The Beatiet' Etir.l2/EM'Pr*l-r-1 Circulation Thir(een-2,irtzip fia - teis or Vitt. aw: 4.466. n .yr-101iue2; j $2, $3 ,t 5 co 6700. , cia rrs, do .6 00 .1 00 .10.001 Ei c A res, dojo 5 6.00 .191 00 4 tquots. do 11. sOu 8.00 •10 60 lb 00 4 c 01umn,.... 800 11 00 15 00 S9 l 00 utumo.••••• 15 OU 20_00 SAO i' . ; uiuucn... . .11 i 3 Ou pa OU 88 00.60 OF A dullni±Crateltle aril rai.entors' Notices. epv‘.lal notiCes perlllle, ten Cent. ' v.. 1 Payment' . to be made tjnsrtC 1, or transient advertisements, which mat t.. advance. G EO. P. ROWELL, 40,1'art libw. N. York. Ei..7I.* O 7FrrItNGILI. a c 46 *Tema itan New York, are the cote agents for Tux Darya AlLot:s in that elt,v, and are authorized to contract lor mserttog attventtsemanut fur at at ottr.dttat,: eet MK*. .11CIVentzerb to elli t t odtsPrettl • oc:tied - to lave their Istors wlttretthere tat a bur e houses. -- Tlfrii: TABLE. • Clevelaud & Bt..—Trk4l4 g E.L.It leave BeaverleuttiaaitiLtullbltif:AiM uw :ACtanda 9.19; Mall, 2..41 p. w.,Bvettlag.Fast 4.1 e, 5.31. • - Train , going West leave Beaver Station-1U M. var .: BAIL ;;4ti a. m.; Accommodation rw , d iix.• prtlce, ktbrougb. to .5.45 p. , ' Pitt. Ft. &C. It. Rs---'l4ramsgotag Estit ..,.K.6e.eter Station at end ofbrig:y) as tOi ltos. Ikat er E.OIXISCCOM. a. al., :Sew 1...:11Ei1e accum..b...3o a. m.; B. Fans a, ..,w 12.1 u p. ca. / rains going Westlealfe kbotiestir 8011141 s tat e.;., .1 bridge) as follows: B. E. at:mut. 11l a. m.; • accom. 4.111 p. m.; rale itigto.exigegas sequel: 7.47 p. to. • .._•• Traub {e4Ve Itocileator ( VP poll riep pp: .• : Li. r. azauca. 6.115 a. in; >:ltou ac ;X)a. in.; licit - castle imbra. ii.4o a. in; tgo mrifeavo ra il s agreoia. 12.10 p. ru.:Chicago p. m; Brie exp. 4 1V p. m; swag° cap:ILI:LP. fla; eirie mall S.Y.Sp. at. rrauta going Weses,itarreitsfebeaterttipper) De pot as Maws it-m.: brie exp. • a. re; Deaver . Felt= agefirlft. 9: OIL n , :4" Chicago esp. 11.1:Ira': in.; blealti tap; 3.5511: . ar Neer era. ti accom. -LW p. itt.: /ally 0.4: p. in; Beaver ig* LA 0. licsxku. • • • • • _ _ The Attention of' ihe public is directed to the foktotying,Neyi,Advertisetnetit• which-appear for the fi rst time in t he Anavn td-daY locrry - Adv—‘ l . B. 6S. Maxwel• & Co. ...35q44 hpetist Nooce--tlar,o Andriesseu. ...... bial ,11. More, "L" —..- sotkcii) Nyt.tee 77 lN. Ad vertisetnnt—llkuper:ki A.kiveroorgoeut-"Hscpcc "I.F .....tiveria.Otosta=tliaroot4 Oa= t , k.prcikk I Notice—M. Schiff, 10 SuailllOW in Portiiion--4ono tyrtiAl Nutice--, ... . ... A,,,,rueennal.-- 14 1pan A ,rtiksement—A . 4. Zmin &Co ---;11* 4 0Y AO , 0 -tak•orasui , -- I. Botitefen 3;, .4 4 A.i....lll.ealaut-11. SOers & C 0,.......... k for Salir--Jiihn Fi 13eig,h ley ......... Sal t 5 is 4., Suchenbarf.. .. 13 SkkticeL-Snoilt & Walther • tik! Dewest and latest. novelties iu Watches and Silver Wardat the lowest priceK go !din ,•;.crrnson'e Sons 4 Co., 113 ldrket street,,Ydrih lel:if, l'a.nialties.—Krit.Willlarn Adame ot Rochester, an aged lady, fell op, the, u, cuing of the 16th, breaking both bones ()filer ieft fore sifeiviibt; —A young Honor Mr. Isaac Ankeny Ihshigewater sustained i fraeture of the le! a few days ago fallitig over alt two:Leh:went. BOUlrbc,illo.6oVeeaees are under the care oi:D4. d. C. Levis , f idf Briti2vwater, and the patients , are doiai ,DKN FoltirAiS PAW 04 tr .ure snd'read t!e Edtitemcaitla onn a.iper h , taarl, '•• Greates.LlOvtplionof ,lie Golden Pounipla :I'gn unto mod pen is neeersttrio.evetr orna [1 and eh AMAX, 'heti Li n:diance 413 , . introducing.a. coo411134411:410111 11 4 JaniTcly Free of ('barge.—Ctilut Drys Beav , r, or ut S. Ro4lester. ! I ,; , 1 a ,ample of DT. A Boseltee's Genstin Syf or charge. It tag lidety been introduced tuw t tt country front tiertanny, and .foc any. tspk t-tfr..rinz from a s , •vere cough, heavy Cold set t -1 on ths breast, consumpttowni o •1.• tbrost or 11:111gS it has no eqnnl in the world. tur rezular bottles center; m all C~ee the IL. promptly returned perfect. is nut given. Two doses 'Will relieve . any Try it. 'novitlY • _ The following remedy for smallppra is from the Kittasning Free Prem i nod is vouched for bf.f. NI. Taylor, a well known ,physiciari of that place; First re siiTosirorciTtarlil l cient to oputatembederodel.rlo;t the.pfe ti , ent's l'owels; then, put one quarter of a ;zood-sized crust of vaccine virus into sixteen teaspoonfuls of water and take eale teaspoonful - every three houis. Set eral ease,. are said to have been treat ed successfully in Armstrong county by th:s remedy. 1\ k r, i/E., WATetuss.—The most complete line th.- city of Pittsburgh, and all the nrecaaney at to be had of John .Ctorenton'x SOn. .1 6 Market St. Pittsburgh. jeTtly crent.lemen from Bethel Me., says that Messrs - Alleti Bros.„prp7 Prievirs of Philip Atiligeß Pi Wbtlis It. -1., -were down to Iryant's Pond re trontino,when obe Ofibem was keLl with sciatic-rtteutuatism .so htut . fr.,in the pond to his hotel; a bottle of JuS,ise'n Anodyne Liniment was resort i,r, and he was out next day. `ILVeI:-PLATED WAnE. - We fell none but trip -1,1.te. Send - fr drawings and prices.— vood. pent C. 0.L.. if desired. - AAA Bleimpson'a 4. to., J- Market street, Pittsburgh. folly Why these High Prices 7,—Has it never occurred to our butchers that the market prices of beef cattle and of pork quoted daily and weekly throughout the country are not, mo,e.than half what they mier9. vuhl:sup: pose that ntattki: of* , tuulph igoinik* interest (.6ti n'iSt [lit ttstalte,rilltn'Tftil tiee of such an intelligent class Of per swig as Our htiitchtirs, hut we are forte to ALS, % . 614 11 (It he demanding of their customers the same retail prices they did then. Thirty to ust be a remedy tottod for their etor biant prices !noon The people are com plaining, and very justly. Will not -owe ope . brAudi,this hyUnder taking to furßialt the people merit at rea -,mahle 'rites? Dr. DAVID STANTON. Card Photo :rails from negative reeently taken) i.f ~ o r late lamented Auditor lierterat, oitlet ...ll' free to :my address; oo,roceipt of Noas, -Broadway, New lirt4hton, Pa. - nov22-2w • - r1 to::NU SlLvea.—Sterling Sliver. Table Ware ~ .ailation pieces. Sterenson's Sans I, Markel. street, Pitteturgb- jetay 'Esah en 16- ihe .StutiPre' 1 , 1113,4 Wednesday John Grtebing% jr., ,tit deputy sherllT) conveyed flarriet, I arkisun,who waz convicted of laktfflY t a few davAriTT - inilii.'t o thP W44l4irri tleqt tt,n nary, In Allegheny city. ifefore taking the wretched; wonan-from the !ail, an. upptirtundr was . givcan her to ! isit. the cell (in.,lherpwie:plison),,q which her eon, Jamon , ffarNi Is confined fk,r murder in the tiro degree. The a,•,ther and son Were together .for some after which they separated, she to the officer or to tbo p , ..;ntentist..7, Where she is -to stay mouths, and be to await the far ltwr ar•tion of the Court which is •to de :era/We whether a.-pow trial will be zraia.4l him, or sentence - of death' 'pro ,loceil as the. case now steads. The motion for a new trial:will be argued at 430 adjourned term of Oenrt which. will k held on the 18th orinettary, a - Which ••Ulf' we presume the (ideation will be disposed of. -.- • WAY,' tl Renuarso.—elf yoarirateb 1. not of or , .end n to Jo,tm Stereatotile Sons& Co., PAM' ~h It will be repahed and returned free of ''z'orv•A chlrgeo. All work-warranted. Pour Tumultssy.—The New York ti.ayg • l'w4:ed having been, arrested. Sweeny 4nd having *algried. Ingersoll, ' , arvey and Woodwaid having absllond- , "I. rind Connolly hmailng long ago dis appciared from view, the masin !any up his Voice and sing: Hall !toed on tbebornbri deck: i Whence all but he had fled: IThe Crane that lit the battle's wreck :shone round him o'er the dead. - • *, if he prefers, the plaint of Moore tt , d trge of itennwa r y givevent to his feelings in the Cliptaienve lines : "I'm the last roseof gammas Lett blabualag slow; - - An my lovely companions. •- .=• Ars tailotasta gone." Or, be, canocut,stick,sinii go irithout aU. - Ava". /tow are: you to-day? I'm not feeling well, bilionajand sick- headache, have been looking qcllled :for Sho24 Parsons' Purgative Pitts, hatotir trade are all sold out.—Country Paper. Mre. ViciterhilVogillblill, Theo dore e Tdtenis tor .:11,he de%y f A weikeiniu . •:r candle Libnnylloom,:in Pittous l2 , on •ntlit oveuin* (litoombot let) Her subject will be "Constitutional Equality. " "The' cowardly =Knaves who have ,slandered her, are requested, if:VT/14u s ermunthi,coursillyte - .41: duroll4htiseate " * l ' • • ••- • •' 1 JCAt $ll l 00 , .../.5. OA 16.01 P 1100. 98 OP of Oa 100 .60. Tnz latest and'balit ltvldi of letralry, In all Its • varioous brauchecto be round at John STecenion'a Bons A, (AL. iCI xaricet lance! Rittaburgh. je7;ly : ' : . _ Thaisklghing Serv.ices will be Held In - this' t'irisbYterlan olinich, In Bridgewater, on Thursday, Noveinber 30th„at 10# o'clock, a. _m.. An arrange. meet has been madeby tho pastors (Rev. hir. Shields and Boy. J. C. Wilson), to hive their congrogatiOns meet together n that day, and at that time. The ser aon will be dellyered \ hy the Rev Wilson. - , S& 00 'OPOPV M paid WA\TED.--50 cords young black wal nut. Sticks tiur to -twelve inches in thickness. Beaver 'Fans Cutlery Co.-; Beaver Falls, Pa. . The Bearer Anima an& ladical. are at it, horns and hoof.—Laurence Guar dia:4. • All a, mistake. Oil: dif - ordius, Tho Armes p.nd Radical - haVe only liitle fun-. ny. spirts occasionally tU .keep 't t hings from becoming monotonous down this way. No harm whatever is meant by the newspaper raids in Beaver county. , - WALTLIA/11 WATCILLI. •Agunite. for the itala , al these Watches in the +l.-•ity of Plithhitizgh we are amtideut of our ability ;to please in stiles and prices. John Stevenson's Sons dt Co., cet btreet, Pittsburgh.. - . jel•ly ' TILE RELE rN Tan p'En bikk brought down e9alat4 welt !natty 441111 batik oTuttruenskiFlLwell tßitteisful govtisi for further information calisit*tifie Mil linery and . lftimitiing Store; Beaver, and see how cheap they sell Shawls,Gloves, Hosiery; Ladies' and Glut ' s Unerwear. Shirts. Velvets, Trimmings, £c. The largest stoelllinery, I Vrtiolts -the Amami' has jirs - heen opened , Mitt' all the newest sha perlatest:styles that can well lisp btai n.ed in, NeiriYorlu alinttftla Collars, Rinbous Bows, Hoods, and Winter G oods ismartilly, at Beam's, Third St., Beaver. Butter.eggs and chick !" 'fnov • The.. 4...4* • Y. itailroad r7 Pie Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad bits been leased to the Perhasvlvania Cortiral fora period fi.f.i.ntYliandred and ninety= Mite years. *Wlist•Will 13(3 done'wittil.he road after this leaSh expires, we are not advised. • • ) The Cleveland-Heraid,lp referring to the meeting of the stockholders of the Clejelond and pittsblirditi in that chit on Tuesday, for the purpose of ratifying the perpetual lease of that road to tbe;PiiiiiiitYlviiiiist Central - cobt= pang, says: The_meeting,organized at noon. Considerable time was occupied' lutreading the itst4i,S3Eiticlzievis Ireit long dooutticitt) dir,:tiftvozoittlitions bf the lease, the P.eurteyivtinia Company are. to.,.psy ipter(nt on, all bonds . of She Pittsburgh Companyk and guarantee the stockholder; of the Oittsburgh Company seven pier cent" free of tax on n capital stock, hicrenised • forty-three.. parA "!enti from :Ttre„'tCrink' the leitsemr&generally eonsiN3' nut favor -0;tik.34.16i44440./aPtle'r§ of the stock, as it sec urcletl - 04:4 djvidend-ori,‘ . au= in vesinimit - Oa the'rito being shininekupfr was kouind _the. ratification lease-:was tatt4if.P.T•liveyy beayy iiiajcirjw; --There had been some discrisidoriPend ing.the vote, and, symptoms of idecided opposition onthe part of a portion of the minority, but after the announcement of the '*oto•'atnleable arrangements "were made. •and all opposition has been wiladtiNan. • The lease is now an accom plished fact, and the road passes under the hinir4l) ,control of the Pennsylvania - _ 4„. Centilf Gabiliatiy„ CLo - c - ' AClaltiolabeeiban clocka a taiMrt6ek: Pweit ll poses. Juan Sterenson'g sons'et - 0411414ritet. Wee, Pats. burgh. • . George near Fair view, 4uernseteonntohlo, recently cut a poTaaFirgi3e , iiin ;tit . farm which made, - Ylyirkiamat:adiV24 reet of lumber. The Rig Stenton (70., (I , tlll#l6B;' , Ciiiia, Pi $125.75. t.cani —j- save 25 Apar it int in buying yourTurs at al. Sctairs, at New Brigh ton. treiliii.eived this fall entire new stock, sci•hetcYn warrant every set to be sound, and bets selling them at Very low prices. All kinds of Red, Whiteand Barred Flannel, can not be bougut any where as cheap as at.this house, as Mr. Schiff contracted for a heavy stock before the great rise in price. The Sheriff and County Commission ers oft tie Atnyublican.73 nty of Beaver, are trAng to kilt the Reyheal by giving the county printing to the other news papers. It is probable that the Radial will live' rcitg after they shalt have got out of teacb ,of cvlitetnpt of decent :Nye)tee a '• thing'' of : the same gort-th on* of the offieeiin this eounty.— Menrlrille Republrean. - ( 41 undeistanilidg -of; the nititteritt, that the Radical relneed to tin the print ing at the rates proposed by.the Sherlir and t'Ommis4i9etters:—lsti trains' the &her tearer eolInt;• papers" accepted. This being the ease, Ole _Radical is radi tddly *tong in creating thiNtnpresslon abroad that thoie county officials are !',things.' rence Jourma L Yours. Mr. Journal, is the correct view of the printing question in this county. The Meadville odltor. evidently oply wanted to talk for talk's sake. Iv you purchase your Clothing at 8.. Steinfeld's, New Brighton, you will ho dressed in fashion, and find out that this is the place where you in obtain bar gains. By z n advertisement to be found else where in the Anous it will be seen that the new Wire Ferry across the river at Vanport, this county, is completed and at the present is in successful operation. As the Messrs. Maxwell have been at considerable expense to erect this public convenience, we trust the public will do their part in making it a paying concern by giving it a illyeral-patronage.: Mr. J. U. lanbrie, of tlio Surgetut. +ii,Fax, l 47Depagrilent, T ; • igta poWitire %Vide : ariii‘: l l l o.o4 l P our Ulm/Li:: - • Ctitirtadiotirtitdott lad 1rr1d4:0 6 . 0 12, • Quite a number Of the watt were eondfultd - , *thins settled by tbeparties.. The tab:nib:it sr - eriti called up, tried nifd d l sposed of as follows : Vg. Lewis Nov. 411,,-.1571. Jury swora t _and vardict reudared for plaintiff for ILBOO With .st,ikr of e.*.oeutious nix months. 4tephen. Clarke vs. C. /I. lialb-410Co, NOV. 24, IS7I. Jury sworn, and verdict Nr-Plain tiff lan dere(' for $511.(i.1. Thos.-He •Jackson vs.r.llather Squifes et at. Jury sworn. Same day plaintiff took a non snit. . Jas. Watt vs.-. Dennis Vaughn. Nov. Z;"1871. Defendant ronfeasedl - 3ndg: went in favor of plaintiff for $..M.00 and coats. Hugh :Anderson vs. John Liner; Nov. 22. 1871.'. Jury. sworn, verdict for del fendant. Thirty rears of American Ilhotory: FIVE DOCLAII.S R.EwAnn.—Ran away, front - the subscribers , on the 234 of -No vember last r thO negro boy Oscar Dunn, air tipprentiee hi the plastering -trade. Lie is of grilles color, between 20 Arid 21 yOars of ago, and shout llye foet-hin -be eleven 'high: Ail:persons ero CabtiOlied not tnharbor said boy under. the penalty of the law. Wilson & Pat terson, :Water - St.' !obit and CommOn streets,-New Orleans Picayune, 18-10 Dien.- .Tu IT* Orleawi, Vfeclinsday, Nov. 'f2, 1871, tDe Hon. Osea J. Dunn, I.Lcutenant-Goi - prinir at Louisiana,,— Personal.—Dapt. Sherlead. Dickey, or the U. 13: ivy, Scift49llY-Itif this "'lin ty, but for some -time tpatt stationed It Fort Sully, DakotBli...l))rtitury, is now here on a leave of abseuee,-lookingqisite hearty and soldltr4ike::, ltinVes the crest agatn.itcsklbW • Samuel A.*Atliitni;estr,-of Wsikliart ton, D: C., isidse on 'd visit to his rela tiiei in heaver county at the present time, Sid Apgliae* $. - hitti*ly of kat week, - Mr. • Martin S. Brumbaugh. of -Bedkrd•Vei4 b P jo 'fi l le t ) 5 1 sawin g ar. iv ' t e rte power) 'met with a ver y Idont and came near losing-ilia life. The saw, it appears. was crackeclomd by some means 441,0* gut kof plumb, caught on thd Vcio' d. and - was'ewitched into a itutithei' of places. apd Artrled with Agreaforee through the air, several pieces striking MVP. on the hmeti tettteting aer r et" fay ievlne'ents. Indeedilorw'svitdier his life was despaired of. . Rev. J. 11. • Augliey, formerly a resident of Rochester, this county, and who has lad charge for some time . past of two 9r. three 'Presbyterian eongrega pops near the Beaver and., Lawrence county: line, Ito:loved to Wurtumburg hilt week. May be find his new home a pleasant one, is the sincere wish of a arge number of friends and acquaint ances in this locality. . - ;- Juage Woodwaiid, formerly of the Soprano Court of this State, and now a Repre'sentative in Congress for the 12th Pa. District was married : to Mrs. E. M. MediPinter. of -Lexington,: Ky., on. thik *L.ttui&- f " ' AN entirely stoalCcif iiiilllnerY; Including the latestAiTeltlest Inflate and bonnets, just receiv e at Mrs. Fast's. She will also sell at greatly reduced prices a fine lot ,n 1 shawls, black' and colored velveteens, opera flannel, felt skirts, hosiery, gloves,- ladies' under wear, Indies' and children's hoed., .tiol tars, ribbons :and all articles usually found' .in-first-clasis -...trininaltig ,, ifterialk Also a large stock of toys and, .9' lirtli des; writing (leaks, • portfoli . .lrafies, statuary, it,c. Corner of Thi#l ' 4lSeari7 inary streets, Beaver; Pa.. f i'29-2 X. u WANTED.—Aiellth to sell th Patent I Adjustable Stove.. Stiettep, an ' Bele. of great practical value 'to every fatally: These shelves can readily be 0, , ed te any, stove, and are absOlittely 'an:initial; penaable article, where they' ve t'sisl i once used for raising bread orjblscuit, Warming . victuals and Atea,,o 1 drying tufy Amid! articles; 'doing away *.. with Istkiitplini, yegetabliza,mcats, eta , , that -hard beeaphicediii the oven of the cook stove In good coailticin 'til tie wartned, but . are',.,nufortiftyftely., forgotten and havo been buriit or •dried.• Ponces de eddug An' carry on B:Prnfitable4mattesii, during the winter, vOlll. find is to their bikerest to send' for a ilaieriptiv'eArcular, to Demmler Brothers, at No. 126 Smith field street, Pittsburgh. [nov-2w. '..Pattratta potti Evttii•Elt. IKp*rsH. tt J. Snellenburg,the Beaver county cloth iers,‘Broadway, New Bright.dnAntve ott hamd the finest and largest_ assortment of ready made clothing •eVctrltrou,glit Seaver county, which kiti c y.ittedetainxiih ed to dispose of at prices to suit the most economical. OvercoatS of valliety of style tuaquality; Coats, Pe i tq. Yeats, and Unmentionables 'cif.eVeY'y",stze anti pattern. Suits -made to order at alto,ll notice from the best selected material.— BrOadulay, New Brighton: • M _ This is the unicitue. p:tier - n of a 'Mies! tern, personal '*We are sp:tre vo of the - Comanche riVOrtd- Th . o - li * Ortd IS / haa - 1y pilnt.C6l, 'flu a sickly, poverty-stricken appearance. Mr. John Smith, its publisher, is an idiot. If the 'leattling rues' of Comanche county aro respopsible for tho founda tion.-of the paperOliev, ought to be sent to the peniteptaly4-77:Wo7.rust that Mr. Smith wiLl'..stOP On)Alcation of his paper mutative 11144t ..... 4ey..` f • : -; I A Warm . Dai,!—X4itst Sahhathiliov. 34t;fi was the warmest day of the moms. Overcoats- We'rs thrown — off, - and fires, generally, ware dispensed with. On Monday morning, 'however, the wind changed; and the air - - becatni3 quite raw again. - , 104t4 Co ' gruZly lit)dy thti "eiLidi; sibs PepgrVili2 . - . 11lik - , -- ißlduld' perhaps bare two - separate pursuits guinVM_atthe sSmetitne, one for one part of the flay, -and the other for the other; arid-These of as opposite a nature as possible—that the mind may ha refreshed by eliatige,and ell.ttle effects of latiSitudo avoided. Maim Li one.pieco ii - dvipti in a life of study, which we Think no ono will object to; and hat is, every now and then to b© completely idle—to do nothing at alt;- indeed, this part ate life of-study is commonly eotl• sidered as so decidedly superior to the rest, that it almost obtained in exclusive preference over those other parts of the system, with which we wish to see it connected. • Ler-tome in the Methodist E. ehntsiii.--4ev. J. S. Mellysr, Who made one of the Sir Knights of Alleghe ny Commandary in the tour of Europe, will lecture on next Tuesday evening, tiee. SW, in the 11. K. Church of Beaver. The interesting subject of " Naples, Pompeii, and Vesuvins," will he discus sed by one fresh from these historic places. JOHNSTON SMALLS JOHN have on hand at their Carriage ltoomt, on Market street, 13ridgeurater, Pa., some handsomat Buggies and Buck Wagons, which for neatness and durability, can not be surpassed. Wagons, Buggies and Vehiclas-of all kinds ruado to Order. Cull and see them. A Letter frotat the Coming Man.- -I'heepistle of the Coming Woninn in the A ,h.ance, some weeks 0,0, calls out this eempAnion piece, “To the Hun. NI re: Standhigli, M. C.:" My Heilored Wife: It is nearly ten o'clock ; the children are safely tucked in bed, and although the week's mend ing stares me in the face, I snatch a mo ment to writing to you. Can you spare a few moments from the cares and honors of a public lite to lest •ftiwelines , from your fend and obedient? I would gladly write oftener, but you know my numerous cares, and some of my duties seem very awkward tp,rpy , unpnictiend band. To be aortal . gained some experience during your ab sence in the campaign before election, but do what I will, skimming the ud not my forte, and as for working Bib' butter with my hands as you told me what a mess I. I suggested to Betty the other day—very meekly—that the duty belonged to her, but she indignantly re (dried. tlhe says you always took care of the milk before you went Into politics, and it's no huinness of hors it your head is turned. Ido the hest lean, but real ly Betty Is a little hard to suit. . Then there is the sewing girl. What a time she gives me with her. questions. I wbuld pack her out of the house only the dear, children aro so shabby:and k am getting so nervous I canno sow: By By tikway, what can be the matte with the ;pickled cribbage? We opened, that jar of It the other day, and it is nut at all nice. Betty says the onions spoil ed it, but I am sure, dear, 'you told me to use unions to give it relish; or was it horse-radish instead of onions ! I declare lam quite bewildered. The spiced cur rants, too, are terribly strong. Could I have Made a mistake in -putting them up, and used pepper instead of the spice ? You see I cannot find the wok book that, you said was •in the house, and I hive beim so short of change that buying one was not to be thought of. Couldn't you make the next month's allowance a little larger? Slaggle's toes are out of her gaiters, and her best hat iii shocking, Write me a long letter as soon as you get this and came home for the holidays if you can be spared. But you must not expect us to look so very nice, though I wear myself out, I sweep and dust ev ery., week or my life, and insist upon the children keeping their playthings and „out-door traps under the table—out of the way there' you see—and so much handier than If hung up out of the little ones' reach. Your faithful husband tiosxs STA:swim. E. S. What shall I give the baby when he has the colic? The other might I gave him pain -killer, and you oto hardly im agine hove he screamed. I thinktt must have been temper he got -so red in the I face. Betty says ought to give syrup, butt/mill - am Ann. Syrup is good with butter cakes; but I'll never believe it will cure cone without your orders. -Baby has "ono tooth! • 31. s. P. S. again. What shall I do? Betty just came to the nursery to give warning that shashOtild leave to-morrow. I was going to iearis ,how to make bread nest Week. • ' , cannot 'leave the children to find - another' gls 'and Betty Says she won't be Ardered-around by a great star ught not hi g man.: "Butl o tommoy you ivith these trifles. Youn Mosp.s. \ rnip*Aiethrrvismi_l: l 9*.fhvi • , ' , i , ..;,:.,1 '-''. T . !.. 1 ! . .. , '15 . .... t .)6 / 1,. ~ ,... ...1 E, 77 1 E/11 :l l ,ii t. AliM c' iit'Y BDW MVO4j .I 4 • . 1 • ,- :..-4.- -- -, - - --- A"::•;' r •10. e.. , . - :_:-.1 ''. - ' .. CiI - 41 , '.etg ; ,. * . t.ik . .;! ‘ . r . -.! • 1 - . - :-:•••,. --- :•.' - .14 1 'r e .1 74 ',?7 , :14.IfinhiltiVI .. ,„ p . tt s „, 4)ij 3 4:7 ,...,,,, ..., .-11!!tai) viati* *ul• silitiola4b*PWAttleil f sab# itk OPI 3 ' 4 .•-a! - “Wkitifeatt 40. ~, _WSW Oe* cottlfornioly , akshiediAtinfloiresiareed• for. hhiltlatbNlK. 6l3l vir . Ohl r l "p ..#NtbutitaT i o tbeli hest ' bay. itlliy ,Ibt,.wr r oOlttr. of '.O - 4 *44(.0 . WIP . -•41 =4. 40 , W•4 .21 k0ttti;# 1 -. Ralph WASlAloingthwtiiilost oriatilei; Valk "- tiT mpg a . ..s _,,a, j-Wltiftl, eitairi*,o*,s.-"Aal tart litikkir/0 Creak AnnteAla iiiheiteedidlo94-11k4 parailisC: ~ How, white .thlmtable-cleth; hoW bright the coffee-pot, hei* , eleairthe wood-work, tbnw, glis,tenitig-44 britia door,- • uke,. )?ow sixit)etl 44 0 311.6 twat:: • . : amuse tblssever is, of Itfre: . lial'itliltet zrei.i .c d diatia--villegeiint large ' , as lAntilibiLl4, therntre.getietalli a half-dentin women who aro ikiniltted - Li. be the'..htnit:hoW. keepers. All Calera erti,iinlylintitaters: And the strifela , betwearthisio for-tote pOletniltetice.'' , 'lf bilat'lenat mire ;to , any that'nOtte in Linirlibtirg".daii.ltlifiiiii an enemy olnidltt.iandtalap a chrn, and , release etittranhigtOly... MatildtsWhite;•l4Leiwife'ef: tialtib's: 'flitts' kiruilvituejac•llaisurtAVitite' esq . - 'tilitiv 90:4iiiiiieetisaftillifiethie. Otcottrao no member: of Mrs:;:lybite's famAr, ever littild:at liiiitioll - 44wr:ala- - Av-cwg l 47- iy. 'Her "husband * tintloll4%thtlicah.i. which he keld-iiilt*MitrArYtta_ , . 0 1 9 1 'P Er 1 0: lite iworder lc maintalowini en:Lunn:tuns in hisilfelfninett. Oct* etiMfortabto thim, the' ititilY - ciditi c lio thaPgiettb44o4)iittaliv e .. - e l igk chore-114-1%11..;ii ennejgen 4,e-had ' ever crossedthe 7 thriisWdLaatTral3OsSilcittl templet - 44, elmilapos- ,, ` - .. , • .erribre i sonstirtf,awat, - d, , W . :1 . I ... , h e r son hy wttiftsiist rdar t. l . t i r • 'et. —poor, 1 irenk.-w#llol:fellowl—beett driyim into bad conipally.. and tad', habits' by the wItiOHIStnAI uf; eZren l4 ! . ..l'l 4 #l4 2 44 1 0. And int no shoyea the hereditary trait, fur all thigenius which Mrs.:White cent sedated to the glorious w0rk: 4 44148M ber.hotienton - habitable, her eon .Waltergave to. ty l'ng exquisite knots intiwoontred cravats and „ gads oiled leaks s o tut toilook , ~ dytitir -bet', , pAisti=eite - had, no ..a fl.dren. tui c Oa kilid.Pitefidentitt thit w :WiTver 00 -, 404110Y-ors*litiren the .t.'oarelllat "very.fewaftlient.aruludgedin these ter ribleelean houses.. -': -'- /,' •• , v 1 '; , ' , i ' ' But Waiter' .Writi;,not.' it the table,' and Ralph had so trineh'anitikty. lest'ills' lib!! Wince should hir sigirificatit of evil; that he did not venture to ,:inquire afhim as he sat tlwre betvroatt Mr. a d \ ltirp. l c? White 4ilp_oiins of Aunt:Xatihia chkeh wilit.en\ingiettle...tibly • Instilled by-his long mormuKridejtnd,tile exLidlencrof the: brown citkluiertlegoldenholte)s, and the rupee; nailiqteidots•lt iiiway•was,Avith the!! most generniiis,crettin. Autit'gratils, na Wee iosubserbed In tolling cf,•the 416 1 ingspfthpllo ,rcaa Society that She bad 141,,re.„ilatfAt''-'lO he till'lfiiiied:at the 9af t if-tptu `, .Vtarri:Val,, ; ;Wlion she ha &Stijl P illile„-AMbbilg4... - meni.44l6llilitid':idluiiit ;A , :,.. V,• POltiViiitAire fhb t,... 0 : ( . 7 , ( 2 ...,;,.., kikiigue*testkosoicti, -,, . ..:. an . -,-, rovigt yrbichilwp# *gum pirgow tail chance, While Aunt - Matilda wain a be nevolent• mood, to lironeb a plan - le - had been revolving • for somo,tittre' But when lie looked at Aunt Matiltika lin maculate—horribly iminaculato-,-hOuse keeping, his heart . failed. iii m, .inid l Would have said riodditg had sh , ,tit•ln, advertently opened the door horn. ,i&' 'Liow did you get' hero' se,leatlfr , , Ralph?" and Aunt 3latildti r s:Otee•was shadowed with a coming rebuket , -;:s-,i. • " By early rising," said Ritifel. , :Bilt, seeing the gathering frowil aft art WA's brow, ho hastened to tell .tlitliniciry; of Shocky as well as he could. „illtri4Mi.htte did not give way to any-impitisifiVlVard sympathy until she learriedltittPliiiitheky was. Safely housed :.,,With . Atlea-Ji•Nftro "Yea, S r,iste sisiyer:'hiilt.Am• - litMlir cares - " she Sal , illiYirayforeinddthtng, her slightly- ri . aknomphitlenej; •.!.birti has no fintilY gikekand'aliainift obi those things.. ~ ticnnotarneal ttatik,Eilie lets pee. pier trnpoact-on-treviutd , keep-her-sivay from the : moans:At Ita4a i iiiii44. spoke to our new preacher shout lt the last time he Was here, and asked him to speak to Sister Sawyer about, staying. t away from tile ordinances ti:i wait on everybody, but ho is a queer man, and he only said that ho supposed Sister Sawyer neglect+ ed the inferior ordinances that she might attend to higher ones. But I don't see .any souse in a minister of the gospe, calling prayer-meetifig a lower ordin ance than feeding catnlpptes to" Abs. Jitessa's---kraactiapp..„,a,turi,da little Aroy—Shocking, of iv call litua?—got any mother?" ' . "_Yes," said Ralph, "and that was lust what I was going to say." And ho proceeded. to tell how anxious. Shocky was to see his half-blind :wither and actually ventured to wind up his re marks hf ' , suggesting that Shocky's mother be invited to stay (wet' Scummy in Aunt Matilda's house. " Bless my stars l" said that astound ed saint, ." fetch a pauper hero? What crazy notions you have got! Fetch hei here out of the poor-house? Why., she wouldn't be lit to sleep iu my —" hero Aunt Matilda choked. The bare thought ofbaving a pauper in her billowy beds, whose snowy whiteness was frightful to any ordinary mortal, the' bare thought of the contagion of the poor-house tak ing possession of oue of her beds, smoth ered her. " And then you know sorb eyes aro very catching.' Ralph boiled a little. "Aunt Matilda, do you think Dorcas was afraid of sore eves?" , I ,' It was a center abet and the lawyer uncle, lawyerlike, enjoyed it. And he enjoyed a good hit at his wife best of all, for he never ventured on one himself. But Aunt Matilda felt that ailirect reply was iuipossible. She was'not a lawyer, hut a womau, and 80 dodged ,the ques tion by making a counter-charge. " It seems to me, itelph, that,you have picked lip some' very low ldstoctates. Awl you go tiround'at night, '1 rim told. You get over hero by daylight, and I heir that yuti.have Lauda com matt otiuSo with a lame soldier who acts as a spy for thieves, and Unit your running about of nights is likely 4t . get you into some ttoUl3lo:' ,-,4 Ralph was hit thih time. " I suppose;" ho said, " that you've been listening to seine of Henry Small's lies." "Why, Ralph, how you talk! The worst sign of all is that yoU abuse such a young man as Dr. Small, the most ex emplafy Christian young man in the county. And ho Is a great friend of yours, for when be wits hero last week lie did not say a word against you, but looked so sorry when your being in trouble was mentioned. Didn't ho, Nr. White?" M,r. White, as In duty bound, said yes, but he said yes iA it cool, lawyer like way, which showed that he (lid not take quite so nitieh stock In Doctor Small as his wife did. NVllieli 1,1;88 a coinfort to Ralph, who sat picturing to himself the silent flattery which Dr. Small's oyes paid to his Aunt Matilda, and the quiet expression of-palu that. would flit acrosi his face when Ralph's name was men tioned. And never until that moment had klartsook understood how masterful Small's artifices were. lie had managed, to elevate himself in Mrs. White's esti mation and to destroy Ralph at the same time, and had ,to,do both bsr a contraction of the eyebrows. • -• \ But the silence was - -growing painful, and Ralph thought to break it and turn tho.current of thought from himself by asking,after Mrs. White's son. _ r Where la Walter?" ' "oh! Walter's doing well. 110'W - fiat down to Clifty three weeks ago to study medicine with Dr Small. lle seems so fond of the doctor, and the doctor Is Such an excellent Tan you know, and I. havo strong hopes- that Wattle will be led to see the error of his ways by his association with Henry. I suppose , ho would have gone to see you but for the unfavorable reryciris that lie heard. I hope, Ralph, you too will make the friendship of 'br. Small. And bir the sake of your poor, dead mother "—hero Aunt Matilda t endecivored to showsoine emotion" Ter the sake of your poor, dead mother—" But Ralph heard no more. The buck wheat-cakes bad lost their, flavor. Ho remembered that the colt bad not, yet had his oats. and so, in tho very midst of Aunt Matilda's affecting allusion to his mother, like a stitl-neeked reprobate that. ho was,:Ralph itartsook,rose abruptly from ie table, put on his but, and went out toward the stable. " I .doelare," said Mrs.AVhite deaciend l. , lug suddenly from her high moral stand point, “.I,ileclare that boy - t hus .steppea right on the thresholdbf the back-door," and sho stuffed her white handkerchief into - her pocket, and took the door-cloth to wipe oftthe imperceptible blemish of Ralph's boot-heels. z And Mr. White followed his nephew to the stable to request that he would be a little careful 'what ho .did 'about anyr body in, the poor-bongo; as tiny- trouble with theJoneseainightdefeatlir.Whitis'a nomination to thejudgeshiptif the Court of Common Plena. . ' • - - ens.t.TE - n A 01.A.XLITABLE INSTITUTION. When - gO Clack to Mks' Naney Sawyer's, Shocky*Pas sitting up in bed talking to Miss Nancy and Miss Saman tha. His cheeks were. a. little iltudied with fever and the excitement of, Mastery ; -theirs:yeti:tire!. frith tears. " Ralph," wilispered Miss Nancy. es dhe drew him ititothe kitchen. "I want you to get a buggy or a sleigh, and go ri thaa ftiVeltit . 0141444 1 1ett1e Irfeieh .--. ~.111 UISI , t Ze. I ' d o m e More good than any se ltteterheard tPrAt t i ttirtbles tuUkto mots .- - I d ea oilP Ann bl 'joy over Sunday." ~' ' 1 Ralpkvras delighted, no deligined th a t hetooe war *lasing itor./01be 4at i ot liktvretith6O PlAtti , llee glaritied by her generosity. Ii ho did not go to the poor-honso Immediately. ,Ile waited until. ho sate Bill . Jones, 'the 'Stiptitintsildent of the Poor-House; and Pete Jones, the County Commissioner ' , Who Mill somewhat * .Up one, :tide ifiFtb Ocntrt-hotille. atilt Thelf - hd drove - WM' 'the 'villager; and presently hitched his rim to the poor. house fence, and Molt * survey of the outside. Forty hogs, - nearly ready ifor slaughter, wallowed id a pen in front of the forlorn and dilapidated, house; for, . thetkithl the commissioners ~allowed a' 90 31 41.9 r r*Poits ial*P7 rung, tbi repairs were never mad , dit wonlil not do to scrutinize Mr. Jouea's bills too eicandy.,,,nniess you give; up all hope of a reriOhainatlon to odied. -- -One curious ef fect of political aspirathmein Hootiole county, was to shut theeyes that they could net , see, quid:M*lmm theeare that theyeoute net hear; ito,dinivoy the tit sense ternall. , '.DUI li,„;:not being a politieTan, entailed. g-. ti 'Nitithont and the'steneth With 'i allad'A aw every where the transparedt faandrand heard the echo of Jones's duchy:. .R.Lf Srhahhishd girl iltitnitted.itinai , and ad he did not wish taniahe his Business known at once, ho elected a sort of idle, tbe r pl•.,itell t mid mkcsL t o b e alloilred-tiv.lookaromie weak-eyed girl watched him. ' He found that all the sirdifilli4ltii e-' . rilstentwee; eons in all, werneh ' ~ Ur-sleep one ' room, which, owl , ~14 the hillt•alope, was partly under g Met, and whtetthad but half a window -f . light a itrt do ven tilation, except the I sate . from the 4 door. Jones had d 4 ' ' tik 4., ethe 1 men with:child , . • us. IMP there— I& warn't gain! in' . , ‘!: ; .-t_Irdts a-rrinnih' over the t wheitil, • • • •• - '' here were T im o ne 'winnowed. gibittwomen, with their children, erotrtiedllke chickens in a coartfor market. ; And there wet% las usual in duck plareqMelplese, idiotic women With. illegitimate children.' Of coursethiroom *at 'Lids scene of per tetual ' qttaireling and occasional light ufs lii the quart4rs devote d to the Insane, people slightly dome Poi and raving maniacs Ward in the sae rooms, while there were also those utter reeks which sali in heaps ou,the tiotte,mumtiling and muttering, urthatellle wortl4, the g whole current .of th thoughts hope lessly muddled, Cur 4 lag around upcn itself in eddies neveiltaulil4. • "That air wontati.lf Mild the Weak-eyed girl, "used to holler , d heap when she was brought in here. :BM pap knows how to subjuo 'em. lie slapped her in the mouth every time ahahollered. She don't make no tuna new; ISA" jist sets down that as ;ay all day, and keeps it-whisparin".l l .- -, 1, ~, , . '',, , j ( 11610;tidlittEileiNtikq/kiaidli CIO antua in she was tha vtctim Of mania ; but she had been beaten. intoiljepoless idiocy. Indeed this state el' inevitable imbecility seemed ttui - end toward which all travel ed. Shut in these be" Teems, with no treatnient,An ptli;Art Li if * TS vitritty,"and mealier" food, aSee Of eliglit 'Aerlinge7 ment Bohn grew into chronic lunacy, One young woman, bailed Phil, a sweet faced person,apparently a farmer's wife, etune pp- to Ralph and Lxiked,* httn•kfmily, playingsvith`the Unto:Mon his coat in a child-like simplicity. Her blue drilling dress was sowed all over with patches of white, rqpresenting or namental buttons, teadilinWornanly in stinct toward adornment had in her ta ken.trils7childiiih turriT' ‘ it ("', ';', ' '7 "Don't yort think:they "Might tolet me go home?"--.she said :with a, sweetness and it Wistful,. longing, home-sick look, that -touched italph rto !dial heart. He looked at her, anti then at the muttering crones,-and , heiethild see no hope of• any better fate for her.kShe foliownd him round the barn-like rooms, returning every now and then to her question, "Don't you think I might go home now?" . The weak-eyed girl had been ealled stood away ,firpo rnomeni - , anti Ralph hxSking-into'd colt, where, there was a (nen...With agcy red pinein his hatand A 'strip of red flannel trout his Waist i t ile Strutted tip and dew ' 'lkea drill-ser- geaue. a, t ' • oksan•General Azulrew Jackson " be , began. v , "People doti'believe hut I _ had my ttead'Alhot - off ,at Buena Vista w and the new one that groW ed orlisn't bigh.Sla good as-Untold one ; it's &tato Oil ono side.... That's Silky thPY take-advantage of-lbe to rthut ll* But I know iiolneAbitigels -itirri/ 66 4 PutatcPen 9fl sidP•. t lenettliorightt the Votrter, 1 - know a tnln Lean down here.-T Let me-tellyosiostue thing out of the left. 13pt out of tbo..Pb tato side, utind - yr.wouldn't .a-told you if locked'uto up for noth ing. *BM Janes filet Ode/ .P Ile sells the bodies of the dead paupers. and then sells the empty coilins back to the counr ty again. But that.a'a't all -- Just then ther weak-eyed ' girl came back; end, as Mph moved away, Gen eral Jackson*led out; “Thatten't all. I'll tell the rest Another time. Aud that a' n' oilt 'of the potato side, you can de pend on that. That's out of the left side. Sound:as a nut.on that side !" - But Ralph began to wonder where ho should find Ilatinah's mother._ "Don't go in there !" cried the weak eyed girt, as Ralph was opening a door. • .010 mowley'a in there, and she'll cuss you." - Lni ! well, if that's all; her curses won't hurt," said Hansa*, pushing Open the doOr. But. the velley of blas phemy and the vile language that he re ceived luadetim stagger. The old hag paced the Boer, abusiyieverybody that came in her way. At by the window,, in the-sante room, feeli g the light that struggled through the usty glass Open her face, And li so v I, intelligent isnglieb woman. alph noticed that hii wts ,Englislait once, tid in a few Mome its he discovered t t . her sight Weis d ifective. •Ltiold it btS that Han nah's Mother waiiituf room-mate of this loathsome creature, whose profanity and obscenity did not. Intermit for a moment? II aPplly the weak-eyed girl had not dared to brave the , curses - of Iflowley. Ralph steppodlorward to the woman by the window, and greeteo her. , . "Is this Mts. W.hollasonr . :• 'r "That ismyveme, sir , " she saikturn ing het: ilietrtoivard!lttdpir, who could not but remark. the contrast between the thorough refinement of her manner and her coarse, Scant, unabated pauper-frock of blue drilling. "Ilia* your.daugbter yesterday." ' , llia you 4 scoloy boy?" , . There was a tremulousness in. her 'voice and au - agitation 'in heeAnahnor. which disclosed UM:en:lotion she strove in vain to conceal.' rm.. only the day before 11111 Jones had informed her ~t hat Una Shoeky would be bound Caton Sunday, and that she would , llnd ' -that gobs' • 'agirc. him wil,FP't a payte.i 4stue. 4 ,,,tta wiletk. some others he moot - mention: • •'" • Ralph told hbr about Shtzteky's safety. I shad not twits dowtt gio conversation here. Critics would say that it way ail overwroughtscene. As if all the word were as cold as they ! All that, i can tell is that this relined woiud had ull she could do to control helsolf g"her eager 110SY to get out of her prisowidltige;OWfty from biaspheinies of Motriey; - „-_a_way front the InSults of Jones, away frOullho sights and, sounds als tiMulit. of ibe lace, and, ibove all, hoe eugetrnholt, :to •ily to Lao little shocky-head from utipArt she had beBn banished for two years: It seemed biller that she could grittily tilif noco, if she 'could die with that Miser: head upon tier b° 6 °ln• And so, in :mho of the oppoilitiau of Bill.Jonos's son, whotbreateue&hor with every sort Of evil if She left. Ralph wrap..* pod.-Mrs: Thompson'. bluo - drilii{Ag" in Sawyefa shawl, and bore the ko hl% woman MD to Low.sburg. And us they drove's:may, a sad, child-like voice cried frouithogratiugs of the upper win dow, rifload-bye! good-bye!'ltalph turned-and saw that it was Yhil, poor Phil, for whom-there was no deliverance. And all the way back Ralph pronounc ed mental maledictions on the Dorcas Society, dot for sodding garmentS to the Five ,Points.or the South Sou Islands, whichever it was, Mit for being so blind to the sorrow and poverty within its retWlL,l.lftdhl,nol know, fur be had 110$ read th. l 3,repotts of the Boards of Strite. Charities; that• nearly all alms-houses are. very Mott like this, and that• tho State of NOW, 'York ls , u6S better in regard. Judie au; Arid xi id not know true.ini almost all Other, countries;- as it was in his own, that a•Chrisdario• people do not‘think enough of Christ to loolc for him in _Apse_ bazar, hohises. ' • , •And whilellalph denounced the.. Dor cas' Sottery,Alio e2ger, hUng,r) , " heat's of tho'inalior rai l . flow toward -the white-1 qaded hey. • No, I eon not ao it ; I can tiottellyou about"shut meeting: lain sure thattliss Nancy Sawyer's tea tasted„exceedingly good to the,•pauper, Wh0..;144.,Vt0wn nothing but. cold water, end that She bread and butter were delicious to E palate that had taunt: tri.ipi;honse'soup for dinner, anteesras'PACkr-tiouso hived and vilo mafiosos. ler. suppor,, and that withouVvhange, for throe yesra.:. nut I. omit taot-tell you It4W ItSeemedthateveu-' hi/I' ` MlAtt,Axiet $4 . er,'tta c 'rtho poor RAllha4 1 4 ,.8 2 ' 1414 44 g as to roe -Inglis the ousplhit ingrehair In the 4fte-light,' while she OroPERSLA4 hexPcll4.oF9,.°olkoartei tniuh of her onfooplOd Atha& or d little Shock, *Who' r-sobbeit a half otnigiTY4t.aid, hu'n't. • forgot us, mother;Goa hie&t forgot ing" • (To DE CONTINUED.) TROditalinekii*,(l,o2. . ~ di i The consolidation, of Italy, so iii g frog 'utopia ;and Important, into on ler furig ,Waiiii aisits7ii . p ti Muth o o ram . ; througin Hest crushing defeats, ending with the siege and catoltpl4litd oflieipiondsind* Me stopills; thespalsion of the jitourinms try nkihgliiiiiiiii -tfirti* 'acid iiiirenhAt tution nisi for thirti l .rd a scion of the Most lib oralhi ng„ royal hotisii;-^tfie Areal alt soli of cille, 106000 ofilaxotg, Ilan; dyer. villa, WWI ''llilden, nesse, * the Henso Towns, fte., under the headship of Prussia,llte,the trinurfrhtint and power ful einliirtrif 01:4(140#intlifr ;; grid the arming of Russia to rea ssert her prepon derance In the council sof Europe, or to prosecute her often postponed but saver relinquished designs. Ou the great city founded by Consiantina: and the vast de awing and, anarchial -dominion of the gultan,:all' combine tOlnvest ' with pro found Interest the ever changing phases of ocir-,4illtsgal) Mitheo-Oldlre,.*ld. '..; TUE Tntutiria, through trust ed correspondents stationed, at all points,* Europe Where great MOvements arn in tyrogiesi - or imuit neat, !Amato, prcs?nt incomplete and In structive panorama of eients on that con tinent,midAtinurriii 114 r prolonged stitig4 Ate between inidilliiing, s Pentlaitsni and Ecclesiastic's* on the -on i a, , latrui, and Nineleenth-Centuny skiptlelsna and secu larism on the other: -.- ittecogniiiiign Dl *iner Providence *lap Ihat,,proceeds'and - 101 looks hoPehilry`o4;the great: Conti let as destined (Pk° our min. recent convul sion). to evolve from girlie, disaster, and seeming clutoiri a fatrtir`und happier fu ture for, t4etoillta wasidio f mankind. In our Own country,-; a war upon cot.- rupthin..inut rasnality jilt office has been inaugurated in our City, whereby the goveriMient of our Steil) „has been revoluf %ionized through .an initial triumph lif Reform • which surpass/At the most• san guine anttcipatien.,. It-is morally certain that the Movenient thui inaugurated can upti in-its progress,/be Circumscribed' to any locality,•or any liiiriy, bit that its purifying influence is de:stined to be felt in every part of the Union; rebuking ve nality, exposing robbert t . w resting power from politicians by trade, and confiding it to those worthiest awl fitte s t to wield lt, ; -,,T0 this beneficent and vitalli,,needel refiirtd i tirE trimmii or devote its best energies, regardless of„personal interests or party Ppieditectitntii,! esmyming the choice of honest and fiutlitul' men to of- lice as of all New Depailitres the most es gleatiafaml auspicious.:, The virtual surren4.4: by the Dann• cratic party of its hiMility to Equa Rights regartJles . 3 of Color has,divest4 gr ttllC, internsay. liimever e t atties may hence. . . forth 'rise or tall, it is 41ear that tli'e fud da priti4learivOlth.lial hitherto honor4bly ilisTagulshcithe Republicans arc Ilene-do - rift to be .SOtelr regarded as pracCioaVOMpted tiWt!l 010 ostfun try...l,4l:,/.rtlit of eve y: man to Lis own litubs*nd. , :iinews—tlic:Ctjuality of all ctt.- 4z . enit befoneTthe laci-14he ; a' State to enslave any portion ~of its people —the duty of the Unita] to 'guarantee to every citizen the full: enjoyment of his liberty until he forteitli It by crime—such are the broad and Jinn' foundations orour National editiee; and palsied be the hand that 04 isOC L94lilg* not) 4 •C'ti t tal'Ats; Oti; t TieTnitltcau party has completed ;the noble fabric of Emaneipation r and natty fairly in!roke thereon the tternest, udgentent of Man and the benignant smile of God. Henceforth the mission of our Republic is one of Peaceful Prfgress. To protect tin n•jgk and the 114ble font viol ice ; . Gni ft-tt4fire'lreillusgs , • to stitnulatc,. liigenutt* to tun prodtiqUion of inVentlolitari ce.O4untiZiag thus Olarging.r.od,O t ticul , -to draw near er to each other iiirstlttiers of Food and ,Fobries,,of Grait4aud, l of 3 1tits4i:TRO . , tilts enhanamlis gainS,44 ry tryra (hieing tide, t e,o,stvf .trAisportatitui and ex changes between fainters and artnans— such .Is.the inSpiringltask to which this Nation now addresses tself, and by which it would Thin . coiltrilihte Pi the progress, enlightenment "Rd ,h#,lppinessq our :lett. To this great and gocid work, THE Tal l:II:NE contributes its'rzealons and persist ent efforts. Agriculture Will c9ntittue toPbe more espuciallY tilucidateti-Utt its Weekly and Semi-Weekly editioo; to which some of the ablest arid most liaccasSful tillers of tho soil Tilksteadily tipatribte ! , tar—, tiler wIM sells SiOu w rth of liroduce per annum caa uffortl to 4oletritlinnt. 011 r Mar ket Itwort.±, or oth.efityqually lucid and coMprehensiVe. .If Wshould read noth ing else hut what rt4tes to nis own ...idl ing and its r(.;;ar-ds, btlit-ve that no farmer ho earoiefart l t all can afford to do without such a jouthal as The Tribune. Ind we aspire t 4 mare it equally valua ble to WO* et aged 1 tit he r pit tlntl* Prolluctivo opend Aote and more money on r Aur columns each year, ip our count riktpis, ge e rous pat rouag enables us Lido; and we arc re ved that our issiicS former years'shall be exr!ceded inyariet,%excelience anal 4 itt i tere.4t - by tliaseLl Is7t Friendslin entry State! help 'us ni mak* our joitriakbetter and better, by sentlimt in your subserip 7 lions and incteasing i:ntrr Clubs for the year just before us! . _/ Thlit.:4LS OP 'rift:lititßElNin Daily Tribune, Mail Subi4ibera, $lO per annum. Semi-Weekly Tribune, 315111 Subscribers, is 4 per antignx .1.1% - e coptes'or Xiter, $ 3 egdff att 41.1 int "root will be sent rue evet , tlisiYoUlten ire= for at one time; or if preferrO, a copy of *nonce tionhlat a Vial Life; by 344, Ilittelef:': ' -: , $ TERMS Or', TIIE WE.1110.1: TRIBUNE. , • ~ ,To 31;a43„ tering C•-; .1 ; - One C a p ,-ohe year. - a es. " s2. Five Cops., one year , illisufrs....... O. ' 1 Toone leidiirta—AiWit ilqi(bil i g ri irltaSr. Ono Poet-00k m-- ". One /Naito e • 10 copies sl.soCach. 1011i0p1e5,..... $1.60 each. 110 coplce,. ..... IVA each. Akciples 115 each. GO copies 1.00 each.3o'io, pies. 1.10 each. And One Extra Copy to Arid (Inn Eatia Copy to each Club. 1 each Club. 1. Perrone entitled to oh extra copy can, if pmfer-,, red, have eltheterth(l follemlog , book!, postage prepaid; Toliticdl Economy; by , I.lblVe p ostage Year Culture forTrolit, by R. T. Quinn; The Ele cuents.of Agriculture,. by 00a. N. ,#4413 , 4 . • • Afire - Hist,/ *ales: .dy Tribune. Mc. 4Jr-, bik.., 73c and $1 per line; h'etni. Weal y nibusie,tizi anii 59 ceuta per line; Ilerkly Tribune, fill hndryi per line, according to tioiiltiim iu t(fo In making relohtunces fad s'uti r scriptions or ad vertising, always procure S draft on Now York, or a Post.Offire Money Order, if possible. Writ* neither of these can be proc-bred, send the money Oat always In a WIPISTAREIAirirr. Vie egl.tra - tion fee bug - been reduced u 'leen cents, and tho present registration system • s been found by the postal ihrtinritt es to be timir3y an atisolutn Protec..' ;lon against losses by mail. All Postmasters are obliged to register letters Oaten requested Ado so. l'erms, cash in advatic4J Address, TUE Neer York. WE Invite our Mends to call and examine our Stock Isdote purchasiug eltsfiettere. 4)rdent care fully add promptly filled. • fonn-Sterinsoirs Sons t:o., 93 Market street, Pittsbargh. Jetly • to • o 'COMMUNICATED. Itobert Mammon respectable pit- izen died, after a few hinirs Illness, at his residence, in Indepeidence township,_ Beaver coinit,y,Pa., uwiifitivF9ol34 . thpfibuiiii4 4 Nimienliteti ugh' *dr I?orn in 1824, monsecto6ntly at the thneof Ills death, was in Op farty-eighp yeor of his age.' He OA . vat ituasiblv km:4w two chlldren-onewhen . ' is:labor,ing , under die' severe allliditikni of ilitsitltired' reason., 14es4Voot, gi ity this poslneAle man al6adltaildlt and.liai4aiidthe respect and Qopildenee , of 'those among whani ileviU3 n kinkfitftband, en indulgent ,parut, a true:, Erlend re a good iiiiWiiii/asvditni:el4o4. r iaiE44, honest [pap. He aqua anddeidfcatdo*ni in i6eitrinliteifllik4o! ditrali*ega‘i oi, DEATH I no morn.; to Tainglo in 001 changing and porploling aceneti of dill?! 4 / 6 141, 11 .11 1 * -60141 V T I the Or rd: # IttagUirrea th' ; dW • . ; •R. 4 Log down, licarcr canary' , Pa. SPE' NCER -ID \ ..Placlg „ Alga l jaP., • i ::,Sr4P di! 0 . .1Ff; Sa e , - • , ( red rantaise, _GrOen GriitHielle Pop line r • - Macao Cloths, • 'and Fancy DRESS', .111 • • Goods ourning.. Fftieley.• • -I • • -Lace Curtains. • • Persons visiting Plittitiurgil aro respect fully incited kiewillile our stock, Its tile prices wilt be the VzitirlowEsT: • Marg.h29:ly.- COM " Itiehard'nlilli*ellrAttlpill At the time , of edi tilit:t4 n lndustry to w n, ship a couple of irks ago * rather dam-. aging stories were told to us touching the success of .thel'artomPanY of that township. Since then, however,,it seems that Colonel Dick. -Wilton, like Bud : Means In the .'• llotader'llehool4tsater I .'' story; has been -" pntllte in' his best liciks," atol'ipktlieringtri . coons and'optis lutiN 4i l MlX:o4, o S.„XitginSWeCkb,e* fore, l huithiiwas the,".kninAliatedeith 5 1* Dine 'raccoons, and tiow many oviosigMll 4bhi,dcponept malt net. ..Jis, week be waeon the trail again, . andint:W.edimi4 day afternoon . be terwarded to the A*J. ems office, a racooon, that was seMething less tan Esq.Caughere -Chester Whites, and about as fat as anything its the wild amidel line could Cleverly get. Id com pany with the coon was a yOung opos sum, whose nocturnal rambles had broughthiut into a good condition. Well, we (reap that, coon and we, froze that (Messner ' ', we roasted..that coon and *e roasted that opossum; we "went for" that coin% nap We " went for" that opos sum, and'" illand s " pronounced that coffin and t . ' tlvossnm the best coon and unit:lest 0 ~eattt we have had, anything to,'ller,Witli fah''' e long :tile... MAI. Butler, (eRt *4), who used to, be a Whig,, bet haegellop,pelitleally,by the wayside:after Partak!ng heartily, thinks this coon was a descendant of that "same old coon" about whose fine points he was wont to sing himselfhearse in tbodeysof"Tippe caneeiblicr Tiler:ide."' 'hit 011 that poi tit we forbear for the present. Look Mg over the whole field, therefore, we have con cluded that Industry iownship will do to brag about, and that "Itighard's him self again." - - • Now, Colonel, what do you say foi a circular. Volt Hantbetween Christmas and New Year?' Can't you arrange de tails, and Issue a general order between ,tew _and then on that subject t We, at all esients,would liko to hear the "pares" end'see the ehae , . NEW URIGUTON GRAIN MARKET. connkcTED mr`rEkr., IW WILSON & 11n1qtqosliixt.t.s, Nov. 22,1071. No. 1 Red Wheat, - - - $1 35 No; 1 White Wheat, - - - 140 NM Corn, . - 60 Old Corn, Ruckw heat, Oats, Rye, ~7£ARBIEII. IMEIMi PENRBAKER. On the evening of the 21$ inst.. by Roy. Jas. lq,Shields, Mr, Chafing C. Childs of Pialeton, Pa., and Miss Mary M. Pone baker; of Shippingport,' Pa. KELLY—MORGAN.—On the 2.3 d inst.. 'bY:Rev. John Brown, of Knob. Mr - Cettiinbtle Kelly. 'to :hiss 'Amanda LEON ' iaCrEV. rta4 -1871, at the residence of Mr. J. Wilson, Msnovier, by Rini. 7. S. rardy, M. S. - G. -Leonard of Vanport, and • Mika L. Martin, of Hanover, Bearer county, New Advertismtnentg. Girl. Wanted. A GOOD GIRL wanted liar general housework to a small fnmiiy. AOltto W. 11. MOORS. Mitigation above Baden, Pitt,,lit W. &C. Rail way. •: CO+'Ek3w• E - i'lEl cbrticio. PILE :undersigned take this opportunity of to forming, the public that their Wire Werry, at Vapport, nearer comity, is now completed and In anecesattil operation . . Peracma on the south side of thariVer, wishing to cross without their teams. %VIII be accommodated with staid mg free of charge. During week dam the Ferry will be op erated, at idi,:hoars. (in Sabbath day. tt will•be rnapulytottCCotnwodate church-going people and [uncials, The boat *DI leave the 6outh•side shown/ min utes lteforo traip time: lima giving plenty, of time to cross the river and procure their tickets before the awe leave. The patronage of the public is re sptxtfully, aelititen. nutr.l9kiw.l J. ft. 4, S. MAXWELL 4, CO "Untitiatiosia,b/y the best Sustained Work . of tke kind in the World." HARPER'S IkL4GAZINE Notices of the Press 'Mete are few intelligent American far/nines in which 31AGAZIZCZ would not nu an ap prectututt a.d highly weleorned guest Then is no MoutillY:Mtigimitie an intelligent rtodingfaml. ly can less afford to he without. 11,2 47 *Art;a ll4ol are scentrielated. ilartrzu's is edited. 'Diem is not a Magazine that to printed which shows more intelligent pains expeuded,ou its articles and Me t' nflUteill eteetainn There is not a cheaper Mag azine palillsheil. 'there is not, confessedly, s more }ovular Mogsrlue iu the world —New Engtand Homestead. A rerotitory of bioerat i r l and Motel% Went tare, t Menet, and art, wiled by any other, Anierman,pethaeotiou. ° • • The volumes are as all:able ifsa mere wurk of rdretellee as any cycle. ps,:ita we am phieM in our libraries . lizitrzn's aistuiztug is a record of travel every where 81111:6 the hour of its establishment. Li% ingstOne slid Gordon Cumming in Africa, Strohm:lmm; the An ties, und itoss Browne In the East, Stntittf on the Nile and 31segregoi on the J ordain—Mae:A, all m ead travelers of note have seen theft" most im portant discoveries reproduced in these mem— Most in our younger and uumy of our older writ ers find here their literary biography. Uur artists ice •thty best •Ovtdences of their genius and the Mott'endurhi" specimens of their work in the bitopizine.-IY. n. standarci. lt . te 0110 of the wonders of loUrnallitv —the Mi. lariat; winarigement of lloirszles.—The .11atioti, Nstv York'.. Stibio e rip t. o 11.*1 71.2 T& $:-4` .1144iiiigi one -3(4.4r, #4 00. An Extra Copy of eithei the Maga:4as, Ilirekty. or Lagar will be sopplted gratis for every Club of Fibs oirbscribsrs at ti,eacb,; in tole remittance; or Six copies for VA', wifkout tlztra copy. Subtermtluns to harper a Magazine, II rekly and Bomar, one address fir one year, #10; or, two of Harper's Periodicals. to one addrves for ono year, V. Rack Surnbers calf be supplied r.t any time. A Complete Bet of MEYER'S MAGAZINE, 11014 , COMION/Gg 33 VOICIIIIES. in neat cloth binding, will tie scut by espies's—fret:ht atexpr.use of par chaser—no t. 11.1 per volume. Single volumes by postpoid, Cloth MCA, for binding, 5.i walk. by inati, postpaid. The postage pn llarper's Maga...tine is 24 cents a year, which must be paid at tbe'subscriber's post. office. .Adresa. Um:WEB. a, Marriltats, New not.atv "A Complete Practical 11Warp of the Thue26l, ".The Best, Cheapest, and Muse Suceess flit Famay i'aper in the Union." Htirffier'sei Weekly. sea.S kleLuspi4l.TED. Arptites.o.( the Press. The It a takelespapr of our country. :Com. plete•ln ' the departments of sr' Amertam loam iii roper, lisurits's Warta v Sea earned for it. self a rigic:l doJur i title, "A . Journal .of tion."—N. rrining'Fint. 'I bb best Pablkatlon of its nuts in America, and so,tiar ahmnof AlLother nechiljocirnals as not tp pernalibf any copparl44lt between it and any of , then- Mut:lid% • Ita columns contain the col lections of-teacitag mattertluit are Printed. 1 " • • Its illastratintes aro numerous and beautiful,•ho• rtirnlitiKbY Mk chid' artists of the country. --4rodins Viciatelst: • ' • lisurass's ViptlnLy-,lsAbe best and most toter outklik Hittalrated newspaper, Nor does Its value dependirpun Mustn't/env alone. Its reading muter hsetaidgbinuer f or literary mertt—vsriee. toe u alitertelning ,and,unulcupthaustOle .— 1", Sue. ' ' . ,Subsiscat•iptionail. -1140) " ,2- 11tumik,ilarpnima-Kestte,....,-0330 year VI CO istrilAxvikizaene Bazar s il l : 4,47 r iri 64y s a ou 17_,,7,,,.?:; e i l s vols e t cce lf „r a , is e rr rei :a itt. alicl l:: cue 4; er g ': linbscriptiona t to one address for one year CU; or, Ind Anal. periodicals, to ono a for I nd 44 . 11° "50"bers qn be c 'applied at any limo. 'The Annual Volumes onuarzn . . Warms.v. In neat cloth bludnia. will be seat by extp ia p or gi e i xpe n f isiF se v . l o g r a r 100..csomeallchil sent tebtrop,ptetreedd9; of cash , t the rate of p 23 per vo frelOAS d . enunit Qr y o aci tu Th e r e , P°ll l A lch:m rete ° lls7 a u tio il A tta it aiP" p ld it a t i a t ja h lr e i rers urm Y ir t ibri ts r Fe s . _l n ts e s w t a . YOrk. nov3w !few' ktgepoOletry fit 'Wash Mkt, • . 4 1: s at llystruenost",il-; • " .Notice. of thePrceai • J . Uhl:realty the/oily lituidrittedchronlelet fish faith Um country. 1111 inippleMsuti slime-are - DlVthe subscription price 90 the i*DYIN . „While inaintslolon Its position fa zoirroros hob • km, it Mao . contains movies,. poems; es says, beshiee e ocrel , aitdtpersonal gossip.,—i/os7 ton Saturday teeing lidest/e.., 'l'heret nes alms any 'paper published; that so ,delighted the hearted' woman: Never mind 1f it dime out you a- new bonnet; it will pare you lea th timer e pricela the household "eoco . tonkrit es:—.Procultsee Jeered.. , - ) " • Tim young lady who bhp alagle number at /Jasper s Bazar is made a subeCriberior Y. I:coning Jest. The llataz *a excellent. Like all the .perloill eels which the Harpers publish, it Is airoostldeal ly well edited, as m the clase9Preadere for whom it 'white* ed—the mothers and danetteis Ware. rage tainitiov r eannot bart peotlt by lta good sense and goad taste, which rro bare nu doubt are, to baking Many bottom happier than they - mity have boon before, the vromenbeitan taking lessons in personal and household and social, manatrw ment front this good-natured mentor; , -771e tles,'N. 4 1. MEI,L4AW7o. I.l.f.pan, one • EXtitiaiffOrgr.either tbb iffigetrine„ , wedgy. ar . Bw.a— rwill - baeupplied vials for every Club 'dirks tittbscribersat $4. each; trt Oka ventittroter; or. ifixColites for Itideuiptout Pxtra Copy. • halwriptioult to. kiffirper's Misirr4ne. Weak. atid Saar; to one address for one year, VI, or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oneaddress tor ono year, St Back Numbers can be scpplied at any time. 'the four volatiles of Ltaurait'a BAUD, for the years MS. '7O and '7l elegantly bound Pitmen moroccoaith, will ho sent by express, freight prepaid, for $7 each. • . The postage op !Zipper's lima' '3) cents it ear; which moat he paid at the itrbseribeel post- Address, QAItPIIR do fiItUTHRIIS. Sew ; COAL. and. NUT:OO.AI, - -:,• • The • "fR *pendin ott MciLi about halt"way betweenkw' (tester and ifoiesr where he will 'be glad' to meeleironters tor lamp or autcoal Older* can also be kit. ah B. Maipotm a in Of et John Putvls; in Deliver. or at the Attars office or at the residence of ; the , on Illathet street, Bridgewater. yonion th, platform at all times. Coal delivered at abort notice.— Terms cash on delivery. Prices as low its the low est. [Jys-iy] J. C. MOLTER. JOWCPN HORNE & CO. 77 - ez 79 Market;St. Invite the attention of close !layers to their 'et; temoirre hues of - . Misery, Gloves, .. Geot'o Furnishing Goods, , .Underwear, Embroideries, .• Handkereiriefs, Corsets, 'loop Skirts, - Lace Goods, Buttons, Braids ► Tam, and alums of all Kinds Millinery and strap• Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Flowerg, Feathers, Velvets, Velveteens, Ribbons; Frames, Ornamental, ste. 'AT LOWEST PASTERN PRICES NEW GOODS EVERY DAY. SAYCYL R . Jorvistng Josgru W &WAS (1. JOUSIMON. Established by Eiebtatir&Jotatl4lBl6. - William', G. Johnston do Co., S, S TAT I 0 NEits 65 SO 45 70 And , Blank Book Makers, Eknd '54 Wood Stet, PI2VSITURGII, PE/074. niy9l-13, The Americawilousewife. A Monthly MagFi i ne for the Family, SEMI! iqt; 27i:,.34 B:. d r oop WIN. For the Mother, It containa direc tions and euggestions for every department of housekeeping. "For the VOttng Ladles of the family.ebtriceiltetature,hints on dress making and fancy work, talk* about fashion, etiquette, and ♦arlons Interestirm topics. For,Chtlelren, an Illustrated depart ment to rnivided,wherein.they can And both pleas ure and profit. The Farm, the Orchard and the Garden will receive due attention. TERMS—Lino copy one-sear. $1 ; Ten copies. $8; Cwenty copies, - Snbscriptfon may com mence at any time, Specimen numbers sent on receipt of stamp. A44lreas Iltonavoth, Chase & Hall, Publishers, norrls-tf.] CrscinaNan, Onto. ATTENTION ! Rocligtor Banding Asst No. 2 MU : Meeting Every Wednesday, at 7 P. Al, AT A. SILBERMAN'S STORE. WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA First weekly payment dno and election of a Board of Directors on Dezember 6th, 13'3. We take subscriptions: HERMAN SPEYEREIL !JACOB W ACK. ED. KELBEIt, Am: SILBERMAN- Rochester. Pa, N0v.15, IS7l.—norl3-4W. • . . CHEAP FARMS! FREE 'HOMES! Union Pacific Railroad A land grant of 12 000,000 4 CJI E S of the beet Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 3.000,000 Acres ot Choice Farming and (;raz ing lands on the line or the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Platte Valley, Now for sale, for cash or long credit. lands are In a mild and healthy climate, and for grain-growing and stock-mising, unsurpassed by any In the United States. Prices range from $2 to $lO per Acre. HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS 2 1 50%000 9crns of Government Land 13e !wean Omaha and ICebtatact, epen for entry aa nomeeteads only. SOLDIERS OF THE LATE WAR Free Homesteads of 160 Acres within railroad Motto, equal to a DIRECT BOUNTT. Y of $4OO Bend for the new edltron of descriptive pamph let, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Ad , dress. 0. F. D iVIS. Land CcimmlAsioner U. 'R. R. R. Co. o=4 Neb. pcpt6:3m LOOK HERE. SPHING AbiD SIMMER GOODS.—The ondetyrigned begs leafre to inform his friends and the public generally that he has Juet received a new stock of goods of the lateal styles for Spring, and Summer wear ,which he offers at vary moderat rates. GE4VFLEMHNS' FURNISHING GOODS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing made to order on the thortest notice. Thankful to the public for' pelt Savory, I hope by close attention to busmen to merit a amtlau ante of the Rome. DANIEL 31ILLER,PA BRIDGE ST... BRIDGEWATER. mar 101 l f • J. D. RAMALEY'S Hat House, GENT'S FURNISHING EMPORIUM, Fifth .X.‘rfaitne, The • Hest Goods at Lowest Prices. Gooodd seal to any address, on approval raar.34-7y. XECUTIIIIMs NOTIVILLettens testa. .11.‘ amatory tro the estate of Daniel 'kin late of the! borough of Beaver. baTthg WTI grants ed to the undersigned,. notice Is hereby gifell to alt patties Indebted to sold 'estate to make tome• disco psymenti and to those having claims menet the same to,ptesent them poverty authenticated tot settlement. MRS. ANN Ittlfrt ndrl;6t. 4 Executrix. • ' EJM ALSO, WHOLESALE ONLY sep2o-;din ) I °P=si9G',,. On the land of the Are entitled to OP E r . ) , A. ANT) PITTSBURGH a~~~~~.r~Ra Cria. I 4 1' ca . a '7 - • t,p,• , , 4 - ,;:crt: 1161 ,Dr Vri r ealitaltraigh - Cbrianiitteeon "Triiiteali;Jd "Inter -8" mot ovideciFor, • And 04 , . , !INC ONLP A: 1 L7 1 .4.C PAM* of p, hia otyy; /0- Or Qraie z alrfttPhirPdehic • ' adifindin-41KOKCIE TIPAPAKT;Jr.i atm. GeoG Meader L:Mciatgomery Bond. Gen. ROM Patternou, Pree't Keyetnne Bank. Jobe MLA • nomad Kennedy,' • _ Ma' W. W*h.] . PreellipengGarden Irk Geo. U:litew4rt, jr. Col. Seou„ . Peler sh am/ . • • : ~ • . pt centrai U. is., tar_l .. ratter ' 3,Btebe!on, Stout rat. Rene Gallkni, Nelson Fe Evans, Wm. t`...Mlskey, Ed. R. Flutchlns, D.. raap, Or. fames,oss .13 nowden. gsmael CI. Thompson, Itiastol. Y. Cook/ William a. Cronsll., . . L.SION'TOOSID. UNCAN SL Cirrus oir Tai courrnr#,No.493 prAtsusfk?, t " PiIiDAV.PIIIA, Weller 17e1811: L Drat .tin—The ' D °Vet:Vet thi0 7 1411,00 1 4 the furrguiqg Comialtbse to *ore Contribik tlons for the afflicted, and aufferlog poet of oleo go from all Mcraeof dor'eltizetts iftlo 411 re Cite been tolled upon e ta giro 'to the toilet~ et ter city, and °hp do not, bong to profeaskrimOr trades, for the- caremaslog of °bleb ManelfteeS have already been immolated. • r- " - The terrible epee.% 9r the everottelminc.eatsm! tropho which his rained atul rendered holt/00..-f Go mill tens Of lbOusands of tntr teller do A ir at the commencommitrof odater.eiM ly he mitigarAd.,by the. prompt inift liticrat flati*7 Meet of kit eses °tour people: Fillow4ltlieris, Mantifitettcremateelionloo and Thideimen of the City of Brotherly t l eset give of yoor Ablol/000 and to tho - lietit ot you ability for Pio relle4otthe - sniferime tea, hremen tad children el Obleagosor tbo Itamiweit‘ Owl yosmill novae regret Mt MD ooy;oti thatoolitteuto. • • • •• T - DimeArelercassws, tfrey; • 0111131410:4111Volunt street; PAllidelpila.i tloare-40 to 3. - • —The Cbleatii'illie.-Ibgfir'e some ides of Strait:esti •etisting consequent, thereupon, we dive the following brief. and Astakneksastsa az' tract: • - • [From The Nem l'ort liegd.l • • • • Women and-children - are ping round., seeking something to satisfy their longer; which there is nothing to supply. No ode We psis toes or money. Whit provisions there were In the city are tamed or eaten: A.few -peoplelare enough for a day or two, not longer- .Provisions aro arriving, but are distributed as Passi ble. Twenty. dead podia hrebeeln takes to the station on the North side. t present Itts Impos sible to know who they ate. As illghtteduerian the want of gas Is ketsaly felt. , Therersre few dm dles In the city, and no.wates except witheis taken from the Lake. Greet fears of thfetes'atelbtfott the Wcstaide and General Sheridan isatirt'ena • lay fertroops from tllfere.nt postai. lit Inn order. 1I basiness' and wort' are shapendeo. and every oneis occupied-lit obtaining sotheiftting tcieat and prates of shelter. The fkalferitto on. *II INorth side are heart rending. Fifty thoftul i mpo, wo• men and children are huddled her .fike so many:claimers. Seventeen thotnutdr Gletundts trad Irish are preying fur relict. • Ileltdestaelhilfbuttare asking It r bread from, heart-breten parents who know not which way to turn, nor to d& except to await suppilea Which must be slow .theonflog. ail there is part of the burst dim:let where it la Id most thiptessibleto travel: Pattentshadbeenstaken from beds-of *kermess to-savo llves t ..whicirwero nearly spent, were all exposed toiltie rant bist night and the cold taw winds to day. Several deaths occurred at lantoto Park. Another night must be spent in Lincoln Parkarai the= fields of Division street, an .1 yet another.. and extras are loaded to their' , fullest' catiticit,y to taking people away, who in tunny listances have no place to go, to, hat, jeVemthot soy here. snit each train leave* live times aifauipat.ieng,ere as It takes akay. The -Synth* Journal" • got oat half a 4beM to-night, and other papers will follow to-morrow. W 1 enenhecriptinne plenee write names. plainly au that way an be mrecely . eeknowl edged. (Form for.Subseription.) L. MONTGOMERY BOND, E• 34., President o(tbe "Keystone Ban" No. 15516 Chestnut street, Pedlede.tvhia.- 4 - Drar r . Betel& And ,our liob setiptieln for • $ 00 One day's income from our employoce, • Total .. which please acknowledge fn inn gewspaperit' Very resaectlolly.,: • .... .. .... ................. Please draw cheeks to,tho order of the rarer.- whose , Indorsement will he a receipt In addition to the "acknowledgement:" • Ona,also retched_naz a'afferera try the estensirefires In Ilichimkr,'7llinstellota and Wis: - cattalo., by Which.hwedreasi of Aka 40`f6reat and. pruirio and thirty aillakes stern deatrigedw *rhea sending subscriptions for Omn i please Wage, otherwise they will hi:credited tolhe Chicago Ind Subscriptions reielved from- non-residents...of Philadelphia as well as citizens. Firms. manufacturing establishments:railroad, - mal, iron, and other companies rand prelate cat. zens,J In and out of the city. should fortbWittatiend in their subscriptions, and at ones ittmaguritera movement among. their employees to secure "one dare income," toilhout teaitiegle be cage:Lepel' or formally notified by_the committee: _ tinhearipdorat amnia be handed to ' the Colder of the uearestlialik, isho is authorized toAnceitsa • hr'ifeniffornertf , Beriftw. si.e.v-PlesldentiteratotterEardt. '-flo. - VIOn Cleat- • nut street. Philatlelpua. novls:3w James T. Brady & Co., Corner of • A WOOD ST.', ,tt FOURTH • AVENUE, Pittsburgh,. Pa. BANKERS, Have for ,Yak First Class State, (bun ty, Illunicipat and Rai(roar' Roads. GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS; Purchased on the must avorahle Teruas. Interest allowed on Deposits Wade with us, in Currency or Coin, subject. to Check, without n:,t ice. • GOVERNMENT .540 BONDS, Of issue of 111369, Redeemed Without Charge. Money Loaned on Government iid State Bonds, and other reliable Col laternl.;. JAMES T. BRIDY aE CO. HOLDEFA OF 5.208 OF 1882, 117sich tall be' paid o t r in December, 1871, have especial reason to consider the question of converting the into some other good, reliable seetirily, sin less they desireto receive coinfor them, or• snake an exchange at par for Bonds of thonew imam, bearing an average rate of 4A per cent. : - In view of these fact,z, those who desire to take advantage of a change of Invest tneift, into other reliahle.Coin Securities, hearing 7 to 7 3(1 per cent. interest, should act soon in making the exchange. • may.l-Iy:cted Mt 11 • ALL s'EcuitlTlEs Sold have our personal mid cargful examination. Whether you Fish 10 13 . 1 1( Orgeo qn:# khul - 47 - •• . Investment S;eertivittes, Cbirsuli, or write Co _ 3 S. McClean: & Co., 13A.NICERS; (Lock-b0.t137) No. 61 Fourth Avenue PITTSBURGH, PENN'....t., Financial Agents for the Loans of Me GoveriTtat and various approved Itai/r9ad Bawls; Drawers of Ex irth'cntge,Drafts on oilparts of the Uni ted &cites and Europe; A General Banking, Brokerage and al/mission, husOwss attended to. .3foney advances made upon aPProred allaleralt ChecksendDeposit Accounts kept with indirictuals, Banks, Bankers, Ctor porallons, Interest allowed on I'm _Deposits. .oct11; m Grey, Possiel Rese, No 31 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Mereliant • PiD DEALERS IN CtENTS. FINE FURNISHING GOODS SUPERIOR WRITE SHIRTS'aidIAND • AND 3IADE TO .ORDER,' • - A PERFECT , FIT GUARANTEED GENTS' FINE DRESSING ROES. 311:F.FLERS, New Styles in Neck Near Just ReCened train Lendeut2 UNDERWEA4 /k,NI/110SMIY, 'ENTRASIVISILE UMBRELLAS. SCARFS, GLOVES, &e. All the LATEST STYLES for the best city and country Trade. 0ct4:301