The Beaver Argus, Beaver. Pa.* ■area I areillation Thirteen H Rotes or Advorthillig. TIMM. 3w. 6w. in. 6m. 1. yea cor—lDllues, V5OO $3OO Vi 00 1/T 00 810 00 conc., do 380 SCO TOO 10 13) 15 Cl 3 column, do SCU 6 IX) 9001100 91 00 4 equarm, do 000 800 10 BO 15 00 SLOB column Oro 11 00 1600 10/ 00 38 00 y l column 11 01) 15 00 10 00 3800 6000 column 13 Ou 30 00 ` 3BOO BOW KO CO adtalidotraiore and E weal; notices per nine, (Ef'' Payments to to for tranalent adverUaei In advance. .xocuture No ), tic conic mi mode Qom meat; which DEO. P. SIOW&ILL. 40 Park Row, N. AND S. M. PETTISNOILL & COs 31 . Park Row. New York are the soli agents for Tax Burn Annul in t hat CIO, and are authorised to amuses fur inserting advertisements for as at oar low• est cm& .ntes: Advertiser. - tis that city are re • qoveteo to leave their beam Will either of the above balms. . . • suite °ribs Piersnometer for the w•eok ending March 111 h. 1871. " A. 31,7 X. Nlarch 5 3G deg. 54 deg. 42 deg 40 deg. 44 deg. 34 deg 7 27 deg. •07 deg. 57 deg 8 41 deg. ' OD deg. 54 deg 9 51 dog. • 58 deg. 50 deg 10 40 deg: 57 deg. 45deg 11 41 deg. 47 deg. 35 deg g. T. TAYLOR. TIME TABLE. tievellangi dt , Plt4lianh 114 1 11.--21vIsui East leave Beaver Station 114 . 1004 Ms: MO4 , ACCOM . O 0.17; Mall. La F. In ;Evcninif Ex. •retr. 3 3U; Local Freight '(conic+ Paf.tual.r.) 341 p. ul.• Truln. ruing Writ leave Seaver Station as (al t..: MAIL 1;43 a. m.; local Freight (cartylug posengenii 10:03 ii.m.;Accommodatloo, 5.41 p. m. Putt. Wt. W. C. W. U.—Tinto going Foot I.•nie Seawater Station (at end of bridge) as (DI -Ins.: Mover Falli Accom.ll.l)3 a.m.; Boon &ocean. 7.10 a. in.; New Castle accom. 8.311 a. m.; B. Falls scrum. 111.10 p. in. Trains going West leave Rocheater Station, (al cud of bridge) aelfollows: B. F. accom. 10 a. in.; Edon accom. 5.12 p. m.; Erie night ezpnise 5.43 p. in.; 11. F. accom. 7.37 p. m. Train. 'ping East leave Mochinter (Upper) Be. pot as follow.: B.F. axon. G. 05 a. in ; Noon at coin. 7.13 c, tn.; New Castle accom. 8.40; Chicago exp. 10.53 a. lin Beaver Fails aceom. 12.15 p. Chicago Mall t. 03 p. m; ICrie e!p. 4.10 p. in; Chicago exp. 0.03 P..: Mee moil 0.53 p.. m. going West, halve Sochi-411er (upper) be follows; Chicago mall 8.15 a. at.; Kite exp. X 5 a. in; Seaver Falls memo. 9.55 a. Chicago exp. 11.30 a. nt.;•Chicago exp. 3.53 p. New Caa.• MI ovum. 4.90 P. as.: 05 0. 5 . 13 p. Seaver le dl. accom. 7.3 d. . b attention of the public is directed to the following New Advertisements which appear for the first time in the Slums to-ddy: ' ..ispiwial Notice—Drs. Oldshue. Special Notloe—Mrs. E. H. Beacom. 'Special Notice—HeZouche it Co. special Notice—H. W. Iluffum h-Co: special Notice—Dr. B. V—Pierce; Special Notice—S. h J. Smillenburg. - special Notices—A. C. Hurst. - Bottling House—H: W. Butfum sale Adjourned—D. H. Honcho°. • Special Notice—Speyerer & Sons. . ' Dsecutor's Notice=-John Ferguson. Honing Mill—J. Ii: Snead & Co. Wall Paper, hc.—DeZouche h Co. EleetionJainew Allison, Treas. 'liankes.-11On. Win. 'McClelland, smabor of Congress from thiC,dlitrict, iil4 our thanks for numerous 'public L • N riNy WAGON )011 SALE., -A Splendid, two-horso wagon with the celebra ted east spindles. and completely finish id in Ilie latest and Lost style. Only :too 'parties dialing themselves In want now wagon find it to their Inter t.4t ItV purchasing. Inquire of Mao. IP. Smit ' ll ' ,Topler of Brighton street and the public square, itoehester, Pa. marB;3t A - Fatal Railroad accident ocfporod bi a man named Davis, of Alliance, Ohio, as Wednesday last, near Columbiana. Ile - Was a brakeman on a freight train of the P.' Ft. W,A, C. Railway ; and, report "-aye, the break gave way as he was draw ing it, wherebY he lost his balance and fell between the cars. ilo leaves a fauffly. A LAUUI stock or now Dry thlotla,te., atpopular priecit, at A. C. Ilurant, Itrailgowator._ runarls,l3w. Mr. W. M. IlVilgou had his hand cmighain a "'Luiz." saw, In the chair manufactory in N'ilw Castle, on Friday of week before 'last' lacerating and .al lewd cutting ott the two smaller lingers of his right. hand. .The accident was caused by trying to de two things at once looking' one way and reaching the other. - yili: latcrtt novelties of Ladicte Hata and Cidgnotot of all iec'dtirs,' ut A. C. I . llNt's, Bridgewater. - [inarls;3w. We cannot but think that woodchuck c,.inmitted att,egregioutt error, in going two his hole on the 2d of February last, hw•ause he taught a glimpse of his shad ow. lie has lost Nome excellent weather ill IIOIISCIIIIOIII- . 0 of sticking to his "old logy notions.' Ile should have known that "there are exceptions to most gen eral rules" and havo mado up his mind hi stay out until driven in. ''ruo, law ycrs, tell us "it is safer to follow old,pro ....dents," but it Is just' this very thing that, pow and then, works in.M.lleo to a Tirol and robs him °fall his wealth. lin kw and old prectxlents should bQ Made h. give way to eircumstances and the spacial demential' thetisse. That wood chuck hex bon 'lade tho victim of pertenaelty in Mllmeing.preectlents. WA Lt. pEn IWALL PA PEn ! 3—ln anothar column will he found the adver tisement of the well-known Avail paper 111,11., of DeZonehe do Co, of No. 112 Wood St., PittshOrgh. Thu stock of wall paper in store at Messrs. DeZonche • k Co.'s is, exceedingly largo and em braces all kitull of paper, from the most expensive parlor down to the cho}tls•st k itehen paper, all of which wilt be sold at lowest prices. tall of i Mtismrs. Zomba h Co. when In the eity and judge of their Jima and prices for yourself: • NEW Collar., Lnens mid Trimming.; ut A. C. tirst'N. • imiirls;:lw The German Rowan Catholic'cltizens Waver Falls have ptireliasett two lots in heaver Falls, On the corner of Tank :mil chestnut streets. upon which they intend ereeting a chapel, school room . and Pie,teral Residence. They are pre pining to txmllilepeo 'work. On the morning of March Bth Inst.: at- A k roil, Ohio, a - Man nattiest, Daniel Jlc• shot tdinselftleati In his room at the house of his sister,Mra. Johnston. Ila Wa. about 24 Years of age, and Inti mately connected with many of the nioist respectable families of that place. 'Cause, irCRICII4. NEW ltibboas of oat:010ra nod widths 4 ' A. (I. illirst's. Fountatu •Pes.—gotne thing new and novel, Ho sure and pied lc wlvertlsement In our paper heisded " , ;rcatest Invention of - the ,Age." I We I,licve the Goldenirountain r Pan Is un ,itrit.setl. A good pen is a necessity to matt, woman and 'child. Agents 6ro IH a chance to make money In Intro- I' 'lu g a good and saleable article. ly. The body of a woman was found 1 . 1 .111 t a wile and a half north of Titus tho Bth Inst., near the roll r,?.1 trick, in an tinfrequented The body i•ma but partially clad, and in a , date of decemposition. It was sup • to hive been that of a woman of .1k2.!)loto character,. about 25 years of 4 . 4.: and had probably laid *Lore It was r 01.1 11.1 for a period of two'. or .three months. It is thought she had fallen down the hank while in a state of 'anion. ca 0041. at A. C. Hurst:N. intls;3w. • ivals:—The people of Greensbo ro. Washington county, anti vicinity aro arouted in religious mat- AtWnn twenty-tiro have beets ad 41C11 to the Methodist church, and good work In still In progress- The Baptist chards (Rev. W. V. pastor) Is also holding a series of moot hip with entxouragingresults.; • LATEST NEWS. ' The Black Sea Conference met on Mon. day, in London ; and it Weald matters have been sailalketortly acklustiel:— Eight liver were lost by the Wreck of a steam launch on the cost of the Island of Jersey.—The Northern 'Pacific Bell 'rind bridge apron the Missbaippl at Brainerd, Minnesota, was finished on Monday lat.—The Pa. Senate wee riot in session on Monday; the House passed , a bill incorporating the Pennsylvania and West Vs. Railroad Co.—A man r e , named„.l3 uremia was stabbed at Rut stabbed e, Ind., on Monday, and is in a cri cal condlikin.—The U.S.Mouse of Representatives, on Monday passed a resolution repealing the duty on salt; coal, tea and coltbe.-:---The Wily thing now holding INugross together is Iris's laden to pretect Atte South against Ku Klux outragea..-:.1.-The steamship Euro pe, Glasgow,hist her Capt da and two of ficers overboard during the storm of the 4W inst. They could not rescue them. =I 2 arty, must Railroad ileetisig.-Luaartie, Red stone, Menalieu, German, and what la generally known as the bend of the ris er (Monougahela), both in Fayette coun ty and Washington, are moving for a railroad. Wealth that can build It, a mineral and agricultural country that, can support it, rind abilities that can Manage it, aro all at band, and were tel y y represented lu the meeting lieltiat ' c Dunlap's Creek Academy, in Fayette county, on the Pr, ultimo. Thoughtful, aagacious,anddelibentte, the solid men of thit section have taken up the matter earnestly in hand, and qllroad comnp nicidiun with the commercial marts the east and - north will undoubtedly bring great additional wiialth to that Por tion Of our State. Postmortem returning papery ad dressed to persons who have moved away should captain, If possible, what has be come of the person addressed, or his present post office address. It Is not suf ficient to say that a paper Is uncalled for, or Is not lifted. The reason of Its not being take; out should' also be givin. Or Sabbath' morning of last -week smoke was soon to issue from a mama house a short distance below itnon, In Lawrence Co. No one pald any attention to it until about 2 o'clock as people were returning from church a number amen with buckets Woreseen hastening toward 43 Beano of the tiro: After some eflortit the fire WILY "quenched. Examination proved that it had been deliber ate) Not on lire by some evil inclined pe ,as the fire had been started do the if r. Our Legislature is looking after pro longing the lives of the common cotton tails—the following bill having passed the Senate: It is, entitle 4 en act to pro vent the destruction of rabbits, and the first section roads that hereafter It will not be lawful . for any person In tho Com monwealth to kill or have unlawfully in his possession, or expose for sale any rabbit, between tlieJlrot day of January and the fifteenth day of October, In each year, under a penalty of live dollars for each and every rabbd'-so killed or un 'AWN* had in posiession or exposed for sale. . NoIMILEMS AND BOLTLIBSS.—ReId with- . out fail (leer dr. Cady'. advertlaomont In another oolUann e and write them at Mar. shall, Michigan, . Janl4ly. Tenant tiona\Barnt.—About one o'clock on Thursday morning of last week, a log and weatterboarded tenant house on the (snit of John L. Cooke, Esq., in North Strabane toWnship, about throo miles north of Washington;, Pa., which was occupied by John' Mull, Jr., was entirely destroyed by fire. The oc cupants succeeded In savings smslipnr tion of the contents., Mull's ltaw:lit ; about two hundred dollars, and Cooke's about three hundred dollars. It Is be ttered tho bknitfing was set on fire by somo ono as yet unknown. ' The annual meeting of the members of the liteavef - Couuty agricultundßoci ty ler the clot:lion of officers and wane . gers for file ensuing year, will be held at the Sheriff's office In Beaver, on Mon day, March 3:1, 1871, at le o'clock, a. tn. . marB;2w) A. R. Moons, Soe'r - • NEW Goods sit A. C. Hurst's. [tnls;3w Bell Ilingeril Lookout,Wa arc requested to data that the boys who' are In tile habit of ringing dour hells at night, in Beaver, anti then running , away, are known, and unless they stop the practim, they will'he sererely dealt with. nun-OR.—On Monday evening last"' a Span of borseshitached to of buggy be mine frightened as they wore leaving the stable of Thomas McKinley of ills place, and started oil rapidly. On cross ing a gutter on Third street, near the Diamond, Mr. Loner, the driver, lost his balance and pitched forward, over the dash board and lodged on the tongue be tween the horses and the buggy. This, further alarmed the horses and they ran rapidly. Mr. Lomter . cabght one of the lines and drawing it, wheeled the hoisei into time femme near Quay's building where the buggy was ,considerably smashed, and the occupants—Miss Bea ov»n~ grid "spilled out" and slightly 'Our I. Mr; ]ewer WWI also The Supremo Cannot our State says that the words "waiving the right of ap peal, and of ail valuation and appraise ment, stay of execution, and benefit Iron exemption Jaws," in a regular pr mm issory note, do not destroy Its ne gotiability. Matrimonial Mortality—Table of marriage Chasseen , Of Women. -01 ono thousand .niarrhal women, La i:en with our selection, it ix found the most 11cky time is between LW and 21. ma chances of women keep increasing till that age, and Then they rapidly di minish until they reach the ago of 40, whet . ' they amount to nixiiit nil. From 11 to Prom2S to 23......43 16 to 17 . •• Soto .11 IS to IS SIO t 0.71. . —l4 't.4l itt 51 *,ll tu 38... .. 8 ?Ito tu S 7 8 4 , - Ulu iS 1113 to 01) WM =I Mr.. G. Rouse was killed in the woods near Girard depot, on Thursday last. lie was cutting down a tree, which, as it fell, split from the stump. A piece 'flew back, strikhig him on the head, car rying one-half of it sway. A man who was chopping near hy, not boarini the sound of his ar. as usual, went to sea what was the matter, and found the man lying there dead. Mr., Rouse was a hard- working man, and leaves . , a witeand four or five children, whafor a living were dependent upon his daily labor. ON Wednesday last, an attempt was made to murder Mrs. McMullen of We teflon, Venango county, by administer ing chloroform while she was asleep. A man' named Winans has been arrested for the pet petratimrof the attempt. lie is an old penitentiary bird, and came in the afternoon to engage the lady to keep a boarding house for him, which ahe de clined. In the night following ale was awakened by a noise at the window, which was forced up. She became alarmed and attempted to arida, but was' aelzed by a man who jumped in through the window, and placed a cloth saturat ed with chloroform over her nose and mouth. A violent struggle ensued, during which Mrs. McMullen succeeded In freeing herself from the clutches of the villain, anti fled tote the street, screaming for help.. Before assistance. arrived, however, the cowardly snitch had made hie escape.. Mrs. MeMil lett stated the next. morning that rhe a was certain that the man Winans, who had. been there that 'day, was the person who had entered the house. Winans was captured at Ids home in Mercer county, taken to Franklin and committed toped to await trial. The Weeded% FM Wield% Bea vei Pails, in this county, are graphicly portrOed hi Teo Pqter as every thlngeteinseted with Use Ituumiketering telareits of Beaver countyrireof Mitered oOr reedere;' We transfer the diswip, lion to our columns:' - "The ground owned by Messrs. Blake and Fessenden, on which the Western File Works stand, is bounded on the north, west and south by Rapp, Mega and Economy streets, and on doomed by the slakwater; occupying -se entire .block between said boundaries, of 330 by 300 feet ; or about two and one-fo urth acres. The wholeof theatructures„ with the exception of the counting bemuse are of brick. The part fronting ea Economy street being two stories high, amt ex tending along said street 150 by 30 feet to the Midtwastar ; from the Meltwater or eastern end, a one-ate:7 wing, forty feet wide, running parallel with the alaews ter, spans the entire block. From the western end of the two-story part anoth er wing 60 by 410 feet is extend deg right angles. On entering from Rapp sheet, the northern end of the lon g wing before mentioned, you dud the steel room," about 'fifty feet long, in .which * large quantity of steel in bars, slabs and rods, in great varietz of a , les, Is stored. Next is the "fine room, ' in which steel Is cut lu desired lengths, "tangs" forged, and the points properl shaped; (the "tang" is the end of th e tile un which the handle is put.) Soot is the "anneal ing room," in which the "blanks" (at this stage the pieces of steel intended for files are called "blanks") are heated to a certain temperature in large, funiaces, end then cooled. This division in the , pruoess of tile making, requires great acre and practical skill. When cool they are withdrawn from the ilarnaetes and passed into an adjoining round , to be trimmed end straightened; next, to the "grinding room," where , by a series of atones, taiga and small, they are made perfectly smooth both on the fuss and angles, and made ready to receive the cutting which entitles "blanks" to be called "files." They are now passed to the "cutting rooms," where,' by a great variety of machines, the cuttings (Lines -of indentation) are put on; then sent by an elevator to a large room in the upper story for examination, and if found per fect, to receive the tr ade stamp; thence returned by the elevators to the "hard ening room," where they are thorough ly, scrubbed, - first with sand and then with a sort of paste,• then put in ovens to dry , , and when dry, withdrawn and dipped in molten lead and strong belue In rapid suoeossiou; then plunged Into lime water, and again dried In ovens, then brushed. Atter this process the tang ends are dipped in molten lead and oil ut immediate succession, and then, with a fine brush, bathed with spirits of turpentine. What were a little while ago rough slabs, bars and rods of steel, are now highly finished files ready to go - to the "finishing room," where they un dergo another examination—all adher ing pari.cles of lead and lime removed by a need le.l ike in etre ment; agaiu brush ed and then packed. The long linos of salting from which the various ma• chines receive their power, are driven by two'steatn engines, one of one hun dred horse-power and the other of forty horse-power. All the machinery is of dm most sub stantial kind, and apparently as perfect as human hands can make it. In some of the rooms,-particularly the cutting and grinding departments—the unskiii- Ald visitor bummed absolutely lost in atuszemout on seeing the exact and un erriar in..vetnent of the various ma chincs, and the wonderfully ingenious appliances which together accomplish the end sought. The heavy goods are cut when moving on a horizontal line,' and the speed over the plane is so nicely regulated, that the cutting chisels which strike from above, although" delivering 1,30 u blows per adulate, never miss the desired points. The machines which cut the lighter varieties of files aro atten ded by young women In a separate apartment, and although constructed on the seine principle are different in movement. on thesis machines the files are indented when moving on a vertical line. The grinding engines are construe.. ted on various principles, some of them atented by one of the proprietors, Mr. I3Jake, and the appliances for grinding tiles of so many different forms, are quite wonderful. The skilled workmen of every department, are of the very first order, both. from Europe and the east; °nolo( them (William (1adh111), came out fret England with a number of machines, for the purpose of starting them, and being a most aocomplished workman, the proprietors have retained him. ' The steel used Ia of the moat approved European and home brands, and, by their thorough knowledge of the prep*. ration and treatment it requires, added to the extraordinary perfection of tuoir machinery, have , earned the name of making tiles superior to any imported. It is now asserted, and I believe on good. grounds, that this establishment is the largest and most complete ono of the kind in the world. Gisx car of Canton City Flour, undo lot of White Lake Lime, received amid for sale at Speyerer dt Sen.'s,- wholssaln and 'retail. Nat many weeks ago the poatulter at Hillsborough, N. C., refused to take a ut utilated, two dollar bill in exchange for stamps. The gentleman who offered the bill determined to test the thing; and ad cordingly sued the, postmaster for two dollars damages. Thu suit has just ended and the postmaster has found himself 'out' to the amount of PO. At the trial it was ishown,that the post office depart ment had issued orders that postmasters should receive mutilated currency in ex change for stamps when offered. The Court:held that beside that all depart ments . Of 'the Government were bound to sustain the currency of the government, and that the tact of a bill being snore or less mutilated was uojus- Whatnot' for its being Vefused by • any official of any department of the govern ment. Borglary.—The Railroad station, at Mercer, l'a., was entered on last Tuesday night, and boxes of merehandise opened and portions of their mittens abstracted. Thu thief or thieves were very moderate, taking only such articles of clothing as they seemed to need. Their special weaknons scented to be for fancy neck ties of which they took a goodly supply: but in no ruse did they tako 'Sake pack ages. No clue has as yet been obtained as to the perjietrators of the theft. Sale adjourned to.fiaturdaytthe 18th flair. of March, at 1 o'clock, p. tn. at the Court Mouse, in Beaver, of that valuable property known as the" Mitchell Garden lot," containing about four .acreai with, fruit, die., situate nearly Xdjoining the borough of. Beaver, on the public road loading from Beaver to %im port. This is a most desirable site for a private residence, uid cannot be surpass ed in quality and location for gardening purposes. It will be sold at a 'Newsman, as Unkind going into, business elsewhere and Sun bound to soil if It should be at • sacrifice. Terms easy. D. M. Doifunoo. Alos the classes In the different depart ments of study are now being organised 'lu the Academy /a this piaer, those In tending to avail of. Its ad vantages will find the present the most favorable time to enter, that they may start fairlywith their several classes in the race for the tertn: ror every one is aware that the loss of a few recitations at the commencement must operate more or leas delltenously during every step of their future progress. IMPORTANT TO ALIALTIIOII . O who have been dealing with B. a. .1. Snellenburg (Merchant Tailors and clothiers of New Brighton) will be gratified to learn that. the Junior partner of the firm has been spending some time In the east, to very groat advantage in securing good bar gains in a well selected stock of goods, which they will sell at prices, to defy 'competition. And to those who have not dealt with them, we would say, give Aim a call and be convinced that they keep the best stock of clothing, the best 'material *tidies cloths, =Selmer's, ire. nets, diagonals, vesting*, des., as well as the best cutter west of Philadelphia. The junior partner will soon return, bringing with him avast stock of spring foods, which they cordially invite the, public to examine. Go ono and all and secure good bargains, at S. Studien burg's, Broadway, New Brighton. Kew. Dr. Leeds, President of Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa, preached a sermon in the M. E. Church of this plan, on Sunday last. The Con• gregation were highly edified in listening to`the learned divine's exposition of the •scrod word.- Nay, Itaioicrow, kGirr: MI; Eorrou Anotes-4Pear iffter Penult. me ihrwesk 1018r . , 001SMOS M. reply to the correspondeat of . the Radical Kt wit., who signs himself K. K. K 4 (14 Kl6s:JUaw Ihsw swan ll who o detdaree to the public that he is the embodiment of the wisdom and judgment, of the reedits of that journal. liad be condoed himself *Mathis the truth, no notictiof hint wotild bays been nenewary ; but in kitties to sayselfair member of the CouvenUan spoken of, I deem a reply doe hlnitind the politic. . t z The Good Templar. Gonventloit Ju their Iteroludon, expressed . "thit ibe ause wonted were the Koala& suasiers from the tradio In intogLosting drinks, they were entitled to, and ought jp have the right to the ballot; as a mime; of re movingthat clime and went no further; we do not propose be to discuss the ;question of distal:4 the paidlogoftlils right to Mead Would have uPosi their so cial and moral Influence, as we consider It so obviousthat no right minded per son win bring en • argument whist it: everything depemds upon the purity of the individual win:kooks at the subject, whetheilkappears degradlei or other wise. Many of the hest minds of the day are advocating just the same position And views we have taken upon this gum thin. 111, declaration that " the Good Tens plans are a political party, and have so declared," we most emphatically deny ; but we do contend that the temperance question as it stands to-day cannot be dbicuesed without assuming a political aspect; it la .a part and parcel of politics, and cannot be separate.., and will be, if is not already, one of the great loading questions of the day; this being the case we as temperance men have the right to express our views as to e the right of a professed temperance SIMI to preach tem perance. and sustain the ruin Mille by voting for uten — who are not known to be right ou this subject. The correspon dent further says "the (loud Template claim to have member.; enough hi change the mutt of an election in this county." This statement is false. The resolution does not so express It; but does ray that "the temperance men (meaning all tem perance men) have that power," and If the correspondent washalf as well post ed as he would have tsi believe ho is, ho would not expose hbrutolf by making such a statement as he has. How many voles does he consider necessary to change the result in this county? Bay emir hundred would do It. Does be pretend that there are not twice that whet* of temperance men In Beaver o. uuty ? I should feel sorry to live In a county containing as much Intelligence as this one doer, that did not, contain that number of consisteut tetnpenuito men, not such an K. K. K.— Any number of rum sellers can be found Who are advocating just the same kind of temperance doctrine as ho does. • Let me ask, what is be doing to bring about: and carry on this reform? All honest temperance men are doing some thing, bo it never so Milt.; and man* are devoting theirthne, talent, energies, and money to this wore, trying to edu cate the public sentiment up to the pro per standard on this question. But K. K. K. contents himself with fault finding and throwing obstacles In the Way of the only organisation that is to day doing anything to farther this re form movement. Let this correspondent who claims to be a strong tempenume man tell - na who he is, thatove may have an opportunity to judge ler ourselves by his pestreoord what he is; let him tell us what his plan la for marrying on this work, and getting the "vox much" right on the subject; that we nay have laws that it will not violate our ocousiMitioes to obey; then we will be obodient'to those laws because they are right, not because we must; that we may !nice an opportunity tisprotitby his sage counsels; but let him txmline himself to the troth when - bespeaks • the (loud Templars 4 and their work- lie may discover• that his information and knowledge regarding that organisation, and those who compose its membership is nut half so reliable as he had huagio- . ed it was. We do not fear investigation, but pre fer it conducted in a spirit of fair near and truth; not malice and falsehood. We are doing what we can, in the 1 est way tee tun, as we understand It, to save men from Mecum of strong drink; to save the youth of our communities from forming drinking habits, and thereby raise up a generation of temperance men mid women to carry out this work—tp save our them; wives and daughters from the woe and degradation conse quent upon these pernicious .drinking customs ofsociety ; and If people would aid us in our work instead of cavilling and fault finding, much more would be accomplished. If they do not like our plan of doing this work, in tkal name let diem Intro duce one of their own, and let as work In oar way, we will not du them harm, but gladly aid them' in any way, so the end may be attained fur which we all so anxiously pray may be attained, the absolute prohibition of the use of, and.traffic In intoxicating drinks. [lnasmuch as the above communlea thns covers the entire ground of review of Um Radical& article anutneuting on the Good Templar's resolutions of the Beaver District; we deem it unnecessary to publish the communication from Glen Arbor on the same subject. The author will see the propriety of using the spaeo It would occupy for other nisi,- ter when we assure him the above was lirst in type. En.] Horton Aeons :—Prosident Lincoln once received a call from an officer of high rank In the army who inforined him that recent developments had clear ly established the fact that his plans in regard loan.important military move ment—much maligned at the time—were admirably laid to effect the end proposed, and advised him to appoint a termitt s. of investigation whose report would doubtless set him light before the country. The President replied that if the re bellion were crushed the people would never enquire abluit his plans, regard ing success as a pivot of their wisdom, but were the rebels to triumph, the tes thnony, of a legion of angels would not establish, thia wisdom of his measures nor the purity of his motives and that hohelleved that limas his duty to frond all his energies to the greet work of sub verting the rebellion, wasting none of his precious time in replying to • the esivils of the opposition. Mr. Lincoln was right. .The degree of success at tained, all things being equal, proves the wisdom of the means. Dr. A. P. Merrill Introduced the grad ed *schools Into Natchez. Miss. Soon alter he was burned In emgy by an ex creted mob. The graded school system proved a snows& In Natchez. Now Dr. Merrill's portrait purchased at the ex pense of tiredly adorns the city hall, and the Dr. is numbered amongst the bene factors of the south. Twenty years ago it was the snidest of fiercedebste *poth er females - were !competent to teach school. the popniar verdict has long since been rendered in the atlirmative. Preludico against female teachers Sews our country ••lilts competition before the ghpeerof destiny," and to-day many Institutions of learning have all their de. pirtatenti Oiled with ladies who sustain themselves ereditably and reflect honor upon tire , institutions with which they are connected. Success is the teat of merit. Was tiot, Mary Lyon of Holyoke successful t the thousands of young ladies educated under her saw. vision whose mental and moral culture is or the highest order, is a angiciest an swer. Miss PettixzlY, principal Or the Melleth of-North shealaltiee4m4em tbbeementy; **it pans estaiteowd the edncatkia of tug larPot 'Sad youag guillemot. : g 1 lame At i . keitabir ii, 1 enviable. lo onAlle Named 1 1 protheelooli Wm beelepils and ' they.attribeite suich#,soill_lities._ la Life to thiliablte *mid heikertleitef. both* dlsclpitne;iusd thogrimervia.. liiia of Mies Mellitii. "t di Nortlifiewlekleyl Aiiikai , -fig a Mode! tailMitiesa' , Too ~. . Mi'd gelitlerawe who 1 itiotAti.:e at! blgtilyiksOred—bar Ono or , lot aleired to Insure them thormiginuie la moral; mental and iellgious culture, -The wet: tee yesterday - 'lolled fleateetee„ and whl.• there attended the emisdnatlon In the Wilms' department - ofAle Waded schools of that town. He gaped a lama attendandi _cud e; WO dekliitHilesi emu course of citizens' present to *Thews the °toeing awl:W*4 tho school- To ea that be was plea Mil with she muffins lion would Out be sufficleitiy a:pres ides. He was deeightted- Theleriter has been i protaisioeuif taech4.tor Mien years and has Wassailed tbe.olothig as. ercisee of many aulicioli of lery grad% north, Id emits. ease and w betakes pi essun i la magas that !bp ataireey In scholarship, promptness method la reciliiteme, kw ladylike and ' tleasinly deportment on the put of te scholars, the high school dimeatosos. of She Ito. chaster graded achoola le •Ifiesoegemed by , any , be bas stir witne*Thiwili• tot learns thlt illis Platt teacher in that department end _theklbe le sir- Wally prineepel alba - tar graded 1 schools. She - he-do e eminently qualified for thisjadtlon gentlemme could, not sus . with more credi terrJttra U l dcias ereipt I n wlttro l it the writer eons 'AM r In so great 't to . Platt for the high' order of merit die yed in the clueing axmvirei of her nt.— Whets mallet Well tis fur alshod, may the irriter be to par take. Much Mb, 187 1 . i . VIIGLIM M!MI!!!!SMI We do y not as la genera thing take kindly to the "buns" 8r ocr town. We are a good, resPaitable steady-going sort of people, and have but little sympathy with the extreme uotimmoirf the "refor mers." It was therefore with some sur prise that I heard it whispered there would be a.Woutione meeting at -, "Not at all public,. my inform ant said, "for We are not gang to make ourselves ridiculous and set into the pa pers, like those Pittsburg* ladles did.".. As a Cosner of course (was there at the appointed tifne. We met in a pri vate parlor and"ire weizrerrent about twenty ladles ?old. Mrs. Smith was there,. f course, - and Mrs. Brown and Mid Jones,: the Doctors' wives, and i sprinkling. of Lawyers' wives and daughters.: There' were 'no ministers' wives present ;, this was ticeable from the feet tiud,:there are at least a dozen residlug lathe "Rest," and one does not at* Reet that number of ladies without une or two minister!? wirressusong them. As • class, howev er,. they are con*Mr‘stive,Wnd like to be on the right side of te (cube, and as the Woman' Suffrige queetion is not yet. decided, I supper,. we Wed not expect to see them at such meeting*. But to go on With our report of the meeting. In tiMtlrid place we bed any amount °flaking. and ai all talked at once it, wilt be Inspmethis to glue it ver beam. The malt wis that in some way Miss Jones was made praddent and by peralitent effort She aucosededin bring ing order out of "onto:din . . • She then said: ?!This. pads& ladles, Is Informal, wartime molilio:exelmage views on the Woman,' Bights mutation, and to take measetros Wean?* orguda log a Womana' Saffteila association. The tints hses 2. 2mOr_ l mitittwettm! true iront Midi 1 the struggle for erenfreedtim, wom ans' rights. When we once have the right of suffrage what •,apluire of uss fulness la opened h?fortf , um. We will 'then have a voice In making the laws that are to govern us. We will do away with intemperance and all the evils that follow in Its wake. In abort we will re organise society ,and—" Oldie Mrs. Smith): "Miss Jonas, did you ever hear of the way Artemu. Ward's wife reor ganised bins?"' I - Miss JoueL (with dignity) "I do trust ladle', we will have uo jesting on the subject. To niti it Is a newtons matter; one Involving the best Interests of our country." (Lawyer'. lady): "I, wee with our president. It is not a subject tops' up on, and it is high duns the thinking women of the land rally to the help of thesoble women who are tolling and battling for their oppressed sisters." (Mrs. Smith): "Indeed ladies, I only asked civil question. I came to be en lightened, for I don't pretend to be poet-. ad on the "woman question," and I am sure she said something *boat reorgan izing something." Lawyer's lady (look lug severe), "As I was saying we must rally to She help of this noble band of woolen. 'The movement is daily gain ing grouhd and without doubt will tri umph. We are all in fivor of it, and It is our duty to come out and let the world know where we stand." Mrs. Doctor: "If I could be convinced that woman's suffrage will do fur us all that its advocates claim, I should be with you heart anti hand; but it does seem to Burrwicx. me that the benefits will be over balanc ed by the evils. What security have you that bold designing women will not con trol the polls then, just as dishonest men do now. In such an event bow much better will our lot be?" Mrs. Smith: "I think It would be per fectly splendid to go to the polls and vote. When.' told my boob:sod this eremites that I was going to a Womanir Suffrage meeting, be said„.”What is the use, you have a vote already,' bald I, haven't auy such thine 'Oh Toe: odd be 'you and I are one,lnd if I vote don't it follow that you vote, too?" (laughter) Mei Jones: "Shall we,proceod with the business r' Young lady: "What did you . say, Mrs. Smith ?" Mrs. ticaltb: "I said I ton going st any rate. 'Of course you are,' raid he, tilting Hs chair took and placing his feet upon the back of another. When I left he was singing." ; • • a wt)imut will. sic ri 11, ‘• And yam depend ott wen es woo mar took!. wee•r % And awls, an tad on h. • Miss Joom: "Shall weitoCeed to bus iness, btdkte?" Mrs. Smith:! (looking at her wateb,) "Nine o'clock I must go •home to my baby." Moms: "Nine o'clock t So late as that r Miss Jortop; .Let us proceed to busi-J nou." - r• • Mri. Smith: "Just what I am going to do, Miss Josses, Good-night, ladles." ' Mite Jonon (desperately.) "Ladies, shall we do anything towards—". Chorus: "Obi it la too late." Miu Jonem ',But, ladim—" Like: "Mists ',Robes, it you had a hus band and chlidavek--" Miss Jame (savagely). "Thank good nem I haven't. We did not 'Joe:poise". at that time, Mr have we hid any mote nieeitlap; bur slum Miss Itindsuara's.. lecture Miss 'Jones los aipilti taken heart and we are soon to have another meeting. JENNLE. • Tie dos briek mansion Wog sreetbd bytbelissrs..l Waiver. id Wheatland. Mercer aNito l , caught Orem Thursday wreak% sod was desarewl to lb* amount or about $3,04 Rally Covered by iMY7• Anew. -WWI* cOloplsled this will be one °Ms fined esalkoses In die county, sod It Is said will aid aver *skeet'. Ihread Aambillest,OßTherifir tart, Nit* litiKetit eeenrred th Nur Natio; Pi phi *bleb ri Young girl named Ihiremr Crairlbrd,' wham Istento reidsthen CUntom. If/tartan , cminkri was killed. ill avow, Neff the, : 644 t from Jaw* Itikemerse maws go to Spun thr the Purporthiff. Myth; a palest ohm sal ertlelawasitiralked upon the rail reed Irma. When' Item the thiglee .and 'tank bane; in New Chatia, t h e, freight train approached. - Oiling to illumine: the pohitiand the obstructions of build. ipp,, etc., the memo, did , not nee her. : untiraboat . fitty Wit Irma. bar. 'He at ,anos whistled th e alarin.:.thlkiwlng it 4sinnediately bli . tbe sigma. for "down brakes," Tbs. girl beard the signal and steppad off the Um* before the engine readied bet. Lilt not hir enough-to clear the Milne, the pilot' 'beam of which struck her '.ind threw her epithet ■ wood ,which aho 'staggered and fell Moder' the wheels- of the that mr. Her left snit and hug' were crtuthed by the wheels, and She ,entire left aide of her bead torn uff, ellowlng",the left bibs of the brain to tall out. No blame can be aUsolied to the engineer; who, snow as be aim her, mad. everyStroh to "Sopa* train. The coroner was notified,. and at once =Swims:id a pry, who randired a verdict in tothidanoe with the theta. lien. remains Mire 'taken charge ' - of by &kinds in New Caine, and forwarded ,10 her parents on the Wowing day, ' ' No Iltrwatin.-.We ilotiot :Irish to' in ferrer you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any ot her " than, has.disoovered !trent& dy that curesall,dhwaserof tu:nd, body or estate, and Is desisued-s.anake our sublunary sphere • Mishit Paradhsk to which Heaven itself shall be but a side show, but we Jo wish to Inform you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy: bas cured tionsauds of cases of Catarrh hi Its worst forms and stages, and the pro prietor will Pail:4olor a rase of this loathsome aisles which b canuoteuro. It bay be procured ofdruhists or by mall for sixty cents. from It. V. Pierce, M. D.,l3uffalo,N. Y. A pamphlet sot free. CAOI/40 . 1 d for Ilya One th ousand bush els wanted at lipeyerer et Son's. St. PairSek's Day.—Nest Friday .will be Mt. Patrick's day; patrols saint of the Emerald Isle, who Ix accred ited with haring banished toads and frogs from Use bogs of hirin.• "The tomb weld kop, sod tie bode Item Alp, l'uet•bsste tam dm leather; • Aud the makes committed reicilde. • To ems tieiwtree bum etanglaber." Te day is Wunlversal holiday with the Irish and their descendants throughout the world. There will be Met MIAS at the Catholic Church In Beaver, at 91 o'clock L. nu, on lo'riday next, hi honor of St. Patrick. • Saw Prints, Gingham,' and Dress Goods; at A. C. Hurst's, Ifinaria;3w. Sow that i'Stortny March" has sot in; It behoves every housekeep er to see that their chimneys and stovepipes aro free from accumulation■ of soot. A burning chimney, drring a high wind, might cause a disastrous winflagration and by atteming to the chimneys and pipe in time serious loss and trouble way he avoided. ltiotovst.. —Alm. E. 11. Bescom's Trims*Mg more, will remove on the 14 of April, into tbe neat and nowly Cited up room in Judge Adam's building, Third street, Beaver. A tine assortment of reasonable Milliner* and trimmings will be offered to her numerous patrons .tiraris;4w DarlimistinsTempersuileeneethig Those interacted in the MEM of tem perance in this community. ifter several meetings ,without :tuition ' met t 'at the Re: form Presbyterian Chu rch, on the GM day of February, 1871, and formed them selyes into a society known as the Dar lington and New GAHM° Temperance Union, by electing J. A. Anderson Pres- D.Alsote. iietwahwy. The following preamble and resolutions wore adopted as a basis of union: Wutiessut, intemperantie still prevails to an alanniug extent in our community, and whereas it lauutubering among Its victims many of otfr youths who are the hope of the church and Mate, and where as hale and arguments of the mot star • Sling and urgent character, gather armed every defensible staud-point asstuued by the friends of the holy muse of tem perance, all calling aloud for immediate, radical and united notion, that the scrolls of intemperance written within and with out, with mourning, lamentation and woe, way be numbered among things of the past; therefore Resolved, 1. ' That on the principle of expediency and all other moral cutest& welkin,' connected with this movement, we adopt as a basis of enthused co-oper ation in restating this evil, the loth:ming pledge: AILTICLX 1. Total abstinence from all intoxicating liquors sea beverage. ARTICLY 1 . 1111 we will use all leve ret means to prevent Use manufacture and sale of Intoxicating drinks In this community and throughout the laud. Anr. 3. That we will by all proper methods induce callers to adopt this pledge. Reacifved, Y. That - those trietelly to what is contained In this basis of settee endorse the manse by their signatures. Resolved, 4. That this society when completed, shall be known as use lee heron Temperance Union, and that all signers shall be entitled to vote suit sr stet In all business of the society, and that a meeting shall be held once smooth or °fuser, for purpose of creating a sen timent in favor of what Is herein con tained, and for the purpose of taking such action as may from time to time be found 'lace:awry to attain the end : herein arrived at, as iutilspenslble to the com mon welfare and the interests and hap piness of the humor racy. Resolved, & That a committee of two representing the different Chriatlan de numinallotus of this community, he ap pointed by their own sessious, whose duty it shall be to carry out the princi ples herein contained, and for • the pur pose of calling meetings, procuring speakers and also for the purpose of bringing to justice all who violate the laws regulating the sale and use of in toxicating liquors. Reirefeef, ii. It shall be the duty of every member to report to this commit tee all violation., is the laws relating to this matter which shall coins to his knowledge. Resolved,7. That the members of this society bind themselves to defray all n expenses that may be levered In tare g out the foregoing. Oise System of Proetlee.—The medical world has lax:drue divided into so inatiy litTerent cliquey, Isla and whits, that out peculiar system or prattle° nio need some explanation, it being the Ee LECTIC WUllttitti with the UIIOIICOIIA. ' Our remoslieliare principaly vegetable, discarding entirely the use of "CalOntel or Mercury to any goon; believing it to be a disease-footling agent of the worst do- scnpUois. We arc giro opposed to the use of gener al blood-letting In any case; believing it to be Injurious Ili the constitution, and often- Unit% dangerous to life. Our mode or detecting' chronic 'tree done of the lutenist organs, Is principally ivy au emulation of the urine. During the whole mum of our Mody and prstaLe we have paid particular at. tention,tothis old "German - Mode" or de tectingfillsoases, and we feel perfectly sat isfied that "there is no more tvrtala sign offered In disease" than La presented in that secretion. - Therefore. , we now-more especially to vac all More laboring under any linger ing disease that has dm been cured, be muse, perhaps, the complaint -was not properly understoisi, to send a vial of urine fur examination, and have the neces sary inealnis sent them. We wish it distinctly understood that Dile "sptvial" Invitation is given in these who have sufficiently tried thenimedics of their family physician, and ' have failed to oh. min relief at his hant4 • II& Is our prlv and right as a physician, and It is the_ rigid and privi lege Of the Mllletad to o b tain their prate"- Mond advice and usedielue where they choose; Our oak* and residence Ia at No. litiOnint 'Meek Pittsburgh. where If any owe chooses Windy ws will give thew our hid undid ettestioo, and will premise them relief fa miry ease where inmost& hope can beentertaln ed..- DEL Chaesurs. IMMIMMIEMM emiyivania levdithh). 4. 4 Ilstsreum, :11ards . T..-illr. Ratan Intro die dtheicillowlng Anther Itrlng dell a / a rta to incorpOrate undue' are In auarineSS Companies' without capital ; se tibllaising a new ferry over the Ohio riv er at ; lersedola j eusibling Nine Brighton borough lemon's:ma hider works ; rel ative ta ores and tire eoMpaules In New Brighton.: • All ausendmenti to the ap portionment hill were voted down by a party vote. Mr. Rut= .opposed Use hUI sus unbir on its raem, giving Use minority party—the Demecriey—a insjority la both brinebles of the Legislature. woos: private calendar day, and nsany Private and lead bill, were disposedMt,,hut none of liatered to Beaver county. The load option liquor law parsed haterbest gessavi, March S. —..The Allegheny coesesty , soihiry bill unustioinprombuct sad will psis: Among the`bills passed were none or general lutenist.,Various ausendruerds were props:mod to the ap ponliornont bill on as secure the . Itopu llamas • majority In both branches of the! Legislakire, bat they were voted down by the beiaccats. In the discuadesio, tienesur White charged Wallace with having manipulated theWll with an eye to being elected U. 8. denatqr. The lat tar gander retorted very sesterely, char sceerhinWhites's speech sea vile warned a , unworthy , of a genator. Mr. Fin y charged Mr. Whits with a desire to be Governor. TM bill • Use Senate, -bat willabe killed C a re House. The bituminous cal mining bill passed to second reading. novss.—Nothing of interest occurred. Sxxxin, March 9.--A bill authorising Savings Institutions and Trust ItMinpa nips topu rebate bonds of the American Steamship Company passed. The bill to incorporate lire ,Inabrance Compri- Wee, without sso.oUocapltal —al required by We general law—pawed. - Romm.—The bill regulating coal ship ping paused aecond reading. and was discussed till a' late boor * on its final The bill authorising hid.. for passage, ts of State fund., passed, and amendment sent to the-Senate. litex.itn, Marc* 10.—There lapis no me rlon to-day. • .1 loess. —The House pissed a number of private bills. none of which were of „loitered to citizens of western 'Pennayl vanii, and then adjourned until Mon day afternoon. A letter from Gets. Gram ess Meth. er....ititerestliti Sterile Ineerermi. the Annus of the lot inst., we pub lished an article from the pen of Sanford C. Hill, esq., of East Liverpool, Ohio; touching the, early settlement of that noighixaliood, and li. "It the statement was made that the Grant Amity were at one time residents of Liverpool town abip. A copy of the Annui containing Mr. 1111 I's ounsmunicatiort was brut to Mr. 'Grant, the President's father, by a lady of Ibis . plare,who last week, re vetted the following Interesting letter from the old gentleman, correetl. gnome of the dittos, Ae., Covcorros, Ky., March d, 187.1. I received this morning, a copy of the LIKAVgn Annus containing an article headed " Recoll ections of thelOlden Time." I read It with much Interest;' tiuch scraps of history are always interesting, and It is important they should become*. An there are a 1111filberof errors In that article as to early days, dic., I will correct them. My father, Noah Grant, moved into the territory in April 1799. I was then from the :thl of January over live years old. We lived about a mile and shall below the State liue,an d about three-fourths of a tulle from the river and almost •two :mien and a ludf . above Fawcett's town, that; I believe, la now called Liverpool. It was tharo I bowl Ilobars Dobbins preach on Christ:oar day, 1799. I was about one mouth under six years old: but, I remember well, some of the *ar mee. At that time falling had •become quite common and without that kind of exercise, meetings were not regarded as interesting. Mr. Dobbins was a man of a good deal more than ordinary ability, and his preaching was always listened to. •At that time all was attention, and . no ex- - citement. litrsD. after alluding to that subject, rembrked : • "And I hope my friends to see you kick Log uP your heels this after- Mims:" Them therwortrieent am-so that in a few minutes +warty the whole house was prostrated. There must always be lOJAC well left, to take turn of the rick. 10 April, 1801, Wo moved to Du rileld, then 1 believe in Trumbull, but now Portigu county, Ohio. Youre, most truly, . Jima/ R. UItANT. RUIN related at.lite Argus See.—J. B. Snead, at CO, have opened • new Planing Mill In Freedom, dnd are prepared to do steamboat, barge and fiat. boat work.. They keep superior loather for sale. piss. Katz will haves public sale of stock, fanning implements, dc., on Z3th of March, at his residence in Patterson township. Wm. devington ; public sale of per sonal property, at his residence, in Ohio township, on Wednesday, March 2201. Let there be a good attendants). .F. 01,1 A. accident occurred at the.licsietLe Furnace in Mahouing county' Ohio, on t3aturdsy 4th lust., by which Oulu* hIcK nab of oungstown lost hLs life: Mr. lickamb was on tlie top of the hoisting house, and had' just stepped upon the tank or elevator to descend,. when the wire rope broke asunder,and precipitat ed him to the door kelow, • dlstgndo of about tiny-six feet killing him instantly. He leaves "mitre and one child. Married. BAMTON,WOI.F.—On March 4th, 1871, by O. M'Creary, Esq.; Mr. Philan der J. Barton. and Miss Susan Wolf, all of Beaver Falls, Beaver county, Pa. MARTIN—KENNEDY—On March 9th, at tbe, residence of the bride's parents, by 11ev. N. B. McClelland, Mr. B. B. Martin and Mhos Mary Kennedy, both of North Beaver tp.,l4wrenee Co., Pa. - 1:IIED. ANDERSON—On Tuesday, ]larch 7,'71. at 4:10 &clock, a. m..of In fiStlltnation of the bowela, James Franklin, youngest ~on of John H. and 'Nancy J. Anderson, aged one year the months and eleven days. New Advertisement. J. B. SNEAD & CO. 11.4 VE NOW OPENED ;I NEW Saw and Planing 401 IN 1IZIEMI)031. Having Me lateid innwoirti machinery for the mannfacture of Iir r IACOCIONT SIDINC34-, T Fi, 435 & and are now prepared to coaintowe Me twilding.and hpairing of - • Steamboats, Barges, Flats, &c., &c., Keeping constantly on band a atimrior quality of Lumber. The primp:me of t h e public Is romectrully solicited. 111 orders promptly executed. lcuarlSaC car.,A4• • m tattotie .t pm om °Om Puisrac subsetiber ‘lll oar it public sale, as tee madams, on Aktturdai, Afarch 18L1,1871, at . 2p. ns. tbs isbatetsg bound kolas tie axon of Fourth Wrest sad lassautee rdtsy. ta tat barosai a 1 taw ter. liars tins slots* whit four rams. WI .ad kitchen atisebad, sad cellar Eaderasssin ;Fed les Whim stable sad sit stber reeessary ostbardbcr: Malt bars. apples. phew.ea SSC-, Or ad. Term, eery. - UAfII.IL 1111 —pssolers. 30010,1[11. bba;11) Azad be N. ywnt Doadsta FOR RENT.': The umterapool. Melee or Power/ et - Ange• my to ohs chrio toe mid ta Dooldo 411•0011.12-011 otter lisr not Om me yaw pan Oprtl to& sm. time folloolog property. Fbar Perms aihrated ha Chippewa Tp. cantata*/ respectively 41. 711, U. sad 11l ea.. Abs. a number of Late title bero=dro wafer. bolooglaO tO Ike estate at told Iror Weer Information all at Ida pregame% MOO Itotrar. so Me Toreantwor tad. a addrere kite at ter C. JUN. C. WILOON. morl:Tir Ate] II bet. ic E 5 '.U l •ll l lwe4P. bawl great pleasure lo . Uolllla. Mellon to the adveribmented, is thh wade* paper, of Masers. H. W. Butane Co.rt l st o4olllbliablllllllS (= jinni*. of We untehis) wee I by Its present senior, H. W. Buffiim, is 1844, and be has continued Is active trmigeateut , ever since. Their Works are the Urgent in the country, and their Smithies for bottling large orders ter im-, mediate shipment comae be equaled.' They keep renetantly In 'use, during the entire yogi, twelve large warmth 10. supply the city trade. besides wagon. Orr shipments to depots and steam Tit. quality of their Mineral, Bareappaadl la, and Bode Waters, is superior to that bottled by any other house, as le, Mee; their Ales—Smith's, Rennet, Wald. Wright's; and others—ho Wed expres4 tot Sunny sod seedbed. purposes. We suussorld Wear in %boor of our nodoto having ..basimiss in their Ilse, sad tor Olinthee using alai. de.. fur family use. Perelman are cautioned against caber hottest rialmingto be the original fuen !betties Ileum. (WI at nr send your orders by mail, to 22 and 24 Market street. Moods delivered freehand Wade paid to all points on ndimadaand stem laudless. New Advertisement& X. . W. DOUBT .... ....a. T. RAW. MILI4E.R Az Co." Contrackin ivOluildess PLANING- MILL AND • • • aaridanialiifira';'••U • Doors. l34sis • AND SHINGLES congsntly en Intrt4, and lum:e 10 onler. llockeNter, Orders 14 mall will receive prompt at tention. IdnrB;ll—ty $3OO PER MONTH! E All pkiymbrui al true OW to irrev liead. to dv.4 Milan. per womb. • Id oktrai• I. 1.1 G mediattly GRAM t CADY,Seke Manotactar- 5 Y. tom*. Illanball, Ukhltan. ' STEREOSCOPES, . VIEWS, ALBUMS. CIIIIOSIOS, FRAMES E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., S9l Seconders,' New-York. Invite the attention HI the trade to their extensive unartwentar the above goods, of their own publication, inansfaelnre and impartation. Also. , PHOTO L.kSTEHN SLIDES and I'MOSCOPES. NEV VIEWS OF.YOSE3IITE. E. SC il. T. Million It Co., ' 091 Broadway, New York, Own.Re Mqtropolkon Hotel Importers and itanafindurers of PIIuTOtiItAPIIIC MATERIALS. unirn;ll—ly CARPETS, eltabucaotovlittal 9 MATTINGS, WINDOW - ERA OMAR Iteitlookt. A full sud well selected stocker, A T LOWEST. PIrICEIL gyp' A I.IIICMI Iteductiou unu!c to )lln Were' and un Church Caqwt!,. BOVAUD. ROSE k CO.. 111 Fifth Are e. marB;ll,--41 PIYMBUROIL PL CITY BOTTLING HOUSE, No: $9 Market Novel, PITTSBTROH. PA. ~~~u~~usaa~~~o lIOTTLEIRS OF Sarsaparilla, Mineral and llasphorry Bala Waters, Syrups and Cider. btnit.led Kennett. Wainwrihts, and all the best brands of Ale andlonduus Porter. sdect• nod bond bottled for Medical and Peru. Ily use. tinods delivered free. burnfThly Lifted' Appliesate far Limas* at Illarek Serielba. Da•W Johtisock. Dote! SEEM John Miller Jacob Marko •' Jaw MSbrodes Ws' Illickermalt &Mimi Camp ItAchant Doocaster " P eltedier t C (Mask Unioann'Yekhardt•• Darlluitga bonnie; Philllpaburg _ 1!!=12113 John Johnston N W Seely Ulla! Ileum Rochester " To 'trod Neon In qualities, of sot hew tbsa sae qua, together 'Fah ether goods .so. Ear% citstollse: li C amerce Eloas L La Uoallea..:. sesrLari Roeberter bona. 4 p_borr • JOHNC. 7 El& D ga l 1 4 X I 1 e C. L . llO l Sir =li t &Va.: Corner; at night at my !voidance co Water Meet. Oridgenaler, Ps. Wllipnictteetlargert and Mad (maritly:c.h'd spell REGISTER'S NOTICE. ivErnes Is hereby genii that tbe Soltontines /A Count. of Executors, Adinintstrators, - Gueid- Ism. Zr.. bees been duly named la the ttegieter's or ead will be pfesenied In the Or Court for confirmation and allowance, on Wedmeaday the del day of Nan:b. 3071: noel accommt of Our, Ill.sadGeo. I/eatable . . ft:escallop of thWege liAll•ctfret, &moped. Amami of Georg. P, klesmen, Mlndaistrator of the/fetal. of Jobe ItncloM*,effertowd• Pixel account of Jame, administrator of the estate of Jame. Reed. .r.. deceased. Reel and papal/al estate savants of Wm. Jobs soon oda% of the estate of Joke Berry, decsaied. Account of Robert W. Scott. executor of the wilt .t Margaret ISayie. decamped. Account of Jobe Mcßrowa..adatintstral oc of the estate ofiackson Schrum, dec'd. Account of Mary A: Gotham. adminletratrit of of the estate of Susan Caleooll, deceseed. Accou-t of Jame Weems, administratoc of the mimeo( Jolla Mercer. dammed. Final account of Robert Potter. windidetratoe W dm Mate of Nosey Reed. deliassod. Account of J. Nlals. ditantlan of Chas. D. 14 le. kis, .on of James Nicht., dasowste. bad end penosal amounts of 114 want WWI. of Um whoa of Daniel itrans„deceasetl. Acconat of T. ,11. & Beams* Daeldsoo, Wm' re of Wm. Drrtdsoit, er.. who wmp assentor of the ore- tale of Wilhite RUInG, doomed. Amoral of Georg. Gardner. adsidnietratoe of Michael Ylller, deceased. ' Mal moan sae Dowfing, ement=he kat will and teetemeat Jan VeM. Mal account of Jan Made, sitalsktratar of the estate of Mary Doads, demand. Acconats at Elisabeth and James 1. llierdaton. aseastom of David Iferantiaa, need., who eras the arelass Mid& and Charame hay, children Mil ' lea hay. dammed. Aet MK. P. Townsend. Citarilial Gilllbutd, eon of Matting" Glllitend.detaimoo. Account ol Dr. D. a. Marquis. exocator ut the will of Dr. Smith Cansdarliam deeioii.d• Account of Do an rods*. mecum a the will a Cowan Rertesbach,leol iwoL j nal and pen/awl mamma of a • datbeth eta. ea& admen a( the mime Winos JOII•0011, rinal aroma elf. Tlbeisproa, cit Ma estate al Bohan Wages. d kg- Mel scamp old/meek Coolial.liala Unmet, deceased. Gummi* 4..0k Jeala. ta at Lam Ix . H" I gad f am"eal age". 11 IL Mier deed. sinalez ar the awe of Roam . Avarua of Mohan Davis. adatisletrahte al the mate Mrs. Ittiss Lectit. deceased. dcatent of J. W. Sam tratudlan of Wheats owes, child a Wiliam IL Canoe. deceamd. Amami eta. C. Wilson. adadandtatur Po. Mauna* soaszo , d estate d Jam M!Keen. deed. Wad sad mreasal meant, 4J. C. Wilma, d. twatistraterief tbe statute( Jot K. Mitcbsit. deed. Dina' DeColag Of //alb Rams, sawr do heats awn esste imaecto, of Josiah McCain'. lAcconat seri. Marker, smardhot of Mari A Mar ker. thud atllawloas Maitre. deemed. Final amottat Mamma Illaopess. &Waimea. Me Mita able ofJobviTimenstson. dammed. Ilnal account at deka McFall. stlntial•batur et ties ratite NUM tarseeolteemak • noel &manatee Wilibun Vow almialettatar the sate orthitherilos Klataryer. demand. Fftsl smelt at Jahn Pinsal. adalandralec of Ma &Ma Ills reasial of Jammu Dams, deed. Vaal &moat MIL It. Mhos, auk. lexecatuest the sin of Chaim* Kerkira. demised. knikkar) V. eINULETON, Sr( r. M.d4dnu A diEAT .AIONCAL,NNIVIN Dr. WA:r.DED•3 VINVIAR BITTERS iff 's• d Timm* Itri I ir tz 1i • I II elk I , 1 6 X. 5 t ilt [lt ail 8 11 t ii il --: 11 4 4 1 1 A0 I Tarr Ai Mira' • , ''' a FANCY DRINK. Lirkl•s.. 1t.... 11111714.1114nr. 111•411Nplais. ..a M. t... Lieseeetteelere4.lo•l4 lhelinttet .S& Is Neer the Wit. eaUed.Toellelin'ilipelC es." `lleseensee." ae, Meg lead U. UPPIe• earl . Ilmixasen &mini", bee are• tree Neekiaste. OM . 3r es Its 111•12ve Lases AM Mete of Callitesslkary, Voss on Aksgellie lialineleasoue. , 17enwee Ilp. , IMBILAT SUMO /17111/111a iiiei *-1,471; ICITIXI,I ntilgell rLIZ a pared llbeinrellar es., !airtgaesiee of Ow Spina. owl*, of ill peliesee. mew. Ikea ineleelre le.e tke 4 te•heenkl townie sea take *we Wean acearClag . I. is ea& sembe Mee; v.v. ales trillbe sham/m.4u iroittaLUlPMe.prv.:.:. 41.8 been Its tO4 deeVeree Ir udbahl "PAM . 0. Aber ewer. ..116. 1, XIS Girlie MONA leytkall. 'slag aseemilt. Yob bilaturibary aal CIiVOOMI A,. sod DIOVOIPoIIS. of Solligmelloy. lallaruiro librialirsoll alb( birormiliaser Nero. birisairo of Oro Sloodl. Lim Wiamm, ri.. blisarr. bre Oilioro 14,1 M boss wort wen_ , 111. Oscb lifioraora u. cousa Or If Wire a Oho& width lo golberall 7 rroossol by arrowroot Oa* Mood wo Orissa. DTOPIIMIA' Ott SADIGIATION. llra ache. YMI. la Sao tioaktirs. Craaao,Tiglitoiro at Y. Ltlsoloooi, Enda/Jou of tbo Siloam* me wee is the lees. amens Amen. reigeteeke .4 Or Berri. laStorbaboa of Ow Lbw. Foto la Cie realer, of Cr paws. rod • Madrid elm "igaral Iroboor, err nis olbarlapor Dpirpoida. n.r lovigorrio tb. liknookimill Obbiloio Or um. aid liver sod bowels, raids maw Sam obbibbionol .Maio la elorarlag lap Mood aD isprillaw. owl Iniorgal raw lib..( rigor so Sae blob In aria. YOU OLIN D 111111111124 Zoollabi.fabirarb Vara. Pbcpko, CO. Mader. blarlronos, lloiWkod.awri Eroolaydr da., Itch. kora. bileolorbioar at las liklajbworn sad Dims... We lAA. or abalone war or maim ire Morally dog so sad carried out of Yrgaoa la Own ties by Ow sir of bob Damara. 'Or WOO la soca troos brookiis the mob I.dMalard ads amain drsit. Maui Ye Vilisied Moot wberairm yes lad No bipolar lamb; larryklar Oda lobbyism. lbsp. boss or Bons ; doom It sirs yes au it obbrabsil so 4 slaggiik Ii Oa relao; dare liblisa SID Owl. sad roar AsuaO will kb roe wars. Lop almi lama purr rad as loon of Ow giro bib Nam. MX. TAMS and *lair WORM. WNW lb awl mom ot as now labararai. ~NOV abilror. id sad removed. Tor fun daostim, aid oulgoar as amass would soca bolos. prlaloilla Om lab vairoi—lbactib.Oonora. Prima ma apiadali. wAysies. nohow. n.1.114:0031a10 i co. imolai obi Or. Amara Sea Ihribilsba Oil. rail O oat al Commons btrort.ll!, Tat. T SOLD 111' ALL DRUGGISTS GIZI mur ott.11;a1/ Miacellaneoi4s. 1730111IAL1L—Tbe osdenitgued oats Le NW ,jict... ..LIJ tio copy terms he house sod lot am corms of north moot sod mania May, la borough of Dower. lot Mal Lacer . Met; house two Mode' wtti 4 rooms, boll snit kl heo auseliod ; "mod Made lee house, and all a mitomary milbolldlsO: fro It lies ,, apple.,plums, /Icon 010 tot: DA. DLL W/18111OZIL, Argot feting for Moo lamina Dealtp. rtilisoolution or roortnerotalp. lino of SaMI a Ste Weld bott bees Mo. D Mom Use tboy by mitaal comsat. AU Moot ksombre taems.dree Welted to CM above Ito will War their amousta by lb* iM MINIM magi vault WOW or be old be losead lash" IM allb for collect los. K. tICHIVT taibrildt K. rersonw. as woe Atom 1 text° assosaano 'yobbo ot Sam cosaty that 3 will wry am, as my oats accuast, 1/47 Goods beams.* at the old Masai: sad, ma amine am Utak die will be tAe plate toast lutists.. at lobos. DrY Goods, Trim:slap, leotkos. tea Y. *CHM. Id:131 sodetsiftted toathate tk. Meady-Mark =Li . aad Weida= Taiwan bathos" *se kept outer tbe are of tlebilia Bleb o. N. own account az& for the purpose of =Wag coon fcc lb. open Goode he odras. tbt sixty days, Us 'Mho stock of Clothing at cash Af the same alas be Informs tbe peak that lb, gos• pertettord Caner. W. A. BRUT. kr meek of the Sexton t Talladaa. Pepartarat, teherin wlA 3 ha t, W to see Ida tat Irke d.. ft STSUIVELM. JJ. APIIISISIOR. Wm, bakes bobl of e Ale old Foundry was, ILodseeter, PA, 111 be Owed to meet Me old caelloween sad friends wbo way meat obbee ibe DIM COOS. LNG STOVE. Uoultor Stowe, so We abet kW of Ca•tinge of boot iestArial sod workmoselldp. Tbo baeloese .111 be coodoesed by .freztfl A' J. ANDERSON AEONS. ,VOTICK 1. hereby Elves that Or Court on Ali -LS-gni* ha %ha several baronets ad barseldps ol Beeler cruet). mill be held by the tonsil Com m...loners, at the times mad prime do4pated, Cur the year 141. to sit Keununry ilk Geo. C Illionl's. Feb. Fhb. Freedom and St. Clair barrio. llelltakey 14 Kerr's awn. Fob. Mb, fonraties. -Baden buta., J. Y. &Arlie elate, Feb. 11th eltetnern. liciebrary hoe. end Ip.. Doseestree boles, Nara lat. Puhieki tp.. Kohut Walleee'a, Mardi 54. Neer Berrickky tn., Folorallie, March ad. Now Brighton bum, Kaplan* bad. Mare* fah. North tlevilettey tp.. Kahan Ilikanre, Mint Ito. Franklin fp.. E. Auteendilie store, Muth sth. Marion tp„ Cesare Ibirteere. Bank SOL Bearer Valls al Yittersoo. Breettere• betel. March. Wth. Big Bearer and Galilee, John sra Kassa., March lath. ihuilaglun bons. and tp., Andenwit's hotel, Match 11th. South Barer tp., Juba Rosie Karel' 1.541 d Chlpp•rerstik, Akerteb Kuck 1414 k. Yall.ton boor., Samuel lidgar'r, Id are ins. Brighton Ip.„ D. W. Sentra, Apell Ohio tp , Heed i Aber'. eters. April 4th. 4.l..agetssen bum , Calbootie ewe, April Mb, forenoon.. titintiralboro„ Janie Staltlio, April SOL thee. mow. tp.. Aber'. rime, Al 111 SOL Itridgearater bora. J. D. Revd . • hotel, Ap Baronet tp. and Deem bum. Commidiskinere Mat. April Stk. Sloop ip.. Ilan Baker's; April ISM. U trail tp„ Palma and OilverVe. April lIlk. • lateuot e r. " ,3 ? l ari l e i r rP"di a born. F. i.e t Y killteo's . piate, - April Mtn. f....licaikatoem bora. and Greene tp„ hoWly April tilb. IlitokWn Sam. sad lissome tp„ Lime Psalm ma% Mpartf. lath. ' DAVID W. SCOTT. JOSEPH DRITTAIN. lbatadulotarre SAliti/L TOIMILSCIL letetti..) BUYERS, LOOK ILKRE. nuts not be a matter of/special in terest to the people of Beaver county to kilos whet is transpiring between King William. Napoleon 111. illstuark apd Towbar in Europe. but it 11l a matter that effects them Materially to know where they CAD buy tine and cheap GROCER IES. S. SNITGE.I4.:& Co. At their old stand in &aver, Ps, are still furnishing to their customers everything celled kw in their line: They always keep a full assortment of GRO CERIES Roue, Feed, agrees, 2bus, &pars, ) 19,8 ' Tobacco and Cisrars; And all liner articles usnaiirroand lu a First Class GROCERY STORE. From their long and intimate acquaint. anus with' the Grocery, Floueand Feed. business, and their disposition to render antbdactkm to those who' may tai et them eri'.h their patronage, they hope In the hi. lure, u in the past, to obtain a Übelal share of the public patronage. Givs us a Call and we If We not make II to roar In terest SO call again. jantil ti. SNITGER & CO. -1E14! "h'I conterVl, ENIMINEIT. The ssa usde c.i. ; l . oo l uldag inshi boalta mm ees /I*. j. V. seat dr 14.6 shwa la hadateeee. p a . woe 4 re:prethally lame the paha. Oat ha 'lnd Keep lb. bawl *Owner Ile Illialens erbkit be eettore V rem leisty oleo V 111 .apply them by the eau at oboe Woe. now is la watt et theet oboe Is la early ealL the ateehwtheeel Mhattiand I. well .Wetted; sad peaks. maldlette. Le.. will be eaplieed with eraytblag paled oa *beet soda ma le the beet rtyle. nannies Webbed with keekteal r slam se d&nd. GROMBILIU atayll;ls A 0111CIIIIIITSIATONMP tend Semlatotottos Meier Imo ismsett to Use soleattois as the estate of Dodd Strome, at liasMer to.. beaver meaty. Pc, daea... atl pop. Patti ledebtell to mkt estate am requested to mike immediate mower: mid those Mute( elates meekest the mum MU prom' them duly ealheall. cued Let settMeent, to JOSIAH IPS, STIMU J. ISTIMUSS, des're Ilmehmillo. Pa. =a I.PIRCVISISS. lISTICIL-121TATZ Or. - 7a mum Goa l:Mu. scoutv. — latter. ter torestary epos the mole of Robert Goma. deed, Mese ledepoodesee lemma* Mow eqs Pa_lheehge, hew mated M ' the eeferolgeee. peresee Weihtd MM saki ewe aro yempeetell to sake payment sad Ilmas2lowlag Aden egatast the Nene be pe.. est then writhoet Mir) I. 1131. 1110011.1torenos ty • ROB? UtiONVCII., Isiemilesee tp, ZvS..