A d v erti sements aro Inserted at tho 'rata 31,00 per square for tint Insertion, and for imch Nabsequent Inbartion 60 , 080ta.. A liberal discount ideas on yearly Ad vertisements. , A space equal to ten .lines of this type jtoomures ft square. Bir,ln PSA Notleor set under ahead -by themselves immediately after the local will be charged -ten cents a line each insertion. dvertleemenp should be . banded In bonire Monday. noon to Insitre Insertion iu that week's pa. ,r. Bitsiness.birepfory, MIS=I JANI Ks C ANUS Olt. Attoesey at law, Itestrr: Po,, taco on :id at., IP IttAtm= Ibrtnerlyuc t ',Oct' by the late Junge. cmaninnhank, All Otwld entroated to him will looqve ykrrogit . 11 d attention. • • •• • ii" 2lll Y ,OLIN l.l..liitiso. Altoxnetsi Ind rei.stenve =Third - eV outorillilirlt..,n".• I kIOiIIIMS PrOMPOY On J. i.,",L,f 1 ',“.mr . ,b1K. 1 „:',.. .44•04 . tie.; promptly atiendedlithl 110111. r e f mines. bony tiootti. 32., L OWIliolt:eo or , Inlrti and endear: a U mts. " 4.?•.5",„• 1 ,Y 1y C. COYLE, practical Watchmaker and Jew ,•ler, on Third aueet. Bearer, IlLglitorly • ktoore's.7._ea wily. ICU [ll l 7 'Ationre_y at. Law.. Omen t orThirdstrankßaiater.TL . trrinKilithly 1t..1. S Mi.N llTi:Fgraoux AND 8131101:01? F attentlOn pald to treatment of Female a doors I W oi td o l e lt emod ffi4coe a O s n . Th a i p kPrtrleaY 01IN .11001tE, DrugaUt and dealer In'paints, ri mlr. pure menial Wines and lianas. than- Lampe and Fancy Goodin ]lain et., Pre- rytioor carefully compounded. eeps l B3.T ENICYMERZ, dlannfacturer end Dealer In I .i 1;0.4 , , Shoes and Unitas; Ilaln PL. [Pep23O 111...1 VEIL ..DICUO STOICS, Dago Andrlesiten, ) Pruggipt S Apothecary, Male at Procrip.~ ariquily compounded. (Pe'Vt-kIY J. A. IC DEMON, Dialler In the improved 1ffl: ;".• shuttle Sewing - Machine, Main pt. See in Another column. eeptittly • I Mrs.& 11., Dealer In Millinery Goods II .t Trimmings:, Third lit , Beater. eplB,ly M MOORE. Grocerpt)teatantaxit Choice Tess. Best Coffees, TonaeW and Ciprs,' Coo i and Vegetablet. ( Main s 6 tioptaly t It. ANSIIUTZ. D tiware, — ealer in TiSuoves, Y• linst4..te. West end 3d At. • sopatnly p W. DEVORE, Insursnee nani7B — eaver. I • tisil Dud get your property itniured...nettatly rirraeveae It o ROA NSTEHM. Dealos In Loots.S; Shoes, a) Nu SO Market St. Pittsburgh, Fs tseplkly SP HILLIPS. Beal Estate Avant& 9p. k_ : poano Post Ortleo. Publishers of the. "Real E.- tdo Iteo,tor," seat Res. Pittsburgh., [sept4;li • IiENDEBSON&BRWZWkoIoso rug . li D e I Is, WA Liberty St. ritleburgh. -kepl4:ll 0 ItAklialkllCS ILAYFAILOB..2:I I :iIOBAv -. r roue, locarklarkel.SL)l . lttsborgli. 4in:114;17. Fitt#4lLWl' d grgi 1,1:1'11 1101tNE W. CU, "a S. Ifitifeet b , 110 Wood INsOtrgh—haportent dealerg In " lotlonr, aantegls Hoak ry, While Oooda, &e. frpthly EVNIER k 111tOTIIF.ItS, French and .Ainerl. It c,o Coutertionerr. Dealears in ante; traits; 12+,130 Wood St. FUtahurgh, taapthly CarltE, Dodo le choice rep.; Corfeeaat I' milt Grocertex. N 0.20 Fifth Avenue, Phis . ~ ,r eh. , erpl4;ly Ito' Niiirgitter — E - HON.lere tho,New r) Fnmlly Herring Machina'. Jl6 Market t, l'ltteborgh, l'a. ' setijily t LIVER !lITLIN I rtiCkr Ilkorlers to Car.. t., ata ttpeel*(Stoot to t:h Avouuo. PitrobuiFy, (tett:lt:lr 1.. 30CCIMPI;f. to J. SICTE9A.v.rs, Dealer 111 I Watcbm ",,,Jemiry S; sliver Wore: llto Avenue. Plthsbnrgh. ttleptiO) 11 A. LYONS, ilutimp and Sl);o write, • to ord, Show CAMS for every brodoetto.— Ifila Mame, IStsburgh. Pa. it.•'l,ll:lY i• 't Fl'EliAMiumfactoftr of fool Liner In 1 • ' imulturo and Clutirc—lto4owood. WAhot. 't :.my and Ont. 45bMlthaeld ot.. footS;ly A LLEGHENY CITY • I 11: .I..WlNANS,EieettleniPhrp!dew Chroidc 1 I :nada a specialty, ilalce;lk {Vnalt Allegheny city, - Leaplaily NEW BRIGIIITON. • 11 , TF.11) IVISNE4I I Denlern Id Boots, ' , h.,. • 1131t..r.1, near Sktnuu's Coureztlon. • . It , I. Wl' M. I' MSTEAD. Draler* to .11 N..,10114, Fll/1116111.ng Goods, Iltmlers. unkind. Car. Avon; & Broadway. JealtY ptt lUN saI I , GE at T a A l l I ho A m N : t at& a Ea p T li i e m dwit o h rl ieiln,e• 01•.C1+0 Pricealow. - Wm. 6I ma, nor. Of Paul and Broadway. my2l'7l-1y )I • ' ' ' l . • S i. l ll, ,E(2 l{,Ta I.llll°3Nrrll2l-1.1V11.1! oilier t art of ourin). E. TISUMAS. I I•l'ik —GILLILAND Jr. KERR, Drl•itl.ti ipotheretriea: BrOadWay and Falls New Bmllloo, l'a. tSucretiora to L. B. No fob:22;ly 1:0..F. 11ukery S l'onfetiontty, 1 It IL .trreC Speehit attetatlnp given In nett (l.lll., nntl 1,111, • c .t.l.TlNYEl:NNltiftlG:Merrirent 1 , • Ilrondlcny. Nowllriltliton. See tete tipIMY t M. WIIISLEIrMentiaL • Brinidivni, New , [sepll;ly yy Photognwher...) , :lll. —r u* I I. . ll,allwAy. Boot photog,tilphotromie-toUch ..,l neg At. CY. (septi:ly 11 INTEli & 11E11751 N. Jeweler* and Tohne. cnnlata, Broadway. N. Briatdon. isepla;iy .1. Bo It'll% It, Groanica, Queenswate and el 1100-ellold lloods. Broadway. laypltly• I tdN 1.1:(711, Dealer 4Wall Paper, Wludow It.nte. llooke,Statloneery & Notlona; Broad. • New Brighton. ra. [sent:l.ly II Ill'4, STEIN FELD,Denlero in Uri poodm. •-• Vmicy lioodo A; Noticing Merchant Tallorn . ..t .thtorr. Broadmsy. uctl2:lY I= 31nufact i urer and I)raler In. .; . 11,1 o tory of FIDO 4 :I t I n tIllt I 1'71:I v it wo braving I3EII i ti „;. Ds . 3L,:r4n s l i !p u r . ..3 • seillltiy , . I ,‘• r • sepl toy I . i.';l;.li;i:iti.,TNlll7Aril;.t. , &YR - 46 Pitiii; • and Stgn Yninurn, Mnni St.. 1 ,, ~..c aepll.ly. • _ • t 11EMINti, pei ler In. Boots and Shoo+ of I • tionription, M low pncee , , and of a on .. •. wohlity, Multi St, Marl, Palls Pa. InnidOs• =I I: , nrun, Portrait. Levi l'lodoernph Painter. Work promptly • ..,a-otetnle, rates., mr.hltt / • I II klirtitticlEit, How, and Sign 1 I lo r. Bridge St.. Bridges ater, Tu. npriT;l;iy 1 II t Bridge erect, Bridizewater, Pa. C o ld and Silver Watcher, Clocks, and Silver•Ware,SPeelnelel l 'otc. W " ch ' Jewelry repaired; I \ fashionable Tailor. None 1 e , .:ertenced w olianen emplopd. Slu ..•. intdreunter, Pa. rttS'7l:ly. I .1111. E Pula lilt, Tinner. Denier in Cop• • ;.er mot Meet-Iron ware, and iron Ce.tern Bridge at. Brldmmitter. (seplkly Denier n • it..on, and .Shook Bndge St., Bridgewater, repl tly . a t' lII' Itt , T. Iltv (tooth, llnt.t, Cal 4, rum „a • I . .,,,eta, Oil Cioihn alcTrisoming, liridim ~.. Brid;:ewater, Pa. ' "Th. nepl4:ly . 11. Belli E irri. - ben it; ier - i100t.,R11,1 Sluia: f I 1 • B ._ rldge Street, Bridgewater ! mitt lay I - II AN AUER, ?dillineti,:Trimmluga & Sorb,, , • -Bridge et., Bridgewater. i • I•eottly .. 1 P. IVEllt.NULN,S•lenttfacture of Boots and Id • •1t0,,t. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (Avill4;ly . .. — --._ I.Bs. lIIIFIEN. Gsullernen's Clthlng, el.4),ns, '.II .0.,1 ple—wd. Water St. aboveyriluv. kepl4:l I lI*C ‘VOODBLIFF,; Marble Cuper ; Mom I rI ne at, ,t TOrilhgtoneg of all denriptluna rim! r !er. BE.Mtirkut and Water etruel, tmepl4,l7 1 ,I . I I.F:S' 4'ol, iirocariei,Cful - e - eiTsiiiiie, W ii:' r) • ,k.,, td.p.o. Flour, Feed ti quintry Produce. .at, ~ ,oruer, Bridge St. Bridgewater. [airply I I II: XM M/s:AM - IR. Dealer hi Monou2dltela t .i.i . ”rders left at J It. Clarke,, In Beaver,' ..4 t .7 , 111 . 11h . 1t DrULIbII/rV, to Bridgewater, will I,u ~ i,•'‘ Intended to. Ctuth on deli verv—Loweo t %. tril—Sletlonaltre Point. ' netol...Nly JLOclincTlu. i , l.SlitN/S-13sAljr I . lonts,Slioe,4 Crii• si? a „ I ra ; I nta t .ft s sr t. ll . lnirer ltod LlS t : r wlngmaeltine; , kftd.K2.4ly . I NI iilt(ll7., thinstidili. - .New work, or matrrlnl, made tn - ord.r. All work. ltd.pepatring neatly donor. l'rloss Low. octester. ra • jeinlß;ly \ • ILI. T)111117ET:u:. - 7,utir. DryDood. - 7, Y , D;: II 0011 Madison et., non? The- . .. • ~, 1(1,,,,,,,t. .. • ~ r, P. 1% . 9 . 14:1? , 1 F.NIII" L..ll.lNlniltirTicTnier endbeni . er In I I', mann, ur nil I.ll:,dik. ItzuMull it.. hbove . A 1-'.l, wry. .... , c... adv't. (Kept i;li KAIWIIEB, Baker and Confectioner...— , 1 11c, st., Itoctirster, I'a. ,("cP/4,17 M BQYD, Wagon & Curriage Maker, Itockeeter:lka. ; 1 : 1 Y \11..:1, C. lIANNEN, Iceacrili• c.ufully compounded. Water at., ha. • 1:1ZI:It .1; MANS,bolestile altetall 1)eal• • 1. Dry GoodP,Groceries,Floar,Facil,t; rain. Nang. Cor. Water S Jeuxl It ICS, Uakor •cud 1, , , 1d1nd Cakes and lea ("result furnt!!)ad •~1 , r1.0n Ufnutund, Itochester. reopli:ty t:t It AIX Ileadrtuiriere ornlgn h llomeeile Dry.Goode. r‘ollone, .mtultlga and* Fa4cy Goode genetally. Water •••... Ipote,ter. Pa. • reepletly • \ Lt. CO:, Contractor. rind Builders, • Mt tutu:inters of bask Doom, Balaton. aw. Tray*.l Lath S . C. Roc : heater. • reeplitl7 Sreessors to C. I‘.' .' l ... lll.S ., " . l lo Lk ^ : ll ,l •lle L re i l l at sl B B iwO ' d and Planed 1 7 ,, e , Lath S: siOnatem. Mocheiter. • elifSilY P; ' ...‘ .1. . : •, 1 •cr i l El ,l 4 . l t . li ii m T . A nd L obit l erL A •r Lir er A l9:ll s,IIIwIT CHAS., Manufacturer of and dealer T In. Copper end Sheet Iron Ware. ItoodleX. :attended to. N. York et.. ortlytty , , „:.TEFFLEIt A (*.LARK. proprietor, of JoiniNfon •Good. accomMiNiCielli and Gaud ate• •. DepOi. Oefi9;iY iI:P/ne dealer In Boots, ti beata.Mairefe. Pm . in gg; j. BROTHER, Iletinacturetre of namanner. Itoeh g tor, Pa. nomy MAKI' LIVEIIIPOOL, 0. TALE general luinetinent of Queenawire. Sidtlearare, ' Canted &r. Cur: ad & Broadway., lataM:l7 9,1 A 11.ISS NON. & CO.—Dealera In Dry i,oollF, , Clothing, Hoch+ Bhocs. Hats Jt Cape, tillell4l..Querriarrart. Glummer". an. !^ Ilraaileay .t. Cook ea.! U. UterpnoL,Anslray . 11 . S. HILL & CO, Dragglat, Uroadway.rlear R. IL Preadiptlune carefully and arearately vmponnfletl. febtay 'T =EI Vol. 53—N0 . . , 26• *ropELLeme.ovs. • _. fliir "---'. JORN THORN adan pike to rer of the Great Republic (looking Stove. and Patentee of Pot. table extennoo top and centre. Pittston, Pa. timrr Rusesil. Stalleßkre A proolt.tlr erodedto. V Ts, Post onto addrest—Barrei.-Pae. . Affse.goAnr )=l,. - - Dry ;Goods Carpets 84c. Napoli suadwons sAVL:i3OIItiQK 136 Pcderid Strees, Allegheny_ 1710. CHEAPE S T: OstriPET *ld 'UHT ': GOODS HousEin'theTiv4 MEM tIoAD . CARPET . cildr 25 ce nts ; per y'd, , .!'L t ANIIr„IVF PRIDF. . ~e is A. . -We re i Agents - I'oi :somrllut best DAV ,; pet 31anufnetureni in this eciuntry, iltd We can otter Eitrn, Inducements , Come stud -bee our Complete LINE OF DIIT/3100D13, end estreilnectur, superior wide Drown'Nhislins, very heavy, nt 123; el.c.and all other good.l . at ustnniShingly pviees. . Don't torget to give us, a call, ma FetlentlSlreet N. IL 31r....H. B . ;,...otAyikeE aka nion, Tot- , weak of Ileay.ef Bo unty,, witlll4lw platted to Nee hin many friends. laprs:Btn Fruit (inn Cement.; I4OPERIOR ULACIi. INK. TO THE PUBL.W. ; 1 , 1111 pndereigned 4auga rm d In making aYrult can Oemortryflitcli riltbeldenlt - ebeitp,4lnt* , ble;and malty *NOW, • • , •3 I ' 'Bets also engaged in making a Super-WI-Black Ink, Suitable for School and Counting 'totals per poas. The pu blinare rermaotfully trmitod Wats. him • all at his place of boldness. near the reef clans. of Oen. Hower. noshrofar. -P..• Jel-C3nt] • ••• • • .1. PAIOUTLIW/Cks' Inmitant:atellor For The -A,sitMixia.a. nailing been. etilicted with 'bat terrible WM plithlt;—completely unfitting mo for hnsineas for week* et n time—for the hen twelve year., end et ismfonnd a remedy that glve. ; Instant and Chmplefe ' - 'hve concinded in.beee it prepared for 41114. 40 'Met other* ellidlotihallihgvil call receive tho ben thipfit, emitting them that Il will do all,and 1730 re titan all prom load for it; and, that peltiona cote tieing., will never lie with. out It, As numerous others who Nitre used it • . ' 1 can testify. can be hail at the 'twig Store of WILLIAM IL DRECTILINO. Roc:hooter, Pa- or will tie lion by Mall to nay eddreep on receipt of one dollar. and ten (Tina to pay te , tade. .. CILAS. IL tilliiBT, liontimk:lyj ' ic.eheatar, Baser.couuty. Pa, ja••Brldge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. l's•lii}:K TN RECETVII 4 IO A FRESII SLIPPLT ON GOODS IN EAU!! ON THE FOLLOWING/ . DEPARTMENTS: n. • GI- t_) t_3 S Steubenville .IeIIIIS, Camiineres and Sattinets, Woollemblankets, . White and Coloreddtl u Ilartol'Flannels„ .. ' Meri I)elaines, .43Inghains, e(l l ) , ' , M. i.,nwnis, • Water ['roofs, Chinchilla. Cloths, Woollen Shawls. Bp'vii itl Black Mush ii., • .l'ant‘m • J ~1, 4 1111.15. • Table Linen, Irish Linen, • ( 'raskli) Counterpnnt.g. • • falnves & Mits. roceries; Coffee. Teas, Sugar, Mel/LW., While SllverUrlps, Golden and Common Syrnpa, Mackerel in bar• role and kilo. Star and Tallow Candles, • Snail, Epircr nud Mince Meat. Al., SALT. Hardware; Nails, Glass, Door Locke. Door Latehea,lllnore;Screien. Table Cutlery, Table ni.d Tea Boogie, tilelgh Bells, Coal 80X..., Flre Shovela and Pokeb. and Glass. Spade., Shovels. 2. 3. and 4 Inc, nab. Forkn. Rake', Heythee and Suathe, Cora and Garden Hoes. NVWDENW ARE. "• Daekete, Tuba. Cburne, Butter rant+ and Ladle. .CA RIION OIL , Linseed Oil -At WHllite'La d. ' -l3oots aild, Shoes LADIES' 311Y,EY e u 01111.DRESS' sIIOES, in gfest varrety.. Rifle Powder and. Shots Blasting Powder and Fuse. Jrcr,V4lllc' Qlseetriwwirtietn. , tll heavy gotitls delivered ' free oicitarge. fly clone attention to bwilnees, and by koeplaq cotwlantly tut baud a well ureotted PIMA of-vied* of nll the dllierfall kinds usually kept In a country saw. the undendgned hoped in the future an in theilnet to merit and receive a liberal satire of the public pdtrunage. Ii 13. t NGie U. dertNrwely.-pylrlutd. . • V. ..... POLO V. 1.: .11/illtli.ll. AT1E.1...E:r1,& CO, Contrktois and Builders; PLANING - MILL MO :AAMllarkr•a.. - xnUITD. ricrcare. actssb. AND SHINGLES doits!iint:l-n on littnnb, mode to ortler. 1 12.6cliester, • .Ora,•rn by mill will reerive prompt nt• tmai4,l). - J.l. ANDEIIISON, having Ulm - bold of hie old Foottdry sgalu,lnDanobeatne • Pa., gil • bo plea/v.l to' meet his old custom/we and Mende oho may want °Etter the BEET COOS. .1 IV. STOVE, it rating , Stove, oriny Otbanktud of Outings or boot material Ana WOdiananablp,..?Tha huelnres 4111 ho entliluCted by -+ • lra:ttl' J. J. ANDER/M*4C 80:18: IVIEY It A N SIED LE, ' Specessoni.o - . . ItEINEMAN, k V HAN IjIEPtE, N 0.42 Filth Avenue. Pittiburgh, GOLD AN D • " • . And deulent:ln FINE :lEWELII*. WATCHES. Diatorms*Nrr ' SILVER PLATE)) 'WARR Agency for nll Utobipi4 maw. or • .A.Mmuic.duN SEVI THOMAS , Special attention paid to the iep . a.!tOg itett adjustlig of • FINENWATCITES. oets:lo4y, , • Brighton-- BEAVER prtik , inc, MAN.A7.L,LA, ROOTING, - BAILING, Hardware. Glair; Straw: RAG AND.- CARPET X. AL . '3IIII=LIES. .31ANU*A.CALitnuer4.• Al D SOLD AT Wholesale Retail iry " at Frazier, Metzler. &Co.i 9, A • LOMag, t i k e . WIBURGEL , nee. Eirigg;itt B Raittroads: RAILROASIS. VT.WAYN'at CIIICACIO TLitGRAT:' •••• ad after Ka • Oath" - will Seim: • • 11817 1.. .= er e tilearinir li a ttabarti B.OOIC - .11:. : Tian igraga write.; • , .^....,•5i05; Szes?, SA , - -,1 ...srey4in--• ,,, ' .}.....---1-N-.--- 1 -t. ' '' iStipt ICISSAIt ,tlo# . 1 ' 4 •••*ign... wow 1 .. ,_ • ri • "*•• ' il ': L.. ''''" ‘ i ..' ' a . "'...."": il tAttk. 14i1-:' .i . . 7 .; . ...:;!;',.._,:': .:: OrranN: 4 - - il'*' c 314 = 4 crestmXlit....:4 o: 4; . tioeziee.;: • • ll• • f.':;l l ' upper seedii!k , Th l i •• • .1 Foreett.— , r . • 1. 2 (a' , 1 Nes Nv G4O • 'rum L. i • yam'l• I'thil IUpD SO • is Na ifie• 144 . :370 EN WIUINIW). 01•=b El ;'At mit 73M:2 LIM 0513=3 ..1 seam ,Chlengo ' " 1 "r l 3 llll l o ittb Warsaw 1 Columbia ' ~ Fort Warn. i 21.5rx • thtnWirt, UMa . ... • rarest. 4a B Upper Samid!yelsl., Bueyrtm .................... PM). ZP ' • ' Wooster_ • ' 9 ° o Massillon ...... i. • •• Canton.. ....... . . I=l El 400 430 5 0a P 57 .. rime AUbousS:: Rochester. Pirbbugh r NW i liaa 1 IslOrx .'Xotingstown.; New ,Coritle ; and Erie Express leased Youngotown al 2:101). in; New Caste, ked pmr, orrl CS' at PlUstauxh, &V v. in. „FeturOft. ieares.Plttobzuvli tOO a. in; arr. al I , ,ew Castle, 1.31 a. al. Terooreloww,.Nktith a.. la. Yonagstown, New. Castle and Pittsburgh' do eamocalation kwren roungstrfrorn;6: l lo a. ug New Castle, 7;10 a, m• 'strive/ at Pittsburgh.. jctio 1. m. Delandng , leaves. xi*urgb, too PI mil:- rivaollew Cestledkis n.ln. • . , p.lk'YYElta.. ' Gonna! ..11seitnor sad 2it drat. , crxv ELAtn t I'!' .titm4RORGII ttl3/11). _ On and alter Mir Mine •wlll leave Sul ;um daily Or side,* canopied) .ao fellows. • 00t110 110VVIIr errATIWIII. • .• Mitt. Eves. Aouoil Cleveland... ' '0 4 4 . •!' 441. Euclid Street...,,i •• • • . • •,1, ficAsou ' f t° ' 44 Havemui .. ; .... ....; 41=1i Alliance ;1136 171.5 Bayard "70:31 `ASS ! tl7l • M==lM==l it,45 i Sri I litbli Wellsville ... Bayard Alliance . Dud eon Euclid Street C l e v e l an d . .. MEI eau TTTTT ONM.. ' Ir 43)Am &lawman sou Steubenville ..... . VAS Wellsville, F7lO Smith's ren7 . , IMax usu 1225ra /SI, Itnehreier. - ' RZO Pittsburgh......, == Pittsburgh r =sr Rochester • Beaver Ferry Wellsville ,1 WWI .15.1 Bridgeport 111037 - Belled:. 11110 eas 11010 • TUSCIATIAWAti BRANCH. 1 mat. I Arrives. N.riiiisdelphtal44oa.ta,l-Bayard Aldi a. m. °Mara p. nt N.Philatelphla 78 0 0 p.m. F: R. M S.' Genera! ?lead • - :grid • SILK S1I:BS lip 110 13 IL'S- M. . . ' . 1 .) • .1)111 Lines of Bonne 1 and Ponson's Cidebrate4 Black Silks• t r iood Medium Wadi FrenchSilka, (ion. .1 to *2 trur lard. Cheney Bro.'s Americnh Illask Silk, S 2 per yard. ' Fancy Dress Silks iii Stripes, Mocks and Plain Colors-La tinplete assortment 'Japanese Silks, all (panties: Irish and Frenell poplins, Mohair Lus trea. Wool Drhalms.. Spring Empress Cloths. Muck Hrenndines and Hernani. AU New Designs In Spring Dress Goods. New Spring Shawls. Silk Sacques and Thummen. Littlien' Snits. • •-• Nottingham and Tambouri3l Lace Our tins, Chintzes, Prints untl Ginglituns. ITO A VI Lt. I.IICR OV MOSIIC " - and HpusekeeDing Goods James Caldwell, 116 niul 120 Feder; Street, Allegheny nprs 3m.] LOOK HERE. QPIS IND AND NENCIIIED GODE%-lse 1.3 undersigned begs leave to Inthrm hie and the public generally that he has Jost nestled a new stock of goods of the. West styles for Spring and Sommer wear ,which he offers at very motleret rates. OEN rt. &WRNS • h'URYISUING GOODS, - • CON STANTLaf AfN HAND. 'tlothing mad. to order cm the shortest cane. Thenkful to the Wile for put favors, I hops by close attention to bottom to merit I Cantina• an% of the same. DANIEL 31ILLER,i4- • BRIDGE' BRIDORWA Tn. mitr 24:tf . J. MOOBE DRITGGIST, Preserfpticms Cart/ally and- Aeestrate. fy .Cbpipounded. TIIE BEST BRANDS OP 'ASSORTED:I' nc.e'iti.i - ei....z. a'A WINS AB 11111110111 n ",:.:01:11. • . . DYE : -,TIEFiSs' . iitUDE, AYES A ALL COMM GLASS it PIITTiri Spedel attention : steal to ware the beet guilt, of Lampe sad lamp Telsouteas, 3.11/1611131 &C. I A Largo ."°llo.l4lfte r • TOILET ARTICLIta, SOAPS, anveuEtrA & ium street. Eater Fa. Meet WI • .11eaver;,. .a: ... ~ :~ar~as~ftau:~:~ ~:~ cOSIN ILLIOrt- OP ALIVES =I t. If hi - tine of }he rpolatlrAble tsets tfili keeiiikdblettiet'so many perautetitm-the:r_:4tltes ,or tlYstSepsts or lettigestlon;btit Its eillag,elettitit,' eta_ereahl et 4 bb nyleriitOod,to es - y digs • inyto7l dopetishi4lth , !Oar or thetaslfs td tisk& 4Fesuzetitill.tfie into lreeorrong 10 •PlisisiLettut -I:enttenteolveakl :wept such Igo Glea.?..:Alltdr:Atli AS:: mut ..r4l:l4l4dlrdhipsisetttrithitennplemeset, mgiscjiledij.:4loLtk 11111