The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 19, 1871, Image 1
7 Advortinethentairs Inserted at the rate nrei.ooperlsitare for first insertion and ror oath subsequent insertion 50 distils.. A liberal discount made on yearly .ad vortipontents. A apace equal to ten Unespor this,type measures a square. • , • Business Notices Bet under - s head by thmselves Immediately after' the local more. gill cbarged ten teats a line for mob Insertion.. , - • Advertisements abOuld ,"be banded in beforo Monday noon . to Insure insertion in'that week'it • • • -. BushesApirectory. T iwAvEn. ellicILIL, practical Watebmaker sod Jew, . 13. eler, on Third ett Deaver; Pa., (acute op posite Idoore's Drug Store, 5pr17,7. 1 : 1 1 l' KUlirls AtiormY at Low. Omen coot l'a• end ofTtad street, Beaver. Psi. olardOMlY K. It ' res t r a lt a rZ n e l n i : Vi l d dl Aro t a nw 'A t nnl Y elt i re i t e , a few doors wa ottheeetwt•llsose. aprl9ll;ly J Vet , r t1 . 0434/Lc. , ,aswit . l* i tteil l i !e a r Ire p# G t ware, Lamps aod Fancy Goodk Ma in pL' ; h t . leriptlane carefully conporded. Ltotett;ty_ U. FAST. iTttlT7timiller hititocer — Kja — , Float, Feed, Conketlonery, Tobaceotad Cigars. (aerlftly /I C 11:1 1 ,1• V , t :"Z ial i ja l ltraTZl: n st te eil fftly h IiNAV Olt DRUG tiTOltk, Undo Andflessea, Preeert S Apottewary, Mato at. Preserlp- Pone ean•folly componeded. NePMIY J AN DICHSON. licaler,ln the !reprovedWU: ,nn Shuttle hewing Machine, Main at. , t3ce card In another anima. sePhhlY EACOM Mre E" - 11„Daaierin Millinery Goode .t trainman: cur Not and Dlamnud. !OM, Choice Tree. Neat Coffees. Tobacco and Clorar Con- A•rdooory and Vegetables. Main .coot) ANSIILITZ. Healer to Tinware. Storrs. Grates, etc. West end Ad mt. IiEVOItt.. Insurance agent, hearer. Pi. • Call and get your property Inoured. oce8;ly ------ T 'I.IOIIGANSTER"t„DeaIet in Boots &Slws, 0 . PG Mattel St. Pittaburgb. Pa. Isepitty fliftiff.i.4lll,LlPS. .Estato Agents , op poplin Post 018ce. Publishers of the -Real Es . tatellegi.ter," sent free. Pittsburgh. iseptitly ,1 — iIENDEItSON & BROS.. WholmalCDrog i . gists. 4413 Melly St. Pittsburgh. repittly 'D'ItANIATAIT'S AT PA iti.oll. 2lrthit Ay r) . tope. (near Market St.) Pittsburgh. leeplitly e A CLAIIKE& llOThooksellemand Station ' ers, liu Wood St.. l'ill.bnrgh. Pu. [nepttly y ii.:sgfiirtfooE CU, 71 Jr IV liarket ht., Tc P.ltslauvii—lmpottera and dealers In Notions, Trinindugs.plsiery. White Goods, 14. [epitly • & BROTHERS. French and Amerl ettn Cotufectioncta DC.lean ht nuts, Ota. tyl Wood St. Pittsburgh. [septitly j - Kirot. ti". Dealer In choir.. fern, Corr,' & 'O. Family roosrles. No a) Fifth Arcane. Flits- ' burgh. Pa. ' seplitly TWIN .111f - if/CRT & SON. Dealers In . the New Weed Family Sewing A : alachluer. Nark& Sweet. Pntshnrch. Pa.. sepl4:l,)• aV:WEIL & CO.. Dealers In list- P pets. Oil Cloth.. , Special roles to Clergy. VI Filth_ Avenue: Pittsburgh. Ps. Volt:1y rt P.Successor 1., J. M. Ron.wrs; Dealer In 1`). Watches, Clocks. Jewelry & Silver seam. No Fifth Avenue. Pittsburgh.. AIL A. LYONS, Mare and Sign Painter; Wilt.. • In ord..r Show Canto (or every bu.lnero.— No. 7111 Avenue; Pittt.burgh, rrepBl:l7 rr e. FITLCON. Itaintnicrurer daild Dealer In "..1 • Furniture end Chairs:—linaewnod. Walnut, I.lahogany and Oak. 45 SMlthfield it. Loclikly NEW BRIGHTON 13ROSPEOT MOUNT NLUSERIES. groom , and omtll Vrulto. Three mile.. lig. of Now Brighton. (mr29l _ 7 .4 IL THOMAS. DE; l_6 A : tW i tt"lliANp I ll ‘ rno Fl—n rn:Bright ltr.eo r'eeesoAAan op, zcwon. IL. (Snor to L. B. No. Tie.) fehti:lT • F.O. F. 1411010 N, Bakery 6; Conrettouvry T R. R. PI met. Special attention given to well ti lt!. and boll, 4414;1. q .t, .1. iiS r iii.i.EN MOM M h lirighion. ' Wee 3 alv Tall" 7 - 1 . lirnAilway, New . A , . h yA g v h s h rn m sLEß. Derithit. Brotiflica l y77. l 'e 'l w Y • ierpl4: ly II N 0 51 4.. niiilogriirh , Will • . Itriiailmny. /kit photographs irclm n P reTn i niti k : (A neDitive, . ( iirpi4:ty NT Eft & DEMON. ; Jeri...len arid Tolle• conl.t.. Broadway. N.' Brlebtnn: ' tscpll:ly Tl. Illu trrrtm. and r) iron .hnldl:nnd.l Brondway. fsepltly 1, , VAN Pram In•nler in 'Wail Paper, Window Ithodo. Booko,Sintioneery R Nollonp; firond• wny. New Urn:Mon. l'n. Iften9.l.iy CIII FT th STEIN FEW.DenittTeln We tini;if.: Fey Maxie Lte, Notions; Merchant Tailor, clothiers, Brhatiway. net Itly BEAVER FALLS. 11 71 110 1.1 4 1‘ ,1e17. B . E Z T .A%1 4 ,; D :Va e U " .1.Trz'el Polio.- • "P!'Y A KIN(:.-01vGoode, Queonnworo nod .V 1 Millinery . corner 'l,f Main And Baker rimer:. li, nver Folk oet.l.l:ly hF.NIJAI.t. &TAN !4*.Y. Artlots .tlFrwen P.iit• 1%. et.: ulna, Ilninee nod Sig, I'ointeadJaki.44l_ 'Leaver Fa'l,.. RI . -AP1.1:1117 , :i3. Denlur in Hoots rind Shoe!! of • every de..erlplion, at low prices, And 1 o perlor onoldy, Alain SI. Denver Falls. Po. fonlr1;1y. PM MC EIWATED. E0Ilt; P. II EIDEGGE R, House and Sign Pein I ter. Bridge St.. Bridgewater, Pe. aprl.2ll;lv 11111:11M. Bridge etreet. Bridgewater, Pa, It• Healer In Gold and Silver Watches, Cliieks. Jewelry alai Silver.Ware.Speernelee„&e. Watch .. Clarke rind •Je•velry repaired. ifebEr7l:ly ) Itridcrwater, Pa. • falSl:ty. ,„ AM ES PORTP.R, Timer. Dealer lu'lln. Cop eJ per qtl,l Sheet•lron ware. and iron ('lntern .Pomp, Bridge rd. Bridgewater. •Iteptl: , Y BLATTNER, Mannraciiirer and Deale in • itoon• nod Slow.. Bridge St., Bridgewater,. •. sent tly BURST. lily Otio•ls. Thor. Cape, Fero, t ► • Carpets, Oil Cloths and Trlunning4. Bridge rt.. Bridgewater. Pa. ' • sen . l lay I DOHERTY. Dealer In Boots and — Shoes. .1 • Bridge Street. Bridgewater. sepl4:ly II AN A L'E It, allffinery, Trimmings& Notion,. .- 1 -ICridge et., Bridgewater. seplitly WILINMAN, Manufaclum , ,of Boots and I. Shoe. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. taeobbly 1111 S. BIiUIF.N. tlentleolenb. Clothing cl outset' . 1 L end pressed. Mater St. above Bridge. (spl.bly 1011 N WOODUBFF, Marble Cutlet ; Monte a:Tombstones of ail descriptions made order. IS. Market and Water streets. (sent Ply 1 STILES .t. CO. Groceries,. tjuesuko are, Wk t) • flow Glass. Flour, Feed at Country Produ Donlan 's corner, Bridge:it. Bridgewater. Eni.:l;ly 77 I I ICAM MKANOIi, Dealer In Monongahela Coal. Orders left at J B. Clark's. in Bemer, and at Smith's Drug Store, In tirldgrwater, will be promptie attended tn. Cash oatikliveri—Lowod price. Yard-31cDoneld's aege...d;ty E= I I. A lfr if6l I I\ NII S II - :l l oll 4 o: r ro i r n Si li nre t re:4 l :•7ll: tn " New York anti It. It. Sin. Rochester. trelnkkly . QUiIIUND tiltolZ, Gunsmith. gew work, of II the heet material, nude lo order. All work 1414, I gilled. Repairing neatly done. Prices Low. Amon St.. ltochepter. Jat F 3t c d sr isl i g Y at!, ; ; ' : e t a 't r mood, Rochester, ra. ISNItY LAIT; lianufacturer and Dealer Id I.l..kurnintre or all kl,ds. Brighton rt., abdee Plow Factory. See %del. ' (aepttly 1011 N KAItt.IIKIt. Baker and Confectioner.— ° Water rt., Rochester, Dit. teeplaay I NG lIA II A SI BOYD, Wagon S Carriage >taker, Itailmad at., Bocimiter. Ica. - Ascpl4: ty ASWEL C. HANN EN, Preset - 4,- 0 Dons carernlly compounded:, Water at, Ito theeter. (oep14:1)• ellecasea apeclalfy. Office, curler of Inantond and Bridge we., Rochester. piepl Gly cpEyffirklililiWiril. 07,..51- o.ers In Dry Goods,Grocerica,Floor,FeriLlirain. Boat stores,lron S NUN. Cur. 1V .ter .1 darner .1.: Ar • FriCDERICK., Raker awl Confectioner.— Wedding Cokes' and Ice Creiiin furnt4h..d, :2romtly. 'On Diamond; llocloorp:. (roil lay Fl.ll SlLVF:ll l lAN;ll;• for forolgn Ihnneatla 'Thy liooda. 1 . 4 foontnn , ono! Fancy Good. );....rally. %Valor iionheolet. I Y lioal w Lnol!no pelt .1.. Ifodo•frr. lao1 ,11 :4' 1„,•• P !IVY I.E .t VIS.SIII.O.O.Ora to C. n 1 I.,a,rort IA cSano,l owl Planed lath .t. Shingle+, lloclwater. Nita:ly 130%Vli1t'S s FABLES. - COAL YA hem eel] It. It. otailon and lao ris e r. osinas CHAS., Mantscarinror of and tleate. In Tln.Oupper and Nowt Iron Ware. Itoorlog. Spooling: Sc.. attended to. N.tyork at.. QTKFTLEff.t CLAIM, proprietor. oil donnstuu it Donis, Good accommodations and goon Its• Kira. Near H. H. Pe pot:. eel ility 17173111.1..81L, deTaCiilii - 1141.111, tiaPcs.(failora. J Sc. Repairing done neatly and pr o mpdy, store °Wain Diamond, Rochester, Da. octiii;ly I WALTER itBROTHER, Mannfaiiiiiiere of • WOKOTHI. Conches. Burglar. Spring.wagnne. sinkera. &c. Blaelremnblinr 'alrd lioreenhoelng .r.lne In the heat manlier. lintheeter, Pa. nollny RANT CivEurooL, o R. till CNN general arrortment ‘ Af irneerin, gyeenimare. Stoneware, Canned. 'run, Sc. Cor.3d & Broadway. ntarn;ly Tosla II 'THOMPSON it CO —Denies. In Dry. J Clothing, Dort/ tthore. Hato it Cap*, urrelo, othelotho. Queeneware,Arassurare. &e. nor Ilroado ay it. Cook eh'. E. tarerpool. (mrs;ly flitushrii.near R. 41 f I .. R . .llPnveriplioua carefully and accurately _ MIICELLANEOVS. TT 011:4 +llORNlLEY.llourrtuelorer or the Great Il Republic Cookbiz Store, Acid Palcurce or Poe. 'ah',• esten.lon alp owl venire. Falleton. Pa. . - A I.:11.11T I: &miry are 11!tnieractuler. Ike.", prompilv nitvml.ll Var.r.M. otllre addrero—bearer, Pa. - torrltlY _ _ • 1 I VIM: Permanently ktinurd In flit, village of .1 Zellenople. Pa.. for the porpove of practicing Medicine, I revocctfully trader toy profevitional loin Ices to the citizen.; oink' vtllage nod vicinity. 'fibre. In revideneo, optioidte Eagle Hotel, mbrre L . I Munro be found, , coders profeesionntly MI eallv vrlll receive Immediate and prompt attention. A. V. CUNNINGHAM. M. D. THOMASrivCREERY 4 CO TllOll. orctriEnv,Aler. J. F. D U AVU . J /iNGIEL, J. 11, M'CRERILY. ' - / Were., paid no time droned.; Prompt attention risen to collection.: Anttct,4 . l,.twance Agent. Ode , good and tellable Companies, I Intayadir . litoTZles linttiZitgetelaVog.7.llMBiVenfariTt March neat, to aretleoel4 wags on P on ca term ._ .. uptl44. C. o.lricias. i , . - E- - - -.;,(' •• . -- -- ' ' -.'' ; ,- ,..*7 - X;'''".•.• ''^ iI . .. 4 .37 3 ' . W1 ' T', - - 5 .... ""': .---,-."—;' ;1" -.:.-"'-'''''' "' 7 : ' ' - ' ' ' .l ' . . ; ` 4 7 1,7-- , -...' I, I ..' -- '' ' . - r .-. ' ' ' -'.'—:.' ss .' s ' -'' S -'' ',''''..' ''.: - • • . I 'l.. +, ' . • ... • . • ' . . . _ . . 11i 1 .)..-4. ' I s - IP: S t." : . '6 6 ' .. ..',1: I ; : , sq - 4—i 4 :: - P,pilfi "s 4 P 71 , - ''''' , ri g ~, ..."- - ~i: ,'! ~• - ~.:E: .. i o. -„ . ~" • ;-'. 4 %. '', •• i' - it'l , ' ' ,4 . -i , EI ... ~ ;;•1;. .- ,1 , I. ,- • --,,-,,•:..- i t . 1,1-(• ,_0"...... JA I , ~_t „ . -. .. • .7. , : 0.... k -i• .4- A„-, •.t . ' .. '• ~, 1 .... ;." " ":. A ..,7....: ~,,.„ ..... -7. t., k o lit --,. ..- ~•.. • , .., ... . .. • 1.•::: , --I.) , 4 •••' .': •. '''. - • . ~ ''• ' ' 1 -1. 46; 1-1 it -•.-'''.......•!,.‘,.• Atir: --i , ,r• , ' -. , -'n; E .-- , :r... , LE,- ,•.. -.-- E.. ,,,- . :i:. , 1: • - ...: .:::. , , • • • „,„ , ..f0... , 40 , - , .. •-,„: • , • •• • . .., -:- -----,- -,_:.-,-. ..! 1A;.•:•: , -,:,:,,,I , ...!.-;,- .r 1 .-.;.„...--,,Ti "-- ij--• - '' .1 117 . .",-..,,,,.c., , ; ; -..,,.,. ,43. , ,1 - ,— ..0,,t,' T. .;,1- '.., , ~ ~- . , ~ , A . .. f .,,,.. c .,1: . ' • ' ' ' ' ' —,'.....,.....*.............:_. .._ •'.: -4 ; :::. ;,,... ~ -. '.. - 1-.1., •' '' •." , • .6. ', ..'...--.' "‘ -': ':' ' “ - .S.*:_q.t - ' , ' , .' P -- .. .. ..... - V01.53—N0. 16. J NV - SPENCER No. SO Market St., Stet. Fifth Av & the Market prielrßliitffAil, Pa zatlairraoalo lortaiantuzai 8 Eli3d4ViYak2ip' ma:l4k DRESS , GOODS, TOGETIIER 14411! h COMPLETE ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS A.r11,0 w Mareh:.V:l Inadtant.lier For Tkies .13.entlxpaist. Having been afflicted with that (errUde ortm plaint—completely anittting me for inailnda for week. at a time—tor the last twelve year., and at taut found a remedy that given . • natant and Cbmplete. Relief, have cum:laded to hove it prepared tor rale. so tied other. edmilarly attuned ran receive the ben efituf at, limiting them that It will do all, coed moielhanall prom is& for it; and. that perein. cure u.iniz. will never Se with out it, its - nume ' rOus others who hare used it .eun (ratify. Van be had at the Drug btore of WILLIAM U. BUECllLlNO.itocheater. Pa.. or will be sent by mall to soy address nu receipt of one dollar; and ten cents to pay postage. CHAS. D. HURST. nor/ E, l I ochester, Bearer counts, Ps. • Il • R T AS. CA NI EKON, Atbirney at Lan Beaver, Pn. in the room for merly occupied by the late Judge Admits. „Col. 'actions.. .4c., promptly atteded to. septirtlitly. 2. S. It Alt • Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. 'IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESII FUIPLT OF GOODS DEPAIN EACH OF UE FOLLOWING RTMENT& 1311:1C GI CI OJD S. Steubenville Jeans, • Casahneres and Satinets, While Woollen blankets, AVltittt and Colored and Barred Platitiels„ • .3lernp,s, Delnines, Ginglnttn4, I • Cobe rs y, . D1%1'1114, Water Proof's, Cloth', • • Woollen Shawls Brnwn and Black . , • Drillings, Tiekings, PrintF, Canton . Flanne 30concta, Table Linen, Irish Linen, Crash, . "Counterpanes. 110Acry, Gloves d. 31ins. G roceries, Cotf•e, Te., Sugar, Itolaames,,Whlte Silveri/rips, Golden and Common Syrujir. Mackerel lo bar-' rcla and kltr. Star and Tallow Candles, MMSMEMI • llardivar6, Nails, Glass, Door. Locks. Door Latches , . Illoymo, Screw.. Table rullery, 'able and Teo Spoon., Sleigh Bell., Coal Boxes, Fire Shovel* and Pokers, Nails and Ula.a. Spades, hbovelo, S. /I, and 4 l inn Fork., Hakes, Scythe. and Smith*, Corn and Owlen Hoes. WOODENWARE. Tube. (Marne. Rutter Yrinto and ladles MMMM Linseed Oil ct, White Lead. Boots and Shoes M=l==== In preat variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting . Powder and Fuse. Flour Feed eve. Queensms-nro. %II heavy conha delivered tree orcharge. •Ity doge attention to huaineaa, and by keeping eonatnntly on hand a Well A.PIA led clock of Dash of all the different kind,. nanally rept in a count)." atom, the underalimed hopes in the NWT. ur 9u Ike e arl in merit and receive a Nbern: nutty orgte public pltrona,,,. • U. r•!4. lIANC4EII.I der3:1'6'.4:19:-•Jy7chgd. DEEM E=! MILLETZ&.- CO, .Contractors and Builders; PLANING - MILL lEEE WriD23l - 111&-ze3 - A1117.%, Doors. iSlettsb. AND SHINGLES Constantly on battik, and ininfi‘ to ;wart I-Locher:ter, Pa. Ortivni by man will receive prompt at culiou, 3liirB;*ll-1y I; STATE of Wm. Ker nedy, Deed.— Letter. of At:mielountlen ttnint the et tale of % . M. Kenn. dy deed.. late of the borough of Mo de...ter, linving been granted to the nudentlcned re,idtre In Feld boroueb : All iten.onn Indebted ri11)11....411.1 Mak.. and ;Mete log elnlnht aolnet It will pre,ent the route do• ly nuthetoleated tee,ettletnent hi. 111111 . S:CNVI__ ' 1:. M. POWER. Adm'e; suerif..ors to 3181' lAN 6; SIEDLE, N 0.42 Filth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. G,01,11 A XI) 8 . 1.1..V . E1t. MITI! 8; A!jtl dealersin PINE JEWELRY, • WATCHES. DIA:MINDS AND SILVER PLATED WARE. Agency for ull the best makes of lv.turcur.s, . THOMAS CLOCKS. Special attentionpaid wr re ite pairing and adjusting of ' I FINE WATCHES ly Brightop Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS,- PENN'A. . PRINTING, MAIWILLA, ROOFING, BAILING,: Rardarare, Gloms, Straw. RAG- AND CARPET MANUM'A.CMILTI-LEM AND SOLD AT `t 11LLIAIR UAsh defer. to Boots Porter'.lln .shot p itreei, !Bridgewater. Ps, le where he to mannineture and sell everything in his line at reasonable mates Sav ing removed his phree of bashresa Rem the easi er near the Bridge to has present loath*, be in. ima , vitro his old blends iced patios to eve Ms a pirrecra. na g' take ° lo exchispec I/v*IRO ..earrtty. Wbolesiale d Retail by Mgr ; Eiger &Co., 82 Third 4v,uue. ES Raiirofids. RAIGLISOASIL rr.wmrs* * caw*** ItifILWAY. on and alter Deer. gth, 1870. rouse inUt Lan Station' dallyabandays mown an IbllbWs.-- Main leaving Chime at *we. x., 300*. dd. lit] Mau leaving Pittsburgh at Up P. it . tar. s - . • . • , ==== AiAipitil iir"): Pittsburgh '1 18:1Ait nochattar I: US 1t111a50e.„.,..„ A./Luton Manillon • ' .i :::' • Or . es!lia. .. WI Wooster, t e ; I Mgastield... i .'..1 .Otel . 1 ISIS Cmit4e . 1 U""11006 Diterras - 1.... - i Upper thutdooky .. i .: Irontst ....... ...'. IM,, Lima • .I=l.lll Van Wert.. I '-1 I%:?c.r :. p;:aw,rw.tgthr.._s., ..s .. ....- ~! pyo:,d ;l 1 Chicago. ii Wl' F7MTM:/7.1,T - 7 11 1 == Chicago. 91:19e>, Va!panda° anew :::: ' FdrlWayna '' 'ram) Van Wert. ... ..t1.... Lima • i 406 Forret ' 508 Upper tiandusky.. 811C7711N °ratline' 1 A .•1 ,& sao 1; f, D • • Wanaleld • 'I DT Wooster °nettle — Ifassllka' • 11.. Canton • 11.... Alliance' • • 1015 !tot-nester Pittsburgh laa Youngstown, New Castle awl Erie lexpree• ulna. YOungstown at VD p. nu New Cole. kW lm; sakes at Pittsburgh 5:30 p. m. Returntug, eaves Pintas:me* 7:00 m; ter. at New Castle, 10:41a. m. TOODWIt1(11: 10:10. a. m. Youngstown:New • Castle aud Pittsburgh Ac. commodatlop learns Youngstown. th 4 lo a. tut N***l enstle.l4o tut arrives at Allegheny. 1410 a. m. Itetumlug. leaves Pittsburgh. 240 p. mt ar rives New Cutte.443 u.m. Clowns! iturenger, and Nekel Agra. , . CLEVELAND a prrrstancuii RAILROAD. Oa end deter Ley sub 485 n. grains Ina leave Stel one daily (Sunday+ excepted) at fonowe. 0000 1011711 C=MIIMM: C1ew1end........ 3Mlas 141.5rer /Weis Euclid Street .• • I. Iludran • I' itii• j 6lO Raceme . ' ISS; I ,6io AlSauce Cll3O 1 OW Ilerd... Welle‘illt 11111= ATATIUNII. II MAIL. • '— Wellvville i ', nenatt Bavard ....... .... It t 0 Alliance—...... i.r133 Ravenna litfteriO, Unarm, 111:53 EuelidStreet ll—. ttleveland 4 210 12E3EIZ! BM . 6431.31 700 ..l HIS 6ridgport.. Bleub uvllk, 120132 Smith's Ferry...., Beaver Itoehreter. i 11 Meebergh _ 11101. • Como w • • -. iriiii.ii... 7Mau.. Int üburgb7l Rear Rothe.ter I T 43 , Braver` Smith'.. Ferry ~ ... !.... Weill:111e l' aiiii litenbetiville .... !I 955 Bridgeport. ar.lialr i nG3 . 1115 TCSCARAWAti RICA Nell • Leave•. MTIVO N. 1131ladelphla, 640 a. la. I Ila_yarrl, 045, a.m. Bayard, *ln am. N. Phltulephla..lllopm F. R. MNYEN.S. General Ticket Agent—, .Miscellaneotes. SILKS, SILKS, !SI 1-• S. ildl Lines of Bonnet and Poneon'e Cbieerryed Black Silks• Grast Medium Black French Silks, from $1 to st: per yard. .. Cheney Bro Americnu Black Silk. $2 per ynnl. Fancy 'Dress Silks in Stripes, Checks and Plain Colors—a cinnpletc assortment Japanese Silks; nil qcalitlek Irish mid French Poplins, Mohair Lus In& Wool Delaines. Spring Empress Cloths. • Illhek Grenadine!" and Ilernnnl. Ail New Designs id Spring Dress Gonda Nen,• Spring Shawls. Silk t.Thquem and Basques. Ladies Suits. Notlinghuni and Tanibounal Lace Cur. mins, (liintzes, Prints and Gingham& 1213122:2 %%ITU A rui.r. LINE OF Domestic affil Hoisekeepird Giods. James- Caldwell. I.lB.nna 120 Federal Street, Allegheny 'nprs:3llo J. MOORE A ' DRUGGIST, .') Prearrlplions (trivially and Aceurafe .lll Cbinpountred. TEE BEST BRANDS OF ASSORTED Atteciloi u. al WINES AND LIQUORS; PaintN, UY E *STIUFFS: ANILINE BYO OF ALL COLORS; GLASS &, PUTTY; Byeelat attention gives to smite the best quality of Leona thd:lamp Titsinattiga, fantetos A Large Assorlment - of e TOILET • AUTIGLE:s: • SOAPS, plays tAu.'s & PATENT MEDICINEs. Mau Street. Deafer Pa .1. 11. 1 1 10CHIBETtle. ATTORNEY 'AT LAW. Third Sired, Beaver, Pa. Mks below the Court House, pester, Pa. • )HMI . ~'~ ~~ =I To Debilitated. Persons, To Dopeptico, TO SufferensfrowLivertbmpbbit, To thooebaving no Appetite. ' To thine with Broken Mien Con ' stituttona, • • ' • To Nervous People,' To Children Wading Away, To any with Debilitated D igestive Organs,:' - ' - Or Wain, with any el thefatowing 4mpronu, tohieh indieaterDisordered Liver or &mach, CM EM cm FC=I 106141 003rx Pars ttt 600 tittati 1149 1010 11.Spx EMI . ' . sotto • . • • . Coastlvo • Don, Inward . ). . . . - Ples, Ifultnens •• -. • . . . or blood to the ' ' . Dend, Athilty ot the - . Stomse h ,Nesseekllnt. • , bani.Dlsgestior Pasad.Voll. , neee. or Weight In the Stemseh. • :• I: ,•.. ~.. festritesetsn n tleoy u lik e ti o n c:E s . Man* !Fe art e t le -. - =lngot ttielElesd, sad It - lintallalsit. Flounisir al *be beirt.‘ll l -I‘. leg or Planning Senaatlons when In &Wog Footers. 131000011 0( Vialoll, Dots or Webs be. Awe the night, Fever and Dull Pains In the nead,Dentheme of Perspiration, Yellow ness of thellklo Jul Eyes. Pale In the • 814e,Itaek. Chest, Lobo. /Fe.; Om den .Pltuthess of Heat,. Bath- . leg In the Flesh, Constant . bneginfteuLtrit. A . . , • • ot Bonito. liW OM O.IOAN C=3 *Max Li= Eli El 110011a0 1 ,8 . 0:11111'.111ffERS. A . littteraAvitlecna Aloi4oi or s9pirito of CZ Ezzi . _ , .• . is dillereet,troti"altrithers.- It it I:0111 7 posed of the pure JUILVS, or Vital Pain. ciple °rasa's: neßbsend Barks, I (en us ineditinally te rn Extracts.). the. werthlesi or 'inert pcirt towel thelngre.: clients not being use d: ' • erefiiie, in 0130 Bottle of these Enters there is curtained as much medicinal mimes will he found in several gallons of ordinary mixtures. The Itools, &e., u..wti In this Bitters, are grown in • Uermany, their vital principle& extracted in that country by a scientific Chemist, nod torwanied to the manufac• tory In this city, where they an cum pounded and bottled.' Containing no spirituous mgr clients, this Hitters is free from the objections urged against all oth ers: im desire for. stimulenta am be in, deceit from their use,. taey cannot make drunkards, and estnuot under any circum staticee, have any but a beneficial effect. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was' corupoundeti Or those not inclined to.extreme bitters, and is intended for use •iii cases when some alcohulle Stimulent is reguirts! in 'connection with the Tonic properties 01 the Bitten. Each bottle of ire Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit. tern, combined with pure SANTA CRUZ HIM, and Savored in such n Manner that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters is overmany, Copiting a prepamtion highly agreeable aunt plesussid to the palate and contalaing'the medicinal virtue of the Btt tem - Thu price of the Tonic Ia $1.50 per 'Emile, which ninny persons think _too big'i. They moat take Into anstrideration that the atimulent wad is guarantedd to tai (la pure quality; A prior artiole could be furnished et & the sPer price, 'bails it not better topay'S little more and ilatift good article!. A thatikinal prePoistion shoulifiaintain none but the' Nat iilgradt ants; und 'thcy who expect to Obtain a cheap compound, and be benefitted by it 1/vllllllmM certainly be cheated. . • : Si 1103 InlOril EMU= e.:o4rar an I 135 'axes. I 1 I srelri 715 = EMI I 913 ;87:- Sicll NY IR EtS5 =3 1= 41Ors 420 WZ =I 911 ME EMI 310E7 410 100 Eiii 703Ati German Bitters, -I.OO;xND. , GE-RMAN-TONIC: POE)OPHYLUN ni,ocri) • Pir'rezirimus Known to the 31edmal woridoind will eradicate diseasei }lrking from impure blood. DeWitt} of the DigeativmOrguna. or Diseased/aver, inn shorter time than any other known remedies. The Whole Somme Court if Pen% SP Ali FOR TIIESE REMEDIES. Who uld ask for more Dignified or SZronger Thstimonyr MD. GLIMalt W. WoomrAttojoriarrly CALZJua- ILO of IV thoprerne Voter of Annoy:tax , pore's! liewebor qf Coogoeu from linaopleonia, writes: POIL•DEL•IIW vyarch Id, BBL I dud '• (Verdian Bitters " a e good tonic, useful in diseases at the dige live organs,. and of great benefit in cases of debility and want otneraaae action In then )I , lem. Yours Inv y. GEOHUE W. WOODWAItD. lluu. JA,ILa Tooke. ox. Justice of Me So. pest. Merl qf Resayltueicx April 113.1867. I consider lloofiand's Germ= flittrrs" a value. hie medicine to case of attacks Ut Indigestion or Dyspepsia. i can %silty this from my experience of it. Yours with respect. JAMES TIIO3IPIiON. lion. Usoaue SnAluiWnon, Justice of at Sopranos ' Detirt re ik.seltreinia: Pulksort.ritia, June I. lace. I have found by experience that June Gamma Dittsre " - very good tunic. relieving dympeplk symptoms shoat slimily. Ellitll E 2l tt4ItSWOOP. Hon. Wen. F. Rogers, Mayor ql City of B.fa. k, Nine-Yore: Meyer'. Office. Buffalo, Jim ft. M. I have need lloodandli-Merman Bitters and Tonic" le my builly during lb. past year, and am recommend them as an excelknt tonic, Imparting tone and vigor to the elegem. Tbelr nee be. been prodoolve of decidedly beneficial edema. WY. HOGERB. • Don. Jas. M. Wood, Er-Mayor !tansyleanla: I take great pleasure In rectlmmendlng l• Duo& Omni Gomm Tonic" to any one who may be at• dieted with DyspepsLa. I had the Dyypepola to badly It was Impoeslble to keep any food on m stomach. and I became to weak is not to be able y to walk half a mile. Two bolder, df Tunic OGn ted ■perfect cure. . JADDI X. WOOD. 100 FLAWS GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAN WS GERMAN REMEDIES Ate the enralelnes on require to pertly the Blood, elute the torpid Liver to healthy ardor., and to amble you to pass safely throegh day hard• ships or exposure, 11011S.F.L.A.NIV*1 TWaigKElTEtattaiT o Or Substitute for Mercury Pills. TWO PILLS A lIOSEI N The Most Powerful, yet Innooent, Veg;. stable Cathartic known. MD IC ta not necessary lo tate . ' handful of them pills qic=aiiewl th e desired c roofs' • r ofo r ti rl i _ ton ac : ach and ftoreta att Imptintlee. The predeal togredlent le Podophyllin, or the Moak& Ka mm ot .111andmke. which hi by many times more **walla, ICIII3C and scarcbtog than the 31andrake 'melt Its peculiar action la upon theater, titan lug it ipeeelly hoot all' obetructkota, ha powe atta c h ed rcu yet free from the Iniattana snits to tbe am of that mineraL . . • . Par an dlimato, la yrbkit then e of • cathartic loolcatell. these pills nip eremites sallsbetion In even case. They NEI KR PAIL. In cases or UM COMplahtt, Dyspepsia ami ' !reuse costiveness. Dr. lloolland's German Bitters or Tonic stool& be used in cot neuron with the Pills. The tome effect of the - Biller, or Tonle belles up_ the system. The Bitters orToble peri gee the Mood, strengthens the Nerres.neant.ams the Lbw. and gives strength. energy . _anti vigor. Keep rims Bowels scare with the Pills. as 4 toss op the system with Hitters or Tonic. siva no 511•• ease can mtain Ica bold . or ever meell_yoa. Recollect That It is DR. 1100F1.43101 GER MAN italiblllibt that tre so unitermay used mg=l,l recommended: end do Dot alto", ro Induce you to take earthing Mee die homey say Is Just m_good, because be maker a lettl, colt. mese Retaedies will be mat dY AL lose/ locality. opal application 10th.10th. Patti 1P S *OKRXAN MM. STDRE. tint Ara CM!. M 1 . ,: EVANS, Propel/4i.. •Pennerli C. 31 JACKSON a! , C 0.... These Ressedke arefor.Sale Dims gists, ftgoeekeepera and Malicia* Dealer, irveryrkere. - / IDoet.lotf. .--)BOVer . . t 2 S A' REMINDER: ME I:IOOFLAND'S i , WLTH. 1100FLAND'S WILL CURE YOU They mu the Greatest it M311..13113 M n EEEEI DM liOOFLAND'S UEICSIAN TONIC Will cure every Case or • waataarialaiu, Or iyosting away 'or the Body. THAT ' :'ik!ld IC' 8 -.l l l Visteskie." • CLOCK -4: ROUSE rir :-. .7.• jab c i ty, 44 161 5 coo t# , , ciab viguir R e ighe 1)400:1r WA*. Moth .- IS slevii - ler,•klittersig; ; . .. • '''. •uct BE * 1•73 , s :' • '-, =rim co . 11 Elwin; , t B041;14 . 'rkel. TUE VlcTolil.l. (#t A. M. Aili, It - 0:41h ' l ' . ` ilnnd.y '—, '44M4lier New ....„ ,illeop ai me d.: . " TEIE RkllGfllt" READY* ' "e kr "P ea' F i ''' T r Prieee the "411iter LtrareTs4: ' :„ :. . .. :,......:4, 3 .:i1.; : t„ I '',. • , 4 . . '..!:!..... 'Li; ......:?.Z .. !. • -.. %. 4 ' • • :4: - swov e i 1ittY.,41 6. , the ' - ;:a _ milil ftecil. iti ci tt a lt: Ism • rw. .. Jbellsort. complete i - . .--•'4 - • th e ttrairil im Pli t n e U.- 5........ vivaria eftvabliv by UMW ' - .7-.. Clucks Cal be "Mil. A 1 1 • 0 4 4 t" ,l ... ' : rljtr.; - , _.-: , -._ ~.. ' :: , . - . I" -: .-- • : l.f.t. 913 7;x8, • ..• 110.16 Fifth dalato6 *thurvip, Pa; acarkenaidecuadas . • . • MOWERS AIIiD•RICAPERS; C. A ULT.SI4OI 04pinton, hin. - ?qv exteartrely engaged Usetasanteetnieolth.; UCkeiYili fi ofaivreesk, otoniJß.l4, •:.., wltb lieltltehe and Urmapre Atiedsente, Ott* - their ' NEW ROTI:t TILLER, . • Or more commonly itirmmio Doormen, le • decidml Winorament an the aro ma" Daman with elitutd le dottleed to take Its place ererywhert. our combined inn. 'chines we furnish both allotrer and Meow Sm. for the rama• Aisehimor It. tds at C. .W 1 . 4 ;111 . 11104 CO'e; li p Brighten. ytt. Alm the Am u tpW 4TAILLS 11ISLE 9 U. rte. with their down or ousted , Power—troin 4 to to horse nowere—tot Venom Wore parchming eke, irrold do well to call Ott • AMYX ATIVISON, A steltant„; New tielliee;Pa. 'ID4CIII, E4AT.l€4—, rd. farm In. South I. Waver NW thk Mot emasintag Two Illuedrei A about one hundred end Aim nem c kW. cod la good mute of enitirattoo. on kb Uwe le a liderm• Dwaine/Am Moine, Ming nine room. • bent Game bun. Oro • homer. wagon And. tunings home sad to cratboUdiuge :-a good orchard Mahout one it besting fruit trete. The 'mond onager Ana glenadhred aml PIOT Acme handfed Wee clamed. soda fence and In goodltate of cuitivition..bil age well timbered, on - *bleb theta le • "liirD• Siam flame IhreittME Ilmissy • Gaallem harp arch rd of oat hul Ats dred and Ormly,baming tree.. The ehmeteme are vahieted smut Demo mum 'Ahem: Barer Fogs,. aat-hhaat Ma and • mile. gram the l'lttehorithofOrl.wellto =4 " ••• , /r. :arum; • *Wow ag.:4 gisrerom Mameaneep. InMem, Paul Loma= rebel Cr 4aseps Anomie,* taw. Ara - [a r m . Wall - Pap er! 1 ''. all Paper! [ n DROWNS, Wll .. jilim , ..Gyas: . VW:RjETY t .ODLEISS;• „...„...., ST..Y.T.:, EW ..' . .t iiitixor.sis - r:Ciirvi --. Oil Oath Bleire; Shade,* made to or • - -der and lettered. DOOD3 IMLIVERRD PROMTLY AT DEPO7B. DcZOUCHE & CO.. m Wood Si, I doors from 51k Arrow. mArLSOMJ • Pittsburgh Ps. • 3: o o.l3.lLertralir.. Ov. J. am r. ray yaflleidge., water , Is <kin , - ' s oillb mined that no Detail in the -- State shall do • ••—'" ' work better or A A ;.; ~• • cheaper *ban • • be oder" It to t/, ,st Ms patrons.— , He uses the be.t mumble nonsutartared 10 the United States. Gold and all err filing performed in a style that dedes compe tition Satisfaction guaranteed In all operations, or the motley returned. titre him a febtl7 • *Mal= tt* Sint GOOD 0C0C1313 At Reasonable Prices, At 148 Federal St. Allegheny-city. ' SPEC/Alt 'BARGAINS IN . Ladies' Sitohela and Baskets. Also.a . tine stock of Gents Values; Pocket-Books, Con!bs, Brushes, 1 Umbrellas, Nqtions, Fancy Goods, llobby-Horses, Wag.//us, Toys, itn. A vept large and floo assortment of Children ' " Carriage', Trk "arrive Oils mon&L. A. CVL.V.A.FeIe., Succt - w,./ to O'Leary -& Singleton, 14S Federal St., ALLEGHENY, PA., avegkincwittlune.fer!.. dee..ian. kb. STEREOSCOPES,. • VIEWS,- . -; - ALSUMS, • CHROMOS, FRAMESb E. & H. T. ANTHONY & co.. , 301 Iltreautwar,lew4mek. Invite the attentton of the trade to tiwir estenslre assortment or the above goods, CI their own pabliertifos, maastfoetstre wed importation. N Alfin, • PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES _ and . • • - • GRAPHOBCOPE23. NEW VIEWS ' oF,: . YOSEMITE. • B. A Anthony & Co.; • _at t i • s nedway. New york. 01 ite Metropoliean Hold Ivories and ilissawfanfurers of • PHOT,OGRAPHIC MATERIALS: marBf7l-13" I.l3.lWerbilnErgSr CM COMM° . En r 'MUMMER Tbe undereneird been, beireie out On De: . bevy and Onelleatearm 'esienneknorpt al J. C. lIyF near die rust Mike. bneelester. Pa.. 4, Inform Me public nue be milk IMO Jinni/ ar Oritens . Winn be es In every 'tele ; ane enpetr tbeseby ille int at neeneeble pien. nem Ia is wan Ones Mould elm gedy Ub tieseemionery upwtsiewl is wall docked: imig woe& welldUeni. ie.. will be einefied min everything needed on If bort aotiesnd the beet of style. • 'hinnies bobbed with bred Made. erne es dednid. - osOmaa ineaummium.; rI , ^t ~;gip .. ''ingmter , zato . • I'' BAITS will. • , Or;iiterbi gif.Sswiat Ilbieos - 40, *to niur, rAti s 7. tamowee q Spotlit neat, Rtleaelal '1:m0ml I glf yofir dell, tents- . ! • • -Median Ike kny aint may; V. - fekbenume• ;Miro ;:. - • TOe'r•lXamotats, ;okay; I And nikeleter. and see la'. and , ; Andfbnas,lntag sU oat o .flat...- _ • Alle - tddffer.bassat to mom . , . • totthy* bp! lY7allt • peers r ssuir tblmsaelame;' • ../4 • •": ad ibildskleneml'lNlneronet. fan :Tiftreiblhdd•my panda ankle tie may. - I IV: -.for korp r dit tbs. frustum Umiak. . ' 'Oat India boeklisre, , .•• To %atone! aim/ to do, • • fflolt.miredels• like the deoll tn. , Mudd trilds.krote se ' !tali 4lcid at I kit • • *• ' *nibs billtt of Ulf day, • - •'ll , lim'you'regeo to do wok me qnsettoo . And Afrlotibem Ma I ghee metier. T." 720n0 orlon Wan" int km_ ^ • Ile Ws cheek bit [talks to • wellies' alum bisenfloortninijeitlwark/ 'I - yea know ilea infirmity filar iffbekeisileft ant* the ilditlnts at Vklieefing , And panned Mid ion vik '" • If fterttbe reit retooled Condi UMW; for filmes, sulkiest,. ren-; • : ; boned ipd *leg on OULU. ' • • *phoned on till[ reamed pew.. .. . • Limo: bow tie beet eaa niiit Ike ne, And belted, lid blLtbsted and burned Iltreittee rebqi ballets frbbminlaruond as - Wben • elm nit death-grip moil; • sloeig leotard dusk. 1 sees a tiding • , ' '3.4nild'ai better. fin 441,4; Tkat ifigsr-that Ta-wsr. • enrolls, to me Titennpb that Ilnuoroot, fp-edged bell! "Ile rebels seen lira ss quick r• ;nu, A' And Ike koUitiknezt:d like bee.; pal beim:* lit.. . , ,Tleckorbn oboe tool tdiconee kit lows ; 11st bentiweied ups and *eked me off; WA a dune' stunthlre and 'lane, - • 'TV safe In Mu Hies be, dropped as 11,414. 1 1 4 bike* bide fiddled will. . . tie, M r plain es,36at • nif illuksr!r. , diviner. stes• booty Tim ; : Ile temimpeel death's see, for metiot And I'm not gide,' back op Ides ' .. Too may resolout till tbsevers went, home, clime Mime lunettes tbe bur, - . Hill Whit/C.lli huh to•nled Id.hen. - Or nel nineele net Tilmon ;of: SELECT MISCELLANY. THE CHICAGO TRAGEDY. qf Dr. Seankuld by Ms Broth ee-in-bus-Wye's .leolOury, and (he Untie Thereqf—Womea's Meer Orer Man .Ikmondiated—Sillgdiar -dory (la Wye's W' . . Ciampi bas , been grently'exeited L over what is mil( il the Seanhum tragedy, the killing of Dr. B. H. Wand . by. P. 1.1 Leotianl, his w i s Inlither. u-law, 'a brief emend of .Which w . :given by telegraph. The I honticid (averred on Friday even= lag of Week. ..F'a the • report of the incretigation.bribe beroner's I jury. we gleaa aninspertfgulars of the affair. . The' parties • were• on bad* temp, and'on - the 'evening stated ii . difficulty • occurred `between'' them, endirigin . the "shooting 'of licaniand thrdpgh the necit'as hewash] the act rof retreiting, Leonarderming to be under, the im p ression that Dr. S. had a pistol - and - that he Was about to use -It. The. Coroner's Jury, however, after hearing a.number of witnesses, found that there was not sufficient _provocatien for the - shooting, and • - '•, -- • thitt_Leutuird,bejleid to await the action of the graddjury. The trouble between the parties eeeined to be , on account of a Mrs. 'Farrar, of whom Dr. Sc aniand's wife had become Jealcius, her brother, Leonard, taking part %Pith - her. Mrs. Sisinland has made a statement, ex pialuing•the nature, of the existing trouble which led to 'the tragedy, revealing a must singular state of affairs. Her statement is, in sub stance, that last summer - her husband made his first professional visit to Mrs. Farrar, and that upon his re turn he remarked that he should not wish his wife to talk to any man as ' Mrs. Farrar had talked to•him. She (Mm. &inland), in surprise, asked what Mrs. Farrar had said. He narrated the conversation which he said had taken place—that she (Mrs., Farrar had told Mrs. Seanland before 1 her marriage that she would not like to become unpainted with the man who should. fail In love with her (Miss Leonard); that the Doctor in quired for what reason she would nut -like to know that man, and that Mrs. Ferrer answered that she would not like to become acquainted with any man so fascinating as to win so fastidious a lady as Miss Leonard ; that lie then, to test her, asked her if she loved him, and she replied that she was'not in the habit of giv- leg her love unsought. Mrs. Scan- I land was not pleased with this exhi bition of interest in her husband, but she had full confidence in his •Itive fur her. and would have given no further thought to the matter but fir what followed. She accidentally, at one time, discovered the Doctor • and Mrs. Farrar coming - from the mat inee at McVicker's, • walking up Michigan, avenue. Soon after this she proceeded to. the house of Mrs. Farrar, and asked her if she had seen . the Doctor that afternoon, to which she replied she had nut. Whereupon Mrs. Scanland charged her with falsehood, annnounced that she had seen her walking up Michi gan avenue; and, moreover, that she had the moment before Met the Doctor coining (ruin the house, - and he had told her (Mrs. Scanland) that he had been to the matinee with ' Mrs. Farrar. Mrs. Scauland appeal ' Ist to-the Doctor to desist from these attentions to Mrs. Ferrer, by all the considerations that a wife could ad dress to a huSband. She told him that it must be impossible for him to providefor his Welly if he gave up his waiting upon ladies; Unit such conduct would provoke annment Belong their friends, and, indeed, had already done so; that it [ was . impossible that Mrs. Farrar could love hitn, - bemire ' she could not *love . her own husband if she would attempt to win the affections of any other man away from his wife; that although they-were Poor, 1-they were still both yqung and had 1 - the world before 'Mete, and he might yet achieve honor and Independence 'by a manly and upright course of life, andethat she loved hint too much to allow him to throw himself away. Upon this the Doctor seemed very much affected, and protested that he did not care for Mrs. Ferrer; that he loved his own wife and child, and. that he would desist from visiting her except in a profetedepal capacity,' that the family- and connections of Mrs. Ferrer were very :Influential, and that he could notatfonito throw away practice which. they could bring him. This consideration in duced Mrs. Scanland not to insist, as she had at firstAntended, upon his breaking off all conned-len with the Farrar family. Sometime subse— questly. . Mrs. Rarer come to her house and confessed to 'her that she loved her husband. Then Mrs. Scan land)-told her that it was impossible that a woman who did not 4oyo , her , own husband could love anybOdy else's Mislead. Mrs. Farrarsani chid Dr. rteauland was so courtly, se•re tined, and so brilliant, that sew could not help lovinghlin...',Mrs.f3nusiand remonstrated with hereto/it earnest ' ly, and pointed: out - what rnwit:Lbe "the Mattawan' cooseqtianere, to her nelfot such. an .unfortisoate attach- . ° mein; and , when the Dieter came home, she tidd hint what Mrs. had add. - and appealed to him again lathe ittrongeg'manner re member his duties- to his • family, do histiseirend loandely,aluttim tweak off, thin .fatal :flirtation. , :lie.breke forth 'M it rage, and declared - that' if - Ore aid Citing to hold him up by the Hgld IYMa:deal- mkst of stmug minded-women' he,woeld go down town and leave her to, chine to her senset. On the - mining of the sec ond day followingFerntr came to her - louse and .told , jter that the lkattor Wt.! siek- , at his office. ..She ,wentubneniVithlifra . Farnir to the office 'and, found hint there. The boiler - seethed to' be. very ill, and, after seine conversation, he, remark ed that Mrs.:Far.rar had been attend ing him there, and,that, poselbly, ho would have dled'had it net been for her; whereupon Karat re; it-naked that -she • Melt , not I believe what the Doctor snide as heittd been taking Wong.. - She (Mrs .Seaniand) thlhiendetivored to *neon 'with the - Doctor r by tilling him - 'what medal his leaving home would. cause, and tow it , would injure- big- family and bit practice, and-Inhered will; him to. I.• re his 'return. The Doctor- was :Nucl. in: bid re - Marks; 'nod '11.n.4111 Mrs,' ;Swear - Interrupted lhittalis gaping :."What are ynataroehlkiren quarreling • about? Why dritlt you settle...this matter "", T bey 16 Farearliald to c'!e f et 'me titkiirthel;loetoy into anotheiroom and talk to , hitn." Whereupon Mrs. Femur and,the Doctor. Went. into an-. other'room, closed the doer, end rr niained in earmat•toortsgation for sme minutes, afterintich they 'to turned. Tito Doctor remarked. that he would go lietne,amil added : "You may thank thift afiger(pointhig to Mrs Farrar) that ttibite concluded to do so." Thereriplatlfiey returned to 'the • Soon after thiaTidr,„Leonard, her brother,t who Nal Watched these pro ! emirate:my with a brother's 'interest,. %implied tot ortgage their property und Übe SI,ZIO easimkt the Doctor to gum toKansas .stod,„open a drug store, fur the ulduWe purpose orfurn , ishitig him a livelihood and taking him away from Met. Famir's lone-, etas-. Tee-Doctor, hourever,ideclin ed , to •go. Mat. ekenland did hot Allende!' the idea of getting him away free) the city, gm she: felt that if she could must detach him from Mrs. Farrar she could aye hing herself from the ruin • which she feared was impending. A short time since Mrs. Scuniand, finding :herself grpwing feeble by reason of - the OM stint anxiety and suffering to which sit wassublected, (=eluded toes uw* all invitation to ay NI visit to berm a - nve J l near St. Joseph Mo. 'While there she was inflamed that the-ii timacy between Dr.,Soinlnua.and Mrs. Farrar was contintasfr and more specially tliat 'same two weeke shim Dr. &Tlland met Mrs. Farrar at his. edge about half past ten in the ling, and they rode together outdo time city limits and returned, and that then the Doctor went over to Adams street bridge, and waited. there an hourand :a halt, -and-Mrs. Farrar came along in a buggy, took up the Doctor, and fur souse three or four hours after that they occupied themselves in riding k about the city% 'Chow, and other things, coming hi her knowledge, she formed.a., sudden, resolution tp return to the city.' She returned on Thursday out the fact of wining being known either to - her husband, er her broth er. She proceeded to the deuce of a relative 'oh the f3o.''• - Side, and. sent her brother a liifenrning' him of her'pn "." requesting him hi" COllll3 awl see her • the next morning (Friday) she settee note to the Doctor, stating that a lady wished to see Him at his office at half past ten o'clock ; ,she charged him with the intimacy, as before stie ted, during her abscence; she told him that she wits prepered to forgive him for everything, no matter what ; that she loved him most tenderly ; that she was ready to make ally sae- Mice for his sake; that all she asked was, that he sh ould refuse to see Mrs. Farrar any Inure. The Doctor, being under theimpretsion that the details of his continued intimacy with Mrs. Farrar had-been commu nicated to -Mn.. Southold by her brother, went into a great passion, and declared that he woulnill Mr. Leonard. About this thee Mr. Leonard elude into. the office. anti the Doctor seized a large cane, anal,, advanced toward him, calling hires coward and other opprobrious names, threatening to chastise him. Mr. Leonard told the Doctor that he was emus], and warned him not to touch hini, and slowly backed out of the office. Dr. Seanland and his family had been living with 'Mr. Leonard, at thohouse of the latter on West Jack sonstreet, for some time, and It he• came evident Mall parties that this arragement could no longer continue. ANECDOTES OF wr.nawEa. Three.Unpublbshed eiterles. A correspondent of the Roston Zvi:uteri/it says: "1 venture to relate an incident or two, never before giv en to the public,: in the personal his tory of Daniel Webster. Mr. Web liter, as is well known, was very apt in his classical quetotions—although less varied and less persistent In his study of :he ancient authors than his friend-, Rufus Choate. Impecuniosi ty was regarded as an "often infirm ity" of Mr. Webster—and this, or a •temporary absence from home, gave rise to the following Incident when lie was living in New Hampshire. A professional brother, resident in another place. had indorsed a note for him to one of the Portsmouth bunks, and was notified at its matu rity that the same had not been paid. lie immediately e rote to Mr. Web; ster and requested his attention to it. Thy reply was to the following effect: "Give yourself, my good friend, no uneasiness about the matter. My up 'peal to the bank has been as that of Rises to the Ritall of old, to avert 'the impending fate of his friend Eu ryalus,: me; udsunt_ dui feet; in me congertitafeerum' " . To his appreciating classical surety on the note it was not necessary to give the literal translation —"1 am present who did the deed; against me, me only, turn the weapon of your warfare." Suffice it to say that the appeal to the bank was, in this Instance, a successfal one—and the surety, as he informed me, had - no fur her trouble in the matter. r*unlary retentiveness was by no means a distinguishing trait in Mr. Webster's. character, nor was much distinction always made in his die bursenients between theetinceling of his own ' debts and the relief of others. p — A young rinter lieW England friend of mine, a pby trade,' attempted to Peek his fortune In South A merits, and for this purpose embarked with a printing press and types for Buenos Ayres. He had not taken the pre caution to effect any insurance, nor to arrange for the acceptance of nay home draft in case of necessity. The I vessel was wredted. o the pgasage and his property lost. Ile was on I shore without any considenthle funds and his means were soon exhausted. There wits no English printing office id which he could find employment, and he laid ne acquaintance, with the language of the onnitry or with any resident. He soon formed a slight acquaintance with a man Breaking English, who suggested to him the drawing, foe bite Immediate relief, I= Established upon seine frieed In New York or Boston. ;He honestly told hls advis er that he had no authority for lug.. The auggestion was then made tied somebody might, be willing to swept for the. honor of the drawer, audit he would saake - a draft forsloU upon some person whom amennight I Ini-krmen at . Maenad Ayres, there might boa possibility, with. Ids aid, &getting the money. ' Thinking It almost a „ of life and death, and hoping t o . in funds fromhis tiirnings 7 befo the draft . could he sent to this rou e ry and be returned protested, as 'he "expeetesl, in the ordinary and deli the only mime of transmissicin by mailing ve6. eels, thi young man gladly availed 1 himself of the sapnestron. Theques , tion then was, what name be should i I I propose .as the one upon whom to draw. He named by turns several "solid. men" of Boston, not ,one of -whom seethed to be - known, or to - meet trith•lavor. lie happened to I think of Daniel' Webster, whom he knew only by his world-wide repu- 1 bitten. The broker to whom the no gOtiation was prow Bed — sit • once ' 'might at the name, and was satisfi ed with it.. The draft wasisecording 5, Wak., land. the . money. ndsed at .titucustorntirstllsozint. 1, , • 0 PAM% OW remained abroad 1 • •., ~k, .. - r ortwitti and' Wad - tolerably • • , ~•:.. ot award was heard of 'y .• • - . tleatt i Titnd .trtr• his. re turn to Boston. he tailed with money to repay*Mr.. Webster, and to Make the best apology •he could . for the liberty he had taken. - - Told); sur prise,- Mr. Webster said he knew nothing -.about the matter. On hiS.lesisting that, the draft must have , Wen accepted and paid, Mr.' Web- stereo far . his wishes as to I I suggest his calling again, amt that in ; the meantime he would set his Clerk. to making some examination." it I turned out; on a second call, that the draft had been found cancelled, , anal, as the •tierk said, 1 .wa.4 - discovered among many other loose papers in one of 'the office desks, Mr..Webater was then old the 'hUndrea 'dollars, but . declined ' any -I, 7enittneratiou which %MS urged. op:inAltus . in . t he. way of 'Menet ou,trisstrietly weep ! ", • Yo' 4ithee,unitters than that . or nkkresoMetlitiebster's memory.: was vertgood;•inal„ indeed, quits;tena- 'duns. , ,Areeollection of Winne in- cidents, as well as ofietint l ittifitces, was clumWtyrbnic of him: • ma. wsittireit's TexActous 11E110- Its.. vWitifteference to this Point, 'and 11, reivnt cotton unteatioll of - mine ttivting an error of a correspond ent of the Boston Pally Atkertietr: Ai. G. Hu ehins gives a Motion of an interview wall Mr. Webster, oriole thirty or forty: years after the event rek-rred to. • • A. Inind present with him was speaking of a visit to the small town of liateam, In - -Plymouth •connty, Massachusetts. Mr. Webster inquir ed whether either of them knew the origin of the name, as applied to this *aunty:. Oa being the negative, and prefacing his inlbrmit- Hon with the remark that he sop ,posedbut few of the existing inhabi4 tants of that rolace.knew how cir why their town• happened to have that name, he Added , : "It eame.about in this wis: .Just after the riot in Baltimore, in 181 f, and the destruc tion of the Federal Republican prom of Alexander Hanson a new totvn was being wade up ?loco territory severed from several adjacent towns jtl the county or Plymouth; and hen the Legislature had agreed to !angler by an ac . A. the g which was proposed to be incorpf;r ated Into the nem, town, with a de sign to signalize 'their sympathy with law and order, and especially with, the Federalism of the prserib ell petitioned to have the new town mimed-Hanson, in honor of the victim of the Baltimore mob." Mr. Hutchins, in ,hls. note written from Ikkitou, well obserlies : anecdote Illustrates the remarkable tenacity of Mr. WebSter's memory, and especially in respect to matters that related to the patriotism and interests of the people. .LAWYERS. •The Celebrities of the Posey t the Thar." Mr. L. Dennis. esq., delivered a humorous lecture - In Philadelphia, Friday evening, on !`The Colebriti6 )f the Poneprille Bar," in which he happily delineates various classes of the legal profession. Said the lec turer: . ' In the early days: of Poneyeille. twenty-one years ago, two lawyers, Philander Ruff and Pbiletes Hough, constituted the bar of the place. Now they are like goods in a coun try store—toolminerous to mention. First among the celebrities was the so veiled learmsl;tnember, Leonidas Luff. if report is to be trusted, there never was a, time when he was not wise. He was distinguished for rare intelligence in his boyhood, when he went to bed early and got up late, and was seldom caught with his fin gers in the sugar bowl. If any doubt ed the extent of his learning, they saw their mistake when he made has argument in the celebrated ease of Snare vs. Fowler. Fowlar leased a farm. The owner sold it to Snare, and in taking possession the latter claitned the poultry and brought suit. Luff appeared for the defend ant. He took the ground that his client was entitled to the growing crepe, and dissected a chicken to show that the chickens were grow ing crops, The jury found for the defendant. This started Luff on his career. Next cause Nicholas With erg esq., the timid member, always troubled with flutters, and failing in every ease. right or wrong. After yaws of practice, he never so gained on' his nerves bu t that when he en tered court he had the appearanr of a vagrant before, a soup society beg ging for a bowl of broth. Joreetu Jip, esq., Was the eloquent member, and begs that I will not as sign him a subordinate place at the Poneyville bar.' Ills first ()tutorial triumph. was the recitation of Urt:v's Elegy at the village academy. Ito soon became the local celebrity; and on the Fourth of July'd held the crowd in wonder at his eloquence while ho recited "On Linden when the sun was low," hc. or "Come peace.of mind, delightful - guest," &c. As .a student .he read Blackstone, Kent's Commentaries, and Sinus wood, but more of Byron aid 3roore, and atthe bar he found occasion for the, play .of his peeulleagenius in breach of promise and divorce cases, and depended more on the effect of his grand eloquence on the jury than on making out hgease. Next stood Adolphus Shaugle, the onoltifarlous lawyer. Ile looked up on an increase of friends as a sure guarantee of seems, and so belonged to every imaginable society, secret and public, and dabbled in all the nubile con ce rns of the town. Pearly ates , wais (he ambiguous lawyer. He was a physical toubiguliy, with legs like broomsticks. Ile had the pedestrian endurance of a mule. Jer emiah Dirge was the Melancholy member; not, perhaps, a representa tive man, but n character not to be Ignored. • He was thoroughly fune real for three hundred anti sixty-live days and six hours of every year, and found no more enjoynient lo picture-gallery than. in a receiving vault. He always addniasett the court In a graveyard tone, and his clients looked like a crowd from the t• pubnabld 9 34 - Ar ig uo4 / 4 1 *•_ *er; P&p at. ••; " 4 Coaconnolced ms on inblootil 'ot fond ne irotieral Insoyeat are iroopoeffalli so .kited.' To Insure ansoliow.dotoni of thl. kind Man In ?fifthly be secoleign n44 by the miens thonaibor; . • LAiorycnnd oJoinionh#Sonesh"lat4ll ride wed In • WEYAND, theme • Pe; • alnico, too far gni* to be' benetittel by either medical or legal advice. Hut It Is, time, iglu and SkalloW were heart from.. Slip -war a slip• pery fellow white tough hide, short memory and A conscience Illte - a hat in whiter; • With 'hint lying wars high art. Hts partner fiassitowswos a model of , Impudencesindsvarice, and thought it a tinething to bepert • and 'WY. not PIO to the bar and Jury, but to the venerable lodge. Itleh-mi Erskine wits , the Jawillrnek 'snember; he was se fullof law 'that it cropped MA osleiery oecasslot. He' be s fondnemsfot llamalthefore' be was three yearn Oh/ tienterml col lege by virtue of aptelat pleading, and was helped there kid aucivedon of pleas said ahattiiAMts. Durtbghts eourtshiti he replied- Ma leader love letter by sending his Jodie tropystfot - ruse to show cause-why an etmage- • ment should not be ordered, sad , in- terrupted themarrlage tarvemouy,by . extialminguissueJoined.fts . own ty law seheo!, too:pour to plinths's* a library, made application -for him, but Wel wife refused to accept . &talon of her mortgage ,and • negoll talons failed, hocause, ' hu could pot • give lochs, (Marge' Percival war the brave TAW yer. -tie began life under as murky a sky as ever hung over an' orphan child. With HI-health, deformed body, and wlthontfunds or friends., • he seemed on the'. high -rued to the poor house•• but through sditilealties that worth) have crashed an elephant he struggled on forls*re, amd"reileb ed the burnt itts; where, 'after long 'year's of penievermii toil,, he Won. a fame that few with lei,/ " of dlffitmlly to overeonie IniVeeversittilbedi , George Grayson wiefttar.trueilaw er—excellentslfgen Woodrow com mon sense solid legal Iturtdigu trot educated eortecMace, tapper 'vaned to Mitts:try/. - agreeable 'manners, ..lenattlestare, where good nature latupereciated, • and ability to tight iatutt;ttghtiug the order of the thy. Diligent-hi" lausiiiessi and iire:einthibily truthful and honest, :triclta of the inferiors or thevrofessiouZre has a name none, dare impeach end A practim that Will lead to fortune: t's Fn esmehr)hin the six - Aker' irior comintrliandimpailifi to slander lawyers... AIM, while sherd were inti n k of evea-grlislein it, as in every other \ callitiosmi profession, it istaildcom- s ". \ Imre faverilblY wills any other. That history of the Poneyville bar illus lrates a fact: the melt who rely on ' feint systematic, patient labor, are Ummen who ultimately make their mark: ' Alms .. like liqugh,'. Jipp, • libungle, dc., may attract a elms of admityw4ssi 14 candle attracts the - moth', tint thek - Will -in the cod add little to their fort unea • 0011 .lesa to their fame. It la, by,,suelt "men: as Pertival and. Grayson . that the world's battles for 'constitutional lib erty and personal tights have been fought, and it Is they who have made the, profession • of law uot. only \ an ornament to but : a safegiptol., ae: I=Ei Lesek•llow lteilearall 041111115eeesqe irtf•Ses ser,—.ll, New lleapuee ha the Nor. dereessAlisterg.. Tha court of appeals has confirmed Judge.liogeboones IS the case of Ed ward Runoff, coav*ted of murder at Binghampton, andprderea his'eent ence and execution by' the 'Officerrof the We have learned from 'a source beyond dispute, the particu lars of an incident in the career of this remarkable man, which has nev er been published, and which he him self recently told to an Intimate friend as an Illustration of the "hard look" Whiclilinfitilfendedifinfillt'llitough - life. Runoff stated to this gentleman. that upon his release from Auburn prison, he wandered down into Penn-. sylvania, and having perfect eonfl dance hi Rs ability to fill almost shy position In the faculty of a college, applied for a professorship in Jeffer sou college. There wail no permanent opening ter him in . ti - ioinstitutlon, bid the professors gave him some ejerical work to do, and In a little while satisped themselves of 14 re markable klentitle and literary' at tainnients, so that when an applien lion cable front Chapel Alla college in North Carolina for. a professor - of Jangungeti, the faculty of Jefferson were able to return mend Rulloff to it as a proper person to fill the position...- Willie preparing to accept" the pro fessorship at Chapel Hill. no received a letter from' Mrs. Jarvis, the wife of the I theca jailer, tv hum lie had seduc ed, and through whom he was en abled to make his escape from prison{ to the effect that she laid left her husi band and was living with her son (the same who was fisowned In the river at Bingliumpton after the mur der) in destitute circumstances, anti demanding the sum ofssoo for press ing and Immediate wants. The let ter elm tai nett w note from the son that unless the moue' was forthcoming he would kill Runoff on sight the first time they met. Ile was utterly, -without the means to seihiso large a' sum. Gratitude and love both con- . spired in hls breast to inducenno ear nest effort to secure the money and send it to the only woman ho ever loved. .His meditations led him to devise the robbery ore jewelry store inn neighboring villae, and putting his Ohms into execut ion he carried 'them out sums...a-dully, and plundered the store cora considerable amount of jewelry. This he tied up in his halal kerchief, and us rapidly as possible -- fled from the scene of his crime. Traveling along the highway In the early morning lie was overtaken by a stranger, who reluctantly gave him permissiou to ride. • They had proiveded but a • few miles, when two horsemen aproaelied Ahem and arrested them. for horse. stealing—the very wagon lu which notion' was riding having been stol en the previous evening by his conf panion. , Here was a dilemma even for so skilful a villainas the profemr of chapel 11111 - But his "cheek" saved him. PersiStlng that lie knew nothing of the robbery of the horse and wagon, 'but was chance passenger picked up by the real thief upon the highway, and be ing able to prove his good character by the profiors at Jetlbrson college, he was discharged at the examine- • lion upon the Pliutution of horikk. • stealing; but before be had left the court•rooni, the officers looking for . the burglar who hail stolen thejewel ry, came in, Indentitied the pnverty found n i r n res t i l i i n e g ev i r li for wagon, and Runoff was in no wise abashed. The same confident air which he had main- • Mined all through the trying ordeal, s• and the le of the professors, served him to the end, and declaring his ignorance of all knowledge ott he burglary as well as of honsesteal g t, lie was a second num disehitr ; while his companion was held for both crimes, and ultlrantelgaufferlog the punishment fur the very offence wide nulled' lilinself had committed. - In ilisaibing this Incident in his life, Runoff laughed and stdd It was only one instance of the "devilish hard luck" which had followed him all through hik varied eareer.—Troy Tinos. —A genuine white fillati caught In the Alabama river, six milea above Selma; m Suminy last. Prior to 1848, no genuine shad had been keen in.any river emptying in to the Gulf of Mexico. In May cof that year thirteen hundred young phad were delivered into theartillehd pond in Montgomery. It Is probs. hie that this fish Ls' the decendent of mune of that colony. d ~'{t.... OE