The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 08, 1872, Image 4
111 AfISCELLANY• SEEECT Senisiltafte 11 1 Pewurvation •r a Suntan Body. , tF rou ,6. Pitt, Trce VNatpc:ktan.) Thb bmy ofbirs. Young, who died of chillers in this cityin the summer of 1854, was exhumed onNednesday last by andertaker John 'l\ Hinton, and taken in his hearse to Mt. Stet ling, where the deceased resided pre vioug to her removal to Paris. At the time of her death Mrs. Young was landlady of the hotel now kept by John 'Griffith. Two or three weeks after her interment the family of the deceased Went back to Att.eiter ling% and as she was buried in the strangers' lot, her grave was neglect ed and the mound almost levered wit:}} ; the common earth, so that when the two daughters came last week to we the removal, there was some doubt at ki whether they had found the right grave, but they said they could tell if it was their mother, wheo the coffin was opened, by a pairof crerent-shaped earrings, and the :work of exhumation was com menced. • Wfien the burial case was brought to tilt surface the plate covering the atc=_ Was tab n off, and the daugh ters,::Who expected % to behold noth ing :Fut a ske!eton, recognized the feattd.r.N of their 'mother as natural wi when the coffinlid hid them...from view'; with the exeeption of a slight yellOv discoloration mid winftipg of the !eyes. The wreath of flamers upon" the bosom tanked dulte fresh, hut had a yellow tinge: the roaebuds in htiir hair had not fallen from the part stem. R4pid Rebuilding of Chicago. The Chtettigo Landowner sot's the but* district now presents a scene that the world will probably never again witness. Five square miles of city blocks rising brick by brick, stage by stone, as if by some unseen mighty creative power. The seared ruhlw , .aregrowieg)esa visible every day, for fheyaWunSightly*iadtlir-c cago does not care to show teem: - 0" stranger, come quickly 1 .. or only the legends of the great coadagrat ion will .remain, Are the heroes of history alone to. enjoy the immortality of taw& There area thousand persons in Chicago to-day who, seven months ago, saw their cherished hopes per ish in the flames; saw their 14 . n h right, as it were, torn from thew. They'd!d not whine. The dirt not invoke the aid - of the gods. They rolled up thatr-sieeves.and want at It, AC we have it in our good old Anglo gct.Xon. Chicago made no faces at fete. Her men are heroes, beside whom the famous characters of his tory are tame. eleven months from the fire and our docks are -crowded with shipping, our granaries are full to overflowing. our merchants—a large number of them—are located In new and cona= mod i ous buildings, others are in tem porary quarters, but well located for trade and they are doing business.— More goods are being'sold in Chicago this spring than ever before. The prospects are bright, even Two ye.srs from date the census will give us half a million of inhabitants. it you dq pot believe it, go to the de pot on the arrival of anY train and see the , new corners who have deter mined to cast their lots here and grow up with the new city They are men and women of enterprise, and will succeed. •- - - Dlfienvery of a 'Submerged City . During the heavy gales which pre vailed last tall, the tide, on one oc vasionssays the St. Augustine, Flori da, Press, of April 13th, was driven so low in the North river that a re markable discovery was made. About seven mlleia North of St. Au tsustlna the West shore of North river, the remains of an ancient city were disclosed. Several wells, walled in-with coquina, are now visible, un der water, but the foundation of the house can only be Mt with a pole. 08 the occasion of the discovery, it, gale had prevailed fol four or five , days teat the North, driving the water put of the river to an extent never before known. Further investiga tion have brought to,light a coquina quarry on this site; and, what is the most remarkable, the quarry is in the midst of a great hammock, and which..any one can see now by taking the trOubie to no there. The rock is of a quality equal to any on Anasta eta Island, and the quarry has been ex tensivOy tLsed, doubtloss for the purpuffMildltig this city, or set tilement—for one or the other it cer tainty was, “That's 114)4.” After a great snow-storm. n little fellow began to shovel a path through a large snow-bank before his grand mother's door. Ile had nothing but a small shovel to work with. "How do you expect to get through that drift?" asked u man passing along. " \IV iteepiue at it," said the boy, cheerfully t"that's how !" That is thes.Neret of masteciag al most every 'difficulty under the sun. If a hard task is before you, stick to it. Do not keep thinking how large or. hard i,t is; but gel at it,' and little by little it will grow stualler.until it is done. If a hard icon is to be learned, do pot spend a moment in fretting; di) t►ot lose breath in saying, "I can't" ' or "I do not see how;" hut go at it and keep at it—study. That Li the only way to conquer it. If a fault is cured or a habit broken up, it cannot be done by merely be. ing sorry, or only trying a little.— You must keep fighting until, t is got rid of, The Ittlikeovery or Great 141414 The Cincinnati: InOiirox says: A party of beaver trappers who fisetrid ed the Niissouri with Heavy and Ashley fo.upd thecose-twe in pursuit pf thelA , OcCup.ation on Bear river, to cache. for willow) valley, where they wintered in the winter of 1824- 2(1, and In discussing the course Bear river ran, alit was made between two of the party, and James Bridger (who is still alive) was selected to follow the eourse of the river end de termine the bet.. This took him to where the river paves through the dAountaktis, and he discovered the Great Stilt Luke. Ile went to its mar gin aatl tasted the water, and on his return reported his discovery. The fact of the water being salt indu44l the belief that it was an arm of the Pacific Ocean. In the sprink4Clkklra four rnen went lfi 510. n bcg ak. aroAnd it to discover if any stream con:Win ing belga. were to be found erapty- Orittio it, but returned without suc cess. S k igetiteallt. In .thlee.days of corrupt elections and „hetof-box stuffing. It Is grutify ing to be able to record one instance where the true outspeaking of the popular voice was not and could not be tampered with. TheChiesgo Re lief Committee which undertoook to furnish sewing machines to persons needing them, have reported that they supplied 2,427 rnachines,against 517 of all other kinds. It will thus be seen that the admirers of the Sin ger were five to one against those choosing other machines. This it an untrilitakable majority, and one which cannot fail to be of public in te'rest. The agents in Pittsburgh, Mgrs, Straw & Morton. of No 24 Stith street, have always a good stock on hand of this popular machine. Via- The New York Times rya of Amadeus: "It is probable that no better choke could have been made by General . Prim when he gave a Ring to Spain than the young Ital ian Prince. At all events, now that he is the lawful Kiug of Spain, there is no reason to suppose thatanything c ould be gained by his overthrow. The friends of good government and anew and order should, therekm, wait King Amadeus all slimes.% in suppressing the turbulent factions who are perpetually fomenting dis order in Spain." MELANGE. 11111-A Monteviedo letter saysProll Agatetz and several of his party were arrested there by an officer, Who thought he had d iscovered an evil in tent because they were filling heir pockets with piecesof rock. MI were taken to the guar d.h o use,tut soon re lensed. s@-There occurred recently, in a Western town, a very atrange freak of lightning. It entered a house at the bottom and made a total wreck of everything in it except a family oral.: persons, who, strange to say, eAcaped without injury. Even the lamp-burners were torn to pieces. The house was spread apart so that the rafters fell through, and the very hefts In which the families weresleep ing were torn to pieces. egt... A telegram (ntm Parkenihurg, W. Va., of Z-N1 ult., states that an en: gine attached to a way freight with passenger and pay ear connected. leo ing east from that place exploded her holler near Walker's station. ailtine Milton Parker, engineer, and injur ing Mike Eagan, severely that he died a few hours afterwards. The hoiler was thrown thrieticalred and fitly feet into Walker' Creek.— Three yam were thrown into the creek on one side of the trank, while the tender and running gear of the engine lies on the opposite side. &V" A traveler in Paris, having (*region torn haircutter, sent for one. At the appointed time an elegantly attired person arrived, and the gen tleman sat down before his dressing glue fo prepare for the operation t . The man wsiked round his -"eitent" once or twio4, and finally, taking his stand at some distance, attentively scrutinized the gentleman's face with the air of a connoisseur looking at a picture. "Well." said the traveler, impatiently. "when are you going to begin P"' "Pardon me, sir," was the polite reply, 1 -in not the operator, but the physingnomist r' "Adol "Phel7-ftViet*ltMtilinttnsteeYes.l-and. apron hiirbeiietiferifit Trent ltioltall; , - "a la, Virgil !" "With (his'. laconic directionas to tknottiodal alter} which the Ontlemaset. hair was Lobe ar ranged, the-nelist retired. itt7R.... A Naples telegram of last week ors : A sound as of thunder ac companies discharges front Mount Vesuviu.s. The wind is alogetng in this direction to-day, -cnrrying dense clouds of smoke and ashes over the city. Ashes are falling in the atteets like snow and has already retched a depth of two or three inches. The rumbling inside the volcano contin ues, hut no fresh craters have "petted and the lava has ceased Sewing. A later telegram says.: Shntrers of sand have succeeded the rain of ashes which was falling this morning. The eruption is now S i efrpinpaglild by fear ful electric phetiontena. Lightning darts inceselnetty from these-m:loft of the volcwiu and quakings or the mount em are more violent and fre quent. Tice thunder is continuous. Burning cinders. stone:l ,- 7mq acorhe are falling fast and thick In the town of Name tie Stamen. which is entirely destroyed. Siiir The Mormon Conference at Salt Lakeirity on Sunday was at tended by eight thousand persons in cluding a large nutnher of Gentiles. Brigham Youmwdiscoursed fdleogth. thanking God that he was permittrd to he with his people again. He hoped the time would came when he would havenn opportunity before a court of justice of proving the falsity of the charges umlaut him. He de fied all the peopinot the world to show anv sin against hie moral char acter. He wits Clad neither he nor his brethren had the power of Glad. us they tolght be led to destroy all their enemies: They should demand from those who had been prfwectittuir them all the page rii connected wrth ewes, that penterity might know who their piceteeutors were. He I i 4 t ak isett the "Deputy Marshal whistled tiotnre. denounced the taw kyeek scolded the saints who had not paid their tithing promptly, and Il i natty closed the conference with his blessing. BUIP - The etirlist uprisirw in Spain. while it has assumed no more deft nite nor formidable shape. is giving evidence of vitality by sharp skir mishes, - in which the insurgents are reported to have Len roiled in all instances by the warriors of King Amadeus. This intelligence hi for wardrsl from Vsrritl, and may be ooloted by thetWeads of the reigning sovereign who tuhnit, however, that the adherents of Don Carlos are con centrated large numbers through out the prominvespf Navarre, Guip iscoa and - lite-way. Marshal Serrano, I the genenir kai 'no of Amadeus, has arrived in the heart of the territory he Idehy the Ca rtists. Asthisveterati is familiar with the topography of the country in which he has sudden ly been called upon to operate, he pa • a formidable foe for the revolution ists to encounter, and if he steSrtzs vigorously before the ( - 11%1(100 ichrriyti armies can eencentrate, hos may in a short time utterly eras& the risinf against the authority atthe-Savoyard King. iiiißcethomeoits. •F. '. 6" . 1 .e. CID t E 44 ' •• ._ T, '4'4 :.,...., •-• 'ie, ,•;j - ~. 1 111 4 4 t4 i - C.? 7, —At 4 = 15 .... —, ca. i , ;.) r C ~...-, * F i, $. 2 ... .„'z " .4 ''' t It r i k 6 b i ,...... Z . m 7 1.- (0 :- OF.-., . cc Z _ CC 2 : c • c.:) . lis=v22 a , E ; lA 4 r > 4l Ct t 1 , .4.4.4.. t ...... _ 7 - 4.... ; " • " . ~. .. -. ; y P ig • . e ., - 14 - r i, z .., : ; -, .. z I 0 ..- i . c....^ •• .2. ~. t: -..: c.) - .., _ .... . . — _,.. 1 i‘t . ,:-..., z... ..; .. 60 Como 1 C •:: )011 P 7-1 1 . ; 1 4 14` iml • •0". CID Cl) ~.. ti - ~.., T...Q i l l ..-- . -.. IMIS I.E•DINU Tiotiol 6: Millinery House. J(, HORNE & 00. 1 73, V and 79 Market Street, PirTSDURGII, are tato prepared tatittiblt to the I:Wallis Largep4 Seim** to br had., Last or Vim, Is Lib-Very, Gloves, I,lnGruiderieB. Laces, Lace Goods. Whsle Gond*, Hoop ..!ekirts. Cbrseti , Gents' Furnishing Goods, -Etc& Goods, Hair Nets, Notione, and Small tl'arro Also. extended Ltaes MILLINERY GOODS Rats. Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Corded Satins, Silks, 1-Weels, Crape& Le., of onr own tsmortatton. et levreet rulluutim. WELOWIALR ONLY. A mil tollcit ed. promptly Mot Retail Stores, 197 end 199 Penn Avenue. apriosm. STAR 13A-SICEICS, THE BEST BASKETS in the Market, FOR FARMERS, GARDENERS GRO CERS AND FAMILY USE. SEND FOR DESCRIPTION LIST. Abireas— RANDAL KENT, Jr. Star Basket Works, Pituborgb, Pa sprlinro IfisieUaneous. IMILI RADWAY'S READY RELIEF eves THE WORST PAINS IN tram Quo V)" Tyrant? /Mantes. NOT ONE HOUR after thadll it tlria advertisement seed any ore B MR WITH PAIN. NADWATS WAD Tzar Y RUIZ, IS A MAR FOR & PAIN. It maths IlirAaal to The Only Pain liAnneci7 That Ingsatly sopa uth moat tnerutlallag paths. anus lalamspoloaA sad cams Cosseimasa— vhstku of Btomacknalretherotkra Wasals aroma% by Dada 0 TO TRUTT MINVTES. No matter hoer violent or r:threthrilan the path the mo m s. Kant T i C a , a B- o ri th dd theead; -Infirm, Cmrip mpayd. Her sutra, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. • INFLAMMATioN or TUN IEIDNEys. • INFLAMMATION o f THE BLADDER. loN INFLAJOILT or HE coNoEST T IoN OF.THE LITNGs. SoRE THROAT. DIFFICULT DRZATHING. PALPITATION OF THY HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP._ DIPIITHLRIA. 111 h. CATA UENZA. DACHE. TOOTHAC RUH. /NFL 11 3 NEURALGI A . I g IBEIIMATISII. COLD CHILLS . AGUE CH Tb• appllation of Ur nerriir . Mine to yet az TAM rbent the pate or =catty esrLs rill saws cos ami esmfort. Twenty drops to half s tumbler of water will In few moments curs CHAIM, •PAIIIIS, 13011Tt 4TOINACEL =ANTOINE*, COLIC, AHE DIARRRE_,A DYSIDITERT. WIND IN THE ISO WEIN. sad all INTERNAL PAINS. Trarekra should always mayr s bottle of Rad. Irsleo Homily getter with them. • few drop* is water Ina protest admen or .irLs Dom amuse a water. It better ems French Drawly or Dittos se • sUsi alant. DEMI! AND AGATE. MYR AND AGUE cured for tilt y theta. There it sot • remedial Rout Is this world that will curs P.m sad Use, sod all other Malarlous, scsrist,Tpoid, so Yellow, sad o th er revers ( aided_by WADTM:O A PILLS) quick as Rd/MATS wail% Fllty tads per botal• Sold by 'HEALTH! BEAUTY!! MYRON° AND PC= RICH BLOOD—IN CREASE or FLESH AND WEIGHT—CLEAR CU SKIN RED ANDTO D A LL, EAAITIFITL COMPLEXION br, - DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARIWAN RESOLVENT ats MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURLS ; SO QUICK, SO RAPID.ARE THE CHANGES THE BOOT UNDERGOES, trepan THE IN FLUEICLN NCE OF T HIS TRULY WONDERFUL BLEDIC TEAT Even , Daan Increase In Flesh and We ight Is Seen and Felt. TE GREAT BLOOD rvery__drep et the SAILSAPASULLLAN BE SOLVSNT eammuakatee through the Blood Sweat, Urine, and other grads and Joke of the tsar Ike vigor of Ilta for It repairs the wastes of the y with new end sound material. Scrofula Syphilis, Con , ourts Glandulu disease, Ulcers In the Throat, Tomou,Wodesie Onefttude and otboeperts of chi wrstrea, SerseLyes,..Strvertons Lilictu=rtoo the Nan. and Ito wont - Formir'air Viktor Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Warm, Salt Rheum, EryslpeLia Acne, Bleck Spots, Worms to the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the Womb, and .11 weakenteg and painful dbohargert, Night Slat All,, Lou of Sperm, and wastes of the Efe principle; we within the curative range of this weeder of Rod ent Chemistry, and • few deed use will peeve to any wean ming It for either of these Items of diseseo Its_potent . power to cure them. Not may does the Samaras:recur Resetverr excel all known Ma renal egrets In the rum of Chronic, Scrofalous, Constitutional, and Ulu Mamma; but it I. th 4 only positive cure for Sidney k Bladder Complaints, Unary, and Womb dire..,, Grua, Listretes, Dj~rroopyssyy, Stoppage of Water, lacoutleetwca of Urine. s Theme, Albucolnurta, and fa all Ctilee ',boon then us brickduar deplane, or the water le thick. cloudy, rased with suWanees Ilk. the white of an egg, or threads like white ma, or there is a morbid. dark. bllkans appearance, and -whhe bane-dust de- Vihend when there is • pricking, burning sena, wheeparedng water, an ,palrr In the Small of the Beet sod stoat the Lola*. • litOßS3. — lrbeenty known and sure Rancor far orals rt, Tope, etc. Tumor of 12 Years" Growt h Cured by Midway's Resolvent. Baroas.o, alosa, Jay 11, latta. D. liorotoso .-1 hove bad Doubts Timor la abo *owlet and Weals. All 0. Dome. otY tbm was opo bolp Bolt. I talon wooly Wog that *la namoularsdod ; bet sotitai lolpoof an. I mow year Ilarolorat, sad tiouatt I would try la: bat iced.. laitb t. lt,lootaor I bad oagar for tool's agar. I lota sit bottles of as Itooolvoat, worl Goo boa a Itadoray's Pills, and we loan.* of pm" Moody Ballot ; God Own Is sot • dant of tam. to to mom or 414 000 l I fool bolltor, woortro, gaol Lappin the. I tars tre 'ed.. yours. Tbm wand tear w. la tea WS side el Us bawds, um it. god.. I wets this to you fas the Unreal of atlas. Toe or publish It Lf yea cher afAXNAii P. B..?Ltifo. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tsdelass, coated with meet gum. purge. revlans. miry. charm, sot smengthen. Hader:Ye I.l* foe the cure of all disorders of the bannsch. Liver. Bowels. Kidneys. Bladder, ?ferrous f=Headache, ConsttpeaMa. Costlrenews. to. Dyspe,,ela, Billonsteess. Mous Fern. Infammation of the Dowels, Plaes, and all Derange; mute of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to 'frees a pail Ors cute. Purely Vegetable. on:waning no twee cura,..lneralt, or deleterious drugs. Observe the fbiktwlng symptoms resodlog from Maeda:eat the Olgoalrit Organs: CossUpsthes, Inward Pilo, rem.. ef tas Blom! b EWE. Adft Ow Seseasele, itterees, Hoortberre, Plegoot of Weed, .1.10 WI& tbe Stoma* SSW 4WD. Yr a Illakbor rhonsolait .5 tles Pit of tbo fliirsacb.Sarlia man ef lb. 14.41, Mortal oaf Wiwi) belooklar..Nbettor oltbs Otoklas w Solosselag Somellato alma to. • Lyt.t Pastore. Maras of Vistm. Date a* Webs beam lb. IMe4 laver eola All Past to lb. Hoek Allslanq oit Paralatrotten. Ilatlennmaa of tbe Eris, Pilo to W&le. CUM. lambs, .4 soddso Floalta .1 Hook Parslng to Us MAL. IA few doses of RADwers PILLS will‘free the IfTetent from all the shove-named disorder.. Prlot. (Kota pa bog. 801.1) OY ORCOLUSTII. 11116.&D FALSE. AN T E." besot sae letuo. stamp to ka.DWAY I CO., No. 67 Hagan Lana, W.V . Vert. Informatioa worth thouasiets will be oat you. 110110WAIS • 'V tP 4 */) 01 RIERYMAN HIS OWNPINSICIAM C'A.UTION. Till; inamen.w demand for BOLLOW A Yl3 rtu.s .ua OINTNIRNT.tua. temptrd unprin elpard pante. , to counterfeit these ralualde medi cine.. In order to 'protect the tatabilic And anrsehres, we have footled a uew - Trade Sark " conaiottne of an Mgypttati clrele of a serpent. With the letter II In the centre. Every box Pr Carmine HOLLOW/I T . IF PILL, and (nwrsaNT will have this tmde mark on none are genuine wt►hont It. N. Y. CUILIIICAL Co., Sole Proprietors, IN Maiden Lane. New York SHARP & HOFFMAN ROCK:ESTER, PENN'A., DEALERS lii GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE, STONEWARE, IVOODOWA.RE WINDOW-GLASS, NAILS,CIITLERY; ' WHIPS, LAM PS, NOTIONS. SALT, FISH, FLOUR. GRAIN, Mill - Feed, Oil - Meal, Lard Oil, 51101', CAPS, LEAD, FUSE, Rile and. Blasting Powder, (Wholesale and Itelail;) Chin ney-Tops and bwinage Pipes; WHITE LEAD A. LINSEED OIL; Dryel ,Turpentine, (Vora dry & in Oil; PAINT BRUSHEs OF ALL RINDS. WE HAVE THE Averill Chemical Pain Mixed ready for um PUKE WRITE, AI.J. (701A1R8 AND &HADER, Warranted 'Genuine, and for rale in dry quantity—by the quart, in tin eons; by the gallon :n tin bucketr, or by live gallon kegA. TEE AVERILL PAINT Hu given unbounded satisfaction fur many years in nil ewicturns of the country, and has been in use in this vicinity about live yearns, proving itself to be, especially. the colors a d sfil shades, absolutely The Kest and Cheapest! Paint now in use. Rain dices not effect it before drying, and whau dry it has a hard g l ass y surface-, will not crack cm pe e l ,•tr. We will semi sample, card, price list and testimonials in any person asking for the saute. All heavy goods deli veredfree of charge to Rochester and vicinity. SHARP & WIFFRAN, murG:6lll.l Wall Paper! Wall Paper! Beautiful designs to highly finished Satin paper. The largest assortment of Gilt and Starved Gold Paper. ever opened in the city. Dining Room Paper Plain ct, Paneled. Chamber, and Hinton Papers all new In Design. The largest and cheapest wan Paper How In th e West DE ZOUCHE it CO. 110 Wood St.. Pittsburgh. Liberal Dams to Dealers. No:104m James H. Rankin, DE141.E.11 IN HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CUTTLERY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Jopanneae and titan Fine Was; WrTit Orzurranso NECESSARY • YOH HOUSEKEEPERS. Call and see our stock and learn our prima. No. Gth St., (Late St. Clair St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. Rovl-lf Vinegar Meters are rota vile Few, Drink made of Poor Ruin, .Whiskey, Proof S pin and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to pima- s the mate, called " Tonim." " Appetizers." " Restorers." Ac.. that butd *tippler on to drank- amen and non, but are aArge At edicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants.. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Lik-giving Principle, a Pen. fees Renovator and Invigorator tithe System. tor. lying off all , new matter and restoring the blood to a bethy rendition. enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both Mind and body. They are easy of adiiiiiismation. prompt in thew actiwti, Cen tain in their results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. No Person eau take these Marry ac cording to directions, and remain tong unserell, no. sided their bases are not destroyed by mineral poi se@ or other means, end the mtal organs wasted hewed the pant of stink. 413/Fpepela or La — iligietiott. Headache. Pam In the Shooldem Coughs, Tightness of the DiZ9l: :1013, Sour Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacke,:ralpi tation of the Heart, indatdrntittnrorthc- Piiniathr:lsignreeed rho rKnintliN Atitreit= idgr.V 4 wfatfitsl24 2 .iis PelelNinifftPrinVi Dra pepsia. * I es* tomPtaiiita it has no equal, and' one bottle will prove abetter guaranteed' it anterits than a Itrigthy advertisement... , PorSeaueloCosuplabits,m yocuag or eid, married or angle, at the dawn of wootanhookor theta= of life, these Tonic Bitters display so di cided an influence that a sneaked improvement 4 perceptible.coon For zallaututaten7 and Ckroniti r . lithesatatiera and Gout, Dyspepsia w 1°0130:-., tion, Bilious, Remittent and Internment Penn.". Diseases of the Blood, laver. Kidneys and Bladder,: these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Purgative as well “ a Teak, possessing also the peculiar omit of geting as a purrerfol agent in relieving Coo= de Inflanuration of the Laver and Visceral and in Bilious Diseases. For Bids. DISCUM, Einp L ions , Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pim es, Pesti:des, Bone, Carbuncles, kinrworms, Scad• Head, Sore Eye; Erysipelas, Itch, Scuds, Discolcuations of the Shan, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the we of these Bitters. ant bottle in such cases win convince the most incredulous of their curative effeas. Cleanse allie VIII/Ekted Mood .berbever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the system will Wow. Oratshu thousands proclaim VINIZAI Brrruats the most wonderful Institut-ant that eve► sustained the ainkinz system. Pla t Taps. and other Winning, loilunt, in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distmguished jot Biologist: Theo is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body is culvert from the presence of worms. It is not upon the healLyete• =lents of the body that wormy cilia. but upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living manatees of disease. No system Of Medi cine, no verinifuges, no anthelminincs, will free the system from warms like these Bitters. Ikteeluasaleal Diseautecei Veriest, in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumber= setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they adiranes in life, nill be subject to paralysis of qms Scree* To guard against this take a dace d WALK= II Vinenan Bursas once or twice.' %Feely/is a Pre ventive. llllawns, Riensitterai, and lailerweits tent Vevey*, which are so prevalent in the val leys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Obits, Ilicacieri, Mimes, Tennessee , CamberniK Arkan sas. Red, Colorado. Bravos Rio Grande, Pearl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke. James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn. and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat end dryness, ere invariably ied by eaten eine derangements of the nom= and liver, sad. other abdominal viscera. •In their treatment, a per • waive. exerting a powerful influence upon these : various organs, is euentially. Them is, no cathartic kw th e purpose equal to IJ. Wei , : =Ws Warms* Drrrests, as they w 11 speedily re-: move the darkeohired viscid matter with which the. bowels are loaded, at the same time stiniulating tisk secretions of the liver, and generally tenor - mg that healthy functions of the digestive organs. licrotslo, or King's Mvil, White Swell int. Ulcers. Swelled Neck. Gpitm Scrofulous inflammations. Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin. Sore Eyes. etc., etc. lo these, as ta all other Collstitutiteral Diseases, W•Liters's VINIIIGAII BIT+ vies have shown their great Curative iersiers in skill most obstinate and Intractable gave.. la0117: 7 2;1/ Dr. Walker , * California IrDseigue , Ditters act on all these cases in a similar mauve { By purifying the Blood they remove the Cause, and by rcsolvreig away the erects of the indaatenstioo (the tubercular deposits) the affected parts mom* health, and a permanent cure is effected. lllse properties of Di. VW* ass firms are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Car. minurve Nutritious, Latative..Diuretic, Sedative, Counter- Irritant, Sudonfic. Alterative, and Anti , . The Aperient and mild Laxative proper:Me of Di. W ALICICR'S VINIGAR BITTERS ire the bes t safe-guard in all cases of emotions and tnalignaitt feven, their balsamic. healing, and soothing prop- '• erties protect the humors of the Mutes. Their St derive ptuperttes allay mon in the nervous systmn,f uomaeh, and bowels, either from inllammatioe.. wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-Irritaiii induence extends throughout the system. Their Ann-Bilious properties stunulase the liver, in the . semetios of bile, and its discharges through ger biluiry ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents." for the cure of Bilious Fever. Fever and Ague, err.: Fortify the body against disenni by. purifying all its fluids smith Yisnic.asi Brrrias. Na epidemic can take hold of a system thus foreannOt Directions.—Take of the Bitters on going 'to, bed at night from a half to one and one.half wino glassfulL Eat 'good nourishing food, soda as beef.: steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef. and rep!". tables, and take out-door exercise. The? we oil*: posed of puny vegetable ingredient% aid ointi4f no nark.L_WALKEL.ProPI. MaDONALD & CO.. Druggists and Gen Agit . San Frinatqls Cal m anr4, cm, of Washington and Charities Sta.. New YORIG., SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS: eiprtZly—to ethg:jy tO FALLS'I'()N Foundry .4 Repair Shoji Baring been Engaged In The Foundry WWl* tar mule than talaty'yeara,--droMF witch tta► l have accumulated a varlet, of toren' potterni,:4;te side, calm:twang models and Inking out Fodittits fur Improvements on COOKING - STOVES —atid after hiving thoroughly tested theme :442- provements, I feel warranted to °Corfu theol;ln the public. PLOWSi,r4 The GUEAT WESTERN has no peril , or for thla Locality. STOVE& Stoves of Different Sty lei for Ilearing and ccol*kg The Great Republic Cooktu ale the beet Record of say Stove evet Ofel4 fa this Market LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WINIK MOWTDURABt;AM TILE BEST STOVE IN 13;SE. In connection viith the euwe I have got up n Pstent which occupies little room, no addltlonal fUel, and is not liable to Wear out, `dispen ses with all pipe, can be put on of :taken oft at any Owe, and wade to suit all stoves of any size or pattern. ROCHESTER. P A MAT REPUBLIC COOKING MK Most of whose names have been pn blish. ed in the ARGUS, are confidently referral to, to bear witness of Its superior :inerits as a cooking stove. • three tint dug neon on hind. of abor ili Men bone power attotity, they ate iyhred to the puede at negotiable rano, * lORN evtillbtL MiaceUdneou4. Hardware, &c IT TAKES LESS FUEL, 1•.: BEST BAKER:i ALTOGETHER EXTENSION TOP. Five Hundred Periiii4 ' no Why have purchased .and used Dauch & Co's Advertisementi ...salksek 01•01101 d. - Droodetor UV Use Wilt.' -- I nk i nes s Makin* and -acceaded to atlbrAligtho -verde , coanatied $ reststhe littalatit Ante vswads PicV a applied ti a false or teasontisiktrompala lt back abed or stow item. actrenaappoy roes, sore WM; AMA alalas, sore breast tp. trworras. dads' &Ws el Infloaspitory Wore. ttresronj 61A ars iN. F. The Best Paper! Try It! The &WNW is the the anapest any be:4 ilinstnitad ei kb ! p aper putillejted. BIM anttiber contains from 10 to 15 origicalentrartno of near machinery, twee) ineentlons, Uridgeta i a• alneerinc works. Architecture. Improved Implement', and every new diacovery lo Chetahs. try. A year'. humbeti, contain We pages and Km end litandred engraving's. 'I tintaiandant volutnea are prewrved rot binning and reference. The practical 'redid's . are well worth tea tin e s dm anlocriDikin mice. Terme. PA • yeusa Opectinees se ct t ree . may be had an New* Dealers. PATENTS obtained no the best terns. 'Nadal' of new Inventions and sketches examined. and Witt* flee. All patents are published to the dd. oath: , Acurrican Iho week they Immo. Sena for Penlphiel. 110 eves, containing Imes and fall di rectiuns fur olusining Patents. Address for Putter,or concerning paint). BUSY CO.. TT York Dew. N.Y. Drench ale*. our P. std 7th Ste.. Ws.hiskirou, D. Mayfhaw. C.IYMN AWAY T., • YT BOOK 4.g .T. A :750.00 GREENBACK LID ♦ II FICIJELII Or The Great Industries - OF TUB UNITZD /TATES. 1,301; PAGES AND 500 ENGRAVINGS. PrOtte4 in Engli4/1 and G'ernion. Wsurtsx ET SJ litniwzier Armin. nfeurnnie Horace Greeley and John B. Goligh. Agents Wanted In *very town to *GUM iardet s for thh. work, on liberal fermi, it sea to all clump, and no library rhould be without It. It is Complete btstory of all bninettes of indastf7-prt • ceases of intnefaetaren etc. No lam mitt em before pabliohed. One win sold 138 heft dkri. another 4 4 4 a gee week. awake, Me te two weeks. An early application will ewers a ender in territory. Full partieuLars and Mame 'will be rent free, with a menage* or di% Orval Worn inni a 'mk t G reen h ic k . J. B. 81:418 6 BYDIS. Hart. ford. Qom. Esnayit4if BOOS AGENT* READ TUIS. abowint• first-class agent in every town for 14(s and Vmes of James flak, Jr. Giving a full and complete Maim of the life Of this most.reautrhabie man. Embracina also Zilics. graphical Steidle, and Plotraita or Ills@ Mans lied, Stokes, Drew. Vanaarbitt. Gould. Tweed tad others. Mlt) gages, Si illaatr Woos. Be lbook out For scents. baud for circular /own to DOSES IicCOLLUX, Publishers. Titus*, Ile.toa. strykit trzou ßAP tfl T CY wink iso . ell sad aampics ii a :2 lad particulars pea. S sp Catal o acsu, Brink al iro, Vermont. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. • `••• We will send • handsome Prospeet/OWOf orrXtp Iltustrated.inongy 8 4.cootal/dog o'er apt), doe bertpture Dlustretiot.s to any boo* Agent. Ores at charfie Address National Pub. Co . P6lle. 1 , 1 HAt Do you went an egeoceoloestt or Crewel, tile, with an °moms* to mite its to $lO a day felling oar new 7 pima WAWA Kr. Mato astral 17tayarstforevar; utopia free. Seed for circular. Address a/ once Medson Riser MN Morita, ow. Water Bt. and Maiden Lane N. 3an West Randolph street. onnapo. - - SET the onli standard booted the kind pub . A StOt/e red nearly by all wbu passer it. ean,be made by agent. MORE MUNE ; f A etnytteelax lb. row mats /*Mawr, 0 /Mesta, Iliateta. con dug 111.utal Accepts In every Departatint of liantart Eftod. than in any other gavelbte way 'Prom ire to $4O a week Insured. It I. for every ,Httusekeeper. Farmer, Trade and Froleaulott Fur 'bbd Sick and Weil. A Mica& hook otawnetatteal 4 111 1 1le to every wide-awake pt ice person. It Artie Itoolf. Extra terms. Addrees, P . 11. Beau. week New York. - aprtl,aw - - - YJPARB IN A MAN ma P. • _jei companion to The Nighthrta Bar --r oom," by :Tr.`tik Arttont, (the moat pogntar of American l' I ari rs.) is novirready. It LI 6 startling expose of or making and sailing. a thrillnng recital of a tkree year. Ilfe in a city dram shop. Mows op the ittle derrptlona practiced in bar ruutos. and is the diost powerful work of Ike trim etre written Will be eagerly read by thousand*, and to certain tarbaye tun Immenu sale. Apply' for an 'getter rditd do good a. will ay Pugs eisowey M. a POLIO &Kr& CU Publisher St - AND/I.RO AV gale& N BILLIA RI) TABLES! Vrerything tier mining to BMW& at lowest prices ra Bluitraled Catalogues sect by mill. W. C 01.1,EN DER. NEW YORK. Successor to PIIKLAN & COLLUNDER. tittoADwAY. Wells' _- ____ . ___ Tablets, Fs For Coughs. C a rbol ic a illason.coeoe. The.... •rableta pre•rtit tho Aeid lo Cutubltrattor iith other efficient retuedleo, In I popular form. flag the t ure ot all Throat and 1.42aq Ltioesses 11nm-ctn... end L'icrtration of the Dorval are Ino :io• distriy retie-mit sod statements are constantlr being ern: to the proprietor a relief its Calle* 01 Theei difficulties Of years' 'landing. E ~.. kUTIONI Mort be deceived by wor th less bp *leakier tut snag W el d' Claboik a lets. Price Z venni per boa. Jove Q. - Sts, I do. 2$ Platt tit., -X. V. Send lug cis cular, Sute ' tageno kw the U.S. molter, THEA.:4I - ECTAR. A Pure Cltinote Tea. ~ ." 'rho beet Tea Doweled. ', '. 1 Warranted to ioU all tastes. h ~ . e..,...., It Put up in our trade mark belt '', , ---. ‘ Pound and pound package* tin and fill Potted Bare. Yor - r , Sale at Wholesale only tit' the Great Atlantic a fterifiena Co i P. 0. Box 5206. Nest Turk. -4 OIDO 4;•....iii Vv. - •-v=il I f;;;;Wra. 7 .. be 4.4.4v.‘ 4 C. A !noel accurate and rascinatinr drveripitan ar the wild', as stud trtalfh nt the bou.sidtras West. Its untold tithed. lfiq Inguns. ltuffub, Wolves Crowded with valuable information. !sparkling with the keened wit and raciest humor. rivaling Mark Twain's Mat. and eptenditilp Watirated. 14 tit he {omen/elm popular dna sett beg/nut pre cedent. Fur sample parrs, tliastreatnne, terms. addrres la :IMAM) Publishers, Mt Samoa' tarret Phite. laprttliw FOR SUNDAY SCHOOLS TH ESUN DA Y SCHOOL WORLD A leading periodicai her teacher.. with full ex planationA of the Le-itons. IG pave monthly. Only arty cent, a year The . World.A n Illnatrated paper for chil dren lIIU couples monthly, one year 1611.00, or twice a month . sl4.oli. The Scholar's Paper. Divine the text of the esson, and toplur for the study all, Ac INTERMEDIATE LESSON PAPER, 'of a more .Irupie chs'racter, with question. and explanations ' SI trier :elm above at the rate of 75 cents per ZOO copies mobthly; or $9 CO fur lUD copies par year. Specimen copies of any of the 'above furnished on applimitum to TUE AN DRICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, I,lta Chestnut street. Philadelphia. all'l4w AGEN TS I QUICK I ce 7°6 will alms choice of territory, iitware y • rush fur It) on Dih Lough' last mGAreatest book. <>UR DIGESTION I or. ArrIOLL T FRIENIPSRECRST It Is by odds the most taking and saleable hackle the field. I. It la on a 'stall! Important subject L It is by America, most popular writer on health. 9. It Is. for the price, the largest and handsomest book eeer sold by subscription. Agrats, the people are eager Lot each a book, sod will urge you to bring it to them. `Write tor terms, Ac, free. OE , I. IdACLKAN, Publisher, ni hansom street, Phlls. attrl9;4er. OR, WOULD 1 WEIELCRILDAGLIN! Sighs the weary and exhausted one, as the (**Rout and tessitude or spring come* Upon him. Come and receive mgcir and strength (rum the wonderful Booth Amerinsa Toxic _ _ _ JURUBEBA. Lat.,: and ine-oethe fully tided In Its native country, as • finreriel Ibnie and Paten. proljtar. of Ms blood. It is found even to excised he anticipations founded on is great reputation, According to the medieto and scientific pericalkits of Weldon and Pane, It pommies the MOST Powiltrln. Tor is properties known to 11111•Tlall. MgDICA. Dr. WELLS' Elnel Or JURUBEBA Is a perfect teniedy for iii diseases _of the BLOOD, ORGANIC W EARN ESS, OLANEWLOUS TU MORS, DROPSY, SCROFULA. INTERNAL CESSES. am will remove all obstructions of the LIV itli, SPLEEN, INTESTINES, UTkRINS and URINAR Y ORGANS. It Is strengthening and none tahtng. Like Ds trlClooll food hikes Into the stoma it assimilates and diffuses itself through the circulation, glylug vigor and health. It regalia°, the bowels. quiets the nerve, acts directly on the secretive orgies, end, by He pow erful tonic and restoring effects, produces healahr and visorona action to the whole gre*lll. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Platt St. New Tort, Sole Agent for the United State Price $1 per bottle. bend for cirCultr. ispalAw. HOUSE-KEEPERS! GET 71110 1W the Patent Rule toLtugls on both oh THE NO VEL2'Y . Roue anomie frosty U. either es.d. THE NOVELTY THE NOVELTY ass the patent Curree Chum THENOVELTYIe the esalest Working Waiter tits btroagest Wringer. HET WOV.E.LTY e durable Weiler. Tame via Other a ls dv thantsdesaunt mace nOre arable than in other. No Ihsesleal Hassekesper rut afford to teraWeradet until eta tiaa teed the HOVE= Tay sallati yourself that It U the biait,„ Bold everawbue. WlUAing dC inintin9 Machine Cb Chambeni Stench New Turk, ' tepet7;Sii. ti. CmakCelitokant DRY. • 000DS; New Fall Stook JUST RECEIVED BY S. J. Cross Co., ROCHESTER. OM STOCK or Nsw am Szasommma DRY - GOODS S LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE CONSISTING OF CLOTH. CASSIMEHE. JEANS, WA- TER-PROOF. PLAIN FLANNELS, BARRED FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS. CLOAKING. PRINTS. DELAINES, PLAIDS, ALPACAS. MERINOS. OINGBAMS, CHECKS. TOWELING, DENIM, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING. SHAWLS. SHIRTS, WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY. GLOVE/3, ate., Piir CP yr I CO IV ES DT GREAT VARIETY Ready-Made Clothing: COATS, r' i PANTS, VESTS, ORllR'rlii, 1)151. A, W 1 dr.c.. &c, &a. .4a. Hats and Caps, A VERY LARGE and NEW STOCK. BOOTS & SHOES Men's. Youths' and Boys' BOOTS. WOMEN'S, MESSES' and CAM SHOES 'LNG GUM SHOES, ALL PURCHASED LOW AND WILL BE- SOLI) AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. WE ALSO CONTINUE TO KEEP UP OCR USUAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR. GRAIN. MILL-FEED. SALT, LIME CEMENT HARDWARE: NAILS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, Window Glass• Paints in all Colors, DRY and IN OIL,: WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. PUTTY, TURPENTINE, VARNISH. ALCOHOL. GIIM SHILLAC, &c. Wooden Pumps FOR WELLS AND CISTERNS. ALL HEAVY GOODS. DELIVERED WITHIN A. REASONABLE liISTANCH. FRM OF CHAROE. WS ALSO FURNISH OUR CUSTOMERS WITH COAL AT THE MARKET PRICE. iteeltester. Oct. *OM, 1811. Dwelling Houses, IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED R&M. ESTATE ari AND NEAR "143 F. 13cmgh of Rochester, DOB SALE AND lEwr BY fia. CriELCOMEL M•3B4Txtsd mow. *IL Yi(B UaneouB. Siam, it. Zolintor imams !waling, Wts.tua G. acassnox. IttaUMTEckbanahlwthlllBlo. William G. Johnston & Co., STAT Co ERB And Blank Book Makers, 57 and 59 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN' A. mys‘tr HATS-CAPS rili3 STRAW GOODS. R. EL rovarimerg 114 11498 111%, PITTSBURGH, UM EL MI TUC CP liT 3EI 149 & 151 WQod Street, MARCH 20th, 1872. rfetr9l.3njik _ Agents W anted, =ln FLORENCE Sewing Machine. Wherever the PLORIINCB Machine has been Introduced, it has met with the realest success. It Is. the only machine making four different stitches, aad hallos the Revendble Feed.e machinery is perfect-and the motions positive. Th lt runs .Igbt. and very fast, and sews coarse or ens fairies. The Hemmer will tarn wide or narrow hems, and fells beautifully. All attachments go with the machine. Poe inforn.ation apply to or address MIECK CRT & Itch* IN, No. 8 BLarn Brogirr, tinastAm I3A. PI IC I NG-11 - 101113V.. THOMAS M'CREERY & CO THOS. M'CHBRHT, Cashier. J. P. Duero_ ....J. n. ANGIAL. J. U. II'CRBERY. Interest paid on time deposits; Prompt attend. • given to collections. Also, insurance Agents for good and reliable Companies. [ronyllPJ ROCHESTER SLYINGS BAIL /01111 i V. Y'DOI!BLD OW. O. ITIYII/54, nt J. *rasa/tan, Cash' r. SPETERER & 11143 DONALD Deals In ez hantre, Coin, Government Betart nes. make collection on all amenable points ID lb. United states and Canada. re elver money on deposit oubject to check, and receives time depos its from one dollar and upward. and allows Inter est at i per rent. By -laws and rules Turniahed free by applyWif at the bank. Bank open daily from k. a. m.. Ull 4. p. m„ and un Saturday seen. Mg* from 6 tub o'clock. We refer by pc-mossier L. H. thintAs & Co., Ilom. J. S. RO7•N, °nu .t. Coorta, Await), Seim' /t. S. J. Calms & 1.1/11 KIVINEDT fistsuaa & W•cKs, Jowl Naar. It. B. ttuuAls:, Tit* DEALItIeR • Narrom,st BANIL. Pittsburgh Pi t 4. liswts, A. C. WAIST, b. B. WsLaos, alovl6ll-11y -cbd Je2B „•1 E D ,- ) .1” 1 C L Lk-" SEWING MACHINE. I= NEW DRAW FEED, Has Jost been received, and is now the bust Fismity Alachlas in the market. It makes tne Lock MUM, is Sinirde, Noiseless, Eas ily Operated, and very effeetttte. We want (loaf Sewing Ma tains Ageuts in all unoccupied territory, to whom we will give the most liberal terms. Tim Elliptic* the easiest Machine to sell lo the market 110 WARD EATON & CO., General Agent., 17 FIFTH A VENUE, !et, Prrrraonau, Ps. The Improved Giand Oroide tabiti4D $9, $l2, $/.5, $lB. Ws base recently lirough: our Oroirte Gold Metal to such perfection that It is difficult for the best lodges to distinguish it from gold. The $9 watch es) are with patent tratumneut Movements; in ap criage, ageGintnie. are zirlienfleadgoldtenotor,costvt: equal to $l5O gold watches. The iltra l re the sam e e . ea the last. but of a Auer finish; equal to one cost lug $Er. And the fig watches are of • fine dnish with full jewelled American movements. equaling gold MOW worth IF•mo. They are all in hunting cases; gent eaten and Ladies' sizes: nod warranted Sue lime and wear. by spechil certificates. Also, or '<lrani designs of Gent's and Ladies' Chains, Irons $1 to $4: and Jewelry of all limes. Goods scut C. U. D. Cutoometo permitted to examine the good. they order, bed re paying bill. on payment of express charges. Whet:lsis watch es are ordered .t one time. we wit. send en extra watch of the same kind free. For farther gitrtica lam "Mid fur circular. Address— JAMES OfillAßD d CO.. 95 Nassau et. New York. P. 0 Box 5191/. deckem A Word to You, Friend! FOR GOOD COFFES, FOR GOOD SUGARS, FOR GOOD SPICES FOR GOOD FLOUR FOR GOOD FEED FOR GOOD TOBACCO. FOIL GOOD CIGARS FOR EVERYTHING GOOD IN THE Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRICES THAT. CAN'T BE BEAT IN BE AV ER OR EI.SEW HIRER. GO TO S. SNITGrEIt & CO.'S, 3d Street, BEAVER. PA. isalolt-ly - _ POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA HENRY WHITEFIELD MANUFACTURER OF Sash, Doors ,Mouldings,Floor-Loards, Wealher,boards, Palings Brack ets, &a., &e. Also, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUM BEFt, Le.TU, MINGLES AND BUILDING TIMBER Having purchased the the territorial in terest of Mr J. V. Anderson, owner of the soFeral patents covering certain improve talents in the construction and joining- .4 weatherboards and linitigs fur houses and ether buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell tile same within the limits of Beaver county. Par ties tnterested well please observe this. Osrpenters' Supplies Cbnstantly Kept on Hand. E'vry manner of thop•Work made to o .ex. eet4:l DIC. 13. COCRU.A.N, rittsbargb, IPa., Dealer in frost and Wood Working Ma" danery c 4, Maaafadurers' Supplies, /as constantly on Wind a complete stock of Elisttles flesh find Does lischtzery, Judson Oov. wows. Tito sod Mot. !c erf Wheels,. Peking. Tusking, ito Woodwortr a a speelslty. Meal lac CtsCaters sad Prim. renas6,ll4l. ME=M3 Chas. h. limas INSURANCE General Agency Office, ROCHESTER, PENNA. Rotary riilblle and Coaveyaneen FIRE, LIFE, and ACVIDENT INSUR ANCE; "Anchoir" and "National" Lapel of Ocean Steamers; "Adams" and "Un ion" Eipress Agent. All - kinds of Insurance at lair rates and liberal terms. Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages. Artlc6-;. dtc., written; Depositions and Acknowledge ments taken, &a., &c. Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Prissengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland. France and Germany. .MTNA FIRE INS. CO., Cash assets .....—. $0,000.000 " By their fruits ye know them" Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871....528,000,000 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies la the world. NIAGARA Insurance Cast) assetts..., ANDES FIRE INS. CO., Of Ciaelunati 3 Ohlo. Cash sasetta,. ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadelphia. Cash casette over . it $600,900 LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Of Lancaster, P& Cash asaetts.... 3240,000 ALPS INSURANCE Co., Cash capital, Pittsburgh, Pa Cash assets, Travelers' We & Accident Insurance Co., Of Hartford. Coon. L =1 Cub assetLs over Representing the above drat class Insurance Gompenles.scknuwledged to be amongst the best and most Tellable In the world. attd representing • groin cash ca pital of nearly $16.n00.000, I am en abled to take Wu:trance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended :co. and Policies writtsa• ttbout delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly aid. INSURE Uy one day's delay yon may lose the savings or years. Delays are gerous. and life uncertain; therefore, Insure to• day! **On. to-day. is morth two to-marrowc"— quality. also, is of the utmost importance. The low priced, worthless article, always proves the deareaL The above companies are known to be amongst the best and wealthleat in the world.— •• Aa ye sow that shall you reap. (hateful fur the very lihenil pat:mine already bestowed, I Dope—by a strict attention to a legit 'mate business—not only to merit a tmotinueuce of the same, but a lame tacreame the present year. Ur.bTEPtIIiN A. CRAW to duly authurtged to take application* fur Insurance and receiv : thv premium for the came to adjoining coll:whir*. CliAti. U. HURST. Near Depot, Rochester. Pa. WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB TILAZ PLANING AfILL. , MILLER & TRAX, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING FLOORING, MOULDINGS. &c• FOR GOOD TEAS AND NEAR THE DEPOT 02 Hartford, Conn., Of New York. Of Erie, Penna. HOME LIFE INS. CO, Of New Turk. Mantijaetwers and Dealers In Dressed Lumber, Scroll Sawing send Turning LONE TO 012DE11, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, A::If PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. Mill Opposite the Railroad Station ROCHESTER, PENN'A. spril 19 ii; ly Noes.—This Ir Snellenburg's Space. Being engaged In making up a large stuck of Spring Clothing, they Informed me :Oat they had no time to attend to their adrertlaing.—Bn. LIRE! LINE! LIME! FROM and alter April lint, we will be prepared to lurnimh carte:neer with herb burnt Lime of beat quality at Powers` /Ulna. Van_port. naardtktf] 110LBIKSd OMB% LBadical and New Brighton Pres* copy..l J. B. SNEAD Has now in operation a new SAW AND PLANING MILL IN FREEDOM, PA., Having the latest improved machinery for the manufacture of FLOORING, SIDING, L A T &C. &C., and is now preparediratterni to the building and repairing of Sleasboals, Batas, Flats : &c., &c.. Keeping constantly on band a superior quality of Lumber. The patronage of the public Is respectlidly solicited. All o rd e r s promptly executed (aUrkly MiseeMemtmtn. Children's Curia' gest A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of Two and Throe-Wheel Gigs, PERAMBULATORS, A.7.:D WILLOW CARRIAGES, of the best New York and Philadelphia manufacture, at reasonable prices. Ladies Satchels, Baskets, Fancy Goods, otions, Toys, Jet Jewelry, Sec., fie wholesale and retail, at F. A. O'LEARY'S, 148 Federal St., 2..d00rs above the Market, mayl7:ly Allegheny. Pa. VOCLOR, PLUICLS $1,500,000 HIN In triieron,lerfai medicine to which the 'flirted arc 1:1 2 1.11t, Lr relief, the discoverer hr he ned in harmony more of Ns tire's sovereign curative properties, whiq g ha• tu .le.l Into the vegetable kingdom fur t , t•• •ttt lotto were r stt•r before conthtsed to tt te toe 1t..., • esillenee of this fart lr roue I Cue seat variety of most obstinate il!!!.• eseus whirn it ha, 11.4,11 tOulla 1.11 conquer. Ith the core atrunilsltla, Sow cre Coughs, esrly st. 1•••• Or Ir on•tt respite rt., it Its• s•t tot •t• 1 thl to, I o - 11 !.catty, and eminent phy• ti:111 per moult - d ILI .• ;:restelFt medical dlscolr rs of ri • \Vail, It ',tree the severest Cough,. it sod purifies the J • . By its t 1 thorough blood purl!, I, • •• tt r.r•-• L 1 Hu more, fri.nt r se cull is Itti t.. n mon !note pi or a: et§ itl .17,t. Mercurial disco-.•. 1t u --4 i .• . ..eil t I , •tr elects, ars, cr5,11,,,1„1 . vi • :7 .4 Ws 1 It *0:4.14 t -11.LILL:t lon L .Bela hen m, v P 'On, !Seal yoriit Skits, In ell t . t ..,• rawest by errul ptlf 11 . )1114 ant; .1. r 1 • o, 1 • ••••• II I d 12 SM.OOO $9,590,000 Si,soo,ooo 111 1 .1 1 1 . 1 t. ti e • *it i 1."1.4.1t • I, .11' r' !..,.. a. n • va • •r , „ •• • ! •.• %.• II r.lni I 1.%• • • I •11, 1 1r... •••11111• s 1 h..•l-lr ISI r :11. I•t• !,y ft V Pt.- , • NI It ta..1.• Pit,itnet.,r a , I. - •. sl LA', •tt. , rt 11.15.•.te , X ItuJa.. , , I head y.,ur attar cast for s 1.1141111011.. t. Jan 17: y -..- A - ff r ..1 , r ; .;', j1....Li. 1./.., :.!/' F,, \ ' ANN% r_ . ‘ rt,,,, - , -7-a. ''' . ? - - If4 B_l I R cr. ....' '.- --. 4 .' r' - '7 4. . ENEWER Every -yea: inerc.:,c- ;. ty ofthii valii:tki:c which i. fitw to merit .41,—. can a.4.sure our o!,I patrol , • kept full% to, to it, hi ,, h and it is otdv i rtii:tb•r• . rtri t - ttd prviiAration, f,,•• i ' • O 1 FAD;,?.I) II to ttr i.. t out; •t . ttiakin. , it s 1 Ti le ,• • . 411,1 ek , .:11. ; ,!1, 1,, p;; , Wt. it. ' W.1 . 11.11 k•• .t:1, 1 . tIJ hr the hair-441:111,1 , o its k.5e,11.1. ha thither i bu1.111,..4. • 1.111. ( t‘ , thl i rt• tit 11 ti: . ~11 , t tic ; t rell It' 01' i It Ow to , t not ir ti HAIR 1)1:1.NNINC. CI el IN it vitt gi, the 11-.11" k • II:tk - M 'NI :Ile A . S ... .A • tt M . k • 1:o•1• 1te.%1. 1,1111• . ~ •'.ecte,l tor excel.l.-.1'..1• , •.:' 11.1 1 eonsi.ler it the rioN; for it 4 by ..11 Drttyy.q. ovorl ()e t a. r• : a " Bucking-ham's FOR THE WWSKERS , OUT ite:ie-tvt . , in ni .1 t'• .0 It .1 t - tll . 1 ,, 112.:141'1 . • k• •••• V, 11:00 tit " • :kk - k• [ A1,111:111% . .• k re -‘l.i . ' -'l'. l i)l‘).llive:4 a l'OlOr :Wither nit.) nor wash Off. all liniggi,ts. Price Fitly (t.tro. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO- Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ed by their use; and every family should hare them Oil !, for their ptvtection and relief, whey rry , ' Long experience has proved them t., th e est, surest, and beat of all the pitl, non the market abounds. By their occas” ,,,, '• the blood is purified, the corruption• ot tern expelled, obstructions remoie , t m whole machinery of life restored to ,:• activity. Internal organs which bermm and sluggish are cleansed by rr' • l • ••" stimulated into action. Thus in , irle ,, t Is changed into health, the value rt Ist ,, t, .-, • what reckoned on the vial liitlitittidt• it. ran hardly be computed. Their pnior • Blare (help pleasant to Mkt,. andpre-e , t , virtues unimpaired ter any length A that they are ever flush , rout pellet - fp rvi.A' Although searching. they are mild 311 a 1 .. without disturbance to tlin couquiiii.'s. occupation. ‘ } directions are 'oven raid. each box, how to use them as a and for the following complaints. snsl, panl7":l44y Pins rapidly cure:— Yoe Dyspepsia or ladigeosloos, ti Lief"' mess, Liewatessor and Lose of Apt should should be taken moderately to .tootilaw . L• itch, and restore Its healthy tout aml 3cltor For LiveriComplhelhes awl Its torus, 11111114 ism 11":', Isellse4 Jetassalesi or BursSileksisor . leas Celle and Dillon, FlPter•• the' be judiciously taken tot each case, t, , diseased action or remove the ottstructaals • cause it. For Illysieetery or Diarrhoea, hul mild dose IA generally retittired Pyl Phessetuatiess. Gout. Greore l • vitiators of the Palm le I°. lilde, Meek and Lotus, they .tiould • •'' measly taken, as required, to chance Lite di- action of the system. With such Outage u complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Iltrepstgisl they should bi taken In large moll trequrt t J••'I to produce the effect of a drastic puree For liappresatos, Large ause taken. as It produces the deemed effect " pathy, Asa Diners. Pin, take one or tee r ill ' Promote digestion and relieve the stomach Anoccasional dose stimulates the stutas , t , bowels, restores the appetite. and invigorate, system Hence it is often exivantsgeous st'e DO DOTIODS 411MIDECteDt exists. One ista tcl/eribtY WO, o gs that a dose ef INSis makes better, from cr cleansing and reacivatiolegit on the digo v apparatus. racrAsaw HT Dr. J. C. ATER @ CO., Practical Cawrio LOWELL, MAGI., 11. B. A. cos BAus irt ALL MOMS MOO° oet*,ty. Medicinal. ALT. =Loam tAtc2. bn, • . 14.1 . 1'hZ1..' , . 1 n, ..t .r L;!,r mA Os litany n • %.I tk.ti:Nt* [Aver 1, „ • • • ~ t • ' 4.. • • !,• =OM =II MMIIMffEI Prioo Oao 1 CHM. 411,1 NASHUA. N.H. Fur the relief cure of all .te r ' n " tnents in the ••• - ach e liver, and els. The) are -- aperient and excellent two:. Wing pine, table. they no tnercurs • ral to serious sick no, suffering ), Pr"'