The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 22, 1871, Image 4
uded from .First Page. M Ei. I Don't ask me,,Uncle Richard* It was Fanny Senter who planned it.— That is, she knew Iliked Horace, and but for Hefty—oh; I 6114 tell you! But she first • put it into my head," sobbed - the girl, very 'misera ble and unhappy. _ _ "I don't want you to tell me, Mat ty. It isn't my affair at all; only, if I can be the instrument of reconcil ing two who are really attached to each other, and bringing back my, niece to her old self, it is all I ask. Do you know, natty, it's - no light" thing to ruin the happiness of oth ers? Better at once attack a person's life, like a common highwayman, than secretly, injure their good narne, or blight their faith 'in those they have loved. I don't know what this precious Miss Fanny Seater, to prove her disinterested (?) friendship for you, has done to undermine the peace of poor Hetty and Cavender; but 'I do knaw that it it your first duty, natty, to bring them togetheragain, and explain affairs to them as far as possible. ' 'You won't die of a broken heart, I. know, Natty; for the love or attentions of any man, gained in thiS way, would never satisfy you any length of time, and you would be continually jealous and fearful lest he should prove untrue to you. Pardon my seeming severity, Matty ! I only mean your best good, and you Will live to acknowledge it yet." " I see it now," sobbed .Matty— potor girl ! who, with all her faults, now saw her conduct in its true light. "I have acted meanly and contemptibly, just because I liked Horace; he was here so much, I couldn't help that, Uncle Dick," and she sobbeti afresh. "But I. will say that I never should have thought of trying to come between him and Hetty, if Fanny hadn't said she would do it for me. Yon see, she wrote a letter to Horace, anonymous ly—it was last fail—and had it mailed in. New York, where Hetty goes ev ery winter, and In it she said Hefty was engaged to a gentleman there, and-had made her boasts that she was only flirting with him, which wasn't true in the least, but it gained our purpose. And so Horace came di rectly to me, and took me out to concerts and lectures; and Fanny sometimes went with us, and always professed to be my greatest friend." "For purposes of herown as you know very well, my poor !nifty," interrupted her uncle. 'Well, I see that' you are penitent for your share in this transaction; and, now, noth ing remains but to bring Hetty and Horace together and set matters right, between them." "I can arrange a meeting. It can be here at the party, if •H,etty will come, and I'll go over and ask' her myself. But, U Uncle Dick ! how can I explain everything, and show up myself go base and wicked? It didn't appear so to me then, indeed it didn't, uncle," said the girl, in ut ter humiliation. "I can well believe that Matty," said her -uncle, kindly; but adding, gravely: "Is repentance, sincere, my dear, without reparation, if it lice in uur power? And you ought to be thankful that it does lie in yours." "I know it. But they would both hate and despise tue ever afterwards, and I couldn't bear that. Uncle Rich ard," she sobbed. "I think not, Matty. On the con trary, I am assured that you would gain two valued friends in the place of her you will lose, unless Miss Fanny comes over to your way of thinking, which ' I am inclined to hope, she may. Now, my advice is that you go to Fanny, have a talk with her, and tell her you mewl° do right and amend wrong, let the consequences be what they will; and then either see or write to Horace -and Hetty, for I desire to spare your feelings as much as possible, my dear niece," said her uncle, persuasively. Matty rose to her feet, with the light of decision in her face. "You are right, Uncle Richard. I will see Fanny Senter, and slie shall not hinder melrom doing my plain duty. Perhaps she may be byught to see things as I do, and wi join with me. Atany rate, I stud write a letter to Horace Cavender, and go over to see Hetty Wilder 'myself. They mn't blame me for bringing back their happiness, and I hope they will forgive me or what I have fobbed them of. . Now, if you'll please wtite a note of invitation to Hetty, be - mueb obliged. I should think you would be ashamed of me, and not treat me so kindly, Uncle Richard," she added, as he bent down and kissed her • "No, not ashamed atm, butproutt of your Courage and resolve to be a woman in future," said the doctor, affectionately, as he dreu her to him ere she left the room. Ile called her, hack a moment, however, to add the caution : "1 think it's best, Matty, to spare your friend Fanny's feelings as much as possible, so please don't use my name in the affair. You can say that You have come to this decis ion from convictions of duty, and she'll always feel better than to know I overheard her that night." "Thank you, Uncle Richard !" re plied Matty, as she left him. It was a hard task Matty -Ains worth had set herself, but she did not shrink - from it. Fanny - Senter, as May be imagined, was very angry at the idea of exposure, and ,bitterly opposed Matty's resolve to undo . the 7- mischief the two had wrought. But, when :batty generously promised :that her name should be withheld as .author of her anonymous letter writ ten to Cavender, she grew calmer, and finally admitted that her friend w 4.1 right in the matter, although it was very humiliating, and at length avowed herself willing to take her own share of blame in the confession. So natty went home, to pen the explanatory letter to Horace Cavell der, and then to visit and hold a long interview with Reny Wilder. And that evening, for the first time since.the premeding autumn, a young gentleman, very agitated, but very earnest, rang at Esquire Wil der's door, and asked for his daugh ter. "I don't know as you can ever overlook it in me, betty," he urged, after some preliminary minxersatiou. "If 1 was half-mad with jealously and anger at the contents of that let ter, I received the very day of Parepa's concert, it was uo excuse for my ungeutmanly conduct in not coming to you, as I had promised, and even telling you all about it. But I didn't t.iciteily . 1 1tnow what I was about ; and wheti;that evening, I met Matty Ainsworth and her par ty going into the hall, I was just is the Mood to do a foolish . thine. ' by accepting their invitation to join them. And since then—well, you know that I 'never sought op portunity for exanation, but you don't knoW that ' 'e been very un happy. Matty A naworth's reopen-. ip tante isn't any 1 re sincere than mine. I wonder if youcan ever ;for give me, Hetty ?" What Hetty's answer was may be inferred frOin - the fiet that; upon the evening of Many A nsworth's party, . I ‘ she appeared, to th great surprise of alt present, on ext. tient ;terms with 11-4)race Cavender, well -as her host. Fanny &inter - yralso-most kindly greeted, a forgivln act which taught tt that youtig lady a esson that influ enced' her whole fter life; while Doctor Dick a real agent in the hap piness (AUK. reunited lovers, viewed the scene with secret satin faction. 1 1,t was the usual ntnedays' wonder in Brookfield, when the engagement of Hetty Wilder and Hornet! Caren-. der was announced, and- frfendshiP • restored between parties who had been so distant; but, as ellconcerned , discreetly kept their own cOunsel as to how affairs had been , brought a bout,n ohe were ever the wiOr._ And, • when Caventler and Hetty were mar , ried, it came about very 'naturally that Matty Ainsworth should be bridesmaid. . - ! . • All now are finally settled in_the enjoyment of happits, 'after the manner • of characters' In fairy tales and old - romances, and none more htippily than-Matty Ainsivorth,,who neverregretied her tepenhinceirhfch reunited the pair estrange/ by her own and Fanny Seretees wicked deed —the sending of the anonymous letter. A New Thing - in Mid*loci-- While Man Tarallnighle k • The San Franci sc o Exainideriays a genetleinan of that city,abont twen ty-five years of age;:r11110 Corniaex ion and curly red hair, who bad an Intractable and painful ulcer on the ' left arm, resistingall previous modes , of treatment, yielded to the request of trying the effect , of transplanting a piece of skin to tip ulcer from another_ person, The ulcer was 'pre pared in thh usual manner by his physician, and a bit ofskin about an inch square was taken trom the arm of a' fine; healthy negro' man `.aid immediately spread over the ugly ulcer, and then carefully dressed and bandaged. The skin transplantation had thedesired effect.' Healthy gran- Ulation sprang up, and the unsightly ulcer soon healed. A few months afterwards he went to his physician and told him that ever since the sore healed the black skin commenced to spread, and it was increasing. About one thinrof his, arm completely ne groed. ' The Doetor himself is alarm ed. The high probability is that the whole skin of this white man will become negro. This is a new thing under the sun. It would be rather difficult to explain the physiological process which takes place to bring about such a skin change as this. The problem is, how can the color inc matter of the skin be so radically changed? And how is this pigment change propagated? It is certain That the law of capillary attraction plays no insignificant part, in the spreading process: Grafting. pears on an •dppler tree has communicated to the apples a pear taste. A Strange Career. Gen. Joseph Harlan of Philadel phia died In San Francisco a few days ago. About the year 181 he landed in - Hindostan, and traveled inland through the British palseilsions into. regions under the native govern ments otr Asia, which he penetrated as a scientific traveler, and among those sovereigns he made himself at home and a favorite. In ,Persia, Cabal, and Afghanistan he spent nearly twenty years. He rose to high command - the army of the conquering Dost Mohammed, and Introduced modern military tactics among the ;Orientals. At last, re turning homeward through Egypt, Turkey, Germany and Great Britain, he resumed the quiet of his youth in Philadelphia. At thn rising of the rebellion—though in his seventh de cade—he promptly offered his servi ees to the government. He was com missioned as a Colonel, and led clown to the Army of the Potornaciife hu gest regiment of cavalry embraced in it, and which he commatlded• until severe sickness obliged him to with draw. Death of V. N. Marshal Gregory. [From the Philadelphia Bulletin.] Death is unusually busy among our public men. • Senator Connell, Auditor General Stanton, and now our highly esteemed and most wor thy fellow citizen, General Edgar M. Gregory, United States Marshal for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania have all passed away during the last fortnight. Few public iglicers, either in mili tary or civil life, have enjoyed or de served a higher reputation than Gen eral Gregory. As a soldier, Colonel Gregory was identified during the war with the famous Ninety-first Regiment P. V. which he recruited in the fall-of 1;41, and which ho commanded _Mth signal bravery and ability. Theiiiaird of Col.•GregorY's regiment is one of constant, hard and gallant serviee.`and the laurels that it won on many desperate bat tie-tields were largely due to the calm and lofty courage of the serious, stea t tly, devoted man whaled it, and vho-infused . -so trilieh the lofty spirit of true patriotism into his coin wand. Fates of the Apostles. Matthew is supposed to have suf fered martrydotn, or was slain in the city of Ethiopia. - Mari was dragged through the streets of Alexandria, in Egypt, till he expired. Luke was hanged to an olive tree in Greece. John was put in an caldron at Rome, but escaped death. lie died a natural death at Ephesus, Asia. James.the Great was beheaded at Jerusalem. James the Less was thrown from a pinnacle, and beaten to death. Philip was beheaded. Bartholomew was skinned a live. Andrew was crucified and pounded while dying. Thomas was run through with a lance. Simon was eruci4.. Matthias was stoned. Barnabas Was stoned to death. . Paul was beheaded by the tyrant Nero, at Rome. 9 Card of-Thanks from the Govern or of Wisconsin. MADISON, WIS., November B. The following is issued to-day. EXECUTIVE DEP'T., STATE \V IS. I MADISON, Wis., Nov. 8, 1871. To the People of the United States: The Relief Commission informs me that the supply of clothing on hand and in transit ready for ship ment will be.sufficient for the suff erers by tire in this State. No fur ther contributions of this kind are needed now. Your getier6sity has comfortably clothed the needy for the winter. Thqr would not tax your liberality a moment !linger than is nectary, and gratefully_ thank you for your liberality and - timely aid. Signed, Lumus FAIRCHILD, Gov ernor of Wiseonsia. Trade with the Moukey. Monkeys are scarce in Michigan. A saddler in Detroit kept one for a pet, who usually sat on the counter. A countryman came in one day, the proprietor being in the back room. The customer, seeing'a saddle that suited him, he asked the price. , Monkey said nothing. Customer said give you twen ty dollars for it," laying down the money, which monkey slaved into the drawer: The than then took the saddle, but monkey mounted hiss. tore his hair, scratched his fat*, and the frightened customer screamed for dear life. Proprietor rushed in and wanted to know what's the fuss.. "Fuss?" said the ellsttitnee. "fuss? I bought a saddle of. your son sitting tifeie and when I went to take it he woulan!t let me have it." the Eadiiler apetogiOrl Toe the - niimikey; but :Amaral Min" he wag - no relation. ' —A Michigan-dairyman has lately published his method' of packing butter. Re has oaken tetts with , heads at each end. They are four teen inches in diameter at the top, nine inches at the bottom. -and six teen inches high. -In packing a atm brie bag is made to fit the. tub. The butter is packed in the tub as it stands on the small end—the sack be- I ing long enough to extend above the edges of the tub—and is prmseddOWn firmly until within an inch and u4half from the top, when _circular cloth Is laid over it, the edges of the sack turned over that,end a layer of fine salt placed on It. The head is now put in its place, the tub turned up, and the butter in the sack course falling down to the lxttioni, deaves space all round it, which is tilled with brine potired through a hole, in the I small: end. 'When full the hole hi corked up tight. The nutter flouts in; the brine and is effectually preserved from the air, and will keep-foran-a I most indefinite period. -- , the 'great *IMMO The :Pet!' 1 0, 1 1;gawkins, which baa struck so • cy'a biciarat mermen institutions by the conviction' of the .defendant, ranch snrpriseandsomeidverse ern lehut were evoked by - , the circum stance that the rosecution was for adultery, of for bigamy under the act of Congress of 1862, an act intended to reach the practice • of po lygamy in Utah. The reasons were i C breifly that bigamy uircs the proof of at least two marifta:, only one of which is lawful. The polyg, amous marriages, are a secret ceremo ny, of w hich,es ex perieneehas shown, the Mormons when called into oouct deny all knowledge. The lawful wife cannot testify against her inadamd in such a prosecution. 'The unlawful wives would not give their testimony because of the social position tO which it would degrade them. On the other hand, in adultery cases, under the Utah law, only onemarriage need be proved; the wit May be a witness against her .busband, and while she mayknow nothing aids polygamous marriages, is likely to 'he cognizant Of his adulterous acts. The sagacity of the course adopted Is evident in the charge of Chief-Justice McKean to thejury, showing how the proceed- Inge for adultery steered clear of all questions about the fact or the charac ter of polygamous marriages' and, or: course no evidence as to faith in a pretended revelation or religious observance on the prt of the prison er could be allowed to influence the Jury, sincethe question before ahem was simply whether Hawkins had or had not transgressed a plain law enacted by a Mormon Legislature. The Greatest Medical ESINBI7 TO MAN. • 14NDSEY'S Improved:Blood_ caroller, FOR THE CURE Or All diseases arising from an Impure state of the blood. Cures Ulcers, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Debility, Cutaneous Diseases Sore Eyes, Pimples on the Face, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Dims. el, and, In short, is the best Spring and Sum mer Medicine ever of fered to the public. TRY IT, - and be convinc-' ed. It is a purely vegetable prepare tion,cortipounded from the finest Roots, Herbs and Leaves, which Nature, has provided for the ills of man. Not a single grain of mineral composit lon,so that while itifbrds relief. and effects the most Wonderful cures, no over dose could Injure the most tender infant. This Medicine Is for sale by all Druggists, everywhere. JNO. F. .13..ENRY. New York, Wholesale Agent. Prepareinly by R. E. SELLERS & CO. PITTSBITH.GII, PA. feta ly] No. 45 Wood Sweet. Pittsburgh Pa. r vi pit cilt co r 0 0 04 111111 t wow wool o tz. mu E3l © © rt J et, es' nTirlll;chevinovt:7. Carpeeslahs, M„pttings, Acc., rte.? AT LOWEST PRICES Henry McCal)unt, . , • • • Dsrtillmg: Hoises ...13 - 2..vaTmizr...33:asrlip, IMPROVED ; AND tizoOßOVtl^. _ . 1-. REAL ESTAIT: , IN .A.D113 N 1 1; rruE Boretagb. of .Rochester. FOR EiAirE • AND RE NT S.D•cmumm 4 ,l l ,-,elit i g. tan= gs : oh; -catt:o44l3. .wow w oe.. he sit Its brandies. So the people •. • , ..: , _. . • firth 3 1eP i c e At i ag and riaii"l t i l l9s . tinbi: 7=,7 - - -"--*" 7 - --kiii3=fiairliFiiiirt:- (Liife IlcCullim"`f3ro: s, 51 FIFTH AVENT.7I:, PITTSBURGH, have farilines for 'supplying RETAIL DEALERS Equal to 'any Easters Jobliing -House. .U*!p.ry McCallum. co co n cm C CD =I V c* vot .4: vl: o IMEI ' 4 r ct wig DRY - GOODS, New Fail Stock JUST RECEIVED"Irk S. J. Cross Co, ItOCKESTER Otn STOCK OF NEW ArtiSXMIPONABLE DRY - GOODS IS LARGER THAN 'EVER BEFORE. CONSISTING CLOTH, CASSIMERE, JEANS, WA TER-PROOF, PLAIN FLANNELS, BARRED FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, CLOAKING, PRINTS, DELAwEs, PLAIDS, ALPACAS, =RENOS, GINGHAMS, CITECKS, TOWELING, DRILL, PAPER MUSLIN, BLEACH ED AND BROWN MUSLIN, COTTON BATTING, SHAWLS, SIRIiTS,,WOOLEN,YAILIi, HOSIERY, GLOVES„ &c., &c., iv CIO 100 W . IS IN GREAT VARIETY. Ready-Made Clothing: COATS► PANTS, VESTS, smnTs, DRAWERS, ttc., Hats and Caps, A VERY LARGE and NEW STCI4... SOOTS & SHOES: Men's, You' and Boys' MOOTS. worm's, EISTS and CHILDREN'S . SHOES AND GUM SIIOES, ALL PURCHASED LOW AND WILL BE SOLD AT-A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST WE ALSO CONTINUE 'rd KEEP UP OtR USUAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, GRAIN, MILL-FEED, SALT, LIME MEl2ea HARDWAER: NAILS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, Window Glass. Paints in all Colors, DRY and IN OIL WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, PETTY, 'TURPENTINE, VARNISH . ALCOHOL, GUM SHILLAC, ax. W0C00th,3113N.414)S FOR WELLSAND CISTERNS.. ALL HEAVY, , GOODS; DELIVERED WITRLN A ItE4SONAI*E. DISTANCE, FREE OF CIIAItOE WE ALSO FURNISH 01Ift CUSTO3TERI WITH COAL THE -MARKET PRICE. Rochester. Oct. 2016, 1121/1L ArttitirAdvi LTE'Ei r Y GOODS! .SEW 0. --ODs:: 14W 4TIRIVA,OR. FANCY` DIESS,• GOODS,,_ AT ' _ J. M. 'STreerii &ICA. . BLOCS, BELVER,,i!a. RADIC r Farley And statdo Dress turnings, F,aucy Notions, • ad. Gent,'s Furnishing Millinery Goods, ' consisting' t Goods, Tr , • Ladies' Good , 4;?g , - Cloths; carpe ~, E3X , =• oialt3,es NEWBLAC GRos,GuAINED SILKS —JAPAN : SE SILKS, • SILK -V ' [NETS, ; VELV TEEN'S, - - • PLAIDS, °- POPLIN :ALPACAS, MERINOS, TYCOO* REPS, for If f nePPeig, ' CD:A=4GS, I anXWLS, SCARFS, and SACKS. LATEST STYLES IN FALL CHATS and BONNETS, _ • LAPIES' MISSES' VELVT & FELT RATS AND TURBANS, BOYS' VELVET & CLOTH HATS. ‘i, , Plumes &Flowers BRUSSELS and:INGRAIN:CARPETS, RUOR; OIL CLOTHS, itc.; at • • J. I. ill'OreeFy's. sep 27:tf C11.0,A-V,EfST WHOLESALE BOOT aSHOE‘HOUSE IN PITTSBUI,t . OII. - .13011,1.441..NE11 .4 5i and 55 Wood Sneet. Jiist received, A 'yeti large FALL,STOCK bt . , w0'1>2.04 - um= a etinprisi f ► g all _Style,' and Qualities, Bought at the lotreseCASTl PRICES, (Ikea from the rnanufacturent and toil be aolttat the lowest New York and Boston Prices, thuanating freight and enpense: Pritgent for - Phtlidel'a Manufactured °dodo, at Factory Pricer., -Isigw,GQ()DS RECEIyED D A VITX. , °titers from Cquntry Dentem.promptly, !Wed, And Satisfaction guartunced. Country *eyebaths en and rldinino Ink stock before purclostust clonitttra, rim cau,sairoipo per cent. by 1103,1 nm-here. J. 11;110111.1AND. .sto) - 133 and as wood stmt. Ayer.'s Haar or, t441 1 7474ta1r and,Color. color, with tin gloss and freshness of youth. Thir, hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always. cured by its use. Nothing can restore theair where- the 'follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied anti decayed; but such as remain tau be saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new growth of hair is produced. Insteac of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vi gorous - Its occasional use will prevent the hai from turning gray la k falling off, ant. consequently prevent' baldness. Tlif restoration of vitality it gives to thy scalp arrests - and presents the forma tion of dandruff, 14hilh is - often so an cleanly and offensive.' Free from dins , deleterious substances which mak some preparations daigerous k and injn rious to the hair, the, Vigor can onl: benefit' but not ham it. If, waste. merely for a HAM DRESSIST nothing else can be fccmd, so desirahl Containing e Coing neither oil nor dye, it doe not soil white cambric, and yet last long on the hair, giving it a rich, gloss, lustre, and a grateful perfume, • Prepared by Dr. J. 1. Ayer !St Co. ) Practical and An cal Chemists, LOWMIss •-Z Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely kium as onc.of the most effectual . remedies eY'er discovered fat cleaniing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has Stood the' test of years, with a- eon . stantly growl* slip. utatious based On At . intrinsic-virtues, and sustained by, its. ru- - inarkable cures. So mild as to be safe and' beneficial to children, aqd yet so searching to effectually pury out the great . captions of the blot:xi, such as the scrofulous, lad_ Syphilitic contamination. Impurities, vssh.:s , eaSes that have'lurked hi' the system 'or years, soon yield to• this poirerlid anti, bite, titid disappear. Hence •Its -wonderful sires, many of which are publicly known, if - SCl*Oftiltr, - . antra s gatitlourdiseases, Ulcers, Er*Ottifirti4 iuseeruptive dig» mien of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Rolls„Pimples. Pustules. ti_rrYSt. kntliony's Fire, Bose 4:ir-..r.zyrupe lag,''Tetter, suit- Rbeitrn,' Wahl ' Heart Ringworm." and internal- U 1.4 teratlons of the Uteras,2Stointich, ..iatd laver: . 'lt also' cures oglr'.'r oll ) .l olninti,'io Which it i'ould not 'seem 'Opecil illy adapted, such as Dropsy, I_ 3O VP O PI 41141 . 164,1 4 reitrrilgliii‘treartmsetwei Pentad' . Weakness, peld li tvsts4 Tdeiicorik'oo, when tho 111 ' 6 , T4 T aßstai ions of this scrofulous poispaS: ..,....11sfitamutealient,'„-resiormiacal44 l )( l trength in the, SpTiag... By renewing the tppetite and vigor Of the digestive orgace • &dissipates the depression and listlesslan4 luor oithe season. Eye* where. no disorder 'PPears, people feel better...and lire longer, fer,cleansmg the bl oo d. The system -moves WI With renewetl, vigor and a not' liasor of •• , Pngpi.ern"li Dr. J. C..AYER & CO. 'Lowell Mass f PaNit gt!‘4,,A41110,1,!: igl-R.,PX, 444- DItIIGGISTS - Ca'sAd val IQrencdto .ft `W l D EAWAKE cta fiarz grl,4lb. 107:w: 4:rtam,4=galgtrupg .-Gli77 RICOIRY WARD BRECREWS rEllam; oirr EliallY,Rllllolo l / 1 3 . EEK/0 s! ' iff2PRIL Ageabt Wing grail succe 1.000 tweet - hilt inonika; mother 67 . 1 1 &Yaqui another - US to one week •0w47 la otte clrautanally olkars equally . ied]. waking 'flout add $lO to sig pe.r day. Takes On sight 1. tAu l oi ra who haw, mu: • 44 I think 11, the OW for cumwsessre ever erred. Sony I did sin A ;mama sooner." -Pays better than" lu3T 4:rok ottnr7. A rare Manes to Osakevioney. LOCAL 'AGENTS WASTED, Inteligko_ men and women wanted 'everywhere. /gyms wash good ILTritorys semi early, for circular 'gad Wulff .7 B. FORD dt CO.. 27 Park race, YA,II .Bronsnekl St., Roston; laCi. West kladt• *it bLs cliictitC 4 __ • ME ,---.--- 1 . i:AMENTS 'MANTES) FOR .TEYEARokBATTLES Ti 7 ,,, 1, . -.Theii aft° of the. War between France and germaikt, em dug Os° Parts under the Corn: manet.4-150 Illnat Lions ; 612 pages , T i ce, $0.150. NOW • envies dy sold. .The on comnlete work; Nottang - equalitt to felt. Ida nr 10,000 wide, sot!r , snOnth now. In English and German Terms , unequaled. ' Outfit 31.23. Address qooospEEp ta CO , 37 Park Row. New Yo r k: •0 0 . DI: firarSeLtel Egret the conalng,year to every subscriber of Merry's Maseurti,•the Toledo Made. Pameroy's Democrat, i ' • ............, r , ... on ec., ndileh isiFi l i Mi l e ts'isrannolir *Hy:: HOMO IL= . James Parton. Theodore • ..- = 144 crfan i.... M. ll .?. 9 etc., wrne Mr over/ num = - 71. ti:MI •;t it ers three that-class period• cod r ia i lis ( et the price ofone of them. A variety of p *mon equally liberal terms. It Is an on tat.class magazine. Volume I begins With Jam !4 ,: ree slwlnen = free. Address = 4. N. woBnntew: nr"" EVERY FARMER hltdd tivsend tifir address and receiveFtee • :atilt Postage Pohl a copy (Atha , :antidotal -Farm 'Journal, ThoincititlPracticaL the Best and Cheapest Ms. tented Agrhmitutal paper in tho United States, Only 75 cents per year. Send for a specimen copy: *Mimes MILLER, LOCKE ct CO., ' Ohio. kTENTS Solicited by MUNN &Co. Pubnetters ScievitAc Amer• scan, 37 Park Row, New York. Twenty•fivo years' experience. Pamphlet* containing Patent Laws —with fall directions how to obtain patents—free. •A bound .solume of US pages, containing the NEW,CHNSUS by counties and all large cities, 140 Engravings of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws' and rules fur obtaining Patent+• mailed on receipt of 55 cams. / // ,/ %/ 4 , ---- obtain- Ing si MC:malls Education. ItEr' Piratical Dust testputattas Instructors. For information write tor itltcnitir to - I'. DUFF & SONS. octllzlwPitts burgb. I'a. , . 140 CONGRESS ks ARCTIC: ''O' .I I I raT ER 9" I MIVOIa NO TROUBLE to o ut on I Neat, Genteel, Stylish I t An lOU NMI DEALER FOE 171 AQUM% waisted ,— Agents make more mangy at work for no than at anything else. Illnalpenft, light and permanent. Partienixra free. G. WI . ninon ds Co.. Flee Art Publighers, Port. land; Maine. s42gAni.T. A VOID QUACKS:—A clearly India ertiOon, canting nervous debility, premature decay,,nte... having tried In vain every advertised trettiedf, has discovered a simple means of self cure, which be will send to Ms fellow sufferers, Address J. II REEVES, 78-Nassou-st. 'N. Y. A'Clergyman. while residing In South America AS a Missionary, discovered a safe and simple 'remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness. Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or gan, and the whole Minot diem:kers brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortu nate, I will send the recipe for nreparlnz and us ing Oda medicine, in a sealed envelope. to any ono who needs ft,free qf charge. Attlinw Jos. T. Lx sus, Station B. Bible House, N. Y. City. .u.A.1....L.5-1' N Foundry & Repair Shop. riarlug been Engaged In the Foundry nufdria,a for nune thin thirty ywre.—during which time / haus, s"muunlis tea pailgeb.., be. aides eJnAtatteting models and talilng oaf patenti for improvements on Aressm. which i s at once akteeable healthy, a n effectual, f o preserving tht hair. It soak .reitores jiztice or gray haio COOKING - STOVES —and after having thoroughly rooted there Ith provmentz, I feel warranted ix o:Tering them to the public. The GREAT WESTERN has noun to its urigina, Stoves of Dinerent Styles for 11e:ding and Cooking The Great Republic Cooling Stove Use the best Record of any Stove ever offered In thin market_ LESS ROO3l TO DO MORE WORE, BEST BAKER, MOWTY3U]RAHLE THE BEST s T 0 );• P; I N USE n connection NI ith th e stove I lim e got uj~L Pltcrit EXTENSION TOP, which occupies Hale room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen- Ses With „pipe. OW be pm- uniur taken off at any Ifone. and made to suitall stoves of any size or pattern. 'Five Hun tired. "PorKons have parelets'ed and used the GREAT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE, Most of whose thanes have been ed in the. AitGUs, arc, conriiiimili referred 0, to beir,witriess oriti 13pertnr merits as a cooking stove. 'laving three - flrst ciag+ enzlne. , on hand. of &boot fifteen horrp power capacity, Linty are offered to the public at rengoodble totes. 101114_ 111011111LEY. aorP.t.k tf." • AGENTS WANTED THE PEOPLE'S BOOK Designeciforilverjillomo and in dividual. TE E IN'A.T N, Its Rnlerra•uud Ineiitutiona, Outlines of the .Government, r... ~. ;FUDGE WILLIS. übLsDeJ in iNoisi, and G6rtuan. 113,000 Covx - v2s SOLD, REIM And selling Fa t 6 than any Bdok, 4 Ifarket. < GENTS RE POSITIVELY .$3O 10 $5O PER WEEK. SENJ) AX, ONCE FOR DESCRIPTWE ,CiIiCULARS =1 . . , AND riET TILE FIRST (3101C.R OF itfi , - 1 • . • .44 -IL FOSTER. & CO.* ifth A valon° , ilttajmrgla, febß-Iy-chd apr Gß 5-Fnovl. rtisements. NTH! Horse furntebed, Ez see H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. A CARD. Hwrdware, Arc perior for this Locality. SILOVESI IT TAKES LESS FUEL, A L'IV ETHER am EOM =I , • 1L . 8.-6-23 BONDS, DECEMS - I Ist, 1871. • DUOES.NE. SAVINWRANK, No. 64 Fourth Aye., PITTSBT,TreGrIX. Mil Authorized Capital; . 7 $500,000. Paid in Capital s - ° $lOO,OOO. Offer their services: In returning to tho Trersury Department the•.ecfies of U. S. Coupon Bonds, dated Muy 1. 1862. as follows: 30,699, inclusive, $ 50 Bonds. 43,572, " 100 " 1 to / " 1 " 1 •` 40,011, 74,11)4, Alt*, reg,isteted bctode of the same Act : A 595, Inclusive, $ _5O Itonds. 1 to =EU FERMI 1 " 8,906, 1 " 2,665, " 4. , .4 Notice has been given, by the Treas ury Departno4, that all interests will cease on the .1307 ds designated by. the numbers above mentioned, on and af ter December ist, 1871. The old eel and /nt o at reliable Institu tion for Tho holders of these Bonds will therefore sea the necessity of tailing steps to have their money remunerative after.that date. All Bonds forward. ed to us for redemption will be sent to the Treas ury Department, and the proceeds placed to the owner's credit. at the rateof 0 percent. per Annum interest. .0" Board of Directors : James T Brady, of James T. Brady at Co.. Bankers. Simon Rymer of Standard White Lead Works. Al. H. 31loornead, otSoho Iron Mills. Robert isinsisOn, Wholesale Dry Goo& Mer- chant. Jackson Duncan, Supet intendant Allegheny Bridge ComPuli, Arthur O'Leary,holenle Queensware Mer chant. - - J. U. Murdock. Secretary Pittsburgh Forge and Iron Company. John U. Menasters, of late McMaster", .t. 00. borne. C. S. Fetterman, Attorney at Lsw JAMES T;BRADY, President. DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. :g, - OF THE la;:l!! PATHNTER 1869 OUR CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Benensbles gold. deknowledged by 011 who have se be the Sees Pea made WOOLS In tads ease. r alupte.i.fiarnsum S best steel Peer est sod west As boson g. 3 • scads osLy 1 . 11,GEN113.,411 d r or= , any reseal 0300 per tootio - a'Wellt=loogper data s. Two sample Pees 10 meta; two Dose., cents, Ise loxes. *LOOS twelve beans. c,.1 IMO% Address. WESTERN PUBLISHING CO. .!!! Manufacturer' Agents, Pittsburgh, Pa. * - 1 CArn ollo •ThirgreeteePAlAAtiortilese tt3 V Pens has led te spay limitations sr RA hllk. N 4 rise Bskr sub , the stenstse roux. ytol TAI N PENA seldby Whammy:opr. In val. tAsig the Pens glir_e yew c sue , e 4 TxrA r rou=.44l p l4=a p . re u dy ia zi a. rlttes. , ead jawl:, THOMAS MICREERY & CO - TIROS. RIL 9 C.REERIV, Cashier. J. F. DICAVO, ...... . B. ANGIEL, Int , rttt paid oil time depototit; Prowl); attention given to rollectlont.. Also, Imirttnce 6 Atzent9 for good and r..llable [may!Rif POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROOM:STEP, PA HENRY. WHITEFJELD, MANUFArrttItElt (W Sash, Doors,ltouldings,noor-boards, Weather,boards, Palings Brack ets, &c., &e. Also, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUM BER, LA.TII, SHINGLES AND lil DING TIMBER Having purchased the the territorial in terest of Mr J. C. Anderson, owner of the several patents covering certain improve ments m the eonstrt:ctlon and joining of w•eatherhoards and linings fur honors and other buildings, we are the only persons authorized to make and sell OA , cane witlirn the 100114 rwaver county. Par ties Interested w!l1 picric observikthis. .01/venters' ,Supplier Constantly Kept Every gunner of SholtWork. made to °Her. nct4;ly PITTSBURG WIRE WORKS. t(ESTABLISIIED 1P442) No. 35 Market Kt., James R. Taylor,& Co.. MANCFA.C , TU lE RS OF Wire - Guards Fon. s•P)itys. 11 0 V E «"I EX bEIVES, and and Coal SerecnA, FE:saYET:; - -i, TRAPS. CAGF,S And Wire 11' , ,r1: of all kiwis. fsei•23:van Bridgewater Foundry, Thomas Campbell, Conllnnes to nuruntacture the unegulled Crystal Paine,' Cooking Stove. ' With thoonatidis gone! bonsowiree in . veil. Butler, Alle;rhuny nod Waebing.ton connties, tills ,tove tta.4 won an tiatrivalied roptuation for sitopileity and. eft!ctiveLa.s .or all culinary . pttrgh.ex. ' . , Having by the latest alterations, remedied ail real s or onnginary deferts, none now dud fruit, eset•pt th0.A 4 . 1 who arc duped by fr,norant - rerrants or. designing. eharperr. I ~o 1 aish Manufacturing four sizes of tiestfug st ate s; one of them lam an A inttritile totcburches and ochool rooms. Two sizes of Fenny Pttrior tots with Layton's Potent tkunner attsched, gotber wltb.the Young Unit (a old; wool estovo 1. t'ost, 1 ri)il Itolt4led Plough Poiras, cz•;uvar fienles, • Grate< Archem anal Grates, and a variety anther emilineit s A liberal allowance made for old CiyOtal Palace Cooktd:z Stores and, acre') iron In exclatugu foa new (meg. Stnitqr tsturoo waft to deliver moves nt all time., Oft ritort Yloll4te. Send your ordere to THOMAS CAMPBELL .Rotheoter, Itym'ereonntyi Pa. Itux G 3. setr.M4m. STAIR BUILDING Wood -hop, WILLIAM PEOPLES, Allegheny City. Pa., Is prepared to do nll kinds of Woo+ Turning, Scroll-Sawing and 8"mil Mon!. ding. Novell's Minster* aid Hand Rail 4. WiTil ALL; JOINTS GUT, READY TO HANG, furutsbeti nu ,short notice. Omen tit promptly attended to., orliday Dp loft %%flint:Mauer & 16, 4th .11.. r: Ptitatmrdk Pa., and at the Mill, comer 441 , 41:Wee street and Gratuien • • lebdtti 500 IS 1,000 ‘i FED 500 " ME 1,001 - ) 5,000 " 10,000 " 1 4 , k , AGEt J. 11. M'CltEE.lti on Hand l'roptiet or, /Ea 0 184 0 1 0n 6 (nts• _ C. B. ilursCs -±Nsui;tA.NcE AND General Agency Office; NBAlt THE DEPOT ROCHESTER, PNNA. Notary Pahl4tind-Contrayaneen FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENT INSUR-• ANCE; "Anchor" and "National" Lines of Ocean . Steamers; "Ailams" and "Un ion" Express Agent. All kinds of Insurance at fair rates and liberal °temps.Real Estate bought and sold. Deeds,. - Wirtgagos Articles, written; Depositions and Acituowletlge-, ments takenoko., , Goods and Money forwarded to all parts of the United States and Canada:. -Passengers ...booked to and from England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany. JETNA FIRE INS. CO., Of Hartford, Conti., Cashassetts." " lly their fniits ye know them." Lasses paid to Jan. 1. .1b71....528,000.000 One of the oldest and wealthiest Compa nies in the world. NIAGARA Insurance Co., Of New York Cash assetts, ANDES EIRE INS.. CO., Of Cincinnati:o:Am Cash asset*. ' ENTERPRISE INS'. CO., Of Philadt ophia. Cash ussetts over . $600,000 LANCASTE,IC .F4ro Ins. Co. Of Laneaster,.Pl7 Cash assetts $240,000 ALPS INSURANCE CO., Of Erie, Penna. Cash capital', HOME LIFE INS., CO, Of New York. Cash assets, Travelers' Life S., Aceideit Insurance Co., .Of Hartford. Conn. Cash assetts over $1,500,00;0. Representing theabcrve first class Ictsurintar Companies, acknowledged to be amongst the best and most reliable in the world, and representing a gross cash capital r?f nearly $18,0U0,000,1 am en anted to take Insurance to any amount desired. Applications prompqy etended *o. and Policies written a ithout delay, and at fair rates and liberal terms. Lo.c.x fiberall i adjudt,d and promptly aid. INSURE Ty ! By one day's delay you may lc*, the savings 01 years. Delays are darnre— 01 life uncertain: therefore, Insure to day. " (ins to-day. fa , worth two toimorrows. , also. is of die utmost impOrtatme. The low priced, worthless article. always proves the dearest. The atiove companies are known to he amongst the best and stealthiest in the world.— " As ye sow that shall you reap." Grateful for the very liberal patronage already bestowed, I hope—by a strict atteutiop to a legit imate badness—not obiy to merit a Omura:woe() of the same, but alarge increase the present year. Mr. bTEPIIEN A. CRAIG is duly authorized to take appilearions'Yor Insurance sand receive the premium for the same In adjoining townships. en .111UliST. Near Depot, Rochester, Pa.. ijelt:ty Children's Carriages! A LARGE ANO COMPLETE :"TOck: Of Tiro and Three-ll7ieel Gigs, PErtAMBULATORS, .;,..:1) WiLLoW UARRL'iES, of the best New York and Philadelphia manufacture, at realliable price. • A 1,,, ,, Ladies . Satchel., Baskets, ranee G.,0(1.4. Nothms, Toys, .Je( .1( welry, &c., &c wholesale and retail. at Ir. A. CVLEARVii, 148 Federal St., 2 doors above the 31arket, inayl7; ly Mel:lieu, Pa. THE OLD ORIGINAL BOTTLING HOUSE. H. W. LITJIT'I ,-- 13111 X. Co. 22 and 24 Market Street, PITTSBURG, PA. 'Established in 1844,4 - 11. W. Buffun3. This oldest and largest Bottling House west of the mountains, has made extensive preparations for supplying their friends and tho public with their celebrated Mineral (es, Porter, &c., &c.. For the Spring Trade, at the following prices : Sarsaparilla,. ............ ....$ 31'4 per doz. lilineral Water itaspberry .....37.9 " Champagne Cider, ... Porter f(1 " Ale, small bottles Kennet, Interton, Imported London Porter and bott:t 0 Imported Reo , c'b Alt: and hot. ties, Crab Cider per gallon. Syrups....... ........ 00 ,-,l l 44l'2frig . rflrtiert: -• (jowl* delivurrd free, and froL. , ii:. paid to rail road stations and steamboat landtn,,,,,s. RoSABANS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS are published on every package, there fore it is not a secret pi eparation, consequently IPRISICIASS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula. Syphilis in all its Rheuma tism._, Skin Diseases, Liver Cerro plaint and all diseases of the Blood. ONE 'BOTTLE 081033D.L13 will do more good than ten bottles of. t4o Syrups of. Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSIcIANS. have tved Rteculalis in theirpractice for the rist threeyears and freely endorse it 33 a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUG IT, of, Baltimore. DR. TA 410 V X , " DII. R, W. CA DR. F. 0. DANNELLY, •. DIL.I. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasvillo, Ky. DR. J. L. hicCARTHA, Columbia, S. C. DR. A. D. NOBLES,Edgecomb, N:C. USED AND ENDORSED BY B. FRENCH it SONS, Fall River, Mass. 7. 'W. SMITH, Jack:son, Mich. A. F. AV lII.LER, Lima, Ohio- B. HALL, 111nia:0 1 to. CRAVEN al ,cO.. Gordonsville, Vs. SA.SPL. G. IDeFADDEN, Murfrees• boro, Tenn. Our spare wiltnot allow of any tended remarks In relation to the Virtuoso( Rosadall.s.. 'Tetho Medical Profession we g uarantee' a Fluid Es. tract superior to any they have ever used the , treatment of diseased blood; and to the Milicted wo say try Rosadails, and you be reamed Rosadal l. ls is sold bp all Druggist), p r i g ° 850 per bottlo. Address , 3:11. CLZitEUTS CO. Marrufacturing Chemists, ,BArratou 7)447.1" Hiro:: ELM BM, _ _ _ . . rcitim - yrieutorian w. a. araystsms, ar grztts4,Cdrtir, SPICIFERER -dr -1111cDONALD Deals In exiimingo;.Aroln, Goivrefennt Securi ties. make collection on all accessible point* in the Vatted - States and'ennada, resolves money on deposit subject to check. and receives time dep.,. lfa trom one dollar and upward, and allows Inter freest,4) per Ity-lawa and rules furnath e d 19/ apply at-the bank. liana or ,„ deny bon ) oa, tin 4 , p. to, , and on Saturday oxen. logs from 6to 8 o'clock. We refer by perrnbidon to—• L. IL OAVIAa & Co., "fox: J. S. tetTssl, AmorA. Pcorr & Co., Orm & Coopot, 8. J. elms & Co., WY. KENNISDT, SNIEDYSI It 'WACKY, loos S. RANO6II, R. B. ZDGA.T., - , • C.-RUUST. 3.I[ADESNEN4 Na.neigc, R. R. WIIZON. BANK, Pi:ttbargh hi. novl6'7l-Iy-cll& jets SHOT , . STORE. UmsteadkWisner KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAN D A full and enritrilete otoek ni o w 1„,,,, t blyics of BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS. zar4 SPE,CIALTY.—Fin,. Po- Gentlemen, and first elms tine isnrk fur Ladies, made to order. Br,,aj w l y, New Brighton, near Simon', C,,,itection cry. je.2l:Gm. Vi,oo(/.000 Black and Gold Front, GEORGE W. BIGGS No. 139 SNIITHIVIELD ST. $1,500,000 FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Optical and Fancy Goode, (IT PITTSBURGH, PA. FINE WATCH REPAIR[ G. Please cut this Advertisement out an , ! bring it with you. jel4.l's Singer Sewing litachine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES The moot perteet and simple machine of the kihd eVeI invented. - • Beth of the above popular machines bare b-en lately Improves until they stand without a rival Mice of tha SINGER FAMILY SEWING 11A MILNE from $65.00 upwards. Price of HINKLEY'S KNITTERS Pe. Circulars and Samples mailed free on appllca• Lion. $230,000 Agents wanted for the Illnkk7 Insehiee every where, and for the Sin;:er In. Weptern Pminoyhol Dia Eastern Ohio and va...ut,„,, there are none already establlehed. nov^r4 Iv. did jels 3 ,500,000 BUYERS, LOOlt HERE. It may not be a matter of special in terest bathe people of Beaver CI AITO y to know what is transpiring between Bing William, Napoleon 111, Bismark and Trochu in Europe, but it is a matter that effects them materially to know where they can buy tine and cheap fiItOCER IES. S. SNITGER & CO. At their old stand in Braver, Pa., are stil furnishing to their customers-everything called for in their line. They always keep a full assortment of GRO CERIES Flour, .Feed, Cbffees, Teas, Sugars, Tobacco° and Cigars; nd ; 1 :1 "11:er IL oleic, uhually viund GROCERY STORE. rstm tht:ir tang and intimate neciutdm• mice with t hti Gs:eery, 'Hour and l'cf.,l and their tii,prsition to renll c r s.di,tactitat It) those wlpt may fasPr them ih t heir pat n•Dagv, Lhvy 11, , pp 11;, ! thy past, to OhlAill a libvra: S11:11 , ~ r pnl.lie pat rm-mge )1:1 , rg• it WC (if) WI hrih , • )1 ).. lo MEE J. B. SNEAD SAW Iv FREEDO'AI, PA., laving t 4- latest improved utachink ry N II I-NC) rtirq 40r. SIDING, LATH, &C. &C., nd is now prepareti 1.6 attend to the blinding and repairing of iteamlioats, Barges, Flats, &c. ; Fa,. KeePlng constantly on hand a ,uperior quality of Lumber. The patrpruit?e of tl/j public is rezpcetiully solicited. All ord. rs promptly executed. [zi'tur2 Iv' 'WILLIAM MILLER, JACOB 'MAX, PLANING MILL. MILLER & TRAX, Manufacturers and Dealers in Dressed Lumber, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SHANG FLooitMG, muuLDnx,s. &c• Scroll Signing 111141 Turning .. m .DONE TO ORDER, 1 25 1 25 3 1)0 ORDER:4 /.3Y MAIL RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED, AND PROMPTLY "ATTENDED TO. MEI Mil Mill Opposite 11w Railroad Station. ROMESTER, PENWA. anTil 0 1 '71; ly • AMERICAN- WASHER! PRICE, $5.50. The American 'Washer &Mos Moue', The Fatigue of Washing Day no Loinur Dreaded, hut Economy, EliciuucY, - and Clean Clothing, .an. In calling public attention to this little machie. a len of the lay:linable poseees , d by any other washing machine yet, invented,) are enumerate l,: It Is the smatpt."moSt - compaet, most twttab most simple in eonstruction.most easily operate ,. . A child tm years old, with a leer hours! practice. Can thoroughly 'comprehend and effectually are It. Then. is uo adjustor. no rcrews to annoy, delay in adapting,! k ti} always ready furnne • It is a perfect little wonder 7 erniniattor • doing More avork and of a better nu...lids. ti n+ most elation:tie and costly. toie-halt at the labor I. ftllty saved by Its use, and the clothes will it'" one-hall imager than by the old plan of the rr. h hoard. ft will wash largest blar.ket Tto , shirts at a time. washing thoroughly! In a *-o?,: the ablation o(any fabric, from a Quilt to a Coral') or Cambric Ilandkeicblef, are row. within the espaci;y_of,..thlastlTPLE GE Iti it ran be fastened- to any tab and taken off at will.. :No matter how,deep . rooted a prejudice raaj es -Ist rumiust , Washing Machines, the moment (low little machine is seen to perform its wonder , . 3. 1 doubts of it's eh:arming efficacy and utility " r '' banished. and the doubter and detractor at once become the las t.friends of:the machine. We hake teadmoniala without end, setting loch its numerous advantages over all others. and trio hundreds who have thrown snide the ems - idyl). useless machines, *bleb have stplly tailed k , accomplish the object promised in prominent :tad • Wad /Otani lag advertisements. It is as perfect for wailing as a wringer o wringing. 'Pm price another paraminfut went to purdianers.han beep placed no low 4 It7la - -within the reach of every housekeeper. ar , ; l 'tlabre is no article•of domestic econoMY w ' l repay the small investment so soon. Ail that is asked for this GREAT LABOR : 4 A EU, Is a fat:trial. We guarantee each machine to do its work perfectly. Sou: 'AOrICTS TOR' YEE tritITED STATEP, A. R. FRANCISCAN it 513 !Market Si,. rbilad , d., • The largest and cheapest WOODEN WARE 110 USE la )he Unttea States. • leept. 4o3 TOB 14111111 TING neatly and nspeditionsly GP vistaed at this office. nexus. A NEW FIRM Four doors abase Sixth A*.e. STRAW 11IORTON, GENERAL A GENTS, No. 20 Sixth Street, F'itt, , burgh, Pa. S'pices, In .t Class Give- us a Call s. ru Hag tone in (1,4 - rution it new .1N1) PLANIN(i 3111.1: 1,,r I wanufacturcof TIME Time, and Druligery. s8•so- c_ssu