The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 03, 1872, Image 4
SELECT MISCELLA Yr. of that time lie and Sydney were en _ gaged. And they were as happy alid TILE CALIFORNIA COUSIN. comfortably as if they had been Fn gaged ten year:l.—Peterson's bathes' Monthlg. 13 Sydney Standish was at her wri ting-de,k, and this is what she was writing:— "DEAF. :kilt. MELLVILLE.—I.have been dared to write to you; and if you remember Inc. 1 was never the one to shrink from any challenge. But now, what shall I say? I am utterly at a I ( i=s to begin a co rrespon d - enc . e. Shall I tell you about Mayville, pap's business, or myself? •'I shall not ask you to come and see us, i am sure you would admire Mayville, because f w.-ot you to follow the inclination of your own sweet will. can, however.prozn ine you, if you do collie, ea.kes for breakfast, and inullms for tel. The mudins are always cop posed by uly I,WII pains-taking tin • gerrs, the buckwheat cakes are pre sided, over by my aunt Sally, the cook. ••3favviiie t just received an ac cessin. :in the person of the Rev. John Newton. Be Ides a distin guis!iv I name, he has a distinguished preseiiiie. Lie is six feet high, and not a bit awkward, which is its good as any number of accomplishments. .ll_ e ry agreable to us all, though I t h ick he pays special attention to Mut - Ewa. Ile looks well in the pulpit, le- is earnest - and good; we are very !proud of him, and somexif us, I dare say, very fond of hitn. "It is ten long years Since 1 have seen you Mayville has grown up in that time, and added a factory to her other attainments. 11,:•lu'ti•&• I have nothing more to i4xy, so sign myself your willful cou-- "S. L. SrANDI,it." Sydney Staudt-li folded, enveloped and staitipod the letter, laughing to hersell all the time. Then she run to the gia-is, shook her brown hair into order, and tripped down to the par lor. A demure hut rather pretty girl sat at the piano, pr tetieing. Sydney Held up the letter. 'Sy I put lever have been !" c.rital silly Standish, rising and going: toward her. "i have written to Mr. 'Melville, and the letter will go to-night," wa-, the laughing rpply. ashamed of you," said Salty, and her cheeks flushed mi. - Now don't you worry, you dear. good proper sister ; and just let We toy little fun ; you're not to be A week pa-lAvd), and then entne the reply, written in a business hand : "MY DEA I; Ci)l felt quite hiiirrired toy pair kind favor. My lio-inesS has tweti very pressing, and I 01.111 a not tltLiWer you before. I reiftelither you as a child, very welt: NotwitlisLiniling you will not ask me to vi-it you, I havvmadv 1/4 ' mind that I shall coinc , out sometime next mouth, and renewour A-• k ten long years i•itict• I Ira V you, lalt OU LIIJW that much , )I that 111. - N•11 , 11tIlt 1101. forget tny little cou-411 when kn as. ,ar,. you, and, in chilai- part:mei., lirituz you ^olrWthiliz pretty. xvP meet, an reroir. ".1. .‘" I 1.1. E." yrincy lawhod lind-bitt , tied over 110,,r. title hardly ilare(l it to Sally. " \Vie' w , itildever hrive thought,' . Itiurne•rt.N.l, •' Out he wouhl take tt a!I -eriun:4ly ? .\7)(1 he is actually cuilikt.; ithd )11 I can't lel. sally ••-et• it;-n& will t wild. It se•!tits just like ~king, 1“r a gift. What ,half I du: . Ite evillentjy thitilizi Sal ly wrote that letter, cogitalion-; - renilll42,l in troahcr lclt r: I wa, 1-0 wu, n p;t•itz.ol ilit your ruplv.-- You pardoned Illy b01(Ille-i, And art actuhy coining to see he'r little :\LLy ville. .11 ,eette , s•ucli a pity that sx are all going :May the tin-t of next tmuli. I tfcour-e, tln lion,• will he at your ,ervie. Nty you remember . 1"al have no how plain I have grown. t•-;,) you \vtll nut !quell in not iheyting Pray parilon lily im pertinence, I inioxi• it !..evitis xt ming one who 1.4 comparatively a -tran , ..r.,er, and tkelieve toe ;‘our-, L, STANDIsIi." "There, wou't nitre now, LlT tai: ly," tuttruluretl, "although it 1- t.. , i,,ul ht• uegle:ted xvhe,, II kurnvs expe,•ted ~f ,tle likes him, too, the :tort very lingry tilfit 1 ha \ e ).% Inn). Thy he.:\ I H,11.• I he more vart'.u, \t butt in W1 , 1i.0 • • it 1 i !Emu. r I is y riliwg \ t ",,ur pontilltiNhlp Y‘,ll haVo grown I .your plhitograitli trvitlint it ut , ntit„tutt I inunt frankly iiilntix,el4L• tit t:. i think .von have, ill.- ki.ol ,i, 2 itlont .io -111 • -11t,i - itt , tit•t-, yt.t alitttr Ino nLi titt•rc your lat.,. and .1 i I lof character. MO 1 . t , —) ',cry you are gi ung• ‘‘lty allot ill,- month. It %v 11l I,c qult.• :i -ro,,vt•to.•ot to up , to omit. at -once. I ; till , lotVil SAturd:iy, and -, t111 , 1 1"t,1.11" , tit•N I y • Ls.," Lie Syd fily, L. , , T4,\A•LIL4 II Ls toc•re's no (jolt. t IStOp' stint 110 W. Ht• \li , 14-VXl;i.Ct to find ...Ally, kinywirig nothirnz zity,,nt ine, his wild, western .eotism. will speak to her about the letters, and then she will tell him they were in.:ne; and I have never seen him (m_;..trhij pliotograpn. .Iml n,,t 113.114150ni, , ; : Old 611.,\V 1 :WI, :tarp :"; i- ohm ; g,l l , It ir ! \Vika .1,,t11 1 (10?'' illiacc” .liens Cll.O clay and IILAt. I:here W:Ls nu 11 , 11. I u 1:, -LLL• LILLLL4zIIt. :Y Yid `,I y III" 1111. , / 3:11 \.% 11,01 al 1,1111% c,l z .1- pr,p vrly. :she,p ,rot over Ult. I,h itog - roph. \\*not plly he 1%. A. , ' 7O 111:1111 -a lit - tie, short, thin 'nail. with ,lack whlNkt•r,." (ra s.ttor,hy satl o . ' W,t , 1 , 11) !,11i1 ;lay .it the beilsiiie ) it ,t, : k friend. S.Ouv)i,c•iiiiii hothif At four o'clock a C 1111 1 ,(• ilf,Vi• tip to tire door. s;,.iiciey peetwil iron, V.:O half-Host-if blinds ul the upper oi doNv. (flit sprOtil.t . an Adonis —the hand soine,t won she hod ever si-en in her And as tail as the new 111 oniV hriladYr to the shoultlscs. Ilra i-tii.-tnut curls golli 11l lire -U-I. Down went Sydney, her dark, gypsy fac all nu tire‘s it exylailued the Adonis, and then stopped. -3.*Ja are 11 , 't Sylnev. "I think - you were thirty, at le.e:t," she added, iniptil so;eLy. "Anil I don't believe you are cous in Sally," he said laughing. "I'm mgt .14 )e, hut John." .In4l I'm not Sally, but Sydney," said the girl , tzrowing radiant. "You Int. Caiifornia " you tuit.t tio the Altintesota Nly Initials are the same a. wny I happened to get (1w Fut glad if it. \ (el my initials are the saute as re.p , itled Sydney; "and not; yes, I all 1 I Z-1 Va. I I J o h n hit,t t., tzuess what she tintint, for s.w s,,,pptsl abruptly Inrectly. C.." You have lust your baby, I he tv.;;;e.l tier if they were to , have hear," slid one 'lady to another.— muffins tor tea. broke the ice. "1 - e.i pour little thing, it was only ;S . :, dewy laugilvd, and, chatted, ataL live months old. We had four aoe, and told stories about her wild, tors, blistered his head and feet, put mi nn ,, sota h uff ie— a nd John lell In mustard plasters al ,ver it, ;,;;lye it love with her then and there. nine calomel powders, two box, s of :,efire sally returned every pills, leeched its temples, had it bled [low: .was explained. John staid and gate it all kinds of niedieine.and surnltty, and then over Monday, et, after a week's illness, he died, . • •• e. I; was out. At the end notwithstanding all we did far him.' I=3:llii heepity,' a Yost-Olace. From the earliest period of recol lection I've had a desire to keep a post-offlee, or have, the P. H ie ; I didn't care a continental wlik . h. F or years I have toiled for the I) , E-ts •• h" of P. M., and last week I s ucceeded. But now I write after mv name ex-r. M. ill tell you how it came about. The postmaster here resigned, with the aid of a graveyard recom mendation, I succtseded him. It's nobody's business . If I did rob the tombstones for names for my peti tion ; and I mn't ste why the relatives of the defunct chaps won't= quit throwing it up to a fellow. Well, I wrote P. M. after my name. Mrs. Lipmuek embraced me with the tenderness of a she-hear when I rushed into the room waving my petition over my head; and my appointment brought sundry other hugs. I was a happy man. Mrs. L. and 1 sat up till midnight wrt t ing my mime with I'. M. after it. it looked grandly! I wouldn't have swapped it for Pres., L. L. 1)., (-t . A. 13. The next day I entered upon the discharge of my duties. Itutmsliately upon his successor (which was met being: qualified, the ex- P. M. left, and I was left alone. The mail came. and I distributed it thus wise: My motto has always been "First come first served," and 1 ,uteri upon it to the hest of my knowledge. I gave a letter to each caller us long as they lasted, and ttien I commenced on the papers. Wife ;aid the thing would act like a charm. Undert he old regime some people never got a letter, while now the first person in the office, after the distribution of the mail, wont(' get the• biggest, fattest letter that Cattle. idea was original, and I pri ded myself on its invention. The Lipinuel; brain was over fertile. The morning following "tnail-day" I left my house for the post-office— the attainment of long-cherished inn hitition. As I turned a corner I dis covered two wel Id; nown Citizans about to tt-st the virtue in clenched hand,. " I never wrote a letter to your wife," vociferated one. " You lie!" yelled the other; "your. letter yesterday was handed to me. My wife is in Birmingham, and wrote a sweet letter to you. Lip muck's noble motto of 'First come first served' placed it iii my hands." And a moment later at it they went. I hurried on. I had just entere.l the P. 0. wli,en t) a woman rushed 'lnto the buildi g. •' You villain !"t she yelled, kn 'ek ing my bat to the floor, and bur •ing tier"'You gaveeagle talons in my hair. 'You gave my lettter to flag Fastong,ue, the biggest old slanderer in town. .Itel she's telling every‘vbere that I've been writing to a married man." Well, I now ea,n't boast of as much hair as I could a Week ago. , Scarcely had my viiseeu[or left when a erowd rushed-Into the office. Toe Methodist preacher heade4 I think he swore as he (Tossed the "Villain !" he yelled, — you gave Lyre one of iu' letter-, he's I , lowing everywhere that I've got a \‘ Ore in NCW York and another in Nfitine." Itim! I,ill him !"--yelled there I,t•hinfi him. , zt v a 11114, 1 11 11S1.1 111111 ( . 11.11IS 111,..17- 1111', u1(1 I rt.tro.tteel, " I Ling t .4.4,und rt.l 'Ol - 14.41 th. omail; and I learn that. the COIll roan l N.1()LIIII l'):11•1111.11. I went ihrough the Nvinilow, an(l I'm in another . tirW, Pin an vs-I'. M. now, and a chap wrote tootto ain't "I.'ir,,t come tir-t statak at the goal of lily toobition. My brief P. .‘l.—Eship has ro,t hi u unproductive of results. That M. E. prearfirr has lift his charge, and a Nrw ‘‘,,nian is hunting, Twenty e‘ix.flivor..os ' , taro our next vourt in the facc, thrl.tuol toy I.r.clothcial corm r, nine 111(211 \\ld k 1111 rutrhrti, 1111\q_piou;l -f•ti nd I ? Why. my t.ranium awl I dart. not go Back to Skull town on patio of tioath. l‘ly ambition satiatotl now. hay.• ilkchargott that motto. Fir4l corm, tir-t :sorveit." It don't work pt.-t-oflico, I ‘‘ottl.ln't lA. a P. M. again for all thr botizinc in tin work]. }Jere i` 4 si , fltet rerWlilv fre-h eyo , Witiii - Ns of the inci dem. :shunly after liorace tir,•eley , hid regigtered his name at the II (-ad 11iyase Nashua Aviiither the izteat iihtitisopher'sleetkiritegt4lur this a rat her aged iiiuntryiii.tii came the ullire and after the regi.:ter asked if 1)r. It-- xer. , in. "Tlo'n! 1 -4 1: , ) V.1 , ;(111 ,111(1 tliu ge!itlern:tiily "NO -tivh pi.r,g)u here!" e•ellett tilt. ‘<nrraf,iv ru,tic, taking off hip -I.e , 'utele- :mil g:azimh into the I +cc the clerk with much inca.:ulity ;t11(1 h iktroti Itvrel" firmly re•- crh , u•,l thederii. Youngman," exclaimed the other \V tll a,ulen n'xlprt„ion of counte !muck. ; "youl,g, man (ion't lie to tor. It WOW( di). You can't fool old tiiii l'arts, 1)r. li--', been here as sure a- guns, and prett„,,.. drunk , t o o. I hoe le•”“ left one tiwiti air pre,ct iptloiks of Ili, tilt the register!" lie duct or's friend gazeti fluty n at Ili,rare'B iiiipnive I Arabic tvi tit a O r triumphant TILE \V tho (iEt.sE do not rt -14.tr41 1)r. .Iyer's Hog north iiiirllCLlSt• thew as are tlyitiv; over us now, hile his almanac sty , z: ano hlostering iihout this time, xvith —O3lll/ .le.apirb; , Irt h,vv ; e a ere to:, fa-I I,l—Z \\ our our ilein on the c,tillict pet %roll 01. .Ayer andl.ll , ild lloctor's science heat their instinct this nine. }carp have we had such a - , tnex•storm av that tit last Sunday. Tht• three feet deep our a level in Minnesota and tAo Icet itt \\'i-eonsin, while the storm has ,Wept, Wu tAlt...4'-.‘tl,llltit: to the It4aiky glut It ta inS. Snow full to various (le).th, as tar south a, Dcheer, Fort l unit mid Santa Fe. Learned a -1)r. Ayer in the are anti „L. 41 nature, anil ‘kuntlerf ul as we knew to be, We were not pp.- pared !or iii,hince of hi superiority. trot only u\ or the wise men, but the wt-,4 of animal- , whose instinct I, cut/,iit-rod \Vt. dri e up tl.e peg, wore hittuy than eV r, u, er. our ior Ayer's American Airna lure /it/pith 77mt:s, -Warr!, r. A Poughkeepsie lEtreitt laiji induced trerinipy yottug•ster to make quite a heal ty., meal of litielo.% tout cui:es and maple suvr," nut the hit ter proved to be :stet. syrup of The boy said he thought something :tiled the the very minute his hillier told hint to tut till he Wanted to. lionetWal) MOST Pow% v. nil ExisiiiiL: Medicine the Cure reinake Complaints. prove these seine unrivalitNl for G),• disorilt•rn incitlen Lll to the . Itrr sex. NO family Shollitt be MO/01A li/Cnl, T y utny be taken by pi f iiig nu 1 old. as they will restore wheii e very other means prove unsuece,s. et nt, per bo. or p 194 COUNTING TWENTY-FIVE. How the Wife of a 'Utica Editor Curb ed His Ungovernable Temper. IFTOI/3 1116 Cticik Ilcrald.l lound the cherished face of Maria Ann wreathed in smiles the other evening when I returned from my arduous daily toil. lam engaged as standing man at a saloon. So many candidates are treating that the sa loonkeeper hires six of us to be treat ed. We all drink with every midi-, date who comes in, and it makes bus- Mess pretty brisk. Said my chosen one: "Joshua, I afraid you do not always find me an angel in disposition." Said I :'`•That's so—hie—my dear; I don't seldom find you'n angel in— anything.'' "And," she added, "you are not tO ways the most pleasant man In the world.' ' 113=1 Now," said she, "read that." :she had cut au item from the col umns of some paper wherein a de mented writer told about some lin possible woman who, being troubled with a bad temper, counted twenty-live every time she got pro volted,and thus became a s‘veet, am iable, and dearly loved ornament of the house of her delighted husband. I read the article as well as the bin dttiou of my head would allow, and remarked, "Bush." Maria Ann paid no attention to me, but unfolded her plan. Sin said that every time I got mad I should count twenty-tive, and every time she got mad she would count twenty five 1 asked her who she thought wed pay our rent while we sat and minted twenty-live, over and over all day long. Then. she said I was always raising objections to her plans for our nauterial improvement, and 1 said I was not and she said I was enough to try the patience of a saint, and I said she was too,and I told her to count twenty-five; but she forgot all about that, and just tallied one in my left eye. Then 1 was going to reniOnstran• with the poker, and she told me to count twelity-tive,and I said I would pot; but I,dat talore she had pulled "more than half my hair out. Then she made the count t enty-five over and over, until I was out of breath and I felt real pleasant and good na tured. i-to we went to supper. Now the cat was curled up in my chair. but 1 did not see it until I sat down, and I did nut see it then, but I was pretty sure it was there; in fact, 1 knew it was there as well as I want ed to, and more too,l felt inclined to rise up sudde y, but, as gathered to spring, she brandished the teapot and murmured. "Joshua, your temper is rising, count twenty live or I'll break your head." anti that cat was drawing a map of the Tenth ward with her claws around behind me, with the streets and boundaries marked in my blood. 1 ruse to explain, and said, "My dear, I—"but she caromed on my head with a well shot teacup, and sprinkled my face with a quart of hot tea, and I sat down and count ed twenty-live; but it killed the cat. The old fellow died hard. 1 , could feel hint settle as his nine lives went outuirite by one. A lew • •:3' practice on this rule, undept,t to luv n'tructtou Ut ,Maria Klats enabled Aret4rfernitoft luy trmper completely. Nobody can get me mad not ; and I want to sec we man a lin wrote that story. I want to lit limn Mr the hands of an under taker,and make a detnaud for mourn ing goods :tinting his trienik. Then I ran die liappy—eountmg twenty live. A Terrible Shipuireeli Charles Turner, a wi;()rt4l tLc i,uly survivor of Inc creNt of the o.tri; -saran :-;ivanc, from S. John, N. 8., lur Ilavamil), givus the lul lowing virticulars of \vrecit : Left the harbor of St. Juan about two o'clock on Tuez , ,lay atb•rnoon March ‘vcatber at the time wan latr, hot -trong izolicatiol:s of a vio 1, tit storm \' , .ert•oly,, , , , rvahle. I'oward.; evelbog a , anti about ) . k . , t nortlieasL rin Na , rtttl,lllg in the bay. At the Sarah Sloane \vas in the northeast ch:oinel :natti e r, the tirst mate! Living cliarge ci the , ieek, and 'turner being at the \\ heel. t'aptain slim!), who scuffled \teary and had kept on lock since leaving rt bad gene below with _Mr. Qui ton, the Only idissenger and princi pal owner, to get a Inisty supper. It was a blinding siaiw storm, and the night ddr6, with a high wind from the northeast. In a moment, au ap paling orash was heard, JhOWing that the hark h a d struck. King, the: mate, cried nut, c'l 'ot Wheel bard , lows ;'' but it tot) lute. Turner tool. re loge iii tiie curet:lndus. Some the ereix took to the rigging, and we r, e w3„0,.(1 uui l u n e e over t o , h e "d the wave-. This was the late of King, the -outwit mate. He heard hue ut the crew say : "Letus,w iw cult! not venture to do so, but held on until tile bark went to pieces, w. hich was very quickly, the fury oi the wind being ititieser, hardy great The ledge was wily a wstance off t h e coast proper, he was floating to the suture on /.Itigar but shoi Irian which he, got upon a ledge at the base of the cliff, which was between one hundred and two hundred leet high. liere lie re mained through the night of storm :ltd Cult!, With scant clothing and bare feet, having removed his boots to hien:tate Ins e.-s_sape. Next morn ing Ire atuanptl2ll to ascend the chtf, and the high wind, which blew the nark on the ledge, continuing, hell ed himto do sit. By going about one ' third of a mile he reached an Indian aim] onlaineil Stieellr. The hind - IA toe captailt, two mates, owner and several id . the seitinen Here re covered next oily- and sent ho St. John. The spot where the vessel struck is at what is known as Long's Eddy, zwout n mile from Bishop's llead. It is thought that the mate and others deemed at the time that they . ee ere past ihe place where tire vessel struck, and only when too late dis covered their mistake. I'lll.souls oft, on th poem, radniad,, which 1114 ( mu ch obstru( tion to travel and (Ann meat. la tut en thetuo oceans (luring tire• wintor whichis lints ti rendersa tray, the pi-ono-Anal to tun ro tltterraes ael 'more th es r re-ting. It v. as understood otne tint ago that the Central. Pettit(• mpoS had entered iutoa contract stir a Whitt M•htt•h will itch. rt vise the trace! distance MA( n miles, and re ttuce the tnauul of altitude, one thousand feet. tt P. ctat n u (I by the on-truetion of this tsorl. almost the entire lone of silos% -sheds, lulu re quired to he to pt up at in ( nortnot b !Kn.,/ N\ 111 be rei d unntec v. but a yet mo r e intere-ti ig feature in nnec•tion Ai 7th the , tititit is a prop( - - A nhs the contractor 10 ••0 meret-e tlit'sl7eotthetunnelto adapt it utr ;t r otro - ol mil canal, the one bi lin , a hove the other • It is alleged " that hi- proposed nupros ( !Dent will f reduce tt c: direction• tn( thewa s rai - n d t e i t t v. %% Is niit i ti a inl n ‘t i N t hel( a .lro t h ah aL r f is mg tear niacin rier , Ind mnkingamu terial redact ion in Ihe (•est of fuel St.upendou-, as t lti> wortc may seem to the generil reader, it is set altogeth: r within the range of the enginee not skill of the times, and with sut fil lent funds to hat* the enterprise, toncerrinvg which there can be no question, it In safely be looked for ward to its likely to be completed wit bin a reasonable period. The, imp (trtd ,Sampson & Howe SURCIDC.—A., the result of un In le Standard Scales , Os suit of the frier an 1 womich ir re ducin lo If la"le btaSi Mir lea dullness d. i luindtn (kin( in and finallynalb, insan 1,11 sizts atu Nandi, f its. Is pi une• minim occurrence All SOUDER & M'CLURG these toms and had ft el ins are most certainly digpt by the 63 WOOD ST . , PITTSBURGH t;sct of Dr. Pie-ce's i'den °ler). revitalizes null builds u thf Asa, , II , • an house Trucks, Patent Money n hole e)-t in A huh hook on Ch p rorn Diseases sent free. Address R.Vs 4 -Pierce , Dr Iflt D., Buffalo , Golden Medical AND GROCER, FIXTURES. , DISCO{ er) sold by ill Druggists. 577 February 7, lo7?,--1) Miscellaneous. M. 13. COCI-111,AN, . [Pittsburgh, Pa., Dealer in Iron and Wood Working .l tag ' chinery tf• Manufacturers' Supplies, _: Das constantly on hand a complete stock Ernlth's Sash and Door liachlnery. Jaclson Gov ernors, Taps and DLit, Emery Wheels, Belting. l'seking, Woodworth 's Planers a.specialty. Send fur Circulars and Prices. (martk3m. ilaullood : flow Lost, How „Restorel -.1., published., a new i-._,...„. edition et Dr. Calvet. 1, t .t c omp,; , , - - well'. Celebrated I : r 0•••, , ,, ~ Essa on the radical i , V....N.,4 B are ( w ithout fillout medicine) ofSpermetorrheea orSem • -' Mal Weakness, 'myelin:l; tary Seminal Losses Diners:vele. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, mc.: also, Coffisl.llPtioal, tilett..ursY. and Fill, In duced by self-Indulgence or sexual extravagance. tAhr grice, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in thib admirable 4.1 4 8119, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of Self Abuse m iv be radically awed without the dangerous use of Internet medicine or the applica tion ofite knife; pointing out a mode of care at once simple, certain, and effected, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition May he, may care himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Or This lecture should he In the hands of ev ery yodth and every man in the land. sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid on receipt of six Cents or two post stamps. Also, Di. Cnlverwell'a "Marriage Guide," price 25 Cents. Address the Publishers. ClilAS.' J. C. IILINE 4:: CO., 127 BoWery, New Vora, I'. O. flux, Lroo. aors-ty:chjys segeflanlni. A. 11. Franciscus4 Co ., - 513 MARKET Slrii SET, PhUadelphtl. We have opened for the Spring Trade, the largest and best assorted Mock of PHILADF.LPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths,Windov Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cot ton, Into. Batting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, ('locks, Looking Glasses, . Fancy Baskets. Brooms, Bas' kers, Buckets. Brushes,Clothes Wrinreri.Wocxlen and Wil luty In the lin ted States. Our large increase in business enables us to sell at low prices and furnish the best quality of Goods. m+ENT,i FOR TILE CELERRATED AMERICAN WAsilEn, Price $.1.50 Over 13,0 O) sold in six months. Terms • Carpets I'M slaps, all other goods 30 I. s, Net. [Febl4:3ru.Septt _ _ 9 39 REMOVAL. 241 Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co,, Have rctulveil TO THEIR NEW BUILDING Nos '230 & LIBERTY STREET, oppusite w.od Street, And open with an ELEGANT STOCK OF DRY - GOODS, _Wit/n.4, and Antill Ware.c . SELL at LOW EST EASTERN PRICES. lin\cld arc invitc,l to call I' \V T. SIIA NIC J. G tiI'EI'IIE SOS. Hardware, (f -C Foundry A: Repair Shop lln%ink be,-n Ena7ruzocl In the ronnary fur mule than th!rty node time I have arrumillatiA 2 veolet v of nqerui 1,311, , ri., fir, C. 1.1114 MOtit•in and ',skin:: not I.itcffia for Improvrntent4 nn COOKING - STOVES niter hnving thoronghiy VeNteci Ihe..t provernennk, 1 I•nl u arrnnted in offering them to Ill' public I: 3 ° MG CD* N7V The GREAT WESTERN hp* tio -4 Su perhbr for this Loevally. STOVESI Stokes of I.)iderent St) les for Heating and Cooking The Great Republic Cooking Stove lino the hest Record of nny Stove ever ()tiered in Mo mnrt.-q•t IT TAKES LESS FUEL LEss ituom Tu lIU moRE WoRR, BEST BAKER, 71.1t)SrI 1 1 ) T A f,TOGETII El? LT II It EST STOVE IN USE In t wif ir e o4f a wall the stove have got U Li Patent F:XPV.:NSAPIDIV TOP, wW(.II iteclipiPs littliirtmq no additional ft.wl, and t,w , t tial c to wtlivr out, tlispcn w, uitto all pipe, tf:tn he put on of taken off at day (hue, awl tint& to suit aft stoves of any size or pattern. Five. lln ntirelii Pe r*io \Vhn have purchased, find wied the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, 3i(14 of wl.4()se names have been publish ed in the taus, are cfmtidonly referred to, t4o_war imess of its superior merits ns a etiiiking stove. IlarflN; time first claps en:fines on band. of about fifteen horse power esocity, they are offered n, the panne. at rear , onable rates, 111011NILEY. aiw2fr tr. J. D. RAMALEY'S OPERA gilat nioilse, A 2 .4 . I) GENT'S FURNISHING No. Avenue, LTG II The Beal' :600(1• at Lowest Prices. 3oorxi, sent to f.ny adciress, rni nppruval ma v 24 ly l EQL7TOlttt OTIC E.— Lettere testamentary 1 heen. , ,noineil to the nudereigmed on the estate of WilliaM4Theerer, deceased,. late of Ohio township. Reitv4 connte. Pa . all prsons Indebt ed to the satne are hereby notified to make imme diate payment: and all those hold inz claims on It will present them duly•authen , lcated for settle ment to SLENTZ, Ex', track -Mal; P. 0.. Bearer co. Pa. fetr2l THE BEST IN THE WORLD! =I Rowell b. Co.'s Advertisements, HOLUDAYSBUR_ i G PA. SEMINARY. Bv. JOREPU WAEGl.lsPrlacipal. SIRING TERM -BLIGINS APRIL lir, 1872. baccessful, thorough. cconemtcai. end healthful. ~ The uld • eat anti moat reliable 7:1P.r% // re 4 11 • Instita ; tion for obtain tug a Mercantile Education. or Practical Busi ness men as instructors. For inibrmation write fora circular to F. DUFFS SONS, mar27- ' 4lr Pittsburgh. Cheap Farms! Free Domes! Sel TUE UNE OP TIM UNION. PACIFIC RAILROAD. A lAN,/ GRANT OF 1,2,000,000 ACRES, IN TUC BEST FB.lial 4.-, MINERAL LAND'S in AMERICA. 8,000,000 Acres In Nebrasku, • IN THE ()HEAT PLATTE VALLEY, Th 6 Garden orth ts West, NON FOR SALE! These lands arc to the central portion of the United titateet, on the 4htt degree of North Lati tude, the central line ofd e great Temperate Zone of the American t 'oottnent. and for grain growing and stook tai,ing uto.urpto , ed by any lo the Uni ted Statep CHEAPER IN' PRICE. more favotable terms given. and more eons enieLt to marks; Viso eats be fellad e;sewbere. Fate bbIIESTEAbd Fun Act CAL 11 ETTLEICS. The best Locatwns for l'olonits Soldiers entitled to a ilomeetend Acre* Free Rose, to Purr/laser+ , Pi Loud. Send for the new descriptive pamphlet, with new mapa. published in English, Lerman, Swe= dish, and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Ad dress, 0. P. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, r. P. R. IL Co., Omaha, Neb. Extraordinary Improvements CABINET ORGANS. Theneon ,e Hamlin Organ Go, respectfully annum:Co the introduction of improvements of touch more than ordinary tntercat. These 111/0-.• 'teed and Pipe Cabinet tiettan4A, being the only successful combination of At. PIPES with reeds ever made; Days & Transposing Key-Board. 'riga' , eau be instantly moved to the right or left, changing the pitch, or transposing the key. For Drawing* anti Descriptions, see eiretttnr. New and Elegant Styles of Double- Reed atbtnet Organs, at $llO, 1t135 and slZeselt. Considering rapacity, A7eganee and Thorough Exeellence of Workman ship, these are cheaper than any before offertut. tThe Mason if Hamlin Organs are acknowledged BEST, and from extraordinary facilities fur man ufacture, this Company can afford, 4nd now tin ihrlate to sell at prices which render them UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST. Four Octave Organs, PO each: Five Octave Or gans S IO U. tlitSand upwards. Forirrayles, up to t I 500 each. New niustruted Catalogue, and •Tcatlmoulal Circular, with opinions of more than one thousand musictana, sent hue. MASON & HAMLIN OR GAN CO., 154 Tremont St., Boston, 51M Broadway New York. tetak,4w Portable Soda Fountains 040. 650. 675 and $lOO. (,00D, DURABLE AND CHEAP! Shippol Ready far Use. MANUFACTURED UT J. NV. CaA PinAN, dr° Madison Ind. larl/CND TOR CIRCULAR "VA (Incorporated 1860.) Columbia Fire Insurance Company. ()FFlcEits AND DIRECTORS: S. S. Detwiler, Prmil. Robert Crane, Wikon, Vice Pree't. William Patton, Herbert Thornss,Treas. Jurnes Schroeder, .1. Y. Frneautr, See'y S. Strtno. J. 13. Bachman, M. M. Strickler, George Bogle, R. T. Ryon. Fur Insurance or Agencies, address .T. F. FRUEArFF, Columbia. Pu. 07 - BEFOlte. ANSI' RING VOL It LlFE,e,xamlne rerthepew Tontine savings Fund plan. Just In• trodneed by the Ear 'TABLE LIFE ASSVRANCE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. by which an endow ment pulley id grunted at abonehalf rates End or ten years. per ct or prezulums returned. "lit '•not " New brusiness.M. tit ril.Pesi, largest to world. Asset • 1:111,000.000 ; Reliable Agents Wanted everywhere. Address, I. L. ILEOIsTEIt, General Agents. Chestnut St., Philadelphia. rI F. Female galdler! Exisezed ne leenale Soldier The thrilling Adven tures, Experiences, and EP rill/CS of t woman as Spy, Scant and Nrtnie, In Camps. Battle Etolds & Hospitals. It tull.psure illustrations, and portrait on steel. This excellent hook, elegantly illustra ted. crown, 800., and beautifully houndin cloth, richly Ornamented in black and gold, f. sold snlv by subscription. Pries.s2.2s. Phtladeipitia Pub /ix/117,g Philadelphia. Pa. The .4yeala who first BOA 11 1 1.2.:>filr outfit will got the [err ltory for sel'ing honk. al - CA (IP EN"I'Elt:•:, BUILDERS J.FI and nll who contemplate hill aupplled with our oco I Illt,.trated Catalinztie on receipt of utamp. A .7. iticiorY3.7, t l'o ArelOtectoral War Book p r s Warren tit., N. Y „AI AGENTS WAATED FOR AND ENSATION OF NEW YORK. A Work Dest-riptivr of the History of Nerr l'ork in all its various Phases. Ils .pirstiorr and sr retchodlleOP. its high and low Ilr marhle palace, and dark dons, its slime. t Icoi• and dat,zl,-.. Its Ribrm and Frauds; it.. lend tna men and t,otificizon.; l ir /n 1 v cut un•in, Its char- Inc,: Its in)•tertes and crtmcn. illildnited with nearly 2.-",0 fire Send for rircut.trs and .4, onr term+ and CI ran dercription of the work. Address :Valiant!! Pali. Phan feb24:4. NV ANTE:I). AGENTS. To sell the Improved Florence Sei. ing Machine. 1/ti kr ot dtlfereut grit %lira. Iluos Ihr 6ork four Ru gs. taAtelllf dif ("Cli For Itenut Simplielt3 . end Durnhlllty. le without qua I I,llwrul term. tialt,roum, No I_ll,Atnnt ptreet. Ithlhtdelphi.t. Pe WI & PE IN NY PACICEIt, Managers k GENT% Wanted. -Azehts maize more linen i at norlt than at anythlne Mow. 11dome.* lezht and permanent. Partlruntre fr./ e, s.ii, A. /•'i n, .1 rt r*, Port land. Maine. ANof N —ll.l dn.", $2llO N. • . &Mem of palroua in Pi States (.'UNI)11-11ANGO. ``."PPIIO el 80, k ,4 ecqr , l. Price J....dower( BLISS, lEEE ('I I 14 FLU it) ritArr Cure+ ramp, ...crania.' , vpn1111•. catarrh. Ithen tkati.M. Neuralgia, Pulmonary Conirilainiii, Fl crr.. Salt Ithein, Ski. Itii,sac.. a Blood Dif.- I• velzetable rh, be.! 1,..1rn Pri ryie r p.old tin all tlrtwainlet. Price. $.3 tier Che mark Smel for circu lar tirrier, Pedal St . Neu* York. sl‘ooo REWARD For nay moo at Blind, lilt-ealna, Itchtm., or Ulcerated PM, that DE fit St e -t, Pi le Itern,•4ly tall. to cure. It I. pre• pared exitreAply I,' curt. the Pilot% tool nothing Sola by all drogghto tonr-21-Icr Y. WUIT/1011E. . 1110 e. II LANE. rtl.t. T. NEALE c. U. %OLT?. it.nN D (.111".1[11T WHPFMORE, WOLFF, LitiE & CO., Imparters and Dealers in mt : al T : 1 1 1, Sign of the Anvll. N 0.50 Wood St" !Three ,1,,,nr% abort. St rlttales In% Ile the alien Hon of buyer: , to their Spring Stott; wtnch, 1u ,lection and price. I unsurpass ed 1n thoentoare TArg are A9r.t.l for American File Company's celebrated Files and Rubber Urdioq and • acting, and II assn. Ilatelatrort4. E.7iisots El•gllah Nett 151lxbetrrii. -slcri,Loclo, Sold at Manufacturers• feh2S;Thn Irgf - Ncrri.—This to Sot•lleobarg'm Space. Being eugoord lu nuking up a large .took Of Spring Clothing. they Informed me :hut they hod uu time to attend to dolt . odvertodog.—En. it:i 1 , at La 1" - ..J "X —I CP W EEI ti) Z. co LI „ eit D. COME" NFL, v., Lite of Molt:140n, XT • having removed to New-Drightcn, offers ble medical seimieeil, in alt ite breaches. to the people of the cil3 and sorroontliasr connti7. Office car. tier of Balker mut Dissitosy._ sepla;ly S. J. Cross & Co.'s Column. DRY - GOODS, New Fill Stock JUST RECEIVED BY S. J. Cross do Co., ROCHESTER. 01.31. STOCK ON NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY - GOODS IS LARGER THAN EVER BEFORE CONSISTING OF CLOTH, CASSIXIERE, JEANS, WA- PLAIN FLANNELS, BARRED FLANNELS CANTON FLANNELS, ~ ALPACAS, MERINOS, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c., &c., TV Co ir I 0 .NT IE3 iia IN GREAT VARIETY Ready-Made Clothing: COAT . S, siuurrs, 1311.A.W Hats and Caps, A VERY LARUE null NEW STOCK. BOOTS & SHOES : Men's, Youths' and Boys' BOOTS_ WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES AN I) GL,"3I SHOES ALL PURCHASED LOW AND WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE ~_o:s7 COST. WE ALso CoNTiNUE To KEEP .), p °UR Ust At, sToCK ok . , eft :x - P.d 0 C . F. 11 1 E S , MINI PROVISION :\ FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL-FEED. SALT. LIME rEMENT. HARDWARE: HORSE SHOED. HOUSE NAILS, iidow Glass Paints in all Colors, DRY and IN OIL: WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, PUTTY, TURPENTINE, VAIINiSII, ALC.01101„ GUM SITILLAO, ~~ T oodoiilumps FOR WELLS AND CISTERNS ALL FIEAV (;m )Ds, DELIVERED WITHIN A ItEASONABLF DISTANCE, FREE OF' CIl A RGE WE ALSu FURNISH OUR CI:ST(01E1(S WITH CoAL AT THE Rochester, Oct. 201 h, Is7l. Dwelling Houses, TEN - MIZMIN"I'S, IMPRON EI) ANL) UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE ILN AND N EAR THE Borough of Rochester, FOR SALE AND RENT BY ar. C3ELC)IS Maya-1y my3l novl Eil Lionl7'l4-iy TER-PROOF, ING, PRINTS, INES, PLAIDS, GINGITAMS, CIIECKS TOWELING, DENIM, &c , &c., Sc , &c., NAILS, MARK ET I' itl E~gceticineoue. Smarm. R. JOITTATOR JOIMPII EMMAUS - WELLIAM G. Joniurron. EstatlislicibyEichlrap&Jolotoll,lBlb. William G. Johnston & Co., STATIONERS And Blank Book Makers, 57 and 69 Wood Street, PITTS.LICIRG4, PENX'A m124-1y HATS-CAPS MEI STRAW GOODS. Et- H. rliaarra.e.l . 9 84 WOOD ST., PITICSDERGIi, CIE3 40 149 & 151 Wood Street, mAiteli 20th, 1872 Agents Wanted, =I FLORENCE Sewing Machine. Wherever the FLORENCE Machine hag been introduced, tt hes met with the greatest success. It Is the only machine makinz four different stitches, and having the Reversible Feed. The machinery Is perfect, and the motions positive. It runs fight, and very fast, and sews mane or fine fabrics. The Hemmer will turn wide or narrow hems, and fells beautifully All attachments ge with the machine. For information apply to or address HECKERT et MeIKAIN, ti Q. 8 SIXTU STREET Lmarf; 3m ) THOMAS. M'CREERY & CO THOS. 111 , CREEIHM, Cashier. J. F. DRAY°, ....... ... ....J. B. ANGLE', J, U. It'CREERY. Intelext paid on time deumnte: Prompt attention given to collections. Also. Iminrsinee Agentel for rood and , reliable Ciompato”a. ItuailBtt ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. E=l Geo. C. si•, 11. J. SPEYtillEtt,Calter. Sle.Fl( EItER dr. MeDONALD Delts In exchange, Coin, Government Secant. tie*. Make noliciction on all aceepande pofnte in the United States and Uauada, receives utoney on deposit subject to cheek-, and necelves time depth, its from one dollar and upward, and allocrtlnter evt at .3 per rent_ By-laws and rules frirrusned free by aPPIYhc.,, , i at the bank. rank own duly from 9, a. tn., tn 11. p. tri„. and on eaturduy even- Mgt from ti to l o'clock. We roq by pectubs,Sui L. 11. OATIIAN s. IturAN =I AimEc, Scorr 4- Co =1 MM=:EI SNILDEII . W4CHS, .10t01 IL S. lIAN - 4.t.14: 14 li. Lla it Tit \ NATIONAL PANK, tthltrlti Pt A. C. lit S B. Wti-,+ON = ft " E. \JED ,v't IC 1 a? 1-() E LL SEWING MACHINE.i MIZE= IN" El NIT DFr W FF:F:I3, Has lust and tr how the te.4l Family 11U , Ittne in the luurk , t. IL mak, th, Lock ,Stitch, is Simple, Noiseless, 1:41 ily Operated, and very elk.vtive WP with( GOO.l Sr ch,,re .4thato fa al l ntwevuor,l lerrit,n, ter m horn we 't In :rive th" m”ot term.. to the ensirttl ihtehin6 10 In Inc market IFIOAVA It D CATON (.esirral Agroto. 17 I•' I .Fl'll .4 E t; E, PITT. IIL utat, 11041 ly i The improved Grand Oreide , 1.4 Vita) 'l7 .1.1: - .1 1 InEtat.. sti, $l2, $ l5 , .748. We hasr rei•en'ty hrough. Orafrle NIAI if. (ta to sack peT ; fectton that it il1(11(allt. for the h,24 hitt To It from ;told The iI w Atli r* ore ‘yltii , patent oa , canern,fit movement.", In ay. penranc,, iipti for 'fine, c>taialitt2; a gold ono Cir-f• log F lOU. The Fl 9 Sro Pill },welled patent It, erg, equal to gold ‘‘utthea. The Fl 5 are the tame Its the cant: but of it Hoer tinlltt; equal 10 one rust Illy: And the 1(1-, watches are of n tine ninth ith full jeivelhwi Amerten, movements. ryas lin gold ones: W 54111 S . :( 1 4). They are till In hunting ruses: gen Ti.ernen and Ladle'. ' , lira; and warranted for time nail wear. bi special certificate', elggant deolgna of (lent'', nod rhaius. Irani ft to Ft. and Jewell). of all lint,. (iFeiode• runt C. O. lT Cilottllll , l4 perm to eX:11111113e tt gouthi They order, befi re paying, bill, on pay mew of expreiszi churge>. NV lieu ell. natal , ++re ordiiired one tlin,•, e.••• il; send an extra ii+wch of Ifie same kind free. For further particu lars nomd or circular. .A..ddre,,— EFL+ tw vt. New Y,,rk. P. 0 Box :13111. - - A Wl'ird to You Friend !• • poit cawl) coFFE:-, 1\41; 0i44141) sUt;.kizs Foit TEAs, l't)l2 G1)01) SPI.;ES FOR ()mg) FLOUR FuR (;uoD FEED, Fm", (3001) Top,Acco (;(i()I) CIGARS FO It, E EH Y 'l' II IN o I) IN 'I HE Grocery and Provision Line, AND AT PRI( 1:, ni Ai' (ANT BE c. BIE.lVI:11 (, ( ) T( ) N:. i N1T(.1.1 :311 7 sireek, 1 1 .1.40, unto". ly POWT PLANING MILLS, VATEIt Si'.. ItocTIEsTER, HENRY WHITEFIELDI .\ lAN I . F ACTIII EH OF Sas Doors,Mouldings,Floor-boards, Irepther,boarcLl, Palbws Bruck -4r., AT. DEALERS t tIN ALL KINDS DP LUM BER, LL.TiI, suINGLEs AND BUILDING TIMBER Having purchased the the territorial in• terest of 11r .1. C. Anderson, on tier of the faecura I patents covering certain ilitproye ntents in the constriiction and joining -1 weatherboards and linings for houses and other buildings, we are the only ;iersons authorized to make and sell t h e sante within the limits of Beaver county Par ties interested will please observe this. " arrpenters' .Supplies amstantly Kept on Band. Every intumer or Shop-Work (Wade to order. tDMINISTRATOft'S N OTIC E. Let ters of a (I ministration having been issued to the under signed on the estate ol'Johil S. llerron, esq,dee'cl. late of Chippewa township. Denver county. Pa all persons Indebted to the same are hereby nod= fled that Immediate payment is required; and nil those having , claims acainst It will present them duly authenticated for aettiement to JuitN SLEINTZ,Adm'r. Black-laavric P. 0., Deaver co, Pa. feteil Chas. B. Hurst's INSUUANC'E General Agency OfOce, ROCHESTER, ,PEN NA notary Public and Conveyancer; • FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENT iNSI*R ANCE; "Anchor" . and "National!' Lines of Ocean Steamers; "Adams"alit] "Un ion" Express Agent,. All kinds of I/ism:met at fair mites and liberal tet,ma. !teal Estate bought and sold. Deeds, Mortgages, Articles, &c., written ; Depositions and Ackruiwtedge mews taken, &c., tS e. Goods aug..Nl,m(y forwarded to all parts of the Unit4d States and Canada. Passengers bookeii to slid from England, Ireland, Scotlant,F ranee and Germany. ..XTN.I FIRE INS. Of Hartford, Cann., li Cash assett4 $4,000,000 „ By their fruits ye know ttolin." Id)Ssfs itaid to Jan. I. 11471....52tih0ti0,000 One of the oldest and weattlitest!ctompa nits in Ole world. t!. i• NIAGARA Insuraitc Co., Cush asSuits, ANDES FIRE I2V - S. CO., (fetr2l 1m Cincintiati 3 OLi , ) Ca.,11 ussetts, ENTERPRISE 148 Of Philadelphia. Cash as...setts (over . o 40)0,000 LANCASTER Fire Tits. Of Lancaster, Pa. Cash wssetti AL PS INS UR ANC E . CO., Of Erie, Penna. Cash capita!, $250,000 Tittebargh, Pa Cash uvst ts, Trezuelers' Life AY .40cideitt Ittsurauce (H . llartl'4 , rd, Cash assc r ,000. W.J.KPETERER Representing tb,•-thove 117. f. tads., lu,ff ra:. Cffllikftwiet.,llk. tif Ire . ktriOif.: . ..t and Mott {:*table to to o •rl , l, ft Lrrf. , rash cartinl'r•f r , :wry 44') f , OO. 1 All to 1,11:- 111.11r9i1r , ~r littix . :111)? Application. pr”miyil, 0,1 - 1 , 1• , 1 at.: pliant . and of 1,4 raft and : tai term, lm: . Ith- Itl / 4 s r..( al 1. INt'l 1 ' 1•• you Ma) 1ff , ..• f•Let , ITI , ;- ,••:fr.f.. l, t ate rl.ui_wf • t,r,cerla,lt. tb . •.,ALrole, I r• (0 - ti:foo,f Iftt,etas "; fua pr fer•l. article. • ri ent ,,,,, The ahoy.. conipanl•-* ISCU , ififzst. Iffy hes! sod t,....sltto.,t•iti ute nor. " As yu sow toot shad fir fLe Nt•ty i , l‘,7tral p ,d) tw,tows!‘l,l:o;,.• ,t - t . ;mate _L.ft .rIT c ,uric or. rhi:!...n0..,10:t a tart!, t4j• ..rert.uf Mt t•ii . :l4ll7:\ A t I! 1:t, • •. • take al.plawtlos“ : I • pri:tatutil for rql:11 I= MILLER &TRAX, Mct»itfaeturers fl Jferth - ts in f. I)ressed SASH. DO( )IS, ..;1=1171 . r.0,N. 11:LNG. &•-• - ---/ oRDEIts RV MAIL IZEsVfI-Vl'l4'l I.LI sounTED, ANT) pßom ATTENDED Ttl. Mil( Opposite Ow ,Votion. ROCHESTER, P.E'NN'A. aprii Jll '7l, 13' E. Elm SUR Cill; CACTI PAN l'itt.Vicif?, Mims. Mutual protect 100 t..rcuroo Irribe Policy 110 t'l couliortuy by 41 c( th.• :••tut,•, F,ll- et..(11 , ,dt. • Suppose yon .r.•ahtrc fit, i•ure arze, and Ink, an orellonry 1.114 , •P01ir. I i-hould make ttN E hatinti - ot, .4)141 eilioulil litii to tank.. the i,EdYON I) '01:1) [MAIL o hen due, yut 01 . .1 rldnaln I in•tir.,l n 1,.) na)% th, iltird yu r. .I• I i , Z prat,, and three dar r. ur foollF7itt ill n , h.. ti t , toll amount of the Polley. le, 'otiiy the iocrit 144.1111[1111 and (Were., ;!. oil,. Allllll.ll :new ill 3,0 ) , .•1 1,i.t.t,.•,1 2 ) ear.. Jpitt three (la), 'l')% uttql t',1)1,1. -qua s‘lll hflirp you! n4ur.,l t veer 3rti . E.l2 Antlitat l'tyttwuto s • .r. and Four annu;ilpay;tnuill, , ..111 h. , ',u :11.11n•l1 ears alici 4 , t t 4 111 kceil y un nistirctl lUDitors .1.). .Rlllll,l !'u% my %HI ye,r, and 14 dzis. Thl. Apprie, ear. stllCe th the ILet kt-Ittre I,lle 7 titt-ttrat.t..• l um pat, for Fitt "totnt tett, tte t;t: t•• taptt - ttrtatte la • SiLIN thahlt attirptivatent • tie. 4. omo:thy dui tu:z tet' t•t v t' . 111 ant to hitt rit - 4 4 3 ,,, • whtrh 1 , 70. I have tilt. day ler..11 1 :11 tI 1 or', Of OW I MnP,ll*. t It/ 0431.1‘,3y, , ,,1•i5r•,.t : 4 glrt-4•4 Three thoillNarht 1‘•% . 0 bemi red und illatet) :tJt• ft; t .tuttatto Otto: to ti.- ;•,,titt ; uh 111.1 the overdue pa,atent, toe! rtt;,..t. tC 1: 11.1 r:1 tr... , n;107 Po • t tt -A %):I)t'el . ( 1. 1 Lair Of tilt .1141 e r,% ALIS,4I 1:1:0 f4tl' II) t 'efit %Viten gitio. and • ~,,rVt• I!. • .0i I of flu, 1k..2 I. Li Li -11, 1,..r cl•: DEEEBEI A , 1111 orcllr4 dare It , 1 • v N 1 Ali lir 1. 4 .1 n 4 The. ratio Or t•i pen 0.4.... to rprelplim if: Ih'.• tiil the (tt , Ott: 1111,111,n 111 till 1 'Med ... IV , . The Deneti to of 141.' In.uranee. It I• time 'hut Ihu..• tsbo 1.11,. I n.nrnt,r~• nhoulti 1.1. S ,46150:111t1 tig it 1 • , TION,I. wtll , ll .trig, 141 4.10 - 4_114;.1att, , z 14ti.074. , 11.1 1 11111.1. • ' ;•t • t :to A• 111; • It IM the al its ••f 1 !•••' 0 ,11••••• -, t• 1 1 1, the Iletir,bir, ,, •l••• ••;tr.. pr,e2••• --it ,• 1,•••••t/e,,. wh!rh 4h.111 each year .old to the •••tr•ittzth t. , ri hthts if the • te •1 tike inr melt th , member. ,•ll.-stesta - , ••trzar T),, and r 1 • •••1g, - - t halt eat• '••• ze4l In .my tither Annual t:a,.h ••.5.5•1 . Miscellaiteous. AND NEAR THE DEPOT Of New York ) ,500,0(yD HoME LIFE INg, CO, of New Yi,rl; MEIM=I PL A N/N(: .1/1 L L. Scroll Sawing and 4'urning hoNE TO ORLF.ER, cpatc,;.,•.N v tilaze% of tole '!rotec tio DER' Yn,,K,;;M /roll 11, 1 I W. A. IA r, N , m I ; . • (•ho,-eltN f 41 tit• r JUMP 1'o'1( . 1 , Holder.. .•u th., ( Plan. AA your ugh Uludoud:• I 0.•• tar, pa) no•+••• ‘,sll rk.• wi I • ~1". C.) .!, cr.•ace Dividendg may N. addt.,l t.. the 0 10 and are n;•ver hr 11.,13 tha,n;cl,, pre• mitilm+, hitt um) at st.t tinn 'l.• r „ nt. rt, d t r OW; A.4,11t. =en J. B. S.NEAD HMI ataV in Operation a ;al( SA\V AND PLANIN&I M LI, IN FitEEDOM, PA., }}acing the latest MI pr v c il machinery filr the tunriubiciurt. m - vm,c,c,3sl.3cw4Gr. SID I , T(3r, LATH, &C. &C., and h 3 no ivepured to attrrnl t the building > h l ril3airing Steamboats, Barges, Figs, &c,, Keeping eonst sully On hand ty sn pV rior quality of Lumber. This patronage• of, h e public is respectfully solicited. All orders promptly executed. taug2-1y Iscollaiicolls: This Cut .itusttatr., I La • Fountain Nasal Injecto:. DU $'1,500,000 =I instritpent feet application of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REM= It the o, Iv Inrm of tiny rnmet will' wLi. t, titt,ti•itt I Inn;: ati l nit• 1114 I_l4 'lit I - c an.l ~.• ::';s9 , tt),ouo nuly r 1. • ..r - , Catarrh her,•till.iro ha- 2rz,ohlar_i II a Rthtlity of ap.,lvth;•l..o••• Chattibe , by !my i.( th. e,gl,,lar, n it ot,ttit 1•• Itt . 1•1 • tt , • • :1 I oven:mut: by 1.4,- ,t. ~ • - thts • !,• ~! tho lilt, .no snuffirig, loreinq or pl1:11 1 ,1t1t) L, 1 tt tect.trt 110.11-ti w 1 t••• It •.• • t•••• • • IX/111011 01 UR, n t•-.1.f.. -•:r ,k • -•- t' t . • -.0 lt • t t..‘ •• triN 't !lows outfit 11 - ,;_•,,spssve must e Full and expl 4 . it .;.• ler Orli tltt It V 1,4 1 ••• • 111. r • - • attas.:6••• ••Csilil hi Ili , • upphr,' liyuiptottts 111 p,, It•at,,, , t. ;:.$3,:390,ut* lit lEEE •Ii =MIENS Dr. 4.a_r•`r (' r , Jt t•I •rr!r Or. l•• r • .... hot ti, of to t o 00. • 0 lanirl . • - a:1 Mil ° 9 rr , wr '`a 7' : 1;A X, For restorinr. 4 . 1 , Gray natural Vitaiit'T and CJ . / /((4.: (tit,/ 1/• , ••q( •••1 . h:.(r t titiCkeUt•d, and baltiriess ~:••••1 I , v its us • ..‘u tlio 11 lir iYll••rii th• , s•rovo..l. ••t• tin. ill 1- (li caved; but sueli :1- 1 . 1.L:.•(1 :tc•ivi•y. • ()Chair 1- pr•Riti,• 1 fouling the hair \toil merit, it Mill tt . cep will 1 51 from turning gray or fa consequently prev/.111- b.i: : re:4oratirm of vitality it •._• • sc.dp arrests :mil prevents ti tint (if (I.indriitl. which . ••I(iitnly and oti-nsivo Free fn , deleterious sttlV tvhieh •:.(ai• (I.ingoroas :111,1 hall". the Vigor 0:111 hene';',t 10 - tt h Lrrn it. If •11 , •r••lit fit a I! DRES•-• f,, 11 11.1 nvither oil ncir not -nil white o.tinbric. • hmi_t on ill , hair. it 1;,-tre..1:1•1 a •-r i.t(.1(11 p , rtoin Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye- L Ayer's Cathartic I' 7 ti . =II 1E :t.. IJ, „iotot i• ,11••• t' t, t 1%1. Pll.l :rm•r% .•1 „.., 111 , T)%.• %.1•••:1 tk,, ,•I t =MEI 1.16.., 1114'1:4 Ili( • I r 4/i. I ,1 DL Ise 13 • /e.•. g.". 1111 - I.or U. 41( L r• 1•• 11,1 11, fakt`li I.• -. • 1 : e , : • I.lver Call:pi:x."4 iltris.l.4, It t .tr1xe...54/t11111!it . 1. •. (. revra ... tt. • s tot,. Ctiblie nnil 112illotaft Fes 4.. j,. , 11 , 1011-1 . . 1.A. - •1 1 1,011 I,lt 1•0; Illyttegliery Ell:.11r;"` dm enz tt• ra• ,•! :" .1.! in, az ..t tilt. Illy,. ll° • nair la anti Loin, t.tio.,•tt, rt,,t.irt I. I. the \X,• -," , 01)11 , 1:lisitA rtiKhilpear, , ;%.1 1%1 • I ht• b.. tAktni iti I U..t.t..t1 I It. itrodnt," thu t'iret't 't .1 lil,• 11 }AW Pittl>l),C.Pasiou, :t Ltrt,' 'n proalure6 (.11•7. li, ratll). At. in.)ser Pill, Lax ono prwnot.• r e lte‘e "• il,t re-t.. 14 -, the :Lepel ml • " system. ittawol4, °Melt ilm'aßgemeitt elt-t.. Spier:ll:ly well. often Mid , that t PM"; makes him feel .lerttlolly cleansing and , rent,v acing 4.1re.1. on :he apparatus. Dr. J. C. ArDAZ 4' CO.. Crartient 31.155., C. s. -1 FOR s'ALE BY ALL DBUGULSTS EVEILY ocL-1 ly Jhll iriHrtl. IMI 1111113 v e s r,i" ,I, // MIN= 1, 1 00% Ir., I=l =9 =I ME =lll 11=i