General has given a, decision a ,,raia,t our settlement onitlil Creek which takes the starch right out. I don't know what to think about buy ing Oil Creek as a future investment. If you think well of Wynn may think that the chances are that it will go np, hut as everything else is droop• irw, hut little can he expected from rfir ('reek. What do you think of gol•1? Yours, etc. ions F. HARTRANFT.” it 'would seem, however, that this enterpri se . owing to the Attor ney Genornl'A decision, did not result iq any improvement to his fortune. That he speculated in other stocks to a large ammmt is clearly nroved by the fact that his dealings with Yerkes A- Co. amounted in the short snare of five months to izfitil .890.47. But his speculations were not cones-el to stocks. "tie also," says Itenj. Ban non of the Miners Journal," went in- to land sperulation where he could make comethintr." In the opinion of Thomas Jefferson to enuar , e in such enterprises for the improvement of private fortune, was reprehensible in a • Pnblie servant plze Auditor Cleneral Hartran ft. But what would the statesman have thomrht of a nubile servant who earriel on these enterprize with the publir funds'? t;eneral Hart ran ft did so as appears by the follow inr , aflida- no: has vit of "Dear Yerke" his broker. tirharle: T. Yerkeq, jr„ of the city of Philadelphia, being dnly ovorn aoeordint." to law loth depose and say that for , :ntrie years nr=t he has been nequainted with J. F. Hartranft, Au ditor General of the State of Penn va niat that h" hay at variomi time hotryht and 0(1(4; of different kind -=. and earried the same with MOM i/ belMi9i»a to the thinnumwealth n 1 'entiNtil ran ie, whieh the said J. F. 1 [art ran ft had caused to he deposited with this deponent by the State Trea 'That this deponent did T oy to I'. 11artranft. Auditor General, on tb'' tOth of 1 teeemher, Is7ii, the sum of two thousand seven hundred dol lars. which sum was* derived from prtdits nn purehases of loans of the Commouwealte and s:lle , . of the. , ame to the Sint:int' Punt!, whieh sa le s wa.a made on the !!oth of April, 1s711:—. "That said deponent P aul to the said .1. F. Ilartranft various amounts of money for profits arising from stool: snueulations with mole', (I. , pox;led with tIiL deponent by /hr ;gale 'l'reworrer at the instance of the , 3i(l 1 Ifirt rani t. T. y Env; Sworn and subscribed 4efore MP the 23 , 1 day of I )eeerntker, A. D. I*l. \Vm. W. Dot•c,itEirry. Alderman. tilt; Nx. - altmt stroet,Yhiladelphia. , tlr , Genoral Ilartranft ako roeeived from leorw t). Evans :lks7,llotl of the n r ,oev of the C•wnitlionwealth to iti- VO , l ill la nitwhere heeould make scmethir“7," and we have lwen told by the editor or the Miner's Journal t Iva this money waQuiven to the Au ditor f;eneril by Evans. 44 to oblicre General Illtirt ran ft -and secure hio• fa vor," anil that " that. was the litzht, no Ilouht, in whielt f;enertil Ifartranft v io \ v e d it when h' first refused it and afterward.: took it." .bade of Thorn n .1 etrer , iin. wlit a c.ohli. , •Nion! Evon thi, Tiot the chanter, for, from A A. :it Ivlrrfoxpli which ••••ifo I , b to lire rnitPd it wit , ro- C.:Minor - 1 the rwm..l.- j,, he Shit(' Tre:Nlir , •. the sdl , )%ViTif: I.ri,ttv ,kt•rwr.:l: (;:•\1:1:4.1.% t 11 ‘1 :1:1..:1;i'1tit 11,•••in1)4 r I), (r, ) - er : 1'..1111 , ):1!1 !Th . t 4) .,k i v fur 1 , 1M11.V. :111.1 I 113 d .1 „i s (shoel: for Whirh he kVi I I trosent to 2,01 to-2 lorrow it:2J. I (-an IJA avoid this. I met Mackey here ! oti'MJifiJlity. lb. went w -t in tho ! afternoon :Intl will not return until T lid not iii:e to :Ist; him :ofain. hut I did not think C:2112(217 , 1 wiinhi want 2111 V money sn soon. I sce you on tindirday. and what ever von Nv:mt. I do. I will meet Markey here on Monday, and what ever is necessrary I will ask him to do. .1. P. 11.% I'. S. -Will lift Calhoun's cheek o n Saturday. :Old triVP volt certificate of i lo t i. 4 -it to that amount. .1. F. II.” Wo may add, to complete this chanter of malfrlisanee on the part of Atolitor I:prior:11 Ilartran ft that " I Ir Yerkits" is now servile , j 21 rtn of yf ars in the Penitentiary for larceny : that tleorge 0. Evans robbed 1111. state of!9l,tfiln, and that Calhoun re.- i.riv.l t , 00-ition l'tfl toil States Aizent to avail as it defaulter to the I"ni ref! Statos t. of aditerentar to t herres ill of ion which Jefferson came ttirwhen he first entered upon thestuee he could say at the close of his public earner, "Dios I h.ivethoufzht myself richer in contentment than I should have been ith any increas,e of for tune." I lartranft, hy pursuing th e onpo , Jito eourso, may have increased his fortune, hot he has lost the (tenon of this fellow-eitizens and is, i!J•uhtii--s, without that enntentment atten.'s the strict psrforman.a. tillION 4 ti EIC()1; St, f,./, ( f t' (' priwid 1-%,rileq— Ili.11 . 1,(A. I:'s/P, \k-- ks. Iliy Vti,rlkt•V pain•r n. rt•(,:i I ~111 `A \ ~.;tii• tier of enrrtit,ll,,n 1111,i irAtni, n! , (1 ad ding: • I plUlider it t 1..11 ,1 VI• di-ttrrtteed the legislation and the rnau:,:;.•lntrlt ( d i the timwees Pcti rp..y v a m „ 1 nett: ant :,•11 how ibis 141:111 glade , '. ~.t-NTY TEMPERANCE TICKET, ill I.IIIIIIC ill.• It , all Iltililll how (;,•11. Jail s to spti hint, N "" to ' — A• how he plow iered the I 11,1 ians whont 1. • I "ffingber. T. J. he way thowg,11:11 to protect, lii Po t te r. potleted the Canal Board 4if n 1 . ..1Per 12; , 1)Tiler—pr ane i toc.s. lILLW Ile NVoll and at);:zed Yerk--.1. W. Mitch e ll . the ruhinleiwe of ;11vi rnor t ;,torge n.nimixioner —.lot4Prth M. Alexander. ibroner A ntlrow \S •\l'ulfantl liuvcrour David It. Port- Amor . ifouße Direetor—Wm. Murphy. A u thi m • -Hobert Wresen. C. A. limn er, both w hoot abhorred hint be caut-e he cheated then] and betrayed rllXiCes —Rev. J. H. Aughey, W. R . . the trust t h ey reposed in hits, how (tract'. he managed to have his brother tip- PelPgrdee to romenfutional ibrrvention. pointed Superintendent of wotive Tleotwick. WeAleT Awl. StIMIlf•I heft. power (111 lilt- railroad uWWIEN * es t ' 7..7:117 4 ,r0tt i hn h 1;176, D r F. I hat -he Hii. ht sw- Keny.] E. Raynor. Willigm Brown, cure eon t racts for supplies, how he I 1 'i 5 ,.":,g,",. i ";; - ", t A 1 ,... 5 , / „TPi I w 11 A 7 °4°n . , A si et,gaged in. ••ontracts ivhile he xia-t P.-preteidatirr Ete;- fo e: President of the Lebanon Valley S. Kauffman, W.. 1. 7Miiilnn. District.. it..rilrinul until the holders drove him (l.-Tt W Thotton. Irian the position., how to this day ,1 1 . : nr V i`n "'. 7.7 esv"l. enl;T. llbwPoirra lie forced to disgorge to wake up I. Nu e. ithemtto. wm.. Pierre I'.. Or. D. C. Eberttart. iles-10 , 5e..-; of Nome or he 1-‘ll.-contrav n S-11l Ft,. IT. Dr .1 P Tbomlmon '.for - , on that road for fear of expo--tire tt Lnkpna, I iterJ W Mickley and criinint.l prosecution, how lie 7.4 .., n c ri i1e " d " 1 7" ' 2 19 " 'H I j w T lL, liir and his fatnity fattened t Ile Zs:Dr- 4. 7,- NV: Wilkengon them Pat Me ILiiiroati, and hok`v hk Pr."'" •Weit z bUsilleM . 2711 1 %nal financial :lets in every a no n wrtgibouse. T liener 12. E. Fortnum. :It ThogElverron. , . transaction in which he has ever Wen engaged are steeped in corrup tion, blackened with suspicion and deformed by shame. The archieves of both the State - and National Gov ernments contain enough of his shame and rebuke to make his name execrable while there is a being to bear it in his native State. - The re sult of such a public aweer has been to render Cren. Cameron completely infamotes and utterly odious in Penn sylvania. He is regarded there as at the head of a ring as villainous is that of Tammany in New-York. While he was. Secretary of war h's satellites were enriched as if by mag ic, and any one finfrillar with the hanks of the Susquehanna river, fronting Harrisburg, has seen iethe placeS which rise in that neighbor hood the results of the Cameron ring plunder while the old chief was Sec retary of War. He lives inn palace, remodelled and refurnished, pur chased by the horse and. mule con tractors and presented to him diir: log his time in the War Department, at a cost, of $75,000. His son occu pies another mansion only a few squares higher up the river, the cost of whose banquetping hall would pay for the hest farm in Daujhin county. while its proud tower frowns with haughty disdain on an unfinished monument, which the citizens of Harrisburg are too poor to complete, to the memory of those who perish ed in a struggle out of which young Cameron coined several millions of dollars." Wind. Republicans Soy of the Evan"' Ring Candidate for Gov ernor. There is a great deal of dissatisfite tion with the Republican State Tick et, viz. HARTRANFT. BY HIS CONNECTION WITH THE EV ANS SWINDLE. AND ALLEN. BECAUSE OF HIS VOTES FOR THE NINE MILLION STEAL.— Lai/muter rolkereund. We regret that as long as Auditor General Hartranft was on the stand before the Evans Investigating Com mittee HE DID NOT TELL ALL 1W KNEW concerning the affair.— Pittsburgh Gazette.. Your committee have not language sufficiently strong to express their disapprobation of so bold an outrage, or fitting terms in which to charac- Jerize THOSE IN OFFICIAI, PO SITION WHOSEEK TO PALLI ATE OR EXCUSE THE WRONG. --Hon. Jas. L. Graham. If they are not disproved I charges against Hartninftl they will be ne veetPd as true by the people. IT WILT. NOT DOT()MAKE TT AR TR AN FT OUR CANDIDATE.— PillAurgli Divalrh. They cannot hid express their dis approbation of the'-tririseness. of OF FICIA I. ROUTINE THAT PLAC ED I N TIIE HANDS OF EVANS OVER A MILLION OF DOL. OF VALUABLE ASSETS WITHOUT REQUIRING FROM HIM ANY SECURITY WHAT EV ER.—Hon. Harry While Evans collected $l/z4.1 6 / 4 :II and taint the whole. STATE OFFI CIALS KNEW THIS FACT FOR THREE YEARS BEFORE IT BE CAME PUBLIC. AND THE NE- G LEIT TO REPORT TT! F. TR AN SACTION TO THE LERrISLA TURE IS REGARDED BY I'S AS .k GROSS DERELU 'HON OF OF. FI( 'I A L )I 'T Y.—/Ant. D. N. 1111:1:‘ , 1!\1 TZFrt'rf.lCAN.h DEmwrt TII. Prc.ll(lent —llt,raro I vv. tlr“w it. sTATE TICK. FiT : rerunr- - Charlc.4 It. III: rk alnw. Sapr. - me .ladyr —J ;my++ Thom {P.m .1 rid ilf ( iene t• —W If artle ( ongrekx»ie)t ,t 1 Large -- Rieliard Vanx. Jamey 11 . flopk iris, I I endrielva B. D. Paat• r•l I !lg. rnprehlinh: rtm,‘_••• W Womtwarti. Wm Pi•fter F it rtnwnn. R. ‘. Innihertotm A. A. Pnr m , Fitt. 1 1 1.1 N..lnhn k Cam!, W m. L. c.,rt.ilt. %cm 11 Smith Allerhtmy I W m HAI r. itern4.l(l.. S C. T. Rudd. licl=MMM • S,Men Nisrvin. .!"dui S. Nllllvr :••• Frs. Fier'nA • 1 Thrum . 1 Itral.•••r I:I Das id I ,nozionhorg •! st.•l,hoo 11 Audor.o. t I .1...0w 11oXoizlit .1.11,0 t't Ilenry Woll4 4 I :eor.zo Itorr• I Ito 5I:11110 Tn I. W 1-o‘l !TIM.? Tome 1)s - or ••• Folo.ol/IP Brown !I•tu Intldoottn Itie-Irn 11 Sw,r I tt In., I? WII.?.11 1 4 1 11 14-1 1 11; . “1,0111.011 • ! 1) rir.l r-I w •!1 • •-••• W 7/../.._ //0 /.. In • i.n.e/J , ”/...,.// '.,/$ r.nlr. n - , or. T/Trsi"nit I. 1 . •.'n , .../• • Pontify WIIII •rn Ii 1),,' S Now it , lFhton 1,.t0. In!.,' .Trimvp lltorlwodor. n (Infolyir••••jr lTrnrr• I''. .k . ftf Mr Col,/ ^orb, -\T 11 11:‘ , 1 , 1.”0. Siet:mnit. It•wntwit Ihr•rf —lame+ Sc."'. Itairornlip - IT .W 4,, Now roThAlliw. no/v. RoTnort firtod It, Itriderwaler 1 Jolt. .• Now Itri.,, , torw. I 'ono., I+ I. Wil.odt, rroodon hrtr.. , odo. Wirt Mr Itrkrbtrtit 'onarre.vmen al Large—G Wlv - Wield lA4tti nil Todd. Charle,: Albrivht. 11,•legates al birge to (A.n.ve reful,oia wi liin >IT '4l.•••etlith, I'lttla•tell,lii•le J. ;,liitlt.- lon Philorlelrhln• WI)110, NI:1111Am I.lllv. CarTnn; LlPTl.ltertlinlomo4`:!4chnvl- 1 - 111 - NV II 11,,Tn II Am- I ‘rilmin • . DAN .:01111••1 1:4•11 V La wrone, (I•ra-id wtito • W 11 Amer, 1,../0.21): Jahn 11. WI 1 Ag.nlph Ilarto Pler ,, ,ro - 1 J..e.rth A V 4.10 .11i, 'I John Pa-..more '01,1,1. N Tlqvi.... 'I W.l ("nl.7ror•• t: Morrienn Co.lte.. I' , - 1, .... M''rri'l. I 11-'lry Iturmn, ;'7 ITenry 0r1.1.1r, r, Thr.ortnre \l. W" , or1.1 11 110 1 w44 114.1 1 c .1.,11n M. Bnoln.lll. I'l . I .llln M r . ThotN/nn.. F.,,,, I. 5r100..1,r. ' O l 1.,0ir Fr, 7.1' r 4 St rk V 111e , sard.r. 'I C:en , f , .• W. 4 nare.g. n F:dits - w , I IT Gr....i.. 'X !lent, Lloyd . 1,1 1' K. .1,,,,,-.4,-, . !ri .I.lln .1 Gill4 , plr. )' IXln l,O it Mliter ,r/i ..Irone,, t'arterson. 1 . .1 1 earld., 711 Nlitton. 4 "..1.41,1 W. ‘1'.114e... 11 Theodor- 'orno.r. 'r.rn (• , •r1, , , (` flnvd. TIE %v coUNTI I)elearile Co.u..dit ;owl/ oyn rent inn —,.. .7“1,,i Ptirviarup. But!or fw , nrity: I'. frarp . trd. Woqliinutnn 1•01110 v. On a 1,51.1 S. Mourn. ,v,,,ute —.T. S. Rattan. I,mb/14—Samuel .1. Cr Jon a:Tto All i.on. \Vm. S. Waldron, David Niels:Pe. .1 cer.rinfo Judar. -.M. Tetnirprlns. ~ a u-ritr—Charnberliri Whitp. f,Yq. &itecorder—JamP4 L Stoke.; Ile, I; of (our-I.—John r. Thrt. (....staißsioner—Dzniel Nnelv n;rerf \Vhitn,. .loiridors—Chast. A. loon— or. r &J. j..ut V.L_•• a ',lark iii .l HONEST READ! NOMINATIONS t. Prexidonl.--- feyry 71 1.1 , NV ,, , I V NI A I:I:PUMAU , N 1 ; SI, it rrvn, .Ttrdqe--Viv , ssieui Yr °reit r nil ,h,r• I ; e I -ibir A I len =I Fief -tors nl Lorne .1"Itn Irt Thomprno ~.xt W. I). Ni'liartnn I , ry ! „,, Mel: in nev—carpi. Mont"- '.Ti )N AI. PIV.11111T1 , 10‘1.: reeVodelti—JaMeN rttfc.l4ll. Pr.NN.YI.V k IA STATE TrIPISBA‘ct TV - A rr. nor—S. I liender•on. it or (.4n.re7/ Itarr Span7lg.r I on•l. Laln• - Ceo. K Mc Far land. A J t'lnrl ee d 11... Brn4l6.rd i!E=11111EIMII ALPS INSURANCE COMPANY OF ERIE, PA. Cash Capital $250,000 00 Asssets. Oct. 9, '7l, 311,948 29 Liabilities, -- - 5.200 00 0. NOBLE. President: J.P. VINCENT, Vice Pi. 11. W. Woons. Treasurer. . Tuns. F..Goonaien. Secretary. ' DIRECTORS: Hon. 0 Noble, Erie non. Geo. U. Dosimeter. .1 W Ilarnmond. do Meadville. Pn. non Belden Marvin, do lion .1 P Vincent, Erie Mena Dierzetl, en iletwv Itawlo , do Charles 11 - Reed, do i o T Chard:lll do UII Sonibard, do Cape .1 S Richards do WII Sterrnr. do Richard O'Brian, do II W Noble. do F 11 Gibbs, do J Kaglehort, do John It Cochran. do Jll. Nell, do M Ilartlehh. do W U Abbott, Thom': Ile. Caol D P Dobb Titusviins, lle.- do [an° Fertic. POICIer i!•11 , 11 at Cur rate. and liberal ;P.M!. Inflame avninst dnma..7o by Llvidnintr as well as Vire. Itnelte?..ter. M., Dec. 20. 1371: Jr 110 C II 'E.' Sri' nit Fire Insurance Company. TNCORPOR ATE!) by tho LeeplAni ore of Penn• P ylv ni , (Mee onc'door not of Rochrster Snviniza noch•-• , trr. Braver connty. Pe. People cr Waver roontr-rnn now llnvo their property tosored a :Ain. t Io.A or Ancoage by dre, at fair rates. In a tare awl RELIABLE. 110 31 Esr M 1 3 ,1 N ther"hy avoidinc the ezixmre, troultie art delay Incident to the artbestment at( losses by on:vat:lles located st is distance_ ZDARD Di ntnEernitp: .7. V. M'Bonnld. Grorlf.ib C. Nprvrn•r Smmnel B. WIN,,n, I rwl., .chnelder. William 'Kennedy: Gra.1.114r.. Manama 7. l 4!Donfilti R. 11. Edgar. Camp, ir., C. B. Bur Ft. David Lowry. Daniel Brenne'. I=l r.Efl. C. SPEYER Kit, PREI . T. 1. V. 3Unt - INALn. Pr' II J. SpErtnen. Tress. )3,91;1y K. KELIMII, &c. M Neel la ?wolfs . J. 11 I.; 41: CZ rs va*Lierta IN • Queensware, Glass, China, Etc. Alto, a latgc , vsortrnent of lentil Jars awl Jelly TurnMers on hand. at loweat tilturtm. Give as a can and we will pone this to your satisfac tion. 100 'federal Street, Allegmeay City Pa. atill7:3m PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE. FLEGANT hukldins. well furidehed and carpet ed thuroughout. Thorough course of study. Twenty-Three Teachers. Semi ilepartmenla. Sip.cl3l tradwr. —four In 'Music—for each of the ornamental branches. N ti e teachers of Preach and rimm. Chargeo less than any rchool &floral Li g i ( Oa lad vtuMeiges and accommodations Pull term tonuneuCes r,cle lumber Mai. Seiko to The Prk N.t,trta, Pershing, D. U. l'ltt.bu,;:li, AGENTS N'‘' A N I) JVc)is. 7'he Jersey, Alderney awl (Jurnsey .. <::O"C6AT •' ' Due 14,4 too per Agente , . II tell+ how to milk, ruipi•, I. Illalig,Lre 111111 to breed to M.. most prOiL. /'rice No:1.1 .11'y by ru !qui kg); lllwfl l ter env. carton lay.. ...W. trot% veuil for them. PIO 11 . 11.1: a. CiJA rm. ' nttgr,iut ICC 4,1* * 141 otlee. uTICE Ps hereby qtr. n 111:41 lb.' (Minoring ac • 1 a odlrlt of f..xerttturtt, Adtoluituratora, Libur- Malta, &C., nu, e beeu 41.11.) Insaarll and tiled to the ss Miss r, col 'Laser roust!). Pd.. and aid be lA. fit,-ti 10 11,, knish:she. 1 oust tor COll - :ilia 1111. W sldt; 4 : un 1,11,41414,41 a). Septem ber 4th, A P. phial account 01 .lottialt awl 11 shlshas J. 11111.441645, 11,11111111fistrJlora 01 the erinte ul 1)..1. 1,1 Strultor, clecearett. Accutiol of 1birrn11,;.,5. 1 / 1 1:.111 lir Henry Muria, chill ot Etlunrti Mu , id, der, tut Ate-0111A , of Tllssolhy 5.1.4 rot!. gussidl4lll of Frank C and Ndlis'y 11, r•sisSll l . 15505 444 41511411 , 11 4.11 41141154.111.111 r,111411, steetsuat it Ar5:44441,1 01 /11.srgaret Ponley. (nut), 1.14,1;44.4,111, and IL F tvuitt 2,1111111 rls re/o1 •Al/ifeall K. .1. Donley, dee...lbws) . Aci. calla Jacob :did Ilatitink Maio, t.ttecutura of ;be 44 111 sit .:s Maid, di ed. Arettunt of .loltu Moody. I:moat:so ul Mar;rorrt l'aci?durti r. rt.bd of rioraco mcNitatrte, Account tri .1. S. Itutau,. tinfoiltau of .)duty Jultort oil. child 011/avid dultutttou, des'il Acettut•t of thrum Stowe. liicardilln ut 11obert 1) hits... child of Jawed D. init.,. tit C It, ACC.IIII.I OCI,SrII/1 of the estate vi date. Dott.litt, de• Final isils;lssitsl ut A rcii•ttstd mod :muuel Att new. Es, k. "-•• ..! %) 1.1 •A t tlit,e, die tt, Flll4ll an', 011,1 di 11,11, I; it. Sr. (“1,11,1'11 of Perry Art...kb.. .tits 151 J tom-. Ails., I.le, ch c if Fitinl as 011151* sr , .51 Asssl It.•• *lll.l I NI jr . I,' it 4 onlassl (hut n. die sl Account of Jayne. Cututurt-thlta. littarthan of Nancy tiro;,.. , c 151 1 ,1 ol ki.sts In a d. ACCutilsl of le , . At lost A tlnohltdrator 0 W titian) PAH,. der t.. Act:mutt ••f Itr •1 -tut•-• F. st .11nrhim E mec ui o r „r th e 1 Isl Jots, 11. Vs ;as, r . dec'd ~r 1,, a, the la il ' 1 or Nls:ll'4dr. I Bart ho lens, th•s• sl. Final :It on nt ut Esinolsse iSorLshs. Adminkitn, Cris of IL, ',Lin, M.-arab l ttottmt, der tt II t-INGIIE'II.)N, fllst,r. MEE .F. A lin kik.i.n t•. A. U. G. S. LIA KK ER & Co, A. tr lovhhoh, ftL G. N. U tU I Elt A. CO W , Beur.r Xulla , ltr l; N .10.; t Don sere In Excnnt..;e, Coin, Coopm.o, 4.tc, 4.lre. mett..l.. nt it nil an. osible point. In the ' otte,l 31J , : Ac. - ollnlt. of Mer,b• Mao. Mali.i.:l , ll‘l , re. Atiti Individuate, emicirect luter,..“ h on rime depoonMe.- Correoyom .14 nt. V. 11l recolve prompt att.:M.om kik-V.:it:ly The Best. for All Purposes Nt.•re 111 , /re durable, mid runs liv.liter than :inv .N1..-Lino to the itinrkg I • u:isily 4.lv:tiled :Ina kept in crder 1e.1.1,11A 11 . 1• 7 1 , much throatl a.r4 any laher I, , t(at Fait'ii alike heilt -eit I"tbottlar. auvt.ati Froin Ilr-A the. - ESTIC " has ivcr,•s , ts: nl poplllstr,ly, until t(1- ClaV, nc I 'iv .pitll , .ll ..1 nll t xpericueecl St - wlli4 711.1 , 1111 w intl. It -I:mas hia-th LT Nn[V A LEE') It is lunch la,:er titan 'my miler Mut. iitroot . ,ri• Fest:Med to tlw 1 , 11 bil e. w jel l I_lll 114.'4'1'11 irtllll it. 1:-.4-reits t•t1 sal,' List % t•.ll' Al' liir prreetlinz. OVER FIVE HUNDRED PER (TNT. No Maclittir ir,iistitg its sales and Raining, phlOo• f.tvt.r I:111'011y as the MO C:I9ItGLM' DTI c. II! 1)4 r DUPE± LORI =X' WM. ItOItERTIMN. Agent. Bi•av4-r F ;Intl Inconorated by Act of Legislature. CAPITAL. - - $lOO,OOO PRIVILEGE, fkpo•llors ~ ,,u r, t l by R,al Estatelhrestritents exclutirely. Six. Per Cent. interest Paid to Depositors on tl Comimun , ding Principl . Or Attention Is directed to the provir latig for withdraning Motley. &Dot h-rt. It can he done in small amonnts, ‘vrruour I Omit FROM THE DEPOSITOR. All communications will receive prompt reply. J.l TIES T. BRA DV, Presiders/ DAVID CAMPSIML, Treasurtr. (myS;Gm . 41:ise . ellarecrus. Attractive Stock! JOSEPH M. Mc Quitty'o4 I_,utiding, 3d Fancy Dry Goods : The Late it Novehies in FANCY DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS, JAPANESE PLAIDS. • JAPANESE LINEN. FANCY POPLI NS, BLACK SILKS, TRIMMINf SILKS AND SATINS, DOLLY VARDEN PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, P. K's. and Light PAncy &RAWLS & SCARFS; NEW SPRING •N PW, WRITE SKIRTS; LADIES' NIUSLIN UNDERWEAR, DOLLY VARDENSKIRTis& Bustles. WE SHALL, LADIES SUMMER SUITS IN WHITE EN, CROQUET, and other New Mater A SOS eg May 1 ;Gui R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES TUE wousT PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR alter mal MIR this advertisement need any one S WITH PAIN. RADWAY'S EADY RELIEF Li A CUItE FOR EVERY FAIN. It was the first And Is The Only Pain ItomoaY that Instantly stops the most excruciating paint, okays Inflammations, and cures Congestion*, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Dowels, or other glands or organs, by one &polka!" IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES. No matter how violent pr ClCTllaging the pan the RHEUMATIC, lied-ridden, Winn, Crippled, !Ver a u". NeurAllttr• or PrOgrated with thicase may suffer, RADWAY'S .-READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. - INFLAMMATION OF TUE KIDNEYS. ' INFLAMWATION OF TILE BLADDER. INFLAILNUTION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. BODE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREAT H ING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, (maul.. DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, VIOTTI AC UE. NEURALGIARHEUMATISM.COLD CHILLS. AGUE. CHILLS. The appliestlon of the Ready Ltellef to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty exists will alual ease and comfort. Twenty drops In half a tombler of water will In a few moments care CRAMPS, hPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, UEARTHUILN, SICK ILEA ACHE DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND 1:4 TH E BOWELS, and all INTERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always wry a bottle of Itside aray'riliteady Relief with them. A few drupe In water w prevent sickness or pains from change of warm, It Is better thaa French Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for arty cents. 'There 1r not a remedial agent ICI this world that will cure Fever and Acne, and all other Malarions, Bilious. bcariet,Typtiold, Yellow, and other Fermi (aided hy RADWAYTI PILUD an quick as RADWArS READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. bold by Druggists. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! NO AND Pt' ren BLOOD—AN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAr SKIN AND DEAUTIFUL COUPLEXION bL. CULLED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT AS MADE TIIE MOST ASTONISHING CUdILES • SO 911ICK, SO RAPID ARE TIIE CHANGE:4 TIM BODY UNDERGO EN. trNDER THE IN FLUENCEINE.TIIAT OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDIC Every Day an Increase In Flesh and-Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD FIIRTFIER. Evers drop of the SAREAPARILLIAN RE. SOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other dulls and Juices of the smecm the vigor of life, fur it repairs tile wastes of the body with now and sound material. Scroful:‘ Syphilis, Con sumption. Glandular th=ecae, Vice's In the Throat, Mouth, Tumors, Tales In the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumous Discharges front the Ears, end the worst tarsus of Slaw- diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores. scald Hem!. Ring Worm, Sett Rbeelol4 Erystpelaa, Acne, black Spots, 'Worum In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, tind all wastes of the life principle, ore within the curative range of this wonder of Mod ern Chemistry, and a few dove use will prove to unv pemn whit it for either of thew forum of Its potent power to cure them. Not only does the Saassrardmdai RrsoLcrwr enrol all known remedial agents in the cure or '1,,•-•e, Scrofulous, Constautional, and akin tileem.“ ; but It Is tlm only positive cure for Kidney 411; Bladder Complaints, oaary, and Won't, 111.111 e., /:rav e, Stoppage of %a te , Incontinence of Urine, Is r ieW s Discane, AlbuminurLl, and In all cases whet., there now brlekdust deposits, or the wathr Is thick, cloudy, WWI with substances like the white of en egg, nr threads like white silk, or there a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust and when there is s pricking. burning Fen.- We when pawing water, nud pain In the Small of the Back sod alonkthe Price, 11-ea. WORMS.—The only known and cure nemoly for Wornts—Pin. nye, etc. Tumor or 12 Years , Growth Cured by Radvray's Resolvent. Ilawitartnr, )lane_. July IIV, D. 11,,nw s r —I 6,..• b a d 111-aria. Tesenue le the pearl. and bowels. All lb. I s.rtors said " there was 110 hells for IL' I tried every dung that en. reeavomesulvd , bat nt.thia_ balm! sue. I ire. your Itesoleast, sad thnuvld I would try It, but had en faith Ist It, beousee I bad suffered for tesels• Yaw, I look bottle. tb• Icrwl seat, 2tol ono box of kad•ray's oubt two bottles of ) our Ilen,I) Retie(; and thzr• to not ...¢n ..1 to to toseen or felt. and I fad better, =tarter. and Lapptor (ban I ba..• for turel•• yearr. Th• worst tarnns seas in due lett Rule of tha 1.1. oeer the realm. I welt* 1.1.4 to you for lb. lleuefd of othon. You can pablitls II If you donna. HANNAH I'. KNAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, clegasstlycoated frith meet rim, fiaLT•.,!.,,ellilr•,,,,PllrlfY. cannot.. xrvagthen. ib r or ' sf. b e ll i .Llne of ys, 41 l Pl , Ler7ll.;fect, h u e Stomach. Liveq s Diseases, 11.dsche Constipation. Osstiveneu, Indigestion, Dyspe,otia., Diliononess, Bliinu. Freer, Inflammation of the Morels, Piles, and ell Derange ments of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect e positive cure. Purely Vegetable. containing no mer aurT I 0 rvetVe tet fnilo u s 7 l d ll.7 g s7 ,: F s mPtmlis resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, brimmed Plitt, Yonne,. of the Mood in the Acidity of the Stomach, Nantes. newel/sun, Dinged of Food, Fullness or Weight le the Stomach, Sour Eructs. boas, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swim. wing of the Hood, Hurried and Difficult liniathing, Flatter log at the hoot, Choking tw Suffocating Sensations skins in tLying Penton, Moores of Vhdon, Pots or Web* Wore he Si ght, Fever and Pbo le the Held. Defklency of Rei t eration, Yellowness of the Olio end Eyes, Pain to the Side, Meat, Labs, exid Fliwhea of (loot, Darning le the nitwit. la for doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the systrsa from all the above-mimed (Norden. Price. as cents pet boa. SOLD 13Y DRUGGISTS. ag&D - FALSE AND TltrE'' Send one letter stamp to LtADWAY & CO.. No. 87 Malden Lane, llieur- York. Information worth thousands frill be .13t you. A Word to _Yon, Friend!! FOR 1',04 )11 1.111,11.>; cf -1•4;.\1:-: F4)1: 4.41111) I'Lili I: rot: ii.),11) e the Hill. F iZ IN 41 (; t) ()I) Grocery and. Provision Line, %NI) A I' PINcEs THAT ('AN'T BE LIE kT B V nit F.T.AENVIFERV. SNITGA , AZ 3<! Street, 1:1; AVER, P.A. ).‘lllll - : ii James H. Rmikifi, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, I'UTTLERY, PLATED WARE, WOO DEN AND WILLOW WARE, Jnpanneve and Plain Fini Ware, WITII ETERYIIIINO NECESSARY YOU $500,000 HOI 7 SEKEEPERS. Call aryl see our stock and learn our prices. No. Gth At, (Late M. Clair St.) PITTSBURGH, PAL Devi 1 V 'ENSTATE;or Ito BERT K. Fastarems,dseeabed.— .124 i 1 i erem., Letter s testaments:y . oa the carats of Hawn K. Ferguson, late orthobarogra ° f Bea ver Fails, in the ;minor of Beaver Mt State of Pennsylvania, deed., have been granted to the subscriber. all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims or demands agaWst the estate of the said decedent will make known the same without delay, to ANNETTA A. FERGUSON, &liver Fails Aug. 7, mt. I Administrable. angitaw• MIMI " We Studiously av till. 121) 1.0);; (;•H4)I) TI AS F4)1; 4:I)4 il SPIOES I;(wi) VEED, 1 ., 1 1: (.1 1 111) (111A1t:i I N TIII I,t) 11) DEIA I. KI I IN MisceltanotniA. New Spring Goods! CREERY tt Co's Street,nciaver, Pa. oid Inferior Goods." New =Eatery Goods: And NEW STRAW GOODS, Dolly Vorden HATS & BONNETS, Trimmed HATS & BONNETS. Untrimmed HATS & BONNETS; RIBBONS. nil widths& colors; FLO WERS,aII the new:shades: Railing, Puffing, Tucking, it, Embroidery, TOURIST PARASOLS; SUN UMBRELLAS, GLOVES and NOTIONS, CARPETS, CURTINS, OIL CLOTHS, BAZAR-CUT PAPER PATTERNS. ALSO AIM CAMBRIC, White LINEN, BUFF LIN ills that may appear during the Season BERy ' 4 ,, coils, EATABLISULD IN igN. The Large 4 and Best Stock of F TT Pi N" I T TT 8., M West of the Mountains. Of our own Manufactun3, will ho found at the Manuaoth Furniture E4tablishment tof C. ICi. HAMMER, & The newest and moat approved etyles of Fine and Medium Furniture. In Larger variety than any other house, at very reasonable ornate Persons furnishing houses would do well to write for our new circular, or when in Pittsburgh we respect fully solicit a visit to our wareroom4. Don't for get the place, rz 46,48, & 50. Seventh, Av., Plt buh. We challenge the world in prices to he same quality of material and workmanship o goods. .(Cut this out )sug7;lim. .. _ SHARP & HOFFMAN, ROCHESTER, PENN'A., 1)1, - .7.A.I...V.111-4 IN GROCERIES & P ROVISIOIstS, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE. STONEIVARE, IVOODENIVA RA artlw a.re WINDOW-GLASS, NAILS,CI7TLERY; W II IPS, LA 11 OTIO NS, SA LT,FISII, FLOUR, GRAIN, - Feed; Oil - Meal, Lard Oil, SHOT, CAPS, LEAD, FUSE, Rifle and. Blasting Powder, (Minks:lle rind Itonii;) Chimney-Tops and Drainagr Pipes; WHITE LEADS LINSEED OIL; Dryer, Turpentine, ( - blocs dry & in Oil; PAINT I:HU:A.IEs OP ALL K;NDS. WE IL\VE I'lH•' Averill Chemical Paint rrady f. r PURE WHITE, .tl.l. ANI) SUADES, IVarrrnaled (lentline, and for sale ill ai.y quantity—by the quart, In tin canq; br le gallon ai lin buckets, ‘ll- by Li% v gallon THE AVERILL PAINT Ilax Iv n unboulutt,l sllisracliun f o r many year.. in all set Lion.' of the country. aud lln9 becii in mo• in tbis vicinity about five years, proving its,ll't.t bc, eSpeCiAlly, the color.' an.l xha.iex, aimolutelv The Best Cheapest ! Paint ti.r.v in u,442. .1 .4-4 41..t..1t tit before drying, :Ind .try it 11W+ a hard glassy Kurfact,; lt ill II , )i eriwk ( , t• pct.) ie. \v., will pt icy list :tun testinninials t.. nny ikg t. r ilic All heavy 11, livery,: l'ryy 0/ 1 gt . an 10elit-der :Intl v:r•inity. SIIARP h 111,)FFNIAN, marii:effit I LOOK HERE: PRES G ANDS UM 'ME R GOODS. - . rho 0 unduridgi-ed hare to intorm hla Irietnia and the public generally that he haw ja.t received a nary rtock oi g 114 of the latent lot Spring and Summer wear ,which he otters at very moderat rattm. (I ENTLEM I" LT 1:2V18111 (100DS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND (91)thing illadC to Order oU Itte.rhortera nottes Thankful to the public for past lissom, I hope by close Attention to business to merit a catitit:u num! of the same. DANIEL NTT LEER, UH!/ibX 57.. 111111,1;KWATER, PA 'liar 3f•lf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I OFE R F for ~ale the following valuable prop ' erty, A• ademy lots No. hl and Ga, containing about :Si acres, I ring on the public road leading from beaver to Vanport. ALSO —Academy lot No. i 9. lying on the Ohio river, adjoining land of Patrick Mulvannon on the west, containing -bout at: acnii, these lots are all vowed down in gravy and in good condition; the lot, arc enclosed with good board fences, any person wishing to purchase will please call on me at my online, whereVcessary information ill he given. I. W. HAMILTON. aprttf. cir. - n 1-,-. ; A •- I ... CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON LADIES' SUITS Dress Goods, A. W. ERWIN & CO. 172 & 174 Federal st. ALLEGHENY C, IT Y. :~ - y~ L•ulies Suits fro))) $ . 2 to $lO.OO llernan is, from 10 to .50 Grenadines, from 12,4 t Heal Wash P0p1in5,...12 1 4 to 2O Suiting s, from. .. 12% to 2 30 DIFFERENT STYLES DRESS GOODS. Most Remarkable Bargains. HOUSE FURNISHING HOODS, MEN and BOYS' WEilt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. n0v.49-17. Miscettat►eous. BANKING HOUSE James T. Brady t i Co., CIOR. FOURTH AVE. tit WOOD ST, Government Seeniities, Gold, Silver: ON LIBERAL TERMS, Arid do a General flanking BEIPI o DCM We allow SIX. PER OENT. INTEREST u DEPOSITS, subject to check without notice. L1Y30.Y.1 JAM[: T. BRADY dc CO. laciatiertryr. HOSIERY, t materials manufactured in the United Stales. Gold Alid ill vet tilling performed In A style that defies compe tition Satisfaction guaranteed In all operations, ofthe money returned. Give him a trial. feb2:lt • ,;14; GEORGE W. BIGGS FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY - Optical and Fancy Goods, ttc PITTSB URG PA. PINE WATCH REPAIRING BEAVER, PA Pease Cut this advertisement out and R with you. iel4lv _ _ VA. I Ar.SVI`ON Foundry it Repair Shop Having been Engaged to the Foundry Bastin....a mme than thirty years,—durtng which time I gave accumulated a varlet) , of useful pattern., he, irides canstrurtlng models and taking out patents for improvements on COOKING - STOVES 4i-and after havtna thoroughly tented the,e Im provements, I feel warranted In offering them to trlte nubile. iiruc tatEAT WESTERN ha,. no Su perlor for thin Locality. Pow,. of I)llerebt irvz ro.kina 7 The Great Republic Cookie! Stove Ii I. the be-t lit rota of eny Stttve cso-r I flf,r.-.1111 LESS 1:m01 To Du I')1;1:. \101:K, BEST BAKER, Nit,syr I • 1“, I 1. , 11 a 1: h III: it.irc g-t t.Clllllil'i link' room, no :uhlitionai Ittel, and not liable to wear out, dispeu 'Res with all pipe. van b.• put, on of taken off ,Lt any t Ina!, and made to suit all stores : - .44 and• rite or patb•rn. iva• I undyed PAsrsons 1:,)1(”4 nl tvl4l),:t• names liavt• 141 II ivirs, are clinfilontiv ri•t, rrcl t“ tit ;If Vt lif 114 -111 , v ritlr mt•rits , llnvity! flow fir.t Cat-- to) natal of . tila/at [Meet' bor... I.lWirr yap:way, they :ire :to the faultily at rya,onattly rater RHIN 1lt , )1{,;11.:A t..,r2P-t( I N„. (; I \\ 7 )( )1 ) I tl-11.:1' WIIEsTER. l'A OM ALSO, AND I.'itttgburgb, %YE BUY AND BELL AND COUPONS Black and Gold Front, No. 159 SIIITIIIMELD ST. Four doors above Sixth Ave. STOVES:. IRMIM I"1' TAKES LESS FUEI 1 LT0(; ETHER r 1: y. r t) v 1N USE 111 , a I'Yti nt I.:ti'VEINSION ICOl', vi. pltrelia , 4l tn , l n ttl the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE., IIN:I cr, , ,klllV st "re SITURITV TRIST ur,,rp"),,t,d by Ibe int of l'avioC3 1"11"1'?-4111:1{4:11, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - $1,000,000. C A !CIE IL PIE At amyl' t. IBM i'l../ 10/ ST 1,11: )1{!.4 .IA MES DRAM. 110 N. It. Mt 1:N14:11T It L. FAUN r.Si) K, :DARNLEY HOWARD DANIEL El W ER, DLANCIIARD„ WM.WILL.`4. ir S. FETTERMAN, HEW sINt:ERLY. LIEN FEL. DAVID (iltE6(;. iJ V. ItIcW'MALI). IN (.o% EitNmENT isi)\ Ds ~ dl4 inII rlill.il%r l "11 IIIEC1"n) I)lvi9ettd, 1c.r01!,•4 . 1,t1 ithout rhnr:ft ALL CLASSI>) :;F:cuurriEs Pavia and Sold on ( b7II//1 kliOil rr zu:,-yr .lona Seorr. \ lee Presl., Vs Charleston. It. R. W.u. COLEMAN, Coleman, Raton Co litatinefoke Iron and S. eel Works 11. 1.. 1101.IJI •N. I ettleut Sferchants 011,1 Man u- Inctureno NEL:Ions! Ltank (km. N GE. 11, Preoolrot Second Nat imiA I Mai,k. M. KIRK rAlftleii.. Jud,n of tto , Di.tric Court. lloNt JOHN E PtP.Ktt, Parke co. • ' P. 11. ;task kr, II F .10NM., Jon., 1,,01211111tpn, In.o Wttrk-. Stsmit:ltt.T, State Printer. P. Fula). Sum' Work. , k. M I ittavia.c. M I;orinly Co. 110. N. Jua r.i.tt WALTON, Coal Metellats!. WM ti JoII2 , .STON, Wm. Johootoll .1 .1 1•11.1.1isPIE, .1 Co. C 11. PACL.r.o.N, Wholemale Dealer tit lilts. Caw. mai Fur, Mcl)ta‘ ALI, Coal Merchant. N. P. Fvit.•rm:an. M Z7Anl, c riai till raid,. eft re, 'IP in r ' . ..ring In lino' ..eurifiee. for Tragler,v. Admit* or! ra!orh, Guardians and lodartd egg( A, MIME= mer4.lY ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. I=l cico. c. nrcir lilt En. n. J. .4,1•IBIC !Mut., t as' r SPETEItEIt dic 31cDONAILID Deals in exchange, Coln, Government Securi• tier. mike collection on nil acreferf hie point.. In the States and Canada. receiver moiler on deporit rubject to check, and receiver time depos• Its from one dollar and upward. nd allows inter eto at 3 per rent. By-lawn awl' rllieS :untirlied (me by applyieu at the hank. [tank open daily from 9. a. ra., till 4. p. m,. and on Saturday even. Inge from 6to • o'clock. We refer by permisriot • L. U. OATNAN .t CO, lioN J 'I ILITAN, ALozo, Scorr tt Co., Ono KS COOPEU, S. J. CROAA Jr, Co , Ww. KENN EDT, SNIZDER ot, WACKA, JOHN SUARP. B. S. HAlliCkt, BM111E! A. C. 11(MST, S. B. WILSON. tiorl6ll-Iy-chd .leV TRA DEAKEN . N NATIONAL BANK, frittt.burgh 1` ECLTOR"S NOTICE—EPtite of George Mohr, lieceaped. —Letters testamentary on the- - estate of George Mohr, deceased,-late of the bow. of Freedom, in the county of Braver, and State of Pennsylvania, having beengranted to the snbserl. her, residing In New Sewickley township, in said county, all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent are hereby siequ , sted to make known the same to the under signed without delay. JOHN MENGEL. • July3L`72.6t. Executor. • FrilE property In Ibis borough built for the Par• 1 @Linage or the Presbyterian Church. House contains six rooms, wide hall. flue cupboards. closets, &c. Lot 1201150, planted in fruit, gm es. berries, flowers. Ac. Location exceedingly tine. beh.•r on corner of Second 'trek and Dank alley near the Academy and overlooking the river and neighboring towns. For. sale low ao4 on easy terms. Apply on the premises, or to J. IL idcCREERY. Esq.. augl4-tf.J Beaver, Pa. Chas. r. ilurst's INSURANCE General Agency,Office, ROQHESTEIt, PENNA. Notary Public and Conveyancer; FIRE, LIFE, and ACUIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal toms. Real Estate bought anti sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles. &e., written ; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &c, &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. Dr. J. Plug+. -tay,ofßrldge ter, is deter ined that no !nttat In the Ito 'shall do irk better or leaner then °tree, It to patrons.— use/ the 2ETNA FIRE INS. Co., 01 Ilartiord, Conn., Cash assetts ..... " Itp their fruits ye know them." Lows paid to Jan. 1, 0171— .5 . 2.8,000,000 One of the oldest and tvcalthiest Compa nies in the NIAGARA Insurance Co., Cush tussetts, ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Of Cincinnati, Oh io. Cash aSSCW4, ENTERPRISE INS. CO G , Of Philadelphia. Cash :u4set b.' ver.. $600,000 LANCASTER Eire lax. Co. C:191/ ALPS INSURANCE CO., Girth HOME LIFE INS. CO, 11l New Y.)ri: Cnsh assets Travelers' Life &, Areideut Insurance Co., 4)f Ilurtfurd, Own. Cash et SI,!;00,000. Itepreasenting . the above ttrst rhos lusurance Companies, acknow ledizeti to be amonzst the best and most reliable in the IA odd, and representing n ;truss cash capital of nearly *16,000.011.00, I ant en abled to take insnrauce to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended tu, and Policies written 's ithout gklay. and zit fair rates and liberal terms. Lose,' liberally adjusted awl promptly did. INSURE By one dals delay you may' lose the savings Or years. Delays are dan,, ,, erous, and life uncertain; therefore. Insure to day' - U ne. WOrGI two to-morroas. quality, also. Is of the utmost important . •. The low priced, worthless article, always proves the dearest. The abuse companies are knot. nto be amorntst Inc hest and wealthiest in the world.— As )e t.ow that shall you reap. Grateful for the very liberal pat:ouage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict attention to a legit imate bfisinesa—not only to merit a contiticrence of the same. hut a large increase the present year. Mr. STEPHEN A. CRAIG Is duly authorized to Mice applications for insurance and ree.,ive the premium for the same In adjoining townships. CiIAS. C. 111:10iT. Near Depot. Iftc•hester. Pa. W I I_, LIA M MILLER., J ACOII TRA X, MILLER & TRAX, Dressed Lumber, SASH, IMORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING, I.I,(m)RING. ()uEI)!NG , ;, &c• scroll P•in‘ving and 'running DONE' Tf) ORDER, ORDEIN By M. 111.. It'EsPECTFULLY s()LierrED, AND Pitomyris ATTENDED Tu. Opparile the Pailroad ,Val ROCHESTER, PENN'A. :Cyril 19 . 71; 13' WNOTE. is :tliclit,llllll4(24 Spare. Bell1L! engaged in making• uff a large rtock of Spring Clothing. they informed me :hat they had no time to attend to their advertimng.- I).-\ I) (ire : =I J. B. SNEAD =BM SAW AND PLANING MILL 11 a vityg the latest im proveAl ti aeltinery -T-i (:).Ft,IIV ar. SIDING, LATH, &C. &C., and Is now prepared to attend t the building and repairing of Steamboats, Barges Flats &c _&c •, Keeping constantly on hand a superior quality of Lumber. The pat ronugeof the public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. [aug2-ly D. WI KMIltrT Bridgewater Marble Worlo. 71 BALERS In Italian end Amoilcan Mailde. All LY kinds of Marble Moncanantol Work done with neatness and dispatch. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.. Market Street, Bridgewater, Pa, .13,24-Iy. 31b3iellaneous. AND NEAR THE DEPOT Of New York ....-.51,500,000 Of LancaNter, I'a Eru•, I 1 una PLANING MILL. Manufacturers and Dealers in m om. ga, 161 La b.... i .3 5 Lai F c ' to °3 1 41 is) 1102 note inc operation 0 new IN FREEDOM, PA., for he manufacture of 1101140 WAYS 41 0 aim ( 1 2 x ft , - • --- e 4 41 4 4 1 0 031*. EVERYMAN HIS OWNPHYSICIAtt CAUTION • THE Immense demand for 1101.1.4 - )W Ay , PILLS and 0) NTM ENT, haA • pmptpd ~,p , cipled parties to Counterfeit there value'', u. ,., 1 , ekes. In order leproteet the public and ner.ei 5, , or have leened et new -Trade Mark. - corno.ro nt: „ i Egyptian circle of a serpent; with the letter II n. the centre. Every box of genuine iIipLOINA T PILLP and OINTMENT will have this trace m , k. It; none are genuine wtthout it. N. Y. Ctrextr AL Co., Sete Prttrietot,, nt r11"721y, _ 1 Malden Lane, New rork $6,000,000 Thlt tut illustrat.:, L.O manor of .. Using i L , rtFt :.--" . I t:.,Ft. C 'S 1 - Fountain Nasal Injector • 1 ..„,, DOUCHE J-. -- , - . :, ~ ~..,,, , 1 $1,500,000 Th ect applicAt •—••_. • I DR. 13A06'8 CATARRH REARED'''. It the only form of „ with which llutd medicine t ,„ and perfectly apple,' to nu pa, .l• , par•razee, and the chamber. ur r a, .; , in' therewith, in I' •••eri •••,,„•• t • • exist, and (tutu a 1.1, II I o e , „.. rally proceed-. The a ant of PI, r Catarrh hereLOICIFYI 11110 1.1-4•11 ti,•ri• • 1.• 1 eibility of apply iii 1,•;11•111. I 'l' • . chambers 1/y 1111 V .•( the i•rrilita, hoot.. obstacle in the any td Va. 11111;: 4 • uveri'ome by the )..Ir,ll ttl I 1.4. 114.1 I h.. • this instrunwilt. the Fluid is carrh.o b) its gem •.. • (no snuffing. forcing or punipeki being ger,Lare, noAtra in a full ,teoil, thtu hr.! ••• tetou • -vorticl of the ha-al par 11• 0120.11 Y cleas.e.e. a:I ate i oh, • 3111 i ....1 , 11 1 ..‘ • . therewith. and flows out of theopposite reel, IV4 pleasant, and 1.11 -1.144 , 1 ',lt it t 1. Ft..11/(1 It. Full awl el pi it It dirt . • o accompany each itu-truinent. VSt.tui I,• • wit,trumetit, , t .1111 11,. , •• • • attack... , of ...Cold hi the 11:t•titi ” • applications Nymplums of Cltarrh. I••• . • • ache, taocharge lalturl nno • Itro.“ t. • him!, watery, thick to ti.. {tut,. I • • I In WIWI'S a 11... ,1 -1 • l% • ;C : ini l" rn " : . a l4 r cleat nr.,at • - • • • altered tra.al 11l 311 Z. i• i • , • total tteprivattuu of res.., to -ii•• mental deprerth•••• h•-- • ' • t 100, enlar^ell tuii,tl. tekiitt.: • t•th • few of thet.e. ,yrnyton., .110 , 1.1., I? It.•• any ea'ie at uric I tn., Dr. %age's Catarrh Ite I , WWI Dr. Pierre's 11awaI Iron. h compahied h tin 111.• ..11.1./10...,:tr t to Is 1,C.,111M011111..t .11 II .• . I 11, . )114/114.1 or hie ifemedi it p• • km, di-. a 1111,1 p, L. I . •• 1. • • r. st a rat i.. 1 1,, The ft lit pi - it-lit.l !Gill 'it. 1 . -a , :.t,t • i i htut rie ho • all Dr 11 !!1:1.• •t. a t tidier Wilt I.e I,l', prit•lor Litt I Lit r . ..1 1 .0 ..•..l- $•A0,000 $250,W0 $3,500,000 Jan 17 1 y Hair Vigor For restoring to Gray Hail• it natural Vitality and Color. color, r ' us:: a net f,Y.ch rrss of youth_ F hair is tlnclioned, falling hair rh and baldness often. though not enrol by its use. Nothing edn the hair where the follicb 7 : ar , stroyed, or the glands atrOploe decayed; but such as ..rt• 111.L.11 saved by this application, ;;; ,,1 late,l into activity, so tiro .1 growth of hair is productl. of fouling the hair with a it Will keep it clown .111.1 \ • Its OCCa;1011a1 use will previ-n• • from turning gray or consekinehtly prevtmt 1).1611 . . restor.ttiori of vitality it scalp arrests and prevents Ili, .rt [ion of dandruff, which is oi:co cleanly awl offensive. Free from deloterloll,4 wilistances which m. -once prepar.ttiuus dangerous and in rious to the hair. the can o benefit but not harm it. If \\ nierelv for a II AIR I)RE'S.SI'. nothingl44o c.in be founil neither oil nor tice. not soil NN hitt . Calllbrir. 16.11 g hair, giving it a r . O I. .‘' , a.: , 1 a g,rat&•ful perfutut. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & C Practical and it..., LOWELL, MASS. Sarsapariii 1 . -41 ". e ;,.,. IIIII.• 111 I'. tr . 11/ 11 1,,.. 1•N 11 . ~.`. V.I• 111 - 1:1_ %.,•,,, 4O . It'll .1 . 111 1 tilt• 1. , ).• N ct • . '''' : :.- `77.1.. .?/. „,,,, ..,..\4 ' ,r - ,,r ,lig, 11. .1 .• ; : •‘ - „ .,„ • • 11 yl al•I, 'I . , ... •;;I' . -••••• , I.tIIII , • I . vo”' 1 ~ t., ~,, . ntriu it ‘it•ttie-, and stl-I;d:;,,i natkti li' t :t. t i.ll to eltil,lrt n. atel lo etieetualiv pure tu t : tl -uittion, of the Wool. 11 - - Intl syphilitic eniltat‘nin:::n n )r di,e,ves..that halt. lir-Led .1 rur ve.tr- soon tit Id to ILI- • lute, antWisappear. •tires, litany of whit li are if Scrofula, and all • ~ f Ulcers, Eruptions, • ' - tillers of the skin. Thittio - -.. I; lo Boils, l'iltiples, l'itst n les. Anil y's Fire, Ito:. or I r .. • las. 'fetter, Stilt ltlietini. Ititu.rworiii. and t'• , - ...eratiouis of the Uterus.. ttitl Liver. It tlaintc to ‘‘lticli it would elk Inlapted. , ucli 111-nre-,.P.,% - 1 the, Fits, Netiralgill, Heart Inst . Female Weakness. I /enili• Letteorrlicea, when tltet :lit‘ tt. ions of the scrofulous poi •a- It is all excellentlnto', I -t orent , .nit in the Its "' 4 1.1X . tite and error of ibt• it .li ,, ipate' , the &pre-sht And ktt . ; , otorof the season. Even sprears, people,fevijwtter. 311 , 1 l'ot• For eleansin:z the liltxml. The in with nonewed vigor and a sett life. jaul772- ly Pr. ErAl En Y Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Ma A. V. W ooDurrr Practical and Analytical Chew.. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYW .pct 7.19 VOlt RALE—A first-rate Cow, Ave yr• 1' Apply at TUB MUMS CAM Medicinal. it. •. PlEtter, r) orri Ayer's . .. 1 health effcc!ll:d prrt•rci; hair. it ; ur '1 r'/ to Ayers . I'\l'l INEIMENI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers