The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 12, 1871, Image 4

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WililletaTON No Miro:ME:WE.
WAsumaTorr,D.C.; March 33; '71.
Tiro New _Election in the!).
t;—John W...Pt1110-4)11r Loin, Erma-
Int, a. a 1 Banged-=Ku /jinx
riairages- 1 --ForestatUttg-Ayhat Does' •it
The . proapectarif hottejg inewlol o '4lo-
wont for thtt- Distrito-oPAlOlimsublf•Juid
tho ideation of in, cillionnitirtgestlog•
pdflerable interest, and
-tneritings. ttre
nightie' being-held and: titelesnes.esin
vasitsi. Tip Deirmerate bairn Miturnated
choir eamlidellertg delegate id • tfanitmo
in the portion of 1 iehardo 4 R-dlferrick, a
brother of Judge Merrick, now M. C.
• from Maryland. The rebel element, or
rather those who wore either in the rob
el army or misted the, rebellion, eon-
Dakota no inconaldomble portion of tho
Demo. ratio force., Money is being freely
• attheoribeiland means (regardless of the
honorable) aro being provided to in . -
crease the DetnoetWo veto, The Rental
; llama dare nominated (ion. N. P. Chip
inane &gentleman of education and nth
anal highly ontoamed for Ms unsel
fish loyalty during our late war. •
If wolghouldb3in un fortunate sotto lose
Connecticut on Monday'', election, much
more work will, of course, have to be
done to secure a Republiinuttrluntpli in
the District of Coluinbln.• 'Phe Republi
can' have a majority in the District hoar, anti but little 'fem. Is entertained an
to the reeilt.
In this .tity whore Cia. Forney Ilan ru
ailed se long' and where bin !Mercian
and attachments are . 80 graft, las' up
. 'allotment /1.1 collector of the port at
Philadelphia, in almost universally con
nlderotimost worthy and proper. Since
itis withdrawal from the Deameratto
party nearly thirteen years ago when the
Republican party was iti Its infancy, few,
have done as much in tho Republican
cause as Col. John W. Forney, and it
ban been hoped by his friends here that
President Grant would find it to the
country's intermit; and his pleiviere, to
retain him at the Nation's Capital an one
of his confidential telviners.
Ity Invitailon of General Crocker,
Warden of the Prisfin in the District or
Colombia, your ctirroapondent witileaa
ed, since my last, the execution ofi c ames
Grady, for the murder of a reap table
agetnady of this city.
The President had granted two respites
through theeatheat appeals of his friends
and spiritual advises. Much has been
.lone during the respites by theme to In
dolence the President to commute isia
"senteuco to luilwisouniceit for life. lint
true to the Proaltient'm instinct to rw-
INWM of the land, after referring
OM *hole matter to his legal - adviser, the
Attorney General, Executive clemency
e•tet refused. Hut to the execution. Now
I Ilrst would any, that the way the old
Isle ; was Murdered by firtuly was so
horrihie and , disgusting to the retlneti
portion or the community, I will eousid
er it, a monologs crime.
Netwithstandlng the prisoner tisul con
versed freely with all who visited him
anion every instance nu fear or the gal
toasilwas betrayed, It was thought that
wheti.the time arrived roFilis execution
Ito would show the white feather—Not a
bit or it. With a firmer step than any
other member ortho party who ascended
the kmll4l'l,llo with hie hands tied tightly
marches- from Ida cell to the
seatrold without the least. manifestation
or rear, and yoluntarially took 110elthel
ee the trap through whieli lie was to he
launched Into tntornity. Ile refused to
snake any remarks, nod even aided by the
turnin of hitt head in piecing OM noose
around' his neck. lie bade all around
goitti-live with that .vonplaisaney and
f.itO tilde only equaled in the days or .the
Guillotine, anti with a most pleasing
smile informed the Warden that ho was
ready, and in an instant the trap full mot
Its was dangling in the stir with his noel
There pre four more . eonlined
jaThawaiting their trial, under theindkt
lark 'of murder. One is is. notorious
p too lighter by the name or Itaehe lint
~ .ter. who sumo three weeks Mitts, after
.140 ting badly beaten by a ganibler
this city, obtained anun and deliberate
ly shot unit killed his antegonist. Au-
other is Indietal an an accessory to this
Murder. The other two—a wan Uell
W.ll2ll4ll—known ea quacks lit tho medic'
proftetion, who have true. bills
r 1 against them for the murder or a
young and beantlrul lady last week with
an abortion tuedielne.
While there hits, been a great many
minters comittitted in Washington dur
ing tlio past few years, especially during
' the war, none before have Buffered the
',penalty of death. 'Dv some hook or
erook all have escaped the gallows, nod
hut few evon hero been punished with
imprisonment. The morals or NVaahlog=
ton are certainly improving. The how
tentrltd,Attorney, dodge Maher anti MS
issistaut Harrington, are Wit:sing a
spirit of War - Il an the mind of the' peo
ple, and oculsoquently It Is not a difficult
task to obtain a Jury now who are not
averse to bringing in a verdict of guilty
when there Is bullicient evidence to tLI2I
eoligrolLa you perceive, continual In
sUsaloal and the prospectisof Ita Inunedi
ato adjournment leusear with ovary
day's Rroooodings. 'fho dollatos 00 Um
Ku• Klux. outrages in the South during
the p.ut weog; hevo given to the unx•
bats people here, more than anywhere
doulitious, sttlkloot serious consider
anon, and nut a row of as aro anxious
that debates on this subject may con
tinue until the whole txm u try ahal I know
Its true status.
The House of Representatives being
how engaged In the consideration Orlin,
hill to suppress these outrages, reported
. front the select Committee, ot which Mr,
StiMlabarger of Ohio, Is chairman, allow,l
a word to your readers on the subject:
The bill has been drawn with great tliee,
nod provides for punishing all conspire.
cies against the Ilte, property, or per,3on
el rights of citizens, anti content Noon
the Federal authorities, jurisdiction in
case where oho SLAWS, or State Courts
neglect or refuse to titiand ample protec
tion. It also authorizes the President to
'teaspend tho privileges of the writ of
hoheas realms lu ttlIV insurrectionary
districts and to atibrit inutile military
p r Ib,ellen.whun oho civil authority shall
isi inadequate. lititionbtedly the pro
posed laws, It (mooted will do all that,
can lie 110110 by mere legislative enact
:tient, hilt it Ls equally, ulcer that peter
and stxxtrity must, to a large extent, de
pend, upon the emiduct end temper of
die people lu the disturbed distrids.
Enough fans have been disclosed ut
terly to demonstrate the peittiesl °phi,
i , 1114 tool ram hatred, of the authors of
the crimes end murders with which
whole sections have been made hideous
for half a duetic. All these disturb
tutees aro in the intereet of beinperatie
Soproinuoy and negrooppression : There
:WO but two hcoplb remedies fez (hest,
disorders, .anti they are: llrstly, sub
mission to the laws by the Dentoerats or
ilia South, tool secondly, resolute do
ings() of their rights by tier 1111,1•14,11 of the
101 l qt lr. .
it coat efforts have been and are still Ise- ' t '
lag pet forth to forestall pubic +violent
on the tian U.imlitgo tmestiom by mono!
/MOW no more :Mont the twitter
Oise those WilOtil tite,y seek toteitlighten.
Anti-annexatlonlatit In Vonarcsuctovertil
of %Omni are ts.llevall, to have sought
"Ili:140 . A f.Cft . •
lutes hetet try:n.l ill, °etc:tear themselves
(ter acting with the ltomointsey, h, seek.:
unit Immediate adjournment en Cut
tirottiql;that they believe:lore President
Ne{,4i4ng 10 , keep entntreeeltere bo .art
let oho report of Domingo Cont.'
tphenettere. 'rills may look platisitilo to
those who do tun know the leeks In the
At the sOileitittien of several
prominent moinistrs of the Rouse, the
, Voisident refrained front Minding a tinee
ttl message on the Oth of Nlarch, and lit
t•tottl, wrote a letter to Speaker Rhino to
be 'lselin Caucus. in ho chargni
mil emphatically stated that he did not
destine to present tiny matter to COII6IiSSI A
except the thndition of affairs iir elle
Month. Fur some unknown reason, this
letter tilt' not boeonte known to the putt
lie until very lately. • His 111404501R0 Wan
not morel emphatic on this pant than
wain his letter. 'rims fails to the ground
tide lieW fledged charge, that flay Prod
, lout desired to hirer Snit ltotningo upon
Congress, It is quite probableditat dur
ing this weak the report submit
led to Congress, and given tithe coun
try, but no action will he taktito ley the
President, nor will any be asked of Cori
gross until next l)esioniber,ellerthepett
plc, shall have had eight months to es
t mine`the report er Um Commissioners,
and d,ohated the merits of the qtidittien.
Ruth, there Is another class of men, whit
stay tig access to the press, hare persist
sully,. perverted fasts, 'and -have toads I.
use at therructatAttWuaing.nabirepresen
}shone lu gel control.of public opinion
in advance. Tim motives which snore
these &bailer!f are altpply these. They
are , not given opportunittes to make,
etercltattiseor tillieial:litfornktion OA lit
the da '
ys of .Johnion when Congress
itseally ling saw the President's
ea in the Now York pipers, and Ire:
reuse the President does not choose to
make them his tsintldential advisers as
lahreen did. It Is only n. that
the public shall become sts=with
the tots, as they! scent likely - to be set
forth In t he report of the Coroulbuiloners,
to (if they do not fully endorse the P
hlent's doelre for anneiatlostittacelpato
Mtn fully from each andeveryaflegatien
and charge Made against him, antt p, ae.
cord to 'him the highest patriotis* t I
oho whnletratisactlon.
In view of the Ikea 'lately derelo by
the Beneta Couitnittcobn Southenr rs
and new fiat daily) wining to light root
the southern Stake, It is certainly tire,
that the, people pfthte ca t talo? shouts earn=
estly Inquire Into the tonditicm °falai*.
with a view 10 113zrrtrari what the grow
ing disorders in She Smith portend.,lt data
been taken' for grantol hero that 'partici
' outside of Washington went as well in
fonneatUpott the subjecaktflieuthidt"
Ugea.2lo3 ll ozg *m faturptigh l w
The matter,
he matter, ete Ming up r
sidemtion, show a this to have been a Mis
' taken view. The'prephi bare grown quiet
in the pursuit of their bust acakand hoped,
all was going ,Theelecttpaskist
in which large Democratic gains were
Made. seems toltavit entreated eEttlU ux
Klein to an alarming extent. Sinai Nov.
e mber That, the buettlated Democracy of
tho South seem to have been greatly on.
couroge d t o hcilevlngthat the day is fast
drafting near when %belt old rebel leaders
shalt again take the Tema Of (Invert:ilea',
mane a very ent extent, revive "the
geed old times. ' Under this inspiration'
they. have already gone beyond seeking
control of the elections, indict South CM'.
&Malaria antied.:endte 1 .116110er t0.r0..
sign office to which they were Elected.
Encouragid by anccess,thoZu Kluxare
rapidly Increasin g in membership and
uninher, until it Is now estimated that
they have upwards of three hundred
thousand oattebound veterans ready .to
strike at any point naming to carry out
their &algae. The organisation has al
ready obtained entire control of the Dem
ocratic tines in the South, and of the as
sotiated press dispatches from - that quart
er. 1,,n- marly..oartai nor; ;COI, he
found wile dartit - awful. Ida • adlicrenhe to
the devermucni; men failing to receive
protection from operi outrage, and nightly
dreading midnight asitassinatioi, are lust
giving way before thn. fearful presure.
Revenue olfleeri 'arth'etelf agetda Unite in
saying that the Government officers are
In constant danger of death from the Ku
'Klux Democtucy of the South.. From all
portions of the South letters are being re
ceived, begging for protection, and in the
midst or this New Hampshire tacitly eat
domes the Democracy by the election of
a Democratic Governof and Congressional
delegation, owing to private quarrels and
apathy, on the part of,the Itcpublleans,
and the work of death receives a new im
petus. Connecticut wavers,
and new life
is given to the, Kiang. W hat door this
atom if not a new rebellion!. Were the
signs in 1860 more torboding of evil than
now? The voice of all loyal men In the
Smith Is for protection, and urge upon Re
pahhicans every where etd eeeSe encoumg.
ug the rebel -Democracy by their party,
quarrels, at least, until such time as the
tour million emancipated slaves; entrench-
feed by them, and the loyal white element,
shah he safe from murder, maiming, die
figuring, robbery, and the incendiary, he
because of their wiltercnce to the Govern-
Ment. -
A Conscientious ThicE
Those wi) do fait know me may
perhaps believe the following story.
Those. who do know me will not.
Still it was qu ito true. Reginald was
a plea :int old gentleman with a tine
.sense. of humor. He haul considera
ble property and lived on Whoble
dom Common. Flo had one beauti
ful dau_hier—but that is not to the
poinN.On6 afternobn,a4 Old Regi-
Iliad WM reading books in his draw
ing Mum, It wail announced to him
that al:mouton Maui desired to speak
with him. lie gave orders that the
Common Man shout& he admitted.
And admitted the Common Man
was. He' m; a vet& Common Man
indeed. A tall, sha hiding ill-look
ing fellow, with uta irresolutii - manner
and ai oh ri n king eye. lie was d
as costermongers• when . following
their calling.
"\Vhat is your pleasure, good Art"
said ow iteginnhi.
"Beg pardon, gtw'nor," i , aid the
C:otnion Man. "1 hope )ou won't
1w hard on' me." ,
"Is:ot al. all, replied Old lteglinild.
it burglar," *said the
Compton, Mutt.
'• Indeed!" Maid Iteginala. "Take
a chute:" -
"Thank • you, kindly,• ttuv'nor,"
said he, hut I'd rather etand.
And he did stand. '
So far there k nothitig very luered
hie In my story. But It gets more
remarkable as it goes uO.
"liow tlo you like your profesi.lct'
said QM Reginald. .
"Well,gne'nor,"sahl the Common
Man, •'I don't like it noways, and
that's it.".. . .
"That's what?"
• "That's why here.'-f belongs
to a gang of twelve wot's working
thesaliart9. 11(41; 'Wt cracks cribs
by turns. It's iny turn to night."
And the burglar wept like archild.
- "This•tpresuaue is Remorse," said
Old Reginald.
"Not intv'hor, it ain't Reinerse,"
said the burgiur..."lt's Funk." •
"The tattile thiug e l satd, itegiuuld.-
"It,UIUI thCheffikliturglar flint I.
object to. It's the having to commit
burglarlim. I Ilkethecredit or itoir;
It's the danger I object to."
~t se w.
"Now, by the laws of our 1.,, , ang,
We're liuund to crack cribs in turn.
Tkt kitZ) say, 1/11() Or us cracks the
t-zitA while the other eleven Htolki out
side and gives the office."
. "I thought burglars always work
ed in two or threes?" said Old' Regi
"I"raps I ought to know best?"
ho suggested;
"Perhaps you ure right; • Indeed I
um sure you ought. What crib do
you propose to crack to-night.
"TrU., hero one
U Old ltogina lit prepared to ring
"Pt etuie • don't lo that, gliv'tior.
You ain't never ugoin' to give• we
Into eusitody'r
".1 thltitel had bekter.",
"No,' nu, uusr'nbr, 1144't t
, thlitd
tb. met tirse. than't:ugoinl
to hurt you." ,
' turn to ensek your crib
to-night:- Noiv 4 , will yott4telill`ue,?t,'
• • I 'l hardly t -co my raidway,"Old
Reginald, • thipgb tlnlkv... Still, if I
can be of
"Look here, guv'nor, each anon
' iter,titf‘bar t glutg is hound pultt'llftYi
pveallia• ?worth to swadiTreld **(Si
edn'heteinekS. .If•he don't he'Jitha d
Now, f es!a 11:131.6)C110 silver salver
and; on(10-pot ;and =trettttt ':'jpikas
wine in here. -- -
value of that luindsome Silver salver
and coffee-pot ? '
"The cream jug eleetro. The
ccitree-imt„with sugar basin and. sal,'
Ver, may i r , worth live and forty
"That's nemi enough. 141 hike
'ors. Ikia*e4 - 4 allicasey for fifty ttuld
.tnd 'he hitt:sled . 'OM 'll - egthatl i
baulj stUlefocAltal. amount.
t•lNfia It on % quite understand—'
' wtutt you, gtiv'nor, to besoguoti,
as to leave your bedrootn window
Itite.o toznight, jtajLit,twv, that sliver
'. l lttdthont 'sjives,Mttpal hires T
'tanttet irtirolY have er ll4 "
eel my. crilyAniggigl •• my %swage- and
made myself safeuidll 111r:turn came
round agaia;" •
"Certainly," RAJ) lteginaid,
holding. ' the
,note . .to the light.
'glut. let hte tick; Low yOti afford
to lacy so hauthairriely for your de
pr ions.;"!
"Thera doick" hit' 11l Sir:
Or U 4, cracks o vrit, once iu four,
itiontlts, had etch kwitkp at led fifty:
pounds, worth—oft more, but at
lead that.... After • each plant the
i tirtel4i are divided. ; Last quarter the
twelve cribs erat*ed brought , us In
elevett t hUtittred pottuda-z7thut's phut,
typ#p tisfidfl tqliety,N_Attlg my {taro
tstinh% — ll4. 11•%lepek# .4ftitr' tht•ltitty ,
'plittuds worth 1 swug l'have been
is useably' breath; up); • and I agets ,
tql•ty pounds to the good. And flir
ty pounds-hi the a gtaxi:e.f}ldul forty
pounds a, quttrter t .at .11tiwired.,',4111 4 i
sixty poutillgh ftlf."Aftfl 1 live ha
it. Sometimes it',B.-moror-pow,htncl
then it's less,. Xiut;; ait
lives on It." -
4 1jettitiotrifi t artri
:Zoote titer tre
Old liegitothh - wits irer pod as his
word. He felt hts - barrbotn
open, and ploy! lb . oftiver when;
the H onest -Barer& itag a+ 4 grind nx t
his !Aura. andlit
roornliglioxielo , Toultitit+ So
all was
g situ& said straightfor
ars!tute' euouittot o lt. r4B.,rtpsp o+lllo
story. Tbe Arty poaridirote wasp/arc
of ,tbe proored_ • AM
glary., woe turtribenor, the note Wl'
known, and Inked to 014-Iteetakii
-6 .- !We i r . i t tB ho"CaVv n e
h w is ho poweisi ltad to
burglars had in the meantime been
Flbed by the pollee (this LS also In
la), ,and-wego, condemned to.
Bnal ; servitude, tiir life.
...scl Old
tegitudd had nnlttitatien in stating
the facts as I have stated Bleat." No
one telleved hint, us noun will be
lieve me. • Bo he appealed -to. th e
Honest Burglar lo corroborate his
story. But the lionest:Burglari hav
ing • discovered •the, „whole-, thini4,
coffeepot,. salver, • nod all, was the
commonad eleetrie, was , so shocked
at. Old A:Tin:thus dishonesty • that
not only did he decline to corrobo-•
rate his story, but' actually, and I
think wry, •properly, ithmtilled:llM
-113 an accomplice. And Old Regi
nald was also sentenced to penal ser
vitude, and be and the Honest' Bur
glaryorkeil.for Many years together
nit thu.ttune welds, and had wally
'opportunities of , talking the Matter
over from Its moraLspecial, and. ph-
Mimi points of view.—Landon Fun.
Written LM the Staubonitlle Osizotte
- anAnirs - LEAP:"
&mind Brady seems to have been
bas muchthe hereof the north-eastern
portion of the valley of the Ohio as
'Daniel Boon was or the south-east;
and the is untry is as full of Lis
hardy' adventures mind hair-breadth
escapes, although he vet lacks the.
industrious pen of a Flint cellee t .
and to.clothe them In that fsscinnt
ing language so peculiar to his style.
From undoubted adthority It 'seems
the following Incident actually ban
spired: Bnuly'a residence way in that
part of Pennsylvania now called Bra
yer county as noted in the legend of
"Braill*.3 Htll ;" and being a snail of
uncommon activity and courage, as
well as very superior intellectoill
ultjeu, Ira wa4,gcnenally selected ti 4
the leader of the hardy borderers. in
all their (brays and pursuits into the
Indian territories north,of. the Ohio.
' - On this occasion, which, was about
the year of 1789; n large party of In-
Allan warriors, front the -Faik of the
Cuyahoga nial.kuljnet.nt country, lied
made am intim() ou to .the south side
of the. Ohio river in that part or
Braver County then known as the set-
Bement, of flattish "Camp," so called
after min old Indian warrior ol that
name, din) lived there when the
whites tirs came Into the country, on
the Minnuagluthela liver. , • Thispar
ty haul murdered several fami lies.
and with the plunder haul recroiised
the Ohio before ettertttal puiseit,eou d
be Made." " - • •—• • '...
"Directly after the alarm wass - giVen
Brady collected his chosen followers,
and hastened in pursuit; but the In
dians having.rt day or more the start
before it tufileient party could he
gathered,,lte,was unable to overtake
them in 'time , tovrrest their return
to their villages.
Near the spot , where the town of
Ravenna now stands the Ire hims
separated' into two panics; onit of
which went to the north, and, the
other westin the fidis'oreuyahogi.
Brady's meti also divided ; a part
pursued the northern lurid, and the
remainder went with him to the In
dian village lying on,t he river, in
the pr tent township of Nerthapip
ton, in Port age county.
Although"he mane his approach
with the atturrA caution, yet the in
thous, ,exueetin;.; , a pursuit were oft
the initkont, and ready to receive
him with nembers fourfold to those
Of Brady's party. Their only - safety.
after a few hasty shots, was in retreat.
which soon lacemite. frtim the ardor
of the pursuit, a Perfect flight.
Brady directed his men toseparate
and each one to take care of himself.
The I mlituis iminedintely knew him
from his volts, and having a mist
inveterate hatred of him for, his for
mer injuries, left all the other bor
derers and pursued lam with united
strength. '
, The Cuyahoga here makes a wide
bentsi to the south, including a large
titlef of several mites of surface, like
I a peninsula; within this loa d the
pursuit was contested.
The elndians, by-extending their
line to the right and left, forced him
on the hanksof the stream. (laving
in perteable times, often hunted over
the ground with the Indians, and
knowing, every turn of the Cuyhogu
as familiarly as the villager of the
streets of his town, he - directed his
course fer the river at a spot where
the whuk stream is 'compressed by
the rocky cliffs into a narrow chan
nel of only - twenty-two feet across
the top of thgvhasm, although it is
considerably `wider lieneath,jand
much more than that in bight Above
the current.
Through this pass the water rushes
like a race horse, chafing and rearing
at its confinement by the rocky chile, I
nel. A short distance above, the
stream is'at least fifty yards wide.--
Brady, as he apprisieloki the chasm,
concentrated his :nighty powers,
knowing that life ordeath was in the
effort,, eaped tife,pass cit,a bound. it
so happened theta low plaeoliCtile
opposite cliff Savored the leap, into
which he dropped, and grasping the
hushes, liehasi iheseH'td tetefal to
the hip of the precipice.
The Indians for. a few inoMents
were lost in wonder and adndration,
and before they had recovered their
recollection he was half way up the
side of the opposite hill, but still
within reecho( rifle abut: They could
have easily shot him' before, but be
ing bent on taking him alive for tor
ture, and to glut their long delayed
revenge, they forbore the use of the
rifle; but new seeing Wan likely 'to
eseepeethey'la fircdrupoit 'him. One
shot wounded him seriously in the
hip, but not so badly, ns •to prevent
his progress. The militias hating to
make s considerable circuit before
they could crass the river, Brady
gained a great distantsi uhead ; but
Ids' wetted growing Stiff, and the en:
emy now gaining on him, he made
for the pond which still hears his
naiad, and plunging Into thu water,
main beneath the surface for some
distance, till he ca u se up under the
trunk of a large oak tree,.which hail
fallen into the_pond. This complete
ly tfinecalea; ({casts CiiimervatiOn;
but elp,r4eitlttsurtil bto tik dg place
to support life.
Tne Indlans.tractsl hint to. the
ldobil ;to 140: rtirtt g) of, the; .wider.;
made diligent search all around the
pond ; but finding no sign of his exit, '
tintilly tune to . the conclusion that
he had sunk from the quantity of
water taken In nt his wound. They
were atone time idnudiug.on the
very trunk of the tree beneath which
he lay concedes). Bradyrunderstan
(ling their languap,, Wit; very glad
toTheir'The resu eoft belt' liege ;'
and after they had gone lie :nude
good his retreat, lame and hungry,
to his home..
. followrs also all returned In
safety. )
The chasm over. which he_ leaped
Isigruiwn. : the minis nbilut , the
river, - by the - Wine- or
"Drddrs Leap." DON clumoTE.
Worm ' th e Lungs. '
Pulnionary phthisiti is Illie tti worm
In the lungs,. p u nt gradually but sun-,
ly undermines one fifths limit Import
ant functions of life—respiration. -
.Like Othortinaladlis,.lt hits it be
ginning,'und we raise our' Warning
voles to check it In he infancy if
you wait until It grows and spreads
Its lava of net-work 'and dimtruct lon
overAlte pulmonary themes, it will
be tio Intel to Arrest plinaglies k a nd
the Work of delay ,will proteed,,until
the , Whole spasm will sink und per
ish, tike a ruse stung .16) , ..a scorpion.
A sere' until infitilible medicine to
check' it at the outset; , ./bi. Keyser!.
ltelfrat •Cough • 'Syrup, Which not
only speedily ehecics the. cough,'.lll
ays laitainination; but - nip heats the
rainlirm the , attendant
bourseneaf rind 'cures, iit•Mi - !naafi
blittithiSrt lierrlemfof
train of synadaspi - Iffili,o44/0 Ibis '
condition. • It is ailtre mid vhluable
inedighte, tbe , heeVknown and Vest
Ingredients, tuntanly,,costs 73. cents,
To be had °fail druggists. If -your
drdatirt Akita noti kiabp';'lte send 'to,
LlSq,Kinir,l67,Liberty itree4Pittn;
burgti,l 2 B4 and he wilt forward'lL.,'ll
Neto-Adverlisements f ,44
3 II 3134112 a
wr/ti oven ,*
1000, .11,1u—str'sx'
50 . 660 P-4 1 . 1 4 lr XS,
E !M
V.A.311111.1( ALBUM.
Tie Pictorial FentUT 11111161 at eoetalruia
storehouse of Information mat can oelyseseh the
mind through the eye. Its Illestrattima csrrl one
hark to the most Important mu or the writid,and
ate of themselves a oomprabensive review of the
scrlptrurs,represstitlng the most interesting views,
Character.. Sytnbolattistotical Eveum,llianderape
Scenes. Antiqulthre, Costumes, Bessie, Innis, In-.
sects. Plants. Minerals , Coins, Medahr.
nous and Incidents referred to througtont the Pe
ered Teat. They attract the eye, cornet errone
ous Impressions. awaken new thoughts, and tat.
Rink clearer Mews of Dhrine Truth. As a help to
Pirenti. Ministers and Sabbath.tichont Teachers
In fulfilling the Mitts , r, of their separate and high
COCAliAnt .-11214 to all other. to whom Immora l
wools are Intrusted—this splendid Pictorial Vu !.
unto C4llllOl be orrristimated. It le the Edition.
Magi :kaiak for the Family,
Host Valttablefor the Statical,
Most Instructive for the , reacher,
Moat il . peoprlate for the ChM!,
Nast Wal for the J inister,
alost 'Were:stingier the Farmer,
. Most Elegant/Or thr Pisrtor,
Most Profitable for the Veldt/.
The Pictorial PawUr Bible. In ad ti
tian to the feature. already alluded to, contains.
the Apocrypha, Concordance Psalms In Notre. a
:mammary of thefiacrod Truitt* as taught In tho
Inoplred Book. toviber with numerous and eons
pthensice Tables and other Itlatur.tal and explan
story Matter, coatowlying the tabor, of many of
the moat CU:IIMM Biblical !Whelan. 'lt Is Minted
on.tho finest colandared paper, from cleat and
open type, In ono largo and luludeome quarto vol
Mlle. and Is bound in the taunt datable and at.
' tractive manner. while the prices are outtlekvitly
low to place It within everyiexlis reach.
Experlotteed Agnate uro wantod through
out the eouutry fur Its mie, with whom liberal ar•
ningemente will be made. An opportunity of
equal prombio is rarely or never promoted. Its
rata will not be intuited tosny period, but will con-
Clone for a lifetime, constantly inerraslngwlth the
gmerth and Intelligence of tbo country. It Is there.
fore docindite that those Who engage with us. shall
do PO with a Clow to making the business a per
en, Wooing "feu stud Wouteu 9 —thoon
oho would meet with the wort pradtabla of ail
entoloymeatrato invited to eorreopowl with..
with a view to an agency. Nut slaw ouch are
averaging hunt lINXIO to ram animal profit In to
vale. TWIN, in a great want tar the book ant a
rick field offered. while it will elotute ihn
condition knoonotant contact with and conceri
oationo upou Ito beautiful arra mono: trutho...A
'Agrulsou the Instalment Plait i'llhhe
run Weed the work In dna hindluge. TM. plow!.
'quite popular Dud ',minable In cittea urn Unto
town*. We have an edition of the book. superbly
bound. pith nwarive paneled slaw. Which has no.
crywhete received with marked favor. • not.
ecrlptirne , for the !tenni:1111101e, tn this +Ole and
In Into way. can be °burned to and aliened an an.
Iltull.l extent. ne there Is nit outlay of unmet tint
lac Rhin reader can make. which will yield tt ID
rich a rcturu. '
We ate au.n the pahll.ben. of Potterto Mane
fiord Edition* of Family. Pulpit. Pocket and
and ilintograpble Sidle. and Testaments- mull
Pa different etylee--to well hammerer, %there for
their accuracy of text. beauty of doled end data-
Idttly of Wilding. Mangy* minim. rowan's Stan,
nano Entattota, and net the beat. addle:dee
coutaluloy etylca and priors farntehed on lignite,
For Clrentnrs rottletolott a full derol t olon
m. _Pictorial Flunity Nitite, with •ample Motet
nod term• to Agetitp. address " Pcretat • STANb
1114 and 617 Sartinth Street,
11 $360 'PEP, -MONTIII
AR person*, young or old...4ealrlng ern- rr
1.100114. M at from One tq Three Hand. r.
died Dollars per month. *herald addreee lot. to
S modiately CiEzU & CADY,SoIe Mannfactlyr
"`" Woo. tfinvhnll, Nlchigan.
15t4P17.A.1"30 or :Niro. lillistabot la
Mnr/th, TToo'cl. —Let ten. Toranwaty
ry upon the corate of Elizabeth Smith. deceased.
haying been granted to the Regleirr or WIN of
old county: to the undersigned melding In Smith
rownahlp, Waytaluglon county. Pl.. AU persona
haying datum or, demand* spinet said relate. ire
regneete.l to prevent the reme. and Ulm* Indebted
to wake payurtent to JOHN PEUGUSON.E.ere.
intrukel Byrlngton P. 0., IYashlngton Co., P .
VIijA.P.C"I"I,IIII- A Geneyal for Wt.
T V ver comity, for the Gourd= Normal of In
surance Company of New York... Liberal Wince
canna to the right now., ?or tonne and cirenlare.
addrera Smith, Robert. .h 116May...head, lines
gen. labuth•cant totner Gth And Walnut streets.
, - torre&tf.
' • FOU
to without ttegiittl
We desire to itall the attention Ef Par
tnere to this , 211enter,:uni.rrqueat them to
examine itq inertia before poretneeng nos
othet",:onteitine. Wart:toted; or no >ale.
Fotlluriher perticutra?4, cull on or nd
tlrev. the ftenentl Agent.:.
141 S Liberty . Stroot
Ainnatlirtarera of Mali% mid Df•aleri Ii
1111 Firm :11ttelailwr y .
, a
.Rock.. di. P. arrini,r. • J. v. rtirverr
Boyd, Murray dt Faw'ett,
Winiecotiennti !knell Denten in
Pkture- Frames, Mouldings, &c.
Ou tAe Sde of Me Old Tigreatre
Ferguson & Rotzler,
ttUCCE4Yolis;'3l4 JOHN .1.. .SCOTT. •
Wholesale and Retail Dealers,
Choice - Family - Groceries;:
. .
AlleAbcay pit/. Pa. , Marchttly.
• L
• 4: , . .
Sueepr-lus TO IL WOLF Jr. co,
Cbmer _of ,Liburty and iSi.ra Sreett.
(Late St. Clair Street,)
• , ItupniterstindDemkyitin' : 4 , •
• Zl'.1 1 II'AS-ELt•l2
- Iff-T 31111 tit Zp , ';:
na F w twit. in t•iirire itid 'Best
i*kcied . Sonek Offeretitti lUeeitp: " • .•'
• Ivr Speelitindurementsi
i)nuntry trade. .." ' apdOloa
TUMULI PM aid no s atm* sad ma
' vv. Adtabet. Address' JAVA
&O'CLOCK. wit...
R:- - --agrommestiv A Y
LrtlLluelelelleeldenres are dest 1110
cilasllLal. CIASIN. PCMI.U.
' B SIJI 0 Co..
P ll %lw
- .. ITEEkAllat;
' 't ACV. TVA. -
-'-•' .aa r a l =it 7 : l lttie. :"
Ibr sate eurtwArrs. And for
• Rale. eleelesate. 14 tie
f.' , rerit Atlaidica Ma
ex 9 Muds Bt. New rely
-7110-11'ertar Vi r * u * u ` l 564/46 B "invje r
prow. iw
ar who had e tiered tarp from Deseseee.
Ileterrh sod enotdc wee core d *WPM " 111.
"1. 'MT eYwirelhy en 4 ltrsthode prompts her to
seed the reel*, free of aoree to soy owe rhartari.
$ emlMed. Addeeegalistiji. C. LecoriT, Jer
sey l,Yy, New Jersey. lorfair
0; Walls ass4ny- Ways its the Hidden
Life of 4adan Detectives.
Dr oMart NeWATIMI. A .arrstlre of f.
years impetience mum Lank Bobbin. Counter•
tat tentyMet es; fidroookate,l dam Dealas . ooll •
idioms met and Sofadtere alai dawn or bOclu
ty—olpelowt mutat 1441ISCet Or diabolical run.
Imes and deep Mkt plata or Weald and out.
race. And shooing the inodee by width they were
timed out and immatirett brougtit to jostles. A
large volume of over GAO pages; Whitt page eo•
arm imp. Fur Circular ind terms Wiens Ibu
Publi.bire. J. BMW A 11YD6, flatland, Cl.
• acutqw • •
Cough I Cough I Cough !
Wby will you Cough when yoo esu be to easily
te.ltvod by using .
Dr. Welle:Carbolic Tablets,'
They are a entre 'cue for Rorr Throat. Cel4.
Marmots:, CatarA and an Mumma 41
ZuV*. Throat aM Broaatat Tame.' . •
• Prom the great number of .Testernonlals ay to
the ellicia=f•lble,larelnable na411...1ne the fol.
etWattltallerh Mat, Chicago, 111...h0. 14,1571.'
"Yoe the Islet tea yenta! have been a grrat etif
'Garr from Regnant attack* of Leal. Wm:hits,
have never found oujthln" to relieve me
..froot three attache, ootll trlePt. Wella' Chr
bailielobiele.„'": Etszlarrn T. Boar.
CAUTION Don't let wortqlere articles be
I palmed on . on too, be rare You get
only Treat CarbOile TMsls.
June Ct. iCzttooo„ Platt at.. N. Y. Sole Agent.
• Sold by Drurdlete. Vete it rents a Doz.
Aprlei; la.
BO RI AGENT/4- I %e Imok MO
selltur. The Uhfinwat and Bed Ilistoty're
Lola 11 nr, lu both immtos AND OZIOILII, Pto ,
rowdy I!lsuttnited. only IMAM Uue 'gent
purest& order. ISt trio 101154. set SiptleliSy mid
colts umber, _ A. 11. UV MLA D.
Aprirgivir. • Ssbnotmr. I.att Chestnut St. Plata.
Allele MOTS: eu Fut $ prikg. poplar
But.alMion Bootut. hrrNA
'lnducements to Agent*. Id
fornuittos Addrera Am. nook Cu: m Will
tnm street New York. • mr okbor
Ily oandlun Oar eirriThrllb ace
haiglit,Wor 44 era abd balr: You Taal maim by
Mum null. a correct pletunlad your I More Wu-.
band or wife. with none and , date of mania:a.—
Addrerr NV. FOX, P. O. •Dratart Nn. 11, Yahoo;
silk. N.l.
w • • •
ANTI4D-Altsritlit. (Utter dal') •u *ed.
the Celebrated MUMS MI TTLKORWItrti
lIACIIIN K Iles the %olds PPM, makes the loci
slifich: tallke ea both oldes.)aud %fedi detaNd
The beet and cheapest Family &oinklbettlee lu
the market. Adireer JOIINSON. CL UE
CU.. Itostou. Mess.; Plltatturith. athreetrAM.
or ht. Leek Mo. soar:the
Arent* 'Maritsa Nor'
Oct, Oftelt
best Jelin sad I.%ea attractive aubsalption bout
ewer published. One agent, be Denver. Culotedn,
raid 103 ectplen indoor days. One agent. In Mil
waukee cold MI copies In half a day ; and a area
number trona 90 to>D copies per day._ Send for
Chenlars with terms at ORC 1. Addis.. Oa, Clln-
LISUINU CO " all Preeme at. N. Y. inaltr.lw ,
1. CaMain. o ar duo ruiftirinsis of wade
scenes and Incidents In lb.. War. and Is tun only
'AVTUENTIO and OFFICIAL 'history of that
great conflict. ;
Po bllehed In both linFilati and fierinco.
CAUTION. b =t le t a tion a nioVirn:t;
soutanes 100 Eh* commie:a and maps. tend
for annular* a ntl areinur IMO.. and a MIA doctip•
t Inn of the worn, . Address NATIONAL YUJI
Lnill CO.. PhlhidelphLL Pa. inctlicor
pgn - itt - ThFiWreittaateTTher..
Grains and (teolo6ry hors ilsocil OfAft..
• :A boot oti lisilltakiotered and greatest Impor
t:nee to renty hemp Malmo. The ropers. Pulpits
ntd People, aro a d naming the sulgoet ;Lod
book. every mesa women and rigid mints to read
. The tong tlereo oar le ended. and honorable
renteirOtared Santee fM true, the Illtda
isand beautiful: both new rattstled; and Ara:
Wends. 'God'. work aye, aCttlai days, not
long peilode. Thlsboot Alves the very cream of
ceder cr, making he thrilling nnEltler, trouthte.
wonders and sparkling gems a hundred fold more
!aterestinri thsuseetiou. MIENTA WANTED.
ESpertract , d Armin will drop other books and as.
cure tenitury immediately, Address Mr e molar
ZI EULIIt 74 ce intny. 110 Muth St. SM. 4
IVHAT iS 17V c
It k a sure and petted remedy (wall diseases 01
the Unread Sideen.Enlargemmitur °borne.
11011 of Inteminee. tirinary.f.lterine. or Ab-.
. ' dirmlnal 0171101. Poverty or-Want 01 .
' • UMW Intemdittant or llenit• .
tent Serene, Indammatlen . .
of the Derr. Druprey,
Simmieb (leen-
lion of the
1110.01. - .Aimmemi, -
Tearer. Jaundice. Seranla. .
epepein, Ague &Few, ur their Coueorulhune.
Da. Wcurr harlag became aware of the extra
orolluary medicinal yruper9.'of the S6uth Auer
ran piled
enraaepal,.c:re 6 ptti l t l y. to at i rtut c 7l n n n a tt fo t u o or
iimiderfill ameba properties to men earned the
amble:Mona tanned by Ito grrat repatation ita•
ennrinded to tithe it bathe public. and la hoapy to
.tee that he has perfected wan:tame:ft for ar:
aloe mouthly •npply of this Wm:Mattel Mont. Ile
h to heist much time to a:peril/motive and int
Oral lug at to Ike matt efdclent preparation 1711111
it fur r °polar are, and• ha. Mr tome time men in
LI. • pratt., e a Mold happy minim the tlfret
foal munit ion now pregtotted to the public..
and he roofoiroti)torounneads if to et rty family
at a houtentrid remedy which rhottid he (only
taken in. a Utioth PhNette all dermigetheata
of tiropy•trta trot to tthituate - and fort* all Weal
ami Lyie+ rraerate .
Lt.thSi, t etetat
Nth St. . j Yorks Spi•JOIIN
Ai ror Litt the
1 bite.' Stater. Prier Une Doitar per bottle. Send
for l'irealar.
Mahood: &wild flow Restored.
anal publirbed. a new edition of Dr. Culver.
furtive ~ ' e46rrtea Emmy on the rartkeWorr.
(without medicine) or Sratistato trauma. or Sem.
Ical Weaknerr. luvolintary Seminal ble•
'Namur Mental end plipriesi fagpadry, Impedt
teen's 1 , . Marriage. fele.' alto. Cosseurrins,
Ers.tray. Ftra.ludneed by self.lnduigenee
ocefellaii extnoraganew.
fqr.. In pealed envelope only rtrente,
The etwated anther. In this admirable rimy.
Clearly tirnionriretee Awn a thirty yearn' imecinon
hil Peaellce, that the alarming coureonencer of
aelf ahuae may be sradiraily cored without the
dartrerour ure of internal medicine or the 'pull
ration of the knife; pointing .tut a mode or cure
at once pimple and effectual, by mews. of which
every anifererrbo matter what his randition wise
be. may cure himself cheap'y. Privately and rod
211. Lecture„stmaid be la the hande of
every yamh and evert nem In the land.
Sent. ceder esth'inai plain envelope. h. any ad•
etimdm*. podpai , t ou receipt of six cent.. or two port
Also Dr. CulrerereWs ••31arrlage ()aide." prier
Addre. flu. i'ablhaets.
/ . CUM!, J . MANE a co.,
m howery. Nevi Vurk, Pall/Mee Ilex 4. :ICS.
G. B. Dancirn.. F. A. lIMIELX..e. A. Bistint.
G. R. BA lIIIKBR* CO.. Am arif7Ahm. Fir
G. o. nAkuicett. 1.1 0
co.; iteirtYr Pe.
1:1 A.` Ibt IC Fe ra
Dralers In"Zzetumpes OPIPaal. ae•
Volleetlons made .411 spateselds points In the
Vetted States nod Conde. A 62 " 2 " of itereb.
1141.. ltanriaarr , ra. and lad oldmsy roattlied.
lutereat *lowed °lithos depaltes. Correspon
dence will twelve prompt elreurfoll- flieottlY
NM . per irlossfili. The beit selling boot ever
, Poklhrled.-- &GEM Rho sell our Dew work.
I'WN siimougleils moo atirascaL
pare no . OoMpetlttom. There 'serer brae . te ' hobk
published like tr. &n, body ella 'an' IL 1"17
haat wants It. Many agents are. Dow making
Irmo WO In It. pm' booth tellieue Mts wonder.
taboo& St pageuDeseriptireeboatar rent &aro
on "npit cw. w esra t good pre Agents: men
shoran Mly sppreeken the merit, or the work.
awl klet that it slisebt nialversal wast..Azenta
who dmlre !oda rood arenas make money
Addrers.— - • &SLIP &
14 1 1431111.- Wl !trams" Hirer!. New
maininclAL mitirria a
, virocir.,
, P. J. 11. J.
eIIAWDLItt hare per.
~ t hawed the eseltudre
that of Beaver windy
~ to aralle.Stnekla Patna
, by which they out .put
e t$ al : Nth:alto as thin IN
tit s Ir a tl w el th p . o a ttah
te nd d I t taitidis to perfectly adapt Intell
le moth; obingdagall that dewy ant balky
eonditke, l a p win c h wap a talned of betetolon; and
latowaleg ttalr Itabilltie to tweak V) pet Cent. to.
doeft as oneinith tix,T iweald he wallet to wear the
old style plate guy m
than they could ean.
Mrtty get theta lied.-Alf irinclies of pea.
dairy ocyfarand OR hat and. mot satinalstlal
in apish with gold, etc.; ice that.
lets?, eolopethlow onnwuter. and ant rake
la ly *objects w pawn M. rtood be.
tweets t Id, and itictryeate. "ear the nether
pea: Joke Allhowner= =tett &Maga we haaar.,
ted t
acne 83 pen ago; theteath as perfect an the
they one ad& oghfated on
wea t pw s , mow * ta p lat ose all anplean Plere nt end dam.
Benno die...l6oW*, ghe IMIUMO or tient a
Ptswine of plasma gage thala at Maw ned lans
hlana tow as hoot dna& In the Stile.
Mae at Sant sumo, linetteetter
• • causuca.,,
r.. 031?
: ,OMWNArgi...We =
Aionoirl Reiair Shop
jitheZ t Wild ia tit. w W% dr a=
'•=nosWlM vilOirty d . t.a M o..r
caostrneuxiirile 14. aklq ai F at; t i*
—aid After kV& thorOmtat i taw the:. I.
' I warranted aloft( lbws to
"JP Ma M . P . O. W. al
iM ISIRUAT inisirsas by L
ao Ma
!Mier tor .thas.Loadliy. .
Mai's* at Ditowst&7kskw liming and Cooking.
The Out Radii
limo time Oat ReeoM d or eiiy taare....r °growl la
TllE.ligsT • provE iN VsE
in, connection with itsti *Loire 1_ have pit
which 'oCCuples filthy r.rot,'irol.ntklitlonsi
Mel, and is not liable to wear out, dispen•
an with all pipe.con lOU put 11111 . It uskrn
(dot soy ilium. dud *mode to Atli all *Nth%
of any situ or psttern. ,
Flv ,
. .
Who hare port:hawed •mLrtsal the
Mod or whnie mantes have been ,publish•
ed in the A noes. are t'ontidently re erred
tobenr nitne44 tif at* superior merits
414 cooking stove. •
• Mete: three first elms efinineo on band. 01
abeittfieenbetree v.:wen:spy:l4 they en offered
7o the poeUefa recruitable jr i t . es.
sprialt. •
IglaleuSl.albove Plow Foolery,
The latirta rfork'ln' Ilia*. County conatantly
on handonel oettlitt at the-ifely lowest prime.
cools tad ileum) provided at (nu oboileet unties
Ildrituf a lur e tiara of all kina., of furniture on
balm. and fai rbine rm tufikr mum bur fall sad win
ter work. I hate ratifier& iffy prfc..4 areorrilucly.
Oil Cloths, &p.
Wholesale and Retail,
At Lowest Prices,
t5l fifth Avenue.
We Him!. Futilities for Supplying
Itl 141 1,141 RS
Egtot I to
ANY EASTEIIN Jolllll' U 11018 E
Qrsuavu AIIO ftVKfIEIL GOO Ds . -MS
4.7 tuideretme.l het, Armee to Inform his (Mends
and the public penman,' that he tsar Jut received
■ new stock id rsodo of the latest *tyke 'for
Siwttiz and Sunta:l. wear .which hr offers RI very
modern' rates.
u : rl.Ii.V/i..S FURNIWING
Ci (IDS.
tnothlnt: made to order nu the rhotteet 'notice.
Timitithato the public for put fikaota, - 1 hope
by clove attention to busmen. to merit • ematit.ti.
tore of the same,
Brlr 91:1 f
C/1.111, U. HEfl T 1 Notary Public. Con
styaneer and Insurance 'Arent • Deed. and
Agreement., errlitenandecknowledgements taken.
Sc. Haring hoop duly commlswlourd asAgent rot
several drat class Insurance Companies. repro.
seeding the rho, late, Accident and Lire Stock
Departmente. p . red to tato risks end Mit°
policies. on the mast liberal tITMO. AIM; agent
,c the .Anchor Line" of And class Cktou Steam
ers. Tlckete sold to and (rum all ports In Eng.
lend. Ireland. ticethtnd,tienneby trod Prance. 01.
Amin Leers trick row. Dlarunnd. Rochester.
• The mndermiguell tnktn jilemenrein in.
limning hi+ friends mn:l thepmblie generg
mliz• that lie ling, jitgt ree-hytt and opened
A New Stock of Goods,
'Winter 'Wear.
W. know, the be.t of 'worktnen in him
ontpiny. kind rook confident or hie ntsifily
to cut and make kip garments bulb
and in much a manner' nx kill pleasi:
MI and see us Wore leaving your
Orders. ATxuhere
may4;AIV . - Hri.laewater.
Q-20. UM,
. ,
11104 received Huge and well selected stem*
Fall.. and Winter Gooden
antis latest ani ma i fuldosabis Vdd
lOU be rude to order collie
31081' REASONAIILE ?Etas
sodas 16e seerlait pasibla nada and varrialas
to_gir• michtmedon.
• r. employ now bat lest elsomprkims
awl WagoseMeriAmi sqlorlown layrnlim
defy compeddate nywiters..toetid=
set so IL ► Mao at load ■ MI
21=111140 deak Pop ilt \air musedictifflo. • •
4! • -:•;
sj f .s.P. 9,
, x 341,
.%4,,„ a —U.-, •
AN dies ciiiiiciu4:ti;l4:l.44o,6
Buck : -Siiiii4o
Good Medians illacic Fmncb tlilki, fioni
41 to $3 periard: •
Alheacy sro. s American Biack Silk, St
FUMY Drell Silka la Snipes, ebacks
and Plain Cottors—ra compkta assortment.
Japanese .8110, all qualities.. ,
• WI sad Motaii Las
, Wool TWA ,
- dPring EMPrtis
Black Grenadines and "
' Atf Newiknignifin Spring Dress Goods.
New Spring Shawls. •
; Silk &laves iinci Basques.
Lacks' Sabo.
N 144100491 nod Tansbnuml Lace Cur.
Print ? l,ni! nlrighims. -
• wErti4 .4 Prf.f. MN!: Or
Toifictio asd Honcho* Goods
James Caldwell •
11$ and 120 rtilensl hiriet, Allegheny
. apthOm.l ' _ _ _
Reduced Prices
Speyeror & Sons
from stir East
Doug - at the
Lowest Cash Prices
Consisting t r Dry Winds, Groceries, Pro
visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps: Boma
and SlineA. Rove, Genoa, Packing „.
Yarn, Iron, Stills, Paints,
. White Lead, OH, Putty; • '
queenswa re, Wit.
:ow•weire.Flour.- •
Feed, . •
Grain and
• Gaon), a emit,
ty Prints,Muslins, •
Tiek;ogs„Delialits,Cbecks,• • ,•
AlluttatoJeattabini Ins,C rush
and lizacry ; also. Teas. oa r ,.
sugno, sj.ilips Molasses, Carbon Oil,
290 Ws. of the CP,lttrdled Chnlost City
Just nniYCt siut for wilt.. 11'11,44:le& and
- 11t•tnil,
,! •
At Pittriburg
200 Kegs Wheeling Nails:
Land Plaster, and Akron Cement
A barge Stock of, ,-?..
White Lead . and Paints
A very superior guslity of Strums at We
zel r Smlion and a lateir Curbem On
Just :Arrired and for.eale. Wholeind
and Retail.
Concord - Wines.
Of d.tir , vintage. for 31e,licinal
Sacramental Purpar‹.. are Isig.bly Re= (
("mum-Weil by Otom- wit , . bare
us. 41 thou.
They areal , AgoiN for Ito
And Pitt. 14::t.. Plow do's.
Thaniangglie Public fig- their run pat
ronnie. We hope 10 merit a liberal share
in the Mitre. ' _ •
AU Goals Dflivereil Ave of Marge.
You can rely un nil goods befog fresh,
as sill our old gond. wore oold or authOu.
Singer Sewing Machine.
The most perfectiind altaplo machine of the kind
nest invented.
Both of the above popular utaeblues bare been
labiy linproiect until ibex-stand without a rival.
eIIINE biropave apirstM...
Circulars and simples wailed free on applica
GEN kitAL AGE. 11(;1 4 1.... i
00.10 titxth &met, Iltulboer
Agents wintid /or the Illnklvylna every
where; and for the dinner In Western Pennsylva
•la &stem Onto and Wavt wham there are
•n•e already establl•hrd.
; rhd Juts
MAN &,10L,
taimatat a
%oval% 4rArradah,
• tic., dm, Ace. ),
Mantua ugi VOA tho
Hardening& Tempering qf the Blades,
and we find End know otnnelree to be competent
to make the eery beat, an we employ none bet ax"
periewed workmen, and twit the beet of *lcel.
blosnisol Mason ha. now been In the
tenthten fort/pin, and Wm Sons are nil Pinches!
workmen. We are elm nunnfactnrers
Mad. hum S. & Wardiow's Relined English
Steel. lad /Story Made Worraidfd. ' ,
tiQeeld itteorkto to maid to our gat of--
—giankers'• &is*
•:~.i., .Barbers' Scliviorit,,cfc
Agoidehl will be pronintly tided and ably
gilr Wise Lit furnished on annileitin..' 4 '
OPTICii AN WieriLd eir
' l4 ex mumfro7C-re.
mvatiromictoeereb.. •
011 , Ast amain rti.. reimuin. ond. Poor:m4ml"
Purim( L petpand to do an work to ber um or
roodoobile ' , votes zed -en ~ boit moue.; Th. rot.
4m ai M ar P#k u zrAleFttolly
TU.JOHNC.LaiI% biestedn• It Plop
Au, lads. —dim dining Ur Aim at Pllallo
sled stoom reolallesee co Water .teat. .
ft. "Utmakefiesisinwery co& No&
se. jarelilj:aloAte,
'ensn'fut* , kY t
':.:.:ittitltrilltinioys:: •
~, "IF t-Fac!t• Pittaw . ba, •• • •
, .
~. ~
, PltsiMetirtilo Ostaals Grow sky. • : •
iftwlAfis.'6l.4talitir: :ifinitiee,' arrow :Vac:
• Rau. Mat.. Jimisnur itardrelle, omeiNNINN4
Z=l tt a rzamov o. N? Akrcwy,
TUtab'pSlUare Burma! delightful 'pima'.
int pergatlre, superseding castor oil, salts,
magnesia:lft They ate composed of the
quest tapirdiesti. Anal • few days' use
of them, such ail Invigoration of Sweatily
system takos plus u to appear miracul
ous to the' week slut enervated, whether
arising from Imprudence or dhwase.
•T. Fluid Extract
CatawbeG rape Pills are not sugar-coated,
from !defect that tugs r-coated Pins do not
, but pass through the stomach
without dissoliring, consequently do not
produce the desired elfeect. VIE CA
TAWBA. GRAPE PILLS, being plessaq— t
in taste and odor, do not neonwitate thef:
being sugar-cpateil. FIFTY purrs
. .
, .
Mil radically exterminate from eh° eye
tea; Scrisrabt, Syphilis, 'Fever, Somi,
ders,Sara Eyes, bore Legs, Sore Mouth,
Sore Head, Bronchiels.Skin. Diseases,
Salt:alienm, Cankers, Housings kola she
Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous
Affections; Nodes, 11;ckets, Glandular
Brfelflogc Night 'Sweats, Null, Teeter,
Humors or all- kimia, Chronic Mums
tisus, Dyspepsia, andyill diseases' that hare
been establishalthy system far. years.
Being prepared expressly for ; the above
Complaints, tie blood-pu drying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a
clear and healthy coldr and restores, the
'trident to a state of build' and.purity.
For purifying the blood, removing, ell
chronic constitutiodal diseases arhing from
an impure state of the blood, ut,d thu'only
reliable and effectual krown reined) , for
the cure of paler anti swelling 4the bones,
ulcerations of the throat and legnbletches,
pimples on the. fire, crysipehts, end all
scaly eruption,' of the skin, and beautify.
g the complexion. 'PRICE $1 .10 PElt
w 'tail 4) ao:, 4;. 1 -1q iii I.J - : W
has cured entices° of Diabetes In which
It has been given, Irritation - f the Neck
of the "Adder and. Infiamatiou • of ; the
Kidneys, Ulc.:ration of the Kidneys and
,Bladder, Retention of. Urine, Diseases - of
the Postage Gland, Stone4p. the Bladder,
Calculus, Grovel, BriekdasVDeposit, anti
Mucous or Milky Discharges; and for en
feebled and dolicate constitutions of both
sexes, attended with . the following Etym.
toms: Indisposition to Exertion; Loss of
Power. • LOSI ofMemory, Difficulty.. of
Breathing, WeakEerres., Trembling,. Iron
ror of Disease, Weakfulness, Dimness of
Vision, Pain in the Buck, Hot ,Hands,
Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin,
Eruption on UM Faex,Pallid Countenance,
Untirersal Ltissitude of the Muscular Sp
lint-, etc- •
Used by persons from the are of dill.
teen to twentplive, mind from thirtf tire to.
fiftyllve oriti the decline or clomp; of
Brut after cendinement or labor je . ,,,d.
wetting In children,
IleintboWs Extract Bueliu is Diuretic
and Blood•Puti tving, and cures all Iln.eam, ,
arising from Habits of I)issipation, and
excesses and imprudences in life, Impurl •
ties of the Blood, etc ,superseding
in- Affections for width is tuna!, and
Syphilitic Afftction4—in these diseases
used in ennutxtion with AMC
In Many, affections peculiar to ladies,
the Extract Raclin is unequalled by any
other remedy—us in Chlorosis or: Helen
tion, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppres
sion of customary Evacuations, Ulcerated
or Schirrus state of the Uterus. Leucor
theca or Whites, Sterility, and for all com
plaints incident to the wbeiber aris
ing from Indiscretion or Habits 'of DiMi
patinn. It prescribed extensively by
the most; eminent physicians . midwives
. for,enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of
both sexes and all ages (attended with any
of the above diseases or symptoms.)
in all their stages, at little expense, little
or nu change hi diet, no inconvenience,
and no exposure. It causes a frequent de
sire, and glies st length to Urinate, there
by removln,s. Obstrnctions, Preventing
snit Curing tiftriettiroi of the Urethra. Al
laying Pain and Intiamation, so frequent
in thus class of dlitenses, and expelling ali
Poisonous nuttier.
Thousands who have been the victims
of incompetent' persons, and who have
paid henvy fees to be cu red In a short time,
have Ontral they have been deceived, *and
that the "Poison" has,hy the use of"Tiow
erful astringents," been dried up in the
system,. to break - out Ina more aggravaird
forui, and perhaps after 3larriage. .
CH U for nil' &lett ions and Diseases °filo!
Urinary Organs, whetherexefling in Male
air Female, from whatever - muse iinginnt•
lug, and no minter of how long standing.
"ED 1105 E WASH.
cannot be surpassed as a FACE WASH,
and will be found the only specific reme
dy in evory species of Cutaneous Affec'tion.
It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots,Scor
bum Dryness, Indurat:ons of the Cutane
ous Membrane, etc., dispels and
Incipient Infltimation,llives Rash, Moth
Patches, Dryness of Skalp or Skin, Frost
Bites, and all purposes for which Salves
Or Ointments are used; - restores the skin
toe state of purity and softness.- and in,
sures continued healthy action to the tissue
of its vtassls, bn which depends the agree
able clearness and vivacity of complexion
so much sought and admlrt-d. But how.
ever valuable as a remedy for existing de
fects of the skin, IL T. Ilembold's Hose
Wash has-long sustained its principle
claim to unbound patronage, by possess.
Ing qualities w hice render it a toilet op.
n outage of the most Superlative and Con—
gestial cbarseter, combining in an elegant
formula those prominent requisites safety
amid 41eaey—the invariable aceoinpahl—
tuents of its ruse—us Is Preservative and
Refresher of the Complexion. It Is an
excellent Lotion for diseases ofa
Nutuie, and mien Injection for diseases
of the Urinary Organs, urising Item liab—
Is of dissipation, used in connection with
PILLS. In snob diseases as recommended,
cannot he surpassed.
Full and explicit directions accompany
the medicines.
.Evidence of the most sesponsible and
reliable character furnished on spplica -
cation, with hundreds of thousands of
living wilne•nw, and upward 013,000 un
solicited certificates and recommendatory
letters, many of which ate from the high
est spume, Including eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, Statesmen,. eto. Tile pro
prietor has never resorted to their publi
cation In the newspaper , ' ; he does not do
this from the fact .hls articles rank as
&andel& Preparations, and do not need to
be Propped up_ by certificates
Henry T, nelninebro'Ctentalne Pro.
Delivered to any uchlw., Secure from
EirrAELls um) tTWAIIo TwEN.
wer YEARS- Sold by Drugghstw every- ,
wllielvelbidrree letters for intonnatkm, in
exinfidentirto 'HENRY T. lIELMBOLD.
poly' Depqte • . T; DELMBOLDI3
Dm and Chet;icarWarehouse, No. aftil
Dmedwiiy, New York or to II: T.. II ELM
BOLD'S Medical Depo!, 104 South Tenth
foreet. nibuieipbfa; • •,, .
. Burins or coinrrwurins.t _A* for'
Murat: T: ElszaceoLoW Texiiscioriast.
viz . Witrry.
r•wanbees rikk Mused/ Ims Imes Wed
(nottmet olse emelt° Cnr• MI veer wenn Cann
or Min, teart.t . e. Illoorlaspon - flow re.
MI Meted ibm. Ork Inerr dne.
ittatdurd st Itt gl a 11 Ms Mel sr/ I mM.
mmmtly "Surd complete mild. sa4 the ‘•
tog opnattleits Its only required to tern • per.
anent cow without, soy trOable or IDCOavenletre
la ha Ole.
Wastsurirtrus ltkazat Is espAalY ter tI.
.71.tes. AM la not recommended Wears any oaks
dlseoaq. It Ms rand may CUM of over Mlny
zoom' steadtag. Prim One Dollar. Yams tp,
alateals everywhere.:
No More
•atiflergesiet Tinge 1. Prey.ed
:= l L !" 2 l ,2 "4" Tr d . — :
beee not tetcplbledtalchs ' es (41;
rips thlo pepsin will do to a kit week,, hi
oteellelhollittg l ocow uig the circol.-
04,4tataita dtivinkeo, eels,/ Strength ukistilir
and physkally. aushglog tame who nay Pee isoo
thooloed kw pa. e to their neer as lusalkla
spin romps theft oeinipatkias Cod all me
of Uf.. Ull• Pal is all leo oak to mai tide mo
odyto Ineommetid Miele tothe moat rkeptical
le • Oddly ittlaulattog 10.10 aad • apleadat ap
pellee; It atteelgUlsee the esmach and reasons
taw woman oressitelluir NOW; week,
bortrass Mad dpprette poems showd es. led,
pea Alprogele Par sip by dangtio,
11Poo Use Wier.
cOUGiI no Mt)ILE
twiwiweeit Conde Balsam Is healing. son.
Min aid on • --le•welnutes, The alusonfinlytypow.
ea poweent ata lanehately rellertamand event.
ClSftf,_tha aton obanaste ewe or Coesto,
hma nroat. Brosadujasaim. Catarrh.
Ast and Conaeraoses
inae.s•to, so WOWS le the wherand ce tat d n
gt. km fa dl the above Own. wan Mane of the
awed and Imp. that thoesesas
WS tent It. PHI atilt 504 an= 4al
known. Ow mike =
valet. .a 4
at tuft ate bottle each • are. bold by er. 4 .
sista. In ter/ bottles. Price One Daum It
with we.
Thit Peet 1130od Tattler salt Daticiaa Wet.
Wourioarba Illatenta.VlSse or Wilms of W. %
to Deo that say polsoarrits erns or napertthe, be.
lag prepared tor those orb° require a wanton. -
It ts • splendid appetizer Ind tuck. and the am
thing In the ROM Jot
_pertrytag tas Woe. It
the wet element one dellcbssa ankle *yet 0r1m.4
to the pahll= far superior*, bralidy.ehisty, a.
bitters, or any Other ankle. It le tool beethy ,
and cheaper. Bo* aisle sad Ilona* )0 44 ,
an take ibe Wine of Lite. It la, In lam ■ oe, p ,
server. Thome Was "lob to latjoy food Saint s od
a tree Ikea of Dods. optrtta, erlll So 114 to rite the
W 1. 4 o r uk. It id !dawn trOM !myth.* net
below la W. It Is sold by &new, hut, r
Dollar, la qsart bottle• .
Vanier's 4Ut poly an.
Oda *DOWD 10 tern the Whiten, pt will env, In
ever? awn.) VDU* $ the humpy In which th.
bnporust inetkitie l not vraWd l Illotben.u.
ha the contest blessing ever of ion. ar.4 yva
should boinenhotely Drown It. It 4 also r can.
Ibr Penaale Irregularities, end may i denenE
upon In every else where the monthly bon h.
boll bbatrocted through cold or 1.)
drezglen. Price Ono boiler.
jir sold by all Drnr.Tlats, or eent by me!
receipt of One Dollar and a Cknuter.
BID Slate etrrrt,
rs• sole br M. V. ILA ilN.ltuchepihjiA EN Ls
lilill..llll , lgeWaler..:44 lllas° AN DniEs..i Es
braver. hi.: 10:1y:elle jauS.'7l
. .9
' lBTali DEC..... 7T r, 111159.
&s wa t A lg=tal4 Mad.
MANLY tr.?
rms. le ma.' Mg =l*
asSi e l OLIN{ tmgvil boar
Mannfactwere Assists, PittsbwO, P.
r.airj. •
sa )
Gehl:tine IS Cant (told Hunting ei.o Wasp •
((yenta and Ladle." Slze.krnltlafedaml ettrranted
for time and wear vat half the urasl pru,. a , tl
iti 'cell.
ant Extra l'ixt Quality, 10 i'arat Geld. Et4it.e
lurn , cl, (loattni: ("awe, Full- Jewelled Le,e
Movement.. perfectly adjuated to all rllnute. , "l.
'fluted). and each wananted be epee'sl erntlete.
at only $3O taeA.
The Same, of Fitter and higher Ode, see
(Rreswelate lialanee at INS tacit.. • .
The &me as Last. lens:log Nicact Wane..
and em-minding and Sr ing Artar4emi. reit!.
no key, wound arntaet by the .ram. ". 11 44 "
.411 the afore WateAra are pet ni Ad! prve. Pea
each warranted for time and wear.
F..dro Fire, lore fasts ( Gent•
and Latitettl. at ooly 1.11 .ach
Brut Quality Cola m/ r•r, Ilaaa.aa
Jewelled Lever, at $l 5 ~K 4.
E.rf ru Fine Onealtu, Patent Lever.. and/Chn.
nometer Move:m.lll,l:o , v Jewelled, git o.ilty t o
rtY - Our Watchts ye all warranted, and If 11,1
PlOrert will be taken luck and 'dopey retuned.
Or' Meru/sire so MON y it. adnaire,bld.nd
1111 goads by ltaprest, payable on delivery, Ottli
Pax. by paying Express charges, and If nut COO
factory, =Med. Pieces when FM E1P,04.1111 , .
rOOde Win sent bT In et... Wend pnekate
bY *ending' malt la idrasne.
PAWSONS ordering SU Willett , of et to.v.
rereire ow Patra Wald of saw ralne.trt ,
.flee. GOLD DILLINS'Werelso. at ta,
at {l4 Sit SO #I3 etch: hit ' tito.ot
'Plated sae Orulde (told (Mena at ri• 4. u I. f"
Mate descrlpilds and price of Watch required;
and ordered he muff direct from
time mtpor(tintlfro are noir °Terra Inc Wasiak .
homes Ina mild, Alain% y and roxpr.iat climate for
one-tenth of their value Arc TV•TdI hence. „•
hue lot sale real e•tior or lorry dv.rt 'piton, !mat
ed In the, Middle and soutenn Slate*: Improved
. 1 . 4, groin:and trio/ taint*: rice. rogdr
wd col
lon Phintaitadi ' limber and nalortli tity.
tillage and rural re:Wen...awl buslAres
milt+ and ng...ilea., factories. .tr.
Write for Lead Register containing de.crilit lan.
locatton. (fire' end tretn• of hroperdes Oe furs
stir rule.
etuturetra with our Real Estate older rr
loses general Claim sold IWesd Ageeter
the ruperetrlon of the well known Thom. nr,r
tale of the Ordnance Derweiment, who la tail t
sciesditic andpreterit.' ourAanie. and well lop, a.
ltd In the 1110 - recut (tor eminent Departure , .
pawfany In the War and Navy. Ordnauee sold
PA'l7l.lN'l` OFFICE.
!Weft, papers carefully prepared. -f00r0 , . ,
tardily etrecuted, and Itileots secured
Ore in the shortest passible nig..
Special allention •gleen to rejected
rarer for reiasve,raltailan, iwterferenciaba , ..A .,
Perdifairory trawderfdiou ar to the nalente. ,, "!
or an attic.° made on ruaalpt of a bflor
Ron of the same—no =WO nehN:
Pim? awry
b y a 4 sbalint then* In procuring tatcula and +lna.
tamale utilizing their 'twilight'.
Coaldent4r In one httaluetta ratattonr trite in
Tell tare.
Terms Inttre reatattabte than ane ether rrlYt!:
apes. Clittalarenatainltteraturair
*rat Jet. Addme• : li. V Itlia t U.
The National Mat rotate .490. , r.
lir; Wad 4;9 /baron. Marna, Waritagrea, t
00.11 L WOK NAILIK.—Tho ror
u.derchwed t
constantly on hand it paid article of I.=-0 tr.e
Not Coat. which he will cell at re.asorrabla ydow ,
either at theist:lr, or will deliver to porchscers
The bank la loaned 0111Nclihsleyk Raw.
rode (run. the Ft. Wayook Chka:o Ballew!
alarthot n short dLtaute from Delver glriop I
nose saw a good article of Eke Cloy. which I ari
dissosse oral retOoaahle rates.
orders left at my realdeneo In itrideewater. m cr,
1.. anti Caniges In Rochester, or at the task, ao
revise prompt aitrotiou. .1. e. moCrEll.
ofwithle lo —.a • . _ - -
TOWN H. YOUNG. atonal al la..
It/ It,' car. ra. Olga, and mtdence on TWA a
eat of the Court House. All Isur bo.inr4 r .fr').
tird to My care shall mmilre iwuropt attain.,
alms samosas hating' Ant. Kanto (t t' 8. 0 ...,""
those rtablas to bay town propailli and "
land 4 may save time and mousy py cattfuz s:
oaks. pi t s
zsT ro "1"
And rdanhtne Wo;ka.
Anderson & Freyvogie,
• Suc4emors to 8. S. 'bur
Iron Fonadora and iill naktell:
. isramiradurersti
Orbit. Saw-Mill and White LAW Ids
chine** French Burr, Ceptlio and
Diop's Stones, (Ile Four s es. , 1
German Anehor Broods \Boltng
Cloths• Water Wheels, Smil
chiaes:lialliag anti a
ehlaery; Pulleys, lisagentandSha l k,
R6l4lnll' Pittsburgh, r 4.