The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 05, 1871, Image 1

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    A d v erti sements aro Inserted at tho 'rata
31,00 per square for tint Insertion, and
for imch Nabsequent Inbartion 60 , 080ta..
A liberal discount ideas on yearly Ad
vertisements. ,
A space equal to ten .lines of this type
jtoomures ft square.
Bir,ln PSA Notleor set under ahead -by
themselves immediately after the local
will be charged -ten cents a line
each insertion.
dvertleemenp should be . banded In
bonire Monday. noon to Insitre Insertion
iu that week's pa. ,r.
JANI Ks C ANUS Olt. Attoesey at law, Itestrr:
Po,, taco on :id at., IP IttAtm= Ibrtnerlyuc
t ',Oct' by the late Junge. cmaninnhank, All Otwld
entroated to him will looqve ykrrogit . 11 d
attention. • • •• • ii" 2lll Y
,OLIN l.l..liitiso. Altoxnetsi Ind
rei.stenve =Third - eV outorillilirlt..,n".•
J. i.,",L,f 1 ',“.mr . ,b1K. 1 „:',.. .44•04 .
tie.; promptly atiendedlithl 110111. r e
mines. bony tiootti. 32., L OWIliolt:eo or ,
Inlrti and endear: a U mts. " 4.?•.5",„• 1 ,Y 1y
C. COYLE, practical Watchmaker and Jew
,•ler, on Third aueet. Bearer, IlLglitorly •
ktoore's.7._ea wily.
ICU [ll l 7 'Ationre_y at. Law.. Omen t
orThirdstrankßaiater.TL . trrinKilithly
1t..1. S Mi.N llTi:Fgraoux AND 8131101:01?
F attentlOn pald to treatment of Female
a doors I
W oi td o l e lt emod ffi4coe
a O s n .
Th a i p kPrtrleaY
01IN .11001tE, DrugaUt and dealer In'paints,
ri mlr. pure menial Wines and lianas. than-
Lampe and Fancy Goodin ]lain et., Pre-
rytioor carefully compounded. eeps l B3.T
ENICYMERZ, dlannfacturer end Dealer In
I .i
1;0.4 , , Shoes and Unitas; Ilaln PL. [Pep23O
111...1 VEIL ..DICUO STOICS, Dago Andrlesiten,
) Pruggipt S Apothecary, Male at Procrip.~
ariquily compounded. (Pe'Vt-kIY
J. A. IC DEMON, Dialler In the improved 1ffl:
;".• shuttle Sewing - Machine, Main pt. See
in Another column. eeptittly
I Mrs.& 11., Dealer In Millinery Goods
II .t Trimmings:, Third lit , Beater. eplB,ly
M MOORE. Grocerpt)teatantaxit Choice
Tess. Best Coffees, TonaeW and Ciprs,'
i and Vegetablet. ( Main s 6 tioptaly
t It. ANSIIUTZ. D tiware, —
ealer in TiSuoves,
Y• linst4..te. West end 3d At. • sopatnly
p W. DEVORE, Insursnee nani7B — eaver.
I • tisil Dud get your property itniured...nettatly
It o ROA NSTEHM. Dealos In Loots.S; Shoes,
a) Nu SO Market St. Pittsburgh, Fs tseplkly
SP HILLIPS. Beal Estate Avant& 9p.
k_ : poano Post Ortleo. Publishers of the. "Real E.-
tdo Iteo,tor," seat Res. Pittsburgh., [sept4;li
• IiENDEBSON&BRWZWkoIoso rug .
li D
e I Is, WA Liberty St. ritleburgh. -kepl4:ll
0 ItAklialkllCS ILAYFAILOB..2:I I :iIOBAv -.
r roue, locarklarkel.SL)l . lttsborgli. 4in:114;17.
Fitt#4lLWl' d grgi
1,1:1'11 1101tNE W. CU, "a S. Ifitifeet b
, 110 Wood
INsOtrgh—haportent dealerg In " lotlonr,
aantegls Hoak ry, While Oooda, &e. frpthly
EVNIER k 111tOTIIF.ItS, French and .Ainerl.
It c,o Coutertionerr. Dealears in ante; traits;
12+,130 Wood St. FUtahurgh, taapthly
CarltE, Dodo le choice rep.; Corfeeaat
I' milt Grocertex. N 0.20 Fifth Avenue, Phis
. ~ ,r eh. , erpl4;ly
Ito' Niiirgitter — E - HON.lere tho,New
r) Fnmlly Herring Machina'. Jl6 Market
t, l'ltteborgh, l'a. ' setijily
t LIVER !lITLIN I rtiCkr Ilkorlers to Car..
t., ata ttpeel*(Stoot to
t:h Avouuo. PitrobuiFy, (tett:lt:lr
1.. 30CCIMPI;f. to J., Dealer 111
I Watcbm ",,,Jemiry S; sliver Wore: llto
Avenue. Plthsbnrgh. ttleptiO)
11 A. LYONS, ilutimp and Sl);o write,
• to ord, Show CAMS for every brodoetto.—
Ifila Mame, IStsburgh. Pa. it.•'l,ll:lY
i• 't Fl'EliAMiumfactoftr of fool Liner In
1 • ' imulturo and Clutirc—lto4owood. WAhot.
't and Ont. 45bMlthaeld ot.. footS;ly
I 11: .I..WlNANS,EieettleniPhrp!dew Chroidc
1 I :nada a specialty, ilalce;lk {Vnalt
Allegheny city, - Leaplaily
• 11 , TF.11) IVISNE4I I Denlern Id Boots,
' , h.,. • 1131t..r.1, near Sktnuu's Coureztlon.
• .
It , I. Wl' M. I' MSTEAD. Draler* to
.11 N..,10114, Fll/ Goods, Iltmlers.
unkind. Car. Avon; & Broadway. JealtY
ptt lUN
saI I , GE at T a A l l I ho A m N : t at& a Ea p T li i e m dwit o h
rl ieiln,e• 01•.C1+0 Pricealow. -
6I ma, nor. Of Paul and Broadway. my2l'7l-1y
)I • ' ' ' l . • S i. l ll, ,E(2 l{,Ta I.llll°3Nrrll2l-1.1V11.1! oilier t art of
ourin). E. TISUMAS.
I I•l'ik —GILLILAND Jr. KERR, Drl•itl.ti
ipotheretriea: BrOadWay and Falls
New Bmllloo, l'a. tSucretiora to L. B. No
1:0..F. 11ukery S l'onfetiontty,
1 It IL .trreC Speehit attetatlnp given In nett
(l.lll., nntl 1,111, • c
1 , • Ilrondlcny. Nowllriltliton. See tete tipIMY
t M. WIIISLEIrMentiaL • Brinidivni, New
, [sepll;ly
yy Photognwher...) , :lll. —r u*
I I. . ll,allwAy. Boot photog,tilphotromie-toUch
..,l neg At. CY. (septi:ly
11 INTEli & 11E11751 N. Jeweler* and Tohne.
cnnlata, Broadway. N. Briatdon. isepla;iy
.1. Bo It'll% It, Groanica, Queenswate and
el 1100-ellold lloods. Broadway. laypltly•
tdN 1.1:(711, Dealer 4Wall Paper, Wludow
It.nte. llooke,Statloneery & Notlona; Broad.
• New Brighton. ra. [
II Ill'4, STEIN FELD,Denlero in Uri poodm.
•-• Vmicy lioodo A; Noticing Merchant Tallorn . ..t
.thtorr. Broadmsy. uctl2:lY
31nufact i urer and I)raler In.
.; . 11,1 o tory of FIDO 4 :I t I n tIllt I 1'71:I
v it wo braving I3EII
i ti „;. Ds . 3L,:r4n s l i !p u r . ..3
• seillltiy
, .
,‘• r • sepl toy
I . i.';l;.li;i:iti.,TNlll7Aril;.t. , &YR - 46 Pitiii;
• and Stgn Yninurn, Mnni St..
1 ,, ~..c
• _ •
t 11EMINti, pei ler In. Boots and Shoo+ of
I • tionription, M low pncee , , and of a on
.. •. wohlity, Multi St, Marl, Palls Pa. InnidOs•
I: , nrun, Portrait. Levi
l'lodoernph Painter. Work promptly
• ..,a-otetnle, rates., mr.hltt
/ • I II klirtitticlEit, How, and Sign
1 I lo r. Bridge St.. Bridges ater, Tu. npriT;l;iy
1 II t Bridge erect, Bridizewater, Pa.
C o ld and Silver Watcher, Clocks,
and Silver•Ware,SPeelnelel l 'otc. W " ch '
Jewelry repaired;
I \ fashionable Tailor. None
1 e , .:ertenced w olianen emplopd. Slu
..•. intdreunter, Pa. rttS'7l:ly.
I .1111. E Pula lilt, Tinner. Denier in Cop•
• ;.er mot Meet-Iron ware, and iron Ce.tern
Bridge at. Brldmmitter. (seplkly
Denier n
• it..on, and .Shook Bndge St., Bridgewater,
repl tly
a t' lII' Itt , T. Iltv (tooth, llnt.t, Cal 4, rum
„a • I . .,,,eta, Oil Cioihn alcTrisoming, liridim
~.. Brid;:ewater, Pa. ' "Th. nepl4:ly .
11. Belli E irri. - ben it; ier - i100t.,R11,1 Sluia:
f I 1 •
B ._ rldge Street, Bridgewater ! mitt lay
I - II AN AUER, ?dillineti,:Trimmluga & Sorb,, ,
• -Bridge et., Bridgewater. i • I•eottly
1 P. IVEllt.NULN,S•lenttfacture of Boots and
Id • •1t0,,t. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (Avill4;ly .
.. — --._
I.Bs. lIIIFIEN. Gsullernen's Clthlng, el.4),ns,
'.II .0.,1 ple—wd. Water St. aboveyriluv. kepl4:l
I lI*C ‘VOODBLIFF,; Marble Cuper ; Mom I
rI ne at, ,t TOrilhgtoneg of all denriptluna rim!
r !er. BE.Mtirkut and Water etruel, tmepl4,l7
1 ,I . I I.F:S' 4'ol, iirocariei,Cful - e - eiTsiiiiie, W ii:'
r) • ,k.,, td.p.o. Flour, Feed ti quintry Produce.
.at, ~ ,oruer, Bridge St. Bridgewater. [airply
I II: XM M/s:AM - IR.
Dealer hi Monou2dltela
t .i.i . ”rders left at J It. Clarke,, In Beaver,'
..4 t .7 , 111 . 11h . 1t DrULIbII/rV, to Bridgewater, will I,u
~ i,•'‘ Intended to. Ctuth on deli verv—Loweo t
%. tril—Sletlonaltre Point. ' netol...Nly
i , l.SlitN/S-13sAljr I . lonts,Slioe,4 Crii•
si? a
„ I ra ; I nta t .ft s sr t. ll . lnirer ltod LlS t : r wlngmaeltine;
, kftd.K2.4ly .
I NI iilt(ll7., thinstidili. - .New work, or
matrrlnl, made tn - ord.r. All work.
ltd.pepatring neatly donor. l'rloss Low.
octester. ra • jeinlß;ly
\ • ILI. T)111117ET:u:. - 7,utir. DryDood. - 7, Y , D;:
II 0011 Madison et., non? The-
. ..
• ~, 1(1,,,,,,,t. .. • ~
r, P. 1% . 9 . 14:1? ,
1 F.NIII" L..ll.lNlniltirTicTnier endbeni . er In
I I', mann, ur nil I.ll:,dik. ItzuMull it.. hbove
. A 1-'.l, wry. .... , c... adv't. (Kept i;li
KAIWIIEB, Baker and Confectioner...—
, 1 11c, st., Itoctirster, I'a. ,("cP/4,17
M BQYD, Wagon & Curriage Maker,
Itockeeter:lka. ; 1 : 1 Y
\11..:1, C. lIANNEN, Iceacrili•
c.ufully compounded. Water at., ha.
1:1ZI:It .1; MANS,bolestile altetall 1)eal•
• 1. Dry GoodP,Groceries,Floar,Facil,t; rain.
Nang. Cor. Water S Jeuxl
It ICS, Uakor •cud
1, , , 1d1nd Cakes and lea ("result furnt!!)ad
•~1 , r1.0n Ufnutund, Itochester. reopli:ty
t:t It AIX Ileadrtuiriere
ornlgn h llomeeile Dry.Goode. r‘ollone,
.mtultlga and* Fa4cy Goode genetally. Water
•••... Ipote,ter. Pa. • reepletly
\ Lt. CO:, Contractor. rind Builders,
• Mt tutu:inters of bask Doom, Balaton. aw.
Tray*.l Lath S . C. Roc : heater. • reeplitl7
Sreessors to C.
I‘.' .' l ... lll.S ., " . l lo Lk ^ : ll ,l •lle L re i l l at sl B B iwO ' d and Planed
1 7 ,, e , Lath S: siOnatem. Mocheiter. • elifSilY
P; ' ...‘ .1. . : •, 1 •cr i l El ,l 4 . l t . li ii m T . A nd L
obit l erL A •r Lir er A l9:ll
s,IIIwIT CHAS., Manufacturer of and dealer
T In. Copper end Sheet Iron Ware. ItoodleX.
:attended to. N. York et.. ortlytty
, „:.TEFFLEIt A (*.LARK. proprietor, of JoiniNfon
•Good. accomMiNiCielli and Gaud ate•
•. DepOi. Oefi9;iY
iI:P/ne dealer In Boots, ti beata.Mairefe.
Pm . in gg;
j. BROTHER, Iletinacturetre of
namanner. Itoeh g tor, Pa. nomy
TALE general luinetinent of
Queenawire. Sidtlearare, ' Canted
&r. Cur: ad & Broadway., lataM:l7
9,1 A 11.ISS NON. & CO.—Dealera In Dry
i,oollF, , Clothing, Hoch+ Bhocs. Hats Jt Cape,
tillell4l..Querriarrart. Glummer". an.
!^ Ilraaileay .t. Cook ea.! U. UterpnoL,Anslray .
11 . S. HILL & CO, Dragglat, Uroadway.rlear R.
IL Preadiptlune carefully and arearately
vmponnfletl. febtay
Vol. 53—N0 . . , 26•
• _.
fliir "---'.
JORN THORN adan pike to rer of the Great
Republic (looking Stove. and Patentee of Pot.
table extennoo top and centre. Pittston, Pa.
timrr Rusesil. Stalleßkre
proolt.tlr erodedto. V Ts,
Post onto addrest—Barrei.-Pae.
. Affse.goAnr )=l,.
- -
Dry ;Goods Carpets 84c.
suadwons sAVL:i3OIItiQK
136 Pcderid Strees, Allegheny_
1710. CHEAPE S T: OstriPET *ld 'UHT
': GOODS HousEin'theTiv4 MEM
tIoAD . CARPET . cildr 25 ce nts ; per y'd,
. ~e
is A. .
-We re i Agents - I'oi :somrllut best DAV
,; pet 31anufnetureni in this eciuntry,
iltd We can otter Eitrn, Inducements
, Come stud -bee our Complete
LINE OF DIIT/3100D13, end estreilnectur,
superior wide Drown'Nhislins, very
heavy, nt 123; el.c.and all other good.l . at
ustnniShingly pviees. . Don't torget to
give us, a call, ma FetlentlSlreet
N. IL 31r....H. B . ;,...otAyikeE aka nion, Tot- ,
weak of Ileay.ef Bo unty,, witlll4lw platted
to Nee hin many friends. laprs:Btn
Fruit (inn Cement.;
1 , 1111 pndereigned 4auga rm d In making aYrult
can Oemortryflitcli riltbeldenlt - ebeitp,4lnt* ,
ble;and malty *NOW, • • , •3 I
' 'Bets also engaged in making a Super-WI-Black
Ink, Suitable for School and Counting 'totals per
poas. The pu blinare rermaotfully trmitod Wats.
him • all at his place of boldness. near the reef
clans. of Oen. Hower. noshrofar. -P..•
Jel-C3nt] • ••• • • .1. PAIOUTLIW/Cks'
Inmitant:atellor For
The -A,sitMixia.a.
nailing been. etilicted with 'bat terrible WM
plithlt;—completely unfitting mo for hnsineas for
week* et n time—for the hen twelve year., end et
ismfonnd a remedy that glve.
; Instant and Chmplefe ' -
'hve concinded in.beee it prepared for 41114. 40
'Met other* ellidlotihallihgvil call receive tho ben
thipfit, emitting them that
will do all,and 1730 re titan all prom
load for it;
and, that peltiona cote tieing., will never lie with.
out It,
As numerous others who Nitre used it
• . ' 1 can testify.
can be hail at the 'twig Store of WILLIAM IL
DRECTILINO. Roc:hooter, Pa- or will tie lion by
Mall to nay eddreep on receipt of one dollar. and
ten (Tina to pay te , tade. .. CILAS. IL tilliiBT,
liontimk:lyj ' ic.eheatar, Baser.couuty. Pa,
ja••Brldge Street,
n. • GI- t_) t_3 S
Steubenville .IeIIIIS,
Camiineres and Sattinets,
Woollemblankets, .
White and Coloreddtl
Ilartol'Flannels„ .. '
e(l l ) , ' , M.
i.,nwnis, •
Water ['roofs,
Woollen Shawls.
Bp'vii itl Black Mush ii., •
• J ~1, 4 1111.15. •
Table Linen,
Irish Linen,
• ( 'raskli)
& Mits.
Coffee. Teas, Sugar, Mel/LW., While SllverUrlps,
Golden and Common Syrnpa, Mackerel in bar•
role and kilo. Star and Tallow Candles,
• Snail, Epircr nud Mince Meat. Al.,
Hardware; Nails, Glass,
Door Locke. Door Latehea,lllnore;Screien. Table
Cutlery, Table ni.d Tea Boogie, tilelgh Bells, Coal
80X..., Flre Shovela and Pokeb. and Glass.
Spade., Shovels. 2. 3. and 4 Inc, nab.
Forkn. Rake',
Heythee and Suathe, Cora and Garden Hoes.
Daekete, Tuba. Cburne, Butter rant+ and Ladle.
Linseed Oil -At WHllite'La d.
' -l3oots aild, Shoes
LADIES' 311Y,EY e u 01111.DRESS' sIIOES,
in gfest varrety..
Rifle Powder and. Shots
Blasting Powder and Fuse.
Jrcr,V4lllc' Qlseetriwwirtietn.
, tll heavy gotitls delivered ' free oicitarge.
fly clone attention to bwilnees, and by koeplaq
cotwlantly tut baud a well ureotted PIMA of-vied*
of nll the dllierfall kinds usually kept In a country
saw. the undendgned hoped in the future an in
theilnet to merit and receive a liberal satire of the
public pdtrunage.
Ii 13. t NGie U.
dertNrwely.-pylrlutd. .
V. ..... POLO V. 1.: .11/illtli.ll.
AT1E.1...E:r1,& CO,
Contrktois and Builders;
:AAMllarkr•a.. - xnUITD.
ricrcare. actssb.
doits!iint:l-n on littnnb, mode to ortler.
.Ora,•rn by mill will reerive prompt nt•
J.l. ANDEIIISON, having Ulm - bold of
hie old Foottdry sgalu,lnDanobeatne • Pa.,
gil •
bo plea/v.l to' meet his old custom/we and
Mende oho may want °Etter the BEET COOS.
.1 IV. STOVE, it rating , Stove, oriny Otbanktud of
Outings or boot material Ana WOdiananablp,..?Tha
huelnres 4111 ho entliluCted by -+ •
lra:ttl' J. J. ANDER/M*4C 80:18:
' Specessoni.o - . .
N 0.42 Filth Avenue. Pittiburgh,
• " • . And deulent:ln
WATCHES. Diatorms*Nrr
Agency for nll Utobipi4 maw. or •
Special attention paid to the iep . a.!tOg itett
adjustlig of
oets:lo4y, , •
prtik , inc,
Hardware. Glair; Straw:
Wholesale Retail iry "
Frazier, Metzler. &Co.i
9, A •
LOMag, t i k e . WIBURGEL ,
nee. Eirigg;itt
•••• ad after Ka • Oath" - will Seim:
• • 11817 1.. .=
er e tilearinir li a ttabarti B.OOIC - .11:.
: Tian igraga write.; • ,
.^....,•5i05; Szes?, SA , -
-,1 ...srey4in--• ,,, ' .}.....---1-N-.---
1 -t.
' '' iStipt ICISSAIt ,tlo# .
1 ' 4 •••*ign... wow
1 .. ,_ • ri
• "*•• ' il ': L.. ''''" ‘ i ..' '
a .
il tAttk.
14i1-:' .i . . 7 .; . ...:;!;',.._,:': .::
OrranN: 4 - - il'*'
c 314 = 4
crestmXlit....:4 o: 4;
. tioeziee.;: • • ll• • f.':;l l '
upper seedii!k , Th l i •• • .1
Foreett.— , r . • 1. 2 (a' , 1
Nes Nv
G4O •
L. i •
is Na ifie•
144 .
;'At mit
..1 seam
" 1
"r l 3 llll l o ittb
Warsaw 1
Columbia ' ~
Fort Warn. i 21.5rx
• thtnWirt,
UMa . ... •
rarest. 4a B
Upper Samid!yelsl.,
Bueyrtm ....................
' • '
Wooster_ • '
9 ° o
Massillon ...... i. • ••
Canton.. ....... . .
5 0a
P 57
.. rime
NW i
liaa 1
.'Xotingstown.; New ,Coritle ; and Erie Express
leased Youngotown al 2:101). in; New Caste, ked
pmr, orrl CS' at PlUstauxh, &V v. in. „FeturOft.
ieares.Plttobzuvli tOO a. in;
arr. al I , ,ew Castle,
1.31 a. al. Terooreloww,.Nktith a.. la.
Yonagstown, New. Castle and Pittsburgh' do
eamocalation kwren roungstrfrorn;6: l lo a. ug New
Castle, 7;10 a, m• 'strive/ at Pittsburgh.. jctio 1.
m. Delandng , leaves. xi*urgb, too PI mil:-
rivaollew Cestledkis n.ln. • . ,'YYElta.. '
Gonna! ..11seitnor sad 2it drat. ,
crxv ELAtn t I'!' .titm4RORGII ttl3/11).
On and alter Mir Mine •wlll leave
Sul ;um daily Or side,* canopied) .ao fellows.
00t110 110VVIIr
errATIWIII. • .• Mitt. Eves. Aouoil
Cleveland... ' '0 4 4 . •!' 441.
Euclid Street...,,i •• • • . • •,1,
ficAsou ' f t° ' 44
Havemui .. ; .... ....; 41=1i
Alliance ;1136 171.5
Bayard "70:31
`ASS ! tl7l •
I litbli
Wellsville ...
Alliance .
Dud eon
Euclid Street
' Ir 43)Am
&lawman sou
Steubenville ..... . VAS
Wellsville, F7lO
Smith's ren7 . ,
Itnehreier. - ' RZO
Pittsburgh r =sr
Rochester •
Wellsville ,1 WWI
Bridgeport 111037 -
Belled:. 11110 eas 11010
1 mat. I Arrives.
N.riiiisdelphtal44oa.ta,l-Bayard Aldi a. m.
°Mara p.
nt N.Philatelphla 78 0 0 p.m.
F: R. M S.' Genera! ?lead
• - :grid
13 IL'S- M.
. .
' . 1
.1)111 Lines of Bonne 1 and Ponson's
Black Silks•
t r iood Medium Wadi FrenchSilka, (ion.
.1 to *2 trur lard.
Cheney Bro.'s Americnh Illask Silk, S 2
per yard. '
Fancy Dress Silks iii Stripes, Mocks
and Plain Colors-La tinplete assortment
'Japanese Silks, all (panties:
Irish and Frenell poplins, Mohair Lus
Wool Drhalms..
Spring Empress Cloths.
Muck Hrenndines and Hernani.
AU New Designs In Spring Dress Goods.
New Spring Shawls.
Silk Sacques and Thummen.
Littlien' Snits. • •-•
Nottingham and Tambouri3l Lace Our
tins, Chintzes, Prints untl Ginglituns.
MOSIIC " - and HpusekeeDing Goods
James Caldwell,
116 niul 120 Feder; Street, Allegheny
nprs 3m.]
1.3 undersigned begs leave to Inthrm hie
and the public generally that he has Jost nestled
a new stock of goods of the. West styles for
Spring and Sommer wear ,which he offers at very
motleret rates.
GOODS, - •
'tlothing mad. to order cm the shortest cane.
Thenkful to the Wile for put favors, I hops
by close attention to bottom to merit I Cantina•
an% of the same.
mitr 24:tf .
Preserfpticms Cart/ally and- Aeestrate.
nc.e'iti.i - ei....z. a'A
WINS AB 11111110111
n ",:.:01:11.
• . .
DYE : -,TIEFiSs' .
Spedel attention : steal to ware the beet guilt,
of Lampe sad lamp Telsouteas, 3.11/1611131 &C.
A Largo ."°llo.l4lfte r •
anveuEtrA &
ium street. Eater Fa. Meet WI
.11eaver;,. .a:
... ~ :~ar~as~ftau:~:~ ~:~
t. If hi - tine of }he rpolatlrAble tsets tfili
keeiiikdblettiet'so many
perautetitm-the:r_:4tltes ,or tlYstSepsts or
lettigestlon;btit Its eillag,elettitit,'
eta_ereahl et 4 bb nyleriitOod,to es - y digs •
inyto7l dopetishi4lth , !Oar or
thetaslfs td tisk& 4Fesuzetitill.tfie into
lreeorrong 10 •PlisisiLettut
:wept such Igo Glea.?..:Alltdr:Atli AS:: mut
mgiscjiledij.:4loLtk 11111<t: Met_
lOth les vast it:everts:4m ettec r t,
Ot"dyspepeht., De ,Itieigllw woulA, kips.
speedily rusesitettlahlt. Mit; Ott wome
sometimes staer, Its torture* pattetplalitr
iv_hoexei litZird,'Of a Berson Who
enjoy:tat/4ml '. • ,
.1/f au Rie'litiiliirittotiedhialtesieSjtrieb"
the Aluesse NY:Steel. is ttablethere b 'pe4F,
hips Ilb ode . 'sip' *meetly; Ofiraime
ystitri.::. There anfdreasets'mordikete
end atth 'lO sehtett , *tow fregitently
tutlve fitalfbtitlioitei ettheti ot whith.
areaciddpeeleing•to the mindittelso pails
lively distresiteg•to the:body. , s If then Ia
wretcheitbeing itz the world, it ,is • ,
a' '
' i :~-_:
But it Ls' hot our latentioistodleasut an
tie torrcirr of l)ysperela.:! To describe
them truthfully is simply ars impossality.
btu ills not pomades.° pointootastpuedy.
Wit.hase isioathat dyspepsia Jr=
t ire.. most •
T 414 is surphatteally.thextinqualt;4 l o :
ted.,§tates. Whether , this gerierat . pre
esteem: is duo, to the Clutischies. of the
ro.od, the seethed of tts preparation; or the
leaty manlier la which Ills usually swat
lowed is not ouip'retlece to explain! The
greet fact with ,which . we are called to
deal ' ' - "
Pktit:Vi t ltf3 :
NearlY °Very 'etbei persob you meet is
an"apparently willing - One; On thiinot the rase, why isomany stif
le:relit, when a certain, speedy eind 'astO
reriietly is • within .the easy reach of,all
Argo desire to avail thetiaset u r i es of it f Hut
I the majority will not :111i ed by .iprejn.
dice, or deterred bYromeigherunexplain
ed influence; they.refuse to 'wept Um ft-.
liettwollered.tbom. They thrnsdpaf twr
to tho.testicuong of, the thousands whose
imithringshave, been alie*ted, and 'Wills
strange infatuation, appear to cling with
4lesperate deterininutien to their. ruthlets
Maineutor.' But Says& dyslieptic : Whet'
bruit, regiedyr id which we ' This
great alleviator Of human suffering is al
most as Widely known - as 'the.:Englislf
laugusge. ' it has allayed the agonies of
thousands, and is to-dayearrying comfort
and enemitigement to thousands of oth•
l'he seknowledged panacea -t none
other thin • •
nootiAntrit (mums Banns. :
ite I .
Itimild you know more of the merit. of
flits wonderful medlelne than be =learn.
•ed from the etpurienee of others t Try it
yourself; and when it las fagot to fulfil
the Immune° of its efiloe4 given by. the
proprietor, than abandon faith in it. •
Fisa I
.iiiiii 1
.Ho CO3 I
hint of all, that 1100FLANUTi•GER
MAN HITTER -it not a rtinitenrage.
• They are nokaloohoilc in any le:sme of
the term. Theystraccanposed .of
tisispnra Jalca or. vital principle roots.
This is nova ausprnasertissadnuientincte.
fruit; width they can arnpro.
pared by (Me -Or th e ii=r Gerstuta
chemists. Unlikoany other Bitters in this
: they aro,wholly free limp 'spirit
uouslogredieriti. The °Walken 'which
hold with so much 'force against prepata:
tiens of this class, .namely-that a dal Mot
Intoxicating drinks is stimulated by their
use, arenot valid in the mute'or the Ger.
man Thtters. Sri far from encouraging or
incuLeating a taste or desire - for Inebriat
ing heritages,. it may be conffdentialiyes
nerted that there tendency is in a dimmer ,
rlcally . sippesito diremion. Their etkets
,• • • •...
• SMrgirICLILIAXINfoIirt . lam
le all cues of billary system. Hooduire Demean
/titters stand without en equal meting promptly
and vlgalrouly upon the firer; they remora Its
torpidity and can.. handout function or blie
Menu upplyturthe mumach with the most In
d hipmiaableyiements of mumil digestion In proper
proporttuoi. They give tone to the etomach—
etimulating its functUns, and enabling It to per- form Its dudes as nature dub:tied it should do.
They Impart riser and Menai , to. the entire Imo.
tent, among the patient to feel like another befits
—ha act giving him a new lease of life.
demi= the vital fluid of all hurtful Impurities
ante supplanting them widi the elements of guilt
ier hulthlnlnesa. In • word, there Is seareeir a
disuse In which they cannot be safely and berm
Achill, employed; but in out most ceneniurprev
shed dist:Ming and dreaded disease, DPI/Kiwis.
. - & - o" . iviActivii
Now, there. are certain dames of persons to
whom extra-me Bitter* .are not only unpalltable,
but who fi nd It impossible to ' take them without
pcaltlve dlaeonaturt. Par each
has been specially prepared. It Is intended for
rue where a slight alcoholic Atimulent Is required
In connection with the well-known tonic proper
ties or the pare-German Ritter,. This Tonic coo.
tains ail the Ingredients of the Illttary, but so ths. -
vowed as to relative the extreme bittemesa. This
in 'r afirci t i kth 1"
m. :trb l e i ggt in es t =r mblne. erman litt a .
tors Thu mild extracts of some of Makin?,
choicest restorstives art, held in solution by • 'Or.
Burins agent of the purest.quidlty. In cases of
languor or excessive debility, wheni she system
appears to have beromo exhausted of its energies.
at ts with ablest marvSloas effect. It not only
Itimelates the flagging and wasting .entiegies, .bat
nvigorates and personally streng th ens llllllC4loll
upon the Liver and Stomach !borough, perhaps
less prompt than the Bitters, when the tame
quantity Is taken le none the less certain. Indi.
petition, Blillousnesa, Physical or Nervous Yios
reld readily to us potent Influence: It
gives the Invalid • new and stronger !saki=
Me, removes depression of spirits, and
cheerfulness. It @nephrite the pain of disease
with tie ease and Comfort of perfect health. It
gives strength to wealmens.tkrows despondency
to the wmds,nal Marti the restored Invalid upon
a new and ghidsotne career Bat Dr. Ifforitherd's
benelletione to the Miami race are, not ceased
to his celebrated .
Or bia itivalaableToatc: lie has preparettiulother
ntedlelso, which Is rapidly winalog Its way to
inhtr favor beams. of Its lahltsle merits. This
nooFrANu•B pdpoptrruaN PILLS.
a perfect eubetitute for 'mercitry, without any of
mercury's MI qualities:
These wonderful Pills, which are Intended to
act upon. the Liver. are mainly compoied of
'POdophyllln, or the
llow we des ire the meld to distinctly 1121 def•
stand that title extract of the hbutdrake le many
times more powerful than the Mandrake itself. It
is the medloinal virtues d this bealtirgtrlng plant
.in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated form.
Hence It is that two of the Podephyllin Plib coo
Mutate a fall dose, while anywhere six to eight on.
a bandfal of other pteperatlons of the Mandrake
are molted. The rodpphyilln
stimulating Its functions and causing it to make
its Mary •eavtions In regattr and proper open.
tithe.: InJutioos result( which invniably
follow the we al mercury le altirely avoided by
their nee. ,lout la 01.4 upon be
Liver. only that
their powers!. are exert eC The extract of Ilan.
drake contained in mem te skit Itchy combined
with four other-extrecia. We et which acts upon
the stomach, ode upon the upper bowels, one
upon the lower bowel., end one prevents any
griping egad. thne prodamtnt alntl that Whom"
um cadre digestive end alimentary wadies. In an
equals:ad barters:amp manner, and Its *Von en.
tinily free hum itansea,Womiting orgeiping pains
common xp ail other muddlers.
Possessing these much desirable qtudUled, the
PodophyOni heethow Invaluable asa - -
Ro maisehalit i3691d be; 'without them. They
IN perfectly Aro; require tat two loam mithary
dose, me prompt mad elleient to action, and whew
used In coopectkat with hr. Ilootimore (khan
pithy% ar'lbttle, tory be vegodell as moots
.apeemeahaattessaaut , Liam Complabia. Dyapar:
Ma, or any 44 the Maordtwo to Much the, system
h ordhiattly tobjeCt."The . • -
rpnOrErmuri Pius • •
anti boiels_ * of
Impropee obstractloos„whitelberSittemr 'to
Web 0* Wad, atteerbra Mit • lattrimothe
=ire :Mt= r l i a le tr ib. " sch. ` au
Idietirtess4le,tletaaeeting ror p i it
Wl Mania! mina.
fur estia44 f ili atica, th e' wuadeTil .
prep. :
ration known as" • • •
The 011 lea
*ten .ore riiiratt ii & x i c stg
teas th:de litionnstkak
&eke. CtertblaJcsAyndakllares, - 211110 WYSS*
end /ide. ,Pt/srpeoos_ A ite.. all ,yleid to Its
esseruel sepuodlon.: Tbe numbered eeresedieel
ed by It 1i sesasklslear r , I* 6 0 7 an lii
' MOT ' It Is Is • bp for llesittrivre, :
irAd T d i t.Vetikkamit&i.e' Aboue, az t .-
eel 7- beers Iderbam. lkstoseiPalas tbe •
ace. Colds; derriere „ •
tThe Greek 00 Ie **epees tntlretY or boner
us sod *Senna lbe tegroldekt
AU edkr sabotages premed moutbern port
on:3mm , Its e_derue as • destroyer of pabs ter
truly imagle o .•"ThereellrOe Inn bees besieltted
by It r s assAltde DIII
kit these olio are akeisiest
!! O T I D, 4 0 1 1 .9 1 1Y 14'4 0 "
ralaeThese roltedko erfll Wein by mews to slay
thespurt application to Go OISYAL
OFFICE, at Grimm PR exults .
No,Ann now. PIULAIIIMIts.
4700,, M. EVAlliSOPtrptietor.
Fbfnierly ACHIM it CO; '.-"
...Theaclieisedies are for Bal d by Drug-
OW, Storekeepeie and Medicine Deedere
everywhere.' JanlB-lpelatr.
10.t.t. 1uii,..1".:,,.!
; l'''t I: 1.:.:•,'
i. ...
..I ( - :::4
il .: , ,.1. •.
, [x ,
.3 . ,
. 1 %
Wa g a l l3 I
A iiEW l Altri XL / EGA irrOet• or
Ladiegr i ikat gitilii.
_,4 L
u &WM ,
&yo. & ettsTA OP
,1 -' .. .", , i
Gate Chet a l '' ' .
Rol" illagleifiltep • ficAthdeii: l
TAB ttrolo*" !/5 • Il Art gt
1 ' Ala nod ream& Adipap,(, ',I I
, ie . 1... i
Id t o Utellor TON
.ruitivevand- r if n et, , , , , t
RYER Y WA r9r:211711F
Si::[ (c) c r
Preen the Lowed 6lifY4 ` 4l •
---:--- Le 4 . i\f , t
.A . P. Ro rtS,
Ivo. m Vieth' tier
illiedwat, Jewelry of 'Stern • fver Ware,
t r
SELECT P f stfurßr. . . .
TaitsnrirrEsr OP 6121.0hte -• '
" Thetruneat.atinniet mho .4 4 -
- l
aver r
or hears, or ime;/ , ,( • - • .-
i b 'long ota drink at.
- - 'Kant Taillifill •
l'ie heels Om tab a thoisind iliil. 7 . ' '.
'Ent never could get through thoinasa _ ,-, • "
That hairs aloud that quWW•litrilealln•-u
But I'll the yarn to
Toes Taggart stood bekinded.. ,
• The time wail WI, the ak i n s dee lir,• • • •
The meintdmis sound die dewed, -.
u.... g i.
And colas dsl , '
At isat-eame Ookmel infrika. . , .
And old Jedge Man, Ste, '
"And eschow he Ily 1 , , ,i
IfeMarked. "A wkljpg skin r,.
Tom mixed the berms* MI and ear , . .
And slammed It smoking cal the bar.
.171 t irmili a ircriace 1= 7°' . .
ii iinl i.., tha eta pat 1111 220. 4Zi0t
Blimin gnawed Ws knife, w land, '
-1 az yet'pardhig; Ilister ' '
. , Jest heap *Wet*, Illiii"?.. :, ..
No imartilgh tbgenar coutilbe Ilheriel_ :
' Than old Jecks• - gidon the
Sile, "Toting Wan. the be iGre•
• . Known th eir own Aetna I"
11. went for Ids 'low en4loll `s " ti
. "IL Wm; to ROW •Chertnr i • .'
Lilt 111 drip a Who o lle orkdO,' . .
My bloom he ohm with tea."
Tay awed in • way iiimin ed•the: 4 .
Tell Blood domed Iron at Mat, sad Eyed.
II took Seth 11111460 'twlztalla wk.
Which Walltdhlitlfili O:NTT
- Then coats went ofC and all Alk
..Baer supi 04- paE SI s ll "" Cm ;
: i t he D i g i lm a i •
:elfy4 .... uma ,
p- Omsk& oalidetkerllon r.
:.4io 0960 10240144 Nal or loam
Ghia wed W A winter. WOW,: ^ ' • ~
*kcal° epsiiin'S.- ..". ' ' I i
rya romettliati in vain;"n• -
• Sheba la woke -
But I end LIM A,
Wu° nor
trll/1•0 11 r1•16
ver.- Wema
Mof the h.
ir of the heavy veu, _
roughening road had spoiled the
Judge's last poetical quotation. The
tall man beside the Judge wasasieep,
his arm passed throu the awning,
strap and his bead re sting upon it
a limp, helpless looking,
object, es if he had hanged himself
and been cut down too late. The
French lady .on the back seat was
asleep,- too, , Ina half , conscious pro
priety of attitude shown even in the
disposition of tbe handkerchbliftirh
she held to her forehead and which
partially veiled her. face. The lady
from Virginia Clty;:travelLog with
her husband, had ' , Wog since lest all
individuality in a wild confusion of ,
ribbons, veils, fpra, and shawls.
There was no sound but the rattling
of wheels and the 'dash of rain upon ' ,
the roof Suddenly the stage stop
ped; and we became dimly aware of
voices. The driver was evidently in
this midst of An exciting colloquy of
which such fragments as dge
Fone r " "twenty -; feet of water;
'can t pass," were;occasionally dis
tinguishable abovathe storm. Then
came a 1011, nadir Mysterious voice
from the road shouted the parting
"Try Miggle's." '
We caught a glimpse of our leaders
as the vehicle slowly turned, of a i
horseman vanishing through the
rain, and we were.evidently on our
way to Mlggiee's.
Whoaal where was ?Jiggles? The
Judge, our authority, did not re
member the name, and he knew the
country thorouglily. The Walthee
traveler thought Niggles must keep
a 'hotel. We only knew. that .we
were stopped by hhch water in front
and rear, and thatt : Miggles was our
rock of range. A ten minutes'
splashing through a tangled by-road,
scarcely wide enough for the stage,
and we drew up before a barred and
boarded gate in a wide stone wall or
fence about eight feet high.. Evi
dently Niggles's, and evidently Mg
gies did not keep a hotel.
The driver got down and tried the
gate. It was securely locked.
"Miggies i 0 Niggles. ?"
No answer.
'Niggles 1 Yon Angelis!" con
tinued the driver with rising wrath.
"Dliggiesey I" joined in the ex
pressman, persuasively. "0 Miggyl
Did no reply came from the appa
really , insensate Miggies. The
Judge; who had finally got the win
ded, down, put his head out, end
propounded a . series. of quallowi,
-which , If answered eitegoricadY
would have undoubtedly auddated
the whole mystery , but which the
tidier evaded by - replying that "If
we didn't want to sit in the mark all
we bad better rise up and slug
out for Migglei.'
Bo we rearup and called on In .
'ilea in chorus; then Impala=
when we , had 11
finished, ,
fellotv-passater from thereof call
for. "May 1" whereat,. we all
iguna& : liewa,nere bathin g .
the drivereried "shoe!" •
; Wei listened. Te 06:1Zi lt to
mtatement the chorus of t`m /I
yea repeated from the other .4
the en d , even. to tbe dastard tun.
plemental "MaYiltils'''' . • "
"Extraordinary eche,..ajd the
Judge. • , _ . d
"Extraterdituuy "d—iti. skunk I!'
'reared the driver contemptuotady:
"Cane out of that, Miriam* cad.
shod , - youreeln - Be arnan,ldUggleal
Don't hide in - the:dark ; "
I wouldn't
I 5' 13611 you, 3figglre , emtinued
Yuba Bill, now dancing about in !ix
cess of fury.
"Miggies," continued the veice i
"0, 3tWesi'l . •
geed mar so ir. MyghathP
said; dnaudge the, web
ties kr/the name as anpole."
"Welder the intimpit#fy_ol refits,
tog Dibelter , from the MCNlMenvy of
the weather to helpless hitnalei. Re-
ally my dear sir — ! ' But, a Emir
I mon of Wiggles, "en ding lantana
I of laughtered Ma voice.
ni , _ AMP,
.+y 'nr,lC
• .
Abet 4;1E11140a tit' lon*.
ba j e trovZticArtilli
exptewlwat • " • alotitfr
. .W, fildlowed • o w.
,be seep. It the _
we 'O4
that we were fit a • bit
rose - ti*Klitt#rtinfirtV is ar
.113113149 ap front'Ali *Magog
, 11: ps4l;', 7 ,Vgiffa
WOOden • • •
tr *4' "'Kittle' 7 1 *
isq l efi theludke N
otYebli "
red. -Yuba Bill wallieti wrathfully
and tinted the eye of his
lantern open" its face. It was
a man's hire, prematurely old and
_wrinkled; stitti very large eyes, in
which. there was that expiation of
per&dly grattlitoits soli:trinity which
I had sometimes seen - in an owl's.
The large eyes wandered from Bill's
fate to the nterr, and finally fixed
their gaze on that himinous object,
without further recognition.
Bill restrained himself with an ef
"bliggles t, Be' yeti deaf?" You
ain't.-dumb atiyhotv, you know,"
and. Yuba' BM shook the insensate
figure by the shotrider,
To our great dismay; as Bill re
moved his hand i the venerable stran
ger apparetitly collapsed,—isinking
into half :his; size and' an undistin
gusibable'heap of clothing,
dealing skin," said Bill,
Woking appealingly at us, and 'hope
lesaly. retiring from the contest.
The Judge now stepped forward,
and we lifted the ritYsterious Invere
brate WI Into his original position.
Bill was dl amissed with tho lantern
to reconeoltre Cadalde; for It was evi
dent . that from the helplessness of
this solitary' man there must be at
tendants near 'at hand, and we an
drew near ; the *lre. The Judge, who
bad regained his authority, and had
never lost his: conversational amia
bility,—standing before us with his
back to' the hearth,charged us; an
Imaginary jury '
, as follows:*
"It is evident that either our dis
tinguished' friend here ' has reached
that .'mndltlon 'described by Shahs
peare as 'the sere mid yellow leaf,' or
Was sneered Berne 'premature abate.'
merit of bisphydmiarni: mental fan-
Whether,bei ,1s really ?dig
" " "
who immediately relaed into a
sepulchral silence, wh ichcent:ttted
singularly with his previous volubil
ity. It.was, undoubtedly, his voice
we bad heard in the road, and our
friend In the chaii was not responsi
ble for the discourtesy. Yates :BIU,
who entered the room after an un
sun:mint search, was loath to accept
the explanation, 'and, still eyed the
helpless sitter with suspicion. Ile
had fotind a shed' in which he had
put his horses, but be came back
dripping and sceptical. "Thar ain't
nobody but him within ten miles of
the shanty, and that d—d old skeee.
ieks knows it."
But the Leith of the m a j ority prov
ed to be securely . B I
suircely ceased growling before we
heard a quick step upon the porch,
the trailing of a wet skirt, the door
was flung open, and with a flash of
white teeth, a sparkling of dark eyes.
and an utter absence of ceremony or
diffidence, a young woman entered,
shut the door, and panting, , leaned
back against it.
"0, If you please, I'm Igiggies!"
And this -was ?Jiggles! this bright
eyed, full-throata - young woman,
whose wet gown of coarse bluestuff,
could not hide the beauty of the fem
inine curves to whlcb it clung; from
the chestnut crown of whose head',
topped by a man's oil-skin sou'wes
ter, to the little feet and ankles, hid
den somewhere in the recetees of her
boys' brogans, all was grace. This
was Bliggies, laughing at us, too, in
the most dry, frank, of hand man-I
ner imaginable,
"You see, boys," shr said, quite
out of breath, and holdfng one little
hand against her side, quite unheed
ing the speechless discomfiture of oar
.party, Or the complete demoraliza
tion of Yuba Bill, whose features had
relaxed into an 'expression of gratui
tous and imbecile chteriblness, "you
see, boys, I was
. more'n two miles
away when you passed down the
rmd. I thoughtyou might pull up
here, and so I ran the whole way,
knowing nobody was home but Jim,
and—anti—pm out of breath—and—
that lets me out."
And hero Niggles caught her drip
ping oil-skin hat from her head, with
a mischievous swirl that scattered a
shower of rain-drops over to.; at
tempted to put back hr hair; drop
pal two 'hair - pitis in the attempt ;
laughed and sat down beside Yuba
Bill, with her hands crossed lightly
In her lap.
The Judge recovered himself first,
and essayed an extravagant compli
went., •
Pl'lltrouble you for that hair-pin,"
said niggles, gravely. Half a dolma
,hands were eagerly stretched for
; the missing hairpin' was ins
toted to its fair owner ; and Niggles,
,crossiryi tharoorn, looked keenly In
the face of the inVidid. The solenin
IVes looked tack at hers with an ex
preasion, we had never Seen' before.
Life and Intelligence seemed to strug
gle ha& into the nigged fitce.
laughed agidif,-:-It was. a singe:
herelequent laugli,-4ind 'turned
her black eve and white - teeth' Om*
more on do. _ '
• "The aftlictedlierson ts--" healtat
,ed the Judge. •
' ".11m;" said Maslen, '
"Your father?"
"Brother ?" •
M ales dirtedit half•deflant glance
*Me Iwo lady ' Dassengeni, who I
noticed did not pserUelpate in the
meral inssetdine ' admiration of
Idligiles, and add gravely, "No;
There was anawkwanl pause. 'Tbe
her; the yeaseogers moved
Waahoe husb cloeer
and lo each
abstractedly it the. Are ; and the tan
man apparaotly bawd lds eye;
fo - r selltjoyport at Ma ewer
gency. But Mles's laugh, which
Ana veryinlbctlookbroke the lence.
"Qom , " abe I st "-!briskir "You
- -
least' i litiiigi'S , :.` - IVho'li bea r a ,
- •• to elti - tne'getttea?" • • ' ' '
°'.: ••I I' bOlack of voltinteer . s. •In
it' - ' .kti tie Yuba Bill was engag-.
lef Iftl- flew- hOlearing. 1 0 0 1 for
thig l a Oda i ',MO oxbressman . wel -
Dld! • coffee on z the verandei to
• " ' 'arationk ditty of ng
': isigned;•and the Judge
man his good humored and ,
tWillibln !Visa Ana when 1111ggk.
dadibtd: .y ',.t.lie itidge'tind our M-
Ilerftlini: 41 , fttfleibitiegier, , teet the ta
* *N th WI ther'avallable .crockesy,,
- 'l o lbeCelite:V , JPY'llistiri•sPlPP.
, to egaltut tnewinl ,
d t whirled' down
I ihei lwookidles 'Whb ,
eietber to the corner or
' 1 who . ettered-eteetirked,
,J . . compel:dm on, their
c*Altsati o O w n b ti t i i‘ hls taa i dn orelci se ft ilev w e e .
kl , that thowillaw &Pared
't'' ! wittalskjtor
A T er t : _ vegrfetreotedletth
i Alswakirtot.sonkaarel /
ameebalca *ix beiPMes
_.n.. our viulapon ore
_'"' 'Mere . * . ter Deane*
iterfilitaidellifitia pletateSque,.
viaieb in Ike lbw .detalls 'of • the
' eat - Was a'eellitari aaiiiiii.'
tore, Jt was a social triumph,—
,/, I think, owing to the rare
tact of Niggles in' guiding the con
versation, asking all the questions
herself, yet bearing throughout a
frankness that rejected the idea of
any concealment on her owe part, so
that we talked of ourselves, of our
prospeCts, .of the journey. of Use
weather; of each other,—of every
thing but our host and hostess. It
must ,be' confessed that Miggles's
conversation was never elegant,
rarely • grams:Lethal, and that at
times she employed, expletives, the
use' of whiCh had been generally
yielded to our sex.' But they were de• ,
'Uttered with . such a llghtiag up of
teeth and eyes; and were usually fel
lowed by a laugh—a laugh peculiar
to Niggles—so hunk and honest that
it seemed to clear the moral atmos
• phere.
Once during the meal, we heard a•
noise like the rubbing of a, heavy ,
body against the outer walls of the
house. This was shortly followed
'by a scratching and sniffling at the
door. "That's Joaquin," said Nig
gles, in reply to our questioning
glances; "would. you like to see
him'" Before we could answer she
had opened the door, and disclosed a
half-grown grizzly, who inatently
raised himself on his haunches,. with
1 his forepaws hanging down in the
popular attitude of mendicancy, and
looked adMiringly at Niggles, with
a very singular resemblance in pis
1 manner to Yuba Bill. . "That'S my
watch dog " said Niggles, in explan-`
[ ation. ' CD, he'don't bite," she added
as the two lady-paseiengers fluttered
into a corner. 'Does he, old Top.
Fre f s:U ti d i rrec la t t l t y er to7 u hr 0,, ,k t i gJ ali oa:
tutu.) "I tell•yOu.what boys," con
' need 'Niggles, after she had fed
Ind closed the licorice Ursa Minor,
"yeatwere inbig Ittlt that . Joaquin
as she did cater corniiments, with
quiet gravity'. Whether she was al
together unconscious of the admire
.ahe excited she could hardly
have been oblivious of Ynba Bill's
adoration, I know not; but her very
frankness suggested a perfect sexual
equality thatwas cruelly humiliating
to the younger members of our party.
The incident of the beardid not add
anything In Miggleis's favor-to the
opinions of those of her own sex
who were present. In fact the repast
over, a chillness radiated from two
lady-passengers that no pine boughs
brought in by the Yuba Bill and mat
as a sacrifice upon the hearth could
wholly overcome. Miggles felt it;
and, suddenly declaring that it was
time to "turn IN", offered to. show
the ladies to their bed loan adjoining
room - . "You, boys, -will have to
camp out here by the fire as well as
you mu," she added, "for thar ain't
but the one room."'
Our iez—by which; my dear sir, I
allude of course to the' stronger por
tion of humanity—has been generally
relieved from the imputation of cu
riosity, or a fondness for gossip. Yet
I am constrained to any that hardly
'had 'the door dosed on 'Miggles than
we crowded together. whispering,
snickering. smiling, and exchanging
suspicions, surmises, and a thousand
speculations in regard to our pretty
hostess and her singular companion.
I !ear that we even hustled that
Imbecile paralytic who sat like a
voiceless Memnon in our tnidst, gaz
ing with the serene indifference of
the Past in his passim:Oda eyes upon
our wordy counsels. In - the midst of
an exciting discussion the door open
ed again, and Miggles re-entered.
But not, apparently, the same
Miggles who a few hours before had
flashed upon us. Her eyet were
downcast, and as she hesitated for a
moment on the threshold, with a
blanket on her arm,
she seemedJto
have left behind her the frank fear
lessness which had charmed us a
moment before. Ceming into the
room, she drew a low stool beside the
paralytic's chair,sat down, drew the
blanket over her shoulders, and say
ing, "Ifit'ealithesametoyou,boys,
as we're rather crowed, I'll stop here
to-night," took the invalid'e wither
ed hand in her own, and turned her
eyks upon the dying tire. An in
stinctive feeling that this was only
premonitory to more confidential re
lations, tuurperhaps some shame at
our previous curiosity, kept us silent.
The rain still beat upon the roof,
wandering kasts of wind stirred the
embers inktruomentary brightness,
until, in a WU of the elements, Wig
glee suddenly lifted up her head, and, I
throwing her hair over her 'shoulder,
turned her face upon the group and
"Is there any of you that knows
me?", .
There was no reply. •
"T inkrigain I lived at..Marns
ville in ' 1 53. Everybody kneW me
th , and every • had the right
to k w, me. / kep the Polka Sit-:
loon WIWI came to live with 'Jim.
That's di ydars ago. Perhaps I've
Changed some." • . •
The absence of reoognitton may have
discOneerted her. .She turned her
head to the are again, and it was
borne Wends before she again' vote
and then more rapidly:— r ; '
"Well. you sea I thought soma of
you must have known me. There's
no great harm done,any way. Wh*l
I coos going' to bay war this: Jim
here"—she took Ids ha In • both or
as spoko--"swed to knew me,
If - you lindisPent: bea o P
money upon me.
all he' had; ,And one daY— h it's six
this winter—Jim denoted°
my wago
as roomiest doWn on my Dota l
wee es you see him in that ehalr,aW
never moved again Without help. He
was stradr all i of a heap, and nbver
seemed to know what ailed him.
The doctors , cause and said as how it
witS :Caused •1111 *king of hfs - way of
life,—lbr Jim was mighty bee and
EE;tablhihed 1818.
get wil.a bei lili te di r ' '711134
.4nd co ttiat uld h n e 't w hls ou t ki long lie a V n er y
way. , " Thi* advised mo to send him
to Frisco fo the hospital, for he was
no good to any one and would bo a
bubY elJib , Perhaps It was
*Otnetittggln, Jiin!s .eyc, perhaps it
Was Mitt I built had a baby, but -I
maid 'Nor Iwiliitich then, Tor I was
popular witheverybody,—gentlemen
like youtsells airigausu.t° sell Me
and 1 sold entany,huslness and ta ug ht
this yet platei . beiguse It Was so rtof
out of.the itay of bevel; y , ou see, and
htought , ftybabY
• 3VI itlitZlanfittnitlyo tact and
.PoetrY; l l4 pits:she spoke, slowly
shifted' tier'txxitleit so' tete bring t he
roanttligare of the ruined man be- j
tweecnbeinand"her audience, biding
In the shadow 'behind it, J as if she
offered'itweett apologia? for her
actions: Cana expremila onless; It
yet spoke' ;helpless, er,Ohed,
Bud smitten with the Divine than-
Orbeli, it still stretched-an Invisible
argtt u trountWittr. ," • : •
eisr..: but still.
holdhig hip atm went
was 'slog ttutoberott I could
tot , thinks About-yet; for
•ettinpatty , and excite*
meta:- I• .• Okget.atty,Avolnan to
01•1 1 4064 ,; • slain I dement trust;
hUltirhat,lihaledians hereabout,
who'd: ft' lobs for me, and hay
. • tfnxn.the North
, J m I worry
through. , The Dactor would run up
from tiacratnento (a,pee , in a while.
1101 ask to see vidiggles's baby,' as
he 'called. Jim, and. when he'd go
away,', he'd say;.•Miggies, you're a
trump,--God bless you; and it didn't
seem so lonely after. that: But the
last time he was here he said, as ho
hopened the door to go. `Do you
know, atlggles, your baby will grow
up to bo a man yet and au . honor to
his mother; hut not here, 3tiggles,
not here.: , And I thought he went
away sadr-and—and—'' and here
Miggies's voice and head were some
how - both Loa completely in the
"The folks about here are very
kind," said Mlggles, after 'a pause,
coming a little into the ilea ngaln.
"The men from the fork .used to
hang around here, until they found
they wasn't wanted, and the women
are kind,—and doutt, call. I was
pretty lonely until I picked up
loaquin In the woods yonder' one
day, when he wasn't so high, and
taught him to beg for his dinner;
and then thar's the ruagple,—she
knows, uomul of tricks . , and wakes
It quite sociable of evenings with her
talk, and so I don't feel likens I was
the (miry living being about the ranch.
And Jim here," said Miggles, with
her old laugh again and coming out
quite into The fi rellht, "Jim,—why,
boys, you would a dmire to see' how
much hoknosys, for a muu like him.
Some times I bring him !lowers, and
he looks at !em just as natural as. if
be knew 'em • and times, when•we're
sitting alone, 'li rend him those things
on the wall, Why Lord!" said
bliggies, with berftardr. laugh. "I've
readthttathat wholeside of the house.,
thissvlnter. There never wag Bach
e man for reading as Jim." '." u". •1
. "Why linked the: JUdge,+ tttbs , you
notrtutrrp lids; man _ter.Wbobt 3`04
deyeted yew youthful firer,
411, -bit le e", said Waled; i'lt
POW be playing It nth& lowdown
' Jim; tritare adVantageof his bir
gee beiPleis;,-.-And thetli.tro.if We
VW'Matitand'Wite.,now_.,we'd *di
tioVI th at was bOund tO do what I
iii OOLorrity bernacand." • : '
Alpit i lszt4eskirejtotusgyet and gime.
r‘.+ l ,. , 1 - Ks 1.,-; n; - , ~t ^
mi... ‘.. 4 ;i;,... ' ;,_ .' ailliSkst,
•- .. , 1, : • idilturn
1 o.' t'oo. - --111.• , •- ~ 'n• • .406-0,
log the elan et over her bead, 3llg
.gles laid herself down beside Jim's
chair, her head pillowed on the low
stool that held his feet, and•spoke no
more. The fire slowly faded from
the hearth ; we each sought our blan
kets in silence; and presently there
was no sound in the long room but
the pattering of the rein' upon the
roof and the heavy breathing of the
1 sleeiiers.- .
It was nearly morning when
awoke from a troubled denim. The
storm had passed, the stars were
shining, and-through the shutterless
window thefull mews, lifting ;itself
over the solemn pines withou 4look
ed Into the loom. It ton eel the
lonely kohl in the chair wit an in
finite compassiorr, and seemed to
baptize with a shining flood the low
ly head of the woman whose hair, as
~Witte sweet old story, bathed the feet
of him she loved.. it even lent a
Jkindly poetry to the rugged outline
of Yuba Bill, half reeling on his el
bow between them and his passen
gers, with savagely patted. eyes
keeping watch and ward. - And then
I fell asleep and only woke at bread
day, with Yuba Bill standing over
me, and "All aboard" ringing In ray
Coffee was waiting for us-en the
table, but Miggles was gorle. We
Wandered about the house and lin
gered long after the horses were har
nessed, but she did not return. It ,
was evident that she wished to avoid 1
- a formal leave-taking, and had so
left us to depart as we had come.
After ,we Mid helped the ladies into
the coach, we returned to the house
and solemnly shook hands with the
paralytic Jim, AS solemnly setting
him back into position atter cast
hand shake. Then we looked for,the
host time around the long 16w room,
at the , stool where Niggles had hot,
and slowly took our seats in the Walt
ing coach. The whip cracked and
we were off! t -1,,
But as we reached - the high read,
Bill's dexterous hand laid the six
horses back on their haunches, anti
the stage stepped with a jerk. For
there, on a little eminence biside the
road, stood Miggles, her hair flying
her eyes sparkling, her white hand
kerchief waving, and her white teeth
Hashing a last good by." • We waved
our hatsin return. And then Yuba
Bill, as If tearful of further fascina
tion, madly lashed hiS hordes forward,
and!we sank back in our seats. We
exchanged not a word until we reach
ed the North Fork, and the stage
drew up at the Indepence House.
Then, the Judge leading. we walked
Into the bar-room and took our places
gravely at the bar.
"Are your glasses charged. gentle
men ?" said the Judge, salemnly
taking off his white hut.
• They: are: • ,
• "Well, then here ' s to J fi ggfeeottori
BLWIIRSt", Perhaps Be had. Wbo
knows? .
—The D avenport Oahe rays:
l'Anigng the men wlict, pursued the
robbers of the bank at Corydon on
the ad hut:, wow it patty of eight
young , Men who were veterans orthe
Third Lowe Cavalry.. It sta
ted that to boys overtook the rob
bers la a piece, of woods across the
Missouri border, and that tbethieves
promised, on their bended knees,
never tomb another bank as long as
they lived. AWL they, faithfully
kept their promise to the end of their
days !" -
A mangy limb of the law had an
office next , dor to a doctor's shop.
One, day an erly gentleman oi the
tipsy school hindered into the shop.
"Is the doctor in?" "Don't live
here," said the lawyer, who was in
full' scribble oversocue old docu
ments. "0, I thotight this was his
office." "Next door." "Pray, sir,
can you tell me has he many pa
tients?" "Not 111.Ing." The old
'Mailman told the story. la the vi
cinity,and the doctor threatened the
lawyer with,a libel.
...._... _._ ___.
,fi ig nximaABlllll4l-... ‘.
1 ., t ,1
I. uh limbed every Wednesday In the
old Is bulldlngoii,ThfrdStrattair,
t. a 12 Nryeir In advance.
ver dr4fini t
=tuitions titt subjects of local
or inners! Interest are respectfully so
belted. To Insure attentkon' fsvc4w of
, ids kind must Invariably be scoomps
, '"' NI by the nurse et the author.
n" r Nano and oonnuunlcatlons should he
• to
eddies. %ad J. wir
. ___
s P. itsaveir, Pa..
11C-410C11 w anifa Otivos E,
An Interesting I.4:'i'.ltland Rome xce
—A Young Nan. cgavu Xts fit.
ty to Seek Fortune in Cidtfornia,
and Return* After...Wyly Years to
)rind Another Jim damning Hi s
Responsibilities. ti
Twenty-seven years ego n young ..
and interesting couple were married
In one of the principal' villa,rlf,
Queen's county, N. Y. The du
had been the belle of the village, sad
the groom, one and all . olddy..would
yet hold a commanclinz..omltiOri In
his county. :Time. paissed,lbiut,l)e
some Unknown cause the mar,
lied -people did 'not' . ' At
length the Calitbinflfever Mk° oat;
Our yonnetlend, imbued with- the
idea that his fortune could, be made
In the country, left his young.
wife and his tweehildren for the then"
unknown . Eldorado. A thw letters
and then the with lost track of Mr.
husband. For four years she waited:
and mourned, wad then for the alto
of her children, who needed a rbrotee
ter andi e ed en tastien, she accepW
other u d an
other The new- Armily
have _ moderately prosperous.
Althotigh not writ:suing a large
amount of this world's goods, they
had enoughto 'Make life pleasant.
The son and daughter were educated
at the beat schools, and if the wife
thought of her lost' times
she was not unhappy with her new
one. On Monday au auxivel,of more
than passing Importance to this fam
ily was announusl In the village, and
soon the former husband and 'father
presented himself to his astonished
wife. lie node no realminatious,
took all the blame on himself, and
made known his determination not
to Interfere with the present domes
tic arrangements, and to itardwilate
ly leave, but before doing so he Wibil•
Ed to make a proper acknowledge
ment, which he did by making over
to his son and daughter a large
amount ofproperty. It appears that
on his first arrival in California he
had been unfortunate in all %his un
dertakings, and not wishing to write
diseounigingly, he concluded not to
write at all. Laterite was successful
beyond his fondest hopes, but delay
ed his departure from time to time
nntilshamo forbadei his return. Ile
has since left and the tenor of life in
that quiet liousehohl now flows ou
before.' •" I
Vbe Beilidera+ Tree of 31ada....iiwar
There grows on .te island of
'agnsatr, says the .4iiittifaciirrer and
Mahler. a remarkable treep s tolled by
botanists Urania speciosa. From it
solid trunk varying in bight trout
ten feet upward, and similar In ap
pearance,. though not .1a _nature to
that of thesouthern pethnetto,sfirings
up a bunch of stems, each about six
or eight feet long and cacti support
ing a leaf of the same length and
some ten or twenty inches pride.
The leaves,....whett - . dried, fora.' a
thatehjori sli,thp, houses on, the eps-.
.• elde aaf, %...,leiand, :making. a
rVell i *ot4teVodft= wllle
- Ideitisedtbr! ons and
•Plpelt , autibutalf.thet tree is very
.MVUI indantliimthatot *pelmet
t‘q 4**l t Yr i Meloir frtid , the in; — For large howler
• Ms bark' lreutin pieces oftwentyor
thirty.feettdm and 'twelve to dot,. ;,
bienlinehes wide,,nod the entire door .
eovtered,with o theas well joined"
as- ordinary. The benetiti
derived Item thititraearenot limited
to builders only.' The - green knew
kre.used7ey traders tin Age oU
terltres9r. Paßete r a:,r
,azi s y s. t:otiten, forte le" ,
'r.d•••....witirot bribing
ter 'Plates at meals; white ceruun
portions are even formed Into drink
ing vessels and spoons. But thii
chief peculiarity of this remarkable
tree Is, that while standing in the
forest the stems always contain a
large quantity of pure fresltwater, of
which travelers make use of in the
arid seasons, when the wells and
streams arc' dry. To obtain it a
spear is driven a few inches deep in
' the thick end of the stalk, at its
Junction with the. trunk, and then
withdrawn, when the waters' flow
out abundantly. As every one of the
twenty, thirty, forty or more. stalks
can give from a pint to a quart of
water, a large amount is contained
In - eacit tree. For -tills reason It is
allied by some the "travelers'. tree."
Important to . Palploa?iry Pa-
To give relief to Pulmonary Con
sumptiou Is oftentimes all that is
sought for hi the administration of
rettudies. We know of extreme cas-:
et that have been cured—cures are
not common, however, anti perhaps
for the reason that few persons be
lieve in its curability, and allow their
lungs to be cousumed in a fatal mis
apprehension: That far gone cases
of consumption have been cured by
DiviKeyxer's Lang Cure Is hardly to
Igo 419:taloned, especially when. per,
song who have• been cured can be
pointed out to any who .choose to
make the inquiry of them.. ' These
maim are near at hand in this City and
within a short walk of the Doctor's
office. The Doctor doubtless does
not pretend to cure every ease; nor
dot-4 he claim that Welting cure will
always cure without till personal di
rection, in many
cases It will. In
ever case will relieve, and It will
sure c
N' cure the incipient symptoms
that end to that dreadful scourge; in
other words It will cure when appli-,
cation Is made to it in time. The
incredulous will not mender much In
a bare trial either of time or money.
The ,Doctor will examine your lungs
if yen call on him at his office, 167
Liberty street, Pittsburgh, p a , ()r
-ile° hours from 9 a. In. until 1 p. nt.,.
and from 3 until 6, and on Saturdays
from 7t09 at night. If your' drug
gist does not keep it, send AIM dol
lars to Dr. Keyser,. autistic will' SeRSI
four bottles securely boxed, by cx.-
press, with full direettonshow to use
i . ,
—Let us come to t a fair uuderotapd•
lug about this distributfon of official
spoils in Washington, A civil 'suit
has been brought by 's person who
stern ped-one of therAmgress Markle
of Virginia for a certain candidate
for reelection. The plaintiff claims
a antedal ue him . as compensation
for. elerckes th'us render; but the. de
fen dent acts up• that his employe was
to' hraVe been renumerated by a place
under th e Government, which, under
rigA r ri l ee. qtan lZW. w & oli cZk a ali c i la p n a,
courmbsionershiPs, and such post-•
Hot* in the Government at the dis. l
- pani .of . sueemaftil Cengresameti as
ouritp(9llNnion Ibr services having
meany•valuej . If so, was the autall
surd awarded the plaintiff In this'cabe
in lieu of the office Which ho'did not
get '7 rribtme, • '
_up hereensukkpaper, descrl
herOelf us the " head bf the Ihnillyywl. 't
while In respeet to the trade of . hen
:husband, she wrote: "He turnarny_
THE effects of the hot Steathet are
of11:iy discernible In the dlsenasions
at rural cotemporaries. Ono of
Le Roy (III,) editors worked
himself. off in this wa,y concerning
h 1. 4. neighbor last week: "To sum
up i he LssaNilllan of the deepest buie,
a #.llanirnous, Insignificant moan
alothe)lassttirrnirof origi h nal ; a ..
, trek
me, and made up ont_of skim
mings othe ll 'a °Meowing."