The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 14, 1872, Image 4
NiIMIIMMF . A most Said Story. Did the facts in the aide not war rant to the contrary, we would be lieve a tale which comes to .us. from the Soutliwost, to the effort of some rem an t reporter. The story proves, ala , , to he tog.' true ; sad and terrible as it is. In the latter part of thesutn- t rier of IS'69, a young man named stephen M. 'Ma'm appeared at the (;olden homestend, nearquineY, Illi nois. He was the adopted son of ,a sister of Mr.- : Golden, resident in I:cntuck y, and warm hearts Install ed hint in the place of a =on and a brother. Ballow appeared to be an honest and industrious young man. .und grow inure and more in favor each day. A beautiful daughter of Mr. Golden arid tilllon were enfzlged. and the parents of the girl and her brother looked upon the engagenient With much sat kstaction so deeply had Balton 'engratiattd himself in the. opinion of all. Ballou threw out. from &rim time to time mysterious and ex- citing hints of grand speculations he • had in view. Ile represented that he had purchased a stock of goods in 't. Louis worth $15,000 .of which worth remained unpaid for. If lynch! John would only buy out this interest for his son James it would be of great interest to bothi sides, and -the plan was hardly ar ranged before it was executed. Hal ton reeelved several thousands of dol -1:Irs in cash, and notes for thehalance s , cured try the mortgage on the farm. The .cash and convertible means placed in the hands of Ballou amounted to nearly f - 2,000. in the aggregate, and he and young Golden left homiton this speculative trip. The letters of the scan written at the different stopping places where they halted to,sell goods a 4, Baliou repre sented [obis, victim, announced that "Steve had sold . many goods and made so much Money." Finally letters were written by both announc ing that they had sold all the goods and would soon returnlibttne: Young Golden announced That . would leave fur home at a given, dat% With his full share of the -profiti, which Lam been very large. As time pro. gressed the day of the expected arri v,li came, hut their son failed-to ap _ I “.ar. Day after day ripened into alarm.'. When. in last. a letter from Bailou announ rod tiie fact that young Golden had absoonded with all the money, which had been temporarily entrusted to Lim a few days before his regular day of departure. This fearful news struck. the unhappy- parents like a thunderbolt. After a few weeks, -alien the edge of their suffering was a little blunted, ltallul arrived. His manner was exquisitely tempered \ P.h a dignified repression ofhisoW st.rise of wrong, barely allowed to make itself felt, and a delicatethie; bition of sympathy and-tenderness for those whose sensibilittesitad been so cruelly wrung,. He pressed the wooing of the am table Clara and mar ried her. Withlit a few days after the nuptial ceremony, the smiling miscreant delicately his fa ther-fh-law that he thoughtit would he only right for the latter to give him a farm, since he had lost so much by the rascality of his son. This was agreed to by the almost heart- brok en Mr. Golden, and, he drove into Quin cy to haVe his lawyer prepare the deed of gift. The lawyer, after list - 4.ning to the story of the poor old welt, declared that young GOlden h,en assassinated, and that the Nv lo e course of Ballow had been a subtlyi•conceive d. scheme to ., get pos „-ssion of the old man's property.— • lip told his client his thoughts, who was stunned by such a suspicion.— liallou xtas, however, sent for, and ;16 'subjected to a searching exami nation. His answers were so eon lose: I and contradictory that he was at once plawd under arrest for obtain ing tooneY under false pretences. He al)jectly” offered to give up all the' notes which he held against farmer (;olden if he could ha set free. This was done and he NN%S instantly ar rested again for fraud. lie was ta- Een to jail, andsmatters were arrang ed so and he could not obtain hall, • The series' nf 'snits brought agains;t : ,hire on this general ground _were protracted fur abouLsix months. In the meantime skillfui detectives Were employed to give the rnatterse search i nmiavestigation. and went to. Texas tra9ing the whole - route_ with . Most minute care, -The' result was; the body of young Golden was folind: A half-wild sow, belongfng to-a-farmer: in the vieinify of McKinney, was followed-by her owmp.,. who wished to pen , her, into the heart of a dense eliapparal. After a lung and arduous struggle he succeeded In penetrating .the briery jungle, in which probably no other human footsteps but his own and those of the actors iwthat tern . hie tragedy had ever passed. There, under an enormous log, glittered the white lion• s of a human being, • bleached to the hue of the snow. The s 'avenger of earth and air had flesh except on one of the legs, Mid there were no clothes hilt the shirt :old a stocking. subsequent developments showed that serluvi (Jokier] into the chart rt! and murdering him, the :Issas- 11;1,1 Atriprtillieclothesqvul boots from his victim—clothing which he wore ,:tt the Mt:lr when' tft“ , b2irtied • victim's sister. In - , kits of the ahiqity of his coun eil, the chain of evidence was wlatuut around Ballot] with — terrible - pow 4. 1)a y ny Day the guilt y,, Wretch i sa w nll his artifices for concealment torn into shreds, and the toil. of circum stance tightening obout him, like the .prisoner in the contracting iron vault of Tolfl. 1-Ik guilt was almost in st,intly determined upon upon by he jury; and he now 9.Waitt; a fate which as certain as his crime was in ,But a word remains to be tilzid of, the most melancholy victim of the desolated family. The wife of Itailoa, only the bride of a fortnight, Lever saw her guilty husband after he rode to town to attend the pro poscd hind transfer. She is now a gibbering maniac, a total wreck in 'Lind and body.,-Iwith an oecaajon4 glcion of Keiwe, when the nivruPtuNli of thought drives her into convul sions. - - .1 is Atnustng IllusitratiOn .01r-Vro. wanes Rights. With many a blush .11MI many a stammer a female judge, of a raw little wart in the Territory of Wyo-' ming has been compelled to retire from the bench, in obediernye to the claizairons demand Of maternity. it custom —Raid her Honor- , frsrtourts to take a recess on fitting owasious, and, for three weeks, there v - ould be inoLhearint.of zrguineutih ' We4st ice to nor punishment for pris - gin the Icricup, no Arbitrament aeen plaintitTand defendant. The art rose; the lawyers went home the Judge took to-her bed, and praer potty the census-of\ the Territory of wyoming wwinertiased hil7wbile thesv evente, wire going On, Arrests multiplied, a new jail was extempo rizNl for the aecommodation of the unruly. Justice 4 pt, and the learn ed dispenser of the law 'beamed, with soft eyeAon he tiny morsel of hninam it y w hose ai-rival created idl t his extra: ordinary .huhbub. The series of in vidents which haa given t.his sudden tillip to the geAping , tongues of Wyoming offers:ln excellent practi cal illustration bflite"third' sex"=-- which sox. not •cpontent lobe either /male or feeme; if 4 'ariihitious to abne gate 'the funetions4if the latter while vainly ritriving•to asQunie •the portions of the (owlet but with such inditTerent suceei•ls in either direction as to move .mankind to laughter. Inexorable nature will have her way—and her way is not the way in which a fetnalo,iel l / 44 !. ( 4 1 ft w a lk wyth There is another .story not dL similar to this„.Which also comes from Wyomingthe story of fe !mile inry,i:eng-Afzed in trying a case of kitticired untold pangs from day to day, through the physij cal torture _o-f.- imprisonment over if-holt - and the meutal distress caused try ton , sepiiration from their r , land- PinallY one woman giekti<tup • is conte-t and retired. another juror ' - and the trial Was be- = ME ),, gun again, iMd at last 'it litacOV:" ered. that the substitute was a for fighei, and now the easels to, begin .over again for the third time. -Itis not surprising to learn that this accu! ,mtilation of catastrophes,. has created a profound feeling of disgust in the. minds of "learned counsel!"— but such phenomena must be expected where the gentler sex impases cer tain limits Lon the overt-ambitious. The folly of the *omen </Wyoming, might be laughed.out of Court, liter ally, if it did not seriously interfere with The administration of justice. annmereial Advertiser. The Marriage Outfit. Old Deacon Brown started in life very poor. Ile - married Irlit? wife, Susan, before the days off' hoops, etc. They hadbeen happy in their mar ried life, and unto to them was born a beautiful girl, whom they named Kate, who, of - course, when she grew up fell in love. Her choice was a poor but noble young man. TKO deacon and his wife had taught their child to choose for herself, but to do it Wisely. and they were glad to see that she made choice of an estimable. young man, their neighbor's soil. Now Kate took up a notion that she must have a great many articles for marriage, and make a fashiona ble show of dres4 during the' honey moon, and, us they lived in town, she wrote-her father a note, request ing Jilin to furnish a considerable amount to buy her outfit, and stated ttliat'she expected she would have to send to the city to get all she needed, whereupon the old man sent the foie lowing reply : "DEAREST DAUGHTER: As you., are my only daughter, I Inv call you dearest truly, for I love you very much. I have considered your note. and this is my reply: I am very sorry to find you poising a weak ness of your sex, viz., that you must have a' large outfit for your wedding and honeymoon. When. I. married your dear mother. she had but two calico dresses, and other things to fit, and I really thought, as I took her in calico dress, the prettiest, sweetest girl 'in the land, and have never, thought otherwise-- She has made me a tlear,laredous Wife, and been to are a helpltteet, indeed. Now, my dear girl,'T will not refuse you what you ask, but my observation in life has convinced me that those who spend a heap of money to prepare their outfit for marriage, are general ly sure 'to spend heaps of it after ward, and that they Often keep their husband's noses to the grindstone of misfortune and toil-all their lives. A greet Many fine things for your wedding andits.after incidents will make you no sweeter or prettier to your husband, and make you a great deal dearer as to- his pocket. If the nlanof your choice really loves you, as no dotiot he does, it is not for what you have on, but - for the+ qualities of y our, person); and head and heart; anti', as he is a man of sense, I have no doubt he will think more of you when he find 4 that you have not made any great preparation for your marriage. There are many gentlemen in this country, now worth their millions, whose wives, when theimaiTied, had no more than your mother. By this I do not mean that you shall have no more but ymir mother tells me ;that you have now five neat every-day dress, apd four Sunday ones, and they are larger, finer and better than many millions of your sex are able to obtain.. "I Make-the suggestions for your consideration. - ,Nrt leave you to follow them or not. as:your judgment may dictate; and, to show you that this is ti s lS fact, I enclose you a drat, of $l,OOO !Ain my cashier,"-which you May useat your discretion. "Affectionately yours, JOHN BROWN." Kate did not longhesitate as to her course of action. Her mother gave her-a few dollars of her pocket motl ey, and she bought only a simple, 'plain white dress, and appeared in .it at-the altar, with natural flowers.and , her own loveline s s for adcirnment. She drew4he amount of the draft i gold, and one month tots' day after her marriage, handed the amount. -to her husband, and accompanied the gift with the words : "Dearest, I applied to tri father Ifor.ultmey to' liurehaSe ' t tioged".l tialdedfOr.tnitt t wrcite me this letter- (ha i !her huslaafftl),aod.ettelagALll.3.4trthril i_dralt=ppon which. drew drew •thous end gold dollars, which I nowypre i sentio you as the ttiOne,...V:rjoy victory over a foollikfttabl gave I done wisely r' ~ "you_have . ,,my blesSed 4 vilfO• j and iyerai Tife thousanalliiiiirdearer - to riueby your betterjudgrnent." , It is needlesslto add :that =the hug hand of Kate is now 'worth many .thousands Of dollars; and fit a deli . fur , old age , they often telFtheir. ifrietlds and ehildred of the tbOttSand !dollars at the foundationof all. Things Have Changed—Consumption. Hannibal and Cfesar won their vie tories and battles by the sword, the sword the spear and.the battle-axe. They had never heard ofgunpowder. `The man who would undertake to. do • what G ii ANT did at Appoifilittrixatid. ;witlAnch instruments;of-waritireeik t ; .were used by the foimerGentrals,. would deserve to be derided' and (, laughed at; not because theextrif not used for the purpose then InAlenT, hut because better and innrepower ftil . 4;11 - glues are kndiVri. -- Nre fib Tint' lose-sight of what.the past has done for medicine. The past hundred years has accomplished more toward the cure of consumption thartlhe five hundred years previously. It LS corn mon for people still -t0 die of b. 1 . 1 will still be common as long it .9 peo ple neglect to pay attentimrtosthe first symptoms or follow the rule of treatment in %Niles hundered years ago. 1)r. Reyserof Pittsburg, cures nearly every case of 'lung disease, or chronic of any kind, that he takes under treatment. Dr. Kayser*: Lung Cuixas as near a specific for consumption'as any medicine can be; it will ally all morbid Irritability, quiet the - cough, lessen the inflam mation, expel the tough, viscid mu cus that blocks up the air cells of the' longs, and give that . plastic quality to the ble(rd which it needs to fit it for the purpose of reparation. Ask for Dr. hey. er's Lung Cure, at the Doctor's office. No. 167 Liberty street • Pittsburgh. Single bottles $l.OO-- four bottles for $5.00. A Pamphlet. ' on chronic lung diseases sent free to iany address. A u Amusing Episode at A.:Hotel Breakrast Table. Two young men, telegraph opera tors,board at ofie of our leading th ird class hotels, an ti being of a somewhat hilarious disposition, fin' . great aindsOnent in carrying on a conver sation-Au-Ith each Other at the table by ticking on their Plates with knife, fork or spoon. Pot the information of Itliese not Retoutinted with -telei graphy - it may be welt state that a c s Ombhuttion of sounds or tickS Con stitute the telegraphic 'alphabet, and porsopti,,famillar with these Rounds can Chevenv thereby as intellgently sa'wtth p(!lten wor4. . 'lw..young, lightning strikers, as al reiMy stated, were in the fiabit of in; dulging in table talk by this means Whenever they degired. .saY - any thing orivate-to each . other. For in stance, No. l_would pick up his knife and tick -of some-such remark as this toi No. 2; "Why Pa this •hutter the offense of Hamlet's uncle to" N,o. 2, "I give it up." No. 1, "Bemuse it's rank and Retells to Heaven." Of course the joke la not appreciated by. the lunillord,.who sits close by, because he doesn't under 'stand telegraphic ticks; and probably he wouldnt appreciate' it much If he did ; but the jokers enjoy itlintitense , ly and. , laugh itnothderater• while the other guests Wender what can be the cause of all thiOterihorlat. and naturally conehtde _the' .6Pesatons must be idiots. `.- A few days ago; while these fun lovidg youths was seated at:brisk fast, a stout-built young man entered the dining-room with a handshme -gfrig-tfiparm-wnwe ntushi n i g eou n .tenancfs showed her to be a bride. This cdnple hakin fact : been married :butrallay or :two. previous, and had come to San Franci§co ,from their home in OaklamZ &Mud Springs, or some other:raral village,, for the purpose of spending the honeymoon. The telegraphic .tickers eommeneed as - Soervas the-husband and wife had . seated themsellies;. No. 1 opened , the diseiiiirse as fol lows: "What - ii?lovely little pigeon this is alontinitte•cir me—ain't she? No. 2. • "Perfectly charming--looks as if butter wouldn't melt' in her . mouth. Just married I guess don' t you think so?" No. 1. "Yes, I should judge she was. What: lucious lips she has got. If' that country bumpkin beside her was out of the road, I'd give her -- a hug and a kiss just for No. 2. "Sunpsige , - - yOu try it any ; how. Give-her a little nudgeunder the table with your knee." There is no telling to s wim& extent the impudent rascals might have gone but for an amazing and entirely unforseen event. The bridegroom's face had flushed, and n dark scowl was on his brow during the progr es s ofthe ticking conversation, but the -operators.were too much occupied to pay any :Mention to him. The read er may forth some idea of the young men's consternationwhen the part ner of the young is , picked up his knife and ticked off the following terse but vigornus measage: "This lady is my wife, and as soon as she gets through her breakfast I propose to wring .both your necks, you insolent whelps!" The countenances of the operators fell very suddenly when this mes sage commenced. By the time „it ended they had lost all appetite and appreciation of jokes, and slipped-nut of the dining-room in a very rapid and unceremonious manner. ltseems the bridegroom was a telegraph one. `..`..knew. how .it _was hihim:M self."-, :Francisco Chronic* . THE /PERILS OF THE ICE. "Two Girls Drowned in the Ricer Lost Evening—A Vtrilling Scene at the Foot of Ludlow Street. The Cincinnati Gazelle of Monday says: The innate temerity of human nature, in thetice of know* , danger, was sadly illustrated yesterday, by an oecurrekee which resulted in the loss of two,lives, under the most painful circumstances. : - About seven o'clock last evening, a party, composed of Mr. John Daly,' his nephew. and Mi'. - Daly's two sis-' tera i , Mary and Kate, aged respective eighteen and:twenty years,. started. . from Newport to cross the river .on the ice. :.•. Mr. Daly lives in Fulton, and - the' -girls were employed as servants in tt family residing on Walnut street. Inconsequence of the warm weath-. er during the past few days, the ice was in a very weak condition, and was perforated in a.nuniber of pala ces by what is popularly termed '`sir; holes." Combined with the known danger of venturing on the river was the darkness of the night, so profound that it was impossible to. see more than a few paces in advance. As our reporter was informed; par ties on the levee at Newport "remon strated with them, representing the thing!: they incurred ; but persisting. in their determination, they ventur ed on the fatal ice, and were soon lost to the sight of those who had warn ed them. '. After several narrow -escapes-from ' falling .into the numerous holes - that lay in their path, i they apprciached the shore at the foot of Ludlow street. When within fifteen feet of the mar gin. they came upon a tract of ice that had' been worn away by the ac tion of the water until it,was not more than an inch in thickness. This frail support gave way under.thelr-1 combined weight. and they were I precipitated into the icy water. Two young men, named Joseph Burt and (ieorge Hopp, were sitting in a room in the third story of one of the buildings looking out upod the river, whenihe shrieks of the girls cowing up from the darkness that en veloped the scene startled them into instant action. Hastily throwing on their coats they ran down stairs snot -untunpoiLthe.levee,,wberet_theyjnet Mr. Daly,'s nephew rushing It about half crazed bythe fearfillbvent , 'lnd toodlStler a ladder He had been a few feet it) advance of the other members of tub party, and hod succeeded in reaching the shore with out accident. Burt and Hopp ran. down to the .outisaw. Mr. Daly standine'in the water, which ut that point ;was not• more than five feet'deep. The girls had disalimred. ; The watchman of the steambeat - .Shainrock -stood Mi the -bank with--a pole in his hand, but .made no effort to rescue the imperiled parties. Being perfectly willing; however, to, incite - others to plod gleede, as the young men approached him'hetpushed Bert Into the water with some Wneds of eneggragement. Hopp waded in beside his friend, and, ;taking oltf his coat, turew it toward patr,w.ho .grasped i ttittal was raw n ..4shore. J . j e firt.thiS • momenfthe girls reappear an the surface clasped in each other's . arcs, but before assistance could be 'given them they sunk, and Were seen no more. -Searcti_wss made for_the bodies_in the immediate vicinity of the acci dent until a late hour last night;lint without success. Ailetv feet below the pointlthere theVris went down the shore snakes out sharply into the river, deflecting the current outwardly. The bodies were probably carried outwardly in to the river under the ice by the cur rent, and may not be found until the ice breaks up. SHE WORLD'S INTERNAL, ItENEDY JOHNSON's ibeumati , Compound BLOOD PURIFIER. Quick laitalkction, Permanent In iniCure. unei/IAW-19 7 the preecription of a waget-re? nowned Penult Phyotelan, who need It In his extenotre practice many years before offering the public In Ito prtoemt form, but fin ally becoming convinced el ita great curs ' tire propertira, and ',desiring-4o profit those antrericg from this terrible dieettee, conrented to have It put up to bottles and sold At the. loft' price of ONE DOLLAR. If necessary; we wilyht offer thecertitlcates of thous- ands who have been cured by if, low the hest recommendation we can give it WI a trial of one, two or three bottle*, Which will teittinly re- Her° the most difficult case. Try it and be convinced.e have advertised this medicine for sale 3 , (lemur C. thwelvvin .t ' 3 "' Co., of Boston. A ire or the money refunded, and out of now LUG bottllea sold at retail, they have had hat fl bottles returned. Sellers" Imperial Cough Syrup. , The Imperial Couptt Syrup contains no spirituous -ingredient whateven,,and may bolutad-in-atli newt not,. requiring active medical treatment. The hnperial Co*, , , re.pbse , been , need tor the ill4t thirty . Yam. • ~. .. 4.;: , ' P reDarel oily Y R. L SELLERS &• CO. .;il'iica.A.-g - o ' f:Dlirs4Gl''' ' '',A, ---- -,,,:. - 45 W mill STREET; PlTTltialitlll, PA And Fold by druggists es:rryatiern - Ell ecAl 43 ta- WaStice. • Darlinglontanilel.CailiLlL Comm. TilE STOCK DIME ns (toe parllVton Can nel Coal Railroad Company are hereby noti fied to meet optilita's nrofek". twthebotungh of Darlington. on Wei/holiday. 1 3 .! ftrenty-first ( 1.1) STA. O day of bebruary. Itt* rpne electitrz fe ve n (7) Director' , to 64n - clot the eusiir, year and also In attain!) tr. ery 91berbattiaraa too may b.- bniught before_ Me meeting. I T Arder, lE,Arrot., IFAitivt_octit, SALE. HE onelendzand rip i6f tht e, on easy t.rms. I A Good Fa ell ittlatted in New i‘ewiehly to rnship, Bearer county, Va., contstuing eighty acres. more es kit,tip!..bqltrAlcts *rag:reefed a large Log llowe I Oti. Log Slabi,e. 4 t within att'thEes of Frtedrim Station. on the Pittsburgh rorlfWirne anti Chicago Rail way, all under letrw—anout three-fourths cleared gnu in a moderately, good state of cultivation; An tillable land:sand ettinvienletit 'to marltet, stbOole. chureheo. mills. A:c. Possessloa >t.lll 111 w-riven April Do, 1811. For farther information call on or ad•iress U. R. MOORE, Jan 17:6wt Bdirer C. U.. Beaver Co. Pa. THE BEST IN TAD WORLD! The Itnirored SampsrmA Howe St • - • • . andard Seats .1 All sizes and varietis for sale by SOUDER & M'CLURG 63 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGII. Also, Warehouse Trucks, Patent;3lOney Drawers.-- AND GROCER'S FIXTURES. February_74-IS7ll—lyi, MANY. GOOD';> AR AIMS ERWIN'S NEW DRY GOODSBLZAAI, Nos. 172 & 171 Federal Sl., ALtTHE BEST CALICOS At Twelve and a Half Oats, EXTRA GOOD YZ.RD WIDE BLEACHED ' ItIVSLIN. YARD WIDE SHEETING BEST QUALITY GINGIIAMS. Al Drenty-five ants, RED, YELLOW AND MOE Twenty : floe Omit, • BAR - REP -, COUNTRY FLANNEL At Fifty Cents, ALL SILK .AND WOOL PLAIDS At Thirty-sewn and a H* ants : : CORDED RLACIC POPLIN ALPACAS BLACK LYONS GRA... GRAIN SILK Al Twelve and.a Half Cents, - EXTRA GOOD CANTON FLANNRLS item:tants of all tibias, Very Cheap i. w. v.HEtwx±v - A-- co.; ' 174 Fedikti Stied. AL Lll E. Y nov. 40-lytehd feta WHEN VISITING ALLEGHENY Call and Examine TOOK 'OF j?F(Y cioopp BOGS & BUHL'S At Present, Worthy of Special Attention, 100 PIECES POPLIN, ALPACAS AT STRIPE CLOTH SHAWLS AT 81.50. YARD WIDE BROWN MUSLINS AN NINE AN!) TEN CENTS. EXTRA GOOD BLEACHED MI'S LINS 1211 and 15 CENTS, ' WIDE - BLEACHED LINEN CRASH AT EIGHTY-THREE CENTS. Exceedingly Low Prices. Extra Value in Each Department, Ar..x..pG MERV CITY, 'PA apv44y;cii laynde2l-1Ro•oett1 n01.44-feb. James T. Brady & Co., AND COUPONS ESE Ifebl3 ly ALLEGHENY At ?'en "('eras, Al Ten Cents, At Twelve and a Half Unts, FLANNELS IVOR= ($1.25.. WORTH 75 CENTS. At Two Dollars, WORTH $3.23. •I{EMEMI3ER TETE PLACE ISA TIAGI A.lleoTt3. Buis TWENTY-FIVE CENTS Fortner Price $6.00. Dress -Goods " MOTTO, " """' s 99q•3 & ' 1 WI ilsriEnlt STREET, COrner ,of OOD FOURTH AVENUE Pittkburgh, Pa. BAN' EItS, Have for Sale First Class St ate,Cbun ty, Municipal and Barron& likmis, Pure4sed on the most favorable Terms. luterest. allpTeed twl/eposltl made wit! us, in Currein.y or to Cheek witikapt tier, . - .9tOVE#N3IIENT,S-40' 110M)S. Of issue of '186'2, Redeemed Wit hnut Charge: 31envy L t raiied cu Gnvernment and 'Shoo Ibr-al%, and other reliable Co laterals. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. MOLDERS OF 5.20. OF 1862, Which will be paid or in December, 1871, hare especial regson to Consider the question of converting them into some other good, reliable security, un less they desire to rlveive coin for them', or make an exchange at parfor Bonds of the new issue, bearing an, average rate of 4} 'per cent. • In view of these Nets, i ll tis.L ' :who desire to take advantage of n change of Invest ment, into other reliable Com Securities, helitingl to 7 30 per cent. interest, should act soon In making the exchange. CLOTHING STORE.--`! NEW GOODS IT INTER STOCK. The undersigned takvs pleis.ure 11 to 41 ) Innninphts blends fuld the 'tulle goner ally that he has just ree9i and opene( New Stock of,•Goods, OF THE LATEST STY bES FOlt Fall and Winter Wear: keeps the best, of woitinen in his employ; and feels confident of bas ability te:ellt and makeup • gartn*qts beth - , FASHIONABLE& DURABLE. tnB-ir tt- nisi:lifer as will - please his customers. 1111 01111TaIN'S Pin No 3 f ; ALWAYS ON HAND ad/ tend, see,tta Abefore leitstrig :lour - Orders Elsewhere WILILIAM REICH. Jr. Bridgewater. Pa mast 01y 112AU.1 1 1 FOR BALE.—A beautiful bum of twenty four eves, more or less, Attuned near the borough. of 114 en, Deaver county, Pa. This farm has a, , s tern of iron par tanning through4t t toad also • Coal ,ttaul; with ti thins four Melt - nehtlattch la in operation. - There is on the premises a one and a half story dwelthig how Auntslag two roomf.t. I am determined to sell on account of my Illness, and any person' de al nngto purchase raid furm.ean do an at a bargain, oil will tell at a price to snit the purehmter: not farther Inforcuaeon, !lupin, of the tuttler6lgned, on the pi-emir -es. JOSEPIi C. STOUGH. lanto72-11 CM. A GENTS Wanted.--Agetuil t; na " lir, matey et work for no th an It anittiMir fkodettes /WS end permanent. Particulars o...Srixaorr Co., .Pine Art rablish6re, port land. Nittne. -- (lncorporated 18604' Columbia Fire Insurance Company. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: Detwiler. Fres`t., Robert Crane. U. Wilson. Vice Prat'*. William Patton. Herbert Thomas. Treat. JamertSchroeder, J. F. Frneaufr, Seey J. S. Striae. Bactunau, H. M. Strickler. George Bogle, IL T. !Lyon. For Insurance olilltenetes. address i. • J. F. FRUEAUFF, Colombia, Pa. OPIUM EATERS! $O 5-- ewp dote not cure. 'No pain H will or inconvenience. Sent on receipt of three dollars. S. G. AKII STP " Berrie' Sr Ages) on Foreign end Nntive lethal Prepara tions, pnblished by Dr. O. 'Phelps Brown. The prescription waa discovered by him. in an& a providential manner that ho cannot consclenti °wily refuse to make it kmamm, as tt has eared everybody who has used it for Fits, never taming' $lllO in ■ Singh) OM' The ingredients may be ebutinedfrom any Ontggist. A copy lent free to all anolicants by mail. Address Dr. 0. MELT'S DROWN.II Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J. New SEEDS and PLANTS . SENT BY•3IAIL OR EXPRESS. Oar Seed and Ptant Catalogues Itir 1872 Natrtberlog 175 pagelt, and eauteitithit Two Colored Plates Each worth twice the price of Catelogueo, mailed to an apoikantaon recelot.of 25 wall. rlllll3ll HENDEUSON dc CO._ • Seedsmeo, 55 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. ott G .2k.NIC 2E T 1 1851. 3MMWIIIZ3MII2 IFE INSUItitiVCE COMPANY, lloine office, Pittsfield, ass. lifiitual protection is secured to the Polley Hold. ens-of this company by a Special Law cf the state. , For example : Snppore you are thirty-live years ofage, and take an ordinary IsiAtPtilley• If you Illtonld 'make ONE. payment, and should fail to ruhte the SECOND payment vitien dne, yen still rentatti titsured durteg the second year and three. days of the third yen. If you die during the two years and three days, your family will receive the full amount of the Policy. lets only the overdue premium and Interest. One Annual Payment will keep yon teamed years and three days. Two AUMI3I Payments trill keep youl nsurrd 4 years and I:1 days. Three Annual Payments will keep you insured 8 years and 37 days. Four annual payments will keep _yon insured years and 40 days. Five Annual Pay. tnents will keep you Insured 10 years and 55 days. 131 x Annual Payments will keep you insured 12 vat* and 11 days. This protection applies to any age, and la expressed in every Policy: The Advantages of such Protection. New YoUK, ?]March 11, 1871. W. U. GULEXE, late of New York, insured a few years Once in the Berkshire Life insurance Com pany fir $3,510, but, owing to misfortune in bust net.e, vias unable to make any payfrient to the Company during (MC Year bil.:ten months prior to his-deeense, which occurred January 12,1870. I have this day received (at the New York Mike of the Company. 271 Broadway corner of Cham bers street), Three thousand two hand. red and ninety-nine dollars, this being the full amount due to his widow, after deducting the overdue pay W.HARRISON, ments and Interest B. HA BB Broadway. A Special Law of the Stole of :Massa chusals Provides that if you Phould fail to nuke yonr pay ment when due. and still preserve the conditions of the Policy, you will remand insured for a cer tain number of years aud days thereafter, and II death occurs during Una time thi, 'Policy will Do paid as abuts,. The ratio of expenses to receipts In this Company is smaller than the average of all the Companies dome business In the United States. The True Benefits of Life Insurance. - It Is time that these who seek the tree benefits of Lila insurance should -mndentand that Compa nies which strive to do the largest business (and persistently Ignore Intim liabilities,) are by no means the beat companies in which to insure. it Is IF aim of the Officers and Directors of the hire to do a safe, progressive business, which she I each year add to the strength and sta , Witty of the Company, and at the same time fur nish its membera with more 11.50 ranee, larger. Di v and greater advantages than can be real!- ' zed in any other Company. Annual Cash Dividends.-This Company is Strictly Mutual. and divides alt the profits amot g the PoPlcy polders, on the Contribution Plan. As your Cash Dividends incrtse, the in tare payments which you make will gradually do crease. Dividends may he addea to the Policy, and are never forfeited by the nompaymentof pre mien's, but may at any time be converted 124 CaKit EBBIbrAcLLISON, Agent, 'Waver, Pa., Sept 13; I y Le" ore.—This Is Snellextrarg's Space—Being engaged to malting up a largo stock of Sprit:it Clothing. thoy iMormed me Chat they had no dam to attend to their advertining.—Bo. effsca if THOMAS M'OREERY & CO THOS. 111 0 CLUEERIF, Cashier. J. V. DRAY(), .. -I._ ....J. IL ANGIEL, J. n. welgEnT. Interet4t wild on time ettipostts; Prompt attention given to totteettons 44 tj Immrance Agents for rood end relLable complies. prisylgtf may3-IY:ch'd oct ~. . Ma 1111001: How How Restored fit, ~fat published, a new ........, c , r i ... ~ . ......--0.14, ,don of Dr. Culver. - '•-- -•.--.---'-- ' ' elltsi Celebrated f : ..;, Er" — -", 11ragay On the ratlica, ' i i 1-4 „....., al. ' I ... cure (without medicine) ii :'7 , .,;....„.'h ..' - c‘Spermatorrtucaor Stall* 'ARO Wmtimese, Involun tary Senilnal Losecv.I9II.OTENCT, Mental and Physical Incapacity, lippoditoents to blarrlat e. e:c.: alvo.CONSlTArtiotStlMsir• and Firs., in duced hy eelf-indulgeia or yetnal extravagance. r - wale r Price, in a aletlimavelope. only 6 cents. 'I - he celebrated anthill'''. ',LIM. admirable et say. clearly demonatrates frantilt-thirti Irene allecess ful practice, that the glanntiag consequences of Self Ahllne MI, be Milady cored 'without the dangcroannau of intenalatediclue or the appliea. lion oldie knife; Emlntjait ont a mode of cure at once simple, certain,-Ml‘Wectual, by means of' which every tulfferer• acintoitter what his condition may he, may cure himsvirthesply, privately, and radically. i 1 . ,.• - • . Ofir This I ecture shakid ba.ln the hands of ev ery youth and every mst lathe land. Sent, antler seal. In stltiti'sinvelOpe, to any ad• dru.s, po.stpvid on re...taf. six acute ar two post stamps. • • ... Also, Dr. Crilverwell's!Mattialfdiflaide." Price 25 Cent,. Address the Publlvhct -.: K ). ' tailAs.' J i'EANE ds, CO., 127 'Bowery, New Writs P:O.Dit i tr.sfl. 34„ttenjyti:serll 11'72. - . Valuable Rea Istate .For Sate. • „ , --7-e... THE lautsirtyttelottging, to the 0..• 'il I 1 , heirs of. : 4kaIICCSII.II, deed., t 4 1 lima' •S fl n, }leaver, rurally; • . ,Ow o ered fortiale. The lot' . - • float Bruedbay to Water Street. and eon scree, of ginund ts-Ith shrubbery and sash! l t (Wen n great Va. tiktre• duty. There Is a , • .-.: GOOD DWEVI, : :HialOsni. Airchrdith Praine'atit 'ircitifilti, inifonrteatt V rai is ece. antl ar e y elhi , r ,ia a_ bu itill t u4 . :•eria tie - stable, and Also a gixid nen of %Iv Fos leather uartlatt 14ral inquire of I. 3413'EL ..}:eOY.F , jan10 . 72-2m], Drli ° r, Vetiver Co., _Ps Co [Beater rty cprt ,t plod send bill - to E'en _ i s 11 , EIST.--,__ Amoic, proper!, In Itoroatrer, Pa • ku s q*riOttro 0 itiroon Pro. ert.t . ," It oprud for . antltZt Ist 0f,../401. r ll'a• "W . ° is 12 re 6 , tua. elk • _rattier ottit.ot trrolarattlep. All PeCipolityllittalitlMlßlLl on. allt lot. - For lumber intormatii ''NutultailtNeWung, on the orcialpc±, or to toe, ‘ltitiro. township. jan3l-7a-lf.) "1t3T1M1112.. IZZ Miscellaneous. A 1 *se , T 1 co z tp ren .10 \ • IKE IS Nn Ncj,-HolasEL .7104, "nu n. el ..t .. 13r• tr'l . . . . . . . . ' C o lum n. i - S, J. CroisTO. s - 7 01 ! Ir ' 7 77 -7 066 P. - New Fall Stook JUST RECEIVED BY 1 • S. J. Cross & Co., ROCHESTER. ....._ ,y. OUR STOCK Or NEW AND SEASONABLE DI - 4,Y . - GOODS; IS LARGER TITAN EVER BEFORE. CONSISTING OF CLOTH, CASSIMERE, „JEANS, `VA TER-PROOF, PLAIN FLANNELS, • BARRED FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, CLOAKING, PRINTS, DELAINES, PLAIDS, ALPACAS, MERINOS, GINGHAM'S, CHECKS, TOWELING, DENIM, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING, SHAWLS, SHIRTS, WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c., &c., 4 ' , 1V CO li r l X COM . a . IN GREAT VARIETY. J Ready-Made Clothing: COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, &c., &c., Scc , &c., _ . Hats and Caps, A VERY LARGE and NEW STOCK BOOTS & SHOES : Men's, Youths' and Boy( Poorils. WOMEN'S, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES AND GUM STIO,ES.' -' ALL PURCHASED LOW AND WILL . . BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. WE ALSO CONTINUE TO KEEP UP OUR USUAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL-FEED, SALT, LIME C EMENT. • _____ HARD WARE • • NAILS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS,: Window Glass Paints in - all Cglars, DRY and IN OIL WHITE LEA I), Li:NSF:ED OIL, PUTTY, TURPENTLNE. VARNISH 'ALCOHOL GUM SHILLAC, &c. W9oden Pumps FOR WELLS AND CISTERNS. • w All HEAVY (loops, DELIVERED Vvrilmi A REASONABLE iISTANOE, FREE OF CHARGE. WE ALSO FURNISH OUR CUSTOMERS WITH COAL AT TILE ' . MARKET PRICE. Rochester, Oct. 20111, ISM • , . • . Dwelling ,llouses , l I I MBTELIEJta r rS, IMPROVED All UNIMPROVED REAL ESTATE - IN , AND wo.A.Fc, rrusv. .s: 80r044 c Rochester, ' at ~ 'OR . ; SALE";:' - .AND ~ R ENT :..,..:,-,. - .11•0-1y;ettd,my91-nort. tjanl7'7l-ly m NM . . . 1 e Improved .Grand. Oroide <l34>aa> W-Watiririllgi3 $9, $1 0. " Altir kiii mi -„. ,-- • ~ . P , / -- . We areltittelitly brought our Oroide•Gokt iletal to.imith ' perfection that it is 41filerdt for the .bart ledges to distinguish it from golt The $9 wateh •es art;Wlth patent escanement movements; la apk penance, indict Iluti,equaling isfroltt ono cost, log 000. The $l2 are full jewelled - patent Urgers; eguaft.o $l5O gold watches., The Ware thelame t i as th last, but of a liner Utah; equal to-one 003 t to 6. And the $lB Watches are - of a tine Sash W k I jewelled American movementroxpaling , nes worth $2OO. They are all in hunting esecOgentlemen and Ladies , sizes:and warranted for tl is ?:: and wear, by , special certillcatea. Al elegant designs of Gent's' and ladles' chat ',from $1 to tit and Jewelry of all kinds. UN* sent CL 0. D. Customers permitted to examine the goods they order, bell re paying bill, on payment of express charges. When six' watch es arelordered Lt one time, we wit; scud an extra watch::,of the same kind free. For farther pinion. lass Spud for circular. Address— , . JAMES GEGA RD A, CO.; tO Nassau et. New York. P. O. Box 5191. dectillin AF,RICAN WASHER PRICE, $5.50. TheeAmertean Waiher Nevem Money, Timevand Drudgery. The ratigue of 'Washing Day no Longer Dteaded, but Excrnothy, INieieney, and Clean Clothing, Sure. In calling pnhileattention fo Ws little machine, a few of the inialuable qualities, (not possessed by any other washing machine yet Invented,) are here ehnmerated It la the smallest, tiaoBl , compact, mitt Portab/e , meat gimple in censtruction , most egg' y operated. A child tea years old, with a few hours' practice. can liiMoughly comprehend_ and effectually use It. There Is no adjusting,. tin screws to annoy, no delay in adapting: "It la always ready forusel It is a perfect little wonder I 'lt lea miniature giant, doing bore work and'of a better quality. than the most elaborate and costly. One-half of 1.:., labor ts fully saved by its use, ani 'the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old phut of the rub board.- It will yeah the largest blanket: Three shirts at a time, washing thoteughly l In a word, the ablation of any fabric, from a Quilt to a Lace Cartels] or Cambria Ilendkeichief, are equally within the capacity of this LITTLE GEM I It can be fastened to any tub and taken off at wit:. No matter how deep rooted a prejudice may ex ist against Washing Macbines, the moment this little machine Is seen to perform its wonder., all decibee of ha cleansing efficacy and utility are banished, and the doubter and detractor at once become the fast Mends of the machine. We have testimonials withdut end, setting forth Its numerous advantages over all others, and from hundreds who have thrown aside the unwidely, uselesal machines., which have elgnlly tailed to accomplish the object promised In prominent and loud Wending , advertisements. It is as perfect for washing as a wringer is for wringing. The price another paramount Induce. meat to parttime:Ant( has been plated so low Vint it, is. ithin the reach of every housekeeper, Ind there Ii no article of domestic economy that will repay the email investment go soon. .913.M04- All Rua V eskedlor Ode GREAT LABOR SAV ER, le s fair trial. We guarantee each machine to do tut yrerk perfectly. Boze AGENT* FOR MILY KITED STATES, A. 11. FRANCINCUS dt CO.. 510 MD.441 St., pltiladta., Pa. _ . The,:largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE HOUSE In the Unite° States. (dec64lra X. lUULtit. M. MILLER & CO, Contractors and Builders; PLANING - MILL Mria33WMAlTarit ,l4 ' 3C)cpc)icas;. StEisla AND SHINGLES nu hands, and mate to order liochetiater, drtlers by snail; will receive prompt-at tenltion. • 3 1 / 1 1 - 8;"71-1Y kWord to You, Friend!! FOR (1000 COFFES, F(R GOOD SUGnIS, GOOD FLOCI: FOR GOOD TOBACCO PORRY THING GOOD Grocery and Provision Line, ANI) AT PRICP 4 THAT CIAN'T 1 1 / 1 BEAT tti BEAVER on ELsEwitEur- .'SNITC ER X. CO.'S, 3d Street, BEAVER, PA inloll2 ly • \ ~..--;.. . T., • -../.1 , , „ o rn 3 a µ 7 l 4)0 .. __, • .. 0 . - !A A : . 4 • •• 11 0 . L e 4, l itCs - e * X l. = C C 2 1 5 , ', - I : 1 i 4 on _A ..c, H 4 aR- e• I I el g A-- • ~_ 32 !.. -15;6. A C. ..> • 03 - v.:5 :-.....;... , I - --- 0 .._. 1 6.2 ° r •:- .z. te il 4 :00 OD t ---. ~ . 4 . 1 1 c- - 1 . ...1q 1•:/ E ;•1 - 4. rgc. i ri 1.1 It ;IA 'A-4 ~ t :..1 4 .i.. 7. , :; - - . . •I t 4 C 4 4 .7ii3 e., P 0 e, -7. i_i - 1 ' :.• . .., u t '4 1 / 4 .9 a ' c4 ° e: f4„.,,T - I.J ,„.4, ck. 2, ~r, ,J . ... 0. , Zefr , = 2 . ‘1 ..• a.= r L'J e 4 P 6-- 3 T an 1..• s-4 . g . .i' L." 4 o• ; el s i " 1- 2 . 0 11 i i ' 4 4 sz. POINT PLANING MILLS, - WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA. HENRY WHITEFIELD, MANUFACTURER OF bash, Doori,Mouldings,Floor.boards, Weather,4oards, Palings Brack (te., &c. DEALERS I ALL Kt liS OP LUM BER, LANTZ, SHINGLES AND BUILDING TI3IIIEIL Having puirchased the the territorial in terest of M r F . C. Anderson, (*net of tire several . patents covering certain improve-• nients the,donsti;.:etion and joining ”1" weatherboards and linings far. houses and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized, to, make . and sell .ti:e saino withln,the limits of Heaver.county. Par ties interested wall please observe this. airpentersi 'Supplies anstahtly Kept on Hand. Every ma;t* H er of Simi:l-Work made'ta order. oct-Itly - -; ; sT - 4it BUILDING Wood Turning- ' Shop,, WILLIAM PEOPLES, .• - Allegheny , City. Pa., preparo tu , do all, kinds, of WOod- TiArning, Scroll-Sawing and Moul ding. Norell'sl3alusters and liand %IP% WITtl 'AV. JOINTS t'UT, REY TO HANG, - furriished on short noiit - * - Orders birriudi promptly attended to. or MAY bo left with Giosser .t Co., h 9, 4th Av. Pittsburgh, Pa.. sad at the eurher orWebster street rod Graham Alai. . • leb*ll, sow. CiA -AUX. c4Vos r.• & A.'CARSON, • Vbatesel'a i d retell ilealersraerles unit etial l l l 1) uee, ibrolgia end' wines an gins , °not:whole. reedited, rye w Iskey &c, SkTt3lllPeditel sweet, opposite P. 8;. W. di C. K. W.. Allegtheby city. fiys-19 r . . . . TZI E ~J. T. MAUNA w. DOLBT, INM As ye cow that shall eon reapr. - s" - Draternl for the very liberal patmnage already bestowed, I hopo--by a strict attention to a legit imate business—not only to merit a condi:wince. of the same; hilt a large increase the pre.ecut Mr. STEPHEN A7C,...RAIG is duly authorized to take applications fur Insurance and ',rot./ the premium for the sante In ac mint townshlvo. Cif Al*: B. 11 illt%T. Foil, GOOD TF.A.S, I Fear Depot, Rochester. Pa. ljelitly FOR GOOD SPIC.ES. FOR GOOD FEED, FOR 6001) CIGARS. IN TIIE GO TO cm' Chas. B Hurst's INSURANCE AND General P f gency Office, NEAR THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PENNA. Notary kablte and convoyaneen FIRE, LlR,l...att ACUIDENT INSUR• ANCE4 "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean Steamers ; " Adams " and "Un ion" Express Agent. MI kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal !elms. Heal Estate bought and Bold. Deeds, 3lortguges, Articles, &c.; : written • Depositions and Acknowledge ments tam &c., oke., Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada. Passengers booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. ,ETNA FIRE INS. - CO., 01 Hartford, Conn., Cash asscits $6,000,000 "Hy their fruits ye know them:" Losses paid to Jan. 1, 1871...:828,000,0 0 0 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. IVIAGAILA Insurance Co., . Of New York Cash asserts, LY ES FIRE INS. CO., • Of CiucinnaLi,ol.l4). Cash asseLts ENTERPRISE INS. CO., Of Philadciphia Cash assetis LANCASTER Fire Ins. Co. Of Lancaster, Pa Cush `I,L4 ALPS' INSURANCE CO., Of Erie, Penna Cash capital, HONE LIFE INS. CO, or New York. Cash assets, Travelers' Life air Acci(lent Insurance Co., Of !laniard, Conn. Cash alt3etls over Representing the above first class lusurance Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the beat and moot reliable in the wiirld, and representing a gross cash capital of nearly $16,000401, I ant en abled to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications promptly attended o, and Policies written a ithout delay. and at fair rates and 'there' terms. Lorsrx liberally adjaated oml promptly Wei INSURE Ti I Ily one day's delay you may lose the Savings or years. Delay. are dangerous, and life uncertain; therefore, Insure to, day. " One to-day, is rrortA two to-morrows."— quality. also, is of the utmost Importance. The low priced, worthless article. always proves the dearest. The above companies are known to be amongst the heat and wealthiest in the world.— WILLIAM. MI W.:IL JACO LI TltaX, PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX ilosesifoiataarera and.Dealfrs fn Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHKTI - ERS:SIDING - FLOORING, Scroll ., Sawing: and Turning' DONE TO ORDER, ORDERS BY MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, ANI) PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mill tß t opoisite the, Railroad Station. ROCHESTER, PENN)A. april 19 '7l; lye - - - - ,7 OITPTI El C HBArar SAXUEL H. Jour AV [LUAU G. JOIIN9TON Established by Eichbaum &Johestou,lBls. - William G. Johnston & Co., And Blank Book Makers, 57 and 59 Wood Street PITTSTIURGH, PENA" A. my2l-15 J.TNEAD „ SAW A- I) PLANING MILI • in operation a new IN FitEEDOM, PA., Having the latest improved machinery for the manufacture al .IP3L,C)C:O3ETALIV SIDING, LATH &C. &C., aind is now prepared It) attend to the building and repair g ;4' • Sicamboats, Banes, Flats, &c., &c.. Keeping cnnstantly no hand a superior vs:lily of Lumber. Tice pat ronage of the public is respect luity solicited. All-orders promptly (Ixectuts.:. ' [autr.2-I.y THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING H. IM7. IJII Flrli Ar, CO anit l 24 Maiket Street, PITTSBURG, PA. Established in 1844, by H. W. Buffurn, da oldest and Ingest Boti hog 'lmmo west of be mountains, has made extenstre preparations amppiying their friends and the praline with it bit celebrated 41a intral Waters, Ales l Porter, &c., &c. For • the song Trade, at the following) prices : Sart ‘llPaana, VV. per doz. Mint 'rid Water . demi ' , err! " (ham' ague Cider, Porte Ale, en: i tEl boines. " Win SrliPs, • • -- • • • Imported Landon Porter and 3 OP Imparted lions% Ales. and bat tles. 3 Pd Crtd) Cider,. 33 per galloa, BiruPe.• • • • • . 2 Oft* u o tut, Ts c mita pm poz- Winer refund ed when retu r- Hoods d a l; meal twee, and- freight paitiAo rail read stations r ',attsiolltaiboat landings. faa- 4 ;ly • - Ladles' Seminary.. NEXT SESS.) .o. l e Seasris on February Ith. 1814. As there sr 21be no vas-anon at the end of the 'present session, oltplisitnalo and female' will be admitted at any time.beinne this and classe.s array cd g tihnier..tnntodato all. Applp in person, or sea -tine circular to lanl7;3w) , « "'N*. P.R. 2.I.'LEA IS Prin. IMAM Children's A LARGE AND compu-. t i.. t :( Of Tyco and Thre:e-Wheri PERAmBULII-;1*()ILS, \VT LT.( CARIDAGE6, of the best New York and manufacture, at ri.a,lonablt..l,nrps. Ladics' Satclielm, Notions, To ) 4, J'-t Jewelry, wholesale and retail. at P. Al. O'Lli.%gitit — N. 1 , 48 Ft-leral Llooi, above th e • outyl7:ly tre,A In the City of Pitt,burg,h, ;Ind ail the r., taehrneoto to be had of John , "Cu- 9.1 Mari:vr ,-tr,et Pot. LILT:E- - CT $1,500,0 0 0 1600,000 .$240,000 THROAT,W In the won,lprnti InNite.-10 in h the afflic -,t are above poiat,- I 1.. r re.'.lcf. the iliKuNrrtr l••• lieves cwo!li.l.'• I I. h trmony more of N,- tare's must 1,r.p(.111,r,;. QlO. has instine4 into th- ve.zetahle Linzdom for Itealing the sick, than were ever before combined In erne medicine. The evidence of this fact is found in the great var , ...ty of most obstinate tits- C 1404 whic It it ha. b , -••n to confiner. In the care of Itronehiti., Severe Couch., and the early sta.:-.4 of Cottautuptlou, it ),.. a.toni.lnl tho utad,..l f.,:c:ir), and t ;:: pronoarr' • it : t. 4 -t ry of the a r.•. ' • rre.t! , it 1ttr...117111071 4 the P, , t . :11 and purfrie% the blood. 'lty it+ i • - • , in • pr , o.rt I,—. it c•:- L'lttm o f- •• • mor.t. crolra ennion lot t• plc, or Erupt jou. , 1 • •-.:•-• • t., g-• r- 1 411,e•,.1.. 1.-iLprol4 health and a e , ” •rit-iA , It tel. E r p.• SAlt r: tt rev. r So rot, Sen I y or 1?-ootri, • all the • . dr 'pet f , d fa , •of • '• ta+t , in ti t trifn h.,t f 10tt..ti•• ,, .." Condplaiti• are e: 52,50,000 $3,500,000 $ii)oo,000 11 i',ll•eat t• u °rt.; it R I' I • titn.l Si/ 1,77,3 ;ECIET;,3I.L. Titria l4-' !"? 4 : kirbt. --- - -" %?.' 1: Tr I 7) Every year increas,Atiw ty - Ortnis t :tillable IT:dere; .. w ; l.kieli is due to merit ~. can assure our old patrons ti:at kept fully up to its high stall and it is the only reliable and edpreparation for ,resturiii. - on FADED lIAIR tO its youtl making it soft, lustrous, ;Intl tit The scalp, by its use, becomes N% a:1,1 clean. It removes all eruptiui:- and dandruff, and, by its- t pi ertics, prevents the hair fi..Tll f as it stitival;ilk , =. the hair-"lands. By its rise, tl.c h: , ,rotes ihicker and baldness, it rest- res 1 1,, rilands to their normal vlz• - •r. will create a new growth, c..ce ! t extreme old aire. It is the ithli nomical 1-I.xtr lltzEssixo et cr as it requires -fewer and (lives the hair a splendid`, appearance. A. A. Hayes. :NIA). State Assayer (It "Theconstituents nre fully selected for excellent ..,1, and I consider it the BEST -1 RATION for its intended pun by all Druggiitg• and nen& :n Buckingham's Dye, FOR THE WHISKERS. As , our Renewer in n. .t '• -• :,,, mcceires too lon[r a time, at .1 1 : ~ t iai ni(li c:irc, to i •store , v:c . . ',.: 1- \\ - 1:: , 1.•Izi , , we 'WO p Irei•:iFt ', iivo, in one preparation ; 1 , 4inick.y ..1,14 elrectually acr,n,,.1.:,' tnis re-Atit. It i-:. en-..ily t.i.i 1 and proancei n color wl,icli v neither rub nor wash WY. all Druggists. Price Fifty Cc i,:-. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, &' CO, NASHUA. N.S. Ayer's Cathartic Pills i ''' •'l -- ' ‘-C - For the rel.r; {r' cure of all I. ... merits in tk aeh, liver, Jr el.• The) ,aperient, r•, • ~.;•.,- . ':i ' - e N - . ce11,.... • Recce i e. •-......":1J..44' ~i . %...L.;.- -- • tahl,;, tl, ' y 115. e • ,1 --- -,.... 4 ...' -. . 6. ' n,. t ar t ,;• .. , :,a. -..r.-..„ in1..0,1r ., , ..) . . . . ~. : ivi ratT,ria_.• , r. t d 1, 1 ..••,r' . err, awl tern - family -h0t,1.1 !,1' e '' '•' - for thew proteeti.m and r,-ti , I. ‘..' •. d. Long exi.eranwe Wu; pros cd, ',, • •. • 'l' . • est. , ttre , d, t,ml 1t. , .t of all in'- /•,/t: ulth the market abotouts. Icy the. . .I'-' the hla-oi In putuied, the eyun. • bwl 6 ,t'AlWlle , l, eb-t-union= 1• wh,:itetnnery of life iv--- .. ' - act 'at Internal (oral: .u' ate! 'am”.:l-.11 are clean.Ael In t . ~. .totralatorl 1m... acti.m_. ti .. il - I. Li:mtge.! tato hcalth, ta. , ~ . •' lit' .1 Tl'il.:011( . .1 I M illt• V. 1 ,1 II" ', '. It. , all hardly be ewaiww.l. I .• aw1..4., thew p10:1 , 1:1; I , Z - , 1.' ' ‘'irtom, ltrww,,iir•-•1 fi , ;,' , 1 ,, _.:: that : they are et' tilt---' lthou,zit ....t.,, . Iliag, tl ~ - .. • arthout di-tut I,mm , , t....111..r ~ ,tut. l. 1•1111,1 tlOll. I• './ ii , lin!''t 'Or . :' l . ~ e 3 ' l, 1.. \ . 11. ,, f , !I •; ' awl ,Wr 11,- b•11e,;,, , , Ply rapd! , --ar -r - '' 1 . . a .r I?yioliep.iico Or V III; ,:;1•-••l SO 11. i ..., ne"*. Lanvuor :ind i 1.1,.. of I "pet, t..• 41.111111 ~ I.e taken inoiloriarly to -„a . ,•. , tub, mut restore 1t.. , health) 1. , ....., ` ,•t. For 'Liver tloniplaint ..:: 1 - ..., tow., Bilious lileadache, Nici: 1 1 '4 iSc his. Jaundice or Gr....ti , Air kin'''. iota,. Colic 4,,1 llition• re. er... tiie , L • be J edwiousi , ,, ) taken foe i.. 1. ll •1- •• 1 , . . !] (114Ca,Cli action or reinot e the yl , It a.tio!• ' caiv‘e it. taili-firtiOlEiseillielrnettrer:7ll:("rresiletullir.rl.riltr3' "I. For Gout. Grate, l'.';', pltatlon of the Ileums. Va° ... '. *Wallach and Lninti;the. -I'''' ( iir.Ultly taken, A. ret luirot, to cly,i - -;• l'e ‘."-. txtien of the system. With such el ta r_ , eonadnints distppunr. For I)irop..y aud Dromirot I‘‘el:ilit they iohOoki be taken in Large an.l c:c , ~ 1.1 W produce ii.iLl effert of a tit - ; , tir iiir - z -s i . l'' or ntilltirtibtlon. a lotree ,- 1. , taken, n'illproitteo.; the de=icedcar. ;., ,: rathy. ... As 8.'.15/intser Piii, laka cc tar t .. I . ' pr tee digestion and relieve 'the dotal 1 . ,. :....,Oin ooetigittual !logo stimulates t.I4C s . tous i , ',;` bewela, restore.; tlvaappetite,andTnNlA"' ' i„ system. fleece it is often adyanta.,..,aoo,o.l, tut unions derangement °also. Ow xil) t `,., toterAhlY-Well, ailed, find& that a. ‘lo , e ~. Pll l 4 makeittiiin fold deeldedlyhet fr,,,t, dennslng and renovating ereet on tnv ... ~ apparatua. HOUSE /fll) 1 z I Ts a Oa tiownED tr.J. 16 1 6:, Practical Criemi,:, L *ELL, 2111A.98., s. .1. _ TOR SALE DV ALL DIWOOISTS EVIAIVVIIISk. MUMIMMMI an eon I. 1:22 MI )1:01einal. r rhUIA zn. a::fi f P. , vz• r r 1- ENE WE F: Price One Dollar , , t i ~ B 1 :tT •' 1~:1f ~ ..: • NM