The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 06, 1871, Image 3
The Beaver Argus„. i;ester, Pa.. Sept 6th, 11371. Circulation Thirteen Hundred. Adv ItatCS of INI ____.-.1-1...—.—...,----(—....... 1 ..,,, 10 lineP, 'f2 091 2 3 0 0 95 QOM 00 10 00 , i ars.l4, do 1 350 500 14301 10 00 15 00 :4 , ~.. „. do ' 500 600 900 1500 18 00 4 -o , tre4 , , Co ', 6 001 800 10 50 15 00 91 00 .., , .ournn, 8 091 11 00 15 00 WOO 98 00 ~ . ,',anun, . 001 ' 11'00 4 , !1500 204) :23 a. t.. 0 00 ...umo. • te 1 0 00 38 00 6012 100 09 and Executors' -Notices... 00 noticel per litre, tent:TEMA. l'ayLnMtS to be made Quarterly, eicept r advertl.seltlentS, which Must be paid MEG! 61.0. P. !COWELL, 40 Purl, Row, N. York. AND c, PETTE%GILL & Co, 37 Park .Roar, ,‘ York, a re tee imie agents Cur TIlk; m that city. sod are einthorized tocontract r , r.,erting advertisements fur us at Our • AttVertiPers In that Vit.! ate re to tettee their ft Ord with etttWr of the above LoaFez. T - 111E - TABLE. 'le land dc. Pittatiurgh U. R.- 1 .-Tntilal ...1 - Ea.fliay. Beaver Station , tollovsa: Mor, i:f.:•2; Mail, X. 4: p. m.;Everting Fast ..„ ti ,.".thg won leave Bearer Sleds:mini fol . N1411,:;46 a, m.; AccomlnodatiOnlnd - EV , (through to Bettair,) 6.15 p. tn. rut. Ft. &C. B. R.—Trains going Scat I.6ehester station (at end of bridge) att Bearer Falls Aceom. 6:41 a.m.; Enorteetom. ~" tle accom. 8.30 a.m.; 1.14 - Falls ty. Trans „oing West Ichve Rocheater * Etation, (at • bridgel as follows: B. F. accom. 10 S. n 1..; m 5n p. in.; Erie nightexpr,ss 5.45 p. accom. 7.3'1 p. to. , ~ ...rolng East fears Rochester (U pper) De' to.iowo : B. F. 6.0.5 a. !Eon sic :15 a. m.; New Castle anemia. 5.40 a. to; exp. 10.52 a. m; Beaver Falls actosa.ll.l:t 'Chicago 51013.05 p. in: Erie orp.'4' 10 to to; ..xp. f,112 p. in: Erie mail 9.55 p. in. • going West, leave Rochester tippen) De . • i.,llows : Chicago mall 8.15 a. tn.: Erie exp. a In. Bearer Falls accom. 9.55 a. m.• ' Chicago a. m.; Chicago erp. 3.55 p. m; New Cas -4.30 p. Erie exp. 5.43 p. m; Beaver . accOm. The attention of the public is directed the following New Advertisements i,:011 appear for the first time in the .k 110 US (A-day special *olices-11ti-s. Past. •qleeial Notices—Mrs_ 'Bence. special Natii' , 6s—Jl, T. Taylor. ..peetal tiottee- 7 6eurge F,. Itoinenui. :slutiee,—Atherfamin Washer. . ial Nance—H. Nois. ai•es—Agrictiiimnit society. • Ativertiaetneut,--American Witsbe.r -✓ .kdv.—J.eiß. Miller. • Adv.—Seittler tic McClurg. , Proelittnat:on—John (ira Bing. ;►rowned.--John Young. of New- Pa., on last Saturday a neck ago ,“e under the Influence of whiskey, from a boat, into the pool above and was drowned:before he „•i i,r res,•ued. Ile was an employee Shenango Iron works. I=l W A.Tr 1 v be T1.1..1 Complete line rt . I'll V of Pat.lairgh, and all the nem-a5:11.7 at. In be hot of ..s7,renson's :Sons aE - Niarliet Pittobargh. le7;ty itisralary was attempted on the •:;.. of Mrs. Wilde, in New Brigh ,„ 'flie.sday night of last week, b ;eau's of the "lone wonlan''' frigit• burglars' eiway /w thous the s isl.Andreil up fo'rtrangportation;''.l • t , w , st and latest Tigre hie+ in Watebe.. 4! I `‘ , l:Ver Ware at the lona2st prlcza: .axon's Sotis tE ('O., ¶J3 Mrket att. el, y. 111.N1 for Postage.— A letter ad ••Mtry Barto, Beaver, Beaver , nrv, lissicl -for postage ip the ....111 , at NevrWistle: -• •• !Oen& to call and examine our . •pun Turin= elsewhere. Order. cure !, pr , ..;pl 111 This,. 61, moon's Sons arkot ,trevt. Pot.burgh The •Failorieq Establishiught , of-Mr. ~ in Bridgewater, this .•.: , %Va+ entered by thieves on Wed- - cast, and ready -made cloth . ..: Lind cloth to the amount of 8200 (.n. They effected an entrance by . "I , l'll the shutters of a bac,k win and removing a pane of glass. A !:.-r appropriating the above mention • t artllde'S, they procured a. serew-driV ' • - 111 d made their exit by taking off . 0- neck of the front door. on the same night the grocery store stiles and Javins- was also robbed, it .s supposed, by the same party. They -an give no estimate as to their loss. clue, as yet, to the perpetrators. kn'n If reAir:v.:ff.—lt you watch Jr out of or • - gelid n to John Strrengo , en Song ef PittF n ...It It ‘,lll repaired and 'enamel:l free of Ifarges. All work warranted. } . ' Neu Oil Well at Smith's rer r3. t u Tuesday, August 29th, tubing put iu a new well :O,U the station at Ferry, and nutplkt, beg-an. onl-y about 11ki fett in depth, some fiheen hours - .• I\\ ,I%C. barrel, of light oil was iperatora in that vicinity .i t it it I, a 25 barrel well. Messrs, •-• Joseph Smith are the owners. 't ('Loess.—Amexican Crock, a • prlce9 .1 oh 11 0 ,7 , 0.3 Varkrt 4tr,et, Pat, Republican Ticket. in Lawrence oillitY---T'fbo RApublicans of 1,•- • Wray. nominated the folloting u IaNG :414uni?y one Nveek ago. !miry ineeting . s were held under .( I !Ur rot(i xvsten: — l- nibb/—A. P. Moore, of Wit- =I Judge—Samuel Taylor •ati•er (Mit i'er—.lAaac Murdick , of Lit- • .t' • r t ~'y S)/llin ii:Siellee —Archibald .1 I slipper}•roe(; township. Attorney—A. 1.. Hazen 01 •:I Ward • New Castle. Pi t TED W ARE - - We . Fell Lon, but t r;;, • • for nravrings niid price: —•, I r ./00i St. r• re au, ' a f:•• , Market &vett, Ptarburgn. jr7IN I)etneeratic Confeeenee 114. )11 TLie,Clay week. the 111.,craft - c ennferpev, thiw ' e 1 1 1 , triet met at the St. ('harlet.; Ho tel in ritt..4l3nrgli. The ermferecis were ..1(,..•r5. W. C. Bryant, L. W. Little, 1)r. d. H. Conk I \\'aahington enty: S. It. Wilson, eaq., Ur. Sirup , 1•, and Mr. John M.. Carter, of Beaver !,. and .Nle•irs. Ziegler, Marshall \lel - Olsten Butler county.. S. B. n. was the chairman. The Inv,' named gentlemen were put in ~e . nation' lOr the Legislature: 1)r. E. and Capt. Elugn Keys ' - .:I,gton county, W.,- B. Dunlap, •-, . neaver.county, and lir. .10,-,aph Butl..r comity. ' Pt. l'arcri:Ts!! —I am liow , tack of carpets, notwitli tit, adyance in weiol, at' cost B Mtilheitn, Bridgewater, I'3. I tltlrough it 1, t., the detriment of u at a , u, in 11 ,, aver, to lose the set - viers ninient and learned a profe,sor A M. lived, 1). L., lute Principal \ , adetny and rtnerly professor - '.‘ a.hirigton, Pa., College; yet, for his rNonally, we are happy to an ,. • that 4eltam been elected Profes • \ Langutiges in the West ersity at Nforgantown: a ~ , • 11 he is eminently quulifled to till. %.• \I. E. -A 'scholarship in the Iron l'ithburgh, Pa., can bohad r y moderate terry on application Utit;s office, Any young man u 9 of obtataihg a khotlitigto of /sef' ping, find'-it to tiis ue to purclaso the scholarship rk.i.rrfkl to. [A.ug2- WAITIM.R.—Ditnr Agents for the Wetrnes In the City of I'lltsbarah, our ability to ptezee in etyles • • Ahr, .•4,rinion's Sons .1.• RI.. 93 Mar• ' P.I . ,01,1%;11 Jet-ly - t• Thrilling Temperance Lec ture. Ttic.reirolir %reeky: Meeting of ?• - •ngMn.*e' Christian TemPecnnee or . Pltt.biirgli, "mas - timer on ••• 117 pyrning of Irtat weelij At the ^ .'lil , lll Of the regular order of busi ,tranzer arose in the ;audience, ard, and introduced himself MEI you only a wreck of eheie.,l, I am young in yeari but I ap - I.C"‘r I am a graduate of Dickinson Willie a student in cote-any students, We comtnenced to y dow ti warii eon rb.o was short. tmine ; soon after taken c• with me t'or a While f'preettred law but ILn , lich drink. A'sbort time ago I to ed ;3500 from hotne end started. Ulf, / fell ag:aiti and here I am shout a cent. I have weiltbrtidemis •+, t,: is city, but Laan.aahameri 10 see t,:u. Thank God, last nitibt l ailined 1 4 b pge In thlshall, c lind . ..l then try to etter in cite • fututii.%. - Friendt take warYun g me. .Th© first 1 gtotSkei s the , :fcf one. Frankfort Springs Academy is nnammurni bscring-ssonak, 11 11 1 , gt • Prof. D. W. Hanna, a graduato orAerrer;, son College. He comes well reorrnitead ed av au educator. That sciatic)l is be coming a prominent one in our county the names on its catalogue fnelilt4lio youth•of Many of the most 'prominent ciazens of our own and neighboring counties. • rasing. ~' 1 3m. ~ 6m. LEM! Ncauc Noneafalleirtirgiven that, mire lfe ter Ma) Gth,' anti until the of getnentber, the County Coturnisrlonent will meet at their office in the borough of littacer..owty on Saturtlayor each week. [matt] Jour; 31-Gorte, Good Froli.—Aug. Frank. of PLO ipsburg loft our employees aline wAter melon. during our absence at Camp- Meeting, for which they desire to return thanks. , . On Saturday last, Stacy'Engle, of Rae mon tp.,.treated us all to a water-melon feast. /He raises large fruit of this char acter, and we trust his liberality will not' mititate against his profits. His fruit cr&serves a ready sate l and Wllldoubtll!tss find it. Virg latest and beiroVrles of Jewelry, 3u all ifs 'virloolta be round at John Stesenton't Sons 6: C'n.. 93 3126;4 street, rittsbargh: .Je7;lZ The 'Dee 2..4tepore IA.E4 soeiation will hold at Scrantoti Pa. t. At the' time o f j'h old ing 'the' Stata Pa ha ;Sept. 19th, 20th, 21st and 22d. Duo - no .tice of .the timtiand.Place - of Meeting tvill be given by po f tters-put uponthoground. first day o the'falre . "61(11 , bee-keop ers are respectfully invited to attendn[la assist in forniing t stronger-band of union of the honey gathers.ef our State, and an interchange of sentiment on tho . prOduetion of the best. and Most null its; Ivo!l as the pleasures and profit of bee= keeping can prove otherw , Wu; ben - eficiai to the practical epiartana. By order of the executive committee. Sna iv/m.4lm See2y STruuNG SiLvLn.—Sterllnv. Silver, Table Ware and prvventat on pieces. John Stevenson's Sons & Market pared, Pittetuith. • • NEW FURNITURE AT Low PftICES.— The' undersig*Weeld to iti form the citizens of flew Brighloti - infd vicinity iliat he has vied - and -is „tray rectirmg - in tritt'tietT - store room- The Press building, _No. =9. BroedWay, large stoel of Eurniture, eobsist - ing - in part of cane and wood sent chairs of a great many different styles,•marbLe and , wood top tables and stands, dressing and bureaus, bedsteads, also' ophidstered goods such as sofas, tateS, lounges and chairs; mattresses of Afri earl palm, hair, cotton, moss and hair, hai r flor beds, ,tt!., lie has connected with the above, tin = dertaking in all its various branches. Collins and caskets of all the hatest stylc triinmed , on short notice and in the best of style, and to be bad .at all hours; also gloves hose and crape for pall hearers, &rt. All of which ho now oilers to the public at very low prices, and solicits a share of public putroiwge„ Aug , S. N. PARK. High Iles-IK.—Dr. William IL Pan coast, of Philadelphia, remarked the oth - day, after performing a painful operation on au interesting little girl whose feet had been ruined by wearing, wrongly constructed shoes, "this is the heginning of a litrge harvest of such cases." And what else can be expected? Mothers walk the ptreets with heels on thetr .hotla trent one tiithree and a half inches high; and not more than an inch in diameter, and their daughters follow the same bad and barbarous practice. In many eases severe spraius of the ankles are suffered. Ilut these are Irk the tVoirst. fritits Of:the, high heel torture. The toes are-forced against the fore -nail of the • boot, and soon begin to assume unnatural posi tions. In many cases they are actually dislocated. In others the great toe pliss es under the foot the tendons harden in the, position, and lameness is Contracted for 7 which there is no cure but the knise. When the injury does'nertakethis form it assumes other aspects almost ashorri ble and distressing. There -are thou . - &and of young girls tiptoeing it along our streets to-daytwho in a few years,:will-be cripples if their parents do not interfere, and remove the cause. - We wilbiliave race of women almost as helpless, as far as wat king is concerned as those of Ctu ns. We condemn the practice of confin ing the feet of Chinese children in wood en shoes, and yetthat practicels no more injurious to the feet than forcing them into a small boot; with an Alpine heel. This-is a matter of grave and serious im , port., and hence we press it upon the mothers and lathers of the land. If they would not feed the surgical hospitals, and have groups, of manned daughters in their homes, flies' most commence a crusade upon high heelS. No father should have high heeled boots in his house, any more than he Would keep a vicious dog in the parlor. When skillful surgeons l i its: Dr. Pancoast, from the op erating room, raise there voices agaitist high-heeled boots, it is titre CO)" old had young ladies to paps° 'and listen. I WE pledge our reputation on the a,sertion that any educated phySleian, after a careful examination of the recipe, will say that Parsons' Pars/afire Pala posse,o, inure merit than any other pill now uttered for sale. Scalds and Burns.-1u these days of, accidents from the - explosion of kero sene lamps, it would ho - well for ei.ry family to.have at hand a remedy to a - piy imme.:iately after a disaster, .A correspondent of the New York Sea says the readiest and utmost useful reuse= dy for scalds and burns is an etribroca- Lion of lime water and linseed oil. These simple agents combined, ;inlet a thitdc, cream-like substance, which ef fectually exeind. a the - nit front the in jured parts, and allays the inflammation almost instantly. Efe , mentions, a , ease where a child fell back ward in to a bath-tub of Wiling water, kind was nearly flayed front her neck to below her hips. Iler agonies were indescriba ble, lint her clothing being gently re moved, and the lime 'and oil thicklv spread over the injured surface, she was sound asleep in five minutes. Sub, ,inelitly the parts were iarefull v washel with warm milk and water, three times a dav, the oil dress'ing renewed, and the bale I.atient eaphllY recovered. Though all the'scaided skin came oil she did nut hay e a Wear. The preparation may he kept bottled in the house, and it will be a: gaud s% hen six 1111111(11S old as when first-made. CIE I)rowned.-01; Saturday of week before last a young man named Smith, entrageil to boating stutio to Pittsburgh, was ae,identally drowneil in the (Hilo Ilk body wa' rernvered oit INIM OPER 11“1:•4: itiNINO .AND BI LLI A RD Thule; of our readers Pittsburgh, should not tail to visit the above saloon, just vrioried under the proprietorAdp of (1.044, T hi., saloon, largest west the nu.nntatins, 14 . ocitupletz in all its .ap p‘.(iiitments. having' enmtnotlidus dining anti billiard rooms and bar, all furnish (4(t in tiff , ino4gnrkormslityle. and experienced gentlemen are placed at the heel of each department—the whole being under the personal su per visem of Mr. iteineuian--and visitors inay depend,. upon eourteoui treatment. [ se pGeo w-4 w. Fine Grapes.— We were favored lust week with a box Of very li no Concord from the irirs=arA ot'Mei:i9irs. & eyand. As we profess to be a goo•di judge of grapes we have no doubt but that all the_other grape grow ers cif this vii inity. will tyrkg along a 1. 3; in due eour‘e of time just 40 have us try their fruit, and to got our opinion of it. qua! Einw.krin esq., Horton, Kings co., N. s., writes that. an astonishing crire has been effected on his daughter by the lISO of Johnson's 372011y11e .4a e .. help spine,bewne discas ed , she lost' the use of bet' limbs, and her back was rounded up like a bow, in' conse9nenee of taking cold after having. beeii innoculated for the kine pock. She is• now well, - , • A New Wire Ferry Across the Ohio. itiver.—lt. affords us no' little pleasure to learn that the Messrs Max well, who have lately moved into this county, and who are engaged to inano facturing bellows opposite to Vanport, areabout to commence the erectiou of a wire ferry across the river' at that= place: They aro said to be men of means and energy, and 'the public may rest assured no! For Oregon.—'Rev. John Spen that this improvement will be pushed cer formerly of this State, but for the Ihrward without delay. The erection of LORI. t iiighteed Years atmlaent9f Orion, r told the.peoillotof 114vef, on tTliurti this ferry will be of almost immlculable advantage to the entire community, and day evening, what be.knew ortbe area especially will it prove a convenience to climate- - and productions of his adopted the people on the South aide of the Ohio State. The lecture WaS an Instructive river. When completed and in running one, arid amply,repald all it cost to bear order, we bope to hear that the Messrs. it. Maxwell will be' rewarded with hand- I some profits on their investment iri this A Tbetethibition pk- t ilt o Yoryitaylvani a criterpriee. S'CatZ+ . l(grictiltural thelett . for IS7i. will he held at Scranton -on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, September 19th, ..70thipnd- 214e' ittiounds are spa cious, the buildings arid—ifeciiiiiinoda tions ample, and the premium list liber al. I,TheretS•llo charge , fn.-et:Vies, ca -1 cepeterses &atter! for speed:- . • Prayer Meeting in the Yang Men's Christian Association Room. Thursday evening of this week instead of Tuesday evening. Let us have a good meeting. Cottle one and all._ =MIMI • .••• *I Fire.—On Monday evening, of laNt week, the-store and dwellin house of township. thp county was ae . • 'Yea by fire, together with' their contell • •fl, supposed to have cdughtfrcun the failing ip of a hoi orntotohos Aunt the top shelf of the sten). ?Me lossiewfr cOtielderahle, Wring been but 'Patti - ally c9verett LoSr itiaurance. =I REALL' GOOD 'INVV...'N't x*ry seldom . .Re commend to the public JO this way patent Improvements and iuprovemeuts. which , ',belong more p roperly ter our ' advertising colutuixs: hat we have to commend, however, so deeply concerns tbehealtn, happiness. and comfort of our American women, that we make no apology for giving it our most emphatic endorsement and approval. The invention referred to IL the great American Washer, - which Is claimed to be in every conceivable res pect superior to any other "washer" ex tant. It is the smallest, most compact. Most portable, most easily operated, and Is not at all thible to get out of order. Its constru ton 'Liao sitriple. that events child can be ccessfully taught to ope rate in an incredible short space of time. ....Some of the most prominent and de sirable features in this •twaßher e 7 which is an inducement in intelf, ttrevorthy, of especial commendation. They are these: It is alWaya renidy/for ape; ;thole i s no tuljusting;i4Lacrewalo confuse and an ,ley, and tplapting it, Everythlarobeen done that bagenuity could soitges4 and In our esti nuoign , alenalt.n.tpragtial; sen sible and beautiful invention, aiia' - only requires to be seen to• be appreciated, which cannot fail to please the taste of the most fastidious.—Philud. IVeckly • List ofietters remaining in Beaver Pixst Qllice, Sept. Ist, 1811; DSlla'Racket Crook!, IMr. s#llLMonre'4.: Mr. David Edgar, ' I Mrs. E. Mcenilough, It Ira Margaret Greg, • ;Miss Martha McConkey a 'Miss Emma IlibMr, I Mite Mail. A. O'Neallay, Miss Mol li e Hassler. (care of Mr. Fischer,) Mr. Edwin Jones,, ',Mr. D. Rummy. W Mr. James . Johnsion,Mr. Michael Stanley, (cure or Dr. J. Eilet,)Mr. Joseph Tucker. • M. A. McGaMek, P. M. NOV FOR TUE FAlR!—Proposals will be received up to Tuesday, 12th Septem ber. for renting the two dining halls In Fair Grounds of the Beaver County gricuitural Society by I. N. ATKINS. CNN. COM. A Melon Parly.—lko SOU (3x-whis key candidate for the Legislature, and a veteran. Democrat of Rochester, gave a melon party to his friends in that plat.e.. on last Fri('lay evening. As wo were not favored with an invitation we aro of course unable to tell what was said and hone on tho occasion. Murderous Assault.,-On Sunday of lest week. Mr. -John C. Hickman, whae conversing with a neighbor on the public - mad, in Franklin Co., Pa., was assaulted and severely cut by a German named Brock, of whom he had request ed the payment of a debt. The German waa arfested and committed fot trial. • l'*.LL OPEN I N4l of Millinery, Fall Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Plumes, e., now for sle, at Mrs. Benees, Beater. sepnaw. Population of Beaver County— Past' and Present.--The following figures, taken from advance sheets of the report of Mr. Walker, Superintendent of the Census, shows the population of this county, for-a good many years ack; In 1100 its population was 5,776; in ~ 1810, 12,- 16s; in IS3O, 24,153; in 1860,29,140; in 1870, 36,1 a. It will be seen front this that while our population lam not grown re markably rapid, the county has been steadily tilling up, and keeping pace with the other counties around us. M its. Buses has just received all styles of Fall flats % Bonnets, Ribbons, Tram ming; .L•c. Butter, eggs, and chickens, Istvan irrexch - inige for goods. Give him a call at 3d street Beaver. eieptiOw. Man Killed by a Train or Cara. —A fatal accident occurred Tuesday night of last week, at Glendale station, on the,Pittsburgh,:Fort Wayne and Chi cago ItailwitS . , a Weight train running over a man at that point, killing him in stantly. It appears that the train had nearly reached Pittsburgh, when it was dis‘covered that the caboose at the rear had become detudficd. The train had gone eome distance before the absence of the caboose was discovered. Then it was. stopped, and commenced backing to find the missing car. The rear lights were on the caboose, and, as we are:lnformed, no lights were placed out en'the end of the train when the backing commenced. Atter backing a part of the distance, the train struck and knocked down a man who Was wal kingon the track,' the cars passed over. the Unfortunate man, mang ling him dreadfully, and killing him in stantly. It would seem that he was walking.loward the city, and it is thought that, after the freight train passed him ho stepped upon the track in the rear of it, and walked, never dreaming of dan gr impending front the train he was fol lowing. ThelihmMea onto) tights on dab Alfa car, preveureh-bita from seeing 'dm train backing towards him. The body of the maniNvas identified as that of John Nevertnan, a young German, twenty- Igor years of age, who lived at Glendale station. The remains were brought to the undertaking establishment of Fair man S Sampson. :dr. Nevermaa bad ately rented a house at Glendale station nd had moved some furniture into it p _vparatory to his marriage, which was to Nike ',lave next week. lie had also but a tew days bolore written a letter to a sister in liertnany to come and live with bun, and it is probable that she is now on her way to this country - FALL 11.1 es, all steles at Mrs. Ilences BeaN er. President Grant and family, on !caving Long Branch, will make a visit t 'Washington Pa.,w here they will lie the guests+ of tLmir relative, W. \V. Smith are ex peeted in that place about the lath of this month• Ill•rri.n.,-eggs, and chickens, taken in cnhange fur Goods at Jars heave's Beav sep6;4w. • Spring Elections to be Itestor ed.—The following get, pasBe4l ut the recent liession tlie-LogistactinierestOr ing the spring elections in 1572, was ap prove,..d-by t;prveini?r.gettry 'on the nth of June : A e o [IOWA) the fifteenth SeCttetkpf as Act, tie Au Act ,further •ultpletaleatta Is ill* get ray - 0 is the vleclttuas of tai voiniaonaeaith, arieroved nth. taw.). (-3 •" • • SEi - rioN 1. Be it enacted, de., That the tifteeuth ,sectlue of an act entitled An Act further seipplemental _to the act relative to the cleaning; stifthiiboriinin wealth, approved April 17th, 1869, be and -the same is hereby repealed, and Unit in the year 187; and annually there after, all elections tar city, ward, bor ough and township elections in the dif ferent cities and counties of this com monwealth sh4ll , be on the. days and at the times they were held as provided by law in ttm. ditlerout cities, wards, bor oughs and 'townships, In said 'Counties, PrWr. to tPedsV-YePt-li of April, 1869, the date et act aforBsaid. SEC. That the ter:n of the different city, ward, borough, township and elec tion officers in said counties to be elee ed at, the elections to he tiekl in one thou- Sand `eight .lititidred anifiselretityttlive, shall begin, when the terms of such offi cers heretofore elected shall, expire, and so with such officers annually thereafter asproyldeef by law prior-in the passage of the act of 17th of 1869; ..Provid ed, the terms of assessors for - the present yeteStial I extend until-their anceessors are duly elected andritnalilied pursuant to this act; Proridtd- :further, 'llia act shall not apply to any electiend provid ed for by special laws since the passage of the act of April 17th, 1869,and that the said 'elections in the said county of Clear field shall be held on the last E'riday in December in each year'. The Stine- Fair.-:The State Fair for Pennsylvania will be held this year at Scranton- The exhibition will begin on Tuesday, the lethofSeptember. Ample arrangements have been Made to make this one of the best agrieultnral and me chanical exhibitions ever given in this State. nersons here who have a little leisure, and who, have never visited the anthraciteregions, . Pennsylvania, should by' ll means'atteni this rair: 6illllolll Spitzer of Bayer, and Samuel Moorhead esq„ of Bridgewater; , horses a week eflisMe !. ?4l.lo„cayldly re covering from . tho effects of acel ts. 'ALti,eitylea, of hats and 110 1 fr 61301. Tin reeeKall**.r.s• Fwit's; G. W. 11. Toil, formerly of theCor , , , ry Idabbine Company, watcon , liondiY; week before last,lhdleted by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Venaogo eounty . tor obtainttrg Money on , false pretences, in the Bummer of 18139, of Messrs. P. W. Andrews, aria . 1 4144 D Steward Of Titus ville. Eleven days later the statue of limitations would 'lava barred the prose notion. Mr. Yost was held to ball In the sum of $6,000. OsTaica and vulture tips, wings, and fall flowers, for sale at Mrs. Fast'a. Mrs. Nelson, wife of Wm. Nelson, .of Pymatuniug tp., Mercer Co., fell froth a wagon, and dislocated her. neck, on Wednesday of week before last. The .. iiagon was standing by a hay-stack which was about being finished by her husband and son, and had on a small' quantity of hay at the time. Her fall ,was unnoticed until her groans attract , ed the attention of her son. She died in a few tninutoi after she fell. M MS. FAST has just received a lot of plain and plaid sash ribbon, new styles of lace and linen collars, ladies scarfs,_ and fancy neck-ties very cheap. New Post -Office at Shipping purt.—A new post office was ordered to be catoldisked. att. Shl_pptugpßrt. this conuty,risamt,ty, and WRITam `}:111ott, tsay received the appointment dr Toolmaker., , „ , Dota.s, dolls. dolls of all kinds from five cents to five tl6llarii; initial note paper and envelopes, and the celebrated oriode fountain pen, at him. Fast's. A Ore broke out at on City, on Sat urday evening, of week before last, in the lire engide• licsitie. of NO. •2:. on the 'west side of the creek. Mrs. Wright. who occupied the upper floor, WM:using benzine to cleause:varlotutarticlos, when the tire In.tbe cOolsing stove set the lbon zine ablaze, and the ,engine house was hurned,to t h e ground. J. lif. Sharp's .coal office Nits badly. damaged,' and Rib buliditig next above partially burned. Mrs.. Wright,lituttetupUng tosivesotne of her goods, w .sa dreadfully burned. rt is barely, pOssible abe may recover. A child' was 'also Slightly burned whose mother-via visiting at the time RIIiIION combination , conib—a new thing in fancy neighs.. citil and see, at rt rs. Fast's. InVernsatloll wauted 'immediately of the parents or friends ofa boycalling himself Willie Lewis. He is about. nine }}ears of age, has brown hair; a large luuul; dark eyes, and UnCommonly long eye-lashes. II e says he was taken from Cleveland to PentisyWania, by a woman named Mrs. Blaekoind left on the road. Re says be has' a grandmother named Doubleday, but don't know where she lives. Any information of parents or friends of the child shotild be directed to J. D. Gage, RepsecAleO k regiego Co., Pa. ' I= In RocheAter on the bill*New York street there Is a hole Aihnost large otiough tp Miry! a horse or Make a hundred barrel cistern, in the street.„ - extending from one sido nearly to the Middle, unprotected. Some one has been digging out san r a, and with great earelmmeseldki not leave a proper bar ricade for the preteet,ihn of pedestrians, and vehicles passing after dark. In large; tectria tpueibr.pply .14215 liraTik-M'ffn gard or life; Cid rnimga dir • heavy-tine and ; -1411IniaRtIleglit- We are not familiar with the bOraletliatranf Roclentatint'thaSWeet -1 a r• - • • -' ILake Showmen --Monument rhma T Hies amitsirrounas—M.ll3.V.harrels—Casnao•' siontan, &v.:4 &e. , • , GriunL, Pe.. Augnat 29.,* / `lB7t. The country abut town tB fibrtiapa unsurpitss&l for lainiltig ` - pniiio,W,' it fa ferfile,:tiert, ifaterelinid liitvgiabel!, the best quality of wheat end potaihe hitter being dry end superior to those raised in any other soil. iCotwithstand ing the country is 8Q level, it abounds In springs, and is free from ague and male rims inthiencee which so often prevail in level countries. The roads are level anti 1. o t lu hue order, so that there is" some iuithifaction in riding or driving. You need not bo continually on your guard to shun stones or mudhoies in; the road, nor sympathize with your hOrso, who must drag you up ono hill only. , to let you down another. This is the home of showmen, being emphatically, the centre from which ra diatei nearly allihe shnwe. eircosoai and menagaries, of the country. Thayer, Noyes, Henderson and Dan Rice—who has been the most successful of them— all reiticle In this beautiful town. Dal/X.lOO residence and grounds, the latter ; are . 'fifx.t.tinsively known arid` viitifed - by all Wile Make any stay in the town. They embrace about ten acres, -aro tastefully /aid out in walks and adorned with rare shrubs and flowers, Many of them from tropic al regions. Statuary rem esenting many mythological characters as well as mil distributed through the grounds. lie recently erected a hall and carriage house on whiclato spent thirty thous and dollars. I think . he woubli bays Made a better use of his money if he had given twenty thousand, at least, to the Seminary. lie intended to build his house and madernize it, in the finest style thiii summer, but it is, reported that the -show business has not been very profitable, at which many thought ful men will conclude that the people are growing wiser. Dan was a war Democrat and showed his patriotism and public spirit by erecting at his own expense at the close of the war, a monu ment to the memory of the soldiers from this county, who fell In their country's defense. It stands In the public square in the centre of the town, surrounded by a handsome iron railing. It was put up )v a Chicago firm at a cost of five thousand dollars. The corners of the die of the pedestal represent four cannon, while the cornice consists of rows of small cannon balls. One face of the pedestal hears thy in setiption. "Erected by Dan Rice. In augurated Nov, 1865," while the opposite side reads. "In memory of the Officers and Soldiers of Erie county Penn's, who died in de fence of their country." On the moulding of the base of the shaft are sculptured on one side two bayonets crossed, on a second two swords, on a third two small field pieces, on thp forth an anchor. The shaft. ovat which lastms- in, folds. the American flag hears the imagfttif the Eagle as the natioial emblem of liberty. The M. E. Church coin.pleted through the untiring energy of Rev. A. D. Mor ton.-and old friend and patron of toe Seminary and Institute in our town, is a model church .in many respects. It is completely carpeted and upholstered seats, and hacks being cushioned which adds very materially. to the comfort, of the congregation, especially if the ser mon be dull. And why should wo not render our churches both attractive and p comfortable? Can we spend money te better advantage for ourselves or our families? The day is past when we should so construct our churches I 1 SI to render them repulsive or compel the worship ers at the same time to do penance. We are too much inclined to follow out the Catholic idea, that we must do penance in connection with our worship. The flan/tope/item la a largo and popu lar paper, published at this point, is ably conducted by Chartes elq. It is thought to he'unsurptissed as a • country newspaper, is "independent - it - says, though not neutral." It is strongly in favor of liberal wages to school teachers, outspoken on the subject of temperance, which may excuse it for Its puns at the expense of General Grant who neverthe less-seems destined to be the Peoples Candidate for President in 1872. We leave,this point in a day or two for Meadville the seat of the Erie Annual Conference. RAMBLER. A Probable Sehisaa,ln the M. E. Cbareh.—A question 'has latterly sprung up among members of the M. K Church, which bids fair to create some trouble in that organization. Thedoctrine of sanctification has al ways been a peculiarity of this church. It is belioved,to be p, diskingt work, usu ally effected after conversion. It _is not different in its nature, but rattnik the same work carried on to perfection. To e wholly sanctified, so it is alleged, is to love God supremely and intelligently, Add N% love Our. neighbor as ourselves, and includes rigid obedience to the di vino commands. It is a state of con scleins Nide€*iCti - - - Grod-• and - . freedom from tgiiXwer Gut not from the templatious - of tjui evil one. Now the adyoeutes et the•"'is'e4ir44. ,givo 80' rutieh "promineireei 'to this , peculiar doctrine as to make regeneration of little or no consequence—that ;Micas amen is sand ified his conversion avails nothing, 'Tiro leadentorthis••,fitew:depsirturif , from " place . to place holding special nieoUngs forth] promotion of T holiness; thereby intimating that other. religious aasemb ages have some other oldeet in view, and in a sense unchuvehing all of their own and other denominations that tititeirthitittlesitteiettiatrthaviez, l —, , • - This has sires&Y issusistPshaideriblo . ii r controverkicatter.ll.l4. ter by um, th a t it a i m acautuallyend ,anothey di vision of-tireChUrthe *-- 7,., - ; l'• ; -,.., —ri _,'-‘---,--,., ~-.•- 1. Republic:taw : illeieltiOlfr-TTo-tkight , 'CrUesdaY) IL Bucher Bwik i ve will !Ad dress his fellow-citizens ar• the Court House. Voters of all partiiii are cordi ally invited to• go ands hea r r him. :kir. Swoope; has, on , several oeeasions, ski. ciressedl Beaver andiencee,` and always satisfactorily to Bit) latter. Como out therefore to-night again andlhear one o f the best stump speakers in !Pennsylva nia! discuss the Issues Invc4ved In tho present. campaign, ' We clip the following from the Bea- Ter County Pros (New Brighton) : Mr. Noss has re-opened his ex tensive ly known Photograph Rooms at the pld place, in _ Wilsonis Block, BroidWay. Ile has it pow 'in foil operation-Open, t o patruna and victors. Hellas very much enlarged his field of Operations, hav ing entirely remodeleil his gallery, increasi: lug the size arid attractions of all hie apartments. Ills reception-room has been ' handsomely renirnisbedwith Brussels carpet and elegant . furniture, and disPlaysx Caste end. tlnerneot rare ly surpassed iri 'the twist city establish= qients. The now' , f eature of a dresSing room has also been':added. Ile has no w and largo lights, arranged on the latest principles of scientific application, pro Val • apparatus, new back-grounds, and new appliances of various kindiq t he tint tippreved In theam Inde ed most everythiug new spout his eget ) . Bah au3nt, With his aeknowledied emu as an artist, his long -experience in the business and Ida increased facilities, he Is sure to give satisfactionto those 'who call upon him:: DI r.'NOss , keeps on hand some very beautiful and attractive for eign and home viewator, tha-stemostsspe, and still makes re-touched negatives ti aft:tall o w. Call to see him and see some et his very fluework. °Petting Ottblie School.— .The Public Saw; of this place will open ;oh 'nazi ,Pruplbs,ialpiuld be in, ationdantei powsibre. Tliti•Tett*Pertatime Convention.-÷ The Prohibitionists of this county held their . couvention in the Court House on !ISt Monday evening. The nleeting Was not large but considerable enthusiasm was nevertheless manifested. Mr. A. Bostwick :Few Brighton was Chosen to preSide and Mr: Edger of rallstod was selected to fill the position or secre tary. The purpose df the. meeting was stated by .thechairmao, which was. the neusluation of a county ticket Co ho sup ported by the-Prohibitionists at the Oc tober eteotiort., A committee on resolu tions and norninations was ordered to be appninted by qteabbirtuuni who selected the followiug,gettiletnett : T. J. Chand ler, Charles Buckley, Thos. Elverson, Benjamin Todd, and J. A. Andonion. During the absence of this committee an address of Collsiderablo force was .deliv ered by E: li..ll.aupti of Lancaster. The committee on.. resolutions and nomina tions hero returned and reported as fol lows: Resolved, That we do hereby fully en dorse the platform of Principles adopted by the Prohibition Party State Conven tion held it4Larrisburg on the 9th of Aug. 1871, and that wo pledge our hearty support of its candidates for auditor Gen. and Surveyor Gen—Barr Spangler of Lancaster Co., and E. A. Wheeler of Mercer county. Resolvbd, That the President of this Mooting be and is hereby authorized and directed to appoint three donferees to meet similar conferees from Butler and Washington counties, should any be appointed, who - shall nominate.pledg ed Prohibitionists as candidates for toe House of Representatives. li6tolved, That the chairman of this meeting being authorized by the State Convention to appoint a county Com mittee. We therefore refer the nomina tion of the county said County Counnittee. These resolittione were unanimously adopted, after which Dr. Wright of Har risburg addressed the convention lu a speech of about one-half hour's length. The meeting then adjourned. Correction of Prestaloutialleisit.-- At a meeting of the Board of Managers, Septeraber -- f2d,: , the, following. additions to the Premium List wore agreed upon, viz: 7TO CLASS I.—Dic4ston It, as follows : Best brood mars with cult at toot. e. 3 CID .3 best do 11J 3GO Best spring colt. .. ._. 3 CO 4 2,1 hest do ...._—___ ......._........ .. :.. . . 1 (1) Best 1 year old fi11yt............._, ........ ~ ..... .. ..... .. 2 (10 23 best dr, .0...,.. ............. .. ........ ........... I W Best 3 year old filly . 3 (a) 23 bent do 2 Ott Best 3 year old filly_ .. ..... _ ........... ... ...... .... 4 CO 2d best Go 3 to Best 4 year old filly , . 4 (XI 241 best du y• 3 00 I'o CLASS I.—llirtsion r, as follows : Best 1 year old stailluu...... ..... i $3 114.1 20 hest . do 4. 2 On Best brood mare with cult M. lbot_... ....... _.. 5 t o 3d beet do . ,i oi) Best spring c01t.._,_... ..... ....... .............. 2 Ltd 2d best do ... '... .... 2 Ott Best 1 yeAr old filly... .... . .. ... .. 2' ($) 241 "Mel Best 2 year old , filly ...... .-...- _ :1 uo 241 beat do- . . .. .. .. . . . ...... .. . . 00 Beta 3 year old filly 23 he."( do 3 GU Best 4 )ear old filly.. .. Id beat •do ........ ........... .. 3 ut) on motion, agreed that Class No. 21 no added to the list, consistin of' a eomtriit tee of sir /SAWS, to act as Lanier' Discre tionary Ccitutnittoons follows: Mrs. I. N. Atkins, Miss Kate John ston,• Ohio township; Mrs. William A. Laird, Mrs, D. M. Deuehoo, Mrs. Capt. D. Dawson, Ohio township ; Mrs. Fran cis Hoopes, Now Il4ghton. on motion, odjouruod to meet at the Fair Grounds, ou Saturday, September 10th, at 1 o'clock, p. m. 'l'. 0. ANSLIUTZ, liCe. aNCey. We Learn that Miss C. S. Burnett, who has been teaching in oar public schools thepasf two years, and who was re-elected to the position of prielpal of the High SchoWtor the present year, has resigned to accept a Situation in the Beaver Seminary and institute, tendei ed her by its President, ltev. it. T. Tay lor. During her stay here, Miss Bur nett distinguished herself as a lady of es • tunable qualities and au educator of rare ability, tilling the responsible position she occupied to the satisfaction of all ; and while wo are sorry AMC 803001.8' lose so earnest and succeawful a . teacher, we recognize that her superior edueaiidn and wide experience as an instructdr, demand for her the more advantageous position she will occupy in her new held of labur.—Sharou Herald. Mr, EDITOR :-111 your lasCis nu arts-i cle, pert of which is no doubt intended for me. 1 quote the last three sentences which are as follows "When the Aftsociation had held a six* and meeting and Um report of Its pro-. ceedings had been made publia sou not one seemed to take - notice of these, I suppose "private opinions of its MOM bera, ' it occurred to we that attention should be t.tilled to those monstrous "opinions." "Does any one feel that his "private opinions" will not endure the gaze ui public opinfini ? if so, he must be the wounded bird. "Not baying any "bile" to work otr through the public press, 1 caniot be provoked into a newspaper controversy, and therefore close my comtnunicatious on this subject with this article. Yours, ,tc,, R. Ts.t Lon." Unfortunately for the farce of the first paragraph, his inquiry and the proceed ings of the next meeting were published to the mine column. To the stat end I reply. The private op:nlons referred to were remarks of members before any discussion occurred and at the meeting previous to the one appointed for the discussion. In that sense only did speak of them as pri vate. I have no private opinions on the subject. I . & ne.y belitiee that wine is motion in re, but I refrain from the use of all intoxicating drinks on the pallet..., pie laid down by the apostle, •-.1 wUt °rink no, Wino while the wor i ld.stands 11 it makes my brother to offend." That., has been my rule for nearly forty years ; and I have written and lectured itt to; defence. But law ligt. an °Withal. I am glad the gentleman has no "bile" to work oil. Lam not of a bilious habit, but I can rejoice to see others getting clear of their they have no more to work off. The idea cif :being-provok ed into a controversy reminds me Of what I saw a boy do on our street. Ile throw a stone at some boys across the .street and when one of them ran over to him, to keep him from •throilgltigligaili t bo said he eauldnot be drawn into any controversy. Nouns, Sept. 401 1871. T. FL A. McLitsm et W SPENCER No. SD Market Black. Silks , Fancy Silkl, Jag, Silks, Foulard De'Soie, - Pongee Fantaise, Green Mohair, . Grisselle Poplins, Macao Cloths, Plain and Fancy nn.Ess (-c)ODs, Mournin Goods, Paisley. Shawls, Stripid Sllawis, Lace - Curtain& -) Persons visiting Pit*lpritUfirtt ftr , 406 1 . fitily invited to ttxahilph" oplesock, as the Prices will he the Vitali' Unintiri: Islarch23:ly. OZZXII IRES 3 ArraiiisX.,lll*llo Abe iiilvortise- Inco! r otthe l ileatter tinithratir and Mu sical., Itii.tynte,-Eleayer, - Pennsylvania, atilither Whits the reputa tion or being oneOf the .best educational institudans.lw the countrn 'And In iu+ &gutty appear the names of some of the 1110,4 -prominent professors and teachers. Its location cannot be surpassed. while the course of study adopted Is 'most thorough and complete. For the (slum lieu of young ladies it is especially re comtnended.—.Tournat. Lafayette, bid. Or. tlicLeniii - 1,1; returned home from a tworweeles trip la the Interest of Dative? Ladies' .Fititainary, and reports that the prospects for a full school aro better than at any former opening. The session begins on next Tuesday the 12th Instant. Pupils in Primary Department will be received next session. Iron City College, PITTSBUGH, PA. The hest conducted. most popular Mad s'enseess cal institution In the United States, for the thor ough, practical etlocatiqn, of yotwg and middle aged mcn. ... sW — For large descript4ve circulars, containing fall particalarr.addreos —. .1. C. SMITH, A. 31., Principal. irifip 3in. I DIED. EWING.—On Saturday morning, Sep tember 2d, Alexander pbNiug, of Ohio fp., aged 70 pairs. • i;wing was stricken with paraly sis, and died suddenly.. His funeral was largely attended on Stmday last, he having been Or - many years one of our tunst worthy and respected citizens. IN YIE Melt' A , A UUDEY—On 4suday, Augolt:27, 1871. In Am; itegilalN daemon county, David Augh t,. aged sitti-tits yeas*. sh,triontbs and nine- teen drys. lie leaves six chi :drew sixteen grans ,children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his :pls. Ile died kw thofalth. Truattu in his Savior's merits alone for salvathit.. his soul passed upward and stood before the Throne. Ile was long • Cutialetentrattd.ezedtplarie member of the Pre: byterlan church Li Sleutnirndllesautl A teetenbuo As a merchant he was' •crupuhmsly hottest and upright In all Ina business transactions, and to his estate there attaches not one Past of dishonest gain. A falatal friend, * kind aekbboc, a devot ed husband, au affectionate parent, a Citizen gone peur el sans reproclie, he has left deposited upon tbe aliens ahore or meekly, Lmagea and p •-t us thoughts that shall not die, andlhat cannot he 'droved- It. moving front Quen*Cto, Y, to Steu benville at awelirly diy., be in beret/Idea as one of the pioneers. Stenbenvile, at that dal e. was but an inconsiderable viltage.with nd railroxt facilities notelegropks, but tittle commerce. and all F.ntartu Ohio was but little more than a wilderness—its pow ulation sparse. and Re educational, commercaal and industrial interests iu their nonage. Now the coun try teems with a (lease population. Eastern utilo is thickly studded with cities and, villages, and eve ry otaterial educational and moral interest is to the ascendant. ;Now rejoiced more In tho progress of Eastern Ohin,and of the whole country Wan did the sublebt of this notice. but the pioneers are peening ataxy. The tatheca,' where are they? and the prophets, do they Ilse fOr ever? Mr wife and four children preceded him to the Jittertud world ; six children survive him. 4lf• only surviving son, Rev. John il_Aughey 01 Roch ester, Pa., the ministry in the Presbyterian church. "Ile eleepic In Jesins, blel+socl sleep, From which none evu: wake W weep.":, —Strub#hrille /braid. New Advertisement. BOOKS. Who scants a Family or Pocket IVith or without the realm.? Who wants a Hymn or Psalm Book' With bati.ustli School and other good Boolip! Who wants School Books or Statlon,ry With Blank Books, km, elopec, Slates and Mationery to general? CALL AT HEAVEN' BOOK STORE, CIVIL door to Nerr's Shook more, a'lllf. AMERICAN WASHER! PRICE, *5.50., Tile American Washer Saves Money, Time, and Drildger,• The Fatigue of }gashing Lkey Ito Longer Dreaded, but Economy, EA:limey, and Clean ur e. 410 calling public attention to this little machine, a new offtheinTaluatile qualities.lnot posisEvieti by any other washing machine yet, invebtett,i are here enumerated: It is the mattes% moat compact. meet puruble, most simple to construction, wont easily operated. A child ten years old, with a tea hours' practice. can thoroughly compreheod and effectually use It. There is no adjusting, no screws to annoy, no delay in adapting . It is alWaysidady for use ! It is ol perfect Little wonder It lan tuintature giant, doing more work and of a better quaint'. than the most Elaborate and costly. Cone-half of the labor' is lolly saved by its use, anJ the clothes will last one-half longer than by the old plan of the rub board. It will wash the largest blanket. Three shirts at a time, washing arenmshly ' a mai% the shlutkin of any fabric; from a a Lau Curtain or Cambric Ilandt:eichlei, are equally within the capacity alibis ur risin.m.l It cult be fastened to any tub and taken tan will. No matter note deep rooted a prelpdice may ex ist against Washin. , " alachines, the liniment this lit tic machine hi wren.*.n to perfOrui kis wonders, all double of its cleansing efficacy li9d utility ace banished, and the dontiter and detractor at once become the last Mends of the,machine. We have testimonials without end, setting forth its numerous adeantages'nver all ahem. and front Itrindreds who have thrown aside-the ouwidely, useless machines, which have signlly tailed 10 accomplish the object promised in prominent and loud sounding advertisements. . it is as perfect for washing as a • wringer is for wringing. The price another paramount indnre meta to purchasers, has been placed so low %hat it in within the reach of every botiselteeper, and there to no article of•damestic economy that w ill repay the small investnteut rp Cu soot. ; • All that k animal for thiallltEA1 4 LABOR SAV- Eli', Is a falrtriaL We guarauteat each machine to du IN work perfectly. SoLN kaaara YOB to= 13 trizo STATE*, A. H. FRANCISCUS ft CO.. 513 Illaiket St., PhOrad9a., The hugest and cheapeNt WOODEN WARE HOUSE In the Unßea States. . teepii-Sm - - THE BEST IN THEAVORLIM .. ~ 1' 1,.. -. I EI . IIEO3IId Sampson . STANDARD SCALES, All sizes and varie44ca for .ale by SOU'DVIIt, - r 63 Wood tit...Plitsbuilat.' 'Alma . l4atthonaa Tnack=...Pattalllogerltras7rv, —and— GROCERS' FIXTURES. septi4m. wens CLRPETS I I cA_l;ra-E'rsi` OIL CLOMP OIL CLOI2,ISt OIL cLOTHS! RUGS? RUGS RIGS! HUGS ILI-- .T_ MAXTING.S! MATTMGfiII MAPTINGS! . Having bought a large steerlo'mm the recent advance, lam selling at old prices. . Cull and gee my stock and prices and antis 'fy yourself. A. C. lIIIRS'32. ~, Bridgewater; Aug. 30--2 m. --- Or Blanks, BM-needs. (41rds, Tasters. .te near executed at Ibis Once. gENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMATWIL WorneAkin and by an Act of the General As nembiy .of the 'Votatnottwealth orl'encoryiranut, "An Att retatin: tbeetectitms of the Commonwealth:" Named, the ttd, day ot July, A. D. OM, It Is made tho duty" of the rsticrftf hf every county within this ecommmtuatalth to give public notice of the are' octal Etectiothl, and in v.ucli no tice to enumerate: • 1. The ofne.ers In ho elected: `a. Designate the place. at %erica' the election is to be bent. • 1 5 .1011 N onAenno, high Sheriff or the County of Nacre, do hereby make known. anti give this public uotico to the Electors of thC coml• ty or heaver, thin On the.-4Altuesday of October deity (betng the Wit day of the mouth) a General Ejec tion will be held Pt the several election diatricts established by law in said county, et which time they will vote by ballot for the several onlet rs. hereinafter named. vie: One Person for the office of Auditor of tne Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One Person fur the office of Surveyor (len eral of the C. mffiouwealth of Pennsylvania. . Four Persotts for Members of As/kit:l)ly of the (.'ommonwestith of Petuoylvaililo One Person for the otlicesif ASPOGlate Judge for the county of Beaver, One Person for the office of 'Preasurer of the C.MILIty of Beaver.. Otte Person for the °We of .Dliktrlct Attor ney' of the cuuuty.of Deliver. - One Person' fur Disaffirm of ottviry , Commie. stoner of the county or Eleneer. One peratut kr the office'of Director of the Poor of the county of Deaver.: One Person for the °Mee of A uditor of the county of tkB3rer for three yeure.- One Person for the of of Auditor or the county of Beaver for one your. One Person fur the office of County Surveyor of the county of Beaver. Two Persons for the . Wilco of Trustees of the Academy of the county of Licayser. The tied election will be held throughout the county na.follows: • The electors of the borongh of Denver %till meet at the :Sheriff's *Mee, to said borough. The erectors of Berongh towntihits will meet at tie brick school house lathe Vlitago of Vanpost. The elector, orilritlvi,ewnter horotth 01. meet nt the Town Ilad to Brldpwater. The electron 91 Phillipstinitidistrtct will meet At the fit:tool hoti4e to said berengh. The-electors ex Mocm township will meet at the house fonsteslyalCCllNC4 14 Amelia!' Hendricks= --noW by' Johil D: Eilleitt" The electorsitit UoPoatelkurmiship will meet at the schoolhouse= the r uses of scottsville, In Baia township. ' The electors of Independence township will meet at the house of Alexandsrntonitistet, dec'd In raid jowllshlP. The. Olectont of liatioacta towuship will. meet at the house of David Ewing. in said township . The electors i.f Fmnkion district will meet at the bowie of George tingrin, hi Frankfort. The electors of McGuire a Diatrirt i 111 tort at the hoe otiolin Potter, In the of Han over. "Ilie'elmors of (?Teeny township will meet at the house of, Elijah Niswatwer. in llookstown. The electors oi Ohio town. hip will meet at the house nowoccapictl by Jamison Eldon', do, said township. 'Ma electors of littiraion township (not em hrett.ed in Ind ustrY dish ict)ts il I meet at the school house near Richey Eakin's. In said township. The electors of the horongh of Psi Won will meet at the Academy. in Yallston. The electors of P..tterson township will meet at th-,schoul house. in the village of Brighton. The electors of Chippewa township will meet st the house of Ar.e.rialt Inman. in said township. The electors of ,South Doter_ township will meet at too hons4.‘ed dohs Rowels Said tocellsblp. Ihe electors of ihirlingtou township w„ . 111 meet at the Academy. to Darlington. The elect Ors of Big Deaver tow uship w (II meet at the house of widow . tiler, Iu said township The electors of Vranklin township will meet at the house of Mark It. (lark, In said to The eteetOrt of North Sewickley township will Meet at the house of Nathan Ilazen, on., taud for thseit Mr/OC, PillaslinNtenSlMp will men at Daugherty s`iehobritouge., Ikto: in staid-lowir. ship. 'I he electors of lilarion towatthip will meet at the house of George'. liartzell,,lr.. In said township The electors 4J the tippeti,pfitititltwarsl 4 -in the Dorm :Ant New Eitiiirron.lisiThineet at the -Car penter shop of Thomas 111 tier, to-aid The Oeston!~ or the middle ward of ttte Ltorvoo Of New Brighton will meet at the setiord.houie_la laid ward. The electors of the lower; or south ward, of the borough of New Brighton will meet at the Car- Factory, 14 Paid ward. The electors of Itochestei township Will meet at the Bole.PYllle school house, In said township The etee.tor* of the botough of Racht-,ter will mFet at the rehool hon.e,lo floehr4ter. ThP Mectorp. of Froodttn boromzti and dintrtct will =et tat thg rchool haute In Froodnin. The electors 61 NPAV Sessockley towwship wlll meet at the hone of-Johu Fenzie, in said town ehip cc, The electors of Industry dietrict h ill west at the school house, in twittery. The e let tont nr Iltarnancy jowpatapi will meet at the howl, In Ecouotny The electors of Ectmotity tOwDebip v I 1 meet nt flit 'Armee tittle:ergo-El Minis. hi sfbl totroithip. • The elector, of St. Clair borough .111 Mert at the Fcliool Moo,, in pahl..horough. The elector, of the hormigh or Ba.len will meet al the public echo.' hon-e. In ,aid borough. .The elector, of Net;i borough wilt meet, at the school bouwe, In New Gallica:. The elector* of the boruntth of Beaver Fall* o 11l meet at the school hmtse, to sale bo.Oagh The elector* of the borough of Georgetown will meet at the school home. to raid borough. And the twventi Jttd,ep, In4pectoh and Cler ks who attend to the general election on tie p ec.o od Tueodne of October are hereby enjoined to attend nod perform nt.t :e paid election of ElecturO, to he holden nt , tacivsnid, th 4 111 a tintoto, iintijeet ttt the 11 e prunitivi ihrtni.contlnet no they ire liable to nt the ett.ellOn Tot merfillers of Agretohly, Jef T make known soil glte a.r. In and by the 13th reetinil4,f tlle afkocoLahlt net I am threered, "that every permit, excepting loptlres of the oeato, who tabor. hold any Whet. or appointment of profit or trngt under the Government of the Unit. d Stateo, or of !hill State, or anv dry or In• corpor.atod 614trlet, whether a control...limed '4ll , ver. or otherwlpe, a mohordlnate ofll , :er rr ••11 ,, e0 , . • • lo or Minn he enipl“3.,l under the judiciary be executive departailent of this strue•c i r l'nurd States, or of any cliv or incorporated Ws frier, and also that every member of ongre , a•and the State La Vsinture. and cf the nelcet and rom niou council of any city. e.ounnissioners of any Incorporated diptect. Is by htu - ineapahle of Itold• tag or evercistrof at the same time the oftir,) or appointment of )uti.,:le, inspector or terk orlay Orel of this ( ommonirealth. and ,thiic , no in. ii oe ctor or ititlee or other officer rt 311) , (t•rii eke. lion. 4:41/1 lit eligible to any office thi•ti to be voted for.•' fuev&lf Also, that in the fourth section of the art of As sembly entitled "An Act relating to executions. and for other purposes, - approved April 16, IRM, It is enacted that the aforesaid 13th aeetton "010 not be so construed as to milfile 0111. ter oribortitilzh officer from etorving as „lodge, In spector or clerk of ant' Ceberal ur special electlen to [hit COMlllollwealth. -if any peon dlall fireren; or attempt to pre vent any oftieers of an election tinder this art from holding such election, or use or threaten any vio lent, in any such officer or shall interrupt or jut properly interfere with hits in the execution of ht• duty, or atiall Nock up the wlndoe: or avenue to any window where the same may be holding or shall riotously disturb the trace at Pitch elections oe sbSil ate .zq practice any Inttrnidat4m; threats, foyer or tiofence, with design to,Anthience unduly hr overawe nuy elector or to prevent him from iot In_ or to restrain the frepdom of choice, stint person An conviction shall txt firma ln any imm not eireeding flee hundred dollars and he imprisoned for any lime not less Oulu one month rav more than t‘si , lve months. end if lcSilutil be shown the coccis here the trial of suctOottence shall he bad. Wirt the person SO offending-ImA nut a resident, of the city, sari, district ortolan.* where the said offence was committed end not entitled to 1:01e therein. then on conviction he shall he sente deed topay ..olneot.not less than one hundred nor ;more thin one thousand dollars and Itoo imprison. ed - rao-te ? .. than sis: uaraithe nor Mere man two )1,1, II any person Or persuns shall make any het or upon the result of any election - within this moutons ealth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager, either by verbal proclamation there ' to or by any printed of n ritten advertisement; I eh:11411g, or Invite any pCrrUn or persons to make sech het or wager. upon conviction thereof,:im or they shall forfeit and pay three titnes the amount fro uffered to be bet. If any person shall cote at itthr than one elec tion di•trict, or otherwise frandittently vote more Mao once on the name day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to the Inspector two LiClialt to g:i•ltter. with oho-intent h.l-10 *0124 or LICI.jI3 •nd procure another CO t: do. ho or Ilk); shall on conviction het illnelin any sum not.less than fifty nor mote thtut AA ; !toothed .dolaret, and i.e tin prisoned not less than three nor More than to dive mein ha - ifuni person not qualified to vote in sbis com monwealth. acreeably to laW,"tExcelltt thesmut of (illantled CItiRCEIP.I shall appear at any plaid of election,, for the purpose of issuffig tickets or tn lioencintr citizens qualified to vote, he vhali, on conviction, forfeit and pay any slim not exceed- Inc our hundred dollars roc, every such offence, end he Imprisoned for any term not exceediug twelve months. In ease the person who shall have received the secoud highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day or election, then the person' who , shall have received the secoadttgbeo number of votes for Judo et the next preceding spring election shall net as Inspector in his place: and to ease the persim who shall have received oho highest number of votes for inspector shall ntat-ettend. the person elktcdjudle. shall appoint In inspector in his place: and In case the person elected Jades *hall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall ncoint JEW ge his place: :or if any vacancy tll contiune in the board for the apace of one or* after the time flied by la* for thd filmening of the election. the qualified voter, of the town ettip. ward or distrlcrfar which such ()filter *hall ham been elected, present at the plane of election shall Select one ea of their ndinher to fill Mich vacancy. also Ove official notice to the electors of Beaver comity that, by an act entitled An Act further supplemental to the act relative to the. etectitme of Wile Commonwealth," approved A priT 17th. A. It iv provided as follows: SECTION 1. ,Ile it enacted by the Senate and Amur of ReplPetentatiees of the .I.'ommenttoctilth raj 11 , nnsyleania in General Assembly met, and U Vh.agony marred by Ike authority of the MM.. air altalt be the duty of each of the assessors within this commonwealth, on the first Monday in Jane of each year, to take up the transcript he has received from the county commissioners cin der the eighth section of the act of the fifteenth of Apri I. eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and pro ceed to, en immediate revision of the same, by striking therefrrim OW name of every person who is known by him Ms have died or removed Once the last previous assessment from the district of which ho is the assessor, or whose death or remo • val haul theism* shall be made known. to him, and to add to the same the name of any qualified voter, who shall be known by him to have reeved Into the district since the last previous hisemmefir, or whose reninval into the When shall be or shall have been made, known to hint; and also the names of all who shall make claim to him to be quailed voters therein. As seen as this reviskro is completed he shalt visit e idisrelling house In his district and make eare7 .medleyll any person whose name Is CM his list, Itasdled or removed - from the district, and If so. to ratathe same therefrom. or whether say goali e enter residetthereln- is not whose name On biotin, and If so, tteadd the same thereto and ID all cases where a mune to added lo the ma a v i ta • ferthwith be assessed against the seee Pe. rs by and Ikeessessor shall in all awes Minitt area what ground, 'be Rerson of ad elatMe to be " der ' tlignl th e aLesso'enmr Ode work. I t shall-hothe nut/ „.. 81,3- aforesaid to proceed to duke en ut above tw enty betted order of the walla frrotnbo ::00,4 voter. One towi nhip, or district of s bnwinouseahmitChkheamit:peritidrst. andertilermitogar-saLdanthfdrecutauenPumileiliat e o o a r f ch is net's the allt,toCileew:MeaTflieWbOberglinlorehtbeeTOClrten:inena whic h r n umbers , u n m u t t r j I , Igo: - - -"4 -I Riations. net:Wry Law.. Elections; name of the street, alley or court on which said ,Irgfronts; also, the occupation of the person - here he ha SUL - linsteettenter tisa spom nii ' they, ey, place of boarding add with whom, audit' working fas; anetber the name or the einedeyeri anti write opponite each of sahl Willies the word •ivoter;" whom. any person clahnito vote by rea. eon of naturalization, he shalt exhibit his certifi cate thereof to the attaihnior. Milers to has beet' for five consecutive yearn next , preceding a voter In said district anti in nil cases where the person has been naturalized, the name shall he marked with the letter "fil;" where the 'moon haa merely, declared bin Intentions to become n citizen and designs to be naturalized before the nextelettlon, the name shall be matted '"D. 1;" where the claim is to vote by reason of being between the ages of twenty-tine and twenty-two, its provided by law, the word "gre" shall beentered; and If ttui person has moved into the election district to re side Since the. last genera) election, the letter "IV' shall de placed opposite the tame: It shall be the further dell of each assessor an aforesaid, upon the completion of the duties herein imposed, to make out a separate list of ail new sortaaments made by him and the, amounts mussed upon each and furnish the same immediately to the county commisidenleni, trite shall immediately add the namee-to the tax dunnage, of the ward, I borough. township, or dhitrlct in which they hive been amtessed. • dec. Ou the lista being emnpleutd anti the assessments made an aforesaid, .the same 'hail forthwith be returned to the county coreffillortion ers, who shall came duplicate °aphis of laid lists withihe4dierratiens and ezplarratiOns required to be noted as aforesaid., to be =de Mee soon as practicable and' pleced" in the hands °Vito atessit, sor, who shall, Inter to the fled coital... Mad in tech- rear. put Otto copy thereof on the door of, o i r on, the house, arluxe the el‘KtfOu or the bespective d istrfet iA teredred to be held, and retain the nth. er to his dotwesvion for the inspection, free of charge, in any person resident in the said elec tion district who liken desist to see She same; and It shrdlsbe the deity of the said assessor to add, from ume to time, on the PIMP*/ APP/lalfit 4 or any one claiming the , right to vote, the name of •eeh claimant. and mark opposite the tome C- V." and hamedthtely matese him with a tax, noting as bt all othir cases, his occupation, residence, whether a boarder or housekeeper ; if a boarder, with whom ho boatdr, and whether naturalized or oesiening to be, marking- in ail suclicases the let ters, opposite, •N. or D. I," as the ens may be; If the person claiming to be inesesed bo annualized he shall exhibit to the auesnor bla certificate of naturalization; and Übe claims that he designs to be nataradzed before the next ensu ing, election. he shall exhibit the certificate of his eisselexation of intention ; m all cases where any ward, borough, township or election district Is di vided Into two or more Inticlnets, the- sweatier shalt note all his asamennerits the election PM. cilia In which each elector resides, and shall make a separate return for each tothe comity eamanla sionent In all cases in which a netti n In required from him by this..- - .&slatt.4 of this act; and the county eommlssicruere, hflimking Minden*: copies of all such returns, shalt make duplicate Comma ,the names of the voters In each precinct separate ly. and shall furnish the same to the assessor; and the copies required by :Ma act to be placed on the doors of, or on election places, on or before the first of e tspgust in emit year, shall he placed on the door of or on the cle'etion place fe each of wild precut to. ' si. After the assessments have beet/ com pleted on the tenth day preceding the second Tiie stlay in October ut year, the altiKaiiint shall,on the Monday immediately following, make a retunr to the eottuty cuintnise loners of the names of all persons assessed by him since the retnrn re quired to ba made by-Lim by the second section of this act, noting opposite each name the olroer %minus arid explanattons required to he noted as aforesaid; nun the comity conamlidonert shall thereupon cease the same to he added to the re turn required by tile second section of this act. and a full and correct copy thereof tube made. con taining the mesa of ad persons 10 returned as resident tazahles in said ward, Liortrugh, township or precinct, and furnish the same, together with the vere.sary election btanks, so the emcee, of the election in said ward, teruegh, townehip or pr eruct, on or before ale o'clock I n the'morning of the second Tuesday of fkaoliert• and no man shall be permitted to vote at , the , election on that day whose name ti not ..Hasid list. unless he shall make proof of his right to vote, as hereinafter rc. !mired Ser. 4 On the day of election any pereou na:ue is not on the said hoc and clainemg rieet to vote at said election, shall produce at ist rue guanine' voter of the Menet as a wit. nese to the residence of the claimant In the &s -hict in which he claims to he a voter. for the palled of at least ten days next presorting said election, Which witness shell take and subscribe written, or partly Written and partly printed, affidavit to the facts stated by him, which affida vit shall define ellawly where the. reaidenee is of the person so ckuming to be a voter; and the per son so claiming the right to vote shall also take and sehtscrlhe a written, or partly written and partly primed egidavit, stating., to the best of his knoo ltzge awl belief, whersti=and when he was born ; 'that be is a citizen Elf the commonwealth 01 Pennsylianla and of the Vetted _ he bas resided in the commeargaittrone year. or •f formerly a citizen therein and -has Mitred therefrOm, that be pas resided therein six Mouths next preceding said eieCtUni , that he li.ts not moved into the district far the pnrpowe oftoting therein ; that'be has paid a state or county tat e 011ie two years, which eras teniesoed at least ten dap, Imfore said election; and, if a naturalized ettizen. shall also state when, whin and by what court he was naturalized, and - also produce his curotleste of haturali,ratton foe exaudnatlOn, the said attldai it shall tutu state wirer and where the ter claimed to he paid by the defeat was assessed, and when, u • 'lldtm and tO wbOin paid; and the tax reciaptUtereldr t hall be producect for examine. tics, finless the Iffilabt stall state In his affidavit that tt luta been loot or destrayell, or that be miser received any ; but It the person so claiming the right to vote shall take'and subscribe tha affidavit, that-tie is a native - bore citizen of-the Vtalted. • States (or it born elsewhere, shall state the tact tit hie rand-wit., and shall produce evidence that he bra been naturalized, or that he Is entitled to Ott ,enehip by reason of his tether's naturalization), and shall further state in his affidavit that he 18, at the time of taking the affidavit, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, that he tuns resided in the State one year and in the elect ' lion district ten days twit preceding such election, he shall he entitled to vote. although Le stud' not have paid taxes ; the said mildavite of all persons 'tanking such claims, and the aftlenvits of the wit i.eleira to their residence. Shan be vreacievad by the election board, and at the close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of i °ter.. tally list and other papers required by law to he filed by the return judge with the prothonotary. and shall remain on the file therewith in the prothon otary's office. subject to examination, an other election papers are if the election officers shall nod that the applicant or applicants nosiers al! the trend qualifications of voters. he or they shall p rrin utrd to tote, and the name or names shall added to the list or ttunt.ley by the election of rs, the word - lax - betel; added where the claimant Claims to vote on ta::, and the word -age" where he claims to vote on age: the Fame word, being added by the delta In each case re spectisely on the Ind of persons voting at such I election eve :.. it shalleve lawful for any qualified cui zee of the district, notwithstanding the mime of the proposed voter is contained on the list of res ident taxable*. to challenge the vote of such per n Win, whereupon the same - proorof the right of suf freee as is now Twinned by law shall be pribliely made and acted on by the election beard, and the note admitted. or rejected, ercorditie t 43 the evi dence; every person claiming to be n naturalized citizen shall be required to produce hi. naturali zethin pertiffcat e at the election befeire voting, except where be has been for ten years, competi tively, a voter inithe eistriet iu which, he offers his vote; and on the vote of such person being re eel, Li, it shall be the duty of the electicin officers to e its. or stamp on such certifivele the word --wee-i." with the mouth and year; and if any election officer or officer* shall received second eoteonn come (Inv, by virtue of the same cer t exeepting witere sops are entitled to vote by i.cnteof tits naturalization of their fathers. they :sod the pereon who shall offer such second vote, Irvin to offending ellen' be guilty of a high miedrineanor. and on conviction thereof, be tined or imprisoned or butt, at the discretion of the cum:, tent the tine shad not exceed one hundred dOilars in etch case nor the imprisonment one year. the like pueishment shall be indicted on conatetioa ui the ufficere of election who shall nee q r , tefnse Mtn:lke. or can= to be mule the Indoesetifient required as aforesaid on said natu ralization certificate. See. G. If any election officer eh= refuse or new. ?tee to require snit proof of the right of suffrage tie is preseeibed by this law, or the Laws to which this is a .itipplettient, front. any person °andel: to vote, whose name I. not on the helot asSeelicti voters., in whosie right to vete is challenged by any (mauled inter present, and shall admit etch person to vols without requiring such proof. every person so offending =all. upon conviction, be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and =all be vela teuced for ever, such offence to pay a fine oot !a cceding one htrOred &oilers, or to nueergo so imoneoninent noehiore than one year, or either, .or both. at the discretion of the court. Sze 7. 10 days preceding everyelettion torelec tore of President and Vice President of the United State. it eh= be the duty ot the assessor to attend at the piece fired by law for bolding election in each election district. and then and there hear all spell einem, of persons whose names have been.omit ted from the list of assessed voters, and who clinm the right to vote, or whose rights have originated since the sumo was made one and shall add the names of sue) persons thereto as shat' stow that they ace entitled to the right of suffrage in snot district, ou the personal application of the claim ant only. and forthwith assess them with the pro per tax. After xannipletinc the iisr, a copy thereof shall be placed on the door of, or on the hence, where ilia , election him beheld, at least eiebt days be fore the election ; august the election the some emirs" shall beilvertnied in all respects as is rr gnired by thisadinnti the beta to which it% a sop iiiietnent,at dye general e !rondo in October. The aeseetor idea else make the same return to the cOltitty coumilisionete of all' tiseeeerneWe made by eirtineof this section; and the coruatycommiesiou dra shall furnish copies thertxd to the election ut limos iu eech district in like manner in all respects as is required at the.general election In October See. 5. The same rules and regulations =all apply at every special electiou, an every separate dry, boroudi or ward election. in, all respects as 41 the general elections in Octoiier, see. 9. The respective aesessoteinspectots and hideves of the -election shall each have the power to administer oaths to.any person claiming the right to be asinaised or the right of anftrage, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to be done or inquired into by any of said_officee under this act; and any wind false awe rmg by any person In relation to any matter or thing concerning which they *hall be lawftilly interrogated by any of said officer* shall be punished air Sec. 10. The assessors shall each teceive the same compensation for the time necessarily spent in performing the darts hereby enjoined as is provided by law for the performance of their oth er defies, tO Inc paid by the county ofterlideaten ers as in other cases; and Rebell not be lawful for any assessor to mese a tax against any person whatever within urn days next preceding the elec tion to be held on the lid Tuesday of any year, or within ten days next before any election for electors for President and Vice President of the United States; anyutstion of this provision shall be a misdemeanorand subject the officers so offending to a fine, o conviction, not exceed ing one hundred dollars': or ta.lmprteenment. not exceeding three months, or both, at the dbieretion. of the coed- Sec. 11. On the petition eit,..Cre or more citi zens of the county, stating under oath that O t t verily believe that trends will be practiced at. .pall election about to be held In any 018111C4t; l c!! said be-the duty of the court of conic:Way d thereof in county, if In session, or It not la .tvg 11PP6113 tsr°jUdwilniC7/41's 'Or7e"rs ,41iii d iut citizens of the coin% sun be selected stein election ; ( " Trite, uu jeipse. trotq dkeerent par ties, and where both tal:4l/ bel"g t° "'lid 1 to the senepolitleal par of mtd /na pth ect O r : ° Mean be taken from the tY, both- sate overseers shall-nave Opposite political re, ' ,sent with the officers of the c t ts ° firjegehlrerthriogPte—e whole time the game is held. the setr's coUntod sod the returns made out rut or die election °Metre ; to keep - rut or - Lief% , if they see proper; to deviltries any' per. son offering to vote, and to Interrogate him and pia witnesses =dew oath, In regard to his right of suffrage at eaddeetection, and to examine fire pa nper*produced ;. and the officers of said election are required to afford to said overseer's° selected appointed, every convenience and feetlity for the discharge Of fish duties; and if said elec tion officers shalt refuse to paella said overseers to be present and perform their duties as afore said, or if they shall be driven away from the voila by violence - or Intimidation, all thsvotes veiled at such election district may be rejected by any such tribunal tieing a contest under said election; Prodded, That no- person -igning the 'petition shall beappointed en overseer. Sec. 12. if any prothonotary, clerk, or the deputy of either, or any person. shall ale the Elections. seat of °Mee or env naturallzation paper, or per mit the Came to be affixed, or glee oat, or cause Pertalt LisseattlO to.. tie .o.lven out, In blank, • whereby it may be o.tudialeally Mad. Or fdrobb a naturalisation certificate to any person who obeli I not have been /MY exandued andawarn in open court, Inshepresence of some orate judges there or, according to oho act of Congress. or 'shall aid In' °l "coluivent. or in any way permit the !more f may fradolent natoralizationcouldeate, he shall Ito guilty dr a blot made:manor: or if any one shalt haodulently use any such cestillata of net rued.ason,knowing that it wail frandaiently or shall vote, or anew tO vote thereon, or !fatty one shall vote, or attempt to mtg. iro OILY certificate or naturaitaation not issued to him, he • shall be gitiql abilfh Misdemeanor ; stab& eith er or at), or the persona. their alders or ettors, - • guilty of either of the othselemeasione aforesaid. 'ball, on conviction, be acted Masotti not exceed ing one thonsand dollar", and imprisoned, to th e proper , pesitentiary for a period nor- em e ee d teg throe years. Sec. 13. Any person who on oath or alm Sou. filer before any court in this stare, or racer authorized to astailtaistuf oaths. *bad, to proem a certificate oaaturahastion, for hionalf or any other person, wilfully depose, , deciarei or Mann soy matter to be a fact' knowing the sumo to be fairo.or stains like piaatter deny soy matter to he bet. knoalog the same to be brae, shall be deemed guilty of. perjury; and a. certificate of ottranalzstion Woad in putsuanco of any such deposition, declaration or animation, shall be sail and void; and it shell be the duty of tla Court 'Lading the same, upon proof being made before It - Mat it was fraudulently obtained, to take fur. Umadiato me:wares for re-calling the saute for can cellation; and any person who shall vote. or at-, - taint. tonne, oarurnaaper so obtained, or who 'mall In any,way ald in. connlye at, or titre an, agency whatever la the Issoevelrettbition or use of-any fmtutalent nattualizatt ia . certidtatur, shall be deentedtigy 4 pl a misdemeanor, .And upon conviction shall undergo 4W-imprison went In the penitentiary for mot eldwe'n. two -‘7 years. and pay-a ftue, not moro than A tho usand dollar* for every such offence, or eitheror both,''' at the discretion of the eoort. Sac. 14. Any assessor, election officer orpersOn appointed as an overseer, who shall neglect or re fuse to perfotm any duty enjoined by Mb act, without reasonable or legal-cause. eh be 'object to a penalty of one hundred dollars; and If nik7 sneerer ehill assets any person as a voter who Ls not gratified, or shall refuse Witness any onewho qualified, he shall he corny of a misdemeanor in attic-. see on conviction be punished by fine or imprisonment, and abot be tabled to en talon for damages by the party =rimed; and flatly per son shalt telindalentlyelter, add to, deface Gt des troy any bat tter made out As directed by this act. or tear do wn or remove the same from the p lace where It has been Axed, with, fraudulent er mischievous oaten:. or for ally ImPrePe-g_ purpose s the person so offeading *hail be punishe d by sane not exceeding-live hundred dollars, or imprison ment not exceeding two years, or both, at the dis cretion of the court. • • • • • 4 . • • • Sc.E in. Ms clectiaha hereafter h e ld; end " the Laws of Oir commonwealth, the tops shall be opened between the hones of six and seven o clock, a. m.. and cloeed it seven o'clock, p. • • • . • • • • • Sec. 19. That citizens of this State telpporart• l e y in the service of the State or of the United tates' governments, on clerical or other duty., and who do not vote w here thus esnploved, shall not be thereby' deprived of the right to vote in their several election districts if otherwtse duly clash, nod. Change In the Mode of 'Yount. ,; AR Merida directed, I also give official notimt of the following provision of an act approVed • March entitled "An Act regulating the mode of -voting at all election/ in the seem! couutlem of this Comtnonweallh- Sgentiat 1. B. it enachtt by the Senate and Boute otippreerntatirie of the Commonwealth Ftnnsylaanta in VeneratAxeembly met and it is hereby ' , nailed by the authority of th 4 same; That the qualified voters of the several counties of title commtmwealth, at all genenst townaldp bor ough and special elections, are hereby bereatafter • andwitlzed and required to vote by ticket* writ- t, ten or printett.or partly printed and partly writ ten. severely Natal:led as follows: One ticket ph/ill embrace the names of all judges of courti voted fur and le labelled outelde "Judic;stli n one ticket shall embrace the names of all State officers voted fin, and be labelled "State." ohs • ticket shall embrace the noshes of an couttty oa cent voted for. Including offiee oLdetuator.; main ber and memberi of Assembly, it voted for, and be labelled "County:" one -cket: 'ball embrace the names of all township offeera voted for, and be labelled "fownshin" ono ticket stall embirata the names of all borough officers toted for, and be labelled "Borough;" and Atach close shall he de posited to veparato baltot-boxes. Colored Voters' Laic. The following Distinctions from hiii Excellency' Gov. Geary, explains the dillies of assessors. reg isters And election officers in regard to all freed men of-this 'Commonwealth ; EXECUTIVE' CEIANIIEU, . ' I Thi-asenzalwßo&r,:Fs.„ Aug. 27,1871. To the Sherif of theCceunty ih'itenzes. The Fifteenth AmenamenFlT - Dre --- Constitution of the United States is as follows: SEGTToS 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote snail not bh dented or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of race; color, or prey ions condition of servitude. SEcTIO,.4 9: -The Congress shall hare power to' enforce nibs article by appropriate Legislation. A of/ takeretts. The Congress of the United Slates on the Stet day of March, halt passed an act en titled "Art art to enforce the right of citizens of the United States to role in the several. States of this t'viori and for other purposes," the first and sec• and seetioas or whichtire as follows: , tirort.m : . Beet enacted by the Senate and Douse of Itepresentafires of the United Rates of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That all citizens of the United States sit:mare, or shall be otherwise quid (tied by law to vote at any election by, the people in any State, Territtiry. District, county. city, par i-h, township, school district, municipality, or other territorial sub-division, ahall be entitled and allowed to vote at all such elections without distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude; any constitution, law, custom, usage or regulation of any State or territory, or by or under • its authority, to the contrary notwithstanding." ' Sac. 2. And be it further enacted. That if by or under the sot rig of the Constitution or laws Mani State, laws of any Territory; any act is or shall be re 'red tobedone as a pre-requrite 1 or qualification voting, and by such Constitu tion or law , pens or officers are or shall be charged with,the performance of duties in fur nishing citizens Inopportunity to perform such pre-requisite, or to become qualified . t o vote, it shall be the duty of every inch perso n and officer to give to aR citizens of the United States, the same and equal opportunity to perform inch pre requisite, and to become qualified to votewithont distinction of rsee„"eolor or previous condition of servitude; and It, lute such person or omcer shall refuse or kuowin"ly orbit to give fall effect to this section, he shall; for every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, fu l l be recovered by an action on the case, with full costa and such allow ance for courrae I fees es the court stall deem Just, and shall also for every such offence, be deeniked guilty of a miaden=oz, and shall on conviction thereof he fined not less than five hundred dol lars, or be imprisoned not less than one month. and not more than-one year, or both, at the discre tion ofthe court. i r And whereas, it is declared by the td 6 f the VI article of the Constitution of th e Unit States. that • This Constitution , and the laws the Unl• ted Statist which shall be made to mirunance thereof, the anntmm. e lsw of the land. • • ..... • anything in Viz Uonsfifilion or tows of aay State to Mt con/A:try noteithefanding." And'Whereas. th e Legislature of this common wealth,On thefilitt day of April. A. D.. ISM, pass ed an act. entitled -A further supplement to the act relating to elections In this commonwealth," the section of which provided u follows:. Sic. ill That so much of every act of Assem bly as provides that only e white freemen shall be. entitled to vote or to be - registered as voters or es chttrning•to,vote at any zerieral or special election of this commonwealth be and the same Is hereby repealed; Intl that hereafter all freemets, without distinction of color, !Mali be enrolled and regis tered recording to the provisions of the lit sec tion of the art approved lith of - April, ItTS, entitled - An act further rupplemental to the act relating to the elections of this commonwealth," and when otherwise qaDtled under existing laws, be enti. tied to t ote at all galena! and especial elections in this commonwealth. . . Awl whereas it le my constitutional and ottani duty to "take care that the laws ho faithfully exe cuted;" and it has come tomy knowledge that sun dry assessors and registers of voters have refused, and are refusing to assess- and register divers cot- . oved maltinitizens of lawful-age, and otherwise qualified as electors:. Now, therefore, in consideration of tlats-premi set; the county contmissionere of said county are hereby notified and directed to instruct tfie sever al assessors sod registera Of voters therein, to obey and conform to the reqnirements of said eonstitit, • tinned amendment and laws; and Iho sheriff of said conOty is hereby authorized and required to pub lish in his election proclaniation for the next en sulne elections, the herein recited constitutional amendment. act of Congress; and act of the Leg islature, to the end that the mime may be known executed and obeyed by all assessors. registers of voters. election officers and Others, and that the rights and privilege' , .marantced thereby may be secured to all the citizens of this commonwealth entitled to the seine. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, the day and year is`."r, first above written. A tiSsX : .1/40. W. GARY. F. Jor.nA..v, S.rrefory of f 'ommonmealilt. Vote on Constitutional Convention. As therein directed, 1 also give ettleisi notice of the foljowitid provisions of an Act approved June i. h 47!.. entitled "An Act to authorize a popular *site utan the queettor. of callidg a convention to amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania:" SECTION I. Ile It enacted by the Senate and - Irony of Rspresentaftres ofthe Ctmunonwealth Annsyirania in General Assembly met, and U Hereby exacted by the authority of the lame, That the question of calling a convention to amend the constitution or nib commonwealth be sub. mined to a vote of the people at the general elec tion to be held on the second Tuesday ofiletober next, said question to be voted upon in the manner following, to wit: In counties and cities in which slip ticket voting is authorized by law, Vette for and against a convention may be expressed and given upon the ticket: heeded or endorsed with the word "state," and not otherwise; and the words used shall be "constitutional convention" and underneath "for a convention" or "against contention;" and in counties and districts in which slip ticket voting shall not be authorized 2.llLT:te electorw b v al o l d e l Z g en i r n Vo d i ge es :: tn aide " constitution] convention," and contsinier on the inside the word,' "Tor a convention" or "against -a convention" ar d ell votes cut as aforesaid shall be received, counted and returned by the proper officers arid rerun judges as votes for gOVellier are received,. courted and ?reined under existing laws. Sac. S. That the election aforesaid shall be held and be subject to all the provisions of law which apply-to general eleetionsi. contained i n .sth Pursuant ro provisions n , section o these afirnisold• the Judees of the aforesaidf districts shall respectively take orate certiecates of return or the election or chars orate &Orin& and produce them at a meet ing of one judge from each district st tha borough of Beaver, on the third day after the air of the election. being on Friday, the 13111 'lay of ()team:, 1871 , then and there to do MI-per form the duties required by law of said Judges. • Also, that where a judge, by. stoking* or una vt*lable accident, Is unable to intend such meet ing of judges, then the certificate or return stein be Isken charge of by one of the Inspectors or clerks of the election of the dlatrol, who shall de and perform the duties required of said judge un able to attend. • The Ihrfircernistive negro JudgmeiriU met, in ser,ordarace with an Act upproray 11 , 1871, at, the Court Houma, in Hower, in the borough of Bearer, In the minty of DOME% 'On She seventh day lifter the eirption. being-Tip:lo4n _October 18, 19.'1. Given under my hand, Atllty caw. in. Bearer, this 6th day of September , tu the year , of our Lard one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, and in the ninety-Ott year of the -Indepen dence of the United Mates. , JOHN, GRABBING. gbetiff. Sbertira Oak*. Bearer. Pa., Sept., 6.187Y-4w Got szn Pon:gists Pzu.—Stneettang stew and novel. lie sure and read the adeertisemithtth onr paper beaded, " GreatestlnvenWn of the Age." We believe the Golden Pounteln. Pen to unser passed. Aril pee us a neeeallty to-essay man. woman an shad. Azad', bate fa d easeas to m*e money lntroduelng a good and askew. ankle. POWAY BEI