e Beaver birgus. . pa.. August 21st, 1872. Nation Thirteen Hundred. :ate Pi of Advertising. :3sc. ; 6w. 1,3 m. Gm. ,1 year nee, $.2 00 $3 00j $5 00' $7 00' 3 :40(30 do :3 50. 6 00' 700 10 00 15 00 du 5 0 01 600; 900 12 001 18 oo do 6 00; 8 00' 10 50 15 00; 21 00 ..; 8 001 11 00; 16 00 OO i3B 002 1 11 00; 15 00 %) 00; 00l bo 00 .. 22 00, 30 (0; 33 00 60 0(1,100 00 atone and Executors' Sotlces._ oo Ire@ per line, ten cenrA tents to be made Quarterly, except advvrtit , cmentin, which most he paid JOB WOR K li:11. •25 copiva or less copies or less 111114 25 copies or less., :n. qin! COpleP Or 1(4.1+ iffill• 2i copots or less.... ropit, 4,1 t .2:1 cold, or less t't•tttal copws or less ,t,try tlve raZeS or less. lotottoal IttALte I t's, one quire ..! I :too, quire ............... ottris al same ryt,s. TIIIE TABLE. nd d Pittsburgh R. U.—Trains Beaver Station a. fnllow.: Mor. ‘.l 19; Mail, 2..47 p. m.:Evening Fai.t tVe..?t. Icave Marc?' Station /LI fol 7.16 a. m.; Accommodation and Er to Bellair,) 5.45 p. M. tention of the public is directed illowing Now Advertisements Tear for the first time ru the MEI 1 Chandler Not - Given. • rt issru sn t Weaver.. . rttrr-- Drinstly . srtissnistits-•Danchy trice—lts twion.... tire -lit .1/Allison ......... insr,t 11 Noss. itsrt 31.. h 11111, -1 rn- , ead ihrtiOZ, One,._v & .I i‘nelleriburg tfre.-1 I Nos- ......... •e.—From and after this date le first of September next, the iSti ion ers will meet on Sat t each week only. aprlOtf e Meeting of the Democratic inmittee, last Monday, E. D. v. was elected Chairman: •I'reery, esq., Seeretarr, and r-t, esq., Treasurer. h 1.1 NI i—Pure Freneh \Vine Iriple strength—the hest arti !intz, for sale at I I n An -I;ea% er Drug Store. angl-1;'21 Spinner" and Mr. "Prow wen very arti Ve and efficien t •I'scrs in this county within the au s. They have matte them- French \Vine Vineear for pick - iolzo A lid ries , en's Beaver Droß augl4;2w. it es by t erian Congregation or o will meet, on 711 , X t Sabbath at the usual hour, in t h e Court .r l i\ ine sir-ry hr. The l'a,tor, I .nwarly i. e`c perted R. 1t.% as!! A at IZ, n( mile below f ,, r Its They keep the 13(114:PVP , rivan, and- will get any nther ,rel. ang7,lw 41eibll Ina,. at Leetsdale, nn IN't , drie , day la.t, and nnt- th e inittpTiriotisness of the understand, is lanzelv ,t,,'hnunnx•nt familiPs from lIE any in fittornian(P. 1 I'. Dray°, Jnitn =OE -v ueniiine I t rix of Dr. 11 . .1 P biw.a t cs 1 ' \I INi • BHA :r private, 'United "Take no other," :mitations. =I i_l .~ ~~ =I --(Fur readers will rzi. , erneut of this flour- r 1 o!!rze ,E .n in this wvak's paper. • a skillful teaeller himsel f I as a governor and director Young people of the eountv ,• t , , attend s o chool may. find -r•if-bnartling, if they destrp, as plsewhere. Term open., ..•luan ut ihr e:t.O•rn in or :hr ,hout hi- anr,lt:ttod nn twnt h t ri•zly nr , j1. , .. Ow tor .. r• 1,11 , hi. twranit. ,traozh T. • J ,, ,11•• 11Q It,• 0111,1" .\ "re leg¢ed soldier of the .erved in the 7th i,LEPtZ a.,:itilted and robbed of 25 I n New fas.tle on Friday 114 The Villains who tie( !.. ra',Zl• wore i l f,t N ...0:21117.041, .;p 1 ,,,,1 to 1 1 ;1%e fnlinwea hnn Lurch for the purp., , P e,f rnl, 1 , f hl. 111(illeN tr.lny 'n:.• p ',, ,, k111.! .1/ -no „h • 1 , • , 1 tt.inrn, 111••••:1 , -1 , - t th,,z W _iw• =M/ZWERNEMMI —ilmther illl%ill 4 ii hale 11001 VE , V ('nthu,jas!),. v ;nnl aftPr 4 T11,.e.t . ,m4 in that pia,...;t pf•rctol., fr. , ill that hp thp II ,111 ' All , l 1 1 1, .ipep from —O. lIP 11:1 , . bcpn laid up but is now "as 1; .1 he e ppete.i In ,how thri.rnot only will Ow .erolc,l 1,31:111(`P - 14 , ft-rely 11R441 Ipaii_rn, but that IlVi t 11Pr linkiN 11 r ill hr sparPd, nln rii n 1•111 lirn• !o• r•rr - I•Or trio .1.1 , 11 r. rlorlr 1 , .• torr,r• llorr cart of ,‘lrrrirr . ll n‘•• • T • !) , Vll l . - brrrilth lor tr) i. , L•oror itr•T •• ally 111,-.11,, Ins Ivr••••orn'r. ,rerr , .•ll • -1 .. . to• rr,rrroll 51i.1 throw II r. 11" ".•1 of th , . ...:-. , rnsc•Oh. c k • • and •ili 1,••_•m in ,•itintf,il,7o,..! ;hr nnt,firm , •,l hnt . • pr• jy3l-I‘v re Vo.ault. -It is ast.nishimr i'orently alooln.lie drinks effeet indul:ze in their Ilse. While and .ermrtemp: • fired, rinerulr,n, an , nwlliizerent. Nt•ith poetry ana eloquetwe er iv silent and moody. tizlit under the -everest prov t—trMother,would assault withfint aoltirst man he met. Ot the latter tio. - man who • under its influence ,truck Thoma% Gordon with inflicting tt severe ~f i the head. The aggre , snr —ft q.ver—wa.s arrested and lined ~4:, !:Mt von A STORE.-- first-elass and liroyery ~tore in a good ♦near to the hest markets in I "tv —now doing a gOod Im4lneqa had for a good farm. Store and %allied at from $15,000 to $20,0011, rea.orni given for wanting to pnly to, or addres Steven \ Ittisti, Bearer Falls, Pa. [jel2;tf South Side Railroad. from .11 nun. Allegheny county, to in thi. eountic, we learn is subscript:on , to its stock from the route through which ated. The load apwar,ls of forty miles in length, 1,1 facilities of traftsport to ti ps , eluets of a rich agricul and mineral section hitherto, to a i.xtent, deprived of them. Saw i in Is just across the Ohio river I:legheny city, below Pittsburgh. trust there will be no fallurecin meats In the speedy construes ' this contemplated internal im ftsi it will add largely in the and , -cenmereial prol+perity of r loavay3e ointment -*rbc: p.h..tr4t,r, g Prtlor, of this potent salve Is a marvel h h.: the ssurld. Nothing else should tie "' raLter, ,!111 11.• ,, t11. erysipelas. iriorie- Sold 71. Malden Lane. N. centsper pot Ask. fee style, the ce'interfelterl. A Brun livestmeut.--The Now York Day Book took strong grounds some time ago against Mr. Greeley,' and fa vored the Minton Duncan side-show to be given at Louisville in September, wherenpon it is said that our old friend Hon. George V. Lawrence of Washing ton county subscribed for a largo num ber of copies of the Day Book, and bad them sent gratuitously to several hun dred Democrats of that Bounty. A few days-however, the Day Book went back ou Dfincan R Co., and nine fl ies the dr9eley flag at its mast-head. Mr. L., no doubt, concludes at the present time that his investment was a poor or 4 but we advise him tc grin and bear it, and never once ask to have the money re funded. GENTs' Furnishin. , Goods at Bert ct Walsh's Clothing House, Broadway, New Biighton. IBM Thirty-live Republican lawyers, practicing at the Pittsburgh bar, are sup 7 porting Horace Greeley for President.— Pittsburo Leader of In Beaver there are, we believe, thir teen attorniei who practice at our bar, and ten of this number, WO iearn, are supporters of Mr. Greeley. son 1 .0 1 I 15 ❑1 00 1 (U Br.ir is the nobbv eutler of Bert tt. Walsh's Clothing Hougio. Beaver Savings and Lonn Asso elation.— A n adjourned meetingof cit izens in favor of the organization of a SaviTlß`i it Loan Association, will be held in the rourt-I louse, on Thursday even ing August •=a, at 7;1 Persons desiring stock in this Association are requested to be in atten‘lance, as an or ganization will probably be affected at such nieet;n;r. lsq:Am ly:'h~' I~q:3m II kr-, raps : 'Cranks, 1. - tntiri . .litts and Notion,: Sowing: Nl:whiny throad,o needles, and tixturts, at Bert l Walsh's. "There alu'l a Decent Itepubli can is tliia State -T; that Like% Grant." - In the AtlgllSt I:ttli, a reiiiirt a ono Custi•ii in a Grant room. 111,1nal. speech Cusick k thus: Quay says "there ain't a decent Republican in this State that likes Grant, - tut I say "there ain't what doll t I;:tte the 1 lennierats and iiree levites.' AV hair a1.. - ttio: that 016 gallant Ci,lOllPl 1' a, .1, -1 ',111:• \%1;1:1111::. 'O , lO aTIII with r0lf! leW I i'ir)int hero art , lanother VieW .f tont in the ea.t, who ,Icko, not , o 0 that rtir . prodiotl nt Will n; .t rerLiin!c \ .." • IleatiS I Nl,ll, (Jo 0) 11 , f•rt Sinc,Pr So‘v,ri , \!a, itroati‘%;iy, Plr4 b To di-, , ;0% pr :zre , 111,.1.1,-. or nati , mal divi,lo the last two figure , of the timill,yr 01'01011111 by f,ur, and ;I one , remain 4 (h. lottpr wiil he \; if two remain , ‘ it 1.1, ill h i , It; if three I': an l ahnul,l tlwre re. rnainder the letter ":11 he I). F,, r (•••;_ ampie, a !,ofe I. re4l,tored , 11v1 , 1 , slxt four and you wf:l ha% ,ole remain. .\ p-ording to the rule, thP let ter on the note Will he It; case the rule fail:, 1.0 certain the kill I. ,o,tnter feit. Grove Meelling.—The-ro otl I he :I grove Meeting on the land of James Hardy, near tho A rmstrong school house commencing, Friday evening, Aug. 30th, 1572, and continue over the following Sunday. Meetings in the grol. e Satur day and Slintia3 -:" 111,1“.30 a. In., p. and in the evening,. Sulilects. Man, his origin and destiny. The Kingdom of liod, what? When ? Where Ineated? A:c. !tow to become chnstians, the ro• ward, what, and when to be givon, ay. All are invited. Come and hear. Elders E. Sweet and John T. t inglev will he to attendance to preach the word. A. It. iti r'lq m .1 , \! v, ( Font; rf' NN I Xii If AM, I Wig 21;'2W N•initY ST' Trq tnatln to firrier nt Berl . ,lii Clothing IlouseJtroathvay,New Brighton: ik 'Suspicious eharaeter arrested 13 , t. Friday evening in Heaver Valls, Wednesday evening previous to the :Ir . - re-0. he hail been seen to enter the nil Salt \\ - arks in that nave and depei•iit something in the earth. Ilier he retir ed, the place was searched and a full set of lin rgiars tools unearthed. It was Umn li.tvrrnined to bury thrqn aLraLp and watch I.r !lir , Man. Ite made his appearance un Friday, as abrivo statr-d wa, arre , t. , ,l and ,earchPd, and an oxtr.i. (iiund uraqi nun itted f-r try:.!. 1 lei IZ.I t:111 , 1,011" I;ra'ilt arr't,t N\ 101 t 1 I.l:rvi 14 , ,n ,f and Philadolphia. t•r II! IV. i!1 I)j,H, ' ;11:•1 Ir.qm - • M 1; I , I) •i') I t \ ;:: .! .;!! I • f• , !' 1,. N r I ME "rile 11:1,10.r (•: a:111 t I . r l 111 .1111,'.7 ra•pra•-••lltativa ‘ , l* \Va , liln4t , l, an , l Ilat!er whi,h "In \II if tht.,4' ,, rlh•leuc , (',, turnlttce, tan 3,1•1o1 Butter athl geeured a no-tul.er 1%.r the tlistrh•t— we to infer from tlik that Ow ih inimloir Lclonged to '...:onator the ren.re 110 hail a riw,lit to do w 111111 flo I.lea.e l ?-1. 1 .AV0 him in vear of time vounin, the in poitti.ial capital out of for liini-nlf? 11n , P rt.:duly y , ,111,1 tif)t havo 111” ktil , p4rt r,r ;! Rertl! , lican pipPr in the hy giN in I«n nit ei;lier w - Beaver I,olflt 1,01 , I J mr71,11 brizilton a• th,y t t h,. tr chi,f . , St 'l , Ol n• r, L• ltd unrth th • btvin 7. It , I:Pr'011 14 q1 lir :!. T lie Val tie nlt 11 I.- )) , ,t ',nen tv.l nl,l another !hey 1.41 m.• •-• I , • ••,- i I t."). I 1. - . , •rt mr,r.• „rI) I •VI `I Itl rTL: It. •I , • 3 : r. - 11.•41[ I. ,r f .t ., • , 1 in ;a 'Fite 11.:idie•• Friend inr nwnl,r pf•ri.”1 , ..•.111,141, with a la'atallai tun- "In the " - j'h t . Val. • f • 1 , 3 1..\ MEI ar.fl pi• •[1!;:tr t•rt•,t 11 , 11%d a„. l ih,• Th, surpassingly e \yellent, as usual, begins with Miss Nhizi.ey's premised sen alr "I - na and and her Lions," a very supe rior story. "I fitly a \\•i 1t" is very al tra,tive, and "An [very Day Heroin," is in Nliss Douglass' most fas , •inating styl, There are some lively sketyhes and good poems mingled w ith the seri als, forming the best entertainment to be found in the way of light, literature. The work-table and pattern department and the Editorials are also well attended to. Prioe, a year. Fir ,•”pios Eiv,l l l espies and one gratis sb'.oo. "The Ladies Friend" (.5210 and "The Sato rdity Evening Post" ii. , ; %3.00 for $-150. Published by Deacon and Peter son, Philadelphia. Smgle copies for sole News Dealer§,and by the Publish ers, pi - ire 2.0 rents. Five Hundred Thous:lnd.-500.00) Bottles of Green . .. A irei,At Fb,ir,r has been sold in this State in three months. We only ask von to go to the drug stores of II o 1:0 A nd Hessen, Beaver, S Hannen, itraiester, or Gilliland & Kerr. New Itriviiton, Pa.. and get a bottle free or a regular size at seventy-five .rents. Every Bottle warranted to core Dyspepsia 'Or Liver complaint, Sick - headache, Costiveness, Heartburn, Wa terbrash, Sour Stomach, Indigestion. Itupure Blonsl, or deranged Stomach antl liver. Use Dr. Itosehee's German Syrup for consumption. nov2t;ly. =II i.rt.r.l 'I 'f !c 113% itr: I:i.. •tiporlvor ut that =ME \ o q•I I • ; •#' ni. ri• thn Vl It ..•1. nr• Sheep Killed By Lightning.—On Monday of last week during a thunder. storm, a tree on the farm of Maj. Robt C. Scott of Hopewell township, this county, was struck by lightning, 'and twelve s heep killed, which had taken shelter under it %t that time. The sheep he longed to Maj. Scott, and were quite val uable. Tin: New Brighton Shoo Emporium Urnstead liartzog. Two Friends of Morlan and Re form, burglarized the store of Samuel J. Cross, the Republican candidate for As sembly, on Saturday night last. We have not learned the particulars, but Mr. Cross' loss is stated at several hun dred dollars. No exlgeneles of party will justify such desperate9atempts to break down a candidate.—fludical. A fair construction of the above shows undoubtedly that the Radical knows who the "two friends" are, and we say without the least mental reservation that they are notonlynot"friemicinf Mor lan and reform," but are in "cahoot" with Quay and company in hurrahing for the . Stato Treasury ticket. The very fact that they are not arrested and brought to punishment proves this be yond all cavil, Now Col. We dare you to bring them to light. You won't do it though. You don't want the good peo ple of this county to see that while some of the Ilartrauft supporters are gutting the State Treasury, others of that politi cal pers•lla,ittll are "losing through - their neighbor's stores, A PERVEcT surprise to see hew reas onable Nimes. gaiter4 , -end Slippers ran ho bought at l'instc(l,lz Hartzog's Shoe 11(m-o. f'ttttllAes no real niedi...lllo ever gain ed the rapil popularity which Castoria has dime. one person relates their PK perieneo of it.i good effeeis to another. It is a vegetable preparatsion, perfectly harmless, pleasant t.. take; does not dis tress or gripe, but relieves the system, and is sure to operate when ail other remedies have fail ed.i.7—Anv person who has ever used Castoria for Stomach Ache, Giusti pation, Crou p,Ftatulency. Worms, Piles or deranged Liver, will 'lover again use nauseating Oil, Bitter Pills or Narcotic Syrups. The Castoria contains neither Minerals, Morphine nor Alcohol. lip its soothing, rluietingetfectit produ ces natural sleep, and is peculiarly adap ted to crying and teething children. It costs hut :1.". cents, and one bottle will saye v Aliillars in doctors' bills. Fe vall of Enola I,iiii , 4ll 1 , ;.t of 4;0.01 Templar, of Itridqe‘filater hlyli wa, verti,ed to eenne ofiat the f_7l - 11C I , *`;‘ , . eon fleas Yr and If ridßywater on the alfYi noon of l t t Monday, mot tkt the play... ile , ignatvi and ailinif moil to a ca' ant store-roi:in in the latter villaqt , in in,e4itioni-i , of a rain-storm. The on- NVC:IOICr C:llltied the ilt.t.PnliallCP to he ineftgre; and it Was re , olytt.l t.) a.l ourn Tuesday aftern"firt. hut ing Ow en:yr - lawmen?. Men, NVO are , •'.rr} t•i , ay, etitere,l the ro.ml a teml•erate moo.i, ami eall,,Atl a 11rJt. (11 , t1/1114110.; ill Cjtl(.ol,-; them. Snob 14 highly improper asiii r•om.iir.ll,lf. Mit hour. eilc iit of this ,hitrio— tor. \Vt. trl:-• tlio guilty iitti ‘‘ill herta!ter Ain ir"lit tt 4,ilfs rum thein-clve. and 111 , 11 , their Tlio same tt,111,..4 ~111,1 11,1 i a 1 1 t., 1110 f t.val I.lr•\ ;t:;•••1 T l / 4 4, day ; a:1,1 ,•,111- ‘‘,1.1 a. a 1 1 1 , 1111 jar V 5.,1; , •0•4`.1 tlu 1 . 0 , -ti% al w '1 I tilllrl 4 . 1.11( up. "Try, ti v n; .t n cot.ottED cond. of every variety anti patlern at I "rwsteatl et: ilttrtzo:::',. Shoo Itroad wa v. Nev It.righlon. No 1)11111 T:e , ..1..n:4 tho liono , tv of Senator 1:1!ffilg:olt. 'file f"llowing aro reasons :or oppo , ing liartraoft and Allen: Fir d. lteeau,e the Sfate %I - 3r elaotbi against the' ,eueral govern ment,amott n t ing to nearly , three rodrioto4 of dill larA, were , permitted too longtoslumher in the hand,: of irresponsible partn , , and all in formation in regard to the same, siteh av the plain aid of assent hl v re Inirey,'l+ltll held by the Auditor General from the public , and denied to individual. who had the rvzht to demand , oien Informa • 5f . 4 . ”11.1. llocause the sinkim• fond, of which the Auditor general i 4 one of the . commissioners, and who the ball anec of power in the board, 11:1 , , 1 , 1"efl t 1,4,1, to a largo extent, Iry it1(11% i lnal favorites, for speculative i•urposeg, in stead of being applied to the purpo.o for %%Moll it was solely created—the extin guishment of the publie debt. Third. itr.ean.o duo dili;:enee ha+ n , t 1,44 m 11 , ,e ,J. nor have proper etl , ,rt , ‘ la-en made t;)"redner our State debt a.; rap- Hly a , the funds in the trea-tiry may ji•Oify.- Fourth. Iteealise on set•eral rrr.•aclons both ileneral tiartranft and general AI - n participated iionspiiinously in at tenit,M to procure legimlat '1 tchith v, ,, ald have increased the de l d of the c- uitnon«ealth tniili , .ns of dollars, and deereased the as.•ets in the sinliing fund more. MIMI 1:1.:•‘1111N , rrr:111 \ 0 1 tt.d.tt I 0 - 1...te.1,1,t, littrtz'tttr'sSh , w 11,t11-4• ',nil to !taxi 111 . SS. liege (.1 r 11/.. lho 111 4 111 . 1 it 111 , •11 . r 1 11!.•t1 n (1111 r t'l: r•(i,! I,rkigH lla,,lf•lter La •k 11V1 . , to 11 ~I • 'thirty Illy, t‘ i, tvliorra4 it woulii t.i t.i tlii• I,ett(.l - (Wire, if it shiitC , l Nil I, to, partie , addre,sed. The ! , p i :anther II(.111•fit ariaing front haN, inl tl t•4: - . 1 on the en v t.l , pr. It frequently no,re frequently than people have any idea of, that letter' are dropped if‘t,) tli flrtee without I.einq statrip t• I, All si-11 I..tter, are retaine , l for p,sta l ze. If the wr; tor i known I,v in, ear l np.,n th., vi. 1 ,11) the i. , ) At 1.4 e ,1::..•tod, And I , •ttf.: ant ‘,ll with I tit delay. N ,, t 1 , 7 t Yinr, a tra 1113.1 , 11 ,, 1 , pe , 1 a letter Ow :1 ! p• 1'1,4 I irti,e twinv Itv the printril rniittPr nn HIP tinvtiiiriiie it 1;1, ,, '.h who hail inaile I it, and ":1 asking the ratan if he had tn.tiled a Lotter hr 'Said ho had and deseribed it minutely Ile all 11" WOll tilt fur ahv tnonoy h.tvo ill that !otter delavo . :l tt singlodav 'lli. will ,ulll,e tho intruirtaneo ref Irtyltux your ton:inesq mard printo.l y ,, or etiv.lope,4 with a reque , tto re turn if mit eal!ed for in a •'ertain num li rr friav-. I. Intl+ of Boots, Sline..awl initnr4 fortio !.ir in any an every 4tvlt• at iii,tf•ail h Hartzog'. Sli,e Ilnn.e 1:n1:1 , 1- w:iv, Now ItriOiton. ••13:Ibe .Illotalgomery.•• wli miane visarm scam Irina fiir tlu, murder n. a !nom in NV:l , llinizton ernitity, % am mina I.y t colorod pro , tittitv Ili% Hie ha.. berm 0(1.1 ME ti on and crime. Newspapers, f r om 117T1.1 to !IMO have recorded his misdeeds and ferocious brawls. His intimatn rem pAnions were of another race, and of the 100. est order. The Pittsburgh Mail of \ l' educ•sday last says on the night pre lolls was at a house of ill-repute presided Over by a colored woman near the corner of Webster and Elm street. lie had been drinking, and was lying up on the floor with his hands under Iris head sleeping I a the effects of his potation ,- . 'the whinan proprietress of the house at ternptr•d to take a revols er front his pocket. As she drew it out it was sud denly discharged and ti - !ball moving horizontally with his bialy Filtered un der his arm severing the brachial artery. Dr. Foster was Immediately summoned who gave his medical aid at (men to the patient. The opinion of the physician is that the wound prove fatal. Soon after the news of the shooting an excited qrowd surrounded the premises. No ar rest was made, the woman resolutely closing and lock lug the door, stating that the pollee could "come 'round in the morning." As the shooting waszteci dental no attempt was made to arrest, and it is probable that very little legal controversy will grow out of the affair whether the victim lives or dies. "Babe" belongs to one of the most respectable families of Washington county, and his conduct can only be accounted for on the ground of mental obliquity. The Unexpended BalaneePeople and Their Troubles:—The Hart ranft-Allen people hereabouts seem to have a trouble' on their hands which promises to be irreconcilable and pro ductive of no little mischief. Herein lies the difficulty : Quay, Ratan do Co., havo always, for a few years past, been foremost in organizing political clubs and gutting "minute mon" started out in order to "enthuse" tho people and thus get themselves and partisans elect ed to office. After getting these organi rations to work it was the custom of the gentlemen above referred to to lay back, smoke lino cigars, drink crystly wine, and march never a bit, with their simple follei7rs. They neither wanted to "come down" With the necessary ex ercise themselves nor be seen In the com pany of many of those who usually do leg duty and throat Splitting service in a campaign. Ty weeks ago the old pro gramme was laid down again. but a largo number of the tank and The gave notice at once that inasmuch as all the dust that was [limed up and all the noise Made during the campaign was to bene fit Mr. Itutan, arid consequently add to Mr. Quay's storehouse, they woula do' no marching this campaign unless Messrs. Quay and Itutan would march too. In vain the ('ol. pointed to his phis, and declared they were unable to sup port what was above, in a march.— The answer came back, "we can't see it." Ile said ho would "come down • with the dust." but he would no d d, If he would go down into the dust hitn. , elf. Not any." "We'll not stir a peg then," was the response. Mr. Itutan plead that his back Wits 1011 g, subject to aches, and that marching would bring him to an untimely grave. "Nary grave, - was the word sent bark. "If you %won't foot it, wo won't foot it," came up from a score or two of half angered men, Thus mat ters stood for a time, and seeing that the whole thing was on the point of going to pot, Messrs. quay and Baden yielded, and agreed to "shin it" during the cam paign. I.4st Thursday evening was their "first appearance on the stage," and we must do rol. Quay the justice to say that he presented a truly tine and martial appearance. With head up, eyes to the right, abdomen drawn in and "chist" heaved out, he looked like a warrior of the old Greek type, and we fancied that the enemy who stood in his path would have to leave it forthwith. Mr. Retail, too, created a decided impres sion on those who witnessed his bearing in the procession. Alongside of three or lour other wen, whose ages seemed to rum from S to 12 years, Mr. R. was ap parently in the line of duty and was Matilki ,, tly .0110 happy. But all this seeming happiness was a delusion. Nei ther Col. Quay nor Mr. Itutan intend marching much more. They will go back to their easy chairs, their fragrant cigars, and their excellent brands of wine, and sock to make the unsophisticated do the marching and counter-marching in the furore. Then the trouble will. again be on their hands. The Premium list will appear in i:c L Weols',l A 1:61.,. MIZE SNELLE:siti•nu, Or the firm of N. .l .1. Stie:lenhiirg, is going East on the Ytith u.t, to 00,14, Lot the whole et - Hilary he thoroughly awake to their interest in the clothing line on his return, for this lirm 'wend to suit all, both in quality anti ,euel Mu? noir :--liron4lwav, New z %, it rrire I,lrigh tom IiENTW fur:al:Aping goods, at S. k Sraelleit burg'ts. teeldeut trona I.latztufna.—nur inv tho , itzirin on Monday afternoon, the lirirk house of \t r. E. C. Leightty, in \Vest Newton, \sit, struck- by light nuicher porsons %sere in the hill[ding at the tune, and three men were WingPronly shocked: their names are Adam Darr, Jr.. Daniel Parr ami Samuel Iteol. All were pn)strarel and remain ed helpless for hours. Arlan Darr was horned on time rktrit stile from ;wad his c loil i iipz \ in;. I,,,riwin injury is painful and exten sive: the ~t her two niTti — received no nth er injury than a severe shock. I(ry Reed remained f r some time without much ..jvn hut prompt medical attention wesisle , l his ,'stem to rally. All are (loin:: VI and likely to recover. In this intdancc the electricity seemed to eotne in an unusual course; the roof, ,hinineys and walls of the house were not hi any way damaged; the glass of five windows in front, and the frames and sash strips of 4MI of them were more or less shattered. \Altogether the e-irape from greater (1 actor W:l4 truly rema: k able. -Monongahela B.rincblie‘tu. If \T•4, Pap., 'Crunl; s; an (1 V nihrvlla.s, .1. \ewhpaper I. Sul,writ)ors (lo not ic.o exp T101Ui•0 t. 41 contrary an , ‘x.i,lting to con- FRIE time thr•'r If vnl)4or;l , f.r4 in tint order the tliv e•olitltill•tivq.nl their periodic:Al., (helm,. !hem anti :1:: arr "a rairP- are If , nlce•rihers nevlect nr refmaito take their perWicals from the office to which they areY directed, they are held re , iponsible till they have paid their bill, and ordered them discontinued. I, I r suhsorlberm move to other places without inlrmint: the puldishers, and the napery are sent to the former direr t: they are held responstltle. 'rho entirtq hare (Ireidod that roftn4- nil: 1.. take poriorlioak from thOotlloo. or r6 , itiov and loavina thorn nneallod for, Is 1 , , .pl , t 1 , ,e4,, idf•IIVP ot . Intentioila =I Any per,rm wh" rovvivPS a 111 , w , - paper and Makin+ n•-n •1 it, w hot ber ho orh , ri , l it or k hold in law lig a Mu hwerl her 7:rho twister ( ;oilers I reiiiiirris Post masters t inform the proprietor of news fialAer's %%lieu Ow paper is refused by .+lll).cribers 1:0•Y your rlothinv. from S. N S. Sne Ilroadwav, New Brighton. Fear of Growing 014.--Why should w. , ar to V,rOW OM 7 Why should we dread to see the years (kinds away, and leave their marks upon our brow 7 Why should wo stay time in his enurse, 114 lira r , 1 , h1“ 1 in ( - 11 never-wearied wings? Ind p z e, ar t thou so dark, dreary? (tit! limn art. unlovely to the eyes of youth. Tho vi..llr of m ind a nd Ludy destroyed, -ruses the tottering footsteps nod bent f", m, all these aeeom party t hen, Array thyself in the trappings of youth an 1 festivity, endeavor to etraee the tin- Vi'r prints of Limo, but it is all in vqin. There is no mutate in thy trembling vomee, no bloom oqoyeliness' upon thy \ - et all unlovely as thou art. still are we hasten Ii toward thee, rind ran make nn resiqMinen. Wo mar w ish to loiter amongst the flowers or spring, nr the beauties of summer, hut time speeds on to the dreary plains of winter. w hy i s lifi.•4 winter thoureht to be so tireary ? 14 not winter the aett.ion for enj,v lug the produce of spring and sum tni•r's labor? The industrious who have laid up their stores need have no an xie: but the indolent who have made no provision, may well fear its approach. So it is with old age. Wo.need not dread it, if, in youth, we have been diligent, and laid up our treasu_res in beacent but if we have spent our days in the service of the world and its follies, then we may fear of I age; for it brings Poverty, anti there is no poverty like the soul's pov erty. Then let us live so that old ago shall ho for us a time for reviewing over the past anti joyous meditation of the future. _ _ _ 11gricullural.—There will be a meeting of the officers and managers of the Heaver County Agricultural Society held at the Court House at 10 o'clock A. M., Saturday August 31st, 1572. Ttio'. 0. AN9HUT7, SCCy. Everybody has a cold now and won_ dem how he got it, when thothemometer hasn't been below eighty degrees for I month, and cioolltraughts have been un heard•of. Theextmordinary number of colds probably corresponds - to the unu sually hot, Moist air prevailing for a number of days, which prevents the .change of perspiration into vapor or cooling off. The moist, heated air, a good conductor, allows the electricity to pass from tiro body, leaving a '•moat gone" debilitated feeling, the pores of the skin aro all open and a trifling change in temperature produces a cold. If the air was just as hOt but not [milk the perspi ration would , evaporate too fast for much danger. Now an ounce of prevention is offered. Chivtge damp clothes when exercise Is through, or, if inconvenient, keep the beat in the body by moans of a woolen coat or shawl, until perspiration has ceased. Probably more of these colds are taken by night than by day, because the bedclothes that wero insup portable before midnight becomo insuf ficient soon after. An easy and efficient remedy is a loose woolen robe, worn over the ,ordinary night clothes, which will prevent too sudden change of tem perature. . To RTake a Good Collector.—Bo on time to a minute when the debtor says, "come to-morrow at tune o'clock." Sit on thosteps and wait for his return when he says, "I am just going to din- nor." - Insist on stepping out to makochatiO when the man "baa nothing less tha a twenty." (lo to an "old stager" every daP , or a mouth with a- -elacerful "conntenance "about that little account." lion•t mitio%rlging in a crowd to ask a follow. Tako a dollar In part if you can't got ten in whole and "credit it" with alac rity. Always suggest a chock when the money is not at hand, as no can get it "cashed" to-morrow. Always have the account "on top" so the man can Imo no excuse for putting you off. Don't mind asking for it immediately after being "treated"—or pleasantly en tertained. Never ho in a hurry, "will wait till you get through." - Cough or salute when the "hard case" wants to pass without seeing you. In tine—be patient as a post, oheerful as a duck, sociable as a flea, held as a lion, weather proof as rubber, cunning as a fox, and watchful as a sparrow hawk: The Comet which was reported would strike this earth on the Bth that., ' by one astronomer, and on the 12th by another, has been -postponed until the 24th inst., when, if it does riot arrive, the learned professors will have to back down and acknowledge that in this in stance at least science has been at fault. Meantime, it may not be uninteresting to publish the report of its discovery as contained in the Marseilles Tribune, of July 21st : . TI . 41 astounding intelligence cornea to its that a comet, answering in all its ele ments which have yet been determined to that whose appearance during the present month was predicted' lass Feb ruary by Pcofessor Plantinnobr. has at tnally been'observed nearly aimilltane °tisk, by two astronomers, Professors Bockh, of St. Petersburg, and Planta mour, of Geneva. (The former scientist having the larger llescope saw the new celestial body Korn two days before it ensue within rangeaPlantamour's less powerful instrattne4o, yet undoubtedly the merit of the idiscovery is to be awarded to the Geneva astronomer, I;.r the same reason that Leverrier is called the discoverer of the Planet Neptune, since ho was the first to ?mill its ap pearance, although not tho first to actu ally observe it. Professor Bockb's dim ..........„.......................-sts.od toAl.o in x..d......_., burg Gazette on the 2011 day of June last, in the following words: "Al thirty-five mil utes past 3 o'clock this morning Professor Bockh, of the Imperial l•niversity discovered a small or very distant comet, or patch of nebu lous matter, not setdown in the charts. It was in right asecision 18 hr. 38 min. 2e see . and south deelnation 12° 18 min. Three days afterwird , an announce ment of the same nasirt was printed in the Swiss Ft mes, the merit of the discov ery being given to Prifesor Plantamour who had then seen i comet which (allowance being made for the differ eneo,, of longit tide hoween St. Pe tersbtirg and Genova) was known to he the ono already observed by ilockh. Believing the the now bo dy was the same as tkit which his brother scientist had redicted, Prof. llockh had in the meanltne telegraphed to Geneva an account of is observations and requested Plantamor to keep him fully informed of w hatoer calculations and observations shouldhe made in Ge neva. Ito himself woul devote all his time and energies to to exceedingly di nicult task of determinigthe elements of the new comet. For eight consecutivi days the two worked aPart, and thenat Bockh's re quest, Plantsmour d"01: to St. Petert : burg, and the two woiltd together, as they have been doing evaiece,keeping the results of their labolierfectly quiet until within the last few)aya. The an nouncement in the Swi. Times and the st. Petersburg Gazett Waded, as it may Flo remelted ered, ome attention when it appeared, but t neither of the astronomers afterward* spoke of the matter it gradually disapeared from the newspapers and died mite some extent in the public , mind. Tim Ga:rae now rmidisbet in full the rests which have Leon arrived at, ably - mg it is impossi ble and indeed hardly (hirable to give the complicated ralculatics which led lo the astounding assertion tat, with a tri fling error in regard to is moment of contact (an error put at I remarkable when the di flieulties of tl problem are taken info con gidnration Plantamonr was right when he assert) that the orbit of his comet crossed arse the earth in such a was' as to nccessate a collision of the two bodies. It)iMught by some mathematicians the acre maw be an error in taking thOrlit to be parabolic ris they think it Wily possible that it is an eclipse in whil ease, as was the fact w i th Ri c .i a • F , mm t in 1532. it will pass through the earl's orbit on August 24. at a point wheionr planet will !without the middle otteptember. Bockh and Plantarnonr 01% however, that there is nn reason to 41elieve that the orbit of the comet is Q,•tly n parabola, and that in passing milward the Rim the new and terrible sitor to the solar system will smite thtarth on A ',emu. 12, w ith what result, twever, It is Impossible to foretell. When tirssobserved the comet was far beyond timosi distant point reach ed by Neptul in its journey round the win— a distas somewhat short of 3,000, 000,000.000 des. Subsequent observa tions show 4t it is moving with a ve locity of abt nine miles a second— about the rant which the earth moves in its orbit-41d that early in August it will ho visil to the naked eye as a small patch of tit; twelve and a half degrees west of theiolar star. It will become more and ore distinctly visible, and gradually ; nucleus will appear, the nebula arod the nucleus will become less regniand the tail will be seen, di vided intoree parts. Thenceforward. until milt lakes place, it will in crease in airent size and splfsbdor until Its light sit fill the entireheavento, ren dering thqws, the moon, and even the sun invio. It seems probable that the singully brilliant auroa which ex tended °vise large a portion of Europe a short thiago, as well as the unusual number of meteors which have lately been observed, while In several places large Meteoric stones have fallen and burled themselves in the earth, Indicate some extraordinary powers at "ork ier the solar system, which may 63 duo to the approach of Plantamour's comet. As to the exact moment of contact there is a disagreement between the results arrived at by the astionomers m Bockh giving It as August 12 at twenty minutes to four, p. m., Greenwich time, while' Plantimour places it at August 12at half past six, p. m.,—a difference of two hours and fifty minutes. Let those find comfort to this who can. Already the report, translated into all the languages, has created the most In tense excitement In some parts of Eu rope, but as formerly, when Plantamour made his first assertion that a cornet was to come, the newspapers treated the met er in a serio-comic way.yet In ono Which plainly shows how-ill at ease the phople are. The time for verification is at band, and the two men, Bockh and Plantarnour Will then be set down al fanatical or igno rent, or as guilty of a sensational report which ill accords with the dignity of the position which they now occupy. The story is given as briefly as possible, and for what it is worth; the dies mirabilis may be at nand. Who can tell? CUM "1 have got tfirail of It.—One of tho hardest working and most effective members of the Republican party in this County, stated a few days ago inßea ver that although ho expected to vote for Grant, be would otherwise boa non-par ticipant in the present campaign. "I have," said he. "got tired of working yearly to promote and enrich three or four men about the county seat." llls feelings are the feelhTs of a great many others In tho County, and his example will no doubt be followed by them. rithole in its Glory—Rail Roads —Tionesta Tidionie Fisher Drothers—lion. C. D. Culver— Reno, dee., ite. PITIIOI.K, August 14. 1572. Six years since the writer left Oil City for this place In a light, strong spring wagon with two horses, in company with a gentleman familiar with the oil country, and a good, safe driver. At that time no railroad advantages were enjoyed in this country above Oil City. Pithole was then in 'Ha glory, just bud ding out from a miserable farming and forest country into an over-crowded town of live or eight thousand Inhabit ants. The United States well VMS then said to be flowing live or six hundred barrels of oil daily, and the crowd from every part of Oildoin, as 4611 as those prospecting from all parts of the coun try, centeredtherein-Pithale. Since that day, however, the tide of excitement has visited vations points, and now seems rolling steadily toward the oil fields of our own county. The roads through this country were fearful to behold, and much more so to ride over. Wrecks of wagons and car casses of 'horses at done seasons of the year were of frequent occurrence. It was a wonder to me then, and is still, that loads of oil could be transported over such roads. There was need then, indeed, of Mr. liergh's "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." All that has passed away, and it is wen that it has ; for it would be an utter impossi bility to handle theeil of this section in barrels.' Your readers are aware that it is now conveyed in pipea to the railroad and thence by pi peg to oil tank cars, and then shipped to Pittsburgh or Erie, or East, without change. You see cars of the N. Y.'bentral. Boston and Portland Linen—showing how all points reach in here for this wonderful and valuable product of nature. Pithole has heen( * burnetl out two or three times, anti most of the buildings not burned have been removed. Still there is quite a settlement and consider able oil found in the vicinity. 1 - met . - artifig pltiee a Deaver county man, Mr. Henry Wickham," who is Gen eral Manager of the Pithole Railroad, extending from the Oil Creek Railroad at Oleo's)ifs to this point. He is also Superintendent of the Sunday School, and is evidently and deservedly very highly esteemed both by the company and the community, Mr. McHenry of the Atlantic & Great Western Railway hi': engaged now in ex tending this road through to Pleasant ville and Titusville and thence, I un derstand, it is to le extended to Erie. This gentleman is able to command all the means nemsaarr and is building the road in the most substantial manner and supplying equipments for it of a first clas.s order. A visit to Tionesta, op the Allegheny some twenty miles, reveals substantial improvements in progress in this coun ty seat. \This towirxiependa rather up on the lumber tratiel of this region than the oil. Indeed, the benefits this town has received fromth at business are like those received from-it by another County town that I wet of, nearly all on the wrong side of the ledger. The piers are now being erected for an iron bridge over the river at this place, which will add greatly to the convenience of its cit izens, and must very considerably en hance the price of real estate. It is ex ceedingly unfortunpte to be nn the wrong side of a river with ho means of crossing but a ferry boat so, obstinate that it re fuses to be hurried though your train be in sight. Among'.others I ob4rved a very neat and subStantial bank build ing erected by Messrs. May dr. licitly, who prripose to embark in banking, in connection with a -heavy lumber busi ness. They are gentlemen of strict in tegrity and of acknowledged business abilities, so there as no doubt of their being able to supply a want that has long been felt in the town. Tidiou te, some twenty miles above the seat of the immense territory and oper ations of the F.entiomites, shows very great improvement , . A couple of years since the feeling prevailed that the town would wane with the receding of the nil belt, but time has shown that there is to he business there lip- n permanent, flour ishing town. though the transient popu lation may be greatly diminished. Fine brick blocks have been, and are being erected, and nearly a score of first class dwellings are now being built. The suspension of the Fisher Brothers crea ted an intense excitement through these regions, where they bairn neßrly R half dozen offices. It hi safe to say that no firm has done mord than this one for the development of this country; and the business men cannot afford to let them he crushed. They:,will no doubt cot a sufficient extension to enable them to resume in a short time. Their integrity and known business habits era worth a fortune to them in this crisis. The Reim property; located between Oil rite and Franklin, controlled by C. D. Cul vbr, of great notoriOt* in this section. is yielding very WO quantities of oil, thus enabling this *My honorable gen - tleman to discharge to Rome extent in debtedness incurred when he failed at the time there was it general collapse in °Whim. It wai the general prns trntlon tbat made the prolonged an pens glom of Mr. Culver a necessity. He succeeded in retaining the control of thi s s . Reno property, placing. the fullest con fidence in its ultimate development. Ho gave those to whoin he was indebted stock in this concern, many of whom ac cepted it, thinking might lie better than nothing, thoitgli not much. A gentleman who had the payment-of the dividends semi-animal for one point., told me be had eighiy thousand dollars to pay out the first of July. Put I must bring this yarn to a 'close, so Y will stop short. I!ours, ttc.. R. T. T. The weather, hot'da blazes. From Whence Conies the Pay? —Tho ,Radical givesnotico thPt "Mr. Octrttss, clerk of the (liartranft) cam tnittee will be in constant attendance" at the committee's room, in the Radical building, and "Republicans from all sections of the county aro requested to call, whether they have business with the committee or not." Mr. Curtis wo know to be agentleman of moderate means, and of course ho is enjoying a line salary while quartered in tha-Com inittee'a room. Now, if ibis sal ary IN paid from the private funds of Messrs. 'quay, Mann itz Co., or if It is raised by voluntary contributions, we have no objection to the new departure. In fact. In that event, we would feel. quite comfortable under the knowledge that the Professor had found liberal per sonal friends who had provided a "soft thing" for him during the present cam paign. But if, on the other hand, his salary comes via " the unexpended bal sam" route, we protest op the ground that the people pay their State taxes for other purposes than to employ men to pest bills for flartranft meetings, to mail Hartranft documents, and to shake the digits of persons who call at the Com mittee's room, "whether they have busi ness with the Committee or not." Daring attempt to rob a store. —On Tuesday morning of this week at about 3a. in., Mr. M. M'Creery of this place, who sleeps in a room in the rear of his store, was awakened by a strong current of air rushing in upon him He immediately looked in the di rection of one of the. windows, and saw that the shutter was drawn back and the window elevated, and a man stand ing just outside. Mr. M. arose from his bed quietly and wont into the store room to got [Mid of something with which to defend himself and property. A hatchet wait the only weapon he could secure. On his return to the bed-room, hp found the man ho first saw, climbing in through, the window, and another person assisting him to effect an rn trance• lie at 01/C4 threw the hatchet at the person in the window, striking him, It is supposed, behind the right ear. They of course, made a speedy retreat, leaving large blotches of blood on the window sill, and along the lino of their escape. It seems they stopped after wards, on the bench in front of Captain Hamilton's dwelling, as when daylight appeared, considerable blood was found upon it. They have, however, got away, anti we are left in the dark as to who they were or whence they came. That one of them, however, has a "sorehead•' we have no doubt. • NEW 13,11GuroN, Aug. lar, it 472 Mu_ Ennon: The dashing report of the llarranft meeting, held in this city last rila,ht, which was published in the Pitts• burgh "Commercial - this morning, is not truthful; but, emanating front the "ring, - truth cool(' not. Is' ex peeled, it would be inconsistent with its character when con nected with isiiititts That report says there acre three thou.and at that meeting. There not more Ilia n We filth 1/1 that latinlwr pre:sent. Amy man of ver.ieity, w lit I a as t It. re, a ill bear te-olimoi that :it the utmost limit there were no: to .' 111, 601 i, el I.llltir;Si 11 , 4 Cuts ft , ll: edont Hocks! er, ittidge%%ater, 11 , a Fa! S and New Bright , n The r.•port 1. lied in truth again in L.: is it published the names of promii w nt men as being present and acting us Vice Pres- Went!. of the meeting, who were IPA there, not in atiliation .itli that party', and who cannot treseAneed by such empty honors. One of them has assured ate of his absence and of the uti of hits Hanle without ;SU thOrliy, also of his determination to op pose the "ring' ticket to the bitter end. In fact most of the gentlemen 113:netl for ','lce Presidents were hlist arc op posed t.) Mint mutt, Allen, Ratan, and the entire cerdralizalion, re-nomination, ring to kct. The above are but two of the thousands of falsehoods of a similar ch.itacter which (ester in and emanate from the politival .irc.-ise of the tlld Wirnebago C Csmeron— and his said nes of the Treas ury Ring, among the least Of whom a7e the editors of:The li , aver R Laical: 'New Brighton and the candidate for State Senate in this district—J. S. Ratan. Mr. W. W. Ketchum—standing candi date for Governor—and the hero of Lib by Prison, General Harry Wbite (who paid a large sum to be nominated Speak er ofthe last State Senate. and cried when he failed to secure the office) were the Speakers of this meeting. If Harry White was 11.4 well known to this com munity as ,he is east, his gasconade would be pronounced rani. Ile is sim ply a toady of the "Treasury Ring," hired at $l,OOO salary to stump the State in its interest. Russell, Cameron, Er rett and the chairman of the National Committee, contracted to pay him the foregoing sum at his earnest solicitation. Cameron dispises White, but ordered his engagement for fear he would join the liberals If his applhaition was reject ed. r. Ketchum was unhappy and invid ious in his remarks in several instances; especially was this the case when he said "there were those present who believed they should be in Congress." Many persons were simple enough to believe he was directing a shaft at the chairman of Ii:, meeting. He also said "there were those present who would like to go to the State Senate and be elected State Trea surer ;" but he failed to toll, us that him self had been three times a candidate for Gubernatorial nomination, three times a candidate for Congress and twits) a can didate for State Treasurer. The differ ent times he was defeated for the nomi nation for Governor, he charged it upon the Cameron Ring "going back" on him. I don't think they would do so again, do you? lie failed to tell us that he oppos ed Ilartratift's nouination fur Governor because he LI ght he (W. W. Ketchum) should have been the nominee for that °film; and that, it was only when the Ring Committee-man "saw him" with one thousand In "Spinner" currency to stump the State, ho concluded Hartranft would answer for a Governor; especial ly, since he gets another thousand for stumping for President—two thousand in all. Who wouldril, be mollttled by that amount iif greenbacks? Why, I would myself agree to stump for Grant, Greeley, Ilw•kalew, Irartranft, "or any other man," in New Brighton, Beaver Falls and vicinity for that sum, wouldn't you? A LOOK EU oN. 4-.. Y -Once in awhile in what would otherwise ho only an ordinary news paragraph we find a most various compound of particulars. In the (use of a woman who, in New Haven, charged her husband with assault, it appeared that there was a child dead in the house ; the woman was trying to screw on the lid of the cof fin; the husband came ia inebriated, seized the screw-driver and punched the end of it into her face. Per con tra, the husband testifies that the in jured woman threw a mil of water over him and tore up two of his shirts If a more miscellaneous case of domestic infelicity can be produc ed than this we should not like to see it. ~,.IVeny Advertisements. "My Picture was taken by If NOSS, New Brighton." I,usviwoullghaos aue4;4w Proposed Attiendinent to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. JOINT RESOLUTION PROPOSINO As AMENDMENT Tp THE CONSTITUTION OP PENNSYLVANIA ? lie it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennity/vanit4 in General Assembly met, That the following amendment of the Constitution Of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adop tion tor rejection, pursuant to the provi sions of the tenth article thereof, to wit AMENDMENT: Strike out the sixth section of the sixth article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the quali fied electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service * as shall be prescribed by tar." Wit.trAm ELLiorr, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JA.M Es S. REJTAN, Speaker of the ,Senate. A.PPUOvED—The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JOUN W. GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. OFFICE SEC' Y OF THY. COM . TEI, llAnntanutto, June 26th, 1872. I NEW BR 'WESTON GRAIN lIIMEMET. CORRECTED BY WIL%OIC White Wheat, - - - - -$1 85- Old Red Wheat, - - - - 180 Now Red Wheat, - - - - 100 Rye, Corn, -60 Oats, 40 Buckwheat, • 85 - - - .AVARRIED. = DOUGLAS.S—COULTER.---00 the 19th day of August, A. D. 1672, at the Clark liouse, Rochester, Pa.. by Rev. dames M. Shields, Mr. R. C. Douglass. of Cain berland, W. Va.. and Miss Salina Coulter of Irondale, Ohio. - - - - - DIED. GIVEN.—On August 4th, at his resi dence in Brighton township, William Given, In the S2d yea of his age. GIVE-N.—On the 20th of July last, Mar garet, wife ofJohn Given, of Brighton townsblp,,aged 54 years. New Ad v ert isements. Zion NOTlCE.—Letters testamentary Ilion the estate or William Given. latent' Briot t on township, Beaver county. decd. havinv, been granted to the un.lersigned, residing in said town otttp, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payments, and those having claims against the Caine. are roNtlefted to present said claims duly authenticated to the un der.itr.ned for settlement sugll:liw CIIA ELF::: GIVEN, Aler. H. J. CHANDLER. Dentist. TT AS of encd 1.1, an office at hi. reeltlence In Ito cheater, above the Diamond, Text to Dr. A T. Shalleuberger's office Ile respectfully invites any person wanting anythli , in hts line to call on him. Satisfaction guaranteed In all operutiotm. 4 singll:3m /0,000 A (TSIVA I T p Di° ;I " PUltieal CHal.l 7. !hr moat attractive at.IP ralrattle thing out. It to indiepeneable to men of all partlee, jn.t the tarts and tiguiee I,emi.ti. for e‘ery day reference. by every inteilLttot vote r. Agent. are pelting from t A y 1 hr li . terlll I r 1 I ior A orrrtpclVe circular... Addr...to 1)1 E , ILI D V. , IIMk.AD pnn iblitr 'au-, in t au,,r2l 4 Penn'a Female College, Near Pittsburg : 11, Pa. Delighlfulty located on Co4ege Hill, away from the city'a smoke and 1106 C, Provides Pies' Clam Ilidueatiouai Advantages for young Ladies, settla earnest teaching and com mon-sruse. management, Next term will open WEDNESDAY September IL For Catalogue and particulars address. Rev. JAMES BLACK, 1) D., President. TIIre+TKLY , --James Laughlin, Her, W. D. How ard, D I) . Judge J P. Sterrett, Rey. \V. J. Herd, James Ktug. M. D., lte•. S. F. Scovell, Rev S Wilson. D. D. Hon. Robert McKnight. Rev. M. W. Jacobus. E. 1) 'Wm. Baliewell, lion. J. Moorhead, Rev. John 41. Brown. L 1.1). augll ;4 Cannonsburg Academy, For preparing young men for college and for the education of teachem will commence its next terht TUESDAY, r.tcrr 17th. No pane will he spared to render both departments, C Lasr4 cal and Normal, worthy ofpublic patronage. Thcnie purposing to d atten, and especially those desiring boarding at club rates, are requested Lo give no curly notice. For further information apply to Rev. WM. EW - iNG, or Rev. W. F. BROWN. angi4:4w Beaver College and Musical Institute, opens September 10,1872. Particular attention will be paid tboje cleeiriug to become Teachers. Seminary Hall afford,. accommodation for twen ty boye, where they will be prepared for huelioNe Or Collige. Scud for Catalogue to the I , ,,,dent, R TAYLOR. SIIkatIVV"S 13 y Vtrtue of sundry writs of Vend Mont Expo- Fieri FACISP, and Levari Facias, Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Beater, and to me directed, there will be ex• posed to public sale. at the Court House In the, Inimugh of Beaver. Beav , .r county, Pa.. on SAT URDAY. AVG. lidth, A 1). 14:2. at ten o'clock, a. to.. the following property, viz: All right, title Interest and claim of defendant, of, to and to all that certainptarcel or lot of ground situate to the borough of llookston n, Beaver county and State of Pennsylvania. bounded on the north - by land owned by the C. I'. Church, on the east by land of Samuel McLaughlin and Joseph McPiterran, on the south and west by public road —All ete ...ed. and containing about three acres more or less. Ai-0. a certain lot of ground situ ate in the Ntruuen of llookstow a. and county aforesaid, bounded and described .41 the north by Darid Wright, east by Jno. IL. Todd, south by Pme street, awl west by land of Mrs Grter; on which there Is erected a one story frame stable—all enclosed. Also, a piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Greene. county of Beaver, Pa., bounded and described as follows : North by public road, east by Jame* Trimble's/ heirs, and south and west by Jambs of Moody, con taining four acres more or less. Seised arid taken in execution as the property of Samuel IL Witherspoon, at the suit of John Lloyd's executors ALSO. No g. • At the name time and place all the right, title, in terest and claim of defendant of, in and to all those certain Inta or pieces of grr and situate in the hi r ough of Beaver Fah.. Beaver county, and State 01 Pennsylvania, being tots Non 124:1 and 1144. in Economy pia , of iota of Fald borough, and hounded and described as follows : On the north by Baker street, on the east by Cedar street, on the south by lot No. 1245. and on the went by Ce• der alley, each baying a front of 43 feet on Cedar id reel, and running lack to Cedar alley, on whielt is erected a two-otory frame dwelling. containing in (mint 16 feet and lu depth :10 feet, with a portico extending along the whole front of building, with cellar underneath, and all enclosed. Seized and Liken In execution as the property 4.4 George IlarAhall, la the enit of Jane. , J Crane. ALM), No. I. At the same time and place all the r fight, title, In terest and claim of defendant of, to and to that cer tain ID ePel inw e or lot of land situate In the borough of Beaver, In the county of Beaver and State of Pennsylvania, being part of lute No 92 and 9t. in the general plan of guild bo rough, bounded and de scribed as follows to wit: Beginning on Third st , at the corner of lot Nu. 91, thence by said street wester:y one hundred and y feet to corner of Lot owned by :Lary Moore. thence by said lot and lot of Mary Carson norther,y one hundred and tiny fret to lot of Matilda Warrick, thence by lot last aforesaid easterly sixty-seven and one-half fret, northeTly one hundred and fifty fret to Turn pike alley, thence by Turnpike alley easterly fret to lot No. 91, tLenee southerly 301) ( et to the place of beginning: and on which is erected a Yr.-story brick dwelling house with eight rooms anti a kitchen attached, cellar underneath ; also. other necessary out-buildings: all enclosed and planted with fruit trees Net red and taken• in execution as the property of Mary Anderson, decd , In the hands of Marga ret J. Anderson her executrix: and also of the staid Margaret Jane Anderson and Joseph L. An derson devisees ender the will of the said Mary Anderson, deed, at the suit of S. B. Wilson, also at ite rot of J. R. Harrah use of WLllam Harrah. ALSO, No. 4. At site same lime and place, all the right. title, interest and claim of defendant of, in, to and out of all those three certain parcels and lots of ground situate in the borough of Beaver Falls, Beaver couuty,State of Bannslyvania, tiumbt•ted 35, Jr V, In the Economy plan of water lots In said bor ough; said three lots adioiaing each tithes and, to gether, bounded on the Ourth by lot No. qt in said plan ; on the east by Big Beaver creek; on the south by Walnut Run, and on the west by a way or public street for use of mills and factbries; Paid three lots having a fruit of about IRO feet on said way or public street, and extending back there from about 1130 feet to said creek. Also, two shares of water-power, each share beim: equal to the one two-hundredth part of the tenter-power furnished by the Beaver Fall a Water Company Race. On said lot No :a; is erected a good new frame building 50 by tat feet, two storks high with good s tone basement story underneath the whole building, and known as the Pittsburgh Hinge and Butt Factory," with all the tnachenery thereto, to wit: the motive power, being one Im proved turhtne water-wheel M inches in diameter title water having over Pi feet of fall; two cam pe ! te .Clll of Hinge, and two sets of Butt machine ry, with all the shafting, pulleys, extra pulleys, hangers. belting, grindstones, Also. one drill press, one planer. one large lathe. such as arc nsnally used In machine almost. All the above machinery complete. well adapted for the business and in good order, and with the necessary vies, anvils. Ac , constitute a complete factory for the purpose of manufacturing hinged and butts. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Conrad Reiter and Thomas Armor at the suit of Jacob Retied a..M Jonathan Lenz Trustees. AISO. No. 5. At the same time and place all right, title, in terest anti claim of defendant of. to and to all that following piece or parcel of land situate in Darlington township. Beaver county Nana, boon ded and described as follows, on the north by bind of Thos. Braden, on the cast by land of :v. Corry, on the Booth by lands of F Walther, and sliest by rands of Conrad Freund. containing fifty acres more or kiss, about lit acres of which is well timbered, the balance hi a good state of cultiva tion and all enclosed, on which is erected a two story flame dwelling-house, containing 4 rooms, the farm is well watered. Seizedand taken In execution as the property of Valentine Stier, at the suit of John limping, jr., [or use of Conrad Freund. JOHN GELESING, Sheriff. huEutrr's OFFICE, Aug. 14. 1S T« 1 tog Dauchv & Co's Advertisements. Pl l O TUE WOKE 111(6 CLAMS: male or (e -male. Shp a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or erenint ; no Ca pi tal required; full Instractions and valuable paeg e of goods to start with gent free by trail. dress, with I; cent return stamp. M. YOUNG CO.. 16 Courtlandt fit., New York. auz2l:4w, AGENTS WANTED—for Our Lim of Grant Greeley WILSQN BROWN losett men of paOver 40 Steel Portrait or, & worth twice the coat of the book. Wanted every where. Agent have wonderful oneness Send for (Anwar Address, ZIE ( ILLIC & 11 cLURDI 5E4 Arch St Philadelphia. Pa ante-1 tw AgenialAiiited for di: - 6.1) TOR it 'lt A P HORACE GREELEY. The beet and only Edition written by tiiini4zl( and for our 1672 CAMPAIGN MANUAL, a hook of the times for all parties. Illustrated. One Agent sold 80 In three days. Also, for Head• ley's Life of President Grant, and splendid Por traits of Candidates. IWO it month made. E. B. THHAT.Publisher 805 Broadway, N. Y. atb7,2l3*.w Warrenßange First Preialm im.ltist.lB7l Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet. Broiling- Door, Gender Guard, Dumping and shaking grate Direct Draft. FULLED., WARREN...IL CO., tElki Water street, N. T aug2l;4w • - . _ _ Wells' Carbolic Tablets For Conning, Colds and Hoarseness. Ttese Tablets present the Acid to Combinatitm with other efficient remedies, In a popular form, for the Cure of all Throat and Lang Diseases. Hoarsens:. and Ulceration of the Throat are im mediately relieved and statements are constantly bring sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat diflichlties aryears standing. 1 CAllllloN!itationabe il e ec t e o lv a e l t; b i y v iztr , th ea ea r Qr l i c - Tablets. Price 2.5 cents per box. Joorr (Z. Ext.- LOGO, IS Platt St., N. Y. Send for circular. Sole' Agent for the 11. S. jy3:3m ;250 t e m - cg e ix r e i tl i tiy Ll S l:de re wi ci th re S u t i en ar :ll 1. ample, free! S. X. tipariesn, Brattleboro, Vt Agents ,. t.. ~,c laTtr e c r i n ir cs u f l o a r r s,,f at . l . Ciellan's Republicanism to Ain,rics," the ra..“...1 seilioz, book out. J. M. STOODA HT fit Co . Pub'ra, 733 Saneom St., Phlla. AGF-XTS WANTEI) FOR Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK On Manhood. Woinanbooil, and their Mu tual Inter itehilltdii: Love, its Laws, pow er, etc Send for specimen pages and cir culars, with terms. Address National Publishing Co , Phila. Pa. nugl4 MY .JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. mu LEWIS' heW and stsitiateist work is all 1111- ITletinv ptICCC3. 4 13th thousand in press . Agenta delighted and coining' money. Agents Wioiled everywhere. MACLYAN, Pall!balCr, 733 5.,11- 9 , oni street. Philadelphia. Pa. RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS! Agenix, we will pay you eel() per week in cash if you wtl, engage. with tie ar user: Everything furnished. and spens., paid Address F.' A. ELLS-.k CO., Charlotte. Mich FE.Agent., wanted r two lice Bootee. 4.0 Dr. Cornell'a Live 4 of GICKELEY rind 1.1.111)WN.--the latest and hat also, Jude Itusse'l'aLite of HEN!: Y W • only correet edition palhiehed. "palm pre , •es! &Atwel Agerds will nee the advanta-e of ha, inz aho for sack party :secure territory aT once, and eo'n money. Address 11. C. JOLIN6TON, Pnltltaher. I'OU Arab at. Philadelphia. aughlilw Agents Look Here!' Why not tell bnok that er ery family want and will buy let erght? Such is the Na,,' Illustrated Fitt/tide Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, duet out. An elm ant octal u, pages ; over'4u stinerh engravings, tinted paper. superior bindo; --only $2.50. The cheapest and must popular hook in I,rint. 1. a great hit. WOI sell every where like hot cokes. Pueters, circulars, fertile, mot our Agents Pocket Companiuu mailed free. HUBBARD BROS., Publishlre, 723 Seaneonf au:„ . ; 14:1w lief to the ;utterer for the lirNt tow uoves: but which. from continued use brings Plies and kin dred diseases to tali 111 weakening the h•caii 1. nor is It a decored which, under the popular 113111.: ti - 11iitcrs is .0 eatetathel4; palmed oil on the public a- sovereign remedies. at It 1.0 a moot prArt , ,:ferl T. n it nn.t :literates., pronounced so by the leading medical suthortues of London Paris and has been long used by the regular physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Dr.--WELIA' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must he taken as a peimanent curative. I :here want of action In your Liver ,k Spleen r.,k;nlwrs t e:ieved of once, the blood becomes impure by dc leder:ons sect etions, producing .crufuluus or skin dtAeagas, Blotches. Felons, Pu..tules. Canker, Pimples, ,ic. Tat Jiir - ut.eba to cleatunt, purify and restore the vitiated blood to healthy action. Hare you a dyspeptic stomach Unless diges tion is promptly aided the evatem 1s•, debilitated %Jai h••. of ,ital thrte, Poverty of Blood, Dropsi cal Tendency, General WeaKneps orlaassltude. Take it to assist digestion without reaction: it will 'mein youthful rigor to the sufferer. Harr you wfottyss of the 141tatthex Yon aro , in danger of Chronic Diarrhaa or the dreadfl:l fu• namniatlon of the Rowels. Take It to allay Irritation and t. _r ~• I •-!..cncy to ir.datumationc Hai, you Weaknese of the L7tertne or l . nnor V ilrgan rt You must procure instant relief of t• LI are - liable to sutTering worse than death. 'rake it to strenvhee organic weakness or life becomes a burden. Huai y it should be frequently taken to keep the eyetert to perfect health or you are otherwise In irreat danger of malarial. miasmatic or conta gion", di , 241re2 , . JOHN tj RE1.1.4 ,G(i. Is Piatt St., New York, t.• Azent for the I:Litect States. Prlce $1 per buttl.• tseti.l for circular. nu.,11-Itv List of .I.ppliennts for Lie.ense at Sept. Session. 1572. EATING GOrif rafper Neumann, tipw Jurues An derion. Lkavvr FalL4. JOHN C. HA NT, (ler*. CHEAP TEETH. 10 110LLARS A -SET! UN THE BEST XATEIti.U. I:nu determined that no dentist shall underbid 1 lilt lii ri I ..A.'l'l , _', 'W 40) R. Ii or perform bettrr operations. °Mee • Over Mr Thor. Alltrom's More. 'I I..hn 1 /as. 1 - 1 Mcf,oortp. —Letters of administration on the estate of tie.,rge Mc:liven:L., deed, late of Darlington township, in the county of Ile.iser, and State of renin.)lvanta, haying' been granted to the nubseritler, resniinLf in said ton tistop, all persois ha. nag clatuns ur demands against thu er-lai.• of Ilit• alt decedent are hereby requested to make kno‘rn the same to the undersigned without delay 31AILT11.1.M.GEOlttiE, 1.Y13 WA.? Aehnlnist.. - atrlx J. F. De. Ava. MMEIM lieavor Saxing,s THOS. McCREERY & CO., EXCHANGE, COIN, COUPONS, And Bankable Paper. Collections m nice in all parts of the United States. Special - !Mention to ilertions and Itemittances. Interest on time Oepre.its. Open from 9a.m.t05 p. m. Elyl7.ly. Trial List, September Term, 1872. 7110 T 'Nett:. Catherine )tarter of al vs. r. P R. IL ('a. Samuel 311111and'dadm'r co Samuel Reed'a ai N James Mitchell VA William Kennedy • . . . S P Hosts rd 11Hton Brown Jacob (4 Nye vs Jordan C Nye Miller. Dobson ..t Trex vs El R Foote P H titeyensint vs Henry Cowan Hannah t 'he n y vs Wm I Chevy T W And , 11,011 . NN lietirid ,t, Lenz tee D L Anderson i+'l' A Shinn et W. W W 'Winkle vs John Grmbing at al J.IIIISS M litln, vailugh Anderson Miner. Dobson & Trax va Kooken & probed:: George tirshalu ss Jolm'Carley Joshua Cal, in vs James G Calvin's ex'm Deolli• `savory va Milo A Townsend 4 at John C Levts vs Wm F Barnes B A McCullough vs S K Kane et al !tutus P Covers vs the Boro of N Brighton Snowden Brothers vs Chenny & !Do John w Cook vs John Alishousn John V Cook vs Magdalen Shrek Samuel s Taylor vs Samuel Lawrence H Stelnteld vs John Wiley tieorge Youts vs It It Iluddleson John D Collin vs Samuel J Cross Thomas I) Walker vs Cham. White et al John Eaton vs A J Pettit Clark Usselton vs Joseph Morgan Miller & Co vs Isaac StOtt et at kiln Miller vs Jacob Miller Harmony Savings Bank vs Abram Inman J Walter & Bro vs George Poe J Walter & Bro vs John Lance el at Joh u M r•owan vs Andrew J Cook,. J Walter ..i. Grb . vs James Fecel J Walter Jr Bro vs Henry flaillts Peter W Keller vs Patterson hittcheil al-IL:73c JOHN CAUGHEY, Protley. THE BEST : - 1.4. - m••••• HOWE'S STANDARD 9 — " , SCALES, Samson Standard Scales. • _ A Iso, Store & Baggage Trucks, Patent Cash Drawers, and Gro cers's Supplies SCALES REPAIRED. SOUDEIt & 111•CLURG, General Agents, 63 Wood Street, Plttstrargb, PS. MrSend for circulars and Price List. (feb7;ly. IL .1. ('HANDLER J. H....Mci:LtEctir, Mos. MCCIMERY, uEAVEI{, PA. DEALERS IN lE=I