The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 11, 1871, Image 2
, The. -. .Bei - vejr.Aflus . WEYAND. tutroa LID Paorasstcra likwmmnLAM44llo,lB7l: THE ELECTION. We have, held our paper backone day in order to give Our. readers the result of the .eleetion.Oti Tuesday. The returns received from the coun ty, up to the hour of going to press,, are 'not as tiglinite as we hoped for; yet enough is 'Moth; to warrant us in saying that'one portion of our tick et is defeated outright, and the re maining portion has but narrowly escaped, a similar fate. Mr. Wynn. the Republican candidate for County Surveyor, is kertandy beaten; while the fate of Messrs. Shurlock, Harrah , and Hunter, is in doubt.. This* an ugly fact to look upon, and just what controlling circumstances brought it. about remains for others to say. We were not let into' the details of the campaign. Our advice was unkind ted, and our assistant* not requested; hence it Will-properly devolve upon those who manned the ship and com mended the crew to tell us why the heretofore stout, compact little yes sel, in this county, was run upon the rocks and—to all intents and purpOs; es scuttled on last Tuesday. They have the &di, we have not. dispatch from NyashingtonSays: " The Deniocrats have this county by 300 majority. Keys will have over 600 majority for Assembly. Cooper will have between 400 and 500 mai. for the. Legislature; Mickey [Rep: j has been heavily cut in every. district." If this is reliable, the en tire delegation from this district in the next House of Representatives, will be Democratic. . Latest telegrams, warrant us in concluding that the State at large has pone for the Republican ticket by a - handsome majority; and it is thought the Senate has been redeemed.- Ozzio ELEcnox.—A dispatch from Columbus saps Gen. No - yes' (Repub r ,ten Candidate for Governor)—ma• jority in the State will be about 25,000. Ta - E question haviF, arisen as to whether a National Bank can take stock in another, and thereby become a shareholder in that Bank, has just been settled by _the decision of the Hon. H. R. iliariburt, _Controller of the Currency, who, in reply to a let ter requesting information upon the subject, declares that there is nothing in the law by which any National Bank could take such a step without exceeding their coropate nowers. OF the eleven Pennsylvania Sen. ate Districts which.chose Senators, yesterday, Tuesday,: seven are Re publican anti four Democratic, ac t-on:lin.: to the vote cast for Governor in 1869. In only two districts are the majorities then cast 1 than - 3,000 one of these is Republican, the other Democratic. The lifpublicans have a slight chance of gaining the close Democratic district, but it is quite Probable that the Democrats will re tain their present majority of one in the Senate. IT is rumored That Secretary Fish has stated to one of his official asso- elates that he will positively retire from the State Department after the November elections, although the President is still urgent to have him remain. When Mr. Fish's re tirement was first spoken of some months ago it seemed to be generally understood that Senator Morton of Indiana would succeed him. Now, however, Morton seems to have been set aside. New York demands that one of her citizens shall continue in the State Department, and the name now most prominently mentioned is that of Andrew D. White of Cornell tniversity. Mr. White was a mem ber of the San Domingo Commission, and presided over the late Republican Convention at Syracuse. He will be supported by the Conkling and Mur phy wing of the party. THE Connecticut election took place on Monday of last week, seventy nine towns went straight Republic an, forty-five straight Democratic, and twenty-two-are divided. Of the latter, eight have elected a Republic an Majority in the Board of Select men, and six a majority of Demo crats. Four ate a tie and four doubt ful. This gives the Republicans eighty-seven towns and tit:eDemo crats fifty-one, which is a public an gain over the spring election. The election in Texas, last week, passed off quietly throughout the State as far as heard from, except at Groesbeck, where five uegroe of the . State pollee murdered an old citizen, 1). C. Apple, white. The negroes were arrested. The vote polled is small. - The Democratic majority is about 1,000. A LErrErt from Itjajor-Gen. Rey nolds, commanding be DePertinent of Texas, has been forwarded by the War Department to the Secretary Of the . Interior." The letter is Sept. 6.1) . ; 1871, and suggests tha - -an interview be arranged between Sa tanta and Big Tree, the Kiowa chiefs, who are eondeinne& to imprison ment for life at Huntsville, Texas, and the chief men of the bands of In dians now occupying Eastern Texas, the interview to be presided over by agents appointed by" the Secretary of the Interior. (lea. Reynolds be lievessuch an interview might lend, through &tanta and Big Tree, to further Interviews among the In dians. living in Eastern Texas and the Kiowas, and result in making the latter tribe better satisfied to remain on their reservation and cease raid lag in 'l'exas. . Taa Hos. Wat. IL SEwAttz has returned to New York frutri his voy age around the world, much im proved in health and spirits.. Hear rived on the fid inst., and immedi ately repaired to the home of hht son Frederick in Peekskill,on theHadson River. After an active life of public service, extending ,over a period of nearly, if not quite half a century, he took advantage of his first year of recreation to sail around the world and visit the most prominent nations on 'the (Hobe. ,He performed this feat In one shortyear. Everywhere, he was treated with mark resPect Autocrats, Emperors, Kings—all vied In a desire to do honor to the distinguished representative of Am erican Statesmen. He peaetrated the interior of Japan, China, and India, and held intercourse with their insgpates3 and, in all received their civic attentions as s mark of rope to the na i tion whose representative.' man was iiefore them, 'The nation in general—and New York in a spe cial manner—welcomehome the end nent American Statesman. r Tim Secretary of War has (nide* distinct / promise - that the troops OW Removing froth Aberdeen,Mitic, be replaci3d by details, to be made to: General Halleck. The cavalry com pany which has been on duty there belongs to Gen. Pope's Diviainni nnti, Gen; Sherthan, in whom -kidder the law, the _movements of _troops rest, peremptorily directed that it. sheuld, re join its regiment.. The President, win be requested to increase the • force in "Lfississippi by at !crest two Com panies of cavalry: If there were any way of inducing Judge :Hill - to - ;act differently on the matter of admit ting the indieted- Ku-Klnit to bait, the endsOfJustitst would, It' is claint ed, be greatly furthered. The Con gress sub Committee, of which Sena tor Pratt is Chairman, will probably be in Alabama , about len.days . ., It will proceed to Alabama , where it will certainly remain as long,_ turning by way of TennesSee,- stop ping in the western and middle per- tions of that State to take testimony. Great difficulty is foaad in quieting North Mississippi, owing to the fact that the outrages now enacted are done mainly by men . from adjaeei candies iu Alabama. It is probable that the United States Marshals in the northern' portions of both - States will commission the same deputies, so as to giVe theta power to act ; on either side'of the line, if it be neces sary. A NoRTH CAROLINA gentleman has left at the Washington Star of./ lice a fultsu it of the dress worn by the, Ku-Klux It was fziiptured up on- the person 4:atone of the members of the order, recently arrested and• tried in tiutt,Stn i te. The suit which Is of black carob ic, Is in ,thiree parts. The first is a covering for the head and shoulders, consisting of a long pointed cap, widening over the shoul ders. The , portion over the face is shaped into a nap*, with eye-holes bound with white cloth and a mouth having a binding of red flannel. A false nose of red flannel, two hornsof white cloth stuffed with cotton, whis kers antreyebrows of long white hair are the other features of the face. Above the lace appears the Greek •Cros3 in white cloth, and yet above this the characters, K. K. K., No. 40. The other parts of this disguise are a gown and pantaloons; with a body faced with white cloth. The whole concern looks like an atwurd masque rading suit, but is undoubtedly the disguise worn by the North Carolina u-Klux gang. when arrested, just as they were about hanging oneoftheir victims. AN AMERICAN, E. Perhine Smith, has accepted the appointment of le gal adviser, or Attorney Generalship of the Japanese Government. For merly he was reporter of the tourt of Appeals of New York. He went to Washington City at the earnest re quest of Secretary Seward, and ma terially assisted him in all legal mat ters requiring examination and de cision in cennection with the discus sion of subjects growing out of the civil War. The Japanese have decid ed to avail themselves, in Jul" - nex‘, ofthe privileges reserved .in their treaties of subjecting them to com plete revision; which may produceA crisis irrthe foreign relations of the Empire, during which that minis ters for Foreign Affairs desire the aid of Western learning and experience in practicaladruifilstra non in the per son of a single legal adviser. It is considered natural that they should seek such an adviser In the-United States, not only because they would find one free from the entanglement of European politics and interest, but because, of all nations the United States have, in their intercourse with Japan, approached nearest to the mu tual respect, moderation, and equity, which Christian Powers profess to practice, but :which they disregard when they pass eastward of Constan tinople. action of the U.'S. Circuit Court, in the . arrest of 'Brigham Young, the Mayor of Salt - Lake City, and several other notable polygani is;,s, for bigamy and adult 17; seems to be approved by the general public. Indictments have been found against them; but at" lastaccounts Brigham was deemed too ill to appear before the Court, and was Consequent ly suffered to remain in his own res idence under guard. -lie does not, ft is Aielieved. contemplate resistance by fort*, to the mandates of the Court. He IA reported to have said "the whole Court and jury were pre• juditvd against him persiinalty, and the Mormons in general." lie "thanked God there was a United State; Supreme Court, to which the ease could be taken on appeal, iebere the prejudices operating in Salt Lake City could hot have influence." He Yshould, however, go into Court us soon as physically able" and "let them do their . worst," The Court charged the'brand Jury that no pretended revelation could excuse a man for committing forni cation and adultery—that thelaws of the United States were the same in Utah, that they here in Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama and California. Bigamy, therefore, was as much agritne in :salt lanite as in any of those Spdes—and thqt the Con stitudonat pMvision that no man should be prosecuted for his religious opinions, would not be admitted as a plea In' bur to an indictment for big amy: The indictments are not oppressive in their averments, as to the number of wives—Brigham Young being charged with Only si x teen, and the' Mayor with only one extra; while it is notorious, both have runny more. It is not known hCW many Unctuous have been Indicted; but, it Ey clear that the conviction and . panistitnent, of the two.trialt pronainent will have the more •effeet of vindicating the taw, and eradicating the evil The days utpofrgamy may beton:Memd as drawing to a speedy close in the United States. Hox. JOHN ALLISON, Regibter of the Treasury, hits received from tlie collector of customs at Wiltningfon. Del., a copy of a certificate of record issued to the steamer Itlo Brants), of Para, Brasil, befit at Wilmington for. foreigners. This is the , first certifi cate of record issued in the United States for several years, the law au thorizing this document havins be come practically obsolete. Lind& t lie provisions of the act of December 3!, 1792, 5ti , : 1 10n6,20-Zr,'Whiell still Stands upon our statute book, a reel built In the United States for foreigners . may, if recorded and subsequently go ld to &hew Of the Utated States be registero# or enrolled also cap vessel:. A vesselcincedoemented, hoover, tivesserof the United States and -afterwardsvid to foreigners, cannot again aasuMe the American flag ex cept by a special act of Comma. Very tew shipbuilders and owners of I/meets in 'tile United Stites are aware of this special Privilege of recorded , • vessels. . , . HERE 'AN D THERE. —A man at Fort Wayne, has ap. plied for a patent for a newly-invent ed gallows. The great fault of the gallows now in use is, not that it doesn't hang Men well enough, but that it doesn't hang enough of them. —Albert'Gene, a .colored man noivirs jnit irf Twins, is said to have coinalitteti no less t4ttn 17 Murders during Abe,last - live . yearis. fie has certainly unproved his op pkiituutties,- being only 8.1 years old. Be ascribes elf his crimes to habits Of intemperance./ / Fires in the roods and rut the pra iries are prey illng in, every direct= tion iu the northwest, including Michigan, Itlinois-Wisconsin, Min nesota, and celorada, and informa tion frourthe Points Visited says the flames can only be arrested by heavy rains:' The country is as dry as tin derin every direction. —The twiritS which haunt hciuSes come, sometimes, to material grief. So it wasat Peoria, where an edifice was greatly disturbedby aghost; btit the inmates, instead of sending for a Parson to lay theapparition,.. watch ed and waked until they got a chance to put half a plot of bird-shot ihto the specter, when it turned out that the mysterious visitor was named Mc- Graw, and, though not so lovely as the ghost in BYron's Don Juan, was like Lady Fitz Fucke, of solid flesh 'and bone. There would not be so many of these goblins, if the bird shot remedy were oftener resorted to. —Now here is one of the most per feet.of rascals4--a scamp worthy of a wholtagraph by himself. Wil liam Sutnner l Platt ,of New 4ersey went, according to agreement,. to Boston to marry Miss Hill. While in the lady's / mom he managed to steal a $lOO ware from her trunk ; he left the house with his booty; Its loss %vas discovered. Miss Hill, mostde frauded of maidens, had the thievish 'wooer arrested; and now to cap the climax of sweet William's 'iniquity, it is found out that he has one wife and child already In Connecticut, and another wife and child in Newark, tti which city hefled,and from which place he has beet% brought by an oil e'er to Boston. —How is this for a scene in church? The place is a sacred edifice in Bath, Maine. The pew is Crowded. The sermon is long. Ale vspectable citi zen goes to ?leep. Inclose proximi ty to him is a'lady. The preacher was in the midst of the closing pray er,•when the slumberer jtstoniahed the,_ congregation by grunting in a tone of complaint: "Come, more, Sarah! lay &long; don't crowd sot lay over ! lay over t" "Sarah," who was fortunately in the pew SILso, nev er for a momentlost her presence of mind, but administered a timely poke with her parasol. which awak ened her dornaantlord, and preirent ed any further remarks on his part. A warning to sleepy auditors or long winded preachers—no matter which. —The drout now prevailing in the West is pr bably unequaled in its history; certa nly for the past twen ty-five. y . All through Central and Souther f Illinois the wells and smaller st s are completely dried up, and the inhabitants find great difficulty in finding sufficient water to supply the necessities of their fam ilies anti stock. Many of the wealth , ;est farmers are engaged in sinking artesian wells, preferring to incur this heavy expenditure. rather than trust to a natural supply for the future. So dry is the soil that fail plowing is rendered almost impossible. This fact is true not only in Central and Southern Illinois but also in North ern Illinois and all through Wiscon sin. —An Australian paper, the Pleas ant Creek News, relates a piece of in telligentm which shows the pleitsant ry of the Creek; it is in fact, -almost as romantic as the Tichtsttne affair, and everybody will he aS much sur prised to hear it: "In the family of a wealthy squatter on the Witiamera a few days ago (says the News), a ser vant engaged toattend au The ;child mn stepped into a title and a proper ty of £40,000, miner the name of La dy Elizabeth Morton. It would ap pear that the lady, while acting as a servant in the family, frequently as sured those around her of her aristo cratic connections, but no one credit ed her tale. She .harne out' to this country without an education at all adequate to her position, and it as not improbable that, but for theefforts of an able lawyer in Melbourne, Lady Elizabeth Morton would have re mained in a dependent pasition to the. day of her death." —Varinus paragraphs relating to longevity 'are just now Journeying through the newspapers. 'Notably, we have the Bev. George Cotton, of Yarmouth,..Me., who, being three score and ten, has just led to the altar hymeneal a virgin aged 44, What was curious was that the said altar was set up in an orchard,; but theeer emony had one advantage over the open-air nuptials-of Adam • and Eve for 500 friends:misted at it. Seeond4 kv.„ we are told that Mis.,,l'ere. lleebe of Willerford. Conn, age JO, having been considered deed for a week, •has so come to life that she has eaten a hearty dinner of i_lit)bage and pork Then Mrs. Hannah Andrews, of Lo veil, Mo:, age lit years, is really dead, and mourned by • live genera tions nfdeacendants—:o o of them in' all! She had a pension from the Government, and geseriieti it. —The Far 'AV:lftern press glows over the adventuivi of a Southern Carson, one Joe Peavey, who rivala the great Kith) thecompleteness and Intrepidity of his: Indian raids. Re. cently n Rio Wit chid,. Leaping Fau ltier scalped: anti burned. alive a white lx)rderer. Jue was-set upon the war path, and • penetrated hutyi deeds of wiles :beyond 21,4•ksinsas eivlliaso, capture :die tirsitesin, tbtoin to the Indian eturipkie took up his MO with thered skins, and finally, after a two weeks' sojourn, inveigl the unsuspicious chief and two of is squaws to take a ride with '4' him tit,tutother tribe. By a diOtibr% ous stnidttgen! Joe InducM compatdcut to take a road near Fort Sill, aWI went at a safe diStance from the tribe, heturned upon hisastoand ed convoy and leveled' his revolver : at the head of the chle,f, Ind thrpat , ening instant deaths e(nApeittitthi affrighted squaws4o disarm and bin d' the helpless - brave. 'lb thlalti the line'of march was resumed, and WO *ilea of Unbroken s forest itavetsed before the intrepid aeoUt , landed his prisoner at Fort- Smith: To Insure himself at "night, Joe tied each squaw `to a tree, and 'chief: he tied to himself, having iliSt tuano /bet anal arms securely. GREA*'NIitE IN ININVONNIN. The Onflagrattow Extends Over. 3,- 000 •Wsiare Miles—Bouses„:Barnes, -Ames; 'and Other Property • De• +greyed—St-Octal • Livei Lost-'-The Fire milt Ragtag—The Inhabitants Fleeing from Their Hornet. A. special correspondent of the 3111- waukee ( WIS.) Daily. News, writing .froin Green. Bay on Wednesday, says the tires which have been raging :in the moods between there and Lake Michigan have extended acmes Pox river, and cover a strip ..of, miles wide in Shosvanee and Odonto counties, and the Iblg lumbering towns Morrutta and Peshleys, which are threatened with destrUction. Mize tires'are now raging bverthreellums and-square miles of territory. One hundred families have been burned out of house and home, and the refugees are in Green Bay and other towns, and at least one hundred oth er families are all in: equally as bad. conditiou. Huesca, . barns, tarn] toldklings, bridgm,4 fence% ajpolutely everything, have been ..awellit aWay.. Thousands of square miles of valua ble pine torest are destroyed. Bears and • other wild beasts have .been driven in dismay , from the woods, and are fleeing in every direction across the fields. The entire popula lion are fighting the tires without success, and many have anent down suffocated by the heat and smoke and carried by their comrades to.pla ces of safety. Ali supplies of food for men and beasts throughout at least fifty townships have been destroyed,• and starvation during the coming winter stares them in the face. OREM; Bay, , Wes., October 4.-- The tires which- are now prevailing in the six orseven northeasteracoun ties of Wisconsin have never had a parallel since the settlement of the . country. The drciught which has prevailed since early in. August has dried up the springs,, and streams, and vegetation, and has parched the ground to such a depth below the surface that the soil itself acts as a conductor, and living trees are falling from the action of the fire, which uti-r -dermines then!' ; nil out=standing' property is swept away, there being so little water in , an available situa tion to stop the fires. Barns and theircontents, 'my-statics, corn, wood, and other property, together with hundreds of miles , of*rencesi are burned. as no resistance can be offer ed to the approaching fires. There Is yet no authenticated account of the loss of life, although a' family in Kenaw& county ,and some lndianir in Shawnee county are reported burned. The hardest, fights against, the flames are made at many 811Nir mills, which are locatedosmong the pine forest in the region, but many of them have been burned. All the available term which could be oh- tained from the adjacent places - bps been collected to the assistance of the threatened mills and settlements, in some cases with water available and in others not. The work has been so long apd harrasslcigand the men so tried with 'the' Smdke and fatigue, that in a greattntiny pieties the coil= test .has been given no. In "places where there was do water the only availableViin WS been to dig trench: es around 'the property ; but the east wind carries large pieces of burning bark through-the air, and renders such means useless. The Advoedlomf to-day has ac enunti of the fire in the counties of Brown, Kewanee, Doer, Oconto, Outogimer, Manitowocand Shaw nee. It estimates that nn area of elle bun- dred and fifty square miles is being burned over. Three sawmills are definitely , known to be burned ; oth ers are said to be burned out, but the reports need confirmation. In Ke wapee county froin sixty to eighty dwelling houses and Karnes have been burned, and the inhabitants'are fleeing to the lake shore for safety. At Horne's Pier a'store with goods, six dwellings and shops, with barns and other buildings were burned, and it is said the Inhabitants saved them ' selves by fleeing to the pier and tak ing up the planks communicating with the shore. Two Itivers, Two Creeks, Ahaupee, and Kewanee and • other villages have been more or less damaged. In Doer county, next north, great quantities of cod wood, railroad ties, telegraph and other property got tint ter shipment, have been burned, in addition to the houses, barns, etc. On the west side of Green Buy and Fox 'river, the flames extended from Menomonee to Oshkosh; a distrineetif one hundred and twenty-miles in length and thir ty in breadth. . • • The region is one of alternate pine and hard, wood timber, and thickly settled with milling and far Ming set-' dements. The haystacks, fences and bridges on the road are mostly gone. In some cam large lots -of pine log in dried ripstreimeareburneii. Very little travel is practicable, and it is with difficulty that definite particu lars can be obtained. Along the line of the Chicaggaud Northwestern railroad 'the 'flre ex tended close up to the track on eith er side, for many miles, between Depore and Appleton,, -threatening the bridges and culverts, burning the fences arid cordwood, and rewiring the closest vigilance in operating the road. Alinig the extension of the same road, now building northward, a considerable amount of tics have been burned.. Deer and bears come out on the railroad and wagon read, and could be shot. Nohody.has time to devote to shooting them. , . On the line of the Green Bay and Lake Pepin Railroad grade, a half tulle of corduroy substructure, three thousand tit's, and hundreds of cords of wood belonging to the road were burned, besides property of much greater value belonging to farmers. All the bridges on the line on the Manitowoc road for twenty miles east of Green Bay are eousumed. Alder's circus passed dyer tlieui.onlY a few hours previous, on its way to Manitowoc. The tire extends to the city limits of Green Bay on the aist, and Is run ning over the adjacent marshes. The city is not regarded us in danger, though cinders andinshes are falling in the streets. The.smokeissodense tlutt buildings two hlocks'dlstapt are not noticeable. On the we* fires have apProached the village limits of Fort ,lioward, immediately opposite on the river, and large l forces of men are engaged in staying its progress. What will be the the lug pine and other timber . In them counties eannot aseertaht.ed. No access to ilte.linrestiAisPrac s o=4* and nothing can be eatimaten, except from the elfedit of the lire, near" sek tlernents, where it penetrates . the ground from one to two feet, tunnies destroyed the life.of . the. trees. The atincrtphere is lazy., with intim ap pearance of min. . It will take a heavy and drenching rain _to attar . ..ate the ground mulstoptt l e progress - „ot the fires. —A adgurner la Washingti)a '*nds the following:. . , , I am particularly fondollemon pie and ieti cream forneaert. tel I went on.peaccubly for , a. maple o: weeks, but always eating my on pie under a silent protest, for I was a stranger, and did not like to . - 'l' .. ~.' - ' 1.62,...t...0 . , - EM o=l - f •;04:;: nkb1(011141017); yoke/ aKi •4 . ANA, hatrar i totAYPlOnt, the lot cream , I hat Ind Ora pie -"Nast kind eta& did yottOnter • isithVP "I ohiVd team pie, butethis ap Pestl*Mtarlo % mkt." J.wNmo lIMONT dejf hita a way np 0 a edapples is lemon pits heft; tolittocton t It require.. a man o ft' .* 1 I A 'to '‘, ds''' thignish r ent apart, 811h.-e`o des is Seam 'you know, and. deY has to t eSs o 4tize st• as tOrtittke one tern on dotorsixterflag• r - . - GOZo' - A Iliwge INA * A corresponTent'ut the elnetntudi, 2Vines train the-Fest gives thosfol lowing sketchwof a ho*l to be built by the Tlttion_pPattle It - Iii :: 1: 70 : 4t paten Station ta w . 1 It is dealgaedi v for a halt WAY. , SS lag-place • (*lateen Omaha and. San Francisco fagiti beNixtremely, tractive ail a simmer WWI •on Pe",, COUtli of the climate and the innePt rence - of natural acenece-abodt-, Kw% of the hotel is the i•Vahsatch lunge, the loftiest of the Rocky: /quanta ine,' Thestuntrilt Is accessible to tterists• P•'day hell* consureed la __ascending and descending. , The a:fountains' aro 0 0 0 feet highi, The hotel;.' named the AValiatchlionse, will ennun w r avview.o**it:rake, two wile!, a , for ita . eatire length, 120, ranee. e mate ,building will be..threev stale* high, with a Waerneat, and the wings t% stories and hasement the struc ture being surmounted With Man sard roof:, The front". will be of red sandstone. and the design . - of the building Is handson* The building will - W250 feet tong. 'with lodging rooms for Z5O goeSfs , Tht i m 'are hot sulphur *pangs two and 'it Waif billet frotff the site. at leech a height up the mountains that water can Bow Into tRe top Ntory of the ho tel. G'u*tsatihe Wahsatet wilifirid . themselves 4,200 feet above the tide lefel, and if they go Lek the top of the mountain in morn hag ramble, they Will reach an altitude of.,over feet,abov* the level of the sea, mull ing them, to fedi° *ASA above salt water that they can never eat brined beef again, or speak to, !INdlor. Gliiii*CAN;CIG RATION. •'two-tM ortibleagtills On Sunday even i ugliest a homnt into a stable,. in ehltago' to milk a , ouw, carolng in his hand a:kerosine lamp, Winch` was kicked over,. by, the cow, scattering the burning fluid among the straw, The result is, frp one-half 'o._.lwo-thirds of the _city Is reduced Oa ashes and rubbish. Thous ands of people are without food and shblter. I The fire wasebecked upon Tuesday', morning a ft er ,bliving de stroyedthree million dollars worth of property. Very Many people were burned to death and crushed hada& !" falling walla. • Large f ' a121011044,0t i 'money and ,prOviaiotis Cave be forwarded to the sufferers from various cities of the Union. Gen. Slridatt ordered large quanti tic4of G Vermont rations and tents 1 0 to be lin edititety placed at the tuts of he suffering: At three p. m., Tuesday ' word came again that the fire had broken out anevi and was fiercely raging. It was th v, e Work bf incendiaries, many of whom have been shot. The city Iti now under martial law. PREMIUM AWARDS. Eletti Aknth Annual Exhibition of th Beaver County arlegal tura! Society. OLASB - ICO. I,bsvisioS A "teat 'nankin for aft power. Tboa Ellacinnore WI best I do = -do Jobo &wick 5 beat a yettB old edam .10tte50n.....”..... 6 -' best ! Henry noes. ,-. 4 best tecteStaara With colt at foot Haat. ratteotoa 6 2644 ma do ;moo Stoo best spring t0146818.* Sloops.. 2 gz best do SomneiSattersOn_ 1 boa 1 year old Ally, James S beat 2 do dd RIM Wray 3 24:1 beet do do thigh Andorwon •• • 2 =EMI! Beet heavy draft stallion, Thomas fitactrasore..llB 2d best do do Ecatnnel 5 best 3 year old do B. D. Johnson—. beat 1 year old *canton, F. Wallace best brood mare with colt at toot. F. Wallace.. 5 beat 2 year old filly, Nicholas T0dd......... ...... 3 best 8 year old filly. Nicholas Todd. 4 DIVISION c. Beet Ileddraft stallion 4 yrs. old, lllrism Reed 118 21 do do do do • U. beet 1 year old etalilon, Capt. Jas•Darragh .....- 3 beat brood mare with colt at toot, A Ttobmpoti 8d best do do Qd A L 8 beet spring colt, Andrew RI hest do John Iliad:more beat I year old 1111 a Owner. best 4 peat old tiny. 'Nit:bolas T0dd.....---........ 8 best 8 year old 31/y, T ll. Ewing. ..... 4 beet 4 year old fi lly. (' apt Jai Ildirrei,oh 4 2d beet do Nicholas Todd. —.-.-.... 3 DIVISION D. Real Frain bear', draft notched, home or match ed mares, Samuel Wat50n._.............. —4l 2d beet do do do Robert Rainaey 3 best gelcllug or mare, Jacob Gatb ! 5 td beat do William Hami1t0n......_.. 8 best a year oldgelding or mare, Wm Leater.....„ 4 beat light draft bug,:y or saddle getdlng, Robert Bndabilw.... ..... : ...... ...... ............ ....•.. 4 ... .... .. 2.4 hem." do .do do do V J Studley 3 bemt light draft buggy or *addle mare, bandial M 3C/kW. .. 4 VI bolt , do do - au Met Iluiter 3 beet ellen carriage homes or mama, Capt ,D IK . Donehoo. . . . 6 beat 'pad mules. Simon t1arr01d....... 4 CLASS NO. 2.-CATTUL Best Mien= ball 3 yrs or over, J A Finning' td beet do do do • Sam Duncan 6 best Durham bull 1 yre. or over. ?Debates Todd ft beet Durham esti a mos. or over, ?Delwin Todd 3 td beet do di) 91 Mete0r...,.., 1 best Durham row 4 yrs. or over, *Nicholas Told 211 beet do do 'Nicholas Todd beet Durham cow» yes. or over,•Nkholes Todd 3 best Durham call 1 yr. or over, Jno Armetrong 2 beet Devon bntl•3 >re. or over ; Henry Nom 8 best native cow 'lyre. or over. llngb Anderson 8 td beet (1a do John McCullough "It "wive calf I year or over. A Y beat Alden:ly cow 4 yrs or aver, Jos C Wilson 8 best Alden:it calf i years or over, JO. C Wilson 3 CLASS NO. 8.--Succr-, Best tipinlob bat*, j , oseoh A. Flemk4.--........53 2/1 hest do W. W. Fleming beet .3 ttantsh ewes. W. W. Fleming 4 2CI hos du Joseph A. B tensing -.--.. 3 best a span sh i a mb s . W. W. Fleming. -.... ...... a 24 best 3 do Jostepb A F1eming......... * bad Cotswold buck. E. Ewing. , ..... -.-._.— a Std OW do C. A. linatcr...-.--... 3 best 3 Ccdscvold ewes. E. Ewint • . 4 2d best do C. A. Bonier 8 best Letceeler buck. C. ~../ Itsditct ..... ...... ..... ~.... a bead 3 Usk:ester ewes, C A. 'looter 4 cLis3 NO. 4.—swins. Beat Cbester boar, .1 S MAIM' , ' 4111.1 best do /Mon Armstrong 3 best °better suer and tags, Jobn Anontrong 4 20.1 best do do Henri Veleta. ...... best ?writ' any Improved tweed titalan SrtYger 4 Rd blest do do liens, Fetobt. $ CLAM N O. IS. —etticxwor Deft 3 Brams chickens, Jews E. Crane. .... ,.....> f3 best 8 licwdon c.hickects. Chu. "b. 3 best 3 creveconr chickena. James E. Cruet. I beet, 8 white Spanish ctackens, Eddie Meehan best 8 dark Drama chickens, George Dunn. 2 best 3 game chickens. Joshua Sheldrake. ..... best 8 astir docks, any variety, Shnon Snitver .. I CLASS NO. 6. —Doxtirric M•NrrAcTriita Beet ran Carpet, hilss FunnierJrniln. .83 00 id best do Mrs. W. Uraia) 0 0 0 best children'. time, Mrs. nos J. Johnston Mt best band.kelt :Mimes., Miss Fannie fewln.. 60 best hand-knit stockings. Mrs 8 W Hemphill LO 2rl beSt do Mrs. J. F. , CLASS NO. 7.—PLorrs Jab PUMV.IIII best elahliate, Mrs. 0. Taylor .11 00 adibest ao Mon L. 0, Malone. - best VW-bias, John 1 00 beetdoMrs. Ileary .... ... . to beet vartety‘of eat totters . totters . Miss Lida ..... 1 00 2d hest do doMrs. S. TsYlur• • . LO best flanhand hoquet.):. P.L1c0ck....._ 30 td best do Mrs. If.Volleart ..... 20 best round-band boquet, A. P. Lsecek..._.„. 00 thl beet do do Mrs. L.O Malone. 20 beet verbenas. 12 varieties, Was Y. Kennedy 1 00 td beet do do Master J. Drava 1 00 best gerinalamee,6 varieties Mrs Geo 11 Yoaast 100 'beet cactus, Jobs- 1 00 best varieties of twists. Mrs. 'Geo. u.acning Ils best variety of green house plants Kt* George H l'ottug, -.. . *OO best lot Of now ersoany - T - AiTinikra r iiiciii 1 OD CLASS NO. B.—DAIRY AND !AMC Pm: room. Best CtOCk of Maier, Nis Robert Watersod...” to be/4 ristl abutter, Mrs Hobert Watersor ' fOO Id best do A.Y Gallaher. ..... 00 test print butter, Mrs Joseph Majors-- ..... t 00 Yd best do -41 n Thos./ Johnston 100 best nobs bitter. P 1 1*) best appletnobules. Ma Josephine Darragh 1 00 best specimen or tomb attektr of pieties (9 vmtettes).YeasUll 5b best 'do belt in WI ' l ° lllsl ' ll er' AO best do orregetables. JO lee Steed' W b est d o . l o r a ros easos, Mrs TJJetbastisn. best sky orielly. iiontrcts..... 4 .„ tQ beat do Tam wine. Al mt do • vise. Jobs Tait.. best quince Cues& ilbra Itiralsneellor• •60 beet vinegar, Mort - Soli) XitZ,. 50 24 best do Mrs Thocutirlin 22' best honey Itstroad, Mcbt:rt .... ... f ft 2111 twit 40 Assepb 11 fD best -dried peache s , mar,loseptiStrock-.......... best dried apples,Mn Josepts 3 4rdel 1 :;•-••:•i i • best satiety w beesses. Miss Jamie omeg« 241 bead ow.. pickles. MwX rassetroo... 26 beet ePla.d peaches, MrsJoeepbblettil ip t,, ISO best peach preserves, Marie* Fowles. 30 beat quince protases, Man Tbeltute- ,4 4.1 1 ... ' be beat plum preserves, Mrs TbottJ Jobnatoll..• 60. beet btacberty preset-tbs.:Mrs J eirldre*l: 10 best ebetry.preaersas..Mes El L—' best heat torasto e 111se X Ratterscat.-... 50 gripe jlly Mrs It best guise/Oen , , No fit; 50 belt apPlejelly,Mts Rffipe ahoo.. „_.» 40 4 best matt jelly, Miss Margaret Patterson.... 50 best goosaberiyMiss Mollie Eleanor-. 50 beet Plum Jelly, Xrsße,l Armstrong 50 MEMIMMIMEMM enitum Meal* f„,41111 - _ .:',,A86 , N0 9.4.111 seilt4asn 0111301. ". A., ... • - -ibr. , 1 1 .. .=lliirt- - -771 akm. - 4 13000 0 0......:t1:00 ,-.... d, best '.''.do " w it tUdvalr.:. . . 4 - -: 50 ba r . kora - breed. liiMedit"Fiurtanl7 . .. Dl5 best urine' 11Oel/latgeret Failemoci. l ., 1 00 bests& variety of pie. NM if U last I lie, Itsiowe.t ........- lOO „do . tirmi r ~......,...6 0 best alloy caka Miss tails Rataii............. 100 . _ .. CLABB N • 19.- . 101135._ Deal len ' er guilt. Miiii Vide J0hnet0n„;,,..32 $0 , . $ talk molt,Revert.i. • ~--.. 200 beet patchwas k i ll:k i ts Kato Covert..., I 00 14 i t - , .,.. do IllrelLate C0vert..,...,„ 1 00 best defiles 4allt,llllls.Katstiorest.-4,:....... 0 ar 14 beat do , M0P1C11MC0vert.......:..... 100 Wei oanntertoce, Mrs/rank Jament............ 2 00 'ld Sirs Kate Cawa5eL.........,,, IOD best i anerlet Mrs Thai J Johnston.— 100 enolbr k litre Joseph baser • I `CURB NO.ll}=Cgo2olo2 Wsel._' . Dot sialkildy,lSi Fannie Irvin., ' . :. : .=lOO 24 beer do Miss Lams McConael.....- GO' best enuldarritr, Kra 8. W. UmapidiL,.......,. 1 .000 beat cake carer, Yrs U Voilbardi._-.......-. 24 ben do Mrs. Kate Covert Johnston2s beet sped:pee of InmUott, nos J nston 75 24 best ,) do do " Mrs Kate Covert, 60 bed toilet sett, Mee R. 411, W ate Ilson, .-....,..... 100 best bilitted'shl. Mrs 8 W fietraibitt ..... .... 100 besteggelioet balcet: Ilise,LUlletinock.. . 100 best dMitlay cratebetwork, ltraTlJobaston 1 00 - 241 best do do Mali 11Jone_ _.s.. 50 test 'display knitted work, Slim Fannielnin 100 - ' CUM NO 122,-OuLtimato. WSW. Best ellknormet MrsF D Fast- --$1 co Id heetbriddr‘ infant ebtart,NriiniTizeke . 60 boa specimen ornamental bahilit work. lint li A tWiloon, ..c.s..- . • ....„. 200 - w clUallOn.wri*lfEcTikr...*. NM -Kate to orked pocket bindkemblef, NM-Kate COT betitbreldaiirlieWillpslASintBll-ifillar.- 50 . ...sent bait -, do ,__sl las Kate Miller.... . 25 bOt knit tidy, Mn 8 - W Ilemplall .... 60 : • 24 best do 'Miss 1i5teMi11er.,.............-- . 25 best velvet lo.t. Mn F D Nat..-., ... ....4... I 00 best onuaseatel hair work . J. U. .......... S 00 best Witted toilet ser,Llirs Kate Cotten. . ... 100 bat lilies apron. Derr!' Kate C0vert..........J._. SO it . .. CLASS NO. 13.-liiissourmoss.i Heahunpmat. Streit. A Wi150ti...... - ..11 . 15 best chemhatbandOteleeres, Mrs 81:11;44411 1 00 best night gown, Mrs Kyle Covert ..... .-.. 100 24 best • • do , Mrs Thee JJ0hi5t0n........ 50 beet eotecoebloo, Mrs Jobs Moons. ...... ..,..4 00 Sd best do Mrs Kate Covert, .... -00 beet lectleeattetel or sktri, Mee It A Wilson 1 00. best slippers. Mrs 0 A Wilsos..-.----. 25 114 best do Kim R A Wilma.. ...„» .......... 60 • t watch cue. Mrs Kate Cover:„ .., 30 •- r lot of ladles' underclo th es Mn 813 21em hull .4. ' l 00 Isi best lot of ladies underclothes - Mrs, Kate Covert— ..• . .. ........- 100 ben toilet nett, li riiiii-oor. .. . ....... ....... .-... 1 50 . CLASS NO. 14.-Fiaa lormonceve MAIIMPAC. mum IN tors COMM. liiiii 1 horse plow,PittsNatirmalPlow Co dp a $ 2 i best 1 torso plow_, Pitts, National Plow C 0... 1 bestcorn plow, Pitts National Plow C 0....- I mowing tuieblue, PM,. National Plow Com. .dlpend SO 1 best corn a;liiirsior, .Pitta. ilitlcn - al Plow Co.. 1 best churn with power. Henry Rosamyer -'1 . cLAinit No. 15.-Mscatittear.bersesmirre. , Nati ' home carrisge or inlay top-. Metz.L. ; ~.. ..- ' ' AO= peat 1 isitietto or int - liy - 7 - 49 - 41. team ,_- Idets...-.............. '. , .... ...,-.Bl9lMdff law spriet t aaaaeijameie.: .. .........dtp end a best back Johnet,ort limal . l.-....41p aad 3. lid lest do ~W41.1a1rd,.... ......, .. -... 2 botalreistrig bums. D IL wat'hat--„tit 'and 3 beeffoh, D. R. Wallace ' ', ' ;...... -6 ands' best lot home shoes, Wm Trek._..,....-.L.-,.- 1 hest, banal Aorta Wm florjeger . ....dip and 2 best model horse, Mn 1i01ita.............- '2' best bee blve, John is M05ee......... 1 best Iron tailing -Jetta Illornittas vest cot* eureaJobieThcentliCr.,--.410 -1 1Dd $ td test Ido Thomas Campbell.-- I best egg stove, A F Waf and co :_ .,.,....dip and 1 Id best do Toona&Camobel .... I beat dre-bont mate, John Toorolley..---..... 2 beet strata ware, K Lloyd ......„, ..... -- I best 4 Fruit Jars, 11 Lloyd,. 341 -*tie etatini TAr niiiiiiiiii, beetiieettoen marble tatting. . diploma • ..... -...4.00 CLASS: No. le,—Lt amsta AE rt. IlAxurAc- I Irma= Bost Mita Barnes* Limther, J B Beigor.. —.4.00 du double set egfge Harness, 11 Whi g s , .d„ 400 best man's saddle; do do tip 000 do home collar ......—........... ctri _. do dki 1161 ,best single harneaa....—. —..E I, Tkomu,tp 1.00 do gant.'• ilwE bOota„..--Nows Masted 1.00 beet ladles' haute..., do , do 1.00 ,}eat ladies snows. Nome Uniatelad—,...—. 1.00 CL4BS - 510: - ,17'—liftscr/./.annous. Best )rink or shell inside. JII :Ones: .........$1 00 best wax dowers. Yes LlOte eitioen 1 00 $d best do: 'llovkl IC YIP*. ...... ..... „ 60 beet oil WI:Wog., Xis II Darragh. Ir.. dip is 600 ' Id best AO' • 'Attans'o"ae • 000 „Pea crystalizedbaguet, Mn lien iiavaiiii 1 . 00 Int lwat do Mrs 0 P . 50 beat oath 'motet, or cigars . C A Demme id varistlest .—.... .4 60 ' beat corn of photogra7plw.lietirt Nomditi 4 1 Oe best penmanship, C House. —..— 1 00 beat citron Melons, lleo it Yotitig 50 beat lot of cabbage, 04a3 II V cattr.„.....„—._. 50 beat lot °feu pninte.llinion 5nitger...„....... to CLASS Na 18.—Giim1x Aso SLID Best % bushel white Wheat, J Barrett,---151.50 hest % do red do ;do 1.50 best % do rye otm Watt, 1.03 best % do barley do 1.00 best % do 0at5..... ........ do do 1.00 best % do r0an....._ , do do 1.00 best% do clover-reed, J. A, Barrett 1.00 best % do timothyemed, John Watt 1.00 best % do tomatoes. Geo. IL Young..... LOU beet Si do peoebblow potatoes J McGatack 1.00 best % do Buckeye do nem:Nose LOO best % do eddy rote do Gen 0 Young 1.00 best % do newvariety do John Annatiomr 100 best % do sweet, do Geo I.l . Yousg 1.00 best sweet purn_pkins. Simon Snitger.... 50 twat lot of actuates, Jesse Burnett 50 best lot of water melons, Geo U Young— ..... CLASS' No, 19.•—Batt?. Best &varieties Fall or Winter apples. leach. Jno Tait, ...... 00 MI do do -11 Lo . do denry tetenrtug, 1.00 best and largest collection do JohnSlaashter, s.oo 2•11 do do do John Tait, 1.00 best do Wlnterl - r do Capt D M Douoboo. l.oU best one dozen Peaches,......Johu Slaughter, LOO 2d do do .A B W01f.....-- 50 best do tinu.ces...' _John Slaughter.. 1.00 lid do do lira Josephine Darragh, '5O best Catawba Grapes MattisonTaarrigh......l.oo do Isabella do do do 1.1:10 do Delaware d 0..... John 1,00 . . do fteirecedling. ..... .Mattison do enameling -... do do do Imo do do 1.00 do Uamburg....-..... John —... 1.00 do Concord. -...-.loVeyand d Imbue. . 1.00 do Dram daily vark y. blattiaon Darragh, 10 do Collection of pipes do do 9,03 2d best do • do Jopo 1.00 heat Dodgers' Hybrid do To. 1.11 Darragh.... 1.00 do do oo Salem do do do 1.00 do do do No. 19 do dn' 1.00 do do do No. 19 do do 1.00 do Union Village Grap• do do 1.00 do lantana do fdo do 1.00 do Adri - ondac do do do 1.00 do Clinton, do do do I($ do Baltimore Bell. John Tait, 1 eti best Annual tirape do du CLASS Y.O. 20.-I)lsentr=re Conwarrez. Best garden plow, Sprint, Jo favors hest *-bone plow.Spratt„ Johnson .11 Co. bly no. best in. machine, bpratt, Johnson A Co. treed. best sulky attachment for plow, J Patterson dip. best atanrpion single mower, Banal Walton, dip. best ans-borse hay rake,Janses Jones.. - ... dip. best chantrion salt-rakes Ent reeving meanie. Samuel Walton. „dip.~ best chicken coop. James ECratse.,.. .. dip 1 I DO best sett buggy wheels (common). New Jirighton Wheel Company_...—.. .. • dip. best sett patent buggy wheels. at New Brigh ton dip OD best oil posintit, Mrs Bart Omagh. _Alp lOU best knitting macnine, lachiff - dip. 0.14 garden border tile, Crete Jobneon&Son OD best lot hotline-ware, A P Wolf I Co dip. best mineral paint. PS Anderson._...dip. best ilhorte IMat !ring wagon, JAIN Heists dip. best Spanish beet, John Perine ..—..-.... CLASS NO 11--blionarrionikstr Commit'. Florence aewing machine. Hackett & 311 Kean dip. American buttorphole. erremeandrz and Sew ing machine, 11 N Miller. dip. Piano, Mellor & ..... Omen, Mellor & Hoene .. ........._.._....»... 1 Jagger wagon, McCaPen, Cochran dip. 1 shitting top logger boggy. McCallen. Corti tan & I 'Moody top baggy. breilica.Coctustak. Co.dith. I open jaggermagna,MeCaUen. Cochran &Co.dtp. I doctor's phaeton. Joseph McCabe dip, Triumph ICnlmcpt,J Automatic steamer, Wm Andereon...—_ ..dln. Cornucopia, Mrs Shively.. r . tgt Chain-stitch night and wrapper iota., litre Kate Covert 10p OTIMMICOtai mat, J B Jones 1 Od Suta cushion. biro S W HemphtiL 00 Feather flowers. J H 00 eliciting work, Mrs Kate Covert. SA • , . . Dead rust, Mrs Kate Covert...,— ...--.. 55 Ra Rug, Mae 0 P Wharton.,..... .I 00 3 Rum, Mr* Shively 150 Embroidered chemise s Ifirs Kate tici;ert. .. 50 Ornamental needle work, Mrs Kate Cove rt, to Emercdder.d night-Mess yoke A ante Thomas Ml Chair cushion, Miss Parade Irwin: .„. _... I OD Pair slipper. Alk Ottoman coret.Miss a Karcher 1 00 door mat, Mrs Moorhead I 00 • chair tidy, Mrs a W Rezoned!. 50 dahlia tidy. Mrs 8 W liempelli. 50 welch ease and match safe, Lydia Retains to Infant eacque„ Mrs - Thome Johnston— .. 1.10 ottoman cover am pictu.e. Muse u Karcher 1410 erystalized hooter, Mrs LC Malone' 25 straw bonnet do do4ll rustic frames, do do 55 wreath of profiled Rowers, Misr Little Etroah "50 crayon, do do 50 crocheted tidy; Mrs Mersey McCreary 3 00 Crocheted chair tidy, Miss Atkins ' 100 THOMAS 0. ANSIIIITE, Secretary. .LNOTATIES OF C. BUB, deed.—NOTYCE. 14' —Whereas, Letterset Administration on the estate of C. Ed., late of Roots township, Bearer comty. deer/med. have been granted to Ike, uk ders.gned. residing in said township. All 'per sons Indebted to said estate ase.seqeeetal to stoke immediate payment, and those baring ad= Ilitraitha said dnetient-wil make karma the Same to FREDERICK. ERB, administrator, 0c1443w.1 Water Core P. 0.. Pet's. ND. CONE , 111. 0.9 Lat e of Darlington, • hoeing removed to New-Ilatibtoll. creis his medical services, In all Its brancbera Ia Iba people of the Mt, and sarronading coup/17. Office cor ner of Bader and Brosidvray.' eepl4; ly THE crirEA.rmwr WHOLESALE BOOT &SHOE HOUSE IN P ITTSBURpIi. .7. 11.. ESC) FLY., A. Nil, St and 55 Wood Street. hag t received, a very dirge FALL STOCK of 4.1 FAVISEUMS,a arraprisirig all Styles and Qualities, Weight at the trereet.CASll PRICES, direct two the insualbetspter irylhe_tookS at the lowest 14,:05i: time win; Safes and expewe., , Or Agent for Pit Getters lisnotaetured Goods, -Stactory Prices.' NEW GOODI4,ItECEIVED DAILY: ' Orders erOill Comte', Dealers promptly tired, and sallsOtetion guaranteed. Gauntry Merchants all and examine my stock before p elsewhere, as tog can meg Iwo per emu, by buy here. 110111LALAID t • az' and !SS Wood Wrest. se01•120 J.:old Animator/ . bneitig - tikes twirl of Id Youndty spin, In itoekaebir; will be pleased to wet his old custorriese and friends wbo may want either the EOM COOK. iNGITOVE, Heading Store, Oster kind bf ofCnetinyti best material And wot - - Tbe baldness will be conducted by, 1e9:10 J. J. Al DERSON *SONS. N•ilf%44t?etinN•etn" . .' - Tn . NATEM",O LILLE , $F EE' Or VAiMAISILE 111EMOBITAirig. By shine of air tordat t i rsti lle m Otft e : eql& . if . leaver wooly. thew l ed by said C ourt°loll the not estate of teliic; Belf: late of al*WwittlellatliP. in odd contr , deceased, will to public sale on the premi ses. on SAW AY, October list. urn, st. 11 o'clock, a. at. all the following real estate situate is the townshivot Chippewa, in the county - of Bear , tad Btate of Pennerr,i bounded. anti • ^ De`lnnlal at the south-086 sorer thereof, th thence by taw James itirmatider worth ISt de. east VI pe to a stone: thence by • land of Nis Wean fflti degrees west 68 540 - Fret= to a 'tort ' Acute south .11 540 perches to' a vane oak; cc by land of Wilson helot north ea% de groes ir 11 4-1 d perOes to a stone; theme by land . Ja nsen h Johmite stetnl ite do, 1 'genes West 07" 1061084' thence by bind . at, William . N eat' along -the Aebertown Mad Mlt : photo of Delhi/dug; • contsan. tug sixty acres. or lea. - Improvement/4 a comfeetable do ling house. and suitable,out. balidlnp. . : , . • • It beteg part same preteutee of Which Joseph Niblick - tiled . vetted, learnt, to survive him his wikilfirgaret,ftiblock: and two children, vls. William aid Eleanor, the. amid Eleanor havini acquired the interest of said William to the peon. 1 ties above d bed. (fugal' however to th e • drew of aald ,) by deed dated October 7th.. 1587 and re ed In the office fiW deeds, Ec.,. In eCounty of Beaver, in Deed Va. GO, Dime -ke. Terme: Our of the obecluise money nem the coofirthati of the sale tir the Court. our third Ir. one year di er, to be eCcueed by tuortgagr. and the balsa —ono-third— to multi chstg.W... add premises ono; the lifetime of the widow of Joseph Nilo 'dee ti. to be secured by at and the intern thereof to to paid stentwur= to the widow o Old decedent. and at her death,. the prthelpal of iistd one-third to be pad to thews legallyjentitled !thereto; the purchaser to pay-tor deed, mortgage.islamps, and recording mortgage. JOON OLEN= Drink... 'for farther [particulars address, John Mesita, Black Hawk, Bearer county, Pa.; or Thomas K. Illeri. Deaver tt. J 11, Pa. _ - - [septt7.llw. COAL :'nd 1401 1 ' COAL • ,`" , IE BCE. The en le operating a COAL BAER en AleßtMers un. about halt way between Ro chester and lidleaville. where be Will be "glad to receive orders for lump or is coal Orders can also be left at a . QUM WV ln Bridgewater. at at John Purvis' In Beaver, or at the - Maus office or at the raddenea of .the undersigned on Market street, Bridgewater. Coal on th. platform at all times. Coal delivered at abort notice.— Terms cosh on delivery. Prized as km as the lowt r. est. [3.7 5-1 4 J. C. MOLTER. r7-z'mmliiTt=?rEMlTimrlTTPTml The Trustees orthe above named Institution will meet at the Seminary building. Beaver, on the first Saturday of October, a th'proximo), at 10 a. to, for the purpose of considering certain prop4-d amendments to the charter. And at 2 p. to, of same day, the Stockholders will meet for the pur pose of ratifying or rejecting said p amendments, and also for the election4F i n Tmultses for the ensuing year. WrTAND, &ew. (Radical. plane 'ooi)7-1 [ 1 11..11ORNB.& Co 77 4a 79 Market St. Invite the attention of close borers to their es .- moles tweet Hoisery, Gloves, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Underwear, • Embroideries, Handice COrsets, Hoop Skirts, Laces, Lace Goods, Buttons, Braids, Tapes, ' and Notions of all Kinds. ALSO, Millinery and Straw Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers. Velvets, Velveteens, Ribbons, Frames, Ornamental, &c. AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. NEW GOODS EMERY DAY. WHOLESALE IONLY. - sep.2o-3rn. POINT PLANING MILLS, WATER ST., ROCHESTER, PA. HENRrWHITEFIELQ I. MANUFACTURER OF Sash, Doors,Nouldings,Floor-boards, 11 7 eallier,boards, Palings Brack ets, dm., de. Also, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LUM BER,-'LATH', SHINGLES AND - BUILDINg WIRER Having purchased the the territorial in terest of Mr J. U. Anderson, owner of the. several patents covering certain improve meats in the constniction and .itdillag "f weatherboards and linings for boom and other buildings, 'wear° the only. persons authorized to make and sell fie same within the limits of Beaver county: Par ties interested w!il please observe this.- ' atspenlers' Supplies an:shindy Kept on Hand. Every inann&„of Shop-Work made to order. oct4ay POUR FARMS IE`CM. SALE. OR TRADE THE undersigned, has three Corms in Brighton township and one in Chippewa township, Wdver county, which he peens for sale or trade. farms to Brighton township contain r ..tively 60, Ga and ttO acres, sll Improved: goat buildings on these and'easily accessible. The one In Chip. pews township, coulains lto acres, atio well In prosed,; coa: under all of th em. Price $ll5 per acre. re Brighton township farm* ate located sy, miles from Beaver s and the Chippewa township farm three miles from Heaver Falls. JULSUN CICAIGHHAD. Sept V 53, . 1571 —tf $100,000,000 Ft)li PiEbEINION OF U. S. 5-20 BOA Of 1502, MEMBER Ist, 1871 DUQUESNE SAVINGS BANK, No. 64 Fourth Aire larrysl3l_l4lG-11, 1 :0: Authorized Capital, - $500,000. Paid in Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. lerTheir serviies In returning to the Ttnrsnl, Department the series of V. S. Coupon Bonds, dated May 1. 1969. as follows: Ito 34,09, inclusive, $ 50' Bonds 1 " 43,572., " 100 .1 1 " 40,011, " 500 6 6 1 " 74,104, " 1,000 " Also, toc,iiiietod bonds of the itztoo Act Ito 59.1, inclusive, $ tin Bonds 1 " 4,103, 66 100 46 1 " 1,899, • " 500 4$ I 6 ' 8,906, " 1,0t)0 " 5008 oit 1 ' 2.90 G, " 10,.000 " Aigket has beirn aims, by the Treas ury /#;parevient, Mat all Inter** will mum on . Me lkind* &striated by the numbers above mentioned, on and af ter December lat, 1871. The holders of these Bonds well therefore see the vecesalty of taking steps to have dada money retauperative Orr that data All Bonds forward ed ,to , ua fotstdemptiou will be sent to the Treas ury! Remain'ant, and the proceeds placed to the tatter'a arid, atfbe mar (16 perCellti Patanollui Merest, f.. - " . , art. of Direptiirs of James T. Brady et Co.. Bsak ers Mime liirmner g of Standard WhlttLead Vitersta. 314: IL Ilternistrad o of Sobolton Ifilla. Itillbera Jasmine% Wholesale Dry Goods mei , JarkarsalPinleani t . Supeitsdetedent Allegheny Bridge Campaw Airtime O'Leary, Virholesale Queensware Mer - chant. • J. 8. Illiordoek, Secretary Pittsburgh Forge and Iron ,Cpilay.. Joint 711PoMmotoOmpir of jot. ltellastere Oa C.& Wtliefl1"11, A 401 7, 07 at 4. 1 w. • JAMES T. BRADY, President. 'DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. .eplaam. =l=ll3!==lMMl Advertiselisents. .STEW,:' NEW= GOODS. Nt:entiotivb FANCY DRESS 4 OO9DS, AT M'Creery & Co's, RADICAL BLOCK, BEAVER, Pa. Coast tint of Fancy and iStaple Dress - 1134 M 51 1 l'anunings, Fancy _Notions, Lad es' and 'Gent's Furnishing I Goods, Millinery °nods, tiiiirpets, 4341 Cloths Strleolaltles. NEW BLACK GI OS-GRAINED SILKS JAPANESE SILKS, - SILK VELVETS, • VELVETEENS, - PLAIDS, POPLIN ALPAC L /S, MEROS, TY OON REPS, for Wrappers, &c. CLOAKINGS, SHAWLS, SCA RFS, -0 and SACKS. LATEST STYLES IN FALL LADIES' & HISSES' VELVT & FELT HATS AND TURBANS, BOYS' VELVET &CLOTH HATS E Plumes* Flowers BRUSSELS and INGRAI...I CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, arc., at 4. I. M'Creerrs., : scp 270 WE AL to os El 1K A. NlO V A. C'rt7 it E ft MOI Head and Foot Stones. We keep on hand In our warc•room, the largest aelecdon of dnished work than all the other works In the county combined ; which gives persons de siring to erect a. Monument or dead Stone to their departed friends, a better t pportunity to selects suitable Montiment or Head Stones than elsewhere. We will guarantee thy the workman ship, and the prices Cannot be beat In the State. We would respectfully , Invite persons wishing Marble Work, to call and see our work before purchasing elsewhere, and satisfy themselves. Also, Grind Stones, at I mat 13 cad 2 cents per pound, add all the new stile tlxtureie s to hang stones, a reasonable view, aprllBm PITTSBURG WIRE WORKS. (ESTABLISHED 1842) No. ark 11 - arket James R. Taylor et Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Wire - Guards FOR non's, FACTORIES, &c WOVE WIRE SEIVES, Sand and Coal Screens, FENDERS„ TRAPS, CAGES And Wire W,,rk of all kinds. [sep2:l;:iut VROVOEDO AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION OF PENNSYLVANIA. JeCiT RESOLUTION' Proposing an amendment to the Cousti tiott of Pennsylvania. ' Be it I?etrolvect by the Senate and I/OWe of Reoreaentativea of the aominoneneattA of PenuryLeonia in General A Reetobly met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this. Commonwealto be proposed to the people for their ndaption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof. to wit : AMENDMENT. strike out tlw Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and in sert in lieu them)t the following :. "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service us shall be prescribed by ht;v " 3AN E.l H. WERE, Speaker of the Ibl'Use of Mcpresentatices. WILLI 3 M a. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini 9ne thousand tight hun dred and seventy-one. Prepared and cert like! for publiCation pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Con suit ution.'S -F. JORDAN. Seey. of the Commonwealth Office Sec's . ott he Comrtionwealth, Ha r risttrgh, July sth, "71. jt July Mm. Bridgewater Foundry, Thomas Campbell, eolith:rata to antneacture the unequaled Ctystal Palace Cooking Mote: With timmeuide of good housewives in Bea- Teti, Butler. Allegheny and Washington counties. this shave has won an unrivalled reputation for simplicity and effectiveness :or Ali culinary Having by the latest alterfitiarot, remedied all real or Imaginary defects. note now dad fault, except those who are duped by Ignorant servants or deeming • I OM also nano eng font Sizes 01 Heating Stoves. oqa of them large and suitable for churches and school rooms. Two siva, of Fancy Parlor. Stoves with Layton's . Patent Damper attached, to. gether with the Young Lion is sick room stove). Gust iron Bob-sleti Runners, Plongb, Points, `Sugar Kettles, Tam Grates, Arches and Grates, and a variety (Settler ensilage. A Liberal allowance made for old Crystal Palace (•%WS Stoves sad scrap iron in exchange for new mow, Sprtbg triton Wady' USaniline *term lit all. times. on abort notice. send your orders to TllOll/AB,CAMPBELL Jtochester,lteavereounty, Pa. Box M. aepilo-3m. HATS. and BONNETS, rA ort =l3=l JNO. W..GEAItY Proprietor, mine neineaw cintiA.nrizza) WrDEIVA6D3a am% LIFE INSURAIINCIECOMPAN V, Home OW, Pitliyield, *dual protection Is secured totho Policy gam• ere of this company hys Special Lew tithe State lltir example: Stipptwe you are thisty-fire p ar ; u e . and talse'in ordinary Lifo Policy. !rio t , thatid wake ONE LaiYMitta, and 'Wal fall make the SECOND payment when dee, ye n o remain insured durit g the saroll4 year and three days of the third yeer. If you Ste dorms Me tau Lears and three days„ your Wally will receive k =p a nt of the Poticri te.4l Only the oventnr Wads= and interest. One Annual Payment, w l ll ktiep you imi imd pets Acid three dap,. Two 'Annual Psyeelits yOtti neared 4 years and 12 thus Th7i, App myraents will keep you Insured r, f ry,. afidgrAsys. Four 1111311031 pay Mtelat4 Will keep insured 8 years and 44 days. Fite Annual P. Ininetl3.llDwinnititterae-Py7mosenitza"wreidll kttleyep"yro°rl4rl;4ureSdarrl years and 14 days. This protection applies to any age. and is expressed In every Policy. The Advantages of such Protection. ' • New Tonic, March It, Game, late of New Turk, 105111 , 41. 3 taw Tian since In the Berkshire Life tom "ny f or $3,506; but, owing to 131h1Ontlfle In by.i. new. was unable to make any payment to th e Company during one, year and ten mime, I , ty , to ids decease, which occurred January la ircr, I have this day tecelvedpit the New York of the Company, 271 'Broadway corner of hers street), Three thousand two ha nd . red and nitietywnlne dollars, this the full amount due wills widow, eh, deductir the overdue payments and Interest. W. B. BARELSON. 1177 nrcadwn A Special Law of the State of m aw ,. • chusetls Provides that if you should fall to nuke pur r l s y _ latent when due. and Mill preemie the con•ltti om of t h e Policy, you will remain !neared for 4. fain number of years sad days thereafter • a n d e r death mars during that time the Policy will be pads/ above. TheYitlido -of RSpeuthest to re re u t . io this. Company to smaller than the avetitg r Qrsii ' th e Companies dowg bosineot fa the Loud sin, The True lieneataof Life insurance, —lt le time that these who seek the true of bite Insmance ahould understand th,e. Dies which strive to do the largest businses,iima persiatently Ignore intnre itatillitieej are by c ,„ means the beat companies In which tti insure 1$ as she lam of the Officens and Dire,tors of the Berkshire to do a safe, pr4gressh e bastrien, which shall each year add to the strength and su batty of the Company, and at the same time rut Wish its members with more Icsnrance,hin;,7 DIY blends. and greater advantages than can be rem: led In any other Company. Annual Cash Dividends.—This Company is Strictly Mutual, and divides all the profits amoi g the Nifty fielders. m the Contributws Plan. As your Cash Dividends lacrosse, the it,. Lure payments which 'you make will gradually crease. Dividends may he adders to the Polk), and are never forfeited by the non-payment of pr, mints, bat ma at any time be converted Imo Cash. • SHAN Agent. ALLISON, Beaver. t 4wARTIFICIAL my-1-ms INSERTED To MOPS AND LOOS LUCETLIE SATU It_{ L No Cutting or Pain Whaterer. Apparels—Gß. G. W. SPENCER, aux goon Artistic And Donitist, 234 Penn street. Pm burgh. Pa. [6ql3-1, . Egottl Peerless Wastal Commit EMANCIPATION oF OL II WIVE AND, DA 1:1;11TERF. TiIt , PRUDGERY OF TILE WA:;11 TUB ABQL1h111:1) READ! REtAD ItE.ka% The folluwinz teettmony from ,üb-tantial st,d well-known rexiderits of thi6 We do hereby certify that we have eas4 tht washing fluid prepared by Mr. Scoff. and mat I . fully meets all that ii c:iiimed fur it ; removiii4 ii tweet."' ty for wash board, washing mactunc a . rohbing largely ectinuinizang titne. ,lab9r money. and aaving the wear and tear of eletta:g. Incidental to the otd process: We moat che-rf,: reccomtnetet its use to the public. Mr, Thomas Meers.ery. Mra. 3. st. lints. Mr. C. M. McNutt, Mts. Jeseph LLatl, Beaser, A. P. Licock. Freedom. Pa. !dm Dr. J. 1). l'o(111... V. Nlark•. Miller. !Am. W . W . Juhustoo., Mr.. Ur. Marq.l4, Mr.. S. Itv.uo, It. Doucaateb O. IL U.K., It"ct.:3- ter, Pa. Mr, Win. klicker,taff, Mr , W "r 3 .*'• phaur . Home, Philltpst,ur.:. Mr. , . M. U. li,rry. Mf.. San]) Powif, liadon.Pa lln.'rhontar Uuon, Mrs. Cdpt. Hem tnl.•ton STltion, Pa. MN. S. B. Mark... U. Lout.. Mo Nitp , Belle Arbuckle, Ka...t lAverw.p. Miff Cr.OLl.llllLes 1.11:1r. rrd C the abut of a far to that of an boor: it eeolioniin, .ireay,tta 1: °bra:des:the drudger, of the I.:hal-tub natzeoluoney too:taint; labor, ..oap and cl”tdt, clearnev. and Whltelrik , e , arwOitileir Ltruthdi.v, by any other proem ; it will not Yarlo Hot, a r to any way lOW, the rolne or . 4:10 , ut !Ar cloth. 0 0 L- 1 X fa - . (Put Agents are Authorized to refund money Vrherever It rails to Corn , up to ^ep re.entation.. Consult your .utvt , ^to 2:11 '••• °unfair trial. FOR SALE BY S. Snitger & Co., Beaver Mr Lowry. Fill Lit),ll . Steyerer & Sous. James Ale sander. N littler a Lanninbrink. Rochester: .4 K.11.,-.pper. Yb333ips burg ; "'intro Reed, P. N. 114,05. Dan 3343 3e3.1 Evared, New Brighton . D. Snatch. 1' 13331311,. 13.1 den : and in all the leading Groceries throuzhout the country. , The article can be obtained from Inc. at i1.33 - a• ester. Beaver Co., Ps., at 30 cents par :radon. wholesale. It hi retailed at 4o cents. CIII A ug..23pi. $l,OOO REWARD , A reward aline Thousand Dollars will b, pa - 4 to 2133 Physician who will produce a metlicule that wilt eupply the wants of the people t/ette than the article known as DR FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Wood Cleanse. or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic N better A IteratiN,. better Sudorific, a better Etiorettc, a better T. 0.• and In every way better ditto the Pan:.a-ce a N. , matter how long it lam been in tee, or how la• discovered. Above all it must not contain st : thing NOT PURELY PEOEt.RLE. $5OO REWARD:: A reward or Five Hundred Dollar, e 111 beta , 1 for a medicine that will permanently cure tm caves cf t'ostiveness, Constipation ~tek or N", you, Headache, Liver Complaint. ftil., - 1 ,, lb- , dere. Jaundice, itheuroati,m, limit, I., , speie.s, Chills and Fever, Tate Worms, Boils. 1um ,,,, Triter,. Ulcer,. tkoret. Pahl, in the Lotus, roar and Head and Female mplaint, that, DR. F KRNEY'S ' BLOOD CLEAN EE OR PANACEA, which I R hee o more Pensively by pcncth:o4 physiclins than an Miler popular w A li, .cc known. PrcP_orad by P. iPAßEntsz'9 BR", & ~.. ti fift i r;tiesooroDr. P, lIIV. CY ttu, - .0. Price 1.2.1 per Dottie. For - sale by Whol,asi , 'ca Retail Dealers, and y Jews moons. Ltr.t.:c , t , Beaver. Pa. - L'Yii •' Virrsuussu mum you ii.tV• ILINGS.—No. FOCHT," AVENUE, P !:• burgh. Chartered in 1862. Open daily from 9 too o'clock. and on SAT; DAY EV ENI NO'S from May Ist to Noeeeo: - : 7to a'clock. and frout November Ist to Itsy '•' C., to 9 o'clock. Intetest pail) in: the Tote of Per cent, free of tax. and if - not withdrsor. pounds sem-annually, in January 'sod J, Books of By:Laws, te.c., furnished or the ogler. Db.A.RD OF MANAGmus GEO. A. BERRY. President S. 11. II RTM A Si. J Ate. P.% RE. Jr.. Vice-Freo't D. E. McEIN LEY. Secretary and I re:usurer A Bradley, 3 L. banhsul, A. S Bea, Win 6 San:tick, Jobb S. Di ts-orth, F. Rebut. B. bee. Joehna Rhodes, John Scott. Robert Schuvra. Christopher Zug. D. W. ct. A. S. Bell,Sobettors. Homes Still Larger FOR THE MIL1,1(0." Mare opportonitiel Are now offend for •ecar.r twines In a mild, lwatAg, and c0 A4. 7,,,uu for one-third of their V5/11421 Ave y,-are TEE NATIUNALitEAL ESTATE AUL , I has tor sale real estate of every deperroim ed In the Middle and Southern, Stalky, Iry •, grain and/rail farms; rice, ruqur ton plantations; litittur and tdinerrn Ineir Tilltrae. And rural reeldenne. iniUs and tniL( sites,factorka. &c. Write for Land Register contaiviuz location, price and terms of Kuper fur sate . Address— B. W. CLAILIii: The National Real Estate 477 and 479 Peana. .Icenue, ma 3: tr. . _ . ‘lO LONG AS AMERICA ket'd'"' L) the Bible will keep ...tvi,rieq, theta • Au Important Book oo lbc Great question. ./IGENTS I VI-I.\TED TII OPEN 331131_5 By RIM. JOSEPII BEER 1) I) Author of The Jrawilea, Chw-rlt. LlNri Third Edition Now Ready. REVISED AND ENLAUGNV lafts .ENGIELA.V: :V GS' Liberal Commissions! 118Pid Sales: Quick Pronto'. THE SURE ROAD Tel S'I'CI.N': A WORD TO AGENTS . • ) There is no scarcity of hook 040 8,.b. nit There success of an agent Ilea in hip...tryout ',: work which meets Abe want s of.the tou , "; deala Most powerfully with the tiring 1. , * . , the day . The m e w e ffort., of them nel., „: Protestantism to banish the BiAlef tit, ',.1 , School a. and the late attempts in the 1.,..-4 1, W D e of New York and Illinois to legaltzurhis ratrs.f., tipon our minds nd religious liberties. D' ~ t o ed the of all true Protesteuis 3th ~, kn -and. have circulated a more tic , ' , ..r,;°,,, kn edge or the Intents and purr' ' .. Free rganizattmx, which boast they svi:t ."''.., ~.. this county./ before the chase of the itici c ,',.;,. echtittl. Title orrif Stria deals with `c,„, qfleationa, and Ike read in ess with which i ti "ict two editlonshavebeen acid to sufficient pro ( ' I the Interest telt . In the book. Address for descriptive etirmilars , .t.. ' . J. U. posTER .s ~ •0•• , - ~ 684cifth Avenue, Pittshur;:h. t febs-ly-thd aprs. , D. L ANDERSON...Ivo.: Rochenter.