The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 12, 1871, Image 1

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A DVERTlSElillitrili. -
Ineertlon,And at the rate
4 KM por Nquare for tint
A,r Nwa entauxitteto 4 'needle:l,W; comb..
.t liberal dliconnlyinil,e.,olf,:YOrty,-.10.e.
I 8 pace Neel toterk lit of Ode gyie.
IneAsures A spires 4, i ,: i ~ , t.. 1 t ,
• llll4lness h °Tees' lief lied eti tieaa 'by
themselves I inmetUntedy *Rol'. the 104:W
now., will be chargedn mite a hoe
t le
r midi insertion.; • - ..... •
Adv orthiementi eboul „litiluOdbdl4l.
before Monday noon, to Ineureinsertion
Is that woek'S paper. 7 ..
Bitaineis Dtxv*my.
BEA Ell.
m/Ite.ldenco and Waco on U %I'.
Pw doors arm lathe easirt•Honso.
JOLIN .110010 C, brugdlotand daderllt) pow.,
oils, pure instdeal Wines and Aeon,
*we, lamp! and Panel M•lbil i .r . tom,
.crlptlont catelay pon=d , l
ll.1)--lif:1).11Goost ..rood•
%O. Conlood 000 rY. 1.0110 : 06- i nd
DoOta, dunes and Velanballiaia .titl ) : l 9. l.
icil r ag b - 14 et. i—ONFSTIket:I,Ii6I. ti re ze r ci
i n 4
1 DrUktflog ApOpecli
' Woo
)11011f.1ta11.N.1.T, —, d , 1 tu the improved Wll. ,
:**)• oil Snaffle 4.11.10% )4AilLw•%3llnt N u
In another %alum. •
) elm 74r..C11::Doaler filWnery Goma
1) .t Trimming.; cornd ot. and 1.))otnon d. 0083
Met Coded., Tohacau and Cigars, Cod.
m. tioarry and Vegalablea.' 1111114 fouttl.7
UU. AN81111.:TZ. to
. Orates, ale. Wr+l ead 3d iL %trdfUy
'r V. I 1: '091i., Itntorinice Ilemer:W.
uoll ) 1u 1 4 get. your property lumored. nef.- :11
51011.81ANSTEHN,Drsier In Ihntte &Show,
t/ • No 86 Markel 111. Pittsburgh. Pa. Daml4:ll
tfittrr & PHILLIPS. Heal &date strents„vp•
paella Poet tiMeo. Putalsbers of the •IltearEs.
Lot, Hea 'tier." sent free. Pittsburgh. [eeplatly
HENDERSON A Wholesale Drug;
gists. SCOL.lhetly.Bl. rillibrughl • ''''Pi ta Y
I 1/ LEV'S AT rkttio R. fifth Av
ti_ F , cone, (tteatllstke u tllLLl4P l4 ; l ) .
S . ' e t is . 6 1 1 1 1. .11f l itc g trt ;S: 61.11.". Zr;
11OHNIL & CO, 72 &11/
el Patsborgh—lcaporters and dealers In Notions,
Trimmings, Hosiery, Whits Good., Sc.
I) Antert-
Lt E can Confectioners. • De:Actin Id nub , . fruits:
&1,. 116, 111, lOU Wood St. Pittsburgh, ftepthly
ITROOR.l4.lseulty r in rhoicti Craft COMVP
1). FllOlll, timccrict. No YIJFIIIh Avenge. Pith ,
hurrh, Pa. • '
OHN - SON. Dealrir liti - 7.Lcor
el Word Family. Seolog Machines. 116 *arget
:a rect. Pittsburgh, Pa. , , 5e1t1437
pew, OH Cloths. t•prelsi sums to Clem.
I Firth Avenue. Pittsburgh. Po.: '
I'. Successor toZ. M. Roth lora. Lush!: hi
Wat Chet. Clocks, atottotty & Silver ware. No
U. Fllth'Avenae. Pittsburgh.l. 4 s.9 ll : l .y.
riii.VONSTillate Pal . n ler; wr aces
1` • to order Show Cards for every business.—
N. 7 1111 h Alstte. Pittsburgh, lb, (serrll:ly•
•;•' FtIL CON, dtannfactura of and Dealer fa
L • Furuiturs.,suil disirs:—lttswwooll.• W.Llllllt,
Mdlli!gally and Oak. 45 Sallthfluld sL - [octs;ly
f green% and rmall Fruit!!. Thera miles I.t of
:.... Brighton. (mt - 22) E. 111051 AS.
1) Int LT d t i iii iim — t i f t p.Lll.A ev. N c D on. ..t iir lCE i w ty. ;
a tr:mig.
.. `ca Brighton, Ps.
, tancrearom to L. D. No.
1.!...1 fetehly
i -• 'Eti. F.' hi hittli s l, Dokery 1 Colt idiotCif.
IT it. It. street. biß,cl.l N motion given to wed.
d.oe4 and Leila. ltepli:ly
dr J. 14NNLLIcN BEIM. ifierchaulr.flor , ,—
• Itroutirray.New Brighton. Seo ad [..1,14;1y
' % M. Wtiltht t Elt, - Bootle:. Broad 'ay, New
.V • Brighton. ; - ' - Trrirt Ely
t Stist., Photographer. Wlllpoli a Mock.
11 i Ihlotway. Bert ohotorraphr fro re-touch
..l rr.mtiver. 2----11rP.t.:1Y
IN T ER 71eit7;terts adtProbtic
co Im Broadway. N. Ilr 'Lttept t:ly
.1. 110HTTYC4..throcrtt1etr. 4uttetteware and
trl Mow:bold (Itoodo. Broadway. tot•plitty t
1. , VAN 1 1 1:01i. Dudlrr I?. Wall Paper:: %I 1 tsdow
Illutdo, Hooka, Slationcery NotIono; Brood.
•,iy, New Brighton. l'n.
6 .:(111EN STEIN FEClLli;nieroTlv 1)1 y Good..
F:kory fir,odo A; Notion,. t %lent:int Tnllltro
cittlltierr, Broadway: • • • octltly
111"1'11111;neli:01..Ncko;irielirr‘TfIllr':;nitill.fe4r :rt.'re=l
It..mer Fa 11... ' • "
I:. 111
EN DA N.N i.. 1
era; uloo, Lloaae and biga ralmere, Main Si..
aver l'ans. i;ly
_ _
k FI. Mlhlt, liulrr lit It.titi nt;itiliot; of
I• vvery tle.criptiott. nt low pr tees. Atli . t o
P . :tint .7.111.1 y, Moot bt. tkuver
ABURGE BEIDEGGEIt, lieuue end Pala
ler,Brldge St . Bridgewater, Pa.. apriglia,c
A BREHM, Jkidge attest, BridgeWrit74.Fa .
A 1. Deafer 111 Gold and Silver. Watchoo.
J ewehy and .131.1rer•Wille, tipecuaclee, Watch.
Clack,. and Je•celry re•peirrel. "I(l4ibliinßly
lEL MILLER, Ftwhienable None
, F but ex...crlenced workmen etnpluted. Shop
,at ridge at.. Bridcewater. Pa.
I AM KS PORT.F.It , Thiner. Deuier Cep•
49 per and Sheet-Iwo ware, awl troll eictern
Sue pa. ,Bridge at, Bridgewater. I,pl
; • ilLA'ri•NEic; .
1 • ltoula and Shure. Bridge St.. Bridgewater,
S.T. Inr GoodA. Hats. Ptirr,
.1• Carpets. Oil Cluilts and Trlmmlugo. Bridge
11. DOHERTY: Dealer In . Beets and Sboe;.
fl • Bridge Street. Bridgewater.senl4:ly .
. .
11.1NAUElt, ttiliiorry,Trimmingo.Y Notions
L• -Bridge st„ Bridgewater' .•
I• ShOPO. Bridge St.. Bridge vvater.i t•e_Ettly
ITIT,. itictilEN. Gentlemen's Clutlitt gel - yenned
1 and nrc....ea. Water St. above Bridge. (..pltly
11.1 IN WOODRUFF,ldarldei2utter Mnt
i ot.
,t l'ombotuneo or nil de.criptlons utede
order. Bt.'Market nod Water street, set - 11.1;1y
I :all
r; • low Glos., Fleur, Feed S Country Produce.
Bunion. corer, Bridge St. Bridgewater. 1.1..8i1y
reel at smith' Drug. Store, in lirldgonoter• will be
promptly ottonded to. Cash rue dellvery—Lou est
price. Y ard-51cDosald's Point. stir:el:ly
II 113:9=1:13
11 ( NI lilNPA—Denler In Bout's, tinool nod 1:11•
I , ro. and orenta for tiltiaer',.:Sewllez machine:
:St, Yuri; and It. It. time. /torlo,ter. Ih•tr: ray
IiI)IPSI1(Ilt017.11ntootiP11. - New work. ‘.l*
tto. I•epe material. 3.110 to order. .411 work
Ai ranted. Itepalthez aseutly don , . Privet lent.
4ortto St.. Itodietter.. tiN ja;ty
.1\711.1. bMITII s CIP.; Fancy Dry Uoodd, NI,
%Illllurry. 11:1.1Ivou et. , Mg' lyt
- • ,
j j E;qltY LAN% t Atitniatacturtir and De.tler la
II i orott‘ire or ail k1 . ..e.A. Ittlgttton at.. nlitive
Pit. F:lei.lry. See .6'l. N i.epi lilt —.. ---.- -•—'
oil nod Cootectioner.
' c./ Water Rochester. I. k•.,1.1413
I 134)1(1), Wagon Carriage Maker,
llaltruad .1.. Rochoder. I'd. lY
• 1 -
Qt.:MUM C. LUNA', Droget-t. P,r‘crlp.
C. (lune carefully Compounded. Wnter, st., 1:0.
. .
thuslvr. , k•p! tap
I j i :ll 4 •Wt . st iN pl i ge,O ;Vey " ' c ( jr h :3 ‘ , ' ff
Inaitiond and Ilrlde Itoehmef. pl lap
lu Dry lionds,llt.ocejles,Klo t tir.r,nl.ltral t t , t,
111 t
i r c m i.; 1 4 1;: i . k
o d , r , R o t: ,
Ar• Wedding CaLes and lee Cream furnt•hed
Lumpily. I)n-Ulnmond, Itocheater. (scpll:ly
SALK tip A. 1111. X Eli %lAN, 114.,Iquarirra
1 . 0r01;11 S Uumealc DUI
Tritutnlng. , and Fang tiowls generulle. Whir
meet. Itosltester. l'a. (44.1114;ty
Ix E SI i ; 4.Eit ,t. c.
o. cont. . rto ni..l no Ng; vro.
11. Mi riititiritirers off Snob. I/non, Shutter., iti..
L ,
'kid in Lunibi.4 Lath Ain Itoclioati.f. i [gyp:N:ly
ro.r.r. Boy LE .t W 1 LLI A MS, Sncets.iira In t'.
r Liikini, it Co., ((pater. In Snwed and I.l.nivil
p.iii!ii r, Loth it Shinille•i, I:ricliii4er. , rirr. , :ty
t)taglt'S LIV EltV STA 111,1; it l'lrA 1.,.Y•A Mr.
bytiiiii•ii It. It. Onion mint Ohio rivi•{l oiliiily
tiell/O)PP CHAS.. Nl.lninacinn•r or :Mil iiii . .iinr
in Thi.l.foliniir and Sheet Iron (Cure.; Itmillnl!.
•i,i,iiittfg. it C., ntlended tp.,,N. York 14.. 'het Or, ly
QTF:FFGEit ..t• CLARK, 14.11600,0 i Jlaitt.toll
0 I limp, Good atCOtinnodudonpi rind gond .in.
'•'. • Near it. It. Depart. i • ' ertlti:ly
jI) . MILLerB,. dueler lit - Not.. Slatirli.tiaiiiini,
. ./.... Ilasphirtste stssisas Ijr.ully and litOmpily.
Mori. tin the talnsawrial, Illailsv.kt. l'.. CnAKI.V
1 WALTRie .t itROTHEIt., sat
us Wavini, Coaches. lingglea. Spiliig.wainniii,
, riii:i•vo. 4t. Illackonottilm: pud h0r.e.1..114
‘,..... In the beat wanner. Hoideniner. l'a. ~TioilLy
TAM: SIIBNii 81.. -1.% genera] asvorirrient Id
11 Gr,cTlet.` Stoneware. funned
Fruit. .te, Cor. 3d 6 Broadway. "mar.lly
j . i t , • , 1 ,, A , 11 .. Tdr i l o t i V n PS g 07 . c 4 ) b —De ll . 1;1!, In t !) ry•
~. p, LAc till.Clutns..titirel ' i:uatrt.;Oas. 3 4 . 4 k ro, 1 1 : . .
~r. i n Dada ay .4 Coot at •:. E. Liverpool: Imo Say
‘I S. HILL S - 1.707.1)r0ge0t •Brdway,,twar 11.
~ a • It. ' Prercrlialona, cnrernlly and aceorntely
,a ,
peurded. fellv
—• •
oli N I . IIOItNI LEY.ldanufar orer of tke tirrat
itepubtle, Cooking Stove. and Patentee-of I'or
-4 top and centre. Fell ton. pa.
Litt tT litSSl3.l.. Stoneware 51t inlartitrr.
a. Order, promptly attended 10. VA r: p4M.
Mnr , ..4 , lrtwa—lteaver.Pa. . i;ept!:l3
IV , INL; Pernur.ctaly located in the villatte or
.11.11t.ple. Pa., !or 114
""l i dne• 1 tenceltullr tender turprofe•rionell
.crytteilo tbeelttrene afraid vtltai and vicinity..
02 1ta. In realdenee. oppoalte Yattle lintel. where
I 0.11 alma), U. found, nhln. ,Itroreorlonnthr
All:ntl4 wlll reesireAnturdlafe Ana
i'n'tnal attention. A. V. CUNNINGLIAM, M. D,
repigtayl ,
T 1101%; DIVCRIEWAIif Cub. %
J. F. IntAVQ. • 4... ... ANGIEI.
kletert MIA 0011010 4,00.4: Prompt ittMtlin
' , et to collectionr. tor itraimu Atrool, f ur
euri end
reliable Companleo. L (maygilf
FERN IVANTED.—The untlerelgted It
pay the Mohan price In malt torture of all , tle•
trrlotkir. lie Crites the for Company of nr4-, to belt to mind that be bail au Unita
eh bill t glee .0 any tenon to the county nbo
it rah - and bring h im a Tatman Wring &per
tad or allyth) lavishing 2 poundo.
• VOL. it. WALTON.
• I motto tp. Womb R, DOI —to• •
' • . •
•• , .
~ ~ .
ia • •
, , • '
. . . .
. .
.., ~ ~. e h. , ~,,,....
, i,, , i: ,,, , ,,,,..... : t,.. . ~‘, fie. i i 1..- - _ , .1;' .. 1 , . - A f ' - 111 .
• s :,-- , t,„ l , ,
.., .... ...•.
. ..,
~.., 4 ..,.,,. , :.a 4 . :I .'-'. ' . ' t- ' .,,, ;‘... :
:• . :,..,---- - ; :,:- li ,' ' s o s7 . ' . '6 l. t. '' -•
n ,
,_ , •
' '
'..` = '• .;"•' ...'; . .1' 7 -•; . . ~.4 . , . r. f ' . .... . ' 1. - I .11 F ''' '.
; ' 1 ... I %
.'• i % :. •3) ~S' ' - . ';', ''.
' .? ''
' t 'r ....•,-, . i ;.I.ll''' ( :I' .14 I ' il '•, 1 : ~. ilk
.• . , •
... . - _
Vol. 53—=-No. 15.
_No. tat) Market St.,
Bet: Fifth Av & ttio Market
'I`J ' .
- e
rjA'14ej .. ,0 ,2
, iraua•iui s ,
TooETiiElt wiTit A
Inhitant Relief Fur
"Tale -.49l..Eitlaria—
'laving been atllleted with that torrltge tom
plaint—completely unfitting ma tar Miriam.; for
week* at a 113110•••TP• the last twelve }vars. oral et
last round a vertkady that elves
4'i:slant and Cbmplete 'Wit(
, heny couchuteCto have It prepared for ale. to
that othen ilialtarly al.llloed an rentve the. heap
ilipt it, araitiag them that
It will do all,andsmorethanall prom
f iced for it;
that pvniorib Ci C wiag. win urver be with
out It.
As totherrous others who hare tilted it
cais testify.
Con be told a titeltrag Wore of WILLIAM 11.
Itocheoter, Pa.. or will be lent by
moll to ony addre?e tin receipt of one datter..find
ten enni• to pay postage. unks. D. IIUCHT.
I tchnoter, Delver county. Pa.
JAS. CAME ON, Attorney attiatxr
I:cover, (Mice In the nimim'for
surly to-copied by t lot, Jody° Ad two. Col.
Inchon?. Sc.. proton ly whetted to.
1 , 1;4
Bridge street,
.1)12-1: CACOCODS. •
(7,k,inivrvi un4 Satlitebt
.White \Vonlien blonkets,
• White. and Colored and.
Barred Flannels.,
Water Proofs,
\, Cloths,
`Woollen Shawls.
Booen mot
-17 'anti. . Linen,
• '
jr..leiy. •
• Lt Mits.
Cuff,. Tea 4, Sopa, Molsopee, While Silveri/ripe,
Gulden and l'ommon Syrup , . Mackerel In bar
relo •unfl kilo. Star and Tallow Caudle..
, mac.. Spice. and Mloce Meat. Al A
Hardware, Nails, Glass,
Dom 1.n.40 , . Poor Latelrep, II hm., Screw..'f>.4lr•
Cutlery. able nt.d Ten Spoour., Metal Belk. Coal
Buy, Fin• Shorela mud Poker*, Nall, and Gkro.
Spatler. hlkovel... '2, 1. and 4 'I Inc Forko,
Scythe., sod Smiths, Corn and Garden Hoe,
Tubs. Ohnme, Butter 'lints. nud I. files
Linseed OiltAVliite Lead
Boots and Shoes
In grim yarn**
Rifle. Powder :ail(' Shot,
Blasting - Pow . de; arid Fuse
I "ti .Vecat .1.7..11./tta•eauwwaire.
MI heavy le delivered tree of charge.
utteutlon to bitelneee. 41111 Ty keeptng
can.tnnttj on hand u rvcll anointed clock or gorell.
of nll the different blade nemilly kept In 3 country
a: •. the under/4;olrd hopes, in the future an In
the pant 11, merit 41111 receive a 111Kirid nhiler 4,r the
pall IC
SL. ' RA /int.
N. U nnl
M.ll-1 - _,ILI mot, Co.
Contractors and Builders;
: 54- AND
moors. .ash
Con.L•uuly un linntls;ffliclma , :e 1.. order.
t!i• w Pa.
orkicrs by mail wil rreciro prompt at•
Motion, •
s il r i • it T ri. m o; . ° A r d tine n n ium i lto et late 0 - r
Wm. fienterdy,"dre'd., Into of the bertrourb of If o.
rlieott•r, husker hen prattled to the utederstrned
testator to said borourh : all perions Indebted
thereto are regnerfed to melte payment, and those
hot log clef ordierninst It trill pretent the same do
ly.nothentlesied for settlement to
moreftnit) E. M. Pt/Writ. A doer.
1111% . ..1N In 4.
HEINEMAN, 11.:1 - 1!.1X - 1
N 0.42 Fitch Avt.nue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
.cot.l) A. I) •S I E 31 TII 8,
Awl denier, in
Agettes for all ,the hest makes of
Alilat I CAN WATCS I li:1•4.
ain.atints paid to the r. , paiiing and
adjwaiiig of
0(11;1'0 ly.
Brighton Paper Mills,
Hardware. l!ilaya, Straw.
31.A.N uv.i.cnruitita).
Wholesude & Retail by
Frazier, Metzger & Co.,
'T 82 Third Avenue.
tlllits P l i n exc l a i gn
n (fteptkfial
Italm444?s. • I .
US and alter Deer. GA,IKW. Mims will leave
Illatlom dally (S u Wio. excepmdl as fellmo_.7
rain leavin g(hlairo at SAS, P. leg Mei
V.) [Tufo leads: Plttsulti it3l.. SAS P. M..
• .74 dull.) • •;•• •
I. los.sAwriir — mio 134
;1105rx , SIO
.. •fiasapol
114441.4..4414. 9442
15.44440 . ,
to I
Canton:.. • ..... • ..
1114•111 o n .• .
Orrvllle 41 1 5,
Wooster •
Cre"""• n •••-• win ;
Doeyri. .. .. ": • ""*.`l" - ,'
OPPerffandeoltf.', •• - ' 4 4 • • — 4
Pore.? , 9
Lima . 1'..rx 1 1040
Van Wert...
Port Wayne,
I iiii I
Chicago ' LICALiss
Plymouth ' ,1203 rm
. Warsaw
Fort Wayne
Van Wert ...,.. ..1...
Forest 066
Upper Sandusky..
Bucyrus. • ,• •
Crt,tilve ..T; p .
abuisneld . ' 1
1r °osier
Urn;llle 'i IK6
Tuougstowo, New Cantle *ad Inds ..-1111
•lea% Younptowt3 at tn dd TRW
p.m; Eche* et rlttoldirgt. p. 01 :
lecreo Oittoburth TOD a. m; eR. W Ronil 7
10:411. in. Ynonxotra,
Younxriewu. New Castle and pU4bat=i A6'
eomnoxlatlon leaves Youngsteera: LID t V 100
Castle. UPI a. in; entree at Allaslesey; 1110
m., Returning, leaves Pldsbatnt,.llltott p.yed
rice, New Casde.Pls t • - '
ia. lamas,
Generci lt;ssexier oaJ244eigefd ,
CLEV ELAND & p y rrresuatoli
On end Oil tsme MO. Italie *lll l
Sun ono daily (S un days excepted)) Ps ronow.• eave
ootsos - etrtst —
Saha 1115ir rorg.
Euclid buret...
Harness .
' allirx
1 113
7 -; 7 il=.: -llsi4TEirTlTAcTri;
0011 A!
k:leveland an)
. ...
• Ltrldimpol t• •.•• • • • : a
Steubrnrille• ; 'lllo
Well.tille ...... . .: el'
14 k s
mlitt's Fury... . I :. ..
_' 14-1 i
rlttsbnrel:!' . .143
Tl 5
Smith's Fern
„ .
Uridgeport • lifu
Ileliskle ' iMIS
N. rhEsdellgil.. G: 0- a• ra •
i rice! laneogs.
i,..41L0 . 1 0 1111:1. AS
CI the Bible will
'Au Important nook , ou .111 e, Great
./10 E:k7B
OPEN 131331_1-E,
Br ltrv. JOSEPH BEIM, U. 1)
.1•Mor qr lilt (I.4rrh f Stab. %1,-
Third Edition Now Ready,
Liberal Commlaslalms Rapid Sale":
Quick Polar !
Tlicre•is no scarcity of book. to Fell. fat the
great recce.. of an agent lie. lu hie .electing that
work which meet. the want. of the times, and
drab. moat powerfully with the living issura of
the day 'lle recent effort. of the enemlee of
Prole.:taittbin to banish the Bible from Me Petite
6.1404, sndrthe late attempts In the Legislature
of New Yolk and Illinois to legalize Pile outrage
noon our civil and religion. ilbertleo. 1/11. arous
ed In the minds of all true Proteetents a desire to
know 111111 have eh - ciliated a more thorough
knowledge of •Ibe intente and purposed of this
greet organization, which bons* they will ;wept...,
this couture hefore the elope of the Nineteenth
Century. TneWer.N Ilintk deal. wttn thaw
einuetioll, and the readiners wjth which the !Int
two editions have beoll sold Is .nfilelent proof of
the Interest felt in the book.
Adds ta.,a for deleript Ire ctrinlarr.
1. Fitili..Alreue. IlttAtur,:ll, Po
Procriptiwp thefi relly and dioeurale
-1.9 Onspounded.
ecl o 1 xi. iEt.l
WINES AND 111E0114
S T 8:
Special attention given to innate the beckoning
of Lanni!. and tang Trlnnlnga. Lanterns Inc.
.1 'Large Assoilnumt of
I. El: A A PS : i
LI U.S.A . FriLS X.
11. 3tecnm - Eatv.
• Thfid &reit, Bearer, Pa.
OfSkr below tbi,Cooil House, Beaver, P.
1 , 71-tti
at Law'. itfilas la .1le•
Kinky', building. cast a/Public boars.
mar *1:17.
w I r ma 8 4 f r Es, L leal i tr:tn i2 l.koot . •
Porter'. Tin 5h0p...141V ;tritigt7 e ter.
Pa., where:he prepared to inanolaeture ;Teel)
everything In bin line at ressmsble rates Bar
ing removed hie plots ofletslnese from the own
er near the Bridge to his present looition, 'be in
vites his old Mends and patroag.W.glys Lim. a:
k_ R!:111..N.p,E,'R.:
To Debilitated P,eyrtu4;
To usspepws;
3 libatnniiLiverComplaint,
To thOsb havitigab Apnelite' •
To those with Woken Doivpcon./
stsiuttons , ; • .
To Neiroisa,Peojile, - ' -
To . ChUdiva Wasting Agra
To .anyi e wltti'Debliltatiai mgmlee
Or Suffering with ti‘ - .lVie_JOilUi6hpg,
Ansinonis, whlch.billfoitte Dtmrdbyd
Liver or Sipinach, '
zztrs • as
its I toss
de Illt/
Z.'14311 :1111
• rxHiss
• Cuartlir , • •
' tbs. Inward • •'
' Fsllsas
'or Mood to the
find:Aviary of the -•
, • Stooolictijdo • •
• BON. or Welt ta the Stamath.
tker OrYlot• •
mforg lsest Le
Bess. bs sad pdpfir sr MsoVr asti l— • . • .
in of th
Ikestlifss, Fluttttiur sf AA bast,
h k: FistisdssfSesfstfoss ils n•Jr
rosturs, Mmes. of ,vistga, M
Dot. sr Webs be.'
fora tbsAgLriverr sod 'Dsll.l.llos
• Mad, of Persotratkok
mess of Ito 111: usd /Lim, Pala la OF.
SideAseic; Chril.; Limbs; Ls: Oar ••• • '
• alet • Flin64ol4llhp‘V Baru.. , •
fug IVCoaitent
taagjaawgza; a '
dss ' ~uu
615 r m; 1:130.ut
ilia ['fa)
. 115Orm
143 411
co -
4.10 10011
11W I far
A Bitters withOst Aksiktie r bpi4ik 9/
. • •••• oar/
Issllffereal Rom all Misers, Jt ta t .01
posed,of the pitimilissailk nig"; I
dple ofigeniga., 1101bsan4ilfsailinlip
(us as medicinally tanned, BitrsabOshis
worthless or inert portions tbe mgrs
clients nothcing used. Therefore, in one
Bottle of these Bitters there is contained
as much medicinal virtue as will be found
in several gallons of ordinaryT re
The Roots, &c., used In this Bit a
grown to Oarmany, their vital pri pies
extracted in that country by a stientificf
Chemist; and forwarded to the mamba
tory in this city, whew: they. are corn,.
pounded and bottled. Containing Jae,.
spirituous ingr.:dlents, this Bitters is frau.
from the Objections urged 'galas; all Mb:
era: no desire for stimulants can be in
duced from their use, limy cannot make
drunken's, and cannot under an Clrenm ,
stances, have any but a
,benefclal can.
Was compounded for Mom not Inclined
to extreme bitteri,Nand is intended for nee
in awes when some alcoholic stimulant is
required- in connection with the Tonle
properties of the Bitters. Each bottle of
lee Tonic contains one bottle of the Bit.
ters, combined with pure BANTA CRUZ
RUM, and flavored in such a manner that
the extreme bitterness of the Bitters Is
overcome, forming a preparation highly
agreeable and pleasant to the palate and
containing the medicinal virtue of the ilit•
tern. The price of the Tonic la $1.50 per
Bottle, which. many-persons think 100
high. They must take into considemtfon
that the Stimulant - used is. guaranteed to
he of a pure quality. A poor article could
tol e :nailed at &cheaper price, but la it
t better to maniac more and have a
article? A manikins' pia:paragon
should contain lou bat the best Ingradi
cots; and .they, , who leaped to,obtalais
cheap couspoisnd, sod be bencritted-hy it
will most curtainly.bu cheated.
alp 101
Mt •MS A
1 410ra
1 *0
112 El
• cidocinilAiinii
- - •
410 5,17 I
500 Ivo I
inn I mria
121 i 815
A Mr
I Bayard. tS.
N. PRilsiteph
• mil Ticket A.
German Bitters,
Fynnurtea, , Tax Om+
Known ti the world, and will
ertileat. , ti, em from impure
blod, Debiliq of the Digebtive Dt„..uns,
or Diseased Liver. in a shorter time than
tiny other known remedies.
The Whole Sitpreme Coat of Pemea..
jOr uwre Dignflietl or
~'lronger A-alimony:
OU. 441.11t1 c W. WOODW•llDailfinerly
lice offite supreme Court of ikanrytrataa, at
.11faib , r rj Congrrs• rm. l'ratairtrua
I tied `• lloollantrelferntan Bitters a good
tunic, awful ill dives.xw ut the dlge lice organr,
and of groat benefit in ca.‘. or debility and want
of cornet action In the et Plelat. learn int y.
I.:E.OllitE W. WtH)DiV AIID.
4.131 ES Taman. ON. Chief Justice of the Su
in MAI Owl t of Itqthsylvinia.
. . •
f consider Iluonsud's German . alitene' a valua
ble medicine In one of attacks of Indigestion or
Lty•pepria. I can certify this from my expertruce
or it. Yours with respect.
< iSOlllit : 4 1PIALL.W0013, t4if the Sopreont
Court rf itimeylrania:
l'usuneLrutA, June 1. IN' N.
I have foundetirmienen that `Moorland',
tierman Bider, • 1,1 a very good tunk, relieving
dylierdie v 3 mown,. almcet directly.
Bun. Wm. F. it.,ger., .11dyee spite City of ,kp
h,. Ferl.•!
}teyor'e Ordce, Buffalo. Jona
nave used liondand•s limn= Bitters and
Tentc•• In tny family doting:3Ele mut year, and mn
recommend theta ai on excellent Inuit, imparting
moue oud rl:4 to the erstern. Their nee hr becu
prodnetlsc ot decidedly Ilenedelel eirects.
uan. Jar. M. Woxi, lrumnoport,
1 take great pluaeuro In ICCUMuieutilug •• 11oof•
lantre German Tonic." to nnv one who may be af
flicted with Dyepeprla. 1 had the Dy.pepali-eo
badly It war lutpoyalble to keep any food on my
plant:lnch. and I became no weak as not to be Ohio
to walk bairn MM. Tie° bottles of Tonic etre. ted
a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD.
78nritI•111i •
Will cure evcry Cps, of
.or Waming ;may of the Body.
1111;1711MI11130 . 111,
A. e the toi.plieluvo you require In park( tha
Blood, excite rho torpid Liver to healthy artloo,
and to sable you to pore. rarely through any hard
-1.144 or exposure,
J)l{. 11001x.AND•14 '
Or S'almlittle for Mercury Pills.
The Most Powerful, yet Innocent, Vty
eluble Oithartle known.
Mit) •
It is not accessary to take a handful of theseplils
to produce the dolled effect: two of them act
quickly and powerfully. cleansing, the Mos mom.
rich and 11/mete of all Impuritlea. The principal
men:divot is Pudophylliu, or the Alcoholic Ra
na of Mandrake, which Is by many timei mute
!medal. acting arid loarching than t he Ilaadrake
Itself. Its peculiaractlou le upon thallArer, clean
Ind It speedily Irmo all obstructions, with all the
tower of llercur). jet free from the hilarious re.
sultsattached to the use of that mineral.
ir;,..iiotiveromv. In which the a e of a cathartic ,
Intlicatedztbeve pill. will give entire eathffentioie
In every (Tee. They NY.ThIC FAIL.
In caeca of Liver Complaltd, Dy.pepetaatid ea
tome cooilveucee, Dr nondaufilt GC4IIIII Bitter*
or 'route phuuld be need In rot nection with the I
The tonic effect of the Differ. or. Tonle I.
builds up the oyettm. The Bitter. or Tonic p
de. the Blood; ntrengthens the blerves.acortavirs l•
the Liver : and gives strength. energy and y or,
Keep your flaseel. active with the Pills. and tome • . -
es uP .e the can Y ; i t em nin rts il' h h .lll 4 . t o ' r n e ' v w ei T e a mos ni % v m o ' n d . no ,:„ --G ii t l e d en. .v ii e ll , t , l i C o r yo lgi ve l' ye rU lT lll l l ;C i i i i7eff a tr uu epcilkeT r4:64
Iterolit•rt that It le DR. 110dIFLA:41111 GISH- t•ol Miler, gmwine - eat.
DAN DIN hatillS. that •re uultenctly need /inane and Gene-- . •
and highly recommended: scar do not - allow Us or hit ndenvor ret W* 0.311°1114 16 "
Dcanclet to indite.) ect NS. woluho( •:+e tha• prot,eci Intl of the lihertye property and.
be may Dud aa good. beam. be nub. .a
will he
Iy, noun
i t Lc i t i c it i s r
..4 !1:7: 0 :: 4 ,
r ° ; : y 0 : n o
a I I
E. l tr
14T vav ds
c n t k 11: :
These Remedies are for‘oVale try , pr ir .1 rework? Will nob be mdre. Ammo bond ? .
gists, Stors . keepers g*:d Mcdteisir red and till) foe, sod Portal: ll 4W, - MM..
everywhere, .0 1 40:11 17,11tre or ilru hundred fret •' ; : •
LUect. 'lett
Thti are the Grenti,t.
M M=l=lt
- CLOCK si
:;-• •
e'ooo ,Cir!!,ll.
is 111relly
1121CtRA t i : '
, I
'" T4Libi f *kV
t'r s~,
No; 16 Nth
• i•eyf i risgekeelsoods
I tqik rut a '__
flktoat itt all Ow*
• 21" It fi
pirelo" blltwatkica
• 00 Ozark:4l4 u
, "AON:it
.- ,
No led bit feet finis
And bah); arses its
lien ftwart in on,
And there** thy. eirmit.
And mart forthintb
And here's fob irstif
Which WV *bell I
Vie time the meat wi
The brawl was -sr
The clothe* were in
Oh dew! the hat,
Oh dear! Cc
And Inds thinv to
Ita9l Jost begin and fel.
About** tidy mother.
Row eke her altebt:Vi
Her dinner ahem. •
Nasals when the dir
Hash, hash, deli 11
And then will tome a
.o.lod. out belOre Er
,Their sea that but,'
, AMA sobe!,,es
New 141, Oi:st• gni
Thienten shoold
&ranee& weer:. ho
Can't always roll
When I was ye
* living wt
Had clothes am.
led honer/Alt
I never dreamed
When I. a loes.
NW, soothe. v
per, r,
A meta be owned a terrier dorg— ' •
A bobtailed emery CUM,
An that there pimp got that there man
In many an ugly mutt:
For the man mu , on his mettel.
And Ike don was on hie bite,
tio to kick that dorrgoned saimilo
Wet sore to .shie a fight.
A volume she owned a Thomas eat.
That fit at Aileen pound ' • ,
And other twit got up and wild
When that there eat was round.
The man and big dorg tame along unc day.
What the woman the did dwell.
And the parp he growledlerodontly.
Then went for the cat like--ion.
Be Hied for to chair the neck °rale of
But the eat he wouldn't heehawed.
So he lit on the hack of that there doer•
Awl bit! and chewed! and:clawed!
Ohl the hair It .w, and the burp it youled
As theclaws went Into It's hide.
And Ms of &AI were peeled frets hl. back
Then he tintrunized end kicked. and died
The nun be ripped, and cues.' and snore.
Ae bd gathered a big brickbat,
That bin vroald be bleated e.entlaily.
If be didn't kilt that cat ! ..
But the wottun .aid ebe'd he Mewled in,. did
And matched up an old shot gun.
Which sholtrett and peppered bra diaphram
With bird shot number one.
They toted AIM home on a window blind.
And the doctor cured him up.
But he was never known to fight again.
Or to own another prim.
Polka may tarn up their 'noon. at this tale.
I don't care a cum for that !
Alit want to chow la that OchOng doter.
Mai tackle the wrong Torn eat,
Come stand by ms knocattlet children,
Too weary for laughter or anus
The 'porta of the day are all over.
And evening Is craving all along.
The .1:tow-fields are white In the monsftllll,
The vaults of the winter ore
lint under the 034dt...tying rtnalfree
The fire eh teeth ruddy and mill.
Yon sit by the fire, little children.
Your cheeks are Todd/ and warm.
Bat out In the cold of the winter
la many a shivering form.
There are mothers that wander for shelter.
And babes that'are plain: for bread :
Ohl thank the dear Lord. Mile chlidien.
From whose tender hand y a are kid;
Come look in my eyes.little children.
And tell me. !broach all the lon day
liart4on thought of the Father 'above us.
Who unaided from evil your way ?
Ile beareth the cry of the spume;
And meth for great and foe small
In life and In death, little children.
he lore Is the truest of an-
Noargo to yonr test, iltde children:
And over yang Innocent riPep,
!Torero by your rltlohe. the aural
Their watch throoah the daftness shalt beep
Then pray tihepherd. who guideth
The tenthw that he toireth to well,
)ley had Ilfe - strewyft w inlng.
Ikeide the *Mitt - sten io 11.
softly !
Shot+ lyiiiir
With her 1111 , 4 apart.
She Is dying .
G(• broken heart.
Whisper !
She is going
To her libel rest.
Wideer! , • -
Life la glowing • •
• Phil within her brut.
. Gently !
She Is gimping: • -
She he' breathed her leel. ••
• •
' Gently!
While you're weeping.
She 'to heaven him piSiOd...
.6 •„
12 1871
BLS 'CT ariqp.pizAN-r.
, .
Thoite . were the tlin.w words which
attritticdiny attention when I took
gp the Tim m 'one morning, about a
'.i "WANTED. A liOME.—A' ' yeung
lady, alone. -In the world, desires,: to
enter !viscidly as a - boarder.. :Liberal,
ternts afted,'! —. ,
.. ,
~ , There wens touckdt ttbds in the
wording of this ;went t --epOnted
•talmeienci Lbeisune dervowdy, tut
pittietitnfor My, bulthend , la, Ode :
hone?, in order. that I. mlghtctryinid:
win' bin consent :Iq wine and. , eer
thiiadvertbier..a honte.wlthps: lire
, f,atire t t i m k auts inerried:Pkiiiks4 4 " . t i il
-With an—ineressing fiiinliY,,.. , entl a
tans lttled Income, Ind, ea Wa:llial •
li large house mulderlte..'expeoses, it
seemed to roe that ; tills - was the Very
:thing teltieet otiewentarl , '.- - . , 2, , ..
- our house; was' altaitted% - od ''the
linditard- side of a eliff.that. reared
Weir dn the:beautiful ,Westerli.etwitt..
Ind tha altuationtsslittuaty Ml
'tienteges..: We . were %only. - A.. mile,
fame a .Ilwhionablo. watering, P I AI,
The Views from our whp/ONS WWII ,
Co be,tairptowed for,grandeur and wild
'beatify, on,the osettidde, or for, aweeti
ladling, pewee/pi Prettiftek 'on ' fho
Inhind quarter. Aolf. the 'interior
was well arranged,, and gine/40,1y
furnished. The only disadvantagr,
indeed,-tiott. the !unite isosehsed was
the great one: to_ :us of being a high
; rented one, Mal ofdennualing a large
, establishment. However, If this 1
young lady who wanted a- haute
would come' and pay' us liberaLfyi
neither the high riot nor the halm.
establishment would he drawbacks
any More: ' -,.. r.. • ••: t - -
;Now, for ourselveS. We are, us. I
hare said, young People, end our
,werewont to aver that we
were ; very . at:y:1010 young poodle..
-My husband was a Junior partner in
a goiaLold established bank ing h ouse,
and I, WasNriere or less known to the
public as 41 to of scent's in do
mettle ilfet that always' commanded
a good Ohre In the exhibitions, and
gotsi. pricea. ...Notivithstandlng this
-fact, we .wanted nitau than we had,
for I luutnot been able to work much
of late, mutiny three' battles ton up
a gocaUy portion of the time tl I
ought to have expended ou' nay d
winning art.
As soon acs my husband mine haute
that night, I showed him the adver
tisetnentund propounded my plan
to him. - .
"It would be a nice addition to our
little 'Arty If she's a nict..girl." !Ar
gued, and he refused to , admit that
was a reason for having her.
"We are very- happy' as we are,
Flo," he said. "Oar little party is
too perfect in my ey es for me to wish
to see It Increased." ' •
"But, Edgar, housekeeping on
Whitt we have is such hard work!"
I pleaded; "and if she would come.
up to us and pay flu liberally,• what
matter whether .she is nice or not?
We could endure her."
"If you take that tone,,Flo, What's
the worth of anything but so. much
money•as , it will bring? I may con
dude that you have made up
, your
mind ttr try the experhnent, he.
said, laughing.
"Not without your permission—
but ft would be such a help to us,
Ted," I said eagerly.
And then, With a little more ado.
we went lute can:llol%e of ways and
means, and finally hiSe up with the
detertnination to try hew „fortune
would &sloe es with respect to this
lolling lady, aloneln the Wort& who
wanted a home.
I wrote to the address she hail giv
en, and stated our terms as concisely
as I could. I also mentioned our re
spective professions, thinking, with
a justifiable pride in my own, that
any cultlYnted girl could but be glad
to be admitted as one of the family
of an artiste.
By return of post I received a let
ter; acceding to my terms, and ask
ing if she could come to us early in
the following week.
"She; doesn't say a word about ref
erenet," 1 mid, dubiously, as I
handed the letter to my husband.
"What a pretty name she has—lsa
be! la Cleveland I" •
. _
"The pretty name mayn't be her
own." Edgar said, laughingly.
"Well, little woman, you must gang
your own gait; all that 1 advise Is
that you don't let the account be
tween you run on too long, or you
may find yourself in the wrong'
"She writes the hand of a frank,
open nature," reconsidering the epia
tie under diseu&zion.
"Yes; it'sgood, bold writing,"
Edgar said, looking at it—"rattier
like a man's.' However, decipher
ing diameter by means of calligra
phy's all bosh ; one of' the cleverest,
most original woman 'I ever met.
with in my life wrote the most con
ventional, s • ift commonplace' hand.
We won't prejudge Mies Cleveland,
"And I may write and tell her she
may come next week?" I interro
'Vets, dear; if you are anxious to
rush into your troubles so soon," he
said laughing.
"Oh, Edgar, I won't foresee trouble
in the matter at all," I remonstrated;
"she is going to pay us liberally that
my load of house-keeping care will
be lifted off my shoulders at once,
and additionally, beings young lady,
she may turn out a most• delightful
companion for me. I won't (ore
"And I hope s'ou won't have any,
dear," ho said, lightly, an d then ho
went off to.talsilltem, and I went over
I my house to see about making it put
I on-its fairest aspect In the' eyes of our
' new inmate.
My house was n very pretty one.
and I RIM fond of it, as women are
fond of the homes in which they are
happy, and which they have arrang
ed in a great measure according to
their own taste. It always gave peo
ple blessed with an "artist's eye" the
impression of being well %rubbed,
though an. upholsterer would have
deemed it wanting in met that the
upholsterer's mind deems strictly es
sential. For instance, the carnets
and curtains, the chairs rand couches.
were no longer new and bright and
fresh. 'lint the colors of all had been
Amen judiciously. and now as their
first bloom was brushed off. there
was a harmony of tint about them
*0 that made me find other people's
furniture gaudy and glaring. •
My drawing room was my special
pride..: It; was a long, lefty room,
with a firelace at either n
, end, and,
tivo large ba p y windowal the side.
It. was papered with a delicate gray
and,.gold . paper. and the windows
were drapes] with home soft textured
green tuaterial. .There was a number
of incongruous ann-chairs and easy
lounges about: aome.iniered with
gold , anti.. rose.Olored Satin, .some
worked. tn wool, and Route covered
modeatly.with brawn Holland. And - ,
nil these sinful out in - blear rellef•en -
a dark. polished &Sir, for economy
and taste, had combined *make us
adopt the foreign custetnof dispens
ing with. avarpet. There *exa sev
eral quaint and beautiful cabinets.
filled with old china And, glass. and
nest that. we callett,the
cabinet," in whit* watt displayed the
Kilvertroblets,and iyorY-bound Winks.
and ~other .pretty, things s that had
hem given to Our. babies:. ;Awl , ths.,
walls were. hung with A five ram, rd
1 Venetian mirrors; ilea itcwwlYtoL * j.
I graPhit and eltsglityjno,ostal" Nevem,
grids' liperittieus of Cit.lita6l'atl oat
Fretteh china .plats and alight-A, that
were ittutetteii ,up Ina peculiar way
with. wire. making spots of
thei'llelhatkety tintetl • pa
per that were iteliritas In my • eyet4i
/Willi tom were halo, and
ad filtrable. - 4,•optea of the . Vegan, de
Medici, the ._Vetitta of DIIIn, the, Ali
polio iti•lvedlere•, the tlytle," the
hand • Aber
Inasterplites of ancient: and. modern
dimposed about the room on tied
eatitlo; And there trap ontrtnagnid
veld broniey.-t he pride:of - lay heart
-9411011m on a blind - Annie marble•ped:
extol' In if corner • thitt , • wait ancred. 7 to
:InTscif—"The Abandoned Ariltditei'!
aniarvel of Partddlentie's-r4 hat glor
ified the room to toy mind. 4 -
.tkultere4l almut. In aprofwdnn that
had too ivrrect tweyecrag to • ant.
fer,toi degenerate into .lituddlt..:Weie
•Cheimett china, figura of good .per
t)l(l German and Italian glasS
judges.. and vasea and goblets ritif
Italian) el?oriY,..wimderfully
ea ryes'. little tables bf varb nis Anti's,
Ivory ornaments, featherfans,.cmaies
on linteltiti white and colored
froni which ikaireinuiperuled
Sliver crucifixes rosurits. end flowers
.—flewers everywhere.
In 'pas on the piano pail the tahl~
tiets;on big add china piatesom the
polished floor, In hiskets suspended.
from the wire over theispisre
Ing that was made by thu tukiug
down of the double doors, In slender
glasses—wherever, in fart; 1 could
(Ind it rtsting plow forthem, nay love
of flowers inalueed me to put them.
lily room, as will he gathered from
this dowript lon of was very pretty
and very nrtistlr, and it Must be
owntsl.lltat 1 wasjustitiod In antici
pating that it. would strike the yciung
holy who wanted tt homeyery favor.
u: -oh'. .
What pains 4 took Oh the • lasi-,
room nett was lobe atsllgust.toMisa
Clevehutd. .4 Was it splendidly:pro
portioned!Moni with inetehh'ss views
from both Iti ainiltiiVikliteill •it - itiol
furnished' eienfortablY as well us tio-
gently.; . With my owe kends, 1 re
moved; every- Pinkie of dust that
had teen left on the .furritutte by my'
les4 Otrerving heinsematd. I Carefully
anti'- thoughtfully I dossed: the , two
' ewes with flowers, one. fort the mai
ire table, and the other for 11w Man-,
tie-piece. 1 lopetally I atrangei the
inhuvite of the dreaming table so that
the girl that wanted a :home might
feel that her mutton was studied iu
the one she had desert'.
The day appointed for her arrival'
came, and I could notsit at my usual i
work so impatient west to see her. A
dozen times.' .plactal. myself tieibre
my easel, cud feebly essayed a. few
strokes or my brush . A dozen times
I gathered my babies about me and
'strove to' amuse them, and fu lled;
for my heart was not in my task' ttils
day, mid children ores° quick to no
tice that fact.l dispensed with lunch
eon, in order thatthttiook might de
vote all her en .erglen to' the elegant
little dinner I had' ordered for ikven„
that night. And as may be sup
posed my unusual' excitentent,idie
tts anti abstinent*. Made me feel
very tired lout low. spirited tied •
Valli- before Miss CieVelautt arrived.
She mine - ut .last . about three
o'clock hi the afternoon, "A horri
ble time for uijy one to choose," I
thought, discontentedly, as news of
her advent wits brought to me, and
I then before I bad dine bide more':
than feel that I was a touch less welt',
dressed, n trifle less composed, a'
shade My prepansi In body and mind I
for her than I would like to have
!leen.. , . „
! 1 confess to have boat staggered
out of these 'feelings most abruptly
1 wheeeibiss.-tunzeints....the r00ni......1n
place of the fragile, shrtnking,rather
• sorrowful looking girl whom 1 had I
picture"l to myself as wanting a home
I saw a fine, splendidly urrayed Nor-
Mill, it year or t.o my seuior. I rose
to greet her with it grasp, and she ad
-yantssl to me with a sweeping court
esy, that made me het very muck at
disadvantage, although I was plant
ed securely in my own domestic
"I hope Mat We will get on well
together, and snowier:eine very good
friends. sirs. Forrester," she began
ut oleo, and I felt that I. ought to
have slid that, and that she wits rob
bing tare of my prep gative of giving
the initiative. -
You fiCeill to have a very nice place
here," she added, graciously, and
teem she threw off her list,and cloak,
and 1 eow her as she was, one of the
prettiest' winnen I ever saw in my
life., r
Pretty in such a thoroughly com
fortable way, if I may be allowed the
expression. Plump end comely,this
young lady who wanted a home, had
asserolly never wanted anything in
her life without having it home
thately. A fair embodiment of suc
cess and satisfaction ; and yet, for all
that, a woman: with "a story" I was
certain—a woman who was notquite
what she seemed on the surface. A
yellow haired woman with brows.
eyes, mud a perfectly clear, rosy com
bplexion, with something not anxious
ut interrogatory in the brown eyed
though, and with something that
was not quite suspicions, . but, that
might possibly develop into it, in the
rapid 'glance and turn of the . head.
As I looked tit her I became feverishly
anxiety; to have my' husband's judg
ment epee her, and when he came
home he iceve it to me without. reser
'ration; ~,1
"Well . Flo, 1 don't want to des-'
hearten you, poor•little hard-work
ing %minim, but before you have
dew wit her you will regret the
hour that made you acquainted with
Mist Cle 'eland, I fancy ; . there's
„soinethlng crooked. Has she offered
any mkton of the mystery of
••N'ti '.,' said, hesitatingly.
- "It strikes me she has come down
1 here with some other object than the
! avowed one," he said, meditatively;
hoWever, if you'-re satktital, little
woman, I ought. Mlle. I suppose ; so
I'we'll make up ourf minas not topeet
I trouble half way.,' ' '
I Trouble came fast enough; there
was no need to meet it half way. I
have described my
tistic drawing-room ai my pride in
it. Well, M iss Clev elpnd affected
I not to "find it quite what she expect
ed when she agreed to my terns; she
must tzez that I would put a motet
(eim ; that slippery, colt: floor made
1 her, shudder."
I apologized, pleaded, protested,
' argued, and finally effected a corn
! premise. She ' would be contented '1
with a Persian rug or two, but they
' "must be good." So I expended a
small fortune In three; and lipped
that her demands had come to an
end; Not stall! She had "been bye
thilowdy and delicately brought up,"
she said, "and naked 'images" (thus
.shes designated my beloved copies
from the antiquea) "made her shiv
cr."- With all an artist's fervor,' I
became olemsel for the .defence of,
their purity. and excellence of pur- ,
poen in design. ' But Miss Cleveland '
added blushes to her Previous ehlv
erings and shudderings, and I.had to
glee in. My attitudes were removed
to my hisband's study. mid my ?';'!!,
`bedroom. and :I hope' ( ghs t • ."9
Cleveland's scruple!' would re'quu !car
in pare. . t . a
For a feW Jays thisseemedm e b r E t t i
we""ifinde4l se e m
1 bruised l ir Y s ' i: ' et"te .. tell m bus . -
sufficient y for int to ! y ,
band, that I forgave the overt hrow
of My laresand penatee. in consider
ation elthe sensible rellef from the
addition to .my, household mime of
what On tmid. tne,, Ife laughed and
stnaik his halide and bade me `:wait
and see, befored . wont unmeervedly
Over to the ,enemy."
How can wade bring themselves
to speak lightly of what they term
"minor miseries?" ,Those that, I
was. *lied upon; to endure would
coma intothat;.category, reptant., ;
butwhat exeruefalleg w tchediress
they' caused' mot. 1 grew •neevous
and irritable, unfit kir my work WS a
*other, wife and' artist. ~ But I to
dared'on hopefully, and contrived to
Mak& myhusiand ;IselleVe that
found.*mtietuntien' fbr the lite,that
I endured fn MlarCktvehurd'anodlety.
:About a week after -Ow -copies of
thenntiquetr had begn
beats retreat, went :down', tre - the
drawing-roorn, Pay morning. and
Mend ateiffing Barak
with a sieepty aggrieved expretslon
:in her fine'br6wn eyes. ' • •
I .l* anything tuning?" I asked,
tremblingly, and, .without hesita
tion, she told me that there "was
something verY math 'smite. She
had Herions'eloubta about the plants."
"The: plantar" t :asked; baking
-round at my healthy green friends..
are *Ater. bettutifully ; my
Plants always
, but they Bout Isle at the ex
pense of- the people who. live With
there. I'm sure " rho said, with Gorge
vehellarnree.', -, “I • have read in some
medreal work theit'theYnCtually:rob
us of the oxygett 'we ought to take In
Mien they - thrive and when they
don't thrive., your own- common
sense will tell you bow Nal it must
be to live in a room With &mimeos
eet vegetable Matter. • Besides they
harbor 'dust nod Insects "
After a brief argument, I gave up
the contest. " 1 onisented to sacrifice
the loveliest 4ruamentsenty morn
could - boast nr, dad, when I had done
it. Miss Cleveland triumphantly, sub
stituted the Same abominations made
In wax.
"I think you're a goer" to put up
with 4;110, 1 .' 1 Edgar said to rue .
And for an answer i reminded him.
that we had three small children, and
that- Mt-s Cleveland ' was paying tnl
at the rate of four hundred a year.
Or at least she was to pay us at that
rate according to ouragreement, and
•I heal no fear of her falling short of
it.. She had a thee, 'lavish way of
Spending her money on anything
that struck her node, ex:warmed •me
!tithe belief that she was a very rich
woman, although no coin of the
realm had 'parsed between us as
: yet.
- thrill of suspicion would pate
through my tnind at night mine
times as I was- lying hnsul awake.
But, in the garish light of day, she
lucked so very frank, and fresh, and
fair; and above board gene Tally, that
I could not doubt her.' • •
"fire /shall get the ;noney all down
hi a big rime at b at the end of Abe
ter probably. "
"I hope we Shall," he :said, dubs
ously. - "Meanwhile, dear, wei must
pay for the Persian rugs . ; she has
.'exquisite taste,' no doubti as you're
always braying siteluts, but I wish It
wasn't quite such 'en ' extravagant
• Time went on and Isabella Cleve
land bad become very much as one
.of us. Under her auspices my.bome,
had assumed an appearance of luxu
ry and splendor which It had certain-
ly been lacking in before. But 'the
art rooms had fled from it. It was
strictly conventional now in,alitits
arrangements--strictly proper', and
comfortable, and conventional. But
it had lost its look of Indi rid uall tyat nd
the proem by which it bad lost this
bad plunged us very deeply in debt.
At length I gatheyed up my cour
age, and spoke to her on the dreaded
subject of payment. I well remem
ber the morning on which I burst
the bomb ritsileuce. „was a .111.1113-
mer morning and at breakfast she had
suggested a number of expensive al
terationi in the garden and conserv
atory, which, if carried out under
existing circumstances. woubl, I felt
half-ruin us= Under the Influence of
this terrible conviction, I spoke.
"Belle," I said, (we had grown so
intimate and laud of one mother
that we had fallen Into the womanly
weakness of Christian-nanifig one
another)—"Belie, I really can't have
any more beds out in that lawn."
•'Yet you pretend to be so fond of
flowers ?" she said, In somesurprise ;
and I felt some embarrassment in
explaining to her that I was "fond
of many things , lhat I felt I could
not atiord." •
"I)o you really mean that?" eho
tap me dubiously, • in
some distivbs. f -
"-Indeed I do," I said, •dejectedly.
"Ted and I have had a- hard fight of
it, I assure you ; our expenses are
heavy, and our ready money is
She looked wistfully away out o:
the window for a while, and then she
turned to me and asked, iman alter
ed tone,. if a "little ready looney
would be.of any service to toe now ?"
"If you could let me have Just the
quarter," I said, with a spasm ; "It
ould be very nice, very .conveni
ent, very heluful, to me, indeed I" I
blurted out at last. and I almost
stiffened with horrors w!ten she an
"Met. Forrester, I Cap4—l ain't !".
I think she saw the shiver that
passed over me as I reflected on all
the consequences her imposture
would brinupon A hideous ar
ray of unpaid mile stared me In. the
fate, of unpaid bills that were to have
been paid with that money which
she had agreed to give us, and which
would. never be- paid now. In the
bitterness of my spirit I let my head
droop down into my hands. and sob
bed a wow, tired, woman's fob of
hopeless beiplosiness.
"Look here," she mid, at last. In a
quick tone, that made me glance up.
"I'll tell you my story, and you shall
Judge for yourself which Is the most
wronged, and the most to be pineal
of us two. If I have run you into
expenses that you etuyill afford (and
I see that I have dot-sthat now), I
can help you out of them; but the
wrong that, has been done to me no
one can right. Listen." •
"Miss Cleveland, I am in no Mood
to listen to a tale that you will know
how to tell to suit your own pur
pose," I said, bitterly, "I have been
straining everynerve to better theemi
dition and prospects of My poor lit
tle children, and you have ruined
the said, with passionate'
energy, "don't say that. ,1 will give
you every jewel I have, and they
will more than disteharge my debt to
you; don't say I have hurt you by .
injuring your children—l have chit
them ()Croy own!"
Miss Cleveland?" • "
"I am not Miss Cleveland at all,"
she -nth), Impatiently. • "Listen, I
said 1 would tell you my story. arid
I will tell it, however much it hurts
me. When 1 mine hero four months
ago, I raTalEl'ati of hope; I gi) away
Mlle( despair L l. ' •
ew here :your husband I'• I
"In his grave," she answered. la
conga): 'l'm not •ft runaway
wife • my children lire with his
mother,' poor little things; it was for
their sakes that I did.whal my soul
abhorred-140.VA u pine or system
atic deception." • •
"When my husband died I - was
left with forty Axon& n year, and
four ehildern to support on it. That
is th.es3 years ago now. anti at that
time I believed I had beauty. At any
rate' I was told that I had, and I was
sought tbr It. and for It only. I be
lievenow. by a man who had been
my husbadd's friend, and who theti
rested to be mine.
'"I won't tell you hts' tteme, but
Ls pithlbil*,eirnry yenJunnley in tb.
414 Argo, bullang on Third Strootasts.
war, Pa.. s 4 $2 pea year handyman. • -
enininunicationn on sutdeltit of tarsal
or gennnn inieniel are revietliriST
this kind nim4 Invariably. be - aceosups-
Wed by We twos of Mosotho,:
, Lonna
undo, nicunnicationashould bib
will tell "pa: he bi a' Man
Well known hi the legul world ad one , • P
of the mod 'powerful 141411htflf• for
woluen •ut . : the Par. 1 appealed •to -
him for-the =knot his old friend. .
ship, husippd to, get awn r sit-
Ult tou atm govermts gra companion • ,
Or to help,liie to shirt a boarding.'
holise—to . do any thing, in Eict; that
mightlaelp metaintlistain my poor . •
And,.hir,affixtell; to • •
shrink with,tiorror,from the thought
of my:doing 'IMY :thing of' the sort..
'lt"was not tittirie,"-It Jima Incon
gruous.' be. tleelarod. "Mut at left.,
about six inimths'iiaomvilen Waslw
very deep distreo; tie asked riintohe
his wife. i .• p. '•
"He Is w. rich mum; stud asked ,
film it any childreu, should be, his,
should sluite hl. property, ItheMIII fh
cdtmllf4l zo
Itlynoved him to sdu-
ode his children?. Aral he saht sires,
when ewe we Were married, every ,
thing in that way shall be as '.you
will; butme cannot marry yet: I' "
ate engaged in a case in Which I have
employed all my eloquence to throw
°blowy upon a woman .who takes a. -*
secusql.htisbandt. but thole owes are ,
souti kirtrottets. and then, dearest.
painr trials shall be at iin'esid'
'I did 'not like Wm-gement, but I'
' wait poor,
misiintbly poor. • Oh, Flol•
you whohuve husbund•to-flght for
you mid your children, if the worst.
Mille, don't know what I felt that '
day when lie put me Into a path of
deceit. and ta n k! me follow it for .my
little ones' sake. ice. engaged Lim
self to me solenitilj;, he bound toe to
him, and then lie counselltsl the
strictest secrecy respecting our en- .
gagement. I was not to let It' he
known to a single••manibeecif; my
late, husband's fiunily, because 'they
had , preJudicts, mad were friends of
his, he said. Anil I swallowed (ha!
pill for icy HUI , : chlidren'a sake. ,
"I was staying- With my Into hug- '
band's mother at this time, and my
prudiAit lover at length objected to
this arrangement. •.I t plat tsl him 'in
a false pissithm wise, lie visited the
family, lie said ;Ake WILY afraid my
looks and manner would betray me,
and for the take of rho future thaw,'
must be no gnat-rel. These ands un- .
dry other arguments ho used with
241101 vlnat that at lust my nilnd was
open to the reception of the goggct' •
non that I should seek a home some--
wheke:eiso for a.titne, in order that
hero should hu no fear of our rein-
tine pueitions toward one another
becoming hnewn until the moiler- •
tion,of the cause relcbre In which Iso
,was! engaged had ,faded out of the
'public mind. Then it was that I ad- ,
vertised (under his orders), and then
you:answere4l me, and I came here.
"Ile supplied the with funds at
first" (a scorching blush passed over
her tare as she said this), 'telling me
that as I was to be his wife, there
was nothing wrong in his doing so.
And I mule down here, my mother
and sister-in-law all thinking that T
was coning as guvernem to your
children. and applauding me—'my ,
Independent spirit,' when I was de--
ceiv them all at hisbiddlng.
"Well, I time here, a, you'.ll4toW,
carne In a sort of dream, and
babies • with their gandmottber
when I got here _ I wanted,Attae•
Bon, and, as he had promised lo pity
the terms you iwked. I felt jttstilled
In suggesting alterations and
provements that passed away the
time. But only ha week I had a
shock—a letter from my molherdu•
law, telling me in simple, gratified
language, that he, the man whose
wife I am pledged to be, 13 paying
hLsaddresste to ono of• her ditugh-
tern! . ,
"Mrs. Forrester, often when I have
found fault with things, end asked
fortkem to be ehangea, I have .been
ball Wfkl. with doubt and susPenee,
and hovel:only folind - the fault Woe.
der to divert my own thoughts from
that which they were always dwell
ing on. I have behaved miserably
11l to you, I know ; but only think
how 1 have been treated !
"I wrote to him at onto, on receipt
of my mother-in-law's letter. I on
ly wrote these words, 'ls it true?" I
knew that hit cleverness and con
science would fill up the.blank. And
to-day I have berm' that it Is true;
and my -poor children Write to me
through their aunt in extacies about
the kindness of their new uncle.
Mrs. Forrester which of us is the one
mast to he pitfall"'
I wits in deep household distress
myself,, but. when I looked. at lite
gory, haggard look which had crept
like a cloud over her brilliant beauty
during the harmlion, I could nut
conscientiously lay claim to compet
ing with her In misery. I 8:111 had
Edgar to torn to.
"What will you do now lasked.
"Seek for a situation ,'" A° said,
curtly ; "do any thing—keep a shop
If I can."
A bright thought struck me. 1
said to her: "Why should you not •
turn your bonnet making talent to
account? take one mom In the town
for a show roam until your bonnets
remunerate you, and stay with us
till you tun afford a house of your
"You wont turn int: out—Mull
trust me yet a li tky tongerl'h she
sold with tears In her eyes.
"Indeed we will."
"Then I have an additional Incen
tive to be up and doing," she said, '
rising and throwing.up her anus as
If she was throwing off a weight of
care; "if you had turned against me
it would have crushed me, I believe, •
but, as It I will work so well, and
I will work at once—what will your
husband soy Y"
"Being a man, tie won't soy that
he always told melte," I said, laugh- •
lug; "but he did think that a tuna
would have gone to Work In a more
business like way titan I did."
"And if you bed gone to work In
a business like way as you call It, I
should have betn disentangled from
my web of deception all the sooner,"
she said, thoughtfully'; "it's too late
now to tell you that honesty 19 the
best' policy ; but, for your future
I.guidanee, _Flo, let mu tell you that
it was the touch of pretentiousness
in your manner which misled me. I
shouldn't have put such expense if I
hadtipmeied expense was no object
to ye ."
My tale is told now. "311ssClevn
land" was put on her metal to re
deem herself in our eyes, and, as she
had no fancy • to• be reorded as an
adventuress, she did It nobly. fler
millineryiestablish went, is the first
in the town now, mind people who are
not In our secret' Wonder how it is
.that she always lakes -care that un
Ina bQ vtL i t t lz
a l u ltt n ies la t nt it io nd
I. r children arc under her own wing
now, and she looks back with a
shudder to the time when "for their
good" as she thought, she was ready
to mishits, herself and their, fathera
memory to the heartless Man who '
led her into a false position.
As for ourselves, we. have never
answertsi any more advertisements;
and, as the:Children are growing up,
I ant able to deenitact my establish;
went, and work' harder tlt my art.
have sold oil tow Pastan• rugs. and
reinstated the Vellums and , plants
and my drawing room Is again the
deligbtof my eyes and the •pride of
my heart, the head-centre, so to my,
of all manner of unconventional in
congruities. Whatever my dillicul
ties,with my hilts are now .J refrain
trout mentioning them , 'for fear of
Edgar counselling me, 'with n laugh,
to take a short cut to fortune by look
ing out fora young lady who wants
honw..-4ipp/cloa's Journal.
IT 14 RIM that 160,00 . 0 persons have
left Paris dialog the Not six dip,.