The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 24, 1872, Image 2
The Beaver Argus, J. WEYAND. &Mos AND Psorareroa Beaver, Pa., April 24th,1872. Pennsylyania Republican Nominatoit. For Governor, JOHN F. HARTRANFT. For. Supreme Judge, LYSSk.j3 NIERCUR. For Auditor General, I.IA.IIRISON ALLEN. For Congressmen at Large. HAIIRY WHITE, LE3IUEL TODD. For Delegates at Large to the Cbnststo • Vonal Cohrentton: Wlntam M M redith, Pibladelohia. J. indisnl ham Pell. Philadelphia: Harry 'White, ; Witham I.lllc . Carbon; Linu Bartholomew. scauyl• M. N. McCalleter Center: William H. Arm. igroug. Lycoraing Bach. Jita, 1.. Reyno ida, Lancaiorr. i-amuel E. Diihmock, Wavbe; Ueo I; Lawrence. Warbilieion: David N. crhite, allegheo. W. H Arney, Lehigh; idhn H. Walker, Lettiga Tut f ndep..ndent press is not and never has been a povrJr to palates, for It ts but the reflex of the opinions of its editors and their Indly Must opinion* see or no more weight than those of the corner ,Tr.snery uracins , —Pstzsbur glt —There are not manyieditors who would indulge in Milk similar to the above. Even if they did wear the "collar," they would hardly care to make a public confession of the fact.. HERE Ls an argument against the election of Judge Davis. clipped from an administration paper the Alliance t 0 , Local: Judge David Davis weighs 2.2 a pounds, and since his appointment ,us Judge has made the country the extra expense of providing a chair of suitable dimensions to fit his portly proportions. If he should be placed in the White House another chair would have to be ordered. It is a noteworthy fact that the country has nev_er had any fleshy men as Presi dents. That Editor no doubt, expects a few advertising crumbs, the pipit mastership at Alliance, or a clerk ship ie one of the departments at Wash in gton. He ought to have one or the other, for such cogent reason ing should be neither unnoticed nor unrewarded. THAT Mr.otS. P. Brown, who re-f 1 ceived twenty, thousand dollars of i the Evans plunder, and who said be fore the investigating committee that he heard Gov. Geary was to get _t, share of it also, turns out lobe a de partment clerk at Washington. We incline to the opinion that it would be in order now for the Government to'r,ive him a permanent leave of ab s,noe. Men of his stripe had teeth r out than in (initial positions. The latest dates iron] Cuba State that the American Con:-Ail at King ttuu iS very actively at wort: prose cuting Melchor Ague•ru, the leader it the Edward Stewart expedition, on a charge of having committed a❑ act of piracy, and ul o against the 01 . the Edgar Ste art. rhe ann. and ammunition of the• Stew art are (wing dkcharged. The Span fia-ja k anchored along -.1(1 , - of-the Stt.wart,wiult oiderd to prevent her leaving a any cost.— ..knottier telegram says that the Ed want Stewart, after running along the northern and southern coasts of Cuba, was unable to land anything, and put into Kingston, where, by an agreement with the A merican' - and Bpanish Consuls, she is detained. NoTtit.a. Moody tragedy is re ported from Muskagee, Indian Ter ritory. It appears that the Untie I States l'ouri was in session there, and was engaged in- trying a murder er named Proctor. The general be lief was that lie would be acquitted, on account of the fact that the Jury was chiefly composed of men but lit iie than himself. Arrang ments were therefore made to arrest him on a new charge in case of his acquittal, and a Deputy Marshal, with a posse of men, went there for that purpose. Before the, Marshal and his Men, however,,went into the court room, they were fired on from within by Proctor's friends, and two or three of the arresting party killed or wounded. The fire was immedi ately returned, but at a great disad vantage. Subsequently the friends °We arresting party in the court room, began to shoot at the Proctor despertaloe4, and when the smoke had cleared away it was discovered that the Judge had been killed and eleven other peisons either killed or wounded. MIAS ANNA E. Inclussos deliver ed a lecture in Cooper Institute, last Friday evening, which was listened to by an immense audience. She scourged the corrupt ionists of this country with a merciless lash. in referring to them in detail she tt us alluded to Senator Cameron: "We have one from Pennsy'lvan'ia. His party a rote over again , st hint in the Congress of the United States in 1562 the verdict, "cAurnon thief," and, so far as 1 is now the verdict was correct." to anw.her tiortioit of the addry:ss fr,,m loch the above was guided, we find th rtowitig, whielt wilt fiati a ready respon:-e from many an ra. 111,1. !1•.• th , “Flly u 131.1, and if you a, as koi. 11 , 1 o; all. that he • • ,1, •••• \k • 6, I u men 01 " "r ' ," - t m . ' , Flak) good cr.uud• N„ I.h t,tit the coil I 1; -•:1•! No' , 11D-se male a ery •. •• .iut I lbw: 1 luaiie a Irlir t, I•, ;ha ,• ei a• a bra/ AdAtig l it Iti• A:" ..11 ft- ~ I. ftiree4,4, In 1 . - •lie•s - 5t...:1 II was thin war Aid • h , 111.411 s• lii• heend.e r 'b.• dead b e. • •i. r;iv •• : I F t here are any per-t hereal,out, h in that tat• Evans plunder ers whi ov,r tkr: , u4tit to light, wt..- siigge:4 that they may as well dis tnis".3 such a thougt at um*. The whole matter, we suspect, has been arranged, and will be heard of •but little in the future. Thus Evans and his confederates escape, and Pennsyl- Vanin is minas nearly three hundred thousand (tellers. The "ring" organs in effect, say this is all right, and abuse the -independent - newspapers, of We State, for declining to ee it in t ha ("ligh t Tilt: Philadelphia Press, and the Lancaster Erpress, both widely cir culated Republican n4wspapers, have thui ftir refused to hoist General kiartranft's name for Governor . Thi,y both allege that his nomination wad one not flt to be made. Whether thq will eventually wheel into hia support remains to be seen, bin judging from their present tone, we thikik it very d,,obtf4. The London Timea,of Monday, says pexhaps President Grant intends to keep the Alabama question of conse qt2'imtial damages open until the reas• semblage of the Tribunal at Geneva. Ehgland, under the circumstances, sh-ould refuse to I roceed in the arbi tr4tion if the American claims- for indirect damages are not withdrawn. Penal:tient is urged to address the CrOwn to stay further proceedings. HERE 41 0 01 THERE. —Mr. Wm, A. Ford, of Caroline munty, Md., hose pet lamb that goes rabbit hunting—that is, ho- follows t dogtio the woods and, when they st-ike the trail, he follow - 1r in pursuit and seems to enjoy the tunas well as the hounds themselves. The lamb is not always successful in , keeping up with his swift-footed compan i o ns, and someamrs he is left behind and gets lost. When this - occur s, he loiters about, .stops at some of the neighbors, and finally works i his way hove twain. —The Secretary of the Navy has written a letter to Gem Garfield re commending the: appropriation of $40,000 to the purchase of two large trial guns to be converted from smooth-bore into - rifled guns, for the purpose of conducting a series of ex periments, with a view of determin ing whether the smooth-bore guns of the navy can be increased in strength and efficiency by rifling. —The mat ter has been referred to the Commit tee on Appropriation. —The divorce mania continues to rage in INiamachusetts. Look at the docket of the Supreme Court now in session at Taunton! One hundred and fifty-one cases in all; andlof those seventy-four are petitions for divorce and four for leave to marry again. Thus more than one-half the busi ness of the - highest court in the Corn ; monwealth relates either to the dis solution of marriages or to petitions arising out of such dissolutions! Not a very fragrant docket we must my. —Henry tifeiggs, the American contractor, seems to be establishing an enviable reputation in South America as a man of enterprise and benevolent deeds. It is now stated that he has purchased a large portion of the suburbs of Lima, and that his intention is to immediately erect a large number of cottages o r persons of moderate means, an on an im proved plan. He is also ut to-es tablish a journal, and not for any special or Intrtisau purposes, but for the furtherance of the broad materi al interest of Spanish America. ' —Our Western Indians, says the Boston' Globe, were long suptiosed to be the greatest experts at torture, but the Chinese, it seems, are more ad vanced in this fiendish capacit, A court at Hong Kong lately condemn ed a criminal to be killed by wake fulness. The culprit, a strong and healthy man, was kept awake con stantly for fifteen days, his sufferings for the Last few hours being of the most excruciating character. At, last lie dropped down and the heart ceased to beat. Roasting alive is a mercy compared with such torture. ." —A report having been circulated that Senator Schurz was in default to the if reasury six thousand dollars, on account of his mission to Spaiu,he called upon the Firth Auditor lately and ascertained that his account,like many others, was kept open, bemuse the last six mouth of his salary had nut been receipted for, and u small itetn of contingent expenses had nut been certitied by the legation in the usual form, and that instead of Sena atur Schurz being in default to the Government, a balance is still due him from the GoVernment. —Columbia county ,A rkanis, is ex cited. A Dr. Roberts has there '•picked up"— such is the phrase used by the Washington (Arli.) Telegraph —has "picked up," we repeat, Just as if such stones were plentiful in the vicinage, "a genuine diamond, large as a partridge egg, awl weighing forty carats." It is valued by the admiring and astonished beholders at $200,000! '•Hurrali," cries the Telegraph, "for thediamond fields of Arkausa-! Africa has no such dia monds as that!" Probably not. —The New Lurk Evening Mail says:- Look for pbre Vermont maple sugar. They have been boiling a man in it at Fairfield. This man was boil ing sap in a forty-gallon kettle,hang ing on a pole, when he struck his head against the pole and fell into the kettle. From what we know of the character of those Vermont farm ers, we have not the least idea that they will throw away that much simply because it had a - man in it. It will y,et appear on our tables in the form of syrup, and if anybody (Inds buttons in theirs, they will please re turn them to Joseph Minor Fairfield Vt. —Cincinnati is so growing in impor tance that the need of a new hcitel is greatly felt there, atuyhe want is to he at once supplied, 'or promise's to ne, three thousand dollars of thene eessary stock having been already suhscribed. "The May Convention," Kays The ibmniereiat," will again il lustrate o iair lack of public houses sath- as add to the attractions of oth ereities." _lndeed, it is the opinion of the same newspaper that Cincinna ti is "the natural city of National Conventions," and that when the new hotel is built, all such Conven tions will be held there simply as a matter of-ciiurse. --The Chiolgo Tribune compares the refusal of the missionaries to baptize the illegitimate ehil3 of George 11. Butler, Consul General to Egypt, to a shnilar martifstation of vindictiveness in a Western State, where a minister declined to baptize the child of a misguided woman.— 't'he mother helonged to some sect that. believed that no soul could be saved unless the body it inhabited had been duly sprinkled and saneti tied. Her child died without bap t ism, and she died, a year or so ago, without her reason. —The eterelapd Ectider mentions the in ventil at in that city of a nitichine I called the Patent eat Exterminator. This is described as it large sheet-iron cat with cylindrical attachment end steel claws and teeth. The motive power is like that of a clock; the tail is swelled by a bellows in the interi or, which also, by a tremolo attach ment, causes the patent eat to utter wild cries of defiance. The machine being duly wound up is placed upon the roof of a house. Roused by its diabolical yells, every eat ivithin half a mile rushes to action,. some times front 50 to 100 attacking at once. Then the iron teeth and claws begin to work with lightning rapidity. and all the adversaries within six feet of the machine are torn to shreds, lie intoreement come up, only to tree r a like fragmentary destiny, and soon great twill's of hair, toe-nails, and Ml ,dle-strings are gathered nix n the roof. This is probably the greatest tnechanitati invention since Dr. Tush maker's beautiful machine ihr ex tracting-teeth, sa well demriliect -by the late Mr. John ?laenix. --Mr. lay, of the navy, has Inveat., edg torpedo, which is now before congress, and for which he asks one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, provided it doer all he- claims for it. He proposes to send it out two miles at sea, keep it under perfect control from the shore by electricity, and di rect it under a ship and blow it up, or to let IL proceed'one mile andcause it to return without exploding, show• ing the perfect control he has over the infernal machine. It is proposed that a board of naval officers shall examine it and certify that it has all the merits claimed. if what is said of the machine is true, it will- create a complete revolution in naval war fare and provide another mgans of defence against a foreign invasion. As naval officers would have • to use it In time of war, they oppose its adoption unless the must perfect tests are made by experienced officers. POLITICAL- Cincinnati Convention. PHILADELPHIA, April 18.—A call has been issued to the Liberal Repub licans of the State, indorsing the Cin cinnati movement, and signed by the following named Republican& John 31 Hickman 31 B Lowery David Barelay A K McClure V W Irwin J Ilayard Wood R 8 White A \V Bailey Chas B Lee Charles Hower Thomas J Power Theo Herr Jay Caldwell J 31 Bayer Samuel Evans Win Fold Thomas E Sutherland Wm-31 Bull Caleb H N cedes Jas W C.:l - e Jonas 31 Walker W W Rutherford C F Ballinger .1 C Bombager B T Etter Jas 31 McClure F H t Jackson J It byplier Wm Painter Wm L tennis Thomas Warne/ d Dar/Ingtou W 11 Arius:rang Geo I) Cneyncy Charles Vistar E T Chase HeinrichlSketter Joshua Karnes It diem 31iFris Datil D Henry`e Gov. raltner's Dual Declaration spans& Grant. Reasons why he Declined lobe a Can: didate fur Re-Election. [By Tetegreph to the Tributte.l Clitcaco,April 17.—The following important letter from Gov. Palmer to his neighbors and friends of Ma coupin County, to-day made public, is ii .explanation of his declination to permit his name to be used before the Republican State Convention for renomination. It attracts a great deal of attention: lb the Editor of The Carlinville Democrat: Such of my old friends as may have heard the announcement you were authorized to make, that I I would riot be a candidate before the Republican State Cmivention for re nomination, no doubt felt some curi osity to learn the reason for my con duct, and 1 know of no medium so proper for giving them the informa tion as the columns of the newspaper established by us in 1859 when the Ite publiuu► strength in Maeoupin Coun ty amounted to 800 votes, out t.f u voting population of nearly 4,000. The Stale Convention, which has been called to meet at Springfield on May 22, will becontrolled by men whose leading object will be to se cure that renomination and election of President Grant. They will make all the nominations of State officers subordinate to that object, and have a right to expect that the candidate they select for Governor will sympa thize in their oitiece, and undertake the canvass of the State to proniota its srcevss. Ido not believe Presi dent Grant should be renominated by the Republican party, and will not say so. Nor w.II I consent to esnvass the State to promote his re election, unless the candidate placed in the field against him is more ob jectionable. I supported General Grunt in 1868 with great cheerful ness. Then the issues which follow ed the war were of transcendent im portance. It was then necessary to providevomplete guarantees for the liberty, equality, and protection of• all; and, in the comparison with the perfect accomplishment of these fun damental objectsof the Government, measures of administrative re;orrn were of small importance, and s in fact, from the state of the public mind, were then impossible. Now the most important public questions are such as relate to the enforeement of the laws, the administration of the pub lic funds, provision for thecare of the helpless classes, the reduction of the burdens of taxation, the en forcement of - official honesty and re sponsibility, and the protection of the liberties of the people. As all who are familiar with my opinions know, I believe that all reforms and improvements in the direction indi cated must begin in the State, and the first step towards success must be to win to the Government of the State the confidence and affection of the people. No,man need expect reforms in the administration of the Federal Gov ernment until the people assume the Government of the State, and en force honesty and good government. The President• and Congress are tor► remote from the people to pay any great degree ofattention to their wish es; they must be impressed by the action and ' example of the State. With these views, I cannot defend or justify the opinion acted upon by Gen. Grant when he ordered four companies of Infantry into this State to act as police, and that dictated his approval of the acts of Gen. Sheridan in raising troops by his own authori ty in this State, subjecting Chicago to military rule, whereby a peaceable citizen of the State was unlawfully killed. These lawlessand dangerous assumption'', of authority cannot be defended or apologized for by me, while the obligations of an oath to support the Constitution and enforce ►he laws ofthe State rest upon me. f t he powers claimed and acted upon by the President In these instances exist in him, the State of Illinois is but a dependency of the Government at Washington, and the lives and liberties of the people are subject to the will of the President. To defend •these acts of the President is to con cede that the power he claimed exists. Such a concession by the Governor would ben crime against the people of the State. Nor could I, if a can didate for Governor, say to the peo ple that President Grant has the In clination and ability toenforee econo my and reform in the Govermnent, nor will I submit my judgment on these points to a Convention that will be dominated by his appointees and partisans. JOHN M. PALMER.. The "Liberal" Morenseni in ittiaoia. CHICAGO, April 17. The call which has finally been inaile public endorsing the principles put Anti' by the Liberal Republicans of Misff souri Is signed three or four hun dred of the mcrist prominent R,epuls , lican.s of Illinois. The call suggests that citizens of Illinois present at Cincinnati select a due proportion of their number to represent their State In the Convention. SPRI NG FI ELD, April 17, —The .'Tate Register of this date contains additional "liberal" movement in tellgenee.. The _latest recruits art Gnyernor Palmer, Hon. Newlin Bateman, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary of State Rum mel, Adjutant General [Niger, Hon. Wm. L. Gross and hundredsof pri vate citizens. The Lieutenant GOv ernor. Auditor and Treasurer have not yet signified their intentions. Advice to Colored lien. NEW OaLrA'ss, April 18.—The following will appear, by permiss ion, in the New Orleans Republican to-morrow, as to the duty of the col ored men in the South: Hon. T. W. CONWA Y t New Orleans. Sta.: I have yours , of 21st . inst. I think colored people will .be bene fitted by and should sympathize with the Clucinnati Convention, because it tends to free thorn from the odium 'of complicity with thevillainies and robberies which have been perpetra ted in the abused name of Republi canism during the past five or six years, especially in the South. The monstrous exaggeration of taxes and debts in most of the Southern States is the fruit of white villainy. The thieves who perpetrated these rob beries are now seeking to escape the just punishment of their crimes by bawling lustily, "Grant." "Grunt," "I'm for Grant," "Uurrah for Grant." The Cincinnati movement is at deadly feud with these robbers and their evil deeds. Let the honest and upright colored men Join it then, and thus rid themselves of crimes which others only have perpetrated. Yours, HORACE REELET 119,-Tile Philadelphia Herald makes the announcement that "Hon. F. B. Penniman, of Wayne county, formerly editor of the Pittsburgh Gazette, and one of the ablest Be publicans In the State, has consented to attend the Cincinnati Conven= Lion in the interest of reform." Forty - Second Congress. SECOND SESSION. SENATE, April 15.—0 n a motion from the Committee on military af fairs a bill was passed permitting the interment in national cemeteries of all honorably discharged soldiers and sailors. A bill was introduced pro viding that no money shall be paid from the proceeds in the Treasury of any captured or abandoned property without a special appropriation to be made hereafter therefor. HOUSE.—Much time was consum ed on dilatory motions on Mr. Hoop er's supplementary civil rights bill. Petitions were presented against further land grants, and recogni zing God in the constitution for religious liberty. The river and harbor improvement bill, which ap propriates above $(,000,000, 'Mud big V 225,000 for the removal of Hell Gate and other obstructions in the East river at New York, was passed. A bill was introduced and passed for the appointment by the President of three cow tu issionem at a salary of ten dollars per day each to inquire Into depredations,on the [twitters of Tex as by bands of Indians and Mexicans, and appropriating $6,000 for the ex penses of the commissioners. Ad journed. SENATE, A.pril 16.—A bill was passed to provide for the redemption and safe of lands held by the United States under the several acts levying direct taxes. Also, a bill from the Committee on Mines and Mining to promote the development of the mining resources of the United States. Adjourned. House.—Nothing of interest trans pired. SF: ATE, April 17.—The following bills were passed: One' appropriat ing $50.000 for the observation of the transit of Venus; to perpetuate test i mony In the courts of the United States; to further the adtninistration of justice, and a supplement to an act amending the enforcement act. The bill to authorize the President to ac cept the resignation of the Judge of any Court in the United States was amended so as to confine its opera tions to Judges who shall have been ten years in office and it was rejelted. Hour;:.—The bill tc, regulate the seizure and examination of books and invoices In customs revenue eases was taken up, amended and poused:Thel ill appropriating $'255,2.92 for the MilitarS , Academy at West Point was passed. Adjourned. SENATE, April 18.—Nothing of in terest to the citizens of Itcaver coun ty occurred. Holum E.,—The bill incorporating the great Salt Lake and Colorado Rail road was pas'sed. The civil service reform bill was taken up, but the House adjourned without action. LEESBURG POISONING CASE. Further Details—Airs. Lloyd a Mo n onian iac on ;raves and Dead Peo ple. 7 From the raiesburg i Va.) if ir - ror of Wednesday we gather the fol lowing additional parueulars con nected with the legal proceedings against Mrs. Emily E. Lloyd charged with poisoning her children, & The inquest on the body of the youngest child, Maud, was called on the of Man-h, immediately after the death - of the little girl. Mrs. Lloyd was among the witnesses examined, but no verdict was rendered until af ter the analysis by Prof. Totry, when, on Saturday last, a secret ses sion of the jury was held, and a ver diet was rendered as follows: The jurors sworn to inquire when, where, how, and by what means the said Maud Lloyd mane to her death, upon their oath do say that, upon the testimony of witne s ses and other evidences taken by them, it is their belief that the said Maud Lloyd mune to her death on of about the 25th day of March, 1872, by reason of the ad ministration to: her of arsenic, and Hilt; the said arsenic was adminster ed to said Maud Lloyd by her moth er, Emily E. Lloyd. The subsequent proceedings before the examining court on Tuesday,and the commitment of the amused to await the action of the grand jury have been fully given. It is said that Mrs. Lloyd is a monomaniac on graves and dead people, and that she seemed to derive a morbid and mel ancholy satisfaction in preparing her children for burial, in decorating their graves, &c. She attended to almost every detail of the prepara tion of the bodies of her children fur burial,cutting out their grave clothes and dressing them elaborately with her own hands. Mrs. Lloyd is of me ; (limn bight, about thirty-live years of age, dresses in mourning, and has nothing remarkable in her iippear ance. On Monday she was engaged in her usual household duties, plan ning and arranging for the future with composure, as if nothing was impending to interfere with her do mestic concerns. Her husband in 1868 kept a restaurant, and dying,left his widow and children a moderate income, sufficient for all their wants. em— it curching for Victims Oft be Oce- moons disaster. ST. Louis, April 19.--eapt. Thom as W. Rea, wit° left last Monday for the scene of the late explosion of the steamer Oceanus - , to recover, if passi 7 . ble, the bodies of those hist by:•the disaster, returned to-day, and reports that he and Mr. 'Fisher, the carpen ter of the steauler, and four nun, drugged the river from the point where the Oceanus exploded to the point where she sunk, three miles below, but found no bodies. They also explored both the Missouri and Illinois banks of the river as far down ,as Cairo, but the only thing found Was the body of one of the lion cub+ ,-belonging to a menagerie on hoard of the steamer. The river has risen seven feet sitice the explosiun, but Capt. Rea left CRT. Connelly In charge of the men, and the search will to continued. This is the ninth day since the disaster, and it is believ ed the bodies will begin to rise, and as the water is quite still, owing to the back Water from the Ohio river, all that rise can be easily tievared. sEirThe Mormon authoritim com menced a series of arrests at Salt Lake City Thursday last, for refusal to pay opPressive taxes and licenses. An apostate mormon merchant, named Silver, was dragged over his tx,unter and through the street, in all man ner of indignity, and torturtxl with wire wrist cuffs, to City Hail. In tense excitement ensued. Hundreds flocked to the court rOom, angry and determined.; Judge Hayden', for the prisoners, alleged that a great out rage, had been committed, demand ed time to prepare a defense and said $lOO 000, if neeeksary, was ready tor bail. Silver was then released on recognizance till Monday. Eas- tern ettpitallsta and others in ITU* on iniAkes business express strong, appreon of injury to the Intel% est of thnterritory tho coming seas% if the present situation remains In. tact.. The Situation to Matamoras. Ng*: YORK, April 18.—A special !tout Aratamorassays that from prep ent appeamnces no attack will be made 11$ the revolutionists OR that. city atiere are plenty of men to carry The defense successfully, tend Trevh*the revolutionary comman der, NO railed to obtain material for siege, told has neither food nor forage and hit horses are starving. It Is be lieved-That he Is compelled to aban don the attempt of capturing the city. Palacaise. the Government mumartder at Iliatamoras, promises to assti l lie the offensive, and has or. : deredina troops to be ready to moire at a ilkomentis warning. He will start In pursuit of the revolutionists after the arrival of General Cevallos with 1010foreements from Vera Cruz, hourir expected, who will occupy and dOfvnd ROUT;. OF REVOLUTIONISTS CON FIRMED. Mug lulvices from Victoria to the 12th. i 3 / 4 intlrm the rout of the revolu tioni*under Narvarez, by Gen. la' pada,4overnor of Conahuvila. The former were scattered, and are now betwisrl Tula and Naholuala, com mitting depredations. Wool. Wdat cannot be a profitable pro duct In most parts of the United . Statui !when it commands less than fifty :_cents a pound. According to the e4tOulations of a prominent Wes tern :', , r(lriner this is about its actual cost iti:*Washeti condition,. including inter 44 on the value of the sheep, expense of wintering and pasturage. Yet the Australian and South Amer ican wools can be delivered in New York for from twelve to fifteen cents a potiuti. The farmer above alluded to, who recently before an agricul ural getivention in Wisconsin, urged, in vievy of the facts, the absolute ne cessity:of protection for wool grow • era. , There is no escspe from his log ic, mitt it is reassuring to read of such convittelng arguments in favor of protection having been addressed by an Itit4ilgent farmer to his brethren. TheriKwill be no danger of relapse intae:Zfie ruin of free trade if the agri cultural classes are only kept wide awake on the subject.. The advomtes of the British system lay down the genera) rule that no nation should encotteage either the growth or man ufacture of any product which they can bay cheaper—i. e., at a less price in nioney —abroad . Of course, t hen, they 'Would say to the farmers, if thep,...'were candid, "stop growing wool as they are saying every day to 14to manufacturers, who confess that their industries, with all the ramifying interest depending upon therti! could not exist at present in free4mpetition with cheaper labor and capital of Europe. If this t►d vieo everywhere adopted and nettil-: on, the United States would have to abandon almost every pur suUgeept the raising of cereals and cotten. Then if we continued to setattliese abroad in return fur fah ries,3 `'how long before all our land wolittl be exhausted by the constant and uncompensated drain, as those in dirtily parts of the Southern States no 4 are? •i A Mormon Itlntaxer. .4inornion elder bearing the ex pre*lve mono of Musser,ilms, it ap peat been giving rowdy and riotous counal to his brother ;and sister saititA, in a place called Beaver, some whore in Utah Territory. This elder is ht-licose, not to say desperate—one of the "last ditch" type of Mormons. Ileseeins to be a man of some consid eration, for ho occupies the post of Mormon telegraph superintendent, atu4*ciares "rather than surrender one single principle of their religion, tlitiNormons would make a Moscow of salt Lake City, tear Up the rail roatis, break down the telegraph. lint* and destroy millions of other prOlierty." This Masser Is a terrible lOW*, truly; and another elder, also vyingenii the significant name of Ca n nonOs no less abusive, violent and up;daeing. Certainly, while the Caimons and tlussers of Mormomlom urethus belching and raving, there is tiOle hope for the Mormon request to Congress to be admitted ss a State. Nik:Must we treat these ranters and villifiers as the worst of the Salt Lake cit . z enemies of the Governineot. Ortlfie contrary, they do Congress u seeitice in unmasking the hypocrisy, w6ich clings to the Mormon appliea tiOnito be admitted to the Union. Th4idisintegration and dissolution of u gtcat system like that of Mormon polygamy cannot be expected to pc etrOv t hou t sundry detonations from itdannons, and perhaps even some "quisses" from its Mussers. It will be. the part of statesmanship to make the, i:liange so steady and . gradual as tiqnvolve the least passible commo tion. Nothing Cures Nobody Chen a man is supposed to have Cnnsumption, or that tendency in the censtitutton• which will ultimately .d'eStelop that disease, nine times out of ten, he is given over to die, for the rkon nine out of ten pew le believe incurable disease. What good ti* it do to believe that? Does it river the person safer, or add to his 'lopes of lengthened life? Not at all. :', 1. leaves him without hope, and tk man without hope n ill, in all abandon himself to des- Oft. Dr. Keyser has cured numbers cif kinies of ounsutoption. Dr. Key s r!s Luny Core will disintegrate frerculous twitter and curry it out :the system. It will do inure. It Will neutralize that principal called tubercle, in the blood, and hinder its it4ctsition in the lungs, ur anywhere else in the human system. How fa- Cal: . to consumptives is that plan *hich drives disease away from the Ikrout and nose down into the lungs. A man supposes himself to have *arrii. He runssome acrid fluid up tlite side of his nose and out the oth -0,, The nose is healed, but the dis euSe has descended down, where it 14 rspable of doing wore harm. The t74e treatment is to cure the blood, 40 the nose and catarrh will get well 4"lthout spray or douches. Du. K EY q,:git's LUNG CURE IV ill do it. Dr. Keyser's office, 167 Liberty 4.reet, Pittsburgh. tiyy-The marts having fora week railed to come to time In an Arkansas town, the local paper says It has been fereedtodraw heavily on thealmana cs for copy, and ifcomtnunieation with the outer world should be still longer cut off, "we will be obliged next week to make extracts from the Bi ble, thus supplying some of our read ers, at least, with matter entirely new to them." New Advertisements. A CHALLE NGE We dely all other atreno to _proeln9e sewlng Moehlne *goal to our new 11.EilthUTON LAI EIRE DROP FEED. Send for samples to work, elmulano, &c. CARSON OROS., Westetn Agent., No. 49 SiothSt., Pittsburgh, pa. Ifair gents Fluted. aprttlra - - - Auditor'. Notice. Commonwealth of reandylvania. ex ref, rs. Mary Rambo a bowie. In tbe Court of Common ?tees of Bearer county, No. 35, `September term. ISti9. January V, Brt, the aoconnt of John Stewart, commutes of Mary Rambo filed. Mardi 30 th , Md. the Cone; confirm this account and appOint Frank Wilson„esti.. an auditor to rt port distribution of the lelhinte in the hands of Committed to and among the_partica -leiraly rbti tied. BY THE CO HT. .._ , MCAT= CoLINTY. es: SEA L ___ A A:lle : extract from the record. JOHN CAUGHEY, Proth' y. The Auditor appuinted by the Court to distribute the balance In the bandit of Sad John btewart, committee of Mary Rambo aforesaid. on statement of his account as each committee will meet the parties interested for the purpose of his appoint ment oar JlPriday, May 17th, 143. at 10 o'clock, a. m., at his office to Beacom, at which time and place said parties may attend if they see proper. airrt.4;aw. FRANK W ILSON , dudifar. , New Afivertilements. treatila .orrend.rmintireb 4 si of Beaver fo audios ear 187 S. lis die Comm. efts y Rochester bor. Class 8 J Cron st co 9 g Lapp 14 Mu J N MIAMI 13 Coe I Darragh 11 W W Jobeudon 14 Charles Bath 14 David Aughenbeagh 14 /Ocala= 811veraima -- 14 'Andrew Ws 11 W Die/anon 14 JOll9 d Katcher 24 Benjamin Pfeffer 13 I J D 18111er 33 Dindel Nelson 14 J lannenbrink 14 spcycrer £ Sons 9 L ritetnfleld 14 James Alexander 14 George Street 14 Mr* Id Shrecic 14 New BrigArmi Bor. Sylvester neholield 14 G /Sward 14 John Gibsod 14 Georgia Seimon. 14 Robert Banton . 1 /4 it &Orden. 13 .11 riebilt . , 13 W 1) McD onald 14 Evan Pugh. 13 8 & J tinedleabarg 12 11 II MIA I4 EBober** 14 2 F Mitchell :1 W 'W Weddle *co 14 Michael McLaughl.n 14 rhombi -Morgan 14 t N twelfth 14 11311Ip_blarteolf 14 C F Winter 14 FranYloagnecker 14 C U Meyers 14 A D 0111111 and tco 11 J 8 Berger 14 .1 31.4intlerson n James - Wilson 14 A liamauer 14 J S kic - Ferren 14 S Metrlch 14 Chutes Coale 14 Jobn Corbus 13 J 8 Winans 13 Win Kennedy 9 Agliwv Doff II It II Edgar 9 1,8 Ripper 14 Boots &Snick 13 .r s Mann It tillestwick 14 M F Umstead .4 co 14 William Magasr 14 ilamberger Jr co 14 9 N Park 14 13 tipdegraph 14 .1 W NI pert 14 train Reed 14 . K 1' Edgar tt co 14 1 Ohio Tbwriship. Beaver Borough. Cisu J Parris 14 M li on Snitger & Co, 14 A Wynk 14 Orr &Coors ~ 19 Jameslark - • 14 Allisolt 14 Robert Tallou 14 414 Al klas - - .., • - 14 -James Moore 14 Thomas Arnim* • • •111 Henry Mere i 14 Small & Atkins 14 John Herder 14 James Phillls 14 ./ 11 MeCreery & Co., 14 Mrs J 11 Beoot 24 Borough TA .Wilitam 'llarragh 14 Baker Reed 14 J M Cornelius A CO., 14 W Johnston 14 Bridgewater Boro. me* 11 Barbour 14 J .. - 11 Doherty 24 A Brelun • 14 Harvey Brown IS A C Hurst 12 A S Hare., 13 B S Ranger 12 B Blulhelm 14 Stiles A Jareus la MI & 8 11 Darragh 14 Big Beaver Tp J BJohnston 14 3 S Hudson 12 It Porter It C Glover 14 J H Wllberepoun 14 A Carnet 14 Scott & CO 11 Hudson & Bro 14 Beaver FaUs bore I) C Westin 14 Fred Rhok st 13 John t, Hooter lb 0 W Smith 14 John Heheske 14 Mrs. It King 14 L B Chidsey 14 Ward & Cleletid 14 11 Ramer 14 It S Newton 14 David McClurg 14 Charles Levi 141 Duncan A Dawson 13 William Head 14 It A Craighead 14 A Fleming 14 Wm McCarty 13 II F howling 14 W W Duzikte 14 D Stewart A Son 14 Bruce & Brier') 12 Id A Townsend &Son 14 C C Whistler 14 Joseph Delmer 14 John Sterling 1 1 & T Hansom 14 Jas DELIMIT) it CO Ts tic at S It Patterson 14 JonD A Cogiey U M Irwin J C Duff John F Cowling 14 J Kennedy & Co 14 A Hanauer 13 J D McAnil, 14 J ltbampsuu Patrick Regan 14 H t 3 Siting 14 Darlington fp it bar Frw•mau Bum It W F Rail 14 J C Duff 11 11 CI Conk 14 Mrs J II Kerr 1 14 11 Grimm 14 J M Kenny 11 J 11 Warrick 13 'Thomas Russell 14 Aber t Rod , 13 1 T 0 Boyd . 14 AT Adams 14 Thomas Watson 11 iJ 11 tiproul 14 St. Clair nor. 8 A Craig 14 1 /laden Borough, IC II Biddle 24 Curry & Bro • 14' . Dayld Smith 11 J D Scott 141 Economy Ticp. Moody .t., Co 14j Benry Bross 14 Facto,. bore Illic..lormick & McKee 14 Jame, Dtllloll2l ACo 10, Franklin Terp. Freedom BorougA. E Antenreah 14 S Morgan .2: Greene Imp. W D Haber 11 Charles Calhoun 14 John B Chaney 12 J 11 Diehl & co 13 D E Lowrey 13 Trimble & w 13 J F Bantle 14 J li Todd 19 Ilarnuiriv lwp. flannel & LIMN halusinir Ttcp. John Jackman 14 Jti& OE&I•et 1 James It ukAel I 14 Joseph McFerren 14 14avi3 Ramsey 13 Elliott & Braden 13 Brunton & hull 14 John It Cowling& co 14 Ilanorer Twp. Thiatjulturg, W H Frazier &cu 13 Isaac Onatott 14 J, Morrison -r3Lola 13 LLo uognoo 14 . 4 it %Pilsen 14 A uttmtlY EnApper 14 , ' llopervelf Twp, C I , Kearcher 14 Calvert & Patton 14 Rochester Terp ' Independeuee Tp J F Hague 11 W Leech 11 Rochester Bore Joseph Davis 14 It W Seeley 14 N•te ...ieteiekley Tp. John Conway 14,1' II lleckert 14 Wlll 1.1 Smith& co 11 Junes J4'arks 13 J 1) Cottln- 14 !dawn. haesil 14 Sharp it'ltoChnan 1:1 ' Nortfi !Wane-10y Tp. WhieleaLtnneubrink 14 . A SI Meek len 14 S It Can:when 14, Raccoon Tp. Hilltinger & co 1::' Janne. Scott - It Wllltant Carey 14, 51 hprhiger 14 J II MeCutchcon 14 It Hall 11 II S Hibbard 14 1 J II Christy 13 Dealers In tompound ;Medicines. Dearer Borough. Prredorn Borough John ILoore 3 .1 F Beatty liugo Andrieseen Bridgewater Bor Barnes brother', 3 .►nr Brighlon Ilex it L Krimah Iforcan emit (1 McCuuk Smith 'tsar , r Bar B 11 Todd It S Mellow:1 J E & s Brittinn 3 Wlliiand Ja Kerr Stvinfrlt 3' narbosier Bur 3 If S Ilibbaut 3'v ithio To trnehip. : W Ituecillinz :1 J A I'.az ley I A 1' ShAli..nberger 3 DM In‘ In . 1 1 J I) Collin . 4 J H 11'arrick 4 Greene ntenithip. 4 TbOLLAW , SIN erringen 4 W Gillum Dartivgtort. I 13 I' Ball 4' Bllltard Uooms. Bearer Fa/ Dorouglt--6 F table*. New Brighton Borough. John Bosh - ell 3 tables t II Il Mille 9 tables Roche/der Borough —llnrt llnrnigh 3 tablet. Brewers & Distillers. Ileraer Falls Borough olk k Falk class W James Andetton Chula Freedom Borough—John F Mueller class ti. Rochester—Gotha!) Cline class 10. Bridgewater —Conrad Weisgarber class 10. The apt. •al will h held at the Cottimitudonets' office In [leaver on Saturday May 11th, 1572. S. A JOUNSTON. apr94:3ur) Mercantile Appraiser. 're-ustiteets' P4tale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE D Y virtue of au order of the Orphans' Court of Deaver county. the undersigned Administra tors of the estate of William Davidson, sr., late of said county. dec'd., and Trostee• to make sale of d.cettent's real estate after - proceedings la Parti tion, will expose to sale at'public vendee or out cry, on the premises on Friday, May 24, 1872, at 10 o'clock, a. tn., all the following described real esta'e of said deceased •ituated In Chippewa township, Beaver county, Pa., to wit : One tract hounded as fol lows. viz : Beginning at a poll at vital-weal COT tier, thence by other lands of said deceased, (pur port No, 3) north SI d=rees, west 14 perches In a post; thence by lands of S. 31. Welsh. north ili a , degrees, east al 100 perches to a Stone; thence by lanes of William McCaughtry and purport No. I north a 7 degrees 5 minutes, west 131. 20-100 per. to a stone; thence by purport No. I south 3 deg. west SI fai-1110 perches to the place of trginning Containing 11 acres and CAI perches, upon which are erected a two-story frame dwelling honse, log stable, and other outbuildings; shout 60 acr e s cleared. and balance well timbered; a four-feet vein ..f coal underlies the premises. ALSO, Another tract in said township bounded by lands of Daniel McDade, Jeremiah Gilchrist, the minor heirs of John Davidson. deceased, and Joseph Hanna; containing 49 acres and 30 peril es, upon which are erected a trig dwelling house, tog stable aryl outbuildings; fruit trees on premises; all cleared, under fence.. and underlaid with a four feet von of coal. Each of above rams within three miles of New Galilee station, on P. F. W. A. C. IL W. Mills, schools and churches convenient. ALSO. On Saiurday, ilar2SlA. IMO, at o'clock a. m., on the premises, all those two certain lots of ground situate In that poi t of Bridgewater born. called North Bridctiviatar in said county,adloining each other, and together bounded its follows, via: Beginning at the end of Water street, and extend log thence along the Sharon road to Kist street; thence by Elm street to the,extegtaftiti Walnut alley; thence by said alley (041rApo allist lb w° by Grape alley i=e OW Of beet:in: A quan- tity of ground , a equal to three lota tbMg., David - son's plan at Dorthittidgawater, said lob biretta. 130 feet !tont on Wainutsiller. anagilending hack by parallel noes to Sharon road aforesaid, upon which are erected a large three and a-Aa(f storied brick dwelling house, contalningl,ll e001A1; a new tonne granary, coal house and otber buildings; cistern ntidAvod well of water at the door; fruit trees on th.e premises. ALSO. lots In said DaYldttnn's phut. Nos. 37 and US fn the borough aforesaid, upon which Is rreet.d a two-story frame dwelling house, con taining 5 rooms and kitchen: good fence; coal house and fruit trees on premises.. ALSO, Lot No. 10'3 Liz Said DavidiOn's plan, upon which is erected a small frame, one-story honse with temetnent containing four rooms; good fruit on lot. ALSO, Lots 69. 70, 71, 11 and 73 in Davidson •a plan in ortlo borough. lots r,9 aud 70 having a (runt of &I feet each un Sycatuoro alley. and ex• tending back by parallel hue. to Beaver and Shar on road; lota hos. 11. Ti and 7.1 having each a !rout of 30 feet on Clarion street and extending back 1.19 feet to Sycamore allay • all under fence. ALSO, Lots Nos. 3 59. till, 61, 63 in David•on'a plan, each 50 feet on M ulberry street, and running back 11.KJ feet to Sycamore alley; all surrounded by reliCe. ALSO, Lot No. 9U, In Laid pito, botifided west by Bearer and Sharon road. GS feet by said road. euuth by 'drape alley 2 (mg, cast ta Clarion tr "et GS feet, partly ant' er fence. ALSO. Lot No. 105 m ottld Kan, upon wbtcb lo erected a two story frame booze containing 4 rooms tit kitchen with cellar underneath, fruit, trees on lot, and lot antler fence ALSO, Lot No. 1113, In said plan. upon which, is erected a Ir.rge. trains stable, lot fenced. ALSO. Lot No. 104. in mime Wan, upon r bich id a one story fracas house at present used ss an office, containing two room§ witb Cellar un derneath. ALSO. The undivided one third of that cer tain lot of ground situated in said lkwo, of Widen water, county and State aforesaid bounded on the eait. by Beaver Wye?. south and weal by Pub lic !toad or Street, and thi the north by lot of upnu which to erected a large steam paw mill ALSO, Two Intent ground situate Id Rochester tp., County audState aforesaid. being Nea. Ir. 3 SI. in 12 plan of lots laid out by Joe. Irvin th John It Whisier. Administrators of the estate of John Bolles dec'd, containing Two Lentil • zuv ay Ptnedna. ALSO, A parcel or lot of ground, situated in said Rochester Ty., In the vlllege Dr (Jonesville, the last above meutionial lots co .latning oat ere- DU= •ND MOH Irt-LN AND ON t 11•LikIPNItOUCS. /I.3II4—UDC third of purchase money in hand on confirmation of oak.* by the Court one-third at the expiration of one year limmi he de to of raid confirmation with _legal interest thereon from the same time . and he Watts* to remain charged on the prem ises during the natural life of said deosdeure widow, the Interest thereon to be paid to her annually (tom sod after said confirm* tion,.and at h‘r death said deferred instalment to be paid to the parties legally entitled thereto, poretilliere to pay rspe-se of preparing deeds, bonds and mortgages and stsmpi_ ..n" same Or Pct. iurther Intbrmation address the wider signed at Rochester P. 0., Beaver Co.. p c SAML Jt TIIOS. J. DAVIDSON ; Or Thee, :V INiOD g Moore. Atka's at Law, Beaver, Pa _ DEMMLER BROTHERS. No 1201 1 .3n0thfleld PITTSBURGH, PA., Manufacturers of Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, And Donlon In CUTLERY and HOUSE FfIIIIVISELVO GOODS Hare constantly on band a very large stock of Grocers' Tea and Spice (bodies, lee Cream Freezers, lcs Chests, Hater Coolers, Clothes Wringer...lllrd Proprietors of the Celebrated PATENT ADJUSTABLE STOVE SHELVE& Wholesale sad Retail. PRICES LOW. apr24,4 Rowell & 03,'s Advertisements. et Lilt What I this Grand aparlde for dyspepsia, ibis bubbling, sparttling. COO nag. purifying rev. luting drungtit they_ Thrrani's Aferve/cent Seltur Aperient r Well, It Is simply the chemical fac of the Seltzer Spring Water, which to t 100 years has been accounted the finest cathartic. sod Attentive IS all Ettrqpe. SULI) BY ALL DRUG/OMA. = 5pr24:41.. MBE ONLY: GENICUAL ACCIDENT Insurance Company in America, writhig Aceldrn t Polletea by the month or year, is the TRAVELERS of Ilartforn, Coon. It fringes men of all trades. occupado*s, and professiOn, at rates with within the,'olearfs of all. TRH TRAVELERS also write, policies of life and endowment INSURANCE of all usual forms, uniting amide Se• curtly and moiiorrte cost under a Definite Contract. PrecOlutn system la. the favorite Low Rate, AlcCash, Stock Ilan. No other COMPAisIY iu the mirk), of its age, hair retooled eo much money In benefits to Its Policy-hoidens. Cash Assets, nearly two Millions. apr2444w. Cheap Fawns: Free Homes! OV TIM LINZ OF tus UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. 4 LAND GRANT OF 12,00(1,000 ACRES, IS THE BEST FARM a MINERAL LANDS In AMERICA 3,000,000 A.ores In 147cl:owns Ir. a The Garden of the Weigt, 14013 , 808 SALE These laudepre in the ceutral portion of the United Slates, on the 41st degree of North Latt• - Inds, the Cell trip Ilne of it e great Temperate Zone of the Autertcaa Continent. aud•for gram growing and stock raistag unsurpassed by any In the Uni ted States. CHEAPER IN PRICK. more tamable terms give°. and morn convenient to mar Oct Unit/ can be found esewbere. rasa tioitEsTEAns re is ►crc►L sermons. W Boyd *Soldiers entitled to a Illomeatead of IGU Acme Send for the new descriptive pamphlet. with now maps, published in English, German, Swe dish, And Danish, mailed free everywhere. Ad dress, O. E. DAVIS. Land Commissioner. U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. Extraordinary Improvements CABINET ORGANS. The Mason cD Hamlin Organ Co. respectful/3 , announce the introduction of improvements ut much more than ordtnary interest. These are Reed and Pipe Cabinet Organ., being the only snecetestul combination of PIPES with reeds ever made; Day's Transposing Hey-Board. which can be tnstauur moved to toe right or left, chauging the pitch, or tranepoetag the key , For Drawings and Descriptions, see Circular. New and Elegant Styles of Double- Reed Cabinet Organs, at 11 JO, sl=i and 125 each. Consul . tring Capacity. Elegance and thorough Excellence of orkaidn [Alp. these are cheaper than any benne offered. The Mason if• Hamlin ()mane are xllnatslcdged misT, and !too extraordinarylactimea for man uGaciure, thi4 Company can Alma. and now un dertatt to !tall at prteea u Mat retitle, theta UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four octave Orzana, pi each; Five Octave Or gain', Sind. $11.5 and upwraits Forty style*, up to $l:i.lP each. New Illustrated t.^.talogue, sin& Teetimonial Circular, with opinion* 01 atom than one thowiand Muolciana, auut tree. M,AMO' ar. !WILLS OW tiah Cu.. I.glreuiunt SL. Burton, 596 Broadway Now York. aprl.43w Portable Soda Fountains , OW, 00. 073 and $lOO. GOOD, DURABLE•' A ND CHEAP Shipped Iteady for Use. 111ANCIPACTUktill J. W. CHAPMAN, & Co - Madison Ind Nose la the Mlle for Ageuts to 64:curat territory fur thi. tbrilbug nut! tearless hook. , It comprises the Adectrfure* and k:xpertence of a tsuman wri.teo by 141.1 . 16.:31—tut years thy Wile of a biallbun Pro bet — all that i! tit) •teriuus, and •tartltuy, abounding au tbritting adventure, hilialtHoUt tad pathetic ncellen —the Molt faseiva tang nook ezlialit. :fleel porl,nlLis or the portrait. of MOrIDUCIO, 64.1a1 men and *omen. Ltle and acetic" lo Utah, etc. Sold only by Agent. Fur earentari, addrves HARTFORD PI:RUSHING CU— Marta rd, Coon nuriii-tvr. ~wANrr JE: 1). A compeleitt Agent to canvass and take charge. In a portion of ream uf the sale or u rapid book, by the moat eminent author In the Vat ted !States, and indispensable to the correct trims action of every kind of business, Agents sefl from 50 to lOU pm week. Ltheral Satas y given, if desfritd. acid permanent business. b 5. :nt..Csi• TON t CO., Hartford, Conti. awl tw THE CIIRSTIMi Aar r .l"C g ; n' 7 l l .TC gOUO, tul. 11:; lull of mettle:lms, providences, music, poet ry, true stories for Young. old, saints and sinners. No seetarnomon, controversy. polities, pulls, pills, Of patebt cued iclue.e. tar male a year. It) cop ies, 11.5. Send 10 cents fur three paorrs before you for get. Little Chrutia,i, a copies .$l. 11. L. lIAST- Tram lietswitory, , 19 Lindall street,LS,. too Masa. ityr34-40. SOM ETH INU W Fit A 6, ENTS. Agents who ward to make money can sell nethlng so raL,idly as our new A Maultlui steel mogroving THE MOTHER OF OUR LORD. It to the Shiest subject ever engraved, and sur prises every beholder with Its woudroas rormasy. Site 224,30 lu. Price $d SO. Highly endorsed by bidding "Mettles of all ueinitninatiouir. Agents who dud ibat "LicOAL:4 go hard.' cn4 mike $l.l per pal with tals 4 spiendid Work of art Male and •femsle Agents wauted tVrtie lor circulars to won riii.‘u CON. DrSTIN it CO Hartford, Ct. (Incorporated 1860. t Columbia Fire Insurance Umpany. oiekluElts AND DlitEe'roits S. S. Detwiler., Pres't. Hober. Crane, 11. Wilson, Vice Pre,'!. Puttun, Herbert Thomas, Treas. James Schroeder, J. F. Fraeriotr, bee"). J. J. Striae, J. b. /irictimrsu, M. M. ritr)ckle'r, George Bogle, It. T. liyou. For Insurance or Ageheley, addre,. J. F. FliC.F.ACFF,lurribta, Pa. 1 NIUMEN SE SU CC 13,SS .—Azenta Wanted, Lmale or female, to every county to the United Slates and Canada s, to sell our new and most use ful Patent; from one to sh used In every fam ily. 100 per cent. guaranteed. Fur samples and tetras, inclose tcn cents and address RARE CLIANCE FOR AGENTS! • Agents, we will pay you itl4 0 per week iu cart/ 11 you WI eugage with int AT Ohl 6. L1,01011131' expeuaes paid. Addre.r.a F. A. ELLSS CU., Charlotte, Mick GENTS Wanted. —Agents make morn A money sit work for tie than at anything else. Umnuess light nun permanent. Particulars Irve. 4; Fihe Art Pot/Ax4al - 8, Port land. Maine. S PIANO CO. N. 1. PNICE 0290 bj,„ No Agent, Circulate free. 41 REWARD sl s o'oo For :my case 1,1 1t liuti, bleeding. Itching, or Ulcerated I lien that. DE BING'S i'lle Remedy fail* to cure. It is pre pared exprevaly to cure the Plies. and nothing else. :Sold by all druggist* l'rne. " apr.l4,-twr Eft!. MO:— Drs. iVAite 4111. ith ay., New 1' ork lteicrencft from clergymen lu tbl city Nu pay antll-cured. Send for U,- cular. a HEAT MEDICAL BOOK of useful LOt% edue to all t"ent free fur two memo. Addm , . Ur. Iktm•pairre S., Cu inciimatt Mx" TRUEI. Olt $1.55%1., 11 ay; to. I c ji and Inaltatur, ludi,ptn.ible 10 ‘ , .ry I V cl', I'rt 7 rnrm ; rbdf : r. 'EiLY DUVIin „t of a eitagietin lo,per.Usual watch eizq volr .orkr , glass metal In nett 01t011)1 st A ItlIA rr uto de• time correct time fur nta )taro Nothing far I.OW cold weekly. Tlue valuable articit., lu nest case, will he ern t preprtial 40) v tit, for $1 fo r 12 Try oike free. Order only from Me sole Agents F. \i• t ttraill..noro, t Literature Art and Song Is the AM selling book ever offerel. It combines the humor of anecdote, the wisdom of essay, the information of history and himmphy. the •tveet nets and grandeur of poetry, the exquisite charm of music, and 40U beautiful illostratiotor. reed lug for graver moil:mute: pleasant picture.* to ilumlue , luiet hour*, and gems of soul; for the *octal circle. Au Agent armee. "Sold copies Oda week. Will sell SUU lhu month easily." Our new system of eunrossiog, doe* away mlth objection, to the bustneer. Particulars tire. /1. valuable present to every• new Agent. International .PutdisAim, C .11 and 85 Liberty Street. New York. MO/LUIS M 0 80A141.TE11111 , N A 1114,1 MOROLNSTEILN MORGANSTERN &CI) spilt3rr TRIMm I I44S, FANCY tiOCDS, Foreign & Domestic Hosiery WHITE GOODS, &C. 78 and 80 Market Street, aptlO 3m] PITTSBURGH, PA 1.21 rag QUEAT PLATTE VALLEY, The best Locations for Colonies Pere Buses to Puro laser/ of Land CIerPICND POB ,tticulAa THE MORMON WIFE. AGENTS FIND birontrns lONDJonnans in N corrioN S, Miscellaiieous. 0 h. : 11 QPII3I3IG AND SUMMER GOODS. —Tb• undersigned bests leave to Inform his friends add the public generally that he has Just received a new stock of goods of the latest styles for Spring and Sommer wear ,which he offers at very moderat rates. GENTLEHRNS' FURNISHING GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Clothing nusdo to order on the shortest nutlet,. Thankful to the public for past favors, I hope by close attention to business to merit a coot's]: Inca of the same. _ . . DANIEL MILLER. BRIDGE ST.. BRIDOXWATER. PA. 'mar 21:tf DOJ The Bast far All Purposes, More easily managed, more durable, and runs lighter than any Machine in the market; easily cleaned and kept in order; large bobbins, holds twice as much thread as any other shuttle. Lock-Stitch, alike on both sides; self-adjusting tknsion. Justly Popuisir From the first the DOMESTIC" has rapidly increased in popularity, until to day, in the opini of all experienced Sewing Machine men, it stands forth TTN - RlV'Al_a_iF,D! It is mining favor much faster than any other Machine berevitore presented to the public, which can be seen tram its increas ed sales last year over the preceding, being OVER FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT No Machine is increasing its sales and gaining public favur as rapidly a, the " DOMESTIC. " TIIIS IS IN CONSEQUENCE•()F ITS N9: " ' WM. ROBERTSON, Agent, Beaver Falls, Pa. Call and examine the machine. Feb. 21; A DMINIVICS. NOTICE.—Kmate of George W. /1 Park. Jr., late of Deaver bounty, Pa. deceased. Letters of Administrstion upon the estate of Gen. W. Park, Jr.. tate of &aver county, deceased. having been granted to the undersigned. all pe•r sons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment. and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to LUKE D. DAVISON. Adm'r., • currCa Wllleenshorg P. 0.. Allegheny Co., Pa. The only reliable Girl Di‘lr,b , iflon in the ( I Ili 31io 000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS! T 0 BE DISTRIBUTED 1; L• D. ,SINE'S 154th REGULAR. MONTHLY GIFT Enterprise ! To be Drawn Monday, April 29, 1572, Two GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each in Greenbacks! Two Prizes, $l,OOO Five Prizes, $,500 Greenbacks Ten Prizes of $lOO g 1 Horse and Bugg!". with d iver Mounted Ilaintyta %temp $6OO. Oue Floe toned Itoeewood piano, worth Srkol 10 Family Sewing Machines, worth $lOO each Five Henry ("used (bold Hunting Watchea and Heavy Gold l'hainA, Worth 300 Dollars each Fire (told American $.125 eac h. Teti LndkS Gold Unction: Watche+ worth 114100 MEM SOO Gold and silver Lee. r if untt.g Walehes, tit all) icorth J rorn .1F2I) to .V. 34) each' Ladles' Gold Leonitno Vest Chains, Silver el:nen Usetors. Solid Y-.liser and Double-plated 'table and Xeirapoone. Ivory•hand led !limier Kniver, itc.„ Whole Number Gifts, 6,000. Tickets Limited to 60,000 Agents Wanted in Sell Tickets, to Whom Lib( rut Premiums will be Paid Single Tickets. $1; Six Tickets. V.; Twelve Tick ets.. $10: Twenty-Ore Tickets, 20. Circulars containing a full het of prtzee, a de scription of the manner of drawing. and other in formation to reference to tte distribution. will be Pew to any one ordering them. All orders must be addressed in L. D. SINE, box. 86. mar'.n.t: it 1 Office, 101 W. Fifth-it , Cincinnati, 0 Agcrntr► AVunted. Wanted 'manedlately. four active. energetic men W act as Agents for the - NEW" WIIEELER dr WILSON SEWING MACHINE in this county. Only ouch men as can give good reference as to character and ability, and furntoll'a Bond reed apply. We will pay cronsranteed salaries, or Liber al commission,. to proper men. Only Inch men as really desire to enter the buoinees need apply. WY. CO.. No. list Wood St „Vitt* burgh, re,(tnarti; ly • COAL and NUT COAL FOR SALE. The undersigned is operating a COAL BANK on Mclinaley'a hurl. about half way between Ro chester and Bolesville, where he nil be :lad to receive orders for lump or nut coal Orders can also be left at John May's. Bearer, or at John Puerto' In Beaver. or at the, Annie office or at rife residence of the noili-r•ogned on Market street, Bridg.ewater. Coal on :h, platform at all times. Coal delivered at short buttes Ternia cloth on delivery. Priers nn low as the low• eat. C MOLTER. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. I OFFER for rale the foil°, fns valuable prop erty, Academy lots No td and Cd, containing about :al acre., ollut; on the public road leading from [tearer to Vanport AL: 4 O At:3,lton) lot N. 73. lefie.; on the Ohio titer, adjointio , lantl of Patrick Mul,aunon on the Wert. coutntolug about stx acres, there lots are all sowed down In gruw and in good eonditton; the lots ara• ith e'ood board fence.. any person wtrlong to purchase will plea."' call on Me at my (Ake, where all neeerrary information wilt he given. OEO, W. HAMILTON. apr4:tf \ - NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. oral.. tic Lint' Ityrti•a, Itt..o.t:r. April 1 1.1 , 72. EILED n ill he ree_•lic,,l at this 1,71 °thee by the Itorml of Colin Ilonotolitionera until the :nth day or April, A. U Is:1. at Id o'clock. a m tor. the 1011.00 r) :inct..riper.itnictunu of three iron bride,. • of tln Get q. 411. over Ilt.ircoon Creek. ci Itockto. tr. ,cep Mem n stun, or AI revt -pan. hi Moon towit•hiti. and nue otb3 lett .pan over Ihn-h Creel: at Ilartter . ti 1.1111 in New tsewickley towt,stdit. Said btidtte• to th.! '2O feet road. a) Prtti,, t •at., plu a r hr accoEn• panle4ll with a matetnent giving' the total tvelght of the tabit . anit wrought Iron, Mei:event] worttlng •dreur,th, and the animate or breaking strength per linear foot. a- well a• the ertntle-t I ical load the bridge %111 iturtatn. 't Counnt••ltinera will re-ert.ti the richt or ;ejecting cloy or all Plana and eprellication• tor the mutihnry ut said hi - Id:tea may he lir en al I Itts "nice, until the morn of the day 'Ol Jetliner Inv circler of County Unnuut•rtintera, JOHN Mcilol . N. gpilti.3t 1 I Nautical copy 3 times. 1872. Spring and Suminer. 1872. Boots , Shoes Gaiters! J. H. 40 la lA. N E1 5 Nos. :543 and 55 Wood Street, 11/1P just received one of the Largest. Best Selected and t'h moues StockM . hiought direct from the Manufaetories for cash, hetnre the recent advance in Leather, and will he sold at the lonest sew- York and Boston Pricer. Philadelphia City Made Goods at Manufacturers' priemthus saving Grelg,ht. and expense. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY Special Inducements offered to etodi or Sbcti Time Bayern. Modern bills duplicated All Or den. f.rom Country Merchant. , pnouptly attended to. and Plat , factlon guaranteed. Call and exam ine nay stock and price*, at J. H. 13 () A N S, 5:3 & 55 Wood Street. SEEDS I SEEDS !! SEEDS I! MY NEW SEED CA'fALOULT FJr P 472, conta!nln' a complete list of VEI3 ETA FIELD and FLOWER SEEDS with three t.Ms far Cultivation, now ready, and will be sent fn-e to antaddress. Also. PLANTS, TREES. VINES ant sRUBBERY of all kinds. Baguet,. Cut Floweri for weddings, patties, Ac., arrangod in best style to aster. JAMES Id. BENNET. Seedsman, aprlO-Im.] 131 Smittaleld EL, Pittabaxgb. Miscellaneous. • E. .. Or, -1_ M . ' ' c Z 't CC 0 .. , A c i ) NO 0 e - rAF . .; C. 7.1 Pi - 3., -. L ' 2 ~ i'• 2 c,) Go ..." ...:...) •• ~... f. ) 'w., 0.4 : • •.... ' W 4 Z .'4 ' : 'I. 4 .4, 40 , .., was V) .‘ V f. =LI g c•—,_ : , 0 7-• - : „, rip M`' - : 6 M gliot til " . ./72 3! t- Z ....• - - ... a+ 4D • 1 : 5 : li k emi 7, 11 ""'"J ...t e' " • ,_vw C ' 0 , , - C tin CZ Ci .4 ''' ' :":;R V) 7 'F., :- 44 . 0 ''''•••• ..„, '' .. 7 ;, A ... = l2l CZ - 1, 41 .--. r• - 7 ..' .-. ~8 ••= = si o -tll• 6. , .-. ~„,.• ACA • •,. a, L , `• Z €"' Z C .7 . • 4* IS 74 .°' Vc Z 0 2,'" 4 :4 C? : "..: ono Z in.. • g a ~, 01 W., 40 = .4 , r ,.4 = .CZ mal tt .7 , 4 ~.,.., .... , 0.1 t. _ c „ W 4 "..- uo 1., ..... . ;Li .c.. = - -- -- - sivr.Aß rt.A.suzErrs, ,i. o) co ri 0 IA THE BEST BASKET - Sipple Mariitt, FOR FARMERS, GARDENERS GRii CERS AND FAMILY USE. SEND FOR DESCRIPTION LI • T Address— RANDAL KENT, Jr. Slur Basket Works, Pittsburgh. 1., uprlo.3in Notion & Millinery !louse, JOSAORNE & 75, 77, and 79 Market Votren. PITTSBURGH, are now prepared to exhibit to the trade the Selection to be had, Baud or West. in Hosiery, Gloves, ~E..3aLtr,v)iderie,;, Laces, Lace Goods, While Goods, Hoop `lima, C'orsetg Gents' l'urnishing Goods, Hair Goods, hair Nets, Notlow, and Small Wares. GOOI )S Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, Corded Satins, Silks, Velrets. Crapes. Mc., of our own importation. at ruling prices Wnottsato.: ora...r. A call solica• ed Orders promptly filled. ltetail Stures, 197 end 199 Penn Ave r , u • pr 10 ::m BOGGS & BUHL. v.,-atiw. Federal S rcet, Spring Dress Goods, New Gray Mixed P. - idips for atin• i Japane. , 4rirca etnis. ./A NE:•)E SILKS froiit 45 to ;iv, M. •,..t Itatitb.t‘tric St) le, and best ciu,„tv (or the to b. !Li, I t , trk t ELEILINT 1)NPL.11: Shawl§ & Scarfs, STRIPE SPRING SIIAWL.• In Ounce Sly Irma 3.00 up the el,: T.; An Extra ,43a.rg.ain. 24 inch Black Gro,Grlon Silk at $1 This Silk upon xiunin•tti , n, rromuntn.,, Spifcial Prices buying CottonadeA, Jeans. tivek+. t :1, BOGGS ItA,Federal Strict, James T. Brady 6z, G., BANKERS, Financial Agents for the United Slates, tv arc worth Full RTH AVE. Oz. ROODST., PITTS BU UGH. PA. Dealers In all Ismael of Government Securities Gold, Silver and ( 'oupons. buy an oe I Bodo. -4 Gold, Mortnnees and tirst-clasa Securities, gene! ally. Mone) loaned on Government Bond., lowest rates. Interest snowed on Deposit* maysircicd Get lUh•th THE BEST IN THE WORLD! The Improred .Sampson & Howe Standard Scales, All sizes and varietk for ...Ile SOUDER & M'CLURG, 63 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH A's 4), Warchousc Trucks, Patent Nlolo.y Drawers, AND GIiO(7ER'S February 7. Is72_ly. 3:2104; rA.tafirtr'S" . Dr. J. ]tar rray,oflir %Alter. de•-' - carried that Dentist , n work h. li-41 , 1 7 "r i t i t i c — cheaper he offer, i" 'f#4.;41111 his patrons Iwo ne •br be•t mate*, manufactured In the United States. Gold v.. ver fllllne performed In a.tyle that deft... c‘u.,;, Litton Astisfaetlon guaranteed In all operat:t.ris or the DIUtCy returned. Cave him a Mal. feb2: l v Brooms! Broomsl The uhderplgned have lately etnum , nco: manufacture or Broom., near the Railrod Station k New Brighton, Pa. , h - here they win be Old to hare their frlrud , the public generally CALL AND EXAMINE TH El E )IA6E 131100 Ms. They Will ree None but the Best .J 1 Corn. Aral having had considerable expertecee —.- manufacture of bn:bonaa they feel con da,.,, , •be r ability to ratiary all aWI wish to buy teu2l:3m. J. L. & H. Thi 0, 1 P" " 160 ACRES OF KANSAS LAND EOU KALE On EXCHANGE, FOR REISER COUNTY PROPERfi. 'INIE above land to located near a a,, , .r..h , : / 11'n of 0; er xao Inhabitant., to at, j"T.r s 'n l, throttigh tt hitt The A tchieur, " Santa Fe Raitro,od Is erwehiqj to be coolo ,eun; coming mmel. There la f !YAM .l ‘‘.," through ant' o.otno stone and timber on 1•. I fry road on one aide, and a State road on fbe er. The land is nearly ail pra,•:r r ‘4 , warranted. For further partic 1.1 !Et IS nqn•• .101 IN EL McLEA: Rochester - . or W. W. IRWIN. New Br14:1110L. . . $l,OOO REWARD' A reward of One Thou, , and Dollars v , UI to any Physician who will produce a med•cre !pat grill supply the wants of the people b ,, trr fillatl the angle known as . DR. FAHUNVY'S Celebrated Blood Cleanse+ or Pan+res , It mint be a better Cathartic a bettetrA Iterst!re heifer Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better T , '"' and in every way better than the 'tit mama how long it has been in Car or bow lwrit discovered. Abort, all it must not CODLlin thing nor ruswr W5OCT•1110-4. $5OO RPWARD!! A reward of Thre Hundred Dollars vlll t , e for • medicine that - OM permanently cure ra . “ , cases of Coativen6s, Con.tipation Sick or Ner vous Headache, Liver Complaint, Billow pipot dens, Jaundice. ltheumatirm. Gout, D,Mprp,t3. Chills and Fever. Tape Worms. B o n.. T u rn,,r, Tettero, Ulcers. Sore*. Pains in the lulus. adr and Head and Female Complaints than DR. FA HRNEY'S sLooD CLEANSES on PANat'EA. which is used more ezfruslvely by . prsc , ""g pbYMCOins than any other popular te , d l,,,e annwn, ketrPrroarad by P. Psummy's Baas. a Co ynearo, Pa., and Dr. P, FinanzT. Cht ,3o Price 14.5 per Dottie. For sale by Wholepale ind Beall Dealers, acid by JOEIN 111001111, Drogelo" Deaver, pi. 19-11, FlP . BUtaltl. , l3l/1-tteatta. Canto, Footers, &c. mat:, ezecuetd at this calm. THE LEADING A leo, extended lino! LARGE ST(R POPULA Othinizin.; mann MI