The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 26, 1872, Image 3

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    The~~eaver- _4i us,
Beaver. Pa., Jame 200 i, as n.
aretaatithelabtiln' .
t i
ow:- . mic A .
p oo .m 1
1 00 :Ivo JD co
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eco sa --.4510
'n cm niek iu co ,
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*to le co
.yr —lO lines,t /110
clams, do 360
3 pq unreel., dooo
4 square'. do /X)
.y 4 8
. column,
Administrators' and' Itsicnbtone ItaticelL • ••• $3 CIO
c x•cipi notices per MM. tee Ocala.
or Payments to bo tiStblibfrlYclite.Pg
travkient advertisementi. "whirl angst bovata
' -
Cleveland a Plttaburgh
~,Ing gut leave Beam Station an (*lowa: Yoe
;•••,, Actota'n 9 . 19 ;-Mall. la D. ZlL:Piebint Falq ,
Liu , . bill.
Train, going Cart lame Dearer Station u tol
-0.. • Mail, 7•0 a: tn.; Aceotnitiodurtna and Ex
prrts, (through to Bellair.) 643 p.
The attention of the public % directed
to the following New Adirriiitiernento
!Itch appear for, the first tith:e to the
Aaocs to - daY:
! ..peCl3l Notice—Dr. Key.ser..
special Node's—Dr. Johnston.
s p ecial Notice-8. Jr J. Bwelietkineg.4
adeerlisecunts—Daucby & .C.
ix. cud Notitedi—Wm. 'hied' ...
Badge Notice—County Conuoisatonete.....2.ow
let in COG. Pletta
Adv cane te) Coat/supra ... •• • MN'.
heated 0. J0hnet00.....:. IscOw
v Iceler Bltterf—DlLStkr &Co .. , .
rw Advertisement—J. Witter 4t . stgty
5 pecul Nottrea—s sudnatt,;7,. 4
hpeclai Noddies-11 Noes
special Nonce—Bert
:special Notice—Do critamc;.......4....---130
special Notice—John cteriray::".,:;.,=,,, .. s
Oratimmes Saq
N‘Alce In Partition Gueblng 9aq
Executrix' Nodes—J.
Administrators Nottce—T. A. AndeAscia..laq,ilw
The English taNguage elinsista of
twenty-flve thousand redlcalietorda, of
which Shakespeare =Os fiftern thuds
and; and It lathe vernacular Of seventy
millions of human beings, ', , •
H. Noss takes pictures in alt kinds-of
weather, but 11, is not so well .: - Uf choose
o day when t* snushines t<ii? • brlebt.
come one mai mar
Flowers.—Ttatay 1 hild'itnwet:aa a
general principle that a larger proportion
of white flowers are fragout than those
~f any other color; yellow conies next,
ttien red, and lastly, blue; alter which,
and in the same order, may befreckoned
)01e.t r freen, orange, brown tiOd black.
;Es 7 1 7..v-urniahing Goods, Otory va
r v , d most Fsshionablii quality,
aicAays on - Imnd at Bert it :Walaha,
.-..,thing house, Broadway, NO* Brigh-
sparagns.—lt is said by phyalclans
all: asparagus le very beneficial in cases
~f rheumatism and gout. Slight cases
are cured in a few days by f6sding on
s delicious esculent, and more obronic
easel are mueb relieved, eapecially if the
psueut eareftillyavolds all acitlikwhetber
I.od-or beverage.
EN EBY BODY goes to H. Noss i Photo-
K-apber, Broadway, New Brlghton. Get
y r pictures for the 9th of 14y.
Hadon't It to Bpare.-:!:•I don't
cire much about the bugs," said a young
nian of emaciated appearance at . * fashion
able Ivoarding house the other qay, "but
!be fact 'is, madam, I haven't thki blood to
!Tar p you see that yourself." 4,
A FARM FOR A STonE.—A. E . trat-class
lir% , foods and Grocery Store lb a good
near to the best Mitiketa in
Uu .aunty—now doing a gomtbualness
—'_an be had for a good farm. gtore and
building valued at from $15,00003,20,000.
ThP best reasons given for venting to
evitance. Apply to or addrea4.Steven-
NV ittish, Beaver , Pa.r: Ljel2;tf
Sipectlieles. The latest tttitige la
spectacles with galvanic "tixinf ' at the
ends of the side pieces, which a 5 to send
a current of electricity through llebrain
stid nerves and all the rest orelt. - The
assn with the "eye cups" will please
step aside and let the man witklbe elec
tric spectacles acme up.. Pci:syle irbo
tamper with their eyes either Itty using
things positively injurious of by em
ploying useless appliances, a rea thrum
glecti ng proper medical aid, se proba
bly as abundant as ever.
4 New Photograph Gaiter" has
y.:O. been oened by J. Übelto tit D.
New Enek, Bridgewater; with all
111 , !AltrSt improvements Iri thew'. Entire
s,:,,t,elLion rendered. jei2;4w
geadowa.—The general litpression
k, that the most economical:: plan of
farming, is to get the land [n grass,
henever circumstances will admit, and
to raise the smaller articles for market,
place of the cereals. This de
l» not on the facilities for markit ing, and
U. rapacity of the farmer to .undertake
4 ,tiblesome business—bat tinder all
,r, ouistatices on every fartn ample
pr , p.ion should be made fora goodly
%.7i , il hay crop. If you have u meadow
arid it is found to need renolation, as
as your grass crop is, Reeved, her
r,' it, and broadcast thereon a corn
of 2 bushels bone duet, Ei 1 . - po, ashes,
I of salt ; let these remain In piles
i„r two or three weeks beforei'.applying
Thim will be found the cheapest and
1 . 0 ”. l. Permanent renovator 7you can
F: ('old Sparkling Soda Water, drawn
r.,1 marble fountains, fiaOred with
re fruit Syrup—always fresh at Hugo
arieaueu'b Beaver Druggtoife. jel9;St
Drowned. —Mr. William Parrager,
of scotch HIM, Clarion Co., andfine of the
triost respectable citizens of that vicinity
iia drowned at Miller's Ed 4, en the
clarion river, last Monday evkning It
all'ivirs that he was thrown off a boat
nod by himself, which he was trying
get loose from a raft on wh3eh it had
.ver. thrown In the gorge at the Eddy.
lost was swinging around when the
In some manner knocked tam over
loihrd. He rose and tried to siFim, but It
va. .4upposed he was hurt, alud before
4 , sl.tanet+ could reach him he`-sank. At
drcounts his body had not been
•„,,tld. He leaves a wife and several
( astorta -a substitute for Cluitor,Oßl --a faml
which is pleasant to take aid does not
or gripe, but is sure to: operate when all
• - , ernedies have failed. It las Weis vegeta.
- , reparation. containing neither ktthentla. Moe
, - our Alcohol, the result of fifteen years ex
by Or hagmel Piteheiii It is per
• !ImilePi and far more effective:than Pills,
syrups or Castor 011, By sucttring the
' 11 prciduoea natural steep, sag persica
• • .opted to crying or teething dreu. It
. worms, cures eltomseh Ache. Cemstapatlan.
r ~..ncy and Derangement of thoi Liver. '5lO
f 321 afford to be without tali: article. It
t!:-.150 cents—ask your e
drvtto get It for
spa he will always keep It.
On and after the Ist of Jnly. 1872,
• vrY person who sells or °fibril for sale
manufactured tobacco, snuff:or cigars,
ei , sept importers of those articles who
• only their own products sr, the place
f production, will be required to pay
a ..1 , 43cial tax at the rate of fife dollars
Per annum. • without regard to the
amount of his annual sales. The exemp
,Hn of persons whose annuli; sales do
not aimed $lOO is repealed by the new
hr. Seth C. M'Clare. lohg a resi
dent of this county, but latkarly rad
,ting at West Branch, lowa, it renswing
LIS H Ubsoription to the ABOViS few days
4 110, sent along with the cash, tote follow
ng ispes, which we heartily approclatec
I think the litious is the best n;
And cheapest par to the West;; soon. articles in appear
Si (mil the seise ption a whole . eat',
Besides, the Astoria in its turn, '-
Hu thoughts that breathe and liXda that bttrn-
That's ail 1 have to say about it;
I would not like to do with ont
Thew ars the thoughts. you stay 'be aura,
'Jr TO= well wisher, Seth ki'Vinia.
OM or oil I lett the "C,'
tat rhyme and metre may agree ,
, NE Car load of Canban City 'Flour; for - ,
kite at wholesale and retail at *lerer
At Sons', Rochester.
A (*Rest' many persons complain about
, 4artas and bunions, but never atop to in
quire what ,nausea them ; now here we
Lave it nearly the whole cause la la not
harin g Boots and Shoe' that tit neatly. If
roil wish your feet free from them get
~,ur shoes of Umatead HartZeff, Into
Riu guarautoi t goo d v i t t Tjw_y kts.vejust
red a nice aasosttneut of Snow, uait
bnandalip sad seethes;, Broad -
WaYl New Att
Chtuwe"tt -I lode -
to toad thee_
day with Sam tew Sr. - Hi' 'lli to: a
"deuce eta hurry." He bed wild i tub
•sitiullter to. be ..delirered at the atallp9
liblittay. and W ilatt a 604 reacli AP . '
':sow liith wheat. He didn't know bow
to spare the time, -hut le "needed Um
mone" and so harnessed . his team• to
deliver the hotter. This hedfd, got his
Cash, and, returning from the station,
iliPPlxxi 4 4 140 1 3 0 --9 1 4 tir o P C illii4l9l
"' • i Pointe 'Of isoffee,-1 'pound of all. ,
sidee, five pounds of sugar, and a gallon
Of moll/eau& He hustled them into the
wagon, and, as he was untying the tle
strap, be' shunted to the merchalli,
"Charge IL" •. . . .
1ia.* 7 . 1 11 year
i sloot
15 00
21 02-
/19 . 0 a"
After eve bad started home, I said,
'IWO did you not pay that bill? Yon
had the money In your pocket."
"Yes ; but you sees had got to . bny
some clover seed of Peter Juxdpar, who
only deals In caab-don't give credit.
Thenl have got a bill to pay oldie milli
zees. My wife wants a new bonnet, so
does daughter Sally, and last year's bill
is not paid; and the women folks said
they would not ask for any more credit
there until it was, so I've got the fifteen
or twenty dollars to pay up last year's
hi WO can get their bead•gear. The
4 Garrulous, I'm behind time all
Abe: vtlalle.,,i'llbese middlemen do take
the llfe-bh.4:l out of um tardier's."
— "Bah !" said T. "That Is all nonsense.
-i.e are two words, Stewer, that you
aboard never speak to a man or woman
of whom you make a purchase ; nor
should you allow any one to say them
gar you., If ; you will agree to do so, /
will warrant that within two years you
will be out of debt, a free, happy and
independent man ; and that what you
buy will cost you from seven to fifteen
per cent. less than it does now r
"What. words , ' . •
"Never say 'charge ill' Never allow
Inv one to say 'charge it.' The Min
who does it has to pay a good round per
cent. for the use of the money he thus
borrows—more than any farmer can af
ford to piy. I've tried It Stewer, and
know. You have often Wondered bow
/always manage to have ready money.
It iB because Ido not say 'charge it.' It
is beCause I will not say 'charge iL' It
is because I will not buy What I cannot
pay cash for. And it is because when I
do buy, I can get it cheaper than you
can, because I do psy cash for it, and
you say 'charge it.' That's what ails
you, Brewer. And you'll always be a
Stewer, and in a stew, a long as you say
to anybody, 'charge it.' "—Rural New
BERT it WA [An, Agents for the justly
celebrated Singer Sewing Machine,—
Broadway, New Brighton. •
The bleated Season.—ln accord
ance with a custom fixed as the laws of
the Medes and Persians, deriisens of the
fashionable world of cities must migrate
during the present and next month' to
the sea-shore, lakes,'monntains, or some
cool, picturesque and quiet place like
Beaver borough, or be forever tabooed
in polite society. The fortunate posses
sor of a "cottage by the sea" has little
difficulty in complying with this inexo
rable mandate, but when business is dull
and money scarce growlinga are heard
in unintelligible patois about stocks and
gold markets and a financial crisis, all of
which anbterfoges at . . quietly Ignored
by the feminine popfkin of the commu
nity, who are busily engaged in the su
perintending of traveling toilettes and
the packing of Saratoga trunks. About
dresses and styles for sea-side and coun
try wear what can one say? The water
ing place costumes will be gorgeous in
the extreme; but, those ladies who go to
quiet country places, like our pleasant
borough, more for recreation and enjoy
want than for show, will pay less atten
tion to, fashion in its more costly forms,
and be satisfied with grenadine,victoria,
lawn and other less expensive materials.
The new fahric..ualLed " Bait Is, ea"
ceedinglat fashionable this initeither. /t
is very coot, `tian , frer - limy "word
than the ordinary linen. Suits made of
this material : are !melded, embroidered
and trimmed with insertions of _edging!
' of blaek, whits -land unbleached lace.
Amongst thetoilettea shown usat one of
our furnishing houses was a costume of
ecru batiste. It has two box pleated
frills on the skirt, beaded by a bias 'fold
and white guipure insertion. The over
skirt has an apron tied back with beef
art back breadths. The edge is cut in
large points and fringed, while perpen
dicular rows of insertion are down each
breadth. The beautiful basque has a pos
tillion and wattesu trimming.
PLE YNT of b i e Coats, at
$2.75, at K. Steinfeld's.
tonldn'S see worthy peda
gouge who "teaches the young idea how
to shoot"'in a neighboring distfict had
occasion recently to correct a little boy
named Johnny. Now Johnny bad what
is called the sulks because he was whip
ped, and in order to convince him he was
justly punished, his teacher made the
following argument:
"Now, Johnny, suppose you were ri
ding a big horse to water, and had a
keen switch in your hand, and ail at once
the horse were to stop and refuse to go
farther, what would you do?"
John stifled up his sobs for a moment,
and looking up through his tears, inno
cently replied, "l'd cluck to him sir."
"But, Johnny, suppose be wouldn't
go for your clucking, what then ?"
"I'd get down and lead him, sir."
"And what if he were obstinate, and
would not let you laid him?' •
"Why, I'd take off Mi in:idle - Wad turn
hint loose, and walk home,
"You may go to your seat, JOhrtely."
Johnny could not be made to see the
ne(v-asity of using the switch.
FRANK GRAYetiU ants those fashion
able sunhat R. Stsinfeld's.
Not •0 Bad.—Peter Cartwright, the
reverend pioneer Methodist, used to be
annoyed by a noisy hilt not over pious
sister, who would get off on a bigh key
every opportunity she got.. '4lt an ani
mated class meeting one day the sur
charged sister broke ont with: "If I had
one more feather in the wing of my faith
I could fly away and be with the Savi
our." "Stick in a feather, 0 Lord ! and
let her 1,:e," ferrentiT responded Brother
Naw Goods constantly received
Bert ar, Ws clothing house Broad
way. New Bightou. -
A Manly Answer.—All honor to the
boy who cannot be laughed out of diling
right. Four boys, pupils ins boarding.
school, were engaged in a game of cards,
The nfth was not standing looking on to
see how the game would go, but waxes
gaged in work of his'owo. It so hap
pened that ono of the players was called
on t.
"Come r' said the others to their com
panion. •'lt is too bad to have the game
stop here in the Middle. Cemeatatake
his place. '
"I do not know one card from an
other. "
"That makes no difference—we will
leach you. (Amo, now ; do not let our
sport be spoiled."
The boy perceived that this was the de
cisive moment. Ah ! just such are the
critical points which are sometimes the
turniorpohtts in lift4 - ,Bilf.Pes?lnitoit
was Immedlatei3f liken: Tftinutde 'no
more excuses, tut at once Planted him
self squirii oil' principle - .
"My father does not wish pie •io- play
cards, and - 101W ti th la
This ended the matter. It established
his position among his companions. It
compelled their reapect..and, pressured
him trans timptation in thettture.
Flats? snits, best;flta, lowest Ms.
Bert it Walsh, Broadway, New
tbr botuiaholddatissesetatatigazindai
led as necessary as instruction in reeding,
;Mom d Mithmetle; arid:quite sent&
kerind, We are in our houses More than
half of our tifilideeneo4o4iitobt
,labldfsurrqiiidinte w$ 1444 mi,4
largely the happiness or misery of do
mestic life. If the wife knows how to
"keep house," if she understands how
Ac"efiti a table," Umbel has learned bow
thirigis ought to be coOked, how beds
should be made, how carpets should be
swept, how the furniture should be dust-
O. !Dim the clothing iisoadbeirepalres t .
and 'tuned, and altered and renovated;
41. she kisolirirteiff - Pirrcluessa'ileq 1 1 *
made to fbeli&if
stands o . _e laying 199 prn,vi si °9 - ‘t
how to rriake Neill go tab' farthekt d
last longest; ff she appreciates the im
portance ofayatem, order, tidiness, and.
the quiet management of children and
serrnnts, tbep she knows how to make
a little heavoin of borne,—bow to win
her children from the street: how to keep
her blighted, than the - ft c t b-t mg w o;a,
ainsblinititait, and the Wine-etip.
a family will be trained to social respect
ability, to busines success, and to ell
cleney and usefnimesi in whatever posi%
lions may be allotted to them. It may
beside to say, that not one girl In ten In
our large towns and cities enters Mar
ried Ilia who has learned to - bake a loaf
of bresditOlitirchassa roast, ,to!dtirst
painting, to sweep a carpet, or to cut and
fit and reeks barmen dress. How much
the perfect knowledge„,ef these tangs
begs upon the thrift, the minted, the
health of fpmilles.inay ba
but not calculated by figures. 11 tread
be an immeasurable advantage to make
a beginning by anaehlng a kitchen to
every girls' school in the nation, ah ' d
have iterikna givern dallpjA gst+iirepfirit-
Won of all the ordinary articles of food
and drink for the table, and how to pur
chase theni In the market to the best ad
vantage, with the result cif a large saving
of money, ID thorium of ancotort, end 'w
higher health . in every family In the land.
GRAND Picnic, July 412 t, at Cannelton,
Pa. Reading. Declaration of Indeqend
enoe by Dr. W. C. Sburlock, and an ad
dress by Hon. J. S. Rntan. Dinner,
Supper, Fire Works and Dancing. All
are Invited. • Liel2;3t.
Huller CounLy ~.p111.7 - The re is
great exeitetnent at 'present, in our neigh'
boring county of Butler, over the rich
developments of oil recently made In its
limits. Last week's CITIZEN says : "From
all parts of our county where wells are
drilling, we hear good news. The Pair
view district is the centre of interest at
present. All the wells nitre so far are a
success. Several new strikes have been
made since our last issue. About Millers
town several new wells have been com
menced. One on the of Rudolph
Barnhart and one on that of David Barn
hart, are fairly under operation. The
Jamison well on the Connoquenessing, we
learn, still gives evidence of being a good
one. It is not tri the necessary depth as
yet. The timbers, etc., for the contempla
ted well on Bonnie Brook, near the old
Brinker mill, about four tittles east of
Butler, are upon the ground, and the
work of drilling will soon:be commenced
The wells drilling around Sunbury, we
learn, are still progressing favotably. The
fastened tools in the Thorn Creeß Well,
we believe, have not been removed
as yet A6oil tank on Bear Creek, near
the bridge, irstr•arruck •by lightning on ,
Wedocsday last, and, with Slit► barrels of
oil was destroyed. It was with difficulty
the bridge was saved.
said after this date
onto the tint of September next the
County Commissioners will meet on Sat
urday of each week only. aprlOtf
The Commencement Exercises
of the Bearer Ladles' Seminary took
place last week. After the examinations
or the respective dimes on previous
area, saa Mltainrig prep1M11:10-.11nntior
took place at the U. P. Church in this
borough. before a large andience—cloiied
the sesaidn :
"Caprice Militaire," (irriterer) Miss)
Annie Wilson, Beaver, PI. "Danidraz
leaven," (Mattel) Miss Della Caughey,
Beaver, Pa. "Kiss me mother, kiss me
darting," 03,000 Chomp tiyClxia. Essay
—"lt might have been," Mills Mary 2 13;
Caughey, Beaver, Pa.: Caprice de Con
cert, (R. ilorman)l4ies Georgie Eber
hart, New Brighton, Pa. "Wild ash
deer," (Mrs. Pendtetrow) Miss Lizzie Pea
cock, Princeton, Pa. Essay, Waymarks,
Miss Lillie A. Cunningham, Beaver, Pa.
"Sounds from the ringing rocks," ( Waf
ters) Miss Bessie Stone, Beaver, Pa,
"Bird Song," (Guinbert) Miss Amelia A:-
Poe, Georgetown, Pa. Eseav—"Stridy
to mind your own business," 'Miss Mary
A. Gordon Rochester, Pa. "Trio"—tor
piano, violin and organ on the opera of
Martha—(Brisson) Miss S. Wilson, Prof.
Manning and Prof. de Ham. "Air com
posed by King Louis XII (Arranged by
Ghys) Mimi Jennie Cunningham, Bea
ver, Pa. "Little Sam," (;VW S. Hays,)
Emma and Eddie Weysuid, Beaver, Pa.
Essay--" Labor necessary to refinement,"
Miss Kate C. Nannah, Rochester, Pa.
"Fairy tales,"—A waltz for piano and
violin, (Faust) Miss Della Caughey
and Prof. Manning. "I'm amerry Zin
gers," (Balfe) Miss Amelia Poe. Essay
—"A peep auto -to-utorrow by, the light
of to-day," and Valedictory; Miss 'Sallie
A. Wood, ilookatown, Pa. "Cascade of
roses," (Ascher) Miss suite Wilsori.Bea
ver, Pa, Conferring Diplomas; "Grad..
uates' Song," (ConeoecO "Overture to
William Tell," (Yesstaii_Mhis G. -e'er.'
hart, Prof. Manning, ProG de Ham.
"Good-Night," ( Thomas) Chula. -
Catrriorr.—Every genuine box of Dr.
Kignatureof FLEMING BRO'S„Pitts
burgh Pa.. and their private United
States Stamp.
. 0 1211` "Take no other."
The market is full of imitations.
Gunpowder.—A little stilt:thee; a
little charcoal, and a little nitre, ground
together, and we have that wonderful
to which rates, for good, or for
evil, the destifiles of men. When pin
powder is ignited, the solid Is almost in
stantly converted Into gas, 'which, were
it tired under water, and the gas waled
down to the ordinary temperature of
the air, would be found to occupy 900
times the apace of the solid powder.
Gases are, however, known to expand
with an Immense force when heated; and
as the gases ofgunperwder are, ordinarl .
ly projected at a red heat they are con
sequently greatly expanded, amounting
it is estimated, to more than 2,500 times
the volume of the powder burned; and
it is here we see whence springs the
power of projection of fire arms. Great
as are the evils of wars, the use of gun
powder has shortened their duration
from years to days.
Five Hundred Thousand.--500,000
Bottles of Green's August Flower has
been sold in this State in three months.
We only ask you to go to the drug stores
f Hugo Andrieasen, Beaver, 8. Hannen,
Rochester, orlll4nd * Aerr, .view
Brighton, Pa., and get a PO, W. i r*e IP f
charge, or a regular erne at seventy-five
cents. Every Bottle warranted, to surf-
Dyspepsia. or Liver Complaint, Elia
headache, Costiveness', Heartburn, Wa
terbrash, Sour Stomach, Indigestion..
Impure Blood, or deranged Stomach suer
liver. Use Dr. lioachee's German Syrup
for consumption. tiov"Aly.
Cantles' —There are • great many
extraordinary things in this world, but
when a circular informs us that eleven
ears of corn are grown on three stalks,
and that MO bushels of Dorn or this par
ticular variety are grown on a little less
than one acre of mead, we beg ia, tin
permitted to say that, belief in such a
Iftertle ming a Hula igo much Of "on0
. , • ' • .
Cure fee Felenti-4isturpersonstre
liable to extreme suffering from Mous
on the linger. The following preserip•
tion is reogittuneuded as a care for the
distressing ailment: Take common rock
salt, such as is used for salting down
pork or beef, dry it in'on oven. thee
pound it tine andllii2 with.xplrits of
turpentine in equal parts. Put it on a
rag and wrap Irani:lndian) part infected
and as it gets dry put on more, and in
ltventy-four hours you are cured--the
Mon is dead.
"getting over" LIMN AuribwpattOr
!WWll bx - thruatirig it
ittto 'Oblivion. Not ao.„ one eirer )
does that—at least no tugiire •eh can
laiefittnehed by the/tr*eg
AO. 0 ' 317 s.'" htto
ocean of oftliettetrk*eatuly
welt hOmility eintlith; ast.tuil *
paned tbr0tt1ib',g44914.,..,174;11A yo,r lt
wimps of m‘oryivall ttbidi kid** k‘-;
to os a wall on the,rigtA tide ,a9O .9014
left, unlit t W
he ttarrutriciv, nt4. l 4wi
beforo our eyes.
Fon your cigltis iridtoutgo . jot
Beuniilings' in theDlltini*iitur,
*bikefull assortment rsiti"
• • r .
Killed by XI attiog.. ), l.litaiiit
frolocit a in. `lAttiqiiy._ TiAlultobrejihni
was struck 01,11ghtnink add , blank
killed prhllekohkink in the back dooe
• building Inlheitletlll344l.lrWret*-
; burg, Ito•wai a
man apparently about 23 or 24 years of
age. About one week previous to the
gokipieurieuokba - witanautfedto , OneOf
tZrpcoesuisets of the house In which kis
earthly career was so suddenly terrains.
ted. A number of femiles were in the
, building et the Ilpie,sonsecterhosnyvere
shocked, but no one was 'seriously in
W. lirucutma h 3 the Diamond,Rnches•
ter , keeps a No. 1 ice cold Soda Water
nm)taln, and Byrupt Call and see
him. je2l3;Bve
Grams greentireirisirwrites from
California in praise, of the mud baths at
the Geyser Springs. 1,i1:10 feet iritiYit 610,
BO level beodore Tilton triciirione to
know if Grace herself tried.t4in process,
declaring he would go across the Conti
nent tb see Grads in a mud pickle. Was
Tits n ever a cruel'boy who wont about
IlLic,lUng off the heads of poor frogs found
.frozen ir We i land 'lhoile'q 11"4111
gestion of Intirclef in such T ar-rencbiug
curiosity. Chignons, at least, would
hardly be safe topping oft an Intellectual
k'neb In such aleiSptiblpsituatiftn.
W. BECCULINO in the Diamond. Roches
ter, is receiving pure and fresh drugs
every week from the east. He will sell to
his patrons nothing but the purest arti
cles and ask the people only to buy once
and they will be satisfied with both quali
ty and prlea. auck 4i( patent tactil
ely is very complete. Physicians pre
: t dung carefully prepared at all hours.
Newspapers.-11orace Greeley thus
hits the nail on the head : "It Isstrunge
bow closely mep read the papers. We
never say anything that anybody don't
like, but we soon bear of it. If, how.
ever, once in a 4while we happen to say
a good thing, we never hear of that;
nobody seems to notice that. We may
pay some man a hundred compliments
and give him is dozen puffs, and ho takes
It all m a trrikitgaiktilffAr)4l4.494l!o,
fever thinki - op A
him any gotlif:,; . )44l)*ailp
things this ItattLiktrallite, oirsiorrattitaii
that he linagbiaklll iiiiittaqtrott:•lllll4nd
or his charittakaitti*tiTijaibit** ,
up and getaapaiii i taititik 'AlLOttr . evila
are duly 0 1013111W01,:but.we never
aPParen Us', iinyrMit for whit iotott
we do.
WsLL mAviat-41031: 4th. ;A•itti.
hag. of goot4 iitudygorreitittada s and thQ
reasonable p 11/
.piled at 0104,. /4 A 3.13ne1.
lenbarg BroiWiriNT,Ligeve
curra [NO: 04i0;11341'"ii44:11".1114
millions at IvSnoutiniatimil aroalt:4
way, New Itilablteli,;_
Postal : Cluugas.-rThe new postai
law makes many changes oUgensral
tcr,est ha existing postal regulations.
The most important is the authorization
of the one cent postal cards for corres
pondence or for printed matter, similar
those which were introduced in Great
Britain some years since. The price of
the card and stamp will be one mot, al
though Ira card tudnufictnred by private
riles. and_ not bv.the Governsnopt.i*.
the regular three cent postage
be charged. The postage on circulars .
newspapers, itc„, which under the law
wits two cents for every four ounces or
Ida, Is now- oqe cent for every two
ounces or less. The change is now in
force, the law being immediate In its ef
fect; but the Postmaster General, in the
absence of a certified copy of the law as
passed, is as yet unable to issue any in
structions WM. posimmtanwttimughout
the country in relation to thepoatsicard
W u Ex next yen need sstiit o(4:lethal
try S. tic I. Saelienbetg, tireedriirs New
Respberrierier-Comparatlrely : few-;
people ever eat a really good raspberry.
To hive this delicious fruit In perfection
you must raise it in .your own garden
and take a little pains with it. We do
not now propose to go into the general
subject of planting, pruning, and man
aging raspberries, but simply to throw
out a few bints-thatAtiay be of practical
value at the present time.
Raspberries require very rich land,
and It is not too late to fork in Amy°
well-rotted Manure between the rows.
If this cannot be obtained, sow about
three pounds of some good artificial ma
nure to the square rod, and work it into
' 4 2the soil with a pronged hoe. A spade
Sibould never be used among raspber-,
Way. Keep the ground -as clean -and
sneliew as possible. Weeds pump up
large guatftitles of Water out 6f the soil.
Stiffer none to grow. And remember
that a raspberry sticker that is not need
ed is simply a weed, and should be treat
ed accordingly. You want four strong
suckers to each plant to - form canes for
year. All the rest, unless needed
to form new beds, should be killed as
soon as they show themselves. This is
n very important point In raising large,
delicious raspberries. As dry weather
apPro l 44ol, the laud bay ing'been repeat
edly stirred to kill weeds, mulch the
ground thickly with the clippings of the
, or other material, to prevent the
evapci r ration of moisture.—Agriculte at.
A pr3:tim.
RAVE - you ever bought your clothing
of& it J. Mnoilenburg, New Brighton.
cota)'llllalds Good and Aside&le.
—A quaint and gallant writer of some
tLfty Yeats ago. says ;--.` I love an old maid
-I de not speak of an indiv idual,but of the
spat:lea—l use the singular number, as
ape/drink of a singularity in humanity.
An old maid is not merely an antiquari
an, she is an antiquity ; not merely a
record of the past, but of the very past
itself, she has camped a great change.
and sympathises not in the ordinary
mutations of mortality. She inhabita a
little eternity of her own. she is Miss
from tho beginning of the chapter to &bo
end. Ido not like to hear the called.
Mistress, as is sometimes the practice.,
for that looks and sounds like the resig
wq,loj3 of despair. a voluntary extinct
dun of hope. , Ido not know whether
marriages . are made in heaven ; some
people soy they are, ' , but lam
. almost
sure old Maids are. There is something
about them that is nat'of earth, earthly.
Teey are spectators of the world, not
edventprers or ramblers; perhaps guitr
dhotis ;Nre mar nottrinit of tattlers.
are Prodeatinated to be 'what they, are.
They owe not the singularity of their
condition to any lack of, beauty, Wis
dom, wit, or good "temper ; there is -no
acconnting for it but on the principle of
kr tality. I have krio*Xt Jrubli 1 31 4.4004
and of all not on titt)cals.gotposippased
as many.goodwad
ninety and ulna
ukarrialacqualritarietiii; Why, tbee ' llere
'lnky sd.gtet It is their fate!
G mix apples and unripe fruit *l) s lk
r ,
soon„appear Boa oar sheets, and as a twig ! :
ars) Zionsegnenee, obituary nottees
"vre hadit little ode," will beeoriththeki
glentlittl: Bat nevertheless, tbs sale ot
Mena', Youths': Boys' and Children's.
,elot ins goes on at the clothing store al
4t J. Haellinburg , New Brigbiam 1
- .llWilitlifilrA6l46ll4ll; 4 4freisip -
apectioth of the sopost-7444lup f w i tin
Just beta issued from the DePitrtment, o f
,3 -heeds in reference to the annual ex
* lust :wet ',mob in /4144,
orphans i•gialve iniirtict!Oht , ' fi c if.
tlona tide year will commence on Mon
day, JOY 22. Previous to that time the
Super( tendent and State officers will
makee examinations. They h ave
:par s pi agraro me ,ofyislts from
which 14)2‘41,09 thi k rol*Nrt" Vit
gard ta. - our own and' !nigh 'Aug
Pinahurgh mid Alleglieby oii,h ee
Asylutii,Allegheny, Wednesday, July 3.
St. sul's Orphan Home, Better, Fri
day, Jttl,y 5.
Eplsto inpal Church Horne, lin, s h en h .,
,Saturcl ; y, July 6, a. .
Romp of the Friendless, Allegheny,
Ilsturd y, July 0 a., w.
4 At P HilOsbetlifefkiev,9rAciulliY; Wad
beads 1111111: '. s ' -'
Atercer; Meroer cowl% Friday
.Inly & ,
'" - Illspaelqr Chinforth will attend,
At Uniontown, Fayette county, Mon
days . S
ly J
y l , - ,
At I) yton, Armstrong cottocy, W ed _
Iles& , July 10.
At TCimino, Crawford (*Linty, Ifni*
lY 12.
The ezatninations will- . ? commence
daily sit 0 a. m. and 2 p. in,
. - Idre.l P.,,E. ?Mutter, ladt Inspector;
will attend a/ number °CAW em ot io n s_
. '
tionst the schools, and itvitatigns to
be pre nt will be extendec to his excel
teeey,povernor Geary aad, the Board of
Slate 9'harities. •'- I ; --'
A9xh(bition of industrlid skill and a
milita y drill will form era:item of th e
exam tattons, The examinations will
be, toi heretofore, public ; and the au•
thorities of the several schools are re-
Oathid to tnvito specially the piegence
of ,di / s ectors and -teachers ~er; c o mmon
"olio() ; members ist soperibteriditig
comtnittees, members 04the Legisla
ture. )udges of the cour clergymen,
editors and such other chisens of the
several a i r / realities Jut itst%' 4nterestetA
themsel yeti" AlttiWft rlc„Af
~ *l fs
1 03"
orPhao 3 4 1 0 1 44.11 , 1 k:-, 0L , 1:11z ,il';, 4 p!i
p i „ t1,4:4--11-:.-t.l. , • ~,- . • ,zi,,, o v
NeisrWigirla.haverntb.7,,thiggi i
vo,k-tbedarlWhastrk-e. • d0 , w ,,,
true, and o lt*amdriitt , 4,
out on hOet*lstretr./ 2 / 1 4 - '
_ Ypklteiof
locked, whi4 . 4Mo l
employers WW)4,-twiltistv eir; r:5741, ,
and it is va 0 . 04 ;V:ll4liltit ,
It Is writ_ I„enttriitir4 it ft *,
41 V ilith,
7 46
txmvert6d - A lba43aittitiCr ni jartalt;'
insisted st4thiSitel Nibo bli 04!Ifilkilig.
also join thiki‘;*orainatt th, jitheliviiiii
aequare*itiiitis*iii 1 1 ,*?
vent. 064541.pastaiiiiteit " tsar;
It was winter, and they dit not want to
catch eold. It would be mach ioetter to
watt till spring, and until house-keeping
was over. She left.
Neighbor Ratan in Washbig
too Cotinkr.—Tbe Washington i 1 ?e
-view ll' Examiner, gives the (Wetting
seism ut of a part of the proceedimis in
the Washington county Repnbileantion
ventlon held at Washington last trek:
On [notion. J. W. bonds, Wm. , dd
and lion. John Farrar were appotr
Senatorial Conferees; Able Evans. 3 n
E. Bel( and Maj. John H. Ewing, '
greesional Conferees, and D. S. Walk ,
James Elliott and T. P. Morgan Leg* -
live Conferees.
A this point the Ratan faction at temp.
ed to overslaugh Mr. McDonald, the 4-
elart4tch,oice tho,,qounty fur_ Sena*,
-turtle tistroduenton of a resolution
WI Mlckey, Esq., lneeructing tho
kies4toc . ialoferrees in case the nomini
tion i of MoDonald - Arotild`not ,b 0 ,03014.0,
cal, to cast their votes for the nest highi
eat. This was virtually instrueting,l
them to vote for Mr. Ratan, and giver
rise to quite a lengthy .. and heated dila
011'0410n between M. L. A. McCracken
Esq., and the mover of the resolution.
,Tquif aevelopodriin
rent of blatietippositiotn ?to • M. 'Belem'
Both speakers made use of quite stron..
language in regard to the other, and
there 'was a general raking up of thuoi
sores . made three years ago when tie
Washington conol7 , Radicals were sod
out to Mr. Rutan.
Mr. McCracken was was willingto
trust the conferees without instruethg
them. Re said It was well known hat
Mr. Ratan was obnoxious to a , irge
"number of the Republicans of thalls
trict and that his nomination woof be
4 misfortune. The resolution was lath
ing but a piece of treachery to pavt the
',way for "layitur out" Mr; MeDopild.
That this was not the first time that
:Washington county had hem aoiJ out,
and ho hoped the conventlol would not
sanction so transparent a trek.
Mr. 2diekey Understool why Mr.
McCracken opposed Mr. tutan, as a
"burnt child dreads the tie" He hoped
the motion would prevail l
Iter. A. It. Anderson. °Cecil, offered
an amendment lustructlnipe conferees,
in case of the failure of h. McDonald,
to vote for the candidate 'at would se
cure the greatest harmony:
The amendment was iscussed by
Messrs. Mickey an& hUmeken in a
most bitter manner. Mi McCracken
said In reply to Mr. Mickf 's fling that
"a burnt child dreaded thire," that he
had been "burnt" three a by this man
Rutan, and that be did m:hropase now
to lend his support to theme kind of
corruption and trickery ht disgraced
the Republican party at
_tit . tinte. Mr.
Ratan had helped to keiWashington
county in a strong Repuican district,
tint for this he deserved' credit now
as he had taken care to ceive kis pay
in advance. At this poinleveral meth=
hers seeing where the dniersion was
leading, and fearing datiging revela
tion°, called for "the %Winn," - when
the amendment was votedown and the
original resolution aaopti
M. McCracken, as ehtman of the
committee on resol ntkl, introduced
a series of resolutions, sap was passed
by the feW members a remaining,
quite &number having bd tired out by
the long discussion, or aced ou tby fear
of farther "war in the vwsim." The
contention finally adjoned, leaving
some sore places the WI not only in
jure the ticket ocani (tato:Set tido years
to beat up. ' ;1
The rumored death odr ihitOt Brush,
tbrinerly of Stunk leyvill Mercer coun
ty Pa., comes to us in Oils, testifying "
to his death, which melted in Western
Kansas, under the moslborrlble SIP ,
outristaeces. 14t.'gruslirft thefeou city
about one year ago for tl West, and on
taking leave from some lends remark-.
ed in a Jocular manner tit he could and
would Make Ida way' thsiigh the Ihdlail
' l eountry, as be in tender to shoot the
"red devils" down alonitils pathway.
ltemainiu r i klowa amither Western
States u kaddattt a moni ago, be Join
ad a ' eu' thdtocky Moun
tains. past i t i ltingh Western
Kansas the tratha VA . zLop,
ti i
and whetb i tproVOli ' 14 the , .
ptherw fee, sit borro a gni 4WM
one of his; party Sall a t sl.ltOlin . .
squaw. Thkreopon th e bethattarthhal
3 3
and lin medlately k aurronnette trit4rty,,
Oemauding aa a hnatekge 14 fMani
who comm4ed ; tie atr a ld
be delivered '•• 4140 thor 101nd:1 1 :441w
Onntsttment„, Viisaillei thri Its of
the whore '..istitrie:Cßifgt,,,,: en
;VP and his-es_, ~eara r,COmpelled
10 stand by and wituetf-ttliragonies
: •
whitely) wmt:literally sklined altink I Or
course death ensued whiitthe.titit 'Win
being performed, although oar, inform.'
, ant. states that signs of life were shit
visible after the gory wcrk was ended.--
(b ceirdte Argus.
,No ulna In busing" altatild 'ever
-*rite ; a-beelines. letter altbaut I 4 s card
priniedat4l3lo bead 'oft' s abeet otpatoed.
It Iv a fltat-elass advertitement, end pre
vents qiunbarkial mistakes..
grass in this Districhlty.,i, .7,0*,,, licrfp,
Dr. J. MT . Wallace, Wm. S. Mot re and
Ca t .1. 1 8 Dorde,---one frog' each of
t out ifiej o n?' wprfidlig* pill
d 8 tt, ' . i t l inie: - ive, tiihve: hfiefet
l y,
been agreed upon for a District confer.
Blutdee and - Sutclde.—On Mon.
dat eningof. last.,,week, ttio,,argi,,er, of
ne4.l . welt/.
inquest at Hamlin Btation, 7 on the Pail.'
!telOts rsflfoad, Y no th-ct bodies 9! IP? t r io
men killed mar that place early on Sun
day morning, John O'Donnell, the en•
gineer of the locomotive that ran over
pien, on his ti p said that on Sunday
inarilmg, while be 'as running his en
gine to Dennison, with no cars attached,
as he approached Hamlin's water-tank .
the morning being very foggy, hq
served an obstruction on Arty ti oft bah
rigauptil it was too late to stop. At the
first glimpse he obtained there gppeal:ed
to be but one body on the track, but -get
ting nearer he saw twomen; one - of wheat
raised himself upon Ills, etboarti, looked
calmly at the swiftly approaching death,
and then laid down again, his head over,
;one ling and Ilia feet extending across the
ottiFT, The smallest man 'wet; struck'
8114 and rolled over several - times ) AO
beaming' entangled In" the . machinery
loiraftOnEiggetl a cnneiditatde'distiote to
the' thilway crossing, where It was left
by the wheels of the engine In a ter
ribly mangled condition. The heed of the
tittdir *aft wis mit, off • at-iliougit IL had
been severed by a knife, and both feet
, ' , Were tikendiff : near the ankles. Other
wise the body was not mutilated. A pass
book was found on the body of the smaller
man, and it contained the name of Win.
M. Lloyd, with an order on somebody for
and a memorandum •statlng
that payment had been refused. A ticket
on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from
Zanesville to Patakala was also found,
and - u passage ticket or the steamboat
g. Gray, a comb, q ablart)4l4 !WOO, and
Al . 1 the I*!,ttitv,firellilV.of dthelled Norrt -. ;
he oilier * chitecii . *era - 'llO reited;'
jut 'linking that could lead . to Ida identi
*liiiraa was fouziaLi :Mile telegrapikopiera
,tor at llumlin station testified that the
luen had called at his Mace daring the
night for a. drink. wal4ri sayfralt
they were anxious to get to Pit's.
burgh as soon as possible. The inquest
.elicittril a singular fact that `gives rise to
thuct6:peculation. Near where the men
isere killed a :revolver,' Woo 19u1 3, A
chambers of - which were empty, and bore
videtice of recent discharge. Lloyd's
'Maly., although taken up Immedlattly of
ter the engine had left, was cold and
indicated that life had been extinct fnT
some time. It is generally supposed that
the uhknown man first shot and killed
Lloyd, then laid Ids, body across the rail
and took his place beside it, calmly await
ing death. The jury rendered a verdict
of accidental death, exonerating' Mr.
O'Donnell, the engineer, from all blame.
, is! mostly a
habit. There is not much meaning to.lf.
It is nileti the result, of nervousness, and
au irltable yunlition of both mind and
body. i iwreult
wino 74144 hirt,bo 4 it t iO,P l o4
nienec finding fault with evrryttaing . ahif
every hotly in reach.
scolding .ivt 1f,4.4,v45.,Y ' 4 • 41 , 4, s ' ll o
It is ledeinishillgqiniiislefiwi; who liiiiitt l i
it at till beciiituktmitlietiid to! it 4P4,Onti-t
Armed in IL It is an nnreasnrittbie anti
' unrosoning habit. Persons who once
get in the !lint of scolding ala ays find
somethir.g tp 1441 ,ithout. If thera . was
nothing &Se:they-would fall iirseolditwak
the mere absence of anything to scold at_
k is an extremely dangerous habit. The
constant nuithling of distant thunder,
one's wind
„,-esterlr.s....sier„.....7-. vo•-••••,...1....4: . w i l d...,
osir: - Wottelie lens thir.deuttint.
The habit tscontaglotts. Ottee,lool*
duced into a, fitmlly,il is pretty certain;
in a short time, tont:red ail the members.
If one of thetu begins • always finding
fault about something, or nothing, the
milers are apt very soon to take it up,
and a very , unneeessary Wiliam iterated-.
Pio* in WO country more readily fall
into the habit of scolding than people in
toed. We suppose 'it 'ls because they
have teas to occupy and divert their at
'tendon, Women cnntract the habit
nu m! frequently than men. This.may be
beiause . they /ire more in the-,house, in a ,
confined anti heated atmosphere, very
trying to the nervous system and the
health in general ; and it may be, partly,
that their natures are , mom susceptible,
and their sensitiveness more easily
wounded. Women are sometimes culled
divine, but a sco:ding woman never
p eeni . t ai v t ife . ; jr,ut w go 1 i 1,1 say no taore
On the aulltzt..:± - 4,4.446,1)iv,tty creatttr
niqy feel Inelineilitti.sinlitns !or what syr - ‘
Say about scolding.
niettled.—lt will be seen by thy notice
.if the proem. dings of the Washington
county Republican Convention, that the
'Convention Las "antacid" the nomination
for State Senator In that;,diStrict sn far
as in its power by instructing their Con.
forces to vote for J. S. Ratan esq., on
second ballot. Should not this arrange
merit satisfy the Beaver County politi
clans for this year ? And as Washington
and Greene counties have furnished Mil
Republican cand Mates' and Represonta
Ives in Congress since ill is county has
enjoyed that privilege, should they not
eoper i d e us Ilse Congressional candidate
now.?—L A W HENCE Jorreim..
Fatal Accident.—On Thursday
night last, during a storm, Mr. Adam
Dumbaugh. who was returning from liar.
!limy to his home in Petcrsvillo, this
county, carne: to his death by the
ling of the wagon in which he was tray .
cling. When found by Mr. Sutphen:
Me('-Irtniek of this place, the bed of the
wagon was lying upon his neck., which
VMS broken. Mr. Dumbaugh *as an
aged citizen and respectable farmer of
our county, and his sudden loss has
brought grief to it large amber of rela
tives and acquaint inees.—Bcriaot CITI-
Il.eustro Coke.—Two cups of flour,
two of sugar, six eggs, six tablespoonfuls
of butter, four of milk, two'bnispoonfuls
ofeream tarter, sifted wild the flour, and
one teaspoonfUl of soda. Beat.. 111",
together, and bake in two loaves. For
the jelly to use with It, take three fourths
of n pound of sugar, ope T fourth of a
pound of butter, six eggs, the rind of
three lemons grated. and' t 4 9e juice.
Beat the sugar,
and eggs thor
oughly togethilr;and Sill/lb - a hot
water untij , ,heaieti,sthou add the grated
lemon and Juice; 'stir until thick etiongh,
and quite smooth._ then split the cake_
and poi t e jelly w want) llt la
Thee lionOngaiteler Navigation Com-.
pany design putting a chute In darn No.
1 this summer to facilitate the passage
of coal. This "chute" is an entirely new
thing, which was lately patented by
Capt. John t. Wood of P1‘10)1111511. jf
the experiment proVea profitable It ei rii
adopted at alt therdams on the river,
' $ PP glib RII9III
,:-.."- ft ' pp II em a n who
wax a mighty hunter was plagued with
I degenerate son, who ,maelfested ne . ,
great predl t teetlen ter Ida 'l4 -1
suits. One day he exidat *lift.'
terneea of his mot tificatio "gfirifi . ~,°
Finn, If -ion , re not ge t, ' lieret!lr
' worthies! I Ydeelf neither 'Will'" 4 0 i
I'll be hanged If I den't*l* rig'? , :-'2
saboxxL" . ' , .. sr •,...,..-..-,::
SabbathAnorning-a very large suPince
Ilaseinfiliiit,i4`44,:t . civiw 8I 4d.,
place to YgloolwAkelsoie.44KY:
41 !um M.A.Ohurch recently erects-
Itaartirt sTtiwnedienco Walt ectiw
posed of a large:number of the leading
church merabbri 'or ill the various ,
flow inatimui 'ref fleecier- 'and lotelnit;y.
bishop Simpson'of the hi. -E."Chtiich
Preached Ala 'Marling:omm, •41finett,
4nngd to,with "attetitiou' i
h 5 4i+ ; 4 4,4r the it*Osi7 l T l4B
ended a colleotiun to pay ntt thesChUrch,
debt urtuktaketi up *4 1000 110,890 was
subsodbed. This sum only lacked
about thretchmithwelitottziwofiwyteg,
its whole indebtedness. Xl‘tt i lnie fled
dedly one of the most liberal subscrip
tions we ever witnessed. "That'we are
not alouph trAii , hoistg ! h et ivi r4 s,4l ,
remark we, overheard oil dm'
chub• "When Beaver has a dubs to
cdt 001 head 'end .boulders in
Squidetrog it above any country town I
Over Wall in."
In the evening another lat ud lent*
attended to hear a sermon by . Dr,
Newman of Wasbington City. at present
the chaplain of the U. 8. Senate. It
proved to by a very excellent discourse,
after Web anothe,t,collection was tak- 1
en 4p and the renfitliiugll3oo was raised
with 1141 e or poelfurt. Atter it was an
ttoiniced the( tric44 - •ti Afitient tor pay fie
every claim against the new building
Siva reused, tie' tilititeee of the'Church
were Invited fnrirard arid the • Church
was fokmallyphtiskiss worship of
Almighty,GO'd , 'l3l•Nril b is gilapson
tins, at.the canclaalon Qt whiob Olottanlj
edictiort was pronounced. by dm Ittattop
and the large andellentivit audience'dist
Dedicastiou.-311116,, c.
Church of BeaveroOltir' ill fiiiisoo4ted
to the service oalltiiCWA4ll.Y
4th prox. nisi*
Diocese of Pittsii*Witrlfrtiffttfia
misted by the raiii**,„aicot .0 the
neighborhood. RitClOakittkinii'itte, al
ways iin p rens v e and iiidattUti-tut 'pee u -
thirty so when conducted according to
capon° ritual,. The public are invited
ti a ttend.
boutetblog About Women.—The
Parson says that woman Widmer; mast
restless under the moat favorable eon- .
ditlons, and that there is no state in
Which she is , really happy except that of
change., I.llppose this is the truth
&alight id. vfkalibes..bgeP ( 4 14 4 4 4 e "Myth
of the Garden." Woman is a perpetual
revolution, and hi that element in the
World which continually destroys and
1 re-creates. She is the experimenter and
the suggester of new combinations.
She has no belief in any law of eternal
fitness of things. She is never even con
tent with the arrangement of her own'
house. The only reason the Mistress
could give, when she re-arranged her
auartnient, fin-banging it pletu rein 'that
seemed the most inappropriate place,
Was thaki ti ,iielfet. beg 'We ltiOrBbeforek:
Woman Inienti respect for tiadltion, and
because a thing is as it is, is sufficient
reason for changing it. When she gets
late law, as she has come into literature,
we shall-41p sora , ettiing iiii the destriao
U fall all dui vast Illittil musty libraries
l or precedents, which tow fetter our mi
-1 iiiinlioration of individual justice. 'it is
j l.l t ridev I tie's opinion that. monten are,
. , --r- .
' l . not so , enttinental Minims: and are not.
so easily touched with die unspoken
poetry of nature: being !Ems poetical and
having Irma, itniginstion, theyerti more .
~f itted for practical affairs, and would
-;mike loan failures In blindness. I have
noticed the almost seitish passion fog
- their flowers tvhich old gardeners have,
and their reluctance to part with a leaf
Or a bloilsom from theft. family. They
love the flowers for themselves. A wo
man raises flowers for their use. She is
destruction 1p -a conservatory. She
Wants the flowers for her lover, for the
sick, for the poor, krthe London tast
yr ne n Y 4..,;• the ornamentation ' of . tiei
house. -1 4heriotIgke3arin , tho eustkv.piesii
it re ofasktrilleidg lbeth. Sheo4ref i seek
li flower but she has an Intense but prob
ably sinless , desire to pick IL-e-Frost
Warner' a Back-Jog Studies, inAlerihner' i
for July.
Lawrence County, in the hantA
ofthe :•rin le! inanagiirs seems co be oedrus
a kind of "make weight" to assist in tile
election of thiw Republican
the different districts to which they
choose to attach her. At pre4ent she is
rsED to neutralize the Democratic Vote or
Greene county lot Congress ; and for
State Senator she must be overslaught lw
the two counties; with tieh near rtriee
her le and with proportior6W
more aspirants fur office ,if such thing
can be). thus wi must "hew the wixxl
and draw the water" year after year until
a complimentary, vote for personal rut-,
vantage is about all our men Call expect.
Female Dluessets.—At, the present
day It is extremely rare to (Ind a female
who is entirely free from some one or
other of the diseases peculiar to her sex.
Go where you will,. onthe mountain top
or in the valley. In tho hamlet or in the
city, among the rich or the lowly, there
will be round very few females who are
not laboring under physical affliction pe
culiar to womanhood.
The cause of this we wilinat undertake
to explain ldire: " The numerous
cations made to us for relief during our
twenty years' practice.have long since
induced us to make :copped*. study and
investigation of these diseases, awl their
best method of care. They are maladies
of a peculiar character, and as a general
thing they require a method of treat
ment entirely unlike that adopted far
those common to both sexes. In fact,
the very frequency and extent of female
diseases in our midst, is evidence that
Abe "common treatment" has not met
with success, and shows that some more
efficient cotulte should be' adopted.
We werF, laztfr sinmconvinced that lo
cal remedies and - external appliances;
bandages, &c., were mere palliatives for
the time. and Arno permanent value
igats,isr, but ofttimes inlortous; and
was the ouly hapemitre_o of medication
For the benetleot
afflicted with any disease peculiar to the
sex, whetholf fi.otniX slight , Uoldfollowed
by a derangetifetit 'and 'irregularity of
the general system. which many times
produces cough. -expectoration. tight
ness of chest, difffetil t 'breath ing ' palpi
tation, &e., with fill the symptoms of
"going into a decline," or from any of
the very many causes which produce
such terrible suffering ainoncrworneo f
as to make life a hunien• to them, we
would say, that our remedies are select
ed and prepared with a special view to
wards these ends. and will give relief In
all these kinds of cases, without needless
exposure to indelicate examinations, or
!The wearing of dissurreeable instruments
hr cumbrous appliances.
We have, cured hundreds—yes, thous
ands—of ; Valle ; by onedicaß Arispropt
alone. hancirediof whOrri wehave newer
seen, but who only obtained their meth
cinesaflorhavfng sent itt uti their - eases
for examination.
our remedies in these disetusee are mild
hut effectual, and are such as we have
found out to act in conformity with the
laws of nature in regulating health and
from the success which has almost in
variably crowned our efforts in these
'cases, we can promise, end do promise,
,p speedy cure in every ease where a reas
onable hope can be entertained.
For the benefit of-those s die
twice laboring under Chronic Affections.
and unable to attend in person. we would,
say; by sending ass a vial of urine for
examination, the necessary 12 " diel"8-
can be sent them by express.„
L. °Lusatia. •D.
T. L. Or..oNfrog, M. 11,
J. W. oLosune., M. D.
Address DexiisoLDßElv _
No. 133 Gratit st_reft,...P_lttsburg Pa.
Temple of lloner,--The temper
afloormenor Rochester ;Ind vicinity are
abode itarting a 'Temple of-Kollar (a ben
tetiolal organization) in that Borough.
Wilhite wishing •to become eherter
= embers can do so by applying itntne
diately at FL B. Biesels tin store, Roches
leir, Pa., and signing application.—Tenn
'potence 'applicants moat be eighteen
' t years old.
- , . • 7,31307.haet0tate,..14w.-_,
thy, memorable Dee
litrAth)ti ‘ll , bas been
the 04ill Ehoit voisCrne l 7 to
F 0 ,4 146 printers the beitiedlt.9r .
item tiering the week se bsixtrieot to find
tecleeiVe of that443lo Whe Beaver mina.
If/ •papers have Agreed to observe this,
rate ind erospend 'patallatUoe • daring
thee - habit; hence 'no• Anoint will appear
ott• ''fiyisineaday .or the week following
that the Pourth'el July. ' Advertimeta
govern tbjenselyea ttepOrtitogly
*Oita ilitd ettittiiiitietted leirttotiortee
hate 'about that Wight .aabataaces cotoeflr
449 d tind tolled tot is totdleol PricdttO, froAlAufic
. ix and dap trope; yet tome of these inbatan
co, lava Mined MAP l4 47l44oldedSCideot4l4o4l4bi,
141, walker. Gitifforakt Vinegar 411.erif, tick,e/V.
er. contat.aotlstag Wro
orkout. befog •copoted
ezeln.ively regetatile tobetaneos Wan t
sta. For. Ell alaotde to /of the dyer. k tonere., Wad.
Fak la. Ito44lgettive ottrartt, ,and for porgy.
kbethe t
orr ook ere tbe7 A the tlbst lepriderfni rope-
REI.I.ING OJIT •AT •.CosT - --Porsons de-
Sir/ og to boy goods, at eon can do 50,b24
Mr. Johti.Conway'e in lioehes ;
fir P r e. 4e is elosiuji out his entire stock
With a view of engaging In anotliir busi
ness, and for some time, in the fature,
therefore, bargains can be bad by ,A,lting
at bts store.
White Wheat, j 1 90
Red - Wheat, I 90
Rye, ---- ' - 90
Corn, - - - ' - 4 45
bat; ~ . to
Buckwheat. -• • 05
, . - •
VOIIIP , IBOI3—biWN AU4Uns.!---Pit atm Afnidig, P., 1.. "Gtrim, 435 q.. at. ilia
reside:lap; r. John - Robinson cif tan: ,
Fence Odanty, Pa., to !Malt Ittichel Poe
naught, of liOvos-iiinnty, Pa.
SCOTTAon the 76th Met. Miss Mary
Scott, of Brighton township, in the 26th
year of her ago.
WILKINSON.—On 'the 10th of June,
1872, at the Beaver County Home,
Sarah Wilkinson, of Hanover twp., in
the 25th year of her age.
JACKMAN--On the 18th of June 1872
at his rftidence in Indostry, Pa.. Mr.
John Jackman, aged about 59 years.
SOWASTI.-00 June 11th, 1872, at the
residence of her husband, -Mr. Fred
erick So wash., 4 hilMevita AIDPYWibiPi
Beaver county, Pa., Mrs. Margiret
The deceased was one of the original
members of the First. Presbyterian
chiirch of Bridgewater, which was or
itemized January 29, 1845. In early life
ebe professed the religion of Christ, and
faitbfidly did she maintain that profes
sion until death. To a large circle of
mourning friends she bas left the pleas
ing and comforting hope that their loss
is her infinite gain.
' , (//fi dice/ tiarttbniervatire please copy)
New Advertisemenis
Sealed Fir o possal pa
W)11 he received by the t4ehool Director/ or Ohio
Beaver count!) Pa., atm! July 2.5tb, at
rat lock, p. m tor faritivhitig all material mak•
ing and bunting a kiln of our hundredittotutand
brick. The Board vesetrea the rtypht toreject any
or all bkla. Addreaoiliolaert Reed. luitaatty. Pa.
By oidcr tif the Board. J. G, Jun:sr . :ll4lN.
krz:ow secretary.
Common Pleumi Notice.
T St thu . nonther of the lunacy of dii•xander Mr-
L'Uoinliti. in the Court of Cumin:lo,l 4 nd+ or Bea
r. r county, at tio, ni klatch term. 1845:
luterenend rutrtiato err hereby nettigteo tint rho
u•auet of dPf..OO ttoCC ,CUJUS/Ilttec of Alexander
Disciald. lunatic, bairn filed In the Prothon
otary e oaten, et Beaver: and that miler, engdatent
true,• to ttof caul tory 0:1 Ptaird 0, ARLO be culitirtll
ed by ihewon on toe day of next tentr,
1r46;3, JOUN CIUGriEY. era.
ottoo-to CiontirtVCOV Pa.
kzEALED Propene': .will be received by, the
1,7 building Cosuautute of the Board of Educa
tion of the ppectal School dletriet of L,eetonla,
Uttio, until July Id. Ih7l. for the erection of a brick
betiool !louse. Piausand specitiretions tan be
seen at the °dice ad.!. FL Bargee. Main et., Lento
nut, Ohio, said will be explained by James Harp
er, Separate bids may be made for the brick and
carpenter work, or for both together. The Cern
mittee reserves the Hen to Fleet any ar.'d all bide
3. B. liAnTol.lrer
J. Q. Camas a la.'s, EtnUding
Jsitka Ilartrau, ;Com:dime
IL td. Iflbo. )
Notice to Ori4gi Cotitmctors;
dEA2I7 PROPOSiii3 7
VIM De PillosisNed a$ seta.
aji of by the Boarder County Comintaalcoenr.
until the iikh day of July, A. D. NM at lOo'clock
a. m., for the masonry end iron structure 'of a
bridge aver Walnut Hun in Beaver Falls borough,
near the cutlery; of 30 feet span and 30 feet road
way; to have double carnage track;and to haves
foot way attached 'outside of carnage way, of six
feet in width. Proposals for etructara meet be ac
cumulated with astalement glvtngthe total weight
of the cast and wrought Iron:Abe general working
strength wr iblelf Not. together with the greatest
local Toad the bridge wdlattatain. The Commis
sioners reserve the right to reject any or all bide.
Plans and . apecideetione for the masonry of said
bridge an be Sere atthis.oftice until the morning
of the day of letting. By order of the County
COmotiselonem JOHN YcHOCN, Clerk.
ColunstOwzles . Orhos, June 22, I L 1.1e2ti31
t Prelim and Co!mervatlve copy.)
hX If erTOWS. NOI TOR.,- Letters tewolotentary
on the estate of remlinAud Autearel h, deed.
4114. of Franklin toutustdp, )14aver count y, having
been grrnted to the undrralgmed, all persons In
debted to .aid estate are requested to emit and
make payment:, and nit permJno having claims
azniunt the mune Are requested to pram.% th
duly am lironacatrd. for I.qt-it:Meld.
ItlgtriLltil ARD A UTEXICRITIL. (11:17"-
NV. Vk , r. . Eit Alt li.k: R. ,
(Suceetaor to Barka' & lianittue,l
WlloLtsatti AND Daman rX
Alegraring" liOloguapka,Ptato-cout Gbfor&l. PA°.
tovroptsa, Puss' Partuotp, Moulting" and racturr
frame• of all kinds, tri Filth Avmae, (Ilion
•bove Smithfield At,,]Pittsburgh,l'i. ftnalritly
Rochester Borough School District.
D Eelarrtl EXPIiNDITURNS for yeas
eudtog Jane 3, 1511. Tas rate 13 malls ou
the dollar valuation
Gross Amount of dopltaite. -$31393
Deduct lost tax
Collector's commtssiurt • • IN 15 -
sper et. off on vixtrt, paid Trengarer. to at 24a
Temporary lor.o
Return tux to Isii9
State appropriation
Paid hdianed dna Trt.aoureeli7l4l
Paid .... '.145 43
Paid interert on building loan._ WI RV
Paid fuel bill for year..........._....25
Paid .......
Paid A WWI, fur reports .
Paid tot digging well and for I,be
pump and !inures For Dame?. .
Paid hidden tal adiavtiaea
Paid temporary loan, 1671
Paid the teachers' salaries
Paid treasurer'. euu.mbateu
Paid. idecretario
A. I'. SHALIAINBER4n....,. —
U. R. COB. Seerciary .
Testehers* Examinations.
°Mei OP l:01.1 4 TT SlTVlallrrnm inn"; I
LIZA.IIIIi PA., June 11, 1872. f
Fa u kind Ha f o in v W to o w rt h Ssphrip, MuSrcuh o o c o k l s [rio lules.
uly 2. New Brighton and Filibian. et Now
Brighton S. U.
July 8. Industry and Neale Independent, at In.
dustry 8. 0.
July ]O, Ohio tornialdp.Glasgow apd Island Run
at Fairview 8. 11.
July 12., South Beaver and Chimes:li, at Marva
'school house. -
July 15 Brighton tcnvnalllp, it chin 9. li. •
July 11, Blg Beeves, New Ogden. Clinton. ID.
dependent, Darlington borough tint} township, at
Darlington 8. H.
Natilvicereltkln an,doPitiaski,ot War
neck's 8. H.
July tn, Beaver rails and Pofterson township, at
Beaver Fella 8. IL at
*lair SL Itnctiew te r borough end rearmbir.
.7111/I,n,Pteedoul and 14t. Can borOugts. at dm
.Ffeedom 8; ff.
"ILLYMtpeeser. Brldgovador and Vnoport bur-
antl,Phiensrivecinr B.sud Eerrickhz". at Teet's
S. H. •
w Mtn. at s. H.
Aug.% -;" hit t uootaitown and Gnome
„Avg 5. Grespe Wink.
town, at iloolnitown , t
August 7, Baden and Bcooosny town ship,
Baden S. 11.
Atigtria Logstown liutteruident, Moon and
.tforewelL , et Now linefdeld .a.
, Aa g r f ot 1 . 3., _Raccoon township, at Scott 's 8. IT.
Angast It Independence Intrust:Mx et lone.:
imiudi• 8, -
; selicsat. ycoxpotonons,
Almost al„, frankfort Springs ;, September 4,
norlington Sept. A 5, Dente,. -
No one eumtad at those special examinations
slyby tritium request of Bisectors,
Bpecisi examinations for ptoitssitmal errittl
eines bat-bektafter the onot schools.
ApplicantslrLl furnish then:molten withpen and
ink. Blank examination books rrlll be !Tweaked
At ten Cents each.
Irtirteterts and friends of education are cordially
•iineised to Mend pm examinations. I than bu
permed to copier oath them In 'regard to the best
integrite of the common animals. .
flleschers ahould be reelected at the Close of the
a Mitigation.
.Dltioettint ;dew iormard tim
Diet Maputo mid certidestim. lait that Cnunly bn-
Orinionnent. on or before the 9100kbp ilaut.
lona he round In the educational office% Bea.
v reviervaturast of each week. •• . ,
- - „ M. L KNIKIIIT. Co. .901—
1).110' BAIIitly; }IC
, Dauclut:
, 1300.1trAGEptgris -
Now at Wed', or bolas/ for rubtletaisi book.
Wu Ulf they do DIA et once write for clscuLsns of
thy best wiling book publisbal. EVraordluarY
tgaucept.mta offiltehltzPhifteioctre sari &outdo.
money. outntaree. Addreer..F. AI. It43F.D &
139 Ehrthi‘tweet.'Nine Yak: • "- .•
F'or 1 104irlfing,i1
• • • .EN.;try Catena.-
• Also, km CAMPARIN 6001)6.11,40ch5._-
2 .
11;ioodiveed". EtnOtillrtablVbillit nom°
ItYT Ltberrystreel N 4 'Y.; -or, Ctodintssi„-0.
tifeltred — Or -
Grant, Greeley !
'And the lending men of Ali pwtia , ()rm.:o AOKI
Portraits. Just the bOok wantea by the thaett‘-a
every where, ;Agents meet with Woutiernit ew e
ce". Ffod tor (3rettjar. and: PerAUC triliPrj . at
once. Addros; nEatelt 3freetrftny,
Arc:lSt:mt., Phatdelphft, Pal'
Iliendktard' Unlink& motmeni and
arren, ange.
first Mill. ertean
Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet troilism.
Door, th..adEr Goard.Domotoz Mid "W•py
Drrect Draft. Vrara, aartELl CO., I air?
street, 1,4
Fells' . Carbolic - Vablets
/tor ,Coafistlsar oalosatialtilltaimmatala. •
Teta. Tomato_ iitellaatilbaAatik
vitt:rattier, tomelent„Tat4ettl&—ln a 'populat , lorn,
.fat , ,the cttre at all 'Thrbal athClqing. illatases.
itoorsenetraga4 `atasOiois,o7t.tte; Woo l. aro
taadtatety callexed, aa4l,- - atatataezi Is are codattatly
hrltie seat to th 4 proprltgoe , of' relkfla 'easini at
Tbroat olitleattinaaryears rtaading.7. • • ,
CADTION poul INAlecciveti, by aroublala
Itatlone , . Get only Well** Carbolic
l'atdeg... Price al ends y6r baX. Jona Km,
is Platt 1M..; N. Y. brud far circular. tioie
Agent for Mu I: S.
On Manhood, Wurnanheini, and their iicitteal in
ie.:relations; Loy; Irt , Limo. N.wer. etc.
`end. tnr spe...imen pares and circulate. With
terms Atidresto NATIONAL U &O.,
Phllndelphiu, Pu.
Send for thaurriptlve circular and staamal terms far
toe greatest caulautn book 4rublialled—
lAcClellan's Republicanism in America.
owing to the preeeht exriteMent, AVM
r , •r the best rdx months int. wtht firl3.
ihe nitirt reli3lne bovii 111 the market. J. dL
tem. nue. r....littitait c . riAAgel.4s-Toi
uTTA.roli - AT
rimiest, ruele,t,ntostatst.tuattm.t.ntsutteuve
and Isn.thienvorstng bunk leaned hir . years.; ac
know' edged .nperittr to Mark Twain. Is splen
didly tlluStrated, 'elegantly hocmd and very cheap.
Agents report grand success. Sample pages,
special term*, and -.t'Agent's Pocket Companion"
lime Address. ElPllrlAftll Poltinthertt,
72:3 Elansom Street. Philadelplals.
— Cluit 1,11 , 6) kilt!o'ri4ol24
u les 9 bait • 'reatest, t' or
This invaluable tatimmuu-seasu &stk. should-hi:
read by cv ecy mall and woman In the emintry.
Thre,bierth+ of all the sickness In oar midst may
b.• avoided by a knowisAlge- dud practice—of our
•latly Friend's i,i.cret.' • Ths must eminent au
thorities In the land-heartily recommend it for its
great common ...11,43.r11C1 humor. 'shrewd gilmyk‘es
or rnanklua nod and pLthy style of ea
jate.siou. AGENTS 'WANTED to make motley
tact. For itlnstrated circular. :erms, its, address
GEO. MAGLltit)i. Pub's, 733 Seesaw St;
le tt',Aarcijalt {Lille. specially ~ rai.ted for net to
Spring, when the lanoufd and debilitated system
needs strength and .v itaitty; it will give vigor to
the teZble,.eirougth to Me weak, animation to the
dejected, aCtivity to the singgish. writ to the wea
ry, quiet lo the nervousand health to the Infirm.
- It is a South American Plant which, according
t the medical and scientific periodicals of LoOdon
d Paris; 00-secrecy the moat powerful tonic pro: .
erties known to Materta Medici, And to well
Own in its native country as having wonderful
rittive...qualities, and has been lone usedas a
?:e-ifte - tlir all cases of Impurities of the Blood,
orarrot of We Liver ant , ft i tra. n .7 . ittre.
- ta P e 'l lt ;7 t e
;e r a Li:_o , c,,€.;-. 3
.‘o,:ce„;it'..4 ,- - €."
is strengitresing and nourishing ; like nntsicious
od, taken into the stomach. It assimilates and
diffuses itself throngh the circulation. giving vig.
Or and health.
i It regulates the bowels, guide the Lerrih' ad.
irectly on the Secretive Organs. and ny its Pow
riot TONIC and restraint effects. produces heal.
y and tl4,tonous action of the wbole system,
JUILN 4. KELLoGG, I , t Platt St. New York,
Sole Anent for the United' States.
Price $1 per bottle. Send for circular. . jel9 4w.
or TIE ahore• land la teemed neat a floortabing
two over oliatotants, in the county e(
' ederson through ‘vhlch the Atcht?ttn, 7bpetta Si
aura Fe Railroad 11. eapectall to he completed tla
cumin:: summer There is a RIM= of. water
through :air' some etooe and timber on It; a cottn,
try mad-tin one aide, and a Storm road on the oth.
er. Thu land it nearll, all rolling prairie. Tide
Vf rn u t ed. For further particulate inquire or
JOHN R. M, LEAN. Itoehemer; or
inr2T3ra W. W. IRWIN. New Brighton, Pa.
The only r,liable Gil? DiAlribution in fleCOuntry
$lOO,OOO 00
ti,,641) 21P
"ft 7 W 1-,46;
GIFT Enterprise !
$5 r- , s •N
To bo Drawn Tbursdray, July 4, 1872
1r7,;141,0414) IN GOLD!
One prize $5,000 in Silver.
Two Prizes, Sl,ono
Five Prizes, $,500 )) Grefltbacks
Ten Prizes of $lOO
Two Family Carlin...vs and Mali:4llBd
Borges with Silver-Mounted Hartnett
worth $1,500 each I
Two /ioraea aVii'lll 4 ofilna wale ...Sliver-
Mouatat/ Harness wortA 700 each
Two Flue-toned ltoaewOod Piatae UOlttl $5O
%tifta r ioning Madiner, worth $lOO each
Ladles 41old Leount...r dt .b../h m ti * , Watches
ChtliDB, Solid end Double-pia.,..
*poen,. Thoingrapb Albums. v ,
whole Number Gifts; 10,00 Er.
rieket4 Limited to 50,000.
Agentq IVOnted to Sell Tickets, to Whom
I. 4 liteml Premiums will be Paid.
Single tickets. fd:Rix Ticketr. /110: TrrtheTicit
ete, Twenty Oat - Tickets. Jul.
• Circulars contatning a fedi hat of prizes.
ectiption of the manner or drawing.
and &Darn
%Madan in relevance to the distribution. will be
Petit ll) any one ordering them. Nil orders toast
he addressed to • L. D. NINE ? bon 86.
J mush:4i) Vales. 111 W.. Fiftbsii,t..t•incinnsti.O.
Om}tute find County -Tom.
w5 l )
lu 641
5t . .V.4 RI)
&MO 411
1.5 140
0,141 'LI
HE Count/Tremont willatiend In the several
townships end borentroi for the moose et
woe the State and county taxes for the yen'
vi j. at the places lea times designated below,
Induatry twp - " " 2'.1 Grieve& Allen's store •
/stirring' twp - V , D W Scott's.
Chippewa twp July, I W Cunninghain's. ..
S. Heaver & uhio '• - 1 Minns Store.
Min '3 MR Derringer's.
Henketown born " 8 Htcl .
S Greene to " 9 li o ntel..
Hanover jr Greene to " In Rrank Smtitritahtsp.
Fran.klett born ' 11 J H Vances.
Ilanuver,two " 12 .1 Ti Wilson's store:
}raccoon two " 11 .J H Chtletet.
Independence two ". 16 John Ilcdrnes!,
& Hopewell " 17 J Davis' store.
Hopewell tap " V , It W Watt's.
Moon tape • ** 10 James Prentice.
Phymontsean bo made In Am/Joining. tOWnshipe.
rirmi liceneee are due by law July let. Those
pot 'paid at that date will be collected %with toot.
wait:Ml _ _ Treaatcrtr Hearer Vototo.
- ve ..i i i.' Tirk.:7l3-0-OT.r-
_ •m2o,Btored, Baggage
Tracks, Patent Cash Drawers. , and Ciro
yenta Supt•Heit SCALES :REPAIRED.
General Akents, ftl Wood Street, Plttsbuzol Ps.
argead for ctrestossadPnesLtsa tlilft:l7.
- Weimar bar. In tbe Sold
-4 =Oro& Pbasiclana ano
enetevere in titl 111.1177 ter
41properties coafainee In
ottalaN a valuable pray
to be &wiled as i adlve dr
for tteumatunpegoap,pain
as of back , cbert.or om
ealt staryysorer.
man !oar. sore torax.frOat,
IbLitae, few breast lt.
Jorms, dulling; •
of ladanimatoor mute.
ttrfOrbfoor. fiek aft -al•
3stli 1. 1 EMI-ANNUAL