._- SELECT NISC.,ELLANY• L INCOLN. Li a leigeiveid else Allekheie 'Gap. Mgr—+t• 41seeideeit•Phee .111fere . . In the Spring of 1864, daring the darkest.dsys of the Rebeificilf, a cap tale Of the Seventh Michigan Caval ry had been dismiseed ,from the ser vice without' any notice or 'hearing whatever, and it was only by the aid of the Hon. Judge L., 'then a me'.- her of COngreas from Allebigan, that the Captain was enabled, after several weeks close applicatioe, to hear what the charges were against , him. Fi nally he succeeded in getting lama's° ordered helbreunnission kir In vestigation, an ds was, reinstated, wlttr the pmminelhatles Governor had not promoted; stlyOne :to his place in the 'line. lbe.tellbibl 'Olen applied to Govetndrilink, and it ap'- • =P that the place vacant,- on anivleg at the regiment , thee raw - BrandY. Statielit- VI-, be found that 'le tilenteremt bad- Weir prcinioted and was then in command of his company, thus, leaving him out in the cold. This was rather aggruvuting to the captain, as he had several times caved his resigns notion, but could not get It accepted; nod to go out In Hint 'way did not suit him. So he lingered about the Capitol several months, not knowing Just what to do, and no one apparent y could do anything for him.. • Finally he determined• to gu to• "Old Abe". himself. So off he went to the White House and sought an interview with the • President, but though he waited about the 'ante * room day after day for' a week; there were too many, eagles and stars and those having more important eases, -so that he could not get a sight of the. President. But he learned the ,"ropes!' and found that at a certain hour in the afternoon the big doors were usually thrown open; and the President, in the greatness, of his heart, melee(' every bddy at once, ' , and a score or two could all make a rush into his office and' ply him with all sorts of wants. So finally thelltp. Win determined to lake his chances with, the rest, and one day when' the doors were thrown open he went in With the crowd, but took a back seat in a corner and watched'all that was done, never moving front his taaec until the last one had done his busl miss' and gone out, and still he "remained quiet as the president 'turned to his desk 'and,upparently finished some 'natter of business then en his mind; whet' the Prident at once milted his head and turned toward the Lltptain, . looking very haggard and careworn, mi. he was malt of the , time during . the spring of 1861. 'rho Captain at once stepped forward and proceeded to set forth his ,grievaikes at some length. • • . The President listened fur some time with close attention, but Anal-• ly interrupted him, saying: " Well; young man, you have been talking . to me about five minutes and I don't know. what you want yet. • This rather disconcerted the young officer, but ho at once came directly to the point, told the President that he wanted,ti place in the army, and as he had been wrongfully discharg ed, at his trial and reinatatement .• Showed a possibility of mistake, lie thought It was due to him. At thisthe President leaned hack in his chair, smiled and said, "Well, now, that reminds me of a little sta . rye( a fellow out west, who hail a claim)igidtuit the GoVernment and prosecuted it faithfully, about forty years, and finally to get rid of him, Cciagrem conclud ed to allow him the principal of his claim, which the fel ' low pocketed and left. But the next :Cungreas had hardly convened before thefellow was on hand,, and with new vigor, prettied upon Congress his claim. Now that they had allowed • his claim, they thereby acknowledg . ed Its justice, and he now' wanted . them to pay the. Interest."' "Hut," said the President, "I have altreat many boys In the field and 1 ain't make places fur them." But, . after entering into familiar couversa lion with the young oilier, and • ling him two or three other storied, • musing him to feel perfectly at his ease, ho finally gave him some dlrec • Ilona . what to do, and said : "You ' may depend upon it if you do not get an appohitinent, there is no place you. • The Captain expressed his thanks, and retinal, and in about a week af ter the Washington Chronicle pub lished the news that the Captain had a better appdintment than he held before, and it hail been Confirmed by the Senate. On application he found his commission and orders ready, . 'with three days to re po rt at Louis , ville, Ky. He took 0 fast train, stay- Oil one night with his friends in -Michigan, and reported for duty in ue time. • • THE lIHUGHTEMT takx IN THE WORLD. , • - 'rise Donsalie •Illatory Tweed'. Diamond. A few. yens ago Bill Tweed was earl to get an occasional job at plas tering, but now William M. Tweed, by a timely 'alliance with 'Dounreay . and JIM FjSk. is . worth a million; Now he is rich and powerful,be has more filendS than b9furer, and ,some • disinterested ones among them paid • Slfi,soo for a diamond, which they gave him on Christmas. The Jewe lers' Circular calls it without doubt, • the finest diamond In this country," awl says; "It is of woudehius bearity, and of theta) , threat water, 111 for a Queen wester India to wear in her coronet. ;We never Saw such an intense deep paasloBol light in any jewel before. So intense is it that when gazed into firm time, it secrets to be absorbeil in' ' the carbon darknesi of its origin, so to speak, and to .assume a sort of fiery gloom. This is one of the mark ed charaeterisths of the diamowls of -the old mines, and it belongs not to any of the newly found mum in the more recent mina. lt might be be . tween nine and ten carats, is exquis itely cut and faultless in . every re spect. It Is a round stond, the table and cutlet small, the edge cut as sharp as a knife, and is so beautifully spread that it presents the appear ance of a twelve carat stone. It is the richest jewel ever seen in this country. , About the year '1603 an agent of the celebrated diamond house of M erluza Ricardo, of Vienna discover od this Jewel in ancien t 'lnterior of India, and with much ' • difficulty forwarded it to his house in , Vienna. At this time the stone weighed 21; carets. and was cut on . the face only is was the Custom in those days, which were before theart of diamond cutting had reached any thing li e the perfection of modern tiiimr6 , ulna& therefore, to en ' , hence hot beauty and value, oat skillful lap- Monet to work u it, and fri.the year'loll It was del vexed In a per tly& state, and , thus acquired an en tirely new character of quality and splendor. If it were beautilid befbre it was now glorious beyond the reach . of words to describe it. The cutting, however, reduced Its weight to six een and three-quarters mats, and, notwithstanding the skill and care , bedewed upon it, there was a flaw nearthe edge •orit, although it was perceptibie only ,to ionnelseeurs. this state it was, sold to a certain Russian nobleman, who had the mss ' fortune to Incur the uispleaaure of the Russian court and wares lied toSiberia • in consequerice. lie carried the Je wel with hint in his weary Journey Mid long Imprisonment. It stood hint in' good stead, however, at last, for It helped to secure his freedom, although in what , manner 'does not transpire . Itti the dhunond pals. ed Into the bands ofa French mar quis, who was p person In high favor at the French court: So he kept it until he, raystiltiously vanished, and. was iodated of for some time. But presently in Baden Baden there ap- peered at the gambling 'tables this distinguished nobletnan. . After gainbling all his other properlYt ho staked this diamond and lost it, and then drew his pistol and , .blow out his brains. " In the year 1741, after once more passing into the talon of a Res shut it turned up again in Paris, as was thistime owned by a alebrated dealer, who, put a fabulous price up. on it, notwithstanding which hosold It to a French noble, who bought it as a present for ono of thd court land les. It remained in France until about 171r2, and then traveled to Eng land, when it was discoverall: that the edges Were slightly brokeitr and chipped. It waienclosed, however, In en elaborate setting, and worn in a breccia s t upon the arm of a bawd tut woman when short sleeves were In fashion, and it had room and leis ure to show off its splendor and the lovlinessol the lady's arm to supreme advantage. In 1813 it again changed 'haudik-ittokwas bouglttiry onoof the tiebeSt . lid .111 •Dwitind, who :wore, _Aiwa as Watettraill liashitikofgentlenten of dish r e t l* FOI Iv meatthitipdri:P'.: this fat iv meat " reitibeet4 dining the peones* of w h kb it Was . reduced •to its prevent size, munelyief ettrets.^ it was nearly two yea W yeas hited belbrethelinititouttett asst Pitt to it, :Which 'made it the I lost Perfect, s hatutiful and brilliant 1, int of its size in the world. It was now sold once more to a • French no bleman, who preseuted It to his bride at the wedding feistoutd - the lady's faintly held Jt Until lhe..bribaking out of the ties present war, whesithecru el neeeMittes coMpalled the sale of it . • Chioute.'• • . Don'ts'y that, young' rend. - You • haVe dUmws ootteett ismsd.. Then yOulhaYisthltipaix: ;athistskla your heed. - Sway fait aryl* lave will vote vtittinto'Oftliteitlytiw only .en franchiser it. sod form a confederation between the freetnenAit your brain and the freemen at the endi of your f them ad under anus. Ch• Chancei, plenty of 0uch....._ _ our eyes, If we have only eyes to see them and hands to pick theta up. The falling of an' apple was,the portunity for Newton to solve the se cret of the skies. A floating • sea-weed, drifting by. the vessel when the crew were utter ing mutilate* threats, was the chance aimed by Columbus to pacify an in ciplant rebellion, and to inspire his men with the promise of a new con tinent and a new world fifenterprise. The picking up of a pin in a street of Paris, by scpoor buy, as he was go ing from a grad: bank, saddened at the denial' of his applkstion• for a plaice, was the founding of the suc cess anti the prosperity . of one of the greatibmiktws of the q u een city of the world. 'fltatsimpleact, illustrative of the economical spirit, was observ ed front the-window ; the hid was re called at thesaMemoroent. Industry patience, and honesty did the rest. A clutnce remark' from a . peasant girl, in an obscure' country district, falling Upon the ter of the young ob serving. •thinker • Dr. Jenuer, gave vactinatiott to the world, and saves hundreds of lives, annually. A pewter plate - founded the Peel fetidly. Robert, In the.poor country about Blackburn, seeing a large fam ily groWing up about him, felt that some source of income must Wadded to the meagre products of his little tarn: He quietly conducted exper iments in calico printing in his own home. Otte day, thoughtfully hand ling a pewter plate, froM which one of the children had Just dined, he sketched upon its smooth surface the °utile& of a parsley leaf, and filling this with coloring matter ho was de lighted to find that the inpresslon could be accurately conveyed to the surface of, cotton cloth. Here' was the first suggestion toward calico printing from &eta! rollers. The Istraley leaf" pn the pewter plate opened up pt world of industry to Lanotshire, and Sir Robert Peel to this day is called, in the neighbor hood of Blackburn, "Parsley. Peel." Richard Arkwright, the thirteenth child, in a hovel, with no knowledge of letters—an underground barber, with a vixen for a wife, who mashed up his models and threw them out— gave his successful spinning Model to the world, and put a sceptre In Eng land's right hand such as the Queen never wielded. A jumping tea-kettle lid is said to have' put the steam into that boy's head who gave us the great giant of modern history. , A kite and a key in Franklin's hands were the grand-parents of our telegraPit and all the bleqsidgs of Modern invention? : applying to elet tricity. Don't say you have. no itemize, young man h You have the same chance , and better, than the world's greatest and beat men have enjoyed: "Men uniformly overrate riches and underrate their own strength, the former wilido • far less than we sup pet.ie, and the latter far more." , 'The longer' I live," says one of earth's noble sons, "the more I am certain that the great difference be. tweet' men, between the feeble and the powerful, the great and the in significant, is energy—invincible de teranittatlon—a purpose once fixed, and then, death or victory I" That quality will do anything that can be done in the world and no talents, no circumstances, no opportundiii, 'will he worth much without4t. T lie Marriage Qaeaffaa The celebrated German writer, Hewlett Zchokfte. In his pleasant lit tle work. culled "Labor t, Sands on (teller Vett," gives us Ameriums a droll notion of Berman lovemaking. The gallant gentleman when putting the fatal question to his Mir Dukinett, instead of dropping on his knee or throwing himself att her Pet ac I - ing to chivalric habits, or even of givinif full play to his ardor and swearing by the patio. 11110011 a thous and burning oaths, in place of poeti cally painting their future bliss and Met:Metz that lovely home by the lake of Como that her beauty was to adorn more than all its natural Charms,performs the operation In a moat prosaic way. After stating his general view; he reaches his nearest approach to enthusiasm when he touchingly remarks: "1 will wolk fur thee; Will thou sure for me?" Here is a 'treenail view of the mar riage question, inculcated betimes; here is forethought and discretion, but not much valor, anal little of the desperation of passion.' What an swer would such a query bring from a New York belle? "Wilt thou save for me?" . "Indeed Cwon't; that is not the object of getting a husband as viewed by my lights., I. will spend fur thee, spend us fast as you eau make; spend all your earnings, work as hard as you will. 'Save . for you,'.eindeed, -while Stewart's; or Arnold!s, or even cheap anti nasty Bluey'at opene its portals, and displays Its silks and satins to my delighted gate! Save Pk thee while there is a new bonnet to he. had, .nr a diamOnd necklace left at'lltrany's, or Madame Didier asks live hundred dollars for making my dresses? have fur thee while that odious Mrs. Jones has mints of money, ritlea In her carriage with two footnien, and had her parlor fur 'Mum imported express from Paris? ;firers, may be some fun in that, but 1 eannoteiwever it. Work fur me, of course you will, and see my wants he supplied, for I shall be a handsome enough wife to have somebody sup ply them." .. , That would be heranswer,ofeourse. and very light of her too. She has been brought up to dosouteliting bet ter and more agreeable than saving. Even love in a cottage will not do for her; a Fifth avenue house is the on ly place where that sensitive pima grows with us. It must be fed tat 1 silks and damasks, and gems and jewels, and silks and lams. The lit tle Red of that kingdom is drawn hi a nude condition in order that his Worshipers may clothe bins, "and vo bandsomely the charming ladies fourliberal land always diem and deck him. 'ln our days, hearts and darts, liv ing or loving, dying for one another, and all that sort of thing is "played out;" lett. ns• our liertnan friends so acurately and idlomaticul ly_ expires it. We want a solid foun sUtion to build matrimony on; blocks of bullion, and cement of greenbacks, and supports of bonds, and girders of stocks. None of your ethereal castles ,In the air will answer for our mod cm ladies of fashion. Chateaux a; eipagne are airy residences,, and not suited ton northern climate with the thermometer at zero in - the sun In winter, and ninety in the shade in. summer. The fiancee of. the period prefers bricks and mortar if they are more resale. Cottages can no lon ger he erected in this city under our flee laws, and lodges in vast wilder nesses will do well enough in summer when the play of 'catching trout and hunting deer is being • exacted. but will not accommodate a modern hill or give robin for the German. Our girls are not brought up to save; not they. Spending is their strong {Joint, and in that we will back them against the world. An average American wife will get through more money - than any . fe male representative of any nation on the earth; and if our wives cannot ruin their . husbands, nothing . can. They hate account hooks and despise arithmetic. and know that it is low to go into,the kitchen or look after their servants. Their fathers have worked for them .all their younger days without limiting their expendi tures. Why should not the hliaband follow this excellent example? It was only the other day that a fash lonable.lady sent her sapphire en gagement ting, - Just given her by, her lover, to Tiffany to be valued, and when she tbundit was not a 'doublet,' actually a sham, .or at least Mt' a sham, and only worth threehtmdred dollars, she dismissed her: admirer Ignominlocsly. She. foresaw what such economy meant. She was to have. "doublets" tried pn her at ev .ery turn. Her furniture woulttbe a sham, and cheap; her horses poor end ugly; her house in a side street, and Pot on theavenue. her dresses American silk, and made by third rate milliners; her Jewels mean pearls or common game* her carriage sec ond hand, perhaps. Horrors! Was she not sensible in putting an extin guisher on such possibilities? "Save for thee" indeed? Why, where is the fun? Husbands are not engaged on those conditions. and their privi leges.are limited' while their duties are plainly defined.—Ciffren and Round Thbie. M ask. Judge —, out west, of course. hated, to put it mild, the smell of musk. One hot day, the mercury standing ninety degrees In the shade, the Judge sat In his office, lolling. in his easy chair, just placed In the draught—the little there was—doing his best to open the mystery of an opaque "last will and testament" submitted to his judicial determina tiou:N Just as the breeze grew sensi bly strong and refreshing.theJudge's olafactortes contorted under the smell of musk. Hislionor looked up from the ancient document he was consid ering, and beheld a lady standing in the open door. With a gentle wave of his hand, as it inotioning to turn her aside, the Judge greeted her with: "Beg your pardon. madam, but you don t smell well." "Sir," replied theilktontshedilatne In a tone that would have frown a less impertuable man in his seat, not withstanding the excessive heat, and threw herself out of the office. The Judge dropped to the contem plation of his paper. Directly a stern voice greeted him with: "Are you the chap that iniulled my wl%?", • Again the Ju dge looked up frOm his work, and seeing a :strong-built man standing In hls doorway frown ing upon him. answered promptly: "No. sir. Please be seated." . "Didn't you Just tell my wife, she stunk ?" thundered the man. "No. sir," said the Judge firmly. "I. :Ow incapable of saying that to anybody." The man turned square op his heel and 'directly returned with 'his wife, saying: "Wife. is that the fellow?" 'point ing to the Judge. "'Yes." said she, decisively, "Well." said her husband, "he says he didn't say you stunk." "No," replied she, "he said I did nht smell well." "Oh," broke in the Judge, in his blandest tone, "a misapprehension, itmust be true, madam, you didn't smell well, or else you would have smelled me. You have a catarrh, have you not?" The husband relaxed his fist, look ed at his wife, smiled, then turned to the Judge and said : "Squire, you're it cute one-4ou'll do for us." , And the Judge got a good case and a fat client. lie Coolie% Tell'A -Lie. Alf.l Burnett, in one of his letters "To the People," of Indiatutpolls, re- Wei the following: By the by, a good story is told of Ben. Butler. A. short time . since Ben. Butler and Wendell Phillips had business with the Preddent, and arm4n-arm preceded to call • upon him. Thu President was busy hnd sent word that lid would see them presently. Phillips and Butler stroll ed outinto the conservatory, in the rear of the White house, thence into the garden. Butlerand Phillips were engaged In an animated conversation on aome topic, when Butler became :excited. A large hatchet,belonging to the gar- Coner. was beside a tree •,Butier ually picked it up and while talklug, he made several deep gashes with it into goat's of Gen. .Grant'a favorite: trees. Just 'at this juncture the Prt.s. !dent appearing, Butler hastily se creted it u,nder his coat-tail. • Mter the evnipllmepts ortAotY. the President spied for the And time me his mutilated tree,,and with tones of vehement* Inquii:il who had been cutting and gashing that tree?! After a few moments' pause, Butler, step ped bravely up to the President and took blab by the hand. saying, "Mr. President, I cannot tell a lie ; I min not tell a lie; Wendell Phillips did it pp • A Catarris. Catarrh, as multi andeistood, is a disease of obstruction ; the humors that ought to be carried out through the natural channels are retained In the system, and usually produce cough and an increased discharge from the nose, which litioometimes of - 1 '- an o ens ve or, a ery 11nm:ty ing to the patient and his friends. Although not an easy tibleaSel to cure. when it has become seated, and of long duratiini, yet In the beginning It can be run out as easily as a cough, or any other tnetplentJuntor throat ailment. The medicine that will do this most elaciently Is Dr. Keyser's Fedora/ Veugh Syrup. 'lt Is sure. It leaver no dregs behind, and It clears out the tubes and' pamages that lend to the lungs as perfectly as if they had been swabbed out with a sponge or camel's hair brush. Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup is one of the wonders of scientific combination lathe way , of a sedative cough remedy. It ispe culiar in anothe rtespect: It wedelns no opiates or saunolents to deeded the sensibility, and stop the secre tions; It hells them go right on, and cures a rough quicker than anything else of which we have any knottl edge. For years it has gradually worked its .way into public boon dew*, until now It is the acknotd , edged cough Medicine which nearly every one user, and one which never fidisln its effects. Reader, if you have a cough or any pulmonary trouble,. try Dr. Krysuos Pectoral dyes", and you soon get well. Sold by most druggists, at 711 cents per bottle. If your druggist does bet keep it, send to the Doctor's - store. 167 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, and he Mill send If. . —ltaly has published 723 swipe- Per& —The bomber of poems composed lu German on the war is said to be about 6,000. --Corrcapondents are Irespeclfelly informed that personal love comm. :deadens are not desired,—N. 0. ,1 27mes.• —Au admirer of the ISfew Orleans Picayune. has presented its editor with a wasp's nett, to enable him to fight the Bee. • —The printing bills of the New York CVntral• Railroad are said to amount to about $20.000 a month— and the Albany Evening Journal does the Jobs. • Ragan keeps a saloon cent `to the office of the Evangelise end' the signs on the buildings read; 'Meagan, the Evangelbit—hot whls .kya a specialty." , —lt Is said that the Galaxy In an . increase • of circulation I = amount f our 10,000 mph.. Mark Twain hisupposed to be the guilty cause or this first-class Joke. —The Cincinnati ruses Mice has been appraised at• $200,205 over and above the liabilities, which are set &lam at 00,023. The goal will of the firin is valued at $140,000. Rowell le Co.'s. Advertisements. WALTHAIII WATCH The rata p•lve acidof these watches tut the Lee Mem pare by Italie/ay Oxidation. liniment and Ispressmeu, She mat orictling ot Witch• wearcro. hes thoroughly tieeoestnitol the mtr•mdtb. ster4lner.quembUltr gad Wargo of the Waltham Walsh. To middy that slats la all them respects. Is to decide the quesdloo as to the nal value or three tlrsokeepers.. 3110", than 3064111410 at theme watches ato sow opoiklaix fie thesaseliee la the pockelu ut the pat• plea root sad gem at Pear seperliettly over all others: The superior onseaduiles act ter• esteat of the Casaways Warts at Waltham. Weal** tbsse IC prolwa watches at c piles stasis modem elm. palm tatfa cat thaw mks bay any onset watch towels pap toms uUM per ot:re for tbeti watches than Is so:swan% Theta tlonglecas - combine every tesprovessuat that a Wag asperbmes luta paned of real peonies! use. Malay had the retool of many envy to-, rankle to testa otaklog unglastiog la the eau. try or to Metope, any nano tame /say adopted width 'e'er. I +sting by We most eltadoll ortissas to oar +onto, sod lacy on as the port al "IP Rork% ausooostrstal to he res. tad to comai aml rodorlog Pow-keeptog. Among ter many leepnWeitleaLe We outdo par ticularise: The Invention and sae nes antra plains of pe culiar coustructiou. to plusses damage to tag train by the Deodest! of nain-opriuger. le orteleal the American Watcb tlecayseny. who heals* had the nasal of all attar catarlyances sassed Fosses patent pintos se bang the beat and boll. less • llatdeeed atal tempered 'ult.:prier.. are of venially admitted by Watefateaketo to be Ma best ate ated Mall grades at Watts= Watcbe, all Waltham Webb, have dest•proof cap.. i olectlon the lIILMOMAGI from duet. and knees. t. lbe,otx a.ity of Om frequent cleenlog EMOIM, nary In other watches. Our new patent stem. alnaJr. or keyless watch I. already I daddad eoaere, and 'great imPritre• meat on any steni-wlndlngirateh W the American 'lndust. and by fu Ibe Oteetteet watch of Its goal. lay now offered to the public. To thine Wins la portions of the United nistes when watehere do nut abound. watch.' with the above mention, ed Improvements which tend to ennuis sonomey. eleenfinem. durability,. and conveLlenee. mast prim larslnable. The tradetaarke of the rations styles Made by the Company an a. follow.: AHLIIICAN WATCH Co.. Waltham. Yw. • Ann. Wgren Co.. Waltham. '1b...., , &MAHICAN WATCH CII.„CfMCaat St.. WALUMM, MOM. ATIPLITON• TMACT ot. CO.. Waltham. *NM. &MAHICAN WATCH CO". Adams St.. Waltham. WALTHAM! WATCH CO.. Waltham. YAM. P.ll. 13atrn.rrr. Waltham. Xi... r==:==l Hum . MiArei lag, Ms. ExAmltO, the opening:of these names earefally. before buying. Any variation urea of a single : letter, taillsta a counterfeit. . Var rale by. all kadlr_g jewelers. , Na watches retailed by die Company. AN Illustrated tdstory of wateb tualiug. Co.- tinting much use Inkermittou to watettereaters sent to any address os application. stosuirts t :APPLETONi 0,1008111AZIA:fer Asuoriess . Witich Coi:1; HIS Uroadway, Now York: . Mart;Ur] 4 *. f // • /•, • Tbe oldest and bed conducted Mercantile College la the country. For circalare write to. P. DUFFtiONS. htleborgh. trir Harpers' lltalltloa of DIIIPVIPIS BOOK•KEEPIIIICI. SO pp. Toe toot COUP prat- toolve work published. Contains National Bend._ Railroad Bunk-keeping. de. • • • Uncle Josh's TRUNK FALL OF FUN A Portfolio of Ent class Wit add Ilismor. eon lading the ttkbest Comical storks, creel belle, silde-epllttleg Jokes. hataidons Postry,• quaint Parodies. burlesque Semibold. new Condsdrautt and rakthiproveklogii Speedos, ever Comb` In deposited with custom Mutes. tunoslng Card Melts. Yeats of Cuter Magic, and nearl yloo fate ny Knowing.. Illeatuted•kiver. Priem lb eta. Sent by mall. needed paid, toady part of theiUnl. tad States. on receipt ofDICK t FIT Z- GERA ALL . Pabliebere. 18 A mid.nn st.. Nee York._ YAWL V trews mama y Prtafelau .L.r —4lO Dit; mot by mall free. Tactual boa to cure alidGemam of the persout pklo, hair. eyes. complezloo. Write to 714 ltroadway. Naar York. BL OMIN URSERY. lith'licer. 000 Acre. . 15 Greenhouses. Larg est Anortment—all Asa. Best Stoat Las Wk.! Would you know What, When. flow to mane lend'. Shade,. Evergreen itecej Root GaAs. Seedlings.thsge Plant., Apple iseea,Batly lime Potatoe., Shru b. Boma Greenhoweond Outten Plants, err. Fiat's,. and Vvelatim *ode NUM, Best • :ohectluo—ttorta and guilty, Beal 10 ants for new illustrated descriptive QUalogne —lOO pages. Bend stamp, each, for catalogue. of Heeds, with plain directions-44 pages • Redding and Garden plants—Vl pigment IV nol'esals price Let-14 pages. Adctreits Y. K. PlltE;till. Bloom ington. Illtans. itareatOfferant urwdre dispose of 'Due :wired Nampo, ..■;ilt.ons sad Octants of mix first class roam. including Wafers% uf urfressaly two picas for rasa, drain fats afroalA, or will take • pin arb and balance monthly or quarterly lustallagets. For $7. Per Line. We will Wert an advertLiement ONE MONTH, In Dee'noodled and Yiny-1 1 1ve Flint ease Pennsylvania Newspapers eleding Eleven Dallies. We refer totbe publisher of this paper, to whom oar respourtbllityls well known. LIST SENT FEED ' Addrew— GEO. P. ROWELL k Advents - tug Agouti, No. int 41 Pert Row. N. Y. $5 to $lO Per Day, Zit ; gi lu our new Weiner. make from 1115 to sll; g per May, in their own lieuilitkr. putleulare and instruction. sent tree by mall. Timed la need of permanent. peadtable work. should addma at BTINSON t. CO., ranked, Me. An Independent Fortune IN FOUR , BIOITIS. ewe be laws In • quiet way by wee t aye cape Die of keeplug the [4:cret. Addrem AS. (WOW WIN. eT esebawye Place, New Yak. Coo the ImVedrollable IV 4 rIBLMONAIII/ RAMA/ILn 1870 The old stiodud noted, tor ?nibs. Culdr. Von. Aosopllosi. Adur.•• Conan, Boos. £ Co.. &moo. I ;01 TO TOL WORKING MASS.—We antrum we y • pared to torah& all classes with constast emp farad al tense, the whole of the time or for the momeets. Bottum new, light aid profits.rc *ketone of either rex easily not hoes doe. try _ Per s elr eilli tl Ple" r th a, m blTa l as ' egine th earoeenri e y mart ar t mein. Thu all who we this notice two mend their address state.% the 'bootee% we note the unparalleled oder: To each as are eat well nursed, we will seed it to pay ecw the trouble ot welder& Full particular., a valuable maple Watt will do to crialowsor wore epos, and a copy at The People e Literary Chin. pardoe- ode of the largest and herr-WWI, sewn- Setieater published- all smut treaty seal f you wart permaciat. prof table work, ad ds**. - 41 ALLEN Al Sri Areoners, lie. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL and n $3O 1 . 1 4 1 t) Ine . l7 s obr new t e l m r.setell aw 'coverlet Address WEST& 00., lianehell; Illeblein • . • • viiiistittatits. —A Viola at early Wee tb, action, calming nervous debility. preauunie decay, etc., beet= Wad IN vela every advertised lonsierly, bee simple loons of eelt-aus, *bleb be will rend tree to Ms telltoir•relbrere. Adobes, J. U. TUTTLE, 'lts Nom et.; New Tat., 7 2 limb.. beat tree tor stamps. W. Bonaparte & Mao. O. Ir. Bannon.. P. A. limenra..C. A. lismetie. G. S. MULIMILIS asow Os.. Am aripttes; /tr: 41. LitARIL ONI &CO Drover 12W, rtr, HANKERS, Mares hi Rbat& Coin: tootas, Colketiose mark on all seeeseloss KW& to the United Seam 154 Canada. Antenna of -Wirth. sate. llaselhetorres, 'porkies& Waren Meowed as tines depoates. Cotroepon. deism will merles prompt attention. Nee- 11:4 1111DULVTON'S POCKS? aissasnauxu. al Agest 1 , 11/01d he real 0011 lay la tae Vatted State. to .ell Middleton. Pocket Cora. !libeller. palmated =O. It Sbella all dale of tom and iss to bred by say as.. WM bat kelvin. Retell lb nuts. Wboleaale to Avesta. IS De Harri nte. sburg. Pa. 11117.. N itoraIDDLITON It CO.,— tf chv di Co's Ad, jytdissints. Negri Wanip ats ' l O lll 3l aim, or tlf. Lam Mo. siaskly Jurubeha. N W A - 13# 11 111 114;4111 1t Iles tl the ltri sodirf a ° rhea leg stlitai: Wk. Do both shleed blAr iath astmed The best and cheapest Yando e Id the market. Adieus JOHNSON.* etAIRNS a CO.. Braaten, Mew; Pittsburgh. rs 4 Mina 1U or st. Ingle MO. - tool As - s -- - ----- GmuorarAir onto Waniod for Groesheek's Calculating Machine. Mgt semi. rite, reliable, ample. Easily operated. p sod boodle!. • lashodsotaaeous eddltiorO rebetrae. 9 " 11 . Wong Irma ono to Ire whams or Imes at a time. amble aod 'borrowlog 111. NW, hundreds. etc.. without the least fisowsitt ea the CURDY. of the Address /AMIN. At Ma CURDY. P Isdelodts. Pa. . assitdo amps , v... 61. Inducement. too Amts. Is lonnaikna foe. Address Am. pfsoli.INOPOWIll. lam ehreetNew York. AM.Mter i,lO NaE FELON 50 Cents. ~..-nang Organdy seeded biszieyegaltr. - Call hod enadce, or samples sent tarilitall to W ands that retail malt INN V IL I. wouom WI Chatham ir York. . , ilehittne ._.- EVAN' GI FT Ne BOOK ENTERPRISE. . • We madam to seed a tremble elf With , ovary , took boiled of as. nomad' wIU testify tower =awl Mums. • Wild. Write Wm in ow. beat tme. Address A, Is. Re. sae* Cs., WI, iirtet at. Phla.. Pa. febtkiar Tidal TO.= 11 : pee atom New ' ' . BOON Yrostneteilikoold, , hale, mandating awe WI hasatt• JIGIUMI palikecomi Wes. nittatigh to sw7 /Malt NMI gm" Slap. ' Addams llama es. PWatwasmo Vs. Pht- IdelPhia. Pa. • latolttw rye EE "MIIMar tqf The Owe abitikersot. "t — .. lll •ALlt altirectlre es book ••••Pli.wwww.. Imp itievet, Ileuveh thiltiewhib son lea captor la way Am_ Ow Tl. Is SW wasluto VD wow Mbar b illsr • s larn blabrit Wes ID MO wiiiibb pm * O. aid Seed fair Camden with Imola was. Adoll.wypU- 11, 1 8- L 116111 N 44 CU." al Mouse it my-. litheiw a s (PCLMK. to Iwitilineat; - o pt ti ay KIWI** aucurrs with hew YAM. 5.., .4 gyro oat MAN Fee Ina receive by Mont aAI s townwt *woo . 4 post tulle. Mr bumf or *II b 50 1 id.. 4 441 . loiniar" A 46,0 * W. VOL P. O. UWlll' W/41. ON, ,111.. X. V. . MU. ' - •loop off roollond Yak ',- we halt• letellimet ow pr Mira. ems simr II tio• Imola lor Altair. aillo diner Ad. diva MAW!: COMO ilputigileft, Nem • febl.l4lw. "li g " ira a li r . SACRED t, MYSTERY 1 E Stria' lid graded awl popular we L ade. not thuatroda uldtpatblll add INlarlidhud. Phi ogre bposk Oka 18-suiete KIIt.T tWf s. WI.- ell SI to 191 par Peek or it sad Panr:' lerowalt .lot .taterperdieg Mk: tetra Sam" la. ttarearesta iffored. Said lbw drablare tto WuoriP D. Ilatajord. - Ceitea. tobllk It AR 1111L.A101%.0611 A. , 011 k dal Gnat Tea Noder. Warranted Es salt ad team - itFor W. •terysitro. Andr o. d.r p. uketrolo, smolt, ra t Pit v - Ce.. 111 Montt IA Now Turd- P. U. Boa /MS. Brad 0, Cireutor. Y rad.Strw REDUCTION 0/17.1)KCES stEDucTioN Or DUTIES, Great Saving to Seminars. ly Getting Up Club's. Prlkud for ear no Prkedirt sad • CIO farm ■ll.l &company it. cousin*: fall directions. tnalduz a have sawing u. mammon and mama üB~ . kburganAMIRICANTBA COMPANI. Si ic RI VZSILYSTRIT NEW YOWL P.O. Boa. Mtn.. martater - Pre,V . NVOILA.... . (CARBOLIC TABLETS. An arthillas remedy fur all RaMpridal Difacultiee. =Colds.. Iloaraentio. Asthma. Dipthorla. of the throat - or VI lade Pipe modal' Wm , that Theit.tfal modern' dlacimerp of Carbolic Ada. Moab& to become=a t t. = htessismalle ananktrel in its a of Maitland mid Ita greatvendlea inmate. ha all studios of the Caw ram LeTas. . , Dr. We lls' Carbolic Tablets, 4 batlike 'the great remedial' ' ntrboßc AM contain other lagreditela an lipre.rommend edortlgaptrakelgr ems Wog a Tab let wet, 11 I,i medicinal ad ter adapted kw Cremes. the throat than any. preparation aver to the plait& L._ r t hUillir Be suns rou ; aae Rum' Camisole R i te 'names ; Mo sat tam omma 00005 is mulch 0117 all Taunt alma man FOR , COUCIDS AND COLDS Wells Carbolic Tablets ARE A SURE CURB. TRY TIIRY. BR BY DRUGGIST Emarthlir Dm G 141418. Reduced. Prices Speyeket & Sons have. just Iteturnvd l'rg.irt the FAO. WITII A - I.AkI3K STOCK ON 0901A1 Bought it the i . Lowest Caih Prices And wills l sonic Goode AS LBW AS BEFORE THE WAR! o s ll Kisting Dry caftan. Onievriks, Pro. visions, liarlwarr, Haut, Caps, Boots autl Sls",, Th.pe,l)ettut, 'Parking Yarn, IroK Nails, p a int's, White Lett]. Oil, Putty, quvensware, Wit low•ware,Flur. Griiia Fmtl, nod • Atom, u-yarie ty nr Prints,Niuslins, 'richt no,liehtiux,Cheeks. Altraututvivons,Diumaserusit awl llostery ; Taws, entree., tingvs, Syrups, 3101asseu,Carboli Oil, 2011 /ibis. of the Cdelirated atnto i n City AND SEW CREEK FLOUR, Juat atriired and for wde, Wholesile and• . At Pittsburg Prices. 200 Kegs Vl:heeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME; • • ' huul, w Plasler, and Akron Muni; i • A Large Stock of I White Lead - and, Paints. A v se e n i Zpx .ii" tirst o n i f B =! 'lk di V l et. Just arrival and aa t ea r /ri f e' Wh l dcarde ALSO,I 2 URE CATAWBA; ISABELLA --and— Concord Of out own vlottumfir pPipul__ end: Sacninuiond Purpnon • highly Ite* mil/metaled by tip who have • 'uged them Tl 4, are its!-Agruls for the KNIFFEN . NOWE4 Ahl). ILEAPEAt, All4 . :Plii. NAL PlOll/11. ' •• " Thanking the Paucic Forithtir past pat ronageL we hope terUrrit a liberal store thectutare. • All Goads Ikliven• Ave of Pane. roalcati rely on a, Sank tieing fresh, as all our aid valorem saki at auctkat. SONS, rprl3,lc Mansaui. to Vonstua el Sago Tax wally pratad, sad tar sale at this °See. rc= • F.A.I.A.A4TON POundry Repair Shop. . Meese... 111 aimed law Voisdry 111•Ashase Su lam thaii taut, yetrs.—iletlag width Mae bevaretatalakted eradier at weal patent.. twe. camettaeltag models sad tiklag oat palmate lbe hapecerteseate ea COOKING - STOVES —sod attar baring *mostly toktod thew Iwo proceosemoir ic., la orating Mesa to no publ • . P.X.41 CIO • fr .'ire SMUT 111111111111111 kap ass Il• parlorithe 4Ne Leerily. s'r 97'x'-4.11 Stoves of Dirlefas4 MIMI Par Urdu( 0.64 Cmirimg. Tatatrat BOW CAW atm ike bra Record at say %Iwo ever aircrol la . Mir alartst. IT TAKICeI Lk.138 FUEL. ILFX4ROOM TO DO MORE WORK, BEST, BAKER, MOST "Mit A. 1131.10 ALTOGETHEIi TUE BE,ST STOVE IN USE. a 4aretin with the ataie - I have got up a Wield ItIXTENNICON TOP, ("bleb oteupbta little room, no asklltional fuel. awl is not liable to wear out; dispen ses with all pipe. can be put on of taken eir at and tinte..and wile to suit all stores of any situ or pattrru. Five Illasadred lierosonis Who have puniness! and used ittir . . . GRIM' REPUBLIC COOKING. HOVE, No 4 of whose. Dames hare been publish. al lo the Aunts. are ettedideutly relents! to, tu Mar e 'Meer ads tapered merits a* a I:94mq emve. Umber term: Inn dam OUghle• 011 hand. at aloe Sams Woo power capettly. tiny it. ogetod to the palette At nwociable it. NILtY. 101171 WM IL I HENRY LAPP, \I/SMIRK IN .111.1. KINDS Or FURNITUE• LOOMOLIM &EMU 111112 OF A aALES IIIIOIIIBIIIIID TO ORDIRL Ibights. 11. obese IPlew Fisetory, ROWIEFITER. PENN'A. The kargtot itectittilleaver comity coostantl on band, and mdlitig , he tho say boat prices. Coign. aad Lear.e provided at the abortrot notice Hasler a largoateekeffillklella of garniture es Num', and wiablutiolita4totan fur and win ter arlak. I hale reduced my prlcea accordingly. magEltlf. I • Oil 'Cloths, ;Sr... Wholesale and - Retail, At towest M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 61' Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH, Pd. We Itu've FreiMinn for Supplying Fe.l TAII. I)EALI IiES Equal to ANY E.iSTEUN JOSEDG HOUSE. • - BIeCALLIVM ORO& ME LOOK HERE. QIPIIIINGI Ankh 11431/11111tat GOONS. -Th. uuderalgtod hams leave b. Infor hl. frkmda and the public cm:milli that harts, Ott recalvad • Das stuck WI rood., of the Wert style. fur Spring aad !lauder wear ,which be offers at wl7 ENTLE.ViIiCs' FURNISHIZIO ROOD. CONSTANTLY ON NAND. Clothlog glade to order out the shortest sone° Monkish° the stabile fix peat 41,0114 I hope by elate attention to bum., to merit a coattau• goer at the, wait. ' DANIEL MILLER,rA BRIDGE ST.. BRIPpKWADER. CCHAR.IiIIIIIIT, roars Public. Coo vomiter sad Mame. Arad. Dade sod Agresawate wrl Oa and aehnowledgemeat* taken, Le. Bovine been duly eomadarlosedaArreat fas several lent ears Warsaw Gewpaoles. repa author the Fire, Elle, Aedsleat, and Lee Stock frem OM mesta. Is prepared to lake dad and wilts the rasa liberal terra. Walt f:ri the "Anchor line of drat class Orals Stalo ff*. near. wild to sad-tom all ports to IMP Wad. 'aloud, lataland,Geraway mad Frame. Of Yale Leafs brick row, Dismood. Roctratter. aprtifflo - CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS St INTER STOCK. undemeneit, taken plea•ure I t m• Ginning low friends public gener ally flint lie lu.s jast rec-irial and opened A Niw took of Goods, OF TUE LATEST STYLES FOR Winter Wear. Ile kaltot the best M wuritmen in bit employ. anti feels confident of ills ability to cut and•uwke up garments both !FASHIONABLE& DURABLE and iu such a manner as will please his customers. 103 i DIS:11ili:j 1: 1.11141,01,1 ALWAYS ON HAND Call and 'are us Wore tearing your . ;Orden Orewhere WILLIAM lIEICU. Jr. may4:lo4, Ilmigewater, Pa SRO. althint. MERCHANT TAILOR, lIROADWAY. NEW BRIGHTON, PL a llaying received large and well ,elected stock • Fall and Winter Goa* cossistlog of BEAVERS, CNINCBILLAS, chorus. CASSIMERES, ENO LL.4IIMELTWIE,VESTINOS, et the duet sod owl kr blamable rtyis. utkli • . be mods to order on the xosr HEASONABLZ TYRNIS and on lte eimertiet popeilln eaten and 111011113144 to_give sedefeedon., P.N.— As Ime toy moos not lint doe wartime sal lhartag expretteoar hi a Mac defy competition anywhem to the BMW ati to ll =Melon u ' Gnapado on Pad a foil Mott t raMy =de cicada/ of lame Meatifectnee. oettltd. • suiraitirirs so : : = 4 .. of Vied Wail Soo. Waal Illatt a tiV il aid Faiths. Waal tad of tits Oaten of at Um wain of 'Serra. sad to its wlll be az• =ler AI ale. . at AD . rzr. to Uttltalr. NA Kell Mt. A D 1. at tat o'clock, a. m.. lb. ialloWlag papery. its: ' • - All the debt, title. Interest sod data sidebar& sat ot. In and to 1016 Noe ll* sod SRI In the Kas my plea of lota be the bonnet of berm retie, thane meaty and litato of Perneybeasta, boss& ed end described as toilcnna. tot Nottei II boon& ed oti the sorb by let No 100. on thiresst by beo and ahoy on the roars by. Moral streat i ca. the wes:,. Third start. Tbe lot Ls 43 nOng by 113 beck. sod or whir' Is erected tramp derelllar Memo with two roams 'richest; alma e small frame stable sod other one belldtoge. Also. - lot $l3 Zonsomy plan, sad Joining fibs above. I. bounded or the north by k 4 number SM. on the east by Sewed alley, On the earl by lot amber Irk and on the wan by Mkt street—all enclosed. netted and tares la exerirlos se tbe propertr or Kober. Potash sr the dersodasta at the salt of hatenuel Vans. °se • • No ALSO. .3 At tbet salsa Woo sad plarrAall doe tied Mk Is- Limit and dabs of daleadsat. od, ts and to a rev tabs lot or paw of proud. rituals Is tha banish 01 boarer. rails. Burn emery, rad Wats al Passaylr belas lot amber TS la the &tum my plan of to stud bxotteA sad Winded and dreenbad as follow : lbs aural ley lot mow bet 74 sass plan ; as rho sat by Water alley. oes tb wattb by but motor Ti, muss piss • • and as tba Wert by haat Orme. also Talk rated. TM tot la &boat ICI Seed frost. by 137 bet back as whirr to seestsd a twootlory Irmo loss, ad** room; the boom la shook 100 l redlar wart . seatts, and his also a mad frame stable, about bed tbari ra h Wen VC dater at Out barb door ; duo lot Ms easo silt Moe plated as IA arid all Setzed r =itei to ezeteadoo as Ma property ce Boxier Wldttrig,at lha salt of Sum! MUSairsr. • MAW, _ At the slum dose awl place. all lb* right, _ Luton= and data of deleadant. et, In and tei all that certain piece or parcel of land. situate In the baronet of Bearer, county of lienrer. and Mate (I Mwasyrreals, Way pus of kit nwebered tea MUM la wld borough of Weyer, and baandal.sad dawribed as follows : Beglauing at the corset of VIM' sad Market streets ha said Waugh. thence thaw Market street oar basin al sad slatr.lwo (Mal feet coal= of the lot of Leonhard I< Johns, one hundred and twenty hat (1113), to line of lot number mbar (a), thence by Ilse al slid lot masher I. one hundred end slat - I va (la) feet to Yeast street, thence slang said ?root *Meta= handfed sad team" het he the =ce of beglitlibM: upon which saM above described pi= or par= of isnd is wetted a tweeter, Mane &Mang home with rooms and WWI= atiadal with cellar ander aestb, cistern at the back door. Galt trees, coal hour, woodshed and otbw °Gibed:hale m Mew lees. and mirky fence. The above is one of the most desirable and beautiful locations for a priests residence, in the borough, of Beaver. Seized and taken in executloo, as the property of T M Johnson, at the salt ofJunedgie Mutsu, fur use of D McKinney, Ir.. Also at the Olt of Licari• el sad Lena, trustees. ET • At the some time end phugt all the right. title. Interest and chum of the defendant of. la end to. the fonowLug piece or perml of land, gluons in Big Beaver township. Bersiettmenty and titave of Pennsylvania, bounded end described as hollow's: Un the Dana by toad of the belts of Thomas Brit- Win and John 11 Wasr, on the east by land of Nancy Wilson, James K Calkonn'e heirs and Tar rewlitiobrielget ow the sooth by land of Henry gle. Mules. dad nu the west by lead of Junes hi Las. bee. Wm Carry. Alex Audetitm and others, con• taming foa sera inote• or lam, and on which is erected a two story brick dwelling bosun with rooms. aop and down *baba; also nue *mall frame boa. I stagy high with II rooms • I frame ban; small crehard; &bent Inisaus at ihe above are seder knee. about el acres of 113. bur; and nn- derneath said W acres are two vela; or coal; t h e tans to well watered. • Seized and taken In executloo as the property or Hubert V Wilson, at the malt a It .IBrlttaln, Trustee. AUltt ....4ithe same time seaid - see, all right titte-anter est and Naito of defendant. of. In and to a certain lot or place ol ground, situate In the boric!, Bearer Valle, Waver county, and Kate of sylranla. being lot number 1017 In the Berostomy plan of lots of said borough, and bounded cm the north by let number 1646. of the some plan, on the net by Tank attest, on the south by lot number Mg. same plan. and on the west by 'tank alley; being one handrail Mid sLety4wo fort deep; by 43 feet front, on which Is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, basin"' a front of sixteen feet on Tank meet, by Br teeideep, with no eztenalosair kitchen Intate rear, 16 Wet by 16,feet, one story h4b; also a rented' In trout of ma banding. rit beam contains In all si a roams, .wlth cellar randenteath. ralenclosed. • licked and taken In rueutton sof Ma of John U Newton. at the null of John kilie also at suitor Ulllauu & Bruce. Also, at the atilt of Iletuict& Lem Trotters. ALSO, , "ro At t he same time and piece. all righf title Inter. 'est and clalut sal deksdant, at, ha and to all that • piece or parcel of land Attune In the town. ablp of Hopewell. county of Soarer, and Slate or Penuayiraula. bounded on the north by land of Captain Wahl McLonaltE uu lb.. west by laud of Jacob Hakes, ou the south by land of Andrew licSonald, and ou itto east by the two river, con taining 40 um,: being the same place of land -which was allotted by tho beim of Andrew tic- Donald, deceased, to the said Martha Cbttoty use of the children and heirs at law of said deceased. un which above described property Is erected • = frame dwelling house, with $ rooms, all . _ Seised and taken la examine se the property of -- " 11a. Christy end Martha Christy, tihr wale, u the'eult of Michael Matter. ALSO. No 7 at the ISM time sad place. all the right. Ods interest and claim of de fen dant of In and to that aartato lot er peewee resod &unto is the hole megbuf Bearer Palls, Seiner county sad Mate of Pemasyiranla.l t. rdAll i ot No lin e ECOGOILII plan of lots of Sall end bounded and described as follow*, to wit: the Duna by tisk alley, on the east by ‘ kat number 11l of name plan. on the south by a street, cm the wait by lot Danaher lea Of came plan; suld.lot bas front on Linden street of 42feet. and extends back 113 feet to Oak alley; on what hspreeteditero story frame dwelling hours contaixlng 7 nuami'and pantry. cellar uniteroesth —all esclosed. Seised AO taken htixecntlon as the property of Samuel nhadl . e, at the milt of Samuel Lescallett. ALSO, ." No $ \ At We aloe time and place all tight title Inter est and claim of defoodaut, of, la and to the fol lowing described property, to wit; lot • number 110 and 57, In the Economy plan of Ma In the bor ough of bearer Yale, bearer euunuyeand State of Pennsyleula, and together buundel as f01i0...: 'On the north by Maple street, ua the east by lot number SO. of same plan, on the south br-Ilaple alley, and on the wen lay Bearer street, Dacia of mild lots haring a lean of is feet on Maple street, and extending back a detainee of lit feet tullaPle alley, and on which is erected a two-story dwelling Douse, having a boot of twenty keraos street, and extruding beck forty-tee feat, cuntaluisig about • •It roues, cellar emdenuoth. and Tented/ In front °fetid bum, Seized sod taken In execntioo as the of Jacob Coblenta and Carnal* Coblentz. =lf?, at the suit of V NI Arobinsim. it Bro. ALSO. . Nu II At the 'name time and plooe. all Sae right, title, intern-I and claim of defendant of. is wed to ices failowlue described properly to alt: being lot No 1271 la the Economy plan of lies In IDs borough aflame Pale, bower county and State of Noe sylvanta. bounded on the north by Economy on the cost by beaver street. on the meat by lot numbs- 1.272, soma plan, and on the west by Bea urer alley; said lot having a front on Bearer street of 13 feet, and extending back IC feet to Bearer alley; on %stitch la erected a lietory brick.dwielliug nums containing I. all d rooms, to wit: 2 rooms and kitchen on Ern loot, and ;rooms on wand Nary—culls: undereratla, asulexemoda In front; also coal-honre, pig-pea and-other oat-buildings. Selma sad taken fn execution as the of Hobert P Outdo., at the suit of Jame r?rttelf Inman; also at the roll of due Economy Saying In. unbutton. ALSO, MCI At the ens time and place, all right title later. eel and claim of defendant, of in and -to ell Mal certaiu tract ur parce he land lying and belug lu Greene townohtp,la tcounty of gesvernud baste of Pamsylventa, bounded and &scribal as fol low., to wit; Beginning at • poet In the Ohio rlv er,thenee by said river north iirg,Weet 6s anon perches to • post. tie ace by land of Jahn Verge rs, mouth 423 deg, west tie perches to a putt thence by lane of Jecob Pee south degrees, east GU 4.10 perches to a port, thence by land of Jelmailau Allison north 371; &great east . 62 perches to the place at beginning, containing 3$ ecru and el perches, strict measure. Being the ewe land which gonna Bradley and Cattunine his wife, by Indenture, dated Ule 701 day of Pokey, ' ISO. awl recorded in the ogle, for r cordlog deed.. etc, for the county of Beaver, granted and swiped unto Chas T Diehl, Ileary,S Frank, Win. W R att, Janus M Conrad, Elan Wolf. Abraham Horn and Samuel, In fee, who- held the Came In treat fur Me shemlbent to • cr_rti 6cate for lacer woollen of the lianntsetureie Oil and Mining. when It should he Inemperated, which certificate austining the &manatee of aid tenet and the name. , of sued rabeenbere Is abut recorded in the itecorikig Dike aforeskt In Deed book No SO, page dct..On the above described- premise, are erected I small flame tenement house. Seised and taken in execution se the property of the Idanniacturere 011 ± Mining Co. at the reek of Charity 1r Mehl, Henry S Frank, and Abraham ALSO, No 11 • Al the mune time and place, all the light, title. Stereol and chain of defendant of in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land attune In the township of Brighton, county of Beaver and Saito of Penneylvania, bounded and dmeelbed as fol low., to wit He:lnning et • post thence by lands of keel Wray and tieorge Elliott mirth 81 degrees west 113 perches to • run; thence down the same by It. meendetlngs, and land of John Smelt north tat degrees art 330.10 perches tea beech: thence , north 152( degree, wait IS 5.10 perches ; no th II degreee est 61 pertain' to a red oak; thence north' 8 degrees W s 10 garde. to a white w alnut; north 4 degrees welt 30 perches to • encumber; north 8 'lmmerse 13 Cvlo perches to • poet; faith IN degrees eat 67 5.1 e perches to gait by. Jesse Willanur; thence by land formerly of Mrs Dickey math 314 degrees map perches to • post; moth 511 degrees met 156 3.10 perches to a port; thence by lend of Michael ?began and RoeS Wray eolith south 31 degrees west.] ntOth perches to a poet; thence by lands of Heel Wray north SO and a half degrees west 53 perches to a ;sett, north main degree west 916.10 perches to the place or begin. nlng; metope lU7 acres &land more or lent The same befog underlaid with &three feet vain of val. sib, coat which I. opened sad samaled with aU the &tares necesrary for this delivery of coal; and also, with a vein of ling el m mineral paint open. ed and in winging order; NIT acre' 4 the and being cleared and the res idue woodland, end all enclosed. Thew are es the premiers ha excellent, orchard, rem at least one hundred Use In • on! bearing =dales; a 14 story frame dwelling beam four mode. Mahal andante:a goad &bah bait etteo feet. cernerth, bog-pen, ba ke-o ven, a good well al water at the door of the dwelling.* elegem at the bun. ie., Re. The pregame' are within a mile of Beaver, and half • mile of Palle ton. Also, all that (erten:piece or lot of ground vitiate In ato bompagh of beater, county Oi Bea ter and Stile of Pennsylvania, hang lot number. ed 81 la the general phut Of lots Of the aforesaid I borough: bowled goals by Third area. east by ha' number 83. south by Corporatlon alley and welt by kit mamba Se, having sheet of MO feet E X Third street, and extending t a ns therefrom EX) feet to Corporation alley; Osmn are erected a good two story trick dwelling Mum, wean hose, stable, Re. The lot metal& fruit Ism Of redone kings. Ibis le one 04 the meet de/Treble pavalaseekkainte la Belem • . Seand. takes( in exeMtica ea the of J ohnlf. Slants, at the tall of George Mc kW sae of Dollar Savings Bank. ALSO. Nu 12 At the came lima sod plass, all Ike richt. title, Isiterad and claimed debnident. of to and to • neh tato lets place of froond . iinate la Moon wit. GP s Braver county. Tett Innta, bounded tra by iowdrater or the Min o,lier. at by Black Spring Ran. e luth by ordinary water mark, and wen by th Two-Nile Huta: Seised sad takes la sit Wks ta the proper ty of Jan Stewart, at the salt af.lseub brace. AI NO. Itd 11 At the ewe titre and pia"., all tbe harm,. and dales of defending, ofto sod to all gripe two certain lota or phew. of mond. Aug. la the boniest at Berm Valk Bower minty, Yensaylveahi, tartar kat Ifs TM sad 1111 In the deosmay plo. of lots I. raid bennisti. adJoltth each other. aad Weedier bounded a. the north by Yeariony greet. sag by tient ahoy. south by lot assiber *atil. sad west by aberman &wag bang aft ItS Stet to width 4 frost as said Slmorma sc, sad bank therefrom 141 het a Onisit alley s.taedaleeeaedma hikes is essentloo se sbe el Hairy Dodson, at dm suit of floreetb=. MAO, so d 14 At tbe 011ie tiros sod pier* 111 We rights title. interest sad chaise' defendost. of la Ma Will We following deards or dC or wad of good OS , sots la the of NeW,Nfigbbro. Beam coast, ad draw of yloolsilsring lobs ow bored tor% uol Al. bounded co she mortis by lot No IN sod "Ohs N* cot by Willow sib); south by gessebss Nolo*rley.d ow Os west lor Wafer Onset; being Me owe piece precisely which Sa rah V Cosle tooled sod coroyed to the sold ileslawsla Whisks, and au width abase deocribed properly Is erecte d • tugs Iwo story frame dol. nag boos tensetrocted Wa s fensllloo with, dersonal sko. 'Obi. sad other oat bolldlop. is. tale planted with fruit trees sad Seised snd W sOrnbbsty es le. sad is tu ne enclsosSAge otios moody of Be.). Whirrs. deed, sow to e Lan& se Na ry Wk delse and Mead Whlelekidoes of the it. bits of old do:asstd. al the nave gosh V Cols. ALSO o 13 Al tie was tam sad N pima. all lb. rlgbt tills aid Galas at ot„ fa sad ta, all that *nada tat or pled of grtatad iltosta la Os tioraagb at Waver lath SSW rr coast, and Bt ats of Pam ylvanls, Bing loot sambas 171. alma plea OW. In ml 4 borough, sad basuatod au Ma aortal by lot winner ra, rim plea. *an by Task anaa, Gam* by gado amt. rd wait by Milliblobelt hUT wet Oda an alai I. snacted • twolltZuLatlassmil=togar by . ill lat t: Wink an Bones inatalatag Maw. Wan adtir s =s tb. Lot =Masa In ssocatlon of /Markt Q Nutuolf. at tas roil at Mural a less. Orogen& ALSO, No 36 At the same has and plain, all des tight. Ude, lawns: sad claim of defendant, of In and to all Mast certMo lot oir Om of vonad • • • tbe bongoes of Seaver Valls, Seaver comity end 5 , of penneylrania, Wooded on the north by Mel; berry Meet, eat by lot of Wllll on banws, Annuli by lands of John UOll.l sod others, aid Wag by lot of John Laded. The lut Is 43 feet treat ou Mul berry Mout, on wbkii Is elected • Mick balding 111331 feet, two Morles and a half In height. wit an additloolt . ereto Mall feet. two storks blab with porch; al*. • frame Jambes an We ram lute m oil high , aullidebed; And lour of brick build. lag Wattles two room, ha l and more room. sec. end door has tout rooms and hall; Us .at tic finish .* ; pad well of with a pomp haltwoveu oa lot; all amassed. and laden In execattlos as the property or Andrew Smith at the suit of Licari/I and Lem, Trustees. AM, No IT At the same hide and place all right title later. est end claim atdelendant of, I. and to, all that mewl; lot or plea of ground Amaze lam the Our. Gogh of Beaver Valls, D 104,15/ county. and State of Yeansylvesia, being lot somber 1115 Ammomy plan of lots In mid borough, bounded coo the nom by lot number lark east by Thomas alley, south by lot number all, mid west by Tank area, being di Wet hunt co Tank strict and otteadlog bark therefrom 143 Wet to Thome.. alley, on which as arected a twootory frame dwelling house 16 by VS feet, cootatulig 4 rumas, oallar underneath and veranda In frout. Seized and taken In execution a the prorerty of Malicia /lowan at the eon" M Ileurlcl at Lam. unstop.. At t st and he same time sod place, all the right title ales intere d of deteadauto, of, in ead hr. lo numbed 180, In the NCoholity plan of lots of Deav t er Irsila. Saver county, and node of Proadyltiwid , bounded and deectilied as follow.; .On the hortis by lota ofJ Hyde, on th e east by Chestnut alley. uu tbe south by Chestuat dtrodt, uo the weal by lka•ra street, and on which le erected a two-story frame dwelling house With 6 routm, with cellar ItallerDeatti. • flare *ha awned on the lot a Same shop about. 21.1.1 feet, sod other uuthuild.. Inv, all endured, noel awl taken La execalkm 11.. the property of Y W Teeple. and U N Teeple*, et the kelt of %WWI, Hoyle & I Maur No In At the same time and place, all the right. title, interest find claim of deseudetit, of it, sad to all that cartel.. lot id grOutul Mutate to the bututigli of &aver YAWN Sweet county sad State of Penn sylvania., being lot Nu. 14110 in Seaway plan of lot. of odd howeigh, Weeded on the north by lot somber lilt:, err hyTaalr. street, *oath by lot No. 10111 and wen by Tank alley. The lot la 1:1 feet front on Taut West and :a feet deep to Tank al ley; as which I. erected a two atoly from. dwelling booms with two roomy on each door, with cellar %indented/A; hit enclonal. , Seised and taken to execution as the property John hhnl - P. al the mato/U.:arid 4: Lena, trus tees ALISO - EMI At the same time and place, all the right title littered mud dam of defendant, of, lu mud to all that certain piece or parcel of laud sltaate Ito the township of Daelloguss, to too comity of Bearer, and Stale creams:lrani; bounded and descritied as Ibliceere, els: &cyanid; at • poet, theses by lands of llugh daimon, anat. nut degree sod nifty-dre minutes, tart slaty-eight and WU perches to • psi, thence by lauds of koala Mil %moan& thirty-ulna clegnas, minutes, edit we hundred and thurty-seveu, and sixty- Ilea hundredth perebes to a poet, thence by laud. of James heresy, dumb flity-four degree,. nutty-tire adman:, east May perches to a peat, thence by landuftiortyYortti fumy-two Amu out hail degrees, nest eight mid Moe tenth perches to a post, oath thirty-tight and une-hmf degrees, Mg nineteen and three taint perches to a post, north ally and one-half degrees, met thirty-dee and three truth perches to a poet, north forty-three and one-tall derma, east seventy-lour and three perches to a black oak, mirth thirteen and .me fourth degrees, east twenty-One and eight tenth perches to a black oak, thecae by Linde of Joseph Braden, north forty-Mete degrees, west thirty-two and eighty-dm handreth perchei to clam ; thence by lauds of J & Hugh banditti, north eight). eight degrees, wee t suselyeareu sad man leant perches N a atone idle, north ate degree, east if.- keen and six tenth perches to • etude pile, imam emeuty-eight and ace-half degrees, west seventy - pee perebee to • eighty-eight degrees, wait aresty-truatedt hin -dee handrails presto" to the place of beginning. Couta/ulug use hun dred and Illtydour acres and twenty-two perch., more or lem, about 110 acres Mound, mid the balance well timbered; on which le nested • twowthty Imoa dwelling honer, urith.funrreoult , sod kitchen attactic4; Woo, a Inoue .fable about 110 by sit feet• &leo. ■ Inty barn, hay hone, com a*, wring home and other uotbelldiug, there also an orchard uu the nrculace d 'and underlaid with cad. Seised and &km Iu euccutuou MO the proper• ,ty of Valcutlne Stier, at the cult of Lutz and Wale. ALSO. No 21 At the same thne and place, all the right title. Interest and claim of deLmilant, ut. In and to ail that certain piece or pars l ol ground situate to the bunsegta sal Beaver nig,. Ikerer county and State of Penturylianta, being lot number 1041 in the *oorough atureseid, bounded on the north by lot lUI7, east by 's auk street, south by lot number KM sail west by Tank alley. being 43 feet treat uu Tank street mud extruding back tnerefrunt 141 fret to Tank alley; ou which Is erected • two story frame dwelling house 16xtd feet, three rooms uu Int dour and moon second, with kitchen attach ed (1 story) 11:14 feel, with porch lu irons, mud pond on north side, cello underneath. - Seized and taken Its execunou as the property of John It. Newton, at the suit of Iblinum and Bruce; also it the soil of Bendel and Lena. true \ • ALSO . ' Nu 11 At the same time and place. all the right. Bile, Interest Mid claim of defendant, of In sad to all that cranial piece or parcel of laud .haute In New Sewkkbey tua - uship, Bearer county and Slate of Penneyitaula, himuded as fo•hure, to will 'Be ginning at a post at the corner of lauds of X. Malin.. Mad running teenee by laud of Yrs Pent. north 67 degrees east lad perches to a post; thence moth degrees neat 04 perches; thence south 87% degrees wed, It fella perches; thence north 17 degree. west N parches; thence south 67 degrees west its perches to a post and land of E' Mazes; thence by said Hahne.' hind north 11 degrees wevulltt perches to the place of begin. slag. containing twenty-six anus and fourteen perches strict measure, and beim: jun of lot and 17 bele district of Depnclauon lauds, and the same premien which Adwatd S Holmes and sink by deed dated )(arch 27, 1851, and rocorded In the oak. for recanting deeds In said county. i=a bout No. au, pages .13n dc.; on whicn a frame dwelhog house containing throe ball. and ten rout.; want trundler* underneath; medium slated tern; wash-boom with. furnace Barrett a and amber out•buildlngs; a good miring of water In the bernyud, a good cistern lei the premises • gaud orchard with all kinds of fruit treirs; al.sa a gaud nursery of young mipletrevia: the pivotser lectured and all in good condition. The abuse property is pleasantly located, stout one tooth of a male Irons the borough or nee deer seised and taken In execution as the property of Georg. Wawa, at 'the suit cis thlteeple and Mitchel' for use of Jmeph eatttereon. No VI A At the same lime and taste. all the right. title. Interest and claim of defendant.. of In and to all that certain other piece or parcel of land situate • in 'Louver township, neev , eFounty, renniylva- Itodhded and deectibed follow.: On the north by lauds of U. W. • Aaron Illueshiger, above defacribed; on the rim by land. 01 D. Niekle and other*, on the south by land of We.. S. Wee. and nu the mint by lands of 1). U. Dungan, cuti• Waling about 211 scram. about 173 saes of which is cleared and all under knee; ou *ltch Is erecuch a orotund • !init.:my frame dwelling boner wild Svc roams and Alleluia; also a bank bent, corn crib, stable, cider-urns, cuw.eteble,. cual•hou. , and other out-butidingv; and has a Mae Orchard of bearing fruit Mew. Seised sod taken In execution as the property of ()verge W. Alleo•lnger awl ,Aaeau Xisiesluster, at the suit of Samuel Wilson. ALSO, No 14 - • • At the same time and place, all the right title Internet nu t claim of defendant. of In and to. • certain piece or parcel of laud lituate lu Ituchee• ter briniehlp, Seaver meaty. mud elate of Pr un ryleauia, COlatahlitla C. scree, wore or tut. ' dad and drncrieed as follow*, to wit; tin the .north by laud of Geerge C tspeyerer, no the out by laud of Yrs Pentland and George hpeyerer, and ou the math by land of Mrs Pentland, and on the weal by a street; about I acres woodland, bal sam cleared, all ander fence,.weU Watered. mein 1 and taken-lu execution u the pro pe rty of George W at the salt of Jaws B Leon. hard. ALISO. Nu IA At the same time and place ail the right terut and claim of delreant, of. in so' to, all thidoestalu tun or piece of ground situate la the borough of Bearer Falb, Beaton county, and State of Penuytraula doing Win saber 25, Patteruin plan of lu • of *aid burough, hounded on the *mirth by lot number Id, earl by Main Meet south b- lot somber 74, and wad by hit number lAN; be ing 40 fort is width uu Mau street, aud extendiag back therefrom HO het; on which la erected a teitudory brick wilding, 25 by la feel, with a tub wiry brick addition. IS by IT tut, Awe-room ball said kitchen maul door, 4 num, and knit un teCOll O MAC cellar underneath. Seized and taken lu execution as - the properly of Johu Y Cook, althe .olt of nentici A Luiz, ' trustees. also at null of II Childs, s Co. AMA No be • - - - - At the same time ma tapts., all the right, title. inteiest and elan. of d*feudaut, of te *Ad to all that certain piece or panel of mend *Paste la the borough of Bearer Falls. Beaver county and Mate of Peunrytwanla, being Mt No. 0411 KCUI.OIII plan of mkt borougb, bunuded on the north by lot No Oil. satoe plan; on the east by Johnston aileY , moth by Baker stmt. and west by Orsini swot. on which b erected a Mow dwelling home SI by Si),. test, two stork. high. with one tow additkm ' , Minato 11114 bin kat, a room., ball awl paw' 00 Ist door, 3 roomsand hall on ascend dour. Seized and taken In execution re the property of Edward MelkMad at lb. .tit of Book% and Lao; tresteao. ALSO. • No 11 • At Ike same time and place oil the ..Igbt title In let:at and claim of defetasats, ul, iu and to f ll that Certain lot of ground situate to the boorsgh of nadmitrritter. Boater meaty, and State of In na. eiltania, benne lot mosinwed Si In a plan of lots laid out by Wm Darldsou and bimodal! as &S -towe, to wk: Beginniag on Market arect at the curlew of lot number a 119 In said plan, and running throe* by said lot Due bombed sad dr. ty feet to - Cherry alley, thence by said athr 'W feet to Boundary lane. !beam along said Las 150 feet to Market street, thence by meld Area fu lad so the plots of beginalag ; belag part of Mt number 41 la the general plan of lots of ' wet of Bearer. Winn M. mesa Mt sold mud-colt ; Tried to Manua IP Note, of the parties of the -lot part by Samuel Davidson, party of the &mood 'part ny deed dated the Gth day otNarsaber, USX tar 10 wiMett meow a -two-moo= foam dwelling home about by 50 Wet. with Now. and trl• annerwestb; also a frame amble with a ear. stage Mass ceastesed Inerewitn, also tie= nod °War seaway ontbell=o the tb• Mt la plainest lain frail a nd b Seised and taken 10 emu** peopotr, of James X ifeld="lPPX 1 Mir. et salt of eased AL 0. Xe. 11111. At umailostialor4o4 • thle. Wee set sod ht eat to, ala N 4 and II We of ths etteasal ot B t .. sow etowlity Of Swat iwol Mau of pewsioada, boandle4 ilesetibeil . loto , Lot N 0.4 booodad worth by MN°. 3. ems Oar anon. south t i ot No. aci d wool o. atom. bolas 40 bunt on Nearer so o n e r oanatas slat la hoot to Cedar alloy.oa .hyyy, Mhola weetarl • seer frame dwelling Meow le hy ss bet, I etatioa lash Wilk tollarandoratatt oat arias fie extension of 'sae Itelatticoesected there. with 14 by 14 het also porth A maw" oho ilsl Wary Woo a frame atabli mad outbolldiago. No. buttidea mitt by kit No-4. riot by tow aney. soots by lot NA hand wow by krarerstoort boans4o Seel ow Bearer wrest and rnaolagoort tort to Cedar alley; both low nodal. the helm! and taken In vanilla" sa the pav a n, T. W. Modems , at tba tall of Androws kyato, for the ore of Phillip beard. ALAto, .411 At the tame thee sad plamly.ell the rigid, ow latereet is 4 thdat 01 ddenteasof. la sod to, oil that attain lot cot plat of mood mutat. la Ow horootsb of Braver Walla, hearer t.olaty sad se p.m:glow:So. boo m and ave . /Sod . o Soo.a lowa, to It: bolos lot No. Iffst In lb. plan of luta of oddborusgb. and bousel.lVai, sortb by lot N0.'1500. a A. toot by Iltightte, on the smith by bet No. INN, sad oaths aro Brighton' alley, on which Is erected a tou dory home dwelling boars contatn* toot two., eat there we also nectowityootbulleng o o o the pe e , Uri. Melted and taloMlo oarentiori r lta arty of Jar, b Yoder, at tbo salt of Jac X JOUN 01121121.11‘. hbarilratlaloo,Nintoff. PA./Wel ht. MI -X • Medicinal. PILE wA.a itJE.ME:Nkarip4 Wasmerft SPUN Memel, M. men luta unut even In une mall:rams. very elm' me t Blind, luirlag or Bleedleg Twee fte are a/Skted show/ buinedletclyoLLua their treg. est mud pet it lue It veld, with Ure ant apallcaterk Ina MU, &EMI cospkta relief. end the iliwfutioe. log application. ere only required to Meet s per =muesli cure re Mout any trouble ur ineUtorraleUre 111. In care. his Sarver 4 eaureutly f.. t h e Pita, and 4 but fugureaSuetuted Wu. AO) uUrrr dierruer. it bee cured many a.ee of oar Uurty year: .teudlny. Price One Tome by dingle* everywhere. No Moro WEAN NEIIi.VEs Iffstotorte Illirspirpois Took ion. r p ezirreseig tor Dleyey.lee sad Moot oadowi luta habitual Codiveowes. There ere very kw el. him sot misplayed phy•icisas tor leen to mow; Mh.tthl. peepeebtloa will .k. le • Ito reel.. by etrengtbeking the nerves. iusreaeta; the meld. don, Restoring digestion, Owing streagt• ..only and pbyeleally, euabliag Mow who may lute hen conds.4 fur yesoy to their mow agate mime Mar oecupstklee sad all the d•tbo of We. Use trLd bull reset to teethe doe new ody to nreinieend horn to the moot .Repeal It etisoulatieg two. aed • ooktothl 1. white; It stresigtheue W. wiemeeb wet ratans the digestive serene to tY.Ar healthy mu*. Vitali., beim). sod dye . 4 pence. elookt sew Ile, meg, llyeepriveks n..e. lot 0•141 by draiggMta.- . Prke Oos Lamar. CX.)UUII no '.*loiti:; Warmer's Cough Bolas= is lesliag. entry audexpecturaiias The estrwriludrt p ee er It pormim• In Immediately rilivriacaut arm near Min. lbw moat abotiaate cam Id k Cold.. hum Thrust. brierchita,liallueura,CK■ l7 l Iluareeeem. Asthma had Cumuai *Mg Incredible. Su prompt la the rebel mil onto* As effects lu all the June CILPAS, Itr au; atirchiair throat mid !ouzo, that thousands of phyieuresr i daily preoesibrair It, mud we rad all sal ther a. the mart heshag and expectorattag OkeCk.k.• wk." knouts- Um dare Many* &Mira* met. aa: limn dap we buitk **cur a tare. mad Ll rft, &t.. Is large bottles. Prke Liu* Duda h. )our ore huilt Upm still eusgh awl **l r Sy Bahama will eues. .&)F LIFE. The (heat - Blood Pa/tar, and DCi /CIOLD Dna Wairamergs Irloaawa Yllaa ur lila. at Lae, I. free fray an 7 ptilatouttua drug . ' or Impart... lug prepared for dome who revile a slltutaat.: It la a bplendtd aupetlier mud low. sod the thlug Ia the world lot purlfjlut thl b10..1 It. Ile taunt pleasant and delleume anal; ear: uirmi to the paha: tar aupenor I hrandy tiloky.•ur .bitten, or au) Other •Stkle. It 1. more bralthi and Cheaper. Mak Wale add koala. jouttg of uav eau take the %lot of LIl.. Ito. la lot a Ide oerver. ?We who .14 to enjoy good health end a free flow (/h c ely optra au well to tuba the What of - fa. It u different from say ttoug ewer halarelettee. /I o sold by atuzgatat. Vot.e tam. Dollar. lu quart bunt,. .I.CitIG•IJ Warner m'Eausse ggggg se I. the leo ar title ltiuxu to cur.. ihr Wok., 111 till cure a terry cure) %MT.. lu itte which kir.. Itispumtimui w.Jlclur 1. u. *ottani! Iltothrts,ll4l urralrpt Wen. hat r‘cf Varred yol/. abd ya phl,lll4i 111.11.d.1e1y 1.6144,h 11. It km almu•cium.. • fur Female irreguhriti., a4l uuky lw dry.. 4.4 ulwu ILI CAW) calm •hrre ILe couulfly 11uw la le-en obstructed thmigh mkt ur doer.. Auld y druggl.lo. Price Ope Or sold by all Ilrozgtot, or .rot by mad n•••• 10 of Übe Dollar at,d • quarter. *dlm.- 41119 Slate runt. cbic.v. For rale by S.c lllANSUN.ltocher.bm HMO Id &BULL Uridgpwater...ibl 111.740 AN DUIDS,ES 4 tirsorr. lyrbd jult.ll' r13:.0 per Mouth. The pen rt., pubtrobell Ali h:Nrs .ho pen out ue u s wot, PLAIR HUMS TALK AND 311111KAL COMMON SENSE, hare no competition. There meter WWI puhllehed like U. Any body eat eeil 11 Every body wants it. Many agent. tee not. mating Nom SdII to Val per month eater tnu woad. Sul hoott..„Sl payee Deocripotre Omar teat tree un applica tion. the want good lots Una'. met who can fully appreciate the merit* of the wort and the bet that It meets • unit treat 11.111. Utah who dreire to do good as wells, make moan WELIa a Cu. J.nl;lntJ ' m Broome Street. dew sot'. EEC] SILVER WATCHES , AV11" II A. CB. ticualqs 18 Carat Gold lloattag Cared Wee.. ttleutaaled Ladles' libteel.rearulatad and warrutue fur dote and wear (at bolt the 'Dual unce 115 rare. VW bairn Filte (Wanly, IS Carat Gold. Eapx Towed. II outiug Cued. Full Jewelled Lew Iforementr, perfectly adjusted to all climate, trey whiled), and each warranted by apectel trtulcut at orall par eack 714 Amu., of Fleur sad higher grade. •th CArortoraefer bokture at V.K. earl. 771 e Same as Lad. flu Flu Nschu Woau oaf Mferea-ieludituy Owl Sottiag .411a0tiowd. rev lug uo key. wound aud eel by the Steal, ohly MILL. oboe. ofee.s'Ore Plll or eat/ }owe, eel rack warrauted fur Owe wid wear. , SILVER AVATCIII:24. Extra FOII, Pure si iro.linutinc Cued tOiven and Ladoeil. at may lilt eaell Beet Quanty Cole Niter., Iluntiog Cased. Foil Jewelled Lever. at $1.5 rocA. Estra Fine (reality. Patent Leta., end Clo. Doubter Movement+. Roby Jewelled. at oaf) , fa eocA. j Our Watcher are all warranted. sod It as perfect will be taken bark aud utoory Fri latest Pr' Jr. main. so runty la aJnrset, Watt .all Roods by Raper". payalde no delivery, arts Tatiruous To °PIN *NU roll FOB. by paying Erprere charge*. and If out red. factory, returned. Pieces where no Expik-ao no goods will be twat be Mail. to reel.terea v ow< by rending cash In idraoce PERSO2V.vorareisg Sit II atrivr at sew, e. reetriM aft Ertra NoIrA of r.ratt raiseoTr- Afro, (,OL CiLILTs ((lent.;. .1 Pi. a , f I Ladies' at 110,111 to 113 each The Iwo bold Ptatect and Onside (told (*Omni. sr ST 4. I to P each, State dermiption and price of Watch rsasirrd and marred by mall direct (soy THE VNlolt lit.iTtli Jant:nal Pit' FULT0.9477110.1. Neer hal HOMES FOR THE ~.III.1.10 N !! Rue °wort unifier at now effete. for weer: humor Ina wild, health , and C0*04,443 011 M 10 1' oarteuth of their...loe dye ye re hence. TIIE NATIONAL HEAL IDITATE AtlDti has lot sale real estate of every di:rent:non. L.. rd 10 the /diddle cud Southern Suter: imp , ' efork, graia.:lnlyrwit flume; rice. sugar 0 4 " . ton plantatiorta: timber *ad artlssral tillage and rend reoldenana and 11,81/440, ,it /WU and ran sUere,forlorlal,&e. Write for Lard I.Vister cuutdalag dner4 - ;:•' location. price and terms of progartir, se ." roe silo. .11.0, connected with our Real Eotate ed aa' l a have • fpwrai Claim and Rd f Avoca '''''' the dupery [slop of the well kuuw Thome To ' late of the Ordeason Depattrite wos a fb 4 ' Mardi* mot pruning mechanics il c c7car" lad in tbe dllitentht Goy arnuarat DaParm"' ". p.c6lis in the War and coldemre ari . p.a....rmiwr rICE:„, /Stan papers carefully prepared. M. - .. tastily executed, and Panda wend for Lora. ors is tha aAortiat passible lbw. CimcaSial attriattou alma to mania (WC Ma oa pec .for reissue. ezleakion, Wu/m.. 1 . 041W mod, eft. Ptairrrix"Y nand/tattoo as l ofte minter!, of an mar.° made on receipt a bnot mare' lion of the same-O0 model beteg reclaim , Favor Moore ' POOR IN VIE at:N.l'olo di 4 by &mining them to prored patents led Innis Milian their lemetion. Couldeutin to oar hastens relations ants venture. I Terms loom ramonable teas as tin reed , Wary. Cireulasocootainier odaosou tatormg , wit fret. Adders.: It. S'. CLARKE acu . _The Nellosia Real lisfifie *wag, VI and 479 !Papa. Anomue. Waaangren, P , COAL FOR SAUL -The aideroigued he constantly on Mod a good settle or L....p al Net Cost whin be will mil at nameable prim, either at the bent. or will deliver to madams - The hank le Mated on licEialere Rea, a ree matron. the Pitt. Ft. Wept. /X Chicago itatleua and but a oboes diatance from Beaver ream ~ i nave *eo • Irani ankle of litre Cley, which I a .' tibtarame of at reasonable rates. , , r 'Men left at my raeldrert its.idgenter. an I.:. out Camps in Itookettm, st ths beet. c. , receive prefer annum J. C. SOUL I I spentltf/0- dr A GRICELTVISAL, COLLEGE 11l rusw.i.-This leetlietioe grin rend fur Sallee Tenn. (Itlit for tueety•four On sent on Irrlday..February. 10th. Foe georral flr:Cv catalogae, aid other lefeelSalloStfld r "“ • TOW. U. lICIIRGITIL. Pr" C t • Agri, ultursi Connie P. a,- _ L...].. Gam. . Centre le.. ta The Cheapest Wholes:4lo BOOT & SHOE HOUSE • IX PIT Bt RUE Jomeptt 11. 13 . or1t►in tl i Si & SS W..d Stri4l. Mankfureurer, Indeed& d• opiniir atoll Dealer In . BOOTS, SHOES I ISEHOESp i, At New York and Bolton Rik , * , ---. -nada it Ita Agent kw Phllkdaphlai MT mirk e — gran nftetaserpftest. Orden Rale causiny _... promptly SIMI MO millabetson warrant.. trii. goods daßy. . lOci‘