The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 14, 1872, Image 3

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    The Beaver 4rgus.
Beaver. Feb. 141114 1872.
alvulation Th htewn ambvsd.
gates 4or Advertising;
TJU. Ihr. , .3 1 year
I • qr-10lcoe.,f 83 GO 8100 8 5 00 Ile $ lO
~,quires, do 350 5110 700 OD 15 OD
3 squszos. DO 500 fOO 9OD -11 00 18 00
4 *quires, do 6,00 3 10 50 15 00 11 Ur
1 4 column.-- 900 11 00 15 Op DO 00 38 03
% calms.-- 11 OD 15 00 SAID, 113 OD 60 OD
e01umn....• 30 00 55 0 0 100 00
and Execitare Ziotlies....s3 00
a to be made Qaarterly, except
Tertsements, which must be paid
or Payment
for tranatemt ad
to advance.
GEO. P. ROWELL. 40 Park Row, N. York.
S. N. PETTENGILL dr CO, 37 Pat
New Ybrk. are the sae agents for Tits Bitavits
Annus in that city, and are authorized,Ul contract
for inserting advertisements for us 't'our low
est cash rates. Advertisers in that city are re
quested to leave their favors with either of the
above houses.
T. IrIeCI.III.I.AND dc Co. are the Awns'
agents In PitO , Ourgh, and are authorized to con
tract for advertAsetnents at our lowest ash rates.
Cleveland (k IPlttabargh 8. 111:—Tridni
going East leave Beaver Static:to as follows: Mor
ning ACCOIII . II ILI%Hail, 2.4•1 p. ;Evening Fan
Line, 5.V.
Trains going West leave Beaver '
lone: Mall. 72;46 a. tn.; Aaxatunod
pretS, (through to Bash%) 5.45 p .
The attention of the public is directed
to the !Mowing New Advertisements
which appear for the first time in the
A sous to-day:
Special Notice—Dr. Keyser-- ....... ......
Special Notices—Small & Walther..
Special Notices-8 &J. finethintourg.....--...10
special Notice—lL Fors.. 7
ecisl Notices—Dr. Johnston & C0...--...—.0
Special Notices—M. Schiff
New Advertisement—L. D. Sine....
:yew Advertisement—A. H. Frandsen. & C0...0
Wanted—Wm. tinmner &
Give it Your Attention.—We have
quite a number of subscribers in the
West and elsewhere outside of the coun
ty who are indebted to us for one,• two
and three years' subscription. The at
tention of each subscriber is therefore
directed to the label on the wrapper of
his paper. That will show _him to what
time he has paid, and a remittance of the,
amount due us will be thankfully re
ceived. As we are about to commence
the improvement of our propertyln this
place we shall need all the money due I
us by our patrons. From whom. shall
we hear first? RE.
.fin essay on music read before the
Seminary Literary Society by Prof. Bea
ter came too late for this week's Annus.
It will appear in our next issue.
WALTIIAN WArcircs—Seine Agents for the
axle of these Watches in the City of Pittsburgh. ,
we are confident of oar ability to please in styles
and prices. John Stevenson's Sow ca Co., 93 Mar
ket street, Pittsburgh. }e7-ty
Buy your Clothing at S. tt J. Suellen
burg's, Bloadway, New Brightoh.
Jury Commlasioners in Sencion.
Tha Jury Commissioners for Beaver
county, viz : Messrs. James Warnock
and Robert Potter, were in session last
Thursday, and they in conjunction with
Sheriff (inching, turned out the Jurors
fur the March term of Court. The names
of the gentlemen selected will be found
el,ewhere in the ARGUS of this week.
ion the newert and latest novelties Watches.
Jewelry and Sliver Ware at the lowest prices, go
Ster,ileon's Sons df Co., 99 Market street,
Ir you want to secure bargains q eo • to
S. gt J. Snellenburg's, Broadway, slew
11l with Erysipelas.—We regret to
learn that Dr. Jas. E. , Jackson, of Fall
stun, one of our most skillful physiciaris,
has been confined to his room for the
past three weeks and most of this time to
his bed, with erysipelas.. He is now,
however, recovering, and in all proba
bility will be able to be out again in a
short time. t.
No Homovo.—C. F. Winter. in New
Brighton, has just received another lot
of those fine Spectacles in gold, silver
and steel fraines. Do not trifle with
uur sight a single day longer. An are
invited to call and examine the goods.
Y. s.—WILt runvince you in less than
five minutes. Deb7-3w
WATCH REPAIBIRO.—If your Watch is Out Of Or
dor. Bend It to John Sfrrenson's Son, (Jo.. Pitts
burzh. It Will be repaired and returned free of
exule. , i charges. All work warranted. jei-1y
Fete West. Samuel W, Reed of
Ihhdilienu township, has a public sale
en the 27th of this month, preparatory
to his going West, with a view of ma
king that country his future home.
YOU want a new - buggy? If so,
eall on Small .t Walther, lklarket street,
stista-PLATen WMILE. —We fell none but
ple pl Send for d prices_
s.-ut ate. diawlnes
0. D. If desired. John an
Sterouron's Sons
• 93 Market street, Pittsburgh.
A Sad Affiletton.—We learn that
Mr. Wilson Freed, of Pulaski township,
on4st Sabbath, lost four of his children,
all girls, with *diptheria—aged respect
ively twelve, seven, and five years and
four months. Three of them were
corpses at one time and buried in one
grave. This leaves him with but two
It is a very sore bereavement, in which
the community tenderly sympathize
with the sorrow-stricken.—Conservatire.
WAGON and carriage work of all kinds
promptly attended to by Small & Wal
ther, at their rooms, Market St., Bridge
water, Pa.
Ct.ocs.c.Ctocr....Ct.ocka.—Aisierican Clocks a
101 l stock: newest styles: lowest prices. John
Sterenson't Sons ek Co., Ir 3 Market _street, Phu
Prohibition Convention. The
Prohibitionists of Beaver county will
meet at Temperance Hall, New Brigh
ton, on Friday evening, Feb. 16, 1872, at
7 o'clock, to choose delegates to attend
the National Prohibition Convention, at
Columbus on February 22; and to trans-
A-s(q such other bnsi ness as may be blought
before the Convention.
A. BEsTwicK, Ch'n Co. Corn
IIEN . PI CLOTHING ,Boys' Clothing, and
indeed Ready-made Clothing of all
Linda can be had at extremely low fig
ured, at the Clothing lions° of 8. de J.
Nricflienburg, Broadway, New Brighton.
!srxll.l-I.NO S • Lvca.— Sterling Sliver, Table WAre
atad pn.protetil4ll pieces John Steremrolea Sons
Market street, Pittsburgh'. jet-ly
Public School ?flatters.—On last
Friday evening the Board of School Di
rectors, at their regular meeting, elected
Jeseph Ledlie,,esq., to fill the vacancyin
the Board occasioned by the resignation
of br. David McEinny. At the same
meeting the present teachers of the school
Miss Foulk for No. 1, Miss Mints
Anderson for No 2, Mrs. Marquis for
No. 3, and Miss Bunn' for No. 4, were
re-elected for the coming term, which
will commence on the first Monday of
April. Th 9 salary of Mita Itimn, who is
the principal, was fixed at $75.00 per
cuouth, and the assistants at $45.00 per,
Noss, Pnotographer, New Brigh
ton, iv iv nne of the best artists in Wes
t..rn Pennsyivaniaoind has but very few
duals in his profession anywhere. This
14 gratifying, especially when we knew
that Mr. Noss is a self-made man and
much of a gentleman.
7%er• It is now generally admitted by
lionest physicians that when once the
et , nsuctiption is fairly fastened upon the
lungs, no human power can save the pa
tient from death. They also say that
about fifty per cent, of those who die
from tbi, disease can trace the cause to a
neglected cough or cold,- which might
hve been cured by a small bottle of lAq
nut Opcxieldoc, or what's the same thing
Joiouson'a Anodyne Linitnat=
'opulatlon and Taxable* of
P eaninvantis and Beaver Coma
17.—Tbe total poptilation of Pennsylva
nia, according to the revised census ata
tisties, is 3,521,791 arid the number of its
taxable Inhabitants is &WAIL Thetotal
Population of Beareceonnty ta38,149: its
taxable, in habitaista7,473., Preserve these
figures for future? referenee.
Fatal Aeelldest,—Tuesdiky of last,
welt, a son aged44yeirs, of Mr. the)*
Glasabrenner,radding in Darlington tp.,
met with an accident which resulted in
the loss of his life. - He had a loaded pis
tol in his pocket, and while helping his
father to split some wood, the pistol was
discharged, the ball passing through his
bowels. He lived until Wednesday at
p.-m., whenk death 'ended his suffering.
The father came to this 'county during
'the wawa refugee from Virginia. This
-is the third Casualty by accidental shoot
ing (so we itre Wormed) that has oc
curred 1111 thstimtnediate • .4 nity during
the past tlivolyears.
' Froe of Cltaave.—Call 1,46,
l essen's Drug
?tore, Beaveryteitt 8. U., Ilannen• Rochester,
and gets samp*of Dr. A. Doseltee's German Byr
ap, tree of Os** It has lately been Introduced
Into this =mg/ from Germany, ..and bar way per- ,
soh suffering from a severe cough, heavy cold aet—
Ued on the breast, consumption or any disease of
the throat or Dings it has no equal In the world.
Our regular sine bottles 75 oentsi In all eases the
money wilt too -promptly returned It perfect tads
!action is not given. Two doves will relieve any
ease. Try It, • noratkly
Arithmetical Question.—A corres
pondent of the West Chester Record says
the following question is puzzling a good
many people in his neighborhood, and
quite a number of differing answers have
been given it "If 3 cats kill 3 rats in
3 minutes, bow many cats will kill HO
rats in 100 minutes?"
xation ae Ed
tioxiind Ex-
The solution of this question appears
easy at first sight, but, perhaps, few per
sons will hit on the right answer Imme
mediately. Here is an opportunity for
our boys and girls to make a correct so
lution of this example.
Be-Allard I Woman.—The perceptive
faculty In women Is keener than the same phre
nological organ In men. Women know that beau
ty rather than genius la the stern
tract. A man may talk of the latter to his lady
love. but the keenness of the woman knows that
be is thinkingof the, former . Women are fond of
admiration ; hence One of their 'longings Is to be
beautiful. The grand secret of female beauty la
Wealth, the power trerst„ digest and assimilate a
proper quantity of wholesome food. Take Vixa
can Brrrins. It will cleanse the stomach, tone
the vital organs, give a perfect digestion, purify
the blood, clear up the complexion and produce
a state o( mental and physical electricity, which
gives gym etry of imp, bright eyes, white skin,
glossy hair, and a genuine type of female loveli
ness, which no cosmetic can produce. Jan24;4w
Improving the Ohio River.—The
question of Improving the Ohio river is
being. discussed now pretty generally,
and a convention to take suitable action
in the matter is called for at Cincinnati
on the 20th of this month. Delegates to
that gathering were appointed on last
Thursday by the Mayors of Pittsburgh
and Allegheny. Mayor Blaekmore se
lected the following gentlemen : Messrs.
Rigley. J. F. Dravo, R. C. Gray,
James G. Bennet, H. W. Oliver, jr., and
F. B. Jones.
Mayor Callow's appointments for the
same purpose, are,: Messrs. Joseph
Walton, George Black, John Chalfant,
Hugh M. Neil, and J. E. B. Dalzell.
The most important results are expect
ed from this meeting.
OLD PREJUDICES are dying out. New
facts aro killing them. The idea tbat in
valids weakened by disease can be re
lieved by prostrating them with destruc
tive ~drugs, is no longer entertained
except by monomaniacs. Ever since
the introduction of Dr. Walker's Vine
gar Bitters it has been obvious that their
regulating and invigorating properties
are all-sufficient for the cure of chronic
indigestion. rheumatism, constipation,
diarrhoea, nervous affections, and mala
rious fevers, and they are now the stan
dard remedy for those complaints in ev
ery section of the Union. [feb7-4w.
Interesting Experiments with
Watches.—The Cadiz (0.) Republican
a-the sth of February, gives the follow
ing experiments with watches in that
place during the "cold snap :"
On Monday last, the mercury being
down to zero all day, Dr. J. W. Scott,
jeweler of this place, made some inter
esting experiments iu regard to the eftect
of heat and cold on Watches. He tested'
the effect on their movement by placing
them out of doors, in a temperature 5
degrees above zero, and afterwards re
moving them to a place where the tem
perature was degrees.
The variation in a watch having a
common steel balance was WI seconds
per hour. In one of the same character,
but finer, it was 211. In an imitation a
chronometer the variation was 241,_ in*
ehrotroMeter betenee4" - nar LISB
variation was one second per hour. But
in a chronometer balance, adjusted to
heat and cold, undergoing the severe test
of a change of temperature of 85 degrees;,.
there was not the least perceptible yeti=
- -
"ANTED !-FIFTY HANDS wanted im
mediately to knit woolen socks on Franz
& Pope Knitting Machines. Six dollars
per week can be made in this way easy,
all the year ronnd. For further particu
lars apply to M. Schiff, New Brighton,
Personal.—.T. W. Cunningham, esq.,
ofthe Holmes county (Ohio) Republican
paid Beaver a short visit last week. lie
passed the Sabbath day, in this vicinity,
among his relatives. He is getting along
quite comfortably with the Democracy
of Holmes county, and hopes In due
course of time to convince them of the
errorof their ways.
—Capt. 'D. M. Donehoo of Beaver, re
turned to his home in this place on last
Saturday after an absence of several
weeks in West Virginia. What success
he met with in real estate operations we
are not advised; but presume he knew
bow to take care of the delegate from
this county.
Waoavgn, reads newspapers is ac
quainted with The fact that all kinds of
cotton and woolen foods have advanced
in price in the Eastern markets. Mr. M.
Schiff of NeW Brighton, inti yet on hand
a good stock of muslin's, prints, flannel,
etc., which he bought before the rise, and
offers these goods now at the oid lbw
rates. No one should let this opportu
nits pass to get a good bargain, as the
stock at such figures will be closed out
in a short time.
W. T. Ritchie. a prominent citizen
of Stockton precinct, [Nebraska,] died
very suddenly on Friday night, of dis
ease of the heart. He was apparently
well during the day, but complained
some in the evening, and in a few hours
afterwards was dead. Mr. Ritchie was
among the first settlers in that locality,
and was admired by all for his conscien
tious and sterling integrity. In his death
;hat community has met with a great
Enrron Attalla: I cut the above from
The Stale Journal of Feb. 4th. hi r.Ritchie
was formerly a resident of Beaver coun
ty, and has friends living there now.
His brother James C. Ritchie was at one
timo county Commissioner. Ido not
know his address, and send this to you
with a request that , you will publish it
fail the information of his relatives. He
had a good SO acre homestead 13 allies
soutb-eaSt of this place, well imprisvod,
and some personal property. He had no
family, and there is no one to take charge
of his property. Respectfully yours.
P. S.-4 enclose r a letter for J. C.
Ritchie.' I do no2 l icnow his address.
Will you plops() forward it to him im
mediately? J. AlcC,
Cut thietrotice out and bring it
with you. We aro authorized to refund
the cash to any person or persons .who
shall buy and use Parsons' Purgative
PlllB and fail of relief and satisfaction.
Valuations, Taxes, dre., in 'lea
ser County for 1872.—The Oirinty
Commissioners, a few days ago, deter
mined the levy for county purposes, for
1872. They fixed it at eight mills on the
dollar, being ono mill on the due has
than was levied last year. From this
levy, it is supposed, fifty thousand dol
lars will be realized. The fetal value , -
tion in the county bas increased largely
during the past fear, the agginatiVor
1871 footing up the sum of $6,778,7913, and
divided as follows:
Eastern Division $3,151,689.
Welshes Division.. ........ 2.3112,
Southern Division 11119,937.
Total Tatuation—
The'county being entirely free of debt
and our taxes lower than anywhere else,
we may reasonably expect-the county
valuation to increase rapidly from year
to year in the future.
LINCOLN, NEB. Feb. 7, 1872
~BesismelFalla Illeusas.—The
Schools of 'Beaver nibs opened their stai.
alone as the Eth bid., in the dew brick
school, ` , the extensiveness of this
building, its architectural ciiiistruction
lad handsome internal arrangement and
this schoid-heuse has no , equal In
the county; and' the denicens of that
goodly town maywiell congratulate
themselves on the ecimpletion' of this
splendid edifice, sadilie opening of the ir
schools under such favorable au•pices.
Cif to the Oil iteetions.7our friend,
Capt..l. E. Crane. of Beaver Fails, has
for several weeks been engaged In 'mail,
ing a nevi oil field:; in Clarloit county—
known as the Ripen Run diStrict—and
bas„ in connection with Mr. -Tames of
Fredonia, N. Y.—the discoverer of the
Pleasantville - oil territory, secured
about *thousand acres by lease and pur
chase, and areeow.. , putting down their
test wells. Experienced oil Men unite
in their opinion that the territory bears
every indication of anabundaUt yield.
We trust the Captainti success may be
commensurate with his worth as a citi
zen and neighbor, and with the service
be has rendered his party and the coun
try both in times of peace and war.
Saw J.fanufacterv.—This establish
ment, owned and projected by Messrs.
Emerson, Ford &Co., at Beaver Falls, Is
nearly ready for operation, and Is ono of
the most complete and extensive of the
kind•ln the world. They will manufac
ture the Moveable Toothed Circular Saw,
the Perforated Circular ad Long Saw,
and solid saws of all kinds. The move
able-toothed saw is of Mr. Emerson's
own invention, and is a desideratum of
great importance.
An Old Sensation
letter was yesterday received by Justice
Heiael,.of East Birmingham, from a wo
man residing at Brooklyn, New York,
fprnishing a sad sequel to a case which
Waihdeveloped on the South Side some
three years ago and attracted no little at
tention at the time. The 'circumstances
when first brought to the public notice,.
briefly stated, were that a stranger fresh
from the East called at Justice Heisel's
office one winter night. and stated that
his wife had eloped from her home in
Brooklyn, where he ran a distillery, with
a man who hid been connected for years
with a monastery in that city. He traced
the couple tp Pittsburgh and afterwards
found that they were keeping a saloon
on a fiat boat near Brownstown. Justice
Heisel's officers arrested them, but after
a pathetic interview between the erring
woman and/the wronged husband, the
latter charitably relented and consented
to take her home. It was then thought
that the future course of events in the
distiller's family would run smoothly,
but in the letter yesterday forwarded to
Justice Helsel, the writer, who was none
other than the repentant and reformed
wife, stated that her husband had In his
turn fallen from gram and deserted her.
She had received information that he
came on to Pittsburgh and her motive
in writing to the magistrate was to in
quire if anything was known here of his
whereabouts. Mr. Helsel had not heard
of the liquor manufacturer since the af
fair three years ago, and of course sent
back a negative answer. Pittsburgh
43144,February Gth.
The Presbytery of Sheatiogo-
The Pre2ltery of Shenango convened
on the_M of January, 1872, pursuant to
adjournment, in Little Beaver church.
Enon Valley, at 11 o'clock, a. m. - In the
absence of D. X. Junkin, D. D., who was
appointed to this duty. the opening ser
mon was preached by Rev: B.
, M. Kerr
from Pa. lxxxix.: l&—"BlesSed is the
people . that know the. joyful sound."
The sermon was logical, instructive and
was delivered in a style of most fervid
eloquence. The orators burning words
made a deep impression upon all pres
ent. The last modqrator present, Rev.
John B. Miller. constituted the Presby
tery with prayer. Rev. John 11. ilughey
was elected temporary clerk. Rev. Wm -,
C. Smith and George Scott, D. D.—the ,
former of Allegheny and the latter of
Mahoning Presbytery—being present
Ware irrltnearl27 - MT' Er vorrestxMiltng
members. - John P. Taylor, esq., com
missioner from the church of Little
Beaver, appeared before Presbytery and
stated that this ctiurch acquiesced in the
request of their pastor—Rev. John B.
Miller—made at the last meeting of Pres
bytery for a , dissolution of the pastoral
relation. On motion, Brother Miller's
request was granted, and himself ap
pointed to preach on the 11th proximo,
and declare the pulpit vacant, A peti
tion was presented by thirty-two per
sons praying for a church organization,
at Homewood, Beaver county. A Com
mittee, consisting of Rev. John W. John
ston, Rev. Wm. M. Taylor, and B. R.
Bradford, esq., were appointed to pro
ceed to Homewood and if the way be
clear to organize a church. On motion,
Presbytery adjourned to meet at the
Slippery Rock church, the fourth Tues
day of April, 1872, at 2 p. m.
Ohio Liquor Law—Late and Im
portant Decision of the Supreme
Court.—The Supreme Court of Ohio, in
session at Columbus, had under consid
eration on Tuesday last, the question as
to the right of married women, in the
sobriety of their husbands—and to what
extent venders of intoxicating liquors
are liable in damages. The case came up
from the Common Pleas Court of Proble
county, Ohio, in which Sarah Hosier
bad recovered a verdict against John
Schneider for large damages, for selling
liquors to the husband of Sarah Hosier,
rendering him incompetent to maintain
his familyl3clin'elder being dissatisfied
with 'the result of the issue in the Court
of Common Pleas carried the case up to
the Suprexoe Court of Ohio, where Judge
tilclllvaine, Justice, held:—
1. An action for injuries sustained by
a wife, in her person, or property, or
means of support s under (original,) sec
tion seven of the act of May 1, 1834, (S. &
C. 1, 431,) entitled "An act to provide
against the evils resulting from the sale
of intoxicating liquors in the State of
Ohio," may be commenced after the
death of the husband.
2. The phrase. "means of support,:'as
used in said section, is not too vagueand
uncertain to receive judicial construc
3. A wife has an interest in her bus.
band's capacity to perform labor as a
means of support, and she may prosecute
an action for damages resulting to her
from the deprivation of such means of
support, in consequence of the intoxica
tion of her husband, against any person
who caused such intoxication by selling
to him intoxicating liquors in violation
of said statute.
4. The om lesion of a court, in its charge
to the jury, to define or explain doubtful
words or phrases Contained in a statute
upon which the action is founded, does
not constitute a ground of reversal, un- -
less such definition or explanation was
requested by the party claiming to have
been prejudiced thereby.
In all actions under said section in
which the plaintiff shows a right to re
cover damages actually sustained, the
inry may alsoassessexemplary damages
without proof of actual malice or. other
special circumstances or aggravation.
6. The verdict in such cases should
not be set aside on the ground that the
damages are excessive, unless the court
is satisfied that the jury abused its dis
7. .Nor will the verdict be disturbed
becanse the court In its charge stated
general propositions of law not involved
in the issue, if it appear from the whole
charge that - the jurycould not have been
misled thereby.
Judgment aligned.
This is regarded as a test case, and is
consequently ass controlling decision, a
very important one to the venders of in
toxicating liquors, and married wonigni
who have, husbands addicted to intern-
ponce, as it is clearly set forth that the
wile has an interest in her husband's ca
pacity to perform labor-te a manna of
support, and tnarprosectilosind recover
damages of' any person wbo may sell
him liquor, inomilisequendrof which he
may become incapacitated to render ser=
vices requisite to the maintenance of
those depending upon him fir support.
Pennsylvanii Legislature.
sgmtra, Feb. 5.41(r. Davis; of Philo
deiplok darkind thalenth o; : o. degitatcdt.
published 1 ►Philadelphia piper, ' : that
h e ; had stempted talon* the .RopubiP
inn canoes to deny A. K. IdeClusee
right to:petitiorL • • -
HousE:-.-An attempt: was • made to
have the local option bill-on the calen
der for'next: Thursday, but failed. , A
resolution was offered for s,oooaddition
al copies of Bates' History, at 113-150 per
volume, whieh was referred to the Ways
and Means Committee. '.
ElitNA fl
TO, Feb. .---NOthing of genera l
rest - transpired.' -- •
-Ip M
i ousz.—Aong the bills passed were
e following: Ono incorporating the
Smith's Ferry Oil Transportation Corn
pahy, and a supplement for thePtiople's
-Cemetery •of Weitern P-effilsYlvalaia.
Mr. White from the,Comufitteeen on-
Stitutional Reform. reported, s wi th
amendments, a bill for a Constitutio al
Cm:mention. The amendments proylde
for an election on the 14th of May ne'xt,
the Convention to meet on the second
Tuesday of Junes The number of mem
bers is fixed at ninetyrnine, sixty-three
to be elected the same ini Sena tors,two for
each Senator, and thirty-three to be
elected . kt" large; each elector to vote for
eighteen and east not more than mac vote
for one person. Ono-third of the Con,
woollen may require any,amendment to
be• submitted separately; the pay of
members to be one thousand dollars for
the whole term of the Convention, with
SENATE,' Feb. 7.—A bill authorizing
township °Mears to regulate the storage,
of gunpowder and other explosive ma
terials, was passed. The bill . relative to .
County Superintendents was -amended
and laid over for the present. A bill
originating in the Senate relative to libel
suits, admitting truth in evidence, dud
providing that if the jury shall find the
same was published from good motives
and a Justifiable end, it shall operate for
acquittal; was warmly. supported by Mr.
Graham. Mr. Dill moved an amendment
confining this ant to regularly published
newspapers, which Mr. Graham accept
ed. Mr. White oppoied the bill, which
was considered in the Committee of the
Whole, and laid over, which-Is regaided
is equivalent to defeat.
HOUSE.—The bill for 5,000 copies of
Bates'a - Military History was reported
negatively. The Governor's veto of the
Philadelphia - Lightning Rod Company
was sustained. An amendment to the
Philadelphia Registry Law was reported
extending it to special elections was re
SEICATS, Feb. 7.—Mr. Davis presented
a petition contesting My. Gray's seat,
from the Fourth District or Philadelphia.
A resolution referring the petition to the
Judiciary Committee with instructions
to report at 12 m. on. Monday was agreed
to. The law says contesting election pe
titions must be presented within ton
days after the organization of the Legis
lature; but this case could not be so pre
sented because the election did not take
place until thirty days after the organi
zation; and-the only question, therefore,
to determine is whether legally a Con
testing Committee can be drawn at this
stage of the session. The question is to
be argued by able counsel on both sides.
The Senate bill requiring drawing to be
taught in the public schools passed.
HousE.—The bill authorizing a site on
fhe Capital grounds for a monument,
passed. The bill of the State Teachers'
Association in memory of the founders
of the common school system was passed
The bill for a triennial enumeration of
children of school ago was passed. The
bill increasing the length of the school
term was passed to a second reading.
SENATE, Feb. 9.—ln remarks on the
bill relative to, pay of the Philadelphia
police, facts in Past legislation were cited
showing that bills had become laws
withonteverhaving passed WU:Jeri:lonise,
or, were deliberately mutilated before
reaching the executive; and language
strongly condemnatory of such frauds
was uttered. Two more lawyers-liars
added to the Cliay-McClure Committee.
The House bill preventing, the sale of
liquors on election day was reported.
Senator Connell's death was announced,
and eulogies pronounced.
House.—A bill was introduced author
izing any rate of interest on writteon
tracts. Adjourned till Monday.
In relation to the number of element
ary sounds in the English language, 4
greakdiversity of opinion exists. Some
orthcepiats place the missal*as low as
thirty-five and others as hig h as forty
five. There should, however, be nodif
ference of opinion in regard to the num
ber, yet the modulations of the human
voice run ,theough smell an infinite va 7
y of change:Oita& to fix definitely the
number of oral elements in any language
may be -regarded as an imperibilft.
The causes which produce the different
elements are gbh() tewsultifarions as are
the circumstances, habits of thought, so
cial condition, feelings and sentiments
of the human race. For example the
people of the Southern States give to the
diphthong in the second (syllable of the
word about, a sound which no Northern
man, withontlong practice, can possibly
imitate. The same Is true of the long u
in the French, and all the diphthongs in
the German language. This great di
versity Is found only in the vocals—in
those sounds which are represented by
the letters which are known as vowels.
The others—the consonants—do not, in
fact, represent sound, or elements, at all
—they simply indicate posiliona of the
vocal organs. To illustrate this point,
take the word bay, in which there are
three letters, but only two sounds, the
last letter being mute. To pronounce,
or utter, that word It is only nocessarito
close the lips evenly and gently, and
while they are in that position utter the
long sound of a, and we have the vocal
word that is represented by the written
word bay,
Iu the English alphabet there are
tWenty-six letters. Of these, we are told,
Seven (a, o, I, o, u, and aomelimea w and
7,) are vowels and nineteen aro coneo-
Hants. We also read in the books that
these twenty-six characters represent
all the way from thirty-five to forty-five
stonnths, and that these sounds are divid
edin three classes which are called tonics,
stonics—or as some authors have it, vo
cals and Hu bvorals —and aspirates. These
are defined asJoing, the first, pure tone,
the second breath and voice united, and
the third breath only.
If we examine the letters carefully we
shall find that several of them are of
no account whatever—are mere interlop
ers—and should, therefore, be cast aside,
C invariably does the work of k and a,
and is sometimes required to do the duty
of both letters In one word, as, for ht
stance, in the word ineeeed. Again poor
is compelled to execute its own legiti
mate function and that also of j as in the
word anyge,o. Then q always has the
work of k to do, It has tics office of its
own. WheneVer onb wishes to spell the
title of the present sovereign of Great
Britian wo must call on q and spell q, u
double e, n, instead of koo-ten. AV serves
the purpose of abroviation ; but it cer
tainly is strange that, although its name
has t been known for many long years to
all English-speaking people, very' few
seem to know that it is really Just what
its name imports, i. e., double tt; and al
ways represents the sound of 43 as nrii
hear it in the word more. W is not,
then, sometimes, but always a vowel. If
any one doubts this statement, let him
testit. Take, if you please, the word win.
To spell it by sound, make the sound of
o as heard in move, or double o in cool,
and pronounce in immediate connection
with it the little. word M. The letter xis
another abreviator. To spell the word
representing Toney paid for publics pur
poses we use t, h, x.; but when wo wish
to fasten down our -cxrpete we do not
buy tar buttocks. MI pipin, therefore,
that xis an equivalent for ha. In rela
tion to y, lean only say that it ivariably
represents the sound of long e as In
mete, except when Jt..xt used to repie
sent other vowels as 'myrrh, myrtle,
sibyl, eta Xn yen, your,• young, you,
etc., it has the sound of long e. It Is
therefore, always a vowel. To test , this
give the long 'sound nn C. and 'felicity it
closely with the word on and the word
yea will be the result.
The last letter of the alphabet. : e has
power of its own, but a is made to do
duty for it in,a larg9 Amber of words.
The diphthongs oy, as hoard in
toil and loy t arecomposed of a as in fall,
and'e as in mete : and the diphthongs ow
and da are composed of the sound of a
as infer and o in move.
• Moro or thin in my next. G. L. E.
' ./rato'BritgAtou, February 9, 2872.
_ ~1 4 Ri 4 ollrxri4h. F eb.
. 0, 1 0 7 2.
Eiiiion'AX4Pli l ..-41 , •4443' denies that
he efeeitonesteedlnr-ig. 1 1;Doneboo for
Clerk oft)nurt, inthishilio? 1889. now
abouktbaseennirk Maths' nuateto word,
prominent den ef this plate Owitsedi
way to the poi/kw:alio State Convention
at Hirriabiirlt? "YOU elinnOt defeat ii
M. Donohoe K fora br',.. -- -, we are going
to - elect bitn.l Ant this, too, whil e h e
bad hie Repbbileart Opponent's name*
the head Oftd•papeC , Did you or didn't
you?: He diet satahe did not talk' or
work aipdiast Shi hlo,'and 0 - P. W4l'
ion never 'intisk , we did. Perhaps
not, but mi. A 'III that Mr.
Wherten said lug bisbustsstbat idr.Quay
and his parlicular - eds. chuckled over
Shields' defeat, w ot-waster worse and
more cawardly thail_:iltheY had openly
opposed him. • " ~.: .
One would suppoSh Mr. Quay and his
friends, hiving suclOs wenkness for bar
gaining with Demderds when it suits
their purposed, world. be careful knv
they abused their (*low Republicans Io
voting, us they thought proper. 'ln 1350
some.of Mr. Qrsayhs staisneh friends tried
to defeat one of our distils* candidates;
and, the year after, tried to defeat a pot..
non of the county ticket.' In 1854, these
same parties formed an alliance to defeat
a large part of the ticket 01 that year. In
1801 several of Mr. Quay's friends were
candidates for nomination and were de
feated, and forthwith started a new par
ty and put up a separate ticket. , The
bitterest Republican now in this neigh
borhoed then traveled the county -over
in opposition to a part of the Itepnhlican
ticket.' Otheis of Mir. Quay's friends, at
the same election, got hold of tickets that
had-been cut and tied uP;for the Beaver
polls and sneakingly took out Judge
Duff's ticisetspand put in their place those
of Esq. White. _ In 1866 some, ivho are
now Mr. Quay's inost,devoted friends,
cut rather a strange figure; and in 1809
Mr. Quay and some of his friends were
in close relation with the Democrats, and
gave us a Democratic Sheriff and very
nearly a Democratic Clerk of Courts.—
In these and other campaigns within the
last twenty years, the men who claim to
be the Simon Pure Republicans of the
county, are the oneawho have been guil
ty of combining with the Democrats and
endeavoring to defeat certain candidates
or break up the party to which they be
long. About a dozen of these pure and
loyal party men are now preparing to
come before the people at the next pri
mary meeting. It would be a good idea
to get up alist of these straight Republi
cans who have, on account of defeat or
forlrevengo, been cutting and slashing
at portions of the ticket on massy differ
ent occasions. It would be very inter
ostinglo frinpare the mon recently read
out of thkparty for voting as they saw
fit, with those whip tor assume to be
pure and spotless. Such a Sat and such
a comparison, however, might not help
thorn very much before the people.—
Drive slow. WILLIAM C. HUNTER.
of Jurors—Mardi Seimlon.
Chas. B. Hurst, fore'n, Rochester boro.
Joseph F. Young, New Galilee boro.
Alex. Anderson, Darlington boro.
Win. Yank irk, sr., Darlington bore.
M. L. Knight, industry township.
Jemuel Woodruff, Rochester borough.
William Bentley, New Brighton boro.
William Kennedy,• North Sewickley tp.
Samuel Moody, Greene township.
Daniel Brenner, New Sewickley tp.
Charles Hickey. Marion township
B. L. Moore. Economy township.
John Braden, . • Hanover !Owns/lip.
John Calhoun, Greene township.
Frederick Moore. Economy township.
Ross Evans, New Brighton boro.
AUdrew Carothers„Chlioriewa twp..
E. H. Alexander, New Brighton boro.
James Dunlap, - Faliston borough..
William J. Berry, Moon township.
Satn'l R. Patterson, Beaver FalbLbOro.
John Jackson, Fallstoo baltogh.
Thomas Macakil, Greene township.
Kirk Casey, North Sewickley tp.
Thomas J. Ayres,
_Freedom borough.
Hugh Anderson, ' Beaver borough.
James Allison, Beaver borough.
Robert Boggs, . New Sewickley tp.
Thomas Brunton. -111reene township.
t nard. • , ,,..AMltiolir Falls boro.
Charlie Enizif;'
,William Barton, North Sewickley tp.
John Cain, Sr., Darlington tp.
Daniel Danels, North Sewickley tp.
Sherburne Douglass New Sewickley tp.
Geo. W. Dawson, Beaver borough.
John A. Eakin, Brighton township.
Robert Ferguson, NortirSewickley tp.
Conrad Fisher, Franklin township.
Samuel Gibson. Brighton township
Geo. W. Glass. New Brighton boro.`
Shadrack Hazen, New Brig boro.
Wm. Hamilton, Ohio tow p.
H. W. Hogan, Phillipsburg boro.
Mont'a. Hartford, South Beaver twp.
A. Haiitapbaugh, 'Moon township.
Daniel Hirvey,lScoon township.
Andrew Kattaba, H rmory township.
Jas. F. Knowles, aver Falls boin.
R. F. Mcllvain, Rochesterl borongh.
H. Mendenhall, New Brighton boro.
Andrew J. Matti, North Sewickley tp.
James H. McCoy, Independence twp.
Joseph Nevin, - Moon township,
Samuel OrmStead, New Brighton boro.
James Peters. Hanover township.
Wm. Reed. Independence twp.
Oliver Reed, Phillipsburg boro.
William Ray, Pulaski township.
William Rogers, Industry township.
James Smith. Raccoon township.
Robert Swaney, Greene township.
Robert Shannon, Big-Beaver twp.
Robert Sterling, Independence tp.
Gen. W. Shrodes, Moon township.
Milo Somers, Borough townghip.
Robert Thompson, Big Beaver twp.
Wm. Tanner,. New Brightonboro.
Nicholae Todd, Ohio township.
Jacob Wack, Rochester borough.
Wm. Wilson, Franklin township.
Joseph Ziegler, Now Sewickley tp.
L. H. Getman, Racheiter township.
Jas. W. Caughey, Beaver borough.
Charles Buckley, New Brighton boro.
Daniel Black, New Sewickley tp.
Joseph Brown, Phillipsburg boro.
John Calor, Faliston borough.
Andrew Cater, Bilghton township
Michael Cookie, South Beaver twp.
William B. Dunlap,Bridgewater born.
Emanuel Evans, New Brighton boro
James Eakin. Pulaski township.
James Frazirr, Frankfort borough.
John C. Freed. Big Beaver twp.
John C. Gregory, . Beaver Falls boro.
George Hicks, Moon township,
John Knahrushoo, New Sewickley tp.
Henry Kotler, Jr., Hanover township.
Joseph McGuire, Economy township
John C. Marker, Ohio township.
Samuel Mason, Ihdustry township.
David Mitchell, Rochester twp.
Samuel Mellon, New Sewickley tp.
James. Mitchell, Borough township.
A. J. McCreary, Beaver Fails boro.
W. C. McCullough, Hanover township.
Wm. Morrow, Jr., Industry township
Robert McGahey, . Beaver Falls boro.
James 11fcCuliongb,Industry township.
Edward McGahey, Beaver hills hero.
Wesley Nippert, New Brighton two
Jacob Nicely, .; Darlington twp.
John Reed, Hanover township.
Robert C. Scott, Hopewell township.
Jacob Shaffer, Ph i W psbu re boro.
James Stoops, sr., Fall on borough,
John Thornley, Faliston borough.
Robert Woods, Now Sewickley tp.
Stephen Whitehiil, Feaver Falls horo.
Robert Williams, - Darlington twp.
Thomas Wright. groeueloiroshlp,
Origin or Salvation. Sin, the
Scriptures tell us, brought death and all
our woe into the world. And, from the
seine good authority, we learn that sal
vation from the guilt and power and sad
consequences of sin,—viz: Grace and
Truth—came by Jame Christ. Andlifis
grace, or favor—this:tvine favor--origi
nated or existed 'firth° bosom of the
everlasting' Father from eternity; for
with Jehovah there can be no past or fu
ture tense, butell Is an everlasting now.
Briefly then, and wi bout cdntroversy,
f e w
we creatures cf a di not fully com
prehend the ever-b eased and the ever
lasting Creator, whose attributes, of un
limited wisdom, unbounded love, and
Inconceivable p°wPS-. &C., were, we Pre
sume, called into rettOlaltion in the orig
ination and execution of the grand and
glorious scheme of human redemption.
Ages beyond computation by man, long
before this wOrld was, or man had fal
len, our, salvation , was provided for by
the'holy trinity in the person or Jeans
the Christ; \ and..who In due time and
manner, by the shedding of hiA blood on
the cross of Calvary; removed every ob
struction out of -the way; so that the
Father might, be just, and yet pa rdon
and save every humble, penitent believ
er in Christ Jesus; and all In fa ll har
mony with every attribute appertaining
to the Godhead of the Father. No won
der that angels desired to investigate this
Matter; so that men, inAlevont contem-
plitlou l l are lost in ,-wonder, love and
praiii. !Tat - tbo . grace of God — that
bringeth salvation bath .sppeared to all
men, that, denylig Ungodliness - and
worldly lusts, we
.shout d live soberly,
rightsonely and - godly ht. Ude - present,
world; looking for that bleuedlope and
the glorious appearing of the treat God
and our Savior Jews Christ; who gave
himself for us that be might redeem us
from all iniquity, and purify unto Ma
sai, Tomlin peoplg outlaws, tofgood
works. '--Titos 1: IL '
I &dull^ 0. tkeloyfel mead! •
Wbatp -Inure to cam ears;
M sovereign balm for every wound, -
A cordial for oar tom.
Salvation let the echo fly.
The spikons earth armed.
While ail the armies of the sky
Conspire to raise the sound. "
Salvation.° thou ekoe bleeding lamb.
Co the p belongs;
Battalion thee
emu inspire opr beans.
And dwell upon our knives.
Lastige ••Fel;.--
l en e Re - Mr .
Kerr, of Allegheny city, is to dischs the
above subject, Tuesday evening of this
week, in the AL E.Chyrch. The Rev'd.
gentleman la - every earnest, eloquent
peaker and is said to handle this sub-
Sect with marked ability. Oar lecture-
Imre will undoubtedly find this lector
equal to any that have preceded it. Give
him a Rill house.and thus encourage the
Association under whose auspiceslbis
course is prodided.
We ereledebted to Messrs. Ruta&
of the Senile, Lusk of the House, Scott
of tate UnKO States Senate, for valuable
documenbcandlo Capt. J. H. Duolap of
this count7,.butrat present In Louisiana,
for lake Neyrbrleanti papers.
Fightini on tae tee.—Quite * war
has been inaugurated between theyoung
sters of Itiownstown and Soho—suburbs
of Pittsburgh-and two or three battles
ffinght on the lee recently. Mayor
Bleckmore was informed that hostilities,
were threatened egain on Sunday last,
and at once dispatched a number of offi
cers, with instructions to peat themselves
on the ground. or rather the ice, 'where
the contest was likely to be waged, to
stop hostilities agd to arrest such of the
combatants as they could catch. - The of
ficers proceeded to their work, and soon
found that the informants of the Mayor
were correct in their Surmises. The
two tedious, armed with pistols, knives
atones, and sticks, shortly after noon
began to muster, anil it was evident that
a bloody skirmish was contemplated.
The appearance of theofficerssLoppedall
warlike demonttrationa, however, and
though the combatants were too wide
awake to_ fall into. the official trap, the
policemen were aiineessfut in capturing
two of the ringleaders who were tried
before tne Mayor on Pionday.
STOVE sfmr,s, Jan. 29,1972
- $1 45
1 40
White Wheat, -
Red Wheat, -
Rye, -
Corn, -
Oats, -
Buckwheat, -
31st, by Rev. John McCarty, Mr Henry
Sloan. of Now Brighton. and Miss
Agnes Ferguson of North Sewickley.
" "
WITH ERSPOON.—On Tnursday. Feb.
8112, 1872, in 'Allegheny city, at 11
o'clock p. m„ Georgie M., son of Rev.
.1. W. and Annie M. Witherspoon.
aged four years and six months.
I.IcQUILLAN.--Gn Wednesday morn
ing. February 7tb, Mir." Garrett Mc-
Quillan, aged 65 years and 8 months..
110YT.--Ott theild of February, 1872, in
Industry township. Beaver county.
MGM Sephla A. Hoyt, aged about 28
New Advertisements.
A. H. Franciins it Co.,
We have opened for the Spring Trade,
And bet"-oastiataktdo* of
Table, Silly and Floor Oil Croihs,Window
Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain. Cot.
.ton, Yarn. Batting, Wadding. Twines,
'Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses,
Fancy Baskets, Brooms, Bas-
, kets, Buckets, Brushes,Clothes
:4 Wringers,Wooden and Wil
low Ware, Ice, in the
United States.
OrI X large increase in business enables
us to sell at low prices and fisrnish the
best quality of Goods.,
Price 85.b0
Over 13,008 sold in six months.
Terms: Carpets GO days, all other goods
30 days,lblet. [Febl4;3m.Septl-3m.
239 REMOVAL. 241
Shannon & Co.,
Have rem3vo
Nos %.131) & 241,
Opposite Wood Street,
And open
11 ,# Olions, and Small Wares.
Buyers are invited to call.
YOUNG MEN to act asgents for the NEW
Beam Falls, ?taw Brighton and Rochester.
Only each men as can give good reference as to
eltaratter and abifil i k i and furnish a bond mod ap
ply. We will pay tanleed satariwt_to proper
men. Apply only n person. No wrltt(teappilea
tions desired. ()atilt furnished.
febli 41] 140 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Ps.
.1.1 in the village of Industry, Beaver county.
Pa., an L house with six rooms cu the corner of
two street'', with pavement on both street'. within
twenty rods of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh
Railroad Station. The lots are well set with good
fruit; a well of goad water at the docr ; a frame
stable twenty by sixteen feet, and other oat-bond
logs. Terms made easy. For further information
inquire of S. K. Bums, m tho village, or the sub•
scriber near Beaver. •
farktill tf.] JONATHAN MeSINZIE.
ADmiNis . . R's NOTlCE.—Letters of ad
ministration having been granted to the un
dersigned, on the estate &James Irons, deceased.
late of Hopewell township, Seaver county.
persons indebted to said atate are bereby no
dded that immediate payment is required; and all
'lamas having claims against the same will pre
sent them duly authenticated for milkmaid.
New Shetheld. Jan. 187%-aw
A full and well selected stock of,
tar A Liberal Reduction made to Min-
isters and on Church Carpet&
110l4111* 11081 i 41( CO.
Ifii Vink Aveisise.
. •
At t
Dr. For %butte in Treasury* Jilattary
1, MI- 11 . 1 • 2
OM' cat h melt duffrg Ms year -
as per - Treasurer's at. . _1
exclusive ot bal. trout hut yr ATOM -
Cr. Assessors'
•do l'eastalult eaten. '
do serving notices cotutsappe4lll2.6o •
do snaking militia enroll-- RIM
Adam' Par Shan. H. R Rodesc.424lo *MO
' County. WWII= Thome. 48.20
• J. B. Ctutit 4WO
_ total
Holahan! Society, annual donation, $0 ID
Borroved money tpd on Co. warnt,121.74
Do CO lot. •do do
- . 140.84
Brdt -Bder il4.--92143
Repairinputt -....1231.21
Commissions:dr Pay--11.107 Scott. MAR 1011 GA
do do Joseph
.49 do Samuel .Torrence, 120.00
do do U. MOD
- 1.1 1 5 CO
Cotters' Clerk, John McGortn:.---.-. SOO 02
Ceunsel,_Renry IGO HO
Commaaresatth W an, cis:
Clerk of Quarter Sessions-- 1811.83
Costabler teem- 102.72
District Ationdy
Hoarding, wash/ & cloth/ for
prisoners._ _ . 8137.20
ingVagraztlir 'lodging. and convey.
from tmunty...----.--.421.19
Jallor's salary Al
Jasticee tees, ...... 67.08
Maas' OWN• 49340
Physician for Jairog4ll7ll4 do 6 2• 80
Centre &wan:
Constables waiting on Court.— 132.20
do Return and apart._ 3114.57
Court Crks=ilTraiti,..-....._ 120.00
Jurors' pay. Orand.-_-__.___ 513.71
Janitdoone do Petit.... -4;-----...11120.78
frea. O
do • extra der:l;Z • 1 t O H O
3.2031 -
Inquestoroner's pav,......-... 17326
Corotter's ndleage...---- 15.52
Witness' tees.,.._ 19.60
Pordemortern essintnattons,-_. 11000
Funeral expenses..._....... 68.16
514 111
JF7VaPae—Jas W cock 46.50
l. ••" Robert Pore,— • 47 wt
•• Clerk'.o6/•••••—• .
Iliteriff—tleloetag .6 sominoolog Jams. It,
PlV=FATVPZ 2l „ . 44legr= — == oo o , WW 2 A 4 pcm , nmslosWWwW 9
I 0154E5=0;400;t1-11nairTsgwmaozvill ,
rlits4A - o. a• • = 5 " gi..2g ZVI. ZA° l =t - Weeeti'• 3 l
lora..oo2.4mmeumSsol;teßi° l46s "Ae e4 l
ipg:72° ROP°lq4t3=%:llo.29°W4gelopTff4glT c°
3,1° ^4l,le°l7rgaig" Tig,Dege=ETZEg3 12
agrrinDMlTOEA2g:gl;4l3lll:oo4:i4:2 -5
,7-4.g17.413-4.g. za, 5 ew6, 414 4..5.,7,4,1,a i. ,
:. .....: v . Dr- 5 ... ..,..--...,„ ga F . ir" Em ''—tD—. , -3- - 91 !..
1 g. • mai 14 . 1 si rf, gip - 0 , F. v -, 49,1? E. C - .411k%
Ii 5 : • : Cr ' r Fr ? g er '] 0 ''•
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liaßilgiii§§ra e lefilideliCieegtgii.tiii§iggi l I
IL tins a5,92:432tt Es Wu= mrs;so
s4st a4sgusse vl t 4 4e o gfigt2MDBTOU
31111§Elage§EHEIEVF.s.42.1ailsrAlEhritirgEli c= 4
sasts2wasstassaassasmsesgssessainEse.stes I nr-
siEl Ai40.3121111.4 El li.stlillsgataini l j
eats sessssszestwas as es 523484E3U2242!21'37.
V rlO 03
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Wiel l"llgeMtn ol34 lg o2ll2 4 oll9 .s 64 ==WONgremitgl
- • m • ri e1,53:,.. 7 0,•
Ste:VW waFlusa . Sm NIC7.- 1 6. 4111 1116 .1
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Elg g ?r ie 4
lageOlgiggSogAgPME2go .1=241.0
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r" . P r Ntr
PI ill a 'lv' •• - • grAvg :c;
•. • P
Dr. E.Amire .Tiesaarer, in account W
la a. I, IBM To balance trout the it MOT OM 1111
To amount received from aaeeatad lands 31 30
Am's reed from Collectors prior so IEI7I 4865 19
Amt seed bektro the Ist of August.... 663 W 64
" " " deptemr- 1551 91
•• ••• from Collectors for 1871......... 10371 43
mill reed from Sheriff, due. de 313 101
" from rallamp's unseated lands 13 71
Amount treived for poll tax,- 13 40
" ,Of lost titz paid, ----- 11 73
TotaL .
aka. 1. 1819. To amount of outstanding
'Warrants for 18.7193 26
To anet of outstanding 5.0* 00
T0ta1....---.....- SID,LII6
January 1, 1872
%mix SINGLET°Ir, Register of Wills in al
Collateral Inheritance Tax with the Coni
Dr. ending Decei
April 14 1871, For collateral Inheritance
tax. Margaret Dobbins' estate ... . —..s
*ay 8, 1871. For collateral inheritance
.tax„ Samna! estate--
Zone 8, 1871. For collateral inheritance
tar. Jobb Mints' estate_
Anvil 7, 1871.F0r collateral inheritance
tax, Charles N. Keelin's estate,. '
Aug 8, 1871. For collateral inheritance
tax, Samuel Liggetts
Aug. St. 1871. For collateral inheritance
tax, Susan Calhoun's estate -
Sept. 8, 1871. For collateral inheritance
tax, Sarah Irons' estate, —._
'STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA,t.. The undersigned having been appithlted an
BEAVER COUNTY, I iLuditor; by the Cotrt of Common'' Pleas in
End for said County, to audit and examine the accmnts. &c., of the Register of Wills
of mild county, hereby certifies, that the abtqe statement is true and correct to the
best of his knowledge and belief. - 0. A. BM4L, Auditor.
Dr. Jan'y.l.loM, To balance from the
year 1870--...$ 73
To amoontreceived irom'countiTreas. 6,100 QD
To earh recd from estate of Joo Berger,
deceased BM 97
Tocash received from estate of Thomas
Seagght. deceased,.— .. . . - . .... 84 90
To cash received from eitate"ofJamer
hlcearreL deceased .96 00
To cub received from il e — ote Engler,
for rapport of Meowed Asy .. . . 109 68
To cob received for rent of propert y of
Bathed grimmer— . 93 00
To cub received an
Total $7.40189
Jan. 1, UM, By cash paid for support of
Insane pauperssl.sB3 05
By cash paid for the suimpagt ol . Ont door
pauper 915 30
By cash pald Allegheny C ounty Home.. 37 50
Cash mid for Court and Julloe's fees._ 73 :5
Cash paid for general merchandise.— 917 53
Cash pd for wheat. rye, corn & Nlatoss 11111
" 199 ao
pork 440 11
Jan. 1, 1879.1 BUILDING FUND, Diri
To balance from $1,541 19
To cash rim. Wed from County Treasurer 5,147 15
Total, .43790 44
Jan. I By cub gold D. U. Lbw, Feb.
BI T na h I g= s and 300
By ail paid toe beds-- 200 00
Cub paid for freight on the same 7 70
Cub paid for q ba t 93
BEAVER COUNTY, ss. We, ithe undeniened Auditors of Bearer county, do
hereby certify that we have examined the ammonia of E. Allison, Treasurer of said
county; also, Reodpts and Expenditures of the Directors of the , Poor and Mine of
Employment; also, the Statement or the County Receipts and Disbursementa f for the
year 1871. `and find them COTTeCtAB they stand stated, J. H. CHRISTY
January 1,1872.
Fancy Silks,
FoulardDe Soie,
Pongee Fantaise,
Green Mohair,
Grimelle Poplins,
acne Cloths,
Plain and Fancy
EPrttilk4 tioCorkig,
Mourning:OW El,
Paisley' Shawls ,
Stripid Shawls, • •
Lace Cu
Persons.visiting Pittsburgh are-respect
lidly invited tocsin:nine- our stock, as the
prices will be the VERY LOWIIST.
Manhaly. •
Receiptsi and itcpenditares
rreasury of Beaver Count, for the rear 1871.
Ca& 4 rt4tragsgkal S I' 8 I t.mPo
- -re zescezessEl' . s sat gta 49"fi
Beaver Co. MOck. .4ceo
No. SO Market St.,
Black Silks,
Trans.* Sang Road Surveys to Oars
Court - 1 . 4Q Ow:
Books, itupliestoi. dancer, Mc. 151.66
Printing bberirs Proc.adv. &A 1154.0)
Postage stamp.. box re st, 1e...... 7.T5
Ijllll 41
C. R. Ofitces & t0..188.48 .
do do do • Taol, ligkQ At 38 LI 8
-do do dtitOncidentatits.- 15 . 73
. 11,321, 79
Skeins odiemospay,CMil*Spel 530X1 '
do Rome rest
do Aesopian sttend'g elec.% 3180
do Coast's. attending do • 90 15
Ranee Rethge-Supponotinmates 017.01
do do Ccnveylng do 10.91
do do manager ... MOO
hospital, Westent
Penn.-Support 41;101
clothing Mama 880 1:7
Poor Masa-Suwon of paupers 8200.00
do do Ila Wing males 511723
11,317 15
P. apirectiles ay. Robert Co oper 08. 1
Dr do do do Jobs. Sletx-_
177 00
Penttentlary.-thipport, medldne
and ClOthinf for prisoners...-. 373.16
Conveying p6soners 1200
1181 716
Protboootsrg's fees.— »,... . 919 61
Justices feraNnaltritnitp cancers 3625
Do do boning cert. fur fox scalps 3 15
38 CO
Taxes lost, Collectors' rattans of 114549
do do Assessments, error in 60.151
do do Refunded, erna in Treas.
urer's sale unseated lands 10.16 •
militia. Brighton YOL Co., rent of
a:mg:altar v .._ 9.30
Do pay of toambers....---- 828.00
Com'es' expenses bottling canna
otappe Express _ ..... 1.0 27
Rent,-Paid Simon Stutter f or house oc
eupteS by Sheriff ..... 18 00
Aml warrants tuned to Jan'y 1,1819. $43,063 3 5
Certlikates for road views _„. 333.31 6
le do a fox sesips,.._._ 40.00
Redemption m0ney........31.21
Paid Teachers' 1n5titu te........_....N0M
State tax and commusion 4'.013.39
Mashy !Ines.- . 211.00
Abatem't on tax pdbetore Aug 1, 1828.48
per et. on $51.921 511, received, 1018.45
do do Qo 43,586 11, paid out. 379 • 71
Outstanding warrant.._......._._. 1113.26
Bd. In Treasury Dec. 31 , 1971, 10321.59
---- 19.844 43
S 2 S
- eV 2 MI camoa
th Beaver County for the Year 1871
Jan. 1. 11172, r X1 am% of general warrants
prior to 1871 $ Tle 61
By am% gen warrants for Mal—. ET3BB 01
By amt Road view certificates paid, 2.83 Si
By em't of Vox cps ceytificacrid.. 40 00
•By sailor Bedew on money d,. • 81 21
By ain't paid O . . Fields, for . Inst. /WOO
By am't State personal tax a cosamien, 4783 IS
By met whisky fines, pd Beaver Falls
&Meal Boardwhisky fines
1.50 (18•
By am% pd 15 W
-87 abatement on tax pa before Aug tat, 11k8 48
a't eh per et. on $51.922 en. reed. 1028 45
" 43.9EG 14, pd out 879 II
By balance in Venality Dec. Slat 1871.. 10291 69
unt for the rearlB7l. ar.
By ain't of lauds lqpftranlY Presfrol.
Jammu; Li . 1 871, 4 " - ....
—SUM 59
12y manse thigt, Coll's, prio r to WI.. 1,882 59
By mit doe from Collectors for M 1..... '1,017 22
By suet. duo !ran unseated lands prim
to MI.. 118 29
Bt ain ' t rroiii Con * mimed ...... 71 158 14
By am't due hum John Onebing, She'd
for fine, tury 559 ao
$20.1770, 1 0
nd for the County of Beaver in aceirant of
tmonwealth of renttaylvanta for the year
E nb e r 1, 1871. Cr
Feb. 11.1871, By cash pd J. M. Imbrle,
Appesiaer .... $ 1 50
July I, '7l, By cash pd J. Boyd, app'r,.. 1 50
- 31. " by cosh pd State Tree's reept. OD
Sept,l4." " " " " " 210 OCi
By commission on $3 5. at 5 per cent. 10 63
By balance due Commonwealth, ....... ...... 5 b)
60 OD
1,4 E
HE YEAR 1871.
" " " . 18 35
"pd for fatrteg impiiiii;7l;hpairsio "114 05
pakl for nsurance. 85 lie
for stock i 10 00
" for threshing
.• " for height and ferriage 41 15
" • " for fornltare, 63 sl
" " for becks and toasottrj wort, . 94 SO
" " for traveling . 18 93
" " for main labor..----416 39
" for female labor.. 190 50— 606 89
" for extra mediealattendance,.. 349 93
.• for draw' .27 Eg
" for c0d1a5,..... -I._ 4S 50
Paid cub advanced by - WllLam Illusais 31 33
Mtn& pd for newspaper sntweylpalon, 3 OD
By each pd for postage and 65
Salaries—By cub pd P. N. Heft
phsidelan.,.. 158 al
Cash paid tleriry — Hice — , It) 00
Cash pd Wm. Sarum. Wm band 280 60
Caali pd Wok. Shroads, Steward, 550 00-1,036 50
7,319 71
ay bal. In bands clDlreclors Dec. 31, '7l, Si 17
Total, 5Z,401 33
cash paid for building material, „..... IS 07
cash pd for lumber far wash house- 141 73
Cash paid for cleaning the ne• building GO 00
Cub paid for pipes and conductors,—.. 31 60
Cub paid for lightning rods.-- 1351-3$
Cub paid for masonry work • SI ZS
Cub paid for furnaima,........_
- " - bees. - 1.361 EH
Iron te
- 56 34
window grating'. ' 161 00
Cash paid Henry Hine, for extra service, BO 00
Cash Capital $250,000 00
Asssets. Oct. 9,. '7l, 314,948 29
Liabilities, - - 5.20Q..00
O. NOBL& President; J. P. VDICENT, Vice Pt.
H. W. Woons. Treasures;
Tiros. F. GOODISCIEL, Secretary.
goes °Noble,' 8* Hon. Geo. Me B. Deis:meter.
W Haannosd, do advil%,
Hon Seidel Marvin. do Hon P Vincent. Erie
Hiram Daggett, do Henry_Hawle do
Charlet II Reed, do t 1 T Churchill do
H S &MUM. do Capt J S Richard. do
W B Starlit. do Richard O'Brian, do
W Noble. • do RH Gibbs, do
JSe glehart, c do John It ,Coebrab, do
J H. do II Hartlebb. do
W H Abbott, Titnivi Ile. Copt D P Dobbin*. do
Jno Fertig, ?Ronnie.
Policies hissed at fair rates and liberal terms.
Insures agiOnst damage by Lightning is well as
Fire. j (MAL B. HURST, t.
Itoehasted,4B., Dec. 214. Iy
E'VNGINE FOR SALE .— The undersigned
basin engine and,bollee 7% inch bore and
As Inch stroke, which he offers for sale at area.
eonsble Om All In emir order. Cali on
'or address—•- LO 80311128..
jantlrra.ttl Bean/, at.
/OWN T. IrbenaiD Tr. J.
aso. 0. arrtazug, 11. 1, a minus. aurr.
Deals In exchange, Coin. Gc"verniskent 13reari
iles. makere.ction on .
Quis all agrassible point, In
the United to .and da, receives zoo", on 47
&Poen subjaW cheek. an d receives time depot • . .iie lima one Foliar and upward. and allows later
eat et 'l per cent. By-Laws and rales furnished
ittu3 by applylug at the bank. sank ppen daily
from 9, a. tn., MI 4. p. in„ and on Saturday even
ings from 41 toll o'clock. We refer by persinaskas -
to— 1
L. IL Oranna '4l! Co.. Hog. J. S. um'.
aunt. lianxi Co., Ona is Conrail:-
8..1. Canes
_A. co,. W. Kirnsiox.
Sanwa* & wacke. Joins damn.
a IL Ragusa.' R. B. &KILL '
A. C. Hones. Tannalumrs Naincusan
s. B. Miaow, BA's. Pittsburg!' Pa
sovitill4pelitlje29 .
0. 8. Balm.. F. A. Waists.. O. A. Baum
G. L. ILLIKKER & Co.. lletst Brigliters,
o.lf. 1111.111111LEB * CO., Mawr Mk. fti.
Dealers in Excliange. loin. Course On., ote•
Collecnions made on =tad le points in the
United Suites and Canada. Accounts of Nerds.
anti. Manufacturer% and Individuals. solk.ited.
.interest allowed on time depositee. .Cervespon
dents will receive prompt attention. rdeadlay
The undersigned la operathig a- COAL BANK
on McKinley's Kan. -about hair way between Ito-4
cheater and Bolesville, where be will be sled to
receive orders for lump or out coal Orders dUI
also be, left at. John Maya, le Beaver, or- at
John Purvis' in Beaver. or at the A.notts oftica
or at the residence of the undersigned on
Market street, Bridgewater. Coal oh th.. platform
at ail times. Coal delivered at Wirt notice.—
Terms cash opdellvery. Prices as low as the lop.;
est. [jyS-fyj J. C. WOLTER.;
burgh. Charteted in 1862.
Open daily from 9 to 4 o'clock. and on SATUR
DAY ICYRN4NGS from May Ist lb November 1
7 to 9 Weloeic;.and from November Ist to May Ist,
11, to 8 o'clock. Interest_paid the rate of 141 x
Per cent, free of tax, and If not withdrawn com
pounds semi-annually, in January and July
Books_ of Sy-Laws, de., famished at the office.
OZO. A. BERRY, President.
S. H. HARTHAN. JAS. PARK. Je.,Viee.Preel.
D. E. MeßlNLEYeSeeretary end Trmwarer.
A Bradley, J, L. Graben). A. S Bell, Wm. E.
Nimiek, John•S. Dilworth, P. Rehm. 8. Foliate.
beniJosinutlittodes, John Scott, Robert Schmertz,
Christopher Zdg;
D. W. ,$ A. 5. Dell, Solicitors. '
...362.= 79
Q s pniNG GOOim i l e te
anctetbizted begs lave to inform h
and the public generally that be has jestieeeived •
I new skink ot goods, of, the - latent styles for
Spring ail Sommer vreat..whieh be otters at very
modevateatee. , -
Clothing male to order on the shoitarinitia:
Thankful to the public for peat favors. 1 hope
by close attentwa to baroness to merit a eontlen _
ante of the e.•
mitt 24:t1
Dr. J.Dhar•
water. is deter
, = .4.111, mines' that no
Dentist In die
r at Stateattall do
work beti.d,dr
. p - - , cheaper than
he oder* tt to
1 4 4:MVP his patrons.—
He uses the
twit materials
manuiliedundin the United Stales. Gold sod ail
vet Ulm performed ins style that dudes unripe-
Won Salitsfsetion guaranteed in &Uranus,
or the money returned. Give him
a 1 P ;a.m. I • tinrD7
2 .70180
$1;000 REWARDt
A reward of One Thousand Dollars will tie ,paid
to any Physician who will produce a medicine
that will supply the wants of the people better
than the article known as
Celebrated Hleod Cleanser ariPansinta.,
It must be a better Cathartic a better Iterattia, a
better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Trade.
and In every way better than me Panit-ee-a. No
matter bow long It has been in use or bow (lately
discoveret Above all it moat not contain any
thing MOT man.: VEGETABLE.
.$5OO - REWARD!!
reward of Stye Hundred Dollars wilt be paid
a, medicine that will otinesnentl, cure more
cases of Colideeness, Constipation Sick or Ner
vous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disor
ders, Jaundice, itheumattrui, Gout, Dyipepei s a,
Chills and Fever , Tape Worms, - Bolls, Tumo
Tellers, Uleets. Sores, Pains In the Loins, Si e
and Head and Female arnaplainta than
which is used more extemdrely by practicing
physicians than any other popubm medicine
Known. .
''Prepitrad . by PAnnim'i•Ditos.• Al Ca,
Waynesboro PA., and Dr.
saleAU, Chic/CO.
Price I . Bpe r bottle. Nor by
,Wttolesale and
lietall Dealers , and by Jens 'locus, Druggists
Beaver. Pa.
James ___ H. Rankin,
Japannese . and Plain Fine Ware,
Call and see our stock and ltwn our prices.
No. 6th 52., (Late St.Vtair M.)
-4330 73
Leaf Lard.
.in Tin Buckets,
of all Kinds, Confectionery,
10 ll* S Dfzi allEei z_101") 3-0 z 4 16f.-7.j
e all been selected with care; and,
Pittsburgh Retail.
Ater ;
$6.790 44
Hat House,
No, 04: Fifth Avenue,
The Best Goods at Lowest
done& sent to any Warm, on approval.
Seminary •Sr,
B. T. TAYLOR; PrinOpal•
The attention of the Toath of Wend adJoletott
counties Is tailed to the ,
pu tieing tmen t.
opened hi cenneetton with the other
Rooms have been lded for Itlitriy-tero
HAD or Young ea s who will receive every
Sdnotage. and wilt be boarded at reasonable ratee.
Address the -POelpal. DANIAL AGNEW.
seplint A
Ir4Cell¢nnous• -/
KUM 8080 BART.
is• Law
Beavel!, Penn'a.
(Green and Rousted),
4ice,a, Jellies, (finned .
Carlini Oil, Vinegar Mackerel;
Best Brand Fallston Mill Flour.
Buckwheat, Butter and Eggs,
Figa, Fine Salt.
dm. ; &c., &c., &c.
win be gisid at
Alq 1)