ADVLECTISEMENTS. Advertisements are inserted at the rate of 731,00 per square for first insertion, and for each subsequent insertion 50 cents. A liberal diseetint made on yearly ad v.-rtisementii. • space equal to ten lines of this type .•.1311 res a square. BaNiness Notices set under a head by L i,,:ilSelVoB immediately after the load will be charged ten cents line, f,,r etch insertion. dvertisementsishould be bEi.ndeti in I, ore Monday neon to insure insertion In that week's paper. Business Directory. BE.VVER. 1i J CII DLER,Dent isLocflee over Mr .thn.. 1. • Allison s store,'Deaver, Pa. t,r,at :,care issen in all operatlot.s, and warranted to icfie 6n11,111 , 111A3. Give toe a ran. ma:l7lv _ thESTAM Attorney at LAW; iti•Aver. ij I's. h tnice of 3d Ft.. Fr the rooms formerly Dc led ht Om It Judge rtinnio about All ha.t. t e.orr.rted to him B ill retch -, prompt and nrtentheu Se - 21;Iy r NIl Vol' \G_ Attorney at '4%. (lair, a n d ,„J realdeio ron Third r•t , r au., Court 1 , , promptly atn•nci , d to. II Me'ltEElol.. Attorney Law. 0th,,.0n 61, !I, rd the Court [lout e. All hu.d promptly attended to jet!. F dealer, a Milln.•ry. 'Trim .t/ Fancy tioexi,, fhc corrti•r of ;r.O rtiVetS: • ly . y nt Law titHee e:%4 .trett, ;Seaver. 111.r:3o:70,1,f 11 .1 M, NUTT:PtiTsiciAN eau sc-ttGui,t, ,- tal uttriAtoti fold 11)1r1.•.3i utctsl..l Ite.P1,•110• tlntl tttri , C'hard gt , r ,l donor, t• tul Ilit . urt-Hoti,t• 7,;01.2. 71.14 Niundo . N why, tt[0.0z0,;.% 1 • Iketlee 1., the he,,t .' l ' p ul ' l 7'. ‘‘'hirb ho fuenirher. to colorecrou m ei.•l ! wldet. chohp for c;rlh. F rz Bri.:._••• et 11J h • Weal an Nor roe.iYct 011 TI. t: -.Lay ni.d t.l ti Or? tl- .•c. t:t1 ,, •1 ,,,,, •. ,•( pri,t• tor :Zoo •,: (,roil;: , r• • '') ' r llnrch. iirmids,nv '';l WINTER . W • lat). ,t 24 \ M IL Mc f)l'V ALI ..t. rni Fine Tenn I F!1r1 ,,, " I •Ml , .• n,,,lt•nw..r , x‘are. SC, Brma rep37.7l-ly • I.E. M L , 222 :r• tz or chronic dbl .—, ~,of tctnale Tweldity. Ouni - • • , n 4 irec to the p..,r •: y !-11711;:14 from Ito iv I. 4111.1.11. A 1) A. I 1,11 , ..111 :OA DrV Mt 11111er) Are 1.1 . 1,,1th , ay NW v. Firi2.lftwwww (wwpr I'dL'l'LA I\ k.soiv a " • ro, yof Picture,' new W executed. lort ..f - And Br. qi, ay. Now !Iry!tlton • XX MAI ALL AE. Dt.r.'er m thtlhin M3I ontsn , -. tiravt. • - - Or= St terl , •unahht I• 1).1)(1. N,•,. rtr!..lhtoh -err. P. 11 M 11.1 . ,, • ,1 , 1 1 , . Furnishing (i.xsls. . iy I. '.- - ;.: EWA.ItT S t Groverie:. ) • Te., Catated - Fruit.4. angaelit•lYlhina found tura flrF.l. class . ..zrocery. st_ LOCUfti (WL)! Fti) .. _ _ ___ .1 - ..,1..4 i'l.:&111 ..t. tirISNEII, Deniers In U.,-*n -1 'lnn.- ti: limiter*, near Sleulov's Conf ., . riot, Broad ,va) . .4, ~ -27:7 . \ _.. I I ;.-. L 'it, .M. &1. I'VISTEA li 1), , ,, krm 11. ..‘ .1 N.,t ,4m,. L. cli,,• Fllnii,..hillz Gt-,(lcts, Ild-fiery. • .., Lt.l., k 4 : .: Apple ,t. Brwerlway. jetLy I ) • 1.% RANT rind F. All 4.11 1 ) • .• • :1711,.,t;rp. t+l hie gllppil , (l ' .• lil u•••e FIWII/. \j, r I'4t ' rind Itroadw:‘y. rar2l - 71 1y EINE! , 1;,41 rl.rve op' or Tiic-oi A`, 1 - ir . K 'DO FAIN, ( • tt' •11..1!,•\ =MEE S J !.•N ELLEN 13E10, 11,‘ .tr. ,, - • /in,161:11, linet/i,02 ••••••f ;.I+l I P: f /:trk• 11,-r,d‘,-sy rt . - I WI Vti 11P . 21111% •V VAN PUGII, Dank!' hi Walt Paper, W.Ainclow fmnrts, flool.^...,Statiorwl!ry Notional Broad a. Nor.* Prightpn, Pa. - • - HEAVER FALLS ‘\,, Dealer the Lc c 11‘,110hrg M 3. h ~.•. L.h•ot e•onvinc4,l -t I; t., Ii- (nvr. 1 ) 1•••. i. r •:, a:ld :•••1:.•• <•••,-:• at,rtim••t:. 41/1.1 ! 4 ! !/11:11 Bea' , I P.klir Pa. ianl•••.l3' 11111IDGEIT ATER. I " MAN. Meru t.o}u It Hn. and lir1(14, !st 111141L:c,alcr.. LI A. .1011 N w AuritEß t) , nat , htscw - er- Wagl-, Its:; 1. rapt all kith. ..1 4.1-1,4-ratly. Mario t t• Brlti:i• -I ,r2:i I C IMOLTE.R. dealer In 101 of •1 • Runk at :d.litnt••r'r I , A{ R` , 11A Itit.l4;fl, ts qr. P.,i ralt mitt L I , l,„:” l rrnpb 'cr , .1111.11 , e2P- IMllEffi=llllll JIZ.;F:EIDF:I,4 E It. 11..11.1- and 1 , 1:71 I T t , •• iirtrl zi• r' : k 1 4,0 al d •A v:, ;.rd St.' A. 'r, •• ; or , I I ^. I El. 1111,1.1. k F.o-htnny'.k•-i`n w:tt, r. 1 \ ti r0.,1 k 1 r , .•.•:F. I I;. i (i:' inuthg- 1;r3,1•_, ESTIL 1 • I FAficy Dry 11,14 ' •, Pi . I "..) \N- I' g Az , I.T /1:11 , nr•l / 3 13 .11A i 1:1:11-v,IN i.,•1 • 4..r,,,-• it( M . /%1 iZsIN '• •. •., manttcr. 1".1 \‘'lltS!.Ell \ WANK '0 1 $ $, sss ~•err ' I J , 11:•-.11 A I.h A 4 ll 4 - rp. 4t44 r.\pt. r rt 4 . tit-st ------_ ' Pf• 31,1. •r, Itar,te I.‘rl; nucl IC c; ki,...nivr Orldet. r u i 1,1 I.• ern' jr' if— n• -ter I I Furz.iturr. of nil Li " 6 •. r•tm:•,:,. V .•r -r• .11 WAter Mr,Ll.(l. , ( - !.w rat t-r- a! .1 11,! )FI • M 1.!It.,!!!•-• !.! „ A 1-.11 Lurnh.•r I,th &f. coTT F2‘•l" LE 11.1.1 A i t „. 50w.•41 nn , l I .Jl,ll , er Lath K SII)P_,I4, I )1 ilVElr's 1.1%. ERA . 131. E a. CoAL ~ynl. !Mt/ i .1.10 nver ts CLAM:7,j • IL l u.•-. (.041C UCCOITIIID \.•:+r IC I{ Depot 1 i I 1.1.1:1'. jiellit•T now • A frei.,;lll,:•. , nt• -r... n th , 1.1"P/Unit. tinch.,:ter. Pa ILL EG RENY 1 !, WINAN Oral 117FiCi.111 •1,00, 1 .1 ' ..,,-. 171: 1 de ppertully. 011 ice .Ic7 Wn.h 11,:17eny Vitt. Tin (rep) i• Iv ~'.1!~ Y=' ILT. Buck& is, Ti', I 1 ,, cu. I) rit , r Pru r, . 11 , CA Itri(V.o 011,, . Linseed (111 it, White Lead. ____ , Boots :131(f !" " +ll(4t'S LADIES 31/: , , ,, hs A \ I) i 1111.DitE).n. '.1101.5, 1 ',NE ~ 11 1. re.• 4.1 1 -0 BP3N ee count , . Pa- •• r, ' r 1 in r'reat curlet) r 111 0., ,t rit ri Insnrrl IT• WM/1 ill all 1• 4 i -.I lIIP anal li tr.,•• bui tlO order ;3119'71 a ) ' fie, Powder and Shot , ~,u, TfIoRNILk Y.Mananwraren Of the Gr, t i 11 el I ( ou,11, Coo, , lng Nil.a e, and Pm • nice of Po n ? ''.. 0at...L.10 , 110i' and cr 1,,, , r r-',li 101011 Pit 1 Blasting Povnle. and Fuse. l'lo l / 1 . Vet-cl Ak: •Itlic-ezir4.11.11.4,,.. .I. I.:. 7 k l C)( - )111.".; , .11 heavy good. , drill,•r, d free of charrre ; ltv c10a... aPantton to 1)04111(.4 and 1.) k • ephig 1, 1 ( )\' it.BIA.: st- ( - A TI( ).\,- e„,.,, nth' on hand lyre!! a.soi red -toe. of 1;013.14 i ' of .11114 ,1117,-r. • nt k ind, 111•3/.. iN k. pt ru 3 MIIIIIIr3 J. I Atom, tiro owl , r,l,rwerl hap.* to the fit ore as to lIEEHIVF ' , 4 101•• T ff ., and and recei , eel 111, r, 01, .ra of the ; 4t 11, I,,,nage 1 Ti. r-i. Tit A NC: I:II. PATENTED FEBRUARY 20th 1872. _ ray rot- 4[_)141 ii-,),u. , lIN tul' , ll or lorzs lots 1,000 tons 1, anted foi -1 !'or Termc 01 P.I.Th• 111% e ard Italian Mrs ad • 1 Im. dintelv of c I.rt and • ii rou'ghr -min Iron. kir Or ~' . m itt, stamp JE. Mf ',IRE. which the highest price will ne paid blow'', of .lt , 4idence Bridgewater.) Itacherd, rPa I GREER & CO, • nreg,ill.‘4, 1 ‘1 1 . 1 nv•!!4•11: litilvtal •/ • NI, ~ • •,,,, 7 1.•- • Dr-y, Qu,enr "— ' iP.;;!, ,, stpnre paid ' for tonn , rr ini,lo,ly SEMI rnvor 1.111%i i)0,11 , 1' r': Nt.i,o it intvi,..;.\ Ihllo Awir , y, Man , ea lITON (ruuu•• F.i ME 1. anufitcthr,n. ,r I= 1 . •-er 1.11/11i :176.11 - k r 11‘ nent!y xe, • r it, la , 1 \'l' IA ) \VEST 1 3 1 ;ICES t (;:till/ 1/1 131*()::",.) MEM BEI =V Epal to an Ea.vtecn J.ptitmo3 11,1, I J. A N DtiltS4l):S t I'l • hl- old Foundry agaill, i:oche-ter. Pl , S , tll 1.4• phased. to meet hi. 11,i1 r• nt. • fri.snits « ho want either t tie 11E..1 E, r ;ill% ~1 Ikl roillltiried eio:t11 J J. ANbEitsoN zsuNs_ AJITIFICIAL TEETH PERPE('T. ED:--T .1....1.1ANii w: LEI!, ~ f itcmileyter. h:e+ ......44. i-ir 0 1,„ .. _ 1. n rthase.: the ClIt!1,11. /.; t7Ls 4 *"' - ''. '• right of lk-aver county • - \to Ulllel)r Sttlek H :iteilt 3"‘";']..... 4 0.:,..;_ ..' ••' by . 11 hirls he con pat t , - y _ Ittt-. , ..,. . to N ulcanite us than no \ ;„ 2 „...:A............„... .., •:' Gold Plate. with a beau ' .....A. 4 ' ttful enameled pcli..ll; and no light and elnatic to. to perfectly adapt ftvell to the month : obviatingall that clumsy and bulky condition, so ranch complained of hermatore; and le...entoz an it liability to break 100 per cetit. In deed, no 4111‘• Ar•ulli v II xi...tuld he willing to wearthe i.ld oty le phlte any ~roger than they conld conven iently Ll'et them ..N.Cham.L7-,1 All brandy:l ,at Den tifitrv: performed di the beat and thu , t , tdlhotntiTinl numner. In f 1 1 ,11,4 teeth With gold, etc.. I rim - 1,..„..., ~,,,potiti..,, trt,tn :in% q mirror. and can r••tei 1., in ii.z ..ih , ric who', ;II:, • 11.1), .d“, 141 h., 1 tweeh !Lift.) nod forty Nvao• A alor,g the Mink bet' Han. John Al.i.on will e"On'of fillings I ift•er t...(l ante :...1 year. ll.,:1): 11/.• troth as purl., the day they v ere tilled. La nailing tine Prepared , h n new plan, (teeth it from :.;I unpleni.m.t and lit .• r genina effi•ete. marling the extraction , d te.ii. a I eource ot ilenatiro rather than n! horror :old pain. Prices:la low ac any good denti,l- an the ...Mte. ~.. ()nice at Beaver Station, Roctie,ter Pa. t,ep:Aly . tiovttn T. J. CilA N DLFII. _ Brighton Paper Mills, --- 4tAvER FALLS, PENN'A. 1 (3- AN I) c 'A,It PET 3E 2 3P M. sF) , 351A_NuracTET1z1.:)) Arid sold Whole%ale d Retail by Frazier ; liginer & Co.. Brut ME Homes Still Large; )1: THE MEE t II r 1 , ' IN ( it , I . i.ti , It..rtl ..1 1:1.•Ir NZI.II , .. •' N. i - I:N.:), 1 THE IN kiI()NA I. REAL E.:• . i.kTia A (.41'.` , : , ') l• .- I.- --11, rl,l ~t:.1,.- of .•,.,r, 11,..-.7:1.•... :./.'3 , i I.N. 11l t.t.• Mi.'....., awl : - will 'a fn :-.ntn.. i f., . . •'.•,A . 0 ,, q. , , and , rwt farm- ,, 0. .- ,', aw: r „ / , plant:ll,n.: fain!? , . r awl w,,,, law, J.f., r•ilaq• it,' a ..,.rf rw.n!. n a. no. , •, ,•, r' :1.., Twits find cttli ~f•...1,.- " , , e1, . ..1, tvrale (~r 14.-1 L•tip.a, tont:di:it; f1e,..r.;,•, , , , 1.1 , ..t) , .n, pri,T w‘d ti .w. 'or prnlwrik, ..,.• t.,.• 1.4' A , .1r ,. -- 11 W I 1..0:KE x 1 ') r 7 tt , , , / 47'1 P. ‘ , r,., '.1....... ti 1•....... r. . o U. '.. inzi):•.;jl. =EI tl ' t!.l '.;rj 1) 'is 1 , j-1 7tr i(lge Stt•rct, A. Tp wlst;Ei..l It E 4 El\lNk, A ?1:.1.-.11 4,F f:-tr , ,TIS t Ttil: : IMMIM ME MEE DI 3.... In.,- Elie A \ • li i:1. DM =l3 ••U s .r A 'l, • - j:111 • Br.,wn Ahtl k =MEI =MI Gofet-ri 11:,1 'lmmon ?-%r:l - •I Li( H1..1 I.n 1 1. ,n , • :I'4l .11 A 1.1 I I ardw,int I; l'as 1- of .lohn-•vi .'1 VW. qr...., 1/4,t , r • C. nh;.• ntal "I,•n fi,„., RVe!.. Frrc t" , h1.e . 40 1.1. a and 4 i and 31 , 1 thrrl,r, I;(... CEMISEI2I Vol. 54--,No. 14. _Miscellaneous. . . V f-. d ,- •1, •:.... 1 -.1 .--..: ••-• -:. z ti) := cc' 7, ; uw •-.... 1.4 • tr-• r • .., 6 , '''''' :• --_,* -_, ... - --.---, 2 - 7 we! , . • Ey! c.." :::: .-: v. •-• - 4 • g.:•7 :Fi •-.17. .:r. : e - . .._, - E- - iJ ft.- T. 0 ;Li - - r- - -7. A. ' ' . 1..1 --7 .--- ek ,s-0 t....... to ir. v 1 '.' ..7-, - .) .4 a -,- t.. ~...; a, , ,„, „ ow . 1 -,..- 4 : 7, .......• ._7 ci) ~.= 7= _ . .._, r „ ~,, 77 . ; 1 ,-.0 - : .... l --- - _ 1 -,- c c U , 1 E '‘... . 4 1' ........ C1 4, ..)' An ...:4 Eani NEE Eil MIS EMI E "• 7. ei El Carpets, oil Cloths, IN1:1 ttinCYS, Henry McCallulTl, Fir AV::N: 1 Pl - r - 1...:11c1wII, ro_s. I 1::Ive }.11•,- U., ltYll'A 11. 131•7-1-1,1,:.IV...: [CC; PRINTING. 31,4NNILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, fiardsi ;ire, Glass*. St me, . by Third rum OE:1'111.TM /2; N'J iYitY W)()1) . I ~ti ~i-.. , , ~ , I: -r 11.1' =1 G•ngbaiii-4 =I 1.,c., r I'l , ME MEI ~'~~~ utc y,~i.~ ) ( • ('1'1( WuoDEN WA RE • F _ RAILRqADS. PITTS- Nov & CHICAGO RAILWAY. Oa and after Ov. nth, 'Lail. It alas Will leave Stations daily, (Sandays excepted, as follow.-- [Train l aving Chletwo at 5 . 33, P. M., loaves dai ly.] [train leaving Ihttaburgh at 3.00 M., TILLINS uOIN“ WEST. Pitts huriztk . S:,A, 9::11.4 it 710 Am tflorli 101;1 :13.s Alltszeor. . , 54Z, I 135ttle :1 , 1.15 'Lloton tllot) Urryille.. Wooster . ligl ; i‘) R ticyrno "pper :•auditeliy Ulna. . 1163 J3IJ top) 1.2•13 Vtin Wert . Fart . 310rst 12:IttAM :110 2.:).5 I tttllttittta %Var) , atr. I' )atttlith tt.ttat:ti-.0 A 1, - 611EZI WM tilt .1_ PIN 1110.1 h 4.l"lurnhia. }N.rt IVlvne \,yll lye! LiM3- I..pper . Sari th,k y Bury run. C're:t 4111 ,11 ' 74 4:.11 trtll43/ wo) 5110 :111e.1.11 EIS Ell iZi El M I t r r ti ,1111 A ilia M . • I,e f• r . r_ 11 New 1:41+1.n. Ern• ItoN r. Y" , 11: • ~ al tu, Nt :tr, p l'ittrhailzh, &15 p. tn. hem! it nu:. l'ltn.Nar !It . 7:ou U, In. arr. to Nvw tr.stk. 11 pl a in 111 - tit. itturtztttnisti. New l'astle alai Pittsburgh Ar c.tuntso.tat ton 6:to a. In; :04:,..1:•20 a. vi: an•tre. at }'it tphttrett lit. 10 a 11. , •Tiirni ,, v. leaver rittsburvh, 1:410 p. nt; at n tn. 1.1.V1:1,A D 3 1 . 117 , 14Ult1;11 ILItt)A1). Uu n.r .l ufh•t Nov 12th • OT.C.tilfrd ('ir•s t.l:titt: Hie , - viii N.l I I - } • 11'+ 1 11 ei ~..,..• In.. 1.1 1 A I I Llllt 12.1,111r1 litz P:::: ~! , ttr.a k • t•I:i 11,n:1:r Brut' wri W,ll-cIIL• Smith's Ferry Rochester I'Ht-nicrr I I , ' r k —• ii I , Strubviivill4 I car,, N h 13 , it• 11:10.11.111. ilavAra A !L. ard It 141 p. In. I N porn F. H..1111' ERS, lioneral Ticket -Agent. NEW GOODS! tilnlf•r.ton.•4i I Itkp. ;N:it , z tr n•nd. , irt 1 1!,<• rt:'He• Lli 11 , 1,a3 Jr.i r. r iv: i I '4 e_ I 1 •;. ANILINE MU OP MI COLORS; ;!(--kLASS Si, ,PUrrY; IJeClal attt.,lll.ft nre the h..1.t rintatty ',ro e Awl LL:upTtirotolzl4.r., I,uttin. TOI LET A lITICLE:,, 1' TENI MEDIGINE Main Stl - CI`I. rearOT IfiL? awl TWO LOIS 1(011 ti t : 24 the village of Industry, Braver ctnluty. Pa . an L banes with PiX rooms on thy corner of two streets. with pnvementon both turrets, within ttcrt ty rods of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Enliroad Statiiro. The iota are well eel with gaol fruit a wellor gond- water at the do( r; a frame stable twenty by sixteen feet. and other ont•hoild- Inge. Terms made easy. For further Information thoulre of S. E. Biomass in the village. or the sub• oriiber near Beaver. ian3l'll tr.l JONATHAN IdeSINZIE. Raltroaas. err 4. TIONI3. Err s. MAIL, EXP'S IMrs. 747 • I;1.•+ Sl3 a_: • 91i; 910 1110 5(.11 1010 Erit) , 4illJA V !1.211 litwl t`:4 7sl 1143 A si isll h:4) I= tzxr'n. MAIL. E N.P4 tni fgi.)l•3l r,rroA m IrZopv 005 , .J 4,5 1240A.11 2:) 1-'• Ititim 3:5 4.21) Its m 365 . 5,v) 2:A., 4:al f;, I • ! 11 0 ..•••() 1( 1114 717 2.10 11.10pai..5.'1.7. F. ic. NrY EitS. er It 111” , l , f1.1' ‘1,.1 71,1' I =I TAIL. xr . lAct- MENEM MITI ii(X) 111 :1.30 155 5.3 . 2 tns PAK! • 4 1 , , 101) (II MI =MEM . ' 4 " 419 Id" , 1,7 , 7*".: A N. -YOrs 7t. y I 1 - 27.3 7 Act 01.4 MAIL. 6xr n At t 11.11 Ml= MCI 65/EMEI 9:50 s.r.ts 1040 4t) GOING V/ Mir. NIAIL Ac ! A cco, 6'Lr•r Y :111 , 1 710 TUSCA HA WAS BRANII A rrivo, MiAceilaiteolts. CLOTHING STORE 11 ITIE Tock =EOM aL , t.\\, , 1: ifA\ij ( 10 7, / 8 EI:WWI' , re t.MI RE3f'II. Ji .Q~dl~~~ 1 . 1,1 (imapowtfle,l IME Co i" Ii; S.'➢' F I , ' .' S : A Lacy Assu.rinielat 131t:USLI.V.S x. B. .A 4.:.:: Miscellaneous. ED N iR lIE ESTEE lEEME=I EIMMII 1!Eli:MEI ECM ,!! 1" 1 , 71 lr I Oil PRI NTI qiellittomtly e att,t .‘, tLt. ..m..,• MEYRAN & SEIDLE, .\*eirce.v.sor..4 irt !"41.',1 131., .;TII A 1:. PITT' 1;1 1:,}!. I'.l AND I)E.II,EIN FIN .11' \V 111{:Y War'icx, I)iilmon(l.4, siit.(r .t. Pfirted if ',ire, Stili Thoniq,' 1 . 111 , all, I 'L.. it i RF:(;I I.ATi)i;•• 41t;:,,NZ1 1'; 11 \11)111('A WA*/ CIL 1•::- .7 t. LE .I1:IZi:I.N*1; \. ALTIL\ \I \V AD' I I I ) PA N Ll)WAiti) PERE ()Al \. 1.11,4;IN \VATCH (2101.)'.1.N 1 N'l 1 . I NITLI) STA C .1.1c1.11. - 111 E ZINIEIINI.NN \ T4'H Zivrit if tS nr..r0c0 , ,) it !till, vittf.ll t , , aoc xvatrit I/Uhl/C. b.,thl/ 111'1.11 1[1 , 3_._11 , ,t Seciptilp.: NEVHAN k SEIDEL, .I,.ENTS ROSADAL•IS m 0 -111 E INGREDIENT.'t TILT , COMPOSE ROSAI)ALL-; I,re. I . .published on every paLkage g there• fore it is not a secret. pr eparation, ;consequently SPHYSICIINS PRESCRIBE IT , i It is a certain cure for Serfula, Syphilis in all Its forms, Illictima. tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Con . plaint and all diseases of the Blood. ONB BOTT.LE.OF EOSADALIS Awill do more good than ten bottles of the Syrups of Sarsaparilla. THE tracICITSIGNED PHYSICIANS have tied I :01 , a(lalts in thetrpraCtiCe • for the p.uit three years and freely 'i. I endorses; M it rig a reliable Alterative FJ * and i r ood Purifier. + e DR. T. C. rrnll, nf Baltimore. DR. T.l BOYKIN, •• .D R. It. W. CA RR, " I DR. E. 0 DA N NELLY, •• ah l.; 1 DR. .f. S. SPARKS, of NichoLasville, DiLJ Y .L. McCARTI lA, Columbia, S. c. i y, ! DR. A. 11. NOBLES, Edgecotral, N.C. ,':.ISED AN. D ENDORSED BY FRENCII Li. EONS, Fall River, 11,1 F W. s Mirh. . A. F. \V iFEELF.Ii, Lima, Min). 11. HALL, Lima. 01 il.:11A VEN & CO., Gordonsville, Va. .S.I.WL. G. I%IcF..ADIJE.N, filurfrees- Loro, Tenn. Our spare will not allow of any e x• tt tended retest 1:s in relation to the irtties of Itfiadalvf. Tonle Ifedieal Profession we gnat:tore a Fluid ss• tzaot superior te any t hey have ever tv:nd in the treaftliont of doeased ' and to theca:lit-teal we say try RosAdafis, and you will be restored ,to health R r •-• • ,i6F Itos2 , lalis is sold by 111 Druggists, p r ice S I .50 per butt to Address CLEICEITT3 & CO. Manufcrturing Chem ids, Black mod Gold FPont, :--uA PS, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. L,9 f43IITIIFIELD Four door,. above• Sixth Ave [ Decl. 7011 PINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JESsißili Optical (infl .Cc . PITT8111.11!(w-, FINE WATCH ItCP.MHH:VG. Pleil)e cut Ivertis: meth out and bring it with you Beapr, Pa., W'edn4Bday, April 16, 1872. 1M 211 5 E 0 o © =... ct sou OW e: ma • -0, C"J 00.• woo' 2 El 12 N I ; • I: •‘l6o o_ r lrt " P J _a tz ei n tin (i.e. ct) iii A; 10)1VAI11) 4) ME MiZEISI Gold it Sitkr"Vateltes. " R 0 BEZT. 9, yr() REBUILD. American Watches at Factory Prices, 81'06E 311:18T-BE SOLD BEFORE RUILDING M=M!! Genuine Waltham- Watches 2 On nee Coln.illier oo " " 21..00 6 IA " • 't{ am 00 ~- • Elgin-Watazes 2 Ounce Co10.11*4144,;i 1 „: , .420 00 " , • 6 ;," , .. . 25'00 ffila united stip Oz ° , II vet Pages Cl4l4l6,Mitiryfailittice, 00 " " • " 4°l 4 ' : 2100 5 " " 23 00 Ladies'.Goid tatches, fil3 $23, 0,f;033, O. $3O . NET - RPWAitDS. - ; -- All Weirlitatec .i.,4Fpott.l - 41pte - Ketpc,.v E. P. n' IMRTS, No. 16 PLOlt Amu,' e, r:z . 11W - PITTSBURGH, ti PA Prompt ntom turn gliten inqutren , by ttt:! SELE By. A sibitiml2 emiriticE. (.fitne your mernfbuibteitalltmr. I , a.teally an taraW•eani , - A. fr(ari birds tailwind( itily.. calling T., their loven:OwaCII(OW clear rani.• your fiweatikriir laughter oiionniz Tirmi.zh ihonAtgr: wvirof my mind. Me n Min Am ht , tweell :leaveti .t,iallug Blom+ the gen evening wind. Came the richneilef . your lanzliter A. ti .r;;thar,Z3Upbtaaln. rn In The mouful juiltereatter, 131 d. the drYbeiprt.meit in rain . i ll Came Its tones , .. 101341 c Imiki' -' A.whell ran in - Marry hand. Curl the crisp tightly brenking. On [h.! (lull aattiulto .and. ~..., Came it. liquid Igirmiitr elear , y As a, fnuntainif*Sult oweet. That. in the rarefied duert, r'early f Doth the tied pier greet Came it. ended htly queerlhtt: O'er my hear t ' ate . Aleut artnl, As EV , ..11 silver 01 frmn Edell On the 'taro b r wnrh.l around ' i' f , —14,010. •' , 0 , i , / , ~.._... SE 1; LW T 4fISCELLA NI. 1)1311Lo1lii CLIMBING. Minintaineering2in the Sierra Nerada —Ascending Atonal Tyndall— Vivid and Thrilling Description of the Lofty Peai: Mr. Clarence King has written an admirable book entitled :Stountnin eeirng in the Sierra Nevadajie4 pub lished by 'Osgtell Co., Boston. It is a Antler ceMbinat ion of scientific puwerfai . description, pleasant hutner s , and 14d adventure, founded on the personid experience of the writer dprlngileseries of nerilous ex plorglOns, iltunlthusenlivened with the charm of-Wld forest life in the fresbneso, Oltrkeval nature. TherSfeigalilialada is the grandest maSsive mountain ranges which firm` tka.-imraatern margin of the American continent. It lies be tween the arid deserts of the Great Basin and the exuberant grain tickls and orchards of California. Its east ern slope is a / grim wall ,of rocks plunging atirtiiitiy down to't he plain. On the west it forms an immense sweep, well wptered, and overgrown with cool stetely fOrests, Its crest is a line of sharp, snowy peaks. spring inir Into the sky, and caly-bing the Alpine glow after the sin bn.,:et for all the rest of America. For four hundred miles the sierras are a def inite ridge, broad and high, in the form of an ocean wave. Buttresses of dark and gloomy rock, jutting at Intervals from a Steep wall, form the abrupt eastern slopes. Scattered growths of irregular forests huddle together near the , now. The lower des•li cities are barren spurs. sinking into the sterile flats of the (;rent Ba in. Long ridges of gentle nut line form the western side, while the sloping taw is , :eored from top to bottom I,y a system of canons two or three thousand feet deep. Every I'.lllOTl carries a river, derived f rom the Inviting of the perpetual snow which threads its way dawn ti n ' mountain. TiW '4IIOPP:z4UI niC•ltipt to asecnd one of the loftiest peaks of the Neva da range, -ince named Mount Tyn dall. affords an example of the most perilous enterprise. and even auda cious courage, which is to be found in the history of Alpine elimbir , .. The most experienced I..eteratis of the party who had ascended to the bight of 1:3, , 1tin feet, Intim» °,OOO feet lower than the summit of Mont Mane, had pronounced the experiment an im possibiliV. Mr. King. however, was 0 , 4 Po he daunted by their lack of faith. Taking :[side one of his voin i o nions named Cotter, he askcil bim whether he world join hire in !fl penetrate the Terra Ineognitia at the risk of their necks. H e cheerfully replied in his usual frank, courageous tone, "Why not?" Stout of limb, and yet stronger in heart, of iron endurance, and of a quiet, unexcited temperament, deep ly devoted to the writer, he was the very comrade that 'he would choose to face death with. as In his tnan1100(1 there was no room for fear or shirk. After reaching the !tight of-14.1,5441 feet, eliml oghecatneexceedinglydifficult and the light Mr began to tell upon the lungs. The emotions of the writer are at this point vividly de seribed. "ltislng on the other side, cliff above cliff. precipiee piled upon precipice, rock over rock, up ,against the sky, toward the most gigantic mountain-wall in America, eultitin ating in a noble pile of tbithie-finish ed granite and enamel lik e ,n o w, How grand and inviting looked its white form. its untrodden, unknown crest, so high and pure in the strong blue! I looked at it as one contem plating the purpose of his life; and for just one moment I would have rather liked to dodge that purpose,or to have waited, or ha ve found some exeellent reason why I might not go; but. all this quiettly vanished. leav ing a cheerful resolve to go abezul." The sequel sit:llox. given in the writ er's own words. All the snow of our recess lay in the shadow of the high granite wall to the west, but the Kern divide which -curved around us from the southeast was in full fight; its broken sky-line, battlemented and adorned with innumerable rough-hewn spires and pinnacles, was a Mass o f jz t ow i ng orange, intensty defined against the deep violet sky. At the open end of our horseshoe amphitheatre, to the east, its floor of snow minded over in a smooth brink, overhanging ..'idees which sank 2,000 feet into he King's Canon. Across - the gulf rose the whole procession of summit peaks, their lower halves rooted in a d ee p sombre shadow cast by the wes tern wall, the bights bathed in a warm purple haw, in which the ir regular marbling of snow burnecl with a pure erirnson light. A few fleecy clouds, dyed fiery orange, drif ted slowly eastward across the nar-- row zone of sky which stretched from summit to summit like a roof. At times the sound of waterfalls, faint and tnineted with echoes, floated OP through the still air. Thesnowitear by lay in cold, ghastly shade, warmed here and 'there in strange.flashes by light reflected downward from drif ting clouds. The somber waste about us; the deep violet vault overhead. those far summits, glowing with 're flected rose; the deep, impenetrable gloom that filled the gorge, and slow- ly and with vapor-likestealth climb ed the mountain wall extinguishing the red light, combined to protium an effect which may not bedeacribed; nor can I more than hint at thecon trast befween the brilliancy of the scene under Nil light, and the cold; death-like repose which followed 'when tho wan cliffs god pallid snow Were all overshadoWed with ghost.' • gray'. • _ A sudden chill enveloped us. Stara in a moment crowded - through thit dark heavens; flashing with a' frosty splendor. The snow congealed,. the brooks ceased to . flow, rind; under the PpWerftll t ,,fitutdep let/erne:dr frost. lirittiense'blockit 'Were dislodged alt along' the mountain li'utnmiti3, and came thundering down the' Slopc•s, booming upon the ice, dashing wild ly upon the rocks: Under the lee of our shelf we felt quite safe; but !with pew !er nor I eluld help being star tled, Aryl jumping just a little, ai these missile weighing often Thsn -fru(k the ledge over our head: and whizzed down the gorge, their strni:es resounding fainter and faint er, ur, ii at :a-4 tally a confused echo reacht4l RIM Choosinv- what rooked likq the feast. imoos•-ibi • way, we startesk finding It unsafe to work with packs On, resumed the yesterday's plan, ('otter taking the lead, climbing a bout fifty feet ahead, and hoisting/1 up the ';:napsitcl;s and barometer us , I tied them to the end of the lasso Constantly closing up in hopeless difficulty before us, the way opened again and again before our gymnas lies, till we stood together upon a mere shelf, not more than two feet wide, which led diagonally up the smooth cliff. Etring, along in care fill steps, our hacks flattened upon the granite, WV moved slowly to a broad platform, where we stopped for breath. There wa-z 7il) foothold above us. I.o , pkingilio‘ nvil• t h e course we had come, it seemed, and I really believe it an imicosihierieseent, for one can clinchupward with safety where he e li noot downward. Tu turn hack Was to tip in defeat; and we sat at least half an hour, suggesling, all possible routes to thesummit, accept ing none, awl feeling disheartened. About thirty feet directly over our heads was anothershelf, which, if we could reach, seemed to offer at least a temporary way dipw : arti. tIR its ilige were t wo or three spi keg of gran ite; whether firmly connected with the cliff or merely biwks of debri..i, we could not tell from below. I said o Cotter, I thought of tint one possi. ,le plan: It was to lasso one of those docks, and to climb, sailor fashion, whil over hand, up the rope. In the lt , No I had perfect confidence, for I tail seen more than one spaiii:;h bull brow his whole weight tnrainst at ' without part ing a strand. The shelf was so narrow that throwing the roil of rope was a very difficult undertak ing. I trif d three thne.:, aml Cotter spent rive minutes vainly whirling the loop up at the granite spikes. At last I made a lucky throw, and i tightened upon one of the smaller protuberances I drew the noose close, and very gradually threw my 130 pounds upon the rope; then Cotter joined me, and for a moment veboth hung our united weight upon it. Whether the nick moved sli-htly or whether the lasso stretched a little, we were unable to decide; but the trial must be made, and I began to climb slowly. The smooth precipice fare against which my hod swung offered no foothold, and the whole climb had therefore to be done by the arms, an (lir requiring ail one's determinatlini. When about half way uh Iwo. obliged to rest, and, curli n..! my feet in the rope, managed to ret eve my arms for a moment. in th . position I could not resist the (ascii king temptation of :1 survey. down .:acrd. Str. , i:zat down, ncarly a thousand feet I,‘ Into ,at the foot of !he rocks, ItCttl:tll the `vllo-4. .4t(Mtit, rtt,tl ex:lig—lT:ln-I into allite.t .! ati;zlc, nrved dmt nin a lone Whitt' field, l o. , ;':ett faraway by rock, and 1)olkla 1 1", 'Mil L i kes Cottcr up cheerfully ash,d how , iitakiii i r which tt'i , .\\'(tr. :ill'. I fail plenty or‘vin.l left. At that iwltlent, when hai„titni.• Ix ae+n I.l4t;l\'ltti .tut: earl) ,t T!,:c: a deep , ati,facLii. 141 look :I1 the wide gulf o:" beneath anti up to unlsinr,vn ah, a!),1 feel toy narvc , can! and A ;sew pail= nand over hand brought. Inc to the edge „i -%Own, throwing an arm around granite spike I swung toyloaf- upon th e -half a nd, l a y t i ovoi to re~t,~hnut lie , to Cotter that 1 wa.: al! rhzlit, and the prospects upward \vero cap :tat. .\ tier mew moments' tq . eat h. ing I loooked over the I.4rink and directed lily i•elnradii to tie the I,:i -roria,:ter in 11 a looter OM/ of the lay`n, \vhich he did and that prcaiolh - z in .t hoisted to my station. and the la--,n wic4 sent down twice for Fs:laps:Arks, after which Cotter came up the rope in hiS very utuacu mar way 'withont once stoppiinz to re. St. We tool; our 10nt1..-; itl ow! hand , , s%vin:-ir_r the Intrornetcr over my Shiall(ler,tllldelitileil up a .411 cl f which led in it zigzaix direction upward and to the south. brin!4ing us at upon the thin blade of a ridge which CI n ueeted a Ahnrt dktanae above with the qutuy - tit. It wart formed of h o ne shattered, and ready, at a touch, to fall. So narrow and sharp was the up per slope, that we dared not walk; but got astride, and worked slowly along with our hands, pte4hing the I:min-tacks in advance, now and then hlddintr our breath \viten loo,e ma— ses rocked under our weight. ( ince upon thesummitot grand view burst upon ns. Hastening to step On the crest of the ,divide, which Icas nev , r more than ten feet wide. frp iiiipntly sharpened to a were xvti looked down the tither side. and Nvere fistoni-hed to foul Wfs burl :N.- ctqiiied the gentler slope, and that the fell from our feet hi almost vertical" precipices for ae thous-noel Vet •t or more. A Trlance along the sllllllll toward the 111;thetit, group SIMWO/ that to advance in that tlirtyt in?, wit.; iatpos.i de, for the thin ridge was gashed down in notches three or four hundred feet deep, forming a procession of pillars, obelii.ks, and hhieks piled upon each other, and looking terribly insecure. We then depoy►ted our knapsacks in a safe place, and,tintling. that it WitS almuly anon, derter►»fined to rest a little while and take a Inneh over thirteen thousand feet above the sea. The Kung's ('anon now entereept their progress; and they were , d to descend the valley in or der t( settle the preei piee on another side. Aft . .r lying' on our looking' ov4.r tho brink - , ten nr twenty loin tti . that lowering' °uric: VCS on the rope 'we !night climb front ,Tpviee to crevice; hut we :.;iw no t4hel 1 in 're enough for our.•:el v es ;Ind kite I..inp- , nel too. finwevcr we were mt, going to givett upwi th (nit a trial; and I made the rope tast . . •r, . .. ~. ~.... . ~:T.: • ~,r ....„ ~ ~, .. _.,.,. ....., ..... U . around my i breast, and, !00l n og the noose over firm point of met:, let Myself slide gradully down ton notch forty feet below. There was only room beside me for Cotter,so I made him send down the knapsacks first.' 1 then tied these together by the straps with my silk handkerchiefs, and hung them as far to the left as I could magi without losing my bal ance,looping the handkerchiefsover a point of rock Cotter then slid down: the rope, and, with considerahle dif-, ficulty, we whipped the mune off its resting-place above and cut off -our connection with the other world, "We're in for it now, King," re marked my cotoratl, a.s he looked up and then down; but our blood was up, and danger added only an !crating thrill to the nerves. The shelf was hardly more than two feet wide, and the. granite was so smooth that we could find no place to fasten the lasso for the next descent; so T determined to try to' cliMb with as little aid as passible.-.- Wing itaround:my breast: again, ; I gtivtt the otherendin Cotter!shands,, and !he braving hiFi WA' itkidnq the: •eiffr, found- for him selfes firma foot hold as he could, and. promised to give me all the help In his power.. 1 made up my mind to bear no weight it was absolutely necessary; and for the first ten feet I found cracks and protuberances, enough to support me, making every square inch of i•urfaco do friction duty, and hut:ging myself to the rocks as tig ht as I could. When within about eight fet4 of the next shelf. I t wi,ted self round trim' the face, hanging by two rough lAtick - s of protritilino• feld spar and looked vainly for some hand hold: but the rock stride being per fectly smooth, overhung slightly, and my legs dangled in tl e al r. saw that the next cleft was over three reot hroad. and I thought possibly, I might, by a quick slide. reach it in safety without endanger ing Cotter. I '411010(1P) him to be very careful and let go in case I fell, I loosened my hold on the rope, and slid quickly down. My shoulder struck against the rock unit threw me out of balance; for an instant I rvq4cd over upon the verge in danger of fall jrn hut, in the excitment, I thrust not my hand and seized a small al pine gooseberry hush, the first piece 01 vegitution we had seen. Its roots were sit firmly fixed in the crevice that it held my weight and saved me. I could nn longer see Cotter, but I talked to him, told heard the knap sacks come bumping, along till they Ali l over the eaves afinve me, and swim(' down to my station, when I SO 7, Ad the livisso's end and braced my seu - as well as possible, intending if lu slipped to haul in ~l ack and help him as hest I might. As he (nine slowly down from crack to (Tack. I heard his hobnailed shiies grating on the graaite; pre!-ently they appilared dangling front the eaves above my !wad. I had gathered in the rope un til iA was tight, and theo• horridly told him to drop. Ile hesitated a moment, and let go. Before he struck the rock I haul hitn by the shoulder. and whirled hint down upon his side thus preventing his rolling overboard \v1)1( . 11 friendly action ho took quite coolly. 't'ho third descent w:SS lAA It Iliflicult one, .nor tie fourth : kit when we ji;jci cjimbod down ;1; - ffit tWO hill/el red and fifty feet, the racks were •:o poll-died and water-worn hat it seemed impo,d/Le to get any farther. To our rirlit wa: a crack penetrati;:g the rock pvrhar, a foot deep, widening at the surface to three -or four inches, which proved , to be the only liox Fble ladder. As the Chances seemed rather 11e. , perate, we eßricluded totr ourseTye.r together in order to Qh•ire rt common fate; arid frith of thirty feet bet ween and our knapsack on our liack-1:, we climbed into the crevice, and be. trun de-vending with our face-: to the our. 'Phi,: had to Le done with nu n:anal caution: far the km - ills:n:1:s and instruments kept a steady. backward pull, tending to overbalance us. Hut we took pains t.e dc-;cond one at a time, and rest wherever the niches gave our feet a sate support. In this way we got down about eighty feet of smooth, nearly vertical wall,reach ing the top of a rude granite ,'air way, which led to the :now; mud down tee re-t, and found to our aAton khment that w4. , litul hept three> hour , , from the summit. After breathing a half minute ‘ve continued thiwn..junit•in ,, from r , ;ek r0e1.., and in this ma,nn..r male a Snub deg..ent over ro , ;.reil rlcia-is the crest of n , Tlnw •; hi, for :-even eitrht hundred r.ct ,woht 41,r0n) :1-4no , th, von .1 (1 ,, (,1 \•s• t t1:0 of fr,,-r n lake, Withow untying the . 1:1-so which bound a: together, \ve ,prang the Sil()Vc NVit h:1 .[tout, anti iii adt.l 1111\\ :1 , ;•I w , )l ill , (Mt t() the ini.l - of the fr , )zeir lake. i upon my back, and Cott, r tirst, in :i min.! WO eral'% , (1 i!I ail Iliflq'tir)ll- , . Untying oursel cg, ",' hurried :t-Notre in dif) rent rlirec tL,n,. to-4 our ,•mbined :horrid he too great a str sin upon any point. tIll• \ -;•nture relatell as follows. : The \vall of our !noun' ;•1 raptk• to the left, ()11P!1111!! nue lit") roue an illith)t)k t() \Van!. 1)c. p --it :ilmo , t vertically - hetiolith ug we :-.111,1 seo the !due wa ter of ()\CPII%; 1,-Ike, In ono feet down. The Qiuninit peaks to the north were piled in titanic col/, their ritives overhanifing the eastern '-'!()P 1 ' with terrible , abrupt no-s. Clustered upon tile shelves phlteaus were srvera4rozen lakes, and in all di rections swept magnitivent fields (4 . ' , rimy. The summit was not over ...on feet distant, and \ce :4:uteri on again NVith th..eNtillnritintr hope of nrop , :c. But if nature had intetalTl to "entire the summit front all l ants, she could not have planned her Ilt.len-es better; for thegionoth lyrin ile wall which rose , flo w continue , l. :'iptiorent pinto around the peak - , and \\t• 111,1kt'l in trreat anxiety to sip if there tvag not one place where. it he climbed. It xt as till except in one plaee; quite near us the snow brithred acrogg the crevice, and r , `..4‘ in a lon , point to the stunt - nit of the wall— a ;freat column frozen in a Mohr , of the bluff—its base about ten feet wide, narrnwinz to t‘vo feet at the I op. We climbed to tit iri-e of this spire of '44., and, with the utmo.4 care, bef.ran to cut our stairway. The material was all eXeeeditiOY (44111,9)44M snow, passing into clear ice as it nearNl the rock. We vino br-•41 the first half of it with comparative ease; atter that it was altruist vertical, and so thin that we did not dare to cut the filotste) s down ertotigh to make them ; Irately safe. There was it congtant fear lest our ladder should break vir, and we be thrown either down the snow slope or into the bottom of the (I'Teentifl;ket, in order to ;Ire- I :. sei . f. k f t ro l t a l s i wards, I and the wall. and the re h wai n f , hand into I t v l a ie s ( 4 ) : 1 1a l i t i2 .l . : ( ti t I l ietw . ( t ‘n rit the lg See j ' S o narrow that I could do this on both Ades; go the climb was marten , : upon a tree, cutting mere toe hales and embracine . the whole column o r, ice in niy arms. .1t 10-t I reached the top, and. with tine vrcatest cau tion, wormed my hotly over the brink, and rollinc , out on the smooth surface of the granite, lo,k oil over and watched Cotter make Ile came steadily up, with no son"e of nervousness, until he got to the ME Established 1818 narrow part of the ice, and here be stopped and looked up with elbrlorn Nee to me; but as he climbed up over the edge the broad smile came back to his face, anti he asked me if it had occurred to me that we had, by and by. to go down again. We had now an easy slope to the summit, and hurried up over rocks and Ice, reaching the crest at exactly •twelve o'clock. I rang nay hammer upon the topmost rock ; we grasped hands„ rand I reverently named the grarnifpeak Mount Tynd•ill. Gloym Wauted : There are no boys now.. there eon be no more men. We have lads and young maters, but no boys. Years ago, when America could boast of statesmen, there were boys all over the country--rugged, ambitious boys. They played liorse,, rode down hill, kissed the gh Is, broke colts, trotted jack-knives, and were welt hooted yhen cheated. Thcy ,busked corn i , gathered -butterntits ,ipick.ed apples, took care of the cattle, did . chores for their board white going to, school, cut cord-wood, trimmed apple trees, plowedeorrtund worked their way to manhood. They knew how to sharpen fence posts, shear' sheep, milk cows, kill hog:, clear 11111(14, cultivate farms and work their wiry to honorable man hood. Whig' ihoy became WV!) did not fade 11;0: ..iXiif•r.lly (*(irejn ca I ieo, hWt (11111 4 o.ach sod in Of. school of ext,,.o ( - give lietter and iiraver mon. Thfiy born to labor. and -thu....tieketed to success. They grew up hardy, handy, ri•liable and useful. lviyi groat orator-. - minister:_illietors and editors ,crepe made. such were "loved by good giris--becan,i• izoo4Hmsliands. Soine thin per hap; siiielled of tlii• farrow, the harn or the workshop. hat that wis i•el ter than to smell of hops; resin. fii;il oil and creo-ote whiskey, as now is the fashion. These boy.i bee iine neal Th •t -o)rict muscle and ox t'lt*'c t -o They xvore not afraid of po\ erty : not afraid to work - ; not rt-zhamell of ro , ll- • friend.: sir rat.tged rela7i ye* t were melt in minature. They had sense, pawl:, honor, manhood mid the bask of success. Their fathers viti - re proud of them, Their mothers NvaViltql them with :firpttr-t anti NVitll their love. Ttreir Qi.iters were food 'nfthm. while their .;xi. - eettlearts nev er thought them regular attendant .if l'ilurt• 1%,•n• bov , in thi)-4 - • dd V:4 ilnt Hi n t', t h e 1113yA or. scarce. I t is not fashional" to he a lioy. masters. young gent letne4i.-taut u,lo_soxon drawn down to a sickly lisp. .1-;.1 gloves, patent leather 1..1015. ruined shirts, cigar cases, private billdrl tur SI/111hy 41)11.1-;, Palwr I•ollar, "girls," wind simper , and private doctors. It is not the thing to work F. boys tlii years ago, when they tanned wnntl c•huck shins. t hen rubbed there down thin and soliq for whip-lashes. That ruhl,ing is what did the work- The experiences of lift which force facts into young souls and the eyes are the great teachers. Men come from sterner shift' than this hot-holy-P. petted, hianketed, stmerticial make-up men give their 1 sons. The time \%:is whin boys swung tiftils, axes, crowbars, beetles, mauls and they herded eat tle, turned' thesoil, thought studied and worked their way• into the harness of life till it tit them easily, and they could work advan tageously. Fashion has taken the helm now. Boys must be petted till they are spoiled, es tomatoes are ripened in window: until they am rotted. The bey now' must he waited on. Tin , old man twist gat up in the morn ing and build a tire, or wait at night to keep the house (awn till the young gentleman returns Irian the faro-hank or hilliard-ronin. The old father must work. and the nal d mother may weep. hilt the gay chap will have his clothes, jewelry and tnnustache salve, his nights nut anal headaches in—for must he not keep up with other men? He must have his horse till cut, ter, or fancy tootn. ifis allowonce and private circle of friends. it is not hest for his nan•nts to know, hsit his chums think him off color. Ile grows up t() Ir• a sporting ohm, a politician, :In 011'1,y-Ic - hider, :t 1 :1 hanger-on, if not to a typo , , to the enat-tail of the which tiek led his infancy 0111.1 damns his failure. Ile caroc from .;r.±ll neinhood w;t h„, it 1..-. 111)111'N'Ho:it,I, :111 , 1 irt 'tr••td -of l4.ine• ;1 useful mail, lie cellos: a rutty button tin the string it failures. Give us tiro-, hot-; the good old kind ill hi IlVt., niuck, , for and for thed,At men they make, is inerea-ins.---/lri , a, - PoHe roq. A Trial ror iichcrart tri.ll f“r itchonOt. un4l,•r )111,:tit• litw in tlik i•ountr- .ink•o (livcr!. r,ltl (Tofu.", ntol uutin,t',tt(tl.y lirrini fait r_ ion thnt . ju-t out-!.10 of '-' , 14•11), 11•• r,• 111, , v 4 al. , (it 2 , 4 , 1 tin II) 1. ni rillr, K.y., in 1;10 I - 1-0 Of :1 i.lity tri it (tint city . _ The lady in .pie-..tioa. ii. sivio-, his avowed a I). , lier in m 'torn ••41iritii 11- km, and for thk the , session cites hi r to appear, statin , (lime to be vi olations of the first. second ;mil third commandments. No response hav ing. been made to thk c'dation, the formal noti , e that if rwcas.isd dor , : tint ppl , nrat a certain !=et time an ail vue.rte would be assig•ned her by the 11 4, 11 y and a I ri3.l be proeeedell h ..01t. had ap peared and itonierVihe charge. To till: (hr. 1 lily she wilt ap pear at the time set if site liar have the benefit of coun , el, but otherwi-, tl ill decor the affair a sham trial end refu.:e to have an:,•thin , to do with it. Whether the •APF.C , intl will permit of counsel dues nut appear; but it is quite such will be the and all interestin;.; trial mav be thus expected. (lt (41111 - 41' there can he but one .0- lution. The waverer betwe -n the raps of the spirits and the homilies f , f' ; the session nift-t ch00.. , 0 plainly he tween the two ily recantation of anv faith in knool,s. hanirs.whkners, fiddle.-serapim: and so on,from super nat url sources, accu-ed may make her pen. e with the :4:ion, Ira \a , pro eeedings terminated. and -Omething near a I , vi-feat a Preshyterian belief will admit induiLred iii. t on . trariwiso, if the knocks, bangs an d twid f ilings are , 4et. thrive 010 cate chism the session cannot do other than cut off the etionding member and deliver her to the torments pre pared for those who prefer diabolical raps anil tinklimr - to t he sweet s:avor of predeAination undefiled. • Seriously however, ridiculous as this matter , evins all ar mnd, the f riglit is clearly on the side of the ses cion. It may he had to-to in them to quote Leviticus and 1 ieutermunny about witches, but it is certainly sound sen-c to that none nut PrO,hyterian.: , llall remain members of n Presbyterian church. (Mr lady friend, we fear, is but playing the Tyng arid Cheney role—seeking a lit tle notoriety by refusing to leave a cummunion she yet declares She (Meg not believe. —Pittsburgh Dispatch. TIME HEAVES, A.ftGIUS • Is published every Wednesday-in the old Argus building on Third Street, Bea ver, Pa., at $2 for year in adviuide. Communications on Subjects of local or general interest are respectfully so licited. To insure attention fireors of this kipti must invariably be accompa nied by the name of the author. Letters and comtannicatloneshould be athirt)sseti to J. WE TAN D, Beaver, Pa. For . flip Ilearte A rztti LEI MGR IT ENT% WITH GOOD AUTGLORS. NO. 3.-131 r O. L. E. Few writers in; the English. lan guage 'have been more read and ad- Mired than Sir Walter Scott. His poetical writing,, in sentiment, in beauty of dietion, In .vividness of Imagery, and, in power of description, are not surpassed by those of any poet ! of the present or the last century. In; prose he is quite equal to the hist writers of either the eighteenth or the nineteenth century; and'it is rea sonable to presume that his. - works of Betion—the Waverly novels—will be read and admired as long as the En glish literature shall exist. The Lady of the Lak&should be read by every yottng persnn , that can read the English language; and they should not mad it simply to get. the name of having, Mad' it, lint for the 'ptirPose of becoming' familiar 'with, its beautiful and expressive lanodge and its ; noble and exalted sentlinents. In order, therefore, that those of my readers who know nothing of that poemknay get a slight glimpse of its, beauties, I. will quote a few of surh• as I conceive to be the most beautiful and striking passages contained in it: A very fine example of word`-paint ing is found in the opening stanza of the poem : - TIo• loot drink I (tit NVIo•ro d 9 i. d the. moon on Nioonn'a ,), , t+ hir nlidnivl:l. Gli.r.arti ,, Ta h:t7.04 What a- enomlote and vivid nietnro k drawn in three font. iron'', .Imrf')-Saxon ; how -plainly one ( - .:11/ Se , the , itai ririnkin r "tri-; fill" from the rOl. a‘t it. aparklo... , neat h the r.leare`rara of the moon; Anil then. havinv drat.l:, one rlni .40f. hi.„ Tvinfr,..eefirelv in the lone bezel wt.;,(1 , . tittle that he k coma (triVPII i - t4):11 Ili. retreat by T'. I•na , ar . -,•ran...-r.,2. t),..4 and 11, ,, en In the ni;r:111 onnzn of tho fir=t Gantt, l- tlii- 'o-nutiful =IIIIE 1' • I ' h." 'a`,or. To, and I IN , .1 ,tl, tl••r • • r, "r‘llt life. Mt' ••,ilUn, =Mr Wlnit :1 vivid liii•tnrp t yin 'X I. tinil in rho of the o ,ovt•rith : Tto• ‘v,•.!o•r , 't , ,(!...1 &Pr •11•• ssles, , h,ir • • wa9 I,3thr din Inod. •c(ilvin fire How very wrikine nerfee' is the metaphor in the firsf two , lia s; and yet hardly more nt•rff 44 than that in the 1:1 7 4 two ; and, althonvh the tran , i t ion from the one meta oh,br to the other k instantaneous, wand it varianr , with the actual facts in no tore. the effeet upon the imatrination is none the 1e- powerful and plet . kintr than it wou1:1 have been had the au thor not introduced 1100d.4 and fire in the 6 , ame line. Living fire" is an expresc.ion of Treat force, from the fart that no element seems to move "more like a thing or life" than fire, when it has plenty of the right sort of 'material to feed upon. The c.onr , hy Ellen in the fir-11 canto, i hey nd all que , tion, one ,01 the most, beautiful examples of We. man's love a7)(i , empathy for the pa triot ean he found in the whAll realm of literature. I quote on!! four : thy WSrr.ire d•••p .1.. , t.liint r. , lll)"^akir D , .-1) 11:ittlo tirlds ro tnnrr• I,:e ye of danget. night. , of waking As often as the music has• heel heard, comparatively few know thn in the Reentnl ennto of, The Lady the LAIC is found ,t he song, -11u1 I tl chief who In tnntriph advancer • '• In t'u• t‘vonty-secoucl stanza of th second canto are thrse are to morn', i;tven. WWllrttl ill 1,10,1 !hart beave.l \n3 tl the , e I , . 1 human tear r , par tear 14. - • hmtml :tad 'n meet. -;a'e amiz,l'4 ehrwk. th.if scH , h Minn. fAttinta..teet 1 p.rt .11;•ete:s tlau:later's h.rnd. ' No ino-ro refined and noble sent ment than that vontained in tho, 1 r lir,n . '.va-1 over Dc•nneil by unit Qpired tthit, Stddy, for :1 til,int , rd. +lto followiti uit•lttrt , . • intol anry of t 1 third (6:tud,): altn, r.. 11 ••••,1 a • ho• 1•••:,1 f n h,.r h,s..tzt lEEE 111 (11' 1 -1%1 1 1 ~1 •1 % .1 c th XV , h:1 1 :1 1 fir Wr.l!ll.•' , lit•rinit in oil.: 1v 11,1-7; -ir) inlainino.iil in hi-•liont , with ••wri, h.• ri,, , OEM =I r'rit A r..m t 11 , 110 11. 1 , 1 t ll ' th... fifth elt , “ it i-, =MEM \ n.l 1 1; i r . ME =II 1 4 1 , 1'••• I nrr rh^ N:••••• I Irre wrh,i\ e an exarni.le of lovo )r W W ., tt hirli in i 0 I tg‘ i tat ( 4 1 Wit Tti •triv•ttit,t!..7f. -41viot v, hv , wri" 1 - 11 110111:1RtV,IWS if th,‘ prt aflP. (f the (IP-wrintive passave , i Poem nonP more lively .3110 rt lye than the description of Rif• hl of I?errl WI Mille, the' fifteenth stanza oftheQi yth It is too lono to quote in full I Nx ill tilVc only a few lice '•,,• ?1 , •• .t • • .' .1 111. "0%. 1111":" "ft ft , f‘' , 4 3 11 , 1 t : rtft,ftfr rr, nt t/port 01" i>/-1 1 z3. • !••• . L'" 3...ratn " “1 . 110 hatt!o • A nninLri..4l rnaLzs" Pi; ig full r>f Frwiin but t.) (10.-4 it i-oiivey A., rr In tly t ili) 'Jeer' on Wlwn t'.,t thwne , l wearit.— Plain -PrP%cripivou. t'lt'4 re i-; no fOrm Low , Di!. which Callll{lt he eared h' 'a tin resort to nit. Lt7Sti Let it ho. undertogal that it strengthenitifx and not a weake medicine, that in nOett. , .e of (Ii• earl it do harm. It will purify and eleaDse the b of all impuritic.:.. , inrolv and plain in its Pipk of net ion, anti it -him res mane a suffering invalid from jaw, of Lit , ;a t h. The rtiocle of operation of i. 4 oxtilnined in Dr. Keysnr's Trt' or) Chronit• 'Urn?, Dkr , r).*-4 • wil4 sont free" %.vlterever it i tiered. Dr. K4?,y.zer examrnes all his ease:; pplhrotri - littnent with hi. , I Sot -m), th.. rnn,t 11Prft.'!4. in-• twor for auseillool i•, Price of Lust: t't'RE z.' l 4 : 01 "- Ile, or opr ii tlf itoz“ti, at the Dootor'.: sioro Arta 1, vneilica I otl3oe, 10;7 Liberty Pitt =ll r•I EIIIMM111:1 Ila IRE s're.