The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 25, 1871, Image 1
ertlseifients are Inserted at tbe rate pf $l,OO per square for hat insertion, and forkaeh subsequent 1'188111On:50 cents. A liberal discount made .on yearly ad vortiftentents. - - • =.— A spaeo equal totem linos of Una type measures a square. Business Noticig set under a head by themselves immetilakely after the local news, will be charged ten meta a line ter each insertion. Advertisements should be handed in before Monday noon to insult insertion in 'that week's •a .er. Bit-iciness Directory. I3EiVEI{. TAMES CAMERON. Ft Attorney at lAvr• Dealer.'" V. Office on Stt ~ to the room formeriy cupled by the late 3nnse ennnin2zhnin. Att WI, t catrgettet.l to him will tenetnu grampt and careful ' attention. • ie2til • .1.1)1IN WA - DUNG, A ttorti,y nt LilAl . MUM and ij dvore on Third et., eafauf the Coati. buninenn prumptty atteloitS 111411.1,y 47 111r.11tRERY. Attomey at Law. ofneo, un • Third trios the Court Llotl*V. Alt hunt- Lt-iqa promptly attended in, jet:, IRE.. F. II . FAi;T. dealer In Millinery, Trim lancy Good F, ite., on the corner of Third and Seminary* Ftreets. • Jelell -ly C Col LE, practical. NV atchinaLer and Jew- Ct• cier, on Third etieel. Meatier, rat.. (neaZlV op yuaite. Dtikg iy P. Attorney lit • Lnw. Verco cam ..U.e • end ofThird eireet, Beaver, Pa. nit J. S Mr.Ntrrr. Pnistruss Aso SCIZGEOV. nit Special tet&d.d.ou cupd W trmtinent of Female Resddtncs and office on Third street, a few doors wo.tOttito-C.l•urt-douse. aprIT7V.Sy ') OLIN MOOR& Ifrugvist and dealer In palrus tl otl*, purr medical %%Jae* and Liquor*, Lha..*. ware, Lamps autl Fancy Good*: 3.1, on *t. Pre err:priori* carefully compounded.. *eyntS. Y . _ Enka. MERZ, Manufacturer and Dealer in Moto., Ntioes and _ Gaiters; Main Loy PRAVER DRUG STORL, ilugo Andrte*een, .1) Druggir.4 Apothecary,. Main rt. Precriv-, louVarchtlly compounded. y 4„ .1 ANDERSON, Dealer hi the Improved W *on Shuttle Sewing Machine, Main SL lee card In anollietecanmn. ' E. 1.. Dealer in litilluery y s Tritumos,,,e% Third ft , Beaver.' tiror•ery & IteenturAnt Chem, Tin•. sleet Cotieee. Tottacco and Cigars, Con re-canonry and Vezetablea. Main et, ' tepT.Nly I It AN'ShUTZ, - Dealer In Tinware, Stott,,, ? • (nitre, lee. 'West end %A 0. fep-Ze;ly ULVISIIE, ng eat, I:Seaver. )`3. I • Gan undset your propertylnfured. 0r2f411,„ PITTSBVIS G . hiIattIAANSTEIZN, Dealer tri Doute &Shot*, . No.Sti ).I) St. rittshurgli, txcpl4:ly ttoFT Ftli L t YS : ft,o E , late c/tt., op po,t office L'ubias.brre of Ow tctc tent-fro.. _ 1 kiV.NDEIt4iN Pruz t) Lth, r SL:Pittaborgh; I : tXII.„XLEI PARLOR; tat A% - f / ctmv, kti••ar 31.irket st-) Pittsburgh. tr. A. CLARK E& Co.. ttootvaller , and tartou ,erx‘. 1.13 Wood St, Pitt.hargt., Pa L.epltly juz•Et'ki ILAJR.N I.: IC ,S; Nlar:ket invoorters and dealers la Not White liut , dt, &C. [9,14:1y 1 - ) E\'ii Fails RILOTIIk.:ItS, French anti Alas-Ti -1., C:01 t 01,1‘;‘.11‘mt-ry , it% irtalt.„ A . , lA, V\'0,2,1 St. l'utASurzti. [A,1,1,4,4 St I )I..M.E.neil,r in choicr s ' l . P • I...tutis Graceric,. *in Filth Avenue. .rzh. +ALIN in(AiEtcr 11,ttwr,111 Werd Fanul) St.l4, tug :Al.ll,24ittws. itti Starlet s tvet PlttsburvlL Pa. VEE. Sl - C:LINTUCLi, 44; Ileater,ti , r / two., (Hi Ac St - wet:it rdies ( lertu. 2.1 Fifth A vetint•,_l'ntyi,urzh, Ps. ,[01.,14:1y ~ StFc, , or 1 ,, J M R. a rtr•4_ dealer in iVatche.e, C'lnctlAJew , lr.;4 A sifter ware.. No Fdth Avenue. Putxburzn, taapli. A LYONS, House and Pniter..tvrites to s,rJ•:r show r:r4rtle for t-, err }'tffi Aseppe • PirfClitirti. t 1 , 1 Co 7,1, MaLufttotm-r of and it/ L • Furuiture And Chair*, liaßewood. Mahogany uwl wt%ly NEU' lIRIGEKTON. 1 — .11.1:• 4 O%LE, Dealer in paint., p,at:• 1,..,)king:12,2.t5ee, frames, muiltm : o..sevr-seeels and (alley luscl Fak}s «, 111m:1111,n g E A 1:.L)-- Ory•Gode, loocertes. :hon. - no I pm:clot good 'ont r• r atol prcxfure. , I.lJeray . Uppimitt I.4o:olwuy. i , r \IIN - lEit.-wr.witannk,,, ovr A nd e o,- • Itrsvi•Nny Bri•!titoti. Amc tto N ALI' U, 44 r in Fine-Tait , . .• y 12%. w.r).•.. sti• .t ~re. ~ , x414 \cm.. Sc. .ad - Ni ),r ar Fatn ,t. I Tt - TTLE. M. I) -la,: NeA. • 14-1:711ton, trvaltuon.t of chronic di— • ttltt tuna t e.n.nrr..•-a epecluity. lon r tltaunti (CC!, to thq poor 1. - very ! , nodny Irvin to :3 Cl Hoek. p. ly . fau , Lhan ...Nc Dry (.:04 , dA. 3111libery ,t • tiro'gi 'Yew 111-11:hton cl 'LA - 11144,,rrrtipil uu r nery. Est•r, vi• Pi rOit, Pleltirt, nr¢lly ct,,Ve•CUt.d. Corm.r ot. :Tu.; Broad. a v." . ":, en itrorbrun - .11 LL_A t'F Das'er ArneriC,th V 31 ' in . tik ; . (lc; iNTC - NeW lifilfht , 11 Billtarkb, Tollacen, and Gent? .FurniFhing Good.. Broadtrav; near Apple. . G Si . ftwAirr a; 4.) - tfrocen ,- . C.f.% J• T.... Strzar, d Frnit:L. and evoryitk:. b, I,e noirni in LI nre-t g'rum,ry. I te , imt 0 , / 2 . I A. •V, L',N iit.:llo,l Sll,l, nintr l_oll`. • 11.0, ay ri ! : 4 , 1 10, tnnkiio.7 4 ., .t 1)A N TON .REST - 3, 1....1L-11\ 'l' aid I) Low , : rrwalep hotre,lrtlNlv r,llvAlteil e t (II „f el.. low.M. l I'm). and Broadway al 01 - 71-1! or )10n-rt:.-r LA' NT NI / r. fn.- and t Frtlit! Tiiree nt7e9 I tn.! of Ilmr.ll l I:3lZh TIIO3I AS )11,11-,,,Ll'''N-17,ert-1:111,1::1.;r1:1;;;V:':r or. BrorLdwav arid - F:1111 , N.. fir t,;,,lltict, k r -uco•roore to II febth). )y i , 1;0 V , t,ilAtt._lN. 1.1,,:0ry A . . Coufett‘l ,,,, N S I; E., ..trvet. svedl.ll:lllehtlon gi,, eh 1 ,, ~,' +'l - -,, t 1, 4 ,, r '• ‘,.., - pla„ly ..t . 1,, .1 "N ELLEN BEltti. Merrhant Tatv/r.. ',' • Btqn,tw ay, New 14-4:Lit ,, n. tyee ads L..... ) ; 4.14 l'hottezraplwr '1%111. , 0n I 11, ~.. 11. 11,r(c),1'2.1w,i.‘ . Bert plitllo4l-11ph, truth re 1 ,, T1f - 11 - k , l 1.,2,..11.‘e.:.4. _ - t,•p:tly . . . -,.. 1 V , nittoe. - 4,', Bi l no, 13, 0 0 k,, t...tutton , , , xy . :,'• ofitAir. 1 11,, :. - , ..,. y . New Urichtou, Ps. Levp' - 21 1' IfSk . !kir.t 7. Brltite t -treet, denier. In tre-h 1. smnit. :aid (tit cloth. Nelll grit Bs'.as ~I .i 1 1 ,. -idar , TifuNdiV and Stitt:Ottc of each 44 ~1- : ._. _ I ti S.:MiTli. opposAte Pesa• 0dic.. 11t , w1 . . ,,, ) , 1 • DeAlat In the belt bnildtng hartiu arm. :I: ,. • , ~,,,,,.. ~,,,d, 4tutty. s , htch he furrti.ll ,, to Contra, t,,rt, ~,,d nati4Serl diez.ty for c.:n.h., nEAVEII,FALLS IN`t P( ll:ttISt):.1ea1:r il1.: )Welk: -, ... healed i,n.„,,,,1: t1,1;.‘11,, 1 in:, ~,,0,.1,, c ~1., 11102 , ', !it:oust., U. Falls, , 'ler 1 --- ~ 1.) S n 't ,,, E.:..:V t e lt 'F li t i u S t s r.S: . , 1. 1): . 111 , c er y l s a il l a n t. k ,. 7 0 ;' , J . t 1 ,,, i E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO-, --,.. m r t. ~,,uti 1 , u . 591 i Broadsway, tievir•Vork. W. rt. t.11,.'15,,1i"hr„'...7.1u;'4,1,•c'"--ari —ait-i,61:,,,.."1,;,,,A I 111” lir the attention of the trade to their tn 2 rnv i !..k.tory ot viu. c.. 11 'tom, Of,..1 .1) i.. exthit,ive assortmelit of the almve goods, i of their own ratification., ulunufucture W 1ti‘1,..„1:ktf.,1,1,1:1),!t!1traeh5(,),,N:•1)...; ~....r, n i 1 1 ...., i t nr 0 , :; , (: , (1. , 1 and importation. Also, • . Fa:h , . , ee1,11...0 - , PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES k FLEmiNG, Dealer lb .110,,1s ibd shoes .1 .. 3n(l' every, at low IWO,. antl t a sa pertor qual , ty. Maul 1-. t, Beaver Falls Pa. lm .:I` .- . - I.)' , GRAPHOSOW E. . . . 1 NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & 11. T. tuition) & Co., I !, P U. kf\MA. ,, Al antifst tun of Ittrot. and-.. 1 liroldu, 41, .Nev. I orh t 1., r - Bridge t.f 1111,_ ,,, nt , r -I t t Opito.-ttf Mett Opt - the - 111 Hoff 1 7 t MOT Trit (If 11,..r tu 1,/ r. ~f a'.l 1.0 , Importers and ifiuntfunturers of fl • Rani, at MClLinif \ r Run ar., 7 113 i PlloTO GIiAP n I ( 3IA•r,EitIA Ls vi R , ri kirr DARR kf tif,. ante, Portent( ing mart , '7l_ll, 71 )1341.0r:110 PM tit r IN urt ',rump! v , v , Paper Mills, , - i , al rvuorank r it.,... rort:2 f a it ttRGI II EIDRIA,EII, littut and stizn I tot Brighton 1. I , r Brat.... t , t. Drift, rft ntrr. l'n i al I.t I 1 r ‘ URI. Int brill.'.+trert firldzenat r I • a ) BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. .v. I)••,trr In 4,00 nod t‘tltt.r N't au her A A/' ,- / V n and ,Cs. r %; art •tto cf tel. rdr ' 0, 45 h -. f ) .1,• 4 and J. “tr, r, ro 1 1,.e1./JO);. "i. I) i l'i MlLLER.l'l:nfil.lilJlN"(Vlis)..rtC V.,r1.11:11 , ;4 .t,p I ft ri,....• ."1 Itrttl ~.,,, err. i'a ct•ty , tt , ty. 1 ANIF-IttßlLit •Cult,. r 0,0. r 'in im , ,v 1 ft Ir. rto tt ' , heat tr. , 11 V. 1 / 4 4' 1 / 4 MAI u l / 4 40 1 / 4 VI ^1 1 .e 1 11_ +I WI 1 ,•, st ... A. .•-i.l ji, 1 4 {. 111 /01 1.411 , 1 / 4 444 1 / 4 ) 1+ lino.tap,. i. Ur. • ~ ,1 - i ,rpt_uk • Or Matt. asst Trattrhin ,111 lir t l ,e - IS. t.1_.. , . t r Pt 4•j14 I + V 11 . 1.5 NN kl 'I 11111, Markt t elr.Zi thfra, 1 i '•% 1 IA 1,4 bl 14 o••••” . 11 klitl... gr Wt.. '. itIGICO ATER. - liOC - 11EATER. 'ILI, SMITE! S . "Farr: , Dry 1 •,,,,tlt, . ),, I.‘Vtla. T)uy 1.) sc. •", %V. It atm fact tl{l,l , eef W A 6.Ur. I:l.irkarnithing, and lior,,,,hoirn; to • ,•• I‘v.t...matatcr. Ittichvs,tvr, rr \I" ItISLEII k lINNENIntINE. I)ea',.ro in Chmee Cackteri.e*,:Vlortr, and Mt.? Feed of cur. Mg:ft:cull ,T Adstur. .tre.tet.. rt.rtly Il :SI II t'A Ct, !•"1 , );,,;fl..rx Iltwhevscr tte 'eat- flA".;fiss"::34l-jierder it, aottlit.Bltocr too iJ• t. 1F.:,1,d :,;:exos fort I .T dvsfr.Sewntfkretact ,o.,. Now iork rale, ft. ft. 4 a. ltoctitgtor.l . . - ye b2.2.1 .y li.\lt NI) t,doe.n.Slll 'Sew ivorV; th, hest material, Itoo- to order. All wort Thinvren.4. heacly drat., -Prfroo Loss + , l t.—Ter inn 1y - itY LAPP. Mgr..cifiv nod Pouter In I I I'7 ll :f." , of nll Ft ~ls . itltuse 1:u: her: he , adv't c oeptA„lk t' li.k.'s7s EN. Drat:gist. ta.a• t-arefully comvottmleit, Water •t. Rt. (Lester, t.ELE:ft S.'s( Retall 4 64,10- err ump4s,tiroerriev l Flour,Feetl. l, ram , 11,r; .4tor..l,iron.t. Cor. uler Ntli,l.Ett 4r, lontraeture Itioldert. I Stl tItILICtI3 Mr! of tsitedi. Doors, Sidaters &c- Ural Lcrnbc.l Lath &C. ituchester. t'lrft. Boy LE et wiLLlAms,sutee.or. to C. S co . in Sawed anti 'nailed Lc ether, Lath &Shingle:4. RoxioAtc•r pOWEE'S LIVER I . STABLE & COAL Y A RD, betw ,, m It IL ftltitin and t gno rIVCr. del% ly LctrO LP - . &cf.:A it EC, propriM Or:rt 11. II UonW.. Good accommodations and good sta. lams lima R. R is t pot _octl9.:l3r a MILLER, dealer in Boom Shoes, Golfers, fto. Repairing done neatly And .prompOy. Score on the Diamond, Rochester, Pa. 3 . ' "Wd.LTIRTht BROTHER . , MinnEacturers of • Wagons, Coaches, Buggies. Spring-wagons, Salters. ke. Blaeksmdidng and horseshoeing done it the best =sumo'. Rod:Lester , Pa nu 1679 Vol. 53—No. 42. 4LLIEGUENV CITY r%R.J.S.WINANS.EIestricaI Physician; Chronic ll dlceasea made a spedidty. tqce, 187 Wash S ton Sv el/Wt. Anetbeg.City, 114. _lse?lttY 41 — * iiiinv* - 4tvartli — EL, the Iduy , tuna. reetarrnsarcesigne Wax Soap, No 0 II 18 Bingham ftrett. Birmingham, Allegheny county Pa lrri4 tfmkrti'velttboitii, NKR STIENBEL.—A. general tutsortment of licocerter. Quetrowart., Stow:rare. Canned Fruits. cte. Cor.3{l.k. Broadway. nutrtlY TOSIA . II 'rllo)lPh'ON d, CO —Deli/era licbry- Goods.. Ciotbiag, Bale Shoo, uau a CAM. Carpets. Querneware. th r tussware, cur Broadway 3 Cook ete. B. Liverpool traritly S. lIILL & CO, Druggist, Broadway,near IL .01 Preacriptiona carefully and accurately compounded! febLiv 111INCILLLANEOVS. JB SNEAD. Freedom. Beaver county, Pa., • dealer to Sawed and Planed Leaman °tan' kinds. Flats and Bariyeil built to order. jau9' 011:4 THOUNTLE;Matettfaeiurer of the Great ey It -pool, cooking Store. and Patentee of Y0r t41.0,• te orlon top and centre. Fannon. Pa. .13ERT Iit'SSELL, Stoneware MannTatturer. .1 Orders promptly attended tu. Vim ort. Pa. Post tact. atitlreas—iteaver, Pat. [sepl4;ly Miscellatteouri. COAL and NUT COAL FOR SLL E. Tlee ..ieNi g ued is operatito• ' a COAL DANK on Meliatiley's Bun, about twit way between Ito cheste 13 r and "tesvide. where he welt be glad to receive orders for temp or out coal Orders can also he left at B. Mulheloa 4. in Bridgewater, or at John Parris' in Beaver. or at the MARIO °Mee or at the 'residence of the Nader/Sped on Market street, Bridgewater. Coal on Lk. platform at all times. Coal delivered at short notice.— Terms cash on delivery Prices as.low as the tow est • dys-1).1", J. C. MOLTER. CHANDLER have per- An chased the exclusive 4 - • '.. right of Deaver connty 1:4;.`,.'", to tuseDrStucraPalent by - which they can opt fit,no Vulcanite as thth as , Gold Plate. with &Dealt ' .ts Will enameled polish; and so light and tollgate at to perfectly adapt itself to , the month ; obviating all that clonti7 and bulky condition. FO lunch complained of heretelore;'and I , s,enine their iiahthty to larval": Ittilt per rent. In deed, no one acme. It would be trilling to wear the oixistyie plate any longer than they could conven iently get them exenan gee- All brunches of Den. 'HWY' performed in the Mast and most euhriantial. manner. In tilling teeth with gold, etc., ire chat. lee ~e competition from any} quarter. and can refer to living subjects whose 4111n^te have stood be tween thirty and forty veers. Amonz the number lion. John Allison will exhibit fillings we inser ted some 35 years ago ; the . toetti as perfect as thy day they were tilled. Laughing Gas prepared on a new plan. rreeinT it from all onpleasantand dart gemns effects. mating th e extracnon of teeth a source of pleasure rather than of horror and pain. Prices as low as any good dentist in the Smte, Office at Bearer Station, Rocheiiter Pa. T J. A. lAA CHAN ALPR. irt 7 , m ' 1 It 41 4.4 Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. Is WEEELY ItEeEIVING A FRE.sII st•PPLY otruus IN BeCItoF THE vuLIoWING TIEPAILT3IP-.NTs: DRY GlO4O 1) St eubebyille Jeans Cassidieses and liattinets, VihtteliVoolen Blankets, I.,WhiCe 'and Colored and Ilarred•Flannel, 31erinbs, Delainc•s, Plaidso. Ging/I:l7ns, rt)bergs, lAsvria. Water Proat's Cloths, 11'u, den ilrat ls, • Ul,‘‘ ..nil 1313 Ck 1 ) 1 j'itin2., l' int..., t 'Anton Flann‘ ;;; Jao.not , , T side Linen, Linun, Coutiterpttutv• • C. 30 A , - 0 Tea., suany, Molftsotts, VClttle Silver Drips, ki,,lden pad Cotrunnn t 4 yrnps, Mac.ktrrl In bar. And Star anti Tallow Candle.. Sown. Ice and Mince Meat. A kr.o, hA LT. Hardware , Nails, Glass , Ihwor Locks, Door Latcbeg, Hinge*. l•crewoi.Tai )lo 31e1;!ti Coal 11 , ixe , i. Fire Shovels and 'Pokers. had i;lass„ Spailos. Shovels, 2. and 4 line Foram, Bake!. heytlieet Suathp. Coru astttgliapiku WOODENWAItF. Iluclitata.•Tults, Charrik, Butter Print. , and Litotes -I'ARBON OIL, Linseed Oil &White Lead. Boots and Shoes LA DIE, snoLs, to great ‘arirt) Mc Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. 171c)ur 1-'4.-4-41 tire Queerkmwartt. 4/1 bmvy rood,. delivered tree alcharre. Ily clone attention to bueinemi, and by ,keeping con itantly on baud n well lllisosleti Litr ooda of an the diff , Tent Mud., Ily kept in ttstittatry the untiertiiglied IntW An the future a in the pan to vaidtt and rvee.Tve a liiierzd satire of the public patronitee 13. 1.4. t. 1 rt. STA: 1 - -.117C 1 C d , STEREOSCOPES, VIEWS, A 1,131 .Ai l'111{0110t: niA 31 ES, PRINTING. ROOFING, BAILING, • Hardware. Glass, Straw. RA(r AND CARPET PAP R. S , 31 AN I 1.- 7 ` A C TILTIMEEI • And Sold At Wholesaled Retail by franer, letzi,er &.Ca., $2 Third Asenue. PITTSBUROU. or - nag@ taken In exenanee. 10414St:Tik.t WTI:LIAM M I IALER, yACOIi MAX, PLANING ILILL. MILLER 4TR, AX, Mimisfarfifiers and DeWler - s in Dressed Lumber, S . ,11:111, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS, &c• break Sawing and Turning DONE TO ORDER, ORDEIIs By MAIL 'RESPECTFULLY SoLIMED, AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Mill Opposite the. Railroad aatitm. ROCHESTER, PENN'A. twril 1.41"71; ly =mg r/ ,I•AP:, - 111,;, k , S "..i!il '• • a 1 - ,• • %Ai RAIL BO.U)S. MTS.. IsT.WAYVII a 01110A00 RAILWAY. On and after May 48th, PAL hum will bums Stations daft, Oliusdays oreepool) as tollows.-- flusrlng Chimp au 6.35, P. W. lasses did turall.) • Main } fearing Pittsburgb st 3. 00 P. K. itatr 171,A00 oopta afar. Pittsburgh Rochostte. Wets At!fame ... Glutton Must Hon.. Orrvi Wooster Mansfield_ .... i S2B Crestituo 846 fa2o Bucyrus Upper Smidusky Lfms Forest ....... {1 113i 631 Vas Wert Fort Wtarie, Columbia. Warsaw... 4lyamattt alintralso Chico v CIESEEI2 Chicago.. Valparatiso.. nrmouth.... Warsaw . . .... .. (301ambla - Fort Wayne Van Wert.. ... .. . Urns, MS ' lltlaai all i blltt Ernrest.t iStS ' 231.1 1 427 631. Upper liza4nokr ... .... ~ .. , I .... 1.. liacYnu .. • ... ..... .. .• enestilne 1 A ' al5 a 1 1 05) I Al . D' " Alb 400 , 1215 , P 55 Mansleld - 705 500 153 iWS Woo!ter . . Orrviile .. ' 900 1 657 l '645 1 tit Muellton .. 1 :. ' I Can ton. .... Alliance .... .... . .ilib ' 5 . 50 ) icirag Salem. Itnetiester.... Pittsburgh. Youngstown, New Castle and Erie Express Wawa Youagstown at eta na; New Castle, tta p.m; arrives at Pittsburgh, 5:13 p. at. Retuning, leaves Pittsburgh 7:00 A. In: arr. at :Caw Castle, a. ta. Young stown , 10;20. a. m. Youaratowa. - New Castle and Pittsburgh A. couunodation ltavew Youngstown, C:3O a. ru: New Castle,"l:2o a. m; arrives at Pittaborgb. 10:1,0 nt. Renaming, leaves Pittsburgh, 3:00 p. sr styes New Castle.4:4s F. B. MT UB, &wend Ituseager and ?WA 4ge M . CLEVELAND (t., PITTSBUILGII DAILROA U. Oa and after slay 23W UM. trains will leave Stat(ons daily (Sundays excepted) As follows. Cleveland. 8101.% Mint 4302-i ue.11(1 Sueet. findtkon ... WO 5 5. Rivelna . :MO . Me 47)".3 A.ll4ulCO 11.30 033 710 BA yard Mitrx 7111 13.5 820 Wellsville 900aat j We Bayard itrp ;es Alliance' 11• is ' 510 ' res.)l Ravenna . . :121fr1t 659 61:1 Ilud gun. . 1274 Et? fv.z Euclid Street Cleveland , •Leal I‘2ll .1616 1401N11 LAST. ACCOIII - MAIL. ESP'S AOLOIN ■ Bellair ...... lithigryiot .. Steut+enville ...... Smith's Perry Deaver Rochester. Pittsburgh 00180 N42.$ R.Xe 8. derma PA cco 41 -'- I -- . Pittsburgh, . ... ' ft 11.10 ,1 110 rig 455 pin Rochester 740 410 I 603 Besvcr . . . Smith'' , Ferry.. .. . WOlSlit Ile n. 51 1 315 715 Steubenville . . 05) 410 ' 010 Bridgeport.. ... 10:,1 ton Bally . . 1110 518 11010 •- TUSCARAWAS BRANCH. estra. Arrive*. .11.PhiladelObLa Bayard 8;45 a. in. Bayard 1t104.. tn. - I N.Phttadelpida 3;oop.rd F. lI,WERS.p•-"-` .. /.. • I - —_..,.\ lit Gnat Cause of i • 0 , - ...... tav 'IAN 1 .11181111r1f. 1.4... P,2gish.d in a &al it 0 ',e.g., ed /ayes:ape, Price, 0 cis. - -" I - r" — `w, AL 'l g eeture on the tollittere,teeist uteut ttett intdteal Cure of *beryl:tato/rhino , or tienaing„Weakness , Involuntary Emissions, tiexcial Debllttiv and Im. tsnliments to Marriage generally t NerAnisness, onsumption. Epilepsy and Fits ; ?dental and Physical Inespacity,resulting from 'Self Abulit.etc, by Runnier J. CULVEEtw ELL, M. D.. author otiithe -Green book," Jt,c. The world renowned author, in this admtrabliti, lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that me awful consequences. of Self Abuse tit..y be effectually removed avithout medicines, and with , , out dangerocts,aurecat operetions, hoagies. In• struments, clogs or cordials. pointing oat a mode or cure at once. certain and effectual by which ex itcry sufferer, no mattes what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privatelx. and radical , ly. Thu Leeture mai prof• a boon lo Thousand, i and thoustinda. Went, nudes seal, to anv address, in a plain seal ed etoxelope, an the receipt of six ceato or po.tage stamps. Also. Dr. Calverwara "Mar , ridge Guide, price its cents. Adduces the Pub ! lisbers, CHAR. 3. C. 'KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Newi York, P 0. Boa, 4.5.46. aurfely:chlyStielort ~, OM= M. INIII_AILAVIII. & CO. Contractors and Builders; PLANING - MILL Doors. Sa.seiri Constantly on hands, and wade to order. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tvriti<at. ItarB;'7l—ly N'Who vinnin a Ynniity or Pocket Bible? With er without the Pialata Who woo(' a hymn or.Psaltn Book? ith L.:sheath School and other good Books? NV b., wants School Book/ or Stationery? With Blank Books. En% elopes, Slates and Stationery in general? CALL AT BEAVER BOOK STOKE, J. MOORE TIIE BEST BRANDS OF ASSORTED Railroads. 1055A8 ilOas . 308 A 11Krarsi 845 44 aito 4U 155 , 81 893 816 MS I 3013 743 15354.44 1/1101101111. Sirs. 135a30 2.13 ma 4.19 I 1:0 MME=EI iiNem{ii4o 1 45rai =MC •ai !IMMO 0011{41 Wer. _ • 92.Lut 63bra 15604-sti iiios '4sr m'l MO lira . 315 , im 'flis (. 41 triS IWu 1221 AU 1 4 15 r 00114 Q SOVI'll Bt[•'e. AC01,4 MEI= 00/111.4 aORTIT EI - P . lll MIME! OE= 450Ait 1110 A. 'll'4o 015 105 • '722srat 110 703 i 155 840 1 ftsn 'ES.s less V 4.0 'uA 31040 NTATIII. It Dr= AND AND SHINGLES Itochester g Pa. BOOKS. next door to Iderz's Shoo Stolz', terpG-tt DRTJOGIST Preseripticniß Carefully and Accurate ly thnipountled Macllol3:Lai WIND AND IMOD, Qll s • DMI DYE 135UFFS: LEM RYES OF AIL COLORS; GLASS PUTTY; Special attention given ioisecate the best quality of Lampe and iamP Trirointoga. Latittlna &c. A Large Amrtmenl of TOILET ARTICLE, SpAPS, BRUSHES PATENT MEDICINES, Mita Street, /leaver Pa. c....-...,..-.......atiti4.44. , I- t • . - ,; 44 : .2.-., ,: , • • i . : ftt• 1 L',.:: In AN APPEAL To. Debilitated Perfume, To Dympepticw, To Sufferers awn ,Livor Complilot, To them having, no Appetite,, To those with Broken Down Consti- Lions, To N(rvoue People, To Children Westing -41}v " - To Roy with . Debilitate() Agestiv* i . Suffeerrig asgkflow fag iiympttrma, mkteh, indicatslbtfpiNge:dcr ett Liver or Stonach; each ae con. itatiatfon, Iri. vran3 nee, Fat aces or • Bleffvel ; to the lived, 4cidity of the titoufach. Nausea. tharthara., .I)laust fur Food. Follow* dr Weight lir the Stomach, Soarliructa • Gone. Staking or- Flattering at the Pitt of the elkithaekdwirasaFei of the ilegii„tiatrind And Didiceit Breathing, Fluttering at the and, t.'hok tag et tiadhcatlag.Setwatintes *tem to a Ding Pertain. blames* of lades, Dote or Webs before the bight. 'Fever and Doll Path la Vier Bead. Deficiency of Pereptrstlna.lefiownese or the Shin funt,Byca, Pain In the Side, Phest, ,Linitisttr; Fadden Fluster! of Hcat; * Battling In he .FDratti Constrill im *Vane fi ,( Beth sun Great Depteftn • • et Svtritit. : MIA al 121Drit litooklai.Ovs GERAIAN MUTMEL Mier • ictiAold' die?itoi,br LYptrite op aly *lad, Is different fronutilf takers. • It is cent posed of the pure juices, or Prig)* ciple of Boots, LliewlbsaadiNarki, (or, as medicinally termed, );xtracts,) the worthless or inert' portions of the Inv& clients not being used. Therefore, to one bottle of these Banat there is contained as much medicinal 'virtue as will be round in several pitons of ordinary mixtizres. Thu Items, ate, used in this Ilitteis; ore' grown in Germany, their vitairlonlPlea extracted in t h at country'll a - scientific Cliernic and forwarded to the manures,- tiny in this city, where - they are coin-, pounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous ingredients, this Bitters is free trom the objections urged against all oth ers; no desire for dm:intents can be indu ced from their use ; they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under soy circum stances, have any but a beneficial effect. H On A N D'S OE, H3l Ali TONIC, Was compounded for those not inclined to extreme hitters, anti is intended for use in cases when some alcoholic stimulant required in connection with the Tonic properties of thalittera. Erich hOttle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit ters, combined with pure BANTACIWZ RCM, and flavored In such tt manner that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters is overcome, forming a preparation high ly agreeable and pleasant to the palate, end containing the medicinal virtues of the Bitters. l'he price of the Toulc is 41..',0 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take into con bitteration that the stimulant used is gnat antmd to he of a pure quality. A poor article could he furnished at a cheaper price, but is It not better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medi cinal preparation should contain none but the best Ingredients; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and be ben elitteu by it will most certasnly be cheated. LIMO 1 &lone 1 - 10(11FLA.IVII"S ciERNIAN BITTERS, H OOFLA Nl3 1 1 011aC D WITH HOOFLAND'S Podophyllin P4ll, -Utz c. faatf t Soc. -441: RQP Kn.. 0 eradicate diseases arising cram Impure Blood, Debility of the Digestive Organs, or diseased Lisa.r, in a shorter time thou any other known rtmethes. THE WHOLE SUPREME COURT OF I PENNSYLVANIA SPEAK for these i REMEDIES. Who wou?ti ask for more dignified and stronger testsmonr lion. GEORGE W, Wi)orm AHD, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvnnia, at present Member of Congress from Pennsylvania, writes: PtJt4ADSLFQIA, March 16, 1667. lied " ilootland's German ]litters" is a goad-conie, useful in diseasea of the dl. gestive 4saus, and of great benefit in ens CS of debilv and want of nervous action in the system. Yours truly, GEORDE W. WOODWARD .JAMES Tiniurwox, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: April I,S ' 1867. I consider "Floolla nd's German Bit t en" a valuable medicine in ease of attacks of lndigestiim or Dyspepsia. can certify this from my experience of it. Yours, with respect, .1 AMES MOM NON 4. I. YAWLS HON. ( roROE ISILSRSWOOI), Justice of the Supreme Court of Penns ivania: Putr.nnEl,rnm, June 1, Is4s. I have found by experience that "Hoof land's German Bitters" is a very good tonic. relieving dyspeptic symptoms al. most directly. GEO. MASIN001). W.u. F. Itoomis,.3l.ayor'of the City of Buffelo, New York: Mayors Offlcc, Buffalo, June 22, 'O. I have used " liootiand'a German Bit tern and Tonic in nth; family during the past year, and can rencominend thew a, an excellent tome, imparting: tone and vigor to tht sy%teitt. TWer use has been pnalactivo of decidedly beneficial effects. WM. F. ROGERS. Hon. James M. Wood, Ea-Mayor of Wittianwport if'ennsy/rania : I take great pimiento ie. tecommendina " Hoof land's German 1 . 0111 C" to any one who may bear: dieted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyspepsia an badly it wart impossible to keep any mood on To! stomach, and I became 10 weak as not to be able to walk hall a mile. Two bottles of Tonic effect ed s perfect care. JAMES M. WOOD. REMENHER. THAT . II 00 F LA.ti GERMAN 11ITT ERR, AND 100FLANIYS GEII3INN TONIC Will Cure every Case of AC. et 1r EL es S , Or Welding may of tbe body. REMEMBER Til AT HOOPLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines yon require to purify llto lOt A. excite the torpid liver to healthy action, and to enable you to pass gafely through say hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLANIYS PODOPHY LLI N. The Moat Powerful, yet Innocent, Vegetable Cathartic known. It to not necessary to take s handful of Mese Pitts to produce the desired effect; two of them act quickly and powerfully, clewing the Liver. B wais ob and Bowels all in r rillee. 'the prin cipal ingredient is Podophyll n, or the Alcoholic Extract of Mandrake, whkh is by many dates more powerful. I t s and searching than MArr drake Itself. Its peculiar salon Is upon the Liv er, cleaning it speedily from all obstractiuns, with lo all tha res power orilercarY tha.t yet treineral.e horn theistic:- os attached to m For all diseases, in which the use of a cathartic Is Indicated, those pins will give entire aittlefife Wm in every awe. They wastrfait. In cafes of Liver Taint, Dy=and ' treats costiveuess. olland's Ratan or Tonic builds up the system. The Bitters or Tonic will* Um Blood, strengthens the Nem*, regulates the Liver, and glees etrength, energy sun vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the Pitts, and Done ap the system with Bitters or Tonic. and no dis ease can retain the bold. or even surd you. Recollect that it L DR. 1100FIAND'IS GER ILAN Remedies that are so universally used and inghly recommended; and donut allow the rtrue. gist to iodate you to take anytt;r i s that be may say is just as good, because kes a Lir ger protd on It. These rernediva wilt be sent be aaPrite o .. to sot ocadtv., upon strnikation to the PRINCIPAL. orrircs. at the "GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. Ito, GU, IsltCff !STREET. 'PIidLADELRIA. 11; EVANP, Proptletor. Formerly.' C. X. JACKSON d CO. These Ilevwdir., are for Base by Drug pieta, Btorekeepera and Medicine( Dealers everywhere. . janlB-/y-ehdjytmet2s. Meet. 'TOM p Beaver, a., etm Iredietna4. Or Substitute for Mercury Pills TWO PILLS A DOSE. HIE %al y . • ittvr 10,r • ! '4/:•11 •I‘ ME .1 - i ' ,4 e; e EIMM ;i r. =I :fYi'4 Jr,h4 o us y* , g5.,,,1811 i l !,v , y • L e • 9 SELECZ ,e4tezokty TirOM 11/4 - H o i ci - IS S j TU HOOt p eOolt; _ BY , grOik,*tfieditneet: • , ~,, i.. Isi'm T., - t ~ : . , • 'lt•Rttev4.lzLialistartfranna ./IntaeDoo. ...,w au s -tail ilias iitittiolttoadteil do ‘tioisiygilictM o r a lisuakil)ou timid Fibt. • ask like MI owl ti'MrtlY 4 = dr lYalheetltdriv off' the,lastitWv; Ago ra t o ff thent-likeoekin ee i saMtner aclitilVbeirmth t int e4 b e li h t 1 children coneac-;c t I 'tow it takes , * Itiglit Amarthekrilei:. bf#sicialeicknotsier. in Flat Crick'lll l the winter. They'd pitchlyol4aStAri flora nyil near itre eta,' anal., e . 1 — l i • 'e yeah* , ~ , , with :fi1t4.:*411404 I ten' Miles' togebtifte aeleotilin•thisktis4 trio, and Nelecklutd• been. mentally I revieiVifik*X In " at every., step he to o k, Arsttl . teak the cocuirtit= tee should atict tititt'heidid Mot' kilo*, enough, - Wite' tittle - taken Abner at this great 410ta :. "old; ',leek' Means," whbl ' , ,tho first trustee that he Ugh , %Apo Arapigooki l i made by the* kianne:retuarks ; WAS etuphasized hg,. . which lie i received fro m A , ' ' .sw o sons:` The older OW. bins (Men the 1.10 r . of. his • brawayi,'' litiderii wit c h that amiable look. v ', ••• aMg dog turns •on.a little one '' ... , shaking /ilia:: hßalphilar =' . , t.' 1 ney4 l .ll4o.ught - of being metal i• , . Ay . the standard" of Anode. ,' Ti :. notion of beating education into ~ ' , voyages inspite !of themselves,. , , ed.bia ardor. He had waticeitalgtit to where Jack 31eanli was atkahavingehingle* to his own fro ..Iyard. While 'Mr. Means was tn - ... , , ,... the v . e speee „and h p w a h n i e c t. it t l r we have set dint. - ..... listing it with ', , , g ' , ., • • tationsialarga :brindle bu i l ' . _ , , b ee n : smiling a t, , R a ipte u l l edo, ~ i a .girl. in . a.• Reit'. pnsey.wooiset , . 4 .: :014811db:0y Of: door, had nears aled her hetaeff ' , at the dough a ; prospect of seeing ; a, new_sehooli— • • • ! eaten u p by, 1 44 - c ferocious bruts4* . .;.;', - • ,' -' • Between tine. st erring weriti, of the old mani eimmenserausciqs of the young: ho was to be hat m rea rebellious paid thlajawa:ol - -thiStlW ' bull-dog, and , . ~.: eis , giggle a . the girl, Ralph .' • a delightfuisense of having precd ; -: • • • himself into a . den of wild beasitf :Fainttertth weed, . noes and discourtilketnent; and shiver-. lug with fear, heat down-on a h I. w ee . . harrow. 1 - ~.• . . , "Yea, Bull rillaid the old man to the dog, whicti*as showing more and more a disposition to make a meal of the incipient pedagogue, '• you null ! git aout,yottpup !" The dog ,_ walked sullenly4dr, but not until he had given Italph' a look full of prom ise of what lionreantio do when ho got a good chance. Ralph wished ' himself back 'in the village of Lewis burg, whence'histaine. "You see," continued Mr. Means, , spitting in a Mpditstive sort of a way, you see,Ste salt noneof your soft sort in these'diggina It takes a ni s tr u a :en st d y e t le ur b e i f d ' e t y h in is ou: la ees th t i trl e nk ri e ek k y . o so u li :k w i t. n - , house, I tea'ntt gettai l itection. , <Blit• of you git liekoi'doeftedellietat*....., Flat Crick don'tpicr`• . e(r4nautti , '. you bet i AntOtbetstraidessal Mei, ye'. P,llt as - 1 IPllS';'the'ftitsiktita l t'others jist let:WO rein the, thing,. ,1 You mn begin•right !tiff a .lifetift., , They a'n't bee , -••- • • -- -• . Ita-- r ,.. 3, r 40 . „ ti es ti jist roll up an , as I)steio. i,,,-,„,,, v .,o)ve got pluck, may be, and that goes for a heap sight more'n shinty) with boys. Walk , in, and stay over Sunday with me. You'll hey to hoard 'roun,' and I guess you better begin here." Ralph did not go in, but sat out on' the whtelharrow, watching the old man shave shingles, while the boys split the blocks and chopped wood. Bull smelled of the newcomer again in an ugly way, and got a good kick from the older on for his pains. But out of one of his red eyes the dog warned the young schoolmaster that he should yet sutler for all kicks re ceived on Ins in:Ll:mat. "If Bull once takes a holt, heaven and yarth can't make let go," said Bud to Ralph. by way of comfort. It was well for Ralph that he be gan to "board round" by stopping at Mr. Means'. Ralph felt that I hit Crick was what lie needed. He had lived a bookish life. But here was his lesson in the art of managing peo ple. For he who can manage the' untamed and strapping youths of a winter school in 1-loopole County has gone far toward learning one of the hardest lessons. - And twenty-five years ago. in Ralph's tune, - things were worse than they are now. The older son of Mr. Means was called Bud Means. What his real name was Ralph could not find out, for in many of these families the nickname of "Bud" given to the oldest boy, and that of "ass" which is the birthright of the oldest girl, completely bury the proper Christian name. Ralph was a general. He saw his drat strategke point, which was to capture Bud nem ts. After supper the boys began to get ready for something. hull stuck up' his ears in a dignified way, and the three or four yellow curs who were Bull's satellite's yelped delightedly and discordantly. . "Bill," said Bud Means to his brother, "ax the master ef he'd like to hunt coons. • I'd like to take the starch out the stuck-up fellow. "'Sough said„' was Bill's reply. "You dural do It," said Bud. "1 don't take no`s:Kch a dore," re turned Bill, and walked down to the gate, on which Ralph stood watching the stars come out, and wishing he had never seen Flat Crick. "I say, mister,' began Bill, "mis ter, they's a coon what's been a eatin' ear chickens lately, and we're goin to try to ketch the varmint. You wouldn't like to take a coon hunt nor nothln' would you ?" "Why, yes," said Ralph, "there's nothing I should like better, if I could only be sure Bull wouldn't mistake me for the coon. And so, as a matter of policy,Ralph dragged his tired legs eight or ten miles, on hill and in hollow, after Bud, and Bill, and the coon. But the raccoon climbed a tree. The boys not into a quatrelha aboutbro whose busi ess it was tohavebrought the ax, and who was to blame that the tree co id not be felled. Now, if there ivbs anything Ralph's muscles were good for, it was to climb. So asking Bud to give him a start, he soon reached the limb above the one on 'which the raccoon was. Ralph did not know how ugly a customer a rac coon can be, and so got credit for more courage than he had. With much peril to his legs from the rac coon's teeth, he succeeded in shaking the poor creature off among the yelp lug brides and yelling boys. Ralph could not help sympathizing with the hunted animal, which sold its life as dearly as cossible, giving the dogs many a scratch and bite. It seemed to him that he was like the raccoon, precipitated into. the midst of a partrof ungti Who would rejoice in worrying Ma life out as Bull and his crowd were destroying the poor raccOnn. When Ball at hest seized the raccoon and put an end .to it, Ralph re could not Ina; admi the de -tided way in which he did it, calling to mind Bud's comment: "When Balt once takes a holt. heaven and ysrtb can't make him let go." Bat ati they walked homeN Bud carrying the raccoon by the tail 4!4..,!1 4. 4'41 OEN Ralph felt that Wit butitbati not been= in vain. , BRIA } I94eS I Oat even red eyed 131/11,"VdMitt tliienrnfortatAy * tu. bin Ottie,, mtpmteil WILL/pore since tie iid_diniVed that tree. oPnrty wart kind of 8 nuister,!! remarked the oid man to , Buti Ralph hat gone: to bed., htluess you better , be a little easy on But Rad deigned no reply. Per haps •because be knew lhat Ralph heard the conversation through the thin partithme ••'• Ralph woke. delighted-to , Real it vainfilg.h:He did not want to hunt by fish firmday,-.ant thiastonly rain would enable-him teinakeiriends withßud. • , Itto , net • know how he got started, but after broikfasthe be gan to , r tett•• stories. Out of , all ? the Wekslie had eter-read he told story, after etory.! ,. .And ‘•okt n2tut M ;•1P8," and' oold alias hiestna,'A and. Mini' Meaux; I isteneil with grehteyetAill i -ho told olginted'atuiventnres, of the Old Man of the n tot. Robinson Crave, of Captain Gulliver's experi-, enees in' ibilliput, and of Baron M n chausen's.eXploits. :Ralph had caught his fish. The ;hungry minds of , these.backwoods people, alekonddying :of their own _eetnenonphice, were refredual with the new life that dome to-their Un ,krinations in thesestorlea. For ti‘ere was but one book in the Means libra ry; and that, a welt-thumbed copy of Captain Riley's Narrative; bad Jong since last all freshness. "!'ii be dog-on'd," said Bill em phatically, "ef I hadn't ruther hear thomaster tell them whoppin o yarns, than go to a circus the best day I ever seed ln Bill could pay nohigher ann plinaent..; What Ralph wanted was to .make . a friend of Bud. It's a nice thing to have , the seventy-four-goo ship on your own side, and the :.more. Hart soak admired the knotted muscles of 13nd. Means, the more he desired to Bach-him to himself. tic, whenev er he struck out a peculiarly brilliant passage, he anxiously watched Bud's •eyo. But the young Philistine kept -his. own , counsel.' Be listened but *Ad tiothlagi: anti the eyes under his shaggy , hwy. oft no sign. Ralph Could atit'leliNdiether those eyes were deep and inscrutable, or only stolid, Perhaps -a little of both. • When ilienday morning cumuli& ph was nervous. Ho walked to school with Bud. "I guess you're a little skeered by what the old man said. a'n't you ? " Ralph was about to deny it, but on reflection concluded that it was M ays best to speak the truth. Ile said that Mr. Means' description of the school had made hlin feel a little down-hearted. "lyhat wiftyon do with the tough' 'boys: You a'u't no match for 'ern." And Ralph felt Bud's eyes not only measuring his muscles, but scrutin izing his countenance, He only an 'swered: "I don't know." "What would you do with me, fur instancq?" and Bud stretched him: kir Up as if to shake op; rt tle' reserve ti power celled up in his t muscle s. shan't have any t übhs with P 3 , 11 •' t 'Why, I'm the worst' chop of ail. rthroshed thelast master myself." qyep of Bud Means oath& OW 'sliarPly from :his shadow.- o.R4wa to see V/0 - effect.. of hit ' • eV4e l ;;Y:O 3 g *P. r 04( '' • : I • I to •Sm••••••••••-•m- - ..- - - -- Means w t it threaten ig sneer, "I know, that as well as you do." " Well,a'n't you afraid of me theta' and again he looked sidewise at Ralph. 4 ~ "Ndt a bit," said Ralph, wonder ing at his own courage. They walked on in silence a min ute. Bud was turning the Matter over. "Why a'n't you afraid of me?" he said presently. "Because you and I are going to be friends." ."And what about tica hens •.'" "I am not afraid of all the other boys put together." " You a'n't ! The mischief! How's that'!" "Well, I'm not afraid of them be cause you and I are going to be friends, and you can whip all of them together. You'll do the fighting and I'll do the teaching. The diplomatic Bud only chuck led a little at this; whether he assented to the alliance or not Ralph could not tell. When Ralph looked round on the faces of the scholars, the little faces bill of mischief anti curiosity, the big faces full of an expression which was not further removed than second cousin from contempt--when young Hartsook looked into these face 4, his heart palpitated with stage- friglit . There is no audience so bard to lace 1 as one of school children, as .many a man has found to his cost. Perhaps it is that no conventionality can keep down their laughter when you do or . say anything ridiculous. Hartsook's first day was hurried and unsatisfactory. He wits not mas ter of himself, and consequently not 1 master of anybody else. When even- ing 'sane there wore symptoms of insubordination through the whole school. Poor Ralph was aiCk at heart. He felt that if there had ever I been a shadow of an alliance between himself and Bud, it was all "oil" now. It seemed to Hartsook thateven Bull had lost his respect for the teacher. Half that night the young man lay awake. At last comfort tame to him. A tenainiecenee of the death of the raccoon fleshed on him lip a 1 vision. He remembered that quiet anti annihilating, bite which , Bull' gave. He remembered Bud's cern- ' fivate, that "FS Bull once takes a holt, heaven and yarth can't make . him let go." He thought that what Fiat Ceick needed was a hull-dog„ quiet but invincible. He would take hold in sueh n way that nothing should make him let go. And then he .vent to sleep. In the morning Ralph got out of bed slowly. He put his clothes on slowly. He pulled on his boots in a bull-dog mood. He tried to, move as be thought Bull would move if he Were a man. He ate with deiihern ; tton, and looked everybody in the ' eyes with a manner that inede Bud watch him curiously. He found himself continually comparing him self with Bull. He found Bull pos sessing estrange faseihation for him. Hp walked to school alone, the rest having gone on before. He en tered the iv:hoot-room pieserving a coal and dogged manner. He saw in the eyes of the boys that there Was mischief brewing. He did not dare sit down in his chair for fear of spin. Mverybody looked solemn. Ralph lifted the WI of his desk. "Bow wow ! wow-tvow I" It was the voice of an imprisoned puppy, and the school giggled and then roared. Then eVerything was quiet. The scholars expected an outburst I of wrath froni the teacher. For they had come to regard the whole world as divided Into two doses, the teach er on the one side representing law ful authority, and the pupils on the other in ti state of chronic rebellion. To ploy a trick on the master Was an evidence of 'spirit.; to "lick" the mas ter was to be crowned hero of Flat Creek district. , \Such a hero as Bud Means, and BUt,. who had lee; muscle, saw a chance th rider himself on a teaehet of slender frame. 4 Hence the puppy JO the desk. .'Ralph Hartsook grew red to the t: ; •, 4.7 iIG i .4.1......,....,...,,,...,..,,‘,.=,,,,f,_„,...,,,.. -, :',. -, •" , -.1-: , .- - . ,- 4-. , , , •:, • 1 . t, „. '.. :.q • 1 , : ' ' • ',, :, • : 1 ,t:,: . -,..,. ' ....,' . . • . , , ''., f , , ~ • , ', ' • . . 1 ' : lc 1 I OE NM inill !MEI face when he Saw the , puppy. hut the cool repressed, buti-dog mood in which he hail, kept himself saved him.. Helifted thedog intohlk srlhA und;str~,~nl tutu, unfit lhe laughter .suhsidc. • Then, 14 a silleifin and Scti Way;• be began : • . - sin scirry;* And he'loolred round - the room WI th- a steady. hard eye-- gve*hody felt that ,tjaire was a • con flict eonting-J-"I am sorry ,that any scholar the school could be so tneim"—thelctsrd was uttered with iishatp emphasis And nil the hightlys felt Shure that , . there would boa:tight .With 4exins„ perhaps with Bud— "could be so nieon-its" - thiltjip 'tils't+helifii-In Such plate as that!' There Aim n 'Riney derisive laugh., Hy one Strokeitalph-hkd &Trial the .wliole school to his side, .My the significant glances of thci,hoys./7Art-' souk dctectell tho perpetrate? of the Joke) pm) mit/if/le har4 And dozged look in Mk eyes, with juSt such a look as BA I trouid give &puppy, tua with .the eta:Lost:suavity tu, lus VoiVe., tie sAid; "William Means hill you be SO '- gnext as ro put this doenut of doors?" ' (TO BE CONTINU-6).) MIL TILTON ON lIIIVOIMIL We print herewith Mr. Tifton :Views of "Marriage. and Divorce," as set forth by himself. We have epentedly printed the same views (esNentially) as set forth at full length by several eminent • writers on hls side, se that we are very glad to find Mr. Tilten's statement a short one. Mr. Tiltotes right to think as he does, we do not dispute: our right to regard his doctrine as eminently pernicious. and detestable, be uuwthiug to.concede.. We feel that just such reasoning as his, instilled by libertines Into the - ears of their, foredoeined victims, has filled and is now filling- the earth with sin, Miwyond moral rola. Indeed, the libertine who beguVes an innocent girl into compliancOvith his wishes, end deserts her when his passions are seed and she abi)ut to become a Mother, stands fulb; justified by Zit Tiltou's prentises - and deductions. For the seducer would say, "I have eeaSed to love, to honor, to cherish " therefore, tny 'covenant is ipiefacio "ended,' awl I am free to go " where ,I will." If this doctrine is not Tiltthi's, we arc unable to disern the difference; Mr. Tilton says the marriage cove " mat 'is ipsofacto ended whenever, "instead of hiving, they hate, and, "instead of honoring, they despise," &e. If Mr. Tilton has any form of mar riage covenant in use among Chris tians which justifies his n.c.:ertion, we challenge him to produce it. We never saw or reati such ; we are sure no such exists. On the contrary, ail the marriage covenauts 4 within our knowledge. bind the parties not to hate, deSpise, or loathe each other. • Ifthey do so, they break their VQW ; bat 'this by no ineanst releases Ahem from itaabligation: We insist that the men and wo 7 men who. helieve in the Tiltonian marriage covenant shell act utvord-s !ugly. Let them stand up before the world and say, "We take each ether for husband_ and wife for so long as " we shall continue to love each . otW " 'supremely ; but, whenever this "shall tie longer be the else, then we roclakri OUR .r 9rit untsrrtz,n, ail regarded and treated accordingly. Their assuming before t he world an obligation to eing to eaeh other "till death do part," and then insisting on regulating their lives by oue totally di tleren t, we unuttera bly abhor. In fact, no person who holds With Mr. Tilton has any right to marry at all. He has no right to the honors of marriage while he re pudiates its essential obligation. The union that Mr. Triton believes in is not marriage at all, but something radically diverse from - that. It is the marriage •'a la jacque" .of Puri fiiau workmen and grisett, which is expected to last a year, hut often disappoints that expectation. Those Who hold it superior to Christian marriage should prove their faith by giving it a distinctive name. Words are things, and Marriage is not What any one may choose to have it, but is defined by the dictionaries. If the Free-Lovers are not ashanned of their creed, let, them prove it by giv ing a distinguishing name to their substitute for Marrlage.—Netv Tr Mune 41 , "UMW' Souse and Pretty We. Mrs. li. B. Stowe, in Old and NO, says: There is a ehilly, disagreeable kind of article, called commonsense, which is of all things must repulsive and anti-pathetical to all netted Crea tures whose life.has consisted in flat tery. It is the'ind of talk which sisters are very apt to hear, from brothers, and daughters from fathers and mothers, whini fathers and moth-' ers do their duty by them ; which sets the world before them as At is, 1 and not as it is painted by flatterers. 1 Those women who prefer the society \ of gentlemen, and who . have Urn faculty of bewitching their senses, never are in the way of hearing from this cold matter-of-fact region; for them it really doesnot exist. Every phrase that meets their ear is polis ed And softens t, guarded and deli mtely turned, till there is not a parti cle of homely truth left ~in it: They pass their time in a- world of ilia shins ; they demand these illusions of sit who approach then*, as the sole conclitlonk of peace and favor. Ali gentlerneu, by a sjirt of instinct, re tlignize the woman who lives by flat tery, and give her her portion of 1 meat In due season; and thus sonic poor women are hopelessly buried, as suicides used to be in -Scotland, under a mountain of rubbish, to which each passee-by adds one stone. It is only by some extraordinary power of circumstances that a man an be found to invade the sovereign ty of a pretty woman with any disa greeable things; or, as Junius says, "to instruct the throne in the Lan guage of truth." _~~-~~- T - ------ ME men -• • ----- PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL: Brunt Jo.b U UUng% to a "114. tr 011 and Vpdetible }Utter 11lats.' , Dear Doktor Ilirsute: I r&e•Haved tin cup-ov'yure "Satvahtin bitters" by express, for which I express my thanks. The greenback Which you euklosed was the kind or purswader that we of the press fully understand. Yur hair gresse shalt have a regular gimnastic puff, as soon as I can find a spare time. I tried a little ov D. on' an old counter brush in my erns this morning, and in fifteen ululates the brussells grew as long as.a lax4ses tale, and notis this afteraeon the hair begins to cum up thru, on back ov brush, 'tis wonderful! 'tis airackit Eureka! I rubbild a drop dr two on the head ov toy kane, which has been bald for five years and beer" rile if don't have to.shave the ane han dle eVery day, before Ican walk out with it. I have a very favrite cat, she is (limey the Hanibletotilau breed ov cats, nod altho she is shag, an ows d paint fieen trained yet, h great signs of speed. I thought I would just rub the cork on the room where the cat gey repozes. The consequents was, some of the "puts wader" got onto the cat's tale. When the cat arose from her &um bers she caught site of her tale, which had grown to au exalted siXe, taking is ''Egtitbilighed,lBlB; 7 • -. one More loot: at the late snestarted, and bi the OW' oldlirbseal srch twi ning, across the yard i ver the ferttn ene ship nf an apple tree and. down the other! out In the field a, away, away! The last I bow of the eat Alo waApretty much all tale. I irou:dn't have tooken ttlO•dollars for the rut, with her old tale on her. In a few days I will find a spare time amt - then t Ann write up far our pap per sumthing pyroteknik make the hair grow on the head oft' number 2 maekrel, to read-it. • 11.—Bizziness, doktor, b 1221. ne,s. 'The hi prise of . material and labor has pat up puffs with, us, -but (OA , the receipt of;/40' Wire. you .eah rely upon something in, our weekly that , will send •"Salvashurr' "lYtirswashun" whirlimf ihro the laud: • Y4S.---Let-me advise you, as-your friend, if it is indlspenliatily‘neeesslry th'eheat a little in the mannffieture of I, salvatiolißittere;" let In the. rules*. don', t /4,)!Aler ~Youptouletty; OCIt IVAISIIINGTOS Weeettieoecite, I). C., et. la, Is7l The report frog theSt to elections i , just held, are most grati ing to the ardent Republicans in X ashington. The load quarreie in kemeas among some of the Republican sore-heads there ceased some to believe that the Democrats Would carry: the State, end, temsequently, no inconsiderable amount of betting has been done by the undaunted lacinicieeite, , . But now it is all over, hoWever, an I a genertil good . feeling seems' to' p ' veil with both Democrats and sore- ceded Re publicans alike:, The e ff ect-that tJae,receet Itepubli-• can victories will have On the No veni ber elections are titling fully d is. ertesed;•esmiallyin NeW York and New Jersey. , But aittie hope was t here six mouths ego of earying New Jersey. anti none at alt. f carrying New - York State; bat not even bets, can be - had. that Republicans will carry both States; New York., by at least fictteu thousand majority. XVit h Bill settlement of the Greeley-Mur phy difficulty it is considered - hereby even the Dernocnits that it would go overwhelmingly Republican. The division of. Erigraving. and ' Printing under the able managenien t of George B. McCartee, Superintend ent is ettely in recelot from the Na tional Bank Note COnatiany of New, York, one-eigth, one-six th,'i one- 1 fourth,, and one-half barrels beer stamps tinted, the ifaCe work being done in the Bureau here. Also 'tax paid stamps," the tints of which are executed at the Contineptal Bank Note Company in New Y e k, are re ceived, and both stamps will be ready find complete for itee in two or three days. 1 The oneteigth haa upon its ram the permit. of . Andrew Jackson; theone-sixth, one-sixth, that. of -Lineolne One-.. fourth, thatOf Daniel ;Webster; ondl one-half. General Sher:nen. Of the tax paid stamps, of forty? and sixty gallons, the former has Upon its face the portrait ofaieueml Scott, and the latter, Hamilton. The face work is done in the Bureau here, and your eerrespondent believes it the best he ' has ever seen; General Scott from hie, personal knowledge of the Oen eral's. looks •is euperiur beyond an tiletakb...gffetoresee-e'leet‘ c r! - `l -, 7r ' fltteettheyhaveoYer seen. The friends of Paymaster 'Hodge are quite sanguine that the , sentence of ten years to the penitentiary is il legal by virtue of an act 'of Congress passed July 17th, teGe., which limits the authority to impose such a sen tence to cases where by law the same i Court has power to inflict the pun ishment of death. Such seems to be the prevailing opinion among the best lawyers here, and it is thought that a writ of habeas corintb will lib-- crate him from imprisonment. The prize-fighter, Bolster, who has been - once tried and ainvieted of murder for the shooting and killing in the public streets of Washington on the `2.2d day of February last, a noted gambler known as "Sonny James," having been granted a new trial, has just been found guilty of manslaughter. His counsel has pre vailed upon the Judge to stay sen tence until they shall have argued a motion to discharge the prisoner on idea of irregularity in the verdict of the jury, they having neglected to state in their verdict that the prison er was not - found guilty as indicted. I.ut simely brought in verdict of manslaughter without referring 'to the indictment. It is generally be lieved,howeverahnt the petition win he ignored and •that this ex-prize tighter, thief and woman-beater will he compeileti to pay a visit to Gen. Pillsbury, keeper of the Albany pen itentiary. Contributions to the fund for the relief of the Chicago sufferers are be ing rapidly made. Fully one bun dreteand fifty thousand dollars, it is thought, will be raised and forward ed' to Chicago. The clerks in the differentdepartmenta are omitribu tinv generously. Several of the Re publican State associations, in addi tion to the contributions made by their members in their respective offices, have convened and assessed themselves from s4o aidzi each. It is now no longer by any one here, of what( v; that there are Ku-Klux 1 th, and that the only object a-Klux have is:to intimidate jai pea pie, both white and black, to the ' end that ex,rebel Democracy may 'tain reign supreme; that they acknowl edge no constitution or law that does not gave them undisputed right ti rule the colored man as best sults their selfish 'purposes. Union men arriving in 'Washington daily, say that the recent exposure of Ku-Klux ism has so far had thd effeeConly to make the K. K. Klan shy; and that they are still undaunted anddeterm hied in their efforts to torture and murder the Union inen, l th ere -ean be question. Ciuzi. 11=1:11 THE WHILRTON POINIONTING Another Suspicion of Guilt Re moved. Another of , the many ruroora cur rent after the arrest of grs. Wharton on the charge of T;oi4toting General 'Ketehutia has been disposed of, re- Having the accused from whatever suspicion might have arisen from its circulation. A. letter has been re ceived Iron' Mrs, W. K Aloock, now in F.uropo, in which she fays: "The papers statethat 1 Vas 'made Hi by dam s oap, brought ti y' Mrs. Wharton's servant, who begged me etc not to eat it, dm., .' The facts are these: I had been ill for so e d am, but was getting better, and harm firs. 'Wharton say she was going to have clam soup for her dinner, took a fancy to havesome. Mrs. Wharton demurred at my request, fearing i was not Al enough to indulge my appetite, but Orally yielded, and sent me some with other viands' from her table. The result was what she fear ed, and a return of ateknass ensued as a consequence of my imprudence. This occurred in the early part of may, nearly a month prior to - our leaving for t urope. had a remar kable good sea voyage, and have since godandng enjoyed uninterrupted health. As to the maliclousre port of our having gone to Europe earlier than we intended tb get 'rid ow= Is 9 1 ;nry., .IFOn " di 9r, i n I balaikod.l Eltedotin ver: Pa, at $2 Per Year in advance. . ContOttitileationo - oil' subject* of lo or pool* iptcrent revoctfolly II , O — C4*) 111 1 nleil bytho ttanto °Mei adhot. ' :idettara stutorannunicoliorobabould iadrw4o WRY . _ of Iktis.W4arton,'lt falialpably u true; fel', dirty in'hin*tr, we eng ed wine at,the aante:tisne ti steutuern ,eitetwa exppeting - MP3, Wharton at NAV° to Join hs In to i nch, 'Mrs: addgthfit' eh eels I've ,indignant that Botha , of Ads hoods should be laid.beforiz_ t,the u lie," and submits her Staternent.,l the eouutsel,o/ Am: liNuttoh• tel Ysed ay t be 4"f.,10 Neti,edefit , oitQiiihstittr Madge 9 11 P;Arir Lopes Ma* rjaalke e Venni. Iliat) WABRINGT4jf•'-eeiat'' (o iowlorgis-tho:etliettriedn at-the oft eittl order loutljet , ET9 ll ogo!ted)::rel ative fo Aljor nudge; bt Oasnlered,,tolo3Welf all 'pa and allowantvift that May be due hit] at The 'data of they' promulgation o tWAlleottliati to itxe 7koPrtxmed hard labor . for 14 ,year:,3 ;di such peni lentiary - wthe tharitymad dirt,o, and thereafter tO6e4tripiriaonet l ilt tote* penitentiary tuntithelshuit re Anil to, the. United. amozrn 4pivenkbe--$444,404,:a11d the crime named, and pittetrof abod and pnbrstnient of the uomsed bi publiAied intim newsuaper4 #n thk City. 'Of W4,lshington. . . fieutenee approved by. ,the Pm; ilent, bur tho imprisonment iiraitee to 10 years, the prisonerbeingreliev ed of that part of the sentence ill nal , ices, The Penitentiary at AlballY oeAgvatcd as the. places ettatine. went. ~.ETTEB. .—`ll4o lift: York ,Itioune s refer riug, to Chicago;' nub; suggegiVe4 Oyu 'The dates (irits history seem more fantastic than any t3ctiiin. • John Kinzie built his cabin there in:1804, The Indians massacred the garrison of Fort Dearborn in fall. in 1630 there were twelve houses sfiattereil about the marshes, giving - shelter to a hundred parti-colored siquatten-; and in, 1870, when the ,haix..of the first-boru white native of the town bad not begun to grii.zie, the census= takers found 800,000, and' gave naor tat offense to 50,000 morei-wholusist eti they were not ennuted.,, A week ago Buffalo had stare tiCY2.,SaY bushels of grain; Montreal, 511,240; St. Louis, 777,881; Minkukee, 792,- 33:i; Toledo, 1,22,487; Chicago, 6,076,-, 560. There =We in these tr3t pliers which, to the practical Amer - can mind, means more than uny bap tism of poetry' and rqmuncCik !Illabosping Valley.—A correspond eat of the .Lavaence uazette f t bemocrgt, thus tliscourseth on the advantages of 3lahooing Talley; together with histori cal reminiscences: "In my last I spoke of the beauties of the Motioning V alley.'where Edenhurg is situated, I wdi now proceed to give very brief history 9f the place: The town was surveyed and laid out, in lots in the year. Wirl,, , hy t:rawforil White, of VfeW Castle, and before that, was owned by James Park, sr. The first hmise ever built here was put up by Join where the residence of James Park, jr. : now is, and the first bnilding)put up af ter being laid out in lota wak, done - by Thomas Covert, and the towi.bas been growing gradually ever since. Once the foot of the red man trod to and fro, and his war whoop echoed from hilt to hill, and while ins swift 'canoe glided softly over the limpid ivatent the Ma boning, /Ltisre say he little thought of Vicattiread idietnap s i„. on their lost territory . an te d rape T 'a place was ',her - groat rendeivous, and was named by them Cuskusky. They had their war post a short distance above town on the place now known as the Widow Ashton lam, wad a quarter of tettiile below town is the mound in which they buried their dead, and which "onfortunately has become partly dilapi dated. one would think of the things that oneetooklf hi place here, let him go to this Indian burying ground, and there muse over those Wien ones that lie bur ied beneath, and then let him cast his eye around and behold the battle ground and with all the imaginations ofthe mind he will become deeply impressed with the awful scenes that once transpired. The ground. around the mounds is strewn with beada,add Indian trinkets of all kinds, which shows an eveUtful pe riod in the past." Catiadsii horse ;; —Mr. John Dillan, a regular importer of the best. breeds of Canadian ii,ur , sre* has just rettt.rued from Onaada 'With a splendid bay stallion, (not a white hair on him) for breeding purposes. The horse is of Royal George stock, the best for ail rises bred in that country. "From appearance he will preNe a mast valuable addittatf - to the stock of this country, as every rug about him is as perfect as lioraellus elm be put to gether. Mr. Lilian realties at New t;al-' 'ilee, Beaver iaiunty, and will appear in this neighborhood with hi* horse in due, season. liars° breeders please mark this down and remember it.—Laurence Journal. Memory ish der food of old age. A dead Icing and a dead pegger ish shust der mine. ~• A miser always dies in vast—of more monist). I pity a drunkard morn dan I hate him, and a fool also. Many peoples detest life bekaus (ley vas to laiy fo work for frlising. Deeples vat will ghange (their re ligion for the sake of profits ish bet ter rnitout any. • Riches vas one 'ding and religion anoder, but you can't say dat you see der two alvays tor,eder. ~, Every clean hemp.' to pe sure, vashes his eyes out every morning.. Now, I tikes to find out how he gets .dem in again. The only mark dat-some men will eve ‘make- In dis vorlt will be de roar oftlbeir boots in de Mud. Nothing ever comes out of some beoble'stuouths but,trad words awl fobaCco sp, d' , If YOU co ill read der thoughts of your pest ends, you voult soon 110dg:tat you don't got many. , If 41 - man' dotVt stunt feel like toughen himself hishould never try to Atop his napors from doing dat. it ist K wrong to pe in error ; 'but von youtirx to convincr.; odder bee ' Wes dat - your errors vas right, (they peeorne treble wrong. , . Many beeple spend much of. dheir vag,.eS in der vlskey stores, and den set down and. fret bekaus dher na boss gits along more better ash dem. Pad habits to a man is. sliest, flies round a mulaSses panel. You can't keep dem away until the ardi etc Is some way protected. Plgttmy should never be banished by der law. A man mit doe wives, if he lives wit dem poth, IS punished petter dun any laws can do it. A man vot sits down , unt vatts for good luck to comealong aivays looks to me. like der fool who sat on der , pankii of der river Nailing for it'to run py, .so he could valken ober mit de oder side. ~ . : Demberauce ish der pest tocktor, Jaunt : ishAer pest medicine ant hon esty ish .der mt garment to vicar.-- work, tree din ' gs .along mit honest .vork, vM carry any pody dhroo dis vorldt midont some Wig:asides. 1111ACII: INVIDOn. —The largest flouring 1011 in the world is said to be that of General William B. Thomas, which manu factures 1,200 barrels a day,