The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 13, 1871, Image 2

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    The Beaver Argus.
Beaver, Pa., Sept., 13th, 1871.
Republiean State Ticket.
Republican County Tieket.
Asiscatb/y.—Wm. C. Stiprlock,
William A. Mickey,
Demas M. Leatherman,
George' W. Fleeger.
Assoc-loge Judge..—Josepb C. Wilson,
Treasurcr.--Chas. P. Wallace.
Pros, Attorney.—J. IL Harrah.
Oammissioner.—Hugh J. MGaihaisbalL
P. Director.--sans ael oh.
A editor.—Ralph Covert.
Auditor (I year.o--Clark A. Hunter.
Surseyor.—Azariah Wynu. . .
Trustees of Academy.—Henry Hios,
John Murray. .
I•br aunty Trearturer,
(Democratic Nominee)
t 'HA'S. B. HURST, of Rochester, Pa.
THE leading organ of the Democ
racy of Central Pennsylvania, edited,
as it is, by an avowed free-trader,
who writes letters for publication
in this country of the British_ iron
manufacturers, is continually filled
4-ith denunckitions of the tariff apd
:thuse of its supporters. So far as re
gards the tariff, the Democratic par
ty of Pennsylvania has thrown off the
mask and is now as bitterly
piotection as the party elsewhere.
CA LI PORN IA hns'gone Republican
from thfeeto five thousand majority.
The entire State tipket is elected.
The result in San kFrancisco is in
doubt as to the 3fayor bu,t the pros!
pects now arest rong that A I vord {tax
payer's candidate) - is elected.
The Republicans are certain
electing the ,Senator to succeed colt.;
and have elected Coughlan i
third and Sargent in the second dis•
triets to Congress, with an even
chance of gaining the first district.
The whole Legislative and munici
pal Republican (tax payers) ticket is
elected in an Francisco with the ex
ception of Recorder and one supervi
sor. The Republican majority in the
State is about four thousand.
The election returns' from Wyom
ing give the Republicans a inaiority
of two in the Senate, and the *Demo
crats of two in the House. The Re
publicans are jubilant over the re
sult, and consider it an endorsement
nf Gov. (Aimpbell's administration.
TI F: Secretary of the Navy-has 're
wired a consignment of trattle-,flag
raptured by our naval forces at Corea,
with the names of the captors, some
of them being - Waal
friends. The
dent is of blue silk, with the woven
representation of a dragon, and that
to Se•e•retary Robeson is of similar
material and color, with a winged
serpent, Most of the flags - and
streamers are cotton, with painted
emblems, the colors rc.pectively
ing blue. brown, yellow, and black,
mounted on long Ste ITs, with spear
'-heads of rattier rough manufacture.
The flags do nol exhibit an advanced
state of the arts. Spine of them w;"
he sent to the Naval Academy.
Iris Evans embroglio relative to
his, having been charged with de
frauding the State of Vennsylvania,
has given rise to_vario.;, Intvi in alp.
justification. ,Of course, the De6l6-
crats expect to make a political point
by assuming the charges of embezzle
ment true, and they are backed up
by a portion of the Republican press,
which insinuates that Evans was but
a mere instrument in obtaining the
war - clabus from theUnitedStates,mid
retaining-the ten per cent.. commis
sion to be distributed among his
principals whose head is Gov. Geary.
Without absolute proef, , the charg
es against the executive ought not to
he made. A portion of the Repub
lican press entertain the opinion that
Evans' statement Is true, viz: "That
the law authorized his retention of
ten per rent. commission" on the.,
amount collected; but, that he should
have been satisfied with a less per
rentage.T...bey- have no idea that
Governor la . lax received one
farthing of the amount of the coin
•m ission for collection, nor will they
believe it in the absence of evidence.
Evans chargtes that a demand was
made upon him 'by the Cameron-
Mackey Ring for twenty-tlve thous- .
and of the "counnissiOn of ten per
rent,'' but that he declined to aco;de
to that demand ; and they instituted
the present proceedings for the pur-3
pose of ",black-ruailine him. lie is
How in New York s upon the tilA"..
ernor of which a requisition hastieen
made by Gov. Geary, for his deliv
ery to the Pennsylvania authorities
for trial. • Evans resists being giver
up without a preliminary exainina
tion before - a New York tribuna
aikwing that the l'aftaeron 'tin
would not hiitate to suborn wi
nesses for, his conviction. He has
appealed to Gov. Hoffman to secure
him a hearing.
The dishontly that wrvath-s, ii
varied proportiolis, the qtludnistra
tion of public affairs everywhere
and corrupts to a considerable extent
even the cvnimercial intercourse o
the people, is to be deprecated in un
tueasured terms. It is by fat the
most alarming evil under which our
political and social institutions suffer,
and, that our inatiiiity to arrest the
further spread of this sccorge will
eventually result in the Aestr.etion
of our rights and liberties, and every
thing else upon the po.ssision of
which an American citizen has here
tofore prided himself. We should
therefore, fight this''gigantic
`wherever it may appear with energy
and persistency. But in doing this
we must not depart-from the path of
duty and Justice—we should act de
liberately and circumspectly, and
bring the accused to a fair trial. If
guilty, punish, let the shaft wound
whom It will.
THE Department of State has re
'ccived a copy of a letter addressed by
M. Remusat to Mr. Wickham Hoff
man, charge de'affairs of the UnlitNJ
States at Paris, dated Versailles. Au
gust IG. in NFhich the writer says: "I
save the honor to inform you that
at the session of July the Society 01
Agriculture of Cher, which had been
charged with the-distribution of seed
given to the fartneri of that
uleitt, ViztiMs of the' war, voted
thanks to the United States of Ameri
ca for the succour which they had so
generously sent to our rural popula
tion. I shalt be obliged to you, gir,
it you Will convey to your Govern
ment the sentiment of gratitude ex
pressed by the Society of Agriculture
of Cher."
Tut proprietors of the Silver Islet
mine in Lake Superior, it is stated.
have been successful in finding upon
the mainland opposite the island the
Same vein of ore which has proved
so astonishingly rich to their present
mine. It was discovered at a depth
of sixty feet below the surface. From
Silver Islet ore to the value of $BOO,OOO
has been taken in about ten ont -,
and the velii seems w richer
the deeper it is worked. There is no
telling what stores of mineral wealth_
arelaldup in the rocks , aiiii--tnip")
tains around Lake Superior.
AT the fate term of tbe' C. S. Dis
trictVourt at Jackson, Mississippi a
large number of witnesses were sum-
moned under the enforcement set to
to-tif,yto the existence of Ku-Klux
organilations, among whom wits
Thai. Scanlon of Newton Co. Swin
ton testified before the Grand Jury
that he knew• of no political organi-
zation. Ku-Klux or otherwise, that
wag inimical to the laws of the Uni
ted State or State. lie s a id, how-
ever, that he- was a member of a se
cret organization, having for its ob
ject the good of the country; but he
refused to reveal its title or practical
purpose. The refusal being deelnixl
contempt by the Court and Grand
Jury, Scanlon is, by order of Judge
Mll of the Federal Court, commit-
ted to jail without benefit of bail, till
the Meeting of the Court on the first
Monday of November. Scanlon is
represented as a merchant in high
standing, and universally respected
in his community.
TUE Commission of - Agriculture
has appointed'. James M. Swank, a
Pennsylvanian, and for some time
past a clerk in thestidistical diVision,
chief clerk of the Department of ..I.g
riculture; vice R. T. McLain resign
. ed. John B. Russell has been ap
pointed librarian in . place of Dr.
Eldridge resigned to accept the secre
taryship to General Capron at Japan,
and Andrew Glas superintendent of
the seed•rootn. The library of the
department now coniainsabout eight
thousand volumes,, and is the full--
est in its specialty of agriculture, and
its allied sciences of botany, ento
mology, geology, pomulogy, se., of
any in the country ; besides all the
standard works on these suitleets, it
comprises nearly complete sets of the
reports 3f the boards of agriculture In i l
the different States, all the leading i
agricultural periodicals in this coun- !
try and Europe.
SEvEnAL•monehs ago an Ameri
can vessel was seized by the Mexican
authorities on the Rio„... Grande, on
the allegation that bef l inaster had at
tempted to violate the revenue laws;
the master was also nubjeetmi to
much personal annoyance, notwith
standing his protest against such
proceedings. With a view to redrew,
he inade`a full statement to our own
Government, and the difficulty be-,
catne a subject of. i; tternational mil
cern and adjustuien . Other c-ases of
outrage since that tune have occurr
ed, information hiiving been meeiv
eti in Washington by telegraph from
Galveston, dated Wednesday last,
mentioning, that the American bark
Harvest Home had been attacked by
a force' of Me-a:it-an- off the bar of
rAckTy;ll2ra4fetrrOpurto s - eu, with
out completing her cargo. Another
dispatch from Galveston mentions
that the American , brig Brothers, '
owned tiy a firm in Norfolk, -Va., and i
of which J. B. Thurston was master, I
•w as captured front him by an armed
force of Ntexietins, also, on the :277t1i of i
August, Off Santa Alma, and the cap-
Min forced to atrandon her; and that '
2-1 hours afterward he was picked up 1
by the Harvest Home; and itrrived
at Galveston Tuesday last. It is un
derstood Capt. Thurston will visit
Washington and make a full Mitte
n:tent of all the facts in the case to the
Government authorities. ;
TIT E Chiet(9o prints a list of
e nominees for the next Legisla-
turc in lowa, and attempts to deter
mine from them the chances of the
several candidates for the seat of
Senator Harlan, whose term of-ottiee
expires with the. present Cougims.
The editor admits that these mien
lations are very unsatisfactory. Lut
concludes that Messrs. Harlan and
lison will haveabou t equal strength
in the new Legislature, and that the
result will he the election of souse
popular third luau—probably Mr.
witson. There are so few Demo
crats in many of the districts of lowa
that they have made no nominations.
It„EtaGfous proprieties, as well as
social ittnetteties, liable to he
suddenly forgotten in the South. At
Mobile, a Sunany or two ago, a re
tentte latallortl. taking up the col
lection in ehurch • passed the plate
to 'a delinquent tenant Dial, HS Ir..
. -
latter put in hi, mite, in an under..
tone deutanded a rent bill a little ov
erdue. The debtor instantly and
.ph.t.tsa-ntly made answer: "Vim utti,t
tie a d -41 tool to think I'm going
tt• pay rent in chureh." Thereupon
an unseemly deflate arousi,ll the con
gregation, the landlord condi/aim; by
Ilinging , the plate, Money and all, at
the head of the tenant, who straight
way, In return, threw the contents of
a capacious stuff-1)1x into the face of
his 'persecutor.
CItot.ERA has lost its terror:. A
sk!ientifie investigator of Florida has
studied . out the problem, and an
nounces that as yellow fever and
cholera are caused and fed by aid
malcula. floating in the air, a system
of concussion can dean every infect- ,
ed'atmphere and crush out the epi
detnic. In proof the' inventor, Mr.
W. J. Hardee, propose s to begin in
Charleston, ti. C.. where the yellow
fever is now raging, and attest the
truth of hb: ilisthvery, at the risk or
Lis own life. Ile gives himself ten
clays to clear out the disease, and
me/111,s to work substantially as ful
loWS: Take one tun ref gunpowder
for the entire city pf •Charle:ton und
Work 12. consecutive nights, using
five pounds of powder at each explo
sion, beginning at 9 p. rn. At the
end of ten days there would not be a
c,-pie left, io the city.
Tli E Newburyport delegates to the
Massachusetts Republican Conven
tion have been instructed to vote for
gnatius Donnelly . of r - Minnesota
has turned his political character in
side out once .more, and conics out
again as a Republican.
The Lion.. Charles R. Train and the
:Ion: P. Emory Aldrich of Worces
ter are among the candidates named
for the Atttorney-Oeneralship of N.
V. State.
—A miner from Pike's Peak bro't
into Helena, Montana, the other day,
$50,000 in gold dust, the result of one
"clean up" from his claim on Pil
grim bar. This is the largest quan
tity of the metal which has
been taken out by oue man this sea
—At Richmond, Virginia, theoth
er day, workmen who were engaged
in digging out a foundation on the
lot where the Spotswood Hotel late
ly stood, came across a hide of leath
er. More than forty years ago on
this lot had been a tanyard, and the
leather was fountliu one of the vats.
The leather was in a perfect state of
pmv-ervation, and must have been
there ever since 1820 or 1825.
—A Preebyterian clergyman nam
ed; McElwee, who, by his clerical
conduct and supremely secular mor
alv had offended the virtuous citi
zens of his native town, Bowling
Green, Ohio, was urgently invited to
depart from the indignant commun
ity. As it gave the licentious preach ,
er both an 'opportunity and a pre
text for deserting his wife and child
ren, he went with entire alacrity and
due resignation.
—A North Carolina paper, as an
instance of the changes of fortune
wrought by the war, states that "a
widow lady from the country was in
town hunting a cook's place in some
nice family. Many years ago her
grandfather owned 150 slaves and six
plantations, and at the close of the
war, ber'father had a bushel of gold.
Her husband was a poor man, and
died in the war, and now this yule
pendent and worthy widow wsinan
prefers to cook In some nice family
rather than to live flependenton oth
er folks."
—Brigham YOung recently order
ed silk for thirty dresses for his wives
which is a trilling matter for him
with his income. But just think of
an ordinary business man buying silk
dresses, cashmere shawls, point lace,
and jewelry to match, for say a half
dozen wives, to say nothing of a
score or two of daughters. The very
thought of the thing is enough to
scare all the polygamy oat of a crazy
man's brains. Let the faations once
work their way into Utah, and dry
goods bills will do for its peculiar in
stitution what Congressional bills
have thus fitr failed to accomplish.
—A Syrian convert toehristianity,
as the story goes, was urged by his
employer to work on Sunday, but he
declined. "But," said the inaste
"dues not your Bible say that if a
man have an ox or an UM that falls
into a pit on the St' thliath day, he may
pull him out?" "Yes;" answered
Ilayoh, "but if the ass has a habit of
falling into the same pit every Sab-
bath day, then the man should till up
that pit or sell that ass:" The story
has a sort of a swivel "mural" which
will tit a great many disputed points
in these days.
—Says The. libistrs's Jopruol: At
to The Hampshire/ , Eng) Ad
rertixer. the II Richard Wilkins
made the statenibkwthat he believed
there would be twelve women to ne
man to enter heaven. It is our opin
ion that most women woutd go to
MAP .117: v xie rx,r443
such a heaven, for it may prove de
moralizing to women. They will ip- .
t .ist on going where their husbands,
fathers, brothers, sons, lovers and
friends go, even if it he a tem (41111-
fortnide place than heaven.
few nights ago a nuth of un
known men surrounded John Jasch
er's house In St. Issing Mountain,
Dutehess county, New York, and or
dered him to come out. -He refused,
whe-n they broke into his dwelling,
and, finding him behind the chilli
. ney, dragged him forth, and strip
ping Lis clothe off,‘ threw 77 bag over
his head. They then besmeared his
body with tar, and emptied a large
big of feathers over him. Jaseher
was charged with running away with
the wife of another man nanatAl
Decker, and it is thought that Deck
er led datattack on him.;
some prominent J Women of
Washington, meditating upon "the
social evil" and their own duties in
regard to it, resolved to visit in per
son some of the fashionahle haunts of
vice in that city, and, by free and
friendly conversation with the in
mates, to gather ! linformation that
Would guide them' in the adoption of
measures for e the purification of soeie
ty. They were courteously treated,
and the revelations made to 'them
weir , valuable as well as painful. I
This movement, if carried out in a!
right spirit, and kept fine from 'nor-
hid sensationalism, may lead to good - 1
We 0: ksorve rather a peculiar or
der in an English ease. In,l ifts v.
the wife, against whom a de
scree of d yore:. was granted, was made
to pay to her husband yearly the
stun of c. - ,,H) fur the education and
ttipport.of the children of the inarri-
Thk ,hows that while wometi
are vontinualy chdining "right"
whiclithey aver are wrongfully %villa
held front them, there are also re
sponsibilities from which the dissol- ;
Whin of the marrhvc tie will not
Jive them. Though the children are
just as much the mother's as the
father's, it is the latter who has been
forced to support then), however rich
the woman might be. Men have ac
quiesced in this, but, moppets() that
they should betake theinsel yes to the
oretical grumbling.
—Weqern crithes are happily less
ifrequent than atrocity. Almost a
parallel to the hideous 9'Aleara atro
city occurred Wu- Harken, 111. Two
wretches, while the family were at
church, visited the house of a grasp.
Brous fanner, and finding only a lad
at home, demanded all the moneyin
the house. The boy knew of but : 1 1--
50 which did not satisfy the robbers.,
-of course, and they threatened him
with death if more were not forth
coming. The lad opened a bureau
drawer, and, snatching a pistol, in
trepidly leveled it at the banditti, or
dering them to leave. . They dashed
toward hint, and he rise . lutely fired'
at the nearest nano, missing him; the
villain returned the shot, killing the
hid instantly. The murderers have
so fur escaped.
—An alligator's mouth isn't the
pleasantes the world for one's
head, yet a Louisiana woman tells of
her experience in that frightful pwi
tion. Passing through .the bushes
near her,home the terrified woman
was sized by a monster concealed in
the bus4es, and after a Vigorous strug
gle was drawn into the:water by her
*Merin) enemy, Here the alligator;
relinquished her lacerated arrn, - amt
caught her head between hiti,-;mas;
eive jaws. This in fight be considered(
the end of the struggle when the
strength of the heastispws is remem
bered. , But the woman still.-resce:
lutely fought her amphibious foe,
and, incredible to say, reached the
hank, and with the aid of neighbors,
escaped the monster. Her wounds
were frightful, the marks made by
the teeth of the alligator presentig
the appearance of incisions with a
steel instrument.
Important Charge to a Graud
Jury by Judge Sedtbrd.
In charging`the Grand Jury on
Thursday at the opening of the Sep-,
teinber term of the Court of General
Sessions, in New York city, Judge
Bedford thus spoke of the recent •
eases of medical malpractice which
have been brought to light: "But a
day or two ago the law abiding citi
zens of this city were appalled by
the intelligence of , a murder, most
cruel in its nature and most foul in
its character, making the heart grow
sick at the contemplation of such
fiendish depravity. This case, witit
all its melancholy surroundings, wily
be presented to you for your deliber
ation. It will require a thorough
and searching analysis, as It is a mat
ter which'must be investigated and
probed to its very core; for the deed
itself strikes, us it were, at the 'very
heart-strings of society. I have-ref
erence, gentlemen, to that mysteri
ous trunk, which, but a few days ago,
was discovered in this city, contain
ing the lifeless body of a young and
once happy, but, I fear, most unfor
tunate girl, the sad" victim of treach
ery and deception—one who, unfor
tunately for her own happiness, be
lieved too, much.. Full of anguish
, for the pait, and in the vain endeav
or to screen from the public gate her
delimit+ condition, in_ a moment of
utter hopeles s ness and frantic despair
she gave herself up and was robbed
of her existence by the murderous
hand. And here, gentlemen, are we
not irresistibly prompted in the true
spirit of phila,uthrophy, to ask our
selves, "Can crirms so fearful and
atrocious be perpetrated in the very
midst of a Christian community, em
bracing within its Jurisdiction more
than a million of souls, and where
the religion of Heaven is preached
and its holy mandates observed?"
Ali! the startling, painful fact is too
true. If this great city of New
York, consisting, us it were ; a world
within itself, can boast with con
scious pride of her churches, her nu
merous charities, the virtue and in-=
.gence of her citizens, her multi
' plied evidences of good deeds, she
has, too, to drop a tear over the vices
and wiekedne;.s of many of her chil
dren. But I will not detain you.
Sutlice it to say that of late we have
been living, as it were, in an attwrs
phere of this crime. In one word,
the very air Is, indeed, heavy with
the dark deeds of these heartless and
unscrupulous specimens of human
depravity. Let the warning word
this day go forth, and may it be
scattered broadcast throughout the
land, that from this hour the author
one and all, shall put forth eve
ry effort and shall strain every nerve
until these profess;onals, the'e tra f
ficers in human life, shall be exter
minated and driven from existence,
and the majesty of the law be fully
vindicated In all cases of this fiendish
And now, crentlemen, in. t‘tatclu
:Atm let ine express the earnest hope
--hared in, •as I ft-el confident i'
will be, by you and all other right
mintltsi citizens—that the legislature
at Its next secs on will so amend the
statute-book as that'Any person who
shall administer to any woman with
child, or prescribe for such woman,
or advise or procure her to take any
wndieVer, t'ir - snatrue'ortnitpruruny
instrument or other means atever,
with Intent thereby to procure the
til i:6earringe of any such woman, un
less the same shall have been necess
ary to preserve her life, shall, in ease
the death of such child or of well wo
man be thereby produced, be deem
ed guilty of manslaughter in the set.-
end degree,' be declared to be mur
der in the tirst degree, and punisha
ble as such with death, instead of as
now, but manslaughter in theseeond
degree, punishable by imprisonment
not exeeeding seven years." •
Uuderground Laken in New York
A correspondent of the New York
Mites writes as follows from War
wick in that State: That thereexists
in this neighborhood - several subter
ranean lakes, or one vast, under
grounesea, the occurrence of recent
singular phenomena and circum
stance., connected therewith would
seem to prove.
Near a point of the New Jersey
Midland Railroad, known as Port
Tuttle. the workmen were greatly
surprised one in orning, a week or
tiVo since, to find that several rods of
grading had entirely disappeared and
water and loose rand of unknow a
alepth wa-s all that could be seen. An
rod fifty feet long %vas put
down, but no bottom was reached,
and its real depth has not yet been
ascertained. The general appearance
of the 'surrounding country. would
seem to indicate that there 'is herein/
underground lake, which was once a
natural sheet of water, covering a
large area of the country, which is
now a swamp. By the filling in for
ages of earth and rocks from the hill
sides, and the growth of vegetation,
a crust has been formed over it i which
has eventually closed the lake, and
its surface is t.ow entirely Overgrown.
In the immediate vicinity of this
spot there are boiling springs, and itN
an stream passes front this overgrown
lake, it is thought to have ant outlet
in these springs. They are never
failing, and boil up in the wadoWt,
in large numbers. The Water is ex
cellent, and quite a stream is formed
by them. Tu give foundat)on to this
theory of a subterranean hike, fish
have been caught at these springs
front ei,gitt to ten niches long, all
without eyes. They are in shape
something like our common sucker.
A portion of this swamp was ()Ace
avily tint bered. 1t is tam eleared,
and is meadow land, but a team
passing over its surface will shake it
.for yards around,whiclr givesstrength
to the surmise that it is floating
around. The earth on both sides is
gradually rising, and is about four
feet above its former level. The
trees'are slanting Outward, and their
appearance is very 'singular. The
railroad company are experiencing,
great difficulty in building their
' road over this swamp. since the
sinking of their grading, as stated,
workmen with six carts have been
busy in filling in front a gravel hank
near by, but what they accomplish
by day invariably disappears during
the night. About two hundred yards
will have to be filled in this way.
A singular phenomenon was re
cently witnessed on the Monticello
and Port Jervis railway, about three
miles this side of the former place.
The back (the road is in operation)
sank suddenly about ten feet below
the grade. In building the road, ov
er live hundred car loads of sand and
gravel were used at this point before
a foundation could he obtained.
In the town of Bethel, Sullivan
county, can be witnessed a singular
phenomenon, of the incrustation of
sheets of water.which, in the lapse of
time, have become apparently solid
earth. At Amber lake, in that town
a largeportion of the' shores of that
delightful little body of water Is a
floating morass, which, near the wa
ters edge, is too thin to bear the
weight of a grown plersom, but furth
er back seems nearly as firm as the
solid shore. The work of bridging
over the water's surface is going
slowly on, and doubtless continues,
hence this entire lake will be Incrus
ted like the ones already mentioned,
and only to be detected as they have
.i 2, '.7,,.14:1; , 7 -,,--i,"-`,'•'. 'nlr,,r'Ar-':;'"r!..7.7,'
been. An, interesting fiel4for select
titicinvestigiition on thisAnbject IOC(
,be found at Amber •
Last fall one of thet it thenot a la
°centred near Basket s o n; 0 - e.
Erie Beltway, : ,in Sullivan comity.
About three acres of land, heavily
gathered- with heti:dock, occupying
an elevated position.' sib detalrsaltlf
below the aurface. The tops of the
highest trees in 'the- tract could not
be seen above the banks. The, sink
ing was not accomapnied bin crash,
tug In a landslide, but the land ap
peared to Sink gradually and easily;
The trees stoodond are still standing
in their natural position as if nothing
had oceured. In close proximity to
the scene Of this phenomena there is
a lake, which no doubt was once
much larger, -and over which this
plat or ground had formed, as in the
Gov. Geary andls Defamers.
For several weeks the public has
been traded to ‘discussion of the
Evans easeand every possible at
tempt has lieen made to implicat6
Governer Geary. It was not to be
expected that Democratic journals
would be just in their criticisms of
the affair. To have been so they
would have naturally regarded as
bad policy on the eve of an import
ant election. But it was reasonably
to be expected that no journal pro
fessing to be Republican, and claim
ing to be regarded as a respectable
Oman of public opinion, would join
in the false and shameful clamor. It
may be surprising to some that in
all this there has been no !reply.
The aUitude the Governor assumes
toward the matter is, that it would
be unworthy of himself, and of his
position as Chief Magistrate of the
State, to wake, or permit his friends
to make, any specific answer what
ever to innuendoes and' insinuations
made by parties mainly in ignorance
of the real facts The case has now
been transferred for settlement to the
courts of Dauphin county. All the
facts, involving in any way the ac
tion of any officer of the State ad
tniutstration, will be eficitetl during
the trial. The people will thus be
enabled to Judge for themselves.
Besides this, it is the Governor's in
tention to lay the whole case before
the Genera/ Assembly . at its next
session, and demand an investiga
tion. He thinks that by passing it,
through this double ordeal the whole
truth may the more surely be made
The Governor painfully feels him
self to be entitled to better treat
ment. He has, at different periods,
been ("abed by his countrymen to po
sitions of great public responsibility,
inwhich millions were committed
to his keying, and not a cent that
did not legally and morally belong
to him was ever found in his hands.
He has been twice elected tiovernor
by the people of his 'native State,
and he regards It as due to them, to
the record of his own public and pri
vate life, to his faintly, and to the
honorable poverty in which udvanc-
Mg years now. finds him—that it
shall be known beyond the possibili
ty of doubt that he is an honest
man.—State Journal.
The Wai Claim Agent of Pennsylva
nia Awaiting a Hearing Outside the
of the Harrisburg Ring.
Mr. Evans, the agent ',appointed
by ! thi4 Governor of Pennsylvania to
procure the war debt of that State
from Congress, has been in this city
some days, awaiting the result of the
investigation ordered by Gov. Geary.
The telegraph yesterday announced
that charges of embezzlement of the
State funds had been lodged with
the Governor, who had made a re
quisition upon Gov. Hoffman for the
delivery of 'Evans to the authorities
of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Evans informed Gov. Geary
when he clunk- here that he should
take.- X . ,°,lk • and
al Brewster. Learning on NVednes
day last that's reqUisition was tip be
made for his arrest here, mea.s - hres
were taken by Mr. .Evans's counsel
to lay all the facts before Gov. Hoff
man before the arrival of the Penn-
Nylvania officer; to the end tha t a
preliminary examination allay be
obtained here, where it can be fairly
land, outside the reach of the "For
?ley-Cameron Rine," who, Mr.
Evan's friends charge,have conspired
to crush him. A
That Evans retained a large slice
of the motley which he received lin
the State from the national govern
ment is conceded: He sayedt is ex
actly, what was his just due. It leaks
Out now that a certain ring which
operate` liken shuttlecock between
the Legislative lobby at Harrisburg
and the t ongre-Aonal lobby at Wash
ington walled about $24,900 of
- Evan's portion of the war debt;
that Frans viewed it in the limit of
blackmailing, and that after getting
possts‘siori at his share he refused to
gratify the sharks.—N. ,Sine.
—The report of the Board of Visit
ors to the Military, Academy iit - West
point for the year 1571 has just been
orintetivial made public. Only four
tnembet's of the Board, consisting of
12 members signed the report uncon
ditionally; three took exceptions to an
article which rev° iii metals a stricter
discipline, so as to prevent the famil
iarity now existing between cadets
and their superior officer, in frequent
visiting back and forth, drinking and
corousing together, them spending of
money almost without stint by seine
aidets, while the superior ones are
compelled to put up with mess -house
fare, be., and one of these objected on
the recommendation of the Board
making it a rule to retire, on a suita
ble salary for life, professors whose
days of usefulness may have passed .
of the professors which the - report
proposes to rem ire now are the Pro
fessor of Ethics and Law, of Engin
eering and of Drawing, the latter
study to be ;Abolished. Five niem
tiers wereabsent when the report was
signed. The Hoard speaks in the
highest term of the results of the ex
aniinations of cadets in their ro.Tee
tire studies: following sugges
tions were made in the report : That
henceforth the office of chaplain be
made distinct, the term of ineum
honey to be limited to 4 years, and
the reilgious denominations to he
represented in rotation in making
appointments of chaplains. That a
preparatory course at least One year
should be / established ? and in view of
the number of annual rejections, that
the minimum age of admission to
the academy be fixed arls years.
That a prott-Nsorship of ethics and
bellesletires be established, the in.
cumber, to be selected from civil life.
That a hew telescope be purchased
for the observatory, to take the place
of one in use there upwards of 40
years, and that new buildings be
erected in place of the dilapidated
and almost useless workshops. The
care of the premises is prbnounced
—A Eureka (Cal.) paper relates a
I remarkable tale of love and consian
cy. A young man in the East wish
ed to marry the daughter Of a o
pros mehnt, but had n Has
e th u which rc to a back Ids suit. He as
therefore declined us a son-in-law,
and so he went to the Pacific Coaskto
seek his fortune. He sought gold
everywhere, but found little; and at
last, after years of labor, and hard
ship, determined to return to his old
home. He engaged his passage from
San Francisco, when he encomitered
his early love, now near middle age,
who, with her brother, had gone in
quest of her old lover. Her parents
and all her near relatives had died,
save her companion. She was weal
thy; and only too happy to give her
fortune, with her hand and heart, to
the man tvho had struggled valiant
iv and failed to earn the weed of toil.
the twain were wedded, and return
to the East with the dream of love as
bright and fresh to' them as it had
been years before. Even this practi
cal age cannot extinguish tbe poetry
affection,devotion, and romance.
_. -E:.: ~- _ -
•~ ~ b...:...
j'* , OgNOER
• .
Black Silks,
silk. •
- • Foulard: De SOie,
Pongee. rantaise,.
Green Mohair,
Grisselle f
Macao Cloths,
Plainiand Fancy
Mourning Goods,
Paisley Shawls,
Stripid Shawls,
Lace Curtains.
Persons visiting Pittsburgh are respect
- 1 -04 invited to examine ourstoek, ag the
prices will he the VERY LawEsT.
—The fink wife of H. D. New
combe, the Louisville millionaire
whb caused something of a flutter
there some time ago by inducing the
Kentucky Legislature, as is allege',
to pass a bill making it lawful for a
man having an insane wife to marry
again, is still an inmate of a private
asylum near Boston, without the
least hope of recovery. She has been
there for nearly twenty years, and
first revealed her madness in Louis
ville by throwing her four children,
one night, from the attic window of
her residence into the yard below.
Two of the little.creatures were in:
stantly killed. The others almost
miraculously saved from destruction,
though they suffered for years from
the. severe Injuries received. The
unfortunate lady wns passionately
fond of her children, and the death
of the eldest first deranged her natu
rally fine mind by causing a religious
monomania, accompanied by the
morbid phantasy that God wanted
her oftpring, and that she was send
ing them to Him by destroying their
Iron City College,
The read conducted. mbar popular and aucce.e.
ful institution in the United Stater, for the Thor
(igh, practical education, of young and middle
for• For lane descriptive curia lora, contain i n
full particulars, address
i. C. 85111r/1. A. 31., Principal
ty2ti 3tri.
EttleTii — tir.w trio AI acitt it °Prier.,
17 F(7A Arenue, Plastrrroh.
Good, rellatite men. of experiente and approved
standing. are Invited to make application to us to
act Ini. , ,tmerite for one machine. The Elliptic hae
mime of the best selling palm, of any machine in
the market, and we are o filling to pay good men a
large COM11:161.1011.
All Information, circular 4 and pompleo, will be
Aunt.bed on “pplicAtion Nh
LIOWARD EATON A: CO.; Geol. Agent..'
anz9 4w
Yew Advertisement.
D. CONE, It. D., late or partiostoo,
baslog /morel! 10 New-Hrightco, offrrs him
medical serviee, , , in ali Ire hranchea, to the people
of the city and F.nrronnittritt conbtry-. (Mire cor
ner of .I.lutkr and Broadway. aepl3;ly
TW Alta' Z.: SON, Dealer. in Yankee No
• ileac Sc., Main St., Beaver 'Valle. sepl3:ty
cilF:Aip VIIKE
On the land of t h.•
tTnio4 Pacific Railroad !
A land fzranl
a the twNt
Farming and Mineral Lands in America.
3.000,000 Acres of Choice Fnrming and tirtlz.-
WI lands on the lino of the road, in the State of
Nebraska, in the Great Platte Valley,
Now for sale. for cash or long credit. Th-se
lands arc in a mild anti h , •altliv climate, and for
anourpa..ed 1,,
Prices range from i• - 2 to $lO per Acre.
2,500,000 Acres of t.oveninaent Land Be
tween Omaha and Nebraska, olren
. .k.r entry al
ilotuesteado only,
Are entitled to
Free Homesteads of lOU .1 f•re4,
within railroad limits, equal to a
Se , ‘,l for the new rdition of deereriptive Inatttpla
let. n new maps, matted free everywhere Ad •
drer 0. F. DriVIS,,
Land Commi-s!oner U. If. U. Co.
Omaha, Nen.
tit ptti
PRICE, *5.50.
The American Warher Naves Money,
Time, and Drudger).
The Fatigue,of Waxhing Day no Longer
itreatlerl f Aut Economy, I . ,:fliclrney,
and,Clean Clothing, Notre.
lu Calli 1g public - attention to this little inset/me,
I. a of the lutulitahle tpulittes, out p‘.5t0”..41 by
any oilier a ashlng machine )et /lit en (cll.) Ile
here enumerated
It Is the Smallest, most cutup:get, font portable,
most simple its Colistructitm, most easily opertiteu.
A child ten years old. with A fete hours' prat (tee.
can thoroughly comprehend and ellecluttliy unt
il'. There Is no saps iing. no screws to amt.). no
delay to adapting: It is ale a) s rawly (or use ' It
fa u perittet little wonder' It is a miniature giant,
doing mitre work and a a better goal ity, than the
moat elaborate and cosily_ cue-hall tfi the labor
is fully enrol by Its use, an] the clothes will last
one-hall longer than by the old plan of the rub
hoard. It will wash the largest blanket. Three
shirks at a time, washing. !bonie/1y ! In a word,
the ablution of any fabric, (ruin a Quilt ton Lace
Curtain or l'londric ilautikeachiel, are equally
within the captoty thla LIT ILE (4E4 it can
Ito lastened To any tub dud when ittf tit will.
No matter how deep rooted a preJadice any rx-
IKE against %Yoshill Machines, the 1111/111e11t this
little machine Is seen lo perforni its WelitictS. all
doubts of ILA C1e3.1411,4 ltledfy and utility ate
lianiebeii, and the doubter and tletraclor at ours
become the last friends of Vie niachine
without end, petting forth,
its numerous advalluges iteer t.ll others, and from
hundreds who aside the Ulm : , it.:).
useless pnachiztes, a Ouch i.wee sign!ly lamed io
See,,tui,t, t h the t prflatmed In promhien I. and
land sou till
It is us perlect tor o :obi:of us n Witlltter t, tor I
ringiii:•. 'I tie pi,• ahoilo-r intim-e
-inem to I Momp.„ lois been placed so low inn!
It in Withlll sec rt,teh Ili every httenetieeper, hart
theim is no article of aoinc, , til. et Mil ktil y 111:1I
w ill
repay ihr »miltlntent 1.0 soon.
Al that ii asked for this I.IIEAT L.l L•(IR SAV
ER. Is a fair ttlsl. ISe_gliaratitt, each machine to
do its V. ork. is-rfs-tly
Stot.k: Aor !cis von Tim Nutt) : ., rsrkw,
A. 11. FR A Nit:lSt:US A: (20..
..13 Market St., Phillad'a.l Pa.
The largs-rt sod litsl,.'. tIOOOEN WARE
HOUSE In the l'ulosi frs•pd-dm
The Improved Sampson & Howe
Ail sizet+ and vzsrleti,e fur
043:431.:11, fir, 31 "CLUIt (4,
63 'Wood l'lttsburgh.
Wrirrlioulte!Trtick,A. Patent M"ney Drew•err
O.AI-tit-Errs ~.
Having bought a large stock before the
recent advance, lam selling at old prices
Call and see my stock and prices and al ds
fy yourself. A. C. HURST.
hridgewater, Aug. 30-2 m.
In ease the perAcat .hall have received the
lt,ollll hheletit 111 , 111 her of vote,. for 1111 4 ;),04,
PlOll not attend on the day of election. then the
pct run %%hi) a 1.131.1 hale receiref3 thc 4crund tn qrhee•
number ..f vote,. fur Jud:e nt the next preceding
tpring eiel.qh,ll act ac int‘per in hit. 'duce;
and It clan., the person icho have received
the highoit number of voteo for insp.,. tor ~ 1 :311
not attend, the person elected judge Anal appolnt
an inspector to place; and In cure the person
elected fddge edirdl not attend. then the in.twctor
who received the hlahew number of vide. -hall
appoint n judge in AIM place: or If any Sacaucy
.hall continue in the hoard for the Fiume of one
hour after the tittle fixed by law ior the opening
a the election, the qualified VW-en. 0f the toWli-
Phip, ward or ilf.trict for which ouch, officer
hate been elected. prevent at the place Of elect ion
their number to fill ~nrh
I also g official- notice to the electors of
Beater count r, that. by an art entitled An Act
further supplemental to the act relative to the
elections of this Commonwealth. - epp;ovod
April iith. A. U . Ifra it I• provident 114 follows :
SternON t. Its it roomed Ly the Senate tro,4
‘, 11 , 0
f it;ie nft ß o l vi L r 'e a p n rin n oti t tl , i ,, ce r s a ?f A l 4 .l , e nth rt i r y rti m n ne io t ot a t: ew alt i h e
tr lt,rcfry eliacted by the authority of th e jiamv.
TIM( it shs'l be the duty of each of the myressors
withi n this commonwealth. on the first Monday
in June of each year; take up the transcript Mu
the rty
c t r' o n3 f Int uu.
and thirty4our, and pof
reed to on immediate revision of , the same, by
striking therefrom the name of evert( person who
1, known by him to have died or—semoved since
the last previous as.ssrn.eit from tht. district of
whirl) he la the a.5e....r, or a h , .•• death or remo
val from lilt same shall be made known to him,
mot to lied to the same the name ant qualified
voter, who shall he known by him to have
,rented into the district Anne the last previous
a , ...essment, or whose removal into the same
shall be or shall have been made known to him.
and also the names of all' who shall make claim to
Otto to he qualified voters Therein As soon as
this tevision is completed he shall visit every
dwelling house In his district and make careful
tnqntry If any person whose name la on his list
has died or removed from the district, and if so,
to take the same therefrom, or whether an nu
ded voter resides therein whose name Is nut on
his list, and if so, to add the Paine thereto; mid in
all cases where a name is added to the list a tax
shall forthwith he assessed azalnst the person ;
and the assessor shall in all' cases ascertain, by
inquiry or on what I:roll - aids the person so 1150055-
ed claims to be a voter. Upon the completion of
this work, 1 t shall be the may of cacti assessor as
aforesaid to proceed to make out a list, In alpha
betical order of the white Ireemen, above twenty-
e years of age, claiming to be qualified voters
tie wird, borough, township, or district of
which no at the assessor, and opposite each of said
dame' stale whether said freeman Is or Is not a
d ho m u ce se . kee in pe
to r, nod
sw i h f h er e e f tb s, the number
same ntint a r c
° o a f
m it re-i me.
a w n i d i h i
i t h i
n e :t t reCti ow t r , , s w ll h ey ers or th c c o re u court
re in
n w o ti n t c u ti not et . t iv iist i ecl he ,
name of the street, alley or court on which said
cENERAjL EtidEcrxrow
IVnentas, in and by an Aet of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
entitled, "Aq Act relating to theelections of the
Commonwealth," passed the 2d day of duty, A. D.
1821. it Ismade the defy of 'the Sheriff of every ,
county within this Commonwealth to give
notice of .the General Xlectione. lnd Clerk 11° '
lice to enumerate:
1. The officer's to,be electeeiT
t Designate the place at Witt the election bi
to be held.
• -
1 1 JOllll/ , 401114E61N6 s high theriff of tie
county of Beaver. tto hereby _make, known , I n 4
give this public notice to the Electors of the coun
ty of Beaver, that •
On the - 2d Tuesdir or October next,
lbewur the 10th day of the month) &General Bloc.
on Will be held at the Several election districts
established by law tasted county. at which time
they will vote by ballot (or the several racers
hereinafter named, viz:
One Person for the make of Auditor General
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
One Person for the office of Surveyor Gen•
oral of-the C..mmonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Four Prisons for Members of Arrembit of
the-Commonwealth or Penusylvat la.
One Person for the office of Associate Judge
for the county of Beaver.
One Person for the office of Treasurer of the
county of Beaver.
One person for the office of District Attor
ney of the conuty of Beaver.
One Person for the office of County Commie.
stoner of the county of Beaver.
One Person forth(' office of Director or the
Pour or the county of Beaver.
One Person for ttto odic° of A Ittittor of the
county of Beaver for three yeatv.
One Person for the office of Auditor of the
county et Beaver n.r one yeur.
One person for the oftlca of - County tiurvryur
of the county to Ltetivvr,
Two Persons lor the oflice of Trustnes of
the Aunttetny of the county of fit.uvur.
Tie. said election milli be held throughout the
county as follows:
The electors of the borough of Beaver will meet
at the Sheriff's e.Ai e, in said borough.
The earctors of Borough township will meet at
the brick schnoinouss in the village of VanpOit.
The electoninf Bridgewater borough will meet
hat the Town flail in Bridgewater.
The electors of Phillipsburg district will meet
at the public brick school house in said borough.
The electers of Mods township wilt meet at the
house formerly occupied by Anguish Hendrickson
—now by John D. Elliott.
The electors of Hopewell township will meet at
the school house in the village of Scottsville, In
rind township.
The electors of Independence township will
meet at the house of Alexander Thompson, deed
ittsaid tepvoship.
The elmtors of Raccoon township will meet at
the honstier David Ewing. to said township.
The electors of Frankfort district will meet at
the house of Geom.. Dungan, in Frankfort.
The •Mctore of Mclialre's Instrtet wal meet at
the limos, of John Potter, in th.• village of Ilan
The electors of Greene towskiip will m e t., at
the house of Elijah Niswanger. in tlookatown.
The electors of Ohio town, hip will inert at the
house cow occupied by Jamison Elliott, In said
The electors of Itrighton township (not em
brared to Industry distnctl,trill - meet at the school_
boost, near Richey Eakin's. In said township.
The electonf of the borongh of Fs/Ision will
ittoet at the Actttemp, in Faltston.
The elsetors of P.lttersoh township wilistneet at
the school house, in the village of Brighton.
The electors of Chippewa township wti.t. meet at
the house of 'AZsriali uman. In said township.
The electors of South Beaver township will
meet at the house ol 'John said township.
I.grielectors of Darlington township will meet
at the Academy,ln_ Difiatorton.
The electors of.--eaver township will meet
at the house of widow . filler. in said township.
The electors of Franklin township will meet at
the house of Mark it. Clark; in said township.
The electors of North Sewickley township will
meet at, the house of Nathan Ilaz in, on land for
tuerly of lien). Chew.
'rm. electors of Pnlaski td‘snehlp will meet at
Datezherty's school hotwc, - No. 4, in said town
I he elector, of Marion township will meet at
the, honer Of George flartzell, In said township
The electors t f the upper, or north ward, In the
honmeh of New Erbihton, will meet at the ear
pee ter shop of Thom.* Miter, In said borough.
The electors of the middle ward of the borough
of New tiriziwon will meet at the school house, in
said want.
The electors of the lower. or !oath ward, or the
borough of New I.lri4htota will Meet at the Car-
Factory. In red ward.
The electors of Rochester township will Meet at
the Rowsville actual! hone, In +aid to, •ship.
The elector+ of the tneotigh of Rochester will
meet at the school house to Rochester
The electors of Freedom boroultb and dtstrict
will meet at the erhool house in Freedom.
The 14 New Sewickley tonsineibip w Ell
meet at Mc lie*ppe of John Vra.Pic, to paid tiPccii-
The electors Of n ill met.t at the
school hior-c_ In Jtitnirry.
Ttw elect orw of IlanW,ny lowrimhlp inert
at Ow h,aea in Ecm,only
The elector.. or Economy twai.)dp %rip rn.•rt at
thd hnttsc /,f Geor.e t Minis. in ' , ld tuwueh p.
The ..I..ct or. of tit. (•I:ur borough will tn,rt at
ttit- wbool hon. , . in said boratiza
Th•• ricrtaro of the Norotorti of ftet.ten
at r public PetitVil 11 , 111,1". w Said IntrOttifb.
The New 1,:Jlh«• borough will Int4 4 k
31 4411144441 lutept• • In New C u sijige
The 74
04-.. tors ttfthe borow:li of It.•aver Peak
in, h0w.... in paid h,,-ough
•I'hr •Irrtur, td the toirongh of Georgetown will
IT 41, botiPe. in paid borough.
A tol ihe se‘cral J tlges, Inspectors and Clerks
h h. uttE.Ltl to the izeneral election on the second
Tuesdnv o' October are hereby enJos.ned to attend
and perform at t to .aid election of Electors, to be
holden as aforesaid, the like duties, .abject to the
A o ir pcwokvoirai tt ......qact no they are halite to
I make known and ;4 -ire notice, a. in nod by the
tlth section of the Ilion...aid act 1 am directed.
"that every perron. excepting iucticea of the
peace, who shall bold arty .face or appoie.meot
of profit or tract under the tioverronent or !hi?
l'olt , tl Matas,, or of this state, or any city or Ito
corporateti ditdrict. whether a COM 11:1114.1011ied offi
cer, or otherwise. a soliorOlnaltroflicea• or Area t.
who is or shalt be employed udder the legislative,
Judiciary or executhe department of this ttstate or
rolled t 4 ttites, or of any city or incorporated di.•
tort, and also that every member of (*ow:re, and
Ihr state 1../14.1t1 lalllee, and 01 the .Acct and com
mon cininctr of 9 iy city. connnicrooners of any
Owort„ orated diritict, /a by Litt incapable of hold
log otrexeretrinc at the sane time the office or
IppoilitMelit of lodge, incpector or clerk of any
, • (, ction of till. l'onuouvrealttk i and that 110 lb
•VOC1 Or Or tttee or other oak, at 1 any coch otec
t't-u, shall eligible to any tillic . t. theta to lie voted
for." s
Also. that in Ifie fourth perlien of the act of As
membly entttled — Au Act relating to executions,
and for other purposes," approved April 16, IS4O,
ft I. enacted that the afor‘cald Illth section "shall
not he so ronstrnetl as to prevent any militia DM-
eer or Introutzh racer from bery Mg as judge. in-
specter or clerk at ally generni tar special election
in this Cornlllollll - erd th. I '
*lf arty person shall prevent or attempt to
. pre-
vent any officers of an elecri a under this act from
holding, muchec
eltioo, or MS or threaten any vto-
;evict,* to any Poch racer or haft Interrupt or im-
pc o p cc :y tr,:,•et,•ra "WI ton in the execution of
In- duty_ or snail st ir Ii tip the silliiiiitet or arahme
to any witolow n het.- the *Mlle ma) la. holding or
.1,.,t1 flotio;.ly tilollifii It;-' i c,i,, it ..thli election*
, --hall are or pram,. tin, Intoniciatint: threats,
r.( . - ; or , 1 , 0 ,- iir , • sillli , 1...1 ::o to mita,hce moinly i
''r ..1 Cri We any t.leetor or to prevent him front i
runt)? or to rel.:ram the freedom of choice. +oil/ '
person till ("Ili tiliiall .hall he hiled in tiny roof out i
exceetilli,•4 fit r hilllfir,il dollar. and hr In/prow:tea
Po' ally tame not It n 5 onto One Moons IoT More !
I hart lOeiVe Moll I 11-. anti I 1 II .1121 i 1 he I , llOlTh for
(von weer' The [nal or Tuc(s offence Khali he had.
that the per. to i-ii offending e - ix, not a reledent of
the city, is :mi. ill,:flet of town-lop where. .he caul 1
Aittf• nce wan viioilliTli.ll Mot Toil entitled to Vufe 1
T'lliTiOn. Ih , Ti . oll riot, ,i-;) at it, .hall h, niii i oinr e d I I
to 'of) a hoe ol liil ii,- than 1•11,• hatolred norl I
loon. tau ,- t1i011.41 10l !lona / . and li e imprison l
titan rtx ruontha 'tor more titan (vitt ,
ed not here
)•ears .•
II ioy .hail 81!V tu•t
wager upon the reett:t ut :l11,1•ItriiI/LI a ithill ilia
eattintoootenlth, or shall otter to make any such
bet or ek:ezer. either by I, 1,0)111 proobonstion there
to or by tiny printed to written ialiertiventent,
eh-Weitz , or invite tiny pervou or p, rvone to make
poet/ het or wager, upon cons tetton the riot he or
they hLI forfeit and pay three tltttt•t the torionto
no 'if, t• 1 !wt.
((any per•un %nail •ote 'at more than ~ne elec.
thni otter ;cc tly run• more
than• (Al the slone day. or shall fraudulently
font er lo the in..pector two Cek'.•n. to
gether, Allll ttte illvitlls to {We. or adyn.e.
•nd procure another .0 t• /41. Le ur thy othati on
C 611,1, lion 1x• lined In :o1) I.lon not Ir.os th...Th filly
nor in.•re jhua the hnndred dollar., and he Itn•
priAoneci nut t.•.• 1111111111,c, 11,k more than to &VC
II any person not'qualliicti t vote in Otis cOlll
- eveliit h. at , reeatny 10 law 'except itn. pun, of
qualified citizen,...) elgll apettlr of any place 01
election, for the purpo,o of I,auing tlekt.ft4 Of th
flneneina citizen, qualified to vote. lie rhalt, un
cotiVietloll, forfeit and pay auy runt nut excel d.•
lug one nuntired for t.VVf) .llch oil. flee,
and he imptu.oned for any ternt um exceeding
tuek e mouths.
Reg*airy Law.
bone Donis: idso, the Uccugattioa of the maim;
and where be is not • housekeeper, the occupy
Oat pace of,boardleg and with whom, and if
working en another - tee name of the' employer
and,wrftetterpostto each of said names the word
"voter:" who.° any person calms to vote by rea
son of natiralization, he shall exhibit his certifi
cate thereof to the assessor. unless be has been
for five consecutive Years next preceding a voter
' In said dhdried and In all cases where the person
bascheertuaturallzed, the nano shall be 'Marked
with the letter .•N;" where the person ban merely,
declared his intentions to become a citizen and
dealt/Oka tribe naturalized before the next election,
the name anal, be matted "D. .1;'• where the
claim Is to%ea by reason of being between the
ages wen -emir suid twenty-twO, as prov i ded
by law, the weird •••age it ahall be entered; and lithe
Person has ached into the eleetinn district to re
side since the lest general election, the letter "it"
shall de placed opposite the name, it shailbe the
further duty of each assessor as aforesaid .. upon
the completion of,the dudes herein imposed, to
make onto separate list of all new assessments
made by torn and the amounts assessed upon
each and furnish the same immediately to the
county commissioner's, .e who shall immediately
add the name; to duplicate, of the w ar f.
borough, township, orviletrkt Inwhlch tte, y . hare
been assessed. -
Sze. it tin the lists ' being, .completed and the
assessments made es efordiad, the -same shall
forthwith be returned to'the county countilisilote
era, who .shall canoe duplicate coplea of said tier
with the observations and explanations, rwirdreil
to be noted Al aforesaid, to be made out as
practicable and placed in the haads of the asses
sor, who shalt prior to the first of August in each
I year, put one copy thereof on the door of, or on
the house. where the election of the respective .
district is required to be held, sod retain the oth
er In his possession for the, nspection, free of
, charge, of iuty d e s ir edept in the sad elec
t don district who shall to see the Kerne; and
I it Anil be the duty of the mild assessor to .add,
from time to time, on the portrayal application of
any one claiming the right to rote, the name of
such claimant, and mark opposite the name -C.
N." and immediately assess him witit a tax, noting
I as in all other case', his occupation,. residence,
I whether a boarder or housekeeper; if .boarder,
I I with whom he boards; and whatte.r naturalized or
designing to te - , marking in all such cases the let.
tees, oppoeite the name. "N " or " D. 1 i'' as the
' ease ratiy)bie if the person claiming to be assessed
he naturalized he shall exhibit to the assessor nix
certificate of naturalization: anti if hociainis that
he designs to be naturalized before the next eosin
ing electlon. he shall exhibit the co rtiticate of his 1
' declaration 01 intention; in all cases -when any
ward, borough, tow/whip or election strict di- '
vided into two or more precincts, the assessor
shah note .n all his assessments the election pre
cinct In which each eltxdOrresidut, and shall make
a Separate retard for each to the county commie
eluner• in all cues in which a :eta u is required
from biz Joy the pp . Miriam of this We and the j
county coma:deflowers, In making dupileate.coples
of all such returns, shalt make duplicate copies of
the tiaMeAll of the voters in each precinct separate
ly, and shalt earnith the same to the assessor, mid
the copies required by :his act to be placed on the
doors of, or on election places, on or before the
first of August lb each year, shall be placed on the
door of or on the election pace in each of said
Sec. 3, After the assessments have been com
pleted on the tenth day preceding the secoud
Tuesday In October of eten year. the assessor
shall, on the Monday Immediately Jo/Joel/4, make
a return to the county commissioners of the uames
oral , ',emote] assessed by him since th return re
quired to be made by Lite by the, second section
1 of this act, noting opposite each name the übeet
odious and explanations required to be noted as
aforesaid; and he county comraisioners shall
thereupon cause the same to be added to the re- ,
turn required by the second section' of this act. '
and a full and correct copy therdof tube made, con
taining the names of all penults eo returned as'
resident taxable* in raid ,ward, bornugb, township
or precinct, and furnish the same, together with ,
the necessary election blanks, to the officers of
the election Ip said ward, borough. township or
precinct on or before ode o'clock in the morning
of the second Tuesday of Octoiwrt. and no' man
shah be permitted to vote at the election on that
day whose name es nor vn said list. unless be shall
make proof of his right to vote, as hereinafter re
Mac. 4 On the day of election any person
whose sane Is not on the said list. and claiming
the ?feet to vote art ald election, shall produce at
feast one qualified voter of the district as * wit
ness to the realdence of the claimant In the dis
trict in which tie claims to be a voter, for the
period of at least ten days next preceding said
election. which witness shall take and subscribe
a written, or partly written and partly printed.
. affidavit to the facts stated by him, which affida
vit shall define clearly where the residence Is of
the person so claiming to be a voter; and the per
son so dimming the vote shall also t,ke
and subscribe a written, or partly written and
partly printed affidavit, eta ing, to the hest of his
knowleege and belief where and when he was
born ; that he le a citizen of the commoliwealth
of Pennsylvania and of the United Staten; that
he has resided in the - commonwealth one year.
or t( formerly a citizen therein and has moved
therefrom, that lie bast resided therein sir rnoutb•
next Preceding said electron ; tied he bap no
- moved into the clisithtt for the purpote of voting
therein ; that he ha, paid a state or county tax
within two years. which win. assessed at least ten
.I.lvp heron• salt! election . and, it it batnraftzed
citizen, shall al.o etate nVtl,ll, rehire and by wlmi
court he was naturalized. and also proenee hie
cer, ideate of hater, izatton for examination; the
I sale. affidavit shall r.lso state when add „here the '
1 t.,..t,:illiiied to be paid by the 'anon wan a-sealed.
1 ~,,t1 , t lien. where and 10 V. lane paid . Ind the lax
1 receipt therefor shall he produced fur ,examins,
I t on, unless the a Min I shall state is Mir affidavit
r that it has been lost or destroyed, or i re -e never
I recelved any: but if the person sa auniii,,e the
I right to tote Shall take lad stlbs,Cri he at, affidavit,
1 that he is. a hall re horn rime of the Coifed
.Mates t or it born elsewhere, •halfireate the flier in
hie affidavit. sun shall produce evidence that he
has been naturalized, or that he in entitled to tit: ,
"mishit:. by reason of his father's naturalization I.
and shall further state in hi. affidavit that he Is,
at the rime of taking the &fib:min, between he
ages ol twenty -one and twenty-two yearn, that he
has neat e ned iti the State one year and in Ili, elec.
lion district ten days next preceding such Mecum..
be shall he entitledto tote, altuough lie shall not
have. paid Lazes : the said affidavits of all periains
making anch claims and the affidavits of toe wit
ltte.ssee —ss—t--t-s--- shall he tireerved by
Me election hoard, anti at t ree ciose of the eieesior,
they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally
11.1 and other papmrequired by law to be (Mad
by the return judge with the prothonotary. anti
shall remain on the file .. therewith to the pro boo
otary'. OttiCe. subject 'o examnation, an other
elect/Mt papers are; if the election officers shall
Cod shut the applicant or applicants posies. all
the legal qualifications of voter., he or they shall
be permitted to vote. and the moue or names shall
be added to the :ist of taxa/ties by the eb e cti o n of-
Seers, the word
being +(Med, where the
claimant claim. to vote on ta.:, and the word
"age - where he oats.,. to vote On tip.; the para.,
Words hello: added li:, the clerks in each case re.
snectlvely mu the li,t Of persons voting at such
...EC. 5. It rha.l ire lawful for any qualified ctn.
zen of the district, uotwitnistanonie, th e name o r
the proposed voter is contained on the list of sea
Went taXtil.);es, to chsllenge the vote 'of such per
nun, whereupon the alone proof of the riehi °feet- ,
frage as Is now required by law shall he publicly
made and acted on by the election board, and the I
vote admitted or rejected, according to the ev I- I
dence; every person to be a naturalized
citizen shall be requited to produce his naturali
zation certificate at the election before I. oting,
except where htsflas been for ten years, eontwen
tisely, a voter in the dintriat, ill which he offers
hts vote: and iin /lip vote of such 9 , nsoft belog re
, ceived. It shall lie the duty of the election rarer*
to write or stamp on such Certificate the word
I• voice'," with the month and year, and is Ally
ielection officer or officers stall receive a Second
vote on the snore day, by r irtue of therame (tett
- thleate, excepting tegite eons die entitled to vote
by virtue of the naturalizatiou or their fathers.
I they, and the person it iiu shall offer such second
vote. 'moot' off. Udine. shall he ;guilty of a high
misdemeanor. and int couvietioo thereof, be lined
or imprisoned or both. at the discretion of the
court; hut the fine shall Hot exert, one' hundred
dollars In each case nor Me, imp !women t one
year, the like puniphtnent shall t • lutlicte,l on ,
t l / 44,
conviction of the officers of elerttou who shall,/
neglect or refuae to make , or cul l , I. ilk m a d e th,/
tinlorseinent required as aforesaid on ;Md nary
raliZal lon certinent,-.
Sic. ii. ii any election oflicer shall refuge of neg.
I..ct to require anvil proof of the right of voiltfr4e*
na Is prescribed by this law, or the laws to vaskh
this is a supplement, front any person offeriliN
vote, whose name in not on the list of laSeSSl
vott•ro, or whose right to vote berhallenged by
au) (mantled voter pers.:tit, and shall admit stich
person to cote u ithoot requiring such proof, may
person so offending shall, upon conviction, be
guilty or a high misdemeanor, and shall be sen
tenced for es ury such offence to pay it tine not el.•
ceeding one hundred' dollars, or to uunergo an
inionnonment not inure.-than one year, or either,
or both, at the discretion- of the court)
SEC '. U) days preneang evert etletion for elec
tor'. of President and Vice ?Testae ut of the Cultt-d
Staten It shall he the duty of the assessor !oat tend at
the place fixed by law for holding election in each
eleetton district.nhattlieto and thine hear all appli
cations of persona whose names hate iieen emir
ted from the list of ClaKetolett curet,, and who (Ism
the right to vote. or VI hose rights have originated
shire the Male lina made our, and shalt add.the
nanov of such peraonn thereto ti. shal show Chan
they are entitled to the right of suffrage in ,enen
district. On the application of the cla un
not on!y, and firths 111, llN.rts them with the pro
per tat After completing the hat. a coot: therref,.
shall he placed on the door of, ie on the hoses,'
where the election le to he held. at least eight days
be fore the et,,tion : aim at the else than :he same
emirs., shall be pursued in all respects ss is re
quired by this act and the acts to o he h it is a sup
ti!ement. .it the general elertisin in October The
iaa,,,.. 0 r shall also make the sit return to the
1"i1.. , Y !iiiilloistdonetseof all asses•inviN made h .)
tile or tits .ectten: Slid the covet cone - el-coo
its sliAll furnish copies thereof to Ile* election of
fic.-rr in each dottr- 4 , t in like to:inner In nil - respects
a. is required at the genera! fleet .41 111 October
5:.r .. The ,'ante Mies and re atation- shall
upon' at every •1•t, in: eletoloto. sod „
coy:borough mr ward election, ht.nll fesioo , l' , as
at the general e/ectlons in (umber.
SEC. II The respeoti‘e itssesortora.lnsfsectors and
judze• of the .lei ;tousles!l earl have the power I s ,
administer oaths to ahy pri,sol ch a in -doe the rtglit
to he aaat,s,,i nr the right ill stilltage, or on regard
to any other lIIIIIIt't or ling required to lie done
or iiniulr , d Into hy any of said tolleers under - ads
se , mod any ~ i 101 l false swearing by any perinea
In retain.. to :Inv iisatt , r or thing concernin g
„ t, l e i, they shall iw lan - fully interrogated by any
a .ea ane,•r• •ben li e i,,,eb.h,a as perjury.
si, . to 'the assessors shall ,each receive the
stn to eolli pensat ion for the time necetoiarily spent
In perfortivriir the duties hereby enjoined a. In
provided by law for the performance of their oth
er ducteo, to he paid by the comity commission
eta as in other canes: and it shall not be lawful for
any neeessior to assess a tat against any person
it hatever within len days next preceding the enie.
tem ro be held on the gcl Tuesday of October. in any
rear. or within ten daps next herore any election
for element , for President and 'V ire Preaideut of
the United Stanat: any violation of this proStaion
shalt lid in mindeineamor, anti subject lb, ‘illlcers
so offending to a fie«, on conviction. wit exceed
ing uhe hundred dollars, or to imprieotiment nut
exceeding three months, or bottet'qt the discretion
Of the Govt. On the p etition of Aver or more C• 10
. ..
awns of the COunty stating under . oath that turn
verily believe that fracida will he practiced al the
election about to be held in any district, It shall
he the ditty of the court of Common pieta of NMI
county, If in IRs ...ion, or Unto a judge thereof in
vacation, to appoint two judicious sober and in
telligent citizens of the connty to act as orenteera
at said election ; sold overseen. shall be selected
fmm difterent political parties, where Ms Inspec.
tors belong to different parties, and where both
of said Inspectors belong to the same political par
ty, hoitt of tit , oveltaeens shall he taken from t h e
opposite politics.] party ; said overseers shill have
the right to he present with the officers of the
election, during the whole t lute the same is held,
the votes counted and ttes returns made out end
signed by the election °lianas: to keep a list o r
voters, if they um proper; to challenge any per.
sonodfering to voto7and to intermgate him and
his witnesses under oath, In regard to his right of
suffrage at said election" and to examine his pa.
pen. produced; sint the °nicer. , of said election
are required to afford losaid overseers so selected
and appointed, every convenleme and facility for
the discharge of their duties and If said elec.
thin officers shall refuse to permit said overseers
to he present and perform tbeir duties as afore
said. or if they shall be driven away fr o m, th e pelt ,
by violence or intimidation, all the voice polled ar
such election district may be rejected by any such,
tribunal trying, a contest under said election:
Prodded. That no person tguing the petition
shall be appointial an overseer.
See. 12. If any prothonoMr7/, dm*, or the'
deputy of elth4r. or say Denson, shall am; tha
seal of flllee to any naturalization. rukper, tor: a f f ;
mit the same to be affixed, of give out. or
Vote on Constitutional f'ontrentleo•
A. ther.dn ci , rected, I oleo rive oftleta r •
the fliflowing provisions of an Act st •pre , - - ":•-
2. ietTl, ennued • Au Act to nothe ,
vete upon the oncatlot of c A llj a i g a
an.pd the Conetttntion 01 Peen-v. 10..
Seertoa I. lie ft enaed.d ty
Thmee of . Represenlettites of the f
isansyfrania to General .4)01 , 11;1.'4
.nacrerl bp, Me authority ;1 ,
• the question of ceiling a con‘ert:ot •
the constitution of this cominorovei"
witted to a vote of the people s• tee (:("bn
that to be held on the second
nett. said vie• lion to b; - voted
[(glowing. to wit: In counties and cid.. Ir. i° ,
slip ticket 'tonne. is anthorizetrhy law '
and against a convention may he r iigeor:
given upon•the ticket. beaded or
the word . 4onte," and not othe-s!se. "';
word; , used shall he -COnStlintions • '.
and urteiernsath - for a convennon 00 • .o"
COUVeIItiCITI: . .. and In Coutale, and
Which clip ticket voting *hall 001 he
by law, each. elector voting 1,1. m
shall cast a separate ballot. endured 0.
Side "conatittgional convention,' .!
on the inside the words .for a coo‘ec'
''ttrainst a ronvention:•' tied
aforesaid slut II he recrived. counted end's
by the proper officer, and return
for povernor are recelied, tout t. d sue •'-
'cinderexisting laws. /
Sac. 2 That the election sfeertwd '",
led and be subject to all ,he pr o eletoto
which spp:y to general r leetiono
f• Pursuant tit the provisions centaii"d •
section of the Act Rest storeoaio. tem
aforesaid district. shall re,, tat..
of the eerttileates of return of the elect!' '
respective districts. and produce
for ref one Judge front each ret at th.
of Heaver, on the third day arts r "
.'lection. being on Friday, the 13th dal
October, 1811, then nod fh. ,"
form the dudes regnireil by-law of
A 1... that whet., a jutitfe
vold.hie accident, le unable to at , LA
log of Judeos. then, the cvrtlbc,,e er cru co,
be taken charge of by (on. 01 the ituu , .
clerk* of the election of the demur.
and perform the dillies required of .sio;o“•
able to attend
~.. ----- •
The Repretentative Return Jtid4 - t4 a+ ,
aecontincernith an Act approved Vat 2' I - ~ ,
the Court Honer, In Heaver, ID th' b " " " : " '
heaver, In aro county of limier. on • . ..
day after the en,ctlon toeing Tueectay ')-.''''''
ist I
Given under my band at coe nfltce. 11. Rev"
tbtn 641 clay of seprenahr, In The p•A ,
Lord one thonnand eight Mindred and t , ""
One, and In the musty-flftb 3 ear et ttv ,
deuce of tbe tchltee State..
JuHN GR-Edrit. '"a`' e
Sbertift, °Mee, Bearer, s e pt n . Is:: 44
J. J a ANDEnsoN, having takel to'd
bla old Focuulry Vain. fo 140 eh"
*lll be pleased' to meet We old cu•toolc"
eriecle sTo wh v t '.,. ala r dl went ei th er the IMsT ,
ahn-gs-- ...eating Store, or env other Itlua"
of Material and *orkmaeshat ,
business will be eoeda Ceti be
leSktn J. J. ANWC
re i Blinks. MI I-betdc cards. ro.ters•
Penny aseCutod at Lids aka.
c ,Mectitnm,.
or Swginit the Mtge le be given oat, i t i k,
whereby it'unty be fraudulently used, or furnish
tustundizig4; certificate 10 t o person wh o ..b r ,
nny have /My eXaddned and sesr• to o p t
court, la the presence ofsouss or da,i tt d i .
og according to theses of congress
-r , or
j* shall ,in
ht„ or. connireat Or ity any wa,„
r (any freActient nataralization certificate,ne,4:';
be guilty of a high misdemeanor; or. if ,
Ghall fraudulently sae any such certlano e any
tv slization. knowing that It watt fr.oricoent iy n i '
sued, or shall rote. Or attempt to vote thervy'si y 7.
If auy OAS shall Vat% Or littitapt La Vote. Ot, a •
certificate Olsten:trituration not issued to tom
shall belruPty Of %high mts<Lena4inor ton
or or any of tOe personsi misdeme anor s
.f b.!,
ra w, of either of the e,t,
Shall. on courtction, be fined In svum
log one thousand dollars, and Irnnria,n,-4
yea pe.drs. teutiary for a period"
sr,i, ate. ,"'
- Sze. 11 Any person who on oath
lion, In or beforeariy court in Mi. sue,.
authorized to sdrunisteroatn,..bci . :r
$ certificate of naturalization, for tontoy e . to 4
other person, wilfully clepove. declare or r dr,„,,,.
any matter to be a fact knowing the tune tr,
(also. or shell In like manner deny s, v t to
bejaCt. 1610.114 the lame to he true ohui
deemed p r
stattnahra gnon iuilty
ssued in of perjury: and a certllcar,
pur,ua n „, ,g
deposition, declaration or allirmalion,
asl , a r t
null and void; and itshad b.- the tut} of al, art
Issuing the same, upon Proof b -, 04 mad, 6.;;;;..
It that it was fraudulently obtala,d tak, •
mediate tinwares for re - taint:az the to
cellation; and any person who snal at, ,
tenant to vo te. Oa any Paper so ontmo , l, .t.„,
a t t ol in any way aid tn. CUMIN/ It, at .
agency wnaterer in the Issue rtreutstt,n ,
O any fraudulent naturalizati .n rertmcau
geenid autlty ot a ottadotnpr.o,
conviction Werra —snail
anent in the penitentiary te . .ll , ,l_re ”.• this
:dm . an I pay a One , nut to , r , than 4
dollars for every off „ r
at the discretion the to rt
Sec 14. A.t assessor. ,lent„„ „
appointed a. at, overseer, a t o ,
faro to perform eau do a et+ toed y *a m ,
without reasonably. or I ,
to a p r nalty 44 'One hundred
atusessoeshall avaires any ocra.n ln .nt,
not qualliten, or shall refuse to a-snt.
qualiflod he shell be &milt,. of a Inivlrra-aten
Mlle. and on essakintion, t,r
~i mprisorgtet t. and aleo snli•i•tt an Wen,
deo:lves y the party argrir•a,l 3nel , f ao,
Nati *hall fraudulently alter and trr dear. or 1,,
t or a r ny ,.2r h Net ofr w voters m rt. alt z ti ,,,,
C::1 .1 11 ,
n ll
p h im ih," it nes been died. ullh
Inlachtevons WWII:. or for cur Impropcv yyaryn
the person so offesidlng .hall be ponis hen by a
not exceeding five hundred dollars. Of
went dot exceeding faro }etre, or b..rth. at tt...
s creitou of the court.
t 6. At ail elections hereatleT kwid.. ' . 7.,
the taws of title caminouvreattb, lb, poi • .tt.
opened between the bourn of fix stri
u dock, I. itod closed at • seven u el ect
••• • • • • •
:taw. 19. That citizens of this IState voy r ,
it to the service of the State or of tn.. ( - 4n ,
Metes .4overernents. Oil Ottl"T dcu
who do not vote where thus emit
"be ther , bl deprived of the right to rat-
several election districts if otherwtse dn:y
Change In the 1/liode of Vona
La tteareira 'directed.. I Also give ethos,
of the following provision of an an
Match 213.. panes entitled "Atz Act regu'ulun ; . 4 ,
mode of voting. at all -elections to the
. ma:tufts:of this C'coruntlowealth."
• Simon 1. Bo it !nacho( by the
Soups of L'epresenl.yoret o f the roternenee 4 ,. ;
• ihnntemisanla in Genera i f
tad. a,..!
• Jr/Ternir lAatted the stu r Thorety if At
That the qualified xiatens of the several cvntne.r.
'this coranurnensith, at all general, hovest uD
ouch and special election,. are hereby hecaut ,
authorized and required 10 vote by ticket., v.. ;
ten or printed, or panty piloted and litrfly
ten; severally classified as cope,,,- One T.cie
•hail embrace the name* of all Judger cno
voted fur and to labelled outside - Juacivry
one ticket 'hall embrace the names of an
coroners voted for, and be Jab,-led
ticket vital' elnbeihe the names of all county
ears voted for. Inielafiiew. “die- of Senator a n
Der and members ut APS..I:OOy, If rote 4 fo, ,
be labelled - County: - one ticket .bait
the came. of all towo•O17 office,. voted fur n
he 'abelte t -rownehtn. one ttnkrt onell ernbet
the moues of all borouzh oteers sGted no'
labelled •-floroocM - en vtesljhe
waited la separate
Colored Voters' Lati.
The following - 113,v uction* from ht. Eve'
Goy Geary, explain* the
irter, and election afticcrs.n rcy n ni
men of thia Commonwealth
Exarrxixx rilA gaga
AVlg t-
Tv the Sheriff of the (*linty ti Beal f '
WliLh7.As, The Fifteenth Au:wild:l.,
CouNtitutiou of the United Son(!. 1. i fu
SErTION 1. Fb. right of eititeit• the
Staten to vote.mtuill not be dented cr
the United State., or by any State.
nn aco
race, color.vr. precions condition of
Sat ?tor+ 4. The Conmste ehai.
enforce thin article by appropriate
A vd.trit , reuit. The Cotigis ea of the t n.tre
on the 31.1 slay of March, ItC:11
ti! led ' An ad to enforce Mt t trfitt , o'
lOC in t ot,t se rf •.;
(..utun ,In! for orAer purpose.. in:
0114 ,t , C11411.6 Or nttrti are us forious
bneri N ; Br it rrAttriryl c r. „lea.?
lerr77r,rsen latices , f / A ,
f`a it, 1 .utgreaa 114 J, ;rabies!. TILLI a r . 7 ,
u n i te d sime• w hu are. ur .hall hr ,
laud, try law lip t ote at atiy
in ant Terrtion "therr,ct, •,
h. school titetrtr.,
uther territorial euh.dt, Isom er
oat allowed to tote at PE,'h
cll..ituetton of rare, rotor or pros
perVirn ie. an) Ckini•ntntlutl Its.,
~ f y Steq. r • erritoti.
rf. authority. to the eon teary pore irksLard:: ‘ ,
it it fur; t t r r • 'lad,:
hr under the a1 1 0)1 or! ty the t ejt; •jr
or any , vat. , or ISM 1. of any T. , 1 11 t ,1,1 `
is or shall be i retta'red to to du:, se a ;erprp-;•-•
I or ql.lB/3fiCAM.ll2 lot 1 Dung. .11/7Q tt, st,'• c,crr .
tron or :tI,V. penoais Or officers .1 a': p
charged with the performance of dr r. '
nishitiz etizets an opportutpt• Lr.riettil
pre•requlsith ; or to became qistatlea hp she
shall he the duty oft.Yery--L,ro pert.oe sad Sri
to trtre to al' citizens of -the Limed State.
Sam ,- and equal opportabliy t., prrf.rp •
requisite. and' to iseTume qualided
dl-tinction .at race, color or 1,1 1 ,,m5 tone
of servitude ; and it any ouch orrror.-
shalt refuse or knOWlng'sy emit to it
to this section. he shaft; for «, pry
and pay the rum of fico botoirea app
person aggrieved thereby. Cu be -
action on the case, with rail c , ..ts and ••••.::.. •
ance for CArinset rots. ao,lllo Cott-emrm, r.
and shall also for every such offen(e.
u!lty of a relsdenseaeor. and aha:• tN,
thereof, be lined tint less than hnndtt•
larx, or be imbitsotted not less than one 11:
and not mare than out, year, or both, at
(ion of the etp,rt.
And whereas, it la declared by the 2d .e•
VI article of the Constitution of the lu,!rc
ihit • This COZIOti;rt1011, end the taws of
ted Stater which shall - be trade in ~nr.,E
iberrot, shall be the snpreme law of the
• • and thing in at eqiirtetutwn
of any Stale ty the contrary nottritA4t,tadt,
And whereas. the Legislature of ta:s
wealth, on the 6th day of April. A . lsl :r
ed an act. entitled -A farther suppwaiel..
act relating to elections In this r0mu10c , ,,.:
the tenth settion of which provide. es Jo,
Sze lii. That to Inaba of cove) at „f
bly se provides that only whit , ft-ewe!.
entitled to vote or to be registered is r,,ter, •
claiming to votent any general or -spe , ts
of this commonwealth, be and the ram,.
repealed: and that hereafter all free.nfm..
I:l6tinction of color, shall be eurollnd sz-1 •
. .
tend ccordiug to iheprmiininnti the
not, of the act approved '`.7th of Apti'. ;469, •
"An art Further POpplemental to tr, tt ,
to the election. of is common wealth.
utherveiPe qualified under er,un4 Isw., v••
fled to vote at all general and espec Ls. %let" 't
this cammonwealth.
• And whereat/It is my cottatnnuara ea , !
duty of ••take care that the law• be ho'bfa'
cuted;" and It has Come to my kame,dc,:tc.
clry JU.ACSPOrs and registers of Voter, barn r,
and are refusing to ease.. and regl.ter d , " 1 "
ored male Citizens of lawful age arid otr , "f
qualified as elector.:
Nose. therefore. 14 . coneideeation
Pell, the county commiestoto r..a •a:d con.'
hereby notified and directed to instruct
al ansesvorti and register. of vntero
:and conform to the requirements r ,"
tliinal amendment ,mil inn.. And the .h•rtf
multi( i- hereby anthorized and r•Nuir-.1 •
Hifi in hi., electi proclamation for the
seine tirCll..l., the h.•rrin recited consii•ili,
annnArdent act Concrel.. and act ant , ,-
ialatiirc_ to the cud that the same naay
exeent,l end ~Fh•yrol hr reglio.ol ,
voter+ el.ininnin ofttcrn mini Littleto n Ilait 0.3 _
rizbt, and privileges roaranterd tlarrrn, •ar
rin 11 tiZena of tble eemm0....."
.-ntsm-41 1.1 !be Aline.
Wye') ruder my hand and the great pes
%tate. at liferri.bur::. the dal
• firyt gh.o% wi Met .
A rrrwr JNo W GEk!;'
'F. JORDAN. ..7errtta ryi µf ( timm,
40N s SONS