The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 19, 1872, Image 3

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    The Beaver Argus.
B e aver. Pa., June 19th, 1872.
circulation Thirteen Hundred.
Rates of
48 00
5 00
11 00
15 00
30 00
1 wr -10 Hues. .P oo'
j oqulreS, do 3 50
N uartis, do 600
fquarm, do GM
comuan,.... 800
cuhaman..... 11 00
1 column__ 22 00
administrator.' and Executors' Notices.- •43 00
I latsl notices per rtne, ten amts.
OF" Payments to be made Quarterly, except
traoßlent advertisements, whirl must be paid
Cleveland dc Pittsburgh R. li.—Tress
,iing East Issas Bearer Station as follows: Mos
;•-f Accom'n 9.19; Mall, 2.47 p. m.;Evaning Fast
Train. golte., West leave beaver Station ILA fol
ios,. Mail, 7;46 a. m.; Accommodation and Es
(thmagh to Bellair,) 5.45 p. m.
The attention of the public is directed
to the following New Advertisements
which appear for the first time in the
Annus to -day:
Special Notice—Dr. Keyser
special Notice—Holloway
pvetsi Notices—Dr. Johnston._.._.
Magnolia Balm
special Notice—Dr. Pierce
Special Notice—Singer Sewing Machine
;special Notice—S. & J. tinellenbiarg.—.
Special Notices—R,Stchitielt,
special Notices—H Noss
Special Notiee—Bert & Walsh
Advertisement—H. U. Power tagelis
A dvertisement—S. R. Johnston___ —.4.0q2w
Special Notice—Hugo Andriessen
New advertlsementa—G. P. Rowell & Co .... ...0
dew advertisements—Daucby & Co C.
'reacher* . Examinations—M. L. Knight 6wiLtt
A dvertisement—Boggs & Bahl
Ads ertistment —Grand Concert.
Commeneement.—The closing ex
ercises of Beaver Ladies Seminary will
be held in the U. P. Church next Friday
evening. Doors open at 61 o'clock. Ad
mission 25 cents. As the Commence
ment:is one day later than originally in
tended, examinations of classes will be
commenced at 10 a. m. of Wednesday.
H. Noss takes pictures in all kinds of
weather, but it is not so well to choose,
a day when the sun shines too _bright
Come one came all. Broadway, New
The exprekte train, south, on the Al
legheny Valley Railroad, ran over and
killed a man near Kittanning about
half past eight o'clock Saturday evening.
lie had been walking on the track, and
the engine was so close upon him when
he was discovered that it was impossi
-1,1, to save his life. His name was not
6m wn, but he is reported to have been a
a miner. - The Coroner of Armstrong
county took charge of his remains,which
were conveyed to Kittanning. -
( ILEVIOTS, Trecots, Diagonals, and all
•tj lei. and qualities of goods suitable for
summer clothing at S. & J. Snellen
burg's, Broadway, New Brighton.
We call attention to the very able and
toolly interesting tommunication In
I —lays paper, descriptive of the advan
t.i.zea presented to men in the prime of
I.:, who emigrate to Nebraska. The
iryta given by Mr. Ritchie, from person
, .thservation are interesting and etni
a4.iitly worthy the calm consideration of
to ,se who contemplate settling in the
wi , t; more especially since be has no
intri -, 4t at stake save that of benetliting
He is neither a land speco
lat.,r, nor a hired agent; and his de
i.•rtHlVN talent is of a high order, and
given to the public.
, E s; Eurnishintr Goods, every va
rwt v ,test and most I ,, ionable quality,
\% aN'M MI hand at Bert ,t Walsh' 8,
.othing house., Broadway, New Brigh
Lteenses.-- ( in Wednesday of last
V. eel,: the cotirt granted licenses to the
f)llowing applicants: To keep Hotels
—.l. M. Heed Bridgewater; Charles
Yauer, Ififtnan Eckhart, Beaver Falls;
Iktvid Magaw, New Brighton. Eating
// ,, uses—lfenry Wagner, Martin Hal
ler, Beaver Falls; to sell liquors in
nt ales of not Less than one quart—F:
it Built-haste, Beaver Falls; lames Alex
ander, Rochester.
- •
EVERY BODY goes to H. Noss, Photo
grapher, Broadway. New Brighton. Get
y,ur pictures for the 4th of July.
Run By Money.—We heard a gen
tlrman, who was a candidate at the re
cent primary meetings, say, last week,
that the politics cf this county were "run
l , y muney•" On being asked for an ex
planation he replied that about a week
hPfore the primary meetings a local pol
nietan, who claims to carry his town
',fop in his breeches pocket came to him
and told bin) that at $4 a head he could
g e hint 40 votes in his township. The
..andidate told him he was not buying
otes but that he would get 40 votes in
that township at any rate. The result
.hawed that he only got three or tour
~ tem, while an opponent, who was not
known lA have any strength there at all,
received the vote almost solid: The $4
arrangement was probably entered into
Iry the candidate last referred to, and
Ow local politician of course made a nice
thing out of the sale {lf his neighbor's
a es.
BEST WA LSH, Agents for the justly
celebrated Singer Sewing Machine,—
Broadway, New Brighton.
Strawberrien.=-We were made the
recipients of some of this luscious fruit
through the generosity of Mr. Emmet
B. Morton, of Brighton tp., but inad
vertently we forgot to acknowledge the
favor last week. Through the mul
tiplicity of cares imposed by attention
to the building in which we are engag
ed, and the demands of the Anous upon
our time, it is no wonder some--
things are overlooked. But Mr. Emmet
must be assured his fruit was pronounc
ed delicious by our employees; and they
profess to be Judges in such matters;
and they unite in 'presenting thanks to
the generous donor Coupled - with their
desire for his pecuniary advancement.
Fot.t.ow the crowds to S. it. .1. Snel
leo burg's, Broadway, New Brighton.
Walk In.—Twenty-five or thirty
rears ago, Rev. Charles O. Finney, now
l'res,dent of Oberlin College, was carry
ing on a series of revival meetings in
some eastern city, Boston, we think.
Poe day a gentleman called to see him
business. Mr. Finney's daughter,
iterliaps five years old, answered his
r!I1K. "Is your father in?" asked the
.trairger, "tio," replied the demure
maiden. "But walk in, poor dying sin
ner! Mother can pray for you."
P I.EIiTY of those Fashionable Coate, at
at R. Steinfehr s.
lartitt L Kufelt was sworn in as
'',Linty Superintendent of Heavencoun
ty, last week. His address is Industry,.
Pwaver younty, Pa. All having official
but.inesa with him should addre f iss him
at that point.
FRANK GRAY Rtill cuts those Whims
alle cults at It. Steintehrs.
A Gobbing Papa.—The following
iettf r was received by a lady in this place
week from a newly made papa:
June Ilth. 1872.
Staten: Our "boy" is about 2
houri 4 old, and both the boy and his ma
art doing finely. The aforesaid "boy"
Weighs about D pounds; we think ; its
fathrr and mother at latikt t ton.
N. IL I almost forgot to tell you that
our new babT a a "boy." Can't yon
onne %nd see a, soon?
N env Goods constantly received
Bert tt. Walah'a clothing house Broad
way. New Bighton.
Pesti val.—A Strawberry Festival is
ring held in the wigwam erected inside
the foundation of St. Joseph's Catholic
Church. It commenced on Monday even
ing 17th inat,and will continue every eve
ning for a week. Proceeds for temeflt
of the church.
The RepubliOn primary election of
Butler .county *la held on Saturday,
the Bth inst., find on Monday of
last week, the following ticket was nom
inated: Congress` F . E. McJankin; dele
gate to constitutidnal convention, John
N. Purviance; *nate, Allen Wilson;
Assembly, Wm:: S. Waldron, David
McKee; Sheriff, ;Nlohn S. Kelly, Pro
thonotary, Eli <ionn; Register and Re
corder, Mathew! No Greer; Clerk of
Courts, John H. Sutton; Commissioner,
Robt. Borron; 4uditors, Isaac Meals
(3yre), E. G. DOnom (2yrs); Coroner
David Kirkpatriik. The Citizen says
the ticket is a good one, and will com
mand the entire strength of the party
am, :
— l ,
ss IX
7 00
9 00
10 60
1$ 00
90 IX)
39 00
6 , .. EEMI
47 00 1110 OD
10 00 1500
12 00 13 Ou
15 OD 21 00
Si 00 29 CO
28 00 VD OD
60 00 100 OD
FINEST 'MILS. We, MS, lowest, prices.
Bert dr, Walsh, Roadway, New Brigh
The llama of toseph Wolf, of Wayne
Tp., Lawrence county, was destroyed
by fire on Sundity of last week. The
family were kirKping a fire to cook din
ner. and used slOvings for the purpose
someof which, alfghting on the roofaet it
on fire. Moat ofle goods on the ground
floor were savedcbothing saved from the
second story. Tbe property was insured
to the amount oal,ooo
Large Silk Suti;Urnbrellas for 81,25 sat
Hibbarda, Roelugger. Jel2;2w
Horse ILHIOI.—A short distance
above East Liierpool, 0., on Saturday
of week before Witt, the Wellsville Ac
commodation train ran over and killed
a horse.
The most styqh and the cheapest Mil
linery in the coiiinty at Hibbards. Ro
chester. jel2;2w
The tiniontoiin Genius of Liberty
says : "We haveeert a letter from Mr.
John L• Goe, to ilk uncle. Mr. Eli Cope,
of this borough 4 in which he gives the
weights of some of the fleeces taken
from his splendid flock of sheep. He
says: 'Many of them weigh from 15 to
20 pounds, a number of them over 20
each. One ewes fleece, 23 poueds 6
ounces: one rapes fleece, 30 pounds 3
ounces. Thesetaheep are regularly—
■heared every year. One year hence
I hope to shear alpumber of fleeces from
25 to 30 pounds "
At Hibhards, ttochester you find the
cheapest Dry floods in the County.
lel2 2w
Andrew Nl;Fintosh, was seri
ously injured 14$ Friday morning at
an on IsDind run, whileengaged
in taking tools from a well. He was
caught in the I . 4achinery and had an
arm crushed and his leg broken in two
places. He nairowly escaped being
killed outright..! It Is feared his arm
will have to Wamplltated ; otherwise
he is slowly recy ering.
GRAsn PieNaii July 9th, at Cannelton,
Pa. Reading Declaration of Indeqend
ence by Dr. W. F. Shuriock , and an ad
dress by lion.'lJ. S. Ratan. Dinner,
Supper. Fire Wirks and Dancing. All
are invited. _ [jet2;3t.
' Commence*cal.—The Com mance
anent of Washington College will begin
with the Baccalitureate sermon of Pres
ident Hays. on Sabbath June 23, in the
Town Hall. On Monday, June 24, the
annual sermon to the Society of Relig
ions Inquiry will be delivered, and on
Tuesday, the 25th, the re-union of the
Washington Class 0f51847 will take place
when a historical address will be deliv
ered by A. M. Gow of Evansville, Indi
ana. The anniversary exercises of the
Literary Societies will take place the
same day, while the Commencement
proper will be held on the forenoon, and
the Alumni in the afternoon of Wednes
dav the 26th.
A FARM FOR A STORE.—A first-class
Dry Goods and Grocery Store in a good
location, near to the best markets in
this county—now doing a good - business:
—can be had for a good farm. Store and
building valued at from $15,000 to $20,000,
The best reasons given for wanting to
exchange. Apply to or addres, Steven
son d Wittish, 'Beaver Falls, Pa. Ljel2;tf
A Beautiful Figure.—Life is like
a fountain fed by a thousand streams
that perish if one be dried. It is a /li
ver cord twisted with aousand strings,
that parts asunder i i
one is broken.
Thoughtless mortals e surrounded by
innurnerabit dangers which make it
much more strange that they escape so
long, than that they almost all suddenly
die at last. We are encompassed with
accidents every day sufficient to crush
the decaying tenements we inhabit. The
seeds of disease are planted in our con
stitution by nature. The earth and the
atmosphere whence we draw the breath
of life are impregnated with death; health
is made to operate its ciwn destruction.
The food that nourishes contains the
elements --of decay ; the soul that ani
mates it by vivifying, first tends to wear
its own action ; death lurks in ambush
along the paths. Notwithstanding th.y,
truth is so forcibly contimed by the
daily example befdreour eyes, bow lit
tle do we lay it to heart. We see our
friends andlibors die; but how sel
dom does it i:: . `tr to our thoughts that
our knell may next give the warning to
the world.
A New Phi loiir . a — ph Gallery has
just been opened by J. Uhaltn in D. Mil
ler's New Brick, Bridgewater, with all
the latest improvements in the art Entire
satiafaation rendered. je 2;4 w
An organ grinder, an old veteran sui
cide inducer, who understands the pow
er of advertising, lately paid an editor
seventy-five cents for a puff. The news
paper man, who had not made a ash
entry on bis books for two weeks, re
sponded promptly in his next issue with
the following. After giving a history of
music and musical instruments from
the earliest ages down to the present
day, he says: "Mr. Rubini Likwiski, an
Italian nobleman, arrived in this city
yesterday with one of the fittest band
organs we have ever seen since we were
in Rome. During the' afternoon he
moved through the streets discoursing
rich gems of music; and attracting large
numbers of listeners among the elite of
our village. We have heard the music
oral! nations and a thousand organ
grinders, but none in our judgment
could throw such pathos and subtle ex
pression into the machine as does Mr.
Likviriski. His rendition of the popular
air 'Bully for Me' was simply superb.
He will remain in town for a few days,
and families wishing his services by the
day can procure them for twenty-five
cents. His instrument is set for six
tunes, but he can sing and do a very fair
jig. Try him a whack!"
Five Hundred Thousand. --500,000
Bottles of Green'e August Flower has
been sold in this State in three months.
We only ask you to go to the drug stores
of lingo Andriessen, Beaver, S. Hannen,
Rochester, or Gilliland (It Kerr, New
Brighton, Pa., and get a bottle free of
charge, or a regular size at seventy-five
cents. Every Bottle warranted to cure
Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, Sick
headache, Costiveness, Heartburn, Wa
terbrash, Sour Stomach, Indigestion.
Impure Blond, or deranged Stomach and
liver. Use Dr. Boschee's German Syrup
for consumption. nov29;iy.
Small hones.—The Southern Far
mer says: The argumenti may all bo in
favor of great size, but the facts are all
the other way. Large horses are more
liable to stumble and be lame than
those of the middle size. They are
clumsy, and cannot fill themselves as
quick. There is nothing more surpris
ing to Western men than to visit Mon
treal, and to see the small, but stout,
Canadian horses hauling large, two-seat
ed carriages, full of people, with appar
ent ease. A horse weighing 000, takes a
chaisSor Concord wagon, with two men
in it, and makes fifty or sixty miles a
day, over hills that might have terrified
liannibil. But their weight is where it
ought to be. Ms compact, and not ly
ing along loose. It is muscle, and not
pulp, that we want in a horse.
The followinebustittes was disposed
of in the Criminal Co tof this county,
Last week :
Commonwealth vs. Barnard lquigan,
Indicted for an aggravated /assault and
battery. Nolte prosequii entered on
payment of costs by defendant.
Com'th vs. Jacob Nicely, charged
with embracery, Grand Jury ignored
the bill, and prosecutor to pay costs.
Coml6 vs. A. V. Cunningham—in
dictment, practicing medicine contrary
to law. Bill Ignored, and prosecutor to
pay costa.
Com'th vs. Mary Mills, charged with
surety of the peace on oath of Esther
Pratt. Case discharged and each party
to pay their own Cost,.
Com'th vs. Chas. Bruce. Jr., Indicted
for seduction and bastardy, true bill,
and case continued.
Com'th vs. Robt..l. Stinson, el at in
dicted for malicious mischief: true bill.
Case settled by the parties after the jury
was called.
Cotn'th vs. Jacob Cobleni, et al, in
dicted for a conspiracy to defraud ; true
bill. Case continued.
Com'th vs. George Pratt, indicted for
selling liquor on Sunday. Plead guilty,
sentence deferred. -
Com'th vs. George Pratt, indicted for
selling liquors to minors. Plead guilty
and sentence deferred.
Same vs. same, indicted for selling
liquor without license. Plead guilty
and sentenced to pay the costa of pros
ecution, a fine of fifty dollars, or give
security for the same, or stand commit
ted till sentence is complied with.
Com'th vs. Esther Pratt, indicted for
selling liquor without license, plead
guilty and sentence deferred.
Same vs. same, Indicted for selling
liquor to minors. Plead guilty and
sentence deferred.
Same vs. same, indicted for selling
liquor on Sunday. Plead guilty. Sen
tence deferred.
Com'th vs. Fred Wilson, indicted for
larceny, case continued, and process
for arrest of defendant ordered.
Com'th vs Albert J. Scott, Indicted
for assault and battery-2 cases—nollc
prosequi entered on payment of costs.
Com'th vs. Joseph Victory, indicted
for rape—in Oyer .t Terminer—contin
ued until Sept. sessions.
Com'th vs. Adam Whipple, et a/ as
sault and battery ; bill ignored, and
prosecutor to pay costs.
Com'th vs. Free Darling, indicted for
rescuing a prisoner ; true bill and con
Com'th vs. Geo. Foulk, Indicted for
fornication and bastardy—case contin
Com'th vs. A. M. Foster, indicted for
false pretenses ; true bill. Case contin
ued and process for defendant.
The following cases were disposed of
In the Court ef Common Pleas of Bea
county, last week :
Conrad Brown vs. Henry R. Foot, ac
tion of assumpsit—tried and verdict for
plaintiff for Vir2.77.
Catherine Marker, et al, vs. C. 04 P.
Railroad Co. Action for ejectment of a
piece of laud in Industry township. Con
D. A. McKean vs. J. C. Wilson, action
of ansumpaie—tried and verdict for
plaintiff in the sum of
Robt. M. Martin vs. John C. Wilson,
acitm of attazinipait: Defendant confess
ed judgment.
Benj. Chews' Administrators vs Wm.
Jenkins, action for ejectment of a tract
of land in North Sewickley tp. Not dis
posed of.
Matthew Stacy vs. Chas, W. Babout,
0 at. Ejectment, for a lot in the borough
of New Brighton. Tried and a verdict
for defendant..
P. 11. Stevens , ln vs. Henry Cowan,
action of debt. Continued.
Samuel McConaugby vs. John Gr[ch
ina, et ca, action of Vrasapasa. Verdict
for plaintiff for r 7.50.
Castor sulestlinte for Castor Oil—a (amt
ly physic which Is pleasant to take and does not
distress or gripe, but is sure to operate when all
other remedies have failed. It Ise purely vegeta
ble preparation, containing neither Bitnenals, ?dor
ph'ne nor Alcohol, the rysutt of fifteenyears ex
perimenting by Dr. Samuel Pitcher. It Is per
fectly harmless and far more effective than Pills,
Narcotic Syrups or Castor 011. By /001:ling the
system it produces natural sleep, and is particu
larly adapted to crying or teething children It
kills Worms, cures Stomach Ache, Constapation,
Flatulency and Derangement of the Liver. No
family can afford to be without this article, It
costs but 50 cents—ask your druggist to get it for
you, and he will always keep It.
Vole of Thanka.—At a meeting of
the Soldiers' Orphans of the Phillips
burgh School the following paper was
unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, Messrs. Henrici tic Len;
and the Economy Society sent to us,
the Soldiers' Orphans of Phlilipsburgh,
a rich and abundant supply of the choic
est flowers from their splendid gardens
and increased by wild flowers, to enable
us to decorate the Soldiers! graves, May
30, showing their generous patriotism
and sympathy. The flowers were also
accompanied by a generous contribution
to our library, therefore
Resolved, That we return to them our
most hearty thanks for these and other
special favors. And, further we desire
to acknowledge that a year has not roll
ed round since the organization of our
school without our being reminded of
the spontaneous kindness and thought
fulness of Henrici dr. Lenz_and the Econ
omy Society. Our united desire and
prayer shall be pat God will ever bless
and prosper them, and make us worthy
of their favors. A. V. Cot.E, Pres.
Wa. W. F.BREY , See.
A 1111 EAT many persons complain about
corns and bunions, but never stop to in
quire what causes them ; now here we
have it, nearly the whole (muse is in not
having Boots and Shoes that fit neatly. If
you wish your feet free from them get
your shoes of Umstead & Hartzog, who
will guarantee a good lit. They havejust
received a nice assortment of Shoes, Gait
ers and slippers,call and see them, Broad
way, New Brighton. jes;tf
Better than Fretting.—As sun
shine is better than shadow, so cheerful
ness is better than fretting. A pretty
story is told of a little girl whom we
shall call Minnie, who, to amuse a home
sick cousin who was visiting at her
house, brought out her choicest play
things. Among these was a tiny trunk
a very pretty toy—but Freddy bent
the lid too far back, and broke it off.
When he saw what he bad done, he was
frightened, and begun to cry. Then
dear little Minnie, with her own eyes
full of tears, said. "Never mind, Freddy;
just see what a cunning little cradle Cho
top will make!" That was certainly a
great deal better than fretting. If all
children were only blessed with tho
possession of such plilosophy—and even
grown people too—how much brighter
and more glorious would our world be!
Notlee.—From and after this date
until the first of September neat the
County COlLllmlasloners will meet on Sat
urday of each week only. aprlbtf
We take pleasure in giving publicity
to anything that suggests an effectual and
expeditious means of exterminating Bait
most dreadful of all insects, the Colora
do Potato Bug. The ravages of this bug
are such as to prevent many of our farm
ers from attempting CU grow potatoes in
large quantities, well knowing that there
is little likelihood of their reaping any
harvest from their labors. At a recent
fanners' meeting in 'Payton, Mr. John
Bradford said that, in addition to the
usual•mode of flghtinig the bugs by de
stroying their larvve, had found that
an easy way to get rid of them was to
cover the potatoes ' , with straw. Dust
year he raised an acre by this method
and they Were not Injured by the bug,
while thosk unproticted along side of
them were entirely destroyed. He bad
an acre and a half ails year covererd with
straw and had thus: Aar discovered no
bugs among them.. Mils is an easy and
cheap method, and IA eertainly worthy
of a trial by flirmerk:
Inver Co., Weight Republic'.
an Tlcket.—At the county conven.
Den held In Mercer o county last week, by
the straight Republicans, the following
ticket was nominated : Congress, Wm.
Waugh; Senate, F. H. Braggins; Assem
bly, Hon. N. Morford; Con. Conven
tion, A. S. Anderson; Sheriff, R. C.
McClure; Prothonotary, S. F. Thomp
son; Recorder, G. W. Wright; Clerk of
Conrts, E. L. Rose; Dist., Att'y, W. A.
McCormick; Commissioner, Elijah Ba
ker; Poor Director, X. M. Connor;. Aud
itors, John C. Black, 3 years; J. H. Ba
ker, 2 years; Coroner, Dr. Jas.- Brush,
Considerable interest was taken in the
contest for Congress, there being four
candidates in the field, viz. William
Waugh, John Allison, L G. White, and
D. W. Findley. Mr. Waugh was nomi
nated on the 4th ballot.
CAUTION.—Every genuine box of Dr.
isignatureof FLEMING BRO'S., Pitts
burgh Pa., and' their private United
States Stamp.• "'rake no other."
The market is full of Imitations.
.now and then some corner
loafer or envious scallawag, starts the
story that the Anous circulation is rap
idly decreasing, and that "great shoals"
of people are visiting our office each day
to stop their papers. One of these ca
nards is in circulation at the present
time. For the information of those who
think this to be so and for others who
may be induced to give It credence, we
may state that the AnoUs has more sub
scriptions now than it ever had since we
knew anything about it, and scarcely a
day passes but that we add new names
to our books. This will be bad news for
the story raisers, but the fact is- entirely
satisfactory to us. The Aeons is a self
sustaining newspaper, and is not depen
dent on the caprices of any person or
cl ass of persons, a fact which a good
many people happen to know but dis
like to acknowledge.
MIAS FRAZIER has on hand and is constantly
receiving all the latest styles lu Bonnets. Bata.
Flower., Ribbons. &c. She has alto Dolls Var.
den paper and evelopes and all kinds of fancy sta
tionery. Coraets, Glovev, Hosiery. Haudker.
chiefs], Collars. Uutlervleevea, and In tact every•
thing chattily kept In a first class trimming store.
Batlifog,—A daily bath for the whole
body is not too much. Health may not
absolutely require this, but there aro
few persons who would not be benefitted
by a complete washing of the skin, from
head to foot, at least once every day.
The feet need washing us much as the
head, OA the perspiration upon them la
very abundant. Feet that are cased in
leather are not excepted from this ne
cessity of cleansing. Digestion is freer
when water is applied above the organs
of digestion; and the wkshiug of the
chest helps one to breath mole freely.
Bathing makes the limbs aupple, and it
opens the muscles to breath from, if
such an unscientific statement may be
permitted. All will agree that in the
second month of summer a daily bath is
aluxury not to be omitted.
Ice Cold Sparkling Soda Water, draw
from marble fountains, flavored with
pure fruit Syrup—always fresh at Hugo
Andriesslin'a Beaver Drug Store. jel9;Bt
Out Dube Ltre.—Our girls want
more out-door life, and less reading
novels and .embroidering In rooms dar
kened with green blinds. If there is
any ono thing more beautiful than an
other in a garden of Sowers, that thing
is a beautiful girl, with a sun-bonnet on
her head so wide and capacious that you
have to get right square before her toffee
the glowing cheeks that are sure to be
there if she is at all accustomed to garden
walks and works. Physically, there can
be nothing better for daughters, and, in
deed, for many wives, than to take sole
charge of a - small flower garden. The
benefits derived from early rising, stir
ring the soil, snuffing the pure morning
air, are freshness and glow of cheek and
brightness of eye, cheerfulness of tem
per, vigor of mind and purity of heart.
Consequently, Mil must be more cheer
ful and lovely as a daughter, wore dig
nified and womanly as q sister, and
more attractive and confiding as a wife.
If you have not the dooryard iround,
then get a dozen pots and plant the seeds
of flowers to your taste. The care and
attention required to rear and train the
growing plants, occupies the mind to the
exclusion oftentimes of senseless novel
reading, a senseless waste of time. You
listless,pale-faced, fragile thing of a girl,
throw off your mock delicacy, put on
gloves if you will, but work in the flow
er garden till your cheeks
_vie in color
with the blush of the rose which you•
TI AR BAR Room RF4IEDY for weakness
of the stomach Is a dose of Rum Bitters.
They are surcharged with Fuzel Oil, a
deadly element, which is rendered more
active by the pungent astringents with
which it Is combined. If your stomach
weak or your liver or bowels disor
dered, tone, strengthen aml regulate
them with Vinegar Bitters, a pure Veg
etable Stonutelne and Aperient, free from
alcohol, and capable of infusing now vi
tality into your exhausted and disorder
ed system. tna'.ll;4w.
The Effect's of Liquor.—The man
ner in which liquor runs through suc
ceeding generations, and blasts or
clouds many lives, is forcibly told by M.
Morel, a distinguished French writer:
He bays that in one family, with
whose history he was familiar, in the
first generation the father was a habitu
al drunkard, and was killed Ina public
brawl; in the second generation the son
inherited his father's habits, which gave
rise to attacks of mania; terminating In
paralysis and death; In the third genera
tion, the grandson was strictly sober
hot was full of hypochondrical and Im
aginary fears of persecution. etc., and
bad tendencies; and, in the fourth gen
eration, the children had very limited
intelligence, and cne of them had an atr
tatlk of madness when sixteen years old,
terminating in stupidity, nearly amount
ing to idiocy. With him the family will
probably become extinct. And thus
we perceive the persistence Of taint, in
fact that a generation of absolute tem
perance will but avert the issue.
Legal Points Briefly Stated.—
A note by a minor is void. A note is
sued on Sunday is void. It is fraud to
conceal a fraud. Ignorance of the law
excuses nu ono. A contract made with a
minor is void. Notes bear interest only
when so stated. A contract made with
a lunatic is void.. The law compels ,no
one to do impossibilities., An agreement
without any consideration Is void. Sig
natures made with a lead pencil are gr o
in law. A receipt for money paid is tof
legally conclusive. The acts of one part
ner of a firm bind all others. Contracts
made on Sunday cannot be enforced.
Principals are responsible for the acts of
agents. It Is not legally necessary to
say on a note 'for value received." If
a note be lost or stolen it does not release
the owner; be must pay it. Each indi
vidual in partnership is responsible for
the whole amount of the firm. A note
obtained by fraud, or from a person In a
,statoof-intoxicatioos cannot be collected.,
An etidOrtier of a, noto is exempt from
liability if not served wall notice of its
dishonor within twenty-four hours of its
Cambria.—ln.Conemaugh borough,
about two weeks ago, a child was born
which bids fair to prove a greater curi
osity than the celebrated Siamese twins.
The infant we speak of was born with a
duplicate part of itself attached to its
body above the - , navel, but Whits this
duplicate part is almost perfect In every
other particular it is headless. The
lower litubs are well formed, as also its
body and arms, but there is only one
finger on each band. The body is turn
ed inward and only requires 8 head to
make a well formed child. The infant
is a stout, hearty. fine looking female
and If it should live will prove a won
derful curiosity.—Johnstown Echo.
Girls. don't talk slang. 111 is , ea
essary that any onoofyour fatuy s Id
do that , let it be your big brothi*.t m b
I would not advise him to adopt Si g _
eon English" whim' there lilt* ca t t ant
systemized language that he can jus as
well use. But don't you slo . It. ; Won
have no ides" bow it soundslo can din:
used or averse to it, to hear a yith rig
lady, when she is asked to g o 4 - 6 0
place, answer "Not much !" or lei re
quested to do something she does;•lnot
wish, to hear her say, "Can't are it.m.±i
Not tanker !heard a yin ng spia l b c ,
is educited and acoompliehld, s .in S .
leg of a young man, Bay that sh '5
f in
tended to "go for blear and when Cher
sister asked her assistance at some 'goo' rk ,
she answered "Not for Joe." k N
Now, young ladies of unexceptio ble
character and really good eilucatioi • fall
into.this habit, thinking It shows ruslart•
ness to answer back in slang, and ,;;boy
soon slip flippantly from their lips:iirith
a saucy pertness that is neither Jae Ike
nor becoming.- "I bet" or "y ou b ~ is
well enough among men who are ad
ing horses (viand, but the contrait is
positively shocking to hear these viZrtis
issue from the lips of a young lay,—
They Seem at once to surround hervith
the rougher associations of men's-laity
life, and bring her down from the 4ed
este' of purity, whereon She is plackfl, to
their own coarr level. —Ex. :Z . l-'
.....---, fo 6
Cruelty to Chlldreu.—Tln4 is
now a protest from Washington atlinst
the imposition of too much wet*: on
children in the public schools. A I:4ther
complains-that the teachers are aaerific
ing everything to the success in 'tigell
lug matches" of the pupils. Ote of
them has a custom of 'calling n) her
pupils, without regard to age or 141:paci
ty, to write out long lists of worde and
every word cols - spelled they are rjuir
ed to write twenty-five times after ' hoot
hours. Under this system his owittie
girl, eight years old, had to wrsix
hundred words one night, and ar?other,
about the same age had to writ one
thousand words. It, would be 'Oman
matter, of course for a i eady pendan to
write a thousand words, but for eclulti
eight 1 0 earn old, who cannot fo a the
letters except with slowness-andiialna
taking effort, it lea wearisome ant,;crnel
task. The ambition tate:Okra tageften
without discretion, and very ofter9eeds
to be cinched for; itic . gociiket th*pu. ,
pile. Wherr eh li d rot frnr* , seien 4 0 ' ten
years Of age Mite, tasks set themOhich
be accomplished by work ,iaide
the school room, *hero they - .sperm al*
hours dally,,,it Is high time forome- :
body toltiterfere. We weak] as 4 t: that
who such taskiiire imposed Um they
should be done, in school, and theresich
er obliged to stay there till they Sere
completed, ~.-
, , _ ..—....—...
A pr3:tim
The Reporter, with refresh in Opool
nem, denies that Mr. Lawrence Qbati
tuted Mr. Rutan in his place In to last
Radical Convention, and in so doirig had
violated the instructions of the Wash
ington county Republicans by poling
for the notorious Hartran ft rnsulad of
Gen. Ketchum. Now the facts areese,
and we leave the Reporter to etpaln
how Mr. Rutan got into the ConvUtlon;
This district was entitled to fon t,lP`Mele
gates. Beaver and Butler had eafh ono
delegate, neither of whom was M. Ru
tan. Washington was, or should ;have
been, represented by Mal. Ewink, and
Mr. Lawrence; the former appeatlxl in
his place and voted as instructed; but
Mr. Lawrence did not appear as 4nem-
ber, but Ins voto was cast, biti not
by Mr. Bentley, and was cast sipinst
the choice of Washington county Will
the Reporter explain heir Mr. *Whin
got Into the convention and whm he
represented? We pause for a reply.—
Washingtda Examiner.
Weak Backs and bad Seats.
The small of the back is the ink or
strong point of every person. rels the
een i, ec , votuosaga-- tiefitb.o. *.early
three hundred muscles are diro6tly or
indirectly connected with the moans of
which the small of the back is thtiipivo
tal center. Hence, while those io are
strong, and whose ingspular spite:pm are
well balanced, know nothing of `spinal
weakness or vertebral distortiotVlinva-
lids are forever complaining of tils part
of the body.
One very prominent cause of 4weak
backs and crooked spines is, thelinhy
glen le and unanatomical seats and'r,ench
es of onr school-houses, churcOs and
halls, nor are the seats and bone* pro
vided on steamboats, rail road 4ni, or
at stations or ferry-houses any bettor.
It Is impossible for any person ti occu
py these sesta long without beingforced
out of shape. And when 80100 chil-
siren ate confined to them for *vend
hours a day for morths and year;:, their
backs will inevitably ho more:io less
weakened, with corresponding efornd
ty of body, for life.
• ----••-- - .0
4 , "
During a class meeting, held teverni
years since. by the Methodist liiethren
of a Southern village, BrotherJoues
went among the colored portion;,of the
congregation. Finding there an man
notorious for his endeavor to se re (4od
on the Sabbath and Satan the, rest of the
week, he said .
"Weil, brother Hick,, I'm glee to See
you here. Haven't stole any ' rkeys
since I saw you last, brother , ick?"
"No, no, brudder Jones, no tkrkeys.
"Nor any chickens, brother Pick V,
"No, no, brudder Jones, no chkitens."
"Thank the Lord, Brother tick I
That's doing well, my brotherir said
Brother Jones, leaving Brothei,e. Dick,
who immediately relieved hit over
burdened conscience by saying ton near
neighbor, with an immense sigof re
lief: "Ef he'd a said ducka, a had
Kick On the Door.—Sinati boys
are proverbially a nuisance, and are the
cause of more trouble than 01.4. Nick
himself. A young lady of thlepace has
a young brother who amuses hirrilby
kicking on the outer door, muehito her
annoyance. The fun-loving , p*ensi
ties of this youngster came veri near
getting ono of our young meri t :oho is
lu the habit of calling there oft4m, into
serious trouble the other evenit'. The
came man ea° up to the d r and
very patronisingly asked the yoingster:
"Bubby. is your sister at home?-t: "Yes,
sir," said Bubby with a merry gain kle
iu his eye, " just kick on the dl.:Or and
she will open it." The gentle:n*li gave
a pretty vigorous kick. and Ai heard
sounds as if the army of Flandeie wore
on the march to the music ofearth
quake ; the door fl ew open and n ava
lanche of boot Jacks, orootri kindles,
smoothing Irons and ether miseilot fell
on him. Of course explanatinps and
apologies followed: but the gtieman
says he don't "kick on the dor" any
moro,--Jgxchange. v.;
- .•-
suileide.—Capt. Samuel Giflespie, a
farmer, residing near BakerstoWn Alle
gtiev,,,county.. committed suicide on
Tuesdar . ,,ol , leat:sweek.,..TO deceased
wasA during tile we war, but
since his return bome be had beau rath
er intempsrate. Our informant states
that for seine time -past be had been
rather low spirited, and on Tuesday
evening w,bile it his oisni house, he pro
cured a pistol and shoi himself the
wound proving fatal in a very short
time. The deceased was married and
loaves a wife and one child.
A brilliant -0d durable stucco white
wash may be made by slacking clean
lumps of well-burnt lime in hot wafer,
t)n a small tub. covered to keep irithe
steam. Pass the fluid through a fine
sieve, add a quarter pound of burnt
afoul, two pounds of white sugar, three
pints of rice flour made into a thin. and
well boiled paste. and one pound of glue
dissolved over a slow fire. Apply with
a paint brush while the stash is winm.
Obituary.—lt is with feelings of
more than ordinary sadness that we
chronicle the death of a young acquaint- .
ainni,"'CitilltiM Henry; - Jr., %gbh:shin:ear.
red at the residence. uf his parer. In
Fallstou, Beaver county, Sunday em
it:kg „lota. _The deceased was a Young
geniletaan of sterling worth, Ouertic
In business, possessed f a tine Ind,
well cultured, and a general 'faVorito
alike-for his intellectual as well as tocial
merits. for some time be had been ee
gage la the Gazette composing room,
whe e his
,excellence of character . and
ge. 'kindly dispositiou l hiut WO him
the good will of i l l . his associates. While
be was held in esteem as much by his
employers, as by his companions for
his marked mental attainments. Flow
weeks ago ho was taken sick,
e r er hich
compelled him to desist from lab In
the hope of recuperating ho. returned to
his home In Foliate!), whore for a Ilmo
ho seemed to rally, and his friends look
ed for his speedy recovery; but In this
they were doomed to be sadly disap
pointed, for the relief proved to be but
temporary, and after a short season of
suffering, he was claimed by death as a
victim. The cause of his decease was a
complication of disorders—dysentery.
fever, and ulcerated sore throat, which
seemed in-the few first days of his ill
ness to have so shattered his constitu
tion as to render mOical skill of no
The funeral took place on Mendey
afternoon. and his remains were laid In
the quiet churchyard amid the general
sorrow of all who had known—and
knowing had learned to love—him in
life, and in death held his memory dear.
Words of sympathy have little consola
tion In suet) all hour of grief, but in
common with all their friends, we ban
not but afford the parents our most ten
der and genuine sympathy in the great
desolation which has passed over their
home.—Pitta. Gazette Jane 12
Fer the Vetiver A r;:11 ,,
By the provisions of the well-known
Kansas-Nebraska act, Nebraska VMS or
ganized into a territory In 1854, and ad
mitted into the Union as the 37th State
on the let day of March 1867. Nebraska
is the youngist Slate eontposing the
Americsn Vnion,and la situated between
the 40th and . 43d parallels of North lati
tude, and the 95th and 104th degret a of
longitude west from Greenwich. It is
bounded on the north by Dakota Terri
tory, on the west by the Territories of
Wyoming and rolorado, on the soyth by
Colorado Territory and the State ()Men
sas, and on the east by the State of lowa.
It has an extreme length of 412 by a
width of 280 miles, forming an Area of
about 75,000 square miles, or about 50,-
000,000 ;tercet, of as good agricultural
lands as are to be found on the Ameri
can continent. The largest river in the
State is the Platte which, on first view of
the beholder, looks liken mighty river—
broad and majestic—but on close exam
ination is found to be a wide, shallow
stream, varying in width from three
fon rths to 2 miles. Its channel is contin
ually changing, which is caused by the
quick-sands that are continually floating
down its tide. This renders it unnavi
gable for vessels even of the smallest
tonnage. In addition to the Platte river,
there are the Nlobrarah, Loup Fork,
Elkhorn, Nemaha, Blue,Republican, the
Weeping-Water and their numerous
trifiCtaries. of running water. The
streams are all beautifully fringed with
timber; the water-powers on moat of
those streams aro equal to those on sim
ilar alzedetreama of , western Pennsylva 7
nla itilth thezaceittion. irr 'Beaver Palls.
They general character of the country
Is rolling prairie with vast tableand well
drained bottom lands. The soil is ex
tremely rich, and is from two to four
feet, and In some places; over five deep.
The atmosphere is dry, clear, and bra
Du ilditic Stol3o of good quality is found
in different te.)tittate. Coal is
known to exist in the couAties of Rion
ardson, Gage, Ottoe, Nerneha, Johnson,
and Pawnee, although but partially de
veloped. The crops are principally wheat,
corn, rye, oats and barley, which ate
grown with ease, and vegetables in great
variety are of the most luxuriant growth.
The fruits of the temperate climate do
well in Nebraska. Apples, pears, plums,
peaches, cherries, grapes and a variety of
small fruits have been grown with tine-
The educational interests of the State
are liberally provided for. By the lib
erality of the general Government Ibis
State was endowed with double the
amount of school lands--the one-eigh
teenth of all her public dOmain being
appropriated for school purposes—and
by wise and judicious legislation the
school fund has been put in a most avail
able shape for immediate benefit and fu
ture wants. All Christian denomina
tions are represented in Nebraska, and
the devotion of the inhabitants to the
cause of religion is testified by the hun
dreds of chUrcbes scattered over the
State. The people of Nebraska, so far as
tho writer became acquainted with
them, are kind and hospitable; and the
character of the inhabitants,for indus
try, intelligence, sobriety, economy and
Christianity, is highly commendable.
The eastern boundary of the State of
Nebraska Is washed by the Missouri riv
er, a navigable river most seasons of the
year; it is traversed from east to west—
near its centre—by the Union Pacific,
the greatest railroad on the continent; it
is also belted by eight other railroads of
great itnliortance now in full and sue
cessfu Operation; and, also, quite a num
ber of others are proposed and will no
donbt \ po completed in a few years.
• Menl in the prime of life, with mode
rate mans, confidence in themselves,
and a willingness to work;—if their hab
its of industry are bounded by prudence
and economy, need not hesitate to emi
grate to Nebraska in order to secure for
themselves comfortable homes. The
price of land usually ranges from three
to sixteen dollars per acre, some moor
and some less, owing to location. ~
I have endeavored truthfully to repre
sent the case, and will say in conclusion
that Nebraska is the must beautiful sec
tion of the country I ever looked upon ;
and is destined, at no distant day, to be
come ono of the greatest grain produc
ing and stock raising States in our wide;
ly extended Republic. J. C. Itrreitik.
Logstown, Beaver Co., Pa. J uno 14,'73.
Strawberry and lee Cream Fes
tival.—The Ladies' Aid Society of the
M. E. Church, Bridgwater, will give a
Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, in
their Church in that place, on Thumday
evening, June 20th, 1872. The public
are cordially invited to attend, and an
enjoyable time may be confidently ex
pected. Come one, cowl:tall,
Denver College.—Examinations of
classes commoner:, Monday morning
next, interspersed with Essays and • Mu
sic. Monday evening address. Tues
day evening, Commencement Concert.
Wednesday evening, Public exercises of
the Alumnae. Thursday evening, Com
mencement. Wednesday afternoon, lay
ing of the corner stone of the new Build
ing with Masonic. ceremonies. Thurs
day afternoon meeting of the stock hold
ertkand corporators at. 3 o'clock. Joint
meeting of Trustees and visitors at 4 p. m.
Ducks In Vluerards.—lt is men
tioned In The Grape Cafturioit that
largo rineyardist in Illinois .keeps each
season not less than 100 ducks constant
ly among his vines. , ¶le says it is won
der Ibl with what dilligence they dart
after all kinds of bugs r ihriplylies , ,s ad
small snails, and' hi *Ma , idatt Altfut
among the best cof Wallet leibisllol l ‘l 4 o/rs-
They lay a good man* egiO,
not bad to take when roadedi.
If we go_ into private families, oven
into the palaces of the opulent, we find
the seats made more for show than for
anger much more by using ,
such seats than boys, Jru the reason that
boys are taught to nub, jump and exer
cise all over and all through, white girls
are expected to keep stilt and be pretty.
DracutSun.—The now Methodist,
Episcopal Choral in this borough 14 to
be dedicated to the worship of Almighty
God, on next Sunday, Zid Inst. Bishop
Simpson, km% Dr. Newman and others
will be present and officiate on the occa
-0104, As that congregation desti4 to
make the dedication one long to be re
membered' for its imposing ceremonies
and great solemnity, thorn wilt doubt
less bOu very large attendance. All the
former pastors havo been invited to
atttutl. The public are cordially in
vited to be present.
Surgical Operation —A son of
31r. Mottles of Chippewa 9'p, thi3 coun
ty, has bet n nflreted with a tumor on hi
neck, for :shout !Our years, which has
been a source of annoyance all that tone.
But within the last five months the spur - -
toms had become so alarming as to necrts
smite • its removal 3l'Nutt Was
called in, and on Saturday last sulectssfully
rmioveu it. The operation was a very
dangerous one, but the 1)r. die. it with
credit to himself, and to the entire relief
of the patient.
Woudertut Offer —Strange ilia
'Prim—The Pittsburgh People's Month
ly, for June; la at hand, looking as beau
tiful as ever. it is now entering its sec
ond year, and its publisher Is so con
vinced that it needs only an introduction
into.the homes of the people to be appre
ciated, that he makes the following very
liberal otTer :—to send free, and postage
paid, to every new yearly subscriber at
31.50, either two large,and valuable 24x30
engravings, or, if preferred, a beautiful
chromo, in the sheet, (when sized, var
nished. and "mounted" ready for fram
ing, 25 cents extra,) and a 2.1 x 30 engrav
ing, of different subjects, for every year
ly subscription additional to one's own,
or a $lO IleNt with Sewing Machine—ex
pressage paid by club-getter—for every
club n f '2O nor filltmeribers sent with 6'30.
Or, this universaily popular monthly
for the homes of the people, sent on trial,
from June to January, (7 months) with
a beautiful 24x30 engraving, free and
postage paid, with only one dollar.
Now, any reader can see, by calling at
our office, that this Monthly, is no mean,
or shabby humbug, but a pure, bright
attractive, and beautiful 16-page paper,
elegantly printed and of about the same
size and appearance as Harper's Weekly.
It is now entering its second year, and is
tilled with illustrations, and a variety
of choice original and selected reading
matter, with a Household and Child
ren's department fully worth the price
of the paper. Permanent, and steady
going canvassers are everywhere wanted
for it, on big commission. The toots are
put in their hands, and a liberal price
paid for using. them, For agents' circu
lar:and "outfit," address Peopl , fs Month
ty; Pittsburgh. Pa. Any live agent who
closely follows instructions, must pleat.
from 83 to $lO per day. Send origyour
subscriptions at once, or keep this for
The mosquito has arrived. II is elljeer
ful hum is heard on the quiet shores of
Staten Island, he monopolizes the rural
uaste of Brooklyn, he covers with his
multitudinous wings the marshy levels of
Long Island, and he drops into the homes
o f this c ity, and .with playful persistence
makes himself one of the family. 1k is a
eentlLmen of diversified taste. The
is of the poor are not beneath his con
tempt, w 'tile he is not disconcerted on Cu
ter' ng the mansions of the rich.
Ile is a lover of places of public resort,
and instead of paying an entrance fee,
like (Mier amusement seekers, he always
presents a bill. In fact, he is titled by na
ture for a play-goer, as be always makes
a point. of carrying a bill of the play
with Mtn. At concerts he rusts part in
the performances, and one Is Often star
tled at the Central Park Garden by hear
ing his melodious notes amid the exhila
rating strains of out of Strauss's waltzes,
or amid the tender harmonies of Loin
brey's "Visions in a Dream." Some peo
ple even speak 01 him its a vision in their
dreams, and make odious allusions to the
nightmare; but such are undoubtedly
over sensative.
IVe like the mosquito. His time is not
obtrusive, although he simmtimes is.—
rhore,is such energy, such persistence
about null, sncn II pr--tmestas
once knows he is to be amused
whether he is in the humor for it or W.I.
And then there is such fidelity übout the
mosquito; mi slights, ma even positive
rudeness, can thrive him away from those
likes—and he is Zi universal lover.
He remains your friend in spite of your-
E. Post.]
White Wheat, - -
Red Wheat, - - - -
Rye, - - - -
Corn, - - - -
°ate. - - - -
Buck wheat, - • - -
John 11. Aughey, June 11th, 1572, in
Mytivia, Lawrence Co., Pa., Mr. Jo
seph 11. McConahy of Moravia to MiSa
Mary L. Phillip of Ashkutia,
BITCH 1 E—McCON AHY.—By the same
ceremony. Mr. Martin W. Ritchie of
Newport to Miss Bell MeConahy of
MI krisv
New Advertisernenis
Rochester Borough School District.
lb ending Juno• 3, 1871. Tax rate 13 mill* on
the dollar valuation :
Gross Amount of duplicate. Sl,Rit; 63
Ihduct lint tax ttSU tY9
Return tax . .... . 3 4.4
Collector's commission I'S 1$
5 per ct. olf on am' t paid a'ressurer, SI 21) 145 13
Temporary itmn
Iteturn 181,9.
State appropriation
Paid hatanee due Treasurer 1371,$ 4` 1 4 61
Paid Janitor 195 4S
Paid interest on timitimg 10an... 300 5.4
Paid suet bill far year 63 2.1
Paid DISII -mice rsi
Paid A lIGUA for reports__ ...... 10 00
Paid for digging well and for the
pinnp and dx.turas for same . 11
Paid incidental expenses 1 311
Paid temporary lean. IS7I, slit so
Paid the teachers ' 5a1arie5......... 3.130 On
Paid treasurer's con.mission..... 51 . 2:4
Paid Secretary's
,salary. ..... 15 tai
Uuc the Treuparer
6.,144 79
0. R COE. Prerelary
Teachers' Examinations.
Ormee or Coricra Scree's - ars DENT, /
!leaven, PA-, Juno 17, 12472. I -
June ils, Hanover bowlislitp, Murdocksvil e, and
Frankfort, at Frankfort springs School Louse.
July 2, New Brighton and Falb itin. at New
Brighton S. 11.
July N . lndu try and Ntial'a Independent, at In
dustry S. 11. .
.Inly 10, Ohl township.Glaegow and Island Run
at Fnirview Sill.
July 12, St4ll Beaver and Chippewa, at Court's
school house.
July IS, Brighton township, at Eakin S. U.
July 17, Blg Beaver. New Ualllee, Clinton In
depeutleht, Darlington borough and township. at
Darlington it. U.
July 19, North Sewickley and Pulaski, at War
nock's S 11.
July 22. heaver Falls and Pattt ram township, at
Beaver Falls S. 11.
July 2.4, Rochester borough and township, at
Rochester S. IL
July 20. Freedom and St. Clair borough, at tae
Freedom b. IL
July 29, Beaver. Bridgewater and Vanport bor
oughs. at Beaver S. 11.
July 31, Marlon and New Sewickley, at Teet's
S. H..
I !Aug% Ft anklln, at !Wile S. H.
Aug 5, Greene tOwnsidp.flookstown and George
town, at Ilookstowil S. H.
August 7, Baden and Economy township, at
Baden S. U.
August 9, Logstown Independent. Sloop and
HOreWell, at New Sheffield S. U.
A An u r g o u il s t t 1 1 3. 4. Raccoonindepen st toms
pendence S. H.
11E460 AL Exasearross.
Darlington • Sept. ta, Bearer. .
August 30, Frankfort SPrillgl l September 4,
dtoentewnshwiti..,Rtt.thgenztes S. IL
only IC ri L te Mt I n s ions for professional ctstill
.Pft • e- -- after the visitation of aehoolp.
cafes wilt be held
No one Cu' tirequeclusiottthortspe
ts wid furnish themselves with pen and
lintlineals:kexamtnatlon' books will be furnished
at ten mots each.
d en f a rle t n h da e
c o xa f e m du in ca si t io lo n n s are . 1 c:i b rd ai l i al t. ly
confer with theru In regard to the beet
Teachers should be selected at the close of the
i r n ti h t l: e i res itsre3 t7r t o o r the common schools.
Directors will please forward the Annual Dis
trict Report , and certificates to , the County Su
perintendent on or before the Roth instant.
I can be found in the, educational °Mee Vitali
ser on Saturday of each week.
H. L. KNIGHT, Co. Supt, Industry, l'a.
Old Fslends
- - $1 90
TS NO 70
$.1,51S (0 4
f. 5 P.: 4 4
$5,144 71
Rowell & Co.'s Advertisements.
Coritaina biographies of Drew, yanderbilt,
Tweed, Be., with a donne/al history or the coun
try tor the last three years. and what Grant knew
about 'BLACK FIUDAY." Over WO pages. Ad
Art.. Vew York BOOK CO., 145 Nassau street,
New Yoik.
Safe and Friditable leve,dment Booth. Some of
the wealthier,. countlee In K. NSAS—Aller., An
derson, Franklin, Johnson at.d Doughw counties.
Itegiaterwf by the State of Kanayte. Interest ; and
principal pald by the State Treaaurer. The bonus
pay per cent. Interest, and are over three - years
old. the coupons having been 'heaps regularly
and promptly paid. For outtlptlca red informa
tion, address If ital UEL, A. (IA YLORD ,t CO., 33
Wall street. New York City.
NO MORE 11.1[51.3131N0
Retail price. $1.50. STONE rt. FORD. GMFORD. Arch
Phllarlrlahla. Pa. Send for Circular.
1 000For hi any ease of Blind, Bleeding,
Itcng, or Ulcerated Piles (bat
I Pilo Remedy falls to Care. It is pre.
pared expressly to care the Pilot, end nothing
else. staid byetyiaggists. Price. ilia
WREN THE BLOOD lIUSBES with rocket-like
violence to the head, causing hot flushes vertigo,
and dimness or sight, It Is a certain sign that a
mild, salubrious, cooling and equalizing laxative
lizvrzzu. APERIENT should beat once resorted to.
A"NTII Wanted.—Agouts make more
money at work for u. than at 11%13011sta else.
Ututinals light and permanent. Particular* ft...
G. tiTtiaana Co.. 1 , 1144 Art Putt lsiurs, Port
land. Mal ne.
S. riAvo CO., N. It . PHIcE 2 1 90
0. No Azentn. C e irrnlars tree Q
kJ t. "milt min+ u hicti Impair vlutlity.--pu.litve
and otv4liVet3tettililly --prnsof that lUD M rr"l,ed
u i:boul 1111i011 -, , tlrect of tobacco influent, of
fl•ti stud e dirt- modern tri,llll4eln of
pelvic di...W.,. FII)CrU re awl suricm'ele, nn l tar
reel of der, laps I. II lest , i) private
+MO , al eta.-e, by EDWARD H. DtxuNr. N. 1.)
l• 1:1h avenue. N '25 tents.
" ry fined runt She i , eti of lay. Dixon is of great
Value L., the %%lode humor rore.''--110rOrs fire, - 11
itEAT !MEDICAL 1100 K or useful
knowledge to all. Sent free for two otnnips
Ad Irmi Dr. BONAPArcre .t Co.. Cinclunat I. ULio
De lw
On Thursday, June 20th ,
T O'CLOC p. m., will he offered at Pubite
Sale. on the Premises, that desirable and
6:toilsomely located Brick Dwelling Home. of 9
Booms. with frame stable. carnage house mod out
building., lot and improvements. situate in the
moat desirable part of ROCHES') ER. The lot is
la/ feet square, and bounded on three e.idee by
streets, and on the fourth !hit, by the elegant
pronucla of Dr. A. T. shallenberger, late Capt.
Maratta's property.
TERMS will be znade known at the time or eale
For farther information. apply to
Del9lw.l DR. A. T HA I.LF.N BERG Eli
r-rniE ondercyned will otter at plibllc sale at his
1 Livery taLahlc in 110elleater, Beaver
soutity, Pa., on
FRIDAY. JUNE Vith, 10472,
The followlnT property. to ‘A it . entire LIV.
BUY STOCK, consistinz of
11ORSES, C A 1:11IA(; Es, BUtiGtl ES,
wag ,m 4, sprinL , . Wat;tms, l'apewnger
Sleighs, Ilarne.4.l, Mildles, Bridles
And ALL OTHER A Fait ' LES noually to he found
In a F irbt-CiaBIS Livery Stable. Term,. Liberal.
Sale to Commence nt 9 u.-ua., •
And WWII/UV mall all lo cold. E M. POWER.
( Radical cony.) Dv
1'()SITI V El.i
Nc> Po,t4tpcn-kernerk,
sa.g.s., • nr , v TAKE: PLACE
zuzr IrR, 1872.
' :to() 13E.A.1_7"TIIU'III.
Will be Distributed
By a Committee Selecled by Audience.
GLOItGE 11. !411ANIFF.I.T.
iEN EltA Al A 1'; AG F:11,
IFlttpaburget. Vu.
My Goods
NAT la c) 1 e is ast. 1 e
,17`2 and 174
Federal Street, Allegheny
licpuwht cm
Most Remarkable Bargains
Ever li-ncovvrs.
11% T. N-DONALD W. 1. •PETERIEt.
o no, C. spiTEREIL. U. J. srarknou. CasA'r.
Deal to exchange. Coin, Government Securi
ilea. make collection on all accessible points 111
the United States and Canada. receives moner on
deposit ixtbJect to check, and receives time depos
its from one dollar and upward, and allows Inter
est at 9 per rent. Bylaws and rules furnished
free hy applying at the bank. Bank optm daily
from 9,n. m., till 1. p. in,. and on Saturday even
ings from Sto 8 o'clock. We refer by pernuastor
L. A. OATMAN A CO., 110 N. J. S. ItriAN,
ALMIXI, Sewer A Co.. ONR A C00.114M;
S. J. Cuomo A Co , Wk. KENNINT„
Stuknou & Wocks, JOHN SRAM
11.ANUILH,„ It. B. EDO.IkT..
S. B. WlLsok. BANK. Petstrurgh Po
novlo .1-Iy-ehdie2B
EXIX UTOR . N OTIC E.— Lettere testament,t
ry having been Issued to the ensdarstemed foe
the settletnedaof the evtato of Sarepts W. Duata.n,
deceaped, late of Darlington, Beaver county. Pe-.
therefore all perilous Indebted to said estate a
hereby notified that immediate payment 1P regal '4
en; and all persons having claims spinet the tulle
will present them- duly authenticated for settle-
ED 11.0NDS
n0v.....% IY
Dauchv & Co's Advertisements.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
For Conahs, Colds and Hoarseness.
There Tablets pro cut the 4.cld ju Combination
with other efficient reMetilett; lit n tkopolor form,
for the core of alk Throat and Lung Diseases.
fhoireetosA and Ulceration Of the l'Aroal are 1m
metitately relleveil rind statements are constantly
mug rent to the proprietor of relief In cases 01
Throat Alftleulties of years standing.
CAUTIOIi ,J,Vna„ . l.b°lleece,
only Wells' Carbolic
Price .25 rents per boa. Jager Q. Kit
woo. 13 Platt St., N. Y. Sena for ell calar. Bole
Agent for the U. ti
On Manhood, Womanhood, and their tuutuakiii
ter reiationo; Lore, ito [sus, Power, rte.
send for one...neon pace and circulars, with
Philadelphia, Pa.
Send for de,eripnvecncular and .pcmal.terms for
the,ggeaceed campaign book published—
McClellan's Republicanism in America.
Owing to the proem pi:invent excitement, wit
-1 (or the twit six months Ico wild lire.
/. the ittoet reluthie hook to the market. 1. M
'1 tie rleli , nt, raCter 1, Woe. aw..lll.4llllg.lLietlillallie
acid laugh provoking book issued for yeart;* BC
kbow' ..,!zed superior to Mark Twain. Is splen
didly I ilu.trate‘l, elegantly hound and very cheap.
Agents r p..rt grand success. Sample pagra,
special terrus. and "Agent's Pocket Companion"
free Add LUBBARI) Publieherts.
72:1 : , ..111r1,111 street, Philadelplth.
rrICIN; or,
V o W t • 'realest 'or
This Invaluable common-sense Rook should he
read by every man and woman Id the country•
Three-fourths of all the sickness in uur midst may
be avoided by a knowledge- and practice—of our
"•lolly Friend's Secret." The must eminent au
thorities In the land,hexrtily recommend it for its
great eummou>•cnse,racy humor, shrewd glimp,es
of mankind and its vivid and pithy style of ex
tress*. AGENTS WAN'rED to make mosey
spt , :fa 10
Spring, ullen th-• hwuudi and ,Ltd, , ,it<d oj , ter.l
nec_da otret , lll and NiTa:ity; It Will give vigor to
the feeble, otreng;ll to the wvak, animation P., the
dejected, I. the olu,rgioh, rat to the nets
ry, quiet to the Ler vo nt , and health to the italrm.
It to a South A nwrican Plant which, actordir;
to the medical and octentlfic periodkui. ul Loudon
and Puri., p01.C.0,e. lb. root potreil Id tonic pro
pertieo known to Muteria .Medlea, atoll to well
known in it. nutlet , rolllitry LA baying wonderful
CUM! IVe qu tL ile., anti tut,. im•en mutt 11:4'd tti.
~p.m. t ir to tilt raw,. "I. Itlanlrilie# Of the Blood,
herv9.ll,. Lk, •, lilld Spleen, %41176( re,
upoy. Jl,r.rf y of the 111 n Url ility, We knees
of tie Pt.r,ttd or rurinary Organe
14 strentrtheninv, and hourialong ; like nutriciona
total, taken into the .ttnnach, it twaitoilattx anti
did - apex load( through the circulation: givin g vig
or and health.
It regulates the bowels. qnleta the nerve.. acts
directly on the Secretive Oriraris. and by h. I'ow
erful TONIt: and testortrig effects. prodma ,
the and vizorons action of the, 3 l:bo:c systt
. .
JOHN t./ . KELL( IGO, 1 l'iatCht * New York..
hole Agent for the United Stain.
Price $1 per bottle.. Send for clrmlar. }ego-Iw.
10 made from 50 cents. Call awl evimplee. %11l
senttwr.ingc free. for 50 cents, that retail
or *M. It. i I
Wot.cor - r.lsi chritharp.quare, 'S Y.
Agents Wonted t r the A utoblograt?hy of
or Recollerriono n( a Bn.y Life. Illmitnnei. TUe
Life and T lMes of co great a Philanthroptrit mid
and Reformer. cannot mf to intermq every true
American. rend $3 50 for !ample copy. E. tr.
TREAT. Publisher ; r4.'S firowiway. New York.
- 13SYCIIONIANCY. nr sol - 1, CHARMING."
II 11,,w either sex may fascinate and gain. the
love and atreettot of un) person they choose, itt•
stuntie Thls simple mental to quirement all can
possess. free, by marl, for t.n cents. together with
u nturriage guide. Egyptian - Oracle. Dcw.trus
Hints to Ladies. Ste. A queer. exciting book,
itAnton sold Address T. WILLIAM t.t., Cu.,
Publishers, Philadelphia.
=ma. tinge.
First Prom. In A
s m t u lh e 'll in .
Doable Elevated Oven, Warming, Broiling
Door, Gender Guard, Dumping and phaking grate
Direct Draft. FT - LLEIS, WARREN' .t Co., ttrilcater,
street. N. V. ~,,,
Kennedy's Hemlock Ointment.
I he proprietor has. by tne aftsixt-
O of Eminent Physictrna and
iemists succeeded in utilizing the
!Olctnal properties contained in
oil,pitch & resin of the Hemlock
ree.and obtained a valuable prep
-ation to be applied as a salve or
aster for theurnatimm.croup,pain
soreness of back chest or atom
.P4les.salt rheum. scurvy,sores,
•erie. hnn lens, sore corns. frost
tes,ch William:, sore breast nip-
Wises or tritramdraity 4.44.kul
gar 3. /'tiffea ton,7 GM are
rn •
IIE atm% • 13nd is incaled tiear a lloorishiug
tan of I/vvr 4 UO in habitat, N. t+„in the county of
Jefferson. through which the tchhion. Topeka
Santa Fe Railroad Ia expected to be completed the
coming aummer. There iv a atream of water
through am” some .tOll, and timber on It: a coun
try road no one side, and a State road OTI the oth
el.. The land is nearly al! rolling prairie Title
warranted. For further particulars inquire of
JOHN It. Mr-LEA N. Rochester, or
mrl'2m W. W. IRWIN. New Brighton. Pa.
TA. only rdiabte Gift Distribution in the Country
;100,000 00
GIFT Enterprise
To he Drawn Thursday, July,4, 1872
*410,000 IN GOLD!
One prize $5,000 in Silver.
Two Prizes, $l,OOO
Five Prize;. S,S(M) ) Greenbacks
Ten Prizes of $lOO (
rwc Family Carriages and Matched
Horses with Silver-Mounted Harness
ort h $1,500 each
Two Horses and Ruggie' s with Silver
3founted 'farness worth 700 each!
Toro Fict--toued Rosewood Pisrcos worth ssho
each '
lo Family iwwing Machines, worth MO each I
500 60/.1 anti Silver Lerer llunting Watches
\in worih from tart° tIX) each!
Ladies' told Leontine Chains, Genes Gold Vest
Chains, Sohd 'and Doeblo-plated 'fable and 'lea.
sroous, Phri.ograph Albums. Jeweliy, &c., &c.
Whole Number Gifts, 10,000.
Tieketi Linzitexi to 50,000.
agents Wanted to Sell. Tickets, to IVhom
Llbtral Premiums will be Paid•
Single Tickets, $2; litiTicket. , . $10; Twelve Tick
et Twenty-pee Tickets, $lO.
Cirenlarti contalning a full it of prize*, a do.
acription of the manner of drawing, and other in
formation lu referonce to the dlatrlbution. will ha
sent to any one ordering them All ordery mast
be addrt.....,ed to L. D. SINE 1 box 86.
Jnnestdtl Office, 101 W. Fifth.t.. Cincinnati, 0
Sttt t and Cola Wry Tax:
rl•tlE county Treasurer will attend la the several
totrotatios and borough■ for the purpose of
recAvint! the Srtte and county taxes for the year
at the places and times designated below,
Economy tro • '3t George Neeiev's.
:,;,.„, s e ,vickiey two "25 John Douglass' ,
l'ula_4.l lop . "26 Robert Wallace e.
Industry two-, - '27 Brigv & Allen's More
Briatiton two - 214 1.1 1 1 ,. Scott's.
Chippewa twp July I W Cunningham's.
S. Dearer ..t.tthio •• 9 Adam's Store.
Ohio " 3M It Derringer's. born " 8 Motel.
.• & Greene to " 9 Hotel
lianoaer ...t Greene to" 10 Frank Smith'sithop.
Braukturt born - It Jit Vance
Hanover two " I'2 J R Wilson's store.
Raccoon :wit " 15 Jll Christy's. .
Independence twp " lil John Holmes'.
.S. Hopewell " 17 J Davie' store.
Hopewell twp ..• Pc It W Scott's.
Moon two - 19 James Prentice.
Payments can be made in adjoining townships.
[lp/ "Ali license,. are due by law July Ist. Those
not paid at that date will be coll
ted with coot.
C. P.
o • -t f . Treasurer Bearer County.
c. ' --: . ; f - '
tax - SCALES,
' . '_.- 4 •='';' t Sampson Standard Scales.
Also, Store& Baggage
Trucks, Patent Cash Drawers, and Gro
cers's Supplies' SCALES REPAIRED.
(leneral Agents, GI Wood Street, Pittetnirgh, Pa
PtY - Sentt for Circalan§ and Price List. Ifeb7;ly