The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 15, 1872, Image 3
The Beaver 4rgus. 1873. 6 - a - rulation .Thirteen Elm 1.1!d. Rates of vi. , iftuiding. 'ear.tosi.- 1-1 celpoa 5 00 OD 6 00 (0 100 10 EA 11 -00 15 00 15 00 20 OD 30 38 0( IMIMI Ines; j3OO . T ISIII3, 1/0 j S 5O j,...yuuree, do 15 00 4 ,qa.4reet, do 6 Ou °hunt' 800' culumu,. u 0 0 99'88 A Mill Iptratone and Viecutons'."Ni I ;cclol potion per Uric, - tazi maw. fi_e Payments: to b.,3 made quarterly, except caw:miens advtrtisometiti+, which rtipili tie paid in ad Vance. TIME TABLE. tideland f le Pittsburgh B. U.-14atus leave Botorer Stamm si% tullou • : Mor• Accum`o 9.19 31, I. 2.47 p. zu..i.Etvertlog Fuel Lane. 6.57. gOlut, Area( !Otte 6eZver StatiOTl Ili fol. 51.3i1, 7;16 a. m.; Accommodatiou and klx prvey. (through to penult.) 5.45 p. m. OU NCB MENTS.--The following tariff narzrl. for nnnonticing the names of candidates for the enatng nominating conven t,. 1., then pcctive alms mentioned, and for I,r.LinK carclo and tiCtets, bas been agreed upon t., the Republican papers of this county: 1111 . .rreeit, ..... $2O: Senate,. ........$l5 10. Sheila lu it, ;*ter ltecord'r 10. Cleric of Courts ostuissaaner,. .... 5. Poorhouse Director, 3 A -6octateJutige..... 5. itudttor Superintendent.— 6. Cards and Tickets, per 1,000, $5. The attention of Lbe public is directed to the following - XeW AdVertlsDinealL9 which appear.for the first time in the AnO Vs to-daY: si Is! Notice-Dr. Seyser Notice -I.l.lloway .... e;e., oil Notice-Mustang Liniment ......... . C 'e, tal N elk-es-Dr. Jthastoa.-- - .... lia:4nolta halm special Suttee-Dr. Pierce ' ot• CI3I Notice-Singer Sooting Maelair ...... • A ‘l,,nlAement—lloward Eaton . Co Nen A(i v ertlisemeut- Porter & Costes 'lnquest, e ItSaa IDA" Bank- James T,Brady New Advertisement-W. W. Becker-C..- *O: 4 ' C Nor Advertisements- 4 de°. P. licrvell Special Notice-M. ............ .M. 15 List or causes for Trial- John Cy -giant.... 72esiisite A 9P Ignec'e Notice-John Chug hey trphans' Orphans' Coart.Notice -John C. Hari ..;---Isq;ic e p,rtal Notice-Speyerer ....3... • ppraisementibt—John C. Hart .... . . Aiszcic fittgister's Notice - D. Singleton. ....gsgs:tc• Notices-S. a J. !-,e, - tal Notice- C. B. thirst tt,K Itester Insurance Co .3sqs;te. A ('ard.—Sotne of my opponents are repotting that will draw off before the day of nomination, besides other false -1.,:0da too numerous to mention. I . %%ant tt dislanctly and emphatically uu der.tood that I am squarely on the track, and expect to be on the 28th day of May, 1 , 72, at 7 p. tn., when I hope my friends 1, di give me the noulination by a hand ',,nu' majority. , Respectfully. C. F. WI:ITER. V.I. the ucweett. aid latest tioceltles Watcl'es, ry dud Silver Ware at the lowest prices, go • ..4,e,,,Don's Sons & Co., 4 11 hiarhet etNet„ l'iost;zugh. ic7-ly ANce ion Day,— Last Weduesday A , eenslon day, and etas duly ob. ed in the Catholic church of Roches- t,r, a,' a festival of obligation. High trig — 1% as sung by Rev. Fr. Kuenzer, I a ,ertnon was preached iu German ,01.1 I.uglish. The attendaUce was largo week day. %otire.—From and after, this date tie first of September next the Com missaionerm will meet on Sat of each week ouly. aprlOtf —American Cloctr a L.. CLocKs. CLOCK. 4 . newest bly Inn est, prices. John s ions rt In Market street, Pitts- The I iettyst•urg Star Rays ihat. the I Mita diritisoil of the Grand Arioy of the Repuhlie will hold an En .3ifiptileill the 4 oittysburg battle-field tiaeseeond, third and fourth days of Jttly next, trader the eutnutand of Major • ieneriti Mead. 'We utat•, therefore, • x}•e••I t_tur•v in ,etty,.burgliti the to t 31.0 • ~ .unme our IMEEI BM! k 1,. f‘ort . •-• %%11,, in,l••rp care pr,,1111,1 . t /(A, Co, 9', Market .4r-tt. i'gt.hurgt; Stlytn-Pi. ,Ten Wsi,r .01 bouP but trips ;r , :I• ( ~r and ss tioae •••t.r t I) LI II r,n,un's s u n, d - Mirk, t 14-1 y T,i e l'hPaptrit I.lrwest and best seler ,,t Wall Paper, tum.l , ,w-i:lLidti , , and Varieties at B. M aprl7:Gw t neighbor Weyand, lie Beaver A.nous iniipeakrug o f th e .I,legation which represented our (I,s -t:;L-t in the late state Convention, does doubtless unintentionally) to the delegates from Washington county. 11,. says the entire delegation f in the distrii.t voted for Hartranft.-. Is is a mistake. :Maj Ewing B. F. i;. , ntley were in the Oonv ri from 1111 , ..outity—the latter gentleirian as a •übstitute in the place of Mr. Lawrence and both of them voted for Mr. Ketch t,,r Governor. We agree with the .1 so s that the w lobes of a large major the 14-publicans of the district igro , n-ci by the men who went to i Lim...burg, but not by the two gentle ni , •n r epreeen Ling our county. We trust Aio.i - s will correct its mistake.— Reporter. late.t and best tF.tylea of jewelry in all their a - • ... hranehes, to he found at John Stetensrm's • , 13 Market Ft littsbnrizti u F: (;00Dli, linSiCr V. Trimming tc., Just received from ".,s York, which will be sold cheaper ever offered in this county by II Rochester "I uric Jake." of Ze-tyler.l . Ilrruld it,er, Pa., declines being a candidate n , ,uitnation as Auditor Geneial by tt, I , eniocratie Convention to assemble Itea , 11111:. . Ile proclaims, editorially, that - in Me future as in the lasi ho will intie.elf In the endeavor to edit a tearless sii‘i independent journal." \\'.• wk , • it thi , ticoan, that he is no lon traMmets of party, tt:a: party he right or wrong. 1r t, 1%11: assume the position of a a , the times now eminently The country has reached a • ! to tt, history, when nothing but a !. - tr ••ss determination of doing and act -on-scientiously on the part ofjourn ..,:., can save it from anarchy and rev- • , I). Honest and patriotie men he aroused from their lethargy, •: ;.•posing in the Delilah lap of fan s,,urity Choy are shorn of their and despotism or revolution !.,..tened upon their en•_!ntry; and it .• , r - r.ti;zit the independent press as an , :rument, that the anlakening .process emanate. P 1. 1 , 1 Es' r A Sli lOSABLR REsnRT— is next door .to P. 0. ; Itnehe,- r roaS;2'w —Every genuine bo of Dr. 1..1 NES LIVER PILLS bears the FLENLING JIRO'S., Pitts 'urgh Pa., and their -private ;United stamp. "Take rio other." market is full of imitations. MEM Apr3:ttm. WATr II Ftrin Afferits for the !1..... Watrhep in the City of Iltte.burgh 01: intent ol our n Ulf y to please in ,•- .7ohltSterenxoli'g %I May •*,, et. Plttsburgli. 'turned to Deoth.—Moriday of last week Mrs. Catharine Carter, aged about , residing near Napoleon, Holmes was engaged lighting fire iu the with her husband, and finding ki , ty were unable to extinguish It, she 1.•!i-h t i n to tall In the assistance of others. N,a returning after the fire was checked, search Kcal wade and she was found If lug upon her back literally burned to d"Hth. It is supposed her clothing had 1 (t.ii on tiro when she left her husband. Castoria—is a twlentilie vegetable preparation; a perfect substitute for and nr...r.- effective than Castor Oil, aid is ;.."-I , snit to take. It cleanses' the aysteitt . most remarkable in liner; does not Jc‘trtor or gripe, but of; rates when all ~..fer reniediem have fai sl. It is certain .uperßede Pills, Castor 011, Narcotic ,:• , yrup s and all other purgative and ex ('ltlc a uiedicines. The Castoriacontains ","liner Mineral,., Morphine nor A1c0,,. ,,. By its etnolient, er,othint effect, it Icuilates the food and produces nat- LrAi slpfp particularly adapting it to • ` tying arid teething children. It cures notch Ache, Wind Colic Constipa • •' li • Flatulency, Croup and kills Wor Ink M.lse your druggist Rend for V.; he will "," 4 a.Ys keep it, as every family must here It. It eoSlNbot fifty cents a bottle. ma.S;4w S , !NM Stern lig Silver, Table Ware p rr,4•l 3tatil.ll pieces John Sterennon's Sans t 4 .S 1 Market street, Pittsburgh. 14-0 /.64.4.1" VARDFN STYLVA in abundance —uo humbug—at Dibbard'a, Diamond, Itoehester. Perhaps somo of our young friends of the college or seminaries of this coun ty will furnish ita With a translation of the foll Owing:• •;•. .f SPRATIIS UXOR ET FELLS, Johannes Spratt nett edit pingo° Et odit uxor macru m, Sic Cam's linqunt in lance Ne quldem simulacrum. . Johannes SPratt olita telom babobat Et unlea tura bane calls gatulebat, Sed butyrum lions! ttsmper tnagni eme bat. () rio ao O (X., OU It CC IS 00 13 OC Ou 38 IV 38 WW OD ICO W ou PAUPER Ea' DIVER. 4 Lane4a itontlindaa. Mitzi tergeben, Pauper et - puer Nam RURIMP3 ogoharn.) Sod noun adultus Sum auro poititus, In auro voluto Nil ego invltds. CO' .rox ciannEms. Richard us Dares Uxorem balvbat Et argenta factain Cujur spinam fraugobat Et Muni= sic . Molitor' ven t 4ebat, Acclpere eau)* lite nolebat Crudeliter(ilfil In nvuni naittebat. WATCH it6PASILINO.-11!your watch la out of or der. send it to John Stevenson's Son* t (k.. Pitte bilvh. It will be repaired awl returned free of ezytrea cbarzia. All wet: warranted. Jet-1y The Cheapest Lal*es t and best selee tlon-of Carpets, (MI - Cloth, Wall Paper. Window-Shades and Varieties, al B. Mulheiui. aprl7;Gw Ur. Clouse; onepf the publishers of Ciotixe's. Illustrated Home Bazar, called oil us on Friday last. The Bazar is a monthly periodical of sixteen pages, beautifully illustratO, and well tilled with literary, fainilyand general intel ligence. ' Price i. , 41 '..rents per annum Mr. O. and an agent.tare canvassing this county fir munseritiers. 'rite paper is well worth the money for fireside read ing. WATCHES.. W Arc - um—The most complete line Iv the City or Pittpburgh s , :ind ull the necessary at tachments to r'e had of .3"hn Sterenstm's Sons et CO. 91 Market store t. Ptorphorgh Progress of Vears.—They do not go from us, but we' from them, stepping from the oh] into the new, and always leaving behind somthaggage, no longer serviceable on the march. Look back along the way we , hitve trodden; there they stand, every oue in his place, hold ing fast all that was left in trust with them. Some keep Onr childhood, some our youth,and all hatie something of ours which they will give r op f r neither bribe nor prayer—the opittlions cast away, the hopes that went with us no farther, the cares that have had Vuceessors, and the follies outgrown, to be reviewed by memory, and callei up for evidence 'Only day. Tit E CAUSE. cif Tetnperance finds some of its most insidious!anddangerous foes in the mauY so-called "tau les" and "ap petizers," made ofeheap whisky and refuse liquors, tin4ed up to suit de praved appetites, tinder the name of medicines. Dr. Walker's Culijornea Vinegar Bitters are nr-ne of these. They are not ft beverage, but a genuine medi cine, purely vegetable, prepared from California herbs by fi regular physician. For all diseases of She stomach', liver, kidneys, bladder, skin and blo d, they are an infallible and>Yturivalled remedy. inayS;iw. Opium eatingrhas become quite common in the United States, and par ticularly in the \VeSk The Legislature of Kentucky, in ord4r to check this prac tice, has just passed' a bill that, on the affidavit of twifi resf*ctable citizens, any person who tlfrough. the excessive use of opium, hasheesh !fir of any drug, has becomeincornpetentn manage himself or hisagiitate, may lit(honfined in an asy- loin and placed under guardianship as in 'the case of liabiOal drunkards or lunatics. CC= Five Hundred 'Thousand.--500,000 Bottles of 'Green's 4ltgust Flower has been sold in this .State in three months. We only ask. you to $o to the drug stores of Hugo Andriessenjleaver, S. Hannen, Ito , •liester, or Gilliland Kerr, New Brighton, Pa.. and f:get a bottle free of charge, or a regulartSize at seventy-five eents. Every Bottle warranted to cure Dyspepsia or Lire* Complaint, Sick headache, Costiveneks, Heartburn, Wa, Sour Stotitach, Indigestion, Impure Blood, or dekanged Stomach and liver. Use Dr. Ilosc4ee'a•German Syrup for consumption. n0v2.9;1Y. List of Jurors d`( nwtt for June Term 1'4%, commencing gbnday, June u RAND ItRORM J J rarothers,fonViOhotnas McKee Daniel Smith J-chard Calhoun Johnston Calhoun ;tunes Todd Uarsides G7uhn C Reed Robert Patterson 'P A Dumber 1' IT Bracken Xichael Hare Ebenezer Springer aII T Kennedy David Johnston ar . ;john Bevington Joseph Gilliland'else Fisher C Dunn P''S B Funkhouser Corken Barnes Conrad Stamm ;John IL %Whistler PETITtUROILS James Moore James Bryan Stafford Neely J IL Field Thome-44 :McKinley %Mathew Anderson Christian Mou tier William A Kennedy Martin Haller C Bruce James Todd S Mererran David Knowles John Johnston W C Fisher Charles Cunning Linker Reed John Davis Samuel Davidson srAmoniah Hazen Alfred Braden :fames Marshall Milton Rhodes John Swiek I A W Edgar Tleona, J Moore Jahn Motherel Samuel MeFerron William Barnes ToLoa,. fletclie J Chandler John Nelson John Linton Jacob Nvswanger John A Johnson Aaron Mine:singer S Caughey m am ;2,ts FA II N EsT(A s best lead, pure lin seed oil, turpentine' dryers, ke,, at Wni. MILLINERY, all th 6 latest style+, Just revel vcsl, liats and Atonnets, Bleached and Pressed, at Ilibt : tarri'm, Rochester. a Parking besi sea'.ona for packing 'Witter says a hairy-woman, are May and • October; the former for aummer and the for Winter luso. When taken trom.tlie churn I work out ail the milk I can, wilt more than for the premmt use, and setlt in a cool place for ten or twelve liour: I then give it another thorough working, by which it k entirely freed frOtif. milk, .1 then pack it down, rectly tight, iii a new earth en or sto . 4,1 - ssel,nhil cover $t with a cloth, on % 'filch I pot an inch Of fine salt to ex elude the air. Whelk the \ IiSSVI is hum it i 4 closely tied with paper, the cloth and salt still remaining. By keep ing in a dry, cool plage, butter wade and packed in this_ way Will retEtAln perfectly firm and sweet for ittlany months. W. nt'EuttuiNo in the Diamond of Rochester Is reeeiripg pure and fresh drubs every week i'forn the East. lit, kill sell to his patrohs nothing but the purest arfiele., anclask the people only to buy once and they will be satistital wie l h both quality an/ price. Physicians preseriptions carefully prepared at all ti6ers. Printing Office' Robbed. The counting room "r Repo.ll - Of ,l'ilambersb4rg, was rglari misty entered an.l n I s'2s, u - dat• inght Ia t . A cOuriql man, named Henry Gray, uho rkturmal fr‘mi an en forced apprentireshiP of two years at Cherry fljll but a - few mouths ago. whither he liadbetn helt for robbing the post citric*, vas arrested for the rob bery and a portion of the money found on It is person. Ile: was committed to await his trial. ► NV.II. BUF:ell LINO at Rochester, is still patting up Bucclsliug LS: Hurst's Asthma Ito ief. Tit F: new Iceland Soda-water appara tus is now in operation at W. thiech ling's Drug Store. The syrups and wa ter aro of the first. pisility. nitre little boylii Pittsburgh went to the circus the cthtr day, and amused himself by throwing stones at the ele phant while he was drinking. When ho got through, the boy tried to propiti ate him by offering; him a piece of gin grrbread. „Before s4ceptlns the pike the elephant emptied about sixty-four gal lons of water . , beer. measure, over the I oy, and then slung him.into the third !ger to dry off. Thies boy Pi very indif ferentfabout circuses n0w. 3 , , Hf says he doesn't care for them as =mach as he used to. Alex. Moore, of Chartiers twp., Washington Co., had about twenty head of fat sheep killed by dogs one night last week. ills - sheep were very fine, and the loss is heavy... There ought to be some law enacted by which the number of dogs in the country could be forcibly depleted about -twathirki. UZI 1=1Z721 UM Election of the County School Superhatendeat.—Pnranant to call the directors met at the Court home May 7th, at 1 o'clock p. m. On motion Ruben Watt eau., of South Beaver, was elqod chairman and J. 8. Wilson, J. F. Meer and'. B. Eakin appointed &ay's. On roll call one hundred and seventy one directors answered to their names. On 'notion the conientliM,litoceedod to _aD fix thoualaryforthe ocaptturyeo., or h it. found Eledeleggeede*ored $1. 200 per yea. 74 delegstes /1,009 per,yearied . one delegate*sllsoo. Win ventldh the; Proceeded' tolstliotfor 811 " periniendemt, with the following result: BALLOT/ Tot Jul yud li• 1. Knhrht............. ...... l's 6 5 Cr. Smith Cutt15—,....... .......,.....00 49 .78. G. L. Eberhart ... to R - • .T.ll. Dnnoson.. ............_......... 51 t'l -,--: Newton Anthony • 15 ' 0 M. L. Knight, otlndfistry Tp.. having a majority of the whole number, of votes . cast on lith 3d balfot, weci declared et‘e: RUBEN WATT, Pres J. S. Wu.sox, i. F, Mimeo, I Seeretcric4: J. R. EAKIN, , ABOUT CHANOES.—WhoOver you meet now talks about the changeable weather; ladies are excited about - the sudden change in fashions; politicians change their •opinions sometimes every day; our nature, the whole universe changes with every second ; but there is some thing that has not changed yet, and this is the low prices which Mr. M. Schiff of New Brighton asks for his goods this season. Although you read in all the papers about the advance in cotton and woolen goods, you can get of Mr. Schiff anything Irgbis line at the old low prices, which he published before. All tea and coffee in bond on the first of July becomes free of dnty. Appear ances indicate, however, that during the next year prices will be held high. The stocks of coffee are reported light at all the distributing points. The sales of Rio for the year, to date, have been 74,013 bags, against 218,070 for tho same time last year, a falling offof over 6,3 percent. a‘ Stocks, consequent' , are all in import. era' f bans. being 92,166 bags. figainirt 45,036, though the gregate receipt:m . lhr the past five months are 20 per cent. be low that for the same limo in 1871. Theme facts have atwfngtbened beldam, while goods in bond have advanced slightly. All other grades of coffee also are in de mand, and command full rates. Teas are excited, and holders daily advance their pretensions. Stocks are about ten per cent. below those of last season, but the ratio of choice 'flavors is much larger. Before the duty was taken from teas, prices were quite flat; but now buyers have discovered that quotations have strengthened. A Town iu Ashes—. Somerset, Som erset county, Pa. was visited with a ter rible fire 011 Thursday. Nearly the whole town—enntaining a population of about 3,000 persons—is in ashes. A number o( the sufferers have relatives in this county among whom we mention Mr. Daniel Weyand father-inlaw of Scndder• Farrah—whose dwelling and furniture, valued at $:.10,000, was totally destroyed. Capt. ldVt. Adams, former ly of this county, and also a son-in-law of the Mr. Wevand above referred to, suffered to the extent of $1,500. The fire originated in a stableon the outskirts of the town, and as the witfil-sras very lug% at the time, the flames leaped from build ing to building in an incredible short time, giving the inmates barely lime to get nut of them and into the streets. No lives were lost. A similar calamity be tel Somerset many years a go- Mr. J. D. Cameron has presented Mas ter Curtin Quay, with a Shetland pony. Ah, you sly "corporal!" You can't shove that pkmy off on "Master Curtin Quay," nor can you induce • the public to believe thgt it was "J. at." instead ni of "Old Sin himself w o sent it to you. He has heard of yoUr fame as a stock breeder, and he has forwarded the Shetlani to help you along in your no bleeffort to improve the horse stock of Beaver county. It is hardly necessary for us to state that the pony belongs to the male species and that ho still retains all of Ids normal characteristics. There is a petulant flippancy, which we heartily despise, in the criticisms of certain country journals on our course in the Beaver Senatorial contest, which is born of nothing but fear. We are dai ly misrepresented as attacking bitterly and personally the, gentleman who is running against Mr. John F. Bravo, wheik, , ,pi fact we have the first word to utter against his character, fitness or reputation as a legislator. We have simpky and solely dealt with, facts. We belief7e that our party will be defeated in the X NNW) Senatorial district with Mr. Itutan as our nominee. WE FEEL ',Fut.: OF THIS, and as a 'Republican jour nal, working for the success of the par ty, we advise the nomination of a stron ger and less objectionable man. We have not one word to say detrimental to Mr. Rutan personally ; on the contrary, we deem him a gentleman, in every way a good citizen, and an able man. We have never said aught else concerning him and we challenge our malignern to show to the contrary. We have pointed out that in the counties of Beaver, Butler and Washington, there Is such wido spread dissatisfaction that Dr. Shurlock had to go uat.ler last fall. We have sta ted that the men who defeated Shurlock will oppose Ehnen; and ars powerful enough in numbers to defeat him. Now let some of those gentlemen who are urging his nomination in the face of these assertions give us the names of any Republicans who voted against shuriock who will this fall vote for Bo lan. This is a plain proposition and will-greatly tend to simplify thecontest. If it is assented to. We assert, and ask to have the assertion disproved, that ..rer a ir /111.//dred neplibilian rotes ma the X X Villa district will be seat against IN -100 if he IA nominated, which all know is more than enough to defeat him. If this cannot be disproved, is it not fool ishness to insist upon his nomination' :should Mr. Itutan's friends urge his candidacy dalieu they are warned by good Republicans (which we claim to he) that his defeat, and with it the loss 01 the State Senate, is almost if not alto gether certain ? We ask his friends to pause a moment and reflect on the mat ter. They may think Mr. R.'s election can be accomplished—we, knowing the strength and the extent of the opposition to him, think differently. Have we done wrong, we ask in all frankness, in letting this belief be known at the right ti me 1' (;azeffe. Purchased a Team.—On last Fri day, at thasate of the McKinley livery stock in Beaver, the Directors of Poor, purchased a largo r aml substantial team of horses for service on - the County Home farm. The price paid, was 11425. THE Malta Double.and Single shovel Plows received and for sale at Speyerer Iliil An exchange says : "If, instead of the closing anthem, some of our min isters should,at the close of the services, give the orders: 'Attention,worshippers! Fur hats, dive! For overcoats, got Jerk, t%vist, plunge! Make yourselves ridi culous, all!' the etTeet would hardly be a variation from the present style of get ting ready to go out of church. The singing et the doxology seems to be the signal for a general putting on and ad juattneta of overcoatg, and when the benediction is about to be prenouneed the ruined congregation look more like Jumping out of the windows, or uniting In a crushing race (or the doors than lis tening to the solemn words of the good pastor. At one of our well-filled church es, on Sunday evening, it was observed that at least every third man was going through these ridiculous motions while the services were closing although the sermon had been excellent. Why do not people wait until the proper time to do these things? There is a time fcr everything, but that time does not al w Sys occur during church services." To Clean Paint.—Use but little water at a time; keep it warm and clean by changing often. A flannel cloth is better than cotton. Be careful of soap. Put but a little soap or skim-milk in the water; add soap to the cloth when need ed. A sharp piece of soft wood is indis pensable for the corners, the point will become like a paint brush, A saucer of sifted ashes, used where paint is badly smoked or fly-specks are thick, is better than soap; wipe last with clean wet towel, and don't spill a drop of water. Never put soap on glass unless it can ,be well rinsed, which can never be the case with windows. Wash off dirt in clean warm water and dry; then with a paste of whi ting and water, and with a little cloth, place a little in the center of each pane. With another cloth rinse over the glass; next rub off with a dry cloth till the window shines ,like crystal. • New"Fire.lleilek , Nanallietery. Igast week we,v4sited the establishment for manuthanting Ore -brick, teceutkir exerted by Fran & Co., n the south Wee C el side of the , Ivor opposite Beaver, and found it of nob greater capacity than we had supposed from viewing the structure from the Beaver bank of the river. The main building is 100;by 70,i. sub stantuilly built and supplied with a:Pow erful engine and the most approved macbinery for the various purposes of that peculiar work. The drying floor is of capacity for nine thousand brick, beneath which are thirteen fines extend ing the entire length of the Poor, for the purpose of creaticg the proper tempera ture for drying brick. The clay used is mined from under the hill in rear of, and not more than three rods from the Factory. The vein is seven feet thick, with a strata of 17 or 18 inches of stone coal over the top—suf ficient to drive the engine and supply the drying floor with fuel. The capacity of the works, when in full operation, is equal to fifty-thousand brick a week, besides prepared or ground clay in un limited quantity. Thus far they have had but ono kiln for burning brick—fif ty thousand of which have Just been burned within the last seven or eight days—but will erect two more immedi ately, in order to be able to run the works to their full capacity. There is an excellent landing of deep eddy water, well protected by shore, for loading and discharging cargoes of boat.. Take it altogether—the excellence of the works, the convenience, quality and abundance or material, and easy access to market, which aro possessed by this company—we may safely conclude if there be any money In the trade they are bound, to come in for a large share. We are pleased to note the BUCOOS9 of this work, not only bscause Capt. French la an enterprising citizen and deserving of prosperity, but because it adds large ly to the productive wealth of the coun ty. It brings the dead capital of the mines Into market, and stimulates labor and commerce. In fact, it helps to en liven the times all round. Work for a Deteellve.—lf what has been intimated to us be true, a tire insurance detective might make himself useful to his employers by a close inves tigation of the / gauge of a fire some time ago in the Eastern division of the county. ED. ARDUS:—" The Beaver Radical" persists in charging you with "forging" the name of I S Ratan to a telegram purporting to have been sent to Col. M. 8. Quay shortly alter the announcement of John F. Dravo, coq, as-tr-§kinatorlal can didate. This does you injustice. The telegram came to the ARGUS office from person entitled to respect. I ant well act- - to:tinted with the 'hand-writing of the one a ho sent it. 1 ha•] no reason to doubt it' genuineness. It cane as other com munications come to this office, and was published according to copy. It was not concocted in the Mita - . office. JOHN B. BUTLER, Foreman of Beaver Ana's . The Itocheater insurance Company has been chartered with a capital of 5100,000 and the privilege of increasing. All the stock has been taken by citizens of Beaver county. The Company is ready to go into operat ion. The arrangements are about completed. As soon as the Patent is issued by. the Governor, an election will be held for officers. George C. Speyerer, em., and Capt. J. V. McDonald, of Itochester, , S. B. Wil son and John Gmbing, mtgs., of Deaver, and a large number of other good and reliable mon ofthe county are the stock holders. Composed entirely of solid men, the Company will be reliable.-- Cbnaercative. How Coal Originated.—fly farthe most valuable of all the gifts hidden by Nature beneath our feet, and yet always most generously offered to us whenever they havo,been needed most urgently, are the vast supplies of fixed light and heat stored up below fur a thousand years.—Perhaps long before man him self existed, in days of which no other record remains but the aileuLtestlin°P7 of the rocks. Forests of luxurious growth covered every lowly valley,- crowned every inland lake, and fringed the low shores of the great oceans. They sprang up, they grow and flourished, and no hand gathered their fruit, no axe threatened their mighty trunks; but storms :came and tempests, volcanic eruptions and violent npheavings, and they were laid low in an instant. 'and covered w itlr ashes and med.—Then new generations maelirxin them and their race, others followed, and thus the work of incessant destrection and regenera tion went on through countless ages.— Hence in some places 150 successive for ests each separated from the lower by a few feet of sand and clay, have been found to have grown and fallen in tom, one lying above the other? They did not vanish, they did not oven decay ; but, beneath them, the glowing heat of our globe, above them a burning at mosphere and a thick canopy of cloud pouring endless rains upon the surface, they gradually changed Into vast depos its of coal. And when the fuel became scarce upon the surface, and men cast anxious glances about them for new means to create the heat without which existence was impossible on one half of the globe, and to procure thajight that is indispensible to the enjoyment and the usefulness of life, these immense treasures stored up since limo imme morial, were revealed to them, and am ple supplies of both heat and light guar anteed for ages. The Beaver deposit bank will be in operation next week in the but Wing occupied for no many years by John Barclay, decd. The stockholders are all men of this county. They are gen tlemen of well known integrity. The cashier 4s Eben Allison, Esq., late coun ty Treasurstr. He is so well known, and has so mdch of the confidence of the business men of the community, that bin connection with the new inzititutlon would give it character. It in evidence of the increase of business here when the money transactions require the estab lishim; of an additional banking house. The ',oldie need no assurance from us that all the business of this house will be transacted in a legitimate way. Con seerat ivc. IV ha! Next ? —We are now using an article which is manufactured in Roch egter, this county, by J. Y. Marks Co., who wo believe are the sole paten tees, called "Chinese Fire Lighters," designed to kindle mai tires without the !LTC of wood. We hesitate not, with all who have used them, to pronounce them a perfect success, and the inventor a public benefactor. They aro cheaper than wood, to say nothing of ratting and splitting the wood for use; they are not affected by heat, cold, or wet, and take but little or no room compared with kindling woc No family old ue without thorn for all they cost,. andbv using them, either with or without wood, you thereby pre vent the many terrible accidents which result from the use of oil. And whilst they are perfectly safe in every particu lar they burn readily and generate ono hundred times more heat, than oil, or any other known substance, and will light the hard or Anthracite coal as well as the sort cual. The safety. cheapness and con renient. of these lighteramust be apparent to an. and we trust that, this en terprielng flan, will receive the public patronage. To Plekle,,leat Inoue Da3.-4Get a tub nearly.full of Lain or river water, and put two Wean of thin wood across it, and set the beef on them, distant about an inch from the water. Heap as much salt as will stand on your be3f, and let it remain twenty-four hours; then' take the meat off and boll It, and you wilt and it as salt_ as if it had been in pickle for six weeks, the water hav ing drawn the salt completely through the beef. On Monday last Gen. R. B. Beath, Surveyor General elect, entered upon the duties of his oflice. The following are the appointed clerks under the new re gime: Robert A. Wetly, chief clerk, Cambria county, Wur; Evans, Lndiana county; 11. A. Caldwell, Blair county ; La Rue M. Hicks, Somerset county ; Samuel Hamilton, Beaver county • Jam. ' Pott, Fulton county • Wm. H. Seibert, Schuylkill county • Marsh. D. Detrich; Franklin county, S. N. Blundin. Phil adelphia: George W. Philips, Dauphin county ; S. H. Galbraith, Perry county ; Captain Grant, Berke county ; W, A, Klusloe, Lycoming county ; N. C. Wil son, Mifflin county; messenger, Simpson, Philadelphia, thol7s4rlcs eta Thar Brush. writer in the Americas Ammo/ of Microacopi has been exploring the term s o" bristles in stair brush-surreptionsly purloined from 11 lades tOtlet, stand, an d though It contained nothing snitch we accustomed to reified With unquali fied horror. the rests is of his investiga tions prove that there are mysteries or dinarily undreamed of in simple appli ances of the toilet. There are concealed in the damp lint of hair brushes, unl ess kept clean by the use of bit:lris:mate of ttotassa or carbonate of sods, many liv ing things too small for detectionby the naked eye, some of which, we are told, are of more than suspicious character, being knoirn as the originators of scald head and other diseases of the scalp, The author concludeslis article by acaution against Wetting the bead, recommending dry brushing instead. Ile also recom mends the use of carbonic acid or sul phate of soda as a cleaning material for hair brushes. Coal Ashes.—Coat ashes are only beneficial to trees, says the !!lira! New Yorker when applied lie a Mulch where the trees stand in grass. At least we have never found them useful in any other way, when applied alone. They keep the grass down, if applied in suffi cient quantity, and the. soil loose, B u t they are excellent to mix with any kind of fermenting manure. They are very good deodorisers, or absorbents, and can be used with the most profit iu this manner, we think. For the Better Argus A VISIT TO BALTIMORE., Talk about extravagance in the erec tion of our Methodist E. Church In Bea ver ; why here, at the foot of this Monti ment, we are building a house, the very site of which cost live times as,tnueh as our house is &Baded will cost ; and the grandest Church edifice in the city, cost in gji t is supposed. some $3( 1 0,000 or .400.- 000. What do you think of that for high? Then I passed through the Peabody In stitute, just over the street, with Its 48,000 volumes ; and then to the top of Wash ington's monument, hard-by, whither I have been repeatedly heretofore, and at the very laying of its foundation stone. fifty-seven years ago, when a boy, I came from Fredericktown to witness, and now from its summit! am taking a eve view of this mighty Monu mental tity of Baltimore. But, Satan's temptation to casthayself down from thence, with the ex tion of not being burt.3 or, of his giving ine all Baltimore even, tie_riol hardly be fool amulet tO try. 1111 a baauttful • moroing.l have arkanulof tens top. you pay the limper Wi:euteatid ha furoli6es you witli Itsequirea live :Aunties steady Kota); to.get up; but to 0110 Who has never been-there It is worth the toil and price. -- I expect Ibis . 114 my last as cent:- I.,enoinsof it printed history of Witabington montarieet; and you can use yogrplesittraltt tiratisCrlbing any of it aloursitlt.tbla nonce, wilthift,Jryrne, sitting. wltiti rttfreaiiitig bredue fan toe,,threetly tinder thy atatue of Walsh teem). 18 feet I a highl and Well#4oll 18 tone:, Thawltdie Or new re oostsPoB- 000, andi-Xlses to-ini , eitiVation °cover 280 feet ahioxietkilelhalaft ,, - /C. M • I Iftqailbet iltubstigtiSisketpt Mu 411/4) THE BEAVER SENATORIAL FIGUT. We are loth to take up so much space 'with a subject in whleb the majority at our readers lied little or no interest, -P but in justice to ourselves we are hound to notice and refute the statements contain ed in an article In the Beaver "Radical" of Thursday. That paper has-this to say of 113 : "The Pitteborgh Ga:.ette copies the forged tele Frau of the Argue and endorsee It as genuine. rhe telegram lea forgery. and the editor of the Gazelle ilea when he wipe that he la assured that la genuine." The Man wha could deliberately write such language, without a scintilla of proof of its eorreetnest, is either a fool or ti knave, we shall not attempt to decide which, but let our readers draw their own inference of his true chat fieter from What 101 ows: On Wednesday morning last, two gentlemen visited our sanctum, one of whom is a citizen at Beaver coun ty, whose word even the cheeky editor of ittic "Radical' would not question. The Lk; drew Irma Ills pocket a copy of he litatver,,Anucs, and directed our atten tion to the telegram, signedJ. S. Rubin, tv filch read as fdllaws i ' . . SCATEM, April Si, 197.1: Col- M. 8- WATI 43 Girard House, Philadelphia '"Draso Is out tor Sedate. Rob l es squally for mo. You cannot go to the Cinclunatteowseattou. You must come home immediately." After reading it for the first time, we questioned its genninness, and Was asstimi by hint that it was an exact copy of the telegram sent, as he had been so informed by a gentleman whosaword and character werss.beywal quoithitt. .1/pop this aasu ranee we printed the item as a morsel of news which would he relished by many of our readers. It appears that it *as Nor relifilied by the editor of the "Moll nil" for sonic reason, else he would not have allowial his usually serene. and pla cid temper to run away with his usual good sense and judgment. Thu above statement is true in every particular and will be sworn to by three persons Includ ing the writer of this article, if it shall be necessary. That we "knew the telegram to be a forgery," is simply false'; that "it is a forgery" we do not believe, although the "Itadipil" pronounces it such, for our informant is a more reliable and truthful man than the•editor of that paper, and in this we merely state a fact—not in an of fensive sense—one which all who know the parties will assent to. If the tele• gram had been a forgery, the editor could have obtained a state:meat to that effect from Mr. Buten, or the telegraph opera tor, and then there would have hem. no necessity (Or the impotent and laughable rage that he exhibits, and he would thus have repelled the only possible conclusion to be drawn from the circumstance, v;z: that he had been fairly trapped and ex posed, and smarting keenly under the lash of public opinion, he foolishly mils people "liars," and utters threats which he vainly presumed would frighten us in to silence. Mr. M. S. Quay will find that his threats are as insignificant as his po litical character is loathsome to men who are moved by honest convictions, and who respect themselves. We intend to give him the fall benefit urour columns in any attack he has made or shall make upon us, but his mode of warfare shall not divert us trout the real issue in the matter, or ruffle our tranquil temper. Nor shall we call the "gentle man from Harrisburg"--0r Btatver—if vou please—any naughty names, as we object to that kind of argument, as lung li4 we have any facts to hurl at au oppo ueni, and we have a vivid recollection of a former battle in which our bland ftiend took a part, which ended in libel suit. What we shall hereafter say, friend Quay, will be somewhat 0 Ong to your move ments, it a ill be parliamentary too, but if It erns, we emit no squealing, anti we shall give you no exduse to: a libel suit. Item is a am you say '..-2.,,, '•%% e don't car, a contra - eats, whether the Oa sefte ravora Mr. Ruten or not. It 'sits right to pronounce JUdglnent upon public men and meas ures. But when It gets down to the level of the Beaver Anon& the organ ut the Clcutncutti move ment in this county. In a personal warfare Upon the editor or the Radical. It has nn claim upOn our respect or conddetce-- Now we would wish to claim the eon tinned•respect of our sweet tittle friend of the Radical, and therefore wouldheg of him to point out the passage in the liazeite where " personal - warfare" has been made upon.his precious little body or pure character. Has he not made a mistake? We have distinctly confined our words to the matters in discussion, and have avoided the *lightest appear ance of personality. Whern#re ask if Mr. quay is allied with Aleck McClure (in the light or ltutan's dispatch) in his at tempt to disrupt the Republican party in the State we can find nothing . per sonal and vindictive, or spiteful In the query. It is a plain question, and ifltn tan's despatch was genuine, which we still believe, and shall continue to do so, until better evidence of its falsity than the editor's word is given,' demands of M. S. Quay an answer. The positiou *hid)lie is supposed to hold in thepar ty will not admit of his hobnobbing with Aleck McClure at Cincinnati or elsewhere. It he insists upon such course, we shall move for his displace ment from among the leadership of our party. Ratan was right when he-tele graphed the little corporal, "Youcannot go to the Cincinnat4onvention." Now when we as k him if such were his inten tions be fires up, gets awful-mad, calls us a liar, end then charges no with mak ing a "personal warfare" upon himself. One word more and we dismiss the lit tle fellow, for the present, from our thought. He sass: -ws ain write a chanter of Comfit history which will give It employineat at Donne for some time to CUM, and old do so If It makes It oecert. Bah! We only notice this puerile and posilanimous threat for tho purpose of adding: "Lay on, MaedufT,and damned be he who first cries hold—enough." The Gazette has Sisrvived many battles since 1786, has often "let loose the dogs of war," and we promise this Aminadab Sleek a fair field and an open fight If be covets one. He is welcome to publish our history entire, Since the date of-ear establishment, or any slngle ,, chapter thereof. but he =mot drive or scare us from our purpose, once it has been de cided upon. We take up that glove, sir. now fire away, or acknowledge yourself the champion of that discretion which, in your case, is the better part of valor. A.TTJF.N.riorr Republican Voters! There will boa, publid meeting of tie *publican Toler. and eltlzeiiiiar , 'Beaver, Ittalt; and vicinity in Lafayette Thursday evening the lath init., at 71 John I'. Dravo esti., Senatorial candi date fcT nomination will bo present (and J. S. Ratan esq., has been invited) to do. liver an address on the current politics of the day, to deflno their views of men acid measure% coma mut coma ILArty Itkpuisticatm. FINN BLOOMING PLOVERS, & PLANT& received daily; Fresh flower seed, Trel lises for pots and gardens, Gold tisb and globes, fi►r sale by Chas. B. Hurst, Ito. cheater Pa Ma) 15 2w (Radical and Cbnaervative copy.) We understand • pittillon Is to be made to have Mr. Dtavo and Mr. Ratan stump the county in company. The gentleman who signed himself "Many Republicans" in the Awns, will probably accompany them with a hand organ and a mon key, and the Pittsburgh Casette will furnish a re. porter.—lkarer Radical. Yes, he shall be on hand, and report anything Interesting to the readers of the Gazelle, a large number of whom reside In the counties of Beaver. Butler and Washington, whether lUtnn snt Ala monkey—the little corpora!—shall put In an air pearance or not. Bat we will wager a big pipin, that friend Ratan will never meet Drava on the stump. Be knows better. as John is • little too much for Jemes,and the latter is wise for acknowl edging it and staying at home. Bravo's speech on Friday night at New Brighton, was a crusher to the hopes of the little corporal and his friend.— Pirtsberpt Gazette. BRIDGEWATER, *PA.. May 13 th Un- Cot. .7.'Weyand. Sin: A press of professional duty will et this fate .day entirely prevent me from making au electioneering tour of the county for the Legislative nomina tion. You will therefore have my name stricken from the list as published. To my friends for their proffered sup ;art and influence I return my kindest thanks. Da. JouNC. LEVIS. Currutzto ! Clothing ! Clothing! New Goods ! New Styles ! New Prices ! Thr place to buy your clothing at reasonable prices is a the reliable Clothing House orb it J. S,nellenburg, Broadway, New Brighton. Native Wine.—Monday last Mr. John Tait, a well known Fruit grower of Pulaski township. preser4ed us with some native wine ofhls vintage ,from ‘ tbs. Delaware and lona grapes, • ivhiett• foi: body flavor and purity will vie With any foreign wine Imported to this country. It is but another evidence thatour coun try posesses the natural resources for perfect independence, in all branches of %); produ ion, trade and industry. Give us a pre tire tariff and we con beat the world I nything, wino not excepted. We present our compliments to Mr. Tait, and say to the clergy, if you desire good wino for sacramental purposes, call on him. To EvEal•noux—.A few' wore of those all wool suits at $9.50. Also men's youth's & children's suits, at from $6 to $2O, nt S. & J. snellenburg's. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 1 - - - - SATURDAY. May 11, ASHES—Unchanged. Conimotitioda 4(6, nitrate, &; rennet!, 6147, pearls, ll cents. A PPLES.—The receipts and sales con tinue meagre, and the market is dull and . the season is about over; we continue to quote at ,54(4stki bbl fur common to choice. APPLE RUTTER—Common. to fair, gg , S7O per gallon; prime to choice, 75489. BUTTER—The market is weaker and holders generally are anxious to realize; we continue to quote at 111®2.5 for fair to medium, and 27428 for choice. BROOM CORN—Is very quiet though prices are Without quotable change, ranging fnam 5 tot ocute*o Th. BEANS----Scarce and in demand, sales 9I 52.U/484 per bushel. VI/ Et.. E--Is In good supply and 'the prices are low and drooping; l(1114 fOr Dairy, and 15049 Air Ociaben. • CARBON unchanged; 19620 cents by the ear load, avid 243 cents ad ditional for smaller lots. We can report a sale of 500 bbls, seller May at 19, free on board tare. CONCENTRATED LYE—$5.5O per ease. CANNED GOODS—Peactios (3 pound Bans) $6(07 per case; Tomatoes .4.50(s $5; Corn, ss.sowp according to quality sod broad. CRANBERRIES.—Quoted at 12@14 for conanlon lair ; and 16©18 for CEMENT—Louisville &2.501g2.75i Cttl clued Plaster 14.50; Cleveland White Lime 12; eastern, $1.75. COUNTRY BACON—DuII; Shoulders if@ 5 cents; Clear-aides 6®7 cents; ham 849 cents: Country Lard, 74(58. ' DRIED FRUlT—Peaches unchanged; Da 4 for halves; 7sB for mixed, and 6a7 for quarters. Apples in steady demand and sell readily at Ba 9 for fair to-good, and 94a10 for pignut to choice. Black berries, 16a18. Pitted Cherries, :2kt3o; unpitted. EGGS—Unchanged ; sales reported at 16a17. Receipts light, but the supply is pretty well up to the demand. FEATHERS No. 1 qtfuted at 75 Wholesale, and 80 to 85 in simian way. 51.1.ted Stock, 40 to 60 eta-, according to quality. FLOUR—The market continues very much excited, and prices are still tend ing. upward. We now quote at $8,50 to $9 for Spring wheat, and $9.50 to $lO for red winter. Rye Flour, $5,75 te $6. Peo ple wilt have to commence usilig more Corn Meal and Rye Flour; however, it is scarcely possible that these prices can be utaintaieed any lepgth of time.. GRAIN—The market for wheat la un settled and irregultor g iud Rift difficult to give accurate quotations ; the otter inge continue light, and the mills are taking all that offers and holders are generally able to realize their own fig ures. Oats may be quoted steady in el evator at 52 to 53 ct, and in a Jobbing way at 54 to 55. Ear Corn is quiet and, unchanged; 59 to 60. Shelled Corn is unchanged at 62 to 63, free in elevator and 64 to 65 sacked and delivered. Rye is quotable et $l,OO to 51,05. Barley quiet, and in toe absence of sales, we continue to quote nominally at 75 to 80 for Spring, and 80 to 85 for Fall. GROCERIES— Coffee.—There is more activity in the coffee trade, and stocks are held more firmly than at the close of WO. week. The advance of* to 4 noted on Tuesday, has been steadily main tained, and it is not likely that, for pres ent wants. buyers will have to advance their views. On the eastern markets there la not much business doing—the jobbers, having taken a stand, are deter mined to hold off until forced to buy, with a view to Compel a decline in bond prices, now considered too high. It is bard to tell which, the buyer or the sel ler, will become master of the situation —we think, however, it is wisdom to buy from hand to mouth, until the mar ket is more settled. Sugar.—Raw su gars are better, and it is the general be lief that an advance will come before very long. The better qualities of raws have, in many cases, been with drawn from the market lu New York, to be let out only at higher prices. Ma lasses.—New Orleans tirm—fine 'syrups considered good stock at our quotations —common grades very low. REFINED SUGAR •-- , Standard Hards 13; A Coffee,; B, Ili •' Ex C, I1*; C Yellow and Circle C, 114. These quota tions are for straight brands. COFFEE—Choice Rio, 2,0424; Prime, 224a10; Good = Fair 214; Java 28; Roast ed, pure 27; lower grades 25a20. RAW SUGARS—Choice New Orleans, Haiti; Prime 104; Good 10; Fair 94. Por to Itico choice 104, Pratte lei. Demera ra choice 111 , Good N. O. MOLASES—Choice 70, Pricue 68, Good 65, Fair 60. SYRUPS,Fancy White 10,Wbito Honey 60, Liavecneyer &Elder's (loam. other grades from 4tiaso. RlCE—Carolina Choice , 91, prime 9/, good 9. Rangoon Ba9l. Paths F 1419. SPICES—Grain Pepper 24. do Pimen to 16, Casale 50, Cloves 25, Nutmegs $1.25. HAY is firmer In equisevietice of di liiinlahed receipts, bat ail yet riceirare not quotably higherk baled on wharf and tracklt26as32. as to fluidity. HOMINY is quoted at 14.50 bbl to the trade and 475645. MAPLE SYRUP is still qu i eted atsl.4s 41.50 Vigalkill Jug. OILS—No. 1 extra lard oil la quoted In &Jobbing. *ay at, 78a80, and No. 2 at 60 to 62 POTATOEFL—The receipts continue liberal and the market is generally re ported dull and drooping, sales at 65a70 VI bushel, and prime at 75a80. PEA NUTS 809 eta lb. PROVISIONS—PIain shoulders °eta, sugar cuebd do B.3ta, ribbed , shiest 7&c, short rib flc., Clear - Breakfast bayou 'Walk, plain sugar cured hams do canvassed 12. Lard in tierces 9}, kegs 10h In buckets IL Mess Pork $l4 50, Dried beef 17}, Ham sausage 10. RAGS---sales at Satio lb. SALT—Is still quoted at $1 85 , per bbl by the car load. and tint a jobbing way. SEEDS--There is sail more inquiry for both-Cloverr: Timothy sped. amreprtuslnanalkao 6 462sw $8,50 fo o the forma and, $3,25 to $3. 5 0 for the latter. Flaxseed $1.90 and scarce. TALLOW—Rough Qat/cis. WHlSKY—lLlghwinea unchanged at 90 to 92 Narrow Escape, From . Ing.—A son aged some tea year!, of Mrs. Margaret Taylor. of thus OWN fell from a raft in Sharon Mat week, and af for 6eing In the water about eight min utes, was resuscitated with greatdlffieul. ty. For a long time little hope was en tertained for bis recovery.. Dr. Blaine of BEWver happened to be near at the time, and took charge of the case. 'rho little follow has about recovered again. a NEW BRIG ETON' GUAM coauctgn By. wivion Width Wheat, $1 SO Red Wheat, 110 Rye. - . . _ - so Cure, 65 Oats. •- . 50 Buckwheat. - .. - -: ~ - 85 --- - MARRIED. iiNOLE—ItICKARD.—On Tuesday eve- Mug, May 7. at thee mideace of the bride's mother, by Rev 4. L. Grimes, Mr. George M. - Engle, of Industry. MM Alice A. Rickard, of AI- Bailee, 0. (Beaver papers please copy. A B DLL L—DAVIDSON.—By Rev. John H. Aughe,y, May 91. 1872, In Wam pum, Mr. J. D. Abdill to Miss Mary E. Davidson. New Advertisemeliis. A.sOignee'si Notice. PunkB interested are heel notified that Ms dreg and anal account , of John Gneteng. ntaibtheo of J. Iljhence ender and virtue al, an medicament Milk and executed by the said J. it. Deuce Tor the benelt cable creditor*. has been tiled in the ogles' of the Prothonotary of the con of CooliziOd Mill or Wawa cuunito r allow and will, unless cause be then shown against Its C infirmities:, be allowed by the said Cannon the unit day ot next teat. myth 'Mao.) CAUCilart. Prolh'y. LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL At June Term, 181 • Unbent' , Marker et al. vs. C. tt P. H. IL Co. D. H. McKean John C. Wilson Hobert Martin ben) Chew** amain" WWl= Jenkins. Matthew buscey '- Chas W. &bunt et. al P. II !Sterol:mon - Henry Cowan. Conrad Br own Henry It Y pole. Samuel McCocaughey Juhu tirmblng et al. I'. W. Anderson Henricils Lena/tilt', U. L. Anderstm - T. A. Solon d at. W. W. Puoltle John Unablng et as. •obn Megrim John Wedded et at. Winn, Dobson dr Traz ••• Kooken 6 Hrobeek. Hann Witham *. John Carey et at. Jacunalatn, a enc. Jan.ea Porter. Joann' Calvin J. G. cala John B. Levi* -• Wm P. Barnes. John Baton - A. J. Feint. myls;te..) JUUN CAUGHEY, Prof/Vv. _ - Orphans' Court Notice VOTteg is hereby given that the Anal account it Robert Unbent,' executor of the taut wlll and teetameut of Franctil Fair, deceased, hes been died in the fence of the Clerk ut tutul Court. And will be presestked to said Cyan for continuation cud &Hummer, on the nut thy of June term A. LP JOHN C. AART, Uert uut4tc.) Itewiister'ss Notieems. (YriCE is hereby giveu that the following ete - /I among of lf.iecuturr, Autuntistratunt, Unarm. inns &C. bare been duly passed In the iteglater'• office at ileum Pa.. al/.t will be presented to the Urpha Court to lie held at dear er, county of !Scarce, ea. ou the 17th di, of June, lered, for eau artztatioo tout stiolliajlOC: ACCUUM. of Ttlolll. Jaeli,l3oo, Guarillau of Marza ret J. Jackson minor ctdld of Mardare, deed. Account of J. L. Pyle, Ouarellen of Joh:. S ver, minor. thtldOi Joeu Sbriver, Final account of Wm. L. Itsyl, Administrator of Noble Rayi. decd • Final account- of E. M. Power, Administrator of We eStatc of William tieonedy, dec'd. Final account of Robt. tiorsuch jr..6 William Ruud, Ezectitom of /WM. liumucti t dec'dt Account of John Grietnng sr., lluardhan of Sts pbrunia Mclinight inuw Suptinunia tits binyf.) Account ul W.ll. Frazier, (Martian ul Eva MC. Eanton run Vianus McKibbin (now Stewart) ml uto children of Jane N. McKtboin, deed. Float ',carom of dames Tbompeou War. !lock, lixeculure of the will of Iliwict Waiworri. deu.d. Final account of Agnew Goff, Guardian of Rob ert Stinson, minor, sun of Upbert 'Stinson dee'd. Account of David Patten esp., Rseentor of Um wid of Robert Temple, dee'd. Au °Mit of Leander .111cVaitley. Otuirdlan of - Biome B. Andrews, minor child old. P. Andrews, decd. Accdant at David Idilter, Gaanttan - Or Retry minor child of lltutiael Miller dised. • Final act:clout of George W. 'Proudler, Ifieentoe • of the will of George Pr.nidley. deed. Account of W Glenn Calls. litilldiaD of Sarah. Martin (now,- llerzog) minor child of U. jilerthi deed. !quill account or Scott Mitchell, Executor of Jamee A. dolmettni, deed. Accounts of Peter (Yowl, Guardian of Jurriph. &alumni P.. James A. & Ahniham L Pastrailiiht. minor children ul Bernard irpiliaug,ht, deed. accutrut (real )of Joseph Wallace & Ar thur Shields, Asacuturs of Jamesllcileury, decd. Pima account of Arthur stueide, Adruluntrator of tria•estate of Samuel McHenry, dee'd. • Acclimate! of J. B. brown, Administrator of the estate of Alexander Brown, decd. Account of Win. Bice Guardian of Elizabeth A. Bhuebrooka. minor child of John laboebrooka. deed. Aaremit, of Jacob Tonna. Guardian of Mullah Toon, minor child of Jacob Yonn_g ar., dced. Final strocuit of Nathan ifozim.Lsming of the will ofJoiegul . N. McDanelidetfd Final accoutd.u( 'John Dodds, guardian of Margaret Moore and Mary 11. Worded tfiirmerly Moore) 'dinar children of James Moore deed. Account. of Conran 'Stamm, Guardian of Agnes Thomas, minor child of Andrew Thomas dre d. Acapuut urthontits nigger, Executor ut Thus. Nicholson. deed, rho VOW Executor of John Wetherepouu. need. Accounted' ftenbiii WatCesq.: Executor ur the wit! of Robert Calvin deed. Account of Samuel Burns, Guardian of Marga ret Shane% minor Child tifilattblaushanat, dee'd Account of Samuel' Barns, Guardian o(• David and Simplon Shaper, minor children of Matthias burner, deceased.. Accounts of Baoinel B. Wilson, earl_ Guardian of the estate in Pt•nrisylratna of Ales. Rufus anu John ltainmey Niblo, minor children of Alexande , Nano. decanted. Accouots of Sara. B. Wilton, erg . Guardian .f Mary and Elvtra Russell, minor ctiodreu of It. W. hu.seo, deceased. Account of David W. Scott, Executor of Sarah Irons, deceased. Account of John S. if calhaney, Guazdtan of Wilt am L. Holmes, mtnot eOO UI Nancy Holmes, dreeascd. D. SINGLETON. Rea r. cus 15. tr Rochester Insurance Company. ELECTION OF DISE,TOBS. Tlll, Governor of Commonwealth harlot, by letters patent under Ins hand and seal of butte, createtr and eieCted the anbacrthers to Um (Aimed stuck uf the Rochester insurance Cumpairy tutu a hotly poilttc, and corporate In (teed and lu tar, 21 , L.t..ce as hereby itiventisat the neat etectiun us twelve Directors to outings the affairs uf bald utUyaLy. will be held at Speyerer & McDonald's Rau., In the borough of Rochester, Namur county, Yn ,on Monday, we 'nth day ul May, A. D. tals, netw,en me hunts of 10 a. tn. and 2p. m. At u. 4 ciection the Yule* 01 the stuckhuldes• shall by by b.. 1101., each abate of clock not emzvedun ten ha lug uue vote, and every dye •114fe.s , liver tee, one IlUaluonni vote. George C. Speyerer, Juno Conway, Junu V. Yicalunaid, Erilviartl Ketues, Luau schntder, Jozob Wilek, ji., Juan lineOtug, I tn. huuuruy. Jahn Dlypuiu, zmin b., 115.1.1. bilvels_mli, U. 4. byryerur. J K. Buchanan, Das.lel ISI l LK, ' o.Mll3listi4 . ll re M . t+. ltua, William It.pudre A.ppruitoement THE tultooing apprabements under the act ul ly 413014 W to April, 1107, of propel ', *nursed iv be retained ny Cho w iduv or child ren ui a decedent to the yaltle urs3uu, twin bob flied lu tile Lace of Me Clerk ut iW Orpbaus' thrall and cuultruord ni.l, via: Persowil property to theawourit ofillSOU. retain ed by winos. w Hobert Ferguson, del:eased; H H. Hoopes, eareutur. Persona' property to the amount of ;143.95 re• rained by arlduw isi Arr.lithald ttuocrteutt. uire'd.; b. Lt. WLaub, athalwatriatur. - • Personal property to the amount et 1239.55 re tained by widow of John S. Herron. clece.raed ; Jouis Shout a. administrator. Personal psupeity to the amount of 131.10 retain Amu* A. Trine. (Untamed ; Morn,' Prke and Charles Price. jr„ adannlstrators. Personal property to pre *mangle of s3ll retain ed by widow of William blocerer, deceased ; - Julin lents. administrator. Notice le hereby given to hors, legatees, and distributor's, and ell others interested, to appear at the next terta ui raid Court uut later than the third day tit being the 10th day 'of .3 nue, 1811..) to Ada' cause, it any, they haya against the anal Soulrtuat lon 01 the above appraltetneute in, iktc.) JOHN C. LIMIT, Clerk N 1 E D I . 1 C E L LAP SE WING MACHINE . MEW pia.A.vir I,OCIC. STITCH. There ire some points to a sewing machine that ladles desniag to purchase. ehouU take heto. , consideration,'namel;: - Ltghtness of rountng. Ease of Management, •Cansclty to do the wort required, Freedom from Note,-and Non-Liabillty to get out of outer_ Weclaim that the IMPROVEIYELLIPTIC pos— sesses all these points. and that it Is /.. THE VEEN BEST FAMILY MACHIN - 0 NOW . MANUFAOTUREA And we &Gilgit an exandnatlim et it Afrntw wanted in every tonniy, to whom we will the.,_ most liberal terms. $ll 4lllll l 19 Fifth ArewPfttsbarg. POL ALL LL the Payers from Bohai to Calltorof a mo m t beetut wo os i k t. e toi rgr pab tratertouitwasinoii.nodrerse cA Scb . rr .11 Et. Every ilorwsow-er's Cyclopedia. Etc potty taint subsc ed and-bound. with nese!? NO usa Milane. y o g i / onny by ription. Agents w anted inn ev ery co unt r 111 the LOOM- World term t. Send ibr I,9reemes. IFOBTEIt ItCOATII3. • any ts;itri , Publishers. Phlladelph ta. Pa. VV . .vv.IESA.II.I-K*.ikit. - (SticCOOSOT to Barter & Baseltinr,) Witglat/ALAI AND BSTA/L 111 CEROMO LITROGRAIIIS, Seirdetegl WADSWPM: Rain ant/ -:ored, TograPAC /The•Pertoltte. Neutrino 0 .nd Picture Frames of ill kinds. JR Firm Avenue • 1.3 dame above Smithfield SLlPlttsburgh, Pe. Intently New 44v orpluau'a Coul.t Sale. Valuable Merl in Mow Nrolla Blf virtue of an order of the Oiphans' Court of Beaver county. the undtesigged admintstra toe of liagaak Marsden. deceased. win expiate to public sale, on the pormitee. on Monday. Arse 10th, ;Mat one o'clock, p. m.. the following des cribed reel estate. viz: A certain kit Of ground situate to the borough tf Glasgow. county of Bo rer and State or renvolaritais. being portico. of tot No. 19 in the plan of sald.borough. bailor a width °reboot 48 feet ou Front street, and exten ding beck therefrom 103 feet to Union lane; wherein are erected a Large Terceltory Brick Bowie captaining 10 rooms, with good cellar on derneath ; a Frame Btable, and other °catholic!• tat*: there being also an excellent well of Water TWalter. B.—One th.rd of the parches. money in hand on the confirmation of the sale by the Court, and the remainder in two equal snunal Install ments feom the data of such confirmation, with legal intern -t thereon from the same time. COUTO. Adorisistrotee, mayiti,lw.) Boundeville, West Va. . IVOTICE.—AII persons are hereby notified not L'a to purchase a note drawn by me br one hun dred and fifty dollars. payable In Almost, 18711. In favor or Stevenson £ Wlttish. set never reasived value for it, and am determined not to pay said note. SETH M WELSH. _rnaytt3w* 'Deport of the condition of the Nattonal Bank of Beaver County, New Eirfghton, Pa., et the ekaa of bnalncee on the 19th day of April 1874: RESOURCES Luaus ....... ...inn 608 18 Over .1 raftr. 7. —..- . . J5ll U. S. Bauch to secure elreulatic‘n 13.1.000 OD U.S. Sind, and 'scuttles tui band 15.000 00 Due from National Banius_. 1.2 3 t 47 Due tram State Banks sad Banners_ .. 53 15 Booking Haase 14.374 5$ Fan Allure EA Fli.inres.. ..... .... .... taro 48 Corieat expeues....... ......... ...... 1.:51 51 Taxes paid t.ltra la Cub !teals—Stamps GOD 00 BIU* of other National Batika Mel 00 FraetlonalCurrearey (laelodlng Nickel.) OM t'l specie— . . ... .....,...... ..... .... 3413 4.10 Legal Tender Noi.e; A.. . 143.4'70 00 I.IMDLITIVJ. Capital Stock ....... ....-- . --Mk t= W Butpius Vend. -- - - ....... --•-•• •• • • 21 J /15 " Discount . 3.231 07 Bsctstngv ... . 'LW V inictest. .. 15 iti Pratt' sod Loss 401 09 Preemlotos 1.427 70 Nattotod Bark OZ OD Dhrttleods 1.216 P 4 Individital Deposits 42.810 MI Doe to National Blotto kW) 16 Doe to State Bioko sort Rankers 1.5,173 75 jr • SlaTi Or REEXIIITLYMILII. i _ couss* or ar.aven. C "'• no, I I. Edward I no, Cashier of the National Bank of Deliver C 3 .' .do solemnly &Mem that the above statement time. to the best of my knowl edge and belief. -IICDWARD 1100 PS, Cashier. Subscribed before me this, Ist day of May, hr 2. MILTON TOWN§IIND. Notaat Public. Correct: Attest— BEND. WILDE, JOHN STILES. /G. S. DARKER maYBi3w.) • Directors. . GRAND CONCERT CITY X3AL.7LALis PITTS "ITIIGH, PA.,; ilex °llffr 18 4 4. $30,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY , TO BE GIVEN AWAY. 300 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS AT WALE STATION. At con 'union of the concert. the Manager will distribute VO beautiful Building Lots to the ticket holders In the usual manner. but honestly and *partial ly. These lots belong to Mr. it. Gilliland, of Pius burgh, Pa.. whose title to the same is lodisputa ble„Mid being situated convetdest to the city, will make excellent and piessar.t homes for the work ingman and mechanic. These lots are increasing , in vahsedally. A rich six-feet vein of Bituminous Coal underlies this property. A coat hank ls open and in good working order. Tide bank, which glees full access to the coal underneath, will be given away with the Lot on which tt to situated. The coal, valued at 11% cents a bushel. is worth $lO4OO. • A seat Frame Cottage Rouse ip also on this property, and_ with the outbuildings will be given away Wilhite lots upon which It is built. Oakdale is a well lmoerp. thriving and prosperous lown,and at present contains an Acadeloy„Female College. Malt Beane, Post Oftoa, Express Office, and a large number oftwodsome dwelling houses, acid eaten altogether lea desirable place for in dustrions working men to settle. Ctrs Palawan.—To the getter up ofa club of thirty a handsomellilver Watch will be given. Tu the getter up of a club of 10. five tickets will be given. To the getter up of a clad of 10, two tick ets will be given. To the getter op of a club of 6, one [icing will be given. The -following named gentlemen, well-known *id tarot:cinema *Shama of Pittsburgh and ACerbe -1111 Mlles. Ore wrath ted es to refer to them. They OW Touch nos the honesty.and tntogrity of the enterprise: Bon. Jas. Blackmove. Mayor of Pitts h. and President of the Mechanic's Savings Biz, Beni. Silverly, State Printer. It. Munson Porten, Editor and Publisher of the Weekly Mirror.. Allegliony City , Pa.: Colonel Semi. Ell gore. County Treasurer. As to title to said prop erty. refer to If. S. Floyd, Attorney at Law, 69 GEOTOGE IL SHANAFELT, Gen. Manager. 70 whom ill entoninntustions must be addressed General Once, T 2 Third Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pe11.0136 remitting money must send by Regis tered Letter or P. 0. Order. myEtAsr. Black-and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. LS9 SMITUFIELD ST. Four doom above Sixth Ave. I:11 Optical and Fancy Goods, tfcc. PITTSBURGH . , PA. FINE WATCH REPAIRING Please cut this advertisement out and bring it with you. jel4tv LOOK HERE . Q. 'miss AND SUMMER GOODS. —The O undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that be has just received a new stock of goods of the latent styles fat Spring and Stammer wear ,which be offers at very moderat rates. GE.NTLEX3NS' Fuirmsrmva GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing made to order on the shortest mattes. 'ankful to the public fur Past favors, I hope by doie attention to business to merit a contitin axes of the same. DANIEL MILLER, ireiPoz BT.. BRIDGEWATER. PA isms 24:11 no la The B est for All Purposes, More easily managed, more durable, and runs lighter than any' Machine in the market: easily cleaned and kept in order; large bobbins, holds twice as much thread as any other shuttle. Lock-Stitch, alike' on both sides.; self-adjusting tension. • Justly , Popular. From the first the " DOMESTIC" has rapidly increased in popularity, until to. day, in the Oinion of all experienced Sewing Machine men, it stands forth 'pip :`, l • ZAI WW/F416 Nu illi a. al It is,enining favor much faster than any otherlfachtne heretofore presented to the •publie, i which can he seen from Its increas ed sales last yeu over the preceding, being OVER FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT No Machine is increasing its sales and gaining public favor as rapidly as the "JDOMMe r rIC. " , THIS IS IN CONSEQUENCE OF ITS S....TYPErRIO-Ra r rY WM. ROBERTSON, Agent, Beaver Fall, Pa. Call and examine the machine. Feb. 21; 2m. DEMMLER BROTHERS. No 120 P3nittLhfleld St.. PITTSBURGH, PA., De l Manna rent of Tin, Copper, and heet Iron Ware, And e ra In CIITLERY and ROUSE UIgIiTISHLVG 000ps Hare Constantly on hatt a very large stock of Crows' ma and Spite Candles, lee Cream Freacre, Ice Club, Wafer Coolers, Clothes Wristorrs,Btrd Proprietors of the Celebrated rA t TEXT ADJUSTABLE STOVE SIIELVES Wholesale sod Retail. PLUCKS LOW. apelh4ss 10401 &:t.ol.A6fertisemepts; What Is ibis Gland Specific for dyspepst,, qua bubbling, rparkLing, cooling. parifying, regn. biting tj , l . Zs they call 7arrustra .Verreseent Scatter 4 t / Weil. it la almply the rActittall fat of the Seltzer Sietig Water, whiet k for lOU years has been accounted the driest Cathartic sod A Iter.ttre Jo all Swope. SOLD BY ALL, DRUGGISTS. atai.L4w. Tug ONLY GENERAL ACCIDENT" Imagines Coisspassy Gs - Aushrica, writing Accident Policies by the month or year, is the TRAVELERSasures flusnr.,... al., in mee o trades. oecupattoss, tad profession, tit rates wttb- e wttpla the means of all. TUE TRAVEL/MS also walks policies of life sad endowment NSURANCE : , :d a m II . ustudpiefornase., Curtly and modorde . coat under a Delicate contract. Premium system Is the figtorlte Low Rate, All Cash, Stock Plan; No other COMPANT:::":ewur"I,"".".' money In benefits to Its Policy-holden. Cub Alicia, nearly two Millions. Cheap Farms: Free Homes! UNION us TUC A LAND GRANT OT 12,000,000 ACRES4' swami 0 LW TUC DEBT FARM & BIIDIERAL LANDS in AMERICA. 3.000.000 Aeries in I%isstoramilk. MIZE: GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, The Grai - den off.he Wekt, NOW 1 1 0 a SALE! These lends are In the central portion of the United States, on the 41st degree of North. fact- Lade, the central line of tte great Temperate Zoue of rke American Corinnent, and for grain growingt, and stuck raising unsurpassed by any to the Uni ted States. CHEAPER IN PRICE. more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found e:sewhere. rids DOMEDTDADI Toe ACTEIII. The beet Locations for Monies, Soldiers endued to a Homestead of lad Acres Pre( Ames to Porcluvere Land. Send for the new descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, published in En_gflah, clerrann, Swe dish, and Danish, mailed !Fos everywhere. Ad dress. 0. F. DAVIS Land Commissioner, U. P. Li. S. Co., Amapa. Neb. e4OO.VM 49 Extraordinary Improvements IN CABINET ORGANS. The Mason & Hamlin Organ Ca. respectfully announce the Introduction of improvements- of much more than ordinary Interest. These are Heed and Pipe Cabinet Organ's, being the only successful combination of HEAL YIPBS with reeds ever made' Dare Transposing 'Key..n oaeda which can be Instantly Moved to the right or left, changing the pitch, or transpoain* the key. Fur Drawings and lkscri,plione. see Circular. New and Elegant iSYyteg qj Double- Reed Cabinet Organs, at Sint in3Satl EfZeach. Con Briny Capacity, Etegarthe and thorough Bred:awe of Workman-. ship. these are cheapes than any before offered. The Mason d Hamlin Organs are aeknawkalged BEST, and from extraordinary facilities for man ufacture. this Company can afford, and NOW UM dertate to sell at prices which render them I.4NQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four octave Origins, itso each; Five Octave Or gans Sigu, $125 and epwitids. Forty styles, up to $l3OO each. New illustrated Catalogue, and Testimonial Circular, yak opinions of inure than one thousand musicians, gent free. MANOY & HAMLIN °M OAN CO., IS: Tremont St., Barton. Mill Broadway New York. sprS4;4w Portable Soda Fountains, $4O 050. $75 and $lOO. GOOD,DURABLE AND CHEAP ! Shipped Ready for Use. , J. W. CHAN= S 74, Co ED Madison Ind. or • D FCIIS CIIICULAR THE MORMON WIFE. Now-is the time for Agents to secure territory for this thrilling and tearless book. It comprises the Adventures and Experience of a woman wriaen by hereof—kir years the wife of a Mormon Pro,itiet—oisslosing all that is mysterious, wicked and startling, abounding in thrilling adventure, humoious and pathetic scenes—We most Lascina• ting book extant. Steel portraits of the Author ess, portraits ufleading,liormous, both men and women. Idle and Scenes to etc, bold only by... Agents. For circulars address I.IARTFORD litiELlatllNt; CO.. north rd. Conn. apr4.4-4w. WANTED. A competent. Agent to thutvass and take charge. In • portion of Yens; of the sale -of a rapidly-eat* tug book, by the most eminent author In the COF, ted States, and indispensable to the correct trans-% action of every kind of business. Agents sell from to to WO pet week. Liberal Salary gleen,tf desired. and permanent business. S. S. SCRAN TON .e Cu., Hartford, Conn. ' THE =IAN. rAer mon_th r lull 01 lueldeins, pros/deuces. mole / ICA' 9 , , true stories for young, old, saints kinitnuerr‘ No sectarianism, controversy. pulitleal, pan. Inll- - or patent medtcuses. Csg cents a year. 10 cppies„ $5. Send 10 cents for imps papers before, you. Cx , ' get. Little (lltristlarklltbpiestsl. IL L: INGS, Tract Ite.postrieir I.indall otteet,Baitina Mass_ apr.ll-4w. SOMETHING -%.hlV FOR AGENTS. Agents wilo want to make money can sell nothing so rapidly as our new S. neautitui steel engraving THE MOTHER. OF OUR LORD. It to the rinext a übject ever engraved, and SUR , prirrs every behoider with its vrundroua beauty. Size nalik iu. Price V 2.54.1, Highly endorsed by leading Divines of aii aenottitnattons; Uinta who dud that "Books go hard," can make $lO per day with this splendid work of art Male and femur Agents wanted. Write for circulars to WuRTIIINCITON, DUSTIN & CO., Hartford, Ct. aneorpo Columbia Fire In OFFICERSAN S. S. Detwiler. Pres't. U. Wilson, Vice Prev't. lierbert Thomas, 'Cress. J. P. Frueatar, Sec y J. B. Bechmsa, George Bogle, MOM 1 113116NSE SUCCESS.—Agents Wanted, male or female. In every county in ft Called Stairs and Canada a, to sett uut,new and most use ful Patent; from oue to six used tuevery fam ily. MO per cent. 6ntaranttmd. For sample* slid terms, Incluse ten cents and address FNMA:SUN CU., 645 itiver Street, Troy,N. Y. RARE CHANCE FOR AGENTS! Agents, we will pay you $4O per week in cash It you will engecze scull us AT ONCE. RVelYthllla Curui.hetL 'nut expeuses paid. Address F. A. ELLS.S, CO., Charlotte, Mich AGENTS Wauted.—Agents make mute muney at Work lur ne than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. U. &t. Cu., Fitid Art Put list/err, Port land. Marne. . U. Co PLANO Co., N. Y. PRICE ..29 aj 0 . No Agents. Circulars free. 11) For arTietieol g4ad7ll - leedieg, Itching; or Uleenned. Piles that DR BlNti'S Ilk Remedy fa% to care. It La pre. pared expre, , aly to cure the I'llos, and nothing else. Sold by alidruggists. Price, $l.OO. spra4;4w QTAMMERIMG.—Dre. White ,4 Oatmatt, ch ay.. Sew York. Reterenceotrom amyl:men In tills city. Nu pay until cond. Saud for Cir cular. GBEAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful kr.owledge to all. fleet free for two stamps. Address Dr. BorriPstrer & Co.. Me.WWI, Ohio. TRTrp FOR $l. Salts Magnetic 7lme-keeper IJltand Indicator. Indispenstble to every TlMEtraveler, trader, boy, farmer. and for EVERYBODY In need of a reliable time keeper. Usual swatch size, steel wort, glass crystal. in neat °ROWE case, WAARANTID to de note correct time for two years. 2roalag l/le 1,000 sold weekly. This valuable article. in nest use, wilt be sent, prepakl, anywhere. for $1 ; 3 for 12. Try one. Circulars CO.. Order only from the sole Agents. P. KING O Brattleboro. Vt. Literature, Art and . Song to the beillidling book ever offered. ft combine. the humor of anmxl4 the wisilom of may. the Information of his and biography, the ew er*. Dees and grandeur o poetry. the exentsite charm of music, and 400 beautiful Ilhastretlons. "Solid 'reading for graver momenta; pleasant pictures to Iltuutoe quiet hours, aorlgents of sorqg tur the social ctrcle."- An Agent writes. "So d 197 Conies this week. Will sell 5W this mouth easily." . • Our new system of eancassing does sway with objections to the. baloney's. Particalars tree. A vsluable present to every new Agent. - international Publishing Co.. 93 and 95 Lawny Street, New York. M ow/AN/MEIN . NATHAN Moaawairsaa* MORGANIFERNIAO 2 111pol:ruts AND Jonairas tor F A NCY Aboris, NOTIONS * , . Foreign & Domestic Rosier,' WHITE . GOODS, dta, 78 and 80 Market Street! aprlO 3m] PITTSBURGH. P. apTek4a► • led 18604 surance Company. DIRECTORS: Hobert Crane, William Patton, James Selguedar, J. S. Striae, / M. M. Strickler. K. T. Ryon/ addreal: :AIM*, Columbia, Pa. REWARD A DENTS FIND CI