e Beaver Argus. 111 r, ra., August 2lst, 1872 _ tdat 1013 VIZ Hundred. :41104 of Advertising. tVir. Sm. I Gm. t 2 0 0 1 P 00 115 00 r 00410 00 50 500 100 /0 (X) 15 (X 1 to 5- 0 0, b 11 00 1900 Isoo to 6 0 8 - 00 1Q: - 15 00 21 00 . 8(0 11 00 25 .2o 00 Is 00 11 tkl, 15 00 20 00 3900 to 00 24 Ow 30 00 tS 00 GO 00 100 00 t, r and Executors' Notlms. —UM per Une, ten cents. tt..ittp to be rande getxrterly, except t adrertlegtuaenta, which most be paid JOB WORK lit ,•opie-A or /rims. t. copicr or less ... 25 copies or lese or less 1111. 1:41. 25 topics or 1e55.......... 500 topics Or less or less S Of) copies o 7 112, 1 r 4.. . lk) ~ 1 11 11,r , 15 00 . .............. .2 00 1111. olle quire ...... ...... 2 .•iil tquire 1 00 a m t . 1 11.11 1 1 t. rntep. • .1 . 1 B TABLE. Ind t Pittsburgh R. it.—Tratas • itov.t.r Station ad followd: Dior to. Mail. 2.47 p in ,Evening Fart Ivave beaver Station a 4 fol it, a to ; Accommodation and Ez •ugh 1., Be laid) 5.45 p. in. ttention of the public is directed 'ultowing New Advertisements ppetx for the first time iu the • —Dr Keyser - - - ... • .-•::: .1; Wlttlsh • •.•-1.:•1 ::f Pr,miurur tt• A .1. Sitellt-ttburit . tn. 1::T •-•- • • -1' %, Winter .cr Ott 1:11%.1t1 - 1 atstexltt:lllartro:z 11 , rt - T i'sylotr - • 1) 11. A. NI: : •,••••• I. I'hoittipsol2 ‘.1,1...r• t. Kberhart. .lace,, pl/b/ie Nelloolti will open I and winter soaions on Mon ,t. Pith prox. 1 I ;tr....tam in Clothing, go to ump-,leeting ,till pro w Racvoon tp., this iiounty. niiance i, much larger than on u. occasion. There are sonie more tents pitched en :1 I this season than there were the d.tity attendance has been c il :ini•nted; all of which proves If v and the ex errise!: attractive. ~,iand much good has been ac r•,l through the blessing of di- Acnce-and the preaching of the From and after this date first or September next, the will meet on Sat 'each week only. aprlUtf E yott Ira ye not been at IL s new quire ; you bad better q/4- , it. corner of 1,0,k and undred Thousand of GI ri•n . • A vtf II •kt er has in thi4 State in three iiiontlis. ask you t, I ut , tlie(lrtigstores kndriess.rii, Beaver, S Hannen, r, or Gil/111111d N. I:err, New Pa.;,and get a bottle re,• o f r a regular size at seventyrtiv;+ rv.llottle warranted to - cure I yr Li,.•r c.mplaint, Sink . Ilearthurn, \Va s st,ottach, In litertion, e.r deran , 1 5t...m4,11 and :et man Syrup • 11,,‘ I itailroad • • • r IViii • ':r. I I Vl zi- tiro, 'lll4 n the hi)! nod forr% . the Lome , " v - t""t'l Prt"" roqc hin , bec"itne Pl' ,• • roNs the r•til tho :••,•••tntrill..v 1% inch 1.,•11 , ,,, it, and in- Mr Itt l aged a-6,ut r- Mr Itced and ,il4 - htly injured for a large lot of new Goods s. • 11, real Inc4licine e% er gain + i popularity' which rastoria me person relates their_ ex- I its yllects to another. preparation, perfectly .-as.int h. take does not at-- but ea syNtein, operkte when at other • e failed. Any person who .s.-I '4 ,, toria lot Stontaeli Ache. i'r.up,Ftattilenvy. NV,,rm4, :er.unzed 1.1% el, v.lll never t.1 , 1.11.1t1Z ,) 11, Bitter Pills or rops. The l'astoria eontains I inerals, Niorplunt. nor Aleohol, quietulgetreet it prod:- O sleep, and is ',evil nirly aelup nnx and teAthinzehlldren. It eents, and one bottle will Wdlars in doctors 1011.. I.lPutv f Clothine: 1 , .r 1,41 i I rf,leN- ity•n:lt. snow/Ad . .., ; I v. 1:1 f,r 1:4,4 ;',•• • 0.; P. rut tit• 14, .(4: I: :-v. 41n• r it I- !or.; hq: prollerl v. 1,1 1 11.• 1 , 1 ,, , 1:111.•11 F.lr t. 111. , ` 1 1. 1111t1 11.1 , .r '...• 1 !r I, ...,"511,1 ,utter, «lth It. •-t,t-nceld 1:1n 1:111t••1)ic, r. Fr; iN% «tn:11 —f 1,,.1,:~r~•n'_ ( 1,1 ! 11, I ti I .1% •r I 1ILL• ( al,l NAlitit• j.tsl.4, V\ crl rlii. %. hut. ,L Nir ME 1 "" , r t`" l ,'Y ',11'1,• I IN III , : I 11111/11 r R i. it ‘‘:is ME =I -Ilvery person is invi litatel A. Winter to rail Jewelry Store, Broadway, anti 1 4 X3lll MO the rler t el.tatt ITt_the market. Cottle r`kday, D. P. Loy' air) , pamor of the f.r.an church, will eothluet the - D-e., next SAhLiath, in the of the M. F. ehoreh, of 11. t at Hollgers . one nude h,low Industry. for, iii 64 They keep lite ihntkeyi.; •rwan, and I.vlll get any other trod. aug7,4w ..N.,—Every genuine box of Dr. I.:S LIVER PILLS hears the FLENUN(. Pitt. - l'a., anti tt“..ir private United tamp. „ZIP' "Take no other." k tot is full of imitations. old%hue. of Pittsburgh, are. with plea4n re, doing a very fine in the peaetiee of medicine in • . They are not only successful mers but a more prompt and It in their business OM% we have rarely met with. r dune business with them to a or loci., eNtrint for FeYeral yearn, in.tanoti have we ever found nreliable in oral, or dilator• in their rontravts lEN EI.D, Nlc.r.-hant Tailor and , corner of Loelt and Broadway, igtdon. n'd Poll. A SToli.E. -A tir4l-vla_sm ,d 4 and .I;rovery Store in a good , near to Pile best tnarketm ut nty—now diong a good bll`,1111•,S1 • had for a good farm. Store and valued at from $15,000 to 825 1 .00 1 0. - t reasons given for wanting to ro. Apply to, or add retm Steven - mist.), Beaver Falls, Pa. jel2;tl WALSLets Clothing House Drowned.—On Wednesday, a son of Mr. Blaine of Rochester was drowned in the Beaver creek, opposite McKinley's , Run, while bathing. The little fellow Was only about six years of age. he had been iu the water about a half an hoar before his body VMS found.— All efforts to resuscitate him failed. Little boys should be warned by this calamity to be careful while bathiug, in the creek er river, especially when .not accompanied .hy their parents or 'other grown persons. TEI your Clothing at Bert k. i F:NTS . Furnishing Goods at Bert .tr Walsh's Clothing House, Broadway, New Brighton. HATS, Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas. and Notions; also Sowing Machine thread, needles, and fixtures, tit Bert It Walsh's, MU tio to Bert at Walsh for your Singer Sewing MactriniEet. Broadway, Now Brighton. Grove Meeling.---There will be a Grove Meeting on the land of James . Hardy, near the A rmstrongschool house commencing Friday evening, Aug. 30th, 1572, and continue over the following Sunday. Meetings in thogrove Satur day and Sunday at 10.30 a, m., 2.30 p. and in the evening. Subjects. Man, his origin and destiny. The Kingdom of God, what? When ? Where located? .t.e. How to becotnp Christians, the re ward, what, and wro - fi to be given, fie. All are invited. come and hear. Elders C. F. Sweet and John T. ingley Avill be in attendance to' preach the word. A. Tl. Wo-r,r, Jos Pit M .ASS : (10 GEORI;F. CI: NNE , oil AM I atl g '2,4;'2Nv hoc I.NK 711k1 . , thl , Cutter. is hark from the EaNt, where he h;ts been on the 1.. k - out for new s.tvles. Cc}LnitEl, Gcmds, at I' Instead S Hart ZOte S Shoo Store. CM Sudden Deuth.—on 'Tuesday eve ning of last week, Mr. John Doherty, of Bridgewater died very unexpe.ttedly at his residenee in that place. Mr. Ihilierty had been complaining for two or three days prevbins, but nothing serious was Apprehended by himself or family. ou the evening referred to, however, ho took suddenly worse, and at 9 o'eloelc breathed his last. Ilis disease was an affection of the heart, Ilis age was sev enty-twoyeart. Mr. D. cs ls a Pry ex emplary ,itil,(l. Mid iIV , IICd the confidence and esteem of the whole community. - ,3vr lAITFR'. Slippers, and Vati(.l. S'hoes, all l.neels , at l iii,teaa N. Hart AN! STILL TI R: ARE SELLIN , 4 Tho ktlance of the Summer stock of cln thirnz at greatly redueed rates, at the old esthhlisheil clothing 'house of .1, Suellutibur. , . New Itright(m. Prot. ( tills. tho clerk to the Hart ran ft Committee of this county, hits liven engaged for some tune past in copying . the names -f all the voters of the count v from the Assessor's books in the Com missioner's dire . As fast as these are isipied each or than tt lot. of dOCtitri , i,t-, written at SO aeolumn, we presume, to prole that Ilartranft had no hand in the Evans steal, nor, in eocinection with Yerkes, 11.111ae money by gambling in the stocky of the State. The taxpayer, therefore, who reeeives the.se documents need be at no loss to knot where they come from, and a little In vestigation will satisfy him beyond a reasonable doubt that the Treasury Ring pays f •r their writing, printing and dis f„,...that ring can deceive the people into the lalief that Hartranft and Allen are hones; men, and not the otli el,ll TOIZIWS they rea:ly are, its members \N ill i.n enabled in riot for three y , iliF4 11/4,(1` IM &I/OHM' whi , h they neither niade EEO= DEEM N4,aa% Si 11 , . wade t‘t er.ler at Bert A:. uttklm. Ne,A ixiit,lN , „ in Ow DI:1111 )1,..1 of wh , .7.lrr.amt Frv,h \ w,t-k fr,.111 111 c 1.::1,4 lie N% t ,t 11111.2: t., his patt , in. hut tur 11rtn.le., tun , l;l.-1.: the, pc ,, ple. (Inll ipiwt• and they toll he iatistivd with an , l pr.( Ili , -to, 1, of pat ‘t•ry (111111111 tc. I'hy it v:Iref111)y Irrrlr.irrrl at till h - 24 ti I N 1 ,11.. kI• 11A it - rz,.; the Oroprietery of tho Now ItriglitAm 11(,ioso, near Sierip.usseutifeetionery, liniaci .New 8rig.10.4 Another Warning I.v the 1111111 e 4.1 .1,0111 IN%cri4, h..... ro-d -den,e uu, N“, 121 IVe,t 17th street, N i' N ICOrk Illet With an :u•,niont which testilted in Li. death, last Friday, near Itvillupztdol , tati,ot. It app,ai't that hp ,tt a 1., ,, 1LL; 't twok, ruld Ltd hi , ;.•,, z that lt , ise per( 'rimed the eparation, the matt N% a.; C.X113111...,N1 , 01 that, a;tleitigh Vrry (.11.)ft , A '11:4'.0 in lie. behalf, he expired e 1 run:: the- ne ht. NVIIon thi4 .•til- „Ii;„ V. HI , r1• 0 ( . 1% It 1:1 nPatly 11. 111 C nt I ni•t1•r•I A liar I!) ..1 \ \\ln. p 11101.• t.'(AIII- Ine the large 1,,t (1 Nett 1,,0ti, inst ed I,t 11. :ft his tio‘‘s..te. ~t I Itnet , l,,Av. r 111 , ,11. The bitildifPg itself is a in.,del heality and neatness the first I de\ Wed t , . the purpose ~ja sales nionf. nour Is 11,01 as :f gut and the third a cr“rl.: All e readapted to the titi,ing , is, and eN hihit a prai , eivorthv ante nit of arelit tecturat sktll. twing well arranged f.,r a Nter,•liant Tailoring Estahlivlitriont and Clothing and is well ventilated, r , o'nv and ron%entent, as well as tasti:v fitted nt,. Nir. Prank I rae, the cutter, is 1-iit, a. guntieniati, qt eat p,et,tire 111 Stil ti through th- - • --•• •-•:ovk tug \I huto.\CtuuC. Pwrt t: av, Now Brq,,iitop. ProceedinVi of the Creele3. Braun and lineliaitu tint). :\ IN% 111:1 , :liTuN, ti4usl.l 4 ;, 1,72. .Ir:pf., Enclosed 1 h.tol you the the• meeting boi.l m pur vu:uu•e V% It 11 1,111.11 c not we, at tIU ol!if.e of 3h...9111re for the ~rj.tanl4:ttl.ei a 1;1-,e, t •y ttr,,,t n awl Ittickalew ( tub, at New evening Th. NNW. , t'ai MEM V. II". n /IP ein , 11S1 r‘irN Cit.crmaii, m. 41 Thwr..t• non( Se , •r.•tAry pr.J r ;it. .k fler 10 thorn a lov. p.ll.l,:zraph, rr,,m 4.pet•ch,'M 11 1 3 , 1 , at , ul , hy t.tne. I. otir can.lidatio licNt Prf•.l,l,llt, Ilanll tit. y intend t , ...111,1..)1t. tho Mr...IIIILT prooct th,l 1101', 0.11 :I . (1 111.1111:111. OniVers. Th.tirta. elt..Nou ; J(Mil 1 ;1;a , •, NV: \V. simpsm;:tml ; T. N. Smith, ('44: - .!•0;•"y; 1.:1w.tr41 F See'y ; Ellin - let Anderson, Treat., urer; William Numlali, James Reouly, \V, Wa; I ace, Gcecutice rum in it tee, ti, pi 3:i'rn Joe. Snellenburg, N. N. and Thomas Mellow, Ex. Com., M. \V.; John TI - Whitla, 11 McDaniel and Joseph Funkhouser, Ex Com, N. W.; It. I'. t. overt, S. Taylor and .1, Jackson, Ex Com, Fallston; Dan. M. Daugherty, Pat rick Coyle and Robert Wallace, Ex .!'our for Pulaski tom nship. George Porter, Thomas and Samuel Barnes were chosen as a Finance Committee, New Brighton : F. Kattarab, Fa!!stun ; W its. Wallace, Pulaski township. On motion the Vice Presidents were chosen to act as a committee on arrangements. A committee on By-laws and Resolutions a 9 chosen, consisting of Win. More land, T. N. Smith, Wtn. Wallace, John Edgar and D. M. Daugherty. It VIA, Caps, Trunks and Umbrellas, at the Merchant Tailoring Establishment of Bert Walsh, Broadway, New Brigh- Ln. _ R. ITIENFEI.II is Still Selling off at a little loss than cost to make room for a argo fall stock. k .V,,•1111.:111:1:1 =I [For the Beaver Argils.] SHEFFIELD . SPORTING CO SWAN Y. It was In the month otAuguat, at the later part, That the Sheriald hunter* for the Mulling grontide did start; and I tell you what, they were a healthy looking crew; • Each armed with doubled barreled shot-guns, well tried and true. The crowd wag ounposedt—of merelmula who left tlleir store, And went to the woods with the reel, to hunt a great bore. And there was Iteddy, with eyes so very clear tool hright„,- Wnu could ' , hoot every s q uirrel that came into hte sight. And also Samuel. del. J. P., Cues and William Mac., Who would always come into camp with game in their sack. And neat conies Shorty, though shall when !tan ding in a row, Is not behind, when they comtnencz their Lapis to blow. And they also hays George, the blackamltn-shop with his gun, Who cau put on sights wit. n they get lost during the fun. But Laney says, "dog-on-me you-know, I will not Co Till ,get a run that the 8101 won't come off, you know. A week in preparation spent, and nothing they lack, Except a large vessel, In which their game they conid puck. The suggestions that acre made. stele neither small our few: Till one proptired, that his fifty-gallon cask might Sometimes you can hear them bluffing, and come. times grunting. And each one can tell you k What I know 'boat hunting.) the provisions were ready prepared, nice and tine, • And they ail beast, that they will (Bunt It out OD this liar.) The appoint!! trine mute. and. at, ay they all did ft' m i t a en th e , come h ask, they will make an ex cellent show. If we are allowed to polge from experience past, CO the ar-at hunting time they Lad, when they vt . .•r moot /act wish them Intl hartll, hilt w tell them a great deal "1 Joy, And hope potful,: nit I turn up to nmilest Or an nut. IVs COllleis. ue %%wild Ink' to elimy with them the spelt. tha I, tthat n kn., Montt huntinz, rt•pe.a. YOUR , truly, TtawrifT Tuna rrruS. Ilya% vit Col.LEor: opens its Pall Ses .ion September 10. This is often the most fa% orable term for those who have a long distance to walk. We would Ray to our young people, do not fail to so cure all the education your parents can afford you. You will tied it II good in estinent in a very few years. There (night to be at least a dozen young uien who should take hold of the Course of this institution with a view of complet ing it and taking its diploma. It is a great advantage to have an object In iow, sonic end to reach. Let there lie a large home attendance of vigorous, ear nest students. Exunil ation of Phi ID psbikra Soldier,:' Orphan School.- Cwn m Lin itws sue always interested in tlw ev idences of progress in the Soldters' (r -plm Schools. We have therefore pro cured the official report of their late ex amination, that took pbtee in the presi enceof many visitor+. It was eonduct ed by 11,01. J. I'. Wieker , hain, 1.. 1.. It., Nola. of l'.u»snon School+, :Issi.stetl by County Su pi. Knight, in the presence of the County Coln. of Soldier's orphan School , . It teas a general conclusion tkiwwo; Hie many vi,itors pro-ent that Dr. Wi , ker,l.ani ip, a tnwster atii,.ng ex um:aor , and Supt. sh..wed a A, k wan that liN 11,111 , • 1 ti 1 1• of the examin.•tion. that the re.tilt(4 brought (Jut hy the exagninn:em were 411tis!:p•t.ry to them, cit.dlla bl t, the W. i; ray :,.1* ar.J. I i. .•orp, 1) , •rier),•(•,1 ‘O,l ill i. Pr.,i. II lLa li, r, 1 ler'. ,l The tlu' rht,A 111 , re than 'V 11, t•X3111111:111..I1 ki , llll , NNW and [lit I eneral avera•_:o a all 1110 grade', almve the se,"nd, n ill N1.1 , ,vv the tu , ,a zenial ~.it,co,ol to tho eduratom ul these I )6,ll:uiv. 1.1 th00htt41..4,1 ; the pruner al average is and on ex:turkiriation is was UI, the ,;andard being 161. The children fear thoti4ll exam- iDed 1J) . the : 4, tat , l Supt., lni Were eager and iiriunlit in ati,Nvt•r, and , 14.1111.1 re ally s,irry %%lien their limn had w5.),111,1. The. I,,ys VXl.llllillPd ur niildary drill and sli ,, wed rrellitalde f , ,r the :Iwo they ha.l been drilling. The enure establishment rta. inspe, t ed and every thing found in peritot rr der andi.-leanlinevs; and all the sanitary r,,; lat. im‘ , l ,AListael,kry. In Ihr evenin...; tlr r swhool ;ON t` a lit erary ”rtgin3l re , itati,,ti. and and arid 111,,1runiental these 11r. WL•kershant expre4se,l him self us gratdied and plea,ed. 1)r. NVlck , •rshaln presented the t.-4 . 0 g. , !d.nn,l Idhe silver prizes, al),1 six Id. I.!es. In a hal.11,(11111 , , 1 1 44'1 0 .1 eepipellt"rs. 1 - 110 nine prize, are given 1 Mrs. Tay liir 111 the , lepartnwnt a-; a no,tl“ , tA, the , klll in the nece..ars. lahnr. %%ort , ;;icon i Pra. Tay .octir,. an honoralde titi,,ll).; the children. The thrt.e highest priies the ,•ttiltirt.ti, a' V. t.i as the faou I t v We wh4, w.)rtliy ~f r 1: ~1 t-1: Ow tire, pri/..•, Iwin,i,ouile gold omlal, the :Laalliffit.til. - ent, indwntryr 110 th,r,l Vlrrt. iv.anl iii i• auk' Eliza I 'army, for w,rvalest Iracter, 111 , 1 pr,, ' , led 1,,r all \ 1,11.,,i, 1+11,•il k;11,4 I= 911 t .zr tl: I- , A =EMI Liberal Muss Nleeti its.; ita Me:l%er Fatli,t,--The Liberal Nlas4 \l4' tiu held in l',..act-r Tuu , ,ila}• c•cautug (0 laNt. eek, quac a large gathering and v‘ pree.nle d vi er -.1., N...vv Brighton. In taking thi inadu a feiw felicitous af;,•r x% Inch, Prof. a I.lla.rai Itepublican of New York ad d I (..5.t.,1 thr audivneo in. a speech of :Mout ti , ,ur and a half - % duration. The add rg-ss as a masterly prod urtion, and tts. lisLeneki to with 'nadir,' atten tiot% 1.% th , i , e present. Prof. took gr , llll than poittical spe.ikers genera' Iv arid his ellort "13 I hi Is .4,•,1- ME sl4lll 11.1.0'1(11(1 Or ohri.uan state,— larely nut with {null III( stump. We-never saw- a eriiwd of pop lin, iwtter ideased with their tlrator, and it will lit. strange if, out of the 1,.",00 or . 2, U"" P t.r. '"" P reSe " t ‘" nj "" 1 Mad() to .'itl.C.fll.lll:/- tom and lasting I'eacc' lictween hecLon , ul nur comary. AL the conclusion of Prof. Miller ti Mud calls were made for S. It. esq., of Beaver, who ascended the phiLfotm, and gave lia4 reasons for OU I g 1,,z . the "'Latium' and tLe cincinnati nominevs, when a deft,- izati- at tin , ltaltillinre (:onvention. M -. \V. "'ado s4inui goiql points during short speech, and retired amid consider able applamie. ('apt. McClelland wai also slleel ntivand thanked the people for what they had done for Mtn LW() years ago. and nmilei• ! tly suggested that a tepetilion at the next eleetiOn would not b€ construed into an elretn.e. The meeting adjourned with three theera hr r Greeley, itrown and ISnekaleW. • NEw-Itiat.o rus, August EDITOR Amt's:—Men whose veracity is undoubted, and men that would not misrepresent knowingly, will persist that if Greeley is elected that he will ad ocate the paying of the Rebel debt, and pay . for the emancipated slaves. Any man that tells such things, is either a fool or a liar, when it requires the sanct ion of three fourths of the States of this 1011 to change the Constitution, would • it be possible to get that many in favor' of paying fot slaves or the rebel debt ? - Hero is the 14th amendment passed in 1564 : SFr. 4, The validity - of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law Including the debts Incurred for pay ment of pensions and bounties for serv ices in suppressing insurrection or re bellion, shun not be questioned but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or p4l/ 0111/ *be or Obbga tioll incurred in aid Or itisurrectitia or rebellion against the - United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation ninny slave, but all such debts, obliga tions and claims, shall be held -Illegal and void. LIRE:IUL. About,Crillery..—Mr. Satnual, Ma son, who tuts beenengaged In die eat: lore business In thiM County for a nuin her .4 3 (lar.:4 past, is shout to remove to Canton, Stark county, Ohio, to engage in his old occupation again. It is need less to NIA' that we wish Mr. Mason great BUCCO3S tU liusinessi in his now 1012.4 s !ti011. The people Of Canton and vicinity will find Mr. Mason a gentleman in every sense of the word and worthy of their confidence. We clip the following letter written by him LO one of Lho papers in Canton, and publish it fur the Infahna lion it Contains: "Full like. & REP.—SIRS ;—We bad the pleasure of visiting your city a few days ago, mid we were highly delighted With its extraordinary developments, and the lavish encouragement-from the eltitens‘in donation tit land and capital, to parties seeking to locate new indus tries. By so doing you can now boast of greaterVrOgress than any other town of its population in the State. We visited,the Steel Works of I'. Atilt man & ('o., Mid our thooghts were car ried back to the stone age, when steel was tint thought of; when wan was con tent with his flint ax and bone beaded spear.jA volt , poor, bilorked radish of areran ic must have been in those days, and, Had any one descended Irmo 11111- other world, and presented him with one of those tine Ivory handled knives, ionitle by Samuel Mason & Sons), with its fine polished blade, its beautiful sqa Ivindle with as SWIM hole ILI th e . center, would n not have pu - itziged the barbarian, how the Lord's prayer could be 'compressed lido such a miniature hole! Would he not lime Winced a dance of triumph on the spot, rind con cluded the performance by piroutting on one leg enraptured with the gift? Why, such a knife completes the man Such a knife is a supplementary faculty, or rather a bundle of new faculties, fit ted up in a compact form. One portion teaches how to address .his Maker, who is his God, and locates him in Heaven, and teaches him to .pray—" Give us this day ourdaily bread." You need to be Intimately acquainted with some men before you find out the ballot what is in them. It is much the same with a good knife. A good spring knife ruieeubies a gentleman in this that it gees through an elabo rate form of «luccatun, If I may use the word, and is in consequence, of an oven temper and a fine polish. You can have no conception . no suspicion even, of the raUmber of hands takes to bring up an ordinary two-bladed spring knife to its highest state of development. You sec that slender bar of steel ? That bar is a length of incipient blades. Tho k rule-blades 1110 in it now, and they e to come out of it, and it Is worth while to Witt) the magic by which they are taken out.' . _ During the last thirty years, only some halt i 1,1,01 Americans have aorittired the art of pen blade forging. The artilicer piaci., the small liar of steel In the fire, returns it red-hot, and gives on a tiny pierr to the forger, who, by a tow SNVI It strokes of hisliammer, ''nioudes It, I,y which is meant the imparting to it The rough form of u pocket-knife blade. 'no. end of the blade where the mills, or shoulder has to be, is reheated, aßer hirli it twelves the shape reitnired. me more it is returned to the lire to be softened by heat, in order that st Might 1,0 smithed. This smithing puts more of the graces of form on the nn gr,unil blade, and Is eollipleted by stasu -1,ui,4 the nail mark, or mark for the , thuub hall, Oil its upper side. The blade is now went, to the grinder to have the tang ground, and Crow the grinder it comes back to be marked with the n:une of the brie. Shakspearo says ue Ibinieo and J illiet hat r Ili 11 tsatll.• I a rt.e Ily nuy olher 8:11: .1 Not. with 'n knife! a Rodgers, NV,,Nionlifilin ore Maxon St. Suu•x knife I,y othirr natile, and twenty-lino per otit. inu • e Ls ll n I l ulChou tuiseket vat- kt•t 1.4 tho taL,itnun IJr th...r (Awe. Their :,tl;)(4o....rivtiou g.)os tuttlu•l titan .II! ilia 1111.1.1.',. , it'll; super ..t .t•Ler After plating on the name the next 1.1..ee.s is that of hardening, by heating the blade up to a red twit and dipping in stater up to, but n o , flirtlfer than the tang. The hardened blade Is tempered by being pet upon a copper plate, and %.% lien IL is heated op to the 1.11,1 of n 1.1t11,11 t ellt,w; , ll i withdrawn and ' , hinged into water again. .‘t this stage Ili, blade goes into the %%arelion,.. .Xtter examination by the foletnaii, it they leiss 'mister, the forger receives a rt edit of d.,ll.irs and rents per gross, Th,•y are then gate ti cult ti the ge n ders. The k% url. tli:ut that forges a blade ratinot gribil a blade, mottle' can a grinder ot blades forge a blade. Each mttiL n.,•t In the part he performs. I am atraid that it would lie wearying in. readers were I to deserthe in detail all the various kinds of work which go to the halting of a good spring kilt!. The simple blade itself has already gene through twelve several and distinct pro cesses before it has coine near the first or the multitude of men solely employ cd in hailing, it is a polished blade now, N% ell ibl% aimed in position having a nanie to boast 6,t•—sanuiii Mason & It is stud ing hi tghtly, as at this singe ft is going h, ham e a handle to its name. would It be Ili nue to tell all about the !,,files of lwass, how made, how Ow bolsters are staniped up Irom the be-d quainv oltierman silver, the bright eNt eiastic sptings, made irons the hest st,el, the di illutg, glazing, bulling, and loiriiishicg. It Is wondi rfol to see the otlers lioidmig the story handles in the buffing e heels, and to observe the beau tilo I la, put upon the 1.111% es by this moeess. XV hen the knile has passed through all these niattipulathms and the n,p.etion .d the f.irtiiian, who lutist he juact.•al aorkluan the culler then ob talns a credit of dollars and cents . per After inspection, the handle part of tiro knife Is %% t apped tin in paper, m ith it,' of the blades extended, Will each k ml . is now ready to be given out tce the griuder, m ho, hy way or tho hinzer 1,111 , 1..4 upon a line emery toil. and the smaller blades are glazed neon a lead ta heel ca!li.•l a "lap, - whi,•ll j.i.di . l4 a very smooth, et eti surface 41,1,1,1 f, .•I taking a ',right (Torus polish. I lee v theo tilidergoamither inspection and if -.al istactory, passed on to the whet ter who puts on the line edge, Alter m they aril hi tinted over hi stnart who,‘vorkin4 under sui yr s ilia and wrap them in line tis- SUP paper. They 3110 then piaeed in a neat box, numbered, kilid paShed forward tt, the ..nd - crontrt h r dlmtrllMl/011. ~' 1. ~. } r 'l, ~,Mi RIM 1 - 110,0 of my reader% who have permi ed t ireeley;s “What I know of Farming," haeu been told by that philosopher that "lie Who can make tvu blade% grow w here only OMe grew beim!' is n pLI lienehietor; What, then shall eve sal t., the artificer who takes that slcni'er i, ar "I 22 111. I: i% the length of rat and by his intrinsic bk tll inakf•a iilades grow out of u knife lift' or? writer of this article produc ed a •peelrnen 1 , 1 blades some fifteen years ago--a knife containing 3215 blades ee hich knife has been nn exhibition in the cot v e.f New York, at Mr. I. Saniler son ni 111 . 4 M. under the Astor I louNii duriiig 10 above flamed period. lions:ind% of American citizen% have •ecn the k lore, supposing it to Iw Of S Pr tl Make, `A 111C11, if the knife was at -1 to for itself, it would sav "I :inn nierican inn,lc, both haft and NV;tli hind fouar(l , 4 to tho (•ifizefp+ nl hr, tiro taking an intort-4 nt the l'utivry, I Mil re,pertfully 1' ressing through Itroadn ay a few s of u , n 0 were quite surprised to nee h ueli a large display of all kinds of Ho swry ui one "1 the s.hnw n indewm, and I,oiking for the sign over the door, ,we notieed the nano: of M, Schur. Nut tieing awart' that our uld friend wits so heavy in this article ne entered his dry goods sure and he gave us the following expla nation : Ile intends to use the room next to his dry •goods More for it show and ware room of his own make of woolen seam less p.oeAs, ladies' and children's hose, mittens and other articles in this Ilse, winch he Manufacturers on the Franz at Pope 'Knitting Machine. This Knitting Machine Is the best one invented, as a pair of seeks with heel and toe complete, call be knit on the same in fifteen min' 4ites, besides everything can be knit On it, that can be done by hand by the old, slow motion. To form an idea of this wonderful machine, it ought to he seen working, or people hardly will believe that its possible that all those fancy ar ticles, which Mr, Schiff has exhitikted, can be done by the knitter. lie informs us that he will offer for one Month only, extra easy terms to those who intend getting one of the Machines. which east, ti-to, and can be obtained until Sept. 15, by paying a small sum, and the balance can be given in work, To be , Awarded at the' Sinetelath Annuli Fate of the Beaver Coaaty Agricultural Society, to be held at Beaver, Pa.,_Septetaber 26th, 26th sad 27th, 1572. PatemeNT.--JA W. sulto. Viol* PtuulDe r N. DLS. W. IdcCOY. It ;CollUlNti ScE' _ A NSHOTE. CORNESPONDING blelf —W. S. BARCLAY. TILIt.m.UMZII—I. N. ATILLYS. °MN. 'it:Nieman:mare—D. Y. DONEUOO. BAN.itatits—Bast %dr.—WRAY USED.. BA. "SIAGAW, A. I'. LACOCK. C. B. HU Mit W. IL PJARSRALL. It'es*Stde—NICHOLASTODO, li It. WRAY, D. 10 . DON RllOO, JOHN DILLAN AN DREW CA ItteTHER.S. Routh 814*-11. 1 t8 IL SW EARINOEN. 11A11111U.. PATTERSON. ./All. ORR, MARTIN REED. ROBERT tattIILING. Trotting and Pacing races for horses that have never beaten 4 uthrttete. (NO. 1,/ drat day, purse $150.00. Trotting purse. (counts) mile beats, beet three in gee —Ol2 to enter, four to 'start. ilutrance foe, 10 per cent.: First premium frts Second premium....... . • ar, 'I bird premium 25 Fourth premium 15 Fifth premium ' 11l Horses go as they please, barring weight. n od distance. Time of race, 2 0 clock, ii• 131. No •:—Pacing puree, (county) milt, heats, best three to flee-1.4 to enter. four 10 "WI. Ten per cent, entrance her Purse, 815.0111: First premium Second Third Fourth " Fifth Llorses go as they please, barring weights and dlimnee. Horses eligible in the above races. Nos and 2. must bo owned in the county on or before the ISth day of Angust, Secbt Day—No. 9—tree toil' hones owned In the county. Mlle heats. beet three In Ave go u they please. to rule. Trotting {thee, $125 00 First premium. 44 03 Second " 93 Third " 20 Fourth 10 No. 4—facing purse, free to all bones owned in the county—mile heats. best three In Ilse. go as they please, to rah:. Parse, $123.00: First pntrninni ..... . tiodend " ...... ..... ... ......... ...... 4. ...... 33 Third ...... 20 Fourth 10 ..... . Horses eligible fu races tios..3 and 4 113114 be owned tn the county on or behire Sept. 1, ISM. Third Day - NU. 5, Sweepstakes - Trotthm pone. Free to all, to harness Purse, $300.01.1: Firm premium ................ .........- .... -4145 Second - 75 Third - . . 50 _ Fourth '• :Xi • - No. fi—Facing purse—Vree to 311, to hamess. Pane. $2251*: First Premium Second 4- Third " 30 Fourth " 25 I All trotting and racing T Aces to be Mile hells best three In live. ,2 A 'horse distancing thefield,orpaet of same, shall he entitled toitrst premium only. 2. The above trotting and pacing races to be governed by the rules and regnhariono of the Na tional Association. 4. All entitles fur races NOS 1,2, 3 and 4 will close ou Wednesday. the 23th Inst.. et 12 m and entries fur races Nos. 5 and 6 to close on Satur day, the list Inst., at 9 p. ru. 5. In all purses, except Nos. 1 and 2, Live en revs to fill. and four to glut. • rt. Entrance,. 10 per cent. or the puree. ' 7. 'teats int - eacb day'a race" may tal trotted al tarnatcly. All commoolcationo to he addremd to T. 0 A! tlllz, Sec'y., Heaver, Po. Note I,—The sweepstakes on stock is not can ting d to the county, but competition is Milted from other States end counties. Istprto. ✓1 Rcpt stallion, 4 years old and upwards, $lO $7 00 hest du 3 do do 0 4 Ott t), .t do 2 do do 3 You bept do I do do 3 2 tal tpt,t brood mare with colt at foot Ii 400 hest mare 4 years o'd and upwards. .... . I 31Mt n..,e.t d" 3 do do .... ..... 3 2 tal he . t do • do do .... .. 2 1 It) be-t do I do do .. __.2 lOU M•>t goldaing 4 )ears old Ez twarard4,...... 4 .1 MI be.f. do 'I do do . .1 9OU he-t do ...t do do .. I. 100 1010 do I do du CLASS No. 2 - Light Draught. 8.411 !Inn . .. 4 year, old and upwards .10 7110 I,sst do -A. 3 do do . .. 6 400 best do 2 d o do .. .. 3 2al Iw-I do I do do ... 1 100 1-.: I rood mars xs ith roll at Itad . _ ti 400 111,1 111 to. 4 yl,ll. ilia lull upairds I :t lIIJ 1..! it, 1 do do ... .... 3 2 ild b'- do 2 do do. 15..? do 1 no do . .-.. 2 I Oil .. . 2 I IP g, Id itig' 4 yro old end ups ani. , do 3 I do, 01., 1 0., dot he-t 1 it., 1111 i 1.2 1, 0 ii No. 3. —All Porposss. b-.t g , idlug .. - • 3 tv-,t mare . 4 3 he., t 111.11( . 11Pd 11011.41.. .. ........ .. .... .. . 5 3 br...t nt:ttrited Mate. . ... ... ........... 5 3 bert .addle horro or mare.... ........ ..... . 3 2 beet jack.. . .. 4 1 bort span of mules__ ..... ... .... ..... ......... 4 2 Sayopstakes—Free Is All. Best stallion of any breed ......... _______ .. $2O IL/ Jodps—llarriti Swing, Beaver, Jacob Mark., Darlington; Samuel Abel, Ilopewell tp; .1. K. Bu chanan. Hanover tp' Joseph Darling, Beaver rolls C. II Clark. ItoebtuAer. CLASS No. 4.-442tfte. Bert Dor`,.turt bul4, 3 yrs and upward.....-... 10 5 beat do 1 do .. ..... .. 0 4 bell! do I do 4 3 hell do calf, ....... ..... ...... ...- .... 2 I hest Durham cow, 3 yra and upwards best do 2 du hest U.. 2 : do hest th, heifer calf. Deft A Ideroyl bop, 3 yrs and upward 5,.......... 10 5 heft ,lb a do ..... .... ti 4 Left 1n I do heft iro ca1f.........._11 1 1,,,t A Iderney cow, 3 yre and upward 5......... 111 5 tit, t do 3 do •hiiiit do I du ...... _ 4 3 i ,,heat do heifer calf.... . ... ....... ..... 2 I lie-t waive row 3y re old and upworda... ...... ii 3 heat do 2 do (111 3 3 hest do I do do brat yoke of oxen.. . ... ..... 4 Sweeps/ales —Free to AIL Bent bull of any breed . It 8 .144ges—FureuR Mtetelland, Big Beaver: Mi chael \l Leer. er Moon tp: John Hindman, Brigh ton tp, henry Metz. r New Brighton; William Stewart. New tiewickley, Alfred Scott, Hadover towiannip CLASS No. S.—Sheep. Bent Sp/Inlet) buck . . ........ _ $5 3 bent 3 Si.subdi ewe! . 4 3 best 3 Sp-ollsh lambs. 3 1 cut.pw4l.l buck . . 5 3 ts,-,s :1 Cot4wold ewes, 4 :3 hrrt 3 Cotownid Isinba bent I.,riero ter 1111 C k... VICO" 3 Lci certer ewer best 3 Leicester latribe hest Southdown buck. bent 3 Smithdown ewe.. beet 71 Soultutown lambs . . „ . Jar, 'pears -ern to .411. Me-t huck of any tweed.. Judges -G Raccoon tp; Atka L no. liochoMer. George M 1 out). Big ntliVeJ. lifr ('lle..ter bonr he.; ( heoter POSY Mid p ho•-t Suffolk• hoar heßt Suffolk now uni tog- ... IR:Rt 'tog of nny ituproved hreett Sir•opflak , a- Free to cal. lirm hoar of any hrt•ed . 12 S Jwiy , • - Alex. Ewing. Raccoon towinnlnp; Jahn U.ln.rtn•y, Itexiver, Henry Phllltr. PrOaski trip. - ('LASS 7.--Ptodtry Rest 3 ii.:ht tit - alma chickens . hest 3 dark. •• • • • he r ., 3 r °chi It hest 3%, tote " he-t 3 ('reveconr best 3 NA hits Spanish " . he-t 3 black ".. •• • • he-t 3 ilorkln4 • ... be-t 3 howdou Know 3 bantam be-t 1.141 r Turku) tie..t 'roc . . . liept collection of poultry to mite persou .. ./i/c19.11. -John Cos* log. lloottstowo ; A bue r I.sencht. Jr.. Rochester t.P , William McCagtie, Brighton t‘q, ( - 1.1` , S No s - 1 h,rnextie Rept 10 1.411 ..... 114411 10 yArtll. carrtnu•rc bent 10 yard! , Palliirt he.l 111 yard& Minuet 11,eg . heat made nvemost Ye et math. drepa rant herd made pantoloour . . . 1 txt hart made vest . 2 IP • bent )urn cnr,,rt . bettt rev carpet -.. .. . ~ . 3 lac Rd herd rag carpet 3 or) Meet storkiug yarn., .. .. . Lilo 2d Mott do . • ;at twat pair blanket.,... 21.0 2rt 6..1. du ..., ... .. ~. . .. 1.1111 beet rouutry linen . . . 3.00 RC West d 0... . : (Pi . be-t• carpet yarn . .. Ito 2.1 le•st t arpet y lan hest knit )arcs... 2.1 best (bo best children's hose 2.1 best do hest han.l-1; nil mittene '241 t do huor . . . . 21t beet fn;' Dc.lpair or gloves ... 211 tiert lit/ itnn , l-linit stocking! 34 thict do Judger —Mrr.......ttrah Irons. Hopewell twp; H AI. lion gaol , Iteus•er, Joseph Pontefract, New Brighton. 11,,t oleander h.•rt dabliae. SANCEI. \ SU❑ hest ro,rb le► , • , • 100 60 hest variety of cut flowers , Ik/ 50 hest flat hand bowie* ......SII 21 is-st rouni hand toiquet NI Is hest verbenas. 11 varieties ~ t.l►/ hest roses 6 varieties . 1,00 ISO best phloxes Si varieties . 00 50 hest geninturus fi varieties... .. luu rn best enetu% beet varieties of motors. !iti best variety of green house plants.... 3.110 IMO best lot of flowers any variety 1.00 50 chuivos ,_.mi,. M agg ie J. Anderson. Beaver ; Miss Margaret Sterling. Independence; Mrs. Mil ton Townsend, New Brighton. CLASS No. 10.—Frut.% Best & largest cot. of apples to 1 person, dip & $1 24 do do do do do' Wets best 6 variety fall apples, 3 each dip & $l. 24 do do CY do ............. 511 hest 6 winter apples, 3 each. . ....dip &1. 24 best do' do do 50 hest and greatest variety of apples worthy of cultivation, 3 specimens each, with • Irote name attached, . dip. 1. 24 heat do do .. .. .. beet 3 v3rletle* fall pears, 3 each dip d 1. 24 hest do Co Meat 3 var. winter pears 3 each. ....... dip & 1. 24 beet do do do ... sees.. ... s beet and greatest varlet) of peas,. . . dip ..t. 1. 2rd beet do do do ..... . . hest variety of peactrta, with name, .dip tr. I. 2'l beet do 00 beet one dozen peaches,. ... .... ....di p & L . 2tl beet beet Li imebel of pliffile.... dip ~t, I. 2.d beet do do do .... . ~.. . . .. beet variety of plume.. .. ... .. dip 4., 1. 24 do Met I dozen quince's. ....... .... dip it I. :Id do do ... ... .... ... .. , beet Concord gripea •.. .., .. .. ...... 50cta 21 do do crest Catawba grape., 60 'l'd beet do do LIST OF PREMIUMS GEE= ('.ASS No. I.—nurses. (Ite.avy Draught.) t LASS No .6. - C U-S:4 No 9 Plants and Flowers. beat habella grapey.. 24 beat do do best Delaware grapes, tl best do do - - • %Met NO6 grapes 211 b•et du 410 beat. Cruvelthg grapes 511d,best do. do belt Ivesitoedtmg grAPIP. 24 /wit do do do beat lientbdrg, grapes 2d best do do beat and targeet collection of gropes. dip & $2.0 1 bqrt R largest Corn of fruit generally. dip dr. n.u) Judges—Epbralm Smith, Paliskiltwp ; D. C. Thompson, Ohio tp: Samuel Nelson% Greene cp. CLASS No. IL—Bread and Cbtra Irt pas. Sci Ileet.family *tread 50 24 best Ochs rakes best Graham bread, N 3 23 beet corn bread, . bent biscuit, beat pound cake.. beet fruit cake, .. best telly cake.... beat delicate cake, best sit-er cake. -. .. hod marble cake ........ .. .50 «5 bed cocoa cake,. ............ ...51 2 bed specimen each redid)? Ol .....60 25 Judge) -Mrs. Nlcholar Todd, Ohio fp; Mrs. T. J. Power Itochester; Miss Mary lieVerromilooth towo. • CLASS No. ti—Farm Implements. tted't mowing machine,. ..... ........ dip & $5. 00 bc.et reaping machine._ ......... ..... dip & best combibed madam._ ........ dip al 660 . hest threohing tnactilne best display of plows ... dr a 5.00 best two•horse plow d ipsi.OD best one.horae plow 1 00 I:wet bill-aide p10w......... ............ dip & 3 CA beste corn-plow, 4 I OD beat grain drill 1 CO best earn-planter 1 00 beat square harrow... . ... r . . 1 00 beat triangle barrow, ... - ........ ..... .... 1 00 best clover huller.— ...... ...dip & 3 00 best horse-rake, -. ...... .... din& I IX) best cutting-box, ...... ... .. . .. ... .. 109 best machine for gathering clover seed .... 100 best grain cradle 1 00 best cam shelter, .. ..... . • 00 best cider-mill. .. ... ... ... .. ....dip & 100 best tanning mill 9 OD best corn cultivator.... ....... ... ...... . 1 00 beat hat ladders ................ .. ........ I 00 best churn,.... .. . 1 00 hest churn with power.. ..... .... ...... .. I 00 best farm roller 1 00 Wit. farm ladders.... ...... ........... .... I 00 -` Sao 26 beat 6 flout barrels. best wheelbarrow... beat 6 manure-forks beat 6 bay-forks.... JaQgre—doCn A. Olbh Ilanovu; Laughlin Elli ott, Ohio tp; Wm. McCrecry , North Sewickley ton-1104. CLASS No. 13.—.Wanufaetures. Best and largest collection of wawa .dip and 115 011 best it largest cal sboXcle*spades.dip and 500 best and largest collection of airs. Alp and 5 1/1 best and largest collection files dip and sOn best and largest cutlection Cutlery .01p and SOT but and largest collection binges dip and 51X1 best and largest coliectiun wire ....dip and 500 best display of burial caskets dip and 500 best dloplry of marble cutting dip and 500 best tiloplay of glassware ..... ...dip and 500 brit display of stoneware ... ..dip and SCO best two•boraa carnage dip and sOn best do ....... . . 2(0 taint one-horou do or top buggy. dip mid 4to 2d bent ........... . 2 (0 best one-horse do or open buggy .^:dip and 300 21 bent do do bent spring wagon... . ....... .dip and 3-00 Id best do 200 bent buck board ....dip and 3 Oft 21 bent . ..• .. • . 700 t wo.borne wagon ... dip and 300 t.l best bent dressing bureau . dip Ind 3 1:/0 241 bentdoil 2 00 bent . . . . . . . and lOU 2.1 best sots .. bent nix mahogany chair 5......., . dip and 200 2.1 best do bent nix cane neat . . dip and 100 2d beat do bent oil cotnnton do . and 100 2d bent do du 61 bent dining table. .......... ....dip and IDO thi bent do . . . Ml bent warb gland dip and 100 9d bent do . . ........ . 50 be.t lot of edzed tools .dip and 200 Oil best do do . 1 tai Mot lot of horse shoes . . . 2.1 b.•sl do do . be-t barrel of flour . . dip nnv 250 2,1 Lrst do .... . ..... 100 hest model hooioi. . 00 241 le•rt . . . 100 hest basket PIIII . Yd Mo./ du . tMoO hankrt ',Mow 2 I 1,414 do irept picture frame. 2J berl .I , i czirtlti . ,. 2.1 best (JO 1,1-1 111 1/A•st d. ..... . 1),...t $ bUCkt•IS best three 1% tilte Iran 'keg. CSICLI 4 3 tio ...3 01) . . I 00 1 uu YJ best 11!1) do do S hr.t l i nunp, 11. second best pump . . 50 hest Irot. railing. dip nod $2; tal hest to to lon iir s t 0012 stioe, dip and $2, 2tl best do do 110 bet egg store, dip ani $2. ;Id host do to . 110 be.t fire front grate and fender. $2; ;Id best 100 best each variety of cigars. . . 2.1 Jot/fits -J B. Angel. Bearer ; Stacey Engles. "114.12 township; k, Tuttle. New Brighton ; ti. ' , louts, Darlington; Johnson Small. Briugewatcr CLASS No 11 Ltalber am! its Munlrechiree, Best • ide of harness leather_ ....... ..$1 00 6,1 aide u( d;irtt.la leather . . . - • best ride of pole leather ..- .. ... : .... . ...... 1 110 hest 3 kip skins. ...... . ..,. .'. ........... 100 beat 3 calf •1.-.lis.. . .... . . .... ... .. 100 beet double sett carriage bat Ewes.... . . 4 . 1 p ..t. 4 1,9 24 boot do do 300 best single sett carriage ranted' .. ... dip& 3 00 2d beet do do do .. ..... 300 best double farm harness .... . __dip 6; 3 (10 241 best do do do .. ....... .. ....... ...... 200 best man's saddle, .. . dip S, 2 00 'ld best do du. 1 ~.. best lady's saddle dip,..t 3 ( li g td 11E44 do do ...,. 300 beet bridle and martingale, 100 111 5 fi 4 4 3 1 1 lx-el do do beet huller $l.; second beet halter . . . beat lic,rse collar $1: seeood best do . NI heat lea her trunk dip & $2; 2d best do do lOn heat gents coif boots. $l, 2d best do do 50 bestgents stogies, $1; secOnd bent do do So) beat ladles* boots. $1; 2d best do do bn heat ladles' oboes, $1; 24 best do do 1.0 beat Indb`+' slipper., SI; 2d bes: do do "Il beat leaihur work !ram° $l, I.ld best do do SO Judure —ll. 31tiltieiro, Bridgewater; Jas. Todd, Raccoon tp; T. Viler, Itoctioster CLASS No. Is.—Groin and Seed. Pest i bushel new variety of wheat $1 beet 1S bushel v. bite wheat $1.50; do do red, I beet l, bushel rye, $l, beat do do barley, 1 ( 1 0 beet t, bushel oats, $1; beat do do corn, 1 Od hest t, bushel clover seed $1; best do timothy 1 00 hest bushel flax seed 71; best do tomatoes !YI b ee t peschblow potatoes Nil; do Buckeye be e t io sally-rose SA, beat do new variety. 141 hest sweet potatoes 5O best do sow beans NO beet tot Mulch beans 33; beat quart Uma beam. 21 beet ,ipart Irish beans t-"t he.t operilflelll Jr Chinese !mom one ' 2.5 beet lot of manglewurtzels :X 'best do carrots, '' beet lot 01 turnips, 4.5., best lot of rutabagas 2' lot of Onion& eta; go turnip been. he-t lot of parsuips, 2%; do sweet pumpkins , beet lot of squashes, 23; do watermelons, beet but nlitlller melons do citron melons, 25 beet ..pectmen celery, *LI. best tot cabbage. beet lot e;g plants, Jddipo Knapper, Rochester twp , Jae. Patterson. Blg Beaver two., John Scott, Raccoon township. CLASS No. 10 4 —Crotchet et I , :enbroideri , o. Isfprn. Ite.t ottoman rover, $1 SRI beet stand foyer, lld 50 rria be+t !not corer, heat 1.11111, pkirt, be-t cuff and collar hrt.t 4 - 11,tnine bawl 3111.1 slarv••, I NI I het. t rretl, 73 NI Wnt night gown, ne.t otrawberry nuts beat etntwberry nett• 2 beet eufactieblon. lOn 7./1 beet Infant pacque. 1 1111 rf i twat Infant ellawl or skirt. , 110 :,1 heel ladleek • ...haw lor ek ill, 11K1 5.0 5 . .. Or}, pililMt Shp, I 110 11 ' ' heft filpirer. 7'. .w 1 2 beet Vatting laCe, 1 yard. nil '4 , 5 2 beet vi itch caev. 7.0 b.•et IrwrirY Cdl.e. So brit Prlt ladies' underclothes. 1 on 1 NI Ilve.i chair tidy. 1 0 , ) SII best Cake cover, nil ?:.! beet -opectmen of Ineerti,rt. - ,' n to I.e.t toilet sett. I'YII !II hest Ituatect shawl, I IN/ 7.1.1 best crotchet &Lipper§ 1 v+) '' ,o beet crotchet basket, 1 (111 :"+I best 1i piny of crotchet work, 1 110 f.li best display of knitted work, 100 ~ ,0 Jailors - Mi.' 'Amiss Darragh, Rochester: Mr,. 1 N Atkins. Beaver • Mrs. M I, /intent.. ludo.. try tp: Mies !diode Eaton, Moon tit; ;dm. Joseph l'endiuton, Rochester. CLASS No. 1: (halls t Ornathental Work. Best fancy quilt. $!410 1 00 best silk quilt. 2 lid 1 1 , 0 114 , 4 t patch work quilt. 2 1141 1 00 best I , crap-work quilt, 2 (5) 1 110 cielt dentine quilt . 9 (111 1 Oil bog( white trill 2 On I On best counterpane 2 Olt 1 0 0 hest quilted skirt Ito 15 best fancy coverlet 2 01 1 al hest quilted comfort , 2 00 1 00 . best silk bonnet "1 on 7,ii best trimmed bonnet I 141 trsi best braided Infant sseque 100 .0 2d best do atm,. l 7411 best child's dress 100 50 hest and nenteet dretio ' 9 110 1 uo best silk or lace cap I till No best specimen of orn'tel needle work 2no 1 Si; best pin cushion '0 ~r. best worked pocket t andlotrebief 511 25 best pen crlpar 'St . Z 5 best braided pillows lip so 1.5 Judge,' - 14181 Kate Johnstria, 'Ohio tp., BIN Marla Christy. Raoooll tp, Miss Naiude r Itochmoter.. mrs. Samuel 13Wellingea, Greene 11r.. James Patterson. Big Beaver. CLASS No. 18.—Monty pid Beta. Beet honey in glass diplaut $1 00 $ 5. 1 beet honey la WOOd lOD N/ hest honey in Mate and woad lOU NI hg#l omitted or extracted .honey 100 +tr beet hive of babas bees Alp and SOD 1 on beet hive of blark bees Ito Al beet honey extractor (hp lit pr*ln. 01) SO 1.00 Jadrs. Dunlap, Chtppews virp: John Perzuoou, ludepandence 4 gamut Dunbar. N.'w Brighton. CLASS Na 19—ireicarieous. nest cane basket or frame' hest husk or eheilligtaktt best shell ftlMO antileLti fruit - . best was flowers I DI bat bread basket . no best collection photompbs dip and '2 isi beet oil painting dip and 51t1 best tired= Wolin; 2 00 best cedar work basket st) best crystalized bonnet I It) best crystalized work I It) best paper catch-all 511 best wire catch-all stl best rusUc basket Ili best what net - 75 best book idsoil VI best card-basket 50 held display of fancy goods led best penmanship I (Si Judgra—Mrs. James Groatcrosm, South Beaver township Mlas Mary Potter, Raccoon township : Mrs. Eli Reno, New Brighton. CLASS No 20.—Genta' Diseretionary W. 11. Marahail Martin Reed, John Dillan• Robert Sterling, Andrew Carothers. CLASS No. 21.—Z,M.fi k ee Discre lionarlf. Mrs. Mattison Darragh. , % Mrs. Wren" Reed, Mre. WiiiilM S. Barclay, X.TII. James Orr. Mr•.. John Lilian. CISNIACA Nos. '3) and !1 wllitembmce all articles not enumerated on the Premlnm List of the Suet id, ety. A correct Itst of the gam with Instructions will be famished by the Sc tary to each Com mittee on Tbundsy, at o' a. in. Bute* and Regulations for the Gov. ernatent cd the Fair. IMINCTIONS TO cOXPETIToWI. I. Competitors must become members of the Society, and show their certificates of membership. to the tiec:rtary befornt any enti ley can be made. Numbered card) must be attached to Ali cr . Miles, stack, &e., which will be Wretched by the Elocretaty—butog an exact copy of his marl'. 111. All animals or articles must b. on the ground before ID tido& an 'Thursday. that they May Warranted In readiness for examination by the Awarding Committees or Judges. .No mattes will be received alter the first day at 4 o'clock. p. m.• althoto,M articles may subsequently be exhi b. Ited' brit not bar a premium. IV. The same article will not be permitted to compete lii more titan one class. V. Judge* must not be Interfered with In at, manner by soy person. Competitors telil Mere fore not nin-te them-tare* known to the Judger, tio ells It to shsolutely necticeary to examim.- lion of machinery, stock, die. VI. The femoral of any article or animal from the ground* before three o'clock, p. m.„ of the last day ol the fier without permission tattle Commit tee, will barrel,. any premium which may have been awarded by the Jud=s4. VII. Uay and straw for stock will to fiwn tithed free, snit grainat Cost price and an abuud4nci: of water gilt be on the grounds for all pintos''s. VIII. rio premium will be paid uotli October .30. 142; and all premiums rent for will he paid only on a wrlticn order to the Tresurer. (I N Al klns,) to he rebuffed by him as Q rimeher for the same In all cases premiums are to be recelpted fur to the Treasurer. .11 15 60 *5 75 CO EA 25 IX. The General Superintendent and a Com • ealttee will dir?..et as to the location of any article which masslie placed on exhibition. X. Competition In all the several classes shalt tie strictly eonfitted to rlte county, except, iii en trance for speed and such ariLles as shall come under the j urisdiction of the Discretionary COM mlutee which stun be composed of persons cho sen by the Domed of Managers. XI. DumPetitont must be owners of all articles or animals put on exhibition. Any violation of Ibis rule will forfeit the premium to the Society. XII. No diolomas will in any CM.] be awarded on second premien)s. The managers reserve the right to with hold soy premium given by the ludges tinder (Vie representation or out to accordance with the lie and regulations. dip & 6.00 'Up" I. AU the Judges are requested to report them selves at the eland at 10 o'clock. a ru., Thursday otherwise vacauchm will he immediately filled by the Board. They will make full detailed reports, and return to the Secret/sr, before 11.1 o'clock, a in.. Friday. IL Judges will not permit exhibitors to make themselves kuowt to them unless absolutely tie- CeP•alry. . L. Judges must not be competitors in the same clams In which be or she may be tompettog, lA' in say way tette IV. Jad es permit no persona to be present at their examinations, except as above di. rectea. V. Jadirea shall in no case award either a Pro. rniom or Diploma twice* on articles of specta I merit. VI ..Judezs on Ptock will at:ch red badger on atl animals taking first premium and blue bodge/ OD all anima's pitting ccou d prirniumr. Judgre hand - In iludr reports to the Secretary as soon's.' they are completed. VIII. J udge, sill pay no attention to any err ele or animal without a nnmtered card derivia limy the alias and ever ry. IX. Judges in all cares will withhold premiums where the animal or article is unworthy. though there be no competition. Certi irate of life Membership ($lO each) ad mit all niembers of the family to the privileges of the Society, except malts over 21 years of L1::e 11. l'ertiticutes of Annual Membership I) give all the privileges fir the year, including succeed lug election, and admit the heads of a family and their children residing , at home, except males over 21 years of age. Single tickets (22 cents each) will ba good for one admission only. 111 All articles in the Manufacturing or Me chanical Departments mast he made In the coun ty., %%Witt, a period of one year previous hi the present Fair The Board of Managers may award premiums on articles ul special merit (tom other mirth,. or States. IV. Each Imr..e or e.,lt (except tim., eng.r.; , <l In hauling articles to the Fair, which Phan ie,t remain 1, will he taxed :15 (-elite each, pair of horrea ona owner -In harness or other. he, II cents. The floard of Itatutzers, which Int-hole* °Metro will be preornt uu do. ground,. and %via be pleat...Ll to cave infunitstiou to compctiturd. or oilier, it /Orin!! It. TheSeervtary of the Society wlll he ready Io re. eeiveltirntriets for two weeks previous to the Fair ; end would request all who ern, to mike ap pileztion hefote the Fair. as It may tatlittate ar ramTements that may he made tar their arrommo dittlOo In preyeutini; theft rm:Mug "Liet of Premium." the Board whithe. to rtli attention to the Net that It 'MIA under:roue a thorough reNll4 , .t. unit correc tion. mill little n careful peru.st. (caring that in variety and ratent It Ia not •Eirpn.roill by ;my l'4,llhoy Society in uur Stilt'. the- , 1,04 . _ Into iiiimiiicrailon inu lie :CI t.i hoh tr,Lf that we may have •:) whit 11 Cr...Mishit! to WI? A poLorla tint, arid to the eizriculiurril inimmis or our roti!,l jyr, ANSI!! 17., 1 110 5 0 1m SA) 110 11 lin eitinN Trefi , 4lllHo4/4. -- Several young misses loft Beaver Falls one day a couple of weeks ago on a berrying ex pedition, awl before returning to their homes they casually entered the orchard of NI r. ltol.ert Stinson in Big Beaver township. Mr. S.. saw them, and had two of them arrested for malicious trespass, and a hearing was hail last week before .Justice McCreary of Beaver Walls. Messrs. Stevenson: of Beaver Falls and Dunlap of Beaver et ndueted the defenee, and Mr. Eakin of Beaver Falls the proseeution. After an exami nation of all the facts, the girls were discharged on the ground that they were under the age which held them person ally answerable to the law. The father of the girls hail previously arrested Mr. Stlnmon for assault and battery on the persons of his ebiluren while in the orchard. This case, like the ono above referred to, also failed and Mr. Stinson wag released. Not Enough Girls to go Round —lt i , reported that the complete census returns of the Le ited States for give us theme startling mtatisties (.lottp popu .l7-4 !talon : Men and bays, - - NVomen and girls; - Su rpi TIN of 1/1011 an4l bnys, A surplus of 428.8. Tin men and boys is something really startling, w nen it is eon sidert d that Adam and Eye, one man and one woman, is the law of the crea tion. lint as in the matter of tw,utonts there are more fatalities among boys than girls, and more old maids than old haehelots, our surplus of men :mil boys is in the infantile, and not in the adult population. "So time at last makes all things et e n •" Si nil I CP VI I NI Yl Greeley !lass Ilecting at Beaver I.:Erroit A io.ve : A large andintluen lial meeting was held here last iitght in the open air, mined by delegations from Beaver and New Brighton, Leo Miller, Esq. of New York, being the speaker of the evening. \V. N. Morlan, - esq ~ Liberal Republi can iaandidat.o for the Legislature, was chosen to preside, who, with some very pertinent remarks, introduced the ',peak vr. Mr. Miller, as an orator,has few equals. Ills manner is pleasing, his voice rich and full, his enunciation ciear and dis tinct. These, eombined with a logical mind, a sympathetie heart, an.l a fluent command of language are the elements of the true orator; and such does Mr. Miller possess, Ile regards ours as the ;soarer of na tions, which is marching onward to a glorious 'destiny. Among the instru mentalities to work out this great result are the political parties, which, from time to time, arise, accomplish their mission, and haying dime are super vened by a "new departure' . hotter adapted to the needs and exigencies of the hour. Dennieratic and Republican parties, had each, in its turn, done its allotted work in the orderings of Provi dence. And now, a new party, adopting tire g - iispel of Recwarilothoo, of Fraterni ty •and good-will, was inaugurated and was headed by the man, who striving to be "a repairer ail' the breach, a restorer of paths to dwell in - -the honest, hu mane and magnanimous Horace t;ree ley. t(11 , to J V ''S u This was the party that was to harino. nize the l'keortlant elements, and to pre pare the way for still higher achieve ments in the grand march of national Progress in the future. And although it might seem from the confusion that reigned, that we were all at sea, yet as even the sea is surrounded by the hori zon of heaven, so our ocean of uncertain ty, was overbroodeul by the love of God. "The truth is marchingon." This speech of an hotir and half in length, was listened to with the greatest interest. At the conclusion of which. Sarni B. Wilson, esti., and Hon. Wil liam McClelland were called upon, and responded with appropriate and timely remarks. And then the largo crowd dis heornlinoot;': bright beams Mmosius. a pe n7 ei lto tt nea motohn:t EMI To OVII PATRO.7O 4 . — AR tho Slimmer iv about closing and Fall is coming on, it. is natural to think of a change of clothing, and also how (lid the last suit wear and please we. Those of you that bought your suits at S. t J. Sneilenhurg's, Broadway, New Brighton, and got satis faction are hereby untitled that our large stock of clothing wilt be Cott:. plete in a few days, and we can assure our patrons that in the future as In the INSTRUCTIONIi TO IrDOEP I= - - 19,116 1,506 Fall% past it will be our aim to,gi co good goods it ;reasonable prices. The equivalent for your money in all eases. Those of you that have never dealt 'with us we would ask to give us a trial at our store, Broad_ way, New Brighton, liAlistu,nru, Aug. 21, 1M72 Ma. Enerou : Tho t*ollou ing, clipped from the 'State Journal' of Ibis morning, is simply an appeal mew in behalf of s man for Govennor who completely under the euntrol of the oil po it ical Twee l' of l'etemsy I vania I hat, he has not hem' known to make a move nu the Pet !Weal ettesishoar4l, tor the last to,o years, which has not either Iseiot suggested or dlOtsted by Simon Cameron or mime one of his many hummers: "HARMANErr N.)nol)Y's ,UPE Wheneyer you" Lear tel of oir : - .osition to 11 irirantl it is almost always iota-lined by denunciation of bitnou Cameron. "Wc have nothing against Ilartrtnat, but we ate afraid of voting for Cameron," is the argument upon which the disatreetcil base their reason (Or cutting' the bras soldier and lionnaL man at the heiol of the Re publican State ticket, lf the !miters are honest in their inten. :ion or defeating Sinom Uarneriin, why do they not nominate Republicans in the Legislative districts who are known to be in favor of another pecion for C. S. Sena tiir? Simon Cameron ii not a candidate for this posithin, and why, at this iii at important periial of the campaign, 'nest the election of a United S!atc._-.7 Senator conflict with the election of a Governor' Why jeopanfize the sitece,o4 of the minim al ticket by venting spite against a heal officer? All this n rangling in our own ranks is water ou the wheel of the oppo sition. Hartratilt ettnnot vote for C. S. Senator, nor is be using Ins intim:nee for any parPicular person for that position. The api.rtionntent of our St etc 1460 C'oSe that a Deimairatie Legislature might be e,lpcted even if the Governor is saved. "Let it be under Loud then that General liartranft has never been the dupe of combination or of any 4olitician, nor will he ever be. lie is not owned by S.rn in Cann ron or Andrew G. Curtin. nor do either claim to own him. It is to the pi pie this great Commonwealth that lie oks (or support and I.)r their it rasa., will he only be it set - Valli: . • (i-n. Hart rant is a good.emnigh sort (if triisy Groin!! !nail Xll liiy tiW:4 %SA:, , llltt ii Ii re be distinctly t hia over)' ar t :s rlictated by Sinnin C.inwron awl the State Ti.ia,ary Ning, and, it Ile( 1...0, N., id 3ppont no 10.10 ct wW) wilt not 1,1,1;:t. ;101Ve',IllipOrt 0' the rri.l r tral's -4 It erirrii to the 'rera.ttr•. \\'lwn illy nei l,hor. NVi in Fiir [lcy, the above article the ,iiattlitent, tit( ri in were un true, awl htti4licil in his sin, vc ‘vheii hr• atlyl.ol"ilig. nomination of c'a .1i,1,t.•' 1q- Mr Form-y wt It knew the 111,111 : .15.1'1.!1 , Leci,l item ‘il'fl...,:1111141•It 1,. i..n Uir . 111 WWII of Lite 111/4)Vt• artU Iv, .111,4 . 111 the int , re:J. Cann r..m I,y a ,r( tie ninfiCy ui llit• Tr. :I• Iry It 11:" tiiiincroti ilcc'ari• in r i rr..-enve 'hat '" if he c 1) U. S Ihr ••11' 1111 be a 1k inn at • Mr , nor ot 10 r It.r l!-• cup: I. II 11 'I./ ill:111 ,, n tit -.l:f I 'l' r, 0.,r Ittim I :in I Mr F' 11 , 1, ' -• 11.. \\ ' r•m h •.1 I ::"u. 1-1,1 1113,1 tit L , r, :t \ I I}, 1E! fir,. , .:,r \I t 'it wolki l lA, v. Tie y mpg- .irt• ! 1:1 I).lmt. of Curtin a itli tli•it t buT th.•c Will n\ ii) tarni•Liu_ it it the >iiu e n flat 4 the latter :old his clan of Nittuaia; anti State treasury tltitvi. Never in ltt3 life has Curtin nilule the , lightc , t eth,rt (lire 11"111.111ati , po•r,,n:!l any 411,tre to t lii't• liits 1.• it lit, Hi,: yt•ars„iii,l i, thus I. ij.II, .1 1i4.311 - 12td.1.• HP; 11 , 111.111dt I 'II li; I I) I 111 c o unty, anti t. k vcr Argus,' much a , 1,,,,t dependiiie( 1 t• hy •TIA• P.O :1%1. r I ii :,I'lll3t. y ,, ur candidat, wr r fear. t.. an,‘t r p.tir int r.r . ,,z cr, it cl ,te.l, he ‘N %oh. it‘r K 1,1;3 Came! TL.,I j.l-t he (104Igv I.krt• i, t at r,n f , r 'll 'l!at ercut “ul.l lb.. Iting .10 1 , ti“• lug nty •n thi , 1 , )\(I\, 1-,C111,01' it II i art .11..1 %Cr 11111 ht):t the 11e th:tite In. n th'tt t tor,. :Ind (tic t• r t I. :t , them 1111 (C/1111. :he Pit t•lt 4 2.s , `,.39 A [teaser llelllorratt declare!: for 111-;.i. V F.:IC, ;21, 1,7 Trr the eril(4 , l* Of OW Cllllllliel ir.l —ll.lt. N. Martin, of uur c“titity, a - tient IhAtirreral., ha.. leolareql f r errant ant will givy Ills reason, In ,pt`et'll at utirliv'ttt Tut-o 1.1) t•Vetling's Thls is a ‘aluatle In nur party. Y,,tirs, We clip the abose Iron' last Moonlit 's Pittsburgh Cuminerciitt, t‘i say that some one has been imposing upon the C(llllilierri , ll, and at the saute time treating Mr. 'Martin with extrt 1110 cru elty. Instead of Mr. Martin heing au " llon, - he is scarcely out of his "teens, ' has never held an official positnin i • Ills life, and has not yet completed his legal That lie has cliangeil),is tics is possibly true, and if he t. unaLle stud lt PI t, give negative ate4wer, lathe iug qUeStlOnm, NVO ! , resume no ()fie Wilt be at much of a toss to know w by he Mr. Martin is almost a stranger here, and if ho is entitled to vote at tin, eivutein at all and gets his ballot in that wtil ht. the extent or the lenient " .rant Ai will derive Iron 111:3"ConVerNion; Hero art) our tuterrogalinles : Ist. When you eatne to Beaver ahoi:t a month ago, did y not toll vows of your associates that you had !welt:lt - v(1 a speech in favor of i:reelev like to deliver it at varispottity the county I 2iid. Did you u,a sAy a company of three persons in Deaver soon alter your return to this place: -'•I o as approachei heat week by two pronilhent Itertibll eatis of this place, and told by them that there was plenty of money in this C3lll - paii,lll, and if I would go N\ ith than, po late:111y, I could ha% e Inv share of IC!" We will wager a penny that if Mr. Mar tin did not mend the above hole Co the rrlll 1, it Sr as someone whose ob jective isdli), was to liring Mr. M. into ruin-uh. NEW BRIGHTON GRAIN TIAILICET I= White Wheat, • )111 Rea Wheat, New Rea IVbelu, ltre, Corn, Hats. Buckwheat. - MA It E DDEIt )111St , N —tut the :"..2.1 "t" August, by 'Squirt , Todd, Mrs. nohimon, nt 1./LBorille, to Mr. B. F'. Badder of Chippewa township. II ICE—In Beaver Falk, on the '2. - Att of Atikust, 1;572, of erysipelas fever, Mrs. Ruth Ann, wife of Henry Hire, in the 37th year of her age. ('RAM ER. —At the Beaver County Home, August llith, 1S 2, Mrs. Rachel Cramer in the 83d year of her age. EM LEIL—At the Beaver County Home, August lah, Eve I.:tiller, in the S7th year of her age. REED.—in New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa., on Sabbath Angus: 11th, b- , 72, of congestion of she brain, after an ill ness of tem days. harry A. , son of S. T. and M. J. Reed, aged 5 yearn and I month. -From S s - erue Dlx.a, And 1^ tverinc 'dorms, Our little Ildrry'n Toni, the Saviour born; And with you hrie.ht angelic form, 11, lives, to dle no more." INT IMMIIIMEMICI I Ii l•mt,tr.,ll Mil ( 1 4 4 ‘.144 , 4 \t Grant Er' rt ‘N. 1 I • DIE D. Dauchv & Co's Advertisements, • rro Trim woIiKING CLASS. mane or a. mate, stio a week guaranteed. ltrn7pectable - Crup'oyment at borne. day or everting; nu capital f , •oniffil; fall Poitructione and valuable package of goocbt to Start will, free by mall. Ad dn•.... a tin nett return Pfllnll , . M. YOU:743X, ru.lnroorttanit St.. bie•.v York. aug2l;itv AGENTS WANTED—for the Nivea of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN am! tilo lending 61011 (fal l punks Over 40 Steel Portrigkio , horrh twkc ttu coat as tha boo& ant# vr m. r A•lta It lir ot% rral pacer. Mend for < Wm. Aririre 711.01 It A Met RDI 518 Ara at • i a rtus , 2l iv. %Zen LAW lord r r lb. 1 ur.rot.RA lIT or HORACE GREELEY. The hest and only Edition written try hill:v..lr and for our 1 2 C.IIIPAIGN MANUAL, n took of the times for all parties. lunstr a t,i, One A:zent sold ati in three days. Also-jot Ikad lerA Lire or President Grant, and spiel - Aid POT traitA of ranilltlnter- $.390 a month made. E. It. "I' it T.Publisher,Oos Broadway, N. 4". arig,"4,4w W R First Minim kiLlusrign Double Elevated Oven, Warming ,Closet, Broiling Door, Oend, r .card . Dumping ai)d shaking grate Direct bro't. N% Ann EN .t Co.. 231 i Water street, N. Y aul;21;lw Wells' Carbolic Tablets For Coootthla, Cold., and Iloauractichm. Them fuldets pro-eat the ACI4I in Combluatior, %fill oilier ellicieht rnnindlep, in a popul4r form. for tl e 4 are of all 77,rm.:1 ,111,1 Lung DL.easer, ,0,1 1 lt. e rnlrno nt the Throat are tm londia:nly rninwed and •Intements are constantly better sent to the proprietor or of Threat difficulties of years standing CAUTION,(I. co by o.ortbless itn (,.,t ~nly Well.' (:Embolic 'ranks. 1.r.e0• relit. 1, 4 1 - .I‘.liN 4/. 1 . 41.• to Putt Sr N. Y. Send for War. Sold Agent for the S. $250 AK,:I I - 4- ‘);\ll . elelki I.l a- te% ilY sample. free. S. M SrzNcfilt. Brattleboro, 1 t Age• Send for etreulanc.and nts.' 113., Ic 1." tit" :ot t Holltu book out J. M, Spot, o.+ur & 7:13 Srin..orn St.. Phil a. AGENTs w.kNTEI) voit Prof, FOWLER'S GREAT Wofilc antithrii Nit ! (114 f 11,1,-r It.jr. It- 1...0 , ‘ phy er f•tr n.l I. ! , 11.• , 1 I Lfl , .titrt %\ !o• _‘ , l Pi I 1 ( Pa !mall at .101.1.)" .101 "f .. ..17 ,, tf o: HI . 1 ...•• 1 flf, 1 11. 0 1A,114 ii. f f:f 1:01 . .21:I 011 ,f3tl 1 •11111.1.2 ‘111 0 1,.. It i I). NIA. I.l'N, Pr. ;1 I. Ph tin ll]. At,LN • jr , r \‘•-..4: u, i il rt ts .1 ilti 11' A.:•r• F A. L r F uf,,t )%t 1p• ~ • • wive I ~( EN W I Vti I_ , cIN c ~n ret •pr, ' cn , ct•l • L••• 1 , 1 taboo': for ✓ , l /1 1 i I i 4:, ‘ , II • II )11 5. , 1.1 7 1, ' 1' •-• rsh.:ll that • • A,,c:!ents Look Hirer: S' 01! brry e.'_•ll`• Sur ' 100 ' , h . q.'. I Ft r Eeif ft, of ROBINSON CRUSOE, 1 >ut 1 • _ ENE 41.) 1 h.. ~a:141 1,•;•1111lr r 10, .t... - P ; •. ME 11! VI; \ , a 111.4) , z,t‘ , - temporary re . t.r th.• hut aat•a. 11r1114 4 u:1•1 :stn: s. , ,calia - litc.,!. ;he it Nal.i. nor 1. it n tll,ll, ahtl , r the popular bacn , of pullned LOll 012 rt•ni‘ -aes uz , t a, a LI, • . pro!) , Ulk , 17 tin• .11,uthontit of Par •F; affil It. bevu it hi ra rt .711 , r Dr. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURHBEBA I= pet la.. 17 1 , ) the 1,. T:11.11 =IEEE • ' ••I.•. ;• :r !?;• r • 4 plet•Ti •,r •• • ••,•11•• •kol ~r I Y • auk:, r, s'o , iv/ It) • lot.rity awl ' 1 , 1, i. pr.inpry tilde l• .t.trT) I)riop-1 tttftdt ilttttqt rt.tnallot. it i t..gttr It, 11, - -ulittrttr. 11_"•1' t.l" th • drt•lltllar ht tl.tcontatltiii ttl lant 1" Irt tt.tuu.o.ll 1 • ' t 1 1 1 , 1 , , .• ' • /5 It fit ./ It tat ti..“ 01 , i •- pr... MEM II GENE 1 1 “ ct _ r !;.•• Ir.-111,Lr .r_!! tsv =MEM Li-t of Applicant% for Llernme at Sept ,1572. 111=M=1 tl •%% .r.l!. . 1 . 1 11 , . . ("HEAP TEETH. 1)01,1,.1)1S \I - ATI:1;1.11 I ..1,1 01.1 * /.1 , //!,,t •./1.. rout nit 1 -) ~tig t Lr Pl" r.r rloroi i, .1I r 1 I§lll'.l-r1;\•;1;;Is r d. 1):1 :• t.l l'olo`.l W.; 1,411 L7,1:ItI•I1 t.. '• •. r r re-1 , 11t.t.r 111 ••,1. I tL/Wll.lllr, .il. • 1 • •1.1 ' 0.1 ' lit .It , to 'olo , •A n - Ini • It, 'llo NSl'lo 111 MAI:1'11A N 4 ...E4 , 1:1:. I,z; n / 11 Mt L • 1,1, ❑V /4 1 , 11:1111: THOS. McCREERY & CO., VElt. l'A. PEALEIN IN 1..\( ~ .N(,l-1, ColN, (01 l'uN;,, Ami intde 114 ail part. m the I : , iverlat tilteiltlON Iu I. tpip, ..)1, at-1 IlitinittAttituti. litlettest. Tram 7 a m to p m jy 17 I Trial Lixt, September Term, 1572 I= 1 t'httici tut• Mario , eI al v,. C & F It . R c., I:-..txic,. 11;:1111:md - , :lath r \ sani, 1 i:•,,.1 —i r .I:iiii, • NI itill,ll ~ Winlam 1:-,11,edy !.. 1' ico.s s 4 Aidt,tt 1;,,,,n .I.,ck/Il I. ..).1:, V. , .it,Ptilli I . N) , • NIW, , r, 1)”1) , m ,l - Tsai ,- 11 II 1.',,,-.• I' II •. , twit-1,..1, .. 11,4, I tltc3ll f liattllliii t Lony,..%‘ En h t Ilt•ny . T W Anlio,,,i: ,+ ii , -1.1", , I A 1.111 If + LI 1..‘1..1,•,•••t I , T A •-o,lui) • f,d_ IMIEEZE \V \ 111,1 k .• ,* Jahn tirmloint: oal ./ \I 11.1-1.., v. Hugh AD4lt•rnon Tr Lt sr. 1% , ..31,11 Broho k ./.?? I sv,ey Cal , : ..VrA L l 4 ) A Ta44irmena 0 al 4. Wm klarm , s h Kane al ''•• • us, lim,af NI - famMmA 4. t hrnnl S ral• AM41414,44,.., Nagualun shrek 4. Samuel Ultirecam 4- Jahn mv • lc II Iluaale.utu Z , llliiid Crum 4 'hum. White et oil A •1 It v. .lam.ph Nlorgan 1) , •1:11 , .1.011 f' ‘‘. t.rurgr f , .(.l(tfel `1 ,, (2 5 . •.101IU 1 ..r11) I) \V :t ik v r John rakton ( lark U.-elton Mtller d; l',. 1. Laic SColt rt di Nno Mil4er ....Jacob Miller Harmony Sa os:zt• Bank ,4 Abram 'MAUI .1 Walter .c Bro s. George You .1 Walter s Il .... John Lance er a John Me , 'on'an ls Audrew J Uos .1 Nl alter S. I.ro Ns Isane,i Fezel .1 Walter .t. Bro 'us Henry Philliti Prier \V Geller vo httterpon Mitchell tei.;7.ic JulIN CAL:U[IEI. Protle v ca. - yr Ti 111: 13-IEST! OW E'S STANDARD SCALES, Samson Standard Sulu. Also, Store Trucks, Patent Cash Drawers, and tiro• cers's Supplies SCALES REPAIRED. SOLIDER ft 1111'CLURG, General Agents. f.:l Wood Street, Pittsburgh, P. OrSend for Circala/valid PrlCe List. ffeb74y, T 1 _ 14 =ES Rl= I ,y p p , r• 11 :irp "t 1:: u.:,,•:u.k11p• i,r ..on lEEI tV<➢ItIL )tli , v • ciNer 11 .1. t kNI)I.F.I I I
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