The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 15, 1871, Image 4

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    ......w„i.ti-.aux« -
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, Frg oolgh . ,• ii4
-..., yr ',who, i lama./ t'Xiiie
.fi e the t ,tyorldl ,S(aff7,,.thing,
'W4h't s
• " What;lhosti , things r ; , let
11140 fiettflicV VA AaVV .1 , 1. A ',WWII -.
feeiburnt with fagots of 'em.t :Why,
twat} for it pox of theth,,und JeSsie
Atit'too, lbw much do yon supptse?
nd out ,fif aßh . ...,.Ind you!" - ^
.r ettiCt teigriititiit; some fan-.
wi A t
;`.On n 10 144 m0pun&, Ile
ieu iott ho . , WOK; V4n't giVe lie
thrsrdoke, tdralify so jertit;
rellit:'. SO :rot tined I'll. use rho'
goln • nal Hillf_g• , / tilum ur - -
/ to uso them .
tilt . e 1.,,, w • :M ...,t4tr ..,.-
4.4bdt i 3 ' '; ' 4 -1 • • ".fIr '' line whoil
'4 . 4 '3/ ou
' '' ' l T 4 ''. 2.4 r i -1 .50me.. 1 " - torether'
I and'Jcscid'. - , ~, ',"'"FfiT l - - s e f t '.'
I.o.CFoxtx/itr 1 . Inc" - .. Ji•
cejayed the + lif,JA ,- tong collate
claim to thoal. ,
th°llg" witlunit tulY ' he h 1:1) t iseit.
licr i t r i ro Vedi.fnr,... es u.,....
i iit t alskloitpotindspaixt a tntillen•
'airs', even by courtesy,ought to show
.at least two or three hub red thous
and. However, he took all-tile airs;
and enjoyed all the respect of elle,
and so far as he, was concerned it
mime to the same , thing/ r Ho really
showed a great interest' in 'Or edoing
and wooing; quite beyond ' - What
might be expected from' .a money
gabber, such as ho turd. been all his
tire. The liking began on his side,
through my presenting him with a
peund'of the very choicest Turkish;
which had been t ient me Jut a present.
There was his tfeak 'dace. Pe xmok
ed—smoked day ,add night, not like
a chimney which often has its JIM
banked - up; but like a mountain on.
/ .., .
" 'Give me fitly pipe,' he would
say, - taking i rather selfish view of.
the cosmogony,`and I don't, care if
the world turns upside-down.'"
"A. rather weak logician once re-'
torted on hlac-t , 'But, my dear Mr.
Foxberry, If the world turns' upside
down, you and your, pipe mutt turn
inside - down with it.'" ~
"But Mr. Foxberry had' him in it
moment. 'I say, sir,' hammed, 'if
you had takcu the trouble to attend
•—l. stipulate for the quiet enjoyment
ormy pipe. You like splitting hairs
sir, l see." e=
'" I could see that this old gentle
man took a. kindly intett , st in my
love for Jessie. I3etween huge clouds
of smoke ho grunied out" his appro.
halloo." l '
. ." 'I like yeou,'hd slid, 'Hob, and
that's a great d ial. Not so well as
my pipe, of course; but 'more than
my money. I like,you better. than
the greedy erew•who ore hunting me'
. for it, and Who will find themselves
disappointed.'" ' •.1 -
' "Every one, of course, good-natur-•
edly.suld that . l•was imutiqg him..
which was fathom the truth, though
I own I had the air of it, and likal
!Welling to his stories, his grim re-
' tuarks, and I - Own, the smirking of I
.somas rare old cigars, that lie had gut
from n sea' captain.; - I ,visited him
often when it Suitor me, took little
trouble about hint,'aini at last got a
blot from a friendly Solicitor's clerk
' that my Inoue figured In. " ti•ge
caps," and in large figures, too,ln his
testament. The next time old Pox-
Wiry was smoking hard,• he said to
nee : ' •
' "Why don't you name a day ?Be
bold, man alive. Pluck up and don't
stand shitty-shallyin. Yon won't
. lose by it in the end, 'he said, signif
icantly. "I tell you what'," (tested,
"I've got a new box of cigars over.
We'll make a little party born drive
to Three-cross Abbey. Get! her to
moet'you there. Settle it all oirhand;
try the new cigars, and have done .
• with it.' .
"I was e nc h anted. This, iiideed,
looked like business. I wrote We
hasty note 'to Jessie '• and her aunt,
• telling them how much depended on
• their coining, anti imploring them
to attend. I wrote also to ajeweler
for a couple of '.little lockets, its I
wanted to make a tender offering. I
' was very happy and excited. Mr:
Foxberry grew -more and more_ be
'There are-pipes,' lie sold, 'that I
'knock about any way,. and throw
down after I have smoked them.
There are others 1 take cure of, and
put by carefully. You urea good
'fellow, Bob. Wilt be a capital suns
kerime of thebe day, ; and I'll take
care of yeah' 1 : ~
I thanked him cordially. '
". 0 Well, the morning came, anti the
atrriage was actually at the door.
• . Just then the poet Mlle tin with two
• letters and cf little regiStered card
board. box. !One was -from Jessie •
saying th u g site was delighted to
come. The Other was from thejew
' tiler, saying that he sent me twO
• lockets, but that he - wanted ()tieback
at, (ewe !for a •britiesmaid's tinier.'
' The lockets were very pretty, and 1
:itlminsi them greatly. It Was ball
10 . 1:1100tie between tilelll. 1 Was ill
ti iliellity When Mr. Foxberry &cid.
j . ' til me by roaring .nut from below
' that- he was ready, that the cigars.
were - in, and that we,yere losing the
' ~.tint, day. fluid thus to make a has- 1
- ty choice. St) I chose one that seem- I
ed the most elegunt, rolled it up in
silver-paper, foul packed it up in
• ;a neat card-loam) 1/O.X. 111lt bow
wits 1 to SOO hack the other locket':
A capital Wu! There was it Illittell. '
110 X tin the elliallley-pitee, which I
ellililitil, packed away the locket in
it,' and sealed the box in white Mae
limper, tying it round with tape.
"You, I said to at hattalcul 'of 111 e
matches, must not set the house on
• lire, and will be of use In lily
. Wajr.t-
Illat lioFliet. Anti there I deposited
. . them:, ,- ..), • ~.. A..
My- revered frie n d, It little ottCof
- humor, waii still tithing fp - r ow. I
cattle down w ith Many apologies, and
lacpy we drove,. Detore we had got.
:t tient to et a mile, he called out--
"Iloilo: just' like Me! Forgotten
my fusee-hos. Drive back* tine'."
.•'Stop, sir." I said,sindifig, "I have
thought ter :that," - antliaulled out a
Maki' frown toy •poekti.4...llie would
have hugged we for flits forethought.
.ile mid it 14110 Well such n true stook-,
log itastinet. It ceriainly dill. • .
•; . .J tat fancy.? ile!.aiji, holding up I
.. 'his Vigor ; , "•I should 113vo left' Ilaim I
' . out, and where should 1 ,(awe heell ,
then? We 11011'1, pure a village Aar 1
even a tonne oil the road to Tiin o-
, ermes'Abt/ey 1 and r a ves not a loses. I
within miles ord. Drelse." headed,,
tents:lively. "I hurt a l
have We no
talltlk; 44 th e wi ode dayund the whole '
. d domer, I 101 l you sokinnly, I
, think 1 should die if I lust my after
-, dinner smoke."
-I was a little facetious tut this, mak
ing imaginary plans us to, how the
sacred tiro might have been kept in,
or propagated; oinking the midi-.
atop alive during dinner, and
the man•servant during the reach
.' man's dhow +, 'and relieving both. •
1 "Huti . nlY think of the risk," be
1 1
' i said ,; 1 " prostiiho eipr,gutchoke I.
• , fe lowg6Cdturik; and-let it fro
'out. Wlutlywoulti become 111 . , , ille,
then?: :i iteelartc,f' 110 Add,. with fe
• ?Ate tyti; have the fellow broke
and ailutabstAl. , I'd work heaven and
. earth toipunisli him." . '
"QUO, right.", I said, laughing,
."Hut I bra happy to pave the poor
devil:from such a fate." • .
• "You would-not," hesaid, sternly,
”Wliere my pipe is concerned, I'd
letamthing stand in the way. • I real
ly believe it to he the elixir of life;
-and nTry Ono that interferes with that
supply:of 'vital, energy, I look on as
• . . interfering with my life.., . - And I
%solid that with him accordingly."
The chturs were tertainly very;
good, and, .uft!r smirking two, I.e.
said, .'N'ow, nay boy, fora bit of wit
denial. Not one more till a(Mr lunch,
or dinner, as we may mill Lt' Tine's.
- the real time ofenjovment." ' ' '
We were new at three cross Alt- -
bey, a little old ruin, in the Middle
. of a sort of waste or common, with
.. hardly a tree or a house near. It was
! . ..r a favorite spilt for it picnic, as the
ruin was picturesque, and moss
, grown, and shady, sheltering us all
. frout.the sun. Jessie afid her aunt
' were there waiting to Meet Us; Jes.
ale looking • Ati, , 'lndeed old
-aa told heriluting
tench: -‘
''whOnlaa •• bothinshdled In-a,
tine house, shil look alLtheb better
for such a, fra rte.." Some oae,",.he
added,'-.with. meaning, ~"wil" lake.
awe of . yea.notil,r
Pinner.was of er and he- omen to ;
his Mini to briny him hiR cigar e+lso'
tiaiif the carriage."' • - •
"I -nVer %as in abetter humor for
-11 cigar, and a good .elgar," he
said.' "Anti -that little most, too;
,1 stud the nom... flew. Li. al
good, corpulent one-. for. you, and.
another fur me. always,.say, giye,
.weniy.smoke, and, the weal . may
turn upside
,do wit... Ay: roVery
huinau:belng in , too," lie tattled.
I,rit laughed 'tit the jest. - Such a
little tribute was only due to him at
ter" the generous tleclanttlenabout
"(live nie - a be , stild,..stlck
ing the cigar into a hole in the ex
trent-tie corner of Ids mouth, a position
which fanatical smokers are,tond of ;
I drew out my :bundle - of matches
with triumph. . have halt a ',ex
tant my pocket," I said. "It .ziever
does to be without' them," And I
rubbed outs -on 'toy . boot-heel. , It
missed .flre.. „I tried. another.. It
missed also. I tried a third. It mho
-- - -
"What are you, shoal'', he; said,
testily. "You are very awkward; I'
thought any fool could strike a
i4y ‘ boot is damp," I said tier
vet4ily. "I'll 4.ryir the•wltil bere.l"- I
did so, end failed with three more in
succession. •. , ,• • . .
11e now lost all patience. "You
are 4 MUM stupid IrepOw jhnn i Soak
ybit Tor. 'Here gite 'enillo Me." Ho
tried himself but in vain ;'they all
failed one oiler the 'other. 1 felt my
heart sinking.. '
'"The -damp mu st :havo'..gotst
them," 1 faltered, trying again. -
rtlsato deiays,"„tkop4d)ri 9RI -.
:ion "It spoils mismoke: Are s•du
a no odle?". ,:•.,: • fi • ,5 ; , • ,
' ' " Why," cried .IMsie, wild had been
looking at oueof them elosely, "they
are safety matches! They light only
upon. the y box.'" .
Ohl FOxberry flang'his elgiti over
the wall in a fury. lie gave me one
look and walked away to the carriage.
I rushed in despitir to the coaehMan
and the footman. —. •
" For Helicon's - sake,• a match!
Twenty pounds, Mr, one," I.whisper,
eel hoarsely. ; •
"Lord bless the man !" said the
former, "what d'ye mean?' .'t
.0"A match, a' tnakh I . Quirk, • a
common lucifer man!" • ,
"I ought to haveone," he said, feel
ing in his waistcoat pocket, "Wait
—no—yes—there is one I do believe."
He pulled out onesavedl It was
as precious as a gem, that littlesplin
ter of. wood. .Alas! with fraying In
his pocket the topinid all worn off.
It wits no good struggling with fide.
lc-bowed my head and submitted.
All the way baek old'l'dixberry never
opened his lips. Wheirhe got out
he complained 'uf being ill, and •iillid
to - the house - eeper—"That black
guard hail do le it purpmely, in
!miss of killin me; but I'll ix: even
with him:"' TIM next day he :diem!
his will.
. .
"Now,'" added Bob, "admit that
I have reason to loathe the sight of
hafety mateht.3 that light only on the
uN' Gm!. ItAMILTos
0 men, I Will' tell you a story.
otate theft: wain young man, dud
he lied a young wife and a young
child, and a small purse, and no'
house at all. So be found a secluded
place where they could bated, and
yet be quiet ; and by tbeselvat.
Thus his wife teastat frn in
m the cai•es
of houskeepitag, and had nothing to
do • but lead her baby. But
,young loan, inspired- with Wont
from above--or with the Itistinets
of a long,line of gentlemen, which
amounts to the same thing—mid
within hitiateif:
"It is too much for a'woman to be
constantly with a baby: Patience
and terve ean not stand it. She needs
variety and freedom."
So he committed what ninety-nine
men-•-and women too—out of it hun
dred 'would call unpart:onable ex
travaganee. • With a small salary,
without fortUne, without household
awes, : he, exercisedthe most rigid
Peritonal e
economy, but—kept a nurse,
to help his wife take care of the ba
What is the result.
: Well, they, havit•been married a
dozen years. a nti have,l 'should think,
about six dozen, children.. At least,
the.moment you .step foot into the
front entry, children swarm over the
baluster, and pour through the doors,
and you van hardly tell witethtir it is
because there Ore so many of them,
or there is so much of what there are.
hut the mother of the whole brood ,
is, at this Memoir, a healthy, hap
py, handsome, charming woman, as
dignified as a queen, as fresh and
luerry as a cirl, end Just as' fondly
and loolishly and—if you will liar
don the word—sjxionily In love %t ill,
her husband as she was the day she
married hint. And he is us deep in
the mud ristilie is in the mire. • •They
behave perfectly well in company,
and a stranger might be with them
at :owl while and not suspect the
state of things; but once you gut
familiar with the house, and you are
- militantly in danger of surprising'
them making love tit each other in
sly corners, wail you have to put on•
as much blindness and deafness at if
they were "engaguiff , only last week.
Let alone that a happy home
has given them such light hearts and
clear brains that they have fared like
Solomon, awl received not only Um
111 , 1 , 1111 1 0`. 4 the , : asked Tar, but the
riches anttlioniiittldelt they did not
ask for.
• tto and do thou likewise.
(Me afternoon in the mouth of
Jut w, IS7O, a lady in deep Mourning,
and Mllowed by a child, entered Ame
41110 fashionable saloons in the city
of • The writer happened lo
be tossing at die time, look Impelled
Ry eurio.ity followed. her. in to see
,‘ led wouln ensue. Stepping up br
the• bar and athlressing the proprie
tor, who happened to be present;
site said: •
Sir, can you assist sue? I have no
home, anti 110 friends, 1111111110 Ulllllfle
to Nvorh."
Ile glanetml at her RIO then at the
child, with a mingled look or curia+.
ty and pity. : Evidently he Walt
soniewlutt mittirißll to Kr! a Wlllllllll
in lotelt n plaee as that lagging, but
without fishing any quest' ~,, s gave
her some ehange,t hen turning to tip me
prvaent, hevaid :
"gentlemen, here is a lady In ilk
t rvss, met 74)111t• of you assist' her a
littler' They nit cheerfully :weeded
lo,ltis request, and soon a purse Ad
two &Ilan! was raised putt pliteedi In
lter hatid.
"Jhelum," ,Stitt thegottleman whit
gave her the money. "why do you
mine in saltions? It isn't a yokel%
plate for a lady; and Why. are you
driven to such a step?" •
Turning her mournful, yet exprt•it
siVe eyes upon the speaker with un
expretaion I. atoll; never ftirget, she
replied : • • ,
"Sir, I know it isn't a proper place,
for 1110 to be in, and you ask. Why I
stn driven to this ;step. I will tell
- you In short words," pointing. to as
bottle labelled "whisky," tsthat 14
what has driven the to this—w El s.
Ky. 1 Wlll4 once happy and SqlTVIIIItl•
1,1 by all the luxuries that wtaith
could procure,, with a fund and In
dulgent husband. But in an evil
hour he was tempted, and not pos
sessing the with() must thnt tempta
tion, fell, and in ono short year say
dream of happimiqt was over, my
happy home uwever broken and diti.
"oklltti; and die kind hustatnd and the
Wealth some called mine, lust,,hi'd
never to return, and' all•by the ae-
you , only a wreck. of thy fer
nier *elk .-homeleser Ib..friendless,
with nothing .left mein this
hut this little.4il
dP: - . And I ,TRePilig,
bitterly, INhc,,ffy ear:h.:seu
the golden, curia that Shaded fitol cif
exquisite lOyellatisS., kilning her'
entniaroarc, find tur i pk . ter - thw prd;'
piletor Of , the %doe Alio continued r.
"Sir, the reason liimisiontilly
ter a plactillkethis Is to implore those
wile dent ti the deadly poisowto de-,
slat, to stopAtteine , s that spreads,
ileitiolationiruiti,pilverty end sturva!
tion. .Thiak „one, tAuient „ol your,
own beloycit on and then Itiaiglati.
themin the situ at ion'! rop-'
mut ttl your bettei . iiature, • Vappctil
to yeu heart; for knew . yeti peasesi
a kind . OW; to retirtyfrom butdneser so
ruinous • to , your patrons: , • Did -you
know that the receive In
exchange for the vile stuff, you sell
across this bar, lathe same as hiking,
the..hread from the, mouths Or, the
famishing wives and childree of Yonr
customers? That It Strips the cloth&
teem their backs; deinfvetetheni 'of
all the comforts, of, life, 'mid 'throws
unhappluetaouilierY,critne and des&
laden into their once happy. homes?
Oh, sir, I impitire, Nineveh, and pray
you to, retire from •a. biOn
blush to own you are'enve4,„ In bet
fore year' fellow-men, and s enter . a
Witness that, will not onlYlieproflta
ble to yourself ; tut to your fellow
creatures also. Please excuse' me if
I have spoken too plainly, but I could
not help it when I thought of the
misery and unhappiness it has caused
"Madam; I am not offended," he
answered, in a voice tretriulouth
emot lee, "but I thank you from my
heart for what you have said."
• 'Mamma," will the child
'her Mother's hand, "here's a gentle
tom whb wants I* to sing 'Little
Bossier for him. Shall Ido it?" •
"Yes,darllng, if they wiAluyou to."
"They elk, joined in the.reque4t, and,
placing her Imo chair, she sang In' a
sweet .velce, the following
bear song : r
"Out u gloomy night redly I rimer:
I hove mother dear, no plearrant home;
Nobodynarea furtne4 nobody would MI,
Even If poor littleltcade 'lmola die. •
Weary and tired, I've been wandedng 11l day
Aokleg for work, MO I'm "too raudrthey +an
On thu dial' ground I moot now ley my head.
Faiher`a a drunkard. and mutter IS dea d. ,
"We were ao kappa 1111 father drabk nun.
,Then all our farrow end trouble *gun:
'Mother grew pale, and wept every day—
.Ltaby and I were too hungry to kV.
Slowly they laded. 1111 one 'summer night
Youutl their dead facer all silent and white; •
Then, with big tear. .lowly dropping, I cold:
'Futter, a drunkard, and =thee's dead.`..
Oh, If the temperance men only could Gad
poor, 'wretched father and talk very kind
If they would atop him from drluktug, why, then
I should be on very happy again.
lo It too late. temperance menPleate try :
Or, pour little Bowie roust loon starve and die.
All the day long I've been begging tor beOd,
rather'. a drunkard, and mother dead,
The scene I shall never forget to
toy dying day and the sweet cadence
of her musical voice still rings in my
ears, and every word of the song, as
it dropped from her lips, sunk deep
into the hearts of those gathered
around her. With her gold curls
falling carelessly around her little
shoulders, her face of almost ethereal
beauty, and, looking so trustingly
and confidently upon•the men amount'
her beautiful eyes lighted up with n
light that seemednot of this
formed a picture worthy of the lieu
of a poet or a i abater, although u
statue of purity and intuxienee. The
unfinished game of billiards 'were
laid by, the cards thrown aside, the
unehmtted glass remained upon the
counter, andall Paved near, some
with curiosity, some with sadness,
and -some with pity, beaming from
thOr eyes; entranced with the mu
voce and pity of a child, who
seemed better lit to be with angels
abode than hi tuch a place.
At the close of the song many were.
weeping—men who had not shed a
tear for years, now wept like a child.
Oneyoung man who had resisted wltli
stern the pleading of &roving moth
er and dear friends to lead a better
life, to desist from a course that was
wasting his fortune and ruining his
health, now approached Unochild,
and taking her lentils while ,team
stratum' down his pale cheeks, ex
claimer'with deep emotion.:
"God bless you, my l ittle anget,
you have saved me from ruin and
disgrace—fano poverty amid a drunk
ards grave. If there ever were an
gels on earth you are tn&i, God bless
vou, God bless you," and placing a
bill in the hand of her mother. said,
"Please aecept'this•tritle as a token
of my regard 'and esteem, .for your
little girl has done me a kindness no
wealth can repay. And remember
whenever you are In want you will
ever find a true friend," at the same
time giving her his name and ad
dress. Taking her child by the hand
slatjurned to go, but pausing at the
&or said:: • ,
"God bless you, gentlemen, and
please accept the heartfelt thanks of
a poor and friendless woman, fur the
kindness and courtesy you have
hown her," and isifore any one
could reply, she wa's gone.
A silence of several minutes ensu
ed which was at. latit...brolto ) minutes_
propribor exclaiming: if — .
"Gentleman, that Idly is right,
and I have sold my last glass of
whisky, and gaily M you want tiny
more you will have to go elsewhere."
" And I have drank my last glass
of whisky," said a young Mail who
had long been given up its utterly
beyond the reach of those who.hadu
deep interest in his welfare that lie
leid Sunk too, low- to. ever .reform.
"There is a temperance organization
to this city called the Temple of
Honor, and at their next meeting
. 1.
shall send in nty. name to be admit
ed. 'Who will go with me?"
"I!" "II" "l!"'und " sevreal
exchdined ht• a chorus and fifteen
names Were added to his.
True to his word, the owner of the
saloon where thiS strange scene was
enacted. disposed of his entire stock
the next, day, and is now enitagi.iii in
an honorable Misiness. Weuid to
heaven that lady could have pine in
to.., every ietaillit, and town and city
throughout our country, and meet
with the aline cheering result.
Yes it is the mothers, and wives,
mid sisters of the druid:MU that can
tell' what whisky has done anti is
lag. - *di tailor' nut fellow him to the
sninettiomeand brillaiit palace erected
• by 11 0 11041 mud his confeilerate
to 144 4ritilnith4 of virtue
Mid Ifse ttitfe?iic,-.IA that ruin a n d ills.
grace. You set m
follow him when his
money is gone, nd he is thrust Irons
the most fashionable resort to bait ,
less reaptietable. You need not !allow
him lowt.4slens of, crime/mil
ici he daily reels !Mine or lies
In the gutter. in a' condition'tower
than the brutes of. the field. No!
but follow Win to the place he calls
leitin find - ther 1 . 11141 w, cheeks: the
dimmed eves, eate-Vaitillice tit the
Postilmit - ,wlfe• and the%cries of the
Aiming children, tell their own sta.
.ryi in a Janguagei inexpressible its
-"Whit , x lady'eantleseendslo
piactical Juke, it is ,generally a' very
next. one. :M.llor.carthe rich ilnim
e:er, arc very stinvy to' his Wife in the
Mat tei: of pin looney. One day n holy,
chwely' veil di and very anxious nut
to be recognized, milled upon him and
borrowed lame sum,and leftdenving
her diamonds as a pledge. It was
his wife.
-10Iwitt R: Campbell; haw in
San Franciseo, though hardly 45,
hombithat he has killed, in his (Nit
.torial capacity, not lesis than .19 news
papeN. Originally n practicnl prin
ter. he has heeatne a practical under
taker. •
—lt Ls not strange aid I)to Lewis
should be deafly impnwietl with the
imporlimer Itcaltkwhen his name
is&perpetuti ittentiaticin -to his own
ruiteral.—Neee I ark , Trilnute. .
• —A - . t;lowitublecreineintutti 'num
keens wpair of dogs chained at his
(runt door, swllatC poor people .who
stop to '•get n bite'? can be e o -
dated without taking the trouble to
go In the house. • •
—Whitefeather, an Indian chief, is
"going to !collie on "What I 'know
of Scalping."
-. •
• egebaldfhti
thetriceould :those. concern 7„,
ed 4n. beylog and • selling,: 1 hat
bettelloll - engaged in It, :more than
to ir~ + oihiiiehd our' dailers in lay in
it'Sfuntt totrif•Dr: ~ /ayser's Pecierid
tbrigh Syrup, a rcmcdy.of super -Mn-,
Inent valuejua allcouglus, coltbtfhorfle
nem, bronchial and .asthreatik-Orecr.
dons. si k inscpambly,,eoftnecteo:with,
the clawacterfstic.changenincklint to,
our loculity. soonec,, deal Um,
cold Nerattter'efotie upon its than We
iwnr nearly every other person cough'
and Sneeze lifit manner thitt'ckarly'
• betokens that' Tadao It be- attended
Win' time; it will be nfotethari
ly-trilay. the foundation of some
MmOr.pertumsfatfil..dlsonler of Jtjus
lunkflvr Some other of. the orgaris or
respiration., Dr, ~Keyseria., Pectoral
Syruplifotheguuto,be reg.trieitas,of '
'pticeless yalue !firth 'these thaladiefi t
an 4 be kept lit every:het:lm.!
One dose cif If, taken nt [fed-time: will,
°flat driest a pnennioniaorpletirisy.'
thus sating expense; and oftentimes
a life. "Wstltch In thitesaVesnine,"
Is' as true. a •maxlm• 'ln disease, as In
anything else ;- and . those . who use.
Dr. Keyser's l*oral :syrup for, the
that cough will never have pultumf
stry „amsumptlon. Sold by . most
druggists, at 75 cents per bottle, and'
at the Doeter's office for lung and
chronic 41:kit.44; - 167 Liberty 'street;
Pittsburgh; -" •
RoWell tk Co.riAdvertisementst
•W r . T C E. S
ite exte'nelyo turn of tbase %Melina for the last
fifteen yenta by Hallway Conductors, En:lneers
and Exprobounn, die .moat exacting uf 'watch
vrearrrr. lux thoroughly datuonstratod ,the
atonagtn, .01h:incr. durability and accurail of Ihq
.Wallhant, Watch. To 112tligri that claiol In all these
maiart.,l;tir &Kid., I>u gettlon'a.4 lolita rodl
rain° of (brae tlntrAconperA. -
Mute than 500,000'octhese watches are ,now
spivklug cu themselves In the pockets of the peo
ple—a proof and guarantee of Pepe:twill
over all others.
The anparlor orguuLratlon and great extant of
the Corncrauy's Worka it.Waltham, enables them
to produce watches an price which render@ aim•
nation ratllq oud thaso who buy any other watch
merely no from ti to:Oper cent. mare for , their.
watched than to Iwamoto/.
These time-piece. combine every Improvement
that n long experience has proved of real practical
use. 11avIn: had the rclbsal ofnearly every In
vention in watch making originating, in the coun
try or In Europe, only those were distally adopted
which aeverejsming by the most ablllind artisans
In bur works, and long use on rho hall of the
public, demonstrated to be talsotial to correct
and enduring time-keeplug.
Among tnumutiy hopmvementn wo *Mau pm
The luvenhen rand hoe of a centre pltdAti, of tw
eeter conotntctlou. to prevent t dainage to' We
train by the breakage of nutlneipringe. Lo original
with 11w Anverican Watch Company, who, having
had the 'ulnael of oil other contrivances, adopted
Fogg'e patent pinion *skiing the bolt and (outl
Hardened and tempered lialriprhige,
now uni
venally admitted to Watchmakers to be Ill+ beet.
are awd to all grade. of Waltham Watcher.'
All Waltham Welch. have dint proof cape,
prof :cited the movement from dud, and !coven-
Ing the oeceselty of the 'ffiaptent Cleallitlr, neve.
vary In other watchee.
Our new patent vtemi.cludJr, or keyless welch
iv already a decided lIIICCrMI, 11°4 IS arras Improve
ment on DIV vtent.windleg watch in the:Am:dont
e Wet. aid by far the cliespealt watch of Ito quiet
it'Ydpoty offered to the pi:Wile. To thole !Mug In
ponfeno of the United States when watchmakers
do not abound. waichev with the above mention
ed Improvements which tend to encore accuracy,
oe:white:v. dumhillty and convepienve, mud
prove invaluable.
The trademarks of the varloua atylea mete by
the Comp any are aslultu :
AXCIIICAN WATCH Cll.,"‘Valtlinin, AIM*.
. Arrcrros. TIIM - r et Co.. Wattle:re, Ilse,
• W•LTII43II. W.l6Tril CO. %VI:111114111: Han.
P. S. IlanTurr. Wnlthani,
Examine the opelling.ol thetut) le" eatataily
before baying. Any variation
s aran
letter, indicatea a counterritt. • ‘,l •
For sato by all It-atilt:: Jea.elert. No.aratcher
mailed by the Company.
An llinotraled htotory o( watch nuiking, con
taining much noeful information to watchweatenr
rent to any addrera 0 application.
110111113 S A: APPLETON,. y
General Asti.. for American WalskikNs
132 Ilrundway, Now V0rk.... r ..." •
yrihr 4
The olde.t and beet twodoctrel MerceuUle College
to the tatty. For citation. write to
V. DUFF' ~..; tiONS, Puttbunth. - Pa.
Ilorpcni , Edition of DCVOS
BO K-KEEPING. MO at. Toe meet moo
pram...dee work pobitekal. Contains National
Brink, ibilinetri Book-kceplok, . , .
!Nieto Jom
A Portfolio of dr•t class Wit and Humor, con
taininz the Richert Comical .l ties, cruel hells,
ide.plittiog Jokea. homorons. I)oetry. quaint
Parodic*. bark:oleo Sermon*. new Coto:Moron.
and inirtlepwrokinz Speeches • etve
In mperped whh curious Puzzle's, 1111311AIIIIII Card
Tricks, leerier of Parlor Nagle. and nearly Ott) tun
_my Engravings . lllttetroted qorer. Prke cis.
Sent by mall. upstage p.nla, to any part of the Put
ted Slates, on receipt of price. DICK .t Fll Z.
11E11111AL l'nh!lehcru. tO Ann pt.. Nee York.
11171.1. Ss FiTelVi Vitus . Ph ya leloit
. --00 page.: rent b.; mail fret. ic 'peach,. bow
to car Wall distewea at the person: '4lll,li:dr. rye.,
complexion. Write to 111 lkundway, New York.
Nth Yccr. .Acres. 13 laccubliusca. LAT,-
est Asporttnent—all • tiers. But Stock! ' Low
Prices! Wools! you know What, When. now to
Plaid! Fruit, bhade,' Evergreen Trove. Root
iketitinea.Opago Plant., Apple SoedX l rlT
note Potatows, thrill., Rope,. tirocultorwe &tot
U.rden Planta, me- Flow (1114 rtgerabk
'Flood, Seat :ollection—terts anti qualtly. Scud
10 Celli. for new Illeptrated drotript Pre Catalogue
-410 page, Send stamp, ouch; for cataloguer of
Seed,. with plain directiona-61,Otetee ding'
and tiarden plantn—r.o pagre,l2ll(l Whlllt.6llleprace
Lot-11 twerp. AddrePP F. K. rtiCE:cix. Bloom ,
[nylon. 1 M now
arett Offer :
.1111111,1 , 11.1 of (Un Illoudrril •Pitoiosi
ARM Or Crot ciao makers. luciadluit
Water., erlresit 1 y lOW prices for cash, doting
this ~meth, oil{ lalion port cash and bat:inns 10
monthly Or gitarlorly Irtrtallmrtar. • -
For $7. Pier Line,
We will Insert an allrertloement
Ono Una& and Flfq-Flrt Flret Cla.r
Pennsyl :Newspapers
Eleven Dallier.
We rilrr to the übllotter of thir paper. to whom
our trrponriblitlylo well USIOWn.
Addre,.— GEO. P. 110%1'13LE...1: CO..
Advent.log Ageine, No 4 +IS:11 Row. S. Y
$5lO $lO Per Day 94,
31EN. W311: 1 1, 110t:1
h. one neo? 1111.1 moo. make Irina K. IoVIO per
day. In their own localltlee. Full particular,. and
Instruct lona ecill tree by mill. Tluo. In need
nem:dant wettable work, .ebonld addreor
MICH. Milt STINSON 41'0.. VorOssul. Alf. '
An Independent Fortune
IN, .7•Pla ,
1111.1 111:11:0 Dt n Tao way by hien 'fiat an. caps
Mu ork,eelux the tvcret. Atin*. JAB. (WWI
IV 1N.1.7 kocetama2 , l N tug lark.
1816 1870
Mc unl riandard remedy fur euuglut.ldr,
rnuwitun. "..VoSlav &tier." CUTLER, Thor. S
1 . 11.. 804011.
Vri .- 1 ti ti
TO TUEVORKINOt • LASS.—We are now pre..
pared tri furnish all vi orses with constant employ
ment at home, the whole of the Issue or for the
spare moments. lits•itiess slew. light at d
re.sous of Other sex .1.117 ears. MAW:Am
in 45 per eYquihr. awl a proportional sem - by de
voting their whole thise to OM. Ell.lness. Boys
and girls earn truly as much 12A 1141. 1111 WWI
040 11114 nollce way rend their address and test the
bovines.. as make the unparalleled oiler: To
such al are hot well I , Ath.led, use Pill scud tI to
pay for Iho tronble of writing. Fall particular., n
valuable sample which will AA 10,colninellCe won
I 11 1 ,01 1• and a copy of The 14opte's I,iltrary Coca
pasibin- use of the largest and hot tam ly news
papers ever putillehed- all sent iree by mat .
der, If yon leant 11 •rI11611”141:1)1.11teille work. ad
rift*. E. V. ALLEN .t Actimeet.
'"3 ar :r er
kandc t*..o.tid•u•ell oirlewioa
uncial db
coverles. Addressi 11. swErr d. Cu..,
A 11'41i1 —A viola% of early laths
cret ton. 111APIng iirrvou. (totality. premature
derav, etr.. hterhig tried In vain every advertised
velocity, Imo A simple Maim of aelf-care_ which he
will send free to his fellow.ougerrni. Address .1.
/I.TETTI.,E. :it Nassau 01.. New York.
a r tg;a: :t ori et;ecretem for Ladle" viol
ttent free taut t .amps. Dr. Bouttpurte
l'lnclituall Ohio.
(LM.II ARK en.. F. A. IL( ni( R.. C:A. Bain:En.
G. A. HARKER CO.. 2410 Itriydth.,7ll
4 . AND
G. A. 13AIIICIf.It& .I;;lnf'r Fulls, r
al Arr . if. VI ,
to if.xchare,;o. Coln, Vutingu.tke.. de.
Collet:ll.mA tuck on all ace. ..fide point. In Ilut
Culled Stater and Canada. Argoltunt at Mete..
ants. Maunreeturcre. and' Individuate, en 1c1;m1.
I ntereot slowed an time depletive., /; nn ,
dente wOl Menke prompt attention: t. ray.
ITI —One Arent wanted In every conu ty In the
United tflate4 4a call. /addict°. a Puetet Corn-
Pbellet. patented IIQU. . II lobelia all size. of cars.
and can be lita4l by all 0n... Wilt last f.r yearn.
Itetall pdee pl Ceuta. Wholesale to A:rht*.
cents,' - Territory rum ItIDDLETIJI , 4 & Ou..—
Ilurteborg. Ps. •
• , r ,7;
Q~ucli%.lll4 1.411
" LOCIr "
M lL lgur Ci PaVasi' l.ll4"l4' lito ma gi ' P pa allY* 4m. ernillan •
era 'toe yea br von brow Ad-
MiAlioLvw emiaallthh#oo.4o.7-1
oll i aart e— qtEVA ' ;' '
i sleuths 'firma 214 likWar;
. Warrant:calit allture-. ,
"FOPS& re Arre:Mid St
y,•ialle. W auxv.,,b,
r.,,,,,,..At1ant1t& To
'era - , il Churchill:New cae":•••
•- ,i ; a-- • ..F.-9. - . 130 4.4 44 : 1 0•Afi1i 01 f ,
Tura -p i e ta, tliiislar:
him boaltalin o.lllloOrysot.ifiallyeat
(Ulestratedq by Joan S.C. Amore. AJTISIIaid
*Ode= arK popular author.' IX 'PY.IIMKb"LL,.
.1Iortoo,„ lasas.',,, -.. ~• ,:t ,• -: , ~•,. -:-. alaileW ~•
s 5 .t o : (VA perils,' 41144-14... /104typi magi 4 ,
Wan allUaliOti .mt, salestruni it " if' near
boairytolulroduerredir rtiewsland , WAlG tUrn
Coats, Lisle,. to lay /ore nn Dclollays itillo
chatice: 'ttam , plelnt lel dftvii. "" m " Ritst.
Wire °Works. 4 Wm:. t.N.NOrk. OR 20,11warhora,
Sleet Chime, n.- e, i t . • ~,. multi ,
. --- rACitreis, cAik intu, scituWlLA.-4, la.
-1:"•41, who had faltered for years floor DearOSPIL:
011aITtl_.unt scrofula. ion cored b7 * -11° 0 ' TM. '
edi • Iler rympath and gratitude Vora het to
rend the reeipa free of darse to awy am similar.
.3. idekted. Addrui kilt X. C. LEGlatTr, Jet.,
ser,Clll, New 2 r . " -•- • i marlettr
VittlrECU um men as year ors awl
J 2 Used that a Defter ead•eAteprr Jos than anti
ever khown win be iappllird. nia"..Tat eaves
ram Oaallty- and manliest. and: sin cabmen;
and eau enamel'
aqll others. !warrant
Price liar for 1871 now y antiwar lier.' . •Ad.
drett.CUAS. 11..1311LAY SUN, Iio.SU: - .Doek '
SI, Philttitlpbta., Pa. ' • tuartharr.
. 1309 g. Accik ,- NtS . / : fa'
' 'The' mut oat ul; oraanienta , .14.1111 popi___
of attweeptkm books. la rEtutkal -Training. of
Children. et out. -1i bsialiPleridid Steel Plates,
Ii eddy booed, and every Father awl Illottotrvbet
tees It manta It - if be. itoupPollSos Sad &UT , "
eleaant.y. The ant cent IRA (*woad FMCS In
Ore bourn! laoloodou book likeihisnoe.! Spiro.
did tcrsiaCl:Cigars scot ftei% .Cauratsirut Maki
auto $l. 'Not Wyrld Putt. C 3,11. a.)pn, Sib and
Market So.. Philadelphia.- r suiffillw. -
_-.._... —__
d.—(11r3224 month)
AVItio l L,H,ViCTIttiAg Nadtrilip
VW; 31Aik. or St.-Loam mart;lo
w.A- ..-
NTink-Augnral.:(2o per ,day) to e It
Tv the Celebrated I.IOME bIIUTPI.P. a. r: WINO
MACHINE Mr the tooterle ed, shakes the qoa
*nark' (alike on both Oder, rand 1.14111; limited
Th. bqt and cheapeat Fatally Forrtartlllachtne lu
the market. /alma JOHNSON,' CLARKE, Oh
CO.. Boston, blame.; Pittebur,:h, Pa.; Chicago, III;
General Acirifites Wanted
fur Groesbeck's Calculating. Machliq)._rapld, accu
rate, rettable, rttaple. Easily Operalod, cheap and
.• . .
Ulringg Instantantancoos foldlilonakud 'abstrac
tions. taking from one to Ave cohitaim of Mord
at a time, mirtylog and borniwing Ila min Ina,
hundreds, etc.. without the least thought on the
MI of the operator. Address ZIEGLER , • 'Me.
PlillaSeluils. Pe._ _ • • matlaw
. IENTS . )„uZi h nitzT.,o„ma.
Sga& Ires4ale 1 -
Inducement. to/lent*. In;
formation free. -Addrees Am. Book Co. G 3 Will.
tam street New Tort/. • feh.43:•Or
Something urgently needed by everybody._ Call
and examine; or Nonni.' 'tent (pootage ai d) for
hi cents that retail eaellv for $lO. IL L. Wou•orr.
131 Chatham So.. titer Vork. ,fetelkew
We confiner to send a valuable gI B with every
book bought of no. Thoultands wi ll testify to our
pmmioneo• and Otrams. Give na atrial. Writs
for a cwator,ne. Sem free. .Addmvp Aar
an. & Co:s yt. Market at, Phla.. Pa. febiad
peace of our Sete
• 'idtaftwfolidnAfty
over 2QO
AGENTS mmc d """""'•
ifalkene.i, In. oil
Book a,„orst Me of
charge. • AddresiEATlOltit Poeraostsd W. Phi.
adalphla. Pa.
.. •
Agenin annuli:A For t•
"rtrirri.<sl. 4vP
Over one fAcmicll4 litustrealon*: targeot.
ltmo willing end mot attrectivesnbeerlpthm book
ever poldhditel. One agent, In DcglNet,Colurado,
cold WO choir. In four day•. One agent In 3111-
wa okra sold 30 coulee In half a day ; Jrod I lance
number trout 'Alto B) [epic, per ' Send for
ttirenbra with terms at turen.--Adarn•ll.ll, PUR-
L ISIIINO CO " ell &cow et. R. IL j ft:batty
Great Giving, 4b Constatititi,
Getting:- Vp Clitbm.
rt.* 8 end farrow. new 191ce Liat and f Club
"In will iwedinPadf It. Contain Ing fall direction*.
=am: a two 4uving ronenatera and remune
rative to elan organizer*. I • •
P.O. lice. lift smut; hr
An nnfrllling fenterly-firr all Ifrorsehlal Difticultles,
Dough , . Colds.. /Marrero's+. Afdhlus, Dlo.berta,
Dryness of the, throat or '5 Ind e_Pane and a. Cat ar
that diseases.- . • -
The wonde h r i ful modern discovery C.artmlic dest ed to become com tit' the grimiest
biesslop to Manktral ju Ito appneatmn JO diseases
of the throat and Ito great curative gnaldlos In all
affections of tho DRUM Ann Lt-sot.
Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
he ldr. the great remedial agent Carbone Jett
contain other ingtrillents ontvereally remmmen , l,
rd. which chemically Combine. mending a gab-
Lit. more highly rnanietnal and hotter adapted (her
1.111.1a0, 41 the throat than nny prrpanition • ...el
both, reeled hi the putiiie.
CAUTION, ILc acne coo oac WELLi• cannot..
-1501,D wir [tuarailw
vo ., A , lmat2 :)
wjt-a,A1 4 1.>.
:1> 04 1) 1....1 mv..nrkraaz,
specitif i:pottli , ll . ll given to t!o.
lardatin:q giv!pering of [lie]
.d %re foul awl L:nnw onrvrlvt. to be.cunitnient
10 ntrike tfit• sery tot-I. is we Pna, maw b a t ox .
wrlent.,4l w.okin..”. suit a* thuti,t • ul
Hai it\ uel Ji.tgr , u , hoe sow becn in: its.
hclellivia-fortv yi ire..nd hbi Snits tt. ml
^works:llon. - 11:,!! < •. , re 111,1, manufmclitrtnt Dr. •
I7iN•I;St:1 ' ' `-- • ..., .
• 1 • . .. fIit:NEILS' N.7...i11iEtr1..
Matto from ~4: OC. Wartime' It II oql Ril.ll,_
* h .
t• I
Putt,rind , ',Wry 'Mail lierronfed.• , -
- Spoctui ettfiltio:l Is called to our rtock of •
l'oekei N4.4.4nr.4 .
Lirdies . " , *i r aiire.
~ ' ..
Banker:' Sei*:tors,• .
. • - ',.- . ' 73arbers' Seissort,, , .C•r•
All ortlen, will Ite promptly filled and phlptteit a
Nice Litt Ithlnltt4l col applfration.
N KW 131110fITON.
, pep2l:3y:otilleb:&erh
C:01:3 * 31:30
.rid Machine Works.
Anderson. & Freyvogle,
.‘;iteceesors to S. S. Fowler,
- iron Fouuders and Mill Furnishers
Grist, Saw-31411111 1 1 White LentlMo.
clattery •, French Burr, Ceeolieu nod
Iliop's Mill Stones; (De nine& 0,0:
German' . Anchor Drum's= 'illottitur
Cloths; Waiter Wheels, Smut iNht
chines, Ito:ling' .Hill anti :Other inu.
ehiuery"; Pu 'llleys, fang,en; Shaft
' ' •
ft•tilii;ranj - Pittsburgh, ~'n.
.101111 V. 1D0N.41.1) V , . J. .PiTECICEI.
Gun. C.141•LIT1116 1 ., • 11. I. lIPVICIRII.O3/air.
' .11 - ater Sl., Rocheitter,
Hum T ot ended to.
til'on Tlvr.o Depot:to. ColTet
(too., p rom p al t On
G'orernment Coupons VoushE on
Favorable .11:rma. • Cbrrespo»gence
hblicilerb ‘ . • • rtiorlG;ly. •
B. .lOIIKGa . Attorue)r at lass
J ();,tr
mot or t v rte r caart .Atha tatatneca cairn*
• 1.1,10, ray .caraoball.,mmitte prompt attrollaa.
Al.O por.nos 14% tag. .tad Aeate fur Eate. and
thava artoblag to bay town property. coati or rum
land*, mu agectme mat roomy by callitur at my
1;;„.:,-:-.':-T7,4t,A - x4:441-7.-•,
Foundry-A-Repair. Sliop:
e=tt Pooh tsXy ootod4lsaas iltif,t,
-ot.h4f4e o n Irot t a r i okfgtiion,iil g
dwtt t h e i t i c t h h p t O eb V a A nO i,i s I .
001:;'•%.'! :t.- •
board tb6o Ito;
to.:l l l4wornlttod to olliorin Wow W
P.l7 Foinc " • •
IliblvONlLll.lq V/IMMO:ilk" al!"
.s-Te VEZ t
Uaitb twititettitif oedity Staatierer kekettal br
Mkt market. .
; it* YUEL?
.i.l - s . .gslvi.rtaii:gß4: ~
6;finection flie'atove I' have got
up n P2tent
, . .
which occupica little room, no additional
fuel, and is not liable to wcar'out, dispeW
oca.wit It all pipe. can be put on ot , taken
Wl' at Any time: and male to suit all stores
onus sizaor pttt.:rn. ~
. ,
llundirod Persons
Who luive purelursed, hntl used the
3104 t of whose 1111MCR bare been publish.
ed in the Annus. aru couthWutly ,relerrod
to, to bear a itness of tts superior merits
us a cooking *Love.
, Awing' tbnoo ttrot etnei ennides on bind. of
about Moen htove power capacity, they aro offered
tope poolle at nanuua6JOllY
npral tr.
U_R>TirrU E.
Brighton lit.above Plow Factory.
'The hargrot etetekdre Roarer county corodantly
on band, and reline* at veiy loweet price,
Caine sod ilearee trtv Med at the atione4 notice
Having a large sloe • plaltklnda of lowan: me on
hanu . and wiehing to Wake room for tali and win
ter work, I have reduced •my prima. accordingly.
Oil Cloths, Sic
Wholesale and Retail,
At Lowest riees,,
We Ihive Futilities for Supplying
k.7l`A, IL. 33 It: It fit
Etitiail tit
4.I . PILINCI 11ON'S:3131E1i GOODS. -The
1.1 tooler,Act.el Arca li.ave 1.1 Inform hfr friend.
and the public cemorally that he hee jtul received
new pinch of co.d. , of the Intept .tyler for
Sprint( and Summer urar.whlch hr :arra at very
ritaterat rule,.
Clothing made In order on tho rhurte•t notice.
Thonkfttl to the pohllc for pmt favor's, I hope
bt 61hot• attemtion'to hoonsiv. In !milt a eoatlt.n•
•ace of the mate.
n.wnt.E sr. vmmt:ir.i TYR.
cat.ur •
'CHAR. H. armor, Notary Pahlle. Con.
.reyaurer att.! lu.urattre Astettl. Ded. awl,
Agreement. wt Wetland acknrovledt.tement. taken,
Se. Ilarina Leto dalr,ertuttubtaletted arAzent ful
several ftrot clan , furor:lnce rometaly, e.
rentlns the Fire,'. Atridoil. nod I re Stork
Emitarmarut.. 4 prilwlrol to take tl.k. and %rite
pollelee on the mod liberal term.. M.o, m.tekt
for the ••.%nehor I tor" of find eta.. ttrean steam.
en. • Tlekst. sold to end from all Env.
land. Ir,ttottl. Sfolldlta.(;er111311V Frntice.
brick rrol,l)%motid. Hoch...der.
nnderwe:b•d tike. p 1,11.! re i t It,.
forming' In< I i •imi the public genet•
nl':, ili.o In- mid opened
tocli.of. Goods,
0F 1..1,1 ; t:5T s:r i,Es rprz
Winter \X' ear.
• Ile keep, tlm het. nt worktnnn in Ills
employ, :w.l eoMblent of 1114 nbility
to ettLial I make up d:ormolts both •
and in 4ttelt ft ntnnzwr 114 will plea*. Ills
Cit/f thin Rep 11.11, before fearing your
Ordeii Elleuliere•
may'4;i•t:ly' Ert.lgewato.. Pa
1111),. Wit ,- 4,11112,
A i ty.ite 1-1 AN T !l'A I 1,0 11..
11101 A DW A IC,
a llaying receive I a Large and well :elected Flock
Fall and Winter Goods;
s am*Lstiug, of
of the latest and meet feehlonable styles, whleti
nlll6e midi to order on the
and on the shortest partible notice and warrant 7 .
to etre ratiefaetton.
I. A.—Ao I niePloY none hut Seat clan workmen
and having conoldrrable experienoe ih cr fling. I
defy competition anywhere in • the State. ma to
make and It. I keep also on hind a foil elect of
Macy male clothing of home manufacture.
octilte. • . •
1 ,1)01E , Illotaa attenettairlts a roar ittpiav
II trin/C2V6IIM If th "" inti.
atillemeivalatt llo,hut.dlreendi therelalll he Allt.
Mrte4.4o,2e, at the Lottrallegae In take
et B.Atar;. laegyort 'Mo t?. ph, on PAT;
. Ulathalf:Mhl4olll.,lathi .41.D.Ptal, at lehOclocig•
a. m.. the lollowlas si. els:
All the right, tttle , erestitid eliltnitt defend.
sat Oda as to tar ty lettadMelmthertmem•
iv , phis et letattathei rough VI Utemte rot
~.. r
' lr3
Littley Wahl sari:rot b . et
i ISt‘.- t r '
ed t esertteito, y u n• ~ natranta., gay
ed the befell y let X • , .tti 257
4 by. 'ind.
end Alley.. en die death Stetnak=, Sidra
Abe nag by Thin!. itnst.‘ The PA le 41 het front
h/ la
Ih. miry mis is ereenet aoa
trite di!
Itlicheni 411 0 . 0 shun =Oll l 4 11 . TV, a n t , ° ,
trollittege. -Also, lot tot. Eniniegji piss. nnt o sd:
Joining' Welborn, to bounded en the scabby let
number Snl. an the east by leceinni alley, on We
mud, by In number litit, ;Ma 0/1 the Wtftt bf Tbird
euest—all chclessd. . , . .
detzed abd taken lolesesetlon as the ;Wendy
at 'Foust lystent,lena 01. the datandsabk at the.
Baas smile Weeded piiii I No tight title ib ,
term% and cline et defendaut. 01, in and AY. der-,
gala let or piece or ground, &Otte In the hornagti
of BitlVMFallo,' Beater county. end Make of
Yeatsytrwits, twisty tot number?! In the &once
my plan a( lobe, 501.W:woad), end hooded and_
described is foLlows:
h e We north by lot lintlb,
befit. Haw plan: on the east hy Water alley, cal
theseink by lot ttrunber . l3, nuke - plan r and rin
thewert by Front wrest, also Twat street. Tea
wits oat sd pet. front. by tia but , hock, CO
which ts eroded,* twektory !rime hoese. with IS
teems; the how is L. 'Wiped. with ails" under:
swath, cud Ms AdSO a man frame stable, about'
Ilinti keit there te irwell at water at the heels
doori the lot has small Welt trees • Ittantei on it.
and all enclosed. ~.,
Seized and taken la execution es the property
of Bailer Mating. at th ...ell orAitnuel 311111nzer.'
eil;so, rt. a
. , .
1, t the same Sine aud'plaite, all the right title
Interval and claim of • dcleudaut.• of, In and le all
that Wilda place or weal of land, situate lit tter
borough of Masada, county of Soarer, "lava. Maui
of Proontivanik, Wing part ut lot uomitered ten
(10) In said eorougla of Mayer. and bounded add
dercribedne follows._
Segintling at tim corner 01
Food and Market lambi In said horoagb. thence
along Market swine, eon Landon' and,aintrdilfo
(165) kW lodine of the lot of Leouttard.E. Juhrie„
ono hundred and Manly teet 0W), to )Inc of lot
samba ulna (9), thence by line id said tot number
So, one hundred aud.vizirdro ildS). feet to Front
Amer, tbeneo along add Front eked one buodred
and twentgloct to the pima of be,:tzwiug; noun
which wild above described Sem or parental' 14nd
is erected "two-story flume dwelling boom with
room' and kitcnen attached with cellar tinder
:math, cistern at tbe bock door, fruit trees, con)
bouts, woodshed and other ontbulldlnV on Prow
Ws, and node' fence, The above Is tow of the
montdealroble and beautiful locationi fit a private
remidetiru, In the borough of Seaver.
' Seized and taken In excretion, as the properly
al` Y Johroun. at t h e suit of dames ti Sauce, for
one of D McKinney, Jr. Alas at the suit of Mewl.
cl and Lew, truatee,a.
ALSO. No .1
At the same time and place, all the right, title,
Interest and claim of the defendant of. In Ann to,
Huy fellowing piece or parcel of land, rinliald to
Big Mayer township, Jleaver county and Salto of
reousyleaMa, bounded and described as 10_UWl
On Ow norta by baud of the hats of Thomas Brit
lain and John H Olga. ou the east by land of
'Nancy IV Ilson;Jones la Calhoun 's heirs and Tur
ner Strubridge; ob.the smolt by land of Holey die.'
clods!. and uu tNo wog by laud of James Al
brie. Wm Curry, Alex Andereuu and others, con
taining• 9ql acres more or less, and on winch to
enacted a two story brick dwelling house ankh 7
rooms; 3,up and 4 down stairs; also. nue small
frame !mums I glory high with I.tooms ; 1 frame
barn; small crehard; about 110 acre* of, the ahoy,
am under fence. about CO acres of timber; and nn•
demean,. sold CO acres are two velment coal; the
. . .
. . _... . . . . .
farm le well wateru•f. r
of i lrft ot 4 ' V I Vnn i , n a f Teu . 1 tt. or r h o. ' XI CY,
At the came time and place. all tight title Inter
est and Chitin of defendant. of, to and to a certain
lot or piece of ground, situate la the borough or
Ikaver Paliti,jkarer county. and State of Penn
sylvania. being lot number 11017 In the Economy
plan of lots of mid Itorungh, tad bounded on the
-booth by lot number 13111, of the saute plan, on the
mot by Tank .tart, en the mouth he lot number
1015, name plan, and on the west by Tank alley;
bang one hundred and rixty.two feet deep, by
43 feet front, on which Is'ercMcd a two-story Irate"
dwelling house; having a Mont of sixteen feet on
Took street. by feet deep, with nn extension or
kitchen in the rear. 11 feetshy IS feet, one story
mei; oleo a veranda In Irlant of main building.
Pant hoagie contain. In all six mune, with cellar
underneath. alleuzimiell.
Seizedsand taken in excretion as die property
of John II Newton at the snit or John F Ea on:
.ahai at suitor Hillman a: Bruce. Al,o, at the null
of Mendel& Lenz, Trader,.
At the same lime and place. all right title loner ,
itt and delta 01 defeudaut, of, In awl to all that
certain piece tit parcel of land situate In the towns
whip of Ilirporreli, county of Mazer, and state of
P.aindylearda, bounded on the north by land of
Cannon lion id 31cL mead. on the west by land En
LJacob Poker, on the south by land of Andrew
McDonald, and on the cast by the Ohio river, eon.
folnlng to nered; bele: the came piece of 'land
which was allotted by the heirs of Andrew Mc.
I Donald, deceased, tonic raid Martha Christy One
of the children and heirs at law of fetid d0ec0....41,
on which above described `property lie erected' a
otissfory frame dwelling house. with I rooms, all
homed and taken lie execution as the property
of Thud. Uhriny and llartha.chrlaty, bits wile, at
the gull of Michael Mauer.
ALSO. No 7
At the same Mae And pliCen all the right, title.
interest and Halm of defendant of In and to that
certain lot or piece of ground yitnate In the bar.
ough of Bearer Palle, heaver minty and State of
Peuusylvonia. being lot No ill). ECUIIOII/1 plaa.or
Tots of raid borough. and bounded and de-crlbtfill•
co fullow4jo wit: On the north by Oak alley, on I
the east by lot number 11l of mine plan. 011 then
I.olllb by • linnet, on 'lowest by lot number UM ~fl
tame palm mid lot Moro front on Linden +mod of,
;Mkt .. ' and extends bask 113 feet to Oak alley; on!
which is erected a two story frame dwelling house
containing 7 rooms anal pantry, cellar underneath
—all enclosed.
Seized end taken In Execution as the property or
Samuel Shadle, at the sail of Samuel Lonalletz
ALSO, No 3
At the same time and place nll right tide inter
est and elolta of debrailook of, in and to the fol•
bovine. deserihed property, to wit; teed
anal 97. in the Economy plan of lois fit the hot •
ungli of Denver Fall,. Beaver county, rind Stole of
Pennsylvania. sand together bounded a. follows
00 the north by Motor street. eta eanl by lot
timelier 9S, °Name I-Ml5 tio me south by Manic
alley, met on the nest tercet. mate of
Nod loa• itavillLt a (row of I t feet on Maple ,rarer.
and extending back a dirtance of Ili; feet tie, eagle
alley, and On nlilCh In an.e1,..1 a tee-.tort' trame
dn.:tong house, toning a front ol twenty bet
leaver street, uotl eateudtug beck tin t) -five bet,
vontelnlng cheat toy Aden, Misr tiodeni-ath.
and veranda In fund otadd
Selzell and token Ina excvtition an for prop .1 ty
of Jacob Coblento and cosilda Contents. 10.1
at the salt of F 3.1 :ul-boon.
Aletti„ 'J
At the same time and lanes, alt the rleht.
linered and claim in delendant of, h. and to the
Feitioe log describe! property to wit being lot No
13:1 In the Economy plan of lots in the ocuotign
of I.lellVer False 8ea...v.11111V and State of Pmin.
cylvania 1.01111.1e.1 on 111.. north by Economy 14.,
on the east by Mayer street, on the ninth by lot
Lumber 1312. same plan, and on the west by Boa
ler alley; said lot hash,: n treat on Bearer street
of 1.1 leer, and CllOllllOl4 hack lg. feet to leaser
nlie); on which I, co-cil a;-story Mirk
toot, colimbillig In all r, room+. .. ronril•
and Ltlcium bn 11 la; goof, ands room. ou eecond
story—cellar underneath, and veranda 10 front;
oho coal.lionse, plg.pen. and other ont.luithltn2s.
Selzer, end taken In exert, t ion 11 , 1 the propel: y•
u of Robert F Monloueat the snit of dames I' Hutch
Inman also at the rail of the Econemy Saving !ti
No 11l
Al the sonic bine nod ;2:nee, all rtght title Inter
est and claim of derdilant. of lie nod to all that
certain tract or norm! of 1.4 13 111 Z and la
lircene tuwashiplu thc . county of lleayer,und Sone'
of P. nusylvanta, Newton and de - scribed 101 fob
lowd, to wit I Ifeefloulog of a loot 'ln Om Ohio Mv
erdlieute by raid river 1141 11 411 de.,o,West 32 tit 100
per:lies to a hod, !Noce by laud of John Fergu
son, sonth 41y, twee, act ad percher to a port,
thence by law. id Jacob roe south G3i,
clot r2l 1.111 perches to et pied. thence by land of
dolma:ban ..Iflisou 11.0211 37!.‘ delsect cart 63
perebed bi the place or liegintitog. containing IS and ti perched, strict tneacnre. Rettig the.
*ante Mk %%Inch Simnel Wadley mill Catharine
his wife. h; Indenter, dated the lilt dry of Fob's,
MA. and recorded in. the antra for r cording
deeds, etc, for the county of Romer, granted and
cons ey ed unto C:11 , 1T Diehl henry S Frank, NVin
W Watt, James :d Conrad. Kozo Wolf. Abraham
11011 anal Saninal. In fee; who Ind I the tame to
trout for the subset. :bets to a certitleate for Meur
mention of the Sidnniorturene anti M :May
db. yhotl3l bet Incorporatsl, uidcu rent:lnns
containing the deelaratioa of viii Imp.. and Pb.
nnmes of r. 1.1 sistmerthern 1. rd.., monied fu Ilea
Recorders Maw aletesaid, au Iteeil book Ni. it,
page MI, lin the otiose itrerdbe are
eteeted frame tenement bonded.
and taken In execution on tin property
or the Mantencturers Oil Nihilist Co. omit, reit
"(Charles F Diehl, Henry it Frank. and Abrutiam
Al the came time mfg plies. all . die right, tid o.
interest and claim of itufenclaut of, to sod 10 all,
that certelii piece or panel of land ylinute In toe
township of Rrlghton, county of Deaver and Staa
rennitylvoura, hennaed and .I,c:the t Co lill•
10,1 , , TO Wit: . 11,l11111111.; ale pwet. !hence by lands I
'of Hotel Wray-and George Klirott anent a: degrees I
nest 123 perda•el to 111 11111 ; thence .1001 11 1 •
boile we 111111.11 n;., and bind of John
tSiZI degree's van 33 340 perched to a beeCll; then,
1 1. 101 IN4 11,01..4 wad IS:eleven-he. ; t o oth 11
tieglised tel Ol perbbec 10 a red oak: thence north
truces east 111 RI perches to a white wallet%
north 1 degrees Wert Zal patins toe cucumber;
1101111 a degree+ rad :3 11411 perches to a pod; .11Wh
tS, degreee enst r .tell' perches to a post by Jeilye
Wllliattne,• thence by blllll formerly of MIS Dickey
litalh 4l; degrees ear.: 9 perches to a post; some
:,11 degrero Erast 136 3.10 p-rches to a hoot; ,
by laud of Michael Morgan and linel Wray conill
south 31 degrees west al a-latli in rdeo 10 a p 0.1;
thence by lands of lintel Wray north sO `end a half
G.l prated to a pmt; 1001 ;I One
deens• he'd 2: it 111 perches to the pin, nt
Mu= contiong Iti7 acres of land more or lees. The
Y ,3o e.lohig underlaid .1111 onto,r foot vain of '
clan b• cool which Is opened and sappl led 01 lb all
ILO, fixtures nrcessory far thed.llllvry or coal: end
1111 a vein or fret elan. no to yst•palot
ell and In workingorder ; filly aut. of th^ land
?c.f.i.! cleared and the residue wisidlooil. owl all
enclusid. There ore 00 inVPIlecA au euchre{
orchard, coutalning at !I • 3 olle'handred tree+ hi
sot boring moittloted l!i etoel loon` dwelliug
house, four niomosi_kltelien and cellar:it zeal honk
barn 41i0150 fee, c&rn crib. ht.:spot, hake-even,
well 01 lelll.l of the door of the dwelling.. a
Edson it nt that loon Sc. The premise./ are
u filh, n mile of Bea, er. and holt a tulle of Poll."
ton Aids. al! Mot rertalt, piece or lot of grum..l
smote in the I. einigh .if Mem.% county of let
ter and State of PV11114)1V304.1,1nz lot number ,
cal al 01 the general plan of lute of Rio afor,si I
bor.,a:zle i wur,alyd 130 111 by '11,1,1 .1 1 INA. gaol by
for tannin Kr: .11nib hr Corpornlioll alley rid
west by lot number biz hailt.,2 a front of Sal feet
oillllll.l Wee?. mat extending Irack therefrom
Mal fed tO tfortionniort alley; nliereou ant erected
good Iwo story brick fin ening home, warb
le. lye. The rot conjoins relit 1n...50f
rations kilted. ltda is one of the must desirable
private residences In Forayer.
Setzed Anil taken 1n executit n ea the property
of John IL bleats. at the snit 01 barge 01. Petty
for ere of Kollar Sovings Batik,
ALSO. N 0 .12
At the acme flair. 111111 plat,. all the right. tide,
interest and ..I.lm of defendant...! In and to a ces
tale lot sat place aground cttnalc in Moon t war
Ileaver county, Pennsylvania, Wended on
Ile 104111 by low.. me: mark or del Ohio
east by Mick Siring Itdn, statth orrltrarys
wafer mark, and west by the *I wesn 0.. Men.
Seized and token In eve. Whit, a• 1110 pri.l,ll) .
.If ;our F ion-ori,lll the 10:11. of Jacob' Ben,
Al SO. , ' " Null
Al the adnetime tool hLir, MI the rtaLt,
I iderM, and ktidni of dotettant. ot in and tn all
thorn two certain lot. nr hteren or rtrinntl..l, net.•
Yn lbw bornogh. 01 Dearer Falk. Denver county.
I'ept.ylvdt.ll, 7111 and 7;9 In the
I:cotinniy plan of lop. In raid bornn_•h. rojotolint
each other. and iciNtbra bounded on dmiooln by
Economy .1.-0. emd fir Grood xl:ey, rough by but
number ISO. and teftelly Sherman tr met; tielit,T,
each 41 fret In n lath 111 front on raid Sherman rt.
and sztettilikii Sionfelintkaiost to Grant
, II my Deamer ' so s4 t ttia.oortrorkpr *orris
of He mum or uawortoWr Y .
bfricv.•,:r • v,
AL8.0,4 - :NO -
At tbelatn o time and ptaa.alttlai Matt. We,
interest sadden el dohs/41*MM In and to alt
401411441:::or parcel of stoma sit
uate' Itra.e boron at New Brighton. Bearer
eounlyand We of Ivanlo, being lots anup.
bored WOK and thi. bounded on the north by lot
No 10 and ]Nibs ltatiertm east by Diction Oen,
smith by damishiumilley,and on thy Meal by Water:
street; being WO *amp plena perch:sly Winch lis
seb.V "Coals muted. and obi/rued to the NM
Whissisr, mut on whicix shore slemslben
repent to erected a large' two story frame duel.
fl' w hease (eanstrueted two thutillmo with
• 1 nederuestlt I also. a frame stable and other
on belblinor, Tbelut le planted Walt troll mem
and ellrabb:/y. mulls oho/ sueiosat.: , .. •
and talseu to execution no llso property,
Or Deal. Whirler, deed., noreita lilda arida.
ryAVblater and Abllard Whlolee. admen of the Ds
%Met obi decr , tri, atthe salt or :Sarah Coin..
'ALSO • ' • • No is ••? •
lb/ samethao and plot. all the rigbi title In.'
Wrest andclahn id defeodaut, of. •la and to. all
that terWia lot or prom of ground shoats in the
tainsahts of Mime Draw 4,- wanly. sod
sotto of Poem 111./ails, being lot number I I. rat
teracm plait of lots to said borough. 'and bounded
on Use Isolll4 by lot numbar-M, OHM plan. tent'
by Tank doom. south by Linden atm; and .wat
by lot number 107 mine pbuu on mbleh sleeted
s Montan+ frame ' toms% 16 by 101 feet.
within addition tharetesixtess by t wen iysi x Met;
. _
bowl eaatalainz aroma.. aka WHIT 01/14:111 , ,a tn.
LOteactated.• • - , , . .„ ,
Seized and tedt..n in eleentian tlia prittntty
of Freda/lett 11 Marttagr, at tad foult of lleartct ra
Lenx:trastaes. •
Al °, Na in
- At tbn afros time and place, all ilea rigid. title.
Interns: and ebb,' of dna:taint, of Its snit to nil
dint tertatif Tot or place of %found Moist,. In Inn
borangh.ol lanivrre llvairer county nrst btu,
•of kannaylratda. Looddial un 0113 uurtlt oy !La.
berry strati, rant bJ 10t of 'With ttn Bitnea, route
by lauds at Jula .lbsar and <Ohara, and wool by
lot of Joint 1.4,11dt. The Ito la 43 rad front 00 Mul
berry street, , on which is ervelett a br/ra h 111 1 ,11112.
ttl34 [co. two StOrils and a WO( in 10:4;114 r.s •
an addition Verato InaN fevt. two
with pnalb; 411110 • frALIVI htrchru 111 rh.r rtdr 4004
story high, nniluinited;•llrat door of Ittura
int: contain. 100 1 . 0.1111.4. halt 4nd tore morn n•.c
and fluor has fuae rooms and 1,,,11: On sta., tin Inii•
ad; cellar undeawall, good writ of na:er
burnt, therein: halttl.oven on lot;
hubsad and tsdnn to tutecuti.o. as la.. pro;o1:y
Of Atoirvw Smith at th,, 0, :oil LA
At the same time and place al r:4:4; ui. int r.
cet and claim of delendsot of, Iu and to.
txrGl , l o t or plecto of ttristititl yitiltste Its Ili: bttr•
oats or 11,1Ver ral la. I.:ea‘er county, :nal ni.o ,
l'eunsylvanta, being lot 14lb:11,4,910 Ecuttuuly plan
of lob. In gaol boroggh. hounded on tie Dona by
lot uumbey ;SU, bast by Thomas alloy, south by
to. nantl,r till. and %vest l.y Tank sitter.
41 toot front on Tank antet cud ex:ruin:v.; WC,:
therefrom I I.llcet to THUM. , alloy, on ...hi:. t.
erected n tkv.atory fr3llll boa.- by
dO toot, roomy, cellar uudentratla au
veranda in trout.
SCIVII and taken In exec:ulna .1.1 the proyorty
of Alancbl /lowan at Gen o bit to lit:oriel sr. Leitz,
ALSO . '.. In
At the name Lute ant place, all the rt.z l tt title.
Interval and 0101111 of deletitlanla, or. In and Lc,. Jut
number 00, Iva the plan or !Oft of tteac•
sr Valle. Seaver county, tool sante r.: Penuoylvant.a t
bounded and dtact4lw4 .t 101loas ; tin the horns
b'y tato of J . ..te. net the e LW by I:begin:l alley,
on the south .Ittes.unt Wee:. ova the welt by
!flavor •trect. and not whirl) L erected a Iwo...tory
Iron.; dwell:DI: , hhas, wilts 4 c 00.% ollh comr
narwroontri. there to also erected on the lot a
Marne tam:l2l , oW .A.11111.-el, at. I . oats ottOttnel•
luv, all en..f.oell.
b e ta. I t oad taken In S., cut:L., a• the proiartly
Of M W Teeples nut 11 ....: T.,i0.,, It to , suit of
Scott, Boyle .t William..
ALSO. No Itl
At the same tame sea phoc h all the right, title.
Interest and cleat of detendent o of Its and to all
that certain lot of ground situate lu Ilse burouga
of I.lhosser Falls. Moue ar county and State ..f Penn
sylvania. being lot No. 1014 so Economy plan of
lots of said louroUgh, bounded on the north by lot
number 1U11',..107 Taut: Farce:. rualli hy oval Nos
101.11 sod went by rank alley. 'llia lot to .1.1 feet
front on Tann street And 1151 fret stoop to 'Card; at
-1,7; on which to erected a too •toty Inoue du clink;
boon. 'titbits . ° roots. °l:ends door, tett, cellar
untlerniotlit lot ellaltmed.
SeltOd awl lalrtt In a:Seta:tilt:l an the property
of John ;Sharp, at the al of lleteriet A; Lena. tn.,
A LSO . ?•, O da
At the .105500m0 awl plan., all the eight title
interest and dams 01 llettolatit., Of, lu vaunt to all
that certain pl,ce or parcel 40 land .hunt • Its the
tinfltohlt. 01 LtarlinZtott. in its,, county 14: II -laver,
and State of l'cun...lllhttlino boaledea Wad Lb...ix:avd
ao.lthlows. ell: Ito.gsuntag at a poor, thence by
lauds of Hugo Fergie...h. oott. tow degree. au I
Elllptlee Mature, or. 4 ri ity•eiglit au.l S.Ol
pet - chea to 3.1.01% thence by look of Lusts Wal.
ter, tooth thirtyddsio alogroo.., llny•as.: taltiatte,
t a., Out 11.10.1....1 awl thorty--oson. :ant sl..1,•ilo:
1i1g , d a r . .... 1 1L11 ,, p , ,, n , - , .. 0, 1. u . i 5 0 p. , 1 , ...1 ir An...i r . , c , • . by tort.
Untitled, .....11orry (.1,11, :0 a poet, Moue, lay
Lando: Lure) > oat. tot ty• tot ° a Loa 00 , hall do.lroes.
wort eight an I clue Valith 1... ran ,, to a po-t. carat
Ihlrty•elelt 0011 011e..11 Li de,;retah, t....1•L toueltacti
and litre. I.•tild port 11... 10 41104, math .iciy and
Utio•lntlf dove..., a. 5.1 iltirly•lie , an 1 throe tooth
pendia, to a port, ...Mt forte-:lone arid 13.1J1..1.1
deMcces„ e5...1 saventy (Jar3.l.iij. Ihraa ~..r.a.ers 1. .1
bla l slit, teeth llorlaon nit lo os alarta i1...;r00...,
cut.; twenty•olite mod count 1.1,111 pored. , to a
black 011: • thence by land. of Juso•plt guava,
math lolly wilne 1101 re...., sac.: tlerly.le 0 0.01
eighty lee totteln•th pereitt, his 11 pl. 1 ; Oleo,
by tools of J 4.; A; Ilagh Dilworth, north el ;hl;'
eight degree., nets ...Ay-even alt.! .n'o'els len. a
perelle.o 10 A 01011 e pile, north ono dr..rree. east II:-
Well and .It truth perelses tun ettete pile, ...ICI I.
seventy-eh:ld and one-half 4 3.4rocc 0..... c 00Votil
sue perches to II pa.:. 1101'111 C1:4111.) . -ClgIll .1 cc.:. ,
.wertldetily.twurtail 114114 .li. t. lons i.e.St ',5r..... •
10 110":. jibes. of 'ls:ghat:li ;. C 0111.011.114 1•1,,1..
Br e d and flrly•fotir arr., 41.11 le attl), so oat, a • •
untre - vac 1e.., about Itt Aar., ilt. 1,1, .a. 1 .:..•
131:011-1: Well nods •rad .. on 5.:11 It I. att etell a
(Wtotahr) (rattle ale oftlol Itatto.. U.lll 1 no rot•
tool tatetwit attarlehl ; a..../, a 1.....1•• ,!..410.‘• a...E.1 1
1:1 by 7.9 keg sitno is lit; 1..0, I,: hit too, tbit to
gals, opting 11011•0 mid valuer tritli...ll:ll....o, lu ' n'
I. al.o au orchard °a the craa 10., .o.t..tabo •.1,
mat loolvtlaill,....tsh M 1.... ,
1 , C12.0.1 arol'halten In oce:at.o.l at Sli t nto t tert
ty of Valeta:he Nur. at thy otht ot laitn awl
Wa lg.
Also, No•.::
' At the tool:Mlle '31.1 1. pia. C. :111 the right M 1..,
intereet :tin: china ol del:in:an:, 1.0, itt tool 10 till
tint rernalii woe , or parcel ot atrottna 1.1111110 ill
1110 I/01'0114h oh 11 , 3% or Fail.. I ) ..ts or colony nod
ac• or I . erntoyhanta, 1. tug lot basalt, tolt its
th.• Istrottglt neoroo.o.l. ltobn : ..1 0.1 the north by.
' 1.1: JIM:, ....t 1., t..,„ Snort, -lint:. b. 10 1 I .lbal'wr
10 :9 std 05 th by Taal, alley, I.eiag l I loot In 111 0:1
1 . 11.1114..11, 1 all II • ".....11,1,11..: ha::: t 1: 'r if.....a 111: loot .
U/ lan , . a.: .., o; on :lb li 10 creCtC 131. 0 -t .ry
Iratne du thing loot,. 111x.:11ket, three nano. ova 1
wit tits, owl th 41 Vlt e . I_ "64, 1..1ik n 1,1.. li U11...1c .
1.11.. t. mory ) I,,r's 1... oat. porch In' an -
poreh ou bond sole...lad t0..i... at al..
tiolzel nil I la, a '.l .• . •, .1. Ibt pro,..
of John U. Ness i.. 3. at the titll:. Or 11.1110:111 al
Strut'.; M.S.. al the 5.1. t ‘,l tient, an 1 Loot. Ira
-1 .1.1- , 0 . . , No 1:[.
At the saute tine. no., to o r h a:I t 1 • rz,f.t. tat,
Inn:rug not elates 01 stele,! hod, 01 ... nod .. 1 . 1 1
that ces tatn p..,...ce or tlta..l 01 Loll , 4111:11C in New
hettlckle> toutoattp,. Iteater cooly cast Mato of
Peulli..)l,t,ia. h0u...1,1 is fu lone., to nit: 11,.
glonlit; :V a pest et Its • con:Nettl lard, at E.
Holmes. out yuttualg tortoni by land of .llro Pent
land, north :.7 deli i - ,... r4-t 1,-la r01t..0 to a pen:
theliee south Is.i ttogreo• t.,1 111 percaeot them,
....Itit s;`a de1;14..... ueot CI h.lll per....; thence
w , orth 11 11141,, Is Cis 1:1 leirs . har. • .../11t11
1 degre, toe.? hot. I ert•ttet to is pall and Loor
of iS. Ilonte.; theuao us raid lluloto.• told burnt
:11 .1.. re.... , Va-1 . 2. i weds ... to the pan o .11 t....;.1-
5. 1 110', euntaltilnat twenty...a stereo ant towel...oi
jrzrclart strict illlos.oura, arta inotlia.. part .1 lot Ni..
4. In Lest a .11rtriat or 1)..011,, , : ~, o hoot.. and
Ille same pr..tutaes u loch twlttard E. Ifolatea sisal
.vale, by Ileoal nated Maretrit, Itio:? , lnd r. , ..r.1ed
to use ogle, for recardliti tweet; In :Foul county.
in deed ...oh NO. hh. I. shea ran .hdc..!"tull ailIC.: 5.
erected is liaise de ellotgl brit, toi1411:11114 Ilinx
hall. nod I'll robot, wad 3;l:teen:lN donlententlt;
melanin era •.I. toil; us •hoitee a sits lurna: e
lhorelli, atia other .p:1-1...0.1.n,..,•: a ,it..... 1 sprat.: of
u.ttcr tll btu barman:, a 4.111 , 1 taittern MI Ille
1 1 1 , 1‘1 ,,,,, 1; 'good orsburd I. 5511 all kind , vat lima
'reel , ; ads.: llCoodi turnery 44 y tota,.; spidelreent
the Kenn..., int...toed nod all ta ;total tannin:oth
The .11.0 e prooe.ty is 10,a:tautly lecated. 1..1 oat
ow. lout !ft ..I . a :loll: hos:Cll., Inn 015,...0 vat 1-'l4 l a.
.cirri and taken tit eXceatioli daalas trropetty
of tieurg linnet, ISt In pelt 01 tralerille.llll4l '
31Itehett for it, 4,1 .10-‘11111 . 011‘.1.011.:.
AL , V. No 2:1 1
At tae 6.1111k:11010 and pates:, all tho right. litle,.l
lliterett and alalln of tlefelialabt• of lu nO.l to oh
that curtain va p or place or parcel 4.1 laud agnate
to Honorer ton uoldp. 11,at er county, I . 4tite.:: to u.:l
1113. Wino: .fl all I t!..1.,11 el 00 1010 Er.: las ll.d.',i
teeth 11) tacit. of u. W. and .tarots Mll....incort;J.
above iloarrl bed; on the cant by hoot.. 010. Nteicr.•l.
au_ollight On the south by laud of Wm. 1:. thee.
and 00 the not by hand: of 0. 11. bung In. coo
tnlnlikf oboist hist acreS,.alanti ITA racers to t w ma,
is weaved and all nadir lessee; on .1..11 I. ereolatt
a Otte 1111.1 a 11:111 slur; (faille lb:railer liEtt,o. At 0.1,
flee nbans and known; ales a tl./ta barla. c0n15.1
, cob- rtable, chi., cod-stably, coal-nottoe. t
1 awl other ttillandeltugn; owl 11, n nut orchard"
of 1b...f10g frail tree•.
Seised and labels 111 v:00111011 an llio property
of George W. Mloosltian.r awl Aaran hlinerlogor.
at the •tatt or Samuel M OtsurW
A 1.50, ; Nu di
At ;tie .:Ills,' 115150 nand p 1.1.01, all the rl,tltt title
latortett all I claws of defend tot. 01 In awl Its, a
certain piece ..r pateol ..1 I.l.l.leimalt. 1,, Moo!.
ler Itavi.tdp, It. ...., r so .sity.'atal :.1.0.• ill I" Si:''
rylvallia. c.0....tin:C.1 0ar..., mute or 10... moll
lleEl 11.1 11 re 11• .•.1 , lobate., ls later, at .1 : 110 Me.
are 111 by land 01 th.crte 1.1 4.tileyerer. MI Ills' C.lOl
by 1,11 , 1111 Mn. , 1 . ..1111.1113 :Mil 00 .I,:t. stslerer. I
and 5.1 tro. .welt hy LlO.l it Mrs l'eialand, aiol at
Gee weor by a otreett . alhon it Acres a eiodlititil. hai•
ante aleot sal, all and, let., sell a ate. ed. .
Seize: ainl tall It iu vll,llllOll OO the itrepeole
(;sofa,, W. Mttior.ot: Isle teal 01 JamA 11 .I.ool'
liar I.
ALSO. No tr.
At Intl cattle 'Who diet place WI 11w right li:le In
lereot and 11.1155 if this alit, 4.1, In ..II to, al
that corolla lot or piece of ground :opiate In Ili.
borough ill 1:1,1Vel Fast, Deaver co othily. mid Slat
tot p e to t .y Is:tow, (few.: lot it tole, IN, Patter...
pi.n or is 0 01 +Oa to noagla. hounded list 111 ,
110(1:1 by lot 1.0 A ber LL thhot by Mass sir. 11
It ' lot nclalug o . I. and seeot by lot number Ird ; be
41e; to fro 1. Wolff van Main street. sod catendlug
hail' therch out 11l feet: 4.11 whit' 1. 1 ,reer,..l. I
1 , . o story hilt It nuildtuht..lll by 7 0 feet, Uhl, a lore.
...try latch adsllll..n. Li by It hot, ntotetruom hall
.n. 4 iatelten un gent dole. 1 boot, 11111 Leto tat
evetoly" MOM, cellar II odor:IMO h.
Seised and.l-then Itt “twelintl a. ;by pn.perty
or Jowl Il Vtaiii, O tls...tot of Simnel a. L, tie,
traolevo, N . J., it emit of 11 Child., 4e v't.,
A LS,P. N 0 1E: 0 •
At tbe .301 e Ittne nut rhea,. all tho right, Cate,
joie...Pt mid .Niue Ol delenslattl, .1 lit men.. all sett:tin plot.• irt parool of to. IT, I •.'n .t.• la
the I. ugh of Storer Falls, beaver :011111) tail,
Male 01 I•vieWpratita, brio,- 101 r 1 .11..111 ht'ot o n ly
1.1.0 n oro.ll biltulitztl. tmiletletl all OW tsortll by lot
Au GIL. bailie plan; me Ili' cart. 140 .1.4.ii.1.... alley,
rod., Isc Maher Street. alill out I.y ntant •Ireor,
..hick 1, creased a Irnine ilseellinc. honor ..• l by
1111 i :e.g. two !Writ, hletl. %1 its Oho 0 5057mb:1:IA11
lhoelo I'l l It)" 34 font, I roof., ball a n d pontry
nu Int floor 7 11101110 and ball oh 0...:01141 floor. •
Salted Mill taketi ill V01,41:011 re the 1...1..ttS
of Lila asil Met:0011d at the . 0:5 of Ilenilrt and
Let..., truster...
A();to 9T
At lbss nnose lino. 5.41 ithre all the • Igbt In•
and claim of f1ef,111.1.1.. lg. to null to r.l
ME certain lot of nrossiol sl:11.ile Io the boro . •,n
1.1 bri.l4emst •r. Iknscr count). as I. St .4 , an... 1.
,sylynnti. belnz lot na•-tiered =A In a 1,1411 of loos
1:41.1 not by Wm U.l lien... and hoioiecil stl
1...111, flegloolo4 Mar Let otivet trt
the tore r of lot niunner to rout plan. :opt
running thence by .11115 Nil one lossoned and nr ,
ty feet of therty Arley. Ilsenre by oaths ell,. nt•
Pet to 1:0nt5 4, 07 lone. thrice •lotto tan' Low
lyl text to Ilarltet 141144, thence II 11.1011 ,Irert
1..1 .011,4 ..In.. of begloolog ; briny Port of lot
annA., 41 In 111egetient1 plot of luta of .414 lot
cbagli of-Roarer. twilit; the came lot $llll oint euo
reyeit !ilbolstrt 11 Soo., of Ho itst,lew of the
111,1 tout he Samuel Unrlcloolt, tr.srly of the sn..z.nol
put 1.1. fired OMNI Ilo• Gilt tiny of Norm:, her. NA.
nn Nrlalell 1. errtlett n IM"...loll . franc t
.I.IW 11l lty Za feet. withroosts, nsol
oat tootensenth, nbos a fratno nlsti n 0.14•
rlscm bonne cloonectott thrt •also coal 5,11°C
and other nereepory nuthondluko On Ilse prilulm.,
the lot 1. planted with trait hero. nut: I. euclooed.
Salmi and token In caravan L. the properte
of Jame.* Xa•Clind Xarkled U No“, rt
pun of Op** EhiridKat. , •
- .
At lie panne 1:1== . .
•11 o:ht , title. lute,.
On tot Aisne( . Qt, ta and ta. tots N o
4 sad It In Mask.' larbard's ptaa at Me et1... k .,;
of Beam !alio. , cottony of 11 . 2 'rt tod bull, r-f
Pao N 47101844 bobattad 21 01 eftertb , 4 a. loibiae•
latlt Nit:i Wanda! sorb by lee ri„. 1, art b 7
~e .
dm , alley. mak by lot No.o arta •tet by 1t...,
street. belll3 Id fest front ~t , Itreror,.., .„,
Mania,/ east 143 feet Or Erdar alhy, on a '
there I. erected • new tram, awrilln• boos. io:,.
Ity Net. 'I stories high with ro:bor m015r,.„,„ ,',
wins' or exteaslon of saute hrfrst raor.ssui :to o .
brlttiti by 14 fort. also ;eon h a. talhry op s ~,,
hl IE, also *frame titabla and 0 41,11.1;r 're 1.,: t
N 0.6 bupnaea north by lot No. i, • a-t ~ r r ..,,
Hey. south by tot No. b and boil by ik,,,,, ,
mil oill Itetver .art- t 11:14 rittinin.:.”, I i i
lean to embar all-y; both tota male, r. r.,.
z. 141 And taken io execution 'oe iron o• , ,f
aalsosou. at Otos - Mt 01 Ati , irca. 1; '• •
~ f
in co. for the ore of l'n.iilp llohh:
ALSO. No :::::.
.At the 1.4 MO 'ant nod pia, .., MI the ti,b! ~,...
[Merest end e:alta al defendant, or. In 104 to ail
that Certain lot or pima of Ltrit.tini •It.ixte In im •
bortolzh or Itearar Yalta, hear, roan',. ,„,, pater, 0
01 . Petin.ylll3ol.l. &IMO"' ant 11 , 1t14!,1 .. /0 ,
tutor; to It: twin:: lot No. I.LI iu 0.- F. ,, t .M.l
platt of lots of rain horoorth awl Isomlll I, r . ,
north by tut No. llitat, on the ....Ft 1.1 borLio,.:
on lita iollth by lot No. i:io . l. Anil on ilo. 5,., 1
BrittbiOn allay., on whit h Is anal, II a lio n tt r;
frame dwelling how.: coutaluitur tour ninon. +1:
thtlll JIM ninn hrcrs•sry UntiStliniill:to tin ILe po e a
I 1. , ... Pixel nll , l fllntql In execution xe the Lra L
arty of Js, h Etalor. it tile roll of Jar E 1.1:t
shorqr oEl..e,th,t‘er, Pe., Mali!, Ist. Ira - ••••
• _
Waruee. PIIn Ittumed. Le. 1 •,•„. •
(nut 1. 000 rure r)
ul 11110.1. 1111111 u; or Pik, •,,
•1101.)d Inuursll:ll‘l3. roll un
fist oull .4.-111 fur Il fr 0..111 1 ill.' Lr•l .
ro. lala I ) olrurd f.a..c111,r.
ure brily ttlilltrtl 1,, .1:
11auu./,11r.•, /1• 14,1' 10//1,11/•
hi /14 u.•.
11,e, ~.11.• 110; /41:011/III• 1•I (••It • :1/1, ..:1• r
It /urn Craerl ir:rlr, er
3 Prlr, Virr•
erourp% urge.
:moo 31 - ore
Wiarnre• TOllle
ea:du:ape .0:l .r;,
Itabttnal Caotitrt....•. 1100, n• al Ti
Lit ant rnnoto):lll:hy.lrtat. G.r. var. La 01,,
ts hat Ito. 10.:paraton. wit! :10 In af. Mtn...,
1‘141,041111 . 11111Z UP: lane, Ircon.air 1, ca.,.
tam. to.O.rilbt il:g.1.11:01..:1.1nr•:.::4t11 hot:.
tool lotly.tatal:y. ran`:llL;; Ina,. ai . , wry Las..
uaLtiett fa: y. a a hr ;LA
. restful, tt.atr 10,Clq , .11101.1• awl oh nor :inn,
0 . . le. Une trial all : t.tlor
to re' tonnottol ha:lt t.l nta.l.lo pttrod l e
to a all4litly .111001.111..: la.: tan a 'pl. nd1:1 a;
it .tr 1,1 4: 111, :t tf l anarbtill ...U.,:
tic: dL .Uric brgAn, Ilk lailt LI a.ta. 14.11 e.
Lorvoun and d,t ria - 1111, "Or. .Ilaut4 It,
bro l t Pyrprp•io 11,0.: , by
l'r:rt: Oise IPOtar.
Cl-11LT 6 - /- o IN1l)1111:
Warner's Cough Uslsatn
eillug aid eSperlie,lllll4, 11••• ealrtortlar-..:•••
er It pare,. ••• lu lleleetll3ll.l,
u.s lIY c 13171• 4: the
.1. W., sore Illroat. lirouchtt,ltsc.l... I s . l:
11,sirees,s .lot bum and l'an•tinyt., • th.,
tarrettlbl.. So prompt u Ile• tar I
•11 , 4r.1s the .Corn t.bac., ur our
throat auU suth,:o, that IbutLtut:••••l . •
,ratty pre•ertltilt,4 It. (11/111elle a;
the mfr.( health;.: and -•
luua u. '41.0 ulauya relet
liturt camas one bottle elLata a Cu re 7••07
- gh•le, 111 , large bottles. Vrlve•
your owls bolt If sou .1111 tough .•ha •..17
ilabant will Cure.
The :ruat Mood Path", and I ,
WatrtiCe• VIUM:I2 {list., or %Slur.'
lw Ireg nrom any pul.unul,nruL• r
law 14.1..Lre.: Inn
II I. :a 0pit . i..11.1 app.•;::.r
tniln4 lu 11, ii CUM Cur pL::.; ; 11,4 Mt
1i,r:11lIt t :440 da
Co :I...IA.1111c: ti!.ii
olnl clwaper f... 11.
ran tali, ow V. L.. I.
as IT,: Cu, ,ii I
%Vilr72l, • I.IIIIIIC lIDZI.Ig.M
• •,1,
• • .0' 11..1
rt IJO 0 11.! 01 • D. .0,1
11 , 1\: 11 L. . 1111:\i ,
I. 4. it .1
Vrr .1141i1111. •
.11;1 tth. , ... J.b or L.
TALK AND 1ED14.11.
n.. run:l7llo.h. • "[bro. r •••
pitt•ll•hed tile It. .Any Dodgy la:. .ro•
war it. 31n, .4 • ...VA , :
from t. 7.00 to u:g, prt . • 1r0h.1 , •
MI book. Ci pAgA.7 -I I : fr.•
appllch, ill', V% Aok • \_•,: u.
ho rho rally opprvehlte tta , ,,, , A• th• ht:
and lit'l . .A vlitort at rum - 4r a to,o 1,4 04 - 4 A
ttr•lre to ,t, v
o LLl•s rr.
432 L;re •, r N• 1.•
:1 %51
Carol /:•.;41 lir tL. '"• •"
o,•tvul Lielle,' :Azeld).regulate.l4l. 4 .:, •
, O.r tint, n,41 ,:,., lilt hat( the tt•hal
rt. E.rtr.2 o.l:thy, IS I%4st •• L• '
fCL”.tli. Full :leo. 4 ,
!Itovettt, tat., rerfe - 4 4 11 y Ittljitotatt It• aU4. 4
.4,44 •
nil earls warrat,z , ll I.) Li., .1: , 4 a:
/1 0 .` , // , 4, : , IEI •
• .171. a. 1.e..1 Urrlr Ft. \V , , t , -
/tit! Ste/a--writdin , / a..• 1 r-
It.; , i , (11. •
e. 1 4,1 ,‘4,1-211:eti q ,i! •
mui•A •
ot Qa,.10,- •,. 4 , li • . 4 - .1, t
J.•••,•ill..11..•1, Of at; •,'
ETtoi TO. :Joie.
:yr Our ‘rntenen me NO ••Arr.t:,o , !, ..t , .. •
1••• to—t oil' L•• 1.1.••11I, 1. :%.1 owl.. t oo .••
l•ll, 11, r•vol• - • ~ota ~ , , ~1,
all conJ• by 1,1,,,,a, 0, a 1...,. .. 4.
1,:1,11.,., T, 1.1 . 1. N ......, I. ::::::!. I:: : .•.....
ruu- hi' l' t)ttl•:•.pro..• ,It .•,,..,., .1 ,• • .. •
l'ArtorT, ret ure•-•!. l'l, , • •••• l ''," l''. i'll"" .
ii.ottalo;tyttl be mod to NI.,C. it/ tc..4•1•10 , 1 ••
o•••ottillaz t• i• 11 1.; .. • 1 , ..'..
.1b1i,i.r..11.V5 . (1...1 1 :• .1' f• f'! . •--
1,..i.,,' it .I.‘. t•Il to ;`,l tarn 1% ,1:.•• 1..
1..: , :t1:t.: 31111-4.10 , .de 1...: : : ...LI, .. •- ,
' Sint, , :v.tril.V.on ati,t pin
Old ord.. ~.a It% 111.111 0, , • I
V% lON St 11"1'111 CO.
Jll, ' 1. IV% r
opport moo— v.• uffer!, • •
littitn., , ..‘l. ,oro . o•
tl,l4ntlt or thcir w r.• I. •
Ttic N.t TIC/N.ll. :11..11. I:` , l* `. Lil•
An. for rat.. r c-_,te . rser!.
..r! Ow Midair lita.l t..”1:11, •
anith. v/II:00,..11.11//114( Lam.. ; r. • ' '
pi :d
/144,,..int1.i. • r.
and r , ,rd rvolden.. r 1 2114 6 ., e ,
. 1101.14/ jaffpri.o. the.
. • .
Writ,. for Lrottf kerne,
l, cnnott. rli t• sod It'll. I t prisprrl!
rianer•el u Ith our
e gni". zoo' /hr.,/
•upers 1.1.11 of Ihr well known
hoe lhe Oeilintne,• Dep rple•b: •
reirofj/10 torattieu/
ti,(l in thr ilitl-rent Gov entru, 1 1 1 ;,
peclnlly In Ihr Wnr nutl th..he
11A , edif pepers c:.4.11%
tft.tlty executed, end /10;,,
ore us the Alto:1,81 Joud.ib;, '...•
7•Ihn.:1:t1 uttetitlon rivq, v•. ••• '"
en... for rrlAotte,rxlertsl. , ..l , !'' , .'''''''
viva, .f.c.
/4./Imi lard i.
~ 0., ft ,
of :In attic.. mule talt r“ ,
ol 'k.
Favor rdurivn
POCYIt IN V 1.:N"l'it. )1 : : "
hp n',.1.1111:: tht•ut In 1 ,,,,,,i , kz yr , ' ,
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